#oooo a bab
sillysymbol · 7 months
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the dipshit sisters
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devine-fem · 2 months
Hii I know the post is a few days old by now, but I just wanna say I get you with the fact that "lego batjokes is the only okay batjokes"
I LOVE that movie with a passion, but I will become its number 1 hater if someone uses it to push puritan shit on me
The ship itself is okay, but I don't think it's a good batjokes shit I think it should have its own little corner separate from batjokes tbh
No, I actually cannot stand it anymore like I don’t seriously, seriously hate it that bad its just like the constant remark of how people are gross for shipping batjokes outside of one piece of media is literally SO ANNOYING.
STOP BEING A COWARD. you’re not better than anyone here. like dude, if you want to ship just one specific iteration of batjokes that has not been touched in years, SHIP SOMETHING ELSE. We don’t want you here.
Honestly the WHOLE “you can’t ship this ship anywhere but this universe” IS SO ANNOYING IN THE COMIC BOOK FANDOM. like i even get that for jondami where people said you can only ship them in dceased. DUDE JUST SHIP THEM, NO ONES JUDGING YOU AND NO ONE CAN STOP YOU. STOP MAKING IT EVERYONE ELSES ISSUE.
like huh???
its just annoying like i want to make these people bite concrete. like lego batjokes is a bit cute but the allure of batjokes is that its messed up.
okay, let me calm down.
the appeal of batjokes is exploring the relationship between bruce wayne and the joker if you add explicit romantic or sexual elements to it. its more of a study than anything. what would happen between these characters if you gave them a bit of dick?
BUT ISNT THAT JUST SHIPPING IN GENERAL. like yes, its toxic, yes joker is horrible, yes bruce is horrible but like thats the point, it could have an interesting turn about to it THAT YOU WONT GET WITH HEALTHY SHIPS.
did you ever think about how interesting it would be to watch bruce jump over mental hurdles to pursue something with the joker WHEN HE HAS KILLED JASON? CRIPPLED BABS? did you ever think about how someone likes that?
you ever read dark romance in your life cause lemme tell you… and it might surprise you… ITS DARK. GASP !!
like yes my only option is to be a hater to lego batjokes now. do i hate them? nope, because i ship them and i love every version of batjokes because i ship them dude and media like lego batman and telltale batman is a TOOL FOR ME AS A FAN TO USE if i want something more healthy and domestic between these characters, not for some rando who doesn’t touch comics to use against ME for BEING NORMAL. oooo, you don’t like this piece of media the EXACT SAME WAY I DO AND CONSUME THE EXACT SAME WAY I DO, GROSS! kys.
sorry, i get passionate about batjokes but oh my god, one day can we PLEASE stop saying this. its so annoying.
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havendance · 4 months
oooo au where babs ends up taking over the suicide squad from waller permanently and how that would effect her relationship with the rest of the birds?
Oooh, this is a fun one. I used this as a reason to finally read the last few issues of Suicide Squad that I'd been saving.
When Amanda Waller decides that she wants to wash her hands of the suicide squad and that it's time to disband it, Oracle approaches her. She thinks that there's still potential in the idea. She still thinks the squad could do some good. Waller says she can have it.
The makeup doesn't stay the same. Some people stay. Others go. Oracle recruits some new faces. Poison Ivy, Count Vertigo, and Captain Boomerang are probably among the ones who leave. Bronze Tiger and Deadshot probably stay. I think Zinda would get recruited fairly quickly. The suicide squad are the sort that could use a good pilot.
Barbara is not like Waller; she keeps her identities separate. Oracle runs the squad as a mysterious figure who knows everything. She relies on her lieutenants and staff to take care of face to face negotiations. Amy Beddoes is a woman in a wheelchair who is a member of the support staff. The old guard know the truth, but eventually as they move on to other things, that is forgotten.
Eventually, she does recruit Black Canary. She needs someone who she can trust and rely on. Someone to keep the more amoral figures she has gathered together in line. What was initially intended for as a single mission turns into a longer partnership as the two strike it off. Barbara appreciated Dinah. Dinah helps her keep from falling to deeply down.
This Barbara does not have the same issues with Helena that she has in canon. She's less tapped in to the Gotham network of heroes and she doesn't have the same moral qualms. That being said, she views Helena the same way that she does many members of the squad: as, well tools is a strong word, but as a piece on the board to move in order to bring about the greater good. Helena still does not appreciate being controlled, though their relationship does smooth out with time.
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
oooo how bout charlie!!
How can I say no to my Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe?
Headcanon A:  realistic
Charlie gets very smug about the fact she's a full member of the Birds of Prey and most of Babs' other mentees are not. She likes to break out the phrase "my teammate" when talking about other heroes. My teammate Vixen. My teammate Big Barda. My teammate Power Girl.
(Steph and Charlie can't stand each other)
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Charlie had been edging towards having an emo phase...right up until she met Black Alice. After having to deal with Lori though, Charlie went back to picking the brightest colours out of her wardrobe, out of spite.
She kept Dark Vengeance as her catchphrase anyway. That was Bat, and thus still cool.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
The first time Charlie bounced with another living thing was in a Metropolis alley. She'd found a box of kittens and a group of kids were throwing rocks at them. Charlie grabbed the box and ran, ending up in a dead end. She bounced, clutching the box.
They were so small. Had barely opened their eyes yet. One of them, a tortie, now never would.
Charlie held their soft little bodies and cried as she buried them under mulch and leaf litter in a park garden bed.
She tried a few more times, to make sure. The kittens had been so young. A mouse in a trap, caught in their kitchen. A spider in a jar. A cockroach. Each time they ended up still. Unmoving.
When the fire broke out and the building burned and her mother screamed for Charlie to get out, she was holding her little brother. Her mother didn't take him back out of her arms.
On the bad days, Charlie remembers the look in her mother's eyes as she pushed Charlie to leave. She had known. She'd meant it. Maybe she'd thought it was kinder, that way.
Charlie had had the tiniest hope that her curse might have just applied to animals, not other humans. She doesn't, now.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Charlie 100% is living with Helena Bertinelli as her foster daughter and finishing high school at the moment. On weekends, she gets to go on Birds of Prey missions. Babs is organising her magic lessons with Zatanna, particularly focused on her teleportation.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 9 months
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Shiny sleepy bab
Oooo!!! Babby!!! Speaking of i need to show you all what happened to me.
Note- I was not hunting for shinies, i was looking at Dens and decided to check out the Slowpoke just in case.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I was just thinking about Swinlock and valve mods and realised that could totally be foreplay for them.
Lockdown gets to mod himself, Swindle gets to try a product before he sells it, and they get laid. Good times all around!
Obviously, they keep their favourites.
Also, the missing Constructicons as their sparklings remains a perfect idea. Scavenger is the baby, the youngest of the bunch. Hook is the oldest. He was named Hook because the first thing Lockdown said after he emerged was hook. Swindle still isn't sure why he said it, but it stuck.
(And do I think Bonecrusher should be a girl? Yes, yes I do. )
Waaaait that'd be fascinating
Of course, they'd have to sell that specific product they're using as Used
Oooo? Yes on the babs??
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babsvibes · 7 months
so be me thinking about rewatching the BB movie then thinking "huh. how would Logan react to learning that Louise was almost buried alive after realizing he has feelings for her?" then i think "i wonder if Babs has written that." if you have, kindly point me in that direction because the angst whore in me needs this. and if not, well, this is me double dog daring you to write that fic.
Oooo I’m more of a romcom writer myself. The one angst piece I did was about infidelity, which I dooon’t think you’d be into 😭😭 but let’s dig into this!
The Belchers getting buried alive has to make the news. Calvin’s not going to cover for Grover like he did for Felix, and a foiled plan to burn down the Wharf and attempted murder is big news for their small town. If Logan ran into Louise in the weeks after The Incident, he’d probably already know about it and make a smart ass comment that would end in him getting his ass beat by whatever gang she can find to do her bidding.
Later on, when they’re closer and feelings are being felt, I think Logan caring would mean asking a specific question like “do you ever get claustrophobic?” He’s an emotionally intelligent kid (nobody question me on this, I will be SO annoying), so as an adult he’d have the sense not to pressure her when it comes to feelings. Challenging her on the best breakfast food? All day, every day, full on wrestling match to the death. Trying to get her to open up about something emotional she hasn’t volunteered? No ma’am. They might talk about it, but they’re not going to let it control their day.
At the same time, Louise has a good support system, so I don’t think experiencing trauma means you have to be traumatized to the point of angst. “Yeah I was buried alive, but I lived bitch.” And that’s me being a romcom writer at my core 😭☺️
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allthecastlesonclouds · 2 months
for ghost stories was there a specific superhero/vigilante story that you pulled from like what was the inspo?
oooo oo oo! there wasn't a specific superhero story that inspired it but there WAS a buncha inspiration for the general plot/character layout! i wasn't a superhero comic book kid, but a lot of my friends were/are. and i was a Lumberjanes fan. for a while. like. still am. and those journeys absolutely did inspire this story! thinking about the diane one especially :D :D
uhh fabian's based off of fanon bruce wayne/batman. he's so fucking rich and both hallariel and bill have fucked off and/or died earlier in the story so cathilda is a very maternal alfred! fabes barely has any powers at all (like. literally just strength and speed) but he does have magic items and also the hangman, which he's very adept at using! his house is just like. have you ever read magnus chase? where a buncha kids just. stay at a rich guys house? if they need a place to go? he does that.
i think i mentioned this but kristen's outfit is squirrel girl's with a really elaborate mask, and fabian's is spider-man's with a crystal design instead of a spider!
i know there's a dc vigilante named oracle (i think it's barbara gordon? babs?) but i'm pretty sure she's a techie and she was not the inspiration for adaine.
BUT one of the supers (who you haven't met yet) is pretty based off of poison ivy, in skill set and motivation, but there's no super based off of harley (though this super does have. a girlfriend. because i can). agent 88 is based off of someone who i can't quite remember :')
her outfit is not as. revealing. though. that's something that i tried to avoid, actually. name one female dc/marvel superhero that doesn't have. the most revealing outfit ever. that shit is skintight. i don't want it on my high schoolers. absolutely not. no.
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damelucyjo · 1 year
Okay, here we go!
Episode 2 - (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
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Oh, I'm digging this remix!
Keeley's office is so cute
Keeley & Ted really are the same person, aren't they 🥰
I have a feeling I'm going to love Barbara
TED!!! That was very enthusiastic, even for this lot 😂
I'm glad we're gonna get more Trent this season
OMG, their collective 'no' for him to just agree. Hilarious
How can he honestly still be so clueless about the Football world? 🫣
"The fumes make me dizzy and I overshare. Please don't print that" Rebecca, you are so real 😂
Rebecca instantly changing her mind once West Ham is mentioned and Trent fully seeing it.... hmm... 👀
Zava dabba doo! OMG, control yourself, woman! 😂
The exact same thing switched between Ted & Rebecca? Brilliant move. And her admitting to it being because of Rupert? Yes!!
'Love that' spoken like a man who knows about shitty exes
Ted & Keeley bonding! I've missed it
Isaac scaring Keeley, amazing. Him wanting a shoe deal but just for shoes, amazing. He's moved on from his Rolos!!
Jamie stuttering around Keeley, boy's still got it bad, huh?
Of course Isaac is a body language boy!
'I use body science' oh Jamie
That pitiful hum. I love you Jamie!
'It's called empathy, you dusty old fart' I think Roy & Jamie are my favourite pairing in this show, after Ted & Rebecca, of course
'I forget how skittish elderly people could be cause of the war' please never change!!
“And don’t you say a fucking word about it either, William” OMG poor Will! 😂
Oooo he's reading a book. Beard, I'm as shocked as you
Beard's screams!!
He's saying football without thinking... he's learning!!
This banter about wishes is just Brendan & Jason doing what they do best. I love to see it
'I just wished for that 30 seconds ago' Dani, please never change 🥰
This confusion about what is going on is my type of comedy
The boys being collectively upset about Roy & Keeley, so true.
And Beard's scream, Ted fainting... I love my boys
The collective 'aww' Poor Roy haha
'What's a CD?' HOW OLD ARE YOU, WILLIAM?! My god 🫠
Of course Beard has a set of keys to Ted's
How many times did they have to film Brendan running back in screaming before they could do it without laughing?? I can't not laugh watching it!
Roy boy is so angry, bless him
I see you Phil, trying your best not to completely crack up in the background 🤪
'Woo! I mean, fuck off, Trent Crimm' we must protect Dani at all costs
Is this us being shown that more people don't trust or believe in Keeley yet? 🤔
She's so precious, still not understanding why people would be proud of her 🥰
Of course Deb doesn't camp. Who do you think she is?!
Ooo, Tish talk 👀
Nothing like being overly sarcastic with your mother. It's my favourite thing to do!
Her own mother telling her she should meet with her psychic because she's in desperate need of maternal guidance? Please never change, Deb! 🫡
This show is so good at the callbacks, Rebecca mentioning something about Rupert that she knows so well which we get to hear about later... more shows need to be like this!
Hannah & Jeremy together are just gorgeous! 'No, it's too late. Jinxed it' I could watch these two banter for hours
Everyone ignoring him, poor Trent 😕
Brett has been amazing in this episode, as with all the others, but a full scene where he doesn't say anything, but you understand everything... ALL THE AWARDS! The balloon popping is the icing on this scene
Babs is showing Keeley exactly what she thinks of her without saying it, that's cruel. Leave her alone!
I can see this relationship becoming something wonderful though
Believe, believe, believe. It's almost like that's what this show is about or something...
Mae & the bar boys are back! 🥳
Is that text foreshadowing that hiring her friend may not work out??? 🤔
I'm with Hannah, I could watch an entire show of just these three at games
'Jinxed it again' Hannah & Jeremy, again, marvellous!
The stadium being behind Roy may have made me tear up a little, not gonna lie 🥹
Rebecca grabbing Keeley's hand 🥹
Lip-reading massage therapists
I love backstories!!
Ted telling Roy like it is and him not blowing up at him?? Love to see it
Also perfect explanation of what a Hallmark movie is 🫡
Roy still being angry because of something written when he was 17? So real.
The boys being relieved they can talk again 😂
Them also not needing Ted to give them their pep talks at games anymore cause they're working it out themselves...I see what's happening... 🤔
Go on Rebeca! Be a boss bitch!!
I will say this everytime we see Rupert, but I fucking love Anthony Head 😍
I can never take my eyes off the screen when Hannah & Tony are on it
HANNAH'S FACE!! Truly a masterclass in showing everything without words
YESS! CHEW HIM OUT, REBECCA!!! We love an angry woman!!
Off Dani's fucking face! 'My face scored a goal' 😂
A sour-yell. Perfect
Her popping back round the corner, Hannah you comedy queen
Twat - Ooo, I do love an angry Rupert 😏
'May I keep the pen' I think I'm gonna like this Zava
Another Beard yell, I'm in love 🥰
Zava and Jamie are gonna clash big time. I'm excited
Jane still finds them threatening 👀👀
Roy's whole speech being basically a parallel for what they're setting up to be Ted's journey this season... interesting 🤔
That's another one done! This was one of my favourites, I think. Got back to the humour of the show a bit more.
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ackalice · 1 year
TMNT ships and shipkids? >:3
oooo boy ima assume you mean from my friend and I's story and not canon cuz I have no canon ships- none that I can think of, at least.
thank you for asking as always Meelu, I'm enjoying this excuse to ramble and explain so I can post art later on!
Adelaide and Donatello
Raphael and Maisie
Lucas and Leo
Yuki and Mikey
the ship kids I made have plenty pictures but I won't include them here cuz i dont think it would be fair to the others. they dont have pictures yet for... a reason that I'm sure you'll understand.
(color coded so its not confusing, and oldest to youngest)
Adamo and Bambinali
Nick, Koda, and Sakari
June Rei
Misaki, Teddy, Wakatoshi, Thea, Fuyumi, Sebastian, and Saemi
It's a running joke that Mikey, even though he was the youngest, was the first to be married, the first to give Splinter a grandchild, and has the most kids.
Here's a lil run down on all of them and their personality:
Adamo: Very shy and timid. He's a biology and writing nut. Mama's boy and hes proud. Gets dragged along on adventures by his sister.
Bambinali: Rowdy and loud. Extroverted out the wazoo. She also has issues getting out her emotions and takes care of it with boxing.
Nick: Very angy boy. He will throw down. Kinda standoffish with new people but he opens up and runs you wild once you get to know him.
Koda: Baby! Baby Koda! Sweet quiet turtle boy. He loves his parents and siblings very very much and would do anything for them. Overall just very kind and loving.
Sakari: She's like a tame version of Leo. Sarcastic and witty but also prefers to sit on the sidelines while her cousins get into trouble. But she will thrown down with Nick whenever he gets on her nerves.
June Rei: OOOO Very puffy lil ferret bab. Has trouble calming down and seems to have infinite energy. Rough and tumble lil princess.
Misaki: Staple eldest sister. She's very athletic. Also enjoys helping her parents out so they don't go insane. Responsible and Intimidating (to her younger siblings).
Teddy: Chill older brother. Literally does not care. He will totally help his little sisters put Sebastian on the ceiling for fun. Tried to get Thea to grow weed once.
Wakatoshi: Boho style. Loving and gives the BEST hugs. Takes after his dad in the artist department. Wears a bunch of beaded jewelry.
Thea: Reads a crap ton of books. Botanist; loves her plants to death. She is very sassy and takes fashion tips from her mom. Will terminate her siblings if they mess with her babies (House plants).
Fuyumi: Emo. Wears LOTS of black clothing and jewelry. Protective of her siblings and will beat people up if they mess with her family.
Sebastian: Grunge lil boy. He gives off a very off-putting vibe but is secretly super gentle fr. still acts tough tho, dont doubt it.
Saemi: The youngest cutie patootie. Everyone babys her to no end. She is skiddish and will hide in her shell at the slightest scare. Mikey usually cradles her to coax her back out. if that doesn't work, he brings out a funny persona to make her laugh.
^ Leo and Mikey's kids and significant others are their ocs, btw. I'm showing them off bc their characters are magnificent- THANK YOU for letting me talk abt ur wee babes.
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theangrypomeranian · 1 year
Let’s do 5 and 12!
hi, Babs! 5. Who is your favorite side character? One-off character? Antagonist? for side character, am i allowed to say Zeke or is that too obvious? XD outside of him, probably Susmita! i love her and Tina as friends, i think they have a good dynamic that i wish we got to see more. for one-off character, this may surprise people but it's actually Jordan! i think he was just so dumb and i have a soft spot for obviously dumb characters. XD plus i think that in the right circumstances i actually could have maybe shipped him and Tina in a way. alas, Zekina has my heart. XDD my favorite antagonist is Fanny! i enjoy twist villains and she's just so bad at being a good villain that i think it's funny! plus the two finale episodes with her are some of my favorites! 12. If you joined one of the town's groups (Wagstaff staff, carnies, knitters, one-eyed snakes, etc.), which would you join? oooo this is a really good question. i'm gonna say say the carnies! i actually worked at Six Flags for two summers back in '13 and '14 and really enjoyed it (i worked as one of the mascots, super fun job), so i think i'd fit in pretty well with them! plus i am a lil shit irl and could probably stand up to Mr. Fish in the right circumstances. thank you for the ask!
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mendesxruel · 2 years
flowers 4 u! 💐🌸🌹🌺🌼🌷
oooo thank u babs !! have some snacks 🍏🍓🥐🍫🍪
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Sneky snek,,,,
Idk what that is
Monkeys? Or sloths?
Babies???? Maybe of the mole variety???
Oooo tree cave
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vee-crytraps · 10 days
Oooo I wonder how dicks ex gfs/ old flings are gonna feel about his relationship with his sister
Also incredible chapter per usual🫶
I'll tell u right now Barbara is NOOOOT a fan. Especially bc Reader is so totally sheltered, Babs thinks it's a little crazy of Dick to be rolling around with Reader like that. AND Dick is like 9-10 years older than the Reader. Kori is adorable and will be in support though! Thank youuu <3
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Batman (vol. 1) #311: Dr. Phosphorus Is Back!
Read Date: April 23, 2023 Cover Date: May 1979 ● Writer: Steve Englehart ● Penciler: Irv Novick ● Inker: Frank McLaughlin ● Colorist: Glynis Oliver ● Letterer: Ben Oda ● Editor: Paul Levitz ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Batgirl’s costume looks so wrong on the cover ● oo, I really like this panel
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● oooo! another cool panel of Batman coming through the fog. dammit, I can’t show them all! ● Dr. Phosphorus is creepy ● ah, so these are Bab’s congresswoman days ● 👏👏
Synopsis: After the twice-rebuilt Gotham Nuclear Reactor goes critical for ten minutes, Batman investigates, finds glowing footprints at the site, and deduces that Dr. Phosphorus is back. A group of protesters has gathered to demand that the plant be shut down as a safety hazard. Phosphorus, who has made the plant his new home, thinks otherwise.
Meanwhile, Batgirl defeats Killer Moth in Washington, D.C., and comes to Gotham City as Congresswoman Barbara Gordon to make a speech advocating the closing of the nuclear plant and the dismantlement of the nuclear power industry. Batman meets with her after checking on Rupert "Boss" Thorne at Arkham Asylum and failing to capture Dr. Phosphorus, who threatens to "reign over all!"
Batman abruptly realizes that Phosphorus intends to seed clouds with irradiated material and rain fire on Gotham City. He and Batgirl track down Phosphorus at the airport where he is trying to commandeer a small plane. Batman smashes into the plane with his Batmobile and halts it, but is dazed. Batgirl is menaced by Phosphorus, but captures him by wrapping him up in Batman's radiation-proof cape and tying it up with a Batrope. Batman revives and finds the situation well in hand.
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Fan Art: Dr. Phosphorus transformation by XIENOs
Accompanying Podcast: ● Overlooked Dark Knight - episode 11
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bumbling-kiddo · 6 months
oo oooo bee!!! fo da aksskskss ⏳🌙✨🐱🏵 (da las wun's da orng fwower s s nummer 65!) n n deres lots n n n me gots exsited...
hihi!! answered the first one already so i’ll leave that one out :D
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~
mm idk!! if it’s to wear i like blue better but if it’s house decor or something like that i like pink better hehe, both are good!
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~
build a bear :D i love bab, i would really like to get their robin bear sometime hehe :D and i love going in and seeing what kind of stuffie clothes they have in the stores!
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~
nope!! at least not agere sibbies hehe! tbh i don’t really know that much about it, is it like having a cg where you both have to officially decide together to be agere siblings? what do you do together? idk hehe :P
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
mm i guess neither? if i had an irl caregiver it would be nice to curl up next to each other sometimes for naps but i don’t usually like sharing a bed at nighttime! :P and i don’t usually get small enough that i want a crib, so maybe just a safety bar on one side or something like that! :D
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