#op imagine
kaivenom · 2 months
The straw hats' men seeing you naked by accident HCS
(bonus: Law and Kidd)
He entered the room like an hurricane, searching for something. At first he didn't notice, because he didn't really care. He even tried to climb on your body but you slapped him across the face. You kicked him out of the room and he stayed outside the door, suddently rethinking about your body and what happened. He didn't know why but he really wanted to enter again the rrom just to see you.
He got paralized, but he wasn't going to admit it. He tried to cover his blush and act really tought like seeing you naked doesn't make his knees weak. He is not very good at hide it but doesn't stop him from making some harming comments. After leaving the room, he needed to get to the crow's nest to breathe.
Inmediatly babbling and nose bleed, he entered the roomto left you food but seeing your body naked made him faint on the floor with heart eyes and a dreamy smile. You put a towel around yourself and try to help him while the only thing he does is compliment your figure.
Incredibly nervous, he was going to invite you go fishing with him and entered the room without thinking. When he understood the situtation he started to apologice, blush a lot and cover his eyes with his hand. Not being able to see, made him hit the wall, then the frame and then the door. You weren't embarrased anymore, instead you were trying to hold in your laughter.
Trafalgar Law
He is a doctor so he shouldn't be surprised to see naked bodies, but he had a rough time trying not to see your body when he got into the room. You covered your body with a towel but he was still throwing discreet glances.
Eustass Kidd
Very much like Zoro but a lot more extreme, yelling at you for not locking the door while his face starts to get very red from what he says it's anger, and leaving very fast. Everytime you confront him about it, he starts to blush very much and get nervous trying to change the subject.
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
If you're interested I'd like to request some ftm Mihawk X service top Male reader, like goddam I really wanna worship this man and eat him out/mark him 😭
Ftm Dracule Mihawk x male reader
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I love Mihawk, hes one of the few one piece characters I can look at and think “he definitely smells good”. I was listening to dark academia when writing this, since I felt it fit Mihawk.
Mixed terminology for Mihawks bits, like usual.
Mihawk carries a lot of stress in his day-to-day life, I mean, how couldn’t be. He doesn’t show it, at least not to those who don’t know him. But as his partner, you can spot it immediately when he’s more tense than usual.
There is nothing you love more than to make Mihawk feel good, which results in many people thinking you are some kind of lovesick fool. (for some reason I imagine Gomez and Morticia Addams in this dynamic)
Many thing Mihawk is cold, aloof and emotionless, that he doesn’t return your strong emotional acts, but you know he has his own ways to show his love. Like the way he lets you take care of him and puts down his defenses around you, in the way he caresses your cheek in the morning, or how he brings you small trinkets from his travels.
You cant help but yearn to make Mihawk feel as good as you possibly can, especially on days where he clearly needs to let off some steam.
It starts with a bath of the highest quality, with Mihawks favorite scents and soaps, where you’ll even go as far as wash his hair and beard for him, massaging at his tense shoulders and arms.
Massages has become one of the easiest ways to make Mihawk unwind, as he only lets you do it, so his body immediately knows its safe and that he doesn’t need to be on guard when you massage him.
He does grumble and give you a half-hearted glare when you start nipping and sucking hickeys on his neck and arms, calling you a possessive bastard, especially when you keep leaving hickeys where everyone can see as he goes around shirtless.
In the earlier period of your relationship, he would never allow it, but nowadays he lets you pick him up out of the bathtub, dry him off, even lets you rub his favorite lotion into his skin.
If you end up sliding to your knees between his thighs when he’s sitting on the counter, who but you two would know. Mihawk has never been much of a moaner or for making noise in general, but you can always see that your loving and caring touches lights a fire in him, as he’s always wet on your fingers when you rub them through his folds.
He leans back against the mirror as you lick and suck at his cock and folds, experience guiding you in the best ways to make his thighs quiver and breath stutter.
Only after hes cum will you pull back, wiping your mouth and picking your swordsman back up, moving him into the bedroom and laying him down on the silky sheets that cover the huge bed you guys share.
As much as Mihawk wants to keep going from where you left off in the bathroom, you just spread him out and go off to grab the massage oil, rolling him onto his front so you can start actually working into his back.
Mihawk always feels your erection pressing against the small of his back as you knead at his tight muscles, something inside him feeling hot and gooey at the knowledge that you are so aroused, but you always want to take care of him more.
You take the chance to leave more bites and hickeys as you work down his back and to his legs, spreading his thighs apart so you can rub at them too. Of course, you take the chance to lift his hips a bit and lick through his folds again, causing Mihawk to gasp into the sheets.
The fact that you are the only person to see Mihawk Dracule like this, splayed out across the sheets and so relaxed, muscles lax and hips rolling lazily back against your tongue, almost has you bursting right then and there.
As you keep eating him out, you rub down as much of his legs as you can, pulling away from his cunt with a string of fluids connecting your tongue and his heat so you can scoot down and rub down his feet too, much to Mihawks annoyance.
Rolling him onto his back, you do the same to his front, making sure to kiss at his top surgery scars and leave bites down his stomach, before sucking his cock between your legs as you hike on of his legs over your shoulder.
Mihawk is a vision as he basks in pleasure, arms tucked under his head and eyes half lidded as they look down at you. He looks soft and pliable, but somehow still so powerful, even as he lets you pretty much worship him with your hands and mouth.
Its only after he mumbles for you to get on with it that you slide fingers into him, crooking them just the way he likes as you roll his cock in lazy circles with your tongue, the flat side of your tongue rubbing the bundle of nerves enough to send a tingling feeling up his spin.
As you open him up, you make sure to mumble compliments, about how strong he is, how much you love him and his body, how much you think about him and crave him whenever he is away.
All this praise and touching culminates in a second orgasm, starting slowly in his stomach and warming over time, as you of so lazily draw it out of him, your movements and actions having no rush even as he gasps, thighs clamping down on either side of your head.
As he calms down from the orgasm, you move away from his crotch to press kisses against his lower stomach instead, rubbing a loving hand up and down his thigh so as to not overstimulate him.
At some point Mihawk grabs onto your hair and pulls at it, pulling you up on top of him instead, hooking his legs around your hips as he stares at you intensely. Theres no need for words to express what he wants, especially as his pupils are bigger than normal, and there’s a flush to his cheeks.
Your pants and boxers are easily kicked off to the floor, and after slipping on a condom, you carefully push inside his slit, all the prep and work to make him relax easing the way, making it easy for you to bottom out.
What you two experience is more like the act of making love, compared to fucking. Hips rolling in slow loose thrusts, lips pressing together in an open-mouthed kiss as you breathe one another in as hands explore and grab at whatever flesh they can find.
There is no hurry, like there has been no hurry the entire night, its all about making Mihawk feel good in your eyes, your own need for orgasm completely leaving your mind, or maybe having never even been present in the first place.
The third orgasm Mihawk experiences has his eyes clenching shut, mouth dropping open into a beautiful O shape, as soundless moans tremble out of him, cunt gripping tighter onto your shaft as he shudders through it.
His toes curl and fingers dig into your back, Mihawk almost forgetting to breathe until you remind him, making him gasp. You almost want to pull out, since your own end means nothing, but Mihawks legs stay locked around your hips, rocking you in and out of him.
Your orgasm leaves your vision going black for a second or two, the feeling washing through you like a wave as you grunt and cling closer to your lover, filling the latex wrapped around your shaft with a moan, mixed with yet another mumble of praise for the man you love.
You two stay pressed up against each other for a while, just basking in the others presence, until it starts to get uncomfortable.
Pulling out, you discard of the soiled condom, and go about cleaning up, getting new sheets on the bed, and wiping your lover down as he lays lax and half asleep, though Mihawk is never fully asleep until you crawl back into bed with him.
Its only times like this that he gets to completely relax, falling asleep against your side as you caress his hair and rub his back. Its some of the best sleep Mihawk ever gets, knowing that you are there to love him and care for him. The multiple orgasms also help with putting him to sleep.
Its only after Mihawk is completely asleep that you close your eyes. You never go fully to sleep, keeping some of your consciousness alert, just in case you’ll end up needing it. Its mainly to allow Mihawk to get the deep sleep he needs, without having to worry about keeping his guards up himself. And you’ll do anything for your partner.
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bowieandqueen11 · 7 months
Sanji And Reader Being Smitten With Each Other Would Include...
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Request: Headcanons of sanji with a crush or s/o who is absolutely smitten? Like always glancing or looking at him. Probably got punched across a room in battle after admiring sanji. Literally always looks at him with heart eyes.
My love this is so sweet but honestly I feel like Sanji is exactly the same so I hope you don't mind Sanji being just as smitten with reader :)
Warning: slightly NSFW, mentions of smoking and mentions of blood/ injury!
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @suuho.)
I mean look at Mr. Heart Eyes right here so let's just say that you're smitten? You're with the perfect man then because oh my goooossshh have you driven ZORO crazy with how infatuated the two of you are with each other. This poor swordsman has to spend 90% of his time barrel rolling you out of the way and diving in front of Sanji because you dopey dumbasses (affectionate in my case and derogatory in Zoro's) will just not. stop. gaping. at. each. other.
It all started when you agreed to escape the Germa Kingdom with your young princely friend; for many a year, since that fateful day he had literally walked face first into you while you were pretend playing pirates with some of your school chums in the marketplace, Sanji had been inseparable from you. Whether it was him sneaking out to find some solace in your welcoming home, or you trudging over the imposing walls of the palace so you could sneak down into the dungeons and hold a weeping Sanji's hand through the bar grates, you had been the one thing in his life since his mother's passing that had kept him sane.
And now here you were: worried eyes dampened by the torrential rain, but still peering over his face on that desolate rock the three of you ended up shipwrecked on. The whole eighty five days the two of you were stuck on that lonely side, with nothing but the unending stretch of unsultry gloam to keep you company, Sanji believed you were an angel sent to keep him safe. It was the way you shoved the crummy tins you had managed to shovel into your pockets while the ship was going down into Sanji's arms, shaking your head and pressing them further into his stomach as he began to protest. It was the lack of care you had for yourself, so intent you were with making sure he was doing as well as he possibly could: scooping murky water out of the crevices with your hands, just so you could run back and let it trickle down your fingertips and against his chapping lips. How some nights you hadn't slept a wink, too busy chasing away the growing whirlwind of seagulls that circled over your heads, diving down to try and peck at Sanji's burning legs. Making sure that he was tucked tightly under the overhanging edge of a crag, relinquishing the only bit of cover on this small island so Sanji could at least be a little sheltered from the constant downpour. Not only that, but you had even tried to comfort him: offering him a tired smile as you let your fingers shakily run through his hair and tuck away the stubborn curls behind his right ear.
He had held you against him then, as tightly as he could. Wracking with shivers, he couldn't quite figure out if it was due to the freezing cold wind that blew in from the North and snapped at his fingers, or the growing guilt that left him sniffling against your shoulder. It was so hard to focus on anything, with the sleet biting at his face, the imposing waves eating away at the stones beneath your feet. So he did the only thing his dispirited mind could still home in on: the one thing he would regret never doing, if he really were to wane away on this forsaken rock. He let his eyes flutter close, and he used the crash of lightening to mask his thundering heart as he tilted his head up and bashfully pecked your cheek.
For a moment, you thought it was just another hot splash of rain, until you caught sight of Sanji pulling away quickly and ducking his head in embarrassment.
'I-I don't know if we'll ever- well, I'm giving that kiss to you as a loan. I fully expect to get it back.' He managed to rouse some kind of meagre conviction in his hollow voice as he turned to watch your reaction; when he realised you weren't horrified, but instead were wide-eyed with shock as your pointer finger glazed over the wet mark left on your skin, he found himself hopeful for the first time in his life.
God, the two of you were both so gone. It was haunting, in its own beautiful way, as you gripped onto his hand and squeezed.
Far too many times has Zeff nearly blown the kitchen down with the amount of boiling smoke pouring out of his ears due to you two. It wasn't your fault that you had been assigned to the kitchen for your shift: Zeff should have known better, considering the exact same thing had happened yesterday... and the day before... and the year before that and so on, until your hand resembled more bandage than actual skin. You couldn't help it. It was just far too enticing- something so enchanting drawing your attention away from julienning your carrots to instead focus on the way Sanji's taut muscles rippled underneath his shirt as he sautéed. It was as if he had spellbound your eyes so they followed his form around, gladly taking in and making note of the idiosyncrasies you recognised from childhood: the way he still bites his bottom lip when he's really concentrating on stirring, the revulsion on his face as he absentmindedly unscrews a spice jar and takes a sniff, finding it to be oregano.
When you gash across your ring finger and start pooling blood onto the chopping board, though, is when the spell finally breaks and the shouting starts. 'Forth time this week!', he wags his finger at you. 'Forth time this week I've had to bloody throw out good equipment!'
'Was that seriously a pun?', Sanji asks, following on your heel like a swarming shadow as you hobble over to the sink. Zeff bites his tongue as Sanji shakes his head at him: this was an argument they had had far too many times. He had almost, almost resigned himself to the fact that Sanji would, and has, dropped the plates he was carrying to the floor with a resounding crash to run over and care for you. Thankfully, this was the perfect opportunity for Sanji to wrap gauze around your finger, before using an 'old fisherman's tale for healing grievous wounds' by peppering kisses against your knuckle to make you laugh.
Once, you were caught admiring him across your shared work station; the dishes stacking up to be washed were long forgotten as you spent ten minutes absentmindedly running your soapy sponge over the same plate, too busy letting your eyelashes flutter down to watch Sanji's skilful hands work. If you had let your gaze settle for just one more second, you would have seen Sanji raise his eyes to observe your face, lingering far too long on the rising curve of your Cupid's Bow. He bit his bottom lip, trying to stop the peach from flushing along his ears as he imagined how it would feel to swipe his tongue against your lips. When your eyes finally lock, the two of you end up so flustered about being caught that you both immediately go running off in different directions for your fifteen minute breaks.
It's not until the late evening, when everything is finally stowed away and only the late party-goers of the ship are still milling about by the bar that Sanji reappears. His head pops around the door like a surprised meerkat, rapping his knuckles against the office door and smiling as you kicked out the velvet stool next to you, beckoning him in. You drop the pen you were fiddling with when he magics the dish he had been working on earlier from behind his back, the heavenly aroma of your favourite childhood dessert overwhelming your senses as he settles next to you.
'I remember that this was your favourite, and-. Well, a sweet treat for a sweet treat, don't you think darling?'
You hum as you take the first bite, dragging the spoon along your bottom lip and throwing your head back in delight. Little did you notice the effect the warm, low vibration and sight of your plush lip dragging spit against the metal had on Sanji. He squirmed in his chair, swallowing thickly as he did his best to straighten his spine and look presentable: not like someone who was finding it harder and harder to hide the tingling feeling burning in his groin at the sight of you. God, just one noise and he was becoming undone.
He nearly cries out when you lean forward, so close he could nuzzle the tip of his nose against yours. God, does he want to. Instead he becomes slack jawed, eyes glazing over with pure want as you use your thumb and pointer finger to grip onto his chin. You tug down, opening his mouth and replacing the space with a fresh spoonful of his sweet dessert. He forgets how to breathe as he watches you glide the spoon out past his locked lips. It's only when you swipe away a little bit of cream left behind on his bottom lip line with your tongue, that he finally jolts. You just giggle, bringing the spoon back to your own mouth and sucking off the remnants of chocolate as Sanji does his best to stop his breath shuddering with soft squeaks.
His heart is about to spill out onto the floor: the trajectory of his life wrapped so firmly around the sweet twilight embrace of your tide that he would find it a pleasure to drown. You were his best friend. The love of his life. And he understands in that moment, with a realisation he could never unlearn, that he would go through every moment that led, every hardship, every bit of pain to get here again. He would do it all, if it meant he ended here with you.
But he only sighs and smiles fondly as you reach up to tuck that damn stubborn curl of hair back behind his ear again.
As soon as he made it back to his room, he slammed the door and fell back against it. With a hand thrown over his face, he groaned inwardly at how oblivious he had been. How much time he had wasted being afraid. But it was okay. He understood now. It had always been you. This. He was made more of you than he was of himself.
The next night, just after your shift, you find him leaning casually against the back door of the Baratie: his legs crossed out in front of him, watching the waves lap up serenely against the docks. His back rests against the shimmer of the bottle-green fish scales, making him seem almost other-worldly as the sun dips over his body. It fades from a warm yellow against his fringe, settling onto a melted honey running over his twirling cigarette, bowing with a crushed violet against his tapping heel.
You two have spent the last thirteen years endlessly circling each other's orbits without the eventual collide, that it didn't take long for you to find him. Tucking yourself against his shoulder, Sanji offers you a smile full of solace: an unspoken acknowledgement that he had been waiting out here for your arrival.
That despite all the hours and hours he had droned on about finding the All Blue, he wanted to be here with you - hell, he wanted to be anywhere with you. Even though he couldn’t find the right words to say it, still so unused to the daunting vehemence of requited love, it showed in the lift of his rose-tinted cheeks. In the flutters of the lines on his forehead. Sanji knew one thing in his life was certain, no matter how his future panned out: he loved you with every fibre of his being.
He grabs at your fingers, gently guiding them up to his lips. Pursing them, he places your fingertips around the mouthpiece and stares over the butt as he takes a final inhale, firm perch stopping you from getting away. As the stream of smoke floods out from the corner of his mouth, he allows you to pluck the cigarette away and toss it into the ocean.
'Y/n, I-', he starts breathlessly, turning his torso so he's giving you his undivided attention. He looks terrified - even more so when you quickly interrupt him by talking over his quivering confession.
'I have something to give back to you.' Your tone is so serious, Sanji's head bucks back in confusion.
'...Well, love. If you stole my apron again, don't sweat it.' He shoves his hands into his pockets, finding his courage draining away as you stare indiscernibly straight at him. 'Zeff has enough in the spare cupboard that we could dress up every Marine in a new uniform-'
'No, I mean- well', you shake your head and look up at the sky. 'I've been meaning to give it back for a long time now, but I guess delivery is pretty slow out in the middle of bloody nowhere', you laugh breathlessly, appreciating the way Sanji's worried eyebrow creases settle at the joke. You swear, golden treasures buried at the bottom of the ocean couldn't gleam as ferociously as Sanji's eyes do as he finally catches onto your meaning, his mouth dropping open.
His breath hitches in his throat, and his chin drops down to his neck in shock as you lean to your right and finally press your pliant lips against his own. Your fingers are quick to spread over his cheek, twirling through his loose curl once again as he falls against you; he almost crushes you with his full weight, but is quick to curve his spine and bow over you, little whimpers following his open mouth.
For a moment, as a thin trail of spit joins your brushing lips, Sanji has no idea how to react. Well, that is until he registers shock ripples delightfully lashing up his spine as you shove him back against the wall, his mouth falling open again in allowance for your tongue to lash in and fill the empty space: to suffocate his whines.
The look on the rest of the cooks' faces as the two of you come stumbling back in is priceless. The two of you really thought you had gotten away with it: if it weren't for the wall being shaken hard enough to rouse a Kraken from its slumber, and the slurred string of French curses and praises stuttering out of Sanji's lips and through the open door, you almost might have.
It's so worth it. Sanji just coughs into his clenched fist, fixing his lopsided tie and doing his best to use the flat edge of his thumb to try and wipe away some of the ruddiness from his swelling bottom lip. But when he slides his fingers in-between yours, a shy smile masked by a playful wink thrown back at you, do you know the two of you won't be able to keep your eyes (or your hands) off each other for the rest of the dining service.
When two of your 'charming' customers have a disagreement over their seating arrangements, you're too busy admiring how Sanji's thighs strain against his pressed trousers to see the trouble coming your way. It's only when one of them comes hurtling towards you and knocks you and your drinks tray ass over kettle that you become enraged. Before Sanji can even reach you to apologise, you've launched the customer off of you with a swift kick, managing to jab Sanji in the abdomen in the process. Doubling over, he falls on his face on top of you. I've got to be honest, neither of you are exactly complaining about your sudden arrangement. Once you've finished giggling and checking each other over, you realise that an inch lower, and short pant of Sanji's heaving breath against your breast and your lips would be brushing together.
The two of you would have turned into a tangled mess of heavy making out right there and then if Zeff hadn't come swinging out of the kitchen to see what all the ruckus was about.
Istg this poor man does his best to give the two of you jobs at opposite ends of the Baratie, only to nearly tug his braided beard out when a customer complains that their service is slow because, *surprise surprise*, the two of you are slacking off together. Either you're making heart eyes at him during as you wait in the main dining area, using any opportunity to grip onto the meat of his waist and slide past him with a poor excuse about 'needing to get clean menus' and making him shiver with a fresh rush of goose bumps, or he's finding you. Even when you were confined to working behind the bar, Sanji still manages to convince the other cooks that he so desperately needs the new delivery of brandy for his new profiterole recipe. Of course, he only does it so when he's on his knees lifting out the boxes, he can leave you a gasping, flustering mess. With clenched hands sending curls of shredded wood down on top of his hair, Sanji just presses his knees forward and pays no notice. He's too busy gliding his hands underneath your shirt, splaying them across your your back as he shoves his nose into your stomach. Although he's careful to stay hidden from the customers, he adores the sound of your clenched whines too much to stop himself. He rolls up the hem, ravishing you with a wet trail of kisses over the band of your trousers; his tongue runs welts over your skin as his teeth suck underneath your bellybutton, his left hand snaking down to rest on your leg so he can grip his thumb against the inner seam of your thigh.
It's only when the pad of his pointer finger presses a little too close to your clothed groin and you spill a drink over a customer that you both stop.
Once the two of you join Luffy's crew, you and Zoro seem to be the perfect team to drive Zoro up the wall. He likes you just fine, but you and waiter together being all lovey dovey makes him want to jump head first overboard.
What makes it even better is the fact that during the attack on Coco Village, you were too busy being proud of Sanji on his spectacular form and fighting technique that you and Zeff had spent years teaching him, that you don't notice one of the Fish-Men grabbing your collar. Before you can even gasp, you've been punched straight across the water and have knocked Zoro and three of the guys he was fighting down like a speeding bowling ball.
From then on, Zoro sleeps in the Crow's Perch and nowhere else. If he's not being knocked down, he's being left wincing as he trains with bruises gained from your elbow jabbed into his back. It's not your fault if you sneak in to cuddle in Sanji's hammock every night, and Zoro's face just happens to be inches away from yours. Sanji still has nightmares of your shipwrecked days from time to time, and just the pressure of your hand against his arm is enough to rouse him from whatever oblivion he was beginning to sink into. A warmth immediately spills through him as the two of you spend most of the night talking, reminiscing, sharing secret smiles between lingering kisses that leave the two of you giddy.
You're always up before him, letting him sleep in for as long as you can with a final, lingering kiss to his tense forehead. You wait for him in the kitchen, a warm cup of tea cupped between your hands, and a second one waiting for him on the counter as he sleepily wanders in to start breakfast preparations. It's become a comforting routine: you placing your head on your hand and talking idly as you admire him, keeping him company.
He knows, though. He knows what you're really waiting for. He happily obliges once the eggs have begun to sizzle, coming to rest on the bench in front of you. He grabs onto your back, pulling you onto his lap until you were straddling his waist. With languid blinks, he leaves soft kisses against the edge of your mouth as you grind against him, delighting in the hoarse groan that bobs his Adam's Apple. You tug the hair at the nape of his neck before scraping your nails over the skin apologetically, but what other way were you going to get him to open his mouth for you? Besides, the jumbled rush of French words that leave his mouth in a pealing string as you slide your tongue over his pulse point is the most heavenly sound in the world.
You're only disturbed by the sound of Luffy's yawn. For a moment, he just scratches the back of his neck and looks between the two of you curiously.
'Y/n, how come only Sanji gets a good morning hug! Can I have one too!'
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doctorgerth · 1 year
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a/n: This one was so much fun to write!! Mihawk is always daunting to write for at first, but I always end up having fun and am usually pretty happy with the results when it comes to him. Want to know if Mihawk gets a smooch? Read on to find out! 🥰
pairing: Mihawk x GN!Reader
word count: 1.4k
candy heart prompt: True Love - Something on their/your lips
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It was the first beautiful day Kuraigana had experienced in quite some time.
The thick fog that perpetually decorated the war-torn land was lifted, and the clouds above were broken enough to allow rays of warm, unfiltered sunshine illuminate the hidden beauty of the gloomy island.The lush greenery and produce the three of you had worked so hard to maintain practically sang in the light of the sun. Leaves glistened with dew, some reaching toward the rare blessing of light as if to grab it and hold onto it. It was a perfect day for farming.
“It’s such a beautiful day,” you sighed happily, stretching your arms out above you. Mihawk grinned from beside you, but you were too busy basking in the comforting warmth to notice.
“It is rather…bright,” Perona stated as she gripped her umbrella tighter.
Mihawk thought quietly to himself, determining that Perona’s discomfort might work to his advantage for once, “Perona, how about you go back to the castle and prepare some snacks. The weather is nice, maybe we can have a picnic.” He felt his heart squeeze in his chest when you smiled widely in his direction, your head nodding enthusiastically.
“Don’t order me around!” She huffed, though a reprieve from the too-bright sun sounded ideal. She turned the other direction and floated towards the castle.
“Oh, and don’t forget to pack something for the humandrills!” you called out to her.  
“What am I, everyone’s servant?” She stomped her foot in annoyance and puffed out her cheeks, “I’m too cute to be bossed around like this…”
When Perona was out of sight, you laughed to yourself, “She’s particularly moody today.”
Mihawk hummed beside you as he dropped some seeds into the earth, “And it’s only going to get worse.” He used a hand shovel to gently pat the dirt back over the seeds.
You peered over at him, “What do you mean?”
He laid the shovel down beside him and wiped his gloves along his dirt-stained pants. Retrieving a folded up newspaper page from his back pocket, he handed it over to you. Your eyes scanned the paper, the bold title Gecko Moria Alive! caught your eyes instantly. It was a strange sensation. You had no ties to Moria aside from his pink-haired subordinate, but still, for Perona’s sake, you felt warm tears well up in your eyes.
“Oh, Mihawk, she’s going to be so happy,” you said in a hushed whisper, though Perona was hardly in earshot, “And also really angry that you haven’t told her sooner. This newspaper is from three days ago.”
He chuckled, “I know.”
You felt a pang in your chest, “I suppose that’s another chick leaving the nest.” You were still recovering from Zoro’s departure and now Perona was soon to follow. You’d grown quite accustomed to your family you shared in the last two years. Though two years wasn’t a very long time comparatively, it felt like it’s always been the four of you.
“It’s for the best,” he replied, “Danger is coming.”
You stiffened, “You don’t mean…?”
“I believe the Reverie attendants are going to vote in favor of the abolishment of the Warlords. That means Marines will be surrounding this place very soon,” he sighed and closed his eyes. “I don’t want Perona to get in harm's way for something that doesn’t involve her.”
You smiled in his direction, “You’re a kind man, Dracule Mihawk.” The tightness in your chest was easily replaced with gentle thumping. If anyone else were to refer to him as kind, he’d scoff in their direction. Hearing it from you, he felt a familiar heat creep up his neck.
Much like Zoro and Perona, Mihawk just ended up being stuck with you a few years ago. He warily offered his hospitality, but miraculously, it didn’t take long for Mihawk to warm up to you. When you proved yourself to him, you became the unofficial first mate to his unofficial crew. Though, with your time together on Kuraigana, you hardly acted as Captain and Crewmate. You tended the land together, sought peace with the humandrills together, and lived your day to day lives in the castle of Kuraigana together. Waking, working, and wasting the days away together. You weren’t sure what you were to Mihawk, but it definitely felt different than a mere subordinate.
“I suppose it’ll just be us again, then.” The thought of it going back to just the two of you simultaneously excited and saddened you. Mihawk looked over to you. He didn’t utter a single word, just stared. Though you’d assumed you’d be used to the intensity of his hawk-like eyes, they still had a way of making you feel embarrassingly shy. You absentmindedly wiped at the sweat forming on your upper lip. The sun was beginning to burn.
Just the two of you. Mihawk always loved the sound of that. Though he’d enjoyed his time training Zoro and cooking with Perona, he often thought fondly of when it was just the two of you. Why then did it make him so nervous to return to that? The dab of soil on your upper lip caught his attention and stole his thoughts.
You had mistaken his silent staring as a denial to your statement, “Unless you intend to send me away with Perona?” Your throat suddenly constricted. Surely he didn’t mean that. “Mihawk, I know things are about to get intense, but I promise I can protect myself and will help you with whatever you need. Just don’t…”
You stopped your sentence when Mihawk shifted beside you to turn and face you. His right hand reached up to your face and you waited with bated breath as you were unable to process what was happening. Mihawk’s never touched you like that before. You gasped when his finger swiped across your upper lip. Holy shit, he was going to kiss you. You instinctively closed your eyes and sighed against his finger, awaiting his lips to meet yours. A cool, empty breeze brushed against them instead.
“I’m sorry. You had dirt on your lip,” he said simply.
How embarrassing. You felt unbelievably hot under the small pockets of sunshine now, “Right, of course. Thank you.”
You wanted to leave his hold, leave the garden, leave the whole entire island, but Mihawk held you firmly; his left hand mirroring his right as they both caressed your face gently, “I’m not going to send you away, (Y/N). I want you by my side.” His face lowered to yours, noses brushing. The words he spoke stole your breath from your parted lips, “Stay with me as long as you wish.”
“Mihawk…” you managed to huff out. His name on your lips, so unfamiliar in this low tone — he could drink it right up. How long has he been holding himself back from falling completely into you?
“Say it, please,” he murmured. The movement of his lips caused them to bump against yours. A tease of a kiss, “Say you’ll stay with me.”
“Mihawk,” you whimpered once more. You weren’t sure you’d be able to say anything else. Not when his intoxicating warmth and tender embrace was robbing you of air. But, you wanted him to know how you felt. How you’ve always felt since joining his side, “I want to be with you forever.”
Your confession was the gravitational pull to at last close the distance between the two of you. His lips slotted against yours with promise, a silent oath to stay with you and protect you for however long you’d want him to. Your skin no longer burned, instead kissed by sunlight as his lips rained down on you, moving with yours as if he’s planned this moment out for years. In truth, he wished he’d done so much sooner.
You pulled away for air, but Mihawk wouldn’t, couldn’t stop. His lips tickled against your tender pulse line as he continued his kisses along your neck, pulling you tightly into him by your waist. He muttered confessions in-between kisses. How long he’s wanted you. How long he’s loved you. How long he’ll continue to want you. How long he’ll continue to love you. Forever, forever, forever. Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him back up to your aching lips to let him know you reciprocated his devotion. Years of unchecked desire was evident in the urgency of your shared kisses, spilling forth like an endless fountain as you lost all sense of time against each other’s lips. Nothing would hold either of you back now.  
Perona rounded a corner and caught sight of the two of you embracing each other. She silently gagged, but decided to leave the both of you to your moment. The sun was a little too bright for her anyhow. As she turned and floated away, a smile stretched along her face. She always thought the two of you would be cute together.
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a/n: Hate to see him go, but love to see him kissed 💋 We unfortunately say goodbye to Mihawk for this event, but I have a feeling we’ll see him around in the future. 🤭 Thanks for reading!! 
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animeniac-writings · 11 months
Sickness - Sanji Vinsmoke headcanons
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Anime: One Piece
Modern AU kind of, I was sick as shit last weak and could have really used Sanji caring for me :(
You Being Sick
Overreacts (with so much care behind it).
Sanji feels extremely guilty when you're come down with an illness, sure it's inevitable for everyone, but he can't help but think it's his fault- he should have made you healthier foods, something to boost your immune system, smoothies or supplements, he should have given you his coat sooner so you didn't catch a chill- his self blame is nearly endless, until you weakly ask him for something and he immediately shoots into gear.
When you do get sick he is your faithful servant, waiting on your every request, and fretting the entire time. He hates seeing you suffer and there's really nothing he can do to ease your suffering.
Definitely makes you chicken soup, Zeff did when he got sick when he was little and told him to "Just try it, you'll get better." when he asked 'why', and later explained that's just what you give someone who's sick, that it helps.
And he did get better, and wanted to know exactly why it helped, what was so special about chicken noodle soup? "Damn old man knew what he was talking about."
Tells you this while he's making the soup, you're fast asleep on the couch all bundled up, in clear sight for if you need him.
But his nerves are frayed, and it's far too quiet, with just the sounds of his cooking and your labored breaths, so he talks to you. He fills the silence and tries to calm his nerves.
Definitely called Zeff up, even at 2 in the morning if that's when your sickness hit, and wanted the exact recipe he his soup.
Of course he could figure it out himself, or tweak a recipe for guidelines, but...the old man's recipe works best. Even if he does sound like a sentimental fool.
Hates going to the store to pick up anything you need because that's far too long of being away from you and not knowing how you are, but he also doesn't trust anyone else to go get what you need.
Will buy only the best medicine he can find and makes sure to cover all your symptoms, and that you take the next does exactly on the clock.
But also worries because it's hardly working and giving you more is also bad, frantically checks a time sheet and clock to be sure.
He tries to make you as comfortable as possible, tissues and blankets and fluffing your pillow, anything to help.
He acts like you are on your death bed. If you even say you feel like you're dying, it goes straight to his panicking. You're already back in a fitful sleep but now he's sitting at your side changing the rag on your forehead and biting his nails that what if it's worse than expected??
Humidifier on and with some tea tree oil if you can, and will apply camphor rub to your chest and back for you, and massage it onto your feet and whimpers when that seems to make you feel worse.
Very stubborn once you start feeling better and getting restless, he wants you to still keep resting, that you aren't fully recovered yet.
Hovers. Almost worse that when you were sick, so worried about you relapsing for a few weeks afterwards, even when you insist you're all better!
Even manages to decline an physical advances to 'prove you're all better', as much as it pains him.
His chest aches when you thank him for taking such good care of you.
Sanji Being Sick
Sanji doesn't really get sick often, but when he does it's bad.
Not someone who can try and fake being okay because of how quickly and hard it hits him, as soon as he gets a fever he's burning up and dizzy.
You immediately notice and carefully guide him back to bed, you press your lips to his sweaty forehead to check his temperature and he can barely mumble something to you with eyes fluttering shut.
Hardly getting sick as a kid meant he never built up a good immune system, normally he was healthy as could be but when he was sick, it was awful.
He often become delirious, his mind dredging up memories of when he was truly small and making him feel even worse.
Needs your help with everything, from lifting the mug of tea your made him to his lips to half-carrying him to the bathroom.
He would feel so guilty about it afterwards, but can't remember much of anything that happened in the thick of it once he's better.
Mumbles in his sleep a lot while he's sick, he tosses and turns and you want to wake him from whatever he's dreaming but know he's needs the rest, instead sitting beside him and petting his damp hair.
You recall him once snarking about Zeff's brusque caretaking, but that he always made warm soup when he'd get sick, even into his teens. "Not like I'd needed it, I could make it far better after all."
Zeff was surprised to get a call from you asking for an old "special chicken soup recipe" of his, but was happy to oblige, even promising not to tell Sanji about it either.
No matter how he feels about your cooking skills there's a nagging feeling that he should make a pot of soup to bring over too upon the second he hears Sanji is sick again, and has to stop himself multiple times from doing so.
He also asks for updates on how Sanji's doing.
You mostly guess Sanji's symptoms and hope there's nothing you can't see when it comes to getting him medicine, he doesn't really have the energy to tell you what's wrong but weekly complies taking whatever you give him.
Hates feeling gross though, so if it's taking too long to get better he will try going to wash up and take a bath on his own, very bad idea but you catch him and watch to make sure he's okay.
Luckily tends to sleep through most of it, but when he wakes up for a bit he just wants to be able to see you, whether that's sitting up or laying on the couch just so he can watch you with bleary eyes before falling back to sleep.
Really thinks you are his loving angel to take care of him like this, even if you don't feel like you're doing all that much.
Once his fever breaks and the worst of it is over he recovers quickly, not one to have a cough linger, and you'll wake up from where you were beside him last night to find his spot empty and the familiar sound of pans clinking as the scent of breakfast waifs in.
Calls you his angel and the greatest nurse he's ever seen once he's back in health, and cheekily adds that he would have loved if you ever wanted to wear a nurse's outfit if he gets sick again...
His words lack usual gusto or the spark in his eye as he tries to cover up how vulnerable he feels about it.
You know how truly grateful Sanji is, for everything you do, and just press and soft kiss to his head and promise to always be happy to care for him.
He can never find the words to tell you how thankful he is.
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hatsue-exe · 1 year
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snooze | rayleigh x fem!reader
summary: small bits of a relationship with the dark king, kinda of reader as shakky? 15/20 year age gap, ray and reader met after the roger pirates disbanded.
wc: 0.9k | cw: none
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Being with Rayleigh is, surprisingly, refreshing.
He's great company, quiet and comforting most of the time, but also the easiest person to make conversation with, someone you could have actual discussions with that didn't turn into fights. And he's good. A good man, with a strong moral compass and sense of justice; a good lover, with a sweet tongue and the most attentive eyes, doing your body like nobody could.
Most of all, he's good for you. Silvers Rayleigh is an early bird, and waking up to fresh coffee with him made you enjoy mornings a bit more. He's organised and keeps you in line with him, you haven't missed a laundry day or slept with dishes dirty, and people were apparently right when they said your mood reflects your space. He's loyal, in his own way — you know he goes away for a while, sometimes you do too, but you can always come back to each other. There's never doubt that someone better will come along, no bittersweetness in your goodbye kisses. You part with a "see you, darling" and come back to the same welcome you'd give the other if you had just gone to get food on the next island. 
He's lighthearted, bantering with you while doing your hair. Brushing it, braiding it, you call it, he's got it. 
"I'm retired, love, we have all the time in the Grand Line."
"I'm aware, old man, just want to be sure you know what you're getting yourself into."
"Oh now I'm old? Cause last night I was…"
His laugh thunders through his chest. It makes you laugh too.
On summer nights, he'd take you to look at the sky, teaching you little navigation secrets he learned in his time on the sea. Never in a cocky way, showing off how much he knows or belittling your knowledge. He was just stating facts, sharing things he loved and many times missed so dearly, still not used to the idea of not having them, and you were wise enough to learn from it.
Being with him made you a better version of yourself, even through the uncertainties.
"I'm not sure I like who I am, or even know who that is in the first place.", you whispered, back against his chest while you watched the moonlight and the waves.
"When people ask me about Roger, I never know what to say. He was just so… Himself. He was a great friend, the king of pirates, the worst singer I've ever heard. But those things always seemed to be parts of him, not what defined him. Maybe you're trying to put a finger on something none of us will ever be able to."
"I'm not sure I follow."
"You, for once. When I look at you, I see someone with so much passion, who thinks she has to be everywhere all at once. I see my insane lover who decided to waste her youth with an older man like me. Even if I could list all the things that are a part of you, when someone asked me about you, all of them would not be enough. I believe we're a bit more than just what meets the eye, that's all."
You digested his words while he took a sip of sake, putting his arm around your waist to pull you closer.
"It's a nice thought. How do I like this thing I don't see, then?"
"I've no idea. I just woke up one day and knew."
"That you like who you are?"
He smiled, kissing your forehead. "That I love you."
You had ups and downs, sure, but it was never devastating, voices were never raised. Sometimes you both needed a bit of space to cool off, although it never got in the way of the immense respect and care you had for each other. In the rare occurrence tears got to your eyes, Rayleigh would stop and apologise, hugging you tight and not letting go.
"I'm sorry, my love, I'm sorry."
"It's 'kay. I'm sorry too. And I love you." You sniffled a bit, his warm hold comforting, home.
"Love you so much."
Being with Rayleigh was a constant surprise.
"Ray, why are you looking at me like that?" you asked him, your sweaty bodies tangled under the sheets. "I know I'm great at it, but compose yourself."
He half chuckled, pulling you closer.
"I agree. However, I was thinking about something else."
"Enlighten me."
"How do you feel about marriage?"
"In general? Doesn't seem like a great idea. Seen many, most were shit. But you know what? When I think of you, of us, I'm willing to take a shot."
"Good to know."
Rayleigh pulled you to him again, kissing you, covering your body with his, and you knew you'd get very little sleep.
Now, many years later, from behind the counter, you couldn't quite see your husband's face as he talked to an excited black haired, straw hat wearing boy, but you could still tell by his voice what lines were popping up around his eyes, what hand gestures he was making. You loved him differently and all the same. It was still refreshing, however, you found a better word.
Being with Rayleigh was a blessing. And when he looks over his shoulder and smiles at you, you know he thinks so too. 
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i got a bit philosophical with this one. been thinking a bit too much about the silver headed man i like, so i had to get it out of my system. hopefully this was it.
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captainwholecake · 2 years
Hey can I have a hc with zoro, ace, law x sleepy crush reader sleep in his arms and before she falls asleep she says that she feels safe in their arms?
a/n: This is gender netural, like always, because while I was gone for so long I came to terms that I’m non binary and it’s probably the reason I make everything I write gn.
warnings: fluff, GENDER NETURAL
Roronoa Zoro
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* this may be my new favorite Zoro gif
I like to imagine this happened while said person was drunk
Unlike Zoro they do not have a high tolerance for alcohol and a are cuddly drunk stfu
I like to think it’s his favorite thing about them
He just drinks while allowing them to cuddle him a like a koala
Occasionally gives them the alcohol bottle hes drinking out to take a sip despite them being wasted beyond repair because he thinks its funny
He’s just sitting there drinking and laughing at their drunken slurs when he hears it
And Zoro just melts right then and there
Portgas D. Ace
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* I’m behind on episodes so I don’t where this from but words can’t explain how happy I was to see an Ace gif I haven’t used before and how fucking cute he is
I like to imagine this relationship was already breaching the word platonic so being intimate as besties was already thing going on
That reminds of this on time in my music appreciation freshmen year where a girl who was a sophomore was sitting in her friends lap and they got in trouble by the teacher and her only defence was “what he’s gay” only for the teacher to respond “and I don’t care it against the rules” and then told us about students who did worst in his class
Anyways, what I’m saying is it wouldn’t be exactly strange to have them falling asleep in his arms after something
Just sitting there all peaceful. I think Ace would really enjoy times like this. He gets to sit there with his favorite person in the word with no care in the world
And theres no doubt he doesn’t find a way to doze off himself after awhile
He lays his head on top of theirs probably kisses it too (because fucking god Ace is soft bf material)
Then he hears it and oh boy is he over the goddamn moon. So, jsut sitting there smiling his ass off before dozing off again
Trafalgar Law
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The reason why I believe Law and them werre this situation was they couldn’t sleep and Law was like fine I’ll hold you until you fall asleep
He secretly enjoys it tell me I’m wrong
He sitting there with them in his lap while they hold him like a koala while doing something probably related to doctor shit
But hey at least his favorite person is the one doing
You know, that one heartstopper audio on tiktok that is from the audio book for nick and charlie? When charlie says things nick likes the sound felt tips make on paper??? pov thats why they like to sleep in law’s arms because I believe law would use felt tip pens
Like Ace, I believe he’d really like the peacefulness of it all. Him just writing shit down with his felt tip pen in one hand and the other hand and arm is wrapped around their waist so they don’t fall
55% sure Law definitely felt like he was dreaming when he heard what they mumbled but he also definitely smiled when he realized he wasn’t
a/n: prepare for alot of updates tomorrow, I finally got myself to fully re download tumblr and I work box office at my job tomorrow , I work in a movie theatre, and have to sit at the very front all alone and do tickets for 6 hours. So, I’ll be writing inbetween the times people come in for tickets and will reopen requests once I’m done SO PREPARE
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lawscorazon · 2 years
𝟏𝟎:𝟐𝟑 𝐏𝐌 𝐟𝐭. 𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨 + 𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤
i can’t take stop thinking abt yamato choosing the biggest strap he can find to fuck you with. even with prep it’s a struggle to fit it all in and you can’t help the tears that slip down your cheeks as he stretches you out to your limit with each thick inch. yamato kisses the wetness from your skin, offering soft words of encouragement.
“i know, it’s big isn’t it? but you can take it pretty girl, can’t you? for me?
and when it finally fits, stuffing you so full you could almost cum, he whispers praises into the shell of your ear.
“that’s it… that’s my good girl. i knew you could do it”
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝questionable justice.❞
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[ Fandom: One Piece ]  [ Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Portgas D Ace ] 
「Scenario of Zoro and Ace meeting their S/O who is like Kocho Shinobu, sweet and smiling all the time but was taken by surprise when they see her mad.」
The Strawhat Pirates just happened to land on a very pirate-friendly island. Technically it wasn't pirate friendly but the people here were the type to judge visitors based on their intentions. Zoro remembered meeting you for the first time when he was accompanying Chopper to stock up on some medicine and herbs. You didn't look any older than he was but you were surrounded by young employees who were running around restocking the empty shelves. He was pretty surprised at how bright, friendly and cheerful you were. While he was waiting for Chopper ― who seemed to be very excited over talking with you ― he noticed how you always have this easygoing smile on your face.
Honestly, he did not know why he kept running into you during his stay in the island. Zoro doesn't like to admit that he can get lost so when you find him wandering in an alleyway, clearly disheveled and all, you couldn't help but giggle. You never mentioned about him being lost and just silently brought him along with you. He doesn't know you that well and he's not the type to start small talk with people. The two of you ended up running into Luffy, catching him stuffing himself with food that he couldn't possibly afford.
It was then you were invited to the little party the Strawhat Pirates were hosting, something about wanting to throw a banquet. Up until now, you wondered what the reason behind the party was but when you noticed that the whole town was also there, you thought that you didn't have to question it. Pirates often dock at this island but it was your first time meeting such a friendly and lively crew. Pirates were usually people who don't hesitate in conducting robbery and behaved like criminals.
"Crap! It's the marines, we gotta run!" Usopp exclaimed when he spotted a navy ship from where he sat. You overheard Usopp's exclamation and turned towards Zoro and Robin who were the closest to you.
"Go back to your ship and prepare to leave. I doubt that they will let you off that easily. You guys can leave from the port where you docked on, the navy seems to have docked in the front so you'll be fine." you muttered to the two.
"What are you going to do? It will be bad if they figured out that you're helping us." Robin voiced her concern. You smiled at them gently and assured that you and the people here will manage somehow, just like you normally do. Zoro and Robin hesitantly left the scene while you made your way towards the front to confront the army of marines that just docked their ship in the main port.
“What business do you have with this town? I thought we made it clear that we don’t want protection from scum like you lot!”
"We're looking for the Straw Hat Pirates! You're not sheltering pirates like you did last time are you?" the marine captain slowly making their way down the ship, followed by a group of marines. His gaze was trained on you as he slowly approached the civillains. The people started to move back, forming a circle around you and the marines. You stopped a few feet away from the captain, a hand resting over the hilt of your katana.
"How dare you accuse [First Name] like that—!" a loud gunshot rang through the crowd and the entire Strawhat Pirates stopped to turn their attention towards you who stood in the middle of everything. 
“You're lucky you're not a pirate, [First Name]. But you're coming us for interrogation." the captain slowly made his way towards you with two tall soldiers by his side. The two men stood on each side of you, raising their weapons in case you tried anything funny.
"If you refuse to cooperate, we might have to eliminate you." he smirked at you.
"[First Name]!" you heard Luffy and when you turned your head around, you saw the entire crew stepping out from the crowd.
"Step back, you guys!" you pulled out your katana in one swift motion, surprising the Strawhats who were getting ready to engage in combat. Zoro lowered his weapons and watched as you disarmed the soldiers who were holding you at gunpoint. The marine captain drew his sword to block your own, letting out a laugh.
"Protecting pirates and threatening the marines?! You're no better than pirates themselves! You and your sister are no different after all, that's why she died!" the captain spat at you with a manic grin on his face.
"That's because you killed her!" you yelled, putting a bit more force on your katana and pushing the captain back. You adopted a fighting stance and glared at the man in front of you who didn't seem guilty at all. Zoro watched in awe as you expertly handled your katana, fighting toe to toe with a captain from the marines.
"Crap! There's so many of them! We gotta run!" Nami exclaimed. Zoro's attention landed on you, noticing that you were still fighting with the captain. By now, everyone had already dispersed and took shelter in their own homes to avoid getting caught in the middle. His own crewmates began to run towards the direction of the Sunny but Zoro himself ran in the other direction.
"Hey, Zoro! Where are you going? The ship is the other way!" Chopper exclaimed.
"Let me go, Zoro! I won't be satisfied until I beat all of them!" you struggled against his hold, lightly hitting his back as he carried you over his shoulder and began bolting toward the direction of where his crewmates were heading.
"You're coming with us and you're joining the crew!" he suddenly announced out loud.
"Excuse me?" you stopped pounding his back to stare at the back of his head in disbelief.
"If you become a pirate, you can fight against marines more often!" Zoro reasoned. You couldn't believe what you were hearing and let out a small laugh at his words. This was your first time being kidnapped by pirates and not to mention, he was inviting you to join the crew instead of forcing you to give him all your valuables.
"You're an odd one, Zoro." you sighed.
"You sure eat a lot." you put another plate of fried rice and a large mug of juice in front of Ace who continued scarfing down every single dish you put out for him. He stopped eating for a while, greedily finishing the glass of juice you just put out for him. He let out a satisfied noise before grinning widely at you.
"I've never eaten such good food before!" he said casually before putting aside his empty plate.
"Not to mention, the chef who made all this is just so pretty!" he chuckles with a bright smile that made you blush lightly.
"You're just saying that because I'm offering them for free." you giggled.
This was probably Ace's third time in the restaurant you worked in. Ace was sitting at his usual spot, just by the bar where he could see you cooking through the window that connected the front of the house to the kitchen. He loved seeing that easy-going smile on your face as you tended to the customers. You always looked like you enjoyed what you were doing. The restaurant was such a nice place, there were no fights, no discrimination, just good food, and friendly people. Even with the occasional pirates as customers, your attitude and food always seemed to unite people together.
Ace places a few bills onto the table, clearly more than what he owed you for the food. Before you could even protest, he only flashes you a grin, telling you that it will also be for tomorrow when he drops by for dinner. When he sees your bright and lovely smile, followed by a wave, he knew that he had to come again tomorrow. Just as he leaves the restaurant, he passed by a group of marines and unintentionally stopped to watch their movements. He covered his face a little more with his hat to avoid trouble. 
"Hey, [First Name]. Business going well?"
“If you're here to just disturb me then leave. This is a restaurant, either you eat here or fuck off." you calmly picked up the dirty plates from the customers who were seated at the bar counter. The captain of the marines scoffed in response, taking a seat right in front of you and slamming his hand onto the table.
"Listen, we heard some people gossiping about you helping some pirates recently." he leaned over the counter while you arranged the clean beer mugs and served other customers by the counter.
"Pirates or not, people who come here are customers. If you have any complaints then tell that to the owner. He's the one in charge of everything and the one who taught us this. So, what are you going to order?" you said as calmly as possible, pulling out a notepad from your pocket, along with a pen. The captain clicked his tongue in annoyance, lightly glaring at you before standing up abruptly from his seat.
"Just as barbaric as your sister but the only difference is that you're not a filthy pirate. Be grateful that we, Marines, do not harm civilians like you." the captain of the marine crew scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at you.
When he heard crashing and the sound of glass breaking, he bolted into the restaurant without even thinking twice. To avoid making a scene and drawing attention, Ace opted to observe discreetly from the window. For a second, Ace wondered where you got that but that wasn't what surprised him. The look on your face was one that was unfamiliar. You were usually so kind and gentle, greeting everyone with a smile. The angry look on your face took him by surprise and he could hear the conversation going on between you and the captain.
"Don't you dare talk shit about [Sister Name] as if you played no part in her death! You marines falsely accused her of being a pirate when she wasn't!" you raised your voice, slowly stepping forward to close the distance between you and the captain.
"Hey! How dare you threaten the captain!? I'll have you executed!" one of the brave soldiers stepped forward between you and the captain, one hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Move before I decide to kill you." you glared at the soldier who cowered under your gaze.
"Arrest her!" the captain commanded and all the marine soldiers started to advance. Even so, you stood your ground.
"Sorry!" a voice cut in, followed by a small wave of fire that stood in the way of the marines. You shielded yourself from the fire, stepping back to avoid burning yourself. However, what surprised you was the fact that Ace was now standing in the place of the fire. The man gave you a cheeky grin, walking over towards you and putting his hat on your head.
".....this little one is with me."
"Fire Fist Ace?!" the marines exclaimed in unison. For a moment, they were too stunned to do anything, and that gave Ace the opportunity to whisk you away. 
"Wait Ace, where are you taking me?!" you questioned.
"Say, [First Name].....What do you think about being a part of the best pirate crew?" Ace grinned widely.
Total: 1920 words  Published: 05.12.2022
Thank you @coolminahi​ for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Thanks for requesting! So we wrote for Ace and Zoro because we don’t write for Katakuri But hope you liked it!― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! So, we couldn’t find the original ask in our inbox but luckily, we copied it. Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
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marvelmymarvel · 7 months
I don't know why but I love the idea of Luffy having an older sister that's dating Shanks.... something about it makes my heart go pitta patta.
I also like the idea of the reader being the ex of Mihawk and dating Shanks. Idk the men are so drastically different I just find the dynamic would be fun to write.
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kaivenom · 24 days
One piece DILFs asking you to live with them... HCS
(obviously, we know they sure have better houses than us)
Characters: Mihawk, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Smoker, Shanks.
Dracule Mihawk
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Him living in a big island castle means that you already had many things on there and you spent many days with him on a row.
The other thing is that when you aren't on the castle, you both spent many time separated, due to his work and yours.
That times when he goes back to the castle and you aren't there and he has to ask you to come and wait days or even a couple of weeks to come, that's when he decides he needs you all the time.
You both were taking breakfast, he was reading a newspaper and you got up to heat your tea/coffe/milk.
"You should spent more time here."
"I already spend a lot of time here."
"Yeah, but i mean... all the time."
"Are you asking me to move in with you, permanently?"
"Kind of..."
He is a lonely, tough men, he really wants to come to the castle after his shichibukai job and find you, but leaving is rough exterior is difficult.
You got close to him and take out his newspaper, you give him a little kiss on the cheek and accept his offer.
Moving all your things from your village to his island was difficult and of course a little hard to explain to people, because you couldn't say you are dating that man.
But moving all your things was worthy, even when you already had a lot of your things there.
Sir Crocodile
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He is a bussiness men, a very dangerous one.
He likes to spoil you with gifts and affection and since he has a lot of berries, he buys you so much clothes that you both decided to keep them in his house, so you already had clothes and other things there.
He is a little control freak of HIS things, so he hires people to follow you and keep you safe, as he says.
That makes you upset, so you confront him on his office.
"Why there are so many people following me?"
"I told that idiots to be discreet, i will fire them."
"That doesn't matter, why?"
"Because i like to keep my inversions safe."
"That's what i am? well, inversions are kept on hidden lockers, so what are you going to do next... lock me?"
"Do you want to live with me?" you didn't know how to answer, "you are more than an inversion and i will have peace on mind if you sleep every night with me and my security alarm."
You thought about it for a moment and nodded slowly, every second the idea sounded better.
You spent the night in his house and when you were the next day preparing yourself to go get your things, all of them were already on the front door.
Apparently your powerful bussiness boyfriend had sent his staff to broke into your house and get all packed.
Donquixote Doflamingo
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He doesn't ask you, he informs you.
You had a really good night with him, there was a moment when he got jealous over a dude but after that everything was perfect.
When you both ended your night things, you decided to back to your house since you had to work early tomorrow.
You open the door and find that all your things were gone, you thought someone broke in, you were almost crying and were about to call Doflamingo (since he is the king of Dressrosa he is the better person to call)
Then a large figure appeared behind you.
"Hi little thing." your breath paused from the shock.
"Why are you here? You have something to do with these?"
"Of course, you really thought someone could break in my girl's house? do you think i would let you go home without my supervision?, you underestimate my possesiviness towards you."
"And why? you are mad because of that guy on the bar? that's why all my things are gone?"
"Partly yes, your things are not gone, they are on my palace," his arms lifted you from the ground, "seeing that stupid man made me realize that i need to keep a better eye on you... that's why this isn't your house anymore, so lets go home."
Even if you wanted, you couldn't say no, you don't know how are you going to adapt to these new change but you have no option.
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He is a marine, which means he is a very traditional man (on my perspective), under his rough marine reputation, he want's to do things right with you.
All marine officers have a big house provided by the goverment, he has a estable job, paid vacations and all the requirements to be a good choice partner to live with.
So after thinknig all of that, he decides to make a plan to ask you out.
He makes dinner for you both, not anything fancy, he is a direct man and he doesn't want you to think he is going to propose to you... yet.
The dinner was in his house, and was one of the best dates you both have, even if he couldn't cook the meal right.
"So, i was thinking... i am a man with a stable job, a high rank, a good salary, a good house."
"Are you going to propose?" you couldn't believe it, it felt like it was to soon.
"No, if i wanted to kneel with a ring i would have taken you to the best restaurant i could, like the Baratie or things like that."
"Who would have thought you are such a romantic man."
"I am not."
"Clearly, then what?"
"I am trying to ask you to move in with me."
"We both are marines, i have the same privileges as you."
"Yeah, but i am one rank higher than you, which makes me the one who would ask you to move in." he looks so proud about it.
"Fine, but what we do with my house?"
"We do the paperwork and we should receive a contribution for it and maybe we can't take our next vacations together to a nice island."
"You never take vacations, you love your job more than me."
"Believe me, if this happens, then we will take vacations together."
"Okey, then you should help me to move in, come on." you were already getting up to start moving, the excitement was making you not see things clear."
"I think we can do that tomorrow, now i want you to stay here." he took your hand and sat you on his lap.
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He is pretty fast to ask you in and well, moving in has two meanings: joining his crew and moving to his quarters.
The first one is really fast because he is a pirate and doesn't spent to much time on a village.
After trying to delay as much as possible his leaving while he thinks about asking you or not, he decides to give it a shot.
"(Y/N)-chan, do you want to live a big pirate life?" he says while passing his arm around your shoulders with a big smile, he looks like he is trying to recruit you to a cult.
You accept and now you are a part of the crew, you have your own quarter on the ship and you like being with the crew.
After a couple of months, you start getting involved with your captains, you were worried about what your crewmates would think about it.
He is worried too, he knows that everything is all fun and with no strings while you both have your different spaces. He knows once you moved permanently to the captain quarter, it would be official and irreversible.
That situation lasted a couple of weeks more till he couldn't wait anymore.
"Hey, sit down," he was waiting for you with a cup of sake, "i konw we've been doing things."
"If that's what you want to call it, then i am dissapointed."
"I mean, this isn't official to the rest of the crew and the world, even if it is to me," he interviewed his fand to yours, making you see you are important to him, "and i don't know if you are ready to take the next step, cause if you do, you will be known as "Akagami Shank's partner," he makes a dramatic pose, before going back to his serious face, "i want you to move to my quarters, if you want to be publicy known as..."
"Yes, i want, even with your stupid snores and your cold feet, i would like to sleep next to you every day."
"Ahhhh, how great it's to hear that... i don't know what i have done if you said no." he gave you a kiss got back to his dramatic being again.
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 months
Whitebeard fucker here lol I’ve been summoned. Could you write something with a reader whose used to being the biggest guy around meeting whitebeard and going “ohhh” and wanting to climb that man like a tree? Any and all kinks are up to your choosing monsieur gator!! Also happy birthday man!
Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate x male reader
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Bit my lip so fucking hard when I saw this request. Whitebeard enjoyers come assemble!
Thanks for the birthday wish :) I ended up getting a lot of comics and manga, so I’m very happy.
Reader possesses a devil fruit I made up I call the sun-sun Fruit. Hes also like 16 ft 9. Hes also at least 40+ years old. Old man yaoi.
You had known of Whitebeards existence ever since you started traveling the sea, who didn’t? The guy was a legend known as the strongest man alive, someone to avoid if you did the type of business you did.
You were a bit of an everything man. Information gathering, Intimidation, bodyguarding, assassin, anything that paid you a lot and you didn’t have to hurt the innocent, Youd do it.
The world government were cautious of you, but always let you get away with things others wouldn’t, as you also took jobs for them if need be. You played on every board, siding with pirates, with marines, with the poor, and with the rich. As long as they had good reason for asking for your help.
Your Sun-Sun fruit always helped with this as well, making you an extremely powerful fighter, possessing the ability to gather and store solar energy and light itself. After mastering it you could easily create explosions big enough to destroy islands, coat your body in solar energy, or coat your weapons, as well as many other things.
Your preferred weapon were spears, your most beloved weapon a naginata that had been gifted to you after a job well done, some celestial who fanboyed over pirates wanting to give you a big reward. The naginata was supposedly cursed, but you two got along a little too well most days.
All in all, you were well known in your own circles, but nowhere near as much as someone like Whitebeard.
That was also the reason you turned down your latest request to kill Whitebeard. You might have been strong, but you were never an idiot. You might have stood at almost 17 feet, towering over anyone you had ever met, but even you know Whitebeards crew was so loyal it was lethal.
The people giving you the request has been annoyed about you rejecting it, but they could do nothing to stop you as you left, on your way to the next island. There was never a destination in mind if you didn’t have a contract, so you just called it joy sailing.
It was mere coincidence that you found yourself sailing through Whitebeards territory. You had no need for a crew, as you had mastered the skill to create stand-ins with your sun-sun fruit, creating human shaped beings out of condensed solar energy.
The ship you traveled in wasn’t too big either, especially compared to the moby dick. But they had easily spotted you, and your “crew” had spotted them in return. For some reason the whitebeard crew were interested in you, though their interest made your heartrate skyrocket as the moby dick neared your own much smaller ship.
When it became clear they weren’t there to fight, you agreed to link up your ships, even if it was just because you knew they could end you before you would be able to run for it.
Stepping onto the ship, part of you was curious at their lack of reaction to your towering height, even as they had to turn their heads all the way back to look at you to ask questions about your “light crew”, or one of them demanding to know what your favorite food was, or where you got your naginata.
When you finally met Whitebeard though, it all made sense. The guy made even you feel small, even though he wasn’t towering over you the same way you were the rest of his crew. Maybe it was his presence, as he laughed and patted you on the back, greeting you by the nickname the masses called you.
But all you could think about was how seeing someone taller than you made you feel. Just feeling his large hand patting your shoulder, or seeing how he was still taller than you when you sat, was enough for you to think about booking it again.
You had no idea why, but for some reason you stuck around with the Whitebeard crew for a while. To the point where they started acting like you were part of the crew. Even when you tried to turn it down, they’d just give you a knowing look before ignoring your complaints.
In your opinion, you were too old to join someone’s crew, especially with you being known as a “backstabber”, as you never picked one specific side.
And yeah, you knew why you were sticking around for so long. It was all Whitebeard, and that weird, fluttering feeling he gave you, and the arousal he caused, but that was not as important…for the most part.
It was only after the crew had settled on the island to restock that you thought about leaving for real. One of your contacts had called you on your den den mushi, and told you about a very high paying job. You might have been so rich your ancestors would live in luxury, but you could never get enough.
Unluckily for you, Whitebeard had overheard the call. He had looked sad about you wanting to leave, but had invited you to join him for a drink before you packed up and went on your way.
That’s how you found yourself sitting beside him in front of a bonfire, just the two of you, both of you decently buzzed and flushed. Your devil fruit power made you mostly immune to alcohol, the heat of the sun burning the alcohol away before it could work, but whatever stuff Whitebeard had on him seemed to have the right kick.
Later you would blame the alcohol for your reaction when Whitebeards hand settled on your lower back. You had abandoned your jacket a while ago, some of Whitebeards crew running off with it to use it for some drunk game they were playing.
Your devil fruit also worked best without too much clothes in the way, meaning Whitebeards hand was right on your back, and your thirsty self had arched into it with a soft groan, your head flopping to the side to rest against him.
Whitebeard had chuckled, but it wasn’t his usual loud guffaw, but something deeper and smoother, like melted dark chocolate or the best whiskey you had ever drank.
His hand had rubbed and massaged your back until you felt like putty, small sparks of light and solar energy flickering across your torso as your control slipped, Whitebeard huffing amusedly at the small jolts it sent through his arm.
You would blush in the future when thinking about it, denying it ever happened, before blaming the alcohol once more. But in that moment, it was impossible to not spill all the thoughts you had about him. How he made you feel so hot inside, how much you fantasied about him, his hands, his height, his cock.
Whitebeard had seemed almost charmed, and maybe he was. It wasn’t every day that someone his age and especially his size had someone fawning over them. Maybe that was why he pulled you into his lap, with your back resting against his chest, as his battle worn hands traveled across the front of your torso.
He murmured and purred into your ears as one of his large, calloused hands groped and pinched at one of your pecs, making you gasp and arch into the touch, legs jolting until his other hand came down to hold your thigh in place.
The praise falling from his lips had you feeling much drunker than you were, vision blurring for a second before you were able to focus again, your own hands grasping at his pantleg as you huffed out a breath.
The veins across your body lit up every now and then from the stored solar energy in your body flickering, causing Whitebeard to chuckle that deep chuckle once more, making some comment about that being a nice party trick.
You were about to snap back a rebuttal, something rude about his own devil fruit power, but before the words could even leave you, the hand gripping your thick slid under your waistband.
Embarrassment flooded your system as you keened, head falling back onto his chest as your hips jolted. And how crazy was that? He was so tall your head fall onto his chest, not his shoulder, not above his own head, his chest.
It had your throbbing even more, immediately coating his palm in a layer of precum, making Whitebeard tsk teasingly, before rubbing the palm against the head of your sensitive shaft, only making you drip even more.
What could you say. You were sensitive. Being your size made it pretty hard to find a partner who could keep up with you, or someone you wouldn’t hurt on accident. And as your fame grew, less and less individuals even wanted to give it a try.
That was why you were keening and whimpering in Whitebeards lap like some kind of virgin, at least that’s what you told yourself to keep your dignity.
It didn’t explain the way you jolted and spilled into his hand when Whitebeard grabbing your chin, turning your head so he could kiss you. Your eyes rolled back, and solar energy flashed across your body as you came, gasping into his mouth, your breath so hot It would have harmed anyone not as sturdy as Whitebeard.
With his lips still pressed against yours he mumbled praise, telling you stuff that had you melting even further into his embrace, hips still jolting and twitching into his hand like you didn’t want it to end.
As you rolled your hips you could feel his own erection, and you almost wanted to pass out from just how big he felt. You had never met anyone who was bigger than you in that way, yet here Whitebeard was, pretty much offering it to you on a silver platter.
The night was spent with Whitebeard wringing more than just a couple of orgasms out of you, at some point leaving you so overstimulated and pleasured that your body had phased out, turning into solar energy.
Whitebeard had cackled loudly at the sight, seeing how you were in so much pleasure you couldn’t even stay solid. When you finally came back to yourself, he placed a big kiss on your cheek and then your mouth, making some teasing comment about it all.
The next morning you couldn’t look his crew in the eye, the knowing looks boring into your large broad back, that for once was wearing a shirt, to cover most of the hickeys their captain had left on you.
And if you just so happened to turn down the job offer your informant gave you, and if you just so happened to attach your ship to their fleet, and you just so happened to start being referred to in the same parental way as Whitebeard, who would be the wiser.
You honestly had no idea how to react when Whitebeards, and you guessed now your, crew started referring to you with a fatherly title in the same way they called Whitebeard Pops. You hadn’t wanted to be open about your relationship with Whitebeard, but to the crew it was so damn obvious.
Even when you and Whitebeard became official, and maybe even married at some point, you still took jobs every now and then, never getting enough of the thrill of money. But it was a lot less, and you pretty much cut all contact with the world government.
Sure, that got you a bounty and a high reward, but you honestly couldn’t care. After all this time you realized, maybe a crew wasn’t so bad. It also helped to have a partner that made you feel safe and cared for, whilst also leaving you limping in the best possible way.
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lehguru · 1 year
how i think doffy would behave during a party with you!!
warnings: part of "fluff" month (prolly one of the only fics that stray from being fluff but we shall ignore it), you can read it like a modern au, SUGGESTIVE!! not nsfw but definitely very suggestive, alcohol use, lap sitting, just... doflamingo; not proofread + requests are open ! check pinned post for requesting rules
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doflamingo would never pass up the opportunity to go to a party. of course, he prefers it to be at his house, he loves to be the host and be praised for throwing the best parties ever; but if you invite him, he wouldn't turn it down – unless he is really busy.
he doesn't look like the type to be on the dance floor since the moment he walks in. at first, he prefers to sit in a corner, a bottle of wine or whiskey on his hands, drinking and scanning the crowd behind his red colored glasses. it doesn't matter if you want to start dancing right away, he will pull you to sit on his lap, one of his hands tightly gripping your hips – if you just go ahead and simply sit on his lap on your own, perfect! he will smirk and pull you closer.
he only lets you dance with him. doflamingo doesn't want a random person to be rubbing against you when you came to the party with him. it doesn't matter if you're tall or short, doflamingo will loom over you anyway; he would bend over just enough so his breath could tickle your ear and goosebumps arise with his chuckle.
doflamingo would adore to press you against a wall and make out with you, making sure to not hide what you two are doing. if you're uncomfortable with that, the maximum he would do is just pull you to a bathroom or any random room, not even bothering to lock the door. if he's already mildly – or fully – drunk, his kiss would be messy and rough. if you tug at his blonde locks, he would pull away and smirk wide, licking his lips.
his objective in all parties is to have you head over heels for him by the end of the night. no matter what, he wants you to beg him to kiss you more and he wants you needing him so much you become whiny. he's a extreme teaser and doffy will do anything to make you cling to his side al the time.
if you don't end up going home with him, he would purposefully give you something to wear – maybe not his coat, but definitely his shirt or even his glasses, he have a extra pair anyway –, just so he could walk in your house the next morning to "get back what you stole"; you know damn well he just wanted to be a bother and make himself comfortable on your bed.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used on them belong to their respective creators!!
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doctorgerth · 1 year
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a/n: I know this is supposed to be a fluff event but my heart said angst for this...it just fits the prompt haha please forgive me. There’s a happy ending I swear! Law has already claimed your heart...will he claim your lips too? Read to find out! 💋
pairing: Law x GN!Reader
warning: slight angst
word count: 1.5k 
candy heart prompt: Sweetheart - Goodbye (For Now)
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Today was the day you’d been dreading since your Captain brought it to the crew’s attention.
Today, Law would be leaving to traverse solo to Punk Hazard in efforts to defeat Doflamingo. You’d known about his plan for weeks. Able to prepare in said amount of time, yet your heart still felt so unbearably heavy in your chest.
You’d been avoiding him all day. You knew it was immature, but why did he insist on going alone? Though you were well aware of Law’s obstinance and preference for handling things on his own, you argued endlessly with him about it. Wasn’t this what having a crew was for? To help him succeed; to protect and support him in his endeavors? He denied everyone’s help incessantly, and so you remained in your room as the rest of the crew were seeing their Captain off. Bepo’s pitiful wails echoed off the submarine walls, reminding you of your own sorrow.
You were confident in your Captain’s abilities, but those little bouts of doubt, along with not knowing exactly when he’d return was what left you restless. You’d never been without Law for very long since joining the crew a couple years ago. Now that you knew what you felt for your Captain was too romantic to be considered anything else, you weren’t sure how to handle not having him around for an indeterminate amount of time.
That was another reason you decided to close yourself off. You didn’t trust that you’d be able to keep your feelings in check in such a tender moment. You didn’t know if you could say goodbye without telling him how your heart yearned for him. It was inappropriate, untimely, and surely unrequited. You didn’t want to weigh your Captain down further with awkward feelings from a subordinate. Plus, you couldn’t possibly handle the rejection and having to say goodbye all in the same moment.
A familiar clicking of boots resounded down the hallway. You hoped and prayed they’d stride past your doorway, but of course, they stopped right outside your door. He knocked three times, waited a few seconds, then entered upon his own volition.
“Are you not going to say goodbye?” Was that disappointment in his voice? You hugged your knees tighter to your chest, avoiding his eyes.
“Goodbye, Captain,” you muttered begrudgingly.
A smirk tugged at his lips. Law was shamelessly amused by your pouting. He gently closed the door behind him, setting his duffle bag and Kikoku to the side. He walked casually over to your desk chair, turned it around, and sat down in it to face you, “You know I’m not accepting that.”
“What do you want me to say? ‘Please don’t go’? We both know that won’t stop you.” Your words spit out like venom, stinging deep in his wounded chest. If only you knew how hard it was for him to leave. How hard it was to leave you. How if you had begged for him to stay, it’d be impossibly harder to leave than it already was. If anyone could make him stay, it was you.
“I promise I’ll return,” he reassured. He looked and sounded confident, but you didn’t miss the hint of uncertainty laced in that promise.
“When?” you pushed.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not sure.”
You turned to look at him now. His eyes bored into yours, golden and uncharacteristically soft, making you want to leap into his arms and plead for him to stay right there with you. “Can you at least promise to return safe and sound?”
Another shrug. His nonchalance was pissing you off and he knew it well, “I can’t guarantee that.”
“Then don’t go!” you begged louder than intended. He remained stoic as you stared at one another, but underneath the surface, his resolve was crumbling piece by piece. So many unspoken words begging to be heard were lost in the deafening silence.
Law was the first to break the tension, exhaling a deep breath as he motioned you to the edge of the bed, “Come here.”
You wanted so badly to defy him, but you couldn’t. Not when he stared at you so longingly, nor when he offered for you to be close to him like you've always wanted. You huffed as you shuffled along the bed, sat along the edge, and faced him. In this new position, your knees brushed, and that small moment of contact made your saddened heart immediately jumpstart to life; quickening its pace when he reached out and took your hands in his.
The silence returned as Law observed your hands intertwined. You’ve never touched like this before, but it was exactly the kind of intimacy you’d both been craving from one another. The calluses on his hands smoothing over the skin of your own felt comforting, and when he laced your fingers together, neither of you could ignore how perfectly they fit. As if your hands were meant to be held by one another; puzzle pieces at last fitting into place. Law was only making it harder for himself by touching you like this, that much he knew, but he couldn’t leave you without this embrace. In truth, he needed this gentle reassurance just as much. The warmth of your hands in his would be enough motivation to come back alive.
“At least take me with you,” you disturbed the peace with a small sob, “Or anyone. Just don’t go alone, please.”
Law squeezed your hands tightly when you offered yourself to his mission, “I can’t let you come.”
You’ve heard this before, but still, you just wanted to know why. “Why not? I can help with anything you need. I can…”
His fingers untangled from yours, but you didn’t have time to feel empty before his tattooed hands grabbed either side of your face; holding you steady and making you look right into his solemn eyes, “Because if something were to happen to you…” his throat tightened at the idea, voice hoarse as he finished his confession, “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
Though the way he was touching you so intimately should have been proof enough, those last eight words were the final confirmation you needed to realize that your feelings weren’t as unrequited as you had assumed. Law had deeper feelings for you and your heart soared at his indirect confession while his beat uncontrollably in his chest. It was time you knew.
You could feel the warmth of his ragged breathing against your lips as his face was suddenly inches from yours. His golden eyes flicked down to your lips, holding them in an enraptured stare. His mind was dizzy, fingers numb, lips buzzing with anticipation to feel yours against his own. Law has wanted to kiss you for so long now, but now that the opportunity has arisen, he was embarrassingly unable to do so. Though basking in the comfort of your warmth and wasting the day away with long overdue kisses was a dangerously tempting offer, he had things to take care of elsewhere. He knew you understood that despite your vexations.
His eyes slowly blinked back up to yours, “You’ll be safe with everyone else in Zou. I need you to stay safe. I need you here when I get back. Promise me?”
It took everything within you to nod, feeling lightheaded from the tension. You rested your forehead against his, “Promise me you’ll come back to me?”
After some time, he nodded. When his thumb brushed across your lips, you closed your eyes and sighed. “Save these for me?” he whispered, visibly struggling to not close the distance upon feeling the invitation of your soft lips beneath his fingertip. He was only furthering his torment. “Need something worth fighting for.” 
You scoffed with a light smile, “I’ll save a thousand kisses for when you come back.”
Extending the wait to claim what he’s yearned for since his feelings for you were realized would be agonizing, but he was glad to have something to look forward to upon his eventual return. He’d try his best to have a proper confession by then as well. Law pulled you into a tight embrace, cradling the back of your head with one hand and wrapped around your waist with another. You buried yourself into him, imprinting his scent into your memory to hold onto when the days without him were long. Pitiful as it was, Law missed you already, although he was closer to you than ever before.
“Goodbye, Captain,” you whispered into his neck. Your words and heart felt much more full.
“It’s just goodbye for now,” Law muttered, “I’ll claim what’s mine when I get back.” He smirked as he pinched your bottom lip between his fingers. 
And we won’t have to say goodbye ever again; a silent promise held safely in his thoughts.
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a/n: I told you there’d be a happy ending! Maybe more bittersweet...But! Imagine how sweet the smooch will be in Law’s next chance(s). I have nothing but good intentions, I swear. 😇 Thanks so much for reading! <3
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mrs-hatake · 2 years
where the wind blows
pairing: law x afab!reader
word count: 429
warning: film red spoilers!
“Where are we?!” Luffy asks aloud after he and Bartolomeo had suddenly teleported from the stage just as Uta’s fans were about to attack him after they had captured his crew.
“Oi, keep it down!” A man’s voice from the shadows hisses and Luffy squints his eyes to make out the people who are walking towards him. Bartolomeo ready to fight.
“Seriously, Luffy. After all these years you’d think your stealth game would improve but it’s just as bad.” This time, a woman’s voice, teasing and melodic, reaches his ears.
“Oh, Trafalgar! And Y/N too!” Bartolomeo’s fists unclench and his arms rest against his side as the couple emerge from the shadows.
Y/N is wearing a beautiful yellow sundress, similar in shade to Trafalgar’s unbuttoned yellow jacket. Her long locks are styled in intricate curls that cascade down her shoulders, resting just a few shy inches above her waist line. Her hand is held securely in her boyfriend’s tattooed hand. 
“Don’t forget me!” Bepo cries, offended, as he finally steps into the sunlight and the green haired fanboy tries, and epically fails, to not laugh at the bear who is dressed in Uta merch.
“Oi, Tura-guy! Why did you do that? I have to save Uta!” Luffy glares at him but there isn’t actual heat in his eyes. 
“Shhhh!” Trafalgar shushes as Y/N quickly hisses, “Do you want them to find us?”
But it’s too late as Uta comes flying above them on her magical keyboard with fiery rage burning in her eyes. 
Fighting Uta is intense. Y/N and the rest did not think that some fresh faced singer would be extremely powerful. And their situation appears to be more dire after learning from Captain Koby that they are actually in Uta’s made up world than their real world. 
And when Uta obtains the Tot Musica demon, Y/N, for the briefest moment, is convinced that none of them is going to make it out alive. 
But they’ve all faced worse and so defeating the demon is not impossible.
When everyone starts waking up and their souls return to their bodies, Y/N’s eyes flutter open and relief washes over her like refreshing cold water when she realizes that Trafalgar is holding onto her so tightly in his sleep.
She turns in his arms and peppers kisses across his cheeks, his eyelids, his nose and then pecks his lips twice.
“Okay, okay. I’m up!” And Y/N can’t help but chuckle as she knows that her boyfriend isn’t actually upset at being kissed in public.
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captainwholecake · 2 years
So this is a bit farfetched but can i get headcanons of shanks and crocodile reacting to their s/o making them a prosthetic arm (maybe through a devil fruit power or something)
a/n: I think shanks would be so proud and I really don’t know
warnings: does the mention of limbs being amputated count as a warning? Shanks being the horn dog that I think he is
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Like I said before mans would be the proudest man alive
I mean Shanks gives off the most supportive vibes ever but still
He would just be smiling his ass off as his s/o does all the stuff they need to do
Strong ‘I don’t really need this because it’s years since it got bite off but they want to do so I’ll let them’ vibes
I'm imagining this man screaming holy shit once it done and he see how it works
Maybe just maybe turned on a bit
Well, it’s shanks what did you expect?
I believe he wouldn’t really use it that much
Like he appreciates it but hes had no arm for so long he probably use it very minor reasons like holding himself while drunk off his ass (i don’t hate shanks I just think hes a alcoholic dilf)
All in all, I think once this happens he will genuinely believe said s/o is the one. It’s not every day your s/o makes you a fucking ARM
Crocodile (dundee)
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* ngl this is gif is kinda hot
Most likely the complete opposite of shanks
Not bad or anything just very tsudere vibes from him when it comes to this
Do I think he’d be over the moon tho
I think he’d really appreciate that someone thought of his need after so long of not caring for others (no seriously threw ENTIRE country into a drought so he could take it over)
anyways, I imagine he would go “I have an hand missing not my whole arm”
And his s/o will like “it’s from you’re wrist down you mf”
He just accepts his fate at that point
And tbh he was impressed like really impressed
He’d probably start acting way more in love with s/o after that and I can’t exactly explain why
A/n: box office is doing great- the 2:15 jurassic park fucked up so they canceled the sps showing moved that showing into the sps theatre and now I don’t if the showing after that are fucked or not
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