#or a lil shapeshifting if that’s your thing
checkertrains · 1 month
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The good ol switcharoo au, instead of empowering demons with his voice Adam would probably empower them with his music :p (guitar solo fuck yeaaahhh)
Also I haven’t draw traditionally for like FOREVERRRR so its a bit rusty (I got pencil smudges all over my hands afterwards, not fun)
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 234
More of the Tiamat Au? More of the Tiamat Au! 
Sharing a body was strange. Ten limbs split between the nine of them- thirteen if one counted the tails and seventeen if one counted the fact that their cloak… skirt… whatever could mimic the wings of their other form. 
One which they would change back to after a few moments- there was much less stumbling when it was all fours. Not to mention that if not for the tails they’d have easily toppled over with how many arms they had making them slightly top heavy. Okay more than slightly, it was taking a bit to adjust. 
Honestly the fields of wheat and other crops did nothing to hide them with how tall even this body was, but it was still better than nothing, and they were using the fact it was the middle of nowhere to their shared advantage. 
At least the humanoid- not human, even now their shared power thrummed through the air, leaking from them- form was smaller than their true draconic one. Well, perhaps they shouldn’t call it their true form, when they were once all human, halfa and liminal alike, but they’d long since stopped being such. So perhaps it was in fact true to call the form they had become as their normal state now. 
Actually, could they even separate now? Or had their power melded together so much that it was impossible now, and an attempt would end them? It would at the very least crack their core- 
“What the fuck.” 
Their head lurched, a little too far if the jolt of pain was anything before it melted away. They were all too used to moving their own necks separately. But all of them agreed that discovery could not happen-
It was a child. A preteen with red-orange hair, blue-green eyes, expensive clothing, and most damming of all, large swaths of bruising across his arms. Bruising that did not come from usual play, and looked far too much like hand prints for any of their comfort. 
Someone had very much not been taking care of this child. And that really made them quite angry. 
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i wish there was a space for actual adults within this fandom. i guess i will have to create it, even if it's just me and other five people and a shoelace. i wonder how this whole thing is gonna develop!
#personal#the entire internet but also this fandom specifically is infested with ppl whose reading comprehension is lower than a 6th grader's#can't a gal enjoy a middle-aged actress without being pestered by toddlers with pitchforks#and i know i'm the pettiest bitch but i am ANNOYED esp when i see how old these ppl are. if you're over 25 you have no excuse daskjfhg#like i have cut my audience in half at least! if not more with this fic#but i'm happy bc i'm producing content i wanna produce#i wonder how my new fics are gonna be received#after i finish “particular” i have another thing coming up that ppl probs won't like lol#but i think it's important i post it#and then we have murder mysteries and gothic horror and wooooo you know#it's gonna be fun! and a bit disturbing!#wonder if imma be dragged on twitter again lol#but i sincerely hope no one will care lol#honestly i never expected ppl to care THAT much but i guess they did#it also annoys me that a concerningly small amount seems to care abt the actual quality of writing#and i'm over here agonising about Stylistic Choices(TM) lol#i feel like it flies over ppl's heads and they just wanna read abt larissa weems fucking them with a shapeshifted dick#which okay i guess but also what abt Literature#you could do smth creative with a shapeshifting character just saying. and include your magic cocks or whatever tf you're into#ah i am fuming in vain i will just write my lil fics and hope i don't get a new influx of kys messages lol
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i0134 · 1 year
#사랑 enhypen as your bf !
warnings!...none just pure fluff and affection, lowercase intended.
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notes : fun fact this was the first work i wanted to post but got distracted :)
genre : fluff, established relationships, slight angst
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soft flirty bf huhu he's literally gonna flirt so hard and on top of that if you're shy he's absolutely gonna shapeshift your cheeks into a tomato/strawberry whatv red stuff you prefer :) i mean we all know hee is a pro at flirting so good luck to your sanity RIP
lots of singing fs this man's gonna sing for you like can't sleep? dw babe he's got a soty typa lullaby, bored/stressed? who needs a lofi playlist when you got lee hee :) hEAR me out he's definitely gonna write songs for you jsjsjs he's gonna sing em to you randomly cause It's romantic right?? he'll look deep into your eyes, throw that signature smirk of his and sing oh so lovingly cause he knows he's driving you nutz ;)
lotsss of movie gaming dates he'll beat you at every game heyyy he's an ace i don’t make the rules 🥱 but time to time he'll chill down and let you win few rounds intentionally but you don't need to know that
he loves to kiss you sm, your cheeks are his fav place to smooch uwu. but don't forget to smooch him back hehe.
his love is is a mix of quality time and words of affection !
omg he's gonna be so caring and protective towards you he's basically your second momma 😭
but don’t get fooled by his strong facade deep inside he's your lil kitty ready to be taken care of so plz do check on him and give him the affection he deserves
he gets seriously jealous whenever your paying too much attention on maeumi and she's reciprocating it with heavy affection. "cats are best" he would literally blurt out of nowhere and you can't help but laugh at his silly tantrum.
there will be times where won wouldn’t be feeling his best. all the stress, work and commotion tires him out sm yet he still feels like he's not the best. on those days he only seeks for your comfort. knowing very well all he needs is you beside him to make him feel better plz always love this boy he's gonna be a mess without you :(
his love is a mix of quality time and soft physical affection !
rich sugar daddy bf but he actually acts like a dad lmao
if your eyes lingers on a item from more than 0.00001 seconds he'll buy it for you no matter what
he makes you lots of healthy homemade meals and does all the chores for you plz he's such a material man I want him 🛐
jay loves you alot and is always there to guide in every situation he'll be both mature and goofy cracking silly dad jokes to lighten up your mood girl you better appreciate this man and love him back 😾‼️
his love is a mix acts of service and words of affection !
so how does it feel to have a rizzmastser as your bf 😃? /j
he's so cute goofy and babygirl you wanna gatekeep him
he'll get excited over all sorts of lil things. will take you out on various fun dates like arcades, amusement parks, pet cafes but his most fav date place and activity is going out on a walk with you and layla in a nice, less crowded, green park uwu!
you’re basically layla's mom now. he'll let you play with her and take care of her in his absence (layla's so cute noo 😭)
another smooch lover but his fav place is the lips ;) his lips are basically glued to yours.
his love is a mix of quality time and physical affection !
awkward ahh goofy bf 😃
he's gonna be so unserious in general but dw he gets pretty mature and serious when he needs to be :)
he'll be a bit awkward at initiating affection first so if you take matters in hand and initiate affection first he'll be over the moon ahaha.
once he's opened up to you he'll be quite a affectionate guy but he isn’t a pda lover so behind closed doors he's all lovey dovey ^^
he'll let you play with gaeul and then he's gonna be like "gaeul is so lucky to have visual parents aka me n you 😌💅" and you’re like 😀👍 lmao
ice rink dates uwu. he's gonna be your personal figure skating coach <3
his love language is definitely quality times !
the slayest bf ever im jealous 🥺
king of affection boy's literally gonna bicker about who's the most affectionate one or who's more slay lol.
lots of tteobokkie dates and self care nights
yall will do sleep overs and do each others skincare. he's practically gonna turn into your special dermatologist 💅
but he can be very serious and understanding. whenever your having a hard time he'll be there in a flash of light he understands you better than anyone in this world and is always there to cheer you up <3
his love language is a mix of physical affection and quality time !
A 6'3" TEASE
but first he needs time to open up to you to get friendly enough to tease relentlessly
so when he gets all warmed up say bye bye to your life 😈 /j
he teases you and is very playful but dw he respects you alot too and is very understanding and serious when needed to be <3
lots of piggyback rides from him, he loves to cuddle you and play footsies lol.
he loves to lay on your lap cuz in that position he can admire your pretty face and relax too 😍
he'll call you in his late night solo practices to showoff but it'll turn into a goofy dance session and filled with laughs and affection he's so 😢
he'll take you out on arcade or bowling dates and would tease the he'll out of you if you suck :D
insists on playing video games with you but it ends up with him doing some stupid bets you always keep losing 🙄 but dw he'll let you win time to time intentionally ;)
he'll be such a sillygoofy fun boyfie plz I want him he's so cool and cute
he's love language will be a mix of quality time and physical affection !
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© aenfilmz /2023 !
taglist : @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck
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dearly-somber · 7 months
Naked | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, eventual romance, fluff, pining, f2l (friends-to-lovers), eventual smut, humor, angst, drama
-> w/c. 1729
-> rating. 13+
-> a/n. Thank you all so much for the love for this couple, y’all have motivated me a lot and I can’t put into words how much I appreciate it <33
-> warnings. suggestive; a lil’ ✨angsty✨
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:25
-> fin. Mon., Jul. 30th, 2022 @ 23:27
-> edited. Thurs., Oct. 9th, 2023 @ 12:33
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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Finding out that your best friend turns into a glorified dog isn’t something you had on your bingo card this year.
You were staying over at Jungkook’s house to finish a History project worth 25% of your final grade, but you ended up falling asleep halfway through. (Oops!)
When you woke up, it wasn’t to the annoyingly smug expression of one incredibly chuffed Jeon Jungkook, but to the silky smooth fur and wet-nosed touch of a fully grown wolf.
You screamed like a shower victim in an 80s horror movie and fell off the bed with a painful thud, the wolf peeking over the edge of the bed with a strangely concerned yip. You screamed again and pushed yourself to your feet, booking it downstairs two at a time (a maneuver that would’ve cost you your life any other day) before slamming into Jisoo halfway through the living room. You held onto her arms with wide, frightened eyes.
You were on the verge of tears, panicking to Jisoo about how “there’s a fucking wolf in Jungkook’s bedroom and oh god I think it ate him oh my god,” when Jungkook barreled down the stairs while pulling a crinkled black tee over his stomach.
Jisoo glared at the maknae, looking pointedly at you (Lisa had taken hold of your shoulders and tried helping you through breathing exercises) and then back at him, her hands on her hips. “What happened?”
Jungkook looked between the two of you, a particularly pained look crossing his face at your glossy eyes and heaving shoulders. “I’m— I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” he mumbles.
“You couldn’t just fall asleep normally?” Jisoo snapped exasperatedly, ignoring your confused back-and-forth looks.
“He wouldn’t stop whining and making a fuss and I didn’t think she’d wake up so soon!” Jungkook yelled desperately, looking nearly as upset as you felt.
“Wait, wait, wait. You guys are—where’s the wolf?” you asked incredulously, wiping furiously at your eyes as you strode forward to stand next to Jisoo.
“He’s—he’s not out anymore… And he wouldn’t dream of hurting you,” Jungkook said, stepping toward you with his arms open. You took a panicked step back, confused and scared and so, so lost.
“Are you telling me… Are you a werewolf?”
“Shifter,” Yoongi corrected from where he was lounging on the couch (you hadn’t noticed him in your panic). “Why do you humans always assume we’re werewolves?”
“You shapeshift into a wolf. That makes you a werewolf,” you sassed, quickly backing away at his intense, annoyed glare.
Jisoo sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, muttering something under her breath before turning an accusatory glare on Jungkook. “Take your friend upstairs and explain to her what’s going on. I’ll talk to Namjoon.”
Jungkook nodded obediently, a solemn look on his face as he reached for your wrist so he could tug you upstairs, wincing back when you flinched away from his touch.
He clenched and unclenched his fingers before dropping his hand to his side, beckoning you to follow him. “C’mon. We should talk.”
You sit with Jungkook on his bed, waiting for him to look up from his lap so he can finally explain to you what the fuck is going on.
You bite the inside of your cheek, eyes drifting to his hands. He’s picking at his nails, refusing to meet your eyes. As confused and shocked as you are, you can’t let him get in his head. His crestfallen face does dirty-dirty things to your heart, banging it up for making him look so sad.
You take a deep breath and reach to hold his hands in yours. Jungkook meets your eyes, his lip wobbling at the soft, patient look in your eyes. You squeeze his hand encouragingly, smiling at the way his eyes light up hopefully at your acceptance.
He inhales shakily and closes his eyes. “Me and my family are shifters. We have full control over when we shift, and we share a close connection with our wolves. Our souls are connected to help with the transitions between wolf and human, a thoughtful gift from our ancestors.
“I moved to Seoul when I was fifteen to try and find my own pack, and I met Jiminie hyung on the train ride over from Busan. We met Yoongi hyung at the bus stop outside of the train station and he offered to help us find the hostel we booked. Somewhere along the journey he must’ve taken a liking to us, because we were moving into the pack house the next day.”
Jungkook laughed fondly at the recollection, the tenseness in his shoulders gone as he spoke to you normally. “We’ve been training ever since to get better at controlling when we shift. Among…other things.” He blushes.
“I didn’t mean to scare you today,” he whispers.
You bite the inside of your cheek. A shifter. That was his explanation for…everything. The affection, the borderline-obsession with your scent, why he’s staying with a bunch of strangers instead of his parents.
Surprisingly, believing him isn’t the hardest part about the new information. “You guys… aren’t dangerous?”
“No,” Jungkook denies firmly, his thumb running over the back of your hand.
“Is that why you’re so touchy? Because of the…wolfier part of you?”
Jungkook scrunches his nose at your choice of words, but smiles softly. “Yeah. Physical closeness is normal and integral to shifter relationships,” he explains. “We have this thing called scenting, which is basically a more…concentrated way of showing affection. It’s also a way to kind of…claim you, I guess. To show you’re part of the pack.”
“But isn’t scenting a thing only mated wolves do?” you ask, frowning at the implications that would have on your relationship.
Jungkook shakes his head. “No, scenting can be romantic or plutonic. It’s dependent on where you scent,” he explains. “Couples usually do what we call ‘marking’, but I’ve heard about people who mark platonically.”
“Marking…as in?” You shift curiously. Shifter culture and biology is going to be something you ask a lot about, you think.
Jungkook blushes, avoiding your eyes as he clears his throat. Finally, he says, “Biting.”
“Biti—Jungkook,” you say, “you bit me a few days ago—“
He must hear the accusation in your voice because he frantically shakes his head. “No, no, no! That was play, I swear. Marking is much more… intimate.” Jungkook’s ears turn pink at the suspicious look you give him.
There’s a long beat of silence where you just kind of…stare at each other.
Jungkook can’t read you. He can’t help the tremble in his voice and the wobbling of his lower lip, looking at your intertwined hands. “You think it’s scary and unnatural, don’t you?”
He smiles sadly. “It’s okay, I get it. We don’t have to be friends any—“
“Yah,” you furrow your brows with a squeeze of his hands, making him look at you. “I still wanna be your friend, Koo. This actually… explains a lot. It’s just a lot to take in,” you confess.
He still looks unsure of himself. And because you can’t stand seeing him sad, you shift toward him and bring your arms around his torso in a hug. He sniffles, burying his nose into your shoulder as his hands drift to the center of your back, clutching the fabric between his fingers.
It’s peaceful in his arms. Quiet. The only sound in the room is that of your combined breathing. Maybe he can even hear your heartbeat? You bite the inside of your cheek, patting his back gently. You wonder how it all works? They must shift pretty quickly, considering Jungkook had been downstairs only a minute or two after you. And he was pulling a shirt on when he was coming down the stairs…
“I don’t mean to be insensitive,” you pull away to look at him properly, “but what happens to your clothes when you transform? Do you like… do you get” —you gesture around vaguely, whispering— “naked before it starts?”
Jungkook snorts, his eyes glossy and cheeks pink. But, hey! At least he’s smiling!
He grins boyishly and shakes his head. “Way to ruin the moment,” he teases. “But uh, yeah. Our clothes rip when we shift, so we try to undress beforehand.”
“You’ve seen each other naked?“ you ask incredulously, eyes wide. Jungkook blushes pink at your reaction, nodding while sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Even… the girls?”
He whines, hiding his face in his hands. You gape at his pink ears, malfunctioning for a second. Jungkook’s seen boobs and ass. And probably more than that, too. You rub at your neck to distract yourself from the blush you feel crawling up your throat.
“It’s normal!” Jungkook defends himself, still blushing furiously as he waves his hands around wildly, pouting. “You’re making it weird��”
“I” —you gape at him— “what? You’re the one who’s seen your friends’ jun-mfh—“ you laugh into Jungkook’s hand as he smacks it over your mouth, yelling at you to shut up before they hear!
You laugh breathlessly and tell him that you’ll be quiet, reassuring him three, four, five times before he finally lets you go.
He sits back on his knees with his feet folded underneath him. “Let’s forget this conversation ever happened,” Jungkook says, shivering exaggeratedly to make his point.
You giggle and shake your head as your smile slips. You stare at him until he meets your eyes, and smile softly when he does. “Thank you for telling me.”
He nods, smiling down at his hands. The two of you stay like that for what feels like hours, basking in each others’ presence and getting familiar with this newly shared secret.
“Can I…” Jungkook nibbles his lip, hope shining behind his eyes. “Can I scent you?”
You snort, pushing his face away with a lighthearted smile. “Never in a million years, Jeon.”
“Bunny,” he whines childishly, righting himself into a sitting position after almost toppling off the edge of his bed before clasping his hands in front of him. “Please? I promise it’ll feel good!”
“Yah, you’re the one making it sound weird!”
“Fine! I guess I’ll go tell your hyungs and noonas about how dirty their precious maknae i—“
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lydscare · 1 year
Hi! Could you make a preferences/hc of the pro/hoo characters how they cuddle and/or sleep with there s/o?
cuddling hcs with pjo/hoo characters
a/n: these kinda went into general pda hcs, but hopefully it's still good tho
warnings: possible hints of angst + trama, cause who dosen't have it :')
reader tends to be gender-neutral //  my masterlist
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i feel like when cuddling w/ annabeth that there's not really a big spoon or little spoon posistion
it's mainly just your arms wrapped around each other, just a tangle of arms and limbs
dosen't really hug you too much in public but always needs a goodbye hug from you before you go somewhere
she also likes acting out as your pillow with you head on her chest/lap (she probably reads you a book too :))
her hugs are really comforting and warm
she always knows when you need one
she can just tell
she's memorized your body language to a t
might whisper some comforting words here and there
could make any surface feel soft when her arms are wrapped around you
i think she likes to be held more than to hold someone
she can hold you tho, and she's great at comforting you
likes to hum or sing you little songs and melodies
she likes when you play with her braid too
overall good experience
i feel like she gives good bear hugs
she has some meatystrong arms so her hugs are kinda firm, like she's reminding you that she's there and no one can hurt you
her hugs are also surprisingly warm so they're extra comforting
connor's hugs are a little more firm then travis's but still all the more comforting
he likes taking his time with hugging and cuddling
he likes spinning you around too when he gets excited
travis hugs are very playful and warm
likes to come up from behind and give you a surprise hug
also moves around a bit when cuddling but it's fine, he just wants to get in a comfy position :))
also loves spinning you around
i kinda feel like he's a side hugger
so not too big on cuddling
he's not exactly avoidant of pda but he's not looking for it
might put his arm around you every once in a while
when cuddling he likes to be the big spoon, he finally feels like he can be of use and protect you from the cruel world :')
gives the best bear hugs (both literally and metamorphically)
at first he's pretty awkward w/ hugging but grows to love it
he can shapeshift into just about any animal to have a different cuddling arrangement
one day you're being snuggled by a dragon, who's wrapped protectively around you, and the next you're holding a cute lil labrador puppy in your hands
needless to say it's an overall wholesome expierence :)
the first time you hugged him, poor goat bby didn't know what to do
like where is he supposed to put his hands??
but after a while gets used to them
not to big of a hugger but enjoys it
has to get over the awkwardness of it at first tho
but afterwards enjoys it
just never sneak up on him
i don't know how else to describe her hugs other than sweet
her hugs are super comforting and grounding
just sneak up on her and give her a surprise back hug
she lets out the cutest giggle whenever you do it :')
even though she probably heard you coming
always wants to make sure you're comforting when cuddling, she dosen't want to overstep any boundaries of yours so
not exactly looking for cuddles or pda in general, but he's not going to hate affections either
he'll most likely be wanting cudddles after a long day of praetor duties, helping at chb, or school
he won't want anything else, just to be held by you for a few good long minutes
with that being said however, he is more of a big spoon type of guy
he's like a human furnace
always super hot warm
very comforting and cozy
he loves snuggling
in general he's a very touchy person so a arm's usually always around you
loves holding you
after a long day of working on little trinkets and fixing up things he likes to be held by you (arms around your waist, face on your shoulder)
play w/ his hair pleaseee it's very soothing
he has some pretty strong arms so his hugs are a bit firmer than he'd honestly prefer
likes to put his hands around your waist with your hands placed over his
also he likes when you just play with his fingers or stroke his arms lovingly
((also has a really good grip
he isn't much of a hugger, to other people anyways
but with you, he practically craves your touch
it always has to be in a closed off space tho
he's not the biggest fan of pda, but alone with you,,
he practically clings onto you like a lil koala bear
loves wrapping his arms around your waist and burrying his face in your neck
he just needs someone to touch every once in a while to keep him grounded :')
side note: he is pretty cold, like ALL the time so ye
percy the pillow jkjk
fr tho, he likes just placing his head on your chest as his arms around your waist when cuddling
also is a fan of getting his hair played with
he goes back n forth between lil spoon and big spoon
he also just finds your presence itself very comforting
and your smell
goes to sleep with the biggest grin on his face
another hummer
she likes it when you braid her hair
she also like brushing her nails through your hair and scratching at your scalp
she likes holding you more than being held
can be very comforting
a quick hug from her also brings a great feeling
appreciates signs of pda in general
enjoys holding you and playing w/ your hair
can just walk up to you, give you a hug and walk away randomly
she is moreover a quality time person sooo
not really a hugger tbh
she has lots of walls built up sooo
she's also not much of a physical person
but she might be good with a hug or two after a long day
if she were to cuddle she'd be pretty stiff at first and need to ease her way into it
likes wrapping her arms around your neck and just looking at you with so much adoration in her eyes
she really likes being held from behind when sharing a bed
also likes to play with your fingers
his hugs are so warm and comforting (obvs)
i feel like he'd be the type to just be gossiping w/ you while you two are tangled together, he's playing with your fingers and all but still has your undivided attention
probably majority of the time os the big spoon but would like being the little spoon on especially hard and stressful days
as much as i looove zoë, i don't think she is much of a hugger :'(
she's very stiff at first bc she isn't really used to soft touches or touching in general
but then eventually relaxes and will end up not wanting you to leave her
she likes when you play with her hair
she can give good back rubs
she proably will end up being the little spoon on most days tho
also gets tired and ends up wanting cuddles
it helps give her a space of calmness after a long day out hunting
it's soothing
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daydream-cement · 10 months
Little Surprise (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
Larissa has a little surprise before bed.
Author’s Note: Just a lil smut for yall <3
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Larissa double and triple checked her appearance in the mirror. She felt ridiculous. Never in her life had she worn anything so ornate and delicate. This lingerie was unlike anything she had worn before. The sheer dark purple lingerie set felt absurd against her skin, its black accents made the headmistress bite her lip. The absence of makeup made Larissa wonder if the outfit may have been too much. You never cared for expensive or elaborate things, making the shapeshifter wonder if she was going overboard. 
You were laying in bed grading papers, certainly not expecting what Larissa had planned for tonight. 
Covering herself in a short sheer robe, Larissa wordlessly exited the bathroom and headed towards the bedroom door to lock it. When the soft click of the lock sounded, you drew your attention from the papers in your lap up to where the headmistress stood at the end of the bed.
With a deep shaky breath, the shapeshifter undid the strings of her robe and allowed it to fall to the floor. You were at a loss for words, your eyes attempting to drink in the divine vision that was Larissa. You flipped the grading binder closed and dropped it to the side, wanting to focus your full attention on Larissa. the headmistress began crawling up the bed, a high pitched whimper emitting from you as you observed the soft sway of the shapeshifter’s breasts. 
When the shapeshifter settled against your lap, her hands danced at your sides. “Am I interrupting?”
“Hardly... Is this all for me?” 
The shapeshifter nodded, some of the air she had been holding in her lungs releasing as she heard and observed your positive response. Biting at her bottom lip, she ground her hips against you, signaling her desire for you.
“You look absolutely perfect…purple is a good color on you, mhm.” You brushed your hands up the shapeshifter’s sides, cupping her breasts and palming them. Your movements were achingly slow. Larissa attempted to embrace the pacing, her chin tilted towards the ceiling as her fists clenched at your sleep shirt. 
You were delighted in the way Larissa’s body filled the sheer lace of her outfit. The faint outline of her nipples were visible through the delicate lace. Your face lingered closer and closer to the point in which the shapeshifter could your hot breath across her flesh. 
Raising her hands to the back of your head, the shapeshifter threaded her fingers into your hair, drawing you closer. You followed the silent instructions and pressed your lips to Larissa’s sternum. Larissa tasted faintly of her lavender body wash, eliciting a smile from you. 
Ten minutes passed and there was no change in your position, only now Larissa’s top had been removed. You still had your hands on the headmistress’s breasts, plucking softly at her nipples to draw out soft whimpers from the shapeshifter. When her nipples were nice and hard, you finally drew one into your mouth to begin sucking. The texture of Larissa’s nipple drew a mewl from you.
“What do you want, hm?” You cooed to your wife, hands drifting to the headmistress’s waist to hold her close for you to continue sucking. 
“I want you to…” Larissa sighed, her back arching and pushing her breasts into your face more. “I want you to fuck me.”
“How do you want me to fuck you?”
“With the, ahh, the strap, please…” the shapeshifter breathed.
“Ohh… Lay back for me.”
The headmistress sunk back onto the mattress, her legs spread wide for you. You found it hard to take yourself away from the sight before you. The usually dominant Larissa was now panting, her chest heaving as she watched you expectantly. 
You popped up from the bed and tore off your t-shirt, discarding it on the floor as you wandered to the drawer where the shapeshifter kept the strap-on. You couldn’t help but giggle as you laid your eyes on the object. After nearly a decade together, you had never donned the strap-on. 
“Come to the edge of the bed.”
With big pouty eyes, Larissa did as she was told. From the lamplight from your bedside table, the headmistress was enthralled by the sight of you with a strap attached to your body. 
At your slow and steady pace, the headmistress was pushed back against the bed, her gaze glued to the running ceiling fan as your mouth made contact with her abdomen. Your delicate but firm hands glided the length of her sides as you pressed open mouth kisses to the shapeshifter’s stomach. As you moved downward, your hands squeezed and lightly scratched which only increased the craving Larissa had for you.
From the anticipation, how you laid her sights on the headmistress, and now from your touch, Larissa found herself absolutely drenched. The flimsy lace of her underwear absorbed none of her wetness causing it to coat her inner thighs. As you neared the crux of her thigh and cunt, you could see the sweet shine of the shapeshifter’s desire. The image before you made you smirk.
Larissa’s cunt was fluttering and aching as you made your way closer. You could smell the musk of her desire. Larissa had been daydreaming of getting fucked for days, and she needed this desperately.
You hadn’t bothered to pull off Larissa’s underwear, rather you liked the look of the purple lace against the shapeshifter's hips. You pulled her panties to the side and ran a finger lightly over the shapeshifter’s sex, testing the waters of Larissa's sensitivity. 
“Such a pretty thing…” You cooed, your index and middle finger swiping through Larissa’s cunt to massage her clit. 
The headmistress trembled at first contact with her clit and your eyes flickered upwards for a fraction of a second, pleasantly able to catch the sweet view of Larissa’s breasts trembling as more shockwaves rocked her body. You smirked and brought your face back down to the shapeshifter’s cunt, your tongue now swiping through her folds for a taste. 
Larissa released a long, loud, and uninhibited moan, her hands flying down to the back of your head to hold your face to her pussy. You began a new slow, languid process of lapping at the shapeshifter’s cunt. The headmistress’s hips bucking into your mouth every few seconds when your tongue swipes over just the right spot.
Without stopping your ministrations on the shapeshifter’s clit, you pushed two fingers in the headmistress’s pussy, your own eyes rolling back as you felt how wet and ready the shapeshifter was to be fucked.
“Ready, darling?” You quietly asked, your fingers dancing over the shapeshifter’s clit once more. 
“Mhmm…” Larissa whimpered, her hips bucking against your hand once more as a way of begging to be filled again.
“We need to keep those legs open for me.” 
Your voice was more domineering than before, hands dancing over the shapeshifter’s thighs, slowly pushing them up and out. A cool sensation graced the shapeshifter’s skin as you teased her entrance with the strap. Gripping Larissa’s thighs, you became momentarily entranced at the sight of the pink dildo sliding against her entrance.
“Oh, honey…” The shapeshifter whined, her eyes flickering open to gaze up at you. She couldn’t have been more excited for the fucking she had in store. To demonstrate this to you, she gripped both of her thighs from behind, spreading herself for you.
With the shapeshifter now spread wide, you lined her pink cock up to her entrance and pushed it in. You only had one word for the way the strap easily slipped inside the headmistress, “Perfect…” 
Larissa let out a long sigh as she allowed the cock to fill her. It was smaller than anticipated, but it was only due to the fact that only a portion of the strap was inside. With every thrust, however, the headmistress felt the full length, filling Larissa to the point that she was moaning wildly with each and every thrust. 
The shapeshifter was seeking any form of control. This entire experience was so new and she was having trouble handling the pleasure. Her nails digging into her thighs and gripping them for dear life. 
The texture of the cock was unexpected, but not unwelcomed. It seemed to press against every bundle of nerves, drawing the headmistress closer to orgasm without much effort at all. 
Quiet expletives began pouring from the shapeshifter’s lips as your pace quickened. Your eyes were fastened shut as you derived your own pleasure from the fucking her. Both of you had broken out in a sweat, your minds going blank as you became lost in pleasuring as she became lost in the pleasure. 
Your strokes became long and hard and the headmistress grasped for your hands, drawing them up to her face to encourage you to provide her with sweet words as she was pushed over the edge. Through heavy pants, you complied. You leaned over Larissa’s frame, lips near the headmistress’s ear as the thrusting became more rapid and needy. “You are such a good girl for me. Taking it all… You just need to take it all for me. Don’t you?”
Larissa opened her mouth to cry out, but no sound was made. The feeling of the final few inches being pushed into her was too much for the shapeshifter to handle. She came hard and fast, but you weren't finished with her, your thrusts became erratic, punishing the headmistress’s cunt. 
Every thrust was met with a loud slapping sound as your skin connected with the shapeshifter’s. With one last deep and hard thrust, you pushed deep inside the headmistress, causing her to cry out once more. 
With a few final strokes, you withdrew the dildo from the shapeshifter. The sight of her blissed out and splayed on the bed before you filled you with the need to repeat the process all over again. Your hands gripped the shapeshifter’s calves and your tone was as sweet as ever, “I will give you ten minutes to recover, then I want you to ride it.”
It was challenging for Larissa to believe that statement had escaped you. The shapeshifter’s chest was still heaving as she acknowledged your statement. “I’ll be ready… whenever… whenever you want me…”
“Good girl.”
Larissa gripped your wrist, choking on the safeword. She sputtered it over and over, needing the stimulation to stop. Tears welled in her eyes and she quickly began to sob, everything felt as if it was too much too soon and the shapeshifter couldn’t take it.
The cock was pulled from her slowly and you crawled to the shapeshifter’s side, pulling the headmistress’s face to your chest and cradling her. The shapeshifter’s tears littered your skin as you tried comforting her, “You did very good, honey. You looked so pretty when you got on your knees for me.” 
“I’d do it again.” The headmistress sleepily smiled to herself as she thought back on how she fell to her knees and sucked your strap. It was tangy with her own cum and the satisfied smirk on your face drove Larissa to suck harder and faster to make you proud. 
Through your lashes, you looked to the clock on the shapeshifter’s bedside table: 3am. You hummed into the top of Larissa’s head, a wave of exhaustion hitting you when you realized it was past your bedtime. 
“Do you think we should set an alarm so we can call and say we will be late for work?” Larissa mumbled against your breast. Her eyes were growing heavy to match the heaviness that weighed down her limbs and prevented her from moving. 
“Mhmm…” You grumbled as you maneuvered your way out from under Larissa. On wobbly legs, you made your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up. Using the strap all night left you soaked. With a damp towel, you wiped herself clean and plucked a fresh towel for the shapeshifter, dampening it before bringing it back out into the bedroom.
Instead of handing it over to Larissa, you spread the headmistress’s legs, the blonde whimpering at the notion that you could be trying to intimidate round six. Gazing down between her legs, the shapeshifter saw that you only had a towel in hand, a sight that brought a little smile to her face. Through gentle swipes, you cleaned your wife up, genuinely surprised by how much cum was dripping from between her legs.
When you finally returned to bed, Larissa was on the brink of slumber. You snuggled against the shapeshifter’s left side, just as you always did right before bed. There was a content sigh that left the headmistress when she felt your naked form push up against her. The shapeshifter turned into your embrace, bringing you to be nestled half underneath her.
“Happy 11th anniversary since our first date…” Larissa hummed, her lips pressing two kisses to your forehead.
“Mmm… happy anniversary…” You couldn’t stop the smile that grew. It was such a silly occasion to celebrate, but this was a very Larissa thing to do. She loved to celebrate first dates, first kisses, first times, and first ‘I love you’s’ throughout the year. 
Larissa readjusted her hold on you, now leaving your head tucked under her chin. She had an arm raveled around your waist, holding your bodies nice and close. The proximity only pushed both of you to drift off to sleep even quicker.
Taglist: @charymobile, @bri-sonat, @weemswife, @smutuniversesblog, @opheliauniverse, @teashock , @enchantressb , @alex-nyx , @renravens , @whenyouhaveanobsession , @scream-queenlover , @shyladyfan , @lilfartbox1 @rubberduckiesbathing , @mcufanisme , @peanutbutterprincess , @larissaoftarthweems , @sicklygrlsicklygrl , @lvinhs , @myzzjolanda , @principal-weems09 , @xuukoo , @brienneswife , @dumbasslesbi , @oculusalien , @sweetderacine , @giogwensversion , @milciak , @gela123 , @thevillagegay , @katiemcgrathsbitch1 , @naomi-m3ndez , @mysaviorfalsegod, @h-doodles , @salems-spaghettios , @imgayforwoman69 , @bychrissi , @alexusonfire , @weemssapphic
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
Ok ok I see you with half orc hc’s and I raise you …
Changeling Tav and Astarion HCs? 👀
I think it would be very neat :D
Maybe they’re a lil mischievous, as fae tend to be. Just a thought
Oh! This is a very cool and potentially creepy idea.
For changelings, their, their appearance is nothing more than a dress they can easily change if the don't like it anymore. Perfect spies and actors, changelings can shapeshift into different races and genders. While changelings can look like anyone, they do have a true form. A changeling in their natural form looks rather like a doppelganger, with a lesser resemblance to a regular humanoid; in comparison to a human, they appear faded and lacking detail or as if unfinished or vaguely depicted yet still striking. Wiki
More info about Changelings in the Changeling FAQ. Including facts about reproduction.
Astarion x Changeling!Tav
You are a professional actor.
Sometimes you are a woman, sometimes you are a man.
You can only change your height and weight slightly, preferring to transform into someone between 5.4 and 5.7 feet tall.
Of course, your "body" is just for show. You can change into a winged person, but your wings are as useless as a fake dagger. 
Changelings are distrusted, so you prefer to stick to a role, even off-stage.
These days, you are a young female human with short black hair and blue eyes.
The Tadpole is somehow okay with your nature and doesn't try to change or limit your shapeshifting abilities.
But you are reluctant to tell them the truth.
Especially Astarion.
You can't even bring yourself to tell him the truth when he confesses to you.
You forgive him, of course, but you can't bring yourself to show him your "natural" self.
It's not like you have any attachment to your Changeling body.
Your face is just a mask, and your body is just a dress. Your gender is your current mood. 
But now it's gone too far. And you are ashamed.
What will he say when he learns, that you are neither human nor female?
You despise yourself, but don't dare to do anything.
You help him defeat Cazador, and before the vampire lord dies, he says: "Do you think the doppelganger can be your friend?
The vampire has probably picked up your scent.
Astarion is either too shocked to realize what his master has said.
You have a date at the cemetery, and you really think you will never get tired of your "female human" form. 
You will just be able like that for your entire life.
But -
There is a bloody and difficult battle.
You are badly wounded.
And your skin betrays you.
It melts, revealing your true self to your companions.
No sex, no face, no race. 
Just pale skin and a disfigured face.
A Changeling.
Your companions' first thought is that the real you has been kidnapped by Orin, and you are just a replacement.
Soon, they realize you have been unfair to them.
You have a lot to explain, but you can't explain why you hid it for so long.
You want to talk to Astarion, still in your "true" form.
He finally returns, hours later.
"I trusted you," he simply says, collecting his things. "I loved you."
He leaves to never return.
Tag List
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary
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didderd · 11 days
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lil doodle dump of Nimh, my sona as a dust. (the bottom two doodles are before and after he's allowed comfort.)
they have some lore. not just your typical dust. long lore ramble under cut. (tw: murder. death. manipulation. abuse.)
i figured Gooper would take a lot to become like dust sans, and so they needed a more fucked up backstory.
so normal Gooper. who is from a Fell au. lost their parents at a young age. their parents were taken by the au's Gaster. as shapeshifters, they have a unique set of abilities, and Gaster found interest in that. and as the mad scientist that he is, took them to conduct experiments, hoping to use them for something. but they didn't survive the experiments.
in this timeline/au, some time after, Gooper was found and taken too. they survived the initial experiments, and after Gaster figured he couldn't do what he wanted/he already got that, he decided to continue to make use of them and make them a weapon, making them a royal guard's person.
Gaster made him keep a skeleton form for his neutral form. his excuse being that it's easier to explain to others that he's a relative. but really he just wanted that control over his shifting, and for his 'work' to resemble him. and even now that Nimh's not controlled by him, he has a hard time trying to shift to a different neutral form, out of fear of punishment.
instead of being scattered to the void/code, this Gaster became a fell G!Sans. i'm not sure how, since i don't know the lore behind G!Sans.. but. yeah. things only got worse for Nimh after that. and it might'v even been when G decided to turn him into a weapon.
they still have the glowing crystal necklace that Gooper wears, which i decided was infused with their parents' magic. but. G broke it. and it lost the magic. it doesn't glow anymore, and they don't wear it. but they keep it close. they also have a scrap of paper with their parents' names on it. ripped carefully from paper records of their parents' experiments. in case they forget.
so when the human came around, Nimh was put on the task of dealing with them. their memory of each reset slowly got better, from deja vu, to remembering everything. and as they started to remember every failure at killing them, and every painful death by the hands of the homicidal child, they started to lose it... more than they already had. G would'v already been feeding him LV, handing him monsters he has to kill to get stronger, and they started taking more outside of that till they were killing everyone. including G. once they realized that's an option and how to do it. which they found great satisfaction in every time. for all the things he put them through.
eventually, like dust sans, the human gives up, and Nimh is left in an empty underground.
but dw. he is eventually picked up by a goopy demigod and allowed a chance to heal. :3
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
mk1 dialogues with the outworld guys!
a/n: only some characters will have flirtatious lines, while others i can't stand so they WILL get made fun of (i'm looking at you shao.)
i get reiko has fans, so i pander A LIL BIT🙄i can't with havik tho im sorry i didn't grow up w his character so 🧍🏾‍♀️
for syzoth reader is a demon that can shapeshift cause he clearly got a type (ashrah is so freaking pretty)
enjoy ;p
you: i like wizards
rain: i don't like being called a "wizard"
rain: you couldn't handle the son of a god.
you: if you mean in a fight, probably not, otherwise, absolutely
you: i don't mind getting a little wet from rain
rain: you earthrealmers sure are painstakingly persistent.
rain: i would never court a commoner.
you: you won't be saying that after this match, i guarantee it (wink sound effect).
syzoth: if you're from the netherrealm...do you work for quan chi?
you: when i was brain washed yes, now i am reformed and seek redemption
you: do not be afraid, i am kin to ashrah and share her ideologies
syzoth: never thought i would meet so many demons in this life
syzoth: you see what you like? i mean like you- see-
you: demon got your tongue?
you: i find you adorable in both forms, syzoth
syzoth: hey, that's my line!
Shang Tsung
shang tsung: how could I bring harm to such a fine specimen?
you: the same way i'm about to
you: stop flirting with me, sorcerer
shang tsung: not until you consider my offer of ruling the realms by my side
shang tsung: i wouldn't fight me if i were you, i could split your body into eighths
you: tough talk from a man with a silk press
you: you wanna kiss me so bad
shang tsung: kiss, kill, life is all about wonder
reiko: you dare poke fun at the ways of an Outworld warrior?
you: uh, you should've seen how you looked shadow boxing at Raiden, I had to laugh
you: come here often?
reiko: wha- you came to my house!
reiko: you just won't quit, will you?
you: there's just something about meatheads that do the trick
you: kiss me, k-k-kiss me, infe-
reiko: it was ONE drunk night!
General Shao
you: just big and greedy
shao: careful, kung lao might overhear you.
shao: ha! you think your puny little self could win against me?
you: you were bested by a farm boy with a sleeper build. nothing about you scares me
you: reiko did not get his looks from his father
shao: soon you won't live long enough to compare!
shao: if i win, you serve as my consort
you: you actually have to have power first to have such imagination
baraka: your flesh smells amazing.
you: thanks, new fragrance I made mys- oh you meant as food.
you: so like, does your mouth ever get dry?
baraka: that is the stupidest question i've ever been asked since my affliction
baraka: every day i wake up in aguish.
you: i asked you what time it was...
you: i would ask you to dinner, but you'd run straight for the civilians
baraka: i cannot help what i've become- wait, ask me to dinner?!
you: what in the actual fu-
havik: continue and you won't be having a mouth either!
havik: why are you looking at me like that?!
you: i'm trying to figure out just how the hell you and baraka pronounce your M's and P's
you: impressive you didn't die from getting a face full of lava
havik: it's probably the only thing liu kang did right!
havik: don't tell me to relax! i lost half my face!
you: hey, you could chill on the whole realm domination and killing a god thing, just saying
a/n: this was so hard to write omfg i don't even like half this list😭let me know if y'all want kameo dialogues either in comments or ask box
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gothamslostboy · 7 months
Made a second one for some creatures not mentioned on the first poll
Lil Note: I know that some of the options have creatures that aren’t the same thing, but I was trying to include as many opinions as possible
reblog for larger sample size
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morroodle · 4 months
I have made a new boy
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Hes wus biological son in this au so he gets some dragon traits :D he can't really shapeshift but he can make his wings big for flight, though he usually keeps them small so they don't get it the way. Also you bet your ass hes got lil dragon toe beans hiding under those claws
Story is a bit different. Hes not the master of wind but he does have a bit of wu's power, though it really inly manifests as faster healing and a nice classic dragon laser/blast from his mouth (think toothless from. httyd + laser depending on what he wants) the whole green ninja things still happens though in the cursed realm he's not so much a respected general as he is the preeminents dog, and though he hated her he can't exactly do anything about it. She's the one who put the collar/chain on him and the weird lines on his face are scars from muzzle that stopped him from using his power and talking. He did not possess Lloyd in this au he just did the stuff on his own since he actually is a spinjitzu master in this au. And of course he gets saved and redeemed <3
I love him dearly he is a silly little baby he is the size of a kitten. I want to hold him in my hands and he will try to bite me and it will not hurt because he is tiny.
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blankat · 1 year
4 times y/n is late
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
summary: 4 lil' stories (in chronological order) in which y/n is late in different situations.
warnings: fluff, mention of a shapeshifted penis(?)
a/n: i felt like sh!t so i wrote something lmao, also it's not proofread so excuse my mistakes lmao xx
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“Fuck Larissa! I’m late!” you hurried out of your shared bedroom, putting on your clothes on the way to the kitchen to fetch some coffee before leaving. Larissa whined, still in your bed, tucked under the warmth of your fluffy blankets. “Hmm, late from where?” she groggily asked, voice just loud enough for you to hear from the kitchen. “From work! God, how did we sleep in?” You asked, rather yourself, than your girlfriend, pouring your coffee into a to-go cup, returning to the bedroom to Larissa. “Wish you could stay home instead. Call in sick, darling.” she grabbed your arm, pulling you down so you were laying on top of her, your faces incredibly close. She grinned and caressed your cheek, planting a little kiss to your nose. “Ha! Says the workaholic!” you laughed, “But seriously, Rissa. I need to go.” You kissed her softly, grabbing your phone, sliding it into your pocket. “Hurry back home, I’ll be so, so lonely without you here.” Larissa pouted and you laughed, letting go of her hand, standing up. “Promise, baby.” you whispered, leaving your girlfriend in the bedroom, heading to work. 
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You were sitting in Larissa’s lap in her office, looking out the window, where you saw some Nevermore students with their phones placed against the wall, dancing in front of the device. “What are they even doing?” you furrowed your brows and Larissa just chuckled before squeezing your hands. “A TikTok.” said the headmistress simply.
“Say that again?” you got even more confused, looking at Larissa who couldn’t help but laugh a little again. “Don’t laugh at me, Woman! Elaborate. What is a TokTok? “No, not TokTok. They’re doing a TikTok. It’s a platform where people dance and lip sync to different songs. Or just upload short videos. It can be really fun.” Larissa said confidently, like she’s been on this platform for ages, and somehow you got even more confused. “Wait, do you use this platform? Tik Tok?” you raised your brows, and your girlfriend pulled out her phone, opening the application for you, where the first thing you saw was some guy telling tips on how to propose to your partner. Larissa quickly snatched her phone from your hand, closing the app, her cheeks red as a cherry. “Well, there are some trash videos as well, the algorithm is not working properly sometimes.” she said awkwardly, not even looking at you. “Well I hope you weren’t planning on proposing to me with the help of a TikTok, Larissa.” you grinned and she just raised her eyebrows at you. “Why would I propose to an asshole like you?” “Ouch, I was just trying to be funny, baby. Tell me, do you dance in front of your phone as well?” you smirked. “Hmm, sometimes. When you’re not home and I’m bored.” she smiled and kissed your neck, your eyes widened a bit at her revelation. “God, I am so late to these trends, I start to think I might be old.”
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“Late, late, late! We are always late! Just fantastic!” you yelled while frantically packing your suitcase for your 2-week vacation with Larissa, the woman laughing at you from the doorway. “You are the one who doesn’t have their bags packed. Besides, we still have 2 hours until the train leaves.” she walked behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist. “Don’t stress so much, darling. It’ll make you lose your beautiful hair.” “I just want everything to be perfect. It’s been so long that we could enjoy some free time. Just the two of us.” you mumbled as you turned around in her arms, kissing her softly. “I know dearest, I know. But what matters is that we’re finally free. No work, no kids, no annoying colleagues, just us.” Larissa kissed you again, cupping your cheeks, smiling into the kiss. The only thing you need to do this summer is to enjoy Larissa’s presence and have her in all the possible ways you can.
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By the time Larissa got home, you were incredibly close to a nervous breakdown on your bathroom floor, staring into nothing. “Darling? I’m home!” You heard Larissa yell for you. Normally, you would greet her with a tight hug and a lovely kiss but this time you weren’t, therefore Larissa knew something was up. “Y/N? Are you alright, baby?” She walked around your shared apartment looking for you. When she spotted you in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, she gave you a worried look. Looking around the room, she quickly realized you were sick, as she noticed the puke in your hair and in the toilet as well. “Y/N, are you sick? Where does it hurt?” She carefully sat down next to you, flushing the toilet and tying up your hair, running  a hand down your back to offer you some comfort. “Lar- Larissa?” you mumbled groggily, almost puking again from the taste in your mouth. “Yes, darling? It’s okay, let it out. Did you eat something bad?” your fiancée asked with worry in her voice. “N-no Larissa, I’m-” you swallowed, looking at her with teary eyes. “Shhh, It’s okay, I know you hate throwing up. I will clear out the fridge first thing tomorrow, to prevent you from eating anything bad again.
“No, Larissa, there’s no need fo-” “No, you just lay down, and I’ll do-” “Larissa I’m late.” you whispered, without the usual wrath in your voice. Larissa raised her eyebrows. “Late to what, darling?” she caressed your arm, not really understanding what you wanted to say. “No, I’m- My period. I was supposed to get my period 2 weeks ago.” your voice has never been this quiet. “W-what?” Larissa’s hand rested on your cheek, slowly caressing it while she tried to process the information. “I-uhm, do you rem-remember when we, we, uhm a few months ago you shape- uhm, shapeshifted-” you stuttered and felt like throwing up again. “Yes, yes I do. Have you taken any tests yet?” she asked softly, not releasing your cheek. “N-no, I wasn’t sure I could do it alone.” you said quietly, a silent tear running down your cheek. “Okay. Let’s get you cleaned up, and then we’ll take a few tests, okay baby?” Larissa was so gentle with you, you could cry.
After Larissa helped you shower, you brushed your teeth while she got a few pregnancy tests, handing you them and waiting at the other side of the door. After about 30 minutes, which felt like 3 hours, you opened the bathroom door. Larissa stood up immediately, rushing over to you, asking you silently. “Well, if these gadgets are trustworthy, we’re going to be mommies.” you smiled fondly at Larissa, tears streaming down your face. She immediately wrapped her arms around you, kissing all over your face, planting a final long kiss onto your lips. “Oh my darling, Y/N, I love you more than anything and I am so excited to begin this journey with you.”
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2cutie · 4 months
hear me out,
Shang Taung’s cat Hope is maine coon. Imagine his allies, Outworld or Earthrelm’s defenders’ reaction to his big cat :3
Okay but actually yes. I adore the way you think, mysterious anon.
Based off this previous prompt: Shang's Cat
So take this in either way if you still want the Hope to be a shapeshifter or just a maine coon!
You just *know* Shang would take great pride in Hope being larger than your average cat and that would be in some way fueling his ego. And then good ol' Cage would be like "The hell did you feel your housecat, anyways?"
1001% chance he trained you, as the cat, to attack. And you of course have duo attacks together. It's only natural, after all!
Shang is the greatest sorcerer, so of course he enhanced Hope in multiple ways - longer life, more strong and agile. Hope is a fighter and Shang sees you as a persona for the challenges he's overcome, so he make sure your polished and perfect to broadcast his new life & wealth.
While Shang takes great pride in you, he also likes you a bit secretive so people would not take him as soft or knowing he had a weakpoint. His allies would only know when they came to his palace for blueprinting plans of attacks.
Rain would be interested to know more about you and your breed, especially how Shang trained you to fight. It's intriguing, especially how he incorporated magic.
Quan Chi is less than interested but can appreciate an unexpected fighter. Bi-Han only seen you once and ignores you at all costs, though you're bit keen to get him to like you.
Shang Tsung: You don't like my cat? Don't tell me such a brazen warrior is afraid of such a... little thing.
Bi-Han: I'm not afraid of your stupid cat. It's just annoying.
Shang: Ah, don't underestimate them. I've trained them to be quite the fighter. Hope could very well be your next fight.
Bi-Han: ....You named your cat Hope?
First & last time Shang ever let you see Bi-Han. You were a lil sad he never pet you, even begrudgingly.
Welllll, Johnny and Kung-Lao both are laughing once they get over their initial surprise of how big you are. After all, they expect you to just be a lazy 'house cat'.
That was until Johnny talked too much and you scratched him right over his mouth. House opinion changed. You were terrifying and your teeth were freakier than your claws.
Raiden & Liu Kang are very intrigued by you and know the strength that you hold. Liu is surprised that Shang could even love anything without a gain of anything in return, which to him makes you a formidable enemy. Raiden would rather you be left out of the equation as he didn't want to fight you.
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Some Adventure Time characters in D&D, 'cause why not:
Finn: I think he would start out as a Champion fighter, but then eventually switch to a College of Valor bard---fitting his more musical side while also keeping in line with his desire to be a hero and not making it all about violence---and maybe take a few levels of a Monster Slayer ranger for good measure. That last one is mostly due to the growth he goes through in Hall of Egress and him learning from Huntress Wizard, but I think it works. Also, he's still obviously a human.
Jake: Astral Self monk, Swashbuckler rogue. His whole deal as a stretchy, half-alien dog is very difficult to translate into D&D terms, but I think it'd make sense for him to be a changeling and a werewolf, keeping the whole canine aspect while also adding in the shapeshifting and the, uh... well, the whole "we have a kid who is definitely from somewhere else but we're keeping him anyway" thing.
Bonnie: I think her whole deal speaks to her being a textbook Alchemist artificer, and her princess nature, long lifespan, and a somewhat loose grasp on the concept of morality absolutely reminds me of high elves (no shade meant to PB, I love her and her emotional growth). However, just making her a high elf isn't enough---the fact that she was literally born from a mutagenic gum formed in the wreckage of a ruined world can easily translate to her also being a Reborn. Fitting, for a mad scientist.
Marceline: She's quite clearly a bard, and I think College of Spirits suits her the best---she's got a lot of connections to ghosts and undead things in AT canon, after all, and seeing as she survived an apocalypse, I think it's fitting that her college of choice would be one that's all about singing the songs of the departed. And, well... tiefling vampires are probably a thing in D&D, so. Yep.
BMO: He's an Inquisitor rogue and a lil' autognome. 'Nuff said.
Flame Princess: Circle of Wildfire druid, for reasons that are kind of obvious. And a Fire genasi. For reasons that are... also obvious.
Huntress Wizard: Um... a Hunter ranger. Probably an Eladrin due to the forest-like appearance, though I have no idea what her season is.
The Ice King/The Ice Thing/Simon: So, the Ice King, to me, is an eeeeeeeexcellent portrayal of a Great Old One warlock---specifically, a Pact of the Talisman warlock---gone horribly wrong. While the crown might not seem very classic GOO at first, the fact that using it literally gambles away your sanity is pretty in-line with the risks of that patron.
Gunther, pre-fusing with the crown, is really just a Great Old One on his own, albeit one that's been stuffed into a safe and squishy container. After fusing with the crown, and likely losing his memories of his time as Orgalorg for good, I think he probably became a Storm Sorcerer, as what powered his ice magic was now (almost) irremovable.
And Simon... honestly, between his nerdiness and his low constitution, he's just your classic wizard, really. Probably Chronomancy, due to his penchant for bouncing through time and multiverses.
Betty/Magic Betty/Golbetty: Order of Scribes wizard, who eventually became a Wild Magic sorcerer, who eventually became the Greatest Great Old One that there ever is. And yes, that makes Magic Man a Wild Magic sorcerer, because of course he is.
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captainmera · 8 months
Mera, Captain, Laddie, Chap, Chum, You Majestical Swede I am living for your IBWR lore on vampires. I love tidbits on biology and quirks of fictional species, especially when it's given more unusual and creative twists. My investment in your comic has begun to peak, I am precariously standing at the edge of a new hyperfixation and you are daring to push me in with your art and lore. l'II be looking forward to seeing Ollie's lil quirks and other bits of the charming world that lives in your head. Also feasting on your TOH bits, as a lore enthusiast your rambles are so very enjoyable and your connection board is so relatable. A bit curious what hexsquad would be like in the world of IBWR or what peculiars/witches/regulars they'd be. So very glad I clambered onto this ship of yours and get to see some of the bits and bobs going on in your brain- I adore the way you think. Sorry if this was a bit long, I hope you're doing well and will feel better, whatever it may be from <3
*squeaky scream* thank you anon! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ <333333
I am having a lot of fun making my story! BWR is only in the baby phases! There's so much fun about this world and it's people, culture and history, that I'm so excited to share with everyone who reads!! :'D <3
IBWR has everything I personally enjoy in a story! This means a lot to me, it's my passion project (and hyperfixation of my own creation) for a reason.
Here's a doodle of Oliver and his buddy Sebastian :)
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As for who the hexsquad would be in IBWR! HMMM! :D
Luz would be someone with a weak fylgja who wants to be a witch anyway! And she'd join a coven to try pursue it. For her, I think her story would be about learning that magic isn't as beautiful as she had hoped, and joins another coven that doesn't do the traditional ways of things. Or perhaps she starts her own.. ;)
Hunter would be a werewolf! :D A beast-type peculiar.
Gus and Willow would be Fae-types. Gus a spriggan, Willow a fairy.
Green fairies "flaws" are envy, I think I could make that work for her! Otherwise I'd put her as a red fairy, the flaw would then be rage. Willow's "fairy gift" would be plants and working with gardening.
Amity would be a regular, I think. Perhaps a wealthy girl who finds herself quietly rebelling against her parents by going with her older siblings to women's rights activism stuff! Possibly that's where she meets Luz! :O
Gus being a Spriggan would mean he's a natural showman, as they're known for their mischievous nature and charisma. I think he'd work in a music hall! :D
Vee would be a fae-type too! But she would be a Huldra/Nymph (skogsrå in swedish). Meaning she can shapeshift into people still! So that fits best.
For IBWR, I take a lot of folklore and put a spin on them with my own interpretations! :)
I like playing with the idea that the folklore and fairy tales are based in half-truths. It's a lot of fun and I've put a lot of thought into it so that they make sense into the world I've built. :D
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