#original fancomic
biby-24k · 2 years
Piranhas laugh best when they are upside down: Prologue
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If I get over 100 notes I'll continue this story, I made it with all my mad love for this ship lol
Episode 1
-k, im kidding i really want to continue this story tbh asdasdasd, but i need betas bc im not a native speaker, and Harley has some crazy slang that i cannot write correctly. In my mind, this is in spanish so i'm sorry hope you like it anyway, i might change the dialogue just 4u2 know-
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cornflakesdoesart · 1 month
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Little zine I drew this past sunday at the Budapest comic festival at a "workshop" , theme was spring!
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lazuliquetzalart · 8 months
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Don't watch the coin, idiot!
the boss fight of ALL time
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lillified · 8 months
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revolution therapy
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lilybug-02 · 11 days
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[insert really good title here]
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zwintrew · 2 months
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Este no es el tipo de reconocimiento que estábamos buscando...
Pd: Those comments on the Tv... are really from the real page of """"Cornhub"""" (you know the page I'm referring to). Those are actual comments left on videos, I just copy-pasted them. XD
Pd: Esos comentarios en la Tv... son realmente de la página real de""""Cornhub"""" (ya saben a qué página me refiero). Son comentarios reales que encontré en los vídeos, solo los copié-pegué. XD
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I’ve been wanting to redraw this scene from The Inner Warrior by @bokettochild b/c I wanted to try a more BotW/ToTK look for Warrior’s dragon form. Let me know what you think!
Excerpt from the fic:
“Legend lifts a hand, waving slightly at the others. They start at the sight of him, curled against the dragon, head resting against its chest, and Warriors can see their eyes flicker to him, to the vet, back and forth and wondering. It's Four who eases first, stepping in close and looking up at him, curiosity rather than fear in his eyes.
“Made a friend?”
“Found an old one more like,” Legend drawls, smile off kilter as it tends to be, buck teeth showing just barely.”
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lamiascales · 2 months
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He is exhausted... no one ever gives him a break.
(original post in read more)
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frac · 3 days
Two Good Friends
Cupid and Kitty
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Progress throughout the piece
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(plus quick Kitty face redesign)
I had a horrible week but I've been able to finish this piece to unwind. I've never used dialogue in any of my pieces so it looks pretty noobish. However, I am very pleased with how well my anatomy has improved especially when it comes to hands (they've always been a pain in my side). Here is some little lore to the piece: Cupid and Kitty are both around the same age but Kitty is 2 years older than Cupid however physically Kitty is older as he became a ghoul in his 60's. Also, Kitty looks more worn compared to Cupid due to Cupid's ghoulification being really slow compared to Kitty's which was a result of a nuclear bomb (he isn't pre-war). Last thing, Kitty really enjoys carbonated beverages.
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allykatsart · 2 months
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Peccantum's Deal Part 3
And we come to the specifics of the deal, and the end of this flashback.
Alastor's not too happy, at first, but learning a bit more about Peccantum sweetens the deal. But, of course, he has to make sure this deal is on his terms, not the other way around. Still, Peccantum got what he wanted in the end, didn't he? He just has to give up everything he was first...
Who is Peccantum?
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captainhysunstuff · 10 months
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16 more images below the cut (content warning for a non-graphic implication of execution by electric chair):
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Part 2 of their date. Light and L visit a small gallery hosting an "L vs. Kira" exhibit (which may indeed have been a planned activity on Light's part). They have varying levels of fun.
Master List
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shyblacksheep · 9 months
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Poké Isle: Kuokoa
<< COVER || NEXT >>
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lillified · 1 year
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“terror of the skies”
a short comic I’ve been working on in my downtime :)
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cakeklis · 5 months
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I've been a long time fan of @spiritsonic Ghosts of the future comic that was active on DeviantArt years ago. Creative and suspenseful, it brings a storyline to Silver i barely considered. I've drawn art from this comic years ago but i wanted to do some again especially from my favorite issue number 7. If this comic ever had an ending I'd love to know it.
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tartsinarat · 6 months
I kinda got sidetracked whilst designing nimbus’s outfit for the battle of the bands… so here’s this meme that’s canon to the au and took me longer than I would like to admit,
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Peep that Amity design for the au because I’m so proud of it
but anyways I mentioned in one post that Pip ended up inheriting Belos’s curse but it’s not as powerful so he doesn’t fully become whatever slimy deer creature belos’s cursed form is (at this point in the au, it does get that worse later on though :/) and so currently even though Pip’s not in control of himself it’s only mildly inconvenient for the people around to deal with rather than dangerous because he mostly just steals magic objects to drain the magic out of as a snacc, sleeps and leaves slime everywhere (tbh just imagine him as if he’s a weird slimey cat) and if he does get aggressive he’s extremely easy to pick up.
the meme is basically what I imagine happened when luz and amity found out about it because its really funny to imagine that these two were planning a ‘platonic’ study date (this was before they started dating but when the both started getting feelings for each other) and just unexpectedly walking into this chaos
Also just realised I’ve completely forgotten to explain why Pip drains magic, it’s because he’s got pieces of basilisk in him as Belos when making him was attempting to figure out how to solve the whole having to drain palisman problem when they’re basically going extinct so he doesn’t have that problem when he eventually takes over Pip’s body and Belos landed on using Basilisk parts because of their magic draining properties which could be used to supply magic directly to the glyphs on their arms as my head canon of one part of Belos’s curse is that by getting soothed by eating palisman’s thing is because the glyphs on his arms are constantly using him as a power source because he doesn’t have a bile sac which is why he’s constantly rotting, the other part is that his cursed form was much less slimy because it was originally caused by Evelyn after the Caleb ordeal and became that way because of the glyphs.
Because of that Pip kinda has two different curse forms where one is the slimey rotting one which happens when he doesn’t have enough magic stored and when he does have some magic stored, his other form actually has fluff and looks more like a fucked up deer with a hint of titan on crack
I ran out of ideas ngl for the silly GH au masterpost jokes at the end of my GH posts
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anime-greek · 9 months
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(Clan AU) finally finished this after two months. Forgot I redid Vincent’s design despite finishing lineart 😭
Based off an actual thing I did with my friend. Turns out the same happened with my twin. They continually borrowed mine then realized they actually needed glasses (less stronger than me, but I needed an updated prescription).
Vincent is the same. Doesn’t realize he needs them until he tries Donnie’s glasses. Uncles probably joked on Donnie’s eyesight and that the glasses let’s you see how bad it is, so kids want to see. Happens all the time with me, so -
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