#other's art
rynekins · 17 hours
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A super precious adorable lovable PuppySun and Kittymoon commission by @garbagechocolate
Check them out! n_n
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bamsara · 1 month
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TECHNICALLY TROD FANART but im sorry this is TROD to me 😭😭
AVAGAGSDJDJFJJJG poor narinder oh god. That large pupil makes me wonder What Was In The Nightmare though 👀
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cacaocheri · 5 months
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some of my favorite doodles in a magma with @karoochui ‼️‼️‼️ we are so so normal about the dca you guys please trust
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cockworkangels · 3 months
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here's my piece for @sheepstiel's destiel dtiys! my secret valentine was @sketcheun !! i chose to draw this gorgeous art in my style :)
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hybbart · 12 days
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I felt creative on my flight back home and your Tamacrafters are amazing. I was inspired to draw these two cuties.
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sunflawyer · 2 months
kinda want to see some positivity on the timeline so 🌸
selfshippers! rb this post with your favorite art of your selfship(s) please!!
whether it was commissioned, gift, your own art, picrew, doodles, OR FAV PART FROM YOUR FIC! anything! i want to see some!! 🧡 show the love!
mine under cut :3 ↓
here's mine :3
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by @literally-just-there !! 🧡 its so colorful 🥹
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crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY/Lupercalia from Daimund and this wonderful asylum of Malkavians!! Please click and look at all of the amazing work, it's just SO large Tumblr cannot possibly properly show off how incredible this looks! It's - WOW. TWENTY SEVEN MALKAVIANS and one Quinn (<3) are in this picture! I did my best to height match and to make sure we could get a decent look at everyone...! Thank you to EVERYONE who participated and do not worry if you couldn't - there are tons of holidays and clans to draw for! In the best order I can manage from left to right: Monday - @zyurp Sophia - @holly-bearie Rigby - @themarginalthinker Emil - @morticrows Mir and Marie - @problemsynth Claire - @pretend-pretend-vampire Thom - @socialprawn Charlie - @osatokun Quinn and Sunspire - @tzimizce Niko - @shaydh Daimund - @thesixthplaneteer Shivers - @kmpshitposter Andrea - @bugcouncil Heleen - @m4rloe5 j and clemency - @luoniiel and @kermitted-cause Brooklyn - @svampira Wyrd - @clompe Apollo - @mountainashfae Lucas, Noelle, and Zeus - @supersquiddle Finn - @confusedwithglitter Lyla and Thirteen - @problemsynth Father Emir - @urbanknightart Monroe - @cynical-tuba
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loquaxleemons · 2 months
Whiteboard scribbles
Done with @abs0luteanarchy Shitty handwriting from me (purple) AUGH Kinito x Kinito implications (I don't really see this as an issue but go off.)
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samrut · 1 month
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Got this lovely Tolys commission from @lillipupz
[They did a bonus Liet drawing for me, too, under the cut.]
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I'd like to thank @katlyntheartist and Henleash on YouTube for my two absolute favorite pictures of Tails ever
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I think about theses images on a regular basis. The expressions. The raw emotion. They fuel me.
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miusato · 3 months
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Omg guysss look at this shinjiham sketch I requested bestie @dawnszu to draw 🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕
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bamsara · 4 months
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"The look that befalls them is something that cannot be described, and the feeling of satisfaction he was searching for does not come when he sees it."
The new chap is v good ❤
HI this Lamb face is devistating me. I'm taking emotional damage just like they are OUGHHHHHH
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saltymongoose · 11 months
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ohh my goodness. i've been waiting to send these until requests were open bc i wanted to hear ur thoughts.
might be a little silly, but consider: matching outfits. player gathers clothing materials!! and coordinates outfits one day on missions!!!! even makes props!!! hijinks ensue. idk if this had already been disscussed before, but thank you for your time and consideration, ily. you are so cool <<3333!!!!!!! everything you make is so scrumptious!!!!! <33
Omg, thank you, this is so nice of you!!! :D ❤❤❤❤ I love this art so much, you have no idea - the way you portray the boys here fits so well (as always lol). And the memes too omg!! I can't even put it into words to be honest with you, these are just excellent. I do feel slightly bad for that random grunt though, something tells me they'll be sleeping with one eye open after seeing that lmao.
(Also, thank you so much for the compliments too of course, you're far too kind. (˶⸃ ⴰ⸃˶)♡ I could say the same to you btw; your art is always just *chef's kiss* perfection.)
Anyhow, I've actually thought a bit about this scenario before, but this just inspired me, so I wrote some short hcs for you. Hope you like them! <3:
The Player Matches Outfits with Them ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior)
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned knew that you had been working on a little project - one that you tried to keep as secret as possible. He was curious, but not enough to encroach on whatever boundary you set regarding it. All he knew from your rather lackadaisical explanation was that he'd be very surprised when he saw. And, well, he was.
The first conscious thought in 2BDamned's head is the question of how you've managed to make a mask that looks so similar to his without borrowing the original. It's really spot on; the seams are in the exact same place, and even if yours has to have been configured differently to fit your more human facial features, the silhouette is exactly the same.
(In the end, he concludes that you simply must've studied his appearance for a while to truly replicate his mask, which makes him feel almost giddy in a way he might've deemed embarrassing before meeting you. But now he's just overcome with happiness that you were obviously interested enough in him to do this.)
He openly praises your skill in sewing, knowing that grunt clothing is ordinarily much too large for you. And you'd notice how the fondness he holds for you seeps into the words, his gaze lingering on you in a way that left you feeling warm.
If you could see underneath his own mask, you'd be able to see the smile he was unable to bite back as well, and the flush that he'd try to will away otherwise. And while he is incredibly impressed (and happy) at what you've managed to put together, he will mention that you could also borrow his actual things once in a while, if you feel so inclined. He just happens to think one of his own jackets might suit you too.
(Of course, he doesn't miss the chance to lean real close to adjust your mask as he says this either, just to fluster you even more. You really have no idea how cute you are, especially looking like this.)
- [DEIMOS] -
A full minute of unintelligible sputtering leaves Deimos' lips the moment he sees your new outfit, and you laugh at the way his face goes bright red. When you said you had a surprise, this was one of the last things he expected.
Luckily for him, he's able to quickly gather his composure, and his excited ramblings turn into smooth flirts that'll leave you blushing instead of him. Expect all sorts of comments about how cute you looked dressed up like him, and praises about how you look even better in his fit than he does.
He insists on taking a ton of pictures together, and you can bet he keeps his favorite in his wallet. (It's one of your faces smushed together as you both grin at the camera, making a heart with your hands.)
He considers this a total power-couple thing; matching shirts are so low-effort compared to this, if anything it shows you perfect you are together. Although there is one thing he'd help you change from your original DIY version of his outfit - those sheet-metal dog tags you made can't compare to the real thing in his opinion, so why don't you just use one of his instead?
Also, don't think he won't take advantage of the fact that you both are the only ones with headsets. Even if yours isn't functioning (because let's be honest, finding one in working condition would be difficult), he'll fix it up quickly just so he can talk more directly to you during missions. And whenever else he wants to, to the irritation of the other three.
Sanford would consider his outfit to be fairly standard, but he recognized that you were emulating him the moment you slid the sunglasses on. And he couldn't stop the goofy smile from splitting his face when he realized it either, not even attempting to hide his amusement at what you've done.
(He only gets visibly happier when you 'threateningly' brandish your wire hook in his direction. You really put a lot of thought into this, didn't you?)
While Sanford has the amount of restraint in him to not openly brag about you doing this, he can't deny the rush of satisfaction he gets from seeing you in what is an unmistakable homage to him. If you look closely, you'll see him straighten up in pride whenever you come into view. (It's almost like preening, really. If he weren't so flushed, perhaps you'd think it to be more of an ego thing, but no.)
Although, he does show a little bit more concern about some aspects of your outfit. Like your boots, for example; he can't count the number of times he's gotten blisters while breaking in his own, so you should expect him to ask you if you need any plasters (or help bandaging yourself as well).
(If you decide to accept his offer, you'll find yourself questioning whether he ever officially trained as a medic before. He surely has the gentleness befitting of one, shown in how he carefully cleans your wounds and softly applies the ointment, his calloused fingers gently smoothing over the plasters on your Achilles heels afterward. Although you have the slightest suspicion that this tenderness from him is known only to you.)
Sanford will also make it part of his routine to pluck your glasses from your nose and clean them after he does his own. Afterward, he'll slowly lean in when he places them back on you to make sure he doesn't poke you in the eye. Neither of you mention that you could do it yourself, or that his decision to slide them back onto the bridge of your nose himself was highly unnecessary. Maybe he just does it to get a better look at the way you blink up at him and blush, or perhaps it's for some other reason, who's to say? Either way, you have no complaints.
Your laughs are muffled under Hank's hands as he cups your face, tilting it up to look closely at you. His excitement at your new look is almost palpable; you can easily tell from how he's shaking and hurriedly looking over, his gaze never stopping on one spot for longer than a second. He just wants to take in everything about your new look, is all.
He'll almost insist on doing a mission with you wearing it, not only because the idea sounds fun to him (with his love of carnage and all), but also because it provides an excellent opportunity to rub in everyone else's faces that you chose to copy his outfit. Not theirs.
In a way, he also becomes just a tad more doting than usual. He busies himself with dusting you off, and adjusting your goggles and the lapels of your coat whenever another skirmish is finished. It's his way of checking you over and making sure your hard work wasn't damaged either.
(Plus, he'd hate it if this instance of you copying him was cut short because of some worthless grunts' attempts at harming you.)
You'll catch him sticking closer to you than usual too, and he does so for multiple reasons. First is that he just prefers to be near you whenever he can anyway (the warmth of your presence is one of his favorite things, and it gives ample opportunity to show off around you), but now there's also the fact that your outfit will freak out your enemies. As you can imagine, he enjoys that immensely, and what better way to improve this experience than to have his Player join him?
In a way, Hank also sees this as a sort of 'claim' you've put on yourself too. Wearing your significant other's clothing is kind of a thing with some grunts, and while he knows they aren't really his clothes, there's still some of that same sentiment there that makes him purr just a bit louder whenever he sees you in that new outfit of yours. It tells the world you're his in some way, even if not officially. So why wouldn't he be happy about that?
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owlyhouse · 1 year
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your au jumped in my head and refuses to live. now it lives rent free here
i thought it'd be funny to see such dynamic of the wittebros in their cursed forms-
OUGH YES DIEDRE BIG ;;;w;; god thats so pretty omgdgsjkh 💛💛
this is an old doodle (bc yes Diedre is MUCH bigger now) but I adore drawing them interacting x"D 💛
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hybbart · 2 months
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Heyo, Coloring anon here, I colored one of my favorite pieces from you :3
It looks amazing! I love how all the tama Jimmys and Tango's hair came out
(I'm not sure I remember anyone called colouring anon though? Was this a while ago sorry)
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sunflawyer · 20 days
Kisses for me? ♡
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art by grace ♡
Hi!!! Hi everyone!!! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
I'm so, so, so very sorry for my absence in the past week(s). I had the most infuriating weeks with college and assignment and oh goodness it was awful. I could barely sleep for days!! I got no time to draw and interact with everyone at all and it saddens me a lot :( I missed you guys so, so, so very much... Sometimes I get a bit sad that I missed a lot of things that happened in the community.
But hey, I'm back!! 🧡🧡 I missed you guys so, so much!!! (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠)
reblogs > likes !! I want to interact with you all again!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
@eternally-smitten @caelums-fate @wisp-herr @gideongrovel @glory-steadygo @goldenshrine @dmclr @qilinkisser @pippin-squeaks @xxmellochii @literally-just-there @tyrianludaship @pinkdinkydoon @gogolsbf @gandalfyaoi @meowkid1000 @jayyships @moon-roam @fae-koon @frozenhi-chews @idsmiile @bizarrescribblez @aprillilypegasi @puppy-baby-doll @kylars-princess @radagastyaoi @carnival-of-love @retrojem @m0uschi @knightfallships @kurolumiis @dreamwinged @k6ivies @puppysynonym @hamms-uwu-12 @connorships @bobmckenzie @stoneshipper @mutareadastra @hypocriticaltypwriter @frankenbridez @charkittykelly @atarifront @puff4pals @dalvs-wife @bunbunsheart @bioexorcizm @miahearts @plutoselfships @sillyyygoodman
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