dalkyum · 5 months
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hard carry ꕤ 240101
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orpheuslament · 10 months
The Greek myths are filled with mortals who transgress the bounds of their mortality, of course. The Atreids are exceptional only in that they manage to survive beyond these bounds, at least for a while. To take on unspeakable guilt and live with it: this is their curse.
Incest, Cannibalism, and the Gods: The Rise of the House of Atreus, Michael Kinnucan
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volatilechemicalz · 7 months
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head in hands
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apopticghoul · 1 year
You’re shit.
(It’s false, you are awesome and very cool and the nicest fuckin person ever and i love your blog like no other)
ANON U GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK i thought i got my first anon hate 🥺
thank you very much these are very kind words :] kiss u on the forehead. so sweet for me !!
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Realizing Queen Scarlet’s death was so ironic and just… when she’s first introduced, she bites off a scavengers head then snaps Dune’s neck. Then, within Scarlet’s area, she makes Tsunami snap Gill’s neck(which do you think that’s something Tsunami learned from Dune’s death?) and then ultimately she shares that same fate she sent others to and just…
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saikitsu · 1 year
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randommusicalfluff · 23 days
i keep seeing u say you're going through something rough. whatever it is, hope it blows over soon. you're strong, you'll make it through this.
Thank you so much anon! I’ve been struggling pretty hard mentally for a second now but today was my last day of high school ever!! So hopefully that’ll lift some of that weight off of me
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aesrot · 1 year
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themetalvirus · 1 year
shadow the hedgehog 05's plot: who am i???? i'm part alien??? i get gun do i shoot people or no shoot. oughhhghg im so evilll and broodinggg
meanwhile, the character models:
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ouuguhghggg the squeepy. little beepo's sense of morality is decreasing
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fruit-sauce · 7 months
omg and then he pulls out the SUNSHINE PROTECTOR??? OUGHHHGHG I’m so excited for tomorrow,,, they both know what needs to be done, BADBOYHALO FOR THE WIN!
AND THE SKEPPY JR MENTION??? Today is a great day for Halo family enjoyers (me. I am Halo family enjoyers)
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evilpredefined · 3 months
oughhhghg death of a wish and lucah born of a dream save me save me
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interaction-lane · 1 month
Guess who decided to get (back???) into pokespe... Wiish me luck oughhhghg
I bought the start of the omega ruby alpha sapphire arc but I'm going to try and read up to it online before I start. That is, if I can manage to keep myself patient. Yipppee
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amphibifish · 1 year
love love love fantasies come true so bad bc it's so clear how much rod and kate care for nicky/princeton and love them and it's so oughhhghg
also the fact rod still loves and cares for nicky despite the fact nicky is a messy roommate and they often don't see eye to eye just ugh these puppets man
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gayargyle · 2 years
lonnie calling will a queer and a f*g and little tiny will knowing that he was gay and knowing that his father was right oughhhghg i’m gonna commit murder
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goji-pilled · 2 years
Well here goes episode 9 👍
-The fact that this episode opens by showing the end of the trainstation scene again already makes me want to break down
-Oktavia!!!!!!! Fishy!!!!
-One of the things I love about the sheer horror of Oktavia is the fact that she screams, and it's still in Sayaka's voice and you can hear that horrible mix of despair and all kinds of emotion.... god.
-Kyoko's refusal of abandoning the body. Man.
-Connect still slaps by the way
-That pure... detachment in Homura's voice is so fucking sad man. Because like she cares, she does care so very much, and Rebellion proves that but she lost all of them so much and oughhhghg *head in hands* Homura....
-Stan Kyoko 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
-Kyubey. (derogatory)
-I need him dead so badly, I need his entire species to pop at once like a bunch of balloons
-*points* the chairs!!!
-Kyubey calls girls "females" and that alone is the only red flag you need to know he's bad news
-God the fucking nerve of him to say "If you feel like dying for the universe call me :3" like how about you choke on a dick you piece of garbage
-Kyoko making sure the body's in prime condition,,,, so much for using her power only for herself,,,, FUCK.
-Wait are those the horse and mermaid windchimes they've mentioned on the wiki once- Okay. OKAY.
-Sayaka is the one who reminded her of why she became a magical girl,,,her hope,,,her reason to fight,,,, don't look at me I'm soft
-I'm in fucking tears and this was just Madoka and Kyoko talking ffffffffuck
-"Aren't you friends?"
"Not really"
*head in hands*
-The little kissy face by the entrance is genuinely so cute though fkdkfjsl
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-Damn Kyoko what happened to only caring about yourself? First Sayaka and now Madoka?
-Anyways god. The hallway with the posters and the "Look at me"... that and the entrance really add emphasis on Sayaka's yearning for someone to love her and pay attention to her, even if it's a curse now...
-It's hard to see anything in that memory-hallway but one of those seems to be Madoka, Hitomi and Sayaka on their way to school while other is Kyoko with the bag of apples... facsinating
-Wait I never noticed how the memories stop being shown when Oktavia realizes they're there. Kinda feels like a strange kind of closing off one's heart... which would fit considering the pain of past rejection and memories make sure she can never move on and get what she longs for the most... or maybe that's me
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-I'm still in love with the fact that Symposium Magarum doesn't just perfectly capture Oktavia's despair and suffering, but also Madoka and Kyoko's desperation to try and get Sayaka back.
-It's how Kyoko says, payback. Someone who's hurt and now lashes out everyone and everything, hellbent to spread her curse.... man. MANNNNNN.
-That fucking sihoulette moment that turns into a heart is fucking evil
-There it is... Kyosuke who lost his hand, Sayaka who wondered why it wasn't hers, and now Oktavia who's lost hers.. goddamnit.
-On a different note: Remember how the Anthonies referred to Gertrud as the queen of the labyrinth? The fact that Oktavia bleeds blue blood kinda fits in with "Witches are seen as queens of their little kindoms" thing lol
-The happy dream thing is just, god, so much. Because like she calls being by Sayaka's side and fighting with her a dream in Rebellion and that shit fucking broke me the first time (still does)
-Fucking Violin boy.
-There's something so... so ough idk what to call it but the "You gotta focus on the one thing that means the most to you and protect it to the end" line is just. A lot. And it also makes me so horribly emotional about Ophelia again because in that outcome Kyoko failed to do that again and breaks under that, abandoned by everyone and everything she loves and I'm normal I swear I am-
-That promise to never abandon Sayaka... even as a witch, even when she's a monster so angry and hurt Kyoko chooses to stay with her because she believes Sayaka still is worthy of love, attention, care and kindness and it's all Sayaka wanted from all this and if that isn't love then I don't know what is.
-Die Kyubey.
-And they're home... their party for broken hearts....
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coleomegilla-maculata · 5 months
I want to express my feelings about a fictional character and why I feel connected to him so much but I am so bad at putting my emotions into words and I can't figure out how to get my point across as anything besides "OUOUGHUOGHU....OUGHHHGHG THE CHARACTER........"
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