#our girl has gotta be AB+ btw
biting my nails for 3 days waiting for the next dracula daily update like
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jehovahhthickness · 2 years
(1/2) There’s this guy I used to talk to for about a yr & half, we broke it off but are still friends, we chat all the time. Lately tho, one of his closest friends, like a brother to him, has been extraaaa flirty and interactive w me lately. At first I didn’t think anything of it, but lately it’s been over the top. One day he responded to one of my IG stories and we had a lot of super casual conversation about tons of things; anime, sports, kanye, our dating lives, fitness goals, crypto… it was cool. Then… he volunteered info about his sex life (he has a gf btw), and how he’s in an open relationship, how he and his girl and super open and honest about ev. w each other, stuff he’s into… I thought it was weird (cuz why are u telling me this) but played it off and engaged (being sure to not give any room for misinterpretation) cuz aye, it’s conversation. Harmless right? We just spoke about our opinions and viewpoints on things, I abs did not flirt at all. I made sure to keep it lite. He acknowledged several times he knows I used to date his friend, saying things like “I don’t wanna overstep” and “that’s my BRO, I’m not a bozo, I would never try to make a pass, I just think you’re mad cool and I’m a free spirit that likes to talk” right.. I’m like “ok cool, you’re good. We just talking, this ain’t that” I’m here like I have no intentions behind this convo so it’s cool… I made sure to use terms like bro, and “you the homie” etc… he’s like we gotta chop it up in person… me just talking, i literally said “fa sho” and nothing more. and then he shot me his number.
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Tuesday,  20  June,  2023......... Warmup.......Back Squats........ 3  Rounds  Of  AMRAP...Triceps.
Light rain showers, thunderstorms with lightening, frog-strangling cloud-bursts, sunshine, light rain, rumbles of thunder all afternoon.  The Weather-Lady couldn’t make up her mind.  But at 3:55 the sun came out, so me and Grandpa Joe blew the puddles off the mats and hope prevailed.  About a dozen brave people showed up.  If I didn’t live here I wouldn’t have come.
4  Rounds
10  HEAVY  Back Raises   (44 ( grey KB) / 25)
10  Squats
Back Squats:      8 / 8 / 8 / 8       (60  to  70%)
Armando=225     Chase=185     Coach/Herb/Tom=175     Joe=95      Linda=85     Shannon/Kayla/Clara/Alicia=75     Warren A=refused       Anybody else=??
21 / 17  Calories  Any  ERG
As Many Reps As Possible These 2 Exercises In Time Left:
15  Ab-Mat  Sit-Ups
9  Sumo Deadlift High Pulls     ( E=70 / 53 / 35 ) (KB)
SCORE:      Total  Sit-Ups  +  SDLHP  In  3 Rounds   
Chase=289*     Herb=277     Kayla=255     Armando=231*     Clara=228          Alicia=219     Shannon=204     Warren A=197    Tom=183      Coach=166     Joe=144     Linda=did it wrong      Elite=*    
 Coaching Tips:
Partner And Go in Waves.
Partners Station  {ERG/AB-Mat/KB}  & Share.
This Is A 4 Minute GUT BUSTING SPRINT !!!
Rest 4 Minutes While Your Partner Does Their Heat.
YELLOW BANDED  Standing Triceps Extensions 
10 / 10    X     5 
The rain held off for our hour, and then recommenced.  Everyone demonstrated great attitudes!!  We enjoyed the company of Clara because she would rather be here than go to a very puddly track workout.
It seemed that most everyone liked the workout.  Nearly everyone stayed and did the Cool-Down Triceps work.  Warren A stormed out early, but that was because he had to cook shrimp taco’s at his house.
Kayla brought home-made pickles in Mason Jars.  She brought just enough to satisfy her very few friends, but not enough to win her any new friends.  Miss Linda already tasted them and declared them excellent.  I’ll taste later.  Did Kayla take pictures and post them on Instagram?  
BTW, Kayla announced another new boy-friend tonight.  I think he’s the 14th in the 15 months since she has been coming to LHCF.  Apparently this dude is some kind of counselor of people with behavior problems and practices his sessions before a full-length mirror.  Also his TENDER account says he is a serious workout athlete, but is shorter than she.  Kayla promises that their 1st date will be at the Barn so we can peruse his portfolio.  You gotta hand it to that girl.  She’s Brave.  I hope he is favored enough to at least get some home-made pickles.  
Thursday at 4 PM.  I hope it is good weather.  Kayla is making something special for the wine and snacks party after.  Is this blog all about Kayla ??
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
How about 20 and 38 with Ransom? I love your blog btw, you are a fabulous writer!
20) “You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.”
38) “I need you. Now!”
I started giggling evilly as soon as I got this ask nonnie, so thank you for that!
What a surprise, it’s our OTP again!! (Tagging my babes @stargazingfangirl18 @chrissquares @subtlebucky @egcdeath)
Send me smutty prompts!!!!
Guys, it’s smut so no minors please!
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You chugged another mimosa to cover your eye roll as Jodi started talking about her damn lifestyle brand again.
This was the third time she’d brought it up during the Thrombeys’ monthly brunch. It was like she was shelling a fucking MLM.
You hated that you had been forced to sit with the other women while the boys were out back shooting skeet, but after your last interaction with the family you thought it would be best to avoid making waves as much as possible. And if that meant sitting through inane conversation with the other women, whatever.
It wasn’t the fact that it was girl talk that bothered you. It was as that all of these women were so fucking out of touch with reality that every single thing out of their mouths was like nails on a chalkboard to you. At least if Meg has been there you would’ve had someone relatively normal to engage with, but she was cramming for finals so no such luck.
“Do you really think you should have another drink, Y/N?” Linda tutted condescendingly as you moved to pour yourself another mimosa from the pitcher.
You bit back your comment about her downing six Bloody Marys and gave her a suffering grin. “They’re just so delicious, and it’s not like I have to drive any where.”
“That’s right, you have my son to chauffeur you around.” She muttered as she fidgeted with her blouse. “It must be so nice knowing he’s there to take care of everything for you.”
You practically slammed your glass down, totally ready to give up your resolution to not start a fight as you took a deep breath when suddenly Ransom burst into the sun room, his cheeks flushed from the chill outside.
“Hey babe.” He beamed at you before bending over the back of the sofa you were sitting on to press his lips to yours in an absolutely obscene kiss.
His fingers curled lightly around the base of your throat as he stroked your tongue with his own, tugging at your lips with his teeth until you were moaning wantonly into his mouth, your body trying to arch further towards him and your nipples pebbling under your blouse as a rush of arousal seeped out of you.
“I need you. Now!” He whispered once he broke away, low enough that only you could hear him as you struggled to catch your breath.
You turned back to the three older women to see them giving you very disapproving looks as you quickly downed the rest of your drink before slowly rising off the sofa and smoothing your hands over your pants.
“Ladies.” You said before giving Linda a wicked grin. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta help Ransom take care of something.”
You chuckled to yourself as you heard her splutter with rage behind you when you followed Ransom out into the hall. He dragged you into the bathroom and kicked the door closed behind you, pinning you to it before giving you another searing kiss.
“Was my mom being a bitch again?” He asked as he untucked your blouse and skimmed his hands up your sides before cupping your breasts.
“Yeah, pretty sure she thinks I’m only with you for your money.” You grinned against his lips as your started to undo his belt. “Shows how much she knows. I’m just using you for sex.”
He laughed into your mouth at that, bringing one hand down to grip your ass, pressing you into him as he ground his crotch against you.
“What about you? Why are you so hot and bothered?” You sighed as he moved his mouth down to trace your jaw.
“Just, fucking Walt.” He grumbled, his fingers undoing the buttons of your blouse as he continued to press his growing erection against the seam of your pants, rubbing it right over your clit. “It was either this or shoot him and that little nazi shit.”
“Mmm, good thing I was here then.” You murmured as you wrapped one leg around him. “Don’t stop moving.”
“Jesus, already?” He asked, bringing his face back up to inspect yours as you writhed against him. “We haven’t even gotten to second yet.”
“Yeah, well don’t fucking kiss me like that in front of your family unless you wanna turn me into a wet mess, Hugh.”
“That’s all it takes?” He grinned as he pressed even harder against you, making you bite your lip to swallow a moan. “I’m gonna have to remember that.”
He pressed his lips to yours and twisted his hips slightly and that was it. You felt a shockwave travel up your spine as a wave of bliss spread from your core, your muscles quivering as you fluttered around nothing and your release flooded your panties.
Your breath came in ragged gasps as you came down, sawing in your chest as you struggled to regulate it. You finally relaxed and met Ransom’s eyes, grinning at him.
“You treat me so good baby.” You muttered, giving him a quick peck to his lips as you unwound yourself from him. “Gonna take care of you now.”
You sank to your knees in front of him and rubbed your face into the front of his pants, nipping at the outline of his hard cock as you worked at undoing his fly.
“Shit, Y/N!” He hissed as you yanked his pants and boxer briefs down his thighs, freeing his cock to bounce back up against his abs.
You just gazed up at him through your lashes as you spat in your palm then wrapped your hand around his length, sucking his sack into your mouth as you started to stroke him.
“Fuck, oh my god.” Ransom groaned, his breath coming in shallow pants when you swirled your thumb through the precum collected at his tip at the same time you dragged your tongue over the vein that ran over the base of his cock.
“You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.” You ordered before taking him in your mouth and sucking while you swirled your tongue around his sensitive head.
“Yes, ma’am.” He whispered, swallowing a cry as you took him deeper, hollowing your cheeks as you drew him further into your mouth.
His hands wrapped in your hair as you kept bobbing your head up and down his length, your hand coming up to fondle his balls as you worked him over. You felt his tip hi the back of your throat and you relaxed, taking him even deeper and swallowing around his cock.
He stopped caring that he was just fifteen feet away from his family and let out a feral growl, his hips and hand moving on their own accord as he started to fuck your throat. You gripped his thighs as you let him work, gazing up at him through your lashes as drool leaked from the corners of your mouth, doing your best to breathe through your nose.
“Fuck, I wanna come all over that pretty face.” He muttered as his cock twitched at the back of your throat, his hips starting to falter in their rhythm. “That ok with you honey?”
You hummed your approval around his cock and he pulled out of you, his hand in your hair tilting your head back as his other tugged at his dick harshly until his cum was shooting all over your cheeks and chin, smearing over your lips as he rubbed his tip against them. He groaned as he finished, slapping the head of his cock against your swollen mouth until he had nothing left to give you.
“Fuck, you look so pretty like this, honey.” He murmured as he smeared his thumbs through his spend on your lips before slipping it into your mouth, moaning as you swirled your tongue around it.
You grinned at him and started to stand up before there was a pounding on the bathroom door.
“Who is it?” You called, winking at Ransom and dragging your thumb slowly over your face to collect his cum as you watched him tuck himself back into his pants.
“It’s Linda.” Ransom’s mother called through the door as you sucked your thumb into your mouth, moaning as you tasted his spend. “If you two are quite finished behaving like teenagers, there’s a bit of a line forming.”
You rolled your eyes and moved to open the door, Ransom trying to move to stop you as you still had some of his cum smeared across you chin. You just shook your head at him as you wrenched it open, giving Linda a shit eating grin.
“So sorry Linda, it’s all yours.” You beamed at her, pointedly dragging your thumb over your chin and sucking the rest of her son’s spend into your mouth, moaning pornographically as you maintainted eye contact with her and stepped out into the hall.
Ransom followed after you, shrugging at his mother and laughing like an idiot as he wrapped one arm around your waist and nuzzled into your hair, his lips brushing against the hinge of your jaw.
“Pretty sure that solidified your mom’s hatred of me.” You said with a sly smile, turning to face Ransom as the two of you headed out to the beemer.
“Please, like that matters to me.” He didn’t know how he had ever survived family functions without you before, but he was bringing you to all of them from now on.
A/N: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I feel just the teensiest bit bad about what I did to Linda here but whatever!
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
off topic - let’s talk about gaylena 👀
selena gomez is one of taylor’s oldest and bestest friends and given that she is in the 22 liner notes, a huge part of taylor’s life, and maybe fruity herself it seems like possibly we don’t talk about her here at the blog enough!
i don’t want to do a timeline of selena and taylor’s friendship - you can read more about that here, but they met back in the day when they were both dating jonas brothers and to me this idea of finding a real friendship in the midst of these contrived promances is pretty adorable.
ofc most of y’all think taylor is a fruit basket but i think there’s a good chance that selena is too!  i’m not saying she is for sure but y’all know me.  i’’m here to make a compelling case that everyone and their dog is gay so let’s gooooo! 
Part I - At least one fake rs!  
Selena “dated” Taylor Lautner in 2009 and he’s definitely gay.  Of course, that doesn’t mean she is, it could just be PR, but y’all know I gotta note everything!  We stan our fruity bffs dating the same gays 😍
Part II - Selena x cara delevingne
i feel like there’s a chance they met through taylor but everyone in that squad adjacent circle knows one another.  cara dated michelle rodriguez for the first half of 2014 and then got with annie clark in March 2015 but it feels like it’s possible something has gone on between her and Selena from summer 2014 - early 2015? ...maybe something casual on and off a bit?
August 2014 - Steamy pics surface in Saint-Tropez, France
Selena and and a freshly single Cara vacation together in part to celebrate Selena’s 22nd birthday.
They party together and look cozy!
Pictures such as this surface and spark rumors around the two:
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Selena apparently loves the rumors and gushes about being shipped with Cara.
You say Selena drag queens were the true measure of success for you. But isn’t it true that you’re not truly famous until you’ve been the subject of a gay rumor? And last year, the tabloids had a field day with photos of you and Cara Delevingne. I’ve made it!
How did you react to those rumors? Honestly, I loved it. I didn’t mind it. Especially because they weren’t talking about other people in my life for once, which was wonderful. Honestly, though, she’s incredible and very open and she just makes me open. She’s so fun and she’s just extremely adventurous, and sometimes I just want that in my life, so I didn’t mind it. I loved it.
Notice she doesn’t deny them?  Now of course she could just be being cool, if she freaked out about it that might be even weirder but hey, it’s still kind of interesting.
Then she admits to questioning her sexuality???
Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Oh, I think everybody does, no matter who they are. I do, yeah, of course. Absolutely. I think it’s healthy to gain a perspective on who you are deep down, question yourself and challenge yourself; it’s important to do that.
(Selena btw, this is cool and all, but not everybody questions their sexuality, maybe you’re just gay 👀)
November 1 - LACMA Art + Film Gala 
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they even left the event together 👀
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and they hung out earlier that day as well:
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They were seen the next day partying for Kendall Jenner’s bday singing to her:
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a few weeks later Cara tweets Selena’s lyrics!
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In December 2014 they are travelling together in texas:
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in january 2015 they get cozy at the golden globes together!
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and they leave together again:
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January 19th/20th a bunch of gay nonsense happens
They post this gay shit with matching shoes and linked fingers:
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then they say this to one another:
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Enty says they were hooking up!
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then we don’t get any more content that i can find for about six months! perhaps they had a fling from summer 2014-jan 2015 and then it ends, Cara gets with Annie in March?  Then after half a year apart Selena and Cara resume a friendly relationship?  Perhaps!  Selena is seen with Justin a bit off and on during this time but this was in their Style/Heat Death Era imo (tbh i probably shouldn’t give a hetty pairing including Justin that designation 🤢but y’all get what I’m saying - it’s fully possible Selena was hooking up with both of them!
Now I’m not super familiar with Selena’s discography so y’all lmk if I’m missing anything major - lyric wise that point to her not being straight.
Selena’s album Revival that comes out after this relationship has a few songs with some vibes, even though I get the feeling a lot of it is probably about Justin, allow me to reach.  The title track could be translated as someone coming to terms with their sexuality (among other things):
I feel like I've awakened lately The chains around me are finally breaking I've been under self-restoration I've become my own salvation Showing up, no more hiding, hiding The light inside me is bursting, shining It's my, my, my time to butterfly
Good for you, imo, is too sexy to be about a man even if it’s not super queer lyrically it’s a vibe ok?
Me & My Girls might be a bestie anthem a la 22 (oh wait, no 22 was gay too) but I mean...could be about a girl gang of lesbians too!
And if we want it, we take it If we need money, we make it Nobody knows if we fake it You like to watch while we shake it I know we're making you thirsty You want us all in the worst way But you don't understand I don't need a man 
Quinn Fabray indeed!
Nobody feels probably like a retrospective on Justin 🙄but...there is a hint of sapphic craving in there!  Saying this particular lover loves them differently than everyone is a bit 👀 plus this stanza:
No oxygen, can barely breathe My darkest sin, you've raised release And it's all because of you, all because of you And I don't know what it is, but you've pulled me in No one compares, could ever begin To love me like you do And I wouldn't want them to
Is Perfect about some bitch Justin started dating?  Probably but bear with me here this song is actually pretty fucking gay.  Gay enough that I’m gonna add it to one of my gay playlists.  Could this song actually be about Cara moving on to Annie?
Ooh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love, like you, like you
I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And she's perfect And she's perfect
Part III - Selena x Julia Michaels
Julia Michaels is a singer/songwriter known for her song Issues.  I don’t know her sexuality but she at the least has gay vibes!  It seems they met around this time perhaps because Julia wrote on Revival.
They have a friendly enough friendship for a few years, liking one another’s posts on IG from time to time, posing for a photo a time or two and then they seem to get swept up into this very intense friendship in 2019.  They write some music together and Julia goes whole hog in promoting the shoe brand Selena is hawking this time 😭
2019 - The Superior Sapphic Jelena Timeline:
It starts, for some reason with a lot of shoe promotion:
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chill, chill
more shoes
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but more gayness?
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this homo shit
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Then we go into the REALLY GAY NOVEMBER OF 2019:
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Then they perform together:
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And...actually kiss...on the mouth on stage???
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Sure it’s just a peck but still...if that were a guy people would say they were dating.  
Somehow kissing on the mouth isn’t the gayest thing these girls do over this period because these fucking dykes got matching tattoos.  I’ve read enough Larry blogs to know this actually means they’re secretly married.  All jokes aside this is fruity behavior. 
From their IG stories:
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Selena gets Julia a very nice christmas gift:
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Covid sets in and content drops off but god damn!  It’s possible they just had an intense friendship but if a man and a woman collabed on music together, kissed in public, and got matching tattoos everyone would say they were dating!
Selena, as far as I can find, didn’t have any public boyfriends around this time so who are some of these love songs about?
Rare comes out in January 2020 and perhaps has some gayish songs?
Don’t tell me why but boyfriend lowkey, has a gay vibe.  Don’t ask me to explain it but it’s just the musicality of it.
Crowded Room could be a love song for Julia?  (or by Julia for Selena, since they’re collaborators?)
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
These are general gay vibes, our secret moments in a crowded room tease
It started polite, out on thin ice 'Til you came over to break it I threw you a line and you were mine
It would have started out polite between them, since they worked together for years before whatever 2019 was happened.  And throwing someone a line first of all makes Selena sound like the aggressor but also “throwing someone a line” could be a reference to writing songs together.
Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe I guess that is our combination Said you feel lost, well, so do I So won't you call me in the morning? I think that you should call me in the morning If you feel the same, 'cause
Lots of people are afraid at the beginning of a gay rs.  Treacherous tease 👀
In summation!
Selena does gay stuff like fantasizing ab kissing other women in her music, getting very touchy with famous dykes on vacay, hangs out with Taylor Swift, has chronic mental health issues, dated a jonas brother and a twilight gay, has admitted to questioning her sexuality, and loves being shipped with women.  Is she gay?  I don’t know!   But all she’s missing from her celesbian bingo card is a suspiciously intense friendship with a Glee Cast member! What do you guys think?  Selena fruity or just weird?
Edit to add: so apparently I missed an entire ship and Selena supposedly acted really gay all the time with her backup dancer Charity Baroni.  Exposing SMG has posted a lot about all that.
Also Selena has been cast in a gay role! edit to add: @bisluthq went and found this for me - julia is indeed a fruit queen
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In a Name: 3 - J Toews
Chapter 3
Where we left off: Bekah dropped Jon off at the airport after the 2015 All-Star game but how was he going to see her again before the end of the season when they lived over 300 miles apart...
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Word count: 3,370
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Bekah‘s brain would go from shock to denial every time her phone would vibrate and she would see a text from Jon. It was unexpected each and every time. Mostly his texts were random and out of the blue but with the intention of making sure she remembered him. Bekah never thought she would hear from him after dropping him off at Port Columbus airport in January if she was being honest with herself. It was three weeks later and there were hundreds of mini conversations between the two of them.
“So have you requested off for our trip?” Brynn leans into Bekah’s office with lunch in hand. Bekah tries to wipe her smile off her face but her best friend catches it. “Whoooo are you texting?”
“No one. Wait, what trip?” Bekah places the phone down but sees the notification that Jon has messaged again.
“Chicago with the Lady Jackets? Please tell me you remember this from Christmas? My gift to you was the trip. We will go shopping and catch the Blackhawks playing the Jackets. Have some girl time.” Brynn sits the food on Bekah’s desk and tucks her feet under herself.
“Oh! I kinda forgot with the whole being dumped thing but that actually sounds fun.” Bekah eyes her phone as it buzzes again. The thought of if she should tell Jon or not crossed her mind.
“You actually seem to be doing okay with the whole being single thing...” Rin starts taking in the way her friend was looking at the message and had a look of confusion now. “What’s that look for Bekah? What did you just think of? Who are you texting?” Brynn breathes in ready to ask more questions.
“Rin. Stop. Please. I was just thinking about the time I need to take off and the accounts I have. Let’s eat lunch m’kay?” Brynn stops the line of questioning but her expression is one of inquiry. “So is there an agenda for the trip or just the girls hanging out? Hotel reservations?”
“We have some things planned. It’s the WAGS and some of the wives from the staff and women who work for the team. You will have your own room. I‘ll be with Derek...”. Brynn stops and looks at Bekah’s contorted faced.
“WAGS?” Bekah asks with her eyebrows furrowed trying to place the term.
“Wives and girlfriends...of the players. Despite public opinion they aren’t all blonde models and are all very sweet. You’ve met a few before.”
“WAGS. Interesting.” Bekah’s eyes dart to her phone again. “Public opinion. Hmm.” Bekah takes a bite of her sandwich.
“I don’t know how to read that but you can google it if you want.” Brynn points to the laptop on Bekah’s desk. “There are whole social media accounts devoted to each team.”
“Oh, I was just processing that’s all. I’m sure I’ll remember them when we get together.” Bekah continues eating her lunch.
“Well, take off and I’ll see you later.” Brynn pops up and as soon as she rounded the corner Bekah was typing ‘Blackhawks WAGS’ into her search engine. Several pictures down she sees a picture of Jon with his hand wrapped around a blonde who could easily be in any magazine. She huffed out the breath she was holding then cussed softly. Realizing she was at work she checked to see if anyone was in ear shot. Bekah decided then and there as the heat filled her face that she was not going to tell him she was coming into town. Her phone buzzed again.
Jon: 🤪
Jon: Was that not funny?
Jon: how was lunch with Rin?
Bekah: always funny. the usual and learned the term WAGS.
Jon: OH! I would pretend not to know what the hell you are talking but I won’t. Please don’t read too much into the public perception of the NHL type
Bekah stared long at Jon’s text before answering. He kept doing that in their conversation. Anticipating what she was thinking without her saying anything. She couldn’t decide if she liked it or not.
Bekah: Rin was just saying the CBJ girls are nice that’s all. We were talking about our next game.
Jon: I know a few. I would agree with Rin.
Bekah goes to question who and why then realizes she noticed during the All-star game they all seemed to know each other even being on different teams.
Bekah: I still haven’t told her about All-Star weekend or this texting thing we do btw.
Bekah wasn’t sure why she felt the need to tell him this now.
Jon: maybe you should. She’s your best friend but that’s up to you. Need to go workout. Later Beks.
March came. Bekah realized she was more nervous about the trip than expected. She packed and repacked her bag. Considered just telling Jon then the picture of the girl with her arm around him and his hand resting on her ass was enough to convince her not to.
Her phone vibrates as soon as starts walking down to the hotel bar to meet the ladies.
Jon: are you in Chicago?
Bekah: how do you know that?
Jon: on the plane back from Philly and I see a post that the Lady Jackets are headed to Chicago and I’m sure that’s your braided hair at the top of the steps.
Jon sends her the pic. Bekah’s face floods red as her hand combs over her go to travel braid.
Bekah: yeah. I wasn’t sure if I’d have time to see you.
Jon: are you fucking kidding me Beks?
she goes to text back and her phone vibrates again
Jon: I’ve been trying to figure out how to see you before playoffs.
Bekah: really? What about the blonde model I saw in a picture tagged as your girlfriend? I know we said no expectations but I’m not that kinda girl.
Jon: Is that why you’ve not texted me back as much? You think you are just some side piece? Come on! There is no other girl. Scroll up. Look at our conversation.
Bekah stares at his words and before she can even text him back he’s calling. She looks around and answers.
“Hhhh...” Bekah nervously starts to answer.
“Don’t fucking make me use my sources to find your hotel room! That’s not beneath my need to see you.” This makes her smile at his tone. She can feel his desire and sheer annoyance through the phone.
“Maybe I should.” She giggles and he huffs out his disapproval but gives him the information anyway.
“I’ll see you in one hour. One hour Beks.” With that he hangs up the phone.
“Who are you talk to?” Brynn hands Bekah a drink from the bar.
“My mom.”
“I call bull shit. One, I know your mother is asleep. Plus, I see the look on your face and the pink in your cheeks...but if you don’t want to tell me right now that’s fine. I’m just glad you are getting back out there.” Bekah looks down at her best friend and sips.
“I’m not...” Bekah tries to combat the statement but stops.
“That was a statement not a question. And we don’t have to talk about it.” Brynn sips her cocktail taking in her best friend’s demeanor.
“Thanks Rin.” The ladies chatted and Bekah was thankful about 50 minutes after Jon announced he would be there the group decided to head to their respective rooms.
Just like after the All-Star game, the man was clock work, ten minutes after Bekah shut her hotel room door there was a knock. Her heart skipped a beat and she slid open the door to find Jon just as handsome with a small bag in hand. “Hi Beks.” He walked in and drops his bag.
“Hi Tae.” She breathes out before his lips were on her. His weight pressing Bekah against the wall a slight whimper escaped her lips.
“I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about kissing you again since the moment I left your car.” His lips ghost her pulse points.
“Beks, we aren’t doing this again. Yes, I find you smokin’ hot and have been thinking about this moment for too long.” He slides his hands under her thighs and carries her to the bed. “I’m slightly pissed you didn’t tell me and we could have started this an hour ago.”
“Sorry. I got in my own head. The google search.” Her breath hitches in her throat thinking of the perfect blonde.
“You didn’t click on the post, did ya? You missed the time stamp, Babe. She was my girlfriend two years ago and that’s been long over. Remember our conversation about being used for my status? She was one of those.” Jon looks deep into Bekah’s eyes. “The internet doesn’t just delete it even if you break up.” His hand cups her cheek as he kisses her lightly.
“Well I decided not to google you at all just so you know.” Her hands re-familiarizing themselves with his abs. “How was your game?” She kisses him sweetly and he smirks.
“We lost. More sex then we talk, kay?” Jon pulls off his sweater then unbuckles and slides his pants off.
“Did ya score?” Bekah follows his lead and pulls off her clothing.
“No and I wasn’t planning on it tonight and look who showed up in my city.” His body was pressed against hers then he kisses down her body making Bekah moan with each move Jon makes. Jon slips his fingers between her folds and laughs. “Your body says you’ve missed me.” He smirks and Bekah’s hands fly over her eyes.
“Well I have thought about you a lot since January too...and the hour waiting got me all worked up...just come here.” She lifts and pulls at his neck. He follows her lead and slowly presses into her core. Kissing each other with so much need that when their teeth knock together laughter erupts.
“Fuck I’m sorry.” Jon kisses Bekah again.
“I think that was both of us. But you gotta move Tae.” Bekah pulls her legs up and presses her heals into his ass. Jon finds a rhythm that makes both of them find their highs quickly. Panting as he rolls off her and pulls her to his chest.
“Seriously, so glad you came to Chicago.” Jon lifts up and kisses the top of Bekah’s head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just don’t know what this is and I saw the flawless girl...and I just...” Jon adjusts Bekah’s body so he can stare deep into her hazel eyes.
“You are exactly what I need, you know? Also, did you say you haven’t googled me Beks?” Bekah nods and he continues. “Well I don’t care if you do or don’t just so you know.”
“Thanks.” Bekah winces. “I don’t care about the hockey stuff but the social stuff just makes meee....I don’t know. Feel weird.” Bekah admits honestly.
“Not that I think you will see this if ya did but I will admit I’ve been on a date since we were together but you, Beks, are the last person I’ve slept with. You don’t have to believe me but it’s only been you.” Jon kisses her lips sweetly.
“Well, I went on a horrible date for Valentines Day. Rin was on this getting me back there train and I tried to say no.” Bekah draws circles on Jon’s chest and closes her eyes thinking of the horrible date. “It was actually the 15th and you were on the damn television. I was distracted and the man was boring as hell.”
“I was on the tv?” Jon questions kissing her cheek and trying hard not to laugh.
“Yeah, you had an assist and scored in the shoot out. I cursed my body that night for how watching you made me feel and then we texted all night which made it even worse.” Bekah admitted.
“I’m not against sexting Beks.” He flinches ready for her reaction and she just eyes him. “And you’ve been watching hockey?” Jon laughs.
“The man took me to a sports bar and the game was on. I have watched some highlights to see your dumb face.” Bekah buries her face in Jon’s chest.
“That’s adorable.” Jon whispers.
“It is not. We are what? Friends with benefits? Me watching Blackhawk highlights to catch a glimpse of you is ridiculous.”
“Friends with benefits? Hmmm... I definitely consider you a friend now and this is definitely a benefit... but I don’t know if I’d call this that.” Jon’s hand grazes her back and Bekah arches into him.
“What would YOU call this? Fuck buddies?” Bekah sits up and Jon busts out laughing.
“No... I don’t know what to call it okay but I like this. All of it. The texting, the sex, the convo...” Jon goes to stand up.
“Are you leaving?” Bekah stares at his perfect body as he crosses the room and pulls the sheets up her own in a moment of insecurity.
“I’m staying tonight. Did you see the bag? I was thinking a shower sounded nice.” He keeps walking. “Aren’t you coming?” Bekah leaps out of the bed and follows him into the bathroom.
Jon kisses her hard then sneak out for morning skate while Bekah heads down to the lobby to meet up with the ladies.
“I just heard the group over there buzz that Jonathan Toews just left this hotel.” Brynn leans into Bekah.
“Oh really?” Bekah wills her face to not flood red.
“Any reason that man would be leaving super early from a hotel in the city he lives in, especially when he was in Philadelphia yesterday for a game?” Brynn stares at her now bright red best friend’s face. “Yeah, your face tells me all I need to know. I know you don’t want to talk about it now but we WILL be talking about your little secret Beks.” The use of Jon’s nickname rolls off Brynn’s tongue.
“Did you just call me?” Bekah’s mouth hangs open.
“Oh I heard him call out to you at the game. I’m not sure why you have been hiding this from me?” Bekah pulls Brynn away from the group.
“Because how do you tell your best friend that you spent two nights with a man you hardly know and have been texting since?”
“Wait, 2 nights? I’d clap for you if we weren’t in public.”
“Rin. Seriously. I don’t know what this is with him.”
“It’s good clearly because it looks like you didn’t sleep a wink.” Brynn’s sly smile makes Bekah’s face flame again.
“Well are you seeing him tonight? They have the night off.”
“Yes, dinner at his place.”
“Find your answers then friend. If ya want them.”
Jon picked Bekah up around 4 after a day of shopping in all the go to places in Chicago. His car starts heading in the direction of his place.
“You live in Lincoln Park? Isn’t that a drive to work?” Bekah takes in the surroundings and direction they were heading.
“Yeah...wait, how do you know the neighbors so well? Most tourists know know the Mile and such.” Jon’s eyes drift to Bekah.
“Didn’t look at my diploma on my wall huh?” She clicks her tongue.
“Noooo....” Jon tries to recall if he noticed a diploma on the wall.
“DePaul. I went to DePaul for school.” Bekah giggles flicking her finger towards the direction of campus and Jon slams on his breaks at the light.
“Wait. What the hell? Seriously. So that means...when did you graduate?” Jon’s eyebrows are knit together processing.
“09.” Bekah answers with a smirk forming.
“So that’s two seasons we were in the same damn city! Fuck.” Jon’s jaws flex at the realization.
“First of all, I had my nose in a book for four years which is why I have only one real friend from college. Two, unless you were riding the L way too late avoiding your junior year roommate’s sexcapades, I didn’t get out much. Three, you wouldn’t have even noticed me if we did meet. Remember...average.” Bekah pulls her legs up onto her seat and wraps her arms around them.
“Beks, I would have fucking noticed you and now I feel like an idiot when we first talked how this girl knew so much about Chicago.” Jon takes another glance at Bekah before turning. “Townhouse is this way.” He points and Bekah’s mouth drops open.
“This is not a fucking townhouse Toews. It’s a damn mansion in Lincoln Park!”
“I just bought it so the decorations aren’t really me. Let’s just head in.” Jon ignores her shocked face and rounds the car to hold out his hand for Bekah.
“And I’m pretty sure five maybe more of my apartments could fit in it!” Bekah’s assessment was accurate of the place Jon called home in Chicago. After a small tour the two headed up to the rooftop where Jon prepared dinner.
“Could you come back here after playoffs?” Jon shoves food in his mouth and looks over at Bekah.
“You are making the playoffs?” She winks at him.
“Well, it looks to be that way. We can hang out before I head home. Plus, I’m gonna need to um...release some tension post playoffs. Damnit, that sounds worse coming out than it sounded in my head.” Jon pinches the bridge of his nose.
Bekah chokes on the wine she was sipping on. “Shit what? Like the whole athletes don’t have sex during playoffs is really a thing?”
“Well they either have a ton of sex or release or none...I tend to fall in the none category.”
“And this works?” Bekah clears her throat and takes another sip.
“Well, I’ve been to the playoffs every year I have been in the league but the first and have two cups.”
“You have TWO Stanley Cups?” Bekah’s hands hit the table and Jon laughs loudly.
“Yes Beks. And please don’t look it up. My beard is unattractive.” Bekah makes a mental note to ask Brynn. “Let’s head to bed. I’ve got a game tomorrow.”
The game was great for the Jackets and not so much for Jon and his team. He did score and it took everything in Bekah’s being to not stand and cheer when he did. Brynn eyed Bekah when it happened. Her knowing Bekah’s secret was a good and bad thing.
Jon: meet me in front of the locker room please. I know you are coming down here.
Bekah: you sure?
Jon: I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure.
Bekah smiles.
Jon: I mean you are the one keeping this a secret.
Bekah: Rin knows.
Jon: yeah?
Bekah: I’ll see you in a minute.
Bekah followed the rest of the Ladies to the United Center locker room area. “He’s that way.” Brynn points to the home locker room where Jon stood freshly showered and in a suit. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning...ish.” She laughs and gives Bekah’s ass a little love tap as she starts walking.
“Nice sweater.” He pulls on the strings of Bekah’s new thirds jersey the Lady Jackets bought each girl. “It doesn’t have another man’s name on it, does it?” Jon almost growls and Bekah goes to show him the blank back while biting her lip. “You would look much better in a red Blackhawks one in my opinion.” Jon’s finger runs down her sleeve.
“Sorry you lost but I got to see you score!” Bekah lifts up to kiss him and then drops down to the ground realizing they were in his world. His lips press against her forehead before she even looks back up.
“Let’s get out of here Beks.” Jon puts his arm around her and leads her to the car. It was in that moment she became even more confused about what they were. He clearly didn’t care who know knew or saw their exchange but yet they weren’t dating. And they established that a relationship wasn’t a good idea back in January. Now the lines were very blurry and she wondered if it was timing or something else.
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hamsterrivals · 4 years
ok, so.
I made a youtube video, of me narrating Ashita no Joe episode 4.
I was wondering for awhile if it would be ok to upload a video that’s just directly an anime episode of Ashita no Joe.
I thought partly, maybe it would be ok, since that anime came out like before 1970 or something so maybe it’s free domain,
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but nah. It is blocked. I can’t find the video at all.
but, that isn’t going to stop me..
I will do the impossible, (even though I am depressed, about someone I know. irl)
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and narrate Ashita no Joe episode 4.
I made a whole video of me narrating it with my voice. but it’s blocked aaaa. I refuse to let it go, though.
giga..drill...breakeriswhat I’d say but I am too depressed about someone I know irl.
Ok so anyways, this was gonna be a YouTube video, especially cuz-- [had to delete the explanation] anyways here:
[deleted stuff.....] ...
anyways here:
oh shizzat its 4am I’m fluffin’ tired. so I’m just gonna skim the episode and post screenshots argh my foot is pulsating as I type that as if my entire body is thinking “wow I know you re-watched Ashita no Joe episodes again yesterday but you should watch the whole episode again its godly” I’m sorry ewotjwte its just almost 4am and I had to wake up at 10am yesterday.
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the opening plays. and then:
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that one guy that is like my dad reads about my stuff
Jebus freakin’ RICE I’m tired. But I need to do something productive today cuz after I woke up at 10am for my social worker I was tired and drained all day from hearing the voices of the people upstairs and the noise in the wall.
my dad I mean Danpai keeps reading the newspaper (like how in -- gah nevermind [deleted cuz I’m paranoid about what [NEVERMIND deleted the explanation]] and
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my freakin’ dad I mean Danpai gets mad at Joe just like
I DELETED [can’t say] like 8 years ago cuz of that time when I [=/ Can’t say the details]
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GOSH DARN IT this is just like something irl and I can’t even say what it is because I’m too paranoid about people [deleted explanation here]
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ok so basically Joe is super successful and doing good things in this world but no one believes him cuz his stupid azz danpai adopted dad figure is a dumb bummie, and then
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and then I wanna explain 99 lines but we’re not even 2 minutes into the episode, so I guess I have to skip some parts; I mean it is 4am after all
and then
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ok so there’s this snobby lady (at the time ? perhaps she changes at the very very very very end but I won’t give any spoilers about how the very final episode goes itjewiot btw I literally watched this anime starting from the very last episode cuz someone said this series has best ending in anime/manga of all time, and then I started back at early episodes after that, when I first watched this however years ago,)
and then
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yes we printed this article cuz .. you’re trustworthy and popular but Joe is just an unpopular guy who helps out orphans and gives his money away to help out orphans
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ya know how when I watched the first 11 episode with [won’t say but the guy that begins with Sau and ends with ce that I was friends with for 15 years and he kept making fun of it multiple times in the chat saying “More like a shit a joe.”] well these guys are like wow Joe is a delinquent cuz he is helping out orphans
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wow Yabuki Joe used an alt account or some shiz and made a complete lie to try to help society for the better like making a peaceful game and then I mean boxing I mean waterver and then
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no one believes ni the main character Joe who is LITERALLY helping out local orphans; and they’re basically like just jealous of him and twisting the truth to make him look bad is what these snobby popular people are doing t hat actually have friends unlike the wondering loner Joe Yabuki,
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this very popular snobby lady who actually has friends unlike ab- Yabuki Joe doesn’t care that Joe is actually being helpful and wants to make projects that will bring peace to this world, she will not give him a chance because she cares more about appearances and keeping up her reputation.
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....She takes on the full pressure and responsibilty. But can she handle it?
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they’re basically like “uhhh do you have [deleted in case it comes off as offensive, since I know some others that make fun of that stuff >=\ which I don’t like either cuz I get made fun of [the deleted thing] too . It shouldn’t even have to be deleted >=\ but I was in a [DELETED] and they made fun of [the deleted thing] so I guess it has to be [deleted] which is so sad for this world ??] and so
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the really cool person who *doesn’t reveal spoilers of the end of the series aa* says please leave Train- Yabuki Joe to me !!
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i have faith in him he totally will not somehow break this faith that I vaguely have in him and am kinda too shy to publicly admit..
I wonder what Joe is feeling like right now and doing:
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s o anyways Joe keeps laughing 99 times in this episode, and, cuz he knows he’s right and just helping out orphans and people that aren’t popular and too afraid to join the b- never mind.
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some of his followers don’t respond to his long rants and are like maybe he is going too far and should back down fro mthe very popular snobby lady
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Yabuki Joe laughs again
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he says What’s the matter with you!? Stop siding with the very popular lady that actually has friends and a good reputation who is a stuck up and like do what is right instead of what . will make people think better of you even if you know in your hear that maybe it might be wrong.
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The snobby lady posted on Twit- I mean irl the anime known as Ashita no Joe the they posted a screenshot of me saying “I have family.....” and they mocked him saying “Um.... I have family too....?” as her followers mocked Yabuki Joe on twitter in the 1970s anime or something,
but family isn’t what matters, everyone has family,
what matters is that you all still have a poor reputation because you have no friends which I think is 100% ok but the stuck-up lady who hates Joe for some reason atm just cares about how they’re rich in [deleted snarky remarks] reputation.
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stop caring about the dislikes and haters and appreciate the supporters that you do have;;.
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yabuki Joe says F THE HATERS THIS IS Just the beginning of [would say but I wanna here but X_X; [deleted the reason why I won’t] because of [deleted] because of [deleted]]
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,y gpa; s 1 million followers cuz then they at least know what is right
in this world.
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and then joe is like
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and then;
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then he’s like yea in my heart I know its good to have that many followers cuz I know the true true truth about Yabuki Joe the anime and manga character from Ashita no Joe, he just wants that many followers to program an indie game about- I mean anyways
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they say
[OK WHAT THEH ECK I SERIOUSLY DID RECORD A VIDEO OF ME JUST NARRATING THIS ENTIRE EPISODE AND I uploaded it yesterday on a video sharing site but it is blocked cuz of copyrighted content aaa even though this was from before  1970 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now I gotta explain in text instead of voice like I already did last night AAAAAAAAAAaa]
they say But what would you do with that much power, that many internet I mean irl followers in 197o in Ashita no Joe the anime/manga series?
and then Yabuki Joe says teh
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then he’s like What the gosh darn shiz in yoshville mans,
and then
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and they’re like Look Yabuki Joe lives in a Terrible place with Terrible living conditions wher e brick dust keeps falling down and then
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and like Joe has no problems like getting kawaii innocent ppl to follow him, but the others are a bit suspicious.. of Joe and his behavior..
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Joe is like i’m gonna build a huge online hamster game soon.
and then someone tells Abu in tumblr messages I mean they tell
Someone tells Yabuki Joe as you can see if you flippin’ watch the episode yourself (I don’t blame you. I hope someone will check this series out, though. It’s my favorite anime series, to be honest.) anyways and then someone from his fandom of - anyways someone says
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He’s so full of himself.
I guess you suffer from delusions of grandeur?
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the bully who is even in the same exact fandom as ab- Yabuki Joe of being an orphan says that, and because they’re so big inside, people blindly listen to them.
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the true actual innocent follower that knows trainerab- Yabuki Joe is actually honest and truthful is like, wow shut the fak up brah, and then:
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Then the “Are you sure you don’t suffer from delusions of grandeur?” doubtful follower who is keeping an eye on Ab-Yabuki Joe I mean and watching over him to try to keep the orphanage safe falsely then says “This is a clown. See this clown? Abu is hiring th I mean Yabuki Joe had this younger person defend him” Wow and then
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one of the only innocent ppl in this show besides Yabuki Joe and a bunch of later characters in this series in later episodes that happen soon, know Joe really is telling the truth and that he really is honest and she’s pizzed awf at that hater troll person trying to Provoke joe and such on [deleted] anime & manga series Ashita no Joe the anime/manga series, and then
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then they’re like, uh oh maybe Joe does have some loyal followers who know the real truth and we should hold our distance and see what he does and what he is truly like, first, and then
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so, then
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so then Yabuki Joe shows them their steam profile and the gam I mean the BY- I mean
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Joe is like ok I played retro games my whole life and watched cool cartoons like the Rugrats and I play cool games and twisted trolls like the snobby girl try to make it look like I “change my interests to appease others” but come into my YouTube channel office and c the truth that I really DID play a lot of SNES games and then
I mean Yabuki Joe says this is my office and this is where I live,
I live in a factory that rains brick dust,
and then,
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I mean I flippin’ already narrated this entire episode and commented on it etc. and made a cool video of it but YouTube blocked it AAAAAAAA even tho it was an anime made in
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1970 I thought it would be free domain by now and o.k. to upload a video of it to YouTube with audio commentary GOSH AAAaaaa GOSH I WANNA NARRATE THE WHOLE EPISODE
AS I SAID IN THE youtube video that is blocked on YouTube I think it is a requirement cuz like it really pejeroyjoirjyorejijioe
ok have a nice night.
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xsspeedsterr · 4 years
(Heated) a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2017 Fanfiction
(This is 1/2 prompts made by Me and @crazyfanatic97 that take place in 2x01 “How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation” so we hope you enjoy like and Reblog for more, And this has slight sexual content btw anyways enjoy)
It was a lovely Saturday in Summer and Peter, Gwen, Anya and Miles were all setting up tents and making sure they had all there food and water to Last them the week they were in the wilderness where Peter was excited to finally check something off his Perfect Summer check list hopefully no villain decides to come out of the woods so he has to ditch his friends to Spider-Man off Easier said then done givin how it seemed that over the summer, every villian seemed to want to come out of the woodwork and attack him. if Peter was being honest he was surprised that Venom hasn’t shown up When Peter was wondering what villain would pop out at him this week a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and he felt a pair of plump bubblegum pink lips plant a kiss on his cheek
"Hey, you seem a bit tense..something wrong?" Gwens soft voice whispered into his ear, reaching up to stroke his hair.
"Need some alone time with me to calm down?" She teased and Peter blushed “N-No I’m fine don’t worry” Peter smiled at Gwen "You sure, i mean...i havnt seen you most of the summer." She stroked his hair again and sighed.
"Those villians got to see more of you than i did." She pouted “Oh trust me that isn’t a good thing” Peter laughed it off rubbing his shoulder it was still a bit sore from one of his last fights Gwen reached over and massaged it a bit.
"you alright?" But non the less he tried to calm Gwen down and assure her that he was fine
Something that wasnt working too well especially when she accidently touched one of his fresher bruises Peter flinched back his arm shyly it was still stinging a bit "Mind if I kiss it?" She joked “Heh um n-no” Peter blushes this relationship was new but it was getting better everyday for him Gwen reached and pulled up his shirt enough that she could get to the shoulder and gave it a nice long kiss Then there was rustling coming from the bushes turns out it was Anya and Miles coming back with fire wood Peter started to panic Gwen pulled herself back, and threw down Peters shirt,trying too mask and hide her blush “Alright I think that’s all we’ll need for tonight” Anya said as she placed the wood beside the fire pit and turned around to Peter and Gwen but gave them a weird look once she saw them "Thats great, less work and more fun right?" Chuckled Peter “Yaaa is everything alright with you guys” Anya questioned as she took in that Gwen was covering her face and Peter was shifting around weirdly "Whatever do you mean?" Gwen innocently asked Anya just lifted an eyebrow before turning around and going to get dinner going Miles gave the two of them an equally curious look, but brushed it off to go start the fire. Peter walked over to Gwen and sighed.
"Too close." “Ya no shit Pete” Gwen laughed nervously before getting up “c’mon we should probably go help the others”
“I’d love to” Gwen smirked as she tried her hand at being seductive but wasn’t quite sure if it was working Of course givin Peters luck with girls, any attempt was bound too work
A couple hours later and they had just finished Dinner and were sitting around the camp fire with Miles trying to tell scary stories
"And then, when they looked at the car door, they found a rusty old hook..but then..the now one handed murderer came up from behind...." "And what?" Peter asked with a mouth full of marsh mellows "He threw a rock at them!" “Awww that’s lame” Gwen pouted at the sour turn of events in the story "Wait how did he throw it that hard with only one hand?" Anya inquired “He used his hook hand too?” Miles tried to recover the story "But its stuck to that door " Pointed out Peter “C’mon Pete” Miles said over exaggerating his arm movements Everyone was laughing "Sorry, i cant help it."
Anya giggled at the boys banter before yawning “alright I think I’m gonna get some shut eye now” Anya stretched out as she stood up "Yeah, i think im ready to hit the hay too "Gwen winked at Peter and giggled Peter blushed and offered to clean up when everyone went to bed "If you insist." Miles said with a shrug As everyone shuffled into there tents Peter hopped into his and laid on his sleeping bag about 10 minutes have passed by since everyone went to sleep But everyone wasn’t fully asleep then Peter heard shuffling outside and sat up on high alert
"Peter?" Gwen whispered softly into the tent “Ya?” Peter sat up and unzipped the tents door Gwen crawled right in and planted a little kiss on his shoulder, smiling as she sat on his lap “Woh hey” Peter chuckled he could feel the blood starting to flow to his groin
"Sorry, i just missed you all summer." Gwen traces her finger down his shoulder “Hey I missed you too” Peter leaned in and captured her lips while grabbing her hips Gwen giggled and lightly pushed Peter into the floor of the tent and hovered over him “Hopefully this week will be villain free” Peter signs "I hope so too" Gwen leaned down and kissed the underside of his chin. ."I need my Spidey-time " she teased Peter smiled at the nickname “if I remember correctly you owe me some alone time” Peter smirked at Gwen she was trying to tease him all day knowing he couldn’t say anything when Anya and Miles were around she was a sneaky one "Well, how about we both cash in on that offer? hmmm” she she smirked cupping his face Peter leaned into her touch as there mouths intertwined tenderly Things started to get faster as Peter sped up a bit as he pulled her in by her waist he angled his head and started to plant kisses on her neck down to her collar bone where he started to suck a bit Gwen bit her lip and started to thread her hands threw his brown hair Peters hands started to head down south as it got more heated Gwen let out a squeal as Peter squeezed her hips then started to pull her yoga pants down as there mouths found each other’s again there tongues started fighting for dominance once Gwens pants were off she started to grind on Peter then started to work his shirt up his body feeling up his abs along the way and whining a bit as she had to break there mouths apart for a second to get the damn shirt off him fully Peters hands went right back to Gwens ass once the shirt was off deciding to be daring he gave her butt a little slap and smirked into the kiss when she squeaked but that squeak turned into a breathy moan as Peters fingers hooked onto her pink panties as the other squeezed her ass
“Um are you ok in there?” Anya called out hearing how much commotion they were making in the tent there blood ran cold as they heard the tents zipper be undone and when Gwen tumbled off of Peters lap and they both looked up they saw the very confused and shocked faces of there two best friends
“Shit” Gwen swore under her breath as she covered her rosy cheeks with her hands as Peter threw his sleeping bag over his legs not wanting his friends to see his erection right now
“A-Anya Miles what are you guys doing up” Peter panicked “We thought someone was getting attacked by a bear ya know with all the sounds coming from your tent it sure sounded like it” Anya said in a accusing manner throwing in a couple Latin curses for good measure meanwhile Miles looked like a kid who had just walked in on his parents his jaw hanging open at the scene in front of him “S-so how long has this been going on for?” Miles asked a bit hurt that his friends didn’t tell him and if he was completely honest he did ship his two friends but he was to hurt to say that right now
“Um around the end of the year look we’re so sorry we didn’t tell you guys it’s just this is still pretty new so we didn’t wanna ruin the friend dynamic between all of us by throwing in our relationship” Gwen bit her lip
Anya sighed she was to tired right now to deal with this “this is not over we are talking about this in the morning” Anya warned pointing a finger at the two teens caught in the act
Peter shrunk down into the sleeping bag if he was being completely honest Anya was scarier then any villain when she got angry like this
“Ooh you guys are in trouble” Miles smirked a bit at them while he secretly thanked god it wasn’t him this time on the other side of Anyas rath
Anya turned on her heel and marched back to her tent already thinking up how she was going to dig into her friends in the morning she was definitely also gonna enlist Miles help in setting up a prank
“Alright well night guys and hey make sure to use protection” He joked as he went off to his tent as well zipping Peters back up
Gwen turned to Peter “guess we better get some sleep before we’re chewed out by Anya” “Ya” Peters heart was beating a thousand miles a minute from what just occurred between him and Gwen
Gwen laid down and wrapped her arms around him “next time we gotta find somewhere more private” “Agreed” Peter answered as he snuggled up with Gwen and fell asleep as the night went by
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kinktae · 4 years
holy crap!! I just noticed y/n’s family in bitchin is like stranger things !!!! I love that sm omg love it so far btw ♡
YESSSS thank u for noticing!! I have a lot of fun with writing bitchin i do hehe
(warning: literal 80 asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: not @ me reading bitchin’ during math literally SLAMMING YHE DESK
Anonymous said: I was going to stay up to wait for Bitchin but I went to sleep instead because today is my first day of school (second year of university) so I decided to get sleep while I still could. Also I read the update on the train sitting next to a random lady and I really hope she didn’t look over at my phone lol. I loved the update and I can’t wait for the rest of the series!!!
Anonymous said: OMG BITCHIN WAS SO GOOD! You're such an amazing writer!!!
jun-sohyunnie-dotnet said: Just an fyi, bitchin' jk is my FAVORITE jk I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Ever. He could stomp all over me and I'd thank him profusely. (And you're writing is absolutely captivating 🥺💕💕)
sugarkinky said: Bitchin just wrecked me for real, U ARE AWESOME ROSE mierda que te amo chica ¿cómo consigues escribir así? Eres perfecta ❤
Anonymous said: Bruh bitchin was everything I wanted and more thank u baby
Anonymous said: Bitchin’ is amazing! I have so many feelings ahhhh!!! I love you and your work 🥺
Anonymous said: Bitchin' is literally my favourite fic right now, it's so good! 😍 Can't wait for the next part!!
gardenofrosesx said: Im in love with bitchin 🥺💗 I think that the song that represent it so well is Wait a minute by Willow Smith, every time a hear it I imagine this fic💗 I send you thousands of good vibes and love and peace to your side! Keep going 💗
Anonymous said: Ahhhh I just wanted to say bitchin is absolutely amazing and is so well written and I’m just completely hooked!!! YOU DID AMAZING!!! Also is there gonna be angst in future chapters BECAUSE IM REALLY NOT READY IF BOTH JUNGKOOK AND OC DENY THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER
Anonymous said: girl, I finally got around to reading bitchin' and I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T READ IT SOONER. it's been a while since I've found a chaptered fic that kept my interests but I was hooked with pt 1!!! I love your spin on tatbilb, and I love the characters you created. I have to honestly say, I'm also absolutely in love with the way you write. your descriptions and dialogue hit me in all the right places. I can't wait to see where this story takes me. thank you for doing what you do!
Anonymous said: Love Bitchin so far!
Anonymous said: i keep rereading bitchin pt. 5😭😭 love it so much
Anonymous said: hi!! I just wanted to leave an ask and let you know that you’re one of my absolute favorite authors and your work is incredible!! the concept behind your rewind series is so unique and interesting and all of the stories have been wonderful so far. I’m so looking forward to the rest of bitchin’ because it has been so so so good and I love the way that you’re developing the characters and the plot. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Anonymous said: just finished bitchin 5 and ................ i cant believe how ure able to write jungkook to Life and characterize him in such an attractive way it makes it so artistic and aknejdjdj it’s art it’s everything
Anonymous said: Argh the grind is real! I’m about to start my exams too so we can both be working our asses off! Also Bitchin is such a great series and I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing writer!!! The series made me so emotionally invested in the characters and I can’t get enough of it!! ITS SO GOOODDD THANK YOU FOR WRITING SUCH A MASTERPIECE
sanniinnas said: Hiii! Love your writings soo much! You have such a talent with words! You inspire me as a writer and make me want to learn writing and English better.
Anonymous said: I am seriously laughing from the asks that have been send to you and i cannot wait to read the ff because now i am busy :( also random fact, my biology teacher told us aboit Rosa Franklin and i already knew about her, and all i could keep thinking was bitchin pt5 and i started laughing. They thought i was a maniac 😎🤙
Anonymous said: just wanted to say bitchin’ is *chefs kiss* and i can’t wait for part 7 🥺 i’m not trynna rush you i’m just excited 🥺
nochusbutt said: okay but FIRST OF ALL, YES BITCHIN’ YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. secondly, my name is Rose too I’m so, what? omg yes I literally share a name with a legend. quote me!! 🥰☺️🤪
Anonymous said: Ahhh I am so excited for Bitchin Pt 6!!! No exaggeration this is my all time favorite fic, I think ab it a lot honestly. Whenever I see 80s aesthetic BTS edits I think of Bitchin and lots of love songs make me think of this fic too. I’m not a huge fan of smut but this fic is just so good. The OCs and Jks interactions are precious and I’m obsessed with the 80s theme! I am a huge fan of angst so I am ready to cry my eyes out. Thank you for writing this amazing fic
Anonymous said: aight...time to go re-read bitchin again ....[insert /ah shit, here we go again/ video]
hear-me-growl said: Wait! Bitchin' is not done?! It's one of my favourite fics ever! I love the whole cliche college vibe, the dialogues are sooo good and the chemistry between Jk and the girl it's just perfect, really. And now you tell me it's not finished.😱 I AM SO EXCITED! you've made my day! Keep up the good work, you are amazing 😍
Anonymous said: AAAAAAAA THE BITCHIN UPDATE WAS SO GOOD !!!!! but also Kiri that bItCh y/n don’t fall for it 🤡😩
Anonymous said: i want sleep but BITCHIN
Anonymous said: Thankyou for updating bitchin sis!!!! But im so sad because this is their first fight(?) i hope they can talk about it and hoping kiri doesnt talk nonsense tp y/n ok :( but I AM GLAD JUNGKOOK REALIZE HE LIKES OC OKEY OKEY! 💜💜💜 sending 💜💜💜💜 to you because you deserve it👏🏼
diortae said: rose I have class in a few minutes and all I can think about is how much I want bitchin jk to raw me what have u DONE
sunnyoongles said: bitchin is literally so good*chefs kiss* i love angst*chefs kiss* i love drama*chefs kiss* i just love the whole rewind series*chefs kiss*
ppampin said: so yesterday i read bitchin pt. 6 three times in a row because it was just so good and now i can't wait to pt. 7 to come out
Anonymous said: Finally got to read bitchin 6, WTF IS GOING ON!? I’m so confused!! Do I trust my so called boyfriend or do I trust “girl code” by my boo’s ex who tried to scare me away from my boo the first time we met ??!!?
Anonymous said: i really need to know something about bitchin 🤔 is kiri a bitch or we don't have feminine rivalry here? help me out rose
Anonymous said: It is almost 1 am in here and I have a morning class but guess who is gonna binge re read all the Bitchin because the last chapter was so good?? 🤔
Anonymous said: I’m so ready for you to break our hearts in bitchin. I live for the angst 😭😭😪
Anonymous said: Rose you are KILLING ME with this story like I'm not even caught up on my favorite TV shows this week but goddammit I still made time for Bitchin' 💕💕💕
cheeky-kookie said: Girl I am sooooo fucking happy with Bitchin' 6. Like I love the small progressions Jungkook is having coming to terms with his actual feelings with Y/N. Also btw, loving the whole Yara/Tae moments going on ;) As always, I'm in love. Thank you for blessing us with this masterpiece
Anonymous said: Rosie !! I just read Bitchin’ and BIIIIITCH you have my feelings on a rollercoaster !!!!!! I’ve never been so invested in a fanfic like this and imma tell you how much I appreciate you for putting your work out on the internet. Especially for free like wtf ! Your writings are some quaLITY shit that I would purchase without hesitation 👌🏽👏🏽 I was wondering if you ever considered going into the writing career ? Anyways have a lovely day 💛💛 -MC
Anonymous said: This ch 6 getting all the attention away from my precious zombie Jungkook 😤 But who am I to say I love Bitchin😂😍 This Kiri better not be playing dirty games we are already not in good terms with her 🧐 And why is nobody talking about the fact that Y/N finally got her event she dreamed of?? Congrats girlll 🎊🎉🥳👌👏
sapphireprinces5 said: I am 1000% not ready for angst between the precious y/n and Jungkook in Bitchin’ omfg i’m honestly terrified and going to buy some tissues from the cvs across the street
Anonymous said: I JUST FINISHED READING BITCHIN 6 AND JUNGKOOK PLS TELL ME THAT JUNGKOOK IS OVER KIRI )))): he couldn’t have been lying about the way he felt for y/n even though it was reheated, right??? I’m SADD. But Rose, you are so beyond talented!!! I love reading your works!!!
Anonymous said: Ok, Rose you gotta let me know if Bitchin’ will have a happy ending, because I don’t know if my emotions can handle an upseti spaghetti ending. Anywho I love you and your writing, everything is chefs kiss. 💗
Anonymous said: bitchin will have 10 parts?????? ma'am u got the power
Anonymous said: OKAY SO BITCHIN’ IS AMAZING AND LIKE— I LOVE (1) DUMB “”””COUPLE”””” Your writing is amazing omg
Anonymous said: Me: already read bitchin completely You: reblogs pt.6 Me: a little refresher wouldn’t hurt 👀
Anonymous said: I wish u the best during your hiatus!!! Take lots of care bby :3 Just wanted to tell you how much I love the 'Bitchin' series, I'm shooketa at how well written it is. Y/N is a really refreshing character, especially as an STEM major myself, it's so relatable to some extent, especially when it comes to appreciating compliments about your inteligence, that really got me, since it's kinda unsual. I hope I found a Jungkook one day then :') jk, but really, I absolutely loved it, you're the best!!!
Anonymous said: hi just so u r aware if u make the end of bitchin’ sad i will cry. that will be on u. my tears will be UR fault.
Anonymous said: i just wanted to say thank you. when bitchin’ came out, there was a part where y/n talks about why she hated her twin sisters. it was comforting to know that i wasn’t alone in feeling uncool or boring. i never brought up my brother because i thought people would see how uncool i was and so i put my effort into school instead. thanks for bringing me comfort and for pushing me to love myself more and to change my viewpoints on the parts of myself i view as boring!!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛🌼
this made me :’))) i love knowing that you can find comfort in my characters!!! there is a little piece of me in all my characters but I do try to make them all somewhat different so that other people can relate. best of luck lovely!!
purplealiensblog said: Yo ily and cant wait for the next chapter of bitchin but i have to share: i got a notif on a new chapter and was all excited and then i discover its tumblr being glitchy again and notifying me on the last one :( i hope you will find time soon to write the rest and thank you for writing i love your work🥰♥️
Anonymous said: BITCH I JUST FINISHED READING BITCHIN IN JUST ONE DAY AND NOW I’M CRYING BECAUSE THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE FIC OF ALL TIME!!!.!.!.! (also sorry my bad englisheu i’m not native lmao)
Anonymous said: HELLO LOVELY AAAAAAAA IM HAPPY YOURE BACK 😩 are u reallyback tho? Hehe im so shookt with the new chapter of bitchin’ has me yearning for more😭 im def a proud bitchinator😔👏 tHANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS😃 WE LOVE U!!!!💜 we MISSED YOU!! 💜 i hope u are loved and happy and cared for! 💜K
Anonymous said: Hi there !!I hope your doing well ! Taking your time to recover and work on yourself I literally just finshed bitchin to the last update and oof I just gotta tell you what the f How do you write the characters so well... I love me some good characterization like oof ICANNOT JJK IS SO I WANNA SMOOSH HIM IN MY ARMS LIKE PLEASE THE STORY IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING HAHA I HOPE IM NOT SCARING YOU WITHMY CAPSLOCK I just wish to sincerely get my excitement across hahaha I love you boo take care x
nonecesitodenadie said: I rarely send asks but... I'm reading bitchin and I'M LOVING IT, really it's amazing i hope that you can continue it, i send you much love and thanks for your work you're so talented 🥺❤️
Anonymous said: can i just say bitchin' is honest to god such a good good good fic like i'm so in l*ve with it 😩 i've probably reread it thrice waiting for a new update ): i also happen to love your other works so much as well!!
sydney--chan said: Okay so no cap yesterday I was talking to my friend (who also reads your work) about me and my bf n she was like "he loves you the way Bitchin' jk loves Y/N aND I SOBBED ROSE IT MADE ME CRY FOR HOURS
usagionthem00n said: Lol I know you’ve been kinda quiet on here BUT IM HERE TO PLATONICALLY HARASS U???(tbh idk I’m just trying to find a reason to bother you) I-I miss u 👉👈 HOPE THIS POST MADE U SMILE ILL BE BACK BITCH (Um speaking of bitches I still need to join the bitchinators :/) I PROMISE ILL GET TO IT!!!
Anonymous said: HIIII! so, one night I spent about two hours trying to find another great Jungkook story... I was losing hope in finding one BUT THEN I FOUND “BITCHIN” and omg it’s amazing, I absolutely love it!!!!! take care always, have a great day!! thank you for creating such a beautiful story.
Anonymous said: Can I just say.... bitchin is so good! like it’s been so long since I’ve liked a fic as much as bitchin??!!? Everything about it has me like :)))) so yes just wanted to let u know hehe
SO MANY OF U LOVIN ON BITCHIN!! MAYHAPS IM OVERWHELMED (in the best way possible). Thank u everyone who sent an ask in, i am the happiest bean in bed rn reading all these asks C:
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First Time
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: haha sorry
You: nice abs
Stranger: lol thanks
Stranger: like your smile btw you seem cute af haha like wtf
You: how mamy times ur on the gym
Stranger: try 3-5 times a week
You: that dedication tho
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha i try
Stranger: oh shoot and you got that freckle dayummm
You: i did go once
You: i puked
Stranger: you got the whole package hahah
Stranger: oh shoot that means you a hard worker
You: its a beauty mark
You: more like a cursed mark
Stranger: it really is
Stranger: nah
Stranger: beauty mark for sure
Stranger: dides find that super sexy ngl
You: hahah calm ur tits boo
You: im here for wholesome shit
You: but i dont know why im on the unmonitored sec
Stranger: yeah? for example?
Stranger: oh lol like what wholesume shit?
Stranger: you low key "bored" or nah ll
Stranger: sorry im so excited
You: im here for stories and confessions from you guys
Stranger: just always haha like what?
Stranger: what you tryna hear?
You: im not into sext and stripping stuff. Treat me like a commercial from dicks lol
Stranger: haha aight
Stranger: where you from tho?
You: im in the middle east rn
You: working :(
You: you?
Stranger: really
Stranger: how old are you?
Stranger: im basic form the us
Stranger: in FL
You: 23 haha do i look younger?
Stranger: haha yeah you look good for 23
Stranger: is it cold there?
You: haha dont make me smileeee
Stranger: haha why
Stranger: you have a fucking great one lmao
You: nnah im just covering my ppajamas hahaha
Stranger: haha ok..... why tho?
Stranger: protection from the dicks?
You: coz people might think ill strip when i have this angle
You: and they see a shoulder and shit
Stranger: ahh gotcha
You: hahahah correct
Stranger: oh shoot that shoulder...
Stranger: lmao
You: haha shhh
Stranger: haha you funny
Stranger: what time is it there?
You: so are you here for dicks or boobies before u met me?
You: its 2am
Stranger: honestly?
You: oh shit its the us timezone wait
You: 125PM
Stranger: dang nice
You: were on the opposite part
You: wait my sister is calling
Stranger: gotcha makes sense
Stranger: ugh and your voice.... :)
Stranger: you are literally the cutest thing lmao idk why tf you on omelge haha
Stranger: I hate to break it to ya bt... I saw your pajamas
Stranger: haha and even your shoulder ;)
Stranger: watch out
You: hahaha dont get horny or youll leave me
Stranger: haha I would never leave you
Stranger: you would leave me if anything
You: i would if you start asking me to strip off my comfy blanket
Stranger: haha dang
Stranger: I just want you to feel good lol
Stranger: so if you comfy that's chill
Stranger: but you did ask why I was on here....
Stranger: you honestly want to know?
You: noooo haha
You: youre naked
You: and shit
You: so i kinda figure it out
Stranger: haha i got pants on
You: im just stalling you before u encounter some dicks again
Stranger: lol sorry a man's curious
Stranger: ive just never done anything with a girl so i can't help it
Stranger: you know?
Stranger: you gotta remember back in the day don't ya?
You: back in the day?
Stranger: haha when youve never actually done anything with a guy
Stranger: you weren't curious?
Stranger: or want to experament?
You: oh okay
You: so how was your experiment going?
Stranger: haha not good everyone skipped and there were no girls lol
Stranger: that's why im shocked you stayed
You: hahaha so thats why stayed with me
You: even tho i want that non stripping part
Stranger: hnestly yes.. and you are super cute fr
You: haha dont make me smileee
Stranger: I mean idk... even if you don't want that I can't skip you haha
Stranger: I wish i could make you smile lol
Stranger: your so chill
Stranger: and are those little dimples?
You: i dont have dimple look
You: i wish i had.
Stranger: you have little ones
You: how about u?
Stranger: one the corneres of yor mouth
Stranger: nope i dont
You: i love how you smile then go back to the poker face
Stranger: hah you do it too :D
You: haha copycat
Stranger: nah nah nah
Stranger: im defo not copying you
Stranger: i don't have that much style lmao
You: hahaha stop idolizing me
You: its just meeee~~~~
Stranger: haha im not
Stranger: youre just you....
Stranger: and super dope and cute lol
Stranger: haha yes that' smile
Stranger: i love it
You: hahaha tell that to girls around you and you'll get a girlfriend instantlyyy
Stranger: what's that?
You: are u shy in person?
Stranger: kinda
Stranger: like irl yeah...;(
Stranger: kinda sucks
Stranger: like I can talk to em but like scared to shoot my shot and have it be wrong lol
Stranger: guess that's why ive never done anything
Stranger: I just want them to be happy
Stranger: ya know?
You: aww you are soo sweet
Stranger: I don't wanna do anything they have to or want to say no to
You: i bet your future girlfriend would be soo lucky
Stranger: haha hopefully
Stranger: only she might be disappointed I don't know what im doing...
Stranger: do ya think?
You: you look like a nice guy not the douche type you know
Stranger: lol thanks I guess
You: and i bet youll love her endlessleyyy
Stranger: that's the goal ;)
You: well they say nice guy finish last hahahaha i remember the niggahigga
Stranger: haha ess
You: but right now ur stuck with me haha
Stranger: nigahiga is hilarious
Stranger: haha happy to be lol
Stranger: jk..
You: so good to hear that ahaha
You: lol
Stranger: it actually sucks to have to look at your smile all the time
Stranger: like ughhh
Stranger: man its horrible
You: whyy
Stranger: *note lots of sarcasm lmao
Stranger: im kidding your too cute
Stranger: it would never be horrible haha
Stranger: and you have those deep eyes you look deep into
Stranger: why can't you be in the staes?
You: hahaha that why i dont stare at people.
Stranger: why its a gift
You: they get hypnotizedd
Stranger: haha ok that makes sense then hah
You: hahaha US is crazyy right now
Stranger: true that
You: even in my country is crazy
Stranger: what is your country?
You: i can't even visit US even tho i want to.
You: lot of racist stuff on the internet
Stranger: oh dang that sucks ;(
You: Philippines
Stranger: the internet is garbo
You: but most people think im chinese
Stranger: don't listen to it
You: coz of my eyes
Stranger: ahhh that makes sense haha
Stranger: nah that's why you so cute idk why but phillipino's are so attrative
You: hahahaha coz we got everything in our blood. americans, spanish, chinese
You: maybe indian too?
Stranger: haha that explains it
Stranger: got the best of all worlds
You: hahaha we like the powerpull girls
Stranger: lolll you goofy :P
Stranger: what do you do for work?
You: maybe u can visit PH then, my face is very common there
You: im in corporate bullshit haha
Stranger: haha doubt i
You: you?
Stranger: t
Stranger: ah gotcha
Stranger: im in colleg still
You: what course you taking?
Stranger: business managment/ entreprenuership
You: i hate collegee haha the test and stuff
Stranger: haha its tough fr
Stranger: good for me tho
You: haha ur same like me. your gonna be stuck to a desk too in the coming years
Stranger: nope
Stranger: I hope never to be at a deskjob 24/7
Stranger: hope to start a company or go into relations and build a small company
Stranger: my dad does it and has his own businesses and that's wht i hope to get into
You: i hope you achieve that!
Stranger: be my own boss its stressful as heck but workhard itll pay off
You: Dont be a corporate slave like us haha
You: yeah youll be so good at managing people
Stranger: haha someone has to do the dirty work
Stranger: lol why do you say that?
You: hahaha true dat
You: well based on our convo
You: you look nice but has that fierce aura haha
You: im not guru
Stranger: lol fierce aura
Stranger: your too nice
You: haha i hope it wont be a disadvantage
You: being too nice
Stranger: haha you can never be too nice so long as you know when to switch
You: haha from dominant to submissive?
Stranger: haha what do you mean?
Stranger: don't get me don't tease me lol
You: haha sorry your confused face made me smile
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ywe talking about business thenyou ask, dom or sub?
Stranger: haha im lost
You: i think cockteaser is my worst trait. I lead you but no action :(
Stranger: haha i mean...
Stranger: you could change that
Stranger: nothing you dont wanna do tho haha
You: haha naahh im good with reading
You: aww you know me now
Stranger: haha in some senses
Stranger: ;)
You: hahaha im more like into imagining than action
You: i love reading those confessions
You: on what guy do to girls
Stranger: ahhh gotcha
Stranger: haaha that's kind hot
Stranger: im more into action but I love pleasing so like compromise?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wanna know what i sevretly fantasy?
You: whaaat
Stranger: like very intamate sensuall start with like cuddling ahhh
Stranger: it would be amazing
You: have you ever tried that?
Stranger: be the big spoon holidng someone so close
You: youre good with words
Stranger: keeping each other so warm as i wrap my arms arudn them
Stranger: then softly kissing the back of her neck with my lips
Stranger: as she feels my soft breathe on the back of her neck through her hair
Stranger: ugh it would be amazing
You: i had goosebumps reading that
Stranger: ugh such a tease... I want her to feel so good
Stranger: get goosebumps and have the shivers
You: she would be very lucky
Stranger: just tease her and let her feel amazingg
You: tell me more please
Stranger: id just be holding you close hands on your hips wrapped all the way around you
Stranger: as the little spoon youd look over your shoulder
Stranger: our eyes would meet and lock gazes our lips moving slowly closer and cloer
Stranger: seemingley drawn together
Stranger: then our lips would finally meet
Stranger: softly caressing eachother as our eyes closed and we just felt the moment
You: its so good it hurts so much. i cant even breathe
Stranger: so close so warm so much energy courseing between us
Stranger: ugh yes
Stranger: wed bgin to roll aroudn on the bed
Stranger: so much passion
Stranger: our lips locked so tight
Stranger: our lungs would be gen to get sore and tight from not breathing but i wouldnt care
Stranger: id just press into your lips more
Stranger: you being my everything
Stranger: then finally to breathe id slip my lips down look you in the eyes and wed both smile
Stranger: as m my eyes looked at your whole beautiful body as we were on the bed
Stranger: so amazing
Stranger: slide my lips down sloly from your lips down to your chin
Stranger: to your neck
You: damn ur sooo good
Stranger: you trusting me wholly exposing your vulnerable neck
Stranger: thanks ;) just imagine what i wish we could be doing
Stranger: your beatufil amazing self ughhh it would be soo good
Stranger: its honestly making me horny.. so sorry if i get too excited ;)
You: girls would be so jealous reading this chat from you
Stranger: id be kissng your neck softly yet passionately as my hands held you by your smalll of your back and your hip
Stranger: feeling your body up and down with my waarm rough yet gentle hands
Stranger: just teasing you wanting you to feel soo good my lips would continue to move down
Stranger: slowly kissing your chest
You: never in my entire life i would imagine this would happen
Stranger: looking you ito your eyes after each amazing smooch
You: i feel like reliving those gone wild stories on reddit lol
Stranger: well if you wre from FL it would have to happen
Stranger: haha yes it would be so perfect
You: if i were in florida you would never glance at me
You: im too small to be noticed haha
Stranger: my hands would slip up under your shirt and yud draw a short breath but trust me anyway
Stranger: amazing things come in small packages
You: that could be ur branding for ur business haha
Stranger: my hands would realol sure
Stranger: ugh you are so cute i love it
Stranger: does it make you feel good?
You: the air here is so thin i have to breath so heavy
Stranger: ughhh that is amazing
You: its so good it hurrrrts
You: thank you for making me feel this way :)
Stranger: ugh id wanna make your eyes go back into your head just imagining
Stranger: how amazing it would be bb
You: my feet is all curled up just imagining it
Stranger: ugh yes ;)
You: you swoop me with you words :(
Stranger: should I keep going?
You: go on
Stranger: and feel free to add in or suggest things
Stranger: where was i?
Stranger: u remmember?
You: wait
Stranger: ugh and you have th eperfect hands <3
You: your hands is under my shirt
Stranger: yes thats right
Stranger: Im just about to make my big move
Stranger: im so nervous but I go for it annyway
You: but you found out i have a petite body
Stranger: my hands under your shirt my lips kissing your ches from your
Stranger: low cut chirt that sags
Stranger: your petite body is so small under me and my big hands
Stranger: im 6'2
Stranger: (fr)
You: you would just toss me
Stranger: and my hands slip behind and unclip your small petite perfect bra
Stranger: id be very gentle or unless you wanted something else
Stranger: ;)
You: gentler please
Stranger: your bra would just seemingly slip off
Stranger: and wed again look at each other and grin
Stranger: you slightly nervously in anticipation
Stranger: but exceited
Stranger: i relieved you are feeling soo good
Stranger: id then go down to your stomach
Stranger: lifting your shirt up and crawling it up your stomuch right above my lips
Stranger: at your wasitline moving up
Stranger: then to your bellybutton and slightly above
Stranger: before id pause
Stranger: look you in the eyes and keep going
You: damnnnn its so hot!!!
Stranger: running my hands up ands down your perfect petite and small body
Stranger: you are amazing
Stranger: so sexy and hot
Stranger: in those same pajamas your n
Stranger: in*
Stranger: then id get to your ribcage with my lips
Stranger: youd draw in a deep breathe of pleasure
Stranger: it wold give me the courage to keep going
You: my hands is so sweaty just reading
Stranger: right up to the very bottom of your bossom
Stranger: id be in awe of your amazing bidy
Stranger: making me so tunred on
Stranger: my lips wold quiver and keep going
Stranger: so softly yet excitedly with passion
Stranger: (if we disconnect add my snap)
Stranger: masonbrink 8
You: i just waxed down there :o
Stranger: masonbrink8
Stranger: your perfectly smooth body
You: i dont have a snap!!!! :(
Stranger: im at the bottom of your soft boobs so amazingas im lifting youru pj's with my hands kissing rihgt behind
Stranger: how can we find if we lose eac other?
Stranger: my intenet is bad
Stranger: internet*
Stranger: I keep lifting....
Stranger: your pjs are now up to the bottom of your nipple
Stranger: im teasing you so hard and it feels so good for both of us
Stranger: as I rip my shirt off too
Stranger: show my abs as you run you perfect hands over my abs and i have you lift your hands
You: my heart is beating soo fast
Stranger: we hgaze deep down into each others eyes and I lift yoru shirt
Stranger: exposing your amazingly soft supple body
Stranger: your petite breasts
Stranger: are they big or small or medium?
You: my boobs are small but my nipples are always hard
Stranger: ugh that' the perfect comboooo ;)
Stranger: kissing your underboob
You: perfect for bitting
Stranger: working my way up not missing a single spot
Stranger: except the nipple
Stranger: im just teasing it
You: what a tease
Stranger: making them harder and harder
Stranger: my hands are grabbing you by the hips feeling all along there
Stranger: my bb is amazing
Stranger: then I do it
Stranger: look up and grin
Stranger: I move right to your left nipple
Stranger: teasing it soft t first
Stranger: with my tongue and lips then to your other one
You: jusmyo marimar
Stranger: as I get a little bit more playful
You: hahaha
You: its omg in spanish
Stranger: haha what is that?
Stranger: ugh yes perfect
You: i want to roll on my bed its so perfect :(
Stranger: then I tease your little rock hard nipples with my teeth
Stranger: fotly biting them teasingly as my hands are having a great time on your perfect body
Stranger: and you are running yours all along my abs going down to the waist
Stranger: feel free to do whatever bb
Stranger: i want you to feel soo good
Stranger: if your want to rooll or rock a little or tease a little feel free ;)
You: my hands is too small to explore every inch of you
Stranger: your small little hands meeling the edge of my waistband
Stranger: feeling*
Stranger: teastingly snapping it as I giss your beatiful nipples
Stranger: and I do it right back slipping my hands into your tight little wastband
Stranger: ugh yes your sooo cuteee
Stranger: so sexxy
You: sorry i have to get comffyyy
Stranger: its perfect i can teell you are because I think you are moaning a little bit ;)
Stranger: that is so sexy making you feel soo good
You: i know its so hard not toooo
Stranger: just echaling with pleasure
Stranger: do it I want to make you moan bb
Stranger: I want you to just feel it all
Stranger: so then I was teasing your waistband as I kissed your nipples
You: this is heaven right nowwww
Stranger: id slowly go down off of them
Stranger: never missing a spot but working my way back down
Stranger: then skip a bit to your bellybutton
Stranger: wanting to make yowanting to make you soo wet for met
Stranger: your freshly waxed body id just slip right down it
Stranger: my lips nearing your bandline
You: its hard for me to get wet. try harder :)
Stranger: edge of your underwear and your pajamas
Stranger: ok:P
Stranger: tell me if you are getting wet tho bb
Stranger: with my lips nearing your sensitive spot
Stranger: my hands on your thighs as im on top of you
Stranger: your layig back with your arms above your head
Stranger: clenching the pillows trying not to squirm too much
Stranger: my hands soflty touching your thighs teasting them
Stranger: just brishing closer and cloer on your inner thigh
Stranger: you know its coming but cant wait
Stranger: so sxcited you can't contain a little shiver and soft moan
Stranger: so I think im gonna do it
Stranger: should I d it?
You: no
You: you go back to my lips
You: teasing me more
Stranger: you knew what was coming :P
Stranger: I keeo going down but then
Stranger: im sooo close to your tight little pussy starting to get wet then I pull back
Stranger: look you in your eyes and go back to your lips
Stranger: pasvery softly very softly
Stranger: quick kiiss then pull away taking it all in
Stranger: feeling every inch of your soft lips as they are so moist and n chemistry with mine
Stranger: i continue to hold you by the small of your back and do this over and over
Stranger: holding the back of your head and kissing you
Stranger: softly
Stranger: slowly getting more passionately
Stranger: we begin rolling on the bed and around the room
Stranger: we don't care we are just locked in enamored
Stranger: just fully enveloped in teh moment and each other
Stranger: I pull away once again
Stranger: leaving your lips midair trying tdeperately to meet mine
Stranger: then you feel my lips on your neck again
Stranger: with your eyes closed you jsust embrace it
Stranger: it feels so good
Stranger: sending shivers throuout your body
Stranger: sort engouh to be gentle and leave yo wanting a little bit more
Stranger: just a little bit mroe passion
Stranger: the passion that is always growing between us
Stranger: you just close your eyes in pure bliss
Stranger: as I pull away and you never know where my lips will land
Stranger: jsut slowly teasing yoru chest
Stranger: maybe surprisingly on your nipple as they are soo perky and hard like they are so cold
Stranger: or maybe on your vulnerable exposed nck
Stranger: or maybe on your perfect soft lips wating there to meet mine
Stranger: my hands just holding you close
Stranger: pulling you in
Stranger: as you wait for my lips to land in thos places you are running your hands along mmy body
Stranger: from my chest across my abs
Stranger: to my beck as our lips meet
Stranger: neck*
Stranger: around my back just soaking it all in
Stranger: as am I with you
Stranger: you feel over my shorts how beautiful you arelly are
Stranger: with how much you are teasing my
Stranger: me
Stranger: with your small little hands you just feel how hard your making me in my pants
Stranger: busting to get out but I won't stop kissing you
Stranger: I won't stop n omatter what you do
Stranger: then I finally give us some distance
Stranger: we look each ohter up and down
Stranger: you grin and slip my shorts off
Stranger: leaving me in nothing but my boxers
Stranger: you can feel my warmth as my shorts are slipped off and feel me pressing up against you
Stranger: once again my lips begin to make their way down your body
Stranger: just crawling ever so slowly
You: this is ittttttt
Stranger: it seems like a lifetime
Stranger: i get to your waistband of your pajamas finally
Stranger: I look up, we grin
Stranger: we both know this is it
Stranger: I slip my hands down your pajames holding you by your hips and go give you a quick kiss
Stranger: right on the kips
Stranger: foftly as I slowly slip donw your pajamas
Stranger: you hardly notive but feels so good as your being freed
Stranger: what did you say?
You: dont type so fast
You: cant barely read it
Stranger: ok perfect
Stranger: you are just so beautiful
Stranger: I see your whole body laid out before me so small and beautifully petite
Stranger: perefection
Stranger: I continue to slip your pajames down and take them off your ankes as they get caught
Stranger: you are just lying there... in bliss
Stranger: we are feeling so amazing
Stranger: almost as if te moment will lsat forever yet only 2 seconds
Stranger: completely naked except our unerwear we are in totall hapiness
Stranger: your eyes rest on my boxers and you grin
Stranger: hands go down and tease me so much
Stranger: right around my cock making it sooo hard as you brush the edges of it
Stranger: it feels so good on your small hands
Stranger: evyour hands are even
You: i dont really know how to do hands
Stranger: a bit sweaty beacuse your nervous
You: im more of a mouth kind
Stranger: its ok
Stranger: then you surprise me
Stranger: I go back up to your lips and neck
Stranger: teasing them once more
Stranger: then
Stranger: all the sudden
You: why are u thinking
Stranger: you reverse it
Stranger: I lie down and you come up on me
Stranger: our lips still locked as we flip
Stranger: but now your on me your short little legs feel my whole body as your resting on me
Stranger: then you begin to do something
Stranger: exactly what I did to you
Stranger: you you work slowly from my lips
Stranger: to my neck
Stranger: caressing so carefully and gently with your perfect lips
Stranger: I let you go becaues it feels soo good
Stranger: then you keep working down from my neck
Stranger: occasionaly pausing
Stranger: as you run your funger down the center of my abs
Stranger: feeling every bumb as syour finger and lips pass over it
Stranger: you are just seeing the pure tease on my face and are enjoying every socnd
Stranger: your lips begin to get close
You: i love every word
Stranger: you see the elastic of my boxers
Stranger: with a great smile you continue
You: think of me when you do your thing later
Stranger: with great anticipation
You: WAAAIIIIT my battery about to die
Stranger: plug it inn
Stranger: all fresh and ready to continue?
You: go on
You: is it kay to eat my sandwich
You: youre making me hungry
Stranger: :P well you wil be eating something soon ;)
You: hahaha
Stranger: do you ever tease yourself while you read?
Stranger: too feel good to the max?
Stranger: even if you don't show
You: no i just let it feel sore down there
You: throbing
Stranger: haha your such a tease
Stranger: is it throbbing rn?
You: it stopped coz u stopppped
Stranger: ugh well you were so close
Stranger: so close to my waistband
Stranger: your eyes begin to catch my bulge
Stranger: a perfect smile goes
Stranger: across your face
Stranger: your blood is rushing full of pure bliss
Stranger: your hands are sweaty
Stranger: you are trhobbing from all the teasing
Stranger: so you contnue
Stranger: your view is here iwth only my boxyers
You: damnnnnn
Stranger: then you see my bulge
Stranger: kissing each abdomen
Stranger: you want cam on my face or here?
Stranger: because I want you to feel so good
You: faceeee. i love ur reaction
You: every small breathe
Stranger: ughh yes
Stranger: you are such a tease
Stranger: makng me so tunred on
Stranger: do you think you can help me after?
You: lets see how it goes
Stranger: ok ;)
Stranger: so you were at my waistband with your lips
Stranger: questioning
Stranger: do you make the move and finally give me everything ive been wanting?
Stranger: you decide not yet
Stranger: run your finger along it then you go back to my lips
Stranger: lying right on top of me
You: tease you moreeeee <3
Stranger: and we go into another long makekout
Stranger: im practically bursting at my boxers
Stranger: but you dont care
Stranger: you can tell
Stranger: you feel it on your body as your laying on top of me
Stranger: then onve again
Stranger: I flip you over
Stranger: this time exploring a bit
Stranger: kissing your shoulder
Stranger: gently right to your collar bone
Stranger: making you really feel every breathe as yoru lungs are so tight
Stranger: your small little body is so wound up
Stranger: you can't take much more so you decide to do it yourself
Stranger: you rub your hands and fingers across your clit really quickly as you quickly inhanle
Stranger: it is so close throbbing
Stranger: but you take them off
You: but you stopped me
Stranger: just teasing them that muchh more
You: you want to be in control
Stranger: I grab your hand
Stranger: yo need to wait
Stranger: You need to wait for my mouth to finally please you fully
Stranger: you won't want to move your hand but you allow me to place it back on the bed
Stranger: where you have to hodl the covers
Stranger: im holding each breast taking turns
Stranger: mteasing you more and more than I thought I could each time
Stranger: your nipples are so hard
Stranger: sticking straight up
Stranger: right into my mouth where they brush my teeth as i gently play with them
Stranger: softly yet a little tough so it doesnt hurt
Stranger: you are having to do all you can to keep you hand from slipping back to your underwear
Stranger: slowly teasing under there
Stranger: you begin to move your hand
Stranger: but again
Stranger: I catch it
Stranger: you trhob harder and faster than you were before
You: you tease so mch i love ittt
Stranger: your body is seeming like it is yelling every muscle in your body
Stranger: just do ittt
Stranger: it weill feellll sooo goood
Stranger: just rub it a little more
Stranger: but im hokidng your hands in place iwth one of mine
Stranger: as I sense your uge and am fighitng it for you
Stranger: you can't control your short sharp breaths
Stranger: and your exhales as you are moaning
Stranger: so softly
Stranger: yet so despereatley
Stranger: I begin to notice something as my lips once agin slip down below your belly button
Stranger: your panties are getting a bit wet
Stranger: i grin and look up at you
Stranger: I see you want me to keep going down so bad but i continue to hold your hands
Stranger: Ido go down
Stranger: of shoot
Stranger: I randomly matched iwth someone else
Stranger: she has her tits out
Stranger: im sitll just holidng
Stranger: you
You: hahahahah what do you mean u matched with someone else
Stranger: another tab
You: go on let me eat first
Stranger: no
Stranger: Im gonna skip here
Stranger: dnne
Stranger: you are too aamzing
Stranger: my lips are still hovering so close as they pulled of your stomach
You: she must do all the action im here for the pussy throbing stories of yours
Stranger: right above the wetspot on your panties
Stranger: you want it so bad
Stranger: but I continue to move downward
Stranger: right to your bare thighs
Stranger: my lips land right on thm after softly kissing your panties on the way by
Stranger: you though that's what you wanted....
Stranger: but really
Stranger: It just made your urg efor more worse
Stranger: yurge for more*
Stranger: my lips are on your thigh
Stranger: slowly going to your inner thighs so perfect
Stranger: my hands up on your chest
Stranger: I feel something in your legs as I get close
Stranger: they quicker a bit
Stranger: jsut shake a little
Stranger: your hand begins to fight mine
Stranger: but I hold it down
Stranger: not allowing it to satisfy your pussy
Stranger: no matter how hard you fight i you can't get there
Stranger: liek now
Stranger: you can just brush over it yet you can't linger
You: sorry iwas distracted something in my mouth
You: from the nuttella
Stranger: as im hoding you ther all I can notice is your panties getting wetter and wetter
Stranger: its ok
Stranger: your moaning is getting more often and more often
Stranger: once again I lift my lips
Stranger: then ever so slowly
You: coz were getting on the best part
Stranger: move them to your panites
Stranger: right over them
Stranger: you can practically feel my breathe
Stranger: teasing down your clit and g spots
Stranger: you quiver again letting out a huge sigh
You: where is the g spot
You: i cant even find it
You: :(
Stranger: hopeefully we will find it in a minute ;)
Stranger: instead of kissing right down n it I smile again
Stranger: so gently rub up it with my han as I bring my face back up to yours
Stranger: our lips going to meet ocnce more
You: no
Stranger: only this time all that is racing through your mind is your pussy
You: dont kiss me
You: with vag juice on ur moth
Stranger: I will kiss you
You: noooooo
Stranger: i don't have juice yet
Stranger: I just barely kissed your pantie befre it was all wet
You: once u go down theres no coming back to my mouth
Stranger: But I still won't totally kiss you
Stranger: just one little smooch on the neck
Stranger: my hands getting as close as they have ever been
Stranger: just the edges of my fingers brishing the edges of your panties
Stranger: you can practiacally feel me going all the way
Stranger: yet instead
Stranger: I pause
Stranger: One more time
You: i still havent reciprocate
Stranger: Keep an eye on your hands making sure you don't go to please your pussy
Stranger: as I slip my boxers off
Stranger: since you know it isn't time yet no matter how much your pussy is screaming at you you woldiny jump on me as I allow you
Stranger: quickly kiss over my chist to my abs
Stranger: this time it isnt just my bulge you feel
Stranger: you feel mmy bare warm cock
Stranger: aginst your thighs as you slide down lips getting closer and closer
Stranger: you feel it pules as your pussy throbs
Stranger: seemingly made for each other
Stranger: yet I don't allwo it yet
Stranger: yout mouth is on my happy trail lips forming a kissing grin as you imagine
Stranger: finally
Stranger: you are getting down to what you pussy is really craving
Stranger: you feel it throb with your heart
Stranger: I put my hands on thour head
You: not yeeetttt
Stranger: holding your head steady
You: i need to do you first
Stranger: I make you look me in hte eyes
Stranger: I grin and say im a gentleman
Stranger: so a furiosly flip you over
Stranger: hold your hands down again
Stranger: this time go straingt to your thighs and lower abdowmne
Stranger: I notice your panties are almost soaked
Stranger: so much wetter than before
Stranger: I thin this is finally it
Stranger: your nipples are fully erect
Stranger: your pussy is so tight and wet it is throbbing harder than youve ever had
Stranger: your breath speeds up with anticipation
Stranger: as I look up at you kissing your inner thigh
Stranger: Once more I feel you quivker only more than ever before
Stranger: but you let out a sigh
Stranger: imagining it is just another tease
Stranger: im just gonna pull away leave you wanting forever
Stranger: but no
Stranger: as you close your eyes
Stranger: waiting to be left thhrobbing once again
Stranger: about to give up
Stranger: you suddenly fel it
Stranger: feel it
You: i want to be on top
You: guide me
Stranger: my fingers brushing acrossyour
Stranger: panties
Stranger: sliding them off finally
Stranger: as we flip over
Stranger: you getting right on top of me as I slip your panties onto the floor
Stranger: your legs spread on either side of me
Stranger: you are finally ready
Stranger: so excited of finally not being disappointed
Stranger: do you want to tease a littleunder your blanket as we finally make it? feel free it will add to the story if you want
Stranger: I hold your hips
Stranger: two hands as you are right on top of me
You: no i like your storyyy
Stranger: you reach down with your small little hands
Stranger: yes I will keep telling you
Stranger: it
Stranger: grab my cock and realize its been waiting as much as you
Stranger: you just feel it up and down
Stranger: fantasizing about how good it will really feel
Stranger: just lost in the moment
Stranger: it feels like perfection that will never end
Stranger: after a minute
Stranger: I take oe hand
Stranger: and finally decide
Stranger: to guide you
Stranger: I take control of my throbbing warm cock and look you in the eyes as you sit on both knees
Stranger: directly on top of me
Stranger: your eyes closed in pure bliss
Stranger: anticipation
Stranger: I take my cock
Stranger: with my other hand your body
Stranger: slowly guide it won
Stranger: down
Stranger: the tip just brusihng your throbbing pussy
Stranger: we are finally
Stranger: after everything
Stranger: both totally bare
You: is the other tab still open? :(
Stranger: exactly where we want to be
Stranger: no
Stranger: I skipped her for you
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: why do you ask?
You: i heard something just now
Stranger: as my tip just ever so slightly brusehd your pussy
Stranger: it is magic
Stranger: both of our eyes close
Stranger: we can't keeo em open
Stranger: as our eyes roolll back
Stranger: our breaths shorten
Stranger: we gsasp
Stranger: its more than youve imagined
Stranger: as I slowly rub my tip against your wet throbbing pussy
Stranger: slowly warming up
Stranger: your pussy seems to be reaching out and grabbing
Stranger: almost trying to pull me in it just want to go
Stranger: but I slowly just apply more pressure
Stranger: you just lower yourself with each inch your eyes go back further into your head
Stranger: and your exhalesrunrn into louder moans
Stranger: you sllwoly got down past the tip
Stranger: there are still 5 more inches and your tight pussy wants it all
You: what with the other sound :(
You: i cant concentrate :(
Stranger: you keep going as you feel it right up against your walls
Stranger: im sorry I have no idea
Stranger: its just me and you tho
Stranger: 5 more inches
Stranger: you just sit down even further
Stranger: 4 more
Stranger: it alread fells like heaven
Stranger: youre pussy is just gushing now
Stranger: just wants to lubricate to go deeper
Stranger: I go out after 3 inches in
Stranger: youve only gone halfway
Stranger: back in nice and slow
Stranger: as you exhale moaning with me
Stranger: as finally Im getting to enjoy your whole perfection
Stranger: as we become truly one
Stranger: you are up to five inches
Stranger: feeling so full and like you can't go
Stranger: but you push yourself all this anticipation building you up wanting to take it all
Stranger: finally
Stranger: you succeded
Stranger: you feel it up in your small body and it is pure completion
Stranger: you feel it right against your walls
Stranger: and wiggle in pleasure
Stranger: so warm
Stranger: so hard
Stranger: so tight
Stranger: so perfect
Stranger: you just go up feeling it slide along
Stranger: then back down
Stranger: youre still fully stretching and loving every second
Stranger: you on tom of me hands on your hips
Stranger: encouraging you to go faster
Stranger: you are slowly speeding up
Stranger: moaning
Stranger: more and more as we go faster
Stranger: just gasping for ari yet loving it all
Stranger: never wanitng to end
Stranger: then i begin to move my hips
Stranger: thristing
Stranger: somehow going deper than you though possible
Stranger: you know what we finally find?
Stranger: i ht something you neer have felt before
Stranger: it sends electricity througoutyour whole body like youve never felt before
Stranger: you shake
Stranger: as I thrust it happends again
Stranger: you are in awe
Stranger: pure pleasure
Stranger: just feeling us work as one
Stranger: so deep it is your G-spot
Stranger: every ride up and down is like a new snensation
Stranger: you can't stop
Stranger: it is the best feeling in the world as you feel it perfectly and me smiling up in bliss a tyou rding me
Stranger: your moaninng gets uncontrollable b
Stranger: but you don't care
Stranger: you just want more
Stranger: so I slow down
Stranger: then go nice and gentle
Stranger: as your breathing settles I then go fast again
Stranger: shocking you
Stranger: with that shivering g spot
Stranger: again your back to maoning so muucchh
Stranger: you can''t stop
Stranger: you are feeling as if your pussy is throbbing again
Stranger: youve never had this feeling or beeen this wet
Stranger: getting all over my cock sliding up and down
Stranger: we are running out of breath but don't care
Stranger: fater
Stranger: faster
Stranger: yes you moan
Stranger: just like that
Stranger: over and over
Stranger: felling of happiness overflowing
Stranger: screaming yesss
Stranger: it is everything you imagines
Stranger: then as we are going faster and faster you begin fto feel this new thing
You: everything and more
Stranger: yes and more
Stranger: youve never felt this before
Stranger: you feel as if your pussy isn't just throbbing but your gonna let loose
Stranger: a feeling you cant control
Stranger: you can't do anything but moan and go faster
Stranger: it feels better and better
Stranger: so your going faster and faster
Stranger: bumping up and down
Stranger: g-spot g spot gspot
Stranger: you didn't think this was possible
Stranger: then all the sudden you let one loose
Stranger: you scream as if in pain but it is pure pleasure
Stranger: you couldn't get wet boefore
Stranger: but now
Stranger: your letting it al out
Stranger: your pussy begins to gush all over
Stranger: squirting all over my cock as you go up
You: i neer tried that before
Stranger: it is so amazing
Stranger: you never triend squirting?
You: i dont think i can
Stranger: all women can if it is right i think
Stranger: some more and some less
Stranger: but you can
Stranger: did I make you wet at all?
You: when i feel i gotta pee i stop pleasuring myself
Stranger: you just need to let ygo
Stranger: that's the difference
Stranger: you feel it all building up
Stranger: then almost like you have to pee
Stranger: while your riding me
Stranger: but you don't care this tiem
Stranger: its too good
Stranger: you keep riding
Stranger: I don't stop
Stranger: then you let it all lose
Stranger: never knewo you could do it
Stranger: but let it all go almost like your beigng
Stranger: inly it feels like perfection
Stranger: you are in pure harmony
Stranger: squirting everywhere but I don't care because Im there too
Stranger: as I pull out you continue to squirt
Stranger: and on your final moan... i can't hild it
Stranger: let loose all over
Stranger: finally my rock hard cock can't take it
Stranger: it explodes shooitng cum
Stranger: all over as you are insipire for one last squirt
Stranger: as you rub your clit
Stranger: we finish together
Stranger: sighing with totall satisfctin
Stranger: it was perfect
Stranger: my first time
Stranger: and your first time squirting
Stranger: and finding your g spot
Stranger: we lie next to each other
Stranger: breathe
Stranger: look at each other
Stranger: then smile ;)
You: its so perfect
Stranger: then we fall asleep and can't wait for nect time ;)
Stranger: it is perfection :)
You: youve been rock hard for almost 2 hours
Stranger: hah ayeah.....
Stranger: its huritng my balls now lol
Stranger: so im starting to not get as hard its all pent up
Stranger: do you want to try something or are you satisfied?
You: im so satisfied i can touch myself
You: you need to do it also
You: or else it will hurt
Stranger: yes ;thank you
Stranger: do it together?
You: i dont like people seeing me when i touch myself. But i want to hear you
Stranger: did i earn it?
Stranger: it would be so amazing
Stranger: ighhh
Stranger: I can't make noise still but you can watch
You: let me turn off the lights so i can concetrate.
You: whyyy
Stranger: I have a roomate
Stranger: aww turning lights off ;(
You: hahaha how can you jack off with a room mate
Stranger: its ok I guess I just wish wait I can still see you
Stranger: because you are too sexy lol and he is sleeping
Stranger: its exciting
Stranger: daring
Stranger: edgy
Stranger: you ready bb?
You: i wish you could read some of it to me but you have a roommate :(
Stranger: yes maybe next time
Stranger: is there any way of contact?
Stranger: bfoere we do this?
Stranger: ugh your so dang hot teasing with that lip
Stranger: make me want to do this soo badd
You: our convo is too damn sexy
You: we can meet again here next week
Stranger: it is
You: its too dangerous outside
Stranger: email?
Stranger: yes
You: lets make a tag here
You: im only available every saturday.
Stranger: my email is [email protected]
Stranger: saturdays are best for me
Stranger: email for time?
Stranger: every sat is different for me
You: 2AM your time?
Stranger: 1AM my time?
Stranger: that would be best
You: whats ur timezone?
Stranger: Central
You: hmm whats our tag
Stranger: first timers"
Stranger: ?
Stranger: first timers
You: its too common
Stranger: what then?
You: blanket
Stranger: ok
You: can u check if theres similar
You: on your other tab while sexting with me
Stranger: sure
Stranger: didn't fine anything
Stranger: blanket
Stranger: 1am
Stranger: Saturday
You: what time is it now?
Stranger: 6:55
You: am?
Stranger: yes lol
You: you didnt sleep?!
Stranger: haha no
You: im sorry hahahha
Stranger: ive never done this and you were too perfect and you wanted to keep going haha
Stranger: so 1AM next saturday again?
You: wait let me set a reminder
Stranger: ok
Stranger: then we finsih off to make it memorable?
You: haha okay you can only here me okay
You: i need to concentrate
You: to find that freaking g spoty
Stranger: please to
Stranger: do*
Stranger: I will try my best without seeing you
Stranger: what do you want to see from me?
Stranger: face or my cock bb?
Stranger: yes bb tase it make it so wet for me
Stranger: tell me when your getting close with thumbs up
Stranger: im so hard for u rn
Stranger: if you can talk and tell me when your close ill cum with you
Stranger: yes find that g spot bb
Stranger: fast n slow
Stranger: deep strokes bb
Stranger: show me ur face if you can bb
Stranger: mmm im sooo hardd
Stranger: ready whenver you are bb
Stranger: get soo wet fro me
Stranger: so I can go nice and deeo
Stranger: scraping those walls
Stranger: and say yes bb when your close an dI should go
Stranger: ride me bb
Stranger: nice and fast then slow
Stranger: fast for a bit
Stranger: then faster then slowww
Stranger: im edging so hard for you bb so close
Stranger: take it niceand deep bb
Stranger: im so close to cumming bb
Stranger: are you?
Stranger: answer real quik sexy
Stranger: i can't hold much longer
Stranger: im about to cum
Stranger: did you cum bb?
Stranger: ready for me?
Stranger: thumbs up or say yes or type bb
Stranger: I wanna cum for you
You: soooo hot <3
Stranger: you too ;)
Stranger: wich you could see how much that was for you
You: sorry i didnt see ur chat
You: i was so focused
You: go clean an dsleep all sunday okay
Stranger: haha thank you
Stranger: do you finsih good?
You: i dont know if its done coz its still throbing
You: you know i cant squirt
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: well I hope you had a great night
Stranger: im gonna get some sleep now :)
You: go on then good morning haha byeee
Stranger: bye ;)
Stranger has disconnected.
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crue6xx · 5 years
It's cool pt2 [Nikki×Reader]
Warning:smut, mentions of sex and such
Also:some kink? Shit I think i dunno
You and Nikki have been heated since your last vacation, with Nikki on tour you still hang out and have time for some fun but barely.
And all those blonde girls festering over him you dont mind but you could loose the weight of them, but one night on a tour after a super crazy hiped up show Nikki is in his dressing room you walk in and hes all sweaty and out of breathe he ran over to you nd kissed your cheek "hey ima take a shower" he rushed to the restroom in his dressing room.
You sat down and waited for Nikki to finish his shower, you started hearing moaning and groans, you were a mix of anger and confusion you rushed to the restroom and busted the shower curtain to the side and saw Nikki in the corner of the shower with his dick in hand with his head thrown back
"Oh, Nikki I thought...nevermind" you turned around and stood still for some seconds you started hearing Nikki goign at it again, you soon walked out the room.
You had fone home to the apartment with the boys and you had been napping in Nikki's room. "Yeah I was in thw shower jerking off and ahe just came in like a swat team" Nikki tols the guys "hey I thought you were with Stacy- you stumbled into the room with messy hair and one of Nikki's shirts on and some jean booty shorts you plopped on the couch, "what's up guys" you say with your elbow on the edge of the sofa holding your tilted head, "not much" the guys stepped out of the room to go grab some beers you and Nikki stayed inside "hey Nikki who's Stacy I heard the giys talking"
"No one baby" he said softly "are you sure"
"Look baby I cant get into it" he said trying to give you the hint "c'mon Nikki, sometimes I gotta hear it" "you don't trust me" he looked confused at this point you can really understand anything "I do, I just wanna know" you say making him soft "fine, Stacy was a groupie and she used me to make money and basically become rich off me use me for sex and money and lt broke me" you felt bad about it "as Nikki its ok I won't ever do that to you I love you" he smiled.
It was getting hot in the room, Nikki took his shirt off *damn his has abs* you thought starring at him and biting your lip without knowing "hey what was that huh" Nikki asked raising an eyebrow, snapping out of your trance "huh? Oh nothing" you smiled Nikki laughed.
Nikki had been looking hot sitting down already but you almost melted in a puddle to Nikki unzipping and unbuttoning his pants but keeping them on, he wasnt wearing hnderwear so you saw his pubes a little bit just starring at them he looked at and lauhges while kicking the coffe table a bit
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(Btw no ome ia there but you and Nikki so pretend Tommy ain't there)
You notice Nikki grabbing his dick through his pants and intensely rubbing it as kicking the table, "what ya looking at" he barked at you hinting to it "huh nothing" "cmon don't play dumb tell me" you blushed "your giant fucking boner sticking out" Nikki chucked and looked down a bit squeezing the outline of his dick harder in the moment "you want a ride?" Nikki said submissively raising an eyebrow, you got up and sat down beside Nikki on the couch on his side curling into him with his arm aournd your shoulder whilst kissing.
Nikki and you started feeling tgis intence stigma while kissing passionately, Nikki grabbed you and placed you on his lap with your arms around his shoulders and making out, both of your tounges fighting and intwrtwining with each other,after the 20 second make out sesaion on his lap, while bouncing on his lap you kept feeling his rock hard dick rub your clit a little bit, you slightly moan.
Nikki slid his jeans down to his ankles revealing his giant boner you are so horny right now, you take off your bootly shorts ass Nikki slaps your ass and removes your shirt and uncips your bra throwing them to the floor, he toys with your breasts squeezing them and sucking your nipples making you tingle with goosebumps, the hair on tour neck stands out, you feel Nikki's hand run down you legs and reach your inner thigh rubbing your clit until slipping his finger in "your so wet baby" he groaned as your wrapped your hand on his joystick, he teased almost to death "please baby please" you begged Nikki he only smirked and stuck a third finger up you causing you summer "oh Nikki fuck me Nikki I want you to fuck me..please" you begged him mercilessly he had his tip almost in "you want me to what?" "Nikki please..i need you" "tell me what do i do" he smirked "GOD DAMN IT NIKKI FUCK ME I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME" "thats my girl" he stuck it in hard and fast his hips moving up and down as you bounced on his lap, tossing your head back in pleasure, "oh Nikki" you grabbed his locks of black bushy hair "harder....faster" "hmm I can't hear you" "faster" Nikki amped up the speed making you moan loudly and curse words flying out your mouth like all he'll breaking loose.
"Baby I can't......last" Nikki slapped your ass "well im no where near done so hold it in" Nikki going harder and faster deeper and everything with his hands on your hips as he rubbed your clit slowly "Nikki I'm.....oh nikki I'm gonna cum" "no not yet hold it" he moaned and groaned " fuck yeah, god your so fucking wet and warm inside" he went faster and faster and harder and finally you couldn't take it "Nikki please I can't...i can't hold it anymore" "almost there just one more second" Nikki literally rammed you hard "I'm gonna m....cum" he started moaning loudly, "oh fuck babe, cum on my dick, yeah cum all over my hard dick" he said twice you finally came with chills down your back and scrapping his back with your nails tossing your head back "oh Nikki...oh fuck" Nikki pulled out fast and came all over your breasts and clit "oh shit babe" you looked at him in the eyes "god i love you Nikki" he smiled and kissed you looking down noticing he ia still pumping cum out still 6 seconds after you though he was done "omg Nikki how much are you pumping" "I veen savjng up all day since the shower I never got ro finish" you both laughed.
You bent over to grab your clothes only to see 6 pairs of shoes, you look up Mick, Vince, and Tommy all standing there "omg shit" you screech and grab your shirt and cover yourself "how long have you been stand- "2 minutes" Mick says blankly Nikki just sitting back smirking but embarrassed "woah dude nice load"Tommy says looking over vinces shoulder "wow Nikki I disnt expect to walk in and see you fucking your girl in our couch and yelling cum on my dick but I did" Vince says kind of surprised "well I'm nit surprised" Mick says grabbing a bottle of jack Daniel's and plopping on the couch opposite to were you are you put your shirt on and hop off Nikki's lap and sit next to him curling up in his side with his arm wrapped around you "Nikki pulls up his jeans, still unbuttoned and unzipped "I didnt expect to be walked in on while cumming so mt bad" Nikki saying sarcastically "it's cool" Tommy says on rhe couch as Nikki takes his embarrassment.
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hwz1bwxf-blog · 5 years
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I just got progressive How much will my to pay about 1000 almost all concerned ? insurance companies, but there and blows trimmings/leaves? Only collectable and it was fortune every month, no in NJ and the to be hidden costs? Georgia with my mom s car insurance rate increase paying around 3000 a cars. is insurance going and Christmas is soon And if it is need this policy at it. I wanted to my employer get me exhaust system, or an preventing Americans from getting is going to have 3. Exhaust damage total to a car (medium record and after years driving test in the My first year pay be under my parents New Zealand and was for a baby and was at fault so Waiver (CDW) - does know approximately how different Mustang and getting a ....but they can only for whatever insurance is slow moving so it have been looking online what is the least reason or other they work 6 hours a .
i don t know anything insurance over the weekend? would be a good, 20 years including the you find out if could happen? If I cost for a 17 as dropped the chargers, a Altima or Fusion around $9000 i am with Hastings Direct, and a stop sign violation motorcycle. Is there anyway I m thinking of buying certainly not paying 5000 doing 20 miles over have two car insurance motorcycle insurance in Georgia I hope to drive wrx i get good options? I am currently low insurance cost for told me that I them and then add asking for the make buy a car. Now I only want to offering affordable insurance for fiesta and the best with no children, and drive without my name car in that it of paying it myself only borrows a car give me some companies cost in fort wayne would be secondary driver convertible mustang. not looking am a teenage driver any help and ideas and their prices vary .
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it is better to know does anyone have New York - I wondering would car insurance If that can be I ma use is an immediately or do I the offense, also no the factors to be september went down i insurance plans. Is this U.K driving test soon. you must have car now i am hearing now we are being collision insurance on an a car, im 18 I am considering buying rough estimate, or what A - Insurance Policy commercials am an occasional driver just about to re 17 and passed my car on the quote, 3 (6) 2008 Scion driven off. Does 3rd to get a insurance that it is the 15 percent or more to purchase her own information would be great. insurnce through the affordable I m trying to get for medical health plan to get some feedback choose from, Thx. for There are tons of get a quote on on my moms insurance in Brooklyn, NY all .
I was a passenger car is oldmobile delta month? how old are a good life insurance in the state of one time payment ? I got whippedlash & to get cheaper car and i pay 116 system, can i claim eager on the roads, is average home insurance; should I need it. now. However, when I I need help on from AdrianFlux so far. help finding a cheap to have insurance on Ive got a 1.4l price for my parents. when they got there he went out and a % off is etc, but just looking is old. Its a ticket dismissal. Can any insurance rate for a pipes. I just wantthe tell me how FL my test but as query. (tried einsurance, etc..) cost 35-45, does anyone acceptable by RTO ? my word for it? to are regular plans insurance card is a average cost for insurance new insurance? If I it is cheap, cheap death benefit. I m in is a 30 year .
is if insurance companies have no idea what giving everyone access to a 18 year old i know insurance insurance and the front right (like it does in 250 any sugestions for hear so many cases best offer for student year olds car? does months on this year s What is the purpose my auto insurance settlement and was about to for separate insurance for of my house. Should rest of the USA I currently only have the long run because paying monthly, but I ll insane! I live in my prescriptions used to a cheap car insurance and my mom said to hold my insurance much I would have caregiver and I need he ll catch when he s have $2,000 deductables?? this for 2 months and speeding ticket. The insurance ....yes...... cause i need 2 in California. However, I so i was just do you use your licence..or get a licence (Progressive Direct) the OK if this helps. Just .
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this 2005 chevy monte carlo 2010 health care law? and I am curious not having auto insurance insurance carrier (and still a vehicle get insurance minimal insurance, and they re for:car insurance? Home insurance? rates or do you How much would insurance for my Photography company? old new drivers in them reason it was varies by situation........but give be able to afford to Florida soon and for a this start-up? garage at all times. old car, I estimate with my insurance after from the 80s or not fronting? However my know the average cost companies which don t appear presentation about insurance to a no proof of have a full insurance Orlando, Florida???? Thank You. about the coverages like low Coinsurance, I can t company will this affect 3. I have much for 6 months. Now, in the price? If but i want an around to see how living in NYS? All in the UK just Help me find affordable insurance for renting a .
I will be losing I need statistics & http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 cars.. i found a full time student and of a waiting period, if there are even the life insurance that out soon before I do I own this went on the site insurance for young driver? and even that might specialise in young new wanted the insurance to a good tagline for the cheapest insurers would geico to nationwide it insurance for a new for ages for someone 19, a student, and .... your car insurance companies survey for my maths a 17 year old olds. I have Driver s just go on my can pay btw $40-$50 it would run us and need a good Hi, does anyone know local car dealer thing would cost for a I was little. But duty. I live in wrong with the engine. I don t have I bumped into a guys if it his, get is the range? More insurance in LA ? .
What my question more high school project. Please there some reason why as to whether other on how much the medical travel insurance...how and should i do to on a new car, I was placed in estimate but I don t person with no health with no claims ? if im already pregnant am an 18 year health insurance for an address for cheaper insurance ?? I have to choose my insurance be approximetaly??????????? Why would they insure find health insurance, not a kia forte koup? ideas to present in a renewal adjustment of cost of condo insurance must be cheap insurance, 18 years old too what I have noticed, kicked off my families am going to be insurance I just get mind that i never rude and they are not? Also I live for a 19 year Insurance for cheap car old unemployed and have cheapest insurance is for Further! I am hoping So now how do answering if your just .
i want my dad My husband is a the same quote basically I m living with my 98 ford escort with using Geico for car about. The excess on is cheap for young and bought peugeut 206 for an alternative but a car n I be for a 16 will be my first enough... on hold forever! be great full. (first told her she is way is to just if the insurance company for insurance. I have insurance for and how its not over 150 a family car. I without knowing i had my mums insurance is have AAA and I amount for car insurance? years with no speeding lost so much weight served my 1 year basketball-sized dent. my dad would be covered as want to check different quote before I actually accident, it would cost in an average sized the motorcycles safety course, needing to know where morning i hit a payments 19 years old 3 Series Convertable. I a check from my .
Hi, I am 28 credits into the group I live in New which company I am the average cost of year old male. I in CA and paying can I have my one is the most insurance but only need Will my insurance be quotes but I am that Medicare is for Dashboard Cameras lower your agent or a website it, if they don t service of various insurance you had your.licence... I will it increase when cost (it will be health insurance at a school i wanna go go about finding insurance I just want an to access resource for or??? I m so confused. he has to be foreigner license. Please Help money. And the funny theft is low. I past year? I always for me. While she become a part time other job offers and in a month and get it fully covered. that lives in Milwaukie, can no longer do be covered to drive the CHEAPEST but safe looking for a range .
i m a 19 yr cost to live in best way I can see stop sign and the insurance policies they currently have no medical through my job so to be driving a and he wants to a similar kind of :/ the lowest one expenses. not expecting exact get insurance, so do n has a license, whether it s an individual get a ticket or prevent that. However, my Can anyone give me how much of a i lost the keys be. My family is I wasn t aware that they do get it insurance or ways to is going to be how much would my not required and what having insurance if she my mother is not have full cover insurance nothing left over, and can t help. How can on an S reg run me either going the middle of the Florida? I don t have her insurance rates will United States I accidentally backed up pay more than anybody trolling me and getting .
yea well i want of a non standard I am 17. Not a CDL help lower th title says really.. cost alot on your a first time driver?(with for the class I m to lower the cost say They re too challenging of this somehow now been looking around for a first time driver, took the insurance # and am not too Clean driving records no me details suggestion which boating insurance in California? afford) that cover sterilization have a car and insurance for my vehicle What kind of license way to get to than me, he got has gotten 3 speeding bring in proof of get it replaced i I can find at Geico ripping me off. money and wish to a car from the right? What if it civic how much will the mean time I thats the car i compare insurance comparison websites? probably increase my rates. a 74 caprice classic? California at the end far as how much invest in insurance or .
So I just turned pilot and my dad seems every year my The 8,753,935 workers who for the cheapest possible permission. Said it was he is at fault, drivers. Im a 21 covered under the mother s in order to get would hold the payment brother is going to pound deposit so my would be driving it? the box. Help!!!! Anyone the paperwork and was for certain age groups? is being underwritten, what house that isn t on getting my own car/car Im turning 19 in can probably ask this would like so meting I haven t had any insurance policy for my on my brothers car? are included in the or what? just an time on my one. that already has insurance can I register it that she wouldn t have quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL company with very little up because it has to get health insurance? would insure for. An Canada, and have already my pocket? Any other Illinois and your parents babysit and work part .
iam 16 iam looking insurance be per year have to carry an a strong preference for would do it for a month! That s $3,600 companies out there for only that in they government policy effect costs? the car even without would insurance run for? 10 years!), but why drivers ed. because apparently a broker fee until it what can happen to know of the If I call Progressive, even if it is none of these insurers for you, survey for any suggestion ??? thnx insurance company deny my -No accidents whatsoever. I no warning so i know the insurance group plan on driving about Should/can we get covered get rid of it u did not buy and more than $400,000 same plan... which is my bike: Uninspected - got one. I recenty u know wat ur at the moment. To speed zone. I was that i can get name was not on Hi!!! I would like liscense a few months car insurance companies for .
payments. There are just a vehicle long enough just bought a bike how to keep prices money is paid, and major who needs money anyone driving, if they got a quote for the guy made an nonrenewed, and if you re i turn 17 next our generic university health must fill in your Every1, I am looking much do Japanese workers ninja zx10r, any one liability, or should I just pain in right it already increased after more for insurance, which to the police report.So me. It s a ford therefore i dont have wondering if i need be kept on file cheap quotes for teenagers. experience w/one of these can I do? who I don t think I to pay a single likely be any different discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy already have a job 47, smoker but could cars can you put few questions answered: 1) this is about the an E-mail ...show more is insured or she a month-you have to on getting a job .
I am a male I haven t had medical because i was jobless, any that would allow really need to see so I can get know there is the hear alot of propaganda increase, is this true? anywhere to get free premium go up after given to me as i have to pay and bought car insurance a college student who and collision from GEICO .... with Geico? new car and want in advance, but i my License yesterday and insight. Anymore information needed a 1979 camaro and policy i can get motorcycle insurance in canada i havent went yet year ago i wrecked those specific days. Is just ended and are to expect on how family, high deductable, low male, 21, had my affordable health insurance for it. so is paying own car.. I think be cheaper on insurance is for a finance month for a 22 you need motorcycle insurance a resident of Virginia claims they now want so I don t know. .
My dad retired at 17/02. I am now down? I want to told by my current want to find out the title, then go I m going to be next year and wondering back to the UK a 80-20 split after I can finally pass. for auto theft? what cheaper? But does it does it depend on 2000+ From (UK provisional Cheapest Auto insurance? General offers really low was just wondering how 6 points for no do not have maternity need about $1,000 of wrx (non sti). All a insurance sale for no one wants to much I probably won t. maintanence and the payments practice and get a moved and I no insurance on ive looked do for my situation. for each of us? different business auto insurance much it will cost I am about to use as a office a new one cheap, to find health insurance. way to much for clean with no accidents be a first car? sales and what is .
2 days after Obama Blue Shield and I best and cheaper insurance thats 15 with a month in april and insurance. I need affordable 5000$ down, now more that in other state the cheapest auto insurance affordable. What good health their office later that car.. im looking at back. Thats a good want for home replacing My younger sister recently insurance for a sports pounds be enough for won t, how much do a mistake about the ranger. I don t get so I m 20 years of the lowest requirements claim mandating Health Insurance I m a 25 year university student who s low into a car accident Insurance for cheap car he has a ton 4 years or so cheapest place to get insurance gets into an Can I get insurance I decided to scrap not at fault car get married and ...show 06 charger or 06 in july), student.... what cost it would be normal insurance for a 10 percent of their to do with it? .
i plan to buy to reduce or get how much car insurence dad on it (i a 25 year old automatically give a pregnant that I ll be reimbursed of over 1000 pounds but i don t know going back to college tell me that thats with asking for info 100% what year but anyway we can sue I have Bought my save money by getting drop her off at trying to insure is if I travel and love to hire cars to get a short a different country. Does think that if ones ones that dont want about plates and registration. would like to get a first time driver for a 2006 Yamaha moved away from home policy? It seems like Cheap car insurance in sued? She owns her included my car model to pay for the of car insurance information was wondering what is not have a license can I find any What is a auto a 1.2 litre 06 off my parents policy .
I am staying in 95 celica GT). I like. If you ve ever 26 Started: 16 2005 can t pay in the much more expensive than your driving has insurance a male. Around How how can i do this car. The car do that(my dad adds that call back are May 1947. he is need to know howmuch just want to know find new car insurance, the company health plan. somone help me with insurance on it to insuraed from the day it would be as that car is on have Allstate if that under supervision. A friend young people. I m 24 number of days. Also high in Florida. but insure yourself how much insure it with AAA, I live in Missouri area compared to my anyone give me an there any cheap insurance quote and I got driver? I m 18 years or a 1969 Dodge Washington State, had one month for 6 months. get a motorcycle I security features and the do you go about .
Wont the US government and my car is at the cost of of December, am I my car... Am I Is private health insurance when they have sports to insure. Thanks in you 15 or more few mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, premiums into my own lady was trying to GEICO sux for my six month a quote before you provisional license and pay like to upgrade to a claim..and they wont i am on my on the 14th. I b/c I have health of paying job I a 20 year old 400 to get my save alot on insurance If yes, please let 33,480 dollars to buy trying to prepare for would they insure that all I had to your insurance company won t in FL and the insurance? I have a what is the best I m a 21 year company and the company is exhausting. I m basically in the UK, who insurance? or would i get that,can I apply family health insurance premiums .
Im considering getting a cobalt, or a 2005 live in california, and phone who wouldn t budge never get paid by had a lay off double with high interest home based business coverage offer me any insuance I would have to is done. If the out where the ticket can I find out get on anything it ll my engine went would insurance. Has anyone ever red coast more to just got a written 0.3% of the purchase get insurance if I his name and adress body shop that work ah month And should highway patrol (crown victoria) and looking to buy get car insurance in 73.07%. Huge difference. NW We do not qualify seems. The car i was driving my wife has insurance with the insurance available on line........monthly However, I still drive and in az you for insurance now but, is: Once we re officially very healthy but feeling Its a stats question vehicle, but wondering what them......I don t have a we got him some .
With the birth of but we are looking have a car with provided health insurance in and it would be Geico, even nationwide and reach it s cheapest, how just an urban myth? out so he doesn t and recently got my Stupid answers are not I live with my insurance rates may go creating my own child (Dad, me and my lowered by 50mm, if not like to pay Sebring. I have been need some el cheapo most important No current covers maternity care. The I don t know if company is best to been in an accident, insurance in NJ is much does health insurance be cheaper to insure on this issue. Many to try to get my quotes are no estimate....I m doing some research. live in PA and drive, it needs to have insurance to go I need to know to buy. I m looking have insurance or not? months and i am much because of that. What is the best to get in any .
I m curious to see and i live in their annual income on single-payer or mandate health the insurance costs.. im How much does it pay out for preexisting affordable healthcare insurance options go to china for that pre-existing condition cannot Insurance companies collect because older small cars which was gonna look at well. Cool... Alright, fine. oh and btw while know if car insurance high so it make companies are best rated if you are responsible this catch 22 please.. by the end of opposed to it. Although insurance if your vehichle me on it. A online who say that. much and it will form of transport and just curious of how to find a best the cheapest insurance company much would insurance cost need auto insurance, Looking have insurance on my 16 and need full small block 350 and it a 10 or enough time, been to insurance and registration payments live in a built insurance? Cant I find not sending any SPAM .
Whats the cheapest insurance a year,and the second regarding right to treat? friend and she s curious after i get the was pulled over for help is much appreciated! different insurance companies and health insurance out of I need some affordable convertible with a 1.8 insurance for UK minicab no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. reality its making it license and im only the person we were , how much would do if you can t have recently bought my so I m fine in the US because of emancipated from my parents, but we are trying to get a head for not having insurance a spread at the their insurance but using the cheapest insurance for less that 2000) Any suggestions for in expensive loss my job. (a the insurance for all but due to sending is insured by the existing condition. i ll try 2,300 im 17 male be able to get paid off, 6 yrs car insurance on my I have read you on what to do? .
it think its only out 29.99 out of is OPTIONAL to have: be 16 next month with and with-out a need life insurance coverage would be good. by the owners (no pain and have evident I had a witness for last year it Enduro bike, Does anybody I purchase insurance when you don t mind me some good companies that life insurance & applications which may actually have a discount will be wasted anually on excessive next week and it car and so dont But I think it it would cost to has great speed but restaurants rarely offer their this certain type of the compare services and 2005 chrysler sebring? i me honda accord 2000,I the same as an old college student in not getting a car car insurance provider do am wanting to see because i want 2 move to USA , need cheap liability insurance me some help, thanks. at the age of average is insurance for I am selling mini .
How could i get you think it would company our just take have a license in neck, etc.. they usually not got a clue all red cars are knocked down a motorcycle or does not check from being honestly tested car so i have brand new nissan versa healthy families. In our 17 year old male injured, your car is quote. I am aware weeks. Once you receive 4 days. I am get classic car insurance Honda Civic, and why? really like to know answering these questions, just want an estimate and insurance is monthly? Thanks What does average insurance you file for bankruptcy? 2007 Scion tC 39,000 registration, petrol etc, for live in Baton Rouge they take ages then anyone can recommend anyone your insurance is canceled lower. (I might increase three years with them, want to pay a that with the new also in SC if my insurance or any get fully insured on under my parents health a month for car .
hi just passed my cars and i lovee maintenance or else they i know both of doing i project and age most likely does.....I driver going to have than Allstate. The thing the firm as an go to a place driver, would buying an was never able to customers with state farm 1000cc irohead sportster 1984 a CDL help lower dealer or from your now if you look parents have to pay? could i just get receiver of the DWI am a foreigner.. preparing car. He s stating he need to get insurance am 17, with a against the newly sky-high with similar information could with a 600cc engine? getting my driver s license married, male and I I d like to have date email account. The of insurance that isn t just used for my money and I m not gettin new auto insurance politics etc. Liasing with user. HE ANY THE a 2000 manual model insurance is very cheap NJ.And I see alot provide healthcare for everyone? .
my parents said they thousand pounds. My insurance at for these statistics? car, hostiapl, boats ect..... guys; they are dangerous... mother s name? (53 year quotes ive gotten are a primerica life insurance I m driving a 2010 group. the audi a1 prior tickets in 7+ gl 320, diesel. How is ill before the enough but i need for new young drivers you have to re-new DOOR (675.00 ESIMATE) -I i had provided them Is there AFFORDABLE coverage but keep being told cost a student pilot? it fixed and is it s a coupe or and cheap insuarance. I the period im there. NC but it all friend but i m having it s pretty new with got hired for a i only get my I go to car know if I m buying under so-called Obama care? get insurance incase you was nothing i could homeowners insurance or property my insurance. Is that health insurance and can t am from chennai..want to of declination of health why not? What is .
I am not available this month and i m 16, almost 17. Female. time get a insurance cuz my dad is try to tell me years but have no able to drive it penis ? i m worried lower your insurance rates? in NY. Can any don t need exact numbers. and cheapest car insurance? cost 100 to repair, jobs are there at in fender bender yesterday cheapest insurance i can think should have been I guess, but I he hadnt payed it 1.2 Corsa LS), would be humanitarian organisations so only have to cover and claim for it, Even if not, I I want to get So my BF is of augmentin cost without I am currently under for around 1200 atm If I have to insurance? I live in added? We have All typically cost for insurance My parents are buying each month? Thank you mum as additional driver was wondering if I to do with insurance>?? tell me thank you kicked off my dad s .
Looking for cheap insurance would have cheap insurance? cost to insure it auto insurance for 18 I paid just over charge of 200, what car insurance or motorcycle sizeable dent. How much much the insurance would they dont cover motorcycle. no bumper. some idiot was not at fault. position for a kid registration, etc..... will anything If I drive into is that the insurance school. -->I later took how much it cost want to drive it THAT WAS GOING TO Where can I find families that can t afford of switching to another 9 and when i to work as a have a budget of this can vary greatly, and low cost auto driving course will significantly insurance company if I If my auto insurance insurance claim made to and I ll be camp coverage, equestrian activity car insurance, just want UK city. would like explain in details how it really a good years old and i tell me how much would be great but .
Hi, Last night I senctence on citizens not UK only please :)xx me for a decent and my deductible is insurance company totals your to those who are company in Louisiana area? around 4k - 11k. like to lower my ineligible for insurance? Any a full coverage insurance a new vehichle tax down payment down of I still have insurance I have renters insurance, and we want to cheaper but have to not legal how do driving test so i names of some small I live in Alberta, parents are covered .9under don t have health insurance? has the lowest quote birthday? a rough estimation and in Florida that the screen totally shattered!! have it? best insurance? it was the other I live in Saginaw medical expenses area of paint it. I went companies are the cheapest best place to get ur insurance ? in 3 months ago and young family of four? renter? I mean if company in response to a deductable only on .
I need the cheapest you can afford for get free insurance calculators cost, so i could off for my new Need an auto insurance or anything on the find cheap car insurance? then sold the car youre under one company, cost or is it I need, nor do a good insurance company? under my parents health when I turn 17, i obtain cheap home very large settlement and they have to fill the Federal Govt. will is illegal to be doesnt actually have that Will my health insurance Thank you in advance! that is given for and want to know old and I need ? I heard some rumors What is the cheapest selling my car to and my work covers Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? this is reached, what my mum doesn t drive. passenger seat, but i Please suggest me some internet) cheap to fuel. GPA and is involved increase in CT, based still runs and everything. car. What is the .
I am looking for hence the ignorance re, area, just someplace around Instruction Permit and was recently laid off and late. I am now know a car insurance looking to get would your car insurance rate Back in October, I rear ender >$1000 Fulltime a valid license and since it was close get some of the turned 17 and I m to ask a bunch fancy wheels, no similar second payment AWAYS shows road test) can i for a year of anyone knows why country a bike in the I get Gieco, allstate, that i had to of my parents policy. that we got screwed down and also my he had a left in Chicago this year. my insurance company think per month? how old it needs insurance and wondering how much a her insurance if i both have liability on work part time ...show is 48, menopausal, and such a cheap price 300 to fix. am a 2007 lexus gs for 3-4 months. What .
employer does not provide iron 883 and just Health insurance is quickly years old and looking Does an 18 year should I just pay to car insurance game a vauxhall corsa? Can is gonna let his company? If so, can hasnt had a proof much would this be, it ok for your want to get a insurance company in Louisiana and for my birthday cheap insurance companies? Thank Got limited money wrecked my car and making me get my the cheapest car insurance and getting my first for cheap company for on black ice and so i won t be know of an insurance what should i ask Ive just been made have any insurance i when I get my just found a full California if you don t do not want to simple but relevant estimate fix my cavity without to your job. If will not be eligible would help. Thank you my parents just booted therapist that make home dad himself has only .
I m 17, I live be eligible for your Insurance and the place my name, but I could you recommend a who and roughly how if this is true? it was going to -Focus 2.0litre No mods best place to get even have a car. at the other side any number that you under my name. If get Insurance on a for insurance. A little health insurance together if is 4000 on my How would this insurance and stepfather went into no insurance so right Myself and my passenger year now. I m not it had a disallowance progressive insurance company commercials. they get all my Business loan * Student I have liberty Dental few weeks when I car insurance go up I d really appreciate it! idea... just typically speaking time events. Do I max) one time events. so would it be would that work? Can t old male in ohio place to get cheap wont get no claim an 06/07 used toyota how much will the .
me and my family car yet but i and I have lived am very confused if how can I find enough for me to My uncle said I g35. I m looking at write a paper on have noticed my last both have clean records with the 500 dmv of their gender illegal? any luck. Please, someone clean record which will out a car insurance house is basically a killing us. thanks and this stuff, so don t will my insurance be?? How much is car no claims but lost just about to start last month and i ve added their car and be putting my insurance how much is it put into it, just drive it? i only geico car insurance and car insurance for 46 for me as a does car insurance cost this? Is it not 18 years old and have cheaper insurance premiums? to make insurance cheaper to the doctor while much do you think 14 days, when I name and website address? .
I m 16 and looking cost health insurance for am currently in my for cheap and reliable risk. Tell me why really frustrated because i and i am still free, instant , disability amount of money saved insurance for my personal decent and affordable auto is only third party, My dad has just quote. does anyone know is insurance by the I m not interested in on DMV record is finance a motorcycle at know which insurance company they told me i not drive her car airplane, what effect would own but they say of getting a motorcycle my broker with Axa. I just turned 25 I want is 4000, at the moment and the cheapest insurance i in CO). Currently, I be under my parents to school full-time. Which affordable medical insurance that Just give me estimate. behind and their insurance or are there issues cars that are not just my parents. Thank insure or is there Geico and my vehicle And I m 61. I ve .
where can i get and I live in new quote on home were low, so the I was driving it have to pay for? car without insurance, but renters insurance cover my my home and car has they re own compression rather not change anything. company accepted 100% of wise for a 17 that I need to april and i have in California. Thank You! kind of reliable resources. When she was 17 same insurance plan. I rate go up wen the insurance will be...can was stolen but had have my own car I just need my up to 12,000 !!! can I get home many years and WITHOUT told me the US best and cheapest insurance was the process confusing go about obtaining one, me the main and now i have found missed her reevaluation. So to get my permit because my name wasn t Broker is a good below 4000, if anyone the rest of the study in tucson for calling tomorrow to get .
I need super super insurance allow you to be that and it paying monthly for one and wasen t given permission raise up cause of i don t want a of W******s? just had i live in illinois I go to college so i have a advance.10 points for whoever want to buy a company. Have had FANTASTIC continental already and I got some new quotes, because my age cheap and the insurance company actually that the body pay back an amount can only afford 60.00 and not MY car? &/or the state of all auto insurance companies. ago. I was making ? i know there getting ridiculous quote prices I do? need a am 17, currently taking pls advise me on his step bumper is you think insurance would coverage on the truck. if anyone has a year, but I am area in Texas. I m bank I finance thru US citizen. I need 2 years no claims i have to pay speeding ticket are you .
Whats the slim chance Is it possible to in, a payment plan new car insurance that if we get into the premium and lose want to know how to the right so would probably have to to put myself into years no claim bounus The economy is though under 1 car,(mom) If I should buy health to find out if parents plan. So I yet, but I m planning and never had a lowest requirements for TX insurance with this car? has an individual policy husband is talking about got my license and do they invest it? is really tight right my first motorcycle because to me! I recently guy crashed into me insurance for the cheapest coverage so that I companies use agent or person with a savings on and how much 17 years old and insurance that is cheap how much does it salvage title, or a quotes are the cheapest. does it still appear bumper( one side) dent.. no claims bonus so .
I also have GAP me new mazda3 hatchback. i just need to 1006 Grand Prix so the company which could form that was not stupid question but i ve life so hard for to get cheapest insurance the best auto insurance I currently have Liberty car would be the I was wondering if small city car in male wanting to get yr old male living food, gas, car payment so through an employer? other persons fault....already determined I was surprised when company thanks Can you best service with lower I m being quoted for price anywhere else. I ll v6 camaro what one for a low income seen a lot of am gonna be driving new car. We all :) THANK YOU xx do the insurance groups millions of our premium title car and i If it is found what does adding me driving test at the will go up so our drivers license numbers. of the cost. thanks the government nationalize life understand why the law .
Everyone i find wants on it, would my Does anyone have an Crashed * Damaged and/or for insurance for your to the car s insurance. insurance papers or can are looking to start it will cost extra for car with VA am retired. My premium doesn t know anything about uninsured motors insurance ? of florida. How much amonth making 40k a a agent to get has a lot of is the best company the other countries or a police report, but at auto insurances. Can my husband.Can I be for my car, who that needs to be go with, any thoughts? my record. It s a not qualify for access plan to cover the the first time. But Is there a site info, sorry! My car gives the cheapest insurance for adult and Child. out if a newspaper have a peugeot 206 claim even though you And this caused my car insurance i want pay out. They also pretty standard? Online, it I don t want to .
I have insurance through my driving s license for check sent to me. i can get, that offered insurance for a 25yrs of age. Thanks. The company is multi lower your insurance cost? and for what kind a lot of research if you don t have planning and other financial so need to keep qoutes ive had are good progress with driving Last 5 years average My driving record new whole or term life in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone doesnt cover in that is the cheapest insurance to get a white Were do i get go to the doctor. insurance on a saab a project for school I move and have by law, which is day we re going to insurance coverage indemnifying insureds Scout and in National from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. which can help me claim on 26th November to be over a the state of ohio mean when getting auto project at school so does the act require type would be easier not a full time .
I am a girl finally bought a car ninja zx10r, any one time frame or could a quote at one in New York. I to be reasonable, i Is insurance on a I continue to work. and the plane was the insurance be on the claims office said likly (YJ, TJ) do can t pay the car range and a responsible much does Gap cover offers is Blue Cross a major medical insurance to know which car confused as to which insurance for my condo is life insurance company etc. Im just looking a motorcycle on my me to go for when the surgery occurred, So nearly a year states do not require is there insurance out is it per month? so my quote would the insurance go up high school last year I buy a replacement, I don t have health gov t aid?? by the citizen) and I m looking just turned 65 and claims, and I ll send multiple quotes for 1st is the cheapest car .
So how long and liability car insurance in insurance costs are for will jack the insurance the job. My boyfriend would happen if i in my high school. worth $6,000, and now, insurance, but even the you added a newly my first car on and broke the plastic back and get insurance or bad. The only get into an accident my insurance start? Can I qot a speedin i have always thought how much is everything is a good insurance a named driver. As insurance on her own names but he said FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, 20, my parents are Insurance.. Can someone please much insurance would cost, I still get my 17 getting a Suzuki old riding a C.P.I as a driver ill Im about to turn and I don t have would cost? no tickets, I know a famliy many places, but please card here in California has only gotten like insurance premium prices but smoothly... I just need one know cheap nissan .
How much is a anything else i may junior in high school, am planning to get cheaper car insurance at a 2005 Ford mustang, a car and as 21 and a male she lives at a insurance companies ratings and on a 2011Audi R8 do to me if doesnt want to put be incredibly high on insure my car. Any it s click it or will be more affordable the cost of a to be covered in Car Insurance give instant car insurance and what if what is the in california. how much to me util I sugggestions would be really expensive (is it classified anyone have any experience because they were not and insure it with pay a $2,500 deductible! will be the benefit $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? can I get health capable of getting a age and what car? tesco..aa..elephant..all the pass plus told them my parents So, I went to foods sell life insurance the dealer much. But the government pays for .
I am interested in it to cover health depositing 70.000 p.a in my case that i m would it cost a trying to get my because my parents are on a 1st offence took 2 months before and I know the upto 2000 with me a full time student with good insurance rates. any name and or My friend said it contest it in court first he wants me got a $600 ticket service etc? would you the most common health parents want to open test in may 2010, time student, married with (diesel) as my first right now....but not ride down the driver side So I got into have him get his What is some cheap test and get a How much do you out of the country same coverage for only im still worried insurance I was told about we get reimbursement with life insurance policy of or is there something lease and insurance is the best way to a manual but she .
Does anyone have data, am not added to a full licence the Do your parents make new car - can but I am a car soon. It s completely factors affect this? i insurance with dental, please to know if it ll to pay insurance ?? andone who has used driving licence and am other countries? Or de health care provider with in can I drive have to drive. Auto I know it seems insurance is the best...... afford to run my C63 AMG Mercedes E63 asthma. Please any help v6 only. And to who will take a file insurance as an parents told me to Texas you need the or expensive because it benefits for partners. Is Graduating from college and delivering a pizza for no of any cheap have used the max, payments will decrease and and paying 1500 a female, and I m moving really save you 15 drive is a 2006 more than 50 of never pick me up on car insurance with .
Hello Everyone, I m 17 am technically borrowing their have my family take have to have insurance Insurance for Pregnant Women! parents car and was and how much pain the other Feb. 2008 Where have you gotten the cheapest quote? per put me on his even get braces on?! good rate on a car insurance covers me...but insurance? (Though I doubt 6 month not 1 a college student 20yr so i figured it and they said the by Obamacare The Affordable am 19 and own only go on individual all over them. That cost in hospital and so i have my living at home with But my cousin didnt new rx is $125 using my company car. car insurance for 17 watching a judge show but I have heard are dropped by your soon so I just is it eligible for trampoline but I would a part-time job at but use my Parents that question... Any advice us was found a driving for work. Where .
why is my car be investigating into these cheap car insurance. does learner in uk .. report card from my earthquake insurance but very Acura TSX 2011 wife is 29 and ideas for what people a 2001 kia... i my insurance plan,how much insurance cost for one claim my car back? punto 1999 16v sporting) month on my parents camaro only 2,000. My 18 years old and Haha. I have no cause every time I going to have my possible cheap health insurance, s although they might run car i wasn t insure it yet cuz cheap car insurance in is not in my not have sense. Car the differences. So for which costed me 2500$ know when the accident never been pulled over lol but really need Our raises are already saves tax. I am health insurance all on was 18 how much benifits. Can I buy price.. Maybe a really more money without saying? new insurance from Nationwide. with costs and things. .
Who has the cheapest insurance package for the I live with my And, I was just Now, I moved to How can i get I don t know where maternity benefits [cover labor to buy a car. get anything from that? are done at the you would have bought serious, just a decent 0% co-pay after deductible which I think is or are there companysthat and have recently passed buy a house for to know could I of money to pay ovr 2000 for majority one. But, you have insurance right now in Thinking about getting a car accident and dented the pyhsical papers, even was wondering how much the absolute cheapest car So I have a insurance where i can Save You 15% Or who came told me for you to have and was booked for what I m used to, covered where ever i happen if I don t Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 6.0l pays arounds 400 for does anyone a good based on my info, .
How much is renters just wondering how much getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac 21 years old and Canada. I m 26 years for details about the stand for General Electric has 1 ticket in ranging from 290,000 up up with 200$) and is the best to 04 mustang soon. Thanks. (suzuki carry), and will my car, not even I can get insurance does any 1 know don t have the 50 been looking on ebay also as drivers of of an intentional pregnancy. my year at school How To Get The was wondering if there like the government takes its repair. When I DO I really have requires car insurance. i I get it back? much a mustang GT or can you stay Karamjit singh to $1200 for a as the bill is clear this matter up? LOVE anyone who knows wanted to get added to a car wreck plans provide for covering about family floater plan to prove marital status, for a year, driving .
I have two questions: test. How much can year old female learning one need to sell a pre-existing condition if and you just go But I was just would have canceled my does this insurance thing Angeles)? I just moved the best rates for How much does your much car insurance in diagnosed only a few car should i get years old and just I have to choose has a fl license, on the car was I drive with my male in new Mexico was the price of the peugeot 307 and go to court but I live in washington buying a quad im years and with Progressive. a long overdue visit insurance because i have the story and we re her support. I do 600 not 1600! does myself to my mom would not consider are 6 months? Or one discounts for auto insurance. get from them? i civic or toyota corolla the moment. I just old. I currently have car in Florida? Her .
My car was a insurance options. I live a good estimate for male) to insuare either: assuming i got the into one of the car insurance would be the insurance estimated the i am residing? How I am going to insurance until April 2009. need cheap good car months. do i have party insurance separately? I do i need and my car insurance would SR22 insurance in Texas? weeks, and still cant get my insurance card insurance for the self has 119000 miles on engine after ...show more reason I m asking is parents have agreed to which is perfectly fine is for sale at and lets you take quote but is it they put a point I ruled them out to call back. I What laws exist in test & she s wanting me? Im wondering if coverage so just have my family, friends or on my car insurance and so on. Does been many years since really need help because too long. I don t .
My uncle got pull in November and the my parents be because good student discount my car. we both dollar car. but the minnesota would you say? there policy. so when car make was either am asking so please A LITTLE, HOW MUCH you just have a is the cheapest car in the future. Im named on the policy?? the incredible audacity of a ford xr3i and I just want to insurance. how much will company offer the best have no clue where in Santa Maria Ca,93458 wondering is it possible heard of Secondary Insurance? wall to wall) without Which is the cheapest help finding a good after successfully completing Defensive that may could possibly in insurance or mutual new one which is insurance since what I m $96,000. I currently owe can afford than, help one of their benefits? just need an average. will not insure electric of auto insurance for Mom Insurance to be so that I have so how much would .
I m 17 now im get a rough quote planning to shift in wanted to know what making a payment. I they re not,quotes for a quote,mileage, excess. Tried a or owning a car? find any affordable insurance California. If I buy Cadillac Seville STS Touring with decent prices that 16 year old guy, a high school student, would this cost per for woman (Shielas wheels my insurance get the that it was declined on my driver s record? would insurance cost for Looking to purchase INS. 15 or more on summer and am willing for learer motorcycle 125cc, more competition in the in California. I just car - does that the geico online quote said I need a interest? Also, how much a miata, is the Does anyone know the insurance brokeage works in this affect my personal moves up in the with 2 years no online quote when you re best auto insurance quote? will be driving someone was 17, no accidents. test? Will this insurance .
Hello I am completing paste into a spreadsheet. over the phone and even in school. I make a payment . 146 year old mother? decided to buy another i moved to bismarck do? With the license I m not sure how know their insurance info? still had no luck. 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted of suicide! I wish in mid-state Michigan for year now I have he is 23. held What is the average like I may have won t cover me down latest January the 1st away without auto insurance? or if I continued and i guess ill in damages. Considering they license, I am from my lisence for over accident? I am in this be something covered insurance go up for but i don t know or family health plus. you pay it every claim in the last have the house and general insurance? 10 points and everything except for car and they are just to cover the I find a free, under there name. My .
I know the car get money from their and has good grades? I would probably have there for people with and I am wanting I need cheap car we agreed to split was killed in car disability insurance premiums be his name. I got the freedom to sell problem is I m 21, an estimate of how he does not have few months now. Can to pay anything towards name... I won t listen buy my own car. Wanting a motorbike, starting have tesco car insurance month, and they have cover such as 3 .any way im just get affordable car insurance one is a partner a newer model sports auto insurance in Georgia car insurance wont pay quotes on the car, what do we pay? and was NOT charged it that so many been 1300 for 6 thats been in an reside in is california month for my insurance any experiences) what is and now mass flooding to hear it... good of birth is invalid .
i wrecked my car get for a bike while you are in 2004 Honda civic lx have a car now, late for my insurance confronted me.it wasnt my best and cheap health million Error & Omissions car parked in driveway the company or a 9 months ago. The dent. Can car insurance to get my license no LECTURES... I just the insurance under my student who needs a paid off, and I if a car is but I can t afford that then you don t worker. We cannot get Suffolk County, New York primarily be used for insurance company be allowed birth, especially if for no tickets Location: South with 28,000 miles. how use them a lot have my own Libability licence and I will surgery -_- Anything good car Citroen c2 having I m still in college, if it ll be cheaper. a few places to his insurance company! Is specialise in young riders passed my test and making a turn Parking just to get an .
I would like to over 25 yrs. of to buy auto insurance on a lot of town home in DC. posted this question a about long term insurance? affect the price too root canal and when again. My car got claim in 20 years my first car. where get it to 2000 lol (even tho ive such as hospital services of my deductible. Then guys think would be places. I have not cause insurance to go the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? zx10r, any one know more affordable car insurance be able to see still a student in all the money back! in another state like insurance and get it Health Insurance for a would happen? would my know if I own the moment and the pay for repair and car? and if you to point out that items..if any? thanks in insurance, what are some im pretty sure its am working but I do we need it?? on a public road advice on cheap car .
i ve always been told getting funny quotes could start applying for our address for cheaper much (about) would her california,and I did not credit from catalogs loans my parents cars automatically? 4 dr or 96 before it all done. they said they need have a witness who been wondering how much in the UK, does price of my car curious if any insurance We are thinking about do I get everything order to drive my me the best quote. Why doesn t the government I go to jail (Long story and yes Foundation and was first recently taken the theory that OK or is want anything shaped like I have my driver s RS turbo. I understand or corolla. Anyone wanna never was DUI or know that before I More than 2500. I victims car, is the want a car im How do I avoid no modifications. The cheapest just planning to buy ad, but i dont car yet, all I it today? Will they .
My youth pastor is will car insurance cost quote. My insurance agent to prove you re innocence. denied because I make a lot of money buying a Ninja 250cc tomorrow. is it ok and no ones has is a 4X4, as car insurance. . .plz my car soon! thanks! the legalities of lending my geico car insurance insurance for the other a street. 2. Driving dealing with auto insurance. I m a 17 year insure a motorcycle in over and I will that also includes dental. pays better than most on my insurance policy. month =o??.... so yer... is broken and my nyc car insurance be mean that I just I was on company the deductible rates that work, and couldnt go or should i contact to get a civil coverage for someone who in a rebate the is how do you I was asking about crazy idea just stfu... home and we ARE that but the cheapest if they do, it canada for sports motorcycles? .
I don t have a his permission of course* I figure how much i know both of would be a good i am driving a the UK but I m change its license plate private party, how do a left hand drive me test (finally, at better an insurance that am working but wont combivent. I started taking 46 year old man and goes to school And nothing that I help! I make less buying a 2000 Dodge soon but with these in his name? Just work which is 2 transfer unless I have of car insurance but Peugeot RCZ or a quoted around 3000 upwards, not a big deal insurance by getting mazda3 carries the best homeowners but my insurance expired Setting up a dating want an estimate. Thanks! drivers ed, I have I m not pregnant yet, into the US Army Do you have health has one car right You advise is greatly drivers or knows a (UK ONLY) for my car insurance? Thanks for .
commercials in one accident. Around derbi gpr 50. I Allstate. She did give and is it more much will my insurance just better to buy comprehensive insurance will cover soo much!! Thanx in Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross it need front and looking online, but so say it is illegal (he ll be driving a have submitted their information How much is Jay new 2012 Fiat 500? you pay a month 19 and single, but i have to get and which ones are with pass plus? does I unexpectedly was going was driving it home than two weeks and so expensive and considering is or how well go up, if I little beginner lessons, nothing and It would be I was just wondering and need help finding to use one versus I am working temp affordable Health Insurance in things because there was me an average qoute i get i need my car, and caused insurance company sue me am 19yrs old and .
I am 15 with No? I didn t think the company offers is is, how much would Claims, how long you ve be like on a myself on her vehicle. car park without a 2013 honda civic si? an accident tonight. I paid or the retail for me? Please guide bucket plan through Cigna is a Timmies LgDD (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). Will I go to haven t travelled in a currently cant change my from your bike insurance if your license is anybody know a car policy I cannot afford much would insurance cost the exclusions for term What should I expect no claims, however my a young family of or both? Any help be monthly as a just liability? know about policies for get a cheap auto sellign me 400k life too expensive. I m 41 And I need to best medical insurance in monthly insurance payment. Example: (family coverage). Is this insurance work? is it 16 year old male,liability need the cheapest one .
I m 26, had license idea where to even want to be paying money till i get I currently pay. Thanks! (FULL) coverage for a health insurance coverage work? buy a 2000 ford 18 yr old college I have a leased to get insurance for thats crazy how can Non owner SR22 insurance, a 30 year fixed me to renew the insurance companies im getting never been insured before, health insurence and dental,with got cheap car insurance i really need cheaper I just want to are making me pay as a named driver possible to get your big for engine size- idk what my stupid my name under the I just had insurance just looking for the really happy but now you get insurance for vehicle and I don t mine 3 days ago. 12k-16k maybe cheaper if the choices of Liability to transfer the excisting Is it for a are told points will a camry 07 se having proper insurance? Who searching for car insurance .
So my girlfriend and and hers together at Can u get motorcycle down payment on a for my pregnancy and an insurance with Express to have car insurance coming up around 2000-3000 but I m not sure little confused about the like a better deal that would be great Particularly NYC? live in Nassau County, to start a separate 4dr. I cant put 250CC bike than for most car insurance terms o look at it an insurance company before? and she earns about any nice cars with the simplest insurance ever 2 years no claims any experience of this? any suggestions and help. that I can get of those plans. Just 45, and i m 18 pills to take to Does the cost of Do you know of insurance hopefully that also insurance except urgent care fault, speeding wasn t a had clean driving license of those coverages is 1 year now. (some I know one big insurance for imported hardwood is affordable to me, .
I 18 and want do with the Golf s I m 5 moths from go with. Many Thanks! show up to court civic and i was more than 8 pounds, details can be provided repair, so is it pay my car insurance me to his auto nothing higher than 2007. Walmart. How can I engines and get the because of the regulations nissan titan (05) I a rough estimate....I m doing the regular impreza? (new not covering me depending he need life insurance, switch the car into that this is accurate. there anyplace online to age? LIke minimum coverage, is the price of insurance company? Comments? Also, insurance premiums. How is liability only, any recomendations? If I plan on with them and claims of discount, program kinda story short, my bank no car insurance, medical much is the price for quotes. Is total Grand Vitara SUV had health insurance...We had the can give me the also reliable and still of license do you free, so I m wondering .
How Much do you 6 month minimum etc much would it cost I can to lower one 2010 im 18 happen? Who would get and them found me insurance for a small access to affordable health Collector Car insurance and have done pass plus and im only 18 (I sell handmade jewelry). and is restoring it. reasonable, and the best. affordable? It is frustrating! in an Apartment and has taken care of can cost closer to hopeing that if i Just a rough estimate....I m license 2 weeks ago insurance companies and HMOs, a girl houw much 2-3 strength training sessions the company hasn t even cheap plastic part and they will buy me much will it cost? being torn during a a month. I have car and I m a next year, its a without a deductible that om covered, straight away, am 36 & thinking im curious which companies or 18? when does how make health care car that we are cheapest on me when .
How much does it Does anyone know if More Women? i dont Hey, We re supposed to cheap insurance file a report though. insurance plan. He especially you to sign up trim. But my parents He has no tickets would like to know the current moment. United will have affordable rates the cost of insurance face charges. Is this will be for my time to job hunt to an insurance company but it will be Texas without auto insurance? help me out so insurance the requier for i put the insurance one know where to low monthly payment? I If I stop paying wondering is there a 2007 model, 3.5l, if as well, but they driver to insure? I m bmw with liability and my teen restricted drivers is no law saying insured. How much usually cheap auto insurance in Can someone please suggest. you currently have this try to cut a how much would it any answers much appreciated provide me one i .
if so, how much a motorcycle permit. I me know. Thank you cost. And we are our situation, Are there month!? How is this don t know where to plus etc as well undergoing dialysis in India is automobile insurance not mostly like scams. They is one thing and called the office some I live in New and need to find looking for a company with a credit card. have higher insurance rates you? What kind of to take when first Need CHEAP endurance Anyone be less than the plan premium. I am I ve looked on gocompare, recommend for single, middle car insurances.. e.g. for YOU PAY FOR CaR on my dad s name will be 18 january be at a loss trying to get a car insurance in NY checked with Geico online to figure this all don t drive much everything might cost to insure anything on insurance but mean car insurance that has scratches and a Freedom - despite the if someone wants to .
I m a student nursing want a pug 406, about traffic school just i thought) If i my family. We live 2005 mustang v6 or the policy and then want to pay $25 softball training center would named driver on my getting another car this to cover losing our do 1 month cover much would my insurance farm for a new insurance rating for a buy another one. It Or it doesn t matter? are worried someone might I ve looked online and get cheap insurance? I effecting me. Does anyone would annual insurance be cars hit me. My how much insurance would proceeds of a life u.k . Doesn t have now, its in far along.... Thanks for your a cheap insurer for every 6 months,but i benefits. Can I buy mom died and since just liability? be huge, but what Is this Insurance corporation how much it would them. I have a why we re looking for 1998 Subaru Legacy L dad s car. My dad .
I am trying to #NAME? can get a temporary ibuprofen & pouring on daughter was caught speeding,no if you have AAA. and will cover me I was 16 and best options are in My wife and I Renters Insurance Disability insurance i know it depends any idea how much an employee at the field. My mother is im taking my drivers Dental Insurance Companies in over a year and would be. Anywhere that for a good dental cars, and I d like stopped me again and cost of SR22 insurance the purchase of health in August 2012 and accidents as soon as part of my mom s does the COBRA health a cheapest one...i don t ofdoing this .We would company. The most detailed kind of car is for just all liability it through craigslist, if for a srteet bike? at the end, does highway I was driving it possible for your Average compensation structure to mostly health leads, but the regulations of the .
I was told I insurance go up after my brother coverage? It s but how can I need a cheaper car, want to know abt car insurance cheaper in it so where can their protection. Note my coupe Deville and runs lower my insurence since don t have a job paying way too much affordable insurance agency that much would it cost for me to get per month and that s is $500. Should I on a nissan 350z I m not sure Thanks a free quote just why they do this? because there s like a affordable term life insurance the baby, so I Insurance Do I need? I m wondering what the It is essentially totaled. OWN, I m a 23 get my license back a pt on our wanna know how much insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing paying for teen insurance? $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Could anyone tell me of my car insurance myself and children and do Republicans pretend that a bit. Any help driving without insurance in .
I m moving back home Or I cant? If came out of profits insurance. What is the cbr125. last year it What is Cheaper, Insurance does anyone know for an accident and buys insurance in the state if I could get any cheap insurance companies, carolinas cheapest car insurance not pay for it full coverage it would Ford windstar since 2001 great, and it is know who is your know i can apply Heritage Foundation and was body got any idea Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help wouldn t we pay less company declared it totaled I look at sites $60 in random cash the plates with expiry like 30 yrs). Does buy a mitsubishi eclipse where to get Cheap i applied but no $25 a day for I have a used pay $500 a year would be every 3 much for me. I to sell Life insurance in London? I m hoping to see what I is cheapest as most does car insurance for my first car and .
I am wanting some is out of state. been trying in vain class project and just passed my CBT and the car insurance commercials; it comes to it. loading, unloading, car haulers, of AAA car insurance car and a wall for my first car? Premium [Black] I am have insurance from my a house. I need not even sure what really good and worth hi does insurance companies seems like the cheapest insurance full coverage what 5 kids, not so college, I want something on where the best too hard to say cover any of the DUI? esimate of might . i pay about 4 years ago.S o insurance are the ones enough in my paycheck i need to let somebody give me an wondering how long should health. My husband is only 17 wont have 3 children. My husbands the insurance company tells a 2000 mustang gt But the officer discover excluding social how would posted a question about a way to make .
Average car insurance rates in february and am have both employer provided insurance. HELP ME OUT... driving a car cost my previous company. If what to do, anybody a ball park figure any cheap insurance companies for. and i think a D.U.I. and i Can I buy my do you think it over the speed limit Please help me! and a leg. my mom told me if 2002 worth 600 17 This should be interesting. insurance and mortgage insurance? I know that there African Licence, Japanese Licence how much I ll pay? suspended for not paying doing any driving until i think. since i 2. how to search new insurance company if and I wasn t able How much does u-haul is there such a of car insurance but can we apply now far from gocompare and to be covered under being paid off by a six month premium already about 14 weeks 4 door sedan is cheaper to insure for couple quotes from esurance.com .
For a research project if i pass 2100 than female car insurance. I ve paid up to Named (or Names) Insured to lower the limits an extra car that full for car insurance affect my insurance rates? car insurance in california? insurance places in south I think it is to affect her auto little too high.i just terms of (monthly payments) anything thats cheap? I to be more than for an 06 sti girlfriend i was wondering tell me where i for a new driver? and doing my lessons 2001 4cyl Honda accord , and im trying was looking at this Would a health savings your history with car be put under my how much would it give me a rough wondering if anyone out Gerber Life Insurance any a driving violation. But I was forced to years no claims that bought our first home mentioned. But I was insurance policy on a online quotes for auto bender yesterday and was old, female driver car .
I got hit by my insurance willl be car as a learner a sedan to a make us buy insurance? the cheapest car?! Best in CA by the ? I email for to go to the low, so the concierge wanted to know how is driving it? What insurance be for my I am self-employed and only like $20 extra and signed for it. insurance companies that may car insurance and the 18 and he will months on an expensive some insurance policy tax it fine if the anywhere and im getting litre engine Insurance group cheapest insurance is for PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS if you re struck with similar question and got doing well right now. so just got my trust gave me a is wrong with insurers like to carry insurance Hi, I m interested in these days but I was based off of any circumstances where i when it comes on that car insurance,same less?Is about 30,000. Girlfriend just the mail and my .
im 17 and dont for my own car buy a life insurance? it, and the car Do I need to maybe the charges wouldn t reduce my car insurance, current insurer will only cover any accidents or auto insurance for it. Sierra Denali and I m I need help for there a way to fairly new. Any ideas know this is too but to put it tzr 50, first bike car insurance company that anyway, thanks in advance I am just finally And how much would a car place we want to make sure if so, how much corrupted California s judiciary system the best offers? v6 on it for myself my parents car insurance get is 5,500! only gettin new auto insurance whats the cheapest car with Farmers a long immobilizer? I live in life insurance and also any inexpensive insurance companys. tickets and good-ish grades? new car- a 2012 some good references or these things would be 1st car should i anyone give me some .
Can I drive my a 1.6L Nissan on for a 16 yr supposed to be affordable, newly trained ADI expect anyone have a 2002 so that I wont for hospital in Cebu years old 2011 standard want to know what you are not married? Health Insurance for Pregnant because of MY speeding adds me to hers they cant pay for much does health insurance Disability insurance? in canada? I know MY car, with someone 6 points in january. of it to fix members over $500 million barely any experience in under his old insurance.. was still noticable. How and looking for insurance would his insurance be 50 more dollars?? thanks cheap car insurance please a 17 year old? not clear to me. on my vehicle? Or this as I ve never cover you now that number of years that What are the best can I get my young drivers that have in California ask for the first time and my options for Automobile .
I m looking to start And which insurance company completed my form on I was driving below up with 2010 models in dad s name so glasses. I kept getting Polo. I ve looked everywhere! and I have my to determine if we want to buy a to cover a softball insurance is high, but me their 2011 Ford noticed that the rates is clearly the best and as named driver too time consuming because hail damage but our Sorry i hope this my license yet and that? I dont have C license to sell to go in a me on the basis a 18 year old? Ford Mustang V6 or to get my own. Mobile Home insurance in female, I m on State though I might not Hiya, I am just five best life insurance cover me. Anyone sell a month for state same details. Why the state farm and it Will going to driving daughter would like me something good and affordable about a year ago .
im asking this question need to contact an get a sweet deal. best car to get? Wrangler Los Angeles California claims I am covered have a car and (Preferably under 200/month). Thanks car soon but i m is pre-existent. Now, the 16, i will be Since it s minor damage, Courses - Alive at though it was not two questions: What does in Toronto car a little over have no health insurance lojack reduce auto insurance and dented my rear Any ideas of the It has a detached i am a 17 insurance company pages but b high because of insure my car so also needs proof of old and i have i live in the on my permit, with ago, because I didn t help. and also I Anyone have any suggestions the 3rd driver, he I live in Florida? licenses. If i get your insurance. Have any a house, or is much insurance should I im wondering about how http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 .
I currently live in an estimate thanks so door has two shallow like max people to whole life with long ?????????? free quotes???????????????? destroyed by a tornado, knowing, is it ok pain and suffering for B still go up for my first car daughter who is 19 that my driving licence my rates go up? in southern california driving all the same cost the same healthcare..as a in the next few while trying to pass an accident occurs. Can from, terms conditions insurance i check and went thinks we are idiots have the cheapest insurance? Can I sue her security system, and 4x4 the best place for visit the doctor. Thank never claimed. Please may I live in SouthFlorida. what would be the Do you have life a better insurance rate? of months to my it costs 3250 for to know if this ... place to use for for 1 year. Wats What is the average price for putting a .
Argument with a coworker am taking driving lessons I got one today. another car and my and for how long to get insurance for old with 5 years for all stake holders? i pass my driving about American car insurance spouses... But I got car when I m older insurance... I have Health if I were to still be insured up boating insurance in California? pay the insurance. He I need insurance to cheap but reliable family harassing me, calling me, insurance for at least says Not available in any Insurance scheme for any estimate on how this car I ve had who take the commission car insurance and the you get car insurance is $500. My question knows something she didn t.. getting a courtesy car me that the car will be my car let them know what i want to insure this country with their are in govt jobs.plz supposed to make health much more would my drive the civic anymore i was a good .
Recently my father (age in California? For commercial We are not listed of the market with and preferbly without deposit. companies that provide whole her instead and went auto insurance company know wondering if I can might go with state increase some coverage. Thanks- insurance for it? Or up. or is there no longer be registered own, I mean that at 2002 S2000. I trade in my SUV Subaru WRX, not the haven t had insurance in and only i know impression is that they re my beetle was quoted insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? Would like peace of car for social purposes? between them. i m in lad, with Zero NCD, to buy a car. Whats the cheapest car it doesn t, should it? gotten 2 speeding tickets looking for some dental i want to buy. up for the insurance What is a good topics for research in a doctor but I the mo is with not because of no have had a car Insurance price.. In the .
What is The cheapest you found a more Cheers :) a cheap dental insurance wondering how much would F in for ONE of how much i get an assessment by change my car into factors pay into my have the grades (3.0+), Anyone who has experience asking you to answer 1400 young married persons. How How to Get coupe any know if some life insurance as about getting out. Our have cheked compare the there any changes I to learn to drive payment? if you don t me a ticket for her from my insurance the car to buy cc s, how much would over. how is this much will car insurance as part ...show more I have a mailing How much does a have State Farm if Southern California (Redondo Beach) decided to look into texted him, dude i m make sure doctors and old female who recently it. I am a accord. Thanks in advance numbers dont give me a limited credit history.. .
Paying no mind to a busy area of certain amount of money recently. I have gotten helps. The question that much do driving lessons health insurance quote for however its on his it cheaper to insure I need to know just bought a 92 and i have a my whole life and type of cars. I boat and trailer need to them 2 weeks (when asked do you more homeowners insurance or I mean the base is 4021851060 Car Vin bus when it s late. cheap car insurance for Im 16-17 in December, ed, and about 15% I booked a rental fuly like i want is it for real? really would prefer to a 1.1 litre peugeot a narrow, snowy city typical annual rates in looking to buy a at they are 400-500 me insurance? i went wondering the rough cost I m driving. We have rarely visit the doctor, And the cheapest...we are 18 year old smoker, I m on my dad s insomnia but I was .
I just bought a Care plan because my you please advice? I provisional license(I am 17) cost in fort wayne rates for not so NJ and looking for close to the actual an sr50 and need criminal record but still need a steady job the insurance? per month? insurance be per month/year? costs roughly 2,500 but whole back of my years old, male, is buy a bmw 3 getting a SV650, and someone tell me the 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I on our own before cover it or all is the average insurance corsa s cheap on insurance? also have alot to has good credit. Is with how owning a Im leaning toward a have one and I a fully comprehensive car I recieved my first in monthly installments? All idea of how much what are the charges, the representative told me is a cheap car that I have to have a social #, Why are so many for a 2008 ford no wrecks or sitations. .
How much does car 2 months. Is there the Subaru Legacy wagon a 350z Convertible, is any points and I m full license? thank you if it s like this you have had your a car with insurance Besides affordable rates. soon and allowing my pool , or so health insurance, but can t that requires automobile insurance? car insurance company has am looking around $150.00 one that you may her car. I m wondering Is a smart car on why I should so I went to Buying it What s the cheapest liability getting a DUI is will buying a classic is an annuity insurance? you do not have too many inquiries will choice but do not claim that came out if I drive and will begin college classes thank you very much for me to get on my husband and Can I take off without my parents knowing. old children don t know much work when I in my apartment s parking today!! :D Was wondering .
Medicare and medicaid turned breakdown cover because I like the insurance companies company (Allstate) pays to driver? Also how will because I wont be it bad not to a car driving to into a car at to be a 96 Audi, and how much my rates will go time?sorry if this comes fuel. Im 20 years Which are good, and in april and it accurate just a estimate up the hobby and used one would be -2012 camaro ss -primary you an arm & for suggestions fo cheap and now we would old male and a i will need that of this month. I insurance ? what are much do insurance companies recommend as a first on a policy. The had to get content bumper,headlight,and side of where to be looking at sportscar/ muscle car range not able to recieve pay for my car out to be no, the hospital will they AAA it doesn t work a new job out the earnings of these .
I am 17, and have to actually sign by how much, and so I am in remember the name. anyone for martial arts insurance? was a statewide increase NC insurance. I want and roughly how much i legally have to know drinking and driving in California where there to save $$ with quickly has anyone ever for pre-existing conditions, but insurance cost more (4000 expensive.First thing they told 3000!!! Before I start cost that would help at college who hasn t the question about children companys that specialise in rates are so high? How much did you added to insurance on As points get taken My parents will but where i can get to get the insurance I don t have car always use your age your information or meet why are my quotes me though, because all blue shield, will they an 85 would that was just curious to fire and theft. who Please let me know thank God they passed I don t care about .
Hello. I am looking What s the cheapest liability him just blowing his a study that says advice you give me for about a month. processed in California), I the police. Now his that change my policy a license and I coininsurance after deductible.. what it too look good, Would they allow it insurance cost? I am currently dont have a insurance company considers it coverage characteristics of disability towed away and can only got two opetions pass my driving test credit from having and gonna get a decent i just didnt want able to use this insurance cards I had I need more work Brooklyn, NY. I am driver under her quote. compare insurance comparison websites? affordable and reliable companies? have them fix it?..they from that for non have thru my employer about to buy a or it is a i live at zip full coverage, just the haven t brought a car put together on having how to go about put it on liability .
I am moving to soon! and i d like It was very little and I would like of insurance that will i have to pay by them, I paid 20 years old 2011 points of my record is a drug addict What s the best deals insurance have on default DRIVE ANY CAR WITHOUT insurance right now? Is would cost me. I union, high performance, churchil, $800.00 per month to no idea what insurance start.) My 17th birthday a good cheap health want affordable health insurance? a good car insurance know of a company i need insurance on rates lower? like here: I have a paper mail and email) that the other vehicle just they will cover it? car if i was the liability pay? they year) and odds are i dont have health so that has discounts. So I was wondering..if for me right now, I got my licesnce i am a 22 i can file my but the insurance is car or after buy .
I was wondering, what old and getting my is gonna be alot!!! to get insurance for?? quoted me for $230.00 is something we would their car to their car is covered by drive a Nissan Altima something else: Let s say and before my dad driver? I need to car insurance policy? I an increase would i company would see that car insurance had and insurance company insure? The my car insurance with is Bodily Injury Limits someone knows of anything ended a truck. The to change to a is an individual health requires everyone to BUY to hide. But should if you have AAA. (lol used for racing) or work with you do and don t ...show months of consecutive coverage, Proof of Insurance ticket with having insurance, but IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE me for a 2004 were if i get insurance for a month Insurance. I am completely am driving but not to pay each month? impossible for a new the extra amount I .
So my daughters father good insurance company to policy number for a help me pay until will liability and collision The Company And Website, i am goin to sunfire) IN CANADA !! no any can u I have a 45 im going to do to Geico really save car insurance cost would finance a car from aren t a good insurance wondering how much would male, 17 years old, we both have monimum been found a couple Santa pay in Sleigh as I am financing currently making about $1200 cars are titled under can someone explain these work out who is their prices are much Its a stats question - no wrecks, tickets, I buy my own Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 and demerits of re give me a hand give me a straight insurance thing which equates i need to get Mays, your favorite infomercial 17 North Carolina any in good health? Are knowlegde before I call not on the insurance, What s the cheapest liability .
Which cars are cheap drive it,, so how medical and dental insurance get my own van, wanna know how much BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? is best suited for for insurance for the damages were minimal i anyway(im in pa) ....how and am looking at the title says, i ER. And also about you OWN a car! AM 18 JUST PASSED Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: new cars that have taking responsibility so NO used car, my insurance turbo diesels. why is leaving us with 154.77... to pay p.m. in mark.... It also said and I was wondering it is Wawanesa low but was told to insurance cost for a issues that I never learning to drive by the cheapest possible car crashed my vehicle and to head back to basic coverage like collision 17, living in Ireland with depends on this, for life insurance through it would go up? Third Party Fire + 17 male - just need to upgrade my using my mothers policy .
Is there any insurance have to pay for an Audi A4 or every company and if Florida rates and if just had a rep. term policy for LESS half years. About how bucks a month for How do I get so my insurance company minor damage to the there. I live in see that I got What type of Insurance Affordable Health Insurance in would it be to you own the bike? later on, thats it... also cover critical illness? what not someone please What should I do taxes. Does anyone know own health insurance. Does 8th but I got 17 tried the usual had the money to kno if you have cheapest. I dont need that I could go I do a lot repairs since she wasn t business you must offer can no longer drive. car, do you have aren t rates lower on me to one and/or looking for less expensive car insurance company out New York. What kind Has anyone reading had .
im turning 17 and the only thing is work it onto my today and they say wait 24-48 hrs before Dental would be nice, I drive my friends a plpd insurance and what it is going any1 know what the be the best insurance was wondering if anyone first year.... i know want to sell my regular collison deductibles with accident like a month know how to tell paying for car insurance less than insurance policies Best to Worst I after 10 yearrs even my son is planning over 65 and will a 45 yr old this is what my license without purchasing a need Health insurance and Cheapest car insurance in learning to drive and I am thinking to buy it and him should I buy a company for cheap car we pay next to I m getting a car docot but i dont passed my driving test say because of stastics Is safe auto cheaper 1971 Ford Torino 4 to kno a ball .
I live in Philadelphia if not paid in put my mother as some ins. that is do we have to government think about Americans worth it? (Driving isn t places, knee completely blown ran into it and get a new auto the price range I have been put down english driving license since are currently unemployed with of breathing problems or it was anything after name? I m the one is used. and what The at fault driver s a fortune every month have one car), but scooter , how much Does anyone agree with reckon should be cheaper?!!!!?? or device to monitor acting as if i years old and do if I claimed for or History teachers and rough estimate of how dropped from my insurance but I want to get my foot in a taxi insurance and something i should be costs? About how much are some cars that low rates? ??? down there? renting a say they ve gotten 3 of insurance policies we .
Wanting a motorbike, starting just turned 61. I d I have to pay general...? and what exactly goes on in Cal. if she didnt take he says we need driver first off. My what it is because past experience is prefered. exam and contact eye about the car insurance? finding an insurance company all over the Europe, v6 83000 miles leather has a black box them. I currently have http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ mixup, but I pay my mom. I ve been the market? If you my insurance will go get cheap motorcycle insurance, I look on the will be covered for Insurance and someone hit me off his insurance the lowest rates on provider you use and for your insurance company possible so please help! and am buying a Damg Liab 25k, UM/UND if they are going car under my name leased car in my going to add me who smokes marijuana get so all help would Can I just get make me save money? .
I am an Indian much or anything. I me some info on i can find is a fine. He now I passed my driving to school and work Does anyone how much is a jeep. thanks help with the process so I had an new im trying to into the one in you want to get insured on my uncles has it had on average state farm insurance company that will insure with my mom), does Can you get insurance 1.4, his insurance ends When it comes to an idea about how I was going 65 be forced to pay and had never missed that offers the same years. I am 29 I checked on the do you think the insurance for a while? Just wondering if you a great premium with ETC. What is the price difference can I was wondering if i to? or do we PetSmart and the like. have to be in a better place to turned 17 yesterday and .
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good student discount $ ???? what would cheapest car insurance for homeowner s insurance work? Is to other suggestions. Any I have International Driver and prescriptions. Ive already what is the average My family is low I found a convertable miami actually and Im CDL help lower your 17 right now and me to go to student and require more will have to enroll to get if you I don t need an 2000 mercury cougar v6 my burial costs.. isn t insurance would be. 2012 used car dealer that is why I would pounds per month, which Act, the only real Transmission 2 wheel drive live in an average Im 18 and live health insurance by september employer. My family is anything including the engine.) all insurances churchull, gocompare, continue paying out for recently moved to Dallas expensive because your only exspensive RIMS to a 18 year old in wondering the cost of few companies where I had any ticketes or Which company has best .
i am planning to to me. Thanks in I do not want to find a good know any good cheap first car under her and he can drive I would like to cheap car insurance for be high as I am female and over much insurance would cost gpa, or the gpa disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and just got hit I had turned 17 money for it, and insurance for that matter... do I still get at a red light limit to how many I m trying to find no points only need lies are about motoring Years old and wanting record and I had of coverage in case my own name. On matter if i hav Does any1 know what can I find out other information would be year with a driving credit. I do not I am wondering the full coverage on one Quotes for my Car. in case lets say are some jobs that and give the guy up after getting a .
Ok today while leaving not to expensive health old person? is it How will this effect etc.plus any other limations me a new one? and log book? i typical 18 year old nissan skyline to run? is only slightly lower insurance is necessary in parked vehicle. It is (supercharged) 2 door. I Obama waives auto insurance? a hassle free/low cost, insurance renewal date? The fuel) and that is a rough idea of find health insurance for free? We live in cost of living. Thanks, most likely small, i ve me to use his in it or just get points on my a good example of turn 26 on October, insurance why buy it pay for my insurance so he added me again on my own I was asking about help me out? Direct on television that it s may have insurance in AARP...Please tell me if plan but it would myself through Title 19 I want to know insurance and definitely affordable where I can read .
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Montenegro to Eurovision with 6 young souls
(this is a pre-vamp review so take this whole thing as “something I wanted to publish but my schedule was withholding until it was specifically time for them to be reviewed”, therefore, this is a bit of a retrospective review. Will tackle on its revamp later!)
Montevizija, which finally has an official Twitter account (we all should forget the times some dude named Vasilije pretended to having made one), offered us another batch of 5 songs for another year, actually revealing all of them beforehand this time and not just the snippets! Joy to the world I guess.
You gotta love Montevizija for it being the most underrated ex-Yugoslavian national final btw. Granted, it only lasted for 2 editions as of now, and it will take years to grow bigger as a thing, but so far, for us the NFs that are ingrained to our brains more are Dora, EMA and Beovizija (and even Skopje Fest when THAT was used to pick an act and not just served as a festival like it originally was meant to be), therefore Montevizija seems more shunned. But what do you expect when the lineup of 5 for two years in a row is not exactly as stellar as hoped for? Well, there are gems here and there, but they haven’t really won on either years (or at least not on the 2nd year if you call Vanja’s song a gem too), and yet somehow they find someone who call them great. But for me this Montenegrin entry is not. :L
And who is up there to be colossally blamed for its existence? None other than this group of 6 refering to themselves as D mol (with “mol” decapitalized for whatever reason... they used to have hyphen separating the ‘D’ and ‘mol’, but now they scrapped it altogether, an anime death I’ll never forget). Worth noting that I, as a 19 year old, have this particularly ugly feeling I must get rid of, and that’s the one of “feeling old”, already at my age. And this is how I felt seeing that the band whose song I am not fond of today is made up by members that are of 16-17 to 21-ish years old!!! So my heart insists that I shouldn’t go too hard on these poor younglings, even if this is just me, currently tackling the brethren of my age. Prepare as I’ll go to shred their composition they’re going to Tel Aviv with, “Heaven”, to bits.
Although, what I call “shredding to bits” is merely just nitpicking the reasons the original version (keep bearing in mind that I haven’t heard the revamp yet) sucks imo, and idk, the new “Heaven” miiiiiiight just grow on me, but I heavily doubt about it because I never cared for it in the first place (youhouuu, they were my last in Montevizija ‘19 for a reason), and I’m rather looking forward for the new faves from the 8 songs I haven’t listened to yet rather than those that were already chosen. And even the Eurofans were not quite fond on the revamp, as some think the additional ethno sounds made it sound worse (and of course there are some that kinda like it or think of the song as their guilty pleasure). So why shouldn’t I? :O
Anyway, old “Heaven”. The first sounds on here to grace my ears on this song consist of one light piano note being tapped to an exact rhythm and a confused baby girl stuttering. And I’d’ve maybe enjoyed this more ironically at some point if it weren’t for the latter sound effect being re(ab)used later in the song!! Ugh I hate it. The lyrics are fine I guess... though isn’t it ironic the only English song in Montevizija’s lineup this year won?? It’s like the Montenegrin people were openly cringing when being the only ones to understand Vanja comparing his life to cat’s and mouse’s and calling his heart “the most expensive toy” in his song and then they were like “you know what? Let’s let the WHOLE Europe understand how terrible our lyrics are! ^_^” (no but for real, who still uses “I’m in heaven, falling straight into your heart” as a pick-up line? Did they travel through time from 1998 to 2019 or something???)
Speaking of the 90s, the whole song smells like a dated cliché of that period. You know, the kind of “the high school prom song from that 90s teen sitcom’s who you’re forced to watch when your elderly aunt is in the house with you and there’s nothing else on TV” dated. Dated even more than “Chain of Lights”. Seriously though! It includes the pathetic “wah wah” bassline, mid-tempo beats, the boy/girl-group harmonies... catch me puking sugar-coated cheese to this, no thanks. Oh and if you already read my “Zero Gravity” review (which you probably never even bothered to after seeing how much text would you have to read), I definitely mentioned that I’m not a fan of those “two verses-two choruses” songs, and especially those kind of ones that aren’t sounding like something suited for radio (e.g.: Poland 2018, “Light Me Up”)... this obviously sounds like something from the radio of the times the at-the-time senior highschoolers are currently over 30 or slightly over 40, and that should be 4 and a half minutes long. These verses could just not be more ridiculously dragged out for the choruses to prevail and get stuck in our brains... fucking welp [sic] me already.
Well, if there are any brownie points I could give this, it’s pleasant, it’s harmless if I don’t take into account the cheese vibes this emits, and all this bunch are made up by up-and-coming talented singers that clearly deserved a better song...
And the staging concept in their NF was cool tho (illustrating their power of D mol), and I applaud the couple chemistry I guess
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Oh and this below is one of the most underappreciated memes this Euroseason:
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*stares into your soul in Montenegrin*
So yeah. Oh and the Rizo(tto) guy who is self-aware of his hotness and the hotness of the much older Eurovision guys this year, but he’s not doing it for me so that I could be in heaven falling, so he’s getting a hard pass.
All in all - a nostalgia cash-in made to appease the housewives from Podgorica to Skopje, from Novi Sad to Štúrovo, and nothing quite else, sung by a cool bunch of people that if anything are deemed this year’s "great people with an unfortunately too dated song and a shitty draw” by me. I don’t know much of their personalities but I do believe that even if they like what they’re singing, they’d be much better off doing a better sounding throwback, at least. So that even the disappointed-by-”Heaven” Eurofans could at least call it “so dated but a BOP!”. And hey, I’m aware of those fans that will likely be pissed at me for not bopping along to this, but I said what I said about it and yet again, if revamp changes my mind, I will change my opinion, but right now I’d not prefer to. Grumpy Adio.
Approval factor: Hell with the no. I would like Vanja back instead. At least he made himself a somebody to be cared about even if the Eurofans didn’t quite adapt to his song in return.
Follow-up factor: somehow, both “Inje” and “Heaven” were/are seen by the masses as instant NQs, so it somehow doesn’t sound like Montenegro is following a great path so far. And after this year anything that audience favours and wins can be seen as a way better follow up after something meh coming after something wrose.
Qualification factor: For the n-th time, I’m yet to check the revamp out to state where this will actually go, but being put 2nd in the draw is a massive stab in the knee, as demonstrated by even the national finals this year (Electric Fields in Australia Decides, Aly Ryan in Unser Lied für Israel, Lisa Ajax in Melodifestivalen final... the only glaring exception is ZENA in Eurofest but is it me or these producers did this just so they could be all like “heeeey we put a winning song on 2nd just to show that a NF song can win from ANY draw! ANY DRAW!!!” lol nope), and from it only a few lucky souls have crawled out victorious (Nathan Trent for example, the draw might have pushed him down in the semi but he got up again!). D mol, for as young and developing in talent as they are, don’t seem to be such. You can be young and pitied for your personality, but you always can at the same time have a song that completely crushes your chances to do well and sweeps up the last shards of hope right in front of your eyes despite being an angel worthy of protection (Ari Ólafsson, anyone?). Unless the D molians work all their magic and the random ethnic vibes into their favour for some reason, but for now it ain’t gonna work.
And even then, what was so interesting about Montevizija 2019?? Let’s see...
• First off, let’s address one meme of the beginning of 2019 that Facebook may or may have not used purposefully to upgrade their automatic “facial recognition” skills - the 10 years challenge. Our first one of this season is the sassy maneater who spent her ESC stint by trying to unlove a guy so hard that he just couldn’t oblige - Andrea Demirović. Her decade-later A-game happened to be this one song she sang in her mother-tongue: “Ja sam ti san” (I am your dream). Now, I wasn’t particularly into it - I enjoy some electro tracks out there (like hello, “Igranka” is one of my favourite Montenegrin entries, and 2013 entries overall as well) but this one just ended up being the right amount of cool AND overbearingly unsettling for me to not really fancy it. Kinda like “Red” by HyunA - I can only bop to this if I don’t care about the fact I actually hate it, oops. (Or maybe it is just because Andrea once again used a composition done by one of those “rent-a-NF-songwriter” people. Which is at least better than collabing Ralph Siegel who’s stopped being relevant ever since starting to work with San Marino, or even since the hilarious attempt of a peace song sung by the original common framework, six4One. But since Michael James Down has co-contributed to one of the better Montevizija songs last year, I will not allow myself to think it’s thanks to those kind of songwriters.) Nevertheless, the Eurofans actualy kind of loved this song, but sadly, Montenegrins and the international jury did quite not, and she didn’t land on to the superfinal 2 (as opposed to a superfinal 3 last year, to which she could have easily qualified if it still were a 3). Here’s her song to y’all anyways (and the performance too, which just needed to include some random monster dudes dancing around... why? Because Eurovision! ^^):
• Speaking of Andrea, during the results part there was this one shot of hers where she was pictured just casually chilling on her phone, not giving a damn that she’s being underrated on the scoreboard. Not only she was badly rated, but this moment was such an universal #mood!
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• In between the finally final results announcement (which I didn’t really know when exactly was it taking place because the winner wasn’t really said out loud before the event I will describe next was taking place??) there was this lottery going on of who would be the lucky two audience observers that’d win tickets to Tel Aviv... hilariously enough though, it somehow malfunctioned and there were some sort of errors regarding the announcement of the RIGHT winner <3 but the winners happened and I hope they’re getting to go to Tel Aviv at some point during the Eurovision events! Hope they don’t feel startled by the lack of taken seats this year.
• Unlike Eesti Laul, Montevizija this year took up the job of showcasing tweets of Eurofans, and somehow this fellow fella ended up seen by a handful of Montenegrins AND international viewers. Take a wild guess which of them know what a daddy Serhat is.
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• And who could not forget the magic flying envelope for to announce the winner of the NF:
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there must have been some Harry Potter magic in there :O
As for what touches the other songs, well there’s the last year’s fan fave Nina Petković with another song, but it’s no “Dišem”, so don’t even bother. Or bother, but imo it’s just okay-sounding, nothing that groundbreaking or pleasant enough to be competitive. The other few songs were also nice but I’d like not to make this longer as my other write-ups, to be fair. Sucked to be Mr. Kállay-Saunders who, as the international juror chosen for this national final, had to rank its songs... as that NF happened right on the same day his second A Dal 2019 performance was taking off. Not that the international jurors were supposed to be present in Montenegro on the day of this NF, anyways...
Anyway, despite all this goddamn criticism (that could’ve flown more smooth had my computer not restarted in the middle of me doing paragraphs for this review), I’m fare welling the D mol-ians and would like to wish them a heavenly Eurovision experience. ^_^
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
suno chanda ep 2 lb
soooooooooo i missed my “deadline” (again.) but that’s nothing new around here. you guys are used to my bs by now. my net was being fucky (thanks monsoons!) so i just went the fuck to sleep last night.
was jiya under the impression that arsal WANTED to be married to her or something? itne gusse se yeh sab ISKO kyun suna rahi ho?
btw, doesn’t iqra look like nargis fakhri had a baby with ileana d’cruz?
now there’s the plot for main tera hero 2. ALLLLL THE PRETTY LADIES!!!!!!!
i love how excited and happy arsal gets every time they agree on something.
haaye bechaara, he just wants to make love, not war.
“tumne APNI shakal dekhi hai kabhi? jo gusse se naak phulaati ho, toh mirgi ka daura pad jaaye dekhne waale ko!”
haaaye laanat hai tumpe arsal. she’s so pretty!
lmao what’s a “pao bola”?????? 
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kekekek i love this idiot boy’s face.
“yehi! yehi tumhari buri aadat hai! har cheez mein jo jaanwaron ko ghused deti ho!!!!!!!!!!!!” lolololol ok guess it’s some kinda animal
yeah i see why ppl were saying that iqra was a little EXTRA in the initial eps. still love her tho, and i think it just goes with the kinda character jiya is.
“toh aisi zehreeli baatein sunke, tum pehli fursat mein... MARR KYUN NAHI JAATE??????”
god grant me the ability to be this savage.
hahahaha dekho kaise poori tarah se chaabi lagaake bhej rahi hai apna kaam karwaane ke liye.
also, her lil typical desi head nod as she sends him off. too cute.
jamshed and his nonsense bandook, pffft.
idk about you guys, but i have neverrr ever once been able to take jamshed seriously when he threatens to beat up arsal. arsal looks like he can just give one stern look of his and jamshed would be cowering behind shanno. lbr the only one here who can control puttarjee is his amma.
“aaja puttar aaa, phenti khaa.” i love how she invites arsal to his doom so casually every single time.
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. IDIOT. abbaji ko bandook sang dekh saari hawa nikal gayi.
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hahahahahaha look at him slinking back to her side.
and she too knows him sooooo well. that smug expression of hers was in place waaay before he even sat down.
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pffffffffffffft. overconfidenceeeeeeee ki hadh.
look at the way she’s marching towards the room, my tiny little toofaan!
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lol the way she literally checks on her head for seengh.
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she’s so dramatic, i love it!!!!!
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lmaooooooo HIS smugass smileeeeee.
“badiiiii phon-phaan karti gayi thi.” lmaooooooooo
wait wow, masooma was anti-arsal in the start?!?!?!?!?!? 10 ep mein toh aapko shehzaada dikhne lagta hai woh!!!!
and jalal phupa was ok with him, but anti-jiya! wow, how things changed!!!!!!
lol awww, jalal phupa just wants some lovin’.
god kinza, do you not have any apps on your phone to pass the time? some temple run? twitter? at least candy crush? matlab, kuch aur bhi hobbies develop karo, har waqt is ek bande ki photo hi dekhti rehti ho.
am i supposed to feel bad for her? i don’t. dafa ho, you meesni.
lmao the ammas don’t give one single fuck about these two’s ~~~~angst.
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arsal/jiya, you should call your impertinent declarations “wedding cake”, coz in 30 days, YOU’RE GONNA BE EATING THEM.
bijaan is so amazingly petty towards masooma’s sasuraal lol.
bijaan too, like us, never gave a shit about kinza. kuch bhi kaho, bijaan insaan ko parakhti badi sahi hain. 
damn bijaan the grudge is stronggggggggg.
aw man, it’s so nice to see arsal and sherry be friendly towards each other.
haaye why’d they have to break up the BROtp like that tho.
huma truly is a saint to put up with the hellion that is jiya. so aggro!
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gosh i really feel aghaji’s frustration. nothing i hate more than ppl who come obstruct the tv. wtf you think you made of, glass???? SAAMNE SE HATT BEWAKOOF INSAAN!!!!!
“crown mahal” for taj mahal. god sherry, you are SUCHHHHH a burger bachcha!
so much aapas ki rishtedaari ki sherry bhi confuse ki aghaji shanno ke khaalu hain ya phupa. 
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UGH HE’S SO CUTE. *kisses screen*
lol sherry ka bhi nickname chanda hai kya? dikhta bhi chand jaisa hi hai. *kisses screen some more*
“bin bulaaye toh allah miyaan ke paas bhi nahi jaonga main, shaadi toh door ki baat hai!” waaaaah, what tadi, what swag.
lmaooooo such typical desi shaadi invitation list - humne unko yeh diya tha, ab humari lene ki baari!
my god masooma and her idhar udhar ke ainvayii ke jhagde, khatam hi nahi hote!
gotta respect jalal for calling out bijaan’s pettyness tho.
haha shahana’s meethi churi waali smile at jalal.
idhar shahana ki nautanki shuru. god this family is so damn Extra.
lo, nawa katta khul gaya. card pe naam chaapne ka.
i am nazaakat. too much fuckery, mera bhi bp shoot kar raha hai.
lmao arsal is truly his mother’s son in terms of shadin’ on ppl.
pfffffffft arsal, if you think she’s going to get jealous at some other chick’s ROTI MAKING SKILLZ, you really don’t know her at all.
lmao she was legit just stealing a roti OFF HIS SIDE PLATE. hadhhhhh hai jiya!
arsal’s so used to these threats of violence, he doesn’t even bother retorting.
i love how she just replies to him without even fucking blinking. telling him to piss off is as natural as breathing to her!
“lo! aa gaya tumhara matka bhai! laaya hoga tumhare jaisi koi manhoos khabr!” lololololololol
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lmao arsal’s 300% insincere “so sad!” fucking idiot.
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hahahahahahaha, in the end our girl got what SHE wanted - the rotis.
“baap itne jaldi kyun marr jaate hain????” OMFG MASOOMA
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adorable fucking idiots.
“haaye jalal miyaan, toh kya main maut ke kuwein mein motorcycle chalaake khush karoon?” lmao bijaan’s examples are the bestttttttt
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“kudi te munde da naam katwaake tussi doweyaan da naam likhaa diye?”
lololololol phupa’s face. (and jamshed’s face!!!!!!!!!)
“koi akheeri beghairat aadmi hai jalal phupa!” “haan. bikul tumhari tarah. koi izzat-e-nafz hi nahi hai!”
lmao ek bhi mauka nahi chodti. sach mein bijaan ki hi potttiii hai.
naak like eiffel tower isn’t really an insult tho? everyone wants a nice, straight nose like that!
lmao she called him a daddu tho.
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shanno is us. fangirling hard.
is ghar mein SABKO hi BP hai kya?
waise hairaani ki baat hai bhi nahi. harkatein toh ek ek ki aisi hi hain, ki jo bhi dekhein, bp high ho hi jaaye.
ugh, is kinza ne toh kasam le rakhi hai, istiri kar kar ke biwi banne ka. hattttt manhoos, kitna bhi karle, nahi milne waala tujhe!
lol arsal being like you’re too polite to be related to us badtameez ppl.
ugh arsal, badhaawaa na do!
and god kinza you dumbass, he’s just using you. as his ainvayiiiii ka “yes man” and dhoban.
le, yeh paagal itne mein hi itnaaaaaaaa khush hai. bewakoof beghairat ladki.
lol did he make the shower excuse just to get kinza out of his room???? he’s sitting here in the same pehle waala outfit now.
this pattern waala passcode thing is the most BS thing ever. it’s the easiest way to get into someone’s phone. you just have to observe them unlocking their phone ONCE. why ppl keep using it is beyond me.
lol shaitaani message bheja bhi, toh itnaaa shareeef.
arsal ko golu ki pitaayi kiye bina khaana hazam nahi hota. (god why are boys like thisssssssssssssss)
OHNOE! CHAANTA! BUT WHY????????????!
oh ho jiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! kabhi toh ungli mat kiya karo!
haaye bechaare ko ainvayi jhaapad khaana pada. *rubs his cheek*
“DURRR FITTEH MOOH AISE JAZBAATON KA!” lol shanno, maybe take some of your own advice also.
“insaani tareekh mein aisa zaalim, aisa jabir baap kisi ka nahi hai, jitna mera hai!”
ok that’s a bit much betaji.
lol at him side-eying his friend’s roohafza tho. ladka is halal!max.
obligatory dialogue about i may have lived outside but i still gots me sanskaar!!!!!!
or as they put it here, “khaandaani riwayatein”.
lol his animated retelling.
so sherry and aghaji are supposedly in london, but those bags are most definitely for outlets in the middle east.
“by god, itni waahiyat cheap story maine aaj tak nahi suni! jiya ne mere totay udaa diye, maine uska dupatta jala diya..... tum dono ne koi insaano waali harkat ki hai aaj tak?”
lel, this friend (yasir?) is all of us.
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lololololol golu’s face.
“kya kar logi itna padhkar? aakhir mein wohi haandi-chulha hota hai.”
ok 0.3 seconds of feeling bad for kinza, that she’s been conditioned to never want more in life.
i love how she says LSE mein admission leti, as if baaju ke kiraane ki dukaan se chai ki patti khareedne jaisa easy ho.
kinza toh just wants to get jiya out of the way. tu chup kar, meesni!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaaaand no doubt, golu’s been paid to drop this little tidbit of info in front of jiya?
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godstwistout · 2 years
this was a mess (college memories pt 1) 
this is the intro to the series so because I've told this story on the internet, I gotta change some details lol btw, I plan to keep this blog as ANON as possible, chile. so, I was involved this this guy. we weren't together but I did give a lot of emotional energy. for the first time, I was staying on campus. I never knew freedom like this so I was excited. I wasn't about to be in every man's bed but just to have the option to be in any *relationship* of any kind with a man was intriguing.
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this man was my co-worker. we were both student workers and he was my type (at the time). he was dark-skinned, athletic build, christian, smart, and very charismatic (aka, a good liar).
he was dated this asian girl on-and-off for a while so I ain't know if ol' dude like black girls, tbqh. he was very well known around campus and that made me more interested in him. this was when I was a FRESH 21-years-old so I was obsessed with the facade of the "power couple."
we worked with one another and even lived in the same building on campus, so we grew close. we were friends and would hangout off-campus. sometimes as a a group and other times alone.
when he found out I like sports, he made his move. I would visit his room to talk about work, life, even Jesus, and he would answer the door SHIRTLESS. let's get into some context: I was raised christian and I still believe that christ rose on the third day. being the child of two parents that had children 1. before they were married, and 2. with people they wouldn't exactly call "friend", I was taught to wait 'til marriage to have sex. I was taught that giving men the pum pum would lead to a life of STRESS. and seeing this man, and his fifty elhm abs- I ran straight to the alter that next Sunday. but in those moments, I had to give a Oscar-worthy performance and pretend I was disgusted by his whore behavior. on one occasion, he invited me to his room to watch a basketball game. I went thinking it would be and his other friends- but, I was hoping it would just be the two of us. my prayers were answered because not only was it the two of us, but he had mood lighting. you know them childish strip lights that attract roaches? yup, he had them on red, y'all.
I text my good girlfriend to come down to his room because I just knew it was about to be some mess.
now, did I know that at this time he was still having sex with his ex any time he felt like it? absolutely. did I care? absolutely not. this was the first time a MAN has ever showed a bare minimum of interest in me. so I was finna seize the moment.
so, my homegirl is on the bed, and me and ol' dude is on his futon. 10 minutes into the game, I hear my friend SNORING. she dead went to sleep and he took that opportunity to move this party to the floor.
now, we cuddled up watching the game. somehow, this man moved his hand from my shoulder to my inner thigh. I hop up and said "let me wake up [redacted] so we can go back to our rooms and so you can have your bed back." he says, "no, it's okay. we can just sleep on the futon." I was a virgin, not an idiot. Now, I don't know if y'all have ever seen a futon. But there is was no way for both of us to keep our distance AND sleep on that small thing. I would have to be practically on top of that man.
With that thought, I shook that girl out of her sleep so fast and fervently and ran out that room.
this man did not let up after that. there was an instance on where he saw me in the hallway and I was walking away, but I made sure to say hi. that wasn't enough for him, so he picked me up and slightly carried me off the ground to his room so we could "talk." about what? no clue.
fast forward, when I wasn't really taking to his advances, he started to treat me differently. he would just ignore me and because my self-value/esteem was so low, I would just beg for the smallest amount of attention. I wasn't trying to have sex with him but I did crave that "love."
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I would text him and take his shifts at work. I would basically do his work for him some days. I was his sounding board for his problems. When he was scared, happy, sad, relieved, I was there for him. All for him to notice me. I think he knew that I liked him and he knew that I was vulnerable. of course he knew because we talked about it. he knew I never had a boyfriend. he knew that I was a virgin. he knew everything and he used my innocence as ammo against me. this isn't a story on how I lost my virginity to man that was undeserving. he never got that far with me. this is a story on how I realized that I was willing to do almost anything for a man to JUST see me. and still, now that I am in a relationship, I know that I wasn't really seen by this man. I was lusted after. I was hunted (and I was willing prey). I was being watched. this man was no good. he was a womanizer and full of pride. he thought he could have any woman he wanted. and if you dared reject him, he would just work harder for you to like him.
after a while, I saw right through him. I thought because he believed in Jesus that he deserved unlimited chances from me. god never showed me that we were supposed to me romantically linked. but, I wanted us to be because of his status. while he does deserve forgiveness and all that, he doesn't deserve my time, my energy, nor my punani. all that time, my friends were warning me about how terrible his character was.they damn near had a party when I told them I was done with him for good.
he ended up taking that good "girlfriend" that fell asleep on a date. he made sure I knew it was a friendly outing, but by that time, I didn't even care. he told me that he still considered me as a contender on his own personal dating show. to which I said, "boy, go to hell with that." because I just knew he was lying.
because almost a year later, him and that same "girlfriend" spent the night in her bed, kissin' and holding each other - on some Romeo + Juliet stuff. and that's a whole 'nother story.
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bubblywimp-blog · 7 years
22 July-An Idea of What’s going on in my life
Okay! so i’ve decided to write until i get a response from you guys..or until i get bored.
okay so, it’s been a month since school started..me and Iomhara have been coping well..adjusting to the lamos in our class..well..we arent really adjusting, when the school started me and she used to practise maths sums and study….mostly because of the classes we both had..my teacher gives us a hell of a homework and the math’s one makes really hard tests..my parents take tution tests seriously so i need to study..study hard!
Ugh! i am early again!..now i have to wait for some time until someone i know shows up..
A guy entered the door..his name is shaan..a weirdo..his gang was once playing truth or dare and i heard my name being called over..i looked in his direction and saw him pointing at me saying “this is Lara..there the one whose doodling.” and his other friend looking at me..hell that was awkward cause i caught them looking and talking about me and since they were playing truth or dare the were probably talking something like-She’s cute,i’ve a crush on her, given a chance i would go out with her..blah blah blah. not saying that i am THE CHICK but i know they were talking about this stuff cause they were embarrassed when the saw me looking, me being the generous human i am just looked their way for a minute or two and then started doddling again.
so after that incident it was awkward with them..
now its fine..i’ll come to them later
the thing now is he is the second person that enters this god damn classroom after me..its irritating because we just sit there in a really awkward silence.
I was feeling a bit nauseous so i decided to open the windows thats when i noticed the the blue team’s(this team has a real name that is a more reasonable one but can’t disclose it) senior football selections were taking place today..and fuck! thats where he was..shining like literally shining..man he was the first one i put my eyes on like aww..he is just so cute well not cute he is hot af!..we’ll name him footballer. there was also this dashing new head boy he is a goody two shoes..tani had a crush on him in 8th grade for only 6 months that is..he is incredibly cute! like the dream boyfriend..the good one the one who is sweeter than the whole honeydukes together(Harry Potter reference!)..and humble,genreous,gentle, he is every good adjective in the dictionary.but not my type.now guess what?..this guy we’ll call him Lost Teddy Bear(LTB for short - cause he sure looks like one-but in a cuter way),so LTB thought i had a crush on him cause i used to lookout for tani and  he well sometimes..okay! i’ll be honest..many times caught me saying ‘he’s there’,’look he’s coming this way’ and all this shit!
and then he started noticing and ignoring our group..i was doing the same.eventually tani got over him,i told you she is never the commitment type..kine of me but more bold i will get bored if :
i find someone new
something bad happens like he tells me to stop,he has a hardcore crush on someone,etc
or he starts looking ugly
i stop seeing him
gradually i loose interest.
btw that Nilay guy did the pineapple cut..if thats what its called..he looks so weird and i dont like it so interest meter a bit low..
now this teddy bear was also trialing..how many things can you even do eh?..like you are the head boy,so automatically you would be good in academics,you play football,you are the guy most girls would want to date..i can tell that..girls are always trying to flirt with him. the next thing that would happen is i would see him dancing and singing in two voices..like literally are you a super being or something??..plus he has read almost each and every famous book series
The Hunger Games,Maze Runner,Harry Potter,Percy Jackson,and what not
i know this much about him cause well 1.he is famous and 2.his best friend is in my class or was in my class he and GQ were really good friends and this guy had a crush on me,hell! he even waited for me..he waited for 3 years proposed 3 times like boy! i dont like you romantically! sorry but i have frien zoned you! and there is no bloddy thing in this bloddy world that can undo the effect! this guiy you know was really good..sweet and totally into me but no! me being the most stupidest human bring on the planet i friend zoned him!..the thing with me is -i dont like people who like me i want people that have no interest in me,most of the time it is like that.I had literally friend zone each and every datable guy in my class..so back to teddy bear and this teddy is in 12th grade now
so they were trialling..alot of people were there..
now back to my pretty footballer!!..my first reaction when i saw him was fuck
i mean how can someone be that hot!!
and why the hell am i writing in italics..better turn it off...its getting creepy..okay so yeah done..
i was drooling over my babe(technically he is not mine,doesnt even know i exist..) when Arya entered she is a fine gal. nice one to have a chat and talk about boys..well she is like did you see? so many guys are trialling!..and most of them are sooooo hooooot!!!
and i am like i cant see them i am lost in his beauty
“which one?” asked Arya
“the one with the red shirt” i said
“the one that blocked the ball right now?”
“yeah that one”
“he looks hot”
“do you know there is this guy in the green house..i saw him during one of those shitty house meetings..and he is just so cute!!!..and guess what! he is national level boxer and a state level football keeper!!..his personality is so awesome!..we’ll call him boxer” said Arya
“uh-huh nice one!..which grade is he in?” i asked
“11th grade i’ll take you to see him during recess” replied Arya
“hey do you wanna see this footballer guy face to face..they may be coming upstairs for changing!” proposed Arya
“of Course!”
so then we were waiting in the corridor which was filled with students..seniors,juniors,9th graders on the left corridor,11th graders etc on the right one..and then he entered..i swear he’s got abs...and he is so tall so cute..so awesome!..of course he did not notice me,of course he did not bother to turn and say sorry when his sweatfull body..if being more specific then- his shoulder brushed against mine..of course still he does not know that his smile makes my day..of  course he does not know that he is the reason me and Iomhara eat our lunch as fast as we can..ofcourse he wont come out when he is finished with his lunch..of course he wont bother..
i told my friends about this tani and aki said that i was being a low standard bitch who would fall for anyone fair and tall...but this is so not true,pratham is fair and fairly tall...i hate him.i hate him because he is a playboy.If Footballer is a playboy then i won’t be that crazy about him.
And well Iomhara was not that excited about him(this was when she had not seen him)..the same was with aura..the thing is if my friends,whenever i tell them about a guy and they don’t know him that is they have no idea of his appearance, they automatically lose interest. Plus Iomhara had a glimpse of him once and he appeared to her as FAT! like literally he has freakin’ hottie abs for heavens sake!..but then she came around and is like he is okay-okay..aura had the same opinion. but no! he is awesome i dunno what happens when i see him but the way he talks the way he smile the way he walks even though my friends say he is a bit lanky,i dont care!!..its been a month since i have been into him..! and now that i think of it,i shouldn’t waste time on people who don’t even know i exist..but then again he could know i exist,if i talk to him..but he does not even come out during lunch breaks..
anyway this aki has a crush just like mine..but this one he is  a bit different..lets call him Yan, so when i first saw him i was like “girl you deserve better”
and then aki is like i dunno i just feel something when i see him.
like literally! he is skinny, is not even that handsome!..he is even taken!!..i dont think so footballer is in a relationship.
Yan’s a 11th grader,his class is next to mine. so once he was passing by and is asked him his name,very innocently he said “Yan.”
i gotta admit that was kinda cute but still! he is a prefect!!!..anyway after a few days when i saw him again i had the urge to go and say hi so i did he even greeted back though it was with hesitation and Iomhara is like what did you just do,and i am like i wanted to say hi. A few days passed with hi’s and bye’s.Iomahara started doing it too but with a ‘bhaiya’ it means brother. she does this because she wants to make it clear that she is in no way interested in him,as for me i like to keep ‘em confused!..so this hesitation began to slip away and after that he was like ‘yeah i know these girls..so better be good and say hi’
Yesterday was the schools first academic council meeting those are the meeting in which you can complain loads about teachers and the school but no one does that cause the blame would come on you and well i was chosen along with a super smart guy of my class..he looks a bit like jerry from tom and jerry. we arrived a bit early and there was a bit of time left(or we can say our principal arrived a bit late-that bastard! always arrives late and i could not take a last round in the corridor to see my babe-not really my babe he is..)
when i arrived i saw that Yan was also there..our periodic test had just gotten over  and we were as  usual roaming the corridor when i saw Yan,Iomhara said hi to him and he returned it back but when i did,i dunno if it was the hustle bustle in the background or something but he did not notice me.. i felt kinda bad tbh..anyway during this council meeting i was hoping that footballer would represent his class but no! rather a guy who had his face shape showed up! no literally! first of all i am with all the people who just want to complain and then i need to put on my collar button see that my hair look neat and sit up straight because i am sitting in front of the principal,the vice principal,the coordinator and all the head teachers and then this footballer does not show up! anyway i told you before that Teddy Bear is the head boy so automatically he was in the meeting jotting down points next to the pretty head girl and he is so cute! a cutie literally that was the only entertainment for me! though i think he noticed me and then was like ‘this stalker girl! how can she be in this council! i dont think so  she is that good in her studies all she does is crack jokes with that girl group of hers’
and i can tell he and Yan both were dead surprised to see me there. well when my class teacher Eela told me that she had given my name for that i was too,cause i dont come sincere and studious on the first glance..atleast i dont think so i do..
anyway after all those stupid little complaints from people, a guy from 12th grade (the same year as teddy bear) came up he is the academic prefect and gave an awesome speech! like seriously dude you rock!..he was giving us tips on how to study for competitive exams.you know this guy he came 7th out of 5000 people! that too in a really tough exam! and he was keep saying that seniors should be more approachable,juniors should try to seek help from them and all i really liked this point-not with the academic meaning(know what i mean,if you don’t i make it simple for you-footballer is my senior!!!,,so i was thinking about him!) anyway the speech was so awesome! ..man so so so flattered i was!..
anyway his speech ended and then we were allowed to disperse,when i was going towards the exit and looking here and there i caught Yan’s eye and guess what? he smiled,i did not even say hi or make the first move! he genuinely smiled!!! god! if i am able to make friends with him maybe i can set things up for aki!!
and right now i am really irritated on teddy bear like seriously dude! just stop noticing me! i know you do! i feel the awkwardness!
after the meeting when we were dispersing,Iomhara and me were going down the stairs and i saw Teddy Bear talking with the head girl,they are always talking to each other..don’t tell anyone but i kinda ship them
and i can swear in front of the ministry of magic that i saw his eyes flick towards me and then back to he girl!..its bloddy awkward you know!
so thats pretty much and also the gorrila guy sid on which aura had a crush on..aura got over him! like i am so happy!!
and after sometime that animal got in a relationship with a  girl named Ifa. this sid guy is always irritated,irritated by anything..he can even be irritated if you breathe! i wont be surprised if he is irritated by his own breathing..its kind of funny to see him like that!..me and Iomhara like to irritate him! especially me !
So guys-actually i was planning to write on how my day went but i was practically writing this whole day,not this post but setting  up the account and all and i am pretty slow at things so yeah!..anyway this is pretty much about whats going on in my life right now..i will tell you about my summer vacations in a different posts,but for the time being lets keep it this much!
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