#pablo gavi blurb
the-offside-rule · 2 days
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Sunburn [Headcanon]
In which Pablo Gavi dismisses his girlfriend's suggestion of suncream and pays the price
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♡ It all began with Pablo suggesting a small beach trip to which you agree to
♡ You then remind Pablo to apply suncream before you head out
♡ You hand him the bottle, but with a confident grin, he brushes it off
♡ "I don't need it, I never get sunburned!"
♡ You roll your eyes and give in.. he's a grown man after all, he shouldn't need convincing
♡ You two set up on the beach
♡ You were out to get a tan, applying some tanning lotion while Pablo just sat, offering to help put it on your back for you
♡ After a few hours under the scorching sun, Pablo starts to feel an uncomfortable, prickling sensation on his skin
♡ "You okay?" You ask
♡ "Yeah, why wouldn't I be, amor?"
♡ He dismisses it initially, thinking it's just the heat, but as you head back home, he notices his skin turning an alarming shade of red
♡ Once home, the severity of the sunburn becomes apparent
♡ Pablo's skin is fiery red and tender to the touch
♡ He winces as you gently presses on his shoulders, a mix of concern and "I told you so" in your eyes
♡ Regret washes over him as he endures the stinging
♡ "Okay, maybe I did need it."
♡ You immediately springs into action, fetching aloe vera gel and a cool cloth to soothe his burn
♡ Despite the discomfort, Pablo feels a surge of gratitude and affection as you tend to him, carefully applying the gel and giving him plenty of water to stay hydrated
♡ Over the next few days, Pablo struggles with the aftermath of the sunburn
♡ His skin peels and he finds it hard to sleep comfortably
♡ Each time he winces or complains you simply give a chuckle
♡ "Next time, listen to me about the suncream."
♡ By the end of the ordeal, Pablo has learned his lesson
♡ The next time you head out into the sun, he's the first to grab the suncream, making sure to cover every inch of his skin
♡ He even insists you apply yours, earning a playful smile from you as you tease him relentlessly
♡ "See? Was that so hard?"
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httpspedri26 · 6 months
Bad Idea right? ~ PABLO GAVI
Pablo gavi x reader
Send requests!
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Y/n felt weird coming back to Barcelona, especially since she wasn’t here to see gavi anymore, but since she still had friends in Barcelona she decided to visit them.
This brought her to a club with her friends, finding herself seated at the bar, a tad dizzy, her phone discreetly buzzing in her purse.
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed her eyebrows seeing the caller ID—Pablo., she threw her phone away as her friend Dani approached.
“Hey! You okay?” Dani asked, placing an order for another round.
Nodding and offering a forced smile, Y/n replied, “Yeah, I’ll join the other girls soon.”
As Dani left, Y/n’s phone buzzed again, this time with messages from Pablo:
Come over please.
I need you.
Returning to her friends, “Hey, I’m not feeling great. I’ll head out.” Y/n yelled over the loud music, her friends bombarded her with questions, displaying a mix of curiosity and concern, but Y/n’s mind was elsewhere. Ignoring their queries, she couldn’t shake off the notification revealing Pablo’s new address.
Pablo’s message lingered in her thoughts as she gulped, throwing her phone back into her purse.
“I’ll grab a taxi; don’t worry,” she reassured her friends before speed walking outside to the exit.
Y/n stood outside Gavi's front door, debating whether she should knock or not, knowing being here was a bad idea.
“Fuck it, it’s fine” she whispered to herself.
As y/n knocks on the door she can hear loud footsteps running towards the door, which reveals a messy hair gavi with a smirk on his face
Y/n Moaned as she threw her head back “f- fuck Pablo, I missed you”
Y/N closed her eyes, Overwhelmed by Gavi’s kiss, the way he stretched her out, and the lingering sensitivity from the edging session, an unexpected yet inevitable orgasm crashed over her.
Bowing off the bed with a sharp cry, there was no time to recover as Gavi intensified, driving her into a cascade of orgasms. Gavi urged, “Scream for me, yeah?. Let it all out,” pressing his thumb against her needy, swollen clit. The climax repeated until exhaustion set in, and she collapsed against the bed, her body sore from relentless orgasms.
As she lay limp, Gavi slowed, groaning as he reached his own climax. “Fuck, I missed you,” he whispered, smoothing her hair back and sealing the moment with a lingering kiss. “You did so well.”
Gavi fell asleep on top of Y/N, their bodies intertwined in the aftermath. The room was filled with a hushed stillness, only broken by the soft sounds of their breathing.
As Y/N lay there, catching her breath, her phone started to vibrate with a message. Gently extracting herself from Gavi's embrace, she reached for her phone. The screen lit up, revealing a message from Dani.
"Hey Y/N, haven't heard from you in a while. Everything okay?"
Y/N's gaze shifted from the message to Gavi, still peacefully asleep. She hesitated, contemplating how to respond without waking him.
I just had a long night. Gonna catch some sleep now. We’ll catch up soon, promise.
She pressed send and gently placed the phone back on the nightstand.
Turning her attention back to Gavi before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, Y/N stirred from her slumber as gentle kisses traced along her neck. Slowly opening her eyes, she was met with Gavi’s warm gaze and a tender smile.
“Buenos días, linda,” Gavi murmured, continuing to pepper her face with soft kisses. “ I really missed you y/n/n”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile back. “Morning,” she replied, reaching up to brush back gavi’s hair.
Gavi paused, looking thoughtful. “I was planning to make breakfast for you, but my kitchen is empty. Do you want to go out and get breakfast? I still have some of your clothes in the closet you can wear”
Y/N grinned, liking the idea. “Sure, I’d love to” she replied giving him one last kiss before standing up.
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After breakfast with gavi, he drove y/n to her hotel and as soon as she got to her room, her phone started ringing with a phone call from her friend Dani
“Y/n what the actual fuck, back with Gavi seriously?” Her friend screamed over the phone, y/n rolled her eyes as she chuckled
“Dani we’re not back together, we were just catching up, can’t two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend”
“You don’t even believe it yourself y/n”
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i9messi · 6 months
How you get the girl — Pablo Gavi
Pablo comes to your house in the middle of the storm to tell you he wants you back and he still loves you.
Word count — 1,8k
a/n: what can I say, taylor inspires me a lot. (ANGSTY but with a happy ending!)
gavi's masterlist
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Ever since you and Pablo broke up six months ago, every time he told someone you weren’t together anymore, people asked him the same question. «Why did he let you go?» and the truth was that he couldn't understand how he had been stupid enough to let you go. You were the girl he had fallen in love with and yet, he had been stupid enough to lose you.
He thought a lot about you, every night he went to bed wanting to text you and every morning he woke up thinking it was a good option to call you. He had never done it before, Gavi had never dared to approach you, fearing that you wouldn't want him anymore.
"Pablo, what are you doing here? It’s raining. Are you insane?"
He shook his head, his eyes meeting yours. You were so pretty, you’ve always been pretty to his eyes.
"I needed to talk to you."
"Couldn’t you wait until the rain stopped? Oh, Pablo, you’re going to get sick. Come, come in."
Gavi needed to talk to you and he knew that outside, with the rain falling so hard, it was impossible. He preferred the privacy of your home so you both could have a real conversation. He was led by you to the living room and you picked up some towels.
"Strip. You’re gonna catch a cold."
"I will bring you clothes. I still have some of your things in my room."
There were countless times your ex-boyfriend had been to your house. You remembered the nights you would just hug, talking about everything that was going through your heads. Gavi was a person who didn’t get along with the pressure people put on him, he didn’t react well when things went wrong on the pitch. He would get stressed and the pressure wouldn’t help. He just loved coming to your house and disconnecting from the real world, he loved to hear you talk because your voice calmed him like nothing else.
When you came back, Pablo was still standing there, all wet and with the towels in his hands. His body was shaking from the cold, even though the heat was on. You passed him the clothes you had on him, a pair of pants and a t-shirt. They both still smelled like him.
"Do you want me to start you a shower or a bath?"
"No, it’s fine. Really."
"Okay, then I’ll go make something hot to drink."
You went to the kitchen without waiting for his answer, simply wanting to leave there for a moment. You weren’t ready to see Pablo after months of missing him like never before. It was painful to have him so close and at the same time so far away. He had hurt you, grabbed your heart and broken it into thousands of pieces, he never dared to apologize. Gavi never called you, he never texted you. He had moved on with his life, while you kept the memories of the relationship.
What was he doing there? The question didn't leave you alone. Outside the weather was the worst, it rained like never before, it was actually a thunderstorm, but Gavi had appeared to knock on your door.
Taking a breath, you finished preparing the hot drink and went to the living room, where you met your ex-boyfriend. Pablo was now dressed in dry clothes, although his hair was still soaked.
"I made you a mug of tea."
"I still love you."
The statement took you by surprise. Your shaking hands left tea on the table, while you stood there. The brunette kept looking at you. He spoke again, just because he thought you didn't hear him.
"I still love you."
"Pablo, don’t do this to me."
"What? Tell you how I feel? I never stopped loving you at all."
You shook your head. You were shocked by what he was telling you, you couldn’t just accept it like everything was fine. It wasn't. He had broken your heart with his hands.
"Did you try to call me at all, Pablo?"
"I was never brave enough to do it.”
"You’re a coward, that’s what you are. You broke my heart and never dared to apologize, or at least say you screwed things up. You come six months later to tell me you still love me? Is everything a joke to you?"
Gavi was embarrassed, he knew it probably wasn’t the best choice of words, but he really wanted to let you know how he felt. After everything that happened in the past, he believed you still would listen to him.
“I know It’s been a long six months and I was afraid of telling what I want— I practically lost my mind since I lost you, all because I left you without giving you any explanation. I shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have left the one girl I’ve loved and will love all my life. I just know that I’ve ever missed anyone or anything as much as I missed you. I didn’t know until now that missing someone like that was possible."
"Pablo, it’s too late now."
You were crying, tears poured down your eyes and all your emotions struggled to find a place in your chest. Loving a person and at the same time making such a difficult decision was cruel.
“It's okay, but I'm not okay with the fact I lost you because I was stupid enough to not fight for you. I will accept that you no longer love me and I have ruined everything. But I couldn’t take it anymore, I needed to come here and tell you how I feel about you.”
You kept quiet for what seemed like an eternity, until you breathed and found his gaze once again.
"I still love you, Pablo. But you broke my heart and I can’t just— I can’t accept you breaking it again. I can’t tolerate someone who I love breaking my heart not just once, but twice."
"I will not. I will not break your heart again, I will pick up every piece I have broken."
You looked at him. He seemed honest.
"No, Pablo. I can’t do this anymore."
"I will wait as long as you need."
"For what? Do you think I’ll change my mind?"
Pablo didn’t answer, so you spoke again.
"I will bring you the things that belong to you. It’s over, for good."
You went to your room, where you still kept a box of all his belongings. Photos, his clothes and gifts that he had given you and certain things that you had borrowed, but had never given them back before. Having all those things in your room made you remember him and spending those months with his memory had been painful.
You came back with the box in your hands and leaned it on the table. Letting go of everything was a real goodbye, saying goodbye to the love you had for him. You didn’t really feel sure about anything you were doing, you still wanted him to fight. That he would tell you that he needed you, that he would fight to be by your side.
“Everything is here.”
"Okay, so I guess this is a goodbye."
Wasn’t he going to fight a little more?
Your ex-boyfriend got up from the couch and took the box, you walked him to the door quietly, but when he opened it, both saw that outside it rained torrentially. The weather had not improved and seemed to only get worse every minute. He stepped forward, until you stopped him, holding his arm.
"Pablo, don’t go."
He turned, his brown eyes holding your gaze. The same eyes that had looked at you at your best and worst moments. The ones that belonged to the person you loved the most.
"Wait until the rain stops."
You both returned to the living room, where you sat on the couch. Pablo left the box on the table and his hands approached the box to pull out a picture of you two. You saw him smile. It was a picture of when the team had won La Liga, Pablo was very happy that day. You had been there with his family to support him and when you saw your boyfriend, you couldn’t help running and hugging him. His family had captured the moment, where you were both on the floor, smiling like two idiots.
He spoke, "I miss this."
"Me too."
"Look at this." He smiled, pointed out another picture. It was a Polaroid.
You were both sitting on the couch, smiling for the camera. It seemed like forever ago, but it had only been a few months.
"Why did you never call? If you had called me..."
Your voice caught him by surprise, Gavi left the picture in the box. You could see that his hands were shaking a little and now it wasn’t because of the cold or the rain.
"Would you have listened to me? Would you have accepted that I loved you and ruined it because I didn’t know what I wanted?"
"Is it too late now? Is it too late to tell you that I love you and that I want you back?"
"It’s not too late, Pablo."
His eyes shone with longing and hope. It was the first time in that afternoon that you gave him signs of hope. That maybe, just maybe, you could give him a second chance.
You grabbed another one of the Polaroids and looked at it. Pablo and you were on the beach, the two of you smiling as you kissed each other. His hands held you by the waist, while you held him by the shoulders, giving him a hug.
You missed him, you loved him, and you needed to have him by your side. Being so close to him and remembering everything that had once been put things in perspective.
"Please let me love you right this time, let me love you as you deserve to be loved from the start."
"Won’t you break my heart?"
"I swear to you that I won't, I will love you this time. I will prove to you that it is worth giving me a second chance. I will not let you down."
You cried, Pablo was seconds away from doing it too. You approached him and allowed him to give you a hug and hold you in his arms. Both of you remained silent for a long time.
"I don’t deserve you, mi amor." he said.
"I am the only one who can decide if someone deserves me, and I can say that you are that someone who does."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Pablo."
Pablo would work hard every day to make things right and let you know how much he loved you.
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digitaldiarystuff · 5 months
For Better, For Worse
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summary: Pablo was having possibly the worst week of his life, first he broke up with his girlfriend to focus on his career and then he got injured during a spain game possibly needing a surgery. What do you do when you find out?
pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
warnings: mentions of injury and surgery
When your phone started ringing at this late hour, you knew this couldn’t be good. It was 2 a.m. and your heart sunk as you read the name ‘Aurora’ on it.
“Hey.” you said concerned.
“Hi Y/N were you asleep?” she asked and her voice was pretty upset.
“No it’s okay.” you lied. “Is everything okay?”
“I know this is selfish and I’m sorry but-“ she trailed off. “It’s Pablo, he’s injured and not in good shape. I know you guys broke up but I don’t know what I can do to make this better for him he’s been crying for hours now and they say he may need a surgery as soon as possible.” she started crying which would’ve broke your heart but your mind went blank as soon as you heard Pablo’s injury. You knew spain had a game against georgia today but didn’t watch it knowing it would only upset you more.
Pablo broke up with you the week prior to focus on his career and you were in complete shock ever since, your schedules were hard to keep up with but you were willing to work on it, he wasn’t and now learning he was going to need surgery broke your heart so much.
“Are you guys at his place? I’m on my way.” you said and she thanked you over and over again.
Although you were pretty upset with him, there was no way you’d leave him in this state. You knew Pablo wouldn’t probably want to talk to anyone but you needed to be there for him at his worst. You still loved him so much. You didn’t realize you had tears falling from your eyes in the taxi, worried sick. You opened twitter and saw all the videos of him being escorted out of the pitch with pain written all over his face. It was incredibly painful to watch and you couldn’t even imagine what he’s going through.
As soon as you paid the driver you got out and practically ran to the gate of his house, calling Aurora to tell her you’re there. It was pretty late you didn’t want to bother if anyone’s sleeping though it’s highly unlikely.
She came to the door with puffy eyes and hugged you tight.
“Thank you so much for coming.”
“Of course” you said. “Where’s he?”
“He’s in his room but won’t open the door.” she answered and you ran up the stairs not even bothering taking your jacket off.
You knocked a couple of times before he replied.
“Go away I don’t want anyone.”
You knocked again but he didn’t respond this time.
“Pablo, it’s me.” you said slowly hoping this would work.
You heard wheels inside the room and he finally unlocked it allowing you to see him in a wheelchair.
Your eyes immediately watered seeing his state and it’s obvious he was also crying for hours. You kneeled down and looked up at him, he looked like a baby right now with bloodshot eyes and trembling lips. You held his hands and hugged him avoiding his legs and he held you tight, crying into your hair. He didn’t even ask you anything just enjoyed your touch and affection.
He finally wheeled himself into the room and you followed after. Pablo carefully sat on the bed while you sat on the armchair next to it. You asked him what happened and he explained everything down to the possibility of the surgery and not playing for the season. You tried your best to console him and after an hour, his tears dried and he calmed down a little.
“So, did Aurora call you?” he asked
“Yes, I hope that’s okay.” you said
“Okay? That’s the only thing that could calm me tonight. I owe her a thank you.” he chuckled and this was a first for tonight. Your heart fluttered seeing his smile and suddenly realized you were supposed to be broken up even though it doesn’t feel like it.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way” you said “Of course if you’ll let me.”
“I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot to do this to you and here you are.”
“Don’t say that”
“But I am.” he said defeated.
“You kind of are.” you said earning yourself another chuckle.
“I missed your laugh.” he confessed.
“So did I. But you need to rest now.”
“Will you stay with me?” he asked like a child and you knew there isn’t anything in the whole world you wouldn’t do for him.
“If you want me to.” you said “I can sleep on the couch.” you said.
“No.” he pouted “I need to hold you.”
“Pablo there’s no way I’m getting in a bed with you, I could hurt your leg.” you said and he thought for a moment.
“Just till I fall asleep” he bargained and you didn’t protest. You needed him as much as he needed you. You sat against the headboard as his face was on your neck, you held him with your arms, he looked so sleepy.
“Will you be here when I wake up?” he asked groggily.
“I’ll always be here, for better or worse.” you answered as his eyes closed.
Pablo fell asleep like that in your arms as you watched his face. He looked like an angel from this angle. You smiled to yourself, tried to put his head on a pillow and wiggle out of the bed without waking him up making yourself comfortable on the couch. You soon felt sleepy as your eyes closed.
After you fell asleep Aurora wanted to check in on you guys and opened the door slowly finding you both asleep, smiling to herself she left the room.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
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"Amooooor!!! Don't go!! Porfavooorrr!" Pablo was whining while laying on the bed pulling on your waist hoping you would just give in and cuddle with him.
You planed a pool night with some of the Barça Wags awhile back and now everyone was finally back at Barcelona so you decided tonight would be a great time to hang out finally.
"Cariño, I promised them! Besides, we will cuddle all night when I get back??" you say turning around and cupping his now pouting face which looked way too adorable not to kiss.
Once your lips collided he added his tongue (look at that gif hehe) deepening the kiss and pulling you on top while you moaned. You pulled away quickly knowing exactly what he was trying to do right now, little devil!
"You're trying to bribe me to stay!" you say sitting up still straddling his lap and his hands squeezed your ass while he chuckled nodding his head trying to kiss you again but you pulled back making him fall back down in exaggeration. You just laughed it off and left to get changed.
Barça Boys Groupchat
pablitoo: i fucking hate when they go out alone!!
frenkie: me too! 😒
pepito: ikr! why can't we join too???
lewy: bc it's girls night😑
ferran: ngl i wanted mine to stay for a diff reason 😏
pepito: me too!
frenkie: same!
pablitoo: me too!
You wore your new red bikini looking for a dress when Pablo called your name form the room again. He was so clingy and you LOVED it secretly!
"Si?" you say peeking through the closet and he used his fingers to show you to move closer which you did giving him a full view of your bikini set.
Bikini you wore:
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"You're not wearing that one when I'm not there amor!" he said pulling you close and placing his grabby hands on your hips massaging them slowly. You were slowly getting turned on whenever he would act all possessive like this.
"It's gonna be just us girls at the pool cariño.." you say sitting down on his lap letting his hands roam your body freely really much hating that you can't just stay right now.
"Hmm but I prefer to be the only one to see you in this one princesa.." he said kissing between your breasts and you had to pull away or you would melt into a puddle right there. Damn you Pablo!
"I have to go now Pablo or I'm going to be late" you say grabbing the dress quickly about to leave but his strong hands wrapped around you from behind trapping you there while his chin was resting on your shoulder.
"I'm not letting you go.." he groaned and you sighed playing with veins on his arm for a few minutes just letting his settle his craving to hold you thinking that would make him more reasonable.
"You want me to stay this badly.." you say feeling his head move against your neck as he nodded not saying anything but nuzzling closer into you as you smiled. He was so adorable when he got clingy like this.
"You do know I hate you for being this cute!, right!?" you say turning around in his arms and he just held you tighter afraid you will try to pull away but you didn't instead moving your hand underneath his t-shirt touching his strong abs.
"A..amor?" he groaned a little when your hand moved slowly lower and you smirked looking up at him with innocent eyes.
"Hmm you really don't want me to go...?"you say feeling his bulge against your hand and he smirks shaking his head and calling you a 'chica mala' which was always such a massive turn on..you were only his 'chica mala'.
"Fine then..let me call them and cancel" you say and he nodded starting to kiss your neck already while you dialed Mikky's number already feeling breathless. He pulled you onto the bed sitting you on his lap while you waited for an answer.
"H..hey Mikky! Sorry I can't come..ugh..t..tonight" you were struggling to talk because Pablo was already sucking on your weak spot and you were desperately trying not to moan.
"What happened sis? You feeling good?" Mikky asked and you wished you could tell her just how ;good' you were feeling right now but instead you caught your breath pushing Pablo back so he stops kissing you.
"Um..yeah! I'm fine but..Pablo..he got a fever..and so I need to stay you know" you lie seeing him smirk and move closer again whispering into your ear.
"Si..I have a fever..but only from how badly I want you right now bebé" he smirked when you hit his shoulder whispering for him to shut up while listening to what Mikky was saying on the phone.
"Well, I hope he feels better. I will see you soon! Have fun!" she said before you both hung up and you have Pablo a challenging look.
"Really!? You couldn't wait for me to lie properly..now she knows I only stayed because you can't keep your hands off me!!" you say and Pablo smirked nodding his head and pulling you back so that you were laying on top of him.
"You're the one who started touching my abs..and grabbing me down there preciosa" he said and you blushed kissing his lips feeling him flip you over and move in between your legs.
"I think we both can't keep our hands to ourselves, huh?" he said and you smile nodding your knowing it was definitely a good decision to stay with your clingyy boyfriend ;))
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chlerc · 4 months
mr rightfully wrong ; pablo gavi
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— summary; the tradition of eating 12 grapes under the table has her manifesting for a spanish footballer, certainly not the one she has been friends forever with though.
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pairing — pablo gavi x best-friends-model!f. reader
social media au
content — lots of banter between them on instagram in the comments. literal soulmates but they just don’t see it or do they?
NAVIGATION + author’s note: happy chinese new year! starting to miss my number 6 running around the whole pitch for 90 minutes and then i realised he’ll never be managed by Xavi anymore… google translate spanish
song rec for this fic — ivy
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Liked by pablogavi, joaofelix79 and 1,725,199 others
ynusername b&w away from the usual
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pablogavi fea (ugly)
ynusername @pablogavi cállate niño herido (shut up injured kid)
pablogavi a nadie le importa (nobody cares)
_ferminlopez @pablogavi ‎me importa 😉 (i care)
ynusername @_ferminlopez ferrrr 😘😘
galafr Gorgeous
l0vel3ttersyn stunner my favourite girl
gabrieloxguevaraa chica más guapa (prettiest girl)
ynusername @gabrieloxguevaraa 🤍🤍
aurorapaezg linda mi hermana te extraño (pretty, my sister i miss you)
ynusername @aurorapaezg ven a visitarme con tu molesto hermano 🤍 (come visit me with your annoying brother)
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Liked by ynusername, pedri and 4,818,168 others
pablogavi Estoy bien, volveré más fuerte 😘 (i’m okay, i’ll be back stronger.)
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ynusername ¡mentiroso! Llora todas las noches porque no puede jugar. (liar! he cries every night cause he can't play)
pedri @ynusername cómo sabrías 😏😏 (how would you know?)
pablogavi @pedri ‎callate por favor (shut up please)
ynusername mocoso llorón (whiny brat)
pablogavi @ynusername Dios mío, cállate (My god just shut up)
joaofelix79 Regresa más rápido y más fuerte (come back faster and stronger)
barcelonadaily We Miss You!!!
barca2idie bro come back we need you sm
blaugranaplanet Stay Strong Warrior!
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Liked by pablogavi, _ferminlopez and 2,158,297 others
ynusername ate 12 grapes under the table on NYE, a spanish footballer better come my way 😠
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pablogavi nadie te quiere, ríndete 😂 (nobody wants you give up)
_ferminlopez @pablogavi conozco a alguien que la quiere (i know someone that wants her)
pablogavi decirle a toda LaLiga que no salga contigo (telling the whole LaLiga league not to date you)
ynusername @judebellingham please make my dream come true
judebellingham @ynusername I would but you’re off limits 😘
pablogavi @ynusername sin esperanza 🤦🏻‍♂️ (hopeless)
pablogavi Espero que te ahogues con las uvas. (hope you choke on the grapes)
ynusername @pablogavi Tú estabas ahí 🤦🏻‍♀️ (you were there)
iloveagirlsgirl I’m so in love with youuuuuu
_ferminlopez Mi niña bonita 😍😍 (my pretty girl)
ynusername @_ferminlopez te amo fer 🤍 (i love you fer)
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Liked by pablogavi, aurorapaezg and 2,017,159 others
ynusername my mr. get on his knees to tie my shoelaces for me!
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pablogavi ¿Quién diablos haría eso por ti? (who the hell would do that for you?)
ynusername @pablogavi Conozco exactamente a la persona que haría eso. (i know just the person who'd do that.)
pablogavi @ynusername no pregunté (didn’t ask)
aurorapaezg le enseñó bien (taught him well)
ynusername @aurorapaezg Toda tu y mamá 🤍 (all you and mama)
gabrieloxguevaraa ¿Ya está fuera del mercado? 😞 (she’s off the market now?)
ynusername @gabrieloxguevaraa En realidad no, pero solo para ti. (not really but only for you)
footballwags looks like our gavi-yn ending never started 😞
waglifebarca I WANTED HER WITH GAVI 😭
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Liked by _ferminlopez, pedri and 4,619,917 others
pablogavi Estoy bien, volveré pronto. 😘💪 (I’m okay, I’ll be back soon)
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_ferminlopez guapo (handsome)
pablogavi @_ferminlopez gracias
_ferminlopez @pablogavi yo, no tu (me,not you)
alejandrobalde ¿recuperarse o enamorarse? (recovering or falling in love?)
pablogavi @alejandrobalde ambos hermano! (both brother)
fcbarcelona Recuperándose bien nuestro guerrero! (recovering well our warrior)
ynusername que feo pero fermin 😍😍😍 (so ugly but fermin)
pablogavi @ynusername odio que salgas (i hate you get out)
ynusername @pablogavi nunca podrías odiarme 🤔 (you could never hate me)
pablogavi @ynusername ok cierto ahora cállate (okay true now shut up)
blaugranagirlie @ynusername @pablogavi you guys are making it obvious
gavif1lms smash next question
pedrigaviluver is he seriously soft launching, didn’t know he knew how to do that
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Liked by pablogavi, jacobelordi and 3,192,297 others
ynusername happiest girl in Barcelona 🤍
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joaofelix79 lookin good barca girl
ynusername @joaofelix79 thanksss joãooo
lifeseeninmyeyes @footballwags I’m pretty sure they’re friends, she mentioned it before
msgaviralife soft launch is soft launching because who the hell is that
pablogavi Estoy cansado de ver todo esto (I’m tired of seeing all this)
ynusername @pablogavi los celos no te quedan bien (jealousy is not a good look on you)
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Liked by ynusername, _ferminlopez and 6,826,197 others
pablogavi ocupado con mi chica no me golpees (busy with my girl don’t hit me up)
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_ferminlopez letra fea en ingles jajaja (ugly handwriting in english hahaha)
_ferminlopez ooo soy tu chica? 😉😉 (ooo i’m your girl?)
pedri esfuérzate inglés (try hard english)
lamineyamal ¿Hablas inglés hermano? (speaking english bro?)
joaofelix79 Nice english on the cup bro
ferrantorres Necesitas mejorar tu inglés y tu forma de corazón 🤣🤣 (need to improve your english and heart shape)
pleaselordwaglife every barca player making fun of his english on the cup i’m dead 😭😭😭
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Liked by pablogavi, pedri and 4,816,018 others
ynusername did i fool you guys?! Feliz aniversario, mi bebé llorón. Fue divertido actuar como si nos odiáramos en Instagram, pero gracias a Dios vienes a casa todos los días o viceversa. La tradición de las 12 uvas realmente funcionó, excepto que manifesté al futbolista español equivocado, supongo, todavía lo amo, señor equivocado. Gracias por cubrir las esquinas afiladas de la mesa y los mostradores para mí siempre, por amarme incluso si mi agenda se complica a veces, por protegerme sin demostrarlo, pero siempre lo sé. No habría nadie más para mí que tú, mi primer y último amor. 🤍 (happy anniversary, my cry baby. it was fun acting like we hated each other on instagram but thank god you come home to me everyday or vice-versa. the 12 grapes tradition really worked except i manifested the wrong spanish footballer i guess, still love you my mr wrong. thanks for covering the sharp corners of the table and counters for me always, for loving me even if my schedule gets messy sometimes, for being protective of me without showing it but i always know. there wouldn't be anyone else for me but you, my first and last love.)
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ynusername p.s he’s learning english for me, what a sweetheart right? 😉
pablogavi Supongo que fue divertido, te amo con todo mi corazón mi hermosa niña. (I guess it was fun, I love you with all my heart my gorgeous girl)
_ferminlopez Así que era él todo el tiempo, es broma, no podía dejar de hablarnos de ti. (so it was him all the time, just kidding he couldn't stop talking about you to us)
footballwags The both of them literally fooled everyone with their banter…
gabrieloxguevaraa feliz aniversario para ambos (happy anniversary both of you)
pedri Esto fue muy divertido, los amo a ambos. (this was so fun, love both of you)
aurorapaezg 🤍
mikkykiemeney 😍😘
judebellingham I was supposed to be Mr. Right, congrats both of you!
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Liked by ynusername, aurorapaezg and 6,816,917 others
pablogavi Hola mi novia, feliz aniversario para nosotros. Nunca habrá suficientes palabras para describir cuánto te amo, pero te amo mucho. Gracias por dejarme ser tu novio, aunque peleábamos mucho cuando éramos más jóvenes, me alegro de poder ser tu novio. Nunca me arrepentiré de ser tuyo, te amo. y para todos los demás, ella está fuera de los límites. (hey my girlfriend, happy anniversary to us. there'll never be enough words to describe how much i love you but i love you alot. thanks for letting me be your boyfriend although we fought alot when we were younger, i'm glad i could be your boyfriend. i'll never regret being yours, i love you. and to everyone else, she's off limits)
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ynusername 12 uvas funcionaron hasta la mitad, pero aún así me alegro de que al final seas tú. 🤍 (12 grapes worked halfway but still glad it's you in the end)
pedri El efecto novia está funcionando porque definitivamente te ves mejor (girlfriend effect is working because you definitely look better)
_ferminlopez @pedri solo pensé que pensé de esa manera Dios mío (I thought only I thought that way oh my god)
gavi.luvr she’s so gorgeous i’m not even mad he has a gf
livelaughlovegavi NOOO WE LOST HIM (i’m happy it’s her)
blaugrana.daily LET’S GOOO CHAMP
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gadriezmannsgirl · 4 months
Hi, I've got a request for Gavi where reader tells him that she's pregnant. That's pretty much all I thought of sorry
Also known as Gender Reveal (10)!
Blessing - P.G6
Summary: Two small lines can change the world for you and your husband, Pablo.
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You were throwing up once again, it was the five day in a row and the third time today you visited the bathroom to let all the content of your stomach out.
"¡Amor!" You heard your two years husband, Gavi before you felt him burst in into the bathroom pulling your hair up and pat your back softly "Let it out"
"Don-ugh!" You lift your hand but quickly cut yourself off and grabbed the end of the toilet. You waited for a few minutes and after you had let everything out, you sighed and quickly shut the lid and flushed the toilet.
With the help of Pablo, you sat on top of the lid as you wiped your mouth looking down at your lap.
"Amor" Pablo crounched down and you looked at him feeling embarrassed and not wanting to worry him "Hey, hey... Look at me"
"I'm fine" You whispered softly
"Don't lie to me straight to my face, please" You looked away and sighed "You throwing up daily these past days and you throwing up three times today while it's barely even 2pm is worrying me. This is not just a stomach bug anymore"
"Don't worry, please" You whisper
"How could I just not worry? You're my wife, I'm always worried that something may happen to you and the fact you're just dismissing this is worrying me even more"
"I honestly don't feel bad" You look into his brown eyes "I'm just really tired lately and I feel really hungry out of nowhere"
"But then you throw up" You nod wanting to cry
"I don't know what's happening to me" You hid your face into your hands and start breaking bit by bit
"Hey no, don't cry"
You feel Pablo's arms tightening around your frame and soon you are feeling his lips on top of your hand, exactly where your cheek is, you quickly push that hand away to allow him to kiss your skin as your hand mets his cheek lovingly.
"I know you don't like doctors" He starts as you turn to face him as he wipes your tears away "but I think it'll be good if we check what's going on, if its the flu-"
"Baby" You cut him off shakking your head
"-maybe you have a low value, platelets? hemoglobin? what do I know, but we can discard anything. Please" His eyes pleaded you "I just don't like seeing you like this, I want you healthy. Always"
You also didn't like feeling like this and after a few seconds, you nodded.
"Okay" You nod
"Okay?" He asks with a small smile as you nod softly "Okay" You kiss his ear softly
"Can you pass me my toothbrush, please?"
"I will kiss you right now"
"Ew, no" You shook your head
"I will" He leaned in as you leaned back "Y/N"
"No" You laughed
"Gimme a kiss" You shook your head
"I will give you a kiss after I brush my teeth"
"I really don't care about it, you can give a kiss now and a kiss after"
"No!" You laugh and soon he joins leaning in to kkiss your cheek before he removes himself from you and goes to the sink to look for your toothbrush
"Al cabo que ni quería, que te huele la boca horrible" (After all, I didn't even want to, because your mouth smells horrible) His tone let you know he was teasing you
"I just threw up!"
"¡Fua, que horrible!" (how awful!)
"¡Pablo Martín, ven acá que te beso de una!" (come here and I'll kiss you!)
"So, you already went to the doctor?" Aurora said as you nod softly drinking from your ice coffee "What did it say?"
"I'm good, everything's good" You say "but I'm still taking some vitamins just in case" She nods
You had gone to the doctor with Pablo, two weeks ago and did every kind of tests, to make sure nothing was out of place or had some kind of virus and stuff. Nothing, absolutely nothing was wrong.
"And the throwing up?"
"It's not often now" You shrug "I think it was some burrito I had" You say not minding it but then you yawned
"You feel tired?" You nod
"I don't know why. I mean, I took a nap before coming here but I guess work has been hetic and I guess I was just catching up on it" You look at her smiling softly when out of nowhere you felt hungry and looked confused "I'm hungry" You said "I want an avocado with chocolate ice cream"
"You what?"
"I'm craving some avocado with chocolate ice cream" You said simply "Do you think they'll sell it here?" You looked around "Maybe with a cracker too"
"Y/N" Aurora said but you didn't heard her, too busy looking for a waitress "Cariño" You looked at her waiting for her to speak
"Can I have some of your ice cream? I'm really hungry and I don't think they will sell that here, the most I'll get are weird looks from everyone" She only handed you her ice cream to see you dig into it
"When was the last time you had your period?" You hum inserting two full spoons of ice cream into your mouth
"I don't know" You shrug softly "I can't remember very well right now... I think it was the 25th?"
"Month?" You stopped eating ice cream and got serious knowing where she was getting into, you look around for your phone "The last time I got my period was two months ago" You looked at Aurora "Aurora..."
"Are you regular?" You nod "We need to do a test"
"But it's impossible, I already did blood tests nothing came out of it"
"Maybe they didn't do a pregnancy test? I don't know but there's a possibility of you being pregnant"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Does it look like I'm kidding you?" You whined starting to eat once again the ice cream "I feel so happy right now"
"What if he doesn't want it?" You asked "I mean... We talked about it but we never started trying for it"
"Pablo's crazy for you, he loves you and he talks about a future with you, he would love to have a baby with you"
"We don't even know if I am pregnant or not"
"And that's why I'm here for. Let's buy a test"
"Ok, one minute left" You said sitting on Pablo's side of the bed "Two lines pregnant and one line not pregnant" You say and Aurora nods going over to hug you "I'm so nervous, I don't even think I peed right"
"I don't even know what I'm saying"
"Calm down"
"How can I calm down if there's a possibility of having a half Pablo and a half me inside of me right now?" You ask standing up "Is the minute done, now?"
"It has gone barely five seconds" She looks at her phone
"Why time goes fast in some things and slow with ohters? I need this already" You whine as Aurora laughs
"Babygirl, don't worry too much. If it is, it'll be the most loved baby in this world both by its parents and by its whole family. And if it's not it'll be a false alarm"
"A false alarm I kinda want to be true" You said "After you told me about that, I have been thinking and thinking of it and I just- I don't know" You lift your shoulders "I want to be pregnant" You said softly looking at your sister-in-law
"Your time will come, Y/N/N. And if the time's now, it'll be the right one" And as if it was by magic, the timer went off "Are you ready?"
"I'm nervous" You said
"You want me to watch it?" You doubted for a few seconds before shaking your head
"I go" You went inside the bathroom and grabbed one of the three tests. You sighed deeply before looking down at your hand.
Two lines.
Your breath got caught in your throat, you quickly grabbed the other two and the answer was the same.
Two lines.
You were shaking and feel your heart full, you smiled and teared up before crossing your hands around your yet non-existent belly. "Dear lord. I'm pregnant" You whisper looking down at yourself with a big smile
"Y/N?" You hear Aurora ask and went out "What is it?"
"I think you need to help me get some ideas on how to tell Pablo, he's going to be a dad" Her mouth opened and screams, from both of you were heard.
"A sexy one, by the way"
"Oh shut up" You laugh "That explains my sudden mood changes, my weird cravings, the throwing up, everything"
"You're having baby Páez inside of you. If it's a boy like Pablo, he'll suck the energy out of you" You both laugh "I remember mom being drained out after putting an annoying Pablo to sleep"
"Shit. I'm pregnant" You say once again "How do I tell this to him?"
"Right, we gotta find the way to tell my brother"
Three days have passed since you knew that you were pregnant and you couldn't hold back the news anymore and almost messed up the surprise you and Aurora, prepared.
The doorbell rangs and you instantly run towards the door.
"It's mine!" You announce watching how Pablo was already standing up to get it
"Careful, amor!"
"I got it! I'm alright!" You said opening the door to find the package Aurora left for you a few seconds ago on the floor. You picked it up, turning around "AH!" You yell scared, you didn't expected your husband to be behind you "Joder, amor. Me has asustado" (Fuck, baby. You scared me)
"I'm sorry" He smiled softly coming over to side hug you "What's that?"
"I-uhm... A little something I bought"
"Uhm" He said with his lips pressed to your cheek "May I ask what?"
"A little something for you, well us but you'll see soon"
"I'm curious. Let's open it?"
"This is just like the invoice of the purchase, what I bought comes around eight? seven? months" You said a bit unsure
"What did you bought? Something handcrafted? Why it takes so long to arrive?" You smile
"You can say that. It's in the making" You nod
"Now, I'm hella curious" He smiled "You know, you didn't have to gift me anything, amor"
"Well, it's something that just came up, it was unexpected but yeah... it's done already"
"What did you bought? And why is the invoice in that big box? Why did it came earlier and not with the package?"
"You're asking way too many questions, Pabs" You laugh nervous "but this has the answers" You gave him the white box
"You didn't killed anybody, right?"
"Oh dear god, just open that box" You say wanting to eat your nails
"Ok, I will" He said shooting you a smile before he undid the bow and opened the box "What...?"
After learning you were pregnant, you and Aurora went to the hospital and asked for an ultrasound, in there you found out you were one month and three weeks into the pregnancy. You bought small baby socks and a small barcelona jersey with the iconic GAVI 6.
You also did a small note that read "Hola papá. ¡Espero conocerte pronto, te quiero mucho! Att: Baby Páez Y/L/N" (Hi daddy. I look forward to meeting you soon, love you!) along with the pregnancy test you did
"What does this means?" He asked, his eyes lighting up with hope. "Is this...?" You smile to your husband and softly nod
"We're pregnant"
"Joder, Y/N. Thank you so much, mi vida!" He said hugging you tightly "You don't even know how happy I am, right now" You laughed "I'll be a daddy and you will be the most amazing mom, ever. Thank you so much, amor, thank you, thank you" He kissed you several times around your face "Joder, we are pregnant"
"We are" You said smiling
"Thank you for this blessing, mi vida. My little but perfect familia. Los amo a ambos" (I love you both) His hand caressed your flat tummy as you peck his lips smiling
"Y nosotros a ti, guapo" (And we love you, handsome)
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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httpsdana · 7 months
Gavi one where she’s feeling really insecure and comparing herself to others because she’s not the tiniest girl and he just showers her with love
Insecure~Pablo Gavi
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
A reminder that everyone reading this is absolutely beautiful and i love you all so much 💋💞
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers i write for
y/n wasn't the tiniest girl ever. She had some fats in her belly, and for her, her thighs where way too big. For her, her face was too round and her cheeks were too chubby. For her she was too much.
Feeling insecure since you were a child only makes it more traumatic when you grow up. You carry that guilt with you until it becomes unbearable. And when you finally start feeling good about yourself, or when you finally accept yourself as you are, something ruins it and takes you back to zero, where you're standing in front of the mirror, and pointing out every imperfection you can see in your appearance, and body.
That was the case with y/n. Growing up as a child she was always bullied for her body. She never felt good about herself. Reaching high school you would say the bullying stopped, but it didn't. It only became worse. That's why when she met Gavi after her graduation, she thought he was just there to make fun of her or something.
She pushed him away thinking that its better than getting attached. But his desire to make this broken girl his won, and there they are happiest as ever.
Well that was until Pablo decided go post a picture of them. They had always been the pribate couple. They only posted pictures where their faces don't appear, just pictures of their hands interwined, or one where their backs are to the camera with his arms around her.
But this picture was on another level. It was a picture of them at one of their friend's wedding. She had a slightly tight dress on, and her stomach was bloated and on display, her hair was out of place and her lipstick was ruined. Her shoulders looked too broad and her smile was awkward. Everything seemed wrong.
Although she knew it was a bad thing to do, she opened the comment to see what people thought about it, and it seemed like everyone had the same opinion as her.
nah look at that double chin 💀🤣
gurl should've gotten a bigger size 😬
is gavi actually dating her-
ain't no way literal models exist and he's with her 💀
i wonder if he's forced to date her or smth
Tear streamed down her face like a river. She didn't think these comments would affect her that much...but they did. She knew people will not like her, but she didn't think she would get more criticism than she did back in high school.
She locked her phone and covered her face with her hands, trying to calm herself down by taking a few breathes.
Maybe if i had blonde hair Pablo would like me more? or colored eyes? he probably thinks I'm too basic for him. or too fat. why is he even still with me? so he can leave me when he's bored? or when he finds a model that's suitable for him?
These thoughts ran through her head, only drowning her even more. She thought that maybe scrolling through tiktok would keep her mind off what she just saw.
Oh how wrong she was. The only videos she saw showed pictures of Pablo with pretty girls, or from his last meet and greet, girls all over him, some giving him their instagram and others their number.
What made it worse was seeing Pablo keep the papers with him. And the caption are all the same thing about Pablo deserving a prettier girl.
She threw her phone across the room and burst into tears. She didn't think it would hurt this much, but it did.
"you scared the hell out of me! why didn't you open the door when i knocked?!" Pablo barged in the room, making her flinch and the sound of the door
Only when he saw her puffy eyes and wet cheeks, his face softened but showed worry instead
"are you okay mi amor? why are you crying what happened?" he asked in a soft voice
He tried wrapping his arms around her but she only pushed him away and tried to stop her sobbing
"y/n.. what's wrong?" he asked, hurt evident in his voice and his eyes
"why are you with me Pablo? are you still here to make fun of me? why are you not with a model or something like literally every other football player? why are here with me? a normal basic fat girl with chubby cheeks and huge thighs and an ugly smile and a-" her sentence was interrupted by Pablo pressing his lips on hers
"y/n baby why are you saying that? you know i adore you. I'm literally so in love you that I can't even look at any other girl. I would die for you my love. Why would i want a model when i have you? a pretty, smart, super adorable, and an amazing chef as my girl. why would i want a girl who only cares about what she wears or how she looks or what she owns. I only want you sweetheart. I only love you and only what to have you in my arms every night. I don't know why you think i would leave you. you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I don't know what made you feel this way, but please don't ever think that low of yourself. I'm so proud of you and i love you so so much" he said in a soft tone, his hands holding her face and wiping her tears with his thumbs. He kissed her tears away and brushed her hair away from her eyes.
She managed to give a small smile. Her stomach erupting with butterflies at the sweet words said by her boyfriend. She felt the genuine love they shared and the sincerity in his voice.
"I don't deserve you. you're amazing. i love you so much" she whispered, wrapping her arms round his torso and laying her head on his chest
"please don't say that. I'm the one who's lucky to have you in my life"
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juli19varez · 8 months
Action! | Pablo Gavi X Reader
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summary: where gavi decided to create a twitch account to stream on his free time.
warnings: none, pure fluff and cute stuff with a cutie patootie streamer!gavi ^^
author note: this is my very first time writing in english and it's not my first language sooooo... sorry for any mistake! (also didn't proofread). it came shorter than expected, enjoy the story!
since the season has ended, gavi started to do live streams on twitch, sometimes playing games or just chilling and chatting with the fans. it was 2 weeks since he started doing this, you were at the kitchen making some sandwiches for him, once it was done you headed to his "new studio" (an empty room with no use before), just at that moment realizing that he was, actually, doing live.
he noticed you in the room few moments after with a little smile, taking off his headphones and looking at you. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were already recording, I came to give you a snack..." being said in a whisper.
"hey, that's okay amor, wanna come and say hi? seguro que les gustará " he said while giving his hand, as a small gesture of courage, which was gladly accepted. you sat down as he placed another chair there, moving closer to the camera as he took the plate and put on the table, starting to introduce you to the audience. "as you all may know, this is mi nena, y/n. she doesn't appear on the streams because of her schedule and shyness, but now she's on vacation! and i will make her play with us" he said with a lot of excitement, placing your hand in his lap, fingers intertwined.
"hello! its good to be here with you all." pablo smiled even more, continuing with the stream while eating and talking. "esto es muy bueno! thank you, bebé" he left a kiss on your cheek, making the chat go crazy.
after talking about the vacation, his training seasons and some video games, like valorant, you decided that it was time to leave, but before you could get up, he held your wrist, stopping you to go. "where are you going amor?" "im going to the living room, this chair is a little uncomfortable and..." he took the chair away before you could finish the sentence and pulled you gently by the arm.
"c'mere, you can seat in my lap until I'm done, vale?" you blushed slightly remembering the camera in front of us, but i complied with his request, sitting on his lap and resting my head on his shoulder. he placed a kiss on the top of your head and started stroking your hair. "what are we going to do now?" "hmm, let's go with the valorant topic again as the game starts" you nodded and started discussing about the gameplay and which agent was better, coming to a consensus on Sage, while choosing who to use.
hours passed away fast, and he finished the stream, saying goodbye to the viewers and turning the computer off, when everything was done, he looked at you and went back to stroking my hair, now resting his head on your shoulder. "thank you for participating in the stream" he said while smiling. "i would do everything for you"
"i love you" "i love you too, mi chico"
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hugejk · 4 months
Reader coming to his game and pablo just loves it so much. In an interview he talks about that she is there and etc.
not gonna proofread bc i’m extremely high rn
also this lil blurb is gonna take place in pre-season 🙈
It was a sunny day in los angeles, the local stadium was packed with people. Sitting near the pitch with your friends, you were sipping on a mix of lemonade and sweet tea. After a while of talking the barcelona players came out. Checking your phone you realized that it was almost kick-off.
you must’ve been talking so much that you didn’t realize the text your boyfriend sent before the match started.
heading out now 😊🫶🏽
you looked up to see the players warming up, seeing pablo talking with one of his teammates while stretching. You couldn’t help but think about how much you loved him. Often you guys would refer to each other was husband and wife. You knew pablo for most of your teenage years, but got with him 3 years ago.
The first half of the game was looking tough, as the other team scored. But you knew barca would come back. As you waited for second half to start you decided to check your phone as you haven’t checked it since kick off. Nothing was very new, a few notifications from some useless app.
As second half started, you were only focused on your boyfriend, trying to follow him with your eyes whenever possible.
*little timeskip*
as the match came to an end, barca was able to tie the game. It was the first match of the preseason, so there were interviewers everywhere, talking to the players about the upcoming season. You were waiting on pablo to finish up his interview so you could talk to him.
*time skip again bc i’m lazy*
as you entered your shared home with pablo, you heading to the kitchen as you haven’t ate in hours, pablo heading for the shower. You made a bowl of cereal as it was the easiest and quickest option. Pulling your phone out and seeing all the texts from your friends about pablo’s interview.
the chipettes 🐿️❤️:
f/n: y/n did you see pablo’s interview yet? 🥹
f/n2: you need to look at it right now!!! 😭🫶🏽
confused, you opened twitter knowing you could easily find it on there. after a while of scrolling you found it on some fan account.
“gavi, did you have any support from anyone out here today? Like family, friends, maybe a girlfriend?”
“i had alot of support out here today, my family, friends, the fans, but nothing compares to my girlfriends support here today.”
you blushed a bit listening to the interview, you and pablo didn’t really announce anything about you guys. He didn’t want to put all that stress on you especially with some of those fangirls. The fans knew he was possibly dating someone, but never really knew.
“Wow pablo gavi has a girlfriend? Who is the special woman?”
“i’ve had a girlfriend for a while but never confirmed it, but she’s like my other half, she just gets me and always makes me happy” pablo said with a slight smile on his face.
“what is your favorite thing about her?”
“my favorite thing? hard to say…my favorite thing about her is probably how she is just so happy all the time. I get mad easily i think everyone knows that, but she can just calm me down so easily. Like fire and water”
Hearing him say these words about you just made you feel like the most luckiest girl on the world.
A/N: srry this was so short and like kinda dry 😭 currently trying to write more but it’s a lil hard 💔👎
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the-offside-rule · 26 days
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Double Trouble
Requested: yes
Prompt: 1) Attending a baby scan
Warnings: nope
Baby Promptlist
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Pablo sat nervously outside the doctor's office, his leg bouncing up and down in a restless rhythm. He glanced at the clock on the wall for what felt like the hundredth time, mentally willing time to move faster. Next to him, Y/n leafed through the pregnancy pamphlets she had picked up during her last doctor's visit, trying to distract herself from the nerves. Her eyes kept glancing quickly over to Pablo,his legs jittering and his head darting around the room trying to find something, anything to take his mind off the appointment. "Are you okay?" Y/n asked, setting her pamphlet onto her lap. "I- yes. I'm just a little nervous." Pablo replied, looking down towards the ground. Y/n took his hand and gave it a light squeeze. "Hey." Y/n said softly. "It's going to be okay. We've got this."
Pablo managed a weak smile, squeezing her hand tightly. "I know, but what if something's wrong? What if-" Y/n cut him off gently. "Pablo, we've been through this. Everything's been going smoothly so far, and the doctor said everything looked good at our last appointment." Pablo took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "You're right. I just can't shake this feeling." Y/n leaned closer, placing a reassuring kiss on his cheek. "We're in this together, remember? No matter what happens, we'll face it together."
Feeling slightly calmer, Pablo nodded, grateful for Y/n's unwavering support. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, until a nurse called their names, signaling it was time for their appointment. As they entered the examination room, Pablo's nerves resurfaced, but Y/n's steady presence beside him helped to ease his anxiety. They watched as the doctor squirted the gel onto her belly, making her tense up from how cold it was. "Are you okay?" Pablo whispered. "It's just cold." She chuckled as the nurse began the appointment. The young couple watched as the nurse performed the ultrasound, the room filling with the sound of their unborn baby's heartbeat.
"Is everything okay?" Pablo asked,holding onto Y/n's hand. "Yes, Mr Gavira. Both babies are perfectly healthy." Y/n and Pablo's face dropped. "Both?" Y/n asked, wanting some clarity. Then, the moment of truth arrived as the doctor turned the screen towards them, revealing not one, but two tiny figures in black and white. "T-twins?" Pablo stammered, his eyes widening in shock. Y/n's heart swelled with emotion as she squeezed Pablo's hand tightly. "Twins." She confirmed, her voice filled with wonder. They exchanged stunned looks before bursting into laughter, the tension of the moment evaporating into joyous relief.
"Those are our babies." Pablo whispered, his eyes shining with tears of happiness. "We're going to be parents." Y/n nodded, her own eyes brimming with tears. "Parents of twins." She added, a wide smile spreading across her face.
As the couple walked out of the doctor's office, Pablo had grabbed a few more pamphlets. "More? I think we have enough in the car." Y/n smiled. "No, these are the pamphlets for having twins, then the ones on how to make your pregnancy easy, and then-" Y/n pecked his cheek before interlocking her fingers with his. "I think we will be fine, babe." Pablo nodded. "Can I see the photo again?" Y/n handed him the small envelope. He carefully took out the few ultrasound photos of his children and smiled upon looking at them. "They're so beautiful." Pablo whispered. "They don't even have a face yet." Y/n chuckled as they reached the car. "But look at us. They have good genes, they have to be beautiful."
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iheartgavi · 1 year
Daddy’s boy
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Summary: gavi thinks he’s a terrible father and breaks down in front of everyone.
parings.gavi x model fem reader
.a/n.last of this! and send in requests!.
Pablo was on his way to his parents house with a crying mateo in the back seat every chance he got her tried to calm him down.
everyone was already at his parents house it was just gavi,mateo and y/n missing but she’s on her way over.when Pablo arrived he parked his car and quickly took out his keys and gout out of the drivers seat and made his way towards the backseat to get mateo out.
when Pablo got Mateo out he didn’t stop crying he made sure he was holding his don tightly as he grabbed his diaper bag that was underneath.
as he made his way inside everyone turned their attention to him and the little boy who was crying his lungs out.
“oh amor how are you? here let me help you!” Belen said “holla mama I’m good but no I can handle it” Gavi replied.
after he said his hellos to everyone and saying no to accepting help with mateo he felt tears in his eyes when Mateo didn’t stop crying,it hurt him so much that he couldn’t calm his own son and that other people could.
Gavi tried sat in a corner of the backyard trying to calm Mateo down but nothing seem to work everyone was trying to convince gavi to let them help till gavi finally broke.
mikky was able grab mateo and was trying her best to calm him down with frankie and the others.
“Look I know your trying to help me but I don’t want it,it’s enough that you all think of me as a bad father”he said with tears streaming down his face.
everyone looked at him confused when they heard this “pablo what are you saying?” rora his sister said “pablo your not a d father”Xavi said as everyone agreed.
“pablo where is this coming from” Pablo’s dad said “pablo” Belen said before her youngest left the backyard making his way up to his old room.
everyone just stood there trying to figure out what just happened as mikky and the rest of the girls tried to calm down mateo who just was crying even more because he heard his dad yell.
about 10 seconds after that you came to the backyard worried hearing your babby crying.
“What happened!?”you asked worried as you made your way towards mikky grabbing mateo from her trying to calm your baby down.
“where’s Pablo?” you asked as Mateo was calming down happy to see his mom “he went upstairs crying” pedri said “what why?”you said worried something happened to your boyfriend.
“nothing happened to him if that what your thinking”Anna Roberts wife said trying to calm you down seeing that you were anxious.
“It’s just Pablo came with Mateo crying and he was doing his best to try and calm him down but nothing worked,so we offered to help but he kept denying saying “I got it” and it wasn’t till Mateo started crying even more that he lost his cool and just started crying” rora said as javi fished “mikky grabbed mateo as Pablo kept saying we all thought he was terrible father and other things”.
you nodded while looking down at mateo “I’ll be right back” you said heading upstairs to pablo’s room to check up on him.
you nocked on the door but gavi said “ go away I don’t want to see anyone”.
“not even me?”you said coming in closing the door behind you “a-amor”pablo said looking up quickly from his pillow when he heard your voice.
“what happens amor,talk to me” you said as he got up and made room for you to sit “everything,everything’s wrong I’m the worst father in the world mateo hates being with me he cries everytime I change him,cary him,why-why can’t it just be like before he was always with me me and him where inseparable he was always with me and hated when others took him from me” gavi said as he cried his heart out.
“amor don’t say that you aren’t a bad dad you are the best father Mateo could ask for you feed him,change him and take care of him even though he’s fussy with you,you always make a effort and you try to make time for him and me every chance you get” you said as you put mateo on your left arm and used your right to grab gavi and pull him towards you.
“mateo hates me,he doesn’t love me” gavi said looking up at you with watery eyes.
“don’t say that gavi! he doesn’t hate you he loves you amor,it’s just Mateo doesn’t see you that often and when he dose get the chance to I have to leave for a trip and end up taking him because you can’t wach him because of your work schedule”
“trust me gavi he dose love you it’s just that we both need to make time for spend time together with him,we have to figure out something” you said with tears in your eyes as you saw Mateo looking at you.
“Your right amor” gavi whispered “other than that I promise you Mateo loves you,don’t you see his little eyes sparkle everytime he sees you?” You asked
it’s true even though mateo cry’s with him his eyes always sparkle when gavi comes to his sight,he’s been like that since he first opened his eyes to reveal who was carrying him.
“he dose?”gavi questioned looking up at you as you nodded as you wiped his tears with your free hand and kiss his lips several times before you heard babbling from your 6 month old
“da,da,da,da” was all you heard coming out of mateos mouth with saliva coming out
gavi shot his eyes open and stared at mateo in disbelief “did he just babble dada?”he questioned “I think he did”you replied as you gave him a smile.
as soon as he heard that gavi grabbed mateo and tossed him up in the air before caching him and tickling his sides making him giggle at his dads craziness.
“Look he’s laughing” gavi said exactly looking at you before mateo put both his hand on his dads face taking a closer look at him as gavi just started at him back.
mateo leaned in and hid in his dad’s neck as he nodded his head.
words couldn’t describe how happy he was that Mateo was like this with him,he missed cuddling his baby boy in his arms.
“see amor he loves you” you said as gavi nodded as he was still hugging mateo not wanting to let go
“come on let’s go back downstairs” you said as you tried to get Mateo but he just looked at you and nodded his head before hiding is face in the croke of gavi’s neck
“I guess he stopped being a mommy’s boy and is a daddy’s dog now” gavi said as he smirk before leaving the room leaving you to just smile at your boys.
Let’s just say the whole time Mateo wouldn’t go with anyone and stayed with his dad,even during the car ride home you had to drive because mateo was holding his daddy’s finger as he slept peacefully in his car seat.
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i9messi · 10 months
For me — Pablo Gavi
Gavi is jealous of the way in which everyone seems to be obsessed with you and your food.
Word count — 1,2k
a/n: it's been a long time since the last time I wrote about gavi, but here i am! i've missed my boy
gavi's masterlist
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It was Frenkie’s birthday and since you were a friend of his, you had decided to bake a cake for him. Cooking was something you were passionate about and you liked to be able to prepare pastries. Your boyfriend Gavi was the one who enjoyed everything you baked, and even though he was strictly forbidden to eat certain things due to his diet and his profession as a footballer, at the end of the day he always gave some bite to what you prepared.
Mikky had invited you to the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, where you were waiting for the birthday boy to arrive. Today’s training was to end in the next few minutes.
Pedri was the first to appear, in the company of Ferran Torres and Raphinha. The boys came to greet you, and the first stayed with you, while the other two went with Frenkie's girlfriend.
"How are you, Pedri?"
"Well, better now that I see you brought something to eat. You know you’re my favorite, right?"
Pedri winked at you, accompanying his comment with a smile. He was the only one who had that kind of trust with you.
"I know you’re just saying I’m your favorite so I can give you a bigger slice of cake. It's fine, just don’t tell my boyfriend, he tends to get angry when I give you a bigger slice."
"It’s our secret."
The door opened for the second time and more Barça players appeared, among them, was Gavi. When he noticed your presence, his face lit up and a pretty smile appeared on his lips. Pablo did not hesitate to come to you to give you a kiss, despite having seen him yesterday, you had missed him a lot.
"Hello, my love."
"Hi, amor."
"What are you doing here?"
Well, Gavi was a little forgetful about some things. And as much as you had told him several times that you were baking a cake for Frenkie, he had completely forgotten. When he saw you holding a box with what seemed to contain a cake, the feeling of being betrayed appeared.
"It’s Frenkie’s birthday and Mikky invited me, I brought him a cake."
At the time you didn’t notice the look on Gavi’s face, because you heard that the guys were starting to mention that Frenkie was coming. You handed the cake to Mikky and waited for the arrival of the Barça player. Frenkie appeared just a couple of minutes later, and when everyone shouted his name, he smiled like never before. All of you wished him a happy birthday. His family and girlfriend were the first to approach him, then his teammates, and finally, you.
"You bake me the cake, don't you?"
You nodded, while Araujo complained loudly.
"It’s unfair, I also want a cake for my birthday."
"Yes, so do I. I love the food you make." Ferran Torres also joined in the flattering comments.
Smiling, you approached your boyfriend and hugged him from behind. He was a little serious and you had a feeling something had happened to him. However, you thought you were going to ask him later, because maybe he was just angry about something that had happened in training and with which you had nothing to do with.
Without knowing it, you were wrong. Gavi was jealous of the way everyone was constantly praising you. Maybe it was a childish thought, but you were his. You had chosen him. It was like everyone else wanted to steal a piece of you that only belonged to him.
While everyone started tasting your cake, you went to the kitchen, where there was another box that you had brought. You grabbed it.
"I made macarons too."
"I love you!" shouted Ferran and grabbed one of the macarons.
Gavi didn’t like hearing Ferran say he loved you.
And like every time they ate something you cooked, the compliments started. One by one they came, making you smile. Gavi looked at his teammates and he felt like every comment was worse.
It was Pedri who spoke first.
"Watch out, Gavi, if your girlfriend keeps baking like this, they’re gonna want to steal her from you."
"This is great, could you give me the recipe later?" Raphinha made a passive comment, oblivious to what was happening in the room.
"Yes, sure."
And Ansu Fati joined in the provocations, "If you ever end your relationship with Gavi here I am, I’m not opposed to you cooking me tasty food every single day."
"Oye, tío. I’m here." Gavi complained and you looked at him.
"They’re kidding, they’re just being nice to me. I’m glad they liked what I cook."
Gavi decided to shut up, knowing that his teammates noticed his annoyance and they only did it to make him even more angry. You held his hand all the time and every time you looked at each other, you kissed him. When it was time to leave, you got on an Uber and headed home.
"Do you want to go in? There are more macarons in there, I made them especially for you."
Gavi sighed and nodded.
Your boyfriend got out of the car and the two of you came into your house. You went towards the kitchen, where you brought two glasses of milk and left the macarons on the kitchen table. Gavi ate them quietly and that’s when you knew you had to talk to him.
"What is it, baby?"
"Are you upset?"
"I’m not."
"Oh, come on. It’s obvious something’s happened to you, you’ve been serious and you barely spoke to me. What’s going on? Did the boys bother you? They were just kidding."
Gavi decided it was time to be honest with you.
"I’m tired of the way they’re always talking about you. It’s like they always find an occasion to mention you in every conversation. They used to say you’re a perfect girlfriend and that they want to steal you from me. And I don’t like it, none of that."
"I don’t like how Ferran was telling you today that he loved you and Ansu saying he was going to steal you from me. I want you to cook for me, not for them. You’re my girlfriend, not theirs."
"Oh, you’re jealous, Gavi."
"Maybe I am. But who wouldn’t be? Seeing you with them while smiling at them annoys me to no end."
"You’re right, Gavi. I’m your girlfriend and let me tell you the truth. I like it when you’re the one telling me you love my food, and I like it when you help me cook and you’re always stealing me little spoonfuls. I love you. There is nothing to worry about. No matter what, the only opinion I care about is yours. The only compliment I care about is yours. I'm so in love with you, Gavi."
And you came over and left a kiss on his lips. Gavi's lips tasted like the chocolate macaron he was eating. During the kiss, he smiled.
"Do you promise me you’ll always be there for me? That doesn’t matter what others might say, will you always be mine?"
"I am and always will be yours, Gavi."
"I love you, amor."
"I love you, bonito."
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
Cut Out For It
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pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
summary: Pablo is getting more and more female attention every passing day and his response, or the lack of it worries you
genre: angst/ fluff
You were currently watching your boyfriend Pablo from across the room. He was only now coming back from his injury and you couldn’t be prouder, tonight was supposed to be a little party to celebrate his return but thanks to Balde, who’s hosting, it quickly turned into a full on party with a sea of people. You didn’t even know half of them.
Don’t get it wrong, you were happy to be here with him and so happy for him but the only thing was the brunette hanging off his arm all night. There were actually two and you didn’t know any of them. As soon as you arrived with Pablo and everyone cheered for the golden boy, Balde came and collected him. You thought they probably had some catching up to do so let them do their own thing while you went to sit with the girls and it was going fine until you saw those two girls hugging your boyfriend and his friend. Balde was single, he could do whatever he wanted with whoever you knew that but it was the lack of effort from your boyfriend that hurt you. Everyone could tell the girl was shooting her shot at bagging a footballer, who’s very popular among women, but Pablo kept his place and chatted with her without a glance at you. You tried calming yourself down with a cocktail, then another one and reassured yourself that you had nothing to worry about. You knew Pablo and you knew he loved you, he told you the night of his injury and he meant it but the intrusive thoughts ran through your mind. What if this is how it’s going to be from now on? He was young, handsome, smart and Barcelona’s star. Of course he’s going to get attention but why isn’t he putting a stop to it?
“Earth to Y/N! What’s going on girl?” Sophie asked laughing, she was sitting with you at a sofa placed strategically facing Pablo. She followed your gaze and her smile faltered.
“Oh I see. But, you know it’s nothing.”
“No, I know.” you said trying to fool you both. “It’s just, he hasn’t even looked my way in the past hour Sophie.” you sadly added.
“Why don’t we go to him? Maybe you’ll dance a little and remind him what he’s missing.” she suggestively said but you were in no mood to dance.
“I don’t think so. Let’s get another drink.” you stood up and made your way to the kitchen but when you stepped back to the main area your ears started ringing, the girl put her hand on Pablo’s biceps laughing a little extra probably saying something corny like ‘omg you’re so fit i can’t believe it’ It took everything in you to not ruin the party and drag Pablo out but you knew he had to do it himself or you couldn’t trust him to do it when you’re not around. This was your biggest concern, they went out to celebrate or to parties a lot all over the world and you couldn’t monitor him like a child. He has to be able to walk away from attention seekers to come to you but it doesn’t look like it.
After a hour and 15 minutes Pablo finally remembered he had a girlfriend and tried to find you asking around. You were still in the same spot and when he finally found you he sweetly pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Are you having fun?”
“Are you having fun?” you reversed the question to him.
“I mean, it’s alright don’t you think?” he was so clueless it made you want to kiss and kill him at the same time.
“Yeah, yeah it is.” you forced a smile and he noticed.
“Does your feet hurt, we can go now if you’d like.”
“No Pablo, it’s your night. Have fun. I need to use the loo.” you said and got up trying to escape his interrogation because you knew you would’ve exploded.
“Y/N, bebe what’s wrong?” he caught up to you holding your arm but you really needed him to drop this if he didn’t want to fight.
“Nothing Pablo, I’m just going to pee.” you tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he tried again.
“Y/N please, what happened?”
At this point you knew there was no point of trying to remain calm and this argument was bound to happen so you held his hand and pulled him by the cuffs into the first room you saw which appeared to be a guest bedroom.
He tried to hug you from behind thinking you were in here for another reason but you quickly smacked his hands.
“Okay seriously tell me what’s going on?” he pressed.
“Look, I’m not a controlling girlfriend and you know it. I don’t want to control you or monitor your moves because I want to trust you.” you started pouring your heart out but also clarifying you’re not being a jealous bitch.
“I know.” he nodded
“But I can’t feel but disrespected when you’re out there chatting with random girls at a party I’m here with you. I mean, if you can do this with me here what are you doing when I’m not?” you finally snapped and you could see his eyes widen with the accusation.
“Do you really think-
“I don’t know Pablo, I’m asking you. Do you really think this is okay? Is it a celebrity thing where you flirt with whoever but it’s all harmless?”
You knew you were pushing his buttons, Pablo hated being called a celebrity. He always said he is a boy who loves football and that’s it.
“But maybe I should’ve excepted this. I mean, it’s not easy to be 19 and handle fame.” you said and he was getting more and more shocked with every second.
You could see he was ready to defend himself at first but now, he was just sitting on the bed with his head low while you paced around in the room accusing him.
“Do you really think I couldn’t handle being recognized?” he asked and if you weren’t furious you would see the sad pouty look on his face.
“It certainly doesn’t look like it.”
“I’m sorry you feel like that.”
You looked at him for the first time, he was completely distraught.
“Pablo, I-
“No you’re right. I should’ve been more careful.”
“Pablo I’m sorry if I hurt you, I just, I was just angry.”
“No I understand, I knew I wasn’t cut out for it anyway.”
“No no no please don’t say that. I didn’t mean it like that. I was just jealous.”
“You were jealous?” he asked with a small grin, this was the first time you showed any emotion about it.
“I see you’re enjoying this, but seriously-
“You don’t have to say anything, I’m sorry for everything Y/N. I love you more than anything and promise to be more careful. And yes, I like when you’re jealous, it’s hot.”
You playfully shoved his chest.
“What? I’m just saying, we’re completely alone in a bedroom sitting on a comfy bed.” his hands started to make their way around your body.
“We can’t” you started giggling.
“Yes we can.”
“I love you so much.” you said and leaned in, he got the message immediately and laid you down continuing to show you just how much you mean to him.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Can you do one we’re gavi loves readers big round boobs he loves to suck on them when she’s laying down or when they hang w there friend at there house and gavi lays with her and had the blanket over him and half her chest and he’s sucking on them and the whole time he just wants her boobs
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Ever since the first time you and Pablo have been intimate, and the moment he saw your boobs he fell in love with them..or rather he became completely obsessed with them!
You didn't really care, finding it flattering that your boyfriend loved your body and always wanted to touch your boobs in one way or another.
When you are cuddling at night, he would always say he wants to spoon you not because he cares which cuddling position you are in but because that gives him quick access to holding your breasts in his hands while falling asleep.
When he would have a bad match, coming home all pouty and sad (look at that gif), he would immediately walk up to you saying "can I suck on them amor?" and you would smiled nodding your head and letting him lay on your chest and do as he pleased.
During your periods, Pablo's little obsession becomes very helpful since it's only when he would suck on them that they stopped feeling sore and painful.
"Amor, they hurt.." you would whine when he would lay his head on your chest and he would immediately raise your shirt and put his mouth on them relieving all the soreness and tension.
You were currently at Ansu's house watching a movie with a few of friends, when Pablo moved to lay his head on your chest biting his lips and being tempted to touch your boobs. They were just so round..and juicy..and beautiful.
"Amor..can I?" he said and you immediately knew what he meant looking around the room and shaking your head since you were not alone and you weren't in the mood to get caught by his best friends.
This was the first time you ever rejected him, and Pablo felt so sad. You boobs brought him comfort and right now he wanted them so badly that he remained persistent.
"Just a little bit?" he said still looking up while laying on your chest and you looked down at him with raised eyebrows. He always looked so adorable whenever he would ask you to suck on your boobs that it was impossible to decline him.
"When we get home cariño..." you whispered moving his hair from his face while giving him a warm smile but Pablo was way too impatient to wait a whole hour for the movie to end.
"No! Now!" he said like a baby and you giggled looking around again and when you saw that everyone's eyes were glued on the TV, you nodded your head raising a blanket a little and he smiled getting comfortable before finally wrapping his lips around your nipple teasing you with his tongue.
"Mmm" he said in satisfaction starting to hold them in his hands as well and you did your best not to moan which quickly became very difficult.
"Shh cariño..or they will hear us" you whisper and he looked up at you with you boob in his mouth and those precious big eyes that made your heart melt.
"They are so perfect hermosa..mmm" he spoke before continuing to enjoy his craving and you smiled down deciding to see his reaction by saying "you don't think they are too small?" you said and Pablo was immediately looking up with scared face.
"No! Please, don't do anything to them! I love that they are natural and they are the perfect size so please please don't change anything about them amor!" he was saying that a bit loudly so you had to hide your boob back into your shirt before giggling down at him.
"Fine Pablito! I won't change anything about them cariño" you whispered when his friends brought their attention back to the TV and he blushed res before nuzzling his face into your neck having satisfied his craving...for now ;)
Ik it's short but I hope you like ;))
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httpspedri26 · 1 year
idk if i already sent an request but could u write a fluff about gavi?
after a badgame, he gets yelled at by xavi and it somehow really gets to him so when he gets home he practically breaksdown in readers lap and like hugs her waist?
unwavering support - Pablo Gavi
Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it <3
Pairings: Pablogavi x reader
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Pablo stumbled home, his spirits crushed after a particularly rough game. The weight of Xavi's harsh words still echoed in his mind, haunting him with self-doubt. As he entered the house, he saw Y/N, sitting on the couch, engrossed in a book.
“Hey, I saw the game” y/n whispered sadly
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Pablo practically collapsed into Y/N's lap, burying his face in her waist as tears streamed down his cheeks. Y/N's heart ached at the sight of his distress, instantly put her book aside and gently ran her fingers through his hair.
“Pablo, what happened? You’re shaking. Come here, love.”
Pablo clung onto Y/N, seeking solace in her warmth.
“Xavi… Xavi was so hard on me today. He yelled at me in front of everyone and said I was useless. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m just not cut out for this.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with empathy as she cradled Pablo in her arms, offering him a safe space to let out his frustrations.
“Pablo, listen to me. You are talented, passionate, and dedicated to that sport. Sometimes coaches get caught up in the heat of the moment and say things they don’t truly mean. It doesn’t define who you are as a player or as a person.”
Pablo’s grip on Y/N tightened as he let out a heavy sigh.
“I know, but it’s hard to shake off those words, you know? I’ve been working so hard, and it feels like I’ve let everyone down.”
“Hey, stop. You haven’t let anyone down, Pablo. Football is like this – you either win or you lose. I believe in you, and so does your team.”
Pablo’s tears began to subside, replaced by a glimmer of hope sparked by Y/N’s unwavering support.
“Te amo, thank you for everything,” Pablo whispered, placing his forehead against Y/N’s.
Y/N smiled softly. Leaning in, she closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a tender, heartfelt kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as their connection deepened, their lips moving in sync with one another. In that moment, all worries and doubts melted away, leaving only the warmth of their embrace. It was a kiss filled with understanding, comfort, and unwavering support.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it today,” Y/N said, gently pulling away from their kiss.
“It’s okay,” Pablo replied with a warm smile, his arms still wrapped around her. They settled comfortably on the couch, finding solace in each other’s presence.
“I’m with you right now, and that’s all that matters,” Pablo whispered, his voice filled with reassurance and love. Y/N’s heart fluttered at his words, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.
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