delicate-cupcake · 4 months
Random Things about your Future Spouse
Hello everybody 🌹
This is my first post as a tarot reader and I am very excited to post it here. I wanted it to be light so I kept this reading short. I hope you will like it and resonate with it. Please tell me if anything resonates it will help me alot to develop confidence in me.
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Pile 1 ------- Pile 2 -------- Pile 3 ------ Pile 4
Pile 1
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Rules follower
Shoulder length hair
They have sexy imagination *okay I was writing dirty minded but they legit corrected me as I have sexy imagination not dirty mind*
Only divine knows
Do your best!!!! *Maybe you are upto something and they are rooting for you they want to tell you that they are always there for you.*
Summer time
Why did I meet you?
Might be a little overweight
Long hair
many admirers
No. 7 might be significant
Pile 2
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5 years age gap or you might meet them 5 years from now
Grateful for things they have
Cherish their closed ones alot
No. 9,2,18,4could be significant
Will never hold you back
Might deal with some self- depreciating thoughts
They really love you
Morning person
Geminipast live connection
For some of you, I am getting that there might be some problem with their parents or your parents. Maybe them or you don't really have a good relationship with your parents and they might become a blockage during this union.
But one thing that I constantly got in this Pile is that your person saying things like I love you, I will never let you go, I will be there for you till the day I die. They really love you but they have to work on themselves for this relationship to last.
Pile 3
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They will have a sharp memory like they remember the smallest things about somebody or something somebody said like a year ago
Might use the word sorry alot
17,999 could be significant numbers
They might fear that you will leave
You might have to reassure them from time to time
I got where's my angel?
Very cute
"Life feels like a dream with you"
Love their and your parents
Broken from past relationships
O maybe their or your initial
Unique hair colour
Good looking
Pile 4
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Love you
Sweet voice
You are there lucky star
Deep voice
000, 11:11 could be significant numbers
Broken from past relationships
A,U could be their or your initial
Younger than you
Morning person
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Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this reading and it resonates with you. Please leave a feedback if you can. And enjoy. Also these readings are for entertainment purposes only and none of the pictures belong to me.
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sugar-petals · 7 months
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⌈ pile I - QUEEN OF CUPS „i adore you so much“
⌈ pile II - ACE OF CUPS „i’m your lover in plain sight“
⌈ pile III - JUSTICE „i’m the one you deserve“
🔓 select the tarot card that you noticed first.
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⌈ NOTE 🌹 ➝ welcome to this extended nsfw reading. at the bottom of the deck i found the 5 OF WANDS (see below cut) so the overall theme is: teasing 😏 let’s find out what it means for you individually in your piles. what steamy thoughts are running circles in your person’s mind? tell me what you got and enjoy 🐝
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[ deck used | the wonderful golden art noveau tarot by Giulia Massaglia — gilded example cards below, not the actual piles ]
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{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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the FIVE OF WANDS - today’s overall energy is playfighting. 
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message. they want to give you a sexual challenge rather than indulging in a soft and hesitant mood: tease them right back and they’ll appreciate it. it’s all in good spirits as long as both play along. boldness is appreciated and keeps the chemistry running. 
no need to fear conflict, this is all friendly banter without the intent of hurting. behind all of that is the idea of testing limits + experimenting sexually through fun and activity rather than keeping it a guessing game what the other person might like. 
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pile i - QUEEN OF CUPS „i adore you so much“
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Oh hot damn… Lucky in Love or Drunk in Love are the type of lyrics I’m getting from this. Nothing prevents them from thirsting over you lmao but it’s a good thing! Because they’re confident in liking you so. Damn. Much. And they know you like them back. What a secure lover this person is becomes apparent in their ambitions: They reflect dedication. Meanwhile, they’ve got a balance of mature and outgoing/youthful energy alike. And I feel like they really went from being serious in your presence to just letting it all out! Good for them, because they’re on a roll since they met you slash made contact.
The main kink I’m seeing here is teacher and student, hands down. They are seriously into pretending there’s a difference in power, authority, knowledge, age, looks, all of that. Doesn’t have to be real, it can be roleplay, but they do consider you to be someone to look up to. They pleasure themselves like mad to those thoughts, honestly. The Daddy or Mommy kink is real in this one because whew, QUEEN + EMPEROR? That’s a big deal. You two are either two bold personalities coming together (or they fantasize about that, some major powerplay) or they identify you as that person who pulls all of their strings with little to no effort. Far from intimidated, they are ready to learn and enjoy because they’re your babe.
This person is not a starfish though. Happily under your spell, I can see them quite actively horny because wow Pile 1, their sex drive is just impressive, to say the least. Not scattered, just very strong in general. And they see you just like that as well. They know you are in charge, they feel that you’ll handle the shit out of them without hesitating. Boss of their body is what I’m hearing! Not an inch will belong to anybody else. They love how madly possessive they are.
At the same time, they also think you can learn together, it’s not so set in stone. I like that contrast in the cards. Sovereignty and mature sex versus being carefree and raunchy like a student party. Like they want you to pounce on them and dominate their every cell, but they also want to be your cute little pet to fool around with. I get the impression that this person worships the hell out of you and thinks you’re the best in bed, no matter your degree of experience. That’s the thing, they would be happy with a virgin and a sexpert alike, as I said they hardly care! Because you charmed them and made your standpoint clear! Even if you have a hot VERSUS stone-cold demeanor and sex appeal, they feel inspired by that.
Your sexual energies complement each other well I feel. In their mind, you could top them so easily. They gladly submit to an orgy of pleasure. I think they trust you a lot, they just want to lose control and be chased. They won’t chase you! You’re too prideful and want to set this up on your own terms. This relationship is yours to create, they won’t interfere. They’re too starstruck and want to gather their resources first, only to find out you’re tremendous fun to be with and they had nothing to worry about.
You are the sun of their universe Pile 1, you seduced them so much. If only you would boss them around, they want it so badly. This scenario could be a total clash of titans since you are both a total smokeshow in your own ways.  They looked at you and wanted you to open up, leave the stiff old life behind and feel younger again. Since you’re so foxy to them, they treat you like the bombshell you are, with lots of reverence and respect. I’m even getting service sub vibes from your person, Pile 1, they’ll just do whatever you ask `em like you’re royalty, long as it’s consensual of course, but I don’t get any toxic fantasies from this pile, just very dom-sub centered ones.
{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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pile ii - ACE OF CUPS „i’m your lover in plain sight“
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Whirlwind kind of romance right here, lots of ups and downs in their anxious mind. You left them feeling powerless to all the energy they perceive you to so blazingly have, Pile 2. They were thunderstruck by your presence, were frozen on the damn spot. Tied. Up. Which leads us to the card imagery, by the way. Bondage fantasies is a huge theme here. I’m just sayin’… That’s their sexual fantasy when they think of you. If you’d blindfold them, or try something like knife play, even (as the swords card indicates), that would get them going so much. Despite their freaky imagination, ironically they are the mellow one, while you are the fiery counterpart that doles it all out to them in their wet dreams.
As contradictory as it sounds, reciprocating and giving back is the dynamic here, though. For instance, if you bought stuff for them, they’d be so happy and fawn over you like wild. Since this is a rollercoaster ride, however… I can’t quite tell what exactly their constant feelings are for you, Pile 2, as they are just so changeable. From no sex drive to reckless abandon to self-control to begging to being a fool in love. What a journey they’ve been through because of you. You make them feel all of this, and they’re saying thank you.
One day they want to be controlled by you, the other, they want to unleash their passion without any help and do their own dance to impress you. They have an edge but they’re romantic, they’re hopeless and they’re hot shit, they’re fair and then such a tease giving you less than you deserve, full well knowing it will keep you hooked and coming for them like an avalanche.
They want you rushing to their home like it's the firefighters. Because well, well… they’re feeling way too hot, aren’t they. At the same time, that’s the puzzling thing, they also want you to keep them at an arm’s length. If you aren’t confused about this person yet, at this point, you gotta be: Which mirrors them, in fact. They don’t quite know what they want consistently, you left them too dumbfounded to understand the situation for sure. Pile 2, this individual is head over heels for you.
Now this starstruck person dreams about being acted upon by you and they love that. Pillow prince/ss is what I’m seeing all over the spread, they have that receptive energy for the most part. They might be a little unruly once they get out of their comfort zone or don’t feel like they’re acknowledged by you (they might as well have a come-save-me fantasy… do them a favor and help them out). But when they do get signals, they are back in love romantically, yes, not so much sexually, they’re touchy-feely like crazy. Just when they felt like roaming free before! If there’s some hunter-prey fantasy going on here I wouldn’t be surprised, they want to keep you on your toes.
As I said, you get the best of both worlds Pile 2, your person is not the predictable type. Maybe that’s why you like `em. They are flirts and then they’re not. They want rough sex and then they want affection little by little. But the final note in their mind is always this: They want you to glued to them, to go wild for them, to witness them like a fish in the water: Through requited love. All they want is to be asked out and live their dreamy, sensitive love. Confusing you is not their intention. Don’t forget they just want love at the end of the day.
{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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pile iii - JUSTICE „i’m the one you deserve“
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What started out as a sensual, stable connection which didn’t go down in flames of horniness now turned their head into a mush. Which then turned into them bursting with vitality! An online message of yours shook them up, or something you said. But in a positive way, because they’re so happy now. Romantic, personal, sexual bliss, they’re feeling so good about themselves because of you, the dull days are over. What a mood boost you gave them, and they’re confident in their looks because of your steady presence/communication, oh my word.
Because you started out easygoing and then picked up speed, they are absolutely feeling themselves like it’s nobody’s business. I’m so happy for you, Pile 3, because your person is just prancing around like a child after you’ve been frank with them. Talking it out was so needed. Approaching it from a headspace was. Being chatty with them made your person super hot and bothered, too. Hell, they are totally into your voice, the way you take your time when you walk, the way you carry yourself, how you dress up, the way your hair is tousled (if you wear it longer), how you treat yourself, how you choose your words, and how you smile especially.
At first, they were so scared how serious and single-minded you came across. Now they’re blushing and sweating their ass off because you said what you said and you paid attention to them! When they thought they were the knight in shining armor, you gave them a reality check and dodged the bullet, stood your ground instead of playing helpless — which worked in their favor not to get their hopes up and invest right away. That’s how you made this person’s libido explode. But in a good, wholesome way.
This proper mix of humor and the crazy slow burn (!) between the two of you has them going nuts without actually making them crazy, you know? Just healthy adoration and warmth they feel. I get the impression your person has lots of sexual stamina, Pile 3. They know what they’re doing, y’all… they might come across as a total sunshine, but they are, oh my word. Fertile as hell, go all the way, ready to make those babies and live the good life. In this economy? Your person thinks so, who am I to judge, they want that settling down and parenthood. They just know you’d be good at raising kids. But without compromising the mental stimulation, which you give them consistently.
And because you’re such a hottie with charm and good looks, they’re at your feet. You rule them! Your sex appeal has their pretty head spinning, their routine is broken, they can’t get enough of you, they want this in-depth (literally!). For long, they fantasized about having carefree sex with you out in nature, wild and free. Never too much of a good thing with you. You’re so juicy to them, graceful, steamy, gorgeous, you seem to have it all in their eyes. 
They think you have elevated status or just carry yourself in a way that shows your life is fulfilled and abundant. Oh hell, what don’t they like about you. Maybe you can be too direct and frank at times? They prefer your magnanimous, silly, soft, giving, cute’n’comfy side. They need to be taken care of a little, or need your cheer-ups. Because they want to take it easy, and not have conflict and difficulty in communication. Healthy, loving, and lasting (!) sexuality is the gist of this, I’m thinking. Quite Venusian of them, I see their sexual thoughts as Libra/7th house or Taurus/2nd house-themed. An all-around feel-good reading, Pile 3, I love the positive cards you got.
{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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FINAL NOTE. meet me in the reply section if you want, and if you got stuff i can improve about my PAC posts, drop a comment as well, i want to brush up my format again!
⭐️ DISCLAIMER // there is no guarantee for accuracy. believing in the cards is a choice. 
© 2017-2023 sugar-petals. All readings for entertainment purposes only: They do not substitute any professional advice. Take what resonates, discard the piles that don’t hit home. If you aren’t drawn to any pile that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you. Do not repost my readings.
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infipretty · 2 years
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Hey y'all. This PAC is a re-upload, I hope y'all Enjoyy it regardless. Feedbacks would be lovely and are greatly appreciated! 🥂
This PAC is NSFW and so, minors are forbidden. You can check out my other PACs here if you’d like.
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Ace of swords - Nine of Cups - Judgement - Six of swords - King of Wands.
Oh, alright. So this is THE Sensual Pile. You guys don’t even need words to convey your love and lust for each other, it’s so fucking evident. Everything happens so authentically between you guys, it drives y'all crazy. You both and your bodies fit each other perfectly as if you both were cut out to fit each other. As much as you guys want to touch each other crazily like teenagers in love all the damn time, you guys wait and test your own control as your eyes meet and y'alls bodies begs for one touch from each other. They had one look at you, and that one glance at your shining pretty eyes was enough to tell them that they have to court you. Never have they ever wanted somebody so bad, never have they ever wanted somebody’s legs to be wrapped around their body so bad. You ignited passion in them like no other. Every time you guys touch each other, every time your bodies comes in contact, it feels like the world has stopped. It’s just the two of you now on the top of the whole damn world, eyes glinting, hands touching and your mouths never getting enough of one another’s. They’re so attracted to you, specifically when they kiss you on your forehead and when they’re inside of you. With every thrust, with every moan and breathe, they can’t help but come to the conclusion that this is divine. This has to be divine, right? It’s not every time that someone enchant them so much that a mere presence is more than enough to make their genitals throb and their heart flutter. There’s no way you weren’t meant for them, they find themself thinking. They just want to hold you up close and be in your vicinity always. They want to make you feel cherished as they kiss every inch of you, all they want is to pleasure you, body and soul.
As contradicting as this may sound, your person is into both praising and degrading. They can switch real quick. Be a brat and they will literally fuck your bratty attitude out of you and they would do it as many time as needed. They will face fuck you until you gag on your own bratty behaviour so that you remember how to behave in bed. They would purposely taunt you/tease you so that you crack and fall into their game. And then when you’re good, they will praise you like a goddess. Breatheplay could be a thing here as well, their energy is giving dominant vibes. But once in a while, they would'nt mind you turning the game around and dominating them instead. This person might not have many fantasies kf their own but they’d be on board with whatever fantasies you have. Your moans and whimpers are like music to their ears, they love to see you aroused as they get deeper inside of you. Doggy style seems to be one of y'alls favourite position as well as legs on shoulder. Mind you, they are great at dirty talking. Their mere words will make you wet to a point where you’d be ready to give up your morals and ask them to fuck you. Their mouth on yours, your legs wrapped around them and your bodies moving together in a perfect rhythm is heaven for them.
Page of swords - The Star - The High priestess - 3 of swords - Queen of wands
So we have little flirts here, huh. You guys make up the chill and the flirty pile. You guys love the foreplay so much, the thrill of it, the adrenaline that it gives, the sheer intimacy of it. Every moment that leads upto to sex is so important for you guys, to know that those moments are solely shared between you and your lover makes your smirk. This pile is THE seductive pile. Y'all seduce your partner and keep them coming for more and more even if you don’t intend to. They seem to be obsessed with you, every part of you has control on every part of them. They are haunted by thoughts of you and your laughs day and night. They go back in the memories to remember how you gasp a little in surprise as their finger travels their way upto your back, the remember your sweet little moans asking them to go harder and deeper inside of you, the remember how passionately you ride them as if you own them, the remember how easily spooning with you becomes a makeout session and eventually ends up in sex. All of their senses reminds them of you, their ears hearing your whimpers, their eyes remembering how your eyes look when you’re turned on, their skin feeling alive with one touch of yours, their nose ardently remembering the scent of you and finally, their mouth remembering how sweet you taste. They get hard/wet just by thinking about y'alls passionate kisses, tongues down each other’s throats and their hands traveling their way downside. They would love to see you in a lingerie (if you identify as a women), as you seduce them with your walk and deliberately bending over. They would bombard you with kisses all over your body, appreciating every part of you and erasing your insecurities.
You guys love heating each other up to a point where y'all are arguing then boom y'all start making out and have angry sex. I see they love for you to bend over, they love the view that way. They might like being choked when you ride them, your hand seems to have a grip on them, quite literally. You guys are the defination of Netflix and chill. Some of you or your lover could also be into cuckolding. You guys could be slightly into BDSM, if not then you will surely want to try it with your partner. You guys will be so good with words, humiliation could be one of the turn ons here along with Fingering. They seem to have a thing for thighs, maybe they would like you to ride their thigh. They find it hot to down on you, kissing your thighs all the way upto you genitals. They’re slightly dominant, they are the type to overstimulate you in pleasure and then deny you orgasm. They like to play, specifically play with words. They want you hear you beg to be inside of you but you are not so easy to be pushed around and so, it’s a constant play between you two. They enjoy pulling your hair, making your back arch and then marking you up with hickies. You look like a goddess to them and they want you all by themself.
Seven of Pentacles - Page of Cups - Death - Wheel of Fortune - Six of cups.
Aha, THE textbook hopeless romantic pile. Sex, or as the poets would call it - making love, is more than merely just a product of passion and lust for this pile. You and your partner alike yearns for something much deeper - a connection that not only pleasures your body but also soothes your soul. You guys engage in sex not just to satisfy your horny asses but to also deepen your connection with one another. To you guys, sex is a medium through which you guys can feel each other up close, body to body touch fills your hearts with love as you guys will each other with your cum. There’s a prominent emotional connection present here, you guys need to be mentally aroused in order to act with your bodies. Sex is sacred for you guys, a transformative moment where you can forget the world and everything else. Sure, you guys can behave like horny teenagers but mostly, what you guys crave is a much deeper bond - hand in hand, eye contact and slow yet passionate movement of your bodies in sync. Your heavy breaths and the littles gasps that escapes your mouth as they touch your sensitive area up close makes them much more ardent. Literally everything about you turn them on, the way you walk, the way your eyes looks upto them, your soft yet firm hands, your smart mouth - all of it drives them nuts. They know that you’re eyed by many but they know that you are only theirs and they are only yours. They get possessive at times, even the thought of you being with someone else makes their whole body burn with rage. Soft kisses on your neck and breasts is enough to make them cream their pants, they are so attracted to your fragrance, the aura of you delights them. If they could, they would want to be in you forever and pleasure you to no end.
Overstimulation could be a thing here, also tieing each other up. Missionary seems to be y'alls favourite position, you guys love the eye to eye contact. To see how pleasured you make your partner feel turns you on so much, doesn’t it? Breeding Kink is strong here, they would love to cream pie and put a baby inside of you (consentually). Mirror sex seems to be another major here, you guys can’t take your eyes off of each other fr. I see a lot of ass grabbing and them devouring your breasts/chest area, they love to slight choke you and hear you beg for more. Your hand on their back and hair makes them go wild. As much as romantic sex is a theme here, you guys don’t shy away from switching it up to rough sex real quick. Doing it while being drunk (consentually) could also be one of y'alls fantasies. Sex against the wall and yab yum position could also be your go - to positions. They will be gentle with your for the most part and for the other part, you will have to beg them to let you cum. You guys can go on and on, rounds after rounds. It’s crazy how you guys can’t get enough of each other. Even the non sexual acts makes you guys feel so filled and your hearts boom. For some of you, your partner might be into worshipping you or vice versa.
Ace of Pentacles - The Hermit - The Devil - Ten of Pentacles - Three of Pentacles
Oh look, it’s the most kinky pile. Y'all are giving lady in the streets, freak in the sheets vibes (regardless of y'alls genders). Do you like to play hard to get? Do you like to arouse your partner to a point where they no longer have a sense of control over themself? Don’t worry ‘cause your lover will play every game you throw at them. This is THE possesive pile, Possessive to a point where you guys want to own each other and it’s a two way road. You guys want to mark each other up with hickies and proudly show the world that you belong to one another. You guys don’t even shy away in public to make your love known through your gestures. Constantly holding hands, grabbing ass and little pecks on the lips are your favourites. As much as each other’s presence excites you both and sets you both on fire, you guys love to downplay it. You guys are versatile in the bed and you know it. No matter what position they set you in, you fit yourself in that position so naturally. To kiss each other, to touch one another, to pull one another’s hair and to put your hands on each other’s body has become your comfort. It oddly grounds you, makes you feel in power and safe. Neither of you is the dominant one but at the same time, both of you are the dominant one. You guys switch roles based on your moods. Your mere presence and one eye lock sends them over the horizon to a zone full of fantasies. They want to please you in a way you have never been pleased, they want to touch you in a way you have never been touched, they want to give you the love and care you longed for such a long time. Every part of you, every inch of your skin, every touch of yours drives them crazy.
As much as the sexual dynamic between you two shines, the love between you two overpowers everything else. It feels so natural, so satisfying for you guys to be in one another’s arms and bodies. Neither you nor them looks like type who would be kinky in bed but hey, here we are. Bondage seems to come up a lot here, bondage and blindfolds will be something you guys will be into a lot. I also see a lot of sexting happening, sending each other pictures that’d make the other person aroused and tensed in public places. Outdoor sex seems to be one of their fantasies too, even the mere thought of it excites them. They are literally addicted to you, sex is no longer a just a want between you guys, it’s a need now. You guys will be all over the place – sex on kitchen counter, shower sex, sex in car, sex in lonely streets, you guys are up for it all. If you’re comfortable, they’d like to try most of the kinks with you and vice versa. Legit everything, every range. Spanking and roleplay could also occur at times as well as orals. If it isn’t evident by now, you’re the best they ever had and they ever will and they want to devour you completely. Cockwarming and quickies will be happening often. Some of you may get involved in threesome as well.
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prettyrealm · 3 months
do they miss you? 🍊
pick a card #3: does your person of interest miss you & how they view the connection currently 🍒
🍎 think of a person and then ask yourself "do they miss me?"
🍉 pick the hello kitty fruit plush that you feel most drawn to.
clear your mind & take as long as you need to choose. keep in mind that you may feel drawn to & choose more than one. you also may not feel drawn to any of them, so don't force it! please consider your headspace before participating as these readings will be honest. the piles are in order from left to right.
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🍓 pile 1
it’s unlikely that the person you’re thinking of misses you. they feel this connection ran its course, they’ve accepted the circumstances. they feel there’s nothing left to hash out or understand on their part. i don’t think they hate you, but they’ve moved on.
🍇 pile 2
kind of, it’s not at the top of the list of things they’re concerned about, but they will definitely start to miss you more soon. there’s something stopping them from reaching out though, i think they may think you have complained about them to other people, or that you think they complained about you.
🍍pile 3
yes, the person you’re thinking of they misses you! they feel you two have a strong connection!
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cosmictulips · 1 year
There's something there that wasn't there before ... (PAC)
This is part two! of a series that I am working on.
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These photos are not mine though now that I think of it, I could have used mine because I literally worked for Disney and go there enough. but why would I think about that lmao.
Choose a belle and beast! and let's talk about what brings you two together. things you'll find endearing and things to be aware of in your future relationship uwu
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Pile one
What Brings You Together ::
Judgement, King of Pentacles, 08 of Wands, 05 of Swords,04 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups
So the biggest thing that I am seeing here is your motivation of each other in pursuit of ones desires. you both admire how hard you each have had to work to get to where you wanted to be. and you both see the potential in the other.
This is honestly giving me strong power couple vibes. you both seem to want the same things and you're both ready to create that stability. I honestly, see the both of you bringing a lot into the physical realm. I think you both have the same fears and have the same kind of pain.
I would say you two are probably soulmates. mirrors of one another. -and no, I will not use twin flames. I've explained why before.- You both are here to complete life lessons together and to literally build an empire. You both are stubborn, willing to make even the roughest ideas work.
there is genuine love here. but I think you both are together because of the stability you have. Like your love languages are the same and you find comfort in that essentially. I keep seeing this beautiful garden so I truly think that you both are going to "water" each other and help each other blossom. like two cute missing puzzle pieces coming together.
What Is Something Unexpected That You Love About Them ::
Page of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, 08 of Cups
Well, this is kind of cute actually. I think something you'll love about your future spouse that you didn't really see coming is just how slow and dedicated they are. given that we did see the 08 of wands, you both may be tempted to move quickly with things. but remember, the king of pentacles was also there and we now also have the knight.
so at first, you may not like how slow they are. how dedicated they are to making sure everything is right. heavy capricorn energy...and taurus lol. they will literally walk away from something they don't deem as perfect.
they are a visionary and might be too hard on themselves. but you love that about them. You love how they have to execute everything to the best of their ability. they may even nag a lot about the details. but it also shows through in how they love you. everything is given in the details to them. they will show that.
Something To Watch Out For ::
The Hermit, Justice, King of Swords, King of Cups, 08 of Pentacles, 04 of Swords
Indecision which isn't a surprise. But also, I think there's a bit of brains over heart happening. one of you will want to be more logical. doing things because they make sense to do things. and the other is more sensitive to the world around you. and it may cause a bit of a blockage in the beginning. with the 08 of pentacles and the 04 of swords in particular, you both will workon that. you two WILL meet in the half way point.
I think there's also a bit of fear that one of you isn't on the same page when it comese to life goals. but again, you'll both help each other grow. you two may naturally be opposites but I'm finding and seeing here that you both balance each other out. it may take a minute to see that, but it's there. allow yourselves to be challenged by the other but also allow the emotions to flow and do things that just come to you both.
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Pile two
What Brings You Together ::
The World, The Empress, King of Pentacles, 09 of Swords, 02 of Swords, 02 of Cups
To put it simply, to end karmic ties and to finally have someone worth loving and feeling complete in this lifetime. You both bring this energy of past pain, but also that of true, unconditional love. you two understand the pain of the world and your shared pasts essentially. not trauma bonding. You heal each other. One of you may put the other on a pedastal a little but it's not ... anything too problematic.
You both are coming together to have the life y ou both wanted. whether that is kids, pursuing dreams, having your own family that you both bring in together -like through community and friends or pets- you both are here to express your freedoms.
You both are also coming together to ease past wounds and to ease anxiety. there are tough choices that are going to have to be made but you both will walk the path of healing. you both are going to choose each other everytime.
it's quite literally a love story where neither of you thought you'd ever have. It's gentle, passionate and romantic. you both are each others lovers, both from past lives and this life. You are healing. point black period. starting new chapters and ending old ones. you are both meant to thrive together.
Something You Find Endearing Unexpectedly ::
King of Swords, The Chariot, The Star
their attitude lmao. No but seriously, you'll love how much this person is just a grounded, maybe slightly arrogant, go getter. this person is independent and somehow so loving to you. you admire this person as much as they admire you.
This person knows what they want, how to plan and how to achieve it. they're very smart, very witty and... can be kind of cold when they have to be. but they do all this so they can have the future they dream of. and of course they're taking you along.
Something To Be Aware Of ::
The Moon, The Magician, King of Pentacles, 06 of Cups, 06 of Pentacles,02 of Swords
Well, I think it's going to be a small issue of codependency and perhaps... some secrets that one or both of you are keeping hidden. it's not so much bad secrets that are being kept hidden, I think you two are just private. you will sacrifice a lot for one another. Sometimes you may even start to hate how much you two have to give up in order to achieve the balcne you both want.
but with that, you both will learn that there is a give and take to any relationship. while yours may be more than the average, with that sacrifice comes great rewards. there might be a bit of... stagnation. maybe you two develop a stable home life but you lose some of that imagination. so to try to counter that you both start to do sponatenous things together.
really, the issue is balance. you both feel strong love for one another and communication is going to be required on both ends to say hey, I'm happy. a lot of ideas and creativity will come to you both but don't do everything all at once. ya know what I mean?
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Pile 3!
What Brings You Together ::
The Hanged Man, The Star, Judgement, Page of Wands, 10 of Wands, Ace of Cups
Well, defintely the pile where you weren't expecting to find love and here they are. you both may not have really thought of each other as match potential. and yet somehow, through your combined efforts -perhaps a work place love story?- you two just... fall in love. you both share a lot of the same morals and with that you both really develop a world of your own.
I think your person is going to be older than you and that's because I'm getting strong vbes that this person is going to be here to help you learn something. whether that's helping you grow financially, or with education. they will show you how life is. they're here to protect you and to guide you. to change your ways essentially.
and you will be the same to them but perhaps on a lesser scale. you give this person a lot of peae of mind and it's actually very cute. you both will have to work hard to gain balance in this relationship because I think the romantic feelings will be subtle until whatever the challenge is passes. but after that, you both will really blossom.
Something You Find Endearing Unexpectedly ::
10 of cups, 06 of Swords, 05 of Pentacles
To keep it simple, how this person is so positive and loving despite having a very ruggid appearance. Yea, like I said, this relationship is going to have its fair share of challenges but this person is so determined to make things work because of you. they're going to be a completely different person by the time this cycle ends.
you'll be surprised by just how much this person is willing to transform to get to that happy ever after. it's almost like they don't care what they have to do. they just want to keep you happy, and keep the peace in their lives. if that means cutting out toxic family, then so be it. they are so sacrificing.
Something To Be Aware Of ::
The Hermit, 09 of Pentacles, 07 of Cups, 07 of Swords, 04 of Cups, 02 of Pentacles
Independence. I think one of you will be very much in your heads and wanting more freedom and the other is going to want to spend a lot more time than the other may be willing to give. there needs to be a balancing act between the two of you. it could just be a difference in love languages but there's also an element here of miscommunication.
I also think, one of you will constantly be trying to give gifts or surprise the other person and it'll start to feel more like a challenge as to who can "woo" the other person more. Your FS is a very emotional person so they'll probably be like wicked intuitive and pick up on your needs. and you may struggle to figure out theres. so just be open to them about it.
they'll spend a lot of quiet time with you. I think that's really all they want which is why you'll probably be like, but why go all out for me? they just enjoy having you around. like, they like doing something in silence with you sitting next to them doing something else. they just like to be grounded with you. very cute.
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greenboyfriend · 4 months
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choose a fish to fill you with whimsy & glee! (tarot reading)
"what can you look forward to?" image 1: this guy's got it all figured out. he's able to breathe above water due to the bowl of water superglued to his face. one might even assume he has prosthetic legs, or perhaps even feet... image 2: the ideal male figure... you may not like it, but it's a fish with a broom as a tail and no internal organs. image 3: a fish that doesn't resemble anything in particular. no... not at all! image source not everything may resonate with you, and that's ok! take what does & leave the rest. don't force it.
you guys!!! there is something very wonderful in store for you, so long as you’re able to get yourself out of this rut! you may be feeling powerless, suffering some sort of attack, and being forced into the role of the victim. however! justice means to tell you that there is a major change that must be made on your part. instead of letting yourself be victimized, take action! use those emotions you’re feeling to tackle this challenge with passion– take that risk!! don’t be afraid to get creative, too. above all, and no matter what it takes, you’re going to need to address this, and with confidence.  in a broader sense, this situation is teaching you how to overcome a fear of yours. maybe you’re not the best at asserting yourself, but that’s ok! we’re all learning!! take this as a step in the right direction.  the extremely right direction, i might add, as the 9 of cups and justice seem to imply, this will be a very fruitful endeavor for you. the 9 of cups is often referred to as the “wish” card, because it represents having your wish fulfilled. after you take action, i see this result leaving you feeling quite pleased with yourself, and even a little smug! as you may know, justice is no card to be trifled with, so keep in mind that the actions you take regarding this situation will heed important results. do what you know is right and believe in yourself! you can do it!!! all of these cards are reversed-- except 10 of swords-- indicating that they're meant to inform your future actions (in the next few days, or next week). so don't worry if you haven't thought about it too much yet. but please remember that justice does not play! believe in yourself, you'll know when the time is right. there is some 18+ info beyond this point... click the link to read the rest but be warned its literally 2 sentences and NO ONE UNDER 18 SHOULD fucking READ IT! /srs link
(10 of swords, page of wands reversed, 9 of cups reversed, justice reversed)
hello my silly little broom fish. you’ve been working hard! if you haven’t, expect to work hard soon! you will be taking on a new project or adventure, which will require your full attention. i’m thinking, some of you guys might be taking a new class, or be receiving training of some kind. you’re going to need to put your all into this! you may already have an idea of what to expect, but some things will be new, too. take the time to really get into the minute details, tie up loose ends, and recheck, then rerecheck, and rererecheck just for good measure.  this may also be a way for you to expand your horizons, and become a leader. if you have a good idea, share it! you may end up showing others the way, and being a representative of some kind. remember, though, to be painstaking about this, and really brush up on those fine details.  along the way, make sure you’re keeping yourself on course. if you need a moment to reflect and think about where you’re going, consider it a part of the process. while it is also a good idea to consider other perspectives, keep in mind that you’re here for a reason. you may have to assert your position & really push for your way of doing things. again, if someone else has an idea, don’t underestimate it, but don’t underestimate yourself, either! this may take the form of having to resist authority, and you may have to be firm. in doing this, you may also be able to reap a reward of some kind! remember, there are so many people in the world that would push for their perspective no matter what, even if they haven't researched it at all. based on the 8 of pentacles, you most certainly have researched, so believe in yourself! make that stand!!... well, when it comes to. all of these cards are reversed, so this situation is likely to come into fruition in the future-- in the next few days, or possibly next week. mull over it for a while. when you start to see the signs, seize your opportunity!
(8 of pentacles reversed, 3 of wands reversed, 7 of pentacles reversed, 7 of wands reversed)
ok go off!!!! or somefin it’s time to commit to that regimen. whether that’s eating healthier, taking more time for yourself, or, if you’re like me, trying to practice more self kindness, creating an organized structure/routine is likely to help. so, for example, i’ll take my own life into account: i’ll often think certain thoughts can make me feel bad about myself without me totally realizing it, and lately i’ve been trying to change how i talk to myself. i use a systematic approach, in that i recognize the thought, then force myself to replace it with a positive one, instead. it seems silly at first, but the more that i stick to this method, the more success i’m seeing! this is just my example, but can be applied to your own situation! it’s always tough to start something new, but a month or two in, or maybe even a week, you see improvement. & it’s ok to make mistakes! you may be focusing too much on what you lack, or your shortcomings. there may also be setbacks keeping you from achieving your goals, or maybe you’re convinced that you made the wrong decision.  know that it’s always darkest before the dawn!! you may be in a bad place right now, and if you are, consider how you can make things easier on yourself. instead of letting yourself be a martyr, or feel powerless, do what you know will make you feel better. like that new god forsaken ariana venti song, be your own damn best… friend. it’s wise counsel. both of the readings above this are about the future, but for you, i think this is very much about the present. with all cards facing you except temperance, there is a story unfolding, where you complete some unfinished business, and find peace. the peace part is likely in the future, with it being reversed and all, but the time for action seems imminent, or already happening. i think you probably know what you need to do. whatever those plans are that you’ve been sitting on, make them happen! i just keep getting “declare yourself openly”!!! so do with that what you will.  you may even discover some sort of missing truth, keeping you from seeing things fully. you may also be swept up into the tides of change, and witness all the elements fit seamlessly into place. so hey! enjoy!
(the emperor, 5 of cups, 8 of wands, 10 of swords, temperance reversed)
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misty-howler · 1 year
How society sees you...
Hello everybody 🌸 So, today's reading is how society sees you. This is an old pac
Disclaimer : All my readings are for entertainment purposes only and It is a general reading so it may or may not resonate with you.
Choose your pile intuitively :)
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Pile 1
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You definitely are the intellegent pile. So, much sword energy. Society sees you as someone calm and assertive. They see you are someone who takes decisions more from their head then heart. As someone who makes decisions after wearing all the pros and the cons. You don't like to take decisions in haste. People also see you as someone very logical and stick to the routine kind of person. They think that you dislike being unproductive and want to be engaged in some or the other activity all the time. As someone very disciplined. And you got three court cards so people form a very fixed image of you. It is like you never go unnoticed.
People see you as someone very ambitious and passionate. Maybe you are an extrovert or ambivert. But whatever it is you are very social. And it is like people see you as someone who spreads happiness and joy to everyone. You guys know your self worth and you won't let anybody walk over you. People think that you will achieve great things in your life.
You are someone who will never leave and opportunity be it anything and you make difficult choices look easy. You are someone who is very fair and brave. Could be a little rebellious. People think that you have natural leader qualities.
Possible signs in your chart could be : Gemini ; Leo ; Taurus ; Virgo ; Capricorn ; Libra ; Aquarius
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Pile 2
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Pile no. 2 people see you as someone calm and lazy. Like go with the flow kind of person. You might have huge friend circle because you can talk with really anyone and that doesn't goes unnoticed. People think that it is really hard to get under your skin because even when you are getting attack do you keep your composure and try to arrive at a solution which is agreeable to everyone. You people might daydream a lot and also your me time is really very important to you and people do notice that.
People also see you as someone very confident and determined to do their task. They think that you can do anything and fight tirelessly to achieve your goals and defend your loved ones. You really give out positive Vibes to everyone and that is what makes people stick with you. You also help others in becoming their best selves.
People see you as someone very spontaneous , skilful and creative. They think that you are a quick learner and you understand things quite quickly. But people also think that you could be really indecisive leading you to take hasty decisions. Someone with poor concentration and scattered ideas. Although people think that you are good at starting conversations but your conversations don't hold a depth. And they end as soon as they start.
Possible signs in your chart could be : Libra ; Aquarius ; Gemini ; Aries ; Leo ; Sagittarius ; Virgo.
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Pile 3
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People see you a someone who is very sophisticated and secure. And also someone who is very very wealthy and whatever you touch turns into gold. You are someone who is very reliable and you believe in giving and giving and giving so people see you are as someone very generous and caring. You are someone stable and likely to be successful in your life.
All the people also see you as someone who wants to win at any and every cost and some of them even think that because you will literally everywhere so you might use unfair means. You people don't like competition. And people think that your ideology is like you will have to defeat other people otherwise they will defeat you. You could be narcissistic.
You are someone who looks at the bigger picture and you like to the involved in charity and voluntary work. You understand the life and its driving forces.
Possible signs in your chart could be : Virgo ; Taurus ; Capricorn ; Gemini ; Libra ; Aquarius
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Pile 4
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People think you are someone who takes decisions more from your heart than your head. You are someone who is passionate about things you do and also sensual. But you could be prone to rash decisions and easily get tempted. Even with the things which are not your priorities right now.
People see you as someone independent and confident and you hold a air of dignity around you. You are someone who take special care of your self and like to spend time outdoors. Sometimes alone sometimes with your closed ones. You might or will be living a luxurious life but people also see your hard work and your effort which you have put into earning all of these luxuries.
You are someone who tends to overthink situations. Once the decision has been made you you overthink about it and you are like I should have taken the other option will this be the correct one for me and that thing about you doesn't goes unnoticed by the people around you. People also see you as someone who can sacrifice anything and everything for their love ones. And also that you are confident.
Possible signs in your chart could be : Gemini ; Virgo ; Taurus ; Capricorn ; Pisces
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I hope you enjoyed your reading and it did resonate a little bit with you. Thank you for being here today. And take care 💅
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arcadia345 · 2 years
Astro observations pt.5🦎
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Not a real astrologer just my observations:) 🧪🦠
Having prominent Aries placements makes you the generation curse breaker, the ones most likely to break off from their family or do something totally different
11th house ruler in 8th or vise versa =having many sexual fantasies, and most of them will be fulfilled
Neptune retrograde in the 1st hate when people take pictures of them. But they love taking selfies☺️
Chiron in 12th house- experiencing your families trauma like it was your own, sometimes trough dreams, lots of physic attacks
Saturn in the 6th natal work with elderly people in some way. I have sun Saturn conjucttion in the 6th and I’ve never had a job that I didn’t work at for a long period of time. Even if the job is crappy😭 I get some type of benefits for working there after a while
No one talks about how talkative Taurus placements are (only if they’re comfortable) they do rule the vocal chords
The urge to just stare at Aries moon(fire moons in general but Aries moons it’s like, you don’t know why you’re staring but you can’t stop💀they have this fiery passionate look to them
Left to right: Angelina Jolene, Kim Taehyung ,Rihanna
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Chiron house and sign can tell you about your insecurities e.i. Capricorn Chiron in the 12th house- insecure about your smile, your skin eczema or other skin conditions, fear of prisons- your hidden enemies could easily know how to trigger you
Cancer/Gemini in the 6th natal could work with siblings/family members
Having 6th house placements in the 1st or vise versa could indicate being a c-section baby
4th house in Taurus, the women figures in your life have prominent Taurus/Venus placements. You could have been spoiled by your loved ones as and fed very well :p even if you didn’t have lots of money growing up
Your mars sign and house can definitely influence how you look. Leo mars or degrees have a noticeable spine usually longer than average, and it’s always something noticeable about their hair. Taurus mars are the type to prefer to wear comfortable clothing out rather than dress up and they look like money (they have this natural sensuality to them)and Libra mars dress like they have money if that makes sense, their rear end could like very nice doesn’t have to be big
Goodnight everyone hope u enjoyed☘️
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m00nt4r0t · 1 year
✮ how are you SHOCKING people? ✮
pile one, two, or three?
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masterlist ⭑ personal readings ⭑ patreon
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile one!
song on shuffle: art deco by lana del rey — “you’re so art deco out on the floor, shining like gold medal, cold and unsure,”
the way that the wheel always turn in your favor and the new life and creative expression you get from karma being served shocks people heavily. even in moments of extreme injustice, confusion, betrayal, ignoring the signs and being oblivious to what's being done behind your back, you always come out as the victor and the wheel is always in your favor. and, although these situations tend to leave behind a painful impact to your heart, you always grow your love and you become ten times more abundant the more you learn. people are shocked to learn that they really can't hide anything from you because you always seem to find out. you grow through your emotions and you use your feelings for creative and nurturing reasons. if you're someone who sings, draws, writes, or creates basically anything - the amount of talent and skill you have shocks people. you have real potential to turn your creative endeavors into a career.
i'm also getting messages that what you're passionate about as well as your kinks/sex drive is very shocking to people as well. you could be someone who feels passionate about exploration, higher education/knowledge, the freedom to express yourself, and doing what your heart desires because of the fact that life is too short to play it safe. people may tend to be shocked about your sexual orientation as well. the way you carry yourself and your general style may be shocking to those who usually see you in a uniform (such as coworkers and/or classmates.) i'm getting a lot of emphasis on your love life being very shocking to people - even the way you love is shocking. you could also be on tv or make some sort of videos online that people don't really expect to see. there's also some emphasis on the way you dress and express yourself online and in person. you're surprisingly more creative than people initially think and there's also something about your bosy that tends to shock people - could be your height, shape, maybe even body hair? it may be so surprising that people tend to assume that you edit your photos, but when they see the proof in person they're genuinely surprised (a little bit jealous, too.) you may be studying to be a doctor or you just know a lot about health and the human body. you could also be an herbalist and you know a lot about which herbs gives you certain benefits, and people don't expect you to be as educated as you are on that topic!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile two!
song on shuffle: dark angel by provoked — “dark angel under the night sky, i only see you in low light,”
first message i’m seeing is that there’s something about your appearance that is very shocking to people - you may be very curvy or there’s something about your face/body that is very luscious (could even be your hair and/or body modifications.) your family and/or your friend group may all have appearances that stand out in similar ways, which is very distinctive to people (as well as shocking.) for example, you and your family may all have red hair and green eyes. another example is you and your friends may all have pink hair or matching tattoos. the majority of you may be night owls and you stay up late / sleep all day. you may enjoy late night walks (alone?) and you don’t really scare easy. people get shocked by your carelessness and some may say you’re foolish for taking risks - but some others call you brave. people are also shocked at how grounded and stable you are. they assume that you take risks because you’re not worried about your future, but in reality they’re just not aware of how calculated and thought-out your actions are. i also feel like you’re a bit colder than people initially expect you to be.
the way you're more than capable of facing any challenge and persevere is also shocking to people. you're truly someone who doesn't give up and you keep pushing through until you've made it to your destined location. notice how i said destined location, not desired location. you may not always get to where you want, but you're always going to get to where you need to be. it also shocks people that there's so many people who want to compete with you, but they simply don't compare. you really don't give these people any of your energy or thought and yet you always beat them in the one-sided competition in their head. you're extremely physically attractive and you're very confident within yourself. you're also more generous and caring than people expect you to be. although you do come off as a bit cold, people know that you have love inside you and that you're not stingy with your resources. you have clear boundaries up and you don't let just anybody in; but you're not as judgmental and closed off as people usually think. however, you're quick to cut off your generosity if you feel that someone is taking advantage of it and/or not reciprocating the same kindness. the fact that you even inspire people who conspire against you adds to your shock factor, pile two. your communication is very witty and you tend to learn a lot from others as well as teach others a lot in return. again, your strength is very shocking to people and people find you to be very mystical.
﹒ . ⊹ ♡ ⁺ ₊ ✮ ₊ ⁺ ⊹ ❀ . ﹒ ₊ ✮ ₊ ⁺ ⊹ ♡
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile three!
song on shuffle: nikes on my feet by mac miller — “nikes on my feet make my cyber complete,”
for some of you, something about your social media presence is shocking to people; maybe because your posts are very unique and aesthetically pleasing - or because you don’t post at all and you’re much more private than most people expect. if you do post and have some sort of social presence, then this is telling me that there’s something you express online that you usually don’t express in public (if you do, you don’t do it very often.) people are shocked by the amount of creativity and confidence you obtain and express; it feels sacred to some people. they know that you’re more than capable of going places (this can mean success and/or traveling) and that you’re meant for something “more.” most of you who chose this pile know that you’re meant to explore and gain experience in new environments. you’re a lot more unique and expressive when people get to know you (and if they witness you interacting with people you’re comfortable with.) with that being said, your charisma and sense of humor tend to shock people as well. some of you may be young or have a youthful essence to your energy (even your appearance and the ways you express yourself.) i feel as though no matter what age you are, people naturally assume you’re a bit younger than your actual age.
you shock people because you tend to be dishonest and/or very secretive when it comes to your opportunities and your finances in general. i’m also getting the message that you aren’t the type of person who shows their anger very often - at least not with people you don’t know. you try to be as kind and expressive as you can, maybe because that’s what you feel is expected from you. i feel as though you tend to hide your projects/opportunities because of fear of things not going as planned - you also don’t want to ruin the surprise. you’d rather show off the finished project rather than a work-in-progress. another thing about you that shocks people is how sacrificial you are when it comes to your emotional connections. you do a lot for those you care for and this may have lead you to a moment where you were giving but not receiving from someone important, which left you feeling trapped in some way. you may also have a tendency to go back to those who have hurt you. although, i see that you are learning how to leave behind situations that no longer serve a greater purpose in your life. you left behind the empty promises and meaningless apologies and chose yourself. this could’ve been a journey you’ve taken that some people have witnessed over time, and this was a pretty shocking revelation they’ve seen you go through. this could be siblings/parents/people you live with/people who see you very very often. something else that’s shocking is the fact that you’ve gone through so much and yet you’re still such a charismatic, lovely person overall.
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hey guyssss, i haven't posted in a while lol. normally i would apologize, but it was honestly a much needed break! i plan to post pacs occasionally and keep a schedule going, but i will be posting more frequently on patreon!
thank u for reading and interacting! <3
masterlist ⭑ personal readings ⭑ patreon
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fishelfe · 3 months
Mass Disabling Event
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delicate-cupcake · 4 months
Love Letter From Your Future Spouse
Hello everybody 🌹
Here is another PAC for you guys enjoy it my beautiful people.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath then choose your pile intuitively:)
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Pile 1 ---- Pile 2 ---- Pile 3 ----
Pile 4 ---- Pile 5 ---- Pile 6
Pile 1
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Hello m'lady
I love you because you actually put effort into me I love you because nobody has ever given me the love that you have given me and you are the only one that would ever love me this way. I love you because you always make me feel that I am worth something I love you because you have a nurturing nature and you take care of me because you made me smile when I almost forgot how to. I love you because you have a huge and honest heart. I love you and every little thing about you. I love you because you are simply you.
If nothing else I hope you know that I love you with everyone ounce of my being I hope you realise your importance not only to me but to everyone who has been lucky enough to know you I hope you know that when you are feeling down I pray for your happiness I hope you remember that no matter what I am here for you and I always will be I won't leave you I am in your life forever I am not going anywhere I hope you recognise the fact that I appreciate and adore you and that this will never change I love you unconditionally
Pile 2
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Mi amor,
I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you enough to miss you deeply no matter the length of time or how far apart we are enough to believe in our relationship to stand by your side to hold your hand through the ups and downs to have faith and strength in our relationship to never give up on you I love you enough to spend forever with you each day I fall more in love with you making me realise no amount of time is ever enough and even one day forever will run out but I have decided that will be fine because getting to love you is worth it And no babes I am not going to lose feelings no I am not going to find someone better no I am not going to cheat on you and no I am not going to leave you I have already made up my mind I want you and only you No one else because to me you are my kind of perfect.
Pile 2 I think you require a lot of reassurance. Don't worry. this person will always be ready to hear you and give you reassurance
Pile 3
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My Honeybee 🐝,
I am going to love you I am going to love you in our weakest moment to our strongest ones. I'm going to love you when you are happy and I am going to still love you the most when you are sad. Don't you understand?  I am here and I am not going anywhere I want to love you each and every piece of you I want you with your imperfections as much as I want you for you and I am always going to want you and always going to be here loving you with my everything. Because I see it I see getting married , moving in together , cuddling on the couch , waking up to good morning kisses , having arguments , making up after , cooking our favourite food , smiling for no reason , annoying each other , when we are bored having the cutest little babies *not them trying to be funny*, watching them grow up and never leaving each other's side.
Pile 4
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Love of my life ❤️,
My dreams came true when I met and fell in love with you what is even more amazing is that we are now building dreams together I cannot thank you enough for coming into my life and making it what it is today. We are perfectly in perfect I love how we are beautiful together and that we continue to help each other become stronger and better both as individuals and as a couple I learn everyday from you you are so genuine and courageous I admire and love so much about you and I can't wait to spend the rest of life with you. And trust me when I say that I did not just fall in love with your body yet your soul I fell in love with the way you look at me with your eyes full of joy the way you smile when you talk about animals that you adore the way that your hair flies in the wind like they have mind of their own the way that you walk the way you speak so politely and calmly the way you love unconditionally and without a request I fell in love with all your flaws so hard that no one could save me
Pile 5
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I wish I could explain in words how much I love you but I can't because there  aren't any words to describe the love I feel for you I miss you also but I am not going to let the distance keep me from loving you even if it's from afar I want you to know that I will always be there for you I will be your shoulder to lean on your distraction when you want to escape and everything else in between I know we have got a long road ahead of us but I am willing to stick it through. And I hope you are as willing too no matter the bad that has happened or will happen always remember that you are so special to me and have a special place in my heart ,  in my mind I don't know how you see our future but I am going to share my vision with you
We will go out on our own little adventures going places you have always wanted to go but of course we will come back home to see our family and friends whenever you'd like.  We will get married and have our first apartment together we will have all the adorable dogs and cats that you want under a reasonable number of course I will constantly be surprising  you with gifts and love and I will promise you everyday the same thing. One word. Forever
Pile 6
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I want you to understand that love was never meant to be easy people fight people make mistakes people walk out and then run back but when it comes to love there is no limit to what you do for one another to protect to provide to profess it's a lot harder to stay together then to fall apart, but for our love for one another being unconditional will make it worth every second But I want you to know and understand that at the end of the day I want it to be you and me I want your early mornings I want your late night I want you on your good days even more on your bad it is like I am yours the way the sea belongs to the moon the way the moon belongs to the sky and even if the jealous stars break and shatter upon the Milky way I will still see heaven in your eyes. *This is a poem written by Mark Anthony*
Thank you so much for reading this PAC. Please remember that this is only for entertainment purposes.
Masterlist : here
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infipretty · 2 years
𝐅𝐭. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒 <𝟑
Enjoyyy and don't forget to leave a feedback 👹 | My other PACs
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If a hot shot of expresso was a person. Energetic and lively. Same vibes as a workaholic dark academician. Popular, known and sarcastic. Glasses/specs and well kept hair. A dressing game so strong that turn heads and a walk that radiates power. Strong wit and even stronger way with words. They have a lot of admirers but they try to ignore all that admiration that they get, they don't find 'love' to be interesting at all, or even to be real. Very focused, driven and a social person. They keep on downplaying themselves which is what keeps them reaching for stars, in their opinion. They might not be even looking for love when y'all meet, your first meeting with them will be as cliché as it can get. One look and a conversation with you and all those love songs will start making sense to them. They might have a wounded inner child that will start to heal when you enter their life. You will be a catalyst in their transformation journey. Once you're theirs, they will let the whole world know, they will always proudly claim you to be theirs. Will give you practical solutions but only after they comfort you enough. Endless debates and movies nights with them. They will look upto you in so many ways, will make sure that you don't feel neglected or less important in any way. Quite analytical, detached and practical in front of people but with you, they are their rawest self. Coffee dates and endless future plans. Y'alls story with them will be built upon trust and communication, they might even open up to you about stuff they haven't opened up to anyone before. Wrist watches and holding hands. Whether or not you end up with this person, they will give you a new perspective of love and will erase any memory of previous lovers and heartbreaks that you may have had. They will show you love in ways that will make you question the definition of love altogether. Might be a lil freaky as well.
Plausible astrological placements: Major virgo placements in big 6. Water sun. Mercury and sun dominant. Aries placements. 1st houser. 10th houser. Earth (capricorn) rising. Earth dominant. 6th house placements. Mercury aspects with sun and venus. Jupiter dom. Sagittarius placements. Air mars. Air dominant.
If a cup of hot chocolate after a long, tiring day was a person. Brown hair and strong physique with veiny hands. Almond like eyes which shines the brightest when they smile. They have the most dazzling smile in the room that can sweep anyone off their feet and they have the warmest hug to offer. A pretty face and a prettier heart. Flirtatious personality but lowkey a downbad loverboy/girl. This person gives me the ultimate golden retriever energy, they have the ability to turn your tears of sorrow into tears of joy in no time. A giver and a provider. Slow dances and eye contacts. They will nurture you like no other and will shower you with the kind of love that you have never experienced before. You will be enchanted from the moment you see them, they will make you experience the kind of love that you thought only existed in the fairytales. You both come from different worlds but regardless, you guys do belong together. Every action and word of theirs will speak to you, specifically screaming of how much they love you. They will listen to your each and every rant. Will smother you with love and kisses. You're their muse and heart. The type to keep your picture in their wallet/back of their phone. An ambivert who loves to party but needs their personal space. Stargazing and holding hands. Guarded and focused for the world they might be but for you, they are just a cheesy lover who's down bad in love. Constant and random declarations of love in private, not so much into PDA but enough to make everyone know that you're theirs. Will fight anyone and everything that might come between you two. A feminine type of person, if they identify as male then probably, a feminist. Will always push you towards growth and prosperity. Quite touchy and funny. The same vibes as 'paper rings' by Taylor swift, just from their pov.
Plausible astrological placements : Taurus / Libra / leo rising and/or venus. Capricorn Moon or earth moon. Water / fire mercury. Venus - pluto aspects. Neptune in the 1st house. Mercury - moon aspects. Scorpio/Capricorn sun. 3rd house placements. 7th house placements. 2nd house placements.
If 'dark red' by Steve Lacy and 'I wanna be yours' by Arctic monkeys were a person. Resting bitch face, strong aura and dark eyes. Leather jackets and fluffy messy hair. Playful gaze and an awfully attractive smirk. Cold looks, warm heart. This person reminds me of a lotus, they open up petal by petal as they get more enchanting with each petal opening up. They have walls built around them, they might be in their redemption arc period when they meet you which is why you guys might not hit it off right off the bat. Not necessarily enemies to lovers but you guys may not click initially. Rings and silver chains. Watches, bikes and books. They have a vivid perspectives of life and an aura that charms many but they only have their eyes on you. Conventionally attractive, almost vampire like beauty. The kind to gift you Handwritten confessions of love and make playlists that reminds them of you. Highkey possessive but not controlling, they'll let the world know that they are taken. Matching necklaces and unfiltered conversations. They might be skeptical in the beginning but they will get serious soon. Wants to protect you at all cost but also wants to be your little baby. Someone introverted who doesn't like to reveal too much about themself. Late night drives and stolen kisses. The type to worship the ground you walk on after they stop playfully mocking you. They see their world in your eyes, you bring out a side of theirs they never thought existed. Forehead kisses and late night conversations. They have a high sexual drive, if you're sexually active too, expect a lot of love making and random make out sessions. The type to fall too hard, wouldn't even look at anyone else as long as they are with you. Your smile, your happiness matters the most to them. You make them happy. Sunshine × grumpy and/or opposite attracts? A Hopeless romantic, for sure.
Plausible astrological placements : Water - earth dominant. 8th houser. Major Scorpio placements. Air mercury. Water rising. Gemini or air sun. Pisces or water moon. Sun - pluto aspects. Sun - rising aspects. Scorpio or fire rising. Capricorn venus. 5th house placements. 9th house placements. 10th house placements.
© Infipretty
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cosmictulips · 1 year
I'm Wishing... For the One I Love... to find me...today (PAC)
So this fun pac is all about Your Future Spouse & When You'll be meeting them.
Close your eyes and pick a disney princess ;) --- as always if you want more pacs feel free to follow me. I'm trying to be more active this year. and uhm, yea. this is part one of a series that I'm doing.
I am also open to doing exchanges and paid tarot readings. for more info feel free to look on my blog or reach out.
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Coincidently, they are also in order of which they came out.
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My pile 1's !
Who This Person Is ::
The Magician, the Hierophant, King of Swords, 10 of Pentacles, 09 of Swords, 05 of Pentacles
Yea so, this person is having it rough right now. they could come a rather difficult life, but regardless of whether or not it's a rough life or just a period, the thing to know about them is that they don't quit. they will work themselves to death if it means they can achieve their goals. they are very hard on themselves and will keep pushing and beating on a dead horse. they simply have a hard time letting go.
they are very intelligent people and because of that, they've been able to work smarter not harder ;) they have a strong foundation but -and I really can't emphasize this enough-, they really had to work at it. the money that they have, the friendships, connections, etc. came from a long line of suffering. dare I suggest this person has heavy saturn or pluto influence. just fixed energy comes from this person.
they are stubborn, they are witty, and blunt. but they are also soft and very wise. they aren't a boulder, they will move mountains. despite this anxiety that I'm picking up on, they are a marshmellow. they believe in the best and they believe that they deserve nothing but the best. and they believe that to be the case with everyone. this person is hard on others because they see the potential and want to push you to be better.
they are a giver. they will give you everything if it meant that you will fly. they've had to learn the hard way that you can't just give everything away. so don't be surprised if they come off as closed off to you. they lack alot in this life time but they know they can achieve greatness.
I think the fear of abandonment and never having enough to survive, drives them forward. they get in their head a lot. they are probably their own worst enemey to be honest. Taurus energy is coming through strongly but that's because I'm picking up on homebody vibes. this person likes to cook. likes to be surrounded by like minded individuals and things that make them happy.
there's a tendency to relax only when their body is ready to give out. they are stubborrrnnnnn. I can't stress that enough. they'll tell you to go shower and sleep but they'll never sleep and never shower because they're just too focused on what is ahead of them haha. definitely the type to be like "do as I say not as I do".
wouldn't be surprised if this person has some sort of management job or is doing their own thing. they're destined to have it all in this life time and they know it. I'm seeing someone with an intense stare, so definitely, don't.... be too shy around them. they will see your nervousness and feel anxious about it. they'll want to spoil you and protect you. definitely a lot of masculine, just strong energy here. even if it is a female.
they're also intuitive as heck but I think they let the worries get to them. they think that ... by branching out and thinking "illogically" will just hurt them so they try to stick to what they know. so you might have to change that way. they want to believe in stuff like Tarot, but their rationality will talk them out all the time. so get them into it lol.
if you can get them out of their head, and you will cause they're your person, you'll see a very loving, and spontaneous side to them. someone good with their words and loves to laugh. they have a smile that just lights up the sky bruh. it's so cute.
When You Two Will Meet ::
sooo I'm getting May -June, September- October. these can be birthdays, these can be literal months that you two meet. I'm also hearing gemini season which I think further throws May into the mix haha.
You two are going to be in a situation where you will talk... a lot. maybe someone introduces you two, maybe you both are late for the train and miss it and have to wait for another one. regardless, I see one of you making idle chat and then you both just go off . this person is extremely easy to talk to despite their kind of nonchalant gaze. and I feel like it's one of those things where you two will just keep running into each other.
I did pick up on other people being around so I have a funny feeling it's a public place. a party, a museum, idk. just someplace where you both might be thinking you're talking to your friends but it turns out it's each other. or you both just... it's perfect timing to be honest.
ALSO you could be meeting via a dating app. something about texting. I see a lot of texting and talking online.
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My Pile 2's !
Who They Are ::
The High Priestess, The Magician, The Lovers, King of Wands, Queen of Swords, Page of Wands, 07 of Cups, 03 of Pentacles
so. this persons energy really wanted me to stress just how different they are to other people. strong neptune energy. they are like "I'm adaptable, I can do whatever you ask me to do and I'll still be me". so really, just strong mutable placements.
this person is kind of lucky. when I was getting the cards out for this, I kind of kept laughing. this person really has a great sense of humor and just enjoys being around things and people and places. travelers. probably the type to know a lot of weird things. like a lot, but of niche things haha. great conversationalists.
Very romantic people. might be a bit of a flirt. really good at getting what they want. they tend to bring good luck wherever they go. not the type to really be argumentive or defensive, but they sure as hell can be. they know how harsh the world is and they try not to let it get to them. they try not to use their words as a weapon. but they are sharp. don't let that happy go lucky attitude fool you.
they may be a bit indecisive. they like to do a lot of things... at once. maybe they have ADHD. they just like to see people smile. type to just go on spontanious roadtrips haha. they are very intutiive and I have a funny feeling that they might be into the mysical and the paranormal. I mean, with their wandering mind, they probably are.
definitely daredevils. I hear... that some of them might be good at baking. gardening. they take care of things. they're gentle souls. I feel like they're a gemini lol. maybe they have strong gemini placements or something. mercurial for sure.
people love to be around them. I think they're just good at getting others to work together. could be popular but to be honest with you, I think they're just talkative haha. people could just want to hang out with them. like, I see them knowing people, but very few actually get close to them. talkative, but ...secretive. ya know what I mean?
definitely some leo vibes going on. but, not arrogant. they just know how to have a good time and not take things too seriously. unless they need to.
I think... as for jobs, they might be inclined to help people. teaching, medical type stuff, theater even. music. they just... LIKE TO DO THINGS IDK. some of them might even do more mystical things haha.
When You Two Will Meet ::
some of you will meet around five months from now. the thing about the meeting is, I'm seeing you two meet during a time of... not necessarily failure but just saddness. maybe something doesn't really work out, maybe you're in the middle of a healing journey or they are. but they are just... sad. grieving.
maybe there's just some extesential dread. did I spell that right? dread lol. I think honestly, this has to do with the fact that while they are surrounded by people and are liked, they don't feel connected. and so when they meet you, they're going to be so inclined to be with you instantly. you two are like souls who are meant to meet. and they'll know it right away.
anyway, I see a rainy season. so maybe summer is important here. spring too but I really think it's summer.
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My Sweet 3's!
Who They Are ::
The World, Strength, The Lovers, 09 of Pentacles, 02 of Wands, 02 of Cups
The first thing that came to my mind was just how much of a romantic this person is. they just have a zest for life. this person is also very independent and they enjoy just doing things that make them happy. I keep hearing nature, so I think this person might like to go hiking and being around animals. I'm seeing lots of trees in particular. I think they just like to be introvert haha.
they have a vivid imagination. they like to plan, and daydream and are very artisitic in their expression. very forgiving people. they have a very soft but calm vibe. I think this person tries not to let things get to them. they ... kind of struggle with self confidence. I'm getting this message that some of them really struggled a bit growing up and now they just... glow. they're used to handling things on their own.
It's kind of like number one and two. this person is very balanced. they have big ideas and they want to puruse them but I think things just keep falling out of place. they get stuck in their own minds about it but it hasn't stopped them just yet. they keep trying.
they have this strong gut instinct that something big is out there waiting for them. they're serious but also like... they tend to goof around. they know what they're looking for and won't settle for anything less. but the execution in their ideas, might need a little help.
they're very striaghtforward in their speech. people are very interested in what they have to say and I think it's because they don't say much. it's funny cause I feel like this person is just coasting by right now. like doing a "low end" job. but it's because they are aiming for the larger stuff. they're waiting for their time to shine. they're patient. it's honestly fascinating. they know something is going to happen. and they're not slowing down, but they know enough to wait.
very strong minded, wise and mature. capricorn energy is what I'm getting here but also aquarius and virgo. detail oriented.
When You Two Will Meet ::
August and September is kind of the time frame I'm getting here. I think also capricorn and virgo season is important here. this relationship is going to take time to develop. this person is very secure in who they are and they want to romance you. winter is also coming to mind but that kind of hits home with the capricorn season haha.
Idk, there's not much to say about this person and timing. they're quiet. but it's not a bad thing.
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misty-howler · 2 years
Your Next 3 Months... (Timeless)
Hello everybody 🌸 Welcome to another Pick a card reading. This is an old pac I did on my lost and forgotten account @luminarygirl (R.I.P) but my heartiest thanks to @pyramerex for retrieving a few of my posts. I really love you for what you have done for me. Thank you ❤️
DISCLAIMER : All my Readings are for entertainment purposes only and it is a general reading so it may or may not resonate.
I hope you enjoy your time here:) Please choose your pile intuitively...
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Pile 1
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Cards : The fool; The magician and nine of swords
First Month : The Fool
I see that you will be, in this month, embarking on something new. It could be honestly anything as it is a general reading it could be someone new entering your life or you moving out of your house or you just going to visit some place you have never been before. That is the main highlight of the month for you. Whatever it is there is this feeling of newness. Some of you could even be starting up your own business whatever it is. It has something to do with taking risk and the universe is telling you that take this risk. Take the leap of faith as everything will turn into your favour at the end of the day. In short a new beginning is coming to you.
Second Month : The Magician
In the second month, you are manifesting your dreams into reality and the universe is saying keep going and dream big because I see your manifestations coming true due to the willpower and hard work you are putting. Mostly in the second month you will be manifesting what you want from the universe in this new journey of yours.
Third Month : Nine of swords
In the third month you might have sleeping problems and maybe something went wrong and you are worrying about it. The person in the card looks like they just woke up in the middle of the night due to something uncomforting so it is possible that you might have nightmares about something. Mostly I see that there is some person or people who are holding you back trying to tell you that your life is more negative than positive. Don't listen to these people because the first two month are so beautiful. So, just take some time alone sit with yourself and think what you are doing is wrong or right according to you.
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Pile 2
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Cards : nine of wands;seven of wands and the lovers.
First Month : Nine of Wands
In the first month I see that you might fear the future. overthink it a lot like what is gonna happen? it is going to work out or not? am I gonna get this grade? or will I get into this university? but worrying about future doesn't help. I mean you can't just predict it accurately no matter what. So why to worry about it. You know universe will never give you something that you can't deal with. Enjoy the moment you are in and don't worry about the future. We have daydreamers here as well it is good to daydream but not all the time you have to see the reality and you have to be in this world as well. Be careful and step out of your comfy bubble.
Second Month : Seven of wands
You started something new in the second month it could be a new business or you just started a new job or a new hobby it could be anything. Do you expect it to grow fast and just explode with whatever it requires that is not how it works you have to be patient with the universe You can manifest it but you have to give some time it just can't overflow and happen within a night. I know this could be overwhelming but don't get discouraged take a small break and start again it would help.
Third Month : The lovers
Do I even have to explain it but for this pile I see it is more of like something related to your career it could also be that you are coming into a new relationship which is very passionate right off the bat but for some of you it is also possible that the new business you started is growing because now you are passionate about it. you know the worth of what you are doing and that is the reason it is growing. It only doesn't have to be a business maybe a hobby or a project.
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Pile 3
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Cards : Wheel of fortune;the world and justice.
First of all you got all three major arcanas. So it is possible that these three months hold a lot of importance in your life. Be careful although I don't see anything going wrong here but still.
First Month : Wheel of fortune
Life is about to get exciting. There are some big changes coming your way. Whatever you have been asking for from the universe it is being manifested in a positive way. I see you getting so many opportunities in this first month. So, I can't predict everything but all I have to say is stay flexible and till the time you are flexible everything will turn out in your favour.
Second Month : The world
Sheesh. So much positivity. your second month is gonna go brilliant you are on the right track and your spirit guides are asking you to keep going. I see you are gonna enter a new cycle of your life and a wish is gonna get fulfilled. There might be some travel involved maybe you are going overseas or just changing City or you are going on a vacation is also possible. But everything is going great for you pile 3.
Third Month : Justice
Now in the third month you guys might get a little dreamy. This card is warning you to stay balanced and I see that there might be some problem maybe in your friend circle or in your family where you will be asked for your opinion. So don't rush with the decision listen to both the parties and try to understand the feelings and everything weight other people's opinions with the opinions you have. You can take help of someone who is older than you. Everything will work out if you have good faith and you genuinely would want the problem to solve the problem then the lady justice will reward you with a solution.
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Pile 4
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Cards : three of cups; the Empress and king of cups.
First Month : Three of cups
I am seeing that you will take a break from your work life because a balance between personal and professional life is very important and you understand that. It is possible that you will run into an old friend whom you have not met since ages. Maybe you are gonna go to a party or a wedding or reunion where you are gonna meet new people, old people, so many people and that is the highlight of your first month.
Second Month : The Empress
In the second month thier are definitely some pleasures coming your way. And you are about to manifest your desires. I see good fortune coming your way. The Empress is that one card which represents abundance in all fields. There might be a news of pregnancy in the second month it doesn't have to be you it could be someone who is close to you as well. Things are about to get good in second month.
Third Month : King of Cups
Pile 4 in the third month you will be looking for someone who can help you. probably someone older than you maybe in your assignments or in your project. Because maybe you are lacking behind of the break you took. I see you having a happy and balanced life after you have find this person. Now it is not necessary that this person is someone new. It could be your old friend or maybe a relative or a senior it has to be someone who can help you.
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I hope you enjoyed the reading:)
🔗 To The Masterlist
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beiker · 2 years
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ㅤ ㅤ exo members are my 남성 nam · seong :
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ㅤ ㅤ home /hōm/ : refuge, comfort place 🪐
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fluffy-bluffy · 2 years
Their feelings towards you
Choose your pile intuitively. Close your eyes take a deep breath and choose your pile.
DISCLAIMER : These readings are only for entertainment purposes. And as it is a general reading it may or may not resonate with you.
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Pile 1
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They definitely have romantic feelings for you and they feel pretty deeply and intensely connected to you but the thing is that they have this urge to control you and it could be quite possible that they are very protective over you because for then you are like a trophy to be won you are so precious to them they just want to you keep you to just themselves and not show to anybody else I am getting this very protective masculine energy irrespective of the gender.
Pile 2
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For pile 2, I see that the person you're talking about might have romantic feelings for you but due to to some reasons he/she is keeping those feelings to themselves the possible reason might be because they feel very control and diplomatic when you are around. It is also possible that they might have never thought they might have feelings for you and like feelings for you were a sudden surprise to them or maybe you weren't expecting me to say that they have romantic feelings for you and you are in this surprised that they have romantic feelings for you. so the definitely have romantic feelings for you but they are keeping it to themselves.
Pile 3
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I think pile 3 is for the people who are already in a relationship and may be asking for their partner I see pile 3 that your partner thinks that it is over and even if it is not over still he/she thinks it is and there is no way they want to unsee it.but then you got the high priestess so they are thinking about this connection deeply they really think that you have something with them like you know some spiritual connection but they really want to think about it and they are deeply thinking about it I cannot tell what they are feeling with high priestess as it is a card where things are uncertain. As if right now they think that it is over.
while I was writing this post my throat got a little itchy so I think they're might be communication problems in your relationship or it is possible that you are in a no contact situation.
Pile 4
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Pile no. 4 I think your person is feeling alone right now although they are happy that they got some alone time. When they get out of this hermit mode they would be focusing on themselves and if you are asking about a love interest then I am really sorry Honey there are high chances that they are not interested in you because they are right now feeling very much protective and guarded to themselves and they just do not want to let their guard down.
If you look at the chariot card on where there is a heart of the person whose riding on the chariot he is protecting it with those blades because he doesn't have time for romantic interest he is feeling so much will power right now that is why I don't think so if your asking about a love interest this is gonna work.
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I hope you enjoyed your reading ✨
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