#paperstorm writes
paperstorm · 1 month
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A story of nine pivotal moments in Carlos's life, and nine times his best friend was there beside him.
Rating: T Pairing: Carlos & Iris Chapters: 9 Other characters: Michelle Blake, Luisa Reyes, Andrea Reyes, Gabriel Reyes, Theresa Blake Additional tags: Pre-canon, coming out, friendship, canon compliant, mental health issues, unreliable narrators
Chapter 1: nine. Chapter 2: eleven. Chapter 3: fourteen. Chapter 4: fifteen. Chapter 5: sixteen. Chapter 6: seventeen. Chapter 7: nineteen. Chapter 8: twenty-two. Chapter 9: twenty-eight.
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strandnreyes · 24 days
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thanks @welcometololaland @beautifulhigh @sznofthesticks @heartstringsduet !
“I’m sorry, your honor, but I’m not sure how I fit into all of this.”
Owen takes an audible inhale, seemingly remembering where he is. He grows more professional, nodding once, and Carlos can easily see how he commands a room. “I see your skill. Your loyalty. And I have a new position for you, if you’re willing.”
Carlos frowns. “What is it?”
“Head guard for the prince,” Owen tells him, and Carlos nearly chokes on his tea. “You’ll have a room in the palace right next to his and it’ll be your duty to ensure his safety all hours of the day.”
“Um…” he says with an unsteady voice. Owen has an expectant smile—like Carlos should be overjoyed at the offer—but he feels like Owen has the wrong guy. “I’ve never been a guard. I don’t have any training.”
“Your father was an excellent one. You showed me last night that it’s in your blood,” Owen answers automatically, and Carlos swallows hard.
tagging @alrightbuckaroo @bonheur-cafe @basilsunrise @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses
@carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @freneticfloetry @doublel27 @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @paperstorm @reyesstrand
@rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @theghostofashton @tellmegoodbye @safeaswrites + open tag!
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 days
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Thank you for the tag @honeybee-taskforce 🩷🩷🩷
This is a Work is Published snippet because I didn't get to tease my chapter of The Wonder of It while it was top secret for @thisbuildinghasfeelings' birthday. Excited to start sharing from my actual WIP Poet Fic again in due course!
“Babe, I’m–” In the same moment, with a ragged cry, Carlos thrusts with a pounding force and fills TK up.
Mutual orgasm is always the intention, but usually, like this, it happens by chance.
Carlos flattens on top of him, burying his face in his neck as the tears flow. He’s making faraway noises that could be words, something that makes TK think of music from another room, a misheard lyric.
“Babe?” TK prompts, tightly hugging his trembling fiance, “You still with me?”
After a moment, some clarity. Carlos’ wet, exhausted voice saying, “That was fucking amazing.”
“Yeah, it was.”
TK lifts his hips a little, the best he can beneath Carlos pinning him to the mattress. He’s still inside TK, still hard, still jolting. Everything in Carlos right now is coming out, which is what TK wanted.
Read chapter 1 and 2 on Ao3. Tags below!:
@nancys-braids @captain-gillian @safeaswrites @literateowl
@fallout-mars @kiwichaeng @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @carlos-tk @vineofroses
@three-drink-amy @tellmegoodbye @orchidscript
@herefortarlos @sugdenlovesdingle @theghostofashton @freneticfloetry
@lemonlyman-dotcom @chicgeekgirl89 @sanjuwrites
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @alrightbuckaroo
@liminalmemories21 @heartstringsduet @never-blooms
@ladytessa74 @rmd-writes @welcometololaland
@lightningboltreader @goodways @paperstorm
@reyesstrand @strandnreyes @bonheur-cafe
@thisbuildinghasfeelings - if you want to share/haven't already! No pressure ever!
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Good Wednesday to you all! True to form, I’m bringing all the angst today…👀
“Did he tell you his name?” Carlos asks. He schools his tone, infuses so much softness into it just to mask the breathless jackhammer of his pulse. TK is quiet, hunched over on the couch with a spare basin clutched to his chest, head bent over it in case he needs to vomit again. It would be the third time tonight, by his own account, but the first since Paul brought him back home. The loft is quiet, the air so still it feels thin and difficult. The only cacophony is in Carlos himself, anguish and sympathy in the whir of his blood, fingers shaking as he rubs TK’s back. He swallows the rage at the back of his throat, pretends he cannot taste it, that it isn’t making his teeth ache.
But it is.
“Baby?” He prompts gently — so gently — and TK twists softly away from his touch. He looks small like this; depleted; withdrawn.
“Stop,” TK breathes, shaking his head with an audible swallow. Carlos halts immediately. “It’s gonna make me throw up.”
Carlos lifts his hand from TK’s back. He lowers it into his own lap instead and curls his fingers into a trembling fist. If only Carlos had been there tonight. Maybe all of this could have been avoided. Or maybe it couldn’t. Maybe he could have used this fist when it was needed, and the person who targeted his husband would never have gotten away.
No pressure tags under the cut 💛
@ambiguouspenny @birdclowns @bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk
@catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @eclectic-sassycoweyes @fitzherbertssmolder @goodways
@heartstringsduet @herefortarlos @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @jesuisici33 @literateowl
@lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom @louis-ii-reyes-strand @mooshkat
@noxsoulmate @nancys-braids @never-blooms @orchidscript @paperstorm
@rmd-writes @reasonandfaithinharmony @reyesstrand @sugdenlovesdingle @strandnreyes
@sanjuwrites @safeaswrites @three-drink-amy @tellmegoodbye @theghostofashton
@thebumblecee @vineofroses @welcometololaland @chaotictarlos @alrightbuckaroo
@fallout-mars @thisbuildinghasfeelings
&YOU if you’re not tagged and wanna play!
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liminalmemories21 · 2 months
Some Number of Sentence Sunday
tagged by @paperstorm, @sanjuwrites, @strandnreyes, @carlos-in-glasses, @three-drink-amy, @freneticfloetry, @bonheur-cafe. Thank you!
He calls TK from the car. “I’m being followed.”  He peers in the rear view mirror and rolls his eyes.  “Badly.” TK snorts.  “Would you like a more competent criminal?” He turns on his blinker for the turn back to the hotel.  “Yes.  You were always competent.  It’s why Matt liked you.” TK makes an outraged noise. “Excuse you.  I was more than competent.  I was a fucking master of my craft.”  Carlos grins and pulls into the garage. “I’m about to lose service.” TK sobers abruptly.  “I can’t tell you to stay safe, but promise me you’ll be careful.” He can’t really promise that either.  “I promise I will come home to you.”  It’s the same promise TK has made him three times now, and he’s come back to Carlos every time.  It feels like a good luck charm.
tagging @carlos-tk, @rmd-writes, @jesuisici33, @herefortarlos, @lightningboltreader, and @chicgeekgirl89
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heartstringsduet · 3 days
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Happy Sunday <3 Have a snippet of the prompt I work on for 911actions that definitely does not stay this tame for long.
Thanks for tagging me @honeybee-taskforce @carlos-in-glasses
For a moment, Carlos nearly forgets. It’s a stasis, something like a deep stretch after a work out, where endorphins live in each cell. But then it’s like a muscle twitches alive again and he singularly living in that feeling for the moment it sings.
He grips the kitchen counter and breathes through the heat of it. It won’t be for a while that he forgets, half a mind still in that spot, half a mind on the meal he’s back to preparing. The fresh oregano he grows on the window sill wafts in the air and clings to his hands while the tomato soup gently simmers away. It’s a simple dish. It’s what he could muster up, something homemade and tasty but nothing with too many ingredients or steps.
This way, when Carlos’ attention slips -- and oh it slips -- he’s allowed to keel over for a second. By the time the front door rattles open, the soup has been needlessly stirred for too long to give him a task.
TK doesn’t greet him.
Carlos doesn’t dare look over. This way he is forced to listen to the sounds of his love arriving, every single one cataloged.
@emsprovisions @herefortarlos @rmd-writes @welcometololaland
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @paperstorm @thisbuildinghasfeelings
@ladytessa74 @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @safeaswrites
@kiwichaeng @thebumblecee @liminalmemories21 @decafdino
@carlos-tk @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @goodways
@lightningboltreader @americansrequiems @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @nancys-braids
@orchidscript @never-blooms @freneticfloetry @ironheartwriter @tellmegoodbye
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jesuisici33 · 28 days
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @diazsdimples @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @paperstorm @wikiangela @tizniz nothing's really sticking writing wise atm so here's another wip I just started. a 5 times buck didn't realize he was bi/had feelings for men and 1 time he did
One day when he’s thirteen, Buck finds a book on cool skills to impress girls. 
No really, that’s the title of the book. Learn 100 Cool Skills to Impress Girls. Right there in the middle grade section. It was full of things like how to make an origami crane, funny jokes, card tricks, how to do a British accent, things like that. It also showed Buck how to pick locks. Which he got really good at. He practiced this skill on his parents’ liquor cabinet, at first while they weren’t looking. Then when they were looking just to see how long it would take them to notice what he’s doing. 
Anyways, it led to Buck creating new skills and a record of picking locks at roughly ten seconds on average. 
Which came in handy one night at a party Mike was throwing when Buck was in high school. Buck became the cool guy, the star of the basketball team. Even though he secretly hated the sport – he only did it because Mike was on the team and they were friends. And his cool party tricks became pretty well-known throughout school. Along with the fact that he’ll do just about any dumb stunt a person can think of. 
Mike is swearing up a storm, apparently his parents took the key to the liquor cabinet before heading off to their mini-vacation earlier that day. “It’s like they don’t even trust me, man!” He sighs to Buck. “You don’t happen to have a fake ID on you, do you?”
Buck does have a fake ID on him, actually. But something in him hesitates before confirming that to Mike. Instead, he takes an old bobby pin lying on the coffee table and heads over to where the liquor cabinet is. He gives Mike his signature megawatt smile as he easily navigates the lock mechanism and opens the cabinet in no time.
Mike’s brown eyes are as wide as saucers and his mouth is open in shock. “Dude, that was totally badass, where’d you learn to do that?”
Buck blushes and shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. “I have my ways.” He grabs a bottle of vodka and holds it up for Mike’s approval. “Now let’s get these drinks ready before the other guests arrive.
tagging @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1
@theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings
@loserdiaz @bidisasterevankinard @saybiwithme @shyaudacity @epicbuddieficrecs @liminalmemories21
@pirrusstuff @your-catfish-friend @aroeddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz @kinard-buckley
@carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @wildlife4life @daffi-990
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reyesstrand · 28 days
wip wednesday
ty for the tags @thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @whatsintheboxmh @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes @sznofthesticks @tommy-kinard-buckley @americansrequiems @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo :-)
“Just kiss me, Carlos,” TK murmurs, his eyes shiny in the low light, the sharp angle of his jaw accentuated by stubble and the flickering shadows from their movie. The plea makes Carlos ache, deep down, as he thinks about how long it’s been since he felt TK’s mouth on his. The solar storm, at least. They’ve been dancing around what they are ever since, texting always and TK’s voice filling his ear from the bluetooth speaker in his car when he asks if it’s okay to call and complain about doctor’s orders when Carlos is driving home from work in rush-hour traffic. Travis County is still coming back together at the seams after the blackouts and the accidents they caused, and Carlos can’t help but to feel like he and TK have been moving at the same careful speed. TK’s voice captures his attention again. “We don’t have to do anything, I just can’t stop thinking about—”
Carlos doesn’t let him finish. His palm fits perfectly at the back of TK’s neck, and he’s a little firm with his grip, pulling the other man’s face toward him as he gently encourages TK to fall forward into the frame of his open legs. Their lips meet just as easy as the first time; the turn of their heads, the slide of their tongues. TK’s body falls a little more into Carlos’ and Carlos slides his free hand down the length of TK’s back, fisting the thick material of his hoodie before meeting the smooth fabric of his gym shorts, savouring the little jut of his hipbone as his hand spreads down to the swell of his ass. TK exhales sharply when he touches him, angling his head to the side as he presses fingertips into Carlos’ jaw to deepen their kiss. Carlos’ hand moves again, travelling on its own accord, gently touching TK’s knee and squeezing the meat of his thigh and getting his leg to bend so he’s pulled even more flush against Carlos’ body.
“Like that?” Carlos asks, his voice a little rough as he speaks into TK’s mouth, never wanting to drift apart.
no pressure tagging @safeaswrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @vineofroses @freneticfloetry @terramous @welcometololaland @rmd-writes & open tag!
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paperstorm · 5 months
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Missing Moments
Season Three
A series of canon compliant tags and a continuing storyline that follows along with the show but digs deeper into TK and Carlos’s relationship, their individual struggles, and the love they build together.
Find links to individual stories below, or read the whole collection at the link above.
3x1 - Imperfect pieces pulling at the glue (T)
3x2 - Up in smoke (E)
3x3 - Wayfaring stranger (T)
3x4 - Homeward bound (T)
3x5 - Reconstruction (M)
3x6 - All these sacred melodies (E)
3x7 - Everest to Mariana (E)
3x8 - "You have one new message..." (M)
3x9 - Cracks begin to show (T)
season one fics season two fics
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strandnreyes · 21 days
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thank you @tellmegoodbye :)
“I think we can skip the pleasantries considering you’ll practically be glued to my hip, following me to the library and the dining room and probably the toilet, judging by how dramatic my dad is being about this whole thing.”
“I think you can manage the toilet on your own,” Carlos deadpans. Tyler’s pencil stops scratching along his page, like he wasn’t expecting that, and Carlos continues on before he has another comment to make. “Your father is being cautious. I won’t sugarcoat it; he thinks your life is in danger. If anyone would know, it’d be him.”
“Great, another suck up to the king,” Tyler mutters. He snaps his sketchbook shut and swings his leg to the floor. When he stands, Carlos feels the need to take a step back so they’re not nose to nose. Tyler is taller than he remembers, challenging Carlos’ height. “And what do you know about saving my life from danger?” he assesses, eyeing Carlos.
He’s momentarily distracted from answering the question. Carlos has never seen Tyler this up close before. His eyes are impossibly green, fanned by dark, luscious lashes. He remembers why he had a massive crush on the prince growing up. It’s impossible to forget when he’s staring at Tyler’s puffy lips and prominent cheekbones. He’s like something plucked from a fairytale.
He takes Carlos’ breath away before he recalls who this is and what their relationship entails. Every bit of their interaction today has shown Carlos exactly why that crush died.
tagging @alrightbuckaroo @whatsintheboxmh @welcometololaland @thisbuildinghasfeelings
@theghostofashton @three-drink-amy @reyesstrand @rmd-writes
@sznofthesticks @safeaswrites @freneticfloetry @doublel27
@heartstringsduet @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @chicgeekgirl89
@carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @basilsunrise
@bonheur-cafe @eclectic-sassycoweyes @paperstorm @orchidscript @fitzherbertssmolder + open tag!!
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whatsintheboxmh · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
thank you for the tagging!@carlos-tk @strandnreyes @paperstorm 
@lemonlyman-dotcom  @heartstringsduet
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Like my latest painting, Camaro art
It's just an idea, so it could be something completely different? Where is Austin's beautiful landscape? The windowscape is the most chalengnig.
And a time lapse of this art
I think the couch is my favourite. At first it looked like a rock, so I looked at the reference and tried my best to draw it.
The cover of the book on the low table is this art, but can't see it lol
tagging and open tag
@lightningboltreader @lemonlyman-dotcom @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@vineofroses @theghostofashton @fallout-mars
@herefortarlos @honeybee-taskforce @ladytessa74
@liminalmemories21 @freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89
@carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@noxsoulmate @never-blooms @reyesstrand
@rmd-writes @goodways @bonheur-cafe
@alrightbuckaroo @orchidscript @welcometololaland
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @sznofthesticks
@heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses
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carlos-in-glasses · 7 days
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Thank you for the tag lovely and gorgeous @honeybee-taskforce @tellmegoodbye @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @heartstringsduet
@paperstorm @goodways @bonheur-cafe @lemonlyman-dotcom
@ladytessa74 @whatsintheboxmh @alrightbuckaroo @reyesstrand
This is from my chapter (chaoter 2) of The Wonder Of It, a collaboration with Lemon and Tessa for @thisbuildinghasfeelings birthday 🧡
Chapter 2 coming tomorrow! You can read Lemon's chapter 1 here on Ao3 now :) and a snippet from Tessa's chapter is here.
“Is this what you need?” TK had asked outright. He’d meant to say want but need just came out.
“So much,” Carlos answered, “Do you? Is it okay if we–?” There was a tremor of fear in his voice – and sweetness. “Because only if you want to?” 
Carlos is everything and everywhere, sometimes. At once the most innocent person on Earth; at once someone who is going to screw TK’s brains out. 
“Yes, I need you too." TK whispered into a kiss. "I want you to come inside me.” 
Their first sex since Gabriel was killed. Their last sex before they’re married. 
Now, in…what time is it?…TK is too covered in Carlos to check his phone…but in roughly six or seven hours, he will be whisked off by Owen and together they will get ready for the wedding. Carlos will stay here at the loft, alone with his thoughts and his grief and his excitement for half an hour before Andrea arrives. She will help him with his bowtie and his cufflinks. With a steady hand, she will fold his plain white pocket square just-so. 
After a couple of minutes of TK hushing and nuzzling Carlos, Carlos extracts himself and heads to the bathroom for a washcloth, leaving TK to sprawl naked and sweaty on top of the bed, staring up at the darkness of their ceiling that their single lamplight can’t reach. He hears Carlos manage a post-orgasm pee and then potter around in the bathroom, presumably finding a clean washcloth in the caddy, which he runs beneath warm water. He returns cleaned up himself, but sniffing like he’s still trying to hold back tears. As if too exhausted for his usual level of tender aftercare, he hands TK the washcloth and starts getting back into the pajama pants and tank top he’d flung to the floor.
Usually he’ll sleep naked after sex. They both do. Carlos didn’t grow up in a naked house and prefers something on his bottom half as a rule, but sex makes him feel bolder in that way. Putting his pajamas back on straight away is a sign of vulnerability that TK recognizes. In solidarity, he puts his PJs back on too, and suddenly it’s more like a slumber party. What happens next after their very adult ‘pillow fight’ is a game of truth or dare.
Sitting on the edge of the bed on TK’s side, Carlos slumps a little, breaking his usually good posture, and drums his fingers together in his lap. He’s antsy. It makes TK antsy. Feelings pass between them so easily these days. 
Carlos’ voice breaks. “You still have a chance to get out now if you need to.”
“What?” TK sits bolt upright. “Baby, no. No. I’m serious. I told you I understood about Pablo. You weren’t in your right mind and nobody got hurt in the end. And I don’t believe for a second you’d have actually pulled the trig–”
“Not that,” Carlos cuts in, “I mean the kids thing.”
Open tag and tags below
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @nancys-braids @captain-gillian
@safeaswrites @literateowl @kiwichaeng
@fallout-mars @carlos-tk @vineofroses
@three-drink-amy @orchidscript @mikibwrites
@herefortarlos @fitzherbertssmolder @sugdenlovesdingle
@theghostofashton @freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89
@sanjuwrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @liminalmemories21
@never-blooms @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @strandnreyes
@lightningboltreader @thisbuildinghasfeelings - if you want to share/ haven't already! No pressure ever! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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Kicking us off nice and early today! With chapter one up and running, here’s something from chapter two of Live To Tell.
Not fifteen yards behind him, the only other person on this street — the man with his hood up, his head still tipped low — has come to a halt as well.
A shiver zips down his spine, a sickly tingle that echoes through him, something between trepidation and panic. It’s the kind of wariness that eats its way quickly into his stomach, that sends his heart rate ticking upwards. His heart pounds like a fist against glass, and TK stands frozen for a moment — waiting. The guy might just be lost in thought. He might not have registered TK at all. But the stranger draws his head up slowly, the glint of his eyes beneath yellow streetlight as he tracks his gaze higher — from TK’s feet and upwards over the length of his body — until, in the end, they lock gazes. TK can’t see specifics from here; not the colour of his eyes, and not the slant of his expression. But he sees without question that his stare is unblinking, and he catches the very instant in which his body pivots forwards, drawing towards TK after all.
TK forgets how to breathe.
He does not forget how to move.
No pressure tags below the cut 💛
@ambiguouspenny @birdclowns @bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk
@catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @detective-giggles @eclectic-sassycoweyes @fitzherbertssmolder
@goodways @heartstringsduet @herefortarlos @honeybee-taskforce @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@jesuisici33 @lightningboltreader @louis-ii-reyes-strand @lemonlyman-dotcom @liminalmemories21
@mooshkat @meditating-honey-badger @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @orchidscript
@paperstorm @rmd-writes @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @sanjuwrites
@alrightbuckaroo @chaotictarlos @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @three-drink-amy
@welcometololaland @wandering-night19 @freneticfloetry @vineofroses @safeaswrites
And YOU if you wanna play but aren’t tagged!
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alrightbuckaroo · 21 days
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Happy Wednesday, everyone! Have some early morning anniversary shenanigans :)
Carlos wakes to the sight of Heaven.
Green eyes that reflect the whole world are open wide and holding level with his brown ones. Brown eyes that are currently graced by the sight of Carlos’ whole world.
Daybreak is spilling through half shuttered blinds, causing the sunlight to cast itself over every thing the eye can see. Right now, the only thing Carlos wants to see, he’s already looking at.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” Carlos begins, his voice sounding ripped and rugged the way TK likes. TK inches closer and begins to softly run his fingers through Carlos’ untamed curls, his favorite variation of them.
“And you’re,” TK whispers back, his tone brazen and teasing. He pauses, feeling the touch of dark coils underneath his fingertips before whispering, intimately, “My husband.”
Carlos' smile could match the propulsion of The Big Bang.
“That’s right,” Carlos agrees, his voice taking on a tone that's doused in craving. He can feel the cold but inviting touch of TK’s wedding ring as it remains lost within the obsidian forest he gets to call hair. “I get to call you mine.”
“God, I love that way that sounds,” TK admits as a shiver courses through him. He goes to remove his hand, but Carlos captures it in his before it falls against the sheets.
He presses a tender kiss to TK’s knuckles, using that as a catalyst to pepper kisses on every inch of TK that he can see.
In the pauses between kisses, Carlos repeats the same word: mine.
Thanks for the tags:
@strandnreyes, @three-drink-amy, @sznofthesticks, @whatsintheboxmh, @lemonlyman-dotcom
@americansrequiems, @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @orchidscript and hopping on @heartstringsduet's open tag!
No pressure tagging:
@reyesstrand, @carlos-in-glasses, @carlos-tk, @thisbuildinghasfeelings, @lightningboltreader
@paperstorm, @theghostofashton, @reasonandfaithinharmony, @eclectic-sassycoweyes, @never-blooms
@nancygillianmvp, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @your-catfish-friend, @actual-sleeping-beauty
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @vineofroses, @bonheur-cafe, @basilsunrise, @sanjuwrites
@safeaswrites, @freneticfloetry, @herefortarlos, @honeybee-taskforce, @ladytessa74 and here's an open tag :)
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heartstringsduet · 7 days
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Happy Wednesday. 💞 Patting myself on the back for getting further in my editing hell and giving you some raw writing for the Fantasy AU as a treat. Thanks for tagging me @honeybee-taskforce @tellmegoodbye @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is where he could always flee to when he had to go to town. In the children's book aisle is where he met his best friend, hexing down a book from the top and shushing him when she saw she’d been caught using magic. Carlos had let asked the wind to catch the book she had dropped along her concentration and they had both sat leant against the shelf for the next hour, reading the Wizard of Oz together. 
“Look who’s still alive,” says the soft rolling voice that can melt him to this day, no magic involved.
Grace looks at him one eyebrow raised and her arms folded in front of her chest. Even in her lacy white summer dress and a dark ribbon trailing from her dark curls, she manages to appear intimidating when she wants to. And she seems very intent to now.
“Carlos Tomas Reyes, I believe you have a really good excuse for worrying your best friend?”
Shame curls tight in Carlos’ stomach but he’s known this woman for more than half his life, has avoided her precisely because she knows every last thing about him, and therefore also knows that she can never resist his pout and opening arms. A smile flickers on her lips.
She tempers it back down until he says, “I’m sorry, Gracie.”
Her arms slowly unfold and she drops into his embrace. He never understood how the strongest person he knows can feel so small in his arms. The smell of camomille, sugar and something sharply burnt wafts off her and he squeezes her tigher.
“I was this close to checking if you found yourself in the grip of the nixies or some other creature," she says. OPEN TAG &
@herefortarlos @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatsintheboxmh @paperstorm
@strandnreyes @reyesstrand @welcometololaland @rmd-writes
@kiwichaeng @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @carlos-in-glasses
@carlos-tk @decafdino @alrightbuckaroo @liminalmemories21 @orchidscript
@goodways @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @americansrequiems @safeaswrites
@lightningboltreader @emsprovisions @lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @nancys-braids
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WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag, @welcometololaland @thisbuildinghasfeelings @honeybee-taskforce 💝
This is from the upcoming chapter of my TK and Sophie fic -
2011 -
“Hi, Daddy,” Sophie said brightly as Owen opened the door.
“Oh, don’t ‘Hi, Daddy’ me,” Owen said as he gave her a hug. “Pretty sure we talked about this, Sophie Soph. Like, as in this morning, we talked about this”.
“Hey, I listened,” Sophie insisted. “I stayed in school. They were the ones who asked me to leave”.
“Well, when you [redacted], that can happen,” Gwyn said dryly.
“What?” Sophie said at the look her dad was giving her. “They were saying stuff about why TK’s not in school right now. I shouldn’t defend him?”
“Not saying that”. Owen said evenly. “I am saying there might be a way you could defend your brother and stay in school for the full day”.
“Well, we’ll know that for next time,” Sophie rolled her eyes. Her parents exchanged a long look.
“Sophie, go inside,” Gwyn said finally. “I’ll see you tomorrow”.
“’Kay,” Sophie said, heading into the apartment, leaving her parents standing out in the hall.
“I blame you,” Gwyn told Owen. “For the fact that neither of them have any impulse control”.
Owen blinked. “Well, I blame you for the fact they find loopholes in everything. And that they negotiate everything to death,” he added as an afterthought.
No pressure tagging - I tag @sznofthesticks @anewkindofme @carlos-in-glasses @nancygillianmvp
@heartstringsduet @chicgeekgirl89 @literateowl @chaotictarlos
@liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @firstprince-history-huh
@reyestrandd @bonheur-cafe @carlos-tk @actualalligator
@terramous @snowviolettwhite @lochnesswriter @fallout-mars
@vineofroses @theghostofashton @goodways @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@herefortarlos @kiankiwi @ladytessa74 @lightningboltreader
@freneticfloetry @jesuisici33 @doublel27 @mikibwrites
@basilsunrise @rmd-writes @safeaswrites @celeritas2997
@decafdino @thebumblecee @birdclowns @sugdenlovesdingle
@tellmegoodbye @alrightbuckaroo @mooshkat and anyone else who wants to do it - open tag 🫶
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