#past yandere wukong
alicedusstuff · 2 months
Un moment shadowpeach. Parceque, juste envie ^^
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Platonic yandere shadowpeach x teenager daughter dating redson
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(First ship I’ve explicitly been asked to write for. Not too surprised that it was Shadowpeach! I’ve written for Wukong and Macaque’s reaction to dating Red Son here!)
(Also, I’ve got a questionnaire if anyone would like to help me with my blog)
Platonic Yandere Shadowpeach
Sun Wukong and Macaque should; in theory, balance each other out. One is bright and forthcoming, the other is secluded and scheming. One is a glittering ray of sunshine that everyone looks towards for safety and salvation, the other a beam of moonlight slinking about unseen in the shadows.
They should get along. They’ve both got a penchant for the dramatic, and take interest in different arts- one in drawing, one in performing. The two are both fond of food and wildlife.
They should be capable of getting along.
But they don’t. Or maybe they can’t.
They’re both too arrogant, too worn, too hurt to be something healthy or happy or wholesome. Why they’ve rushed into this relationship before either had begun to heal and forgive and truly make amends is anyone’s guess, but there’s one thing you know for certain-
You’re the glue holding this ramshackle family together.
A joke long ago led to your birth, two offerings of blood thrown blasphemously into a sacred vase of jade. Wukong had laughed and pitched down a measure of fresh blood from his chest, then Macaque frowned and followed along, dropping a handful of dried flakes gathered from a wrapped wound on his head.
Neither had bothered to read beyond a scant few characters carved on the vase, speaking of ‘rituals’ and ‘blood’ and ‘growing’- and both stopped short when their eyes fell upon ‘Guanyin’, goddess of mercy and compassion.
Immediately, Wukong had started an exuberant and loud routine of sacrilege, prodding the vase and shaking it, mockingly yelling into it and pretending to be a mortal pleading futilely for help from the heavens- right before he decided to take his disrespect a bit further.
“Bud,” the Monkey King hollered excitedly, bouncing on his heels, “Come here, come here! I have a great idea!”
Macaque cautiously uncovered his ears once the yelling had stopped, trudging over to the jade-hewn vase to stand beside his partner. “Uh, Wukong… I don’t know if messing with a sacred vase is all that great of an idea-“
“Hush! Don’t be such a scaredy-cat, bud! We’re gonna toss in a little bit of blood and see how sacred this silly thing really is!”
(Macaque would come to regret many things about has past- but being swayed by Wukong to participate in this sacrilegious ritual would not be amongst the list of them.)
Their blood alike; wrenched from beside Sun’s heart and pulled from the place nearest Macaque’s brain, dripped to the very bottom of the open-mouthed vase, mixing and melding as they oozed down. The blessed container rattled once, twice- then stopped short and went still.
The sudden halt had Wukong howling with laughter, doubled over and wiping tears from his eyes. “Of course not! Like the gods would do anything for the people down here,” he loudly called, as if trying to reach his accusations to the heavens through sheer volume. For good measure, he had given the precious vase a kick, rattling it around.
And listened as something thudded around at the bottom.
Macaque had turned on his sable heel at the sound, scurrying back over to his now alert partner. The demon’s eyes scrunched with worry as Wukong stuffed his arms all the way into the vase, gripping whatever sat at the previously empty bottom. His hand shifted to rest on the end of Wukong’s tiger-hide skirt, though it was more for his own comfort- a way to keep close to his exuberant partner without impeding his arms.
“It’s a baby,” Wukong had stated in awe, a rare note of outright reverence in his voice as he pulled your form past the jade maw of the vase and into his arms. “Bud, this thing just made a baby!”
For a few minutes, neither dared to speak. They just stood and stared, trying to register just how far this little ‘joke’ had spiraled.
Common sense quickly kicked in, leaving Macaque to pry you from his partner, staring down at you with softened eyes.
“Look at her- she’s ours, bud,” the Great Sage announced with pride, and few would have dared to argue with him.
A child fresh to the world, born from dregs of demon blood and formed by sacred jade, with fur and a tail and golden, glowing eyes to prove that you were theirs.
“…never knew I’d be a father,” Macaque quietly says, wrapping you in the long red scarf he always wore.
“Never knew we’d be fathers,” comes his partner’s supportive voice, a rare tone for the Monkey King. Wukong steps forward and slings an arm around Macaque’s neck, hauling him close.
“But I wouldn’t trade this family for the world.”
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You had grown up happy and safe, surrounded by uncles whose names had been your first words. Each one was an inspiration to you, standing proud as they walked in lockstep and wielded mighty weapons. They had been your heroes, every last one of them. You wanted to be strong and intelligent and graceful and noble, to be all that they were and even more.
When it had been them and your fathers, everything had been at least fine, when not outright good.
Learning to read maps with Uncle Yellowtusk. Eavesdropping on fights caused by training mishaps. Hunting with Uncle Bull. Getting scolded for messing with weapons without permission. Uncle Peng teaching you how to gut rabbits and fish. Climbing onto shoulders and backs so you wouldn’t fall underfoot.
Everything with Uncle Azure.
Listening close to his stories and relishing his kind touch, letting him braid your hair and fix your clothes. Sitting on his knees and sharing your food, trying new things with his gentle encouragement. Staying up far too late to stargaze with him before falling asleep in his arms, wrapped in his cape.
It had been family, however unorthodox.
But not all families are built to last- some crumble and sever, instead.
One fight years later had been the tipping point between your fathers, leaving Macaque to cart you away over his shoulder as he sulked away through the shadows, putting as much distance between himself and Wukong as possible- he still had you, Macaque reminds himself.
None of the past mattered if he could focus on a bright future with his daughter. The two of you. Alone. No brothers, no partners- just a father and his daughter. No more teasing remarks or being spoken over or dragged along on dangerous missions for a futile cause.
Just him and you.
And that works for all of five centuries, before there’s a ‘parent swap’ and one of your fathers is dead with a glittering gold staff struck through his flesh and bone, poking in through his eye and out through his skull.
Macaque’s blood; freshly splattered across you, hadn’t even dried before Wukong had swept you into his arms with a guttural scream of both sorrow and relief. His child, at the cost of his partner.
Not a fair trade. But one he chose to make anyways.
The Great Sage holds you close, pressing kisses to your forehead and wiping away your fearful tears. He whispers into your ear about how safe you are now, how you won’t ever be alone or scared again. How he’s back and so, so sorry that it took so long to find and save you, that he’ll protect you from now on.
And how he won’t let you go ever again.
How could he? You’re his.
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cupids-archives · 4 months
Hi , can you make some headcanons for yandere sun wukong??
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━━━━━━━━𖥔 ࣪ yandere sun wukong head canons ₊˚♱ ━━━━━ ₊˚♱ contains: dark content, slight nsfw, and mentions of pain and kidnapping.
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━━━ BEFORE 。・:*:・゚
━ ☆: theres many different ways you can meet him, and I’d prefer to leave that up to the reader.
━ ☆: no matter what, he’d be absolutely obsessed with you from the beginning, whether he saved you, your friends with mk, or showed as a gift on his doorstep.
━ ☆: he’d secretly follow you at first, going to your job or sneaking into your house just to watch you do daily chores.
━ ☆: he’s be almost confused at first, sure he’s had lovers in the past but never ones like you. he’s never had such a urge to protect someone, to kill for someone.
━ ☆: he would try to involve himself in your daily life, maybe mk is around your age and he would set you guys up just for him to be around you more.
━ ☆: he’ll feel guilty sometimes, coming into your room without your consent and maybe even stealing some of your clothes. panties.
━ ☆: adores you even though all of your conversations have been incredibly awkward, he still adores your voice.
━ ☆: though he had lots of guilt, his desperation kicked in and once saved you from an attack that he staged.
━ ☆: you almost jumped to give him a hug, and he got inhale the smell of your perfume and lotion and though you were thankful the hug when on longer than expected.
━ ☆: that’s when you guys start to officially talk, even considering each other friends he considers you the love of his life, is when he finally gets to truly know you and oh does he love you.
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━━━ KIDNAPPING 。・:*:・゚
━ ☆: he will only kidnap you if he thinks your about to get hurt, you find someone else or, he got really fucking desperate.
━ ☆: if he does it because he thinks your going to get hurt, than he’ll do it immediately. picking you preferably while your sleeping, it would be very easy for wukong to break inside your house using his powers . If you were to wake up he would hate to hurt you, and would try to calm you down but if he has to he will knock you out.
━ ☆: will absolutely hate it if you started dating some else, even though wukong is very confused about his emotions, he knows he loves you and that he’s the only person who can protect you.
━ ☆: he’ll try to wait to kidnap you, his morals still coming in clutch. but as soon as his stalking leads him to seeing you in intimate or romantic positions. he’ll start forming his plan but unlike the first one will be must more quick and less strategic.
━ ☆: he’ll take you probably in the night. knowing that he shouldn’t but hoping that your boyfriends here, he’ll either swoop you away while your sleeping again, but this time your boyfriend wouldn’t walk away unharmed, Or he will use it as an tool later, threatening to kill or harm him later in your relationship.
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━━━ LIFE 。・:*:・゚
━ ☆: your life with wukong will definitely be very strange. he’ll try to make it seem like everything is normal when it’s obviously not.
━ ☆: when you first get kidnapped, you’ll be showered with love, presents and, so much food.
━ ☆:he’ll explain the situation. stating how it’s only for your best interest and you should know that he’ll never hurt you.
━ ☆: wukong will seem very ecstatic, he we won’t tie you up but when you do something a little of bounds will give you a warning. knows that it’s impossible for you to leave but still gets hurt if you try.
━ ☆: hunger striking doesn’t work, the only time he will get angry with you is if your health is endangered. he will forcefully tie you down either with magic or with ropes and force you to eat.
━ ☆: once he starts to get comfortable is the more clingy and touchy he becomes. whenever hes home, he’ll beg to be on laying with you. sometimes when’s he back from long trips you spend days with him laying on top with you covered with food and heavy blankets.
━ ☆: before however, of course you’re going to be fucked throughly, sure his words are soft and sweet but not his thrusts. he’ll keep your wrists tied above your head and will kiss away your tears.
━ ☆: he’s just incredibly sweet to you, but sometimes he can get incredibly jealous mentioning any man will get you a severe punishment.
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━━━ PUNISHMENTS 。・:*:・゚
━ ☆: punishments range a lot with wukong, he even hates to call them that because he thinks that word is too severe.
━ ☆: depending on the situation it can range from, painful, mental pain, sexual, or someone else getting involved.
━ ☆: firstly sexual because it’s for less severe punishments. he’ll give you sexual punishments only if you deny him or if you deny him loving your or vise versa.
━ ☆: it’ll include long edging, his tounge wrapped around your clit just until your on the brink and slipping off to wait a few more minutes and getting back at it again.
━ ☆: or he’ll actually have sex with you with it’s the more painful option, not stopping and overstimulating you until your a leaking and crying mess. not being able to get any satisfaction.
━ ☆: someone else getting involved is next, he’ll be quick to do this after you get him very mad, or threaten him with something in which in retaliation will threaten someone in return.
━ ☆: this person may be your boyfriend, a personal friend, or even a sibling or a parent.
━ ☆: he’ll be a bit hesitant to kill a family member though, of course he wants to put you in your place but he doesn’t want you to hate him.
━ ☆: an old boyfriend however is completely on the table, in fact he’s been wanting an excuse to kill him. he’ll even bring the head back to you waving it in your face as he chuckles at your horrified expression. “this is only for the best, for us”, he says watching as you cry out.
━ ☆: and mental pain coming from just the sheer thought that he could’ve already killed your entire family and you’d be none the wiser. having to live with the fear that you might be sleeping with the man whose killed everyone you’ve ever loved.
━ ☆: and lastly pain. he will only hurt you if you tried to escape him. hurting him will get you less of a punishment than trying to escape.
━ ☆: as soon as he catches you and your safe at home, he’ll be very calm, might even joke and laugh a bit, but as soon as you feel safe, that’s when he’ll attack.
━ ☆: he would most likely break an ankle or an arm, whatever makes it the hardest to even try to escape.
━ ☆: he will do it in a very traumatic way as well, making sure that not only the pain but the experience will cause you to never try that again.
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in general sun wukong will be a very nice and soft yandere to have. he’ll keep you safe, feed you well, and would only truly harm you if you do something that could hurt you. still having someone who is compared to a god, probably not the funniest mentality. 7/10
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requests are open !!! format heavily inspired by @depravitycentral :)
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kyohaku-kannen · 10 months
*Pulls up in the sonic drive through* Uhh- can i have a Yandere! Sun wukong x Reader x Yandere! Macaque? uhh- yeah thats all, thank you!
˗ˏˋ 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐌 'ˎ˗
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𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 were you supposed to know that this would have happened, when you had gotten that dumb dating sim. All you wanted to do was play a cool Lego Monkie Kid dating sim that you had found. No, instead you found found yourself running down a dark hallway. Stumbling slightly, you were quick to slip into an empty class room. Looking around, you tried to find a not so obvious spot to hide.
"Fuck.." There weren't many options, but you did noticed a vent.. the screws weren't in all the way...
"Peaches~" Slowly, Wukong walked down the hall. He was searching desperately for you, he didn't want you to slip away from him... Not again..
"Wukong.." He had been reaching for a nearby door, when he'd heard a familiar yet- oh- so annoying voice. Sighing he looked over and there stood Macaque, his arms crossed and his normal smirk being replaced with a frown.
"What are you doing here." Wukong grumbled in annoyance as he turned to face Macaque.
"I should be asking you the same thing."
"I'm searching for something." Wukong gave Macaque a dismissive wave and opened the class room door.
"Your looking for Y/n." Stopping, Wukong looked over his shoulder and at Macaque. He looked at him with a dark glare, slowly letting go of the door handle.
"... Back off..." Wukong threatened.
"I don't think I will." Macaque brushed past Wukong and made his way into the room. He looked around in search for you, but you were no where in sight.
"Hmm.. so she wasn't just running from me.. it's a shame, I could have caught her during her club time..." Macaque huffed in annoyance, looking back at Wukong. Wukong crossed his arms and leaned agaisnt the door frame, his tail flicking in annoyance.
"Maybe if it wasn't for you, I would have caught her already."
You were having a hard time staying quiet. Sure the vent was actually a really good hiding spot, the dust probably not allowing them to smell you.. can they do that? You didn't know and you didn't want to find out. But either way, the dust was making you want to sneeze. Just to add on to how bad it was, you could feel a spider crawling up your leg. It's taking all of your willpower, just to not jump out the vent and slap the damn thing.
'And of course they're still fighting..'
You couldn't help but to be annoyed that the two of them were still in the room. They kept throwing petty remarks and insults at each other. It was getting tiresome and made you just want to shut them up. It was surprising that they weren't trying to kill each other right now. You couldn't help but to roll your eyes at their banter.
"How about this-" Macaque had taken a hold of Wukong's scarf and gotten in his face.
You were surprised by Macaque's sudden movement, and honestly you should be finding a way out the situation. But to be fair, there was no way you were going to crawl through these vents. You have absolutely no clue how people in shows do it, but you aren't looking to get stuck in a damn vent. So with that, you decided to sit and watch, besides the drama would entertain your boredom.
"You and me both know she won't choose between us, it's obvious that she loves us both~" Macaque began and Wukong seemed to have raised an eyebrow at this. He was a bit more interested in seeing where Macaque was going with this.
'I'm literally running from both of you!'
You thought with annoyance, although to be fair.. they were the two love interests you, had interacted with the most when playing the game.
"So why don't we share~" Macaque finished, slowly looking over to the vent. Wukong followed his gaze.. very interested in this new proposal.
"Shit." You muttered out in both fear and defeat, seeing them both look in your direction.
'I forgot about his hearing!'
Yeah, so not only did you have to deal with suddenly getting pulled into the dating sim you played. You had to deal with getting pulled right out of your hiding spot, and into the arms of two lovesick immortal monkey's.
"You can't hide from us~" Macaque whispered into your ear, making you flinch slightly. There was no way you could handle him whispering in your ear like that.
"You belong to us~" Wukong chuckled as I kissed at your neck. Your brain was practically malfunctioning at this point, sure you knew that this situation was bad.. but.. well your a fucking simp still! What the hell were you supposed to do while stuck in-between Wukong and Macaque, who wouldn't stop kissing at your neck.
"I-" You don't even know why you tried to speak, there was no use. There was no way they were going to listen anyhow.
'welp.. this is my life now...'
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I'm a fucking idiot, my apologies for the lack of updates. I've been trying to sort crap out, finally figuring out how to make a draft on ao3(I'll be posting on there soon-) And doing a bunch of other things in life. I'll try to focus on writing some more. Also I had something else written for this request, I knew where I was going with it. I didn't like it though and just scrapped it, but I'll throw it up anyway. I'm so sorry, I didn't proof read either of these!
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𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐎 see and interact with ghost was something that ran in her family. Like some sort of psychic ability, an ability she never asked for..
"Why the hell do you love fruit so damn much." She grumbled out under her breath as she looked down at her notebook. Words not in her own handwriting were scribbled across the page. Closing her notebook, she glanced up to see everyone else also seemed to be leaving. Sighing she began to pack her belongings, choosing to ignore the message that had been scribbled across he notebook.
'He'll have to do without peaches for today, I'm far too busy for his antics.'
For who knows how long, she'd been being bothered by two anonymous ghost. The only reason she knew it had been two, is because of the different behaviors and handwriting. One more mischievous and dramatic with neater handwriting and the other a bit laid back and chaotic with messy handwriting. It did help more that whenever either of them wrote anything, they kept it color coded.
"Y/n!" Looking over her shoulder, she couldn't help but to smile seeing one of her more newer friends.
"Hey Nick." Nick now walked besides her and held out a cup of coffee for her to take. She was startled by this kind gesture but gave a soft smile in response.
"You didn't have to you know." She hummed as she carefully took the coffee cup.
"Well of course I had to! You helped me out quite a lot!" Nick protested as he let out a small chuckle.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Anyway, my apologies for not posting more, please have a good day/night and thank you for reading this!
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pamgkrthwrites · 7 months
Hi I have another request if you that's ok
It a idea I have had on my mind
Can I request yandere Macaqa , dbk pif , pigsy and tang, and monkey king NSFW separately
With reader beIN a different demon hitting her mating season. Like the reader a Phoenix demon harpy. And they take full advantage of her season to get her breed nice s plumb with there Young. Please and thank you. ( Also I don't know the ship name for tang a PIGSY and dbk and pif)
I'm going to saw a harpy demon instead of a phoenix because of some personal headcanons but let's dive in. Side note this is implying read is female.
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Warning, the following content is for an 18+ audience. If you are under the age of 18 do not read the content below. Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yandere, Adult Content, Breeding Kink, Dub-Con, and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
Sun Wukong
Makes his whole bedroom a giant bed nest. He lays you down and gives you water and fruit but doesn't touch you(and doesn't allow you to touch yourself either) until you beg him.
He kisses you jaw "Does my little birdie want me to breed her?" He whispers into your ear. "I can certainly make that happen~"
Has you in the breeding press as he thrusts deep inside you, roughly and fast. Even after he cums be keeps going. He doesn't stop for several hours.
Does keep his cock inside of you even after you've past out to keep his cum inside of you. Once you wake up, he asks if you want another round before getting right back at it.
Like Wukong, he turns an entire closet of his dojo into a nest for you.
He session are very long just so when he does finally cum inside of you you are milking a lot out of him.
When you are recovering he will feed you food and make sure you are getting water.
The moment you start begging again though is when he is back inside if you.
FreeNoodles(Tang and Pigsy)
Tang did his research before you even hit your seasonal heat. In fact, these two have been planning for it.
Suddenly, a day before your heat is suppose to hit you three are going camping. For the following week you are in a tent in the rainforest bouncing on Pigsy's cock.
Tang feeds and waters you two throughout your entire heat and takes notes on how much cum Pigsy is fucking into you.
"We have to guarantee she gets pregnant so the more cum you-" "Tang just shut up and me fuck her cunt!"
IronBull(Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan)
You are on your knees and elbows, gasping at the sheer size of Demon Bull King cock not just inside of you but also cervix fucking you.
Princess Iron Fan laughs at your face, kissing you roughly. "Jut wait until he unleashes his load into you, my love. One pump will give him a second heir for sure."
Princess Iron Fan loves seeing your fucked out face as you are fuck by her husband and sucking her tits.
"You might have to do me next, hun." She giggles to her husband. "I don't think she has enough brain power to even eat me out."
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yandere-sickness · 7 months
I just made a yandere shadowpeach/Peachbuds time travel au…
So… in this world Mei Hou Wang 2009 in this au is what sun wukong and macaque was like in the past when they were kids.
I am going to make a story on this at some point but for now, I’ll just give you the summary of the au.
MK is given a box with a letter by Guanyin, the goddess of mercy and is told to deliver said box to Sun Wukong
Mk goes over to ffm and gives Wukong the box and leaves because he has to deliver food to people
Sun Wukong read the letter and it says something like “Remember this?” Or something idk
He opens the box to see the outfit that Liu’er Mihou wears in Mei Hou Wang 2009
Sun Wukong get’s flashback about Mei Hou Wang 2009 and the time he killed his bff and is eaten away by guilt
Wukong takes the outfit,that guanyin put a spell on, out of the box to get a better look at it, but when he does he is sent back in time
Wukong wakes up in his rock egg and hears Liu’er getting chased by the Demon King of Confusion or whatever his name is
Just like in Mei Hou Wang 2009, he saves Liu’er by getting out of his egg
Wukong realises that he is in the past and takes it as a sign to not mess up his and Liu’er’s friendship
Once the two meet, Wukong gets romantic feelings for Liu’er and becomes a yandere
He tries to separate Mihou from the other monkeys and the other characters we see in the cartoon and might of killed a few people who got too close to Liu’er
Liu’er never became Sun Wukong’s enemy like in Mei Hou Wang 2009 once Wukong is the new Monkey King, never loses his white fur and becomes oblivious to Shihou’s possessiveness
Sun Wukong gets everything he ever wanted, power, titles, immortality and most importantly of all his future mate, Liu’er Mihou
The two becomes mates, Liu’er is separated from everyone in Mei Hou Wang 2009 and LMK besides from the ffm monkeys in LMK
Liu’er is just a small cute oblivious fluff ball ——————-
This is all I have for now, I’ll add more if I have anymore ideas for it, I’ll make a story at some point.
People can make drawings and one shots about it as long as I am credited for the au.
Anyways bye bye yall! I’ll be back in a while… maybe
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blutulip · 1 year
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"Wukong snuck in through the window, trying his best to be silent. Wasn't too hard for him to get in, luckily for his strength, he could easily break the lock on the window.
He crept as quietly as he could towards the bed, trying hard to keep his excitement in. Finally, he looks down at his beloved, her arms were spread out to cover the whole bed as drool could be seen dripping from her mouth. Wukong couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, even like this he couldn't help but think she was the cutest thing in the world.
It's been a while since he last saw his beloved, ever since the battle with the Lady Bone Demon she's become.... Distant. She won't respond to his calls or text or even approach him when he tries to talk to her. It was driving him mad... Every second being away from her was tearing his heart apart.
He knew it was because he was corrupted by her. That filthy bone demon, while being used as her personal puppet she forced him to injure his Sweetpea. She was just trying to bring him back from her control... Wukongs hands couldn't help but shake in fury.
He hurt her... But there's nothing he can do about the past. All he can do is just focus on rebuilding their relationship back up, like it used to be. Wukong couldn't stand not having his Sweetpea around. He missed the way she would gently pat his head as he would just go on and one with his old tales from the past. How she was always there with open ears and arms whenever he was in distress, she is the missing piece that makes him whole.
Even now, he can't help but snuggle into his Sweetpea's arms, trying his best not to wake her. He rests his head against her chest and listens to her heart beat, it sounds like a symphony. He could stay like this forever...
It won't be too long before all of his days are spent like this. Wukong just needs to touch up Tulips room he has so carefully been preparing, then...she's all his.
While enjoying Tulips company he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, damn it, it's time for him to go. Not before he can get some souvenirs from his Sweetpea, he snaps a few photos before fleeing back to his mountain.
She will be his, it's only a matter of time..."
Wow that was long, I promised more Yandere Wukong and I have delivered!!! Don't worry more is to come soon so stay tuned!
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missshirophantom · 7 months
Yandere Macaque Headcanon
Warning : weak blood, hints of forced feeding, hint of isolation, delusion (from the side of the Macaque).
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Macaque was soft by nature. Only a few people knew about it. Wukong and the brotherhood, for which Peng often mocked him, and the others just shrugged their shoulders and told him to be careful.
Macaques knew without them. It was not for nothing that, even before his acquaintance with Wukong, he built a cold, stone wall around himself. He was wounded more than once when he was worried about others. Even after getting to know Wukong and the brotherhood, he did it. Because of what he had to hide the wounds from the monkey, because he did not want to bother him when there was a rebellion against the Heavens on the nose.
But he knew they would lose. It's been a long time. He tried to warn them, to protect them, but they didn't listen to him. No, not all of them. Yellow Tusk and Azure would definitely have taken his words into consideration.
Macaque was as hurt as they were that Wukong betrayed them. But he knew why he did it. He was angry at his own impotence that he could do nothing to save Wukong. Every time he touched the seal, it burned him with the strongest flame. Therefore, he reluctantly decided that he would try to ease Wukong's imprisonment.
One single time was enough to break his heart. Angry words of Wukong, refusal of food, refusal of his help.
It was worse than all the wounds he had received before. Worse than Peng carefree bullying.
It was so painful.
Macaque was not hot-tempered and emotional like Wukong. But... He just ran away, before shouting out what he regretted for another 500 years and threw out a peach — a symbol of their friendship. Their affectionway
He was always close to the brotherhood of that time. Keeping an eye on them from the shadows. He felt safer that way.
However, he heard rumors about the release of Wukong and his capture by a monk. The macaque then barely plucked up the courage to talk to him. He hoped to apologize and restore what had been destroyed, but... Everything didn't go according to plan. He was beaten to death, smearing his head into a bloody mess.
He was crying. Shouted. He resisted, but Wukong did not stop. His heart stopped only after he left, staggering, to his monk
After his resurrection, he could not come to his senses. It was so painful and fresh in his memory. The macaque was able to change this fear into hatred for this monkey, which did not listen to him in the past and did as he wanted.
He hated him.
But at the same time his heart ached with longing and sadness, and tears welled up in his eye.
That is why he will do everything so that his starlight or sunshine does not go down this path. So as not to become as cruel and cold-blooded as Wukong.
He will protect them, even if he has to keep them in the Realm of Shadows. But this is an extreme case. He's not so cruel as to imprison them there for mistakes, right?
Everything was for their good. The macaque takes care of them. Does not bind. Feeds good food. Spends time with them.
So what else do they need?.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Can I have yandere Macaqua and sun x mk older sister. Separately
Like the reader is from the future and was sent to the past on a accident Join the journey to the West with the monkey boys
But the boys fell in love with her and was obsessed with her but didn't know she was from the future.
So when the reader final got back to the future with her precious little brother mk who is also like a son to her cuz she raised him. But also finds out that the monkey king is his mentors and Macaqa as well and she try to tell mk don't tell them about her. Plus she doesn't want to break his heart about what they are like. There true SLef plus she pergent with there cub. So during the fight with lbd mk says he needs to get his sister/mom and says reader name and says there with cub
And they snap at that and fight and win against Lbd and sun who was taken over snaps out of it when he hears that cuz his dealing is having another Cub ( we all know sun and Macaqa think of mk like a son.
And this time they won't let them go
I am speechless as this is such a cool and interesting request!! Hope I do it justice that it deserves!!
Also me and hoshi (this lovely darling) both talked and she meant that mk is the cub that (Y/n) raised as her little brother so letting you guys know about that before I start!
I checked in with how his and she changed from them being separate to being shadow peach x reader so a heads up about that!!
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere characters, and others
Characters: sun wukong, macaque, separately.
It was when you were attacked by a group of demons did you meet sun and the others. You had heard stories from tang about them so you quickly know who they are and that they would save you because of Tripitaka being with them.
Sun was still suspicious of you even though he can clearly see that you hold no aura like a god/goddess or demon would have when he looks at their direction. Pigsy like you but that was because of his fixation and liking towards woman. Sandy was definitely like the one from your time and like with your sandy you get along great with this sandy as well plus it confirms both yours and sandy theory about the reincarnation. Tripitaka was a sweet and caring one, trying to make sure you’re comfortable, but is simply too naive and such a damsel in distress that it gets tiring and stressed when he believed every demon made up story.
Which is why you and monkey king gets along with each other than before now with how you two try and convince Tripitaka that he should at least be cautious and suspicious with how there’s been many demon kidnappings .
Some of the demons also went as far as kidnapping you and Tripitaka which infuriated monkey king than it should have which he soon understands why when the group had visited a town and he saw another male flirting with you even though you clearly showed signs you weren’t interested plus one time when you were helping a lost child find their mother.
You had met macaque the sixes eared by pure chance when you went up on the roof for some fresh air also making sure to bring your weapons that you soon started to use against the demons that try to come after you as well as Tripitaka you two talked for a a bit and he told you about how you shouldn’t trust the monkey king as he betrayed him and his kingdom all those years ago but you quickly explained to macaque what had happened about when he disappeared from them.
You were shocked that monkey king was in a relationship with macaque as there wasn’t anything said about their relationship but you guess that it was kept a secret for reasons unknown to you.
You, monkey king, and macaque had started falling in love with each other once you finally had them rekindled their relationship that monkey king didn’t know was even broken. Though soon after you three become an item monkey king soon gave you permission to call him sun, macaque had already allowed for you to call him macaque.
With the intimate times you three had spend together with no sort of protection it wasn’t long before you fell pregnant you were going to tell them but before you could you were swiftly pulled back into your time like when you were pushed back to the past. Your sudden disappearance made the two demon monkeys furious with each other as they thought the other was hiding her for themselves which lead to sun killing macaque out of blind rage, though what the two did know was that she was with a child from their senses put together.
Tang and pigsy were shocked to finally see you’re pregnant after a month of searching ways to get you back. Pigsy scolded you but you had explained that it the child was made from love rather than a one night stand gone wrong though the more you thought about it you think it would be best if you raised the child as you’re brother rather than your son, which tang and pigsy hesitantly agreed as it was your child and they only want the best for you and the child.
Your son grew up to be a energetic young man;he get’s your kindness, suns liking for bright coulombs, and dark hair from macaque though he doesn’t know about this as pigsy, tang, sandy and you kept it a secret as you didn’t feel exactly ready for a child at that very moment and cause of protection of any kind as there still could be enemy’s from macaque and sun still alive till this day.
When mk showed off sun’s staff he interpreted your shock as something like the others but really it’s how he found his actual father’s staff. When he started training with sun and soon after macaque you had hoped that he only briefly mentioned you or never mentioned you at all as you don’t want to go through the heart break of seeing them having moved on from what happened between the three of you so hopefully mk took pity on you without him knowing and spared you.
When sun had heard your name from mk he couldn’t only think it was someone different and not his (Y/n) as she and their cub would most likely be dead by now, maybe the cub still being alive with his and macaques blood but with how the cub has a quarter of humans blood they could be too old to be able to do the things he sadly missed out on.
Though when he finally joined the group and seen you still young and thriving made him have all sorts of emotion in him which lead him to only stare at you most of the time if it weren’t for the others questions and needing to guid the others to the samadhi fire.
Macaque had known you were alive but couldn’t interact with you in fear of what lbd would do to you if she found out about you.
When sun got amnesia from the pepper he was shocked to see you as it been a long while that he started to think you and the cub had passed away before the cub was able to be born. He hugged you but made sure to be carful and mindful as he has a lot of strength and caused he might hurt the non existing baby that he doesn’t know is already born.
It wasn’t until sun got possessed by lbd did mk’s true father or fathers were brought to light which broke lbd spell that she had on sun and soon after lbd was defeated and you three rekindled your relationship plus having a sun along with another one on the way soon after.
(A/n: hoped you like what i did with it! And i did more than 7 paragraphs as i thought it was needed for this request. Anyway hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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semisolidmind · 1 year
Monkey MK is an interesting concept in the bad end au: He's the closest thing to a son that wukong has to a son that wasn't from the reader. We know this mk doesn't mind fighting to protect his friends, but he's not a smaller ball of complete malice and yandere tendencies like his pop's. My question is does mk know about the modern readers "past life" with wukong and, if so, how does he feel towards this human that, supposedly,used to keep his dad on a short leash?���
mk knows who reader's first incarnation is because wukong has talked about her before. not a lot, but mk knows that she was special to his dad. it probably doesn't help that his father always told the story in a way that made it seem like she was stolen from him.
it takes mk a bit to realize that the current reader is a reincarnation of the past one, but after seeing how his dad reacted to her...there's no one else she could be.
he's not sure how to feel about past reader's and wukong's relationship at first. after macaque gives a somewhat more thorough (and somewhat less biased) explanation of what happened to both mk and reader, he starts to understand. he sorta...gets why his dad (and by extension, macaque) never really found someone else. how does someone like wukong get over the loss of the only person who ever really held him in check? who saw both good and bad in him and didn't let him get out of control? he isn't condoning his dad's actions, course not! just...he sorta gets why his dad never moved on.
mk has more respect for reader than ever.
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thateldribitch · 2 years
Y’know, stress can do a lot of terrible, terrible things to the body--a thought that had me in a chokehold since last night, and now has gripped me this morning until I put it to words. This happens basically right after Sins of the Father. I wasn't planning on making anything super connected, so don't expect that--but this idea just made sense.
This Yandere Wukong belongs to @lopsushi ! Sorry for all the pings, I just get so inspired by high emotion so XDD Here you go!
This story is also now on AO3, if you want all the disconnected yandere ramblings so far!
There are many kinds of love.
So what does a parental yandere look like?
He isn’t waking up.
The dark room smells of fever sweat. Little breaths puff out of a shivering body. So fragile. So small. Mortal. Mortal, with every beat of a fragile heart. Mortal, with every rattling breath, his lungs knocking against his rib cage, a patter-pitter-patter-rasp. 
And yet….
And yet.
Wukong can’t leave the doorway. He’s stone again. A guardian statue. Staring within. A pile of blankets makes a makeshift nest. It can be better. He can curl up with his mate, around their cub, tails all in a family knot, hold them close, hold them tight. No one can hurt them. Not when he’s there. But a disease can’t be torn apart, sinew by sinew, atom by atom. Painfully. Slowly. But bloodlust won’t make that little body stop shaking…. It’s a noise from his mate that finally spurs him to move. Some sort of murmur, a whimper, he doesn’t know. It’s small. Too small for his Starlight.
And he’s by his mate’s side. 
Macaque half-hangs off the cushioned bed, one hand curled around their cub’s. Their cub. Their cub. His mate. His. Carefully, he scoops Mac into his arms—one arm under his knees, another cradles his head. So small and light and precious and warm. Beautiful, even with his messy fur…. And the tear tracks carving across those fiery facial markings. But despite his efforts, his Starlight’s always been a light sleeper. It takes so little to make those beautiful eyes twitch awake. “Mmn, Wukong?” 
“Shhhh….” He nuzzles into that soft juncture of Mac’s throat, letting out a half-purr. He can’t manage anything full-bodied and reassuring. Something his mate must need. Gods, those dark circles beneath his eyes…. Wukong despises the worry his darling must feel. “...I’m just moving you to our room.”
“...Don’t…. I-I need—” Macaque squirms, uselessly. Wukong is stronger…. And those struggles are so weak. Has Mac eaten? Has he drank? It’s been hours. Or an eternity. Wukong doesn’t know, the moment MK got sick, Mac… Mac didn’t want him in the room. And he appreciates those protective instincts for their cub, he does, it’s adorable and amazing and it makes him love Mac more! But…. It’s torture watching him fall apart to try and keep MK… healthy. And he’s watched. Of course he has. Mac just… didn’t let him past the doorway, beyond his silent vigil, his burning red eyes.
“Starlight, you’re exhausted. Rest.” He tries to insist.
“I-I need to be with him.” Those struggles increase. It’s gone from weak twitching to desperate flailing, and Wukong usually hates when Mac tries to get away from him. But he’s not. Not really. Every movement is a surge towards their cub. “Please. Wukong. Let… Let me stay.”
He hesitates. Fuck, does he hesitate. He’s torn apart by two instincts, to ensure the health of his mate and to ensure that his cub is taken care of. We don’t need to. We can always have another. Something dark purrs in the back of his mind. We can even make it painless. It’s something with sweet, poisonous claws. The same loving claws that hold Macaque so tight to his heart. The same claws that curl through his Darling’s fur. His claws. His love. Curling around Macaque, cradling him close, cradling him close to his heart—
“Monkie King!” A sunshine smile. 
Wukong settles Mac into MK’s bed. He tears a fistful of hairs from his head, heedless of the pain. The pain is nothing, a fly bite. His hairs poof into blankets. The softest, warmest blankets that he adds to the nest, piling Mac in, wrapping them up, curling around them, his mate, his cub, tangled together in a comforting pile of heart beat and breath and fur. Soft. Warm. His. 
A cough makes him flinch.
“Why isn’t he better?” Wukong’s voice cracks under the weight of his worry, as he skims his fingers over that burning forehead. “It’s…. It’s been—”
“A week, Wukong. It’s been a week.” Macaque speaks, but his eyes are closed when the Monkey King looks over. He’s struggling to keep awake. His hearing isn’t as good as his darling’s, but Wukong can hear those measured breaths. Counted breaths. Trying to stay conscious. But those eyelids are too heavy. Mac can’t even keep his eyes open.
“Too long.” His tail thumps against the bed. Once, twice. “He was fine. I don’t understand. Food, toys, clothes, games, everything he could want a-and—all the best things. He shouldn’t be sick, he— he was fine.”
“...He wasn’t.” It’s a weak murmur. Mac’s breaths even out before he can retort. Wukong’s lips pinch. By now, their cub should see. Right? MK needs to know that this is his home. That Wukong is his father and Mac is his mother. He should know that by now. Why…? Why can’t he see that?
Minutes. Hours. Time blurs. A hitch of breath breaks him out of his meditation—trance? Whatever. He doesn’t care. Hope leaps in his chest. His son’s fingers twitch! MK. MK! He wants to scoop him into his arms and nuzzle his cheeks and groom his messy, messy bed hair and…. MK’s eyes open. Brown. Blurry. But open. Open and— and not bright, dull with the fever. But open. Finally open.... “...Hey, Son.” Wukong doesn’t miss the way MK flinches, as he rubs his forehead. He massages his temples. Wukong gets headaches there, sometimes. He hopes it makes him feel better. It will. “...How are you feeling?”
“...Leave.” MK’s eyes slide shut. It’s almost like the mere word is an effort. And so raspy, dry, such a dry throat. He needs water. Ice water with lemon and mint and money and food, good, refreshing fruits and rest and—
“What?” The word finally catches up to the King.
“Why… Why are you even… here?” MK blearily turns his head away. It must be the fever. It must be the fever.
“I-I– because you’ve been sick.” So sick. Unconscious for a week, making both of them worry, he’d scold MK but it’s not his fault. “I’ve been so worried—”
“Don’t,” MK grates out. It’s almost a growl. And his little baby fangs flash. Wukong wants better water for him, but he settles with the cup he left for Macaque. It’s untouched. His mate needs water too, he’s immortal but he doesn’t need to suffer and….
“Don’t what?” Lightly, he scoops a hand under MK’s head. Carefully tilts it forward, so he can press the cup to his lips. Drink. Drink. Why is he still trying to turn away? He has to be thirsty, he must be thirsty. Insistently, he presses the cup a little harder. It forces MK’s lips open, and he has to drink. Wukong doesn’t waterboard him, but it’s a damn near thing. His son gets a few mouthfuls before he violently jerks his head away, but. Wukong will take it. He’ll take it. It’s better than nothing… for now.
“You don’t…. Stop. Stop acting like you still… c-care.” Tears. MK. Is crying. Why? No, he needs that water, don’t cry, he doesn’t need to cry. Wukong’s claws are so gentle as he thumbs away the tears. “Y-You don’t care. You never did. You don’t love me. This isn’t….” 
“...You think I don’t love you?” Horror trembles through Wukong’s voice. How? How could he not… see he did? What did he do wrong? 
“...You hurt me.” MK murmurs, his eyes dizzily skimming the ceiling. Everywhere but him. Wukong desperately searches his mind for an answer. The transformation? It was necessary. MK’s life span isn’t their own. Or, wasn’t. Being a celestial monkey will extend that, at least until he’s either willing ready to learn Taoism or he can get another method to make sure their cub stays with them forever. And— And it’s hard to get into heaven, for him, right now. He can’t get a peach or a pill or wine. He can’t…. He can’t make sure death won’t claim his little cub. “You lied to me.”
“When?” Wukong stares at MK, uncomprehending. When did he lie? Images spiral.
A boy clinging to a ceiling. Eyes shining as they alight on his staff, despite his fear of the demons plotting below. The boy sees the staff and wants it, so he’ll have it. Wukong, from the moment he sees him, is ready to give those shining eyes the world. Wukong knows. He knows, in that moment, that this boy is his. He starts with giving him his staff.
A successor, who braved demons and volcanoes and the ocean itself, to try and bring his staff to him. Who he watches, every step of the way. He can’t step in, not yet. Not yet. He needs to see what the boy can do, he wants to see what the boy can do. Pride fills him at every little victory. He can’t tear his eyes away from any fight. As a butterfly, a hawk, a fly, he follows the boy through his first, small journey. Baby steps. It’s like watching a baby take his first steps. 
A baby who throws himself at his feet when he loses the staff. Who shines with the King’s encouragement, with the mere belief that of course he can get the staff back. Because he’s perfect. He’s the perfect successor. A ball of sunshine and laughs and he’s just like him. Before the Journey. Mischief, happiness, a little Wukong. His. His little Wukong, from the moment he sees him.
A little Wukong, who he can’t hold the hand of every step of the way, but he can offer encouragement. He can limit his powers, help him control them to fight demons in a weather tower, train him to use his staff, and then—then it gets better. MK finds his darling. He gets his mate, he gets his son, and he takes them home. Where they belong. His family, his perfect little family.
Just as Macaque became irreplaceable to him, so did MK.
No one else could be his cub.
He doesn’t want anyone else.
“MK. Not just anyone could be my cub, my successor. I love you. So much. I….” It’s a different love than his love for Mac. Obviously. His cub is something precious that he needs to protect, hold, teach. To show how to groom and forage and do all the things he learned to do. Gentler. No filet. A gentle hand and an occasional scolding word, but never… to hurt. A sunshine smile that makes his insides feel so soft and makes him want to hug the little one so close. And there’s clouds over that smile, but they’ll part eventually. MK made his life so bright, so bright, when all he had was darkness and lost his mate and— MK brought his darling back to him. He took his staff, he learned from him, and he’s just as much Wukong’s as Macaque is. His love for them is as deep as the ocean, deeper, extending beneath the Earth’s crust and boiling in the lava at its center.
There’s no way to put it into words.
Maybe that’s why those eyes stay so… disbelieving.
“...Liar.” It’s the fever talking. It must be the fever talking…. But what can he— MK. Breathing. He’s not breathing. Why is he not breathing? No. Nonononononono— N O. Wukong pulls his staff from his ear. It goes from a needle to a pole in mere moments. Bloodlust. Anger. The desire to rip and tear and—his smile widens, more fangs than anything else. So the Ten Kings think they can take his son, do they?
He’ll burn their kingdom to the ground.
And t h e n—he’ll tear MK’s name out of the Book of Death.
Is MK technically dead? Nooooot exactly, but also yes? Do you really think Wukong will let him stay dead? N o p e. Anyway this wasn't supposed to end like that, but y'know, I kinda love the imagery.
Feast upon the angst, my children.
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alicedusstuff · 6 months
Juste en train de dessiner un peu en cours sur un vieux truc que j’avais dessiné sur un past shadowpeach.
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itsabouttimex2 · 4 months
Here's a challenge: platonic x reader who hates monkeys with a passion (you could do it with phobia or irrational hatred). With Wukong, Macaque, and Mk.
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Yandere MK, Sun Wukong, Macaque
(Fun fact 1- prunes are not their own fruit! They’re just dried plums.)
“I’m just saying,” he starts with a scoff, “it’s really silly that you’re expecting me to play along with this. Especially when I don’t get anything out of it.”
MK turns around to face the demon monkey, frowning. He folds his arms and walks backwards to keep eye contact, hoping that his mentor would watch his steps for him.
“Uh, you are getting something out of it, though? Y/N spent all day cooking for us so we could celebrate the new year together! They even made extra in case we wanted to bring someone else! That’s like… super nice of them!”
“Oh, I might get some maybe decent food, is that it? And all I’ve got to do is pretend to be a powerless mortal all the way through a probably mediocre dinner, huh? Just because this weird friend of yours is scared of monkeys?”
Sun Wukong; who had eyeing the sky for early fireworks more than he had been looking out for his student’s safety, finally chimed in. “To be fair, I think that mug of yours would scare anyone away!” A second later, he ducks down to avoid Macaque’s incoming tail, leaving MK to take the brunt of the relatively harmless blow.
MK stumbles backwards and almost into the street, only stopped when his mentor’s tail wraps around his waist and pulls him back onto the sidewalk. “Whoa,” the Great Sage mocks, setting MK safely back down, “someone’s in a bad mood today! Maybe… you’re just mad cause no one except us wanted you over for the new year?”
Macaque snarls and lunges at Wukong, ready to brawl. It’s only when MK swiftly moves to stand between them that the near fight is averted. “Guys, come on! Can’t you get along for just one day?!”
The “NO!” that they shout in perfect unison is just about what he was expecting, but he’s still a little disappointed about it. They both try to move past him to grab at one another, barely impeded by his physical position.
A thunderous bang echoes across the sky, a brilliant bloom of sparkling red painting the blue horizon. Macaque hisses and recoils, his arms quaking as he moves to clap his hands over his ears. At the exact same time, Wukong jumps up in delight, cheering and hollering at the sight. MK takes his chance to separate them, hooking his arm around Macaque’s, pulling the pained monkey demon along much quicker than he was moving before.
“Come on, come on! The food is gonna get cold if you two don’t hurry up! And! Y/N told me that there’s something special just for the two of you! Cause, y’know… when I asked if I could invite you both, they asked me what sort of stuff you liked, and I told ‘em about the whole ‘peaches and plums’ thing…”
Bringing up food seems to have been a decent enough distraction, as both of them choose to start moving along instead of fighting. Your house is already on the horizon. Now he just has to hope that another fight doesn’t break out between the rival demons.
As usual, life dashes his hopes of peace being anything more than a temporary lull.
“Yeah? Like how peaches are just about the best thing ever? And how everyone that isn’t crazy likes ‘em one way or another?”
“About how sweet-toothed meatheads can’t help but shovel them down whole? Those sort of people don’t have the brain to enjoy plums. Peaches are just sweet. Plums have a subtle astringent skin that mixes well with the flesh’s mellow sweetness.”
“Sure thing, old man. Go home and eat your prunes if ya like ‘em so much.”
“They are NOT-“
“Guys! We’re here!” Before they can argue any further, MK releases Macaque’s arm and rushes up to the door of your house. “Hurry up and come inside!”
He takes a moment to consider knocking, then grabs the doorknob and impatiently starts rattling it instead. To his delight, it’s already unlocked. A quick glance over his shoulder shows that both of his companions remain in their transformed state, tails safely tucked into their clothing.
He throws the door open and races inside, leaving the monkeys in the dust.
Just barely remembering to take off his shoes before he tears through the halls of your house without hesitation, he throws them aside near the door in a still-tied heap.
He follows a practiced path straight into the kitchen, finding you just as you remove a plate of pork-stuffed spring rolls from the oven. You set them down on the countertop to cool, then turn to face the very-expected intruder. You might’ve been surprised, if it wasn’t for his excited footsteps echoing through the house.
MK runs into your arms before you can even pull the oven mitts off, wrapping you up in a warm hug. For just a moment, it gives you the same feeling as coming home after a long day, cozy and inviting.
Then, his grip grows tight.
“I missed you,” he says, his voice quiet and low. “Invite me over more often. Or come to Pigsy’s and visit me, at least. Please.”
His grip tightens further.
And then he lets go of you, turning to face his two companions, neither of which you recognize. He waves them into the kitchen and moves to set the table.
Politely, you offer the first one your hand. He’s decked out in shining gold and exuberant red, like a brighter and flashier MK. “It’s nice to meet you! I’m glad you came to celebrate with me. Come and take a seat!”
He snags your hand between both of his own, giving it a firm pump. “It’s great to meet ya, bud! Thanks for having us!” He heads to the table and bounces on his heels, snatching up a seat for himself before anyone else gets the chance.
You smile and turn to MK’s other friend, the one dressed in a billowing black and red shroud that concealed most of his face and body. You offer him your hand as well.
He shrugs and walks right past you, sitting down at the opposite side of the table- probably to keep away from his colorful and loud companion.
MK frowns at his friend’s behavior, but turns back to you with a wide and rather forced smile. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just… not used to this.” His voice drops to a low whisper as he adds: “And his ears have been hurting all day. I think he’s getting grumpy.”
“I can hear you, kid,” the irritated man says from beneath his shroud. “There’s a reason that I’m called the S-”
“The SUPER SENSITIVE hearing guy, I know! The thing that all of your friends call you,” MK clumsily tries to lie, his ears and cheeks darkening to red with his poor attempt at deceiving you.
But before you can question him on it, his golden-clad friend pipes in with a snide: “He’s certainly sensitive, I’ll give him that.”
Outright chaos is only abated by the sharp click that sounds when you set a porcelain tray on the polished quartz surface of the table.
“MK told me about your favorite fruits, actually! So I stayed up late to make these for all of you,” you cheerily announce to the trio, lifting the delicate lid to reveal three plates of sticky-rice pudding. Each one is delicately drizzled with syrup sugar and studded in tiers with sweet fruits.
Your friend jumps forward, his palms hitting the table as he stares at you with wide-eyes. “Y/N! You made Eight Treasures Rice for us?!”
“Well, it’s more like ‘One Treasure Rice’, haha. It’s really only got the fruit in it, actually. I didn’t wanna put anything you guys didn’t like in there, so I decided to play it safe. I hope that’s not disappointing!”
“Not at all, bud! Not at all!” Several of his aureate accessories glint in the light as the man reaches eagerly for the peach-filled rice pudding.
You pass it to him with a smile, then give MK his own, stuffed full of tangerine slices. With only one left, you push the plum-packed dessert to the shrouded stranger, who seems to slightly brighten up at the sight of it.
Before anyone can say anything, you remove yourself from the table and hurry around the kitchen, gathering plates and utensils for the trio. You put them out quickly, then pile all the dishes you made in the morning onto the table.
“Good kid,” Wukong whispers to Macaque, picking bits of peach from the pudding as you arrange two plates of dumplings on the table. “And good food. Still regret coming, ‘Super Sensitive’?”
“…the kid’s alright. Jury’s still out on the food, though.” He pauses, taking a quick moment to think of something to criticize Wukong for. “And keep your tail under control. I can see the tip flicking back and forth in your pant leg.”
“Whatever you say, bud.”
A tray with a whole braised chicken is set between them, and a platter of steamed rice flour cakes after it. Finally, you take your own seat, next to the shrouded man and across from MK.
It strikes you then that you haven’t even learned the names of your guests.
“I’m Y/N, by the way! I’m sorry for not asking your names earlier! What should I call you?”
“The name’s Sun, bud! And that’s Mac, sitting in the edgy robe.”
“I like the robe,” you compliment politely, looking at the concealing garment. “The cloud embroidery is a nice touch.”
“It’s a cloak… and thanks.”
MK jumps forward in excitement and strikes his palms against the table, rattling the bowls and dishes.
“C‘mon! Let’s eat, everyone!
“I think everything went well, today. You think so too, right?”
You set the knife down, turning to face ‘Sun’. As you cut up the leftovers, he’s sorting them into separate containers for everyone to take home. (And giving himself larger portions when you weren’t looking.)
“Definitely! I think my, uh… friend was pretty impressed. I hope we can do this again, Y/N! I don’t really have anything scheduled this time of year…like, ever.”
Except for watching fireworks from the top of his mountain, far away from company and civilization. Again and again, over and over, thinking only of his long-passed friends and companions.
“…we are going to do it again, right?”
“Oh, um, sure. I don’t see why not. My family doesn’t really come and visit, so I’ll probably have the house empty again next year. So, um… yes! I’d be happy to have you over!
He hums softly, nodding his head to your words.
“Sounds good, bud. I’ll be there. And… I’ll see if I can wrangle Mac into coming, too. Maybe just to see him jump at fireworks again, though.”
“He seemed interesting,” you graciously offer of the cloaked man, in spite of his admittedly poor behavior through dinner. “I enjoyed his stories.”
“Pfft! I could’ve told them better- I was there for most of them!”
“Well, the two of you should come again- MK seemed happy- more than usual, even. Honestly? I think he’s been stressed out lately… I’m glad he could have a day to relax. I really do need to visit him more often.”
“Huh. Guess it must be a little hard living so far from the city, bud. Any reason you’re this far out?”
“Oh, that’s… I inherited this house- and the orchard outside- from my parents, actually! I take a lot of pride in it, really. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, even if the work is a little lonely.”
“…I think I will come visit, then. And I might sample a few of your fruits, too,” he teases, lightly elbowing your side. “You think you can handle that, bud?”
“…you know what, Sun?” Sun, what he had informed you his name was. It fits him well. He’s bright and exuberant, and never stops smiling. He seems like he’d be a good friend.
“That- that sounds really nice. Come by anytime you’d like.”
Your words sound kind right now. They feel right to say. The Great Sage thinks so too.
And he’s certainly not going to forget about them. Neither will Macaque, listening in from the shadows beside your tangerine trees.
Why would they ever let go of this kindness?
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
My One and Only
Genre: Romantic + Yandere + Bit of Angst
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: Yandere Tendencies, Death, Blood
Character(s): Sun Wukong-Monkey King
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The monkey beside you sighed, "This is the fifth time I've called out to you today. You okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah!"
You hoped he believed you.
Or just pretend to and simply move on.
But the doubtful look he gave you made your fake demeanor drop, and you sighed.
"Just been thinking about something..."
His brow raised, waiting for you to continue.
"You know that person I was talking to for the past few months?"
Unaware of him scooting closer, you simply scoffed, arms now crossed.
"Well, we were supposed to meet yesterday for our date, but the asshole stood me up!"
Wukong's expression grew blank as you continued.
"And they had the audacity to lie to my face about being busy with work, when in fact, they were sucking on someone else's face!"
Someone with a smaller face than you.
Smaller in general.
You pulled your knees to your face, letting out another sigh, "We weren't serious or anything, but I'd rather they just told me the truth."
You balled into yourself, "Not lie and go smooch some skinny girl who's cuter than me..."
One by one, tears fell down your face, and soft cries slipped past your lips.
You hated this.
Feeling this way.
Feeling unworthy of love.
It sucked.
You wanted to scream.
To cry.
But Wukong didn't deserve to hear you moan and groan about your love life.
It wasn't his problem.
You turned to apologize, but Wukong placed a hand on your shoulder. He pointed a sympathetic look your way, "Forget about that jerk."
He stood, stretching before speaking again, "We should have another marathon. That'll cheer you up!"
You wanted to deny, not really feeling up to it, but with the way Wukong was looking at you, you decided to stay, "Sure."
Maybe it's what you needed.
Some relaxation with a friend.
"Great! Let's go set it all up!"
And so, the two of you headed inside his home, him gathering some blankets and pillows, while you grabbed the snacks, even making a quick dish for the both of you to enjoy.
After gathering everything and getting comfy on the couch, you noticed that he had put on Monkey Cop. You gave him a 'are you serious' look, but he simply shrugged before you both settled in, along with a few of the monkeys.
Episode after episode, you could feel the subtle movement from your friend scooting closer, and though you opened your mouth to question him, he beat you to it.
"About that person from before-"
Unknowingly, a frown crossed your face.
"They don't deserve you. You're way too good for them."
You were a bit shocked.
Wukong wasn't really know for comforting those around him, with him being awkward about it all the time.
He took notice, stumbling over his words, but hearing him talk about how cool you were made you chuckle.
"Thanks Wukong."
"I'm only speaking the truth."
You shook your head, "No, I mean, for everything."
Fiddling with the blanket, you continued, "You're always listening to my problems, helping me out. I wish I could do the same for you..."
"You already do."
A soft blush flushed your cheeks, growing darker when Wukong pulled you into his side. You wanted to question him, but the warmth that radiated off of him felt so...peaceful.
Before you knew it, you had cuddled up to him, falling into a deep sleep.
His eyes couldn't help but trail to your face, brushing a few strands of hair from it.
How he wanted to hold it, squish your cheeks and kiss you all over, hold you in his arms and never let go.
But unfortunately, he had something to do.
He swiftly moved from his spot, making sure you didn't wake up before turning to his monkey friends.
"Make sure she stays comfortable."
They nodded before snuggling around you, some on your lap and shoulder.
He stayed still, waiting for any movement from you before taking light steps until outside the house. Wukong sighed before jumping on his cloud and flying off.
Wukong was pissed.
Your kind heart-
Your warm soul-
Your irresistible body-
It should all be his!
And yet, it's still not!
Maybe he'd have to crank up his affection with you.
But not too much-
After all, he didn't want to scare you!
The last thing he wanted was for you to fear him.
And although his patience is higher than it used to be, it's running thin with all these idiots around you.
Just like the one in front of him, tied to a chair and blindfolded by a random piece of cloth. Their arms and legs twisted in inhumane ways, a bone or two even sticking out as blood slid to the floor. The pool growing larger with every second that passed.
Humans were always such a mess to clean.
The only useful thing the human offered was a weapon for him to use, being a steel baseball bat in their home.
Wukong walked up to the person, circling around them before stopping behind them.
"You made the terrible mistake of interacting with my Peaches."
Their soft, muffled cries fell on deaf ears as the monkey raised the bat.
Oh, if looks could kill.
"Maybe if you had stayed away from them-"
The disembodied head fell, rolling and leaving a trail of red liquid before stopping. Blood gushed from the neck for a moment, but ceased after a second or two, slowly flowing down the body.
"You might have lived a little longer."
He looked at his hand in disgust, now having to worry about disposing this stupid human's body AND having to thoroughly wash himself of all the blood.
But he closed his eyes, and thought of you. Your cute face that would still be sleeping in his-
YOUR shared home.
It was only a matter of time before you moved in.
Maybe he could cause an accident in your home! Make it seem like someone broke in? A fire? Damage from the fights against demons? There were so many possibilities!
With a skip in his step, all he thought about while cleaning the mess, was of you and only you.
After all, you're his one and only.
And he wasn't going to let ANYONE take you away.
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purble-turble · 10 months
Ex yandere macaque: healing isnt linear, so macaque has little slips and backtracking. And that scares him, he doesnt want to go back, hes so happy now with his new friends and he just knows if they knew the truth they would reject him. So he seeks help from sandy. Obviously hes not completely truthful, but he tells him he was a tiny bit ultrafocused on wukong in the past, and how he accidently hurt him, and just downplays his yandere while still opening up.
Haha yeah, Macaque definitely needs therapy! And while talking to Sandy is definitely a good starting point for him opening up, you know the big blue guy is gonna recommend he see an actual therapist who he feels he can be more open with. (Sandy knows Macaque doesn’t share the full story with him.. he’s clever enough to figure that out at least lol)
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pamgkrthwrites · 1 year
-rolling up like this is Mc donalds- uh... can I get uh..... yandre wukong... hurt comfort head cannons with a uhh deaf darling and uhhh the communication issues from that.... yeah that's all
I do this joke too LMFAO
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Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yandere, Abusive/Unhealthy Relationship(s), and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
As stated in A LOT of past posts, Yandere!Wukong is very likely to fall in love with you at first sight and just kidnap you, meaning he knows barely anything about you.
So for the first week, he would just think you're just ignoring him because of your new situation.
It's when he forces you to watch one of his movies. You have to snatch the remote from him and turn on subtitles.
He starts noticing you don't seem to be able to hear anything. At most, you feel heavy steps and watch his mouth as he speaks.
He pulls up his laptop and searches for sign language to see if that'd work.
It does.
For the most part.
When you are rushing out what you want to say, your signs are really hard to read.
Wukong will take advantage of this, not asking for consent for certain things and will outright ignore what your trying to communicate.
He treats you more like a Barbie than a love interest.
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