#sun wukong x reader
Two Wrongs Do Make a Right // Past!Sun Wukong x celestial maiden!reader (3.6k words)
A/N: I’ve had this idea in my mind for weeks now and the one thing that’s stopped me from writing it is that thing when you think your writing can’t do your idea justice like your mind could. However, I decided “fuck it” and did it anyway and the result is something I’m kind of proud of.
Summary: A maiden who doesn't want to feed iron pellets to Wukong and starts to help him without Heaven's knowledge.
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The walk down to the caves underneath the Five Elements Mountain was a bit treacherous with parts of the path being along sheer drops or thick crevices and carrying the iron pellets and molten copper made you feel even more guilty. The previous attendant refused to carry the “food and drink” down to the imprisoned Sun Wukong and pushed the duty onto you so you accepted. You finally reached the wider path that overlooked the large pillar he was trapped in and walked down the winding path to the wider clearing, locking eyes with the Monkey King who glared at you and carefully approached him.
He couldn’t do anything bad to you but his reputation didn’t help to quell your fear and you took a deep breath. “Oh great a new torturer to add to my punishment. What? Did you want a turn at humiliating me?” he said with a gruff hoarse voice. You walked closer till he was within arms reach and looked down at the metals in your possession and at the King, feeling rage and conflict build in you and dropping them all to the stone below. “No. I’m not here to torture or punish you. Someone pushed this task onto me and this isn’t fair to anyone even you! Hell cooking any living thing in the Trigram Furnace is punishment enough but forcing you to eat iron pellets and drink molten copper is-” You couldn’t finish and threw the steaming copper to the side, kneeling and about to shatter the bowl and small vase.
You looked took a breath sat down beside him, head in your hands, and sighed. “I can’t do this,” you said and sat in silence for a couple of minutes, feeling the tense atmosphere around you and his eyes never leaving you. You twiddled with your hands and finally spoke up. “I’m going to get in trouble if anyone finds out about this. I can’t believe I’m doing this,” you muttered and stood up, facing Sun Wukong and picking up the bowl and vase. “I’m going to get you some actual food and water but I promise I’m coming back,” you said carefully and calmly standing your ground against his icy glare. It didn’t take a genius to see he didn’t believe you and there wasn’t a reason why he should but you decided here and now that you wouldn’t be a bystander.
You walked back to the path to the surface and heard Sun Wukong call out to you before you were out of sight. “Peaches,” he said and you looked back. “What?” he said the same thing and you realized he was talking about the fruit or food you promised you to bring back. “I can’t guarantee they’re going to be peaches of immortality but I’ll do my best,” you said with a small smile and saw his expression brighten just enough to notice. It took you a while to actually find some fruit that wasn’t in a market or un/overripe and after finding some apples and berries you found a small orchard of varied fruit that happened to grow peaches. Grabbing as much as you could in your bowl and pocket on the other side finding the water was easier.
The problem was the vase you had wasn’t that big and even if you filled it to the top someone parched could drink the whole thing in under a minute so you had to use whatever magic you knew to expand the contents of the vase with a sigil. Luckily returning with a small bounty of fruit and around 6 liters of water in the small expanded vase in 2 hours. You carefully retraced your steps and smiled brightly when you could see the Monkey King who met your gaze with a shocked expression of his own. It melted into a happy grin like you’d told him you were giving him eternal happiness which in a way wasn’t entirely false.
This was probably the happiest he’d been since he was first imprisoned due to the low chance of anyone showing the least bit of sympathy or even pity if that. Your smile grew a tad when you saw the small part of his tail that was free swish excitedly. You walked back over to where you could see the now-dried copper. “You came back,” he murmured and you blinked, putting the bowl of fruit down and tilting your head. “Of course, I came back. I promised I would and I did manage to find some ripe peaches after a bit of searching but I think having some water might be preferred first. I did what I could to make this vase able to hold more freshwater but it’s probably not that much.” you said and saw the shock plain on his face. He didn’t think that anyone would actually do this in the 240 years he’d been locked down here and it seemed almost too good to be true.
“Why?” he asked and couldn’t ignore how he salivated just from one look at the water and fruit but he wanted answers first. You lowered the vase just a tad and hummed in thought. “This is inhumane and I’d never wish this even on my worst enemy but I heard you have a bunch of other friends and family back on your mountain. So that tells me that you still care and fight for those you love,” you said and lifted the vase, reaching to cup his face and stopping when he flinched still seemingly in thought about what you said. He eyed your hand and slowly let you cup his face so none of the water dripped down or it all spilled over his face. Instantly you could see the relief on his face as the cold water hit his tongue and he closed his eyes, slowly drinking what you gave him and licking his lips when you pulled the vase away to give him some of the fruit. “Do you miss them?” you asked as you split it in half with the help of a sharp rock and looked at him, taking the pit out and setting it aside.
“Always. I hope they’re alright. It’s my fault if anything happens and I was an idiot to think I could pull that stunt and still lead them safely.” he said solemnly and quietly thanked you for the half of the peach you held up so he could eat it. You remained silent and also hoped they were doing alright. There was a chance you could escape for a day to visit Flower Fruit Mountain but that was ignoring the residents not outright killing a celestial without hearing them out and even if you got Sun Wukong to write something they’d rationally think heaven forced him to write. “Hey, they’re your friends and family, right? You trained them pretty damn well from what I heard and I wonder where they got that determination and strength from,” you said with a bit of hope in your voice and smiled gently.
He looked at you and slowly smiled at your words, quietly laughing before coughing a lot. You quickly got him some water and again gave him the rest of the peach, “Don’t try and strain your voice.” you said and he nodded, looking away before addressing you again. “I know you already know who I am but just call me Wukong,” he said and you could still hear a bit of pride when he said that you already knew who he was. A part of you was grateful they hadn’t broken him and he still had some spirit whether it was there before you came or because of your help you didn’t know. “But I don’t know your name after all you’ve done,” he said and smiled, the free half of his tail swaying and one of his ears twitching.
“I’m Name. It’s nice to meet you, Wukong.” you said and chuckled happily, both of you laughing for now “formally” introducing yourselves. After he finished the rest of the fruit and water you both talked about yourselves and other small talk to lighten the mood before you had to leave. However, before you left you hid the vase and bowl in a crevice in the rock structure opposite to the one Wukong was in. “There so no one finds the expanded vase and bowl so I can use them when I come back,” you said and carefully climbed down, walking back to Wukong with a bittersweet expression and wiping a tiny bit of fruit juice from his cheek. “I can’t promise I’ll be able to do this every time you’re supposed to be fed the cooper and iron or that I’ll be the celestial assigned to this task but whenever I am you can trust I’ll take care of you,” you said and smiled, walking back up towards the surface and waving one last goodbye before returning to the heavenly realm.
Unfortunately, you were right as the previous celestial kept up with his job of giving Wukong his “meals” before getting removed altogether for some reason you didn’t know and you were assigned to that task. The next time you were to deliver his meal you had to hide your happiness and keep your mask up till you were in the safe walls of the caves, tossing the hot copper and iron pills down the nearest ravine you saw. Once you were sure you no one outside could hear you you shouted to the one person you knew could hear you. “Wukong! Wukong! I have good news.” you shouted and ran to the base of the rocky platform, seeing the demon monkey perk up and smile despite looking worse for wear.
“What is it? They finally made a good decision for once?” he said and huffed, very eager to hear what could be considered “good news” from heaven. “The other celestial isn’t coming back. He’s gone and he got fired I think. They weren’t too clear on the details but I’m the one assigned to you now.” you said and smiled full of joy once you got to the point and stopped rambling. Wukong’s expression was the happiest you’d ever seen it and his tail was thumping against the rock trapping it, his eyes scanned your figure and then back at the entrance you usually came down. “This isn’t some cheap trick, is it? You swear?” he asked and prayed it wasn’t another way they found to punish him. You excitedly shook your head and intertwined your hand with his. “I swear,” you said firmly.
You both celebrated for a couple of minutes before you looked over some minor burns he had because the previous attendant “accidentally” missed Wukong’s mouth when giving him the molten copper. Using some of the river water you’d gotten after you left for food and water to ease the pain and hopefully strengthen the healing process. You both went through the usual routine of giving him fruit and water then taking a small brake so you could talk and he wouldn’t get sick from overeating and drinking so fast. The relationship between you both had gotten a lot closer than before and you both cherished the other’s presence. You noticed his fur had become more matted and knotted, tentatively reaching a hand towards the fur on his head and brushing your fingers through it. You didn’t get far and the slight wince he gave told you it was bad.
“Can I?” you asked and gestured to his fur. He snapped out of his trance and realized what you were asking, nodding and relaxing into your hands. “Yeah of course- I mean yes. That would be helpful,” he said and stammered, his face feeling warm and finding himself loving your affection more than he thought he would. You gently untangle the knots in his fur and smile when you feel a small rumbling coming from his chest. “Thank you, sunshine. You seem too good to be true but keep coming back and I’ll think you’ve gotten attached to me. “ he teased and threw you a cheeky grin. You blushed at the new nickname and rolled your eyes playfully at his teasing.
“Why sunshine? And if I am attached then I don’t see why that would be a problem,” you said and laughed, keeping most of your focus on grooming his soft ginger fur and looking back at him for a moment. Wukong looked back at you for a moment in shock before smiling and laughing along with you for a moment. “I guess it’s not a problem since I’ve become attached to you too. It will be a problem if something happens to stop this however and then I might have a century or two added on to my sentence, ” he said before you quickly chastised him and shot him a stern look. “Fine! I’m joking…mostly. I called you sunshine 'cause you were the first small bit of light I saw since I’ve been trapped down here and you’ve become a ray of sunshine that only I get to see.” he admitted and leaned into your hand, his tail swishing happily and making grabbing motions with his hand for another piece of fruit.
You were stunned for a second not thinking of all the time you spent with one another and how much had changed from the first time you interacted to now. Diving into your feelings you felt the same and would risk the same if something or someone stopped this entirely. He noticed you stopped and matched your expression both of you coming to the same realization. “Well, then I’ll keep being your sunshine no matter what tries to shut me out. How does that sound, Wukong?” you said and smiled widely, lifting a berry to his lips for him to eat and curiously waiting for his response. “That sounds like a perfect match. “A match made in heaven huh” I guess this is the one good thing heaven did for me,” he said and ate the berry you offered him. Those three words went unspoken but were understood in the same way by both of them.
You ran your fingers through the now soft and smooth fur on his head, cupping his face and kissing his lips gently. He kissed back and you felt his cheek nuzzle yours after breaking apart. Safe to say both of you stayed together a bit longer than usual before you had to regretfully go. It stayed the same routine, you would mask the true feelings you had about your lover’s situation and him and then spend as much time as you could together while also making sure Wukong stayed fed and hydrated. But one day you didn’t know what had happened or who it was when you came back from gathering the fruits and water you usually get and about to greet Wukong.
The ground shifted from underneath you and another darker-furred monkey demon held you by your throat, growling at you and silently threatening death if you moved an inch. The bowl and vase you were holding fell to the stone below, cracking the bowl apart and shattering the vase with the water spilling around you both. “Macaque! Stop it! They’re not trouble! They’ve done nothing wrong! Leave them out of it!” you heard your lover shout and met his eyes, fear evident in your expression, and hoped you would be able to get out of there alive. Apparently whoever this Macaque person was to Sun Wukong rationally mistrusted you or more likely anyone connected to the heavenly realm.
His grip tightened on your throat and you grabbed his hand helplessly trying to breathe, seeing him look back to Wukong and then to you with a glare and throwing you to the center of the platform. “Sure and I’m supposed to believe this celestial servant hasn’t been torturing you for the last couple of centuries! I’m not an idiot and besides one less prick to deal with.” he spat. You cried out in pain and grasped your throat desperate to get air back in your lungs, attempting to get up and to where you could roughly make out Wukong through the blurriness and ringing noise muffled with voices. You didn’t get far since you assumed Macaque stepped on your back to pin you down, tearing up at the pressure steadily increasing and crying out when you felt something crack.
Somehow you gained a breath and enough strength to make a retort back. “I’d never hurt him or even think of torturing Wukong when he’s already been through pain by others and himself! You know the Jade Emperor ordered the attendants to give him iron pellets and molten copper so why would I have fruit and water? I’ll drink and eat them myself to prove they haven’t been tampered with-” you shouted and cut off by a sharp pain shooting through you for talking that much. “Name! You’ve done nothing wrong there’s no need to prove yourself!” he shouted and could only watch as you were let up by his former friend, walking in pain over to the food and water you always brought and picking up a vase. You kept your eyes on Macaque as you drank the water you had brought and ate a bite of a now-bruised peach, mustering up what strength you had left to glare back at your attacker and swallow the fruit.
You did your best to pick up the fruits that didn’t seem damaged and carefully walked over to the rock pillar encasing Wukong all the while keeping your eyes on Macaque who seemed all too eager to find a reason to kill you. The moment you got within arms reach of Wukong you were pulled toward him and looked over worriedly, resulting in the fruits being dropped but that seemed like the last thing on his mind, and tried to hold back the tears now that the adrenaline was wearing off. You were no doubt covered in bruises and scrapes but you never felt safer now that you were with him, shaking and forcing your mind to focus on what he was saying.
“It’s alright and you’re safe now. Fuck you’re injured now because of me. I was worried I was going to lose you, sunshine.” he whispered and kissed your forehead, brushing his thumb over a cut on your lip and frowning. You kept your hand clasped in his and forced a wobbly smile on your face. “I’m not going to lie this hurts but I wouldn’t break my promise. I did say I would always be here. I missed you.” you said and kissed him gently, looking back towards the fruit and water that was mostly ruined or gone. “The fruit and water I got you are gone though and it’s going to be too suspicious to get a new expanded vase,” you said and frowned since you weren’t well enough to use your magic to recreate that effect on the vase you brought with you. “Hey, you know I’ve survived worse and I’d still be like that if it weren’t for you. Don’t worry about the food or water all I care about is you right now,” he said and briefly looked to the other demon in the cave who looked to be both confused, surprised, and furious at both parties.
You glanced at Macaque and focused back on your lover, still glancing at the spilled food and water. “If you’re so focused on getting more food and water for me then I won’t stop you even though I’d prefer you stay with me especially since you’re injured. Just be safe and at the first sign of danger turn back,” he said and stressed the last part, nuzzling his nose against yours and kissing you gently wary of your cut lip. You nodded and smiled, kissing his palm and gathering the first vase and bowl you brought. Never once let Macaque out of your sight out of fear he might come at you again who was still glaring at you as his tail lashed behind him and you stumbled a couple of times because of the cracked rib you had.
Even when you were out of sight from both of them and gathering what you needed on the surface you looked over your shoulder, carefully treading down the stone path in the cave until you got to where you left both demons and saw Macaque was now leaning against a bolder seemingly a bit eager to kill you and now shifted to tolerating your presence for now. A much different reaction you got from your lover who perked up upon your return and his tail excitedly moving behind him.
“Sunshine!” he called and you relaxed a bit, smiling and offering the water you had first. Switching as you normally did and eating one of the salvaged fruits that you set on the ground but looking over at the other monkey demon watching you both agitated. You felt like you were about to walk up to death once again because of your stupid self. You picked up one of the fruits you brought back and slowly walked over to him, offering him the fruit and putting it down next to him when you saw he wasn’t going to take it. “I don’t know what you think of me and frankly I can’t find myself to care because all I care about is Wukong being alright. I made him a promise to always be a light for him and I won’t anything stop me from keeping it or hurt the person I love.” You said firmly with conviction and backed away as he narrowed his eyes at you. Both of you refused to budge despite your injuries and Sun Wukong couldn’t be prouder of you for being this strong.
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oppropro · 1 day
Just a fanfic I have written for @celestialkiri
I am so in love with Sophie and Wukong and thought I might write a story of how Sophie ended up in the JTTW universe. All credit for character creation goes to @celestialkiri @jttw-monkeybusiness. I really hope you like this, I tried my darndest!
Chapter 1 - Bad Luck
Luck finally seemed to be going Sophie’s way. Standing under the awning of a storefront she had never glanced at, on a street she had traveled nearly every day for the past six years, the universe had finally given her a sign.
            Her day had not started out so terrible; she had found an anthology of 19th century poetry at a discounted price, as well as a special edition of National Geographics about old world monkeys. Along with a couple of used novels, her outing to the consignment store had been a net positive. Also, her mother had texted her to let her know that Granny had cancelled their plans for dinner that evening.
            Sophie had feigned disappointment at the news, truthfully though, she had not been in the mood to have her grandmother lecture her on how she wasn’t in a relationship, how she wasn’t living on her own yet, and how her pursuit of a master’s degree had yet to produce a meaningful career. Yes, Sophie was in a slump: she was moving back home into her mother’s house after her roommates decided to fall in love, marry, and move to the suburbs; and no, she had yet to find any job that would allow her to pay for her own apartment.
            It’s not like Sophie wanted to move back home. At least her mother was being supportive. She would not have to pay rent and would have some place safe to stay while she looked for work that she wanted to do; or at the very least would pay well. Nearly all of her personal belongings were already at her mother’s home, and after leaving her old apartment for good, all she had on her was her new used treasures, her sketch book that she took everywhere, the toiletries from her apartment and last night’s pajamas.
            Her luck for the day changed when the city bus suddenly lurched forward, sending herself and all the other passengers flying from their seats. Then a clunk, a sputter, and a horrid grinding sound. Finally puffs of white smoke billowed out of the engine. Everyone exited relatively unscathed and stood on the sidewalk and watched as the befuddled bus driver attempted to resuscitate the dead jalopy. A relief bus was on its way, but it was going to be a while, and would be crowded. Sophie looked at the intersection and estimated that the walk home would be two hours tops; too late to be home for dinner but that wasn’t a problem anymore. And so, Sophie continued the rest of her journey on foot.
            The weather was sunny and cool, and Sophie took the time walking to contemplate her current situation. She had been searching for jobs but had been met with rejection after rejection: you do not have the qualifications necessary for our position; your qualifications are great, but you don’t have enough experience; you seem to be overqualified for this position, but we will keep your resume on file. The money Sophie had in savings was nearly depleted; she didn’t want to go back to a job as a part-time barista; and online commission work wasn��t enough to live off of. She was starting to feel desperate for something, anything in her field.
            Sophie traversed the city sidewalks at a steady pace, mindful not to step on any cracks, a habit picked up from childhood. It started out as some old superstition which then evolved into a routine, an odd competition in which no one but her was competing. Sophie smiled to herself watching her shadow and her feet step one after the other indifferent to the sounds of the street around her. Soon enough, the darkness of her shadow faded, and the colour of the pavement greyed as shadows gathered over head. Sophie looked up and watch the rain come down; a light drizzle quickly turning into a torrential downpour. A large raindrop landed in her eye causing her to shake her rub her eyes until tears washed out any foreign particles and she could see clearly again; she was standing on a crack in the sidewalk. Bad luck.
            Sophie didn’t have time to dwell on what her bad luck might be as she sought to closest shelter she could, a storefront awning. It was an unassuming building, windows plastered with pictures of far away landscapes, sunset beaches, and tropical flowers. Above the door read the name Eastern to Western Expeditions. Slightly below the store name, at eye level with Sophie, was handwritten sign on what looked like a scrap piece of orange neon cardboard: Help needed URGENTLY! No experience necessary, Inquire within.
            The rain showed no signs of letting up any time soon, and it seemed to Sophie as though the gods themselves had placed her in this spot, at this moment for a reason. At the very least, she would be foolish not to inquire about the job. She opened the door and stepped inside.
            The chimes at the door rang softly as Sophie stumbled through the threshold. Without any grace she quickly regained her balance. The entrance, it seemed, was a few inches higher than the pavement outside. Sophie scanned the open room to make sure there were no witnesses to her dramatic entrance; there was no one. Despite the crisp white walls, the room was dimly lit due to the lack of natural light blocked by pictures on the shop front window and overhead lights were only giving off a faint warm glow. Probably for the ambiance, Sophie assumed, the floor was carpeted in bamboo mats, the wall art took inspiration from Ming Dynasty art. A desk stood near the back of the room, solid mahogany. No computer or land line, just a small bonsai, a desk sized rock garden with mini rake, and a Tiffany lamp with intricate lotus petals coloured pink and white.
            A woman stepped through the beaded doorway with a Staff Only sign above. An Asian woman, slightly taller than Sophie. Her skin was as close to porcelain as Sophie had ever seen. Her dark, lustrous hair tied tightly back in a low ponytail showing off her prominent widow’s peak; not a single strand of hair was out of place. She was wearing white pants and a blazer with hints of a cream frilled blouse underneath. Poor Sophie was so awestruck as the woman met her gaze and smiled that she didn’t even register the peculiarity of what was in the strange woman’s hand: a tray with a tea pot and two cups, already steeped as though this was the exact time tea was to be served. The woman sat down quietly behind the desk and Sophie unthinkingly sat on the other side.
            “Unusual weather we are having today,” the woman said as she handed Sophie a cup of tea.
            “Yeah,” Sophie replied wordlessly, grasping the cup with both hands. The warmth of the cup made her suddenly aware of the coolness of the room. After a few seconds, which seemed to Sophie like eras, she finally spoke to the woman; “I saw the sign on your door.”
            The woman laughed. The sound of her laugh was warm and comforting to Sophie, it put her at ease. It reminded her of the way her mother would laugh at her childhood antics. Sophie felt like she would say or do anything to hear that laugh again. “I was wondering when someone would take notice of my sign. It has been up for quite a while, but you are the first to inquire about it.”
            This is my sign Sophie thought to herself Luck is on my side. “As it stands, I am currently unemployed, and I am looking for work. I don’t have a resume on hand, but I can gladly email a copy to you. I just thought I would come inside and introduce myself first and…” Sophie began to feel her breath escape from her, bringing along with it any sense of self-assuredness and cohesion.  and inquire about the nature of the job you have advertised… and… it’s raining outside.”
            The woman across from Sophie smiled as she took a sip from her cup. There was no sign of judgement on her face. She spoke with a soft authority. “I pride myself as a good judge of character, and I believe you may be an excellent candidate for the position.”
            Sophie relaxed her shoulders as she exhaled and decided to take a sip of the tea. It was bitter, but not unpleasant. “Are you looking for an administrative position? I don’t have any formal experience, but I appreciate the importance of keeping organized files and detailed record keeping. As a master’s student I had to…”
            “Oh no, no,” the woman interrupted Sophie. “This is not an administrative position. I have been contracted by a client of mine to seeking an assistant on an expedition. This is a travel agency of sorts. We cater to individuals who are interested in more meaningful travel experience; off the beaten path, away from crowded tourist spots and immerse themselves in cultural customs and natural wildlife in small tour groups with a low carbon footprint.”
            Whatever remaining confidence Sophie had quickly begun to seep away. “You would need me to travel?”
            The woman nodded.
            “Like, travel out of the country travel?”
            “I can assure you that you will be completely safe on this excursion.”        
            Despite the woman’s smile the genuineness of her voice, Sophie was anything but assured. Her passport had expired two years ago. What vaccines would she need? Would she need travel visas? Was this a front for human trafficking? Am I being trafficked right now? Sophie calmly placed her teacup on the table as she began to plan her exit strategy. Why were there two cups of tea? How did she know someone was coming? I’m being punked? Is that still a thing? I’m on camera right now? Sophie mustered a smile on her face, “Like I said, I just wanted to pop in and inquire. I will definitely send you a resume later on tonight… or tomorrow.” As Sophie stood up to leave for the exit, the woman rose as well with an unnatural grace which left Sophie speechless.
            “I appreciate you coming in” the woman said guiding the bewildered Sophie to the front door. She had her hand on Sophie’s shoulder. Just get out of this place and never think about it again. Just get out of this place. Just get out of this place. Sophie repeated the mantra in her head. It was the only way she could keep her composure. She barely noticed the sound of chimes as the woman opened the door for her.
            “It was a pleasure to meet you…”
            Sophie was barely paying attention to what the woman was saying. Just step out the door and go home. You are going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine.
            “…and Sophie?” the woman’s voice was sounded somewhat empathetic.
            I didn’t tell her my name.
            “Mind that first step.”
            With a firm push from the woman, Sophie fell forward. Not into the rainy street but into complete darkness.
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Trouble Is a Friend - Chapter 32: Confluence - Wukong/Reader, Macaque/Reader, Macaque/Wukong/Reader, Macaque/Wukong - LEGO Monkie Kid [Archive of Our Own]
Slowly, ever so slowly, the chips fall where they must.
Chapter 32 of my fic Trouble Is a Friend is now up! Click on the link above to read the most recent chapter!
New reader? Start here!
If you’d like to support me, consider buying me a coffee!
Rating: Mature (for violence and language) Characters: Reader, Original Characters, Tang (Monkie Kid), Qi Xiaotian | MK, Zhu Bajie | Pigsy (Monkie Kid), Red Son (Monkie Kid), Tieshan Gongzhu | Princess Iron Fan, Demon Bull King (Monkie Kid), Long Xiaojiao | Mei, Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque, Spider Queen (Monkie Kid), Nezha (Monkie Kid), Erlang Shen (Monkie Kid) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Reader-Insert, Reader is gender neutral, Reader wears suits and dresses because clothing has no gender, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Polyamory, What love triangle? They have two hands your honor, Emotional Baggage, Magic, Clairvoyance, Not Canon Compliant, I’ve seen canon and have elected to ignore almost all of it, Rated For Violence, I’m not kidding when I say this is a slow burn, We’re turning on the crock pot and letting this cook for the next week, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, //slaps roof of car This fic can fit SO MUCH TRAUMA IN IT, it’s about the hurt… it’s about the comfort AFTER the hurt… Fic Summary: “Hold on, firecracker. Have you heard this one yet?” You see a gentle sunrise of gold and red as Wukong’s eyes meet yours. His face softened, his other hand touching your arm, his thumb lightly tracing one of the scars. His voice was firm yet soft, grounding yet light as he spoke, “You’re safe.”
He keeps going, “You’re safe here. You’re safe with Uncle. With MK. With Tang. With all of them. All these years being alone in the dark without a candle to light your way? I can see in the dark, and MK can too now! I’m sure Uncle’s got a match somewhere and all you gotta do is provide the candle.”
He scoots closer, taking both your hands now and keeping your gaze. “You. Are. Safe. Even if shit hits the fan, you will not be alone to pick up all these broken pieces anymore. I’m here. We all are.”
After years of running from your past and hiding your scars, you find relief in several wandering destinies that are intertwined with your own. And in return, you help two particularly stubborn stone monkeys find their own healing.
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yasashii-leaf · 6 hours
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luxthestrange · 1 month
LMK Memes #7
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sleighhethereal · 4 months
Before that mountain fight scene in the MACAQUE episode:
[Y/N], yelling at Macaque: you lied to MK!
Macaque: yep.
[Y/N]: you used him!
Macaque: that is also true.
Macaque, eyes half-lidded: she is really pretty
Wukong, punching Macaque's face sending him across mountains: i know, right??
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miffysrambles · 8 months
Hello! I love your headcannons! What are your headcannons for when S/O is gravely injured? Like, the S/O is fighting against some demons along with MK, Wukong and Macaque and they get very seriously injured, to the point of passing out. What would their reactions be?
Wukong, Macaque, and MK With a Gravely Injured S/O
(This one took a bit, sorry about that!)
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Oh, he is livid.
He shouts at MK to take you somewhere safe, as far away from his location as the boy could go.
“Get them out of here kid, get them help! I’ll handle this!”
He needs to beat some sense into this bastard, right here and right now.
Uses almost every single one of his powers to strike the demon, soon enough scaring them off into never hurting you or even going near you again.
Grabs them by the collar as they fall to the ground, bearing his fangs as speaks through his teeth. 
“If I see you even stand close to that mortal ever again, I will not hesitate to kill you next time…”
Eventually travels back to you and MK on his cloud, finding the both of you in your apartment as the noodle boy patches you up.
He sends MK home, ensuring you’ll be ok.
“Don’t worry bud, they’ll be fine. Get some rest, ya earned it.”
He sits down next to you on the couch as he lays your head in his lap.
His fingers intertwine with your hair, his other hand caressing your face as you rest from the intensity of your wounds.
He stays like this for quite some time, maybe even hours as he does not dare to move a muscle.
His heart skips a beat as you shift awake, smiling up at him as you regain consciousness.
He smiles back at you, it might have been the fact you were still a bit tired but you swear you could see small tears in his eyes.
“Peaches, oh thank Gods! It’s ok! You’re ok, you’re safe…”
He wants nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms and cover your gorgeous face in kisses but does not want to move you when you’re in pain.
Soon enough when you’re ready to move he does just that, laying you on his chest as he presses soft kisses all over your face.
He holds you close as if you were about to disappear any second, you’re guessing he really was scared today -which is super rare.-
“I love you, oh I love you so much. I’m so glad you’re ok.”
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His first instinct is to get you the hell out of there. 
As soon as his six ears hear your breath falter, he pulls you through into the shadows and gets you both out of the fight.
“Damnit, damnit, damnit! You're going to be okay sweet cheeks, don’t close your eyes on me. Keep those gorgeous eyes open.”
He falls into his living room with you in his arms, frantically kissing your forehead as he sets you down on the couch. 
He’s scrambling through his dojo to find stuff to patch up your wounds, he doesn’t have much because, well, he’s immortal.
After patching you up, –which is sloppily done by his shaking fingers–, he leaves you alone to rest.
“Gods damnit!” He punches a hole through the wall of the dojo, taking his rage out on the crumbling drywall. 
He needs to direct his anger towards something else before the entire building falls.
And luckily for him, he has just the target.
Oh, the demon didn’t win like they thought they did, not even close.
As soon as Macaque sees they let their guard down, he emerges from the shadows to summon his smoke monster.
It grabs the demon within its giant grasp as it forces them into the gravel below, crushing them with its sheer force.
“So! Do you really think you got away with hurting that mortal? Big mistake on your part…”
After beating the demon to a pulp, he travels back to you through the shadows.
You open your eyes to see him land on the living room floor, his ears perking up from the sound of your breath hitching as he rushes to your side. 
You smile up at him through your pain, your bandages wrapped a little too tight.
“Macaque? I love you and appreciate it so much but you tied these a little too tight…”
He blinks in surprise as he reapplies the white strips on your wounds, smiling as he kisses your nose.
“Heh, sorry about that starshine. Glad you’re ok…”
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen your bright bubbly boyfriend so angry.
In fact, he is beyond furious.
To the point, he turns into his monkey form and beats the demon into a pulp. 
Pigsy and Sandy were helping you stand as you stared at the sight in front of you, MK glowing a bright gold color as the two flew through the sky so fast you couldn’t keep your eyes up with them.
At one point, the demon tried to teleport away but MK was two steps ahead as he reached his arm out and grabbed them by the collar.
“Hey! Who– Said– I– Was– Done with you yet!”
He was throwing the demon around the mountains in between his words, finally, the demon was defeated as Mk ran up to you.
“(Name)! Oh, please be ok!” He wraps his arms around you, earning a gasp of pain from you.
“Careful kid, they’re hurt bad…” Pigsy put his hands up to warn your worried boyfriend.
“Right, right. Come on, let’s get them home.”
MK scooped you up in his arms as he carried you to your apartment, using the key that you gave him to set you down on the couch.
“Stay here, I’ll get you some bandages.”
He kissed your forehead as he left the room, coming back with white gauze and a waterproof marker.
You raised your eyebrow at the marker, earning a small smile from him as he slightly laughed.
“I was gonna draw on your bandages, add a little happy touch to the sadness!”
You laughed softly, nodding at the idea.
“Sounds fun, let's do it.”
He beamed as he applied the white strips, drawing various doodles on your bandages such as a doodle of the two of you kissing, one of the Monkey King (of course), and little hearts and stars everywhere.
You smiled as he held up his phone camera to you so you could see, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you babes, I look so colorful!’
His cheeks flushed red as he kissed your cheeks several times in return, “Of course, I think you look goood! I’m so glad you’re feeling better sweetie”
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aleiiii · 2 months
Reborn! Wukong appreciation yesss. No one ever talks about him but that little gremlin deserves more love. Now I’m super curious to know more about that ‘Nà in a different font’ character of yours 👀
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I had to dig these outta my sketchbook, so apologies for the messy format ;; they were very spur of the moment doodles
Since they were very spur of the moment, this character doesn’t have a name! Though, these were made before I had actually drew up Nà, so in a way…. She’s kinda like her predecessor lmao. There are some similarities… if you can spot them hehe
A bit of background for her though, the idea was that she’s a shrine maiden that the group come across in their journey. And of course Wukong being…well… Wukong comes and causes some issues. I WILL PREFACE THAT THIS IS PROBABLY AN ALTERNATE STORY THAT DOES NOT FOLLOW THE CANON OF JTTW, ofc it’s not very monk-like to be running around creating children. I take it as Wukong not really wanting to reach buddahhood by the time they finish their journey. All in good fun.
Conclusion: Reborn Wukong needs more love
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emelinstriker · 2 months
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the two in the first pic got their eyes locked onto you- and mac's just there as bonus
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
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He loves to be helpful
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marcu-bug · 3 days
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Can you do Macaque & Wukong x reader (poly) where the reader always goes on their missions, but always comes back with bruises and wounds?
Also I love your writings! I hope you are doing okay!!❤
I'm doing great and I hope you're doing good too!
Macaque & Wukong x reader (poly) where they come back from missions with injuries
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Both of them already worry about you and text you periodically if it’s a particularly dangerous mission. They have total confidence in you they just want you to be okay and stop coming back with injuries. Wukong is the more dramatic one ironically regarding your injuries and hovers over you while he’s healing your bruises or wounds, talking about how the mission went and if you kicked the demon’s ass. Macaque is glad your back and you’re now able to stay by their sides, curling a tail around your wrist and suggesting you all stay in for the night.
The more severe the injury is the more frantic they will be like the one time you came back with nearly your whole back bruises you were put on bed rest by both of them and whenever you tried to get up for something “too labor intensive” you were portaled back to the bed curtesy of your shadowy boyfriend. On the bright side both of them love doting on your in their own ways with Wukong being physically affection and very cuddly while Macaque helps you change your bandages or giving you a lotion massage where it hurts.
Training is fun for all of you because you all train at least once a week and take turns with improving different skills like hand to hand combat, weapons, magic, defense or offense. You’re careful to not fall for any little tricks either if them pull as you slowly recover from your wounds and take on some more simple training.
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cinnamonroll-anon · 3 months
LMK Wukong x Reader who is wearing peach-scented perfume and peach-flavored lip balm??? 🍑🍑🍑
Sun Wukong x Reader: Sweetest Temptations
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A/n: Literally loved this idea anon! I hope this wasn't too short!
Warnings: Fluff, Suggestive, Gender Neutral Reader
Sun Wukong was a very affectionate partner, he adored cuddling with you, holding your hand and of course getting spoiled by your kisses. Being his partner meant getting to know most of his antics and favorite things, the thing that stood out to you was his love for peaches. You could be running a quick snack run with him and you swear he always chooses something peach flavored, drinks, chips, candy etc. Heck one of his nicknames for you was Peaches!
Making this observation, you had decided to purchase a peach scented perfume and peach lip balm, just trying to see how he'd react. Now Wukong was wholeheartedly in love with you, he was enamored by your scent, your smile, your laugh and just about everything about you. Except for one day he noticed the change in your scent. At first he brushed it off, you were always so sweet of course you'd smell sweeter, but as time went on that smell wouldn't go away. It was becoming overwhelming, too intoxicating and unbearable for him, yet it was so familiar, the way it mixed with your natural scent was driving him mad.
You were currently over at his place, lazing around on his couch, just wanting to spend some time with him. He eventually walked up to where you were on the couch, he had this adorable pout on his lips as he glarred at you, like if he was inspecting a crime scene.
"Um, do you need something?" You questioned with a nervous smile, you were already backtracking if you had done something to upset him. He crossed his arms over his chest before he answered.
"Yes, I need answers. You changed something about you and I can't figure out what." You only raised a brow before patting the open space next to you on the couch.
"Then can you explain what it is while we cuddle? I didn't want to be lonely here with all this room." It didn't take long for him to give in and plop himself next to you, swiftly arranging himself against you. As he got closer he could feel that intoxicating scent practically drown his other senses as you held him close. He briefly moved around in your hold, letting his head rest between the nape of your neck. He took a deep breath, he could practically taste you, but still couldn't figure out that delicate sweetness he smelled on you.
"Damn Peaches, why do you smell so delicious?" He practically groaned out as he cuddled into your side, wrapping his tail around you, giving your waist a small squeeze.
"Oh? Did you finally notice? It's a peach scented perfume, I thought it would be nice to wear around. It's a comforting smell." That was it!? How had he not noticed before? He took another inhale and it was pure bliss. He didn't expect you go out of your way to do this for him, it couldn't have been a coincidence either, peaches were his favorite afterall.
"Aw, Peaches did you really do this for me? Why's that all of a sudden? Needed more of me?" He asked with a cheeky grin, practically looming over you. Your face felt hot with embarrassment as you chuckled softly.
"Maybe I did, but it took you a while to notice! I was just about to give up wearing it altogether." He laughed before leaning down and giving you a sweet kiss. Wait a minute. It felt- no, it tasted sweeter. As his lips parted from yours he quickly pressed them against you with more fervor. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting your fingers tangle into his hair. His tongue swiped your bottom lip experimentally before it finally hit him, your lips also tasted like peaches.
"Peaches, were you also wearing that this whole time?" He asked between breaths as he gazed down at you. You only nodded with a cheeky smile. Oh lord, did he ever regret not kissing you sooner, no wonder your lips looked so plump and pretty. He quickly leaned down, sending a barrage of heated kisses against your lips, the ones he knows that take your breath away. The ones that make your legs weak and leave you yearning for more. Your soft lips against his, your delectable scent, it was all clouding his mind in a heavy haze. He just couldn't get enough of you and that sweet flavor. His favorite flavor. He abruptly stopped his attack of kisses to see your dazed expression, smirking in pride.
"You just had to be this tempting, huh Peaches? But tell me, can you handle the tempted?"
Lets say that after that day you were more than encouraged to wear your perfume and lip balm.
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chaoticyumelikes · 3 months
Sun Wukong and Macaque whith GN! Reader
In which you accidentally step on their tails😬
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Sun Wukong
You were just going to fetch something. Totally normal, innocent and completely unaware of your surroundings. When suddenly you hear a yelp!
You freeze and as if in slow motion, you look at your foot, then at a tail, your gaze follows the trail of the tail to its owner being none other than Sun Wukong who is bearing a heartbreaking expression of absolute betrayal and hurt in his eyes. Immediately you stepped off his tail!
Your apologies started as well as the poor monkey King caressed his hurt tail away from you. You begged his forgiveness but he pouts and turns his back to you.
You know his tail was sensitive so in your natural guilt you told him you'd do anything. His ears perked up at that "Anything?" he asked to which you replied "Of course".
If only you could see his smirk...
He turns to you teary-eyed as he says: "Cuddle with me? " and immediately you sit on the couch with him, cuddling him and giving him kisses. Overall comforting him.
If you try to move away he WILL use your guilt against you.
"Where are you going? I see, you just step on my tail and then leave me" you narrow your eyes at him but you relent and he happily welcomes you into his arms with grabby hands peppering your face with kisses and then nuzzling into you with the biggest smile on his face.
That's right, you are stuck with him the whole day. Everything that day, you do for him.
"Wow! We should make a holiday out of this day!" as soon as you turn to him with a suspicious look on your face he continues "As the day you mercilessly stepped on my poor poor tail" one hand dramatically set on his forehead as the other caresses his tail for emphasis.
You made him his favourite food and you watched his favorite show that has him as the main character till you pass out.
The next day comes and you watch over the training session with MK. You watch as they spar when MK accidentally hits Wukong on his tail. MK grimaces, apologizing to his master while Wukong just laughs.
"It's ok bud! It's sensitive but not THAT sensitive, see?" he then uses his tail as an improv chair to show himself off... that is until you appeared behind them, hands on your hips, fury in your eyes.
"Oh, I definitely see." The Monkey King, Sage Equal to Heaven froze, his expression one of horror. "Peaches ~~~" he tries but to no avail. You are fuming!
How dare he use your guilt against you! You were really worried for him. you storm away with a very apologetic King on your tail.
Let's just say the next day was your day cause there's no way this immortal monkey will rest until you forgive him.
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When you step on his tail not only do you jump from his yell, he is genuinely crossed with you. He doesn't even let you apologise, he just pouts and goes into the shadows, leaving you there yelling "I'm sooorryyyyyy!
The day goes by with you trying to call him without success. Successive texts apologising were ignored.
You made his favourite food for dinner when he showed up. With teary eyes, you latch yourself onto him apologizing.
"Heeyyy! What are you talking about? Oh! Do you mean my tail? It's ok, it was an accident!"
"So you forgive meeee?" you ask him with big eyes.
"Sure" he chuckles "Wow! you made my favourite food! Today just keeps getting better! A whole day's nap and a great dinner!"
"Come again?"
"Yeah, I was upset and went to walk to let some steam and see if my tail was alright but then I forgave you, saw this nice tree and started writing my next play based on this event and took a nap till now- Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I tried to call you several times! I left you texts! I was worried!"
"What texts?" he goes to check his phone when his face got horrified at the number of missed calls and unbelievable number of unread texts. He looked at you sheepishly, his hand went to rub his neck "Caaaaaan you believe I had my cell on silent... ?...... Heh..... Silly me..... Heheh..? "
Now it was your turn to pout. You were worried about the very relationship and he was napping??? You turn your back on him, as you stomp into your shared room.
"Wait! I'm sorry alright? Where are you going?"
"Sooo, does that mean you forgive me? Sugarplum? Come on!"
You quickly forgave him however since no doors can stop your shadow-wielding cute boyfriend into cuddling in an absolute apologetic mission.
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celestialkiri · 11 months
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He's picking up his girl with his Lamborghini-cloud
-------- Finally, after 3 days of working on this one! 😭❤️ Wukong's armor gave me headaches but I finally got it somewhat balanced!
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monkiesimp · 11 months
Hi! Are requests still open? If so what do u think about a head-canon about Wukong and Macaque reactions to their ears and tails being touched by their fem s/o? Please? 🙏🏻
Sorry for the wait
• Usually when you would try to touch his tail, Macaque would always just sway it out of your reach.
• You don't try much after that, you can tell it's sensitive.
• So you really gave up on touching his tail after that, but, while he was sleeping you got a bit curious...
• What if you touched his ears instead?
• His name was Six Eared Macaque, but did he really have six ears? He really didn't seem like he had any.
• Either way, you start caressing his ears and just petting them, Macaque shifts in his sleep and grumbles for a moment, then the most unexpected thing happens.
• He purrs.
• You were completely baffled, you never knew he could purr. Why would he hide it? It's adorable... He hides too many things about himself.
• You continue caressing and petting his ears, his purrs would continue and Macaque would release a long sigh, letting out a grunt.
• Then... He woke up. Oh. You were fucked...
• You tried your best to explain yourself, stumbling over your words, but your words caught in your throat when Macaque grabbed your hand and placed it back to his ears, leaning closer to you.
• This surprised you even more, Macaque averted his gaze and he seemed a bit embarrassed. He wanted you to touch his ears?
• Well, you did. You brought both of your hands back to his ears, rubbing them. Macaque released another purr, leaning into your touch until he faded off to sleep again.
• After that, he'd always let you touch his ears if you wanted to when you two were alone, hanging out. He would even unglamour his ears, it appears he did in fact have six ears. And he seemed to enjoy the patting more when the ears were unglamoured.
• He'd sometimes give you empty threaths like, "If you tell anyone about this you'll be in serious trouble", clearly he trusted you wouldn't tell anyone about this but if you did, his empty threaths might not be so empty anymore.
• Trying to get him to unglamour his ears and let you pet it was hard at first, because, for one, he's been hurt before by someone he trusted dearly so you weren't off the hook either. He was a little afraid of letting his guard down, and you could tell by the way his body tensed when you touched him.
• But after a while, he grew more comfortable and started genuinely enjoying all the physical touch he could recieve.
• You two were cuddling after training because you swear to Buddha, this idiot can't go a day without hugging you.
• You were on his cloud and began to think, you mostly patted him everywhere, his head, chin, neck, shoulder, but there was one place you were curious about as to how'd he react.
• And that was definitely his tail.
• You placed your hand at his tail, trailing your finger from the base to the very tip of it which surprised Wukong, sending a shudder down his spine.
• But he didn't seem to mind too much, he put his tail on your lap to play with.
• Even if his tail was slick and thin, it was still very nice and fluffy, very cute too.
• His head would be buried in your shoulder, he would sometimes accidentally wag his tail while you petted it, he had to keep it still for you.
• He definitely enjoyed tail patting a lot.
• His tail doesn't really drive a reaction out of him much, it's the same like petting his head or caressing his cheek.
• Unless you hit a sensitive places on his tail which he seemed to have, those would make him shudder and melt, possibly drive more reactions out of him but you avoided those places.
• He wouldn't have much of a reaction on you caressing his tail and if you wanted to do it in the future, sure, he'd let you.
• You're definitely going to catch him off guard in training by hitting a sensitive spot in his tail to win though, it would be funny, and who said you'd play by the rules? He never followed the rules either.
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