#special stranger nezha
emelinstriker · 2 months
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the two in the first pic got their eyes locked onto you- and mac's just there as bonus
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yourspecialstranger · 1 month
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Uh... hi! I'm Nezha- Your, uh, "Special Stranger", as you tend to call me. I know you told me to create an... account here, so uh- I believe you can see my posts now? ...Wait, am I doing this right? Sorry, I'm new to this... Internet thing. I'm still getting the hang of this. Please don't ask me for specifics. I just... didn't grow up with all these devices around. Anyway, how has your day been, blossom? Did anything interesting happen today?
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alexglitches · 2 months
hand? healed!
me? happy!
hotel? trivago!
here’s nezha realizing he doesn’t have a phone
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special stranger nezha au by @emelinstriker
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flamingo-strikes · 6 months
for the reading asks, 2, 3 & 25 !
OPHELIAAA 🫶🫶🫶 thank u for the ask!!!!
2. Did you reread anything? What?
I did actually! I normally don’t do re-reads because I love being surprised by new content and I have such little time to read nowadays, but I reread Women’s Liberation and the African Freedom Struggle by Thomas Sankara. I actually plan to re-read a lot more of my socialist books soon, and this was a great start.
3. What were your top five books of the year?
I’m ngl this was a slightly mid year for reading for me 😭💔 A lot of my reads were below par, at least compared to last year and the one before, but I did really enjoy a few!!! Here are my faves of this year!
The Poppy War by RF Kuang. This book is so special to me, and I love it dearly. Kuang writes such a rich, tragic world with characters that feel so real. The themes in the series are so dark, and it’s inspired by the real second Sino-Japanese war. It’s a story of colonialism, power, resistance, and it’s just really dark and fucked. Rin is my baby (she’s a war criminal). The vibes in this book compared to the rest of the series are unmatched personally. The school setting, watching Rin practice and work so hard, her rivalry with Nezha, her mentor Jiang, EVERYTHING WITH ATLAS OH MY GOD 💔 this is a must read fantasy for sure!
Counterpart by Ella Pyne. I picked this up randomly on my Kindle Unlimited because the premise seemed cool and oh my goddd I was pleasantly surprised at how amazing it is. I have NOT read a good romantic fantasy like this in such a long time. It’s about a kingdom where the king’s royal children each have a doppleganger assigned to them, and these “dopplegangers” are his illegitimate children whose mothers are concubines. In order to appease the Gods who give him his royal power, he forces one royal child to kill their doppleganger on their 16th birthday. Leda our MC is the counterpart to Azaria, and she lives everyday waiting for her impending death. She makes a plan to escape but basically things go haywire in the book. The political intrigue, the darkness, the prose, the twisted beauty of each and every character, the family drama, the horror of the court and witnessing our main character in such an awful position, it’s so beautiful and I cannot recommend this enough!! I am 👌 this close to showing up to Pyne’s house myself and begging for the third book.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. This is one of those books that change your brain chemistry istg. I am not the same person I was before. If you don’t dig my corpse out of my grave because you miss me, then you don’t love me sorry! /j. It’s a really depraved dramatic haunting story with no ounce of decorum, a stark difference to my precious exposure to Austen’s works. The Brontë sisters do NOT play around, and I love it.
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. It took me like 2-3 business days to realize I loved this one, because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It makes me so sad because it’s so painfully real, and there is this sentiment in the prose that always gets me, like this resigned expectation of a society that will care more about your work value than you as a person.
Hmm filling this out is hard because after these top 4, I have a few that I equally enjoyed a lot. But I’ll go with Intercepts by T.J Payne. This is a sci-fi horror, so very out of my comfort zone but I loved it! It’s like Stranger Things x Smile, and it was SO freaky and I made a mistake reading it while I was alone in my house lmfao. It has a really fun engaging plot (not in a happy way lol), fleshed out characters, and a super eerie vibe.
25. What reading goals do you have for the next year?
Ahh I want to really get through my physical TBR in the next year because it’s kind of ridiculous how I still haven’t read books I’ve owned for 2+ years lol. And more specifically as a reading goal, I plan to engage with more diverse fantasy! I feel like I’ve stuck to more popular books and I really want to change that, find more hidden gems and support BIPOC/queer authors!!!! They’re more fun anyways lol <3 I also need to actually start reading sequels I’ve been holding off on 😭 I have this bad habit of quitting something at the end because I don’t want to let go of it lol (like y’all I stopped watching Bleach at the last ten episodes lmfao) and I want to finish more book series next year for sure!
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emelinstriker · 2 months
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Here's finally the reference sheet for Special Stranger Nezha! :D
More specifically his LEGO version- Also two skin/hair color versions as regular LEGO + the tone I usually use to draw him-
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emelinstriker · 11 days
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Special Stranger Nezha's 2nd outfit!
It's more purple than pink while his usual outfit is more on the red side. His purple cap is also saying 'Special Stranger' in Chinese since it's a custom cap he got for himself. Just to have another option to not damage the cap the Reader gave him. He still got the '(Y/N)'s Special Stranger' cap, don't worry.
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emelinstriker · 3 months
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Target: @hahawasabi
eheheheheheh c:
Might make it a tag where I just post targets with their F/Os lmao
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Funny story that happened: I just came to the beach to relax, and instead I ended up saving two swimmers' lives. And the lifeguards offered me a job because of how quickly I did it with little to no effort. So now I work as a part-time lifeguard whenever I'm around the beach. I hope to see you here sometime as well, blossom! Who knows, maybe I'll get to give you CPR.
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emelinstriker · 5 months
Special Stranger Nezha! :D
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Just cuz I haven't doodled him in a while and the urge was too strong hfgnhfgnhfgnf Also the pose in the middle was drawn without a ref and is just based on memory, so it might look rly scuffed in some places- Got a potentially new/slightly different style design for Nezha's face tho so that's neato-
Edit: Oh no I now see big oopsie and now I can't unsee it and now I hate myself again DHGFNDHFGNDHGNHFNH
The "A Special Stranger" Nezha X Reader (mini-)series in case peeps wanna read it btw: [Blep]
Oh, and the Part 4 in my drafts is only an illusion. it's not real. It's totally not something I add sentences onto whenever the motivation strikes. :)
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emelinstriker · 1 month
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like over half of those messages are people foaming at the mouth while tryna get his love back
20+ of em pulled up within the first like 1-3 hours of his first post while also mass thirsting in his reblogs
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poor guy is overwhelmed af LMAO-
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emelinstriker · 7 days
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quick lil doodles of your champions dressed up as lifeguards + a random smol doodle of the guardian i added earlier
oh, and ss!nezha being so done with wukong having given him a monkey king-themed chair for his child
the chair is based on a pic i had to take after havin to do a doubletake on chair in the lab cuz it looked like a monkey when i walked past
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emelinstriker · 2 months
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poorly edited a screenie for the fun of it-
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emelinstriker · 26 days
Heyo! I'd just like to announce I finally got my Patreon set up! :D
It's not much right now since it's new, but I do got some sketches I wanna add to it later.^^
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Also I'll probably still switch out the banner image, tier images and all that. Just slapped some of the older drawings onto them as placeholders for now.
You also don't have to support me through Patreon if you don't have the money- I'll still be posting stuff on Tumblr too. My Patreon will just have some bonus content I won't post here. c:
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emelinstriker · 4 months
Open collab ft. your Special Stranger; For all dem SS!Nezha enjoyers out there! c:
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Feel free to add your own OC or persona. It's still Valentine's Day in my time, so I wanna get this out before the day ends lmao-
Example(, literally just the quick doodle I did in class earlier today):
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emelinstriker · 8 months
I read your special stranger fanfic and I love it! I imagine reader working in an animal center focusing on bats considering that China has the highest number of bat species. Ranging from big flying foxes to microbats that lets out tiny squeaks, Nezha would expect a lot of pictures and videos of them with fun facts.
Ooo- Didn't except to ever see somethin in my inbox about Special Stranger Nezha-
But yes omg fhgnhfgf Imagine the Reader just gushing about bats and Nezha would be so supportive of it fhgnfhgnfhgnhfg
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emelinstriker · 4 months
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Here @hahawasabi- Have a lil treat for all the shit you also had to go through fhgnfhgfnhgf
I was so fuckin' upset that I wanted to doodle him as lil comfort for you- Hope this at least helps light up things even a lil :)
Just remember you're not alone. Those that have the capability of understanding got your back. And I can confirm there's many of 'em. Even if the majority is publicly silent.
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