#percentage of confidence subject to change if i actually knew what they were saying. probably.
windypuddle · 1 year
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opalknightfire · 5 years
INFJ Defense... YOU are NOT INFJ!!  (or maybe you really are)
So, for today I wanted to broach a subject that has kind of been starting to nag at me.  The subject is the MBTI personality typing, specifically for INFJ.  But before I get to the real meat of the issue, I shall give a breakdown of how this issue has arisen for me.  Maybe others will be able to relate, if at least at the core of the issue, not the specific path to get there.  Or just skip down to the *******  to get right to the point.
I have been spending the last several months attempting to do some deep-down soul searching.  It came as maybe a Mid-Life Enlightenment moment.  And by Mid-Life Enlightenment I mean that I have hit mid-life, but I don’t feel like I hit a crisis, I feel like I hit a moment when I needed more clarity, more direction for where my life was going, a turning point if you will, but a turning point that required I dig deeper into my core and discover what I really needed to start focusing on.
I had finished a chapter of my life, so to speak; accomplished the small-picture goal that had been driving my younger life.  And as I stood, realizing my main goal had been achieved, I needed to start looking for what my next goal was going to be.  But I also knew that it had to be more. Yes, I could spend my entire life setting small, easy-ish to achieve goals and come out the other side content with the knowledge that I had done it.  I had lived.  I had completed a life on this wide world.  But somehow I felt that that wasn’t all I that I should do.
And so I started down the trail of self discovery:  What were my flaws?  What did I need to improve?  How could I make myself a better person?  What about me could others see that maybe I could not?  How could I actually affect the world for better?  All these questions bombarded me over and over as I searched different topics, issues, and sources of information. 
Finally I fell onto the MBTI personality type descriptions.  Maybe if I could get my type figured out, I would know where to start.  Maybe I could see how my mind truly worked, could figure out it’s weaknesses, could pinpoint any strengths and use those to probe deeper into some meaning that I could direct my life towards.  And so I ransacked Youtube, free MBTI test sites, and looked up sites that people had dedicated to understanding the MBTI and Jungian/Neojungian personality typology.  I started with broad generalizations to lead me closer to the type I might be and slowly learned more and more about how the different types functioned and not just the superficial stereotypes that the types were labelled as.  I took different tests, but spaced them out between months so that I could get a fresh look each time.  And my answers varied between 3 or so different types.  And many times I thought, “Hmmm, that’s probably right, but how does one know for sure?”  And so the searching and testing would continue on.
It wasn’t until I came across the cognitive function flow and breakdowns that I truly hit home to how my mind must work.  (as an aside I found the personality test that Erik Thor has put up on his site erikthor.com was one of the ones that better spelled out the cognitive functions in the results, so if you are curious about yourself, that might be a good place to start)  I thought back to many of the distinct thoughts that I had had growing up, as a teen, in college, and my life since and saw the patterns that kept reappearing.  The functions I relied on over and over became apparent, as well as those that I shied away from which lead to some of my bigger fears or hurdles throughout the years.  And the type that fit my mind was INFJ.
So the point of my rather long intro is to show that I was doing my homework, I was trying to be thorough as well as objective.  I didn’t start with an assumed answer and try to prove it.  I sifted the info at hand over and over until all the pieces started to fall into place.  And once they did, the picture that emerged became clearer and clearer and my mind suddenly made a whole lot more sense to me.  It was like stepping back from a mosaic that one has been staring at too closely for too long.  All the colors haphazardly scattered about slowly form a picture as you can see where different clusters of similar colors blend together to form shapes and lines.  And I felt I had finally gained some clarity as to who I am.
Now, I may still have mistyped myself (I’m not perfect by anyone’s definition) but I feel fairly confident that how I now perceive my own mind and it’s intricate workings falls very well into the many (sometimes contradictory) descriptions associated with the INFJ personality.
However, the more I delved into the INFJ personality, the more I found that other people (specifically those that identified as INFJ) somehow felt the need to warn other people that if they come up with INFJ as their personality type, they are probably wrong and have mistyped themselves.  Hmmm . . . why is this the case for INFJ and not the other types?
Well first off, many, many, many, many, many, many (you get the picture) INFJ descriptions start by stating that INFJ is the rarest type!!!  Oh my!  Really?!  Can it be!!  (shock and awe!)
Has personality typing somehow entered a reverse popularity contest? 
Personality is just who people are: in their heads and how they react to the world.  People don’t become a personality or acquire a personality, they have a personality.  Maybe statistics can be gathered to get a basic breakdown of what types of personalities there are out there, but statistic gathering can be a rather imperfect measurement to begin with.  Especially when the statistics are based off of self-analyzed test answers.  People don’t always accurately assess themselves, especially when it comes to cognitive abilities.  And maybe INFJ is the rarest type, but it isn’t that far off from some of the other rarer types, so that’s a bit of a misleading statement from the start.  I mean is 1% really that far from 2% or 2.5%?
Also, maybe the statistics are just off.  Maybe, of the people who took the test in places where the statistics were gathered, more of the INFJ types mistyped themselves as something else than other types did, lowering the actual percentage of people who really are INFJ.  If mistyping is so prevalent, than who is to say that the statistcs don’t have just as many mistyped people as the people who are typing themselves where statistics are not being gathered?
And, if INFJ’s are really the rarest type, why broadcast that as some sort of lure for people who have the proclivity to want to feel special?  By stating “Are you an INFJ, the rarest type?” you are just inviting people to want to see if they are, indeed, as rare as they may want to feel.  Only for you to dash them down by saying, “NO, you are not rare, you are just wrong!”  I mean, come on, that just seems mean . .  and maybe spiteful.
It seems more likely that the INFJ’s who are questioning other people’s being INFJ’s are the ones who somehow feel threatened by not being special enough.  After all, the goal of personality typing is to get a better picture of oneself for understanding, improvement, or possibly just for fun.  People probably aren’t out to type themselves based off of what sounds good to them.  At least I don’t assume most people are.  And for those people who are, well, they probably aren’t taking the whole personality typing seriously enough for it to really matter.  But for those people who are truly trying to learn about themselves through personality typing, it’s a bit arrogant to simply decry them as misinformed because you believe you know better based off of some percentage statistic.  After all, people who have introverted intuition as their main function probably aren’t that apparent to other people what it is their mind is doing inside their heads.  How does a person see someone else and just assume that the other person’s cognitive functions must be working differently than what that specific person feels about themselves?
Now, I’m not saying that mistyping doesn’t happen a lot.  It does.  It did for me because I did not always come up as INFJ when I was taking different tests.  And the few times INFJ did come up for me, before I had gathered a lot of data, I assumed was wrong because the first statement I came across was, “This is the rarest type!!!”  While I know I’m unique (honestly, everyone is) I’m not necessarily rare or special.  And I’m OK with that.  So I figured I must have gotten it wrong and moved on.  But once I understood the processing that goes on in the mind of INFJ personality types, well then I started to realize that I was, in fact, probably INFJ after all.
Now, I’m running out of time here, but there is another point I want to make on this subject, but I’ll have to try and make it quickly.
I was talking about personality types with my brother recently, and we were both discussing how in businesses and in society the diversity of personalities plays an important role.  In any structure different tasks are accomplished by different types of people.  A well running company or business relies on having a bunch of different personality types doing things that their personality does well and other types are not so good at.  The same goes for the social structure of communities and even politics and government.  You need people of different abilities and thought processes to keep the various machines of humanity working well.  So, what if personality types become more or less prevalent based off of the current needs of society.  Just as nature can compensate for overpopulation or underpopulation in animals by changing genders or reabsorbing pregnancies, so too might the stresses of society make some personality types more or less likely to show up in a given population.  So maybe INFJ’s used to be rarer, but the needs of society has made the number of people born with that personality type rise?
It’s just something to consider when stating that INFJ’s are so very rare so all those people who think they might be INFJ must be wrong. . .
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Dollhouse season two full review
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How many episodes pass the Bechdel test?
100% (thirteen of thirteen).
What is the average percentage per episode of female characters with names and lines?
How many episodes have a cast that is at least 40% female?
Eleven, six of which had a cast of 50%+.
How many episodes have a cast that is less than 20% female?
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Eighteen. Twelve who appeared in more than one episode, five who appeared in at least half the episodes, and two who appeared in every episode.
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Thirty-three. Twelve who appeared in more than one episode, four who appeared in at least half the episodes, and one who appeared in every episode.
Positive Content Status:
Rubbish. As with the first season, the show suffers seriously for having no moral compass, it indulges in misogynistic violence and voyeuristic sex crimes as a mainstay, and any attempts to critique its own content are marred by hypocrisy and excuses (average rating of 2.76).
General Season Quality:
Also rubbish. While the majority of the cast are doing a fantastic job despite flimsy, problematic material, and there are a bare few episodes that could be considered good, altogether there’s no cohesion to the story, it lurches and fast-tracks and skips over anything that seems like it would have been a good concept to explore, and in the process it manages to lose any semblance of being about something. It’s just an excuse to stretch some acting chops on different kinds of character templates, and even that, it did badly.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) under the cut:
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...so. I guess it’s a ‘nevermind, then’ on the exploration of any of the show’s own invoked themes re: personhood et al. I really thought they did more in that arena, but outside of a handful of single scenes sprinkled across the series, they really never did dig in to their existential concepts or anything that could approximate a broader narrative purpose beyond ‘let’s get Eliza Dushku to embody common sexual fantasies’. It’s ok to do some prompting of meta discussions for the audience and then leave them to fill in the blanks with their own musings, but not at the expense of bothering to say anything about your own subject matter. If you don’t have anything to say, then don’t ask people to listen to you. Keep your gross rape fantasies to yourself (or share with your therapist, damn), and leave the storytelling to people with a story to tell.
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Everything that was wrong with season one is still entirely intact in season two, they fixed zero of their problems - they’re still fetishising and excusing rape, shamelessly objectifying and brutalising women, steeping the series in misogyny for no discernible reason, failing to achieve a basic moral underpinning to their content, underusing their quality acting assets while over-using their worst ones, and of course - as above - completely ignoring the need for a cohesive purpose to their own story or even just a ground-level sense that they knew what they were doing (or at least what they WANTED to be doing) with the arc of the narrative. Indeed, not only were all of the first season’s flaws intact, but season two even managed to make many of them worse! Off the top of my head, I’m not sure they made a single good character decision in the entire season, but I’m gonna save that conversation for the full series review so that I can properly compare the changes from one season to the next; there are plenty of other sins in season two to keep me busy for now. The lack of a moral anything (compass, backbone, compunction, whatever you want to call it) became a much bigger problem as the show attempted to escalate the scope of conflict with outside forces - largely, the Rossum corporation who runs the Dollhouses in service of their E-vil Plans - despite its own characters having committed all the same atrocities variously and knowingly, and the sketchy characterisation did a poor job of convincing that some magical moral something-or-other had taken hold between the seasons to give these characters new ethical dimensions that aren’t just blind hypocrisy. But, the biggest flaw of the season - relevant to all other issues but most especially to the lack of a central narrative theme or sense of meaning behind it - was the arc of the...’story’ that the season told. It was a Goddamn disaster, kids.
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Pro tip: if you happen to, say, make a tv show that performs badly in the ratings in its first season, but you score a second season anyway, and you’re not confident that you’ll ever get a third...don’t try to jam all of the possible plot you imagined for a long-term series down into one season. It’s also probably a good idea to NOT end your first season with an ambitious flash-forward to an apocalyptic future which you are now irrevocably committed to bringing about in your regular narrative in spite of having only thirteen episodes to do it; a problem compounded by the inclusion of ‘flashbacks’ within that flash-forward, depicting events that you have now made canon only to turn around and nullify your own story by changing your mind about how to have it unfold (in the course of insisting on trying to make the whole thing unfold immediately, with plot that should have taken at least half a season to be explicated instead being fast-tracked into the subplot of a single episode). Don’t do that. Especially, don’t do that if you’re gonna ditch any kind of meaningful character arcs or thematic discussions or anything which would give your story a sense of purpose or cohesion or a mission statement of any kind (have I mentioned that yet? It’s mildly important to storytelling). Choosing to roll out a series of rapidly-accelerated plot events with all the nuance removed for streamlining is patently useless - you’ve removed everything that would make those plot events have value. That’s assuming that there were character beats (beats! Not beatings! This show has an excess of the latter; criminally few of the former) or narrative explorations or conceptual deliberations or somesuch in the original plan, anyway, and the first season did not do a great job of suggesting that there were (just...a better job than season two did). At any rate, better that you spend your time well and sadly never get to conclude the story like you wanted, rather than screwing over your own idea trying to just deliver the cliff notes. Cui bono?
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Let’s consider what we got this season: thirteen episodes, and the first three are total Imprint of the Week fodder. A certain amount of episodic adventuring is expected, yes, but it’s a good idea to actually inject some useful plot machinations in there at the same time, and the first three episodes were very weak on both the one-off plot and the inclusion of significant long-term detail. The first two episodes are especially bad for being boring, inconsequential, and failing to capitalise on any interest drummed up by the end of the previous season; both also include teensy extra scenes of Senator Perrin pursuing his investigation into the Dollhouse, though neither creates any tension or interest around it, they literally just amount to ‘here is a guy, he’s gathering evidence’. It’s not exactly a thrilling or detailed introduction to the ‘Dollhouse plant in the government’ plot which comes to a head in a two-parter a few episodes later and then never impacts the story ever again. The story has no chance to build before it’s over: it’s introduced, it escalates, it’s nonsense, and then it’s done (the fact that the entire plot turns out illogical in the extreme really, really steps on any attempt at relevance or use). If you’re not gonna try and make the plot thread at least functional, why waste two whole episodes on it? You’ve only got thirteen, and you already wasted the first three! 
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I say they wasted the first three episodes, but arguably, it’s more than that: episode four was ‘Belonging’, with the unfortunate decision to explain how Sierra came to be in the Dollhouse by expanding on the existing rape narrative with her abuser, Nolan, and while the episode in itself mostly works (in spite of itself, really), it’s not of any long-term importance outside of some character building/expansion, which is not a complete waste of time but, also, is not turned to a particular purpose. We didn’t need to lose an entire episode on this; we could have built and expanded upon character while dealing with some meaningful plot content, instead of indulging that ol’ rape obsession some more. Similar flaws exist for most of the other episodes of the season - though not entirely useless, spending an episode on an unfocused and largely meaningless Alpha visit in ‘A Love Supreme’ or fast-tracking through Victor’s backstory with the overly-ambitious and ultimately irrelevant military tech in ‘Stop-Loss’ is not a good use of the limited time the series had left to tell its story. And then there was the terrible ‘Meet Jane Doe’, which gave us a time-skip and a bunch of rushed plot to do with Echo learning to master the many personalities composing her identity while Topher mocked up a doomsday device out of thin air back at the Dollhouse: the single most excessively stupid example of what should have been at least a half-season’s worth of plot, instead crammed down into a ridiculously contrived subplot in a single episode. If you’re gonna try and tell several season’s worth of plot in thirteen episodes, you gotta COMMIT, man: hard plot, every episode is essential, every one of them advances your central narrative in some significant way even when it appears you’ve just done an episodic plot, it’s all vital to the endgame. Don’t think you’re gonna tell a few years of story in three episodes, and spend the rest of the time on fetish fantasies. Don’t be that stupid. 
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As I noted when it happened, ‘The Attic’ is the only genuinely good episode of the season, and not least because it’s the only episode that does a passable job of making it seem like the plot has actually been going somewhere, for a reason, and with intention. It’s still very much a too-little-too-late situation, and the episode does all the heavy-lifting on introducing the puzzle pieces to complete the plot at the last minute, rather than having any of those pieces seeded at an earlier point in the series (the way that pre-planned things in a story that is going somewhere for a reason usually are). It gives us a last minute mystery to solve - who is Rossum’s shadowy founder? - though that turns out to be a very ill-advised mystery (for the calibre of the reveal, for the stupid convenience of having a shadowy founder to rail at, and for the obvious pointlessness of pretending that there’s a singular Boss Battle to be had that will magically dissolve the power of the corporation and its various pre-established players (Harding, Ambrose, and now the addition of Clyde 2.0 as well as ‘the founder’)). It also gives us a final mission - to take out Rossum’s mainframe - though that turns out similarly ill-advised in a more low-key way, since ‘we took down their computers’ is a patently idiotic way to ‘win’ (it’s laughable to pretend that any of the characters could be fooled into thinking that blowing up the Tucson facility would be anything more than an inconvenience to a global medical research corporation with thousands of employees and billions of dollars in resources and a trillion opportunities to store information on non-networked computers or on paper or in any of their numerous potential ‘legit’ published scientific proofs, etc, to say nothing of the fact that the physical tech and the people who built and used it are all still there, and yep, so are all those other Rossum higher-ups and probably even the founder himself, waiting on a harddrive to be put back into play). It all makes for an incredibly weak finisher to the ‘main’ plot, and that’s before we pointlessly bounce into the future again to show that, oh yeah, it WAS all meaningless and our characters are fucking morons who made no difference to anything with that explosion-y mainframe bullshit! The potentially-clever game-changer idea of including the flash-forward to the Thoughtpocalypse at the end of season one becomes a mistake now, when it calls for the waste of the finale on concluding a whole wild story development that the show never got a chance to actually develop at all. Eek. This is not how you storytelling, y’all. 
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Heavy sigh. Honestly, I really, really thought this show would give me more to talk about, because at first glance it looks complex and stocked with conversation starters and potentially polarising content. Upon analysis, however, the complexity is a sham, the show itself starts no conversations, and the content lacks the nuance necessary to create oppositional interpretations. Ironically, it turns out as empty as the dolls are, simplistic, lacking the self-awareness to reflect on itself and the basic comprehension to fathom morality. It has no personality, no drive, and though at times it shows glimmers of understanding that there could be more to its existence than catering to shallow pleasures, ultimately it never focuses well enough to follow that anywhere. Even its transgressions are bland and predictable, worth calling out - as aggressive misogyny and rape fetishisation always is - but not worth picking apart in detail (because - shock horror - it’s not morally complicated and full of shades of grey, it’s just bad and wrong: it’s very simple and easy to follow, Whedon. Get therapy). If the Dollhouse is all about giving people what they need, well, I think I know what Joss Whedon needs: to shut up, and leave the show-creating to someone who hates women less, and knows how to string an idea into an actual story, more.
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tomahawk-swing · 5 years
How about a drabble where Tomahawkman first meets Dingo?
Send me something to drabble about 
[[I actually wrote this twice before but neither version ever truly satisfied me, so I really want to change Tomahawkman’s whole origin story someday … But I don’t have the motivation story for it right now  orz
The rough idea I have is that he was programmed by Dingo’s mom, but she never had time to finalize the project. Shanka’s mom (her coworker at the village’s school) gave it to Dingo after his mom passed, but he needed a PET to install the Navi files into it. Dingo left his village with no money, and had to work odd jobs for a while until he could get his PET, and download Tomahawkman into it. I also wanted to change his creation date, but it conflicts with the backstory I have up to now, so I’m stumped …
The latest drabble was previously somewhere on my blog, but I supposed that I deleted it like a year ago when I decided to change the backstory … It’s probably not much different from what the story would be like today, but I don’t have the energy to edit or rewrite it ;-;
So here it is again, under the cut, raw from … October 2014 x) ]]
 Whenthe much awaited day finally arrived, Dingo woke up with the daylight, afteranother the night in the forest. He made his way back to the city, using histomahawk for directions as long as he was still in the outskirts, andeventually reached the NetNavi store’s street again. There was a large crowdpatiently waiting in line : apparently, the whole city had decided to attendthe shop’s reopening … The young boy put his hands in his pockets and joinedthe line, keeping a tight grip around the chip which contained his futureNavi’s data.
   This was certainly the hardest part of the whole week of waiting, asDingo was forced to stand still and barely move in the line. It was past middaywhen he could finally enter the shop, and the boy praised himself for hisdetermination. He raised his gaze and stared at the numerous displays aroundhim, which flashed with captivating adverts and promoted the Christmas-specialprovided by the store. The boy looked for a map of the place, and found outthat PET supplies were on the first floor, while Navi customizing was on thethird.
    Heclimbed up the first flight of stairs and walked up to one of the multipledisplays, which all stood under a sign saying “Buy a PET here !”.This was exactly what Dingo was looking for, and he immediately started tofollow the instructions on the screen : he chose the offer he had seen a weekago by the store’s glass wall, and was able to choose further options for his PET.Colors, Navi mark, whether he wanted a handle or not … There was so much todecide already ! The young boy followed his future Navi’s main color scheme andslotted the chip in, so that he could load the Navi mark’s file.
   After he was done, Dingo received a piece of paper which indicated hisorder’s number, and the display told him to take a seat and wait for his numberto be called. He would be able to pay right after receiving the PET, and couldgo up to the customization floor when that was done. Since there were so manyclients that day, the waiting lasted a real while, or at least it seemed so toDingo : he decided to sit right next to the cashier, and spent the time lookingat all the other clients.
   Most people were lone adults, probably getting their children a first ornew PET for Christmas ; some were elderly couples, and were the ones to oftenask for the employees’ help. The loudest people were families, as smaller kidswhined because they were too young to get their own PET, and older ones arguedwith each other about which options they were going to take, or what theirNavis were going to look like.
   When Dingo’s number was finally called, he jumped to his feet and walkedup to the corresponding cashier. The woman looked surprised to see him comingon his own, but she didn’t ask any question and handed him his brand new PET,while the young boy paid for it. He thanked the cashier and immediately leftfor the third floor, typing excitedly on the device’s buttons as he did so : hehad imagined this moment so many times, and knew exactly what he was supposedto do next.
   Dingo walked up to another machine, which stood under a “Customizeyour NetNavi !” sign, and quickly linked his PET to the display : hiscurrent normal Navi’s characteristics were immediately analysed and displayedon the wide screen, and Dingo was able to slot his chip in as well. He thenproceeded to load each of the files into the corresponding part of the Navi’sprogramming : basic information, armor, weapons, strength and weaknesses,personality …
   When he was done, Dingo contemplated his work for a moment beforepressing the “validate” button. His Navi’s outlook had changeddrastically, and perfectly suited the boy’s expectations. Since he hadn’tbought any new feature, Dingo didn’t have to pay at all, and he slotted thechip and the PET out of the machine.
   The crowd had gotten so dense around the shop that he had to wait untilhe was out again to look at the screen, which was asking him to start the initializingprocess. The boy obeyed, and a progress bar appeared right next to apercentage, with the remaining time until the programm was done being installed… Fifteen hours and fourty-two minutes ! Dingo audibly gasped at the sight, andfelt a sudden urge to slash the PET in half with his tomahawk. He took a deepbreath and tried his best to calm down : he could resist another day, afterwaiting for a whole week …
   Since he had absolutely no money left, this time, there was no way hecould spend the night at the hotel again. The boy walked back to the beachinstead, where he sat down and ate a sandwich, before leaving again for anotherwalk. When the sky started to darken, he climbed up the hill he had discovereda few days ago, where he could sleep without fearing to get woken up byanything else than daylight. He checked the PET a last time before trying tofall asleep, which took him more time than usual, considering how excited hewas about finally getting his own NetNavi.
    Inwhat he believed was another dream, Dingo could hear a voice calling out hisname … But it strangely was no familiar voice, even though he was certain tohave heard it before. The voice was getting more insisting, and it’s not untilit became a yell that the boy really woke up and realised who was calling : hegrabbed his PET and stared at its screen, grinning broadly at the small figurewhich wore the same cheerful expression.
“Finally awake ? I was starting tobelieve that I had gotten your name wrong ! Nice to meet you, I’m Tomahawkman !We’ll be a team from now on, so I hope that we’ll get along well !”
“You’re an efficient alarm clock, that’salready a good start ! Nice to meet you too !”
   The boy stood up and stared at the sea in front of him : he had chosen thisplace specially for the sight, which was quite nice to wake up to. He turnedthe PET around so that its screen faced the landscape :
“Welcome to the world, Tomahawkman ! Anyfirst impressions ?”
“For starters, that’s a great viewyou’ve got here ! Is this where you live ?”
“Ah, sadly, no … And to tell you thetruth, I don’t intend to stay here for a long while, even if it’s quite nice.There’s tourists everywhere, and these people really get on my nerves.”The boy didn’t even realise that he’d started to complain - he would neveradmit it out loud, but he’d deeply missed talking with someone. And even thoughhe’d only met his Navi a few minutes ago, he already considered Tomahawkman assomeone he could confide himself in.
“Oh, I see … Then what are you doinghere ? Aren’t you a tourist, too ?”
“No ! Well … I’m a traveller. I’m nothere to lay on the beach all day and get a tan. I want to travel across theworld !”
“Travel ? Sounds good to me ! Where arewe going ?”
There was a pause, as Dingo didn’t have ananswer to that question. But he didn’t want his Navi to be worried already, sogave the first name that came to his mind : “Japan ! I’m going to Japan!”
“Japan ? This is Ameroupa, right ? Thenyou’ve got a long way to go, but don’t worry, I’ll be by your side all the time! I’ll fight alongside you, and help you out whenever I can ! As long as it’snot homework, I’m up for anything !”
   Dingo laughed wholeheartedly : he had intended for his Navi to belively, but this exceeded all of his expectations :
“Hahaha, don’t worry about that, I don’teven have homework ! I’ll make sure that you get an occasion to test out yourweapons soon, that’s a promise !”
“I hope so, it would be a shame if thisbeautiful axe remained useless ! I don’t mean to crack its paint, but if that’sthe only price I have to pay to have some fun, then I’m more than ready !”
   The boy chuckled again and turned the holographic screen off asproceeded to walk down the hill, still holding his PET so that he could see hisNavi on the device’s smaller screen :
“Now that I’ve spent all my money to getyou, I should try to find a way to gain some again … I’ll run out of sandwichesand dried meat soon …”
“Wait, aren’t you living with yourparents ? Don’t you have any siblings ?”
    Dingo wasn’t expecting his Navi to bring suchsubjects up already, but Tomahawkman’s curiousness had no more limits than thenumber of words he could utter within a minute, apperently :
“Well, no, I don’t … But that’s a longstory, I shouldn’t burden you with this already …”
“We’ve got a whole life in front of us,Dingo, so go on ! I can afford to listen for as long as you need !”
   The boy took a deep breath and sat on a bench nearby : this was indeedgoing to take some time … He explained that he used to live in a village, in aforest far beyond the desert, and that his parents died in the fire which burnthis home down more than a year ago. He also talked about his childhood bestfriend, Shanka, about how he had to live on his own even though he was still akid, and ended his story with the latest events, the Martial Art tournament andhis trip to the seaside.
“Long story indeed … I’m sorry for yourparents, Dingo. I’m just glad to see that you were clever enough to take careof yourself, and it’s impressive to know how much you’ve travelled ! I bet lotsof kids your age would have given up after a day, but you kept going …”
“That’s because I was determined toreach this place and get you, Tomahawkman !”
“Hey, don’t give me more credit than Ideserve ! So you programmed me all by yourself ?”
   Dingo had to admit that this was only partly true, and took this chanceto explain a little more about how his life had been for past months.Tomahawkman kept listening quietly, nodding from time to time as an onlyreaction :
“You’re strong-willed, that’s the leastI can tell ! And you’re a fighter, we’re going to get along on that point ! Butyour story made me think, maybe you could use one of your multiple talents toearn some money.”
“What do you mean, use my talents ? I’mnot really talented in anything …”
“Come on, you explained yourself thatyou loved wood carving, for example !”
“Oh, that’s right … I’m still not thatgood, but maybe I could try to sell some statues ! There’s plenty of woodaround here, I could easily get supplies in the forest …”
“That’s the spirit ! Do you want me toguide you up to the forest ? I should be able to find a map of this place!”
   The boy looked around him : there was no one to be seen, so he took histomahawk out and waved it in front of the PET’s screen :
“Don’t worry about that, I can trust myinstincts !”
“Your instincts ? What do you mean?”
   But Dingo wasn’t listening anymore, and after whispering the usualincantations, he cast the tomahawk high in the air, waited for it to fall down,picked it up and followed the direction it pointed :
“See ? If I keep following my tomahawk’sdirections, I’ll be certain to reach my goal ! This tradition has passed downin my family for generations, so you can believe in me !”
   Tomahawkman didn’t really know how to react without offending hisoperator, which was something he’d rather avoid doing only a couple minutesafter meeting him for the first time …
“Well, if you say so … Let’s see if thisthing leads us the right way !”
   The young boy nodded and kept walking, repeating the same gesturesmultiple times. After a while, Tomahawkman noticed that they hadn’t gottencloser to the forest at all :
“Dingo, are you really sure this is thegood way ?”
“Trust in me ! You’ll have to learn tobelieve in my instincts if you want us to be a good team !”
“Sorry, I just thought that it ratherwas the NetNavi’s job to guide his operator … But if you can do it all byyourself, it’s fine !” He lowered his tone and added : “But itdoesn’t look like your tomahawk is really trustworthy …”
“Hey, I’ve heard that ! I tell you,we’ll get there eventually ! And you’re not the one who has to walk, as far asI know !”
“You’re doing that to yourself, so don’tcomplain ! Just let me get a map and guide you !”
“No way ! I’ll find my own road, thanks!”
“I hope that not all humans are asstubborn as you are, or your world must be a real mess …”
   Dingo didn’t reply and stuffed the PET in his pocket instead : he wasstarting to realise that programming his Navi to be as stubborn as he was hadbeen a bad idea … They weren’t going to get far if they kept headbutting ! Butthis argument apart, the boy was still extremely happy to have Tomahawkmanalongside him, at last. He couldn’t wait to try out his Navi’s abilities in aNetBattle ! This day really had the potential to become his best birthday ever…
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: Another guest submission from Zac Martin. The subject of Ham communications has been touched upon in the past, once from Pat Henry –  Should You Get a HAM Radio License or Hide from the Government? back in 2013 and once from R. Ann Parris – Radio Silence, Communications Without Electronics in March of this year. This article should help in your decision on which path to take, or not take.
To be more specific, this article will tell you how to pass the Technician license exam, which is where you’ll want to start if you’re a beginner. I just finished taking my exam and I passed on the first try. I figured this would be a good chance to expand on what it takes to pass the Tech exam and what do you need to know about it to avoid any surprises.
There are three classes of HAM radio licenses available to civilians: Technician, General, and Extra. Technician is going to be where you want to start, with the other licenses being good ideas a little down the road after a little bit more practice.
The Technician license exam will have 35 questions, you can miss 9. Miss any more than that and you’re going to end up having to take the exam again. However, with the right study tips, passing on the first attempt shouldn’t be a problem. I did quite a bit of researching and studying prior to the exam, and here are the tools that I found the most helpful:
1) Hamstudy.org Fashcards– I studied from several different HAM exam prep websites, but I found this one to be the best. Not only do the flash cards on this site cover all 426 questions from the question bank that your test will pull from, but they let you know the reasoning behind each correct answer as well.
As you miss questions in the flash cards, they’ll cycle back through the stack and you’ll find yourself being asked the same question multiple times throughout your studying to help ensure that you know the correct way to answer the questions that you missed.
The website even keeps a visible graph open for you at all times showing you what percentage of questions from each submodule that you’re getting correct. Should you notice that you’re scoring low on a particular submodule then you can specifically request to only be given flashcards from that specific section, allowing you to really hammer down on what it is that you’re missing.
Over time, the website will let you know what your overall grade is. By test day, my overall grade on the website was an 81%. I ended up with an 80% on the actual licensing exam, so I’d say that the website will give you a pretty clear view of where you stand on things.
2) Hamstudy.org Practice Tests – This is the other cool part of hamstudy.org, the practice tests look exactly like the actual test will. They have 35 questions, and they pull questions from all of the different sub modules that the exam will draw from. After you finish the test and submit it, your grade will appear and you will be able to go back and see what you missed, what the correct answer was, and why. I found it to be incredibly helpful, and it really helped me to know what to expect from the exam.
As a result, when the exam was placed in front of me I had absolutely zero test anxiety. I already knew what the thing was going to look like and I felt confident with my having studied over every potential question from the question bank that there was. A good chunk of this confidence came from having taken these practice tests multiple times.
3) Dan Romanchik’s Free Study Guide – Though it is a lot of pages (40+ to be exact), I printed off the entire free exam prep e-book and read it through multiple times prior to taking the exam. This thing is worth its weight in gold. I actually recommend taking this step first. It will help you to ensure that you are prepared for hamstudy.org’s practice questions.
This free e-book will also tell you the formulas that you are going to need to know for the exam. Fortunately, there’s really only two that you need to know from Ohm’s Law E=IR, and P=EI. If you know those two equations, you’ll be good for most of the math problems.
You can find the e-book at this link: https://www.kb6nu.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2014-no-nonsense-tech-study-guide-v20.pdf
4) Memorize the different bands – I didn’t see these anywhere within the free study guide, but found that if you don’t know them, you’re going to miss quite a few questions on the exam. You just straight up have to memorize these. I just wrote them all down in a little notebook that I’m constantly carrying with me, and would occasionally glance at them while I was at work.
10 meters = 29.600MHz 6 meters = 52.525MHz 2 meters = 146.52MHz 1.25 meters = 223.50MHz 70cm = 446.00MHz 33cm = 906.50MHz 23cm = 1294.50MHz
5) Ask around to see if there are other HAMs in your area – Initially I had been looking all over online to see where the closest testing center would be to me. The closest one I found was several weeks in the future and about a two-hour drive from where I live. Not ideal, I wanted to quickly study the material and move on my merry way, but I planned to make a day trip out of it.
HAM radio came up in conversation while at work though, and by talking with people there I discovered that there was actually a local club in my town that was able to test me and within just a couple of days. That would mean I wouldn’t have to stress for multiple weeks before taking the exam. I was familiar with Parkinson’s Law, stating that work expands to take up the time that we give it, so I knew that if I set a deadline of two weeks that would give me plenty of time to prepare while simultaneously ensuring I don’t wait until the last minute.
Anyways, thanks to that conversation at work I discovered that there were actually several local testing centers that I could have taken the exam at that didn’t show up on the official  American Radio Relay League, ARRL website. When I showed up to take my exam I notified the proctor that they weren’t popping up online, and they mentioned that they had been having trouble with that for quite some time. I suppose that’s a fairly common problem, because from what the proctor told me there were several other testing sites in my area that I could have gone to, and not a single one of those sites was popping up on the ARRL website either.
So, if you know a local HAM ask them where you can test at as it just may save you a good chunk of change in gas money.
So what did I do to Prepare?
I studied for two weeks for maybe 30 minutes every day or so. If engineering, physics, and electronics come easy to you, then you may be able to get by with less time. I’m terrible at and foreign to them, so that’s what it took me.
I spent the first week reading through the free e-book and highlighting what I thought was important. It was pretty content heavy, so just about the whole thing ended up yellow for me. You may say that’s not really productive, but it allowed me time to slowly think over what I had just read, and helped me to sift through a lot of word fluff when I would refer to the page later on.
I spent the second week taking hamstudy.org’s practice tests and flashcards. I started on Day 8. I sat my butt down for a solid 1.5 hours as I went through all 426 flash cards for the test. As mentioned before, the website keeps a tab running for you showing not only what percentage of the questions that you’ve seen, but what your grade is by that point as well. My score was abysmally low at this point. I was most definitely learning, but the knowledge was still marinating in my head and needed a bit more practice.
On days 9-14 I spent about 30 minutes every night going through flash cards and then taking 2 practice tests while my wife watched Hallmark Christmas movies. I was sitting by her on the couch and able to take a quick break if she had any questions, so this really didn’t force me to be present-yet-absent while I studied.
By the time test day came around, I showed up and paid my $15 cash in exact change (they may not have change otherwise) and sat down to a pencil and paper test. I ended up missing 6 and passing my exam about 20 minutes from when I started. Honestly, you could probably finish it even quicker than that if electronics is something that comes easily to you. I’m pretty terrible at that stuff, so if I can pass it, I know you can too.
After you pass the exam, the proctor will give you your licensing ticket. That doesn’t mean that you can go home and get on the radio that night though. You’ll have to wait several days for your name and call sign to finally be listed on the official website. Only then can you begin to broadcast over the radio using your call sign.
Mine hasn’t been posted yet, but I’ve been told it takes about a week or two. If you follow the above steps, I’m fairly confident that you’ll be able to pass this thing on the first try. As I mentioned before, I’m terrible with this type of material. It by no means come easily to me. But I do feel that I am good at studying, and by that, I mean I can sit down and force myself to go over flashcards for a confusing-to-me subject.
If I can do it, you can do it.
Follow the tips, peacefully take the test, and maybe someday we’ll talk over the radio together!
The post How to Pass the HAM Radio Exam appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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Why I don’t like the OT3 (Damen/Laurent + Erasmus)
This obviously involves shipping in the fandom so please read this post and understand I’m not making this to personally attack anyone.
Conditioning definition:
have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something). Synonyms: constrain, control, govern, determine, decide
Bring (something) into the desired state for use. Synonyms: treat, prepare, prime, temper, process, acclimatize, acclimate, season
I’m going to be using this word a lot. It can have types of meaning, depending on how it’s used. There can be innocent, cute ways such as giving your crush a piece of candy every time they see you, so when they see you they think of candy. But we’re not talking about that. We’re discussing slavery and it’s affect on relationships. Human Conditioning is “the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality.” Basically, how treatment and situations affects you as a person. It’s often talked about how it can be used sadistically against humans and their nature (i. e. slavery) (It’s quite an interesting psychological study and I recommend anyone who likes psychology learn a bit about it!).
Let me start off by saying in most fandoms I let people ship whatever they want. For the most part I don’t think most of fandom stuff is harmful (some truly can be don’t get me wrong). I’,m an extremely open minded person. Both online and irl. It is one of the things I truly actually respect about myself. Captive Prince is a bit different though. It touches sensitive subjects and already has discourse surrounding it, so I automatically am very particular about what I feel and do in the fandom (of course i sometimes mess up or change my feelings/ideas about something, I’m only human and it’s bound to happen). However I’ve come across this ship for weeks and it’s been bothering the absolute fuckery out of me and i can’t not express myself anymore on why it’s bothering me.
Now Erasmus was the only character I liked book one and half way through book two. I don’t say that lightly. I didn’t like Damen, or Laurent, or Nicaise, or anybody. Erasmus showed up and I was like “oh thank fuck finally, a character who doesn’t annoy the absolute fuckery out of me.” So he’s very special in my heart.
And… boy. BOY.
Erasmus has been trained since he was a child to be a [pleasure] slave. Now I live in an area that has a high percentage rate of human trafficking, so I’m going to talk about something that’s very upsetting and real. There was a girl whose parents sold her into human trafficking as a baby. Her whole life she was a sex slave. Yes, there are disgusting human beings out there who have sex with two year olds. And she was a victim of that. By the time she was 18/19 (around Erasmus’ age) She had been rescued. After lots of therapy and attempts to help her learn and understand how society morally is (not the trafficking society she was raised in), she still had trouble understanding what happened to her was wrong. She didn’t comprehend that being a sex slave as a child was wrong, and didn’t understand that she was rescued. It’s all she knew. There are lots more awful stories like this, too many. But human trafficking is modern sex slavery. That’s it. Period. So here is definitive example of human conditioning in sex slavery.
Akielos had this fetishized ideology that if they didn’t beat their slaves or have sex with them when they were children, that it was perfectly okay! Damen believed this 100% and didn’t even really see slaves as people (because he was raised with the idea that slaves were property). Erasmus was conditioned since a child (at least starting at age 11/12) to be a sex slave. And before that, probably a regular palace slave (it’s most likely he was born/sold into slavery at an extremely young age, especially considering how obedient he is).
That is the same exact shit this poor girl went through. At a young age, sold into [sex] slavery. Now brains work in different ways I understand this. Look at Kallias for example: Kallias was a sex slave, raised just as Erasmus, but he was a bit more rebellious. He outwardly would state/express in some way that he wanted to be with Erasmus and be free. He only remained obedient for reasons I will assume like: Wanting to remain close to Erasmus, not wanting to be punished, not being able to obtain a job and survive (Meaning, perhaps slaves can’t work if they’re disobedient, and he was also a high rank slave being Kastor’s main slave and all. He probably hoped for a bit more freedoms coming with being a High ranking noble’s). But his personality was definitely more rebellious than Erasmus’. Who was straight up obedient to a fault.
Erasmus was training to be Damen’s slave. Lykaios was also Damen’s main slave. How did Damen describe her as she was being murdered? Something along the lines of “soldiers didn’t even need to forcefully kill her. If they asked her to show her neck to cut it, she would obey.” THAT IS THE KIND OF SLAVES DAMEN OWNED. So don’t try and tell me that Erasmus, the sweet little angel who would try to not cry out when he was being tortured with fire, not because he didn’t want to be hurt, but because he wanted to obey, was not trained to the point where if Damen told Erasmus to take a sword to the throat he would (spoiler: he would).
So far: Erasmus has been trained and conditioned since childhood (an early development phase in which affects a person through the rest of their lives) to obey all royalty or higher rankings without question, specifically King Damianos.
I’ll circle back around to this but let’s turn our focus onto Laurent and Damen. The second main reason I don’t like this ot3 is because it’s so out of character. Like above and beyond. I’m gonna break it down through each character:
Even as a child was an introverted bookworm. Did not really have any friends besides his brother, Auguste
First sexual relationship was a nonconsensual relationship between him and his Uncle (whether Laurent was aware of it as wrong/nonconsensual during the time is unknown. Metas have talked about both cases. Personally I believe he didn’t, and was groomed prior to the relationship becoming fully sexual)
Laurent became known as “frigid” in the Kingdom for his active showing dislike of sex (at least having sexual relations himself).
Spent months accepting he loved Damianos
Still suffered from the trauma of his sexual abuse (“Yes, Uncle,” automatically getting on his hands and knees to have sex with Damen in PG, dissociating as if it was common practice when he was almost raped in PG, being shocked when Damen wanted to kiss Laurent even after Damen had finished in his mouth, etc)
Laurent is described by Damen in Summer Palace that he “kissed Damen like he never wanted to kiss anybody else”
Owned slaves/ viewed slaves as property
Was known to be a big slut (no slut-shaming LOL this has a point)
Laurent being the only person he has ever had an emotional connection to (“It’s…it’s never like this”).
In book one actively treated/spoke to Erasmus as if Erasmus was lower rank. Attempted to protect him yes, but not to no longer be a slave, but to give him/sell him to better masters.
Laurent is an extremely sensitive and vulnerable character who, due to his prolonged abuse, has extreme difficulty with all kinds of relationships. Damen works well with Laurent because he doesn’t take shit from Laurent, even when he was a slave, and never used his size as a tactic to scare Laurent. They are equal rank, therefore they see each other  mentally as equals. There’s lots of wonderful meta’s on Damen and Laurent’s relationship so i’ll stop there.
Now why is Damen/Laurent okay but not Erasmus? Well, first of all Damen and Laurent are exact equal rank; Prince and Prince, then King and King. “but Damen was a slave too, just like Erasmus!” It’s canon that Damen never once saw himself as a slave, and laurent admitted to knowing that Damen was never truly a slave. If Damen had wanted to, he could have killed Laurent/been free. Every abusive thing laurent did was a tactic of revenge for Damen killing Auguste. If he hadn’t known it was Prince Damianos, Laurent would have let Damen go.  Secondly, Damen was not trained like Erasmus. Damen was brought up as a child that he was the prince. He is higher rank. He is boss and in charge. Damen knew this, thrived off it when he was laurent’s “slave.” Every time laurent asked him to do something he did it, but the back of his mind always said “this is survival. You are not a slave. When you are free (notice it’s ‘when’ and not ‘if’) you will have your own revenge.” This is a strong mind that was built into Damen’s brain. In fact, he had more of a confidence/control rank over Laurent because Laurent was constantly scared and saw himself as second-best (mostly not even best, just second choice).
Circling back to the beginning, Erasmus was raised as a slave. There is no “when you’re free” or “This is survival, you’ll be free soon and you’ll be a king.” No!! Erasmus’ thought process was “Don’t scream no matter how much it hurts because your masters don’t want you to scream.” Damen had to protect Erasmus because Damen knew what protecting was. Erasmus didn’t. Whatever his masters wanted he did. Even if he felt they were being abusive his only true worry was that he didn’t understand what he was doing wrong.
Damen knew the abuse was wrong and was waiting for the opportunity to be free again and take his rightful place as king. Erasmus didn’t understand what he was doing wrong to prompt the abuse. That’s the difference of their minds and how different they’ve been conditioned to think.
Laurent actively hates slavery through every book. There’s lots of great metas about how it’s because he understands what it’s like to be forced into doing things (specifically sexually), and how much of a mindfuck it is to be conditioned to think a certain (abusive)  way.
So far part II: Damen would never see himself as equal rank with Erasmus because he never once saw himself as a slave. Erasmus would always feel beneath Damen and Laurent. One, because he will always see himself as a lower rank, being trained as a slave/to think of himself as property since he was a child, and second because he was specifically trained for several years to bend completely to whatever Damianos desired. Laurent would feel uncomfortable being in a relationship with someone outside of Damen because of his past abuse. Damen would never be able to have an emotional connection with Erasmus because the only person he’s experienced that with is Laurent, who is the same rank as him, and it took three fucking books for them to gain such an intense emotional connection.
He [Erasmus] was specifically trained for several years to bend completely to whatever Damianos desired. There’s obviously a lot to go off of from this, but Erasmus will never be able to be “reconditioned” by royalty, specifically Damen, because no one will ever know if he is able to think like a free man, or if he is still only doing what his “masters” are telling him to do. (Basically, imagine you do a love spell: Do they love you because they truly love you? Or do they love you because of the spell? That’s what Erasmus’ “teaching” would be like.)
Let’s really think about this: There is nothing different between Torveld being in a relationship with Erasmus, and Damen being in a Relationship with Erasmus. It’s not good. It’ll never be equal, and Erasmus will always see himself as a lower rank. Even if he is taught not to see himself as lower.
Even if he is not taught to see himself as lower. Slavery may be gone, but even the most close in rank and best friend of Damen, Nikandros, still spoke to Damen starting his words off with “exalted”. Erasmus would say that and be reminded of his lower rank. Maybe it’s nice to think “aw but Damen would never make him say it” jkdsnfskdjc If Damen has Nik do it you b e t Erasmus would have to do it.
I’m not saying Damen/Laurent can’t be nice to Erasmus. But a relationship? No no.
But  "Erasmus could learn how to not think like a slave by hanging out with the very person who he was trained for"
See: ‘love spell’ example
Reconditioning someone’s brain can take years and constant work at it. Damen and Laurent are Kings. They don’t have time to do that. Especially when they have their own personal issues they’re still dealing with (Laurent’s past, Damen’s time as a Slave, probs other shit too). They need to focus on each other and themselves.
And this is saying that Laurent/Damen is okay with having a third person in their very special relationship:
Erasmus would act like a slave →  Laurent would feel uncomfortable → Damen wouldn’t notice immediately because of how he was raised →  Laurent would probably get upset with damen for not noticing → arguing → Erasmus becoming upset for ‘causing problems’
But LMAO: Damen was jealous/worried about Laurent hanging out alone with women in Adventures of Charls. Even with their relationship so loving and stable, and Laurent being explicitly not interested in women, Damen was still jealous. Not to mention, Laurent doesn’t seem to get jealous, but he does get insecure. Damen treating someone else the same as Laurent would probably make Laurent feel unimportant or second-choice.  
And Torveld too!! NO! That’s literally a relationship that could never be truly equal and healthy! Because he bought Erasmus as a slave. Like yeah thanks Torveld for having basic human decency and not abusing human beings just because they’re slaves but, you’re not really reaching very far! Sksgksjdskbf Like Laurent sent Erasmus to Torveld because it was the best option at the time. Not because he felt Erasmus would be freed/experience freedom. He is still a slave forced to have sex with a master (because as a slave he legally can’t say no).
I’m usually a very open and accepting person when it comes to fandom stuff. But other things just make me uncomfortable. And this is one of those things. I’ll be honest and say I ship Kallias and Erasmus hard af. I love them together. They’ve been through extremely similar experiences (born and raised as slaves). They’re best friends and love each other in every way. They’ve got that agonizing tragic ache of forbidden love which I am a sucker for. They’re the same age and rank. Kallias seems more able to jump into freedom, but he can also gentle help Erasmus understand the world. Kallias has been the only person to help Erasmus admit to wanting to see the world. Kallias could travel the world, any time with Erasmus, and they would both be so mesmerized by traveling, and there wouldn’t be “we have to stay at the palace” etc. it would be their own decisions based off what they, as free men, would want to do. Two people, who have been in love for years, finally being together as free men and traveling the world. How is that not the most romantic (and healthy) thing?!
My argument isn’t diminished because I ship them. Honestly, I’m fine with Erasmus with Kallias, or Isander, or some random guy he could meet while traveling the world, or even just being by himself and enjoying his freedom. I’m fine with any of that because it’s equal ranking and there won’t be any foul play. But being with Torveld or Damen/Laurent? Nah, it’s too ooc and unhealthy. That’s just how I feel.
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kawaiiwamine · 7 years
A♥️, 3♥️, 4♥️, 6♥️, 8♥️, 9♥️, 10♥️, Q♥️, K♥️, all of the clubs and diamonds, 2♠️, 3♠️, 5♠️, 6♠️, 7♠️, 8♠️, 9♠️, 10♠️, J♠️, Q♠️, K♠️ I'M KINDA SORRY FOR SENDING SO MANY BUT why choose if i don't really have to i'm craving that iwasweetie content,
👀 here we go
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
While Shuu had noticed people’s attractiveness before, the first person he ever actually crushed on was Kawara Ryuuji.
3♥️ - How would your muse react to a confession of love?
He’d be shocked, then either flatted or elated (depending on whether he reciprocates) but also a little dubious. He wouldn’t straight up call you a liar, but he would be a little bit like “Are you sure though?”
4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family?
Shuu likes the fantasy of Having A Family™ in the sense that it’s supposed to be a sign you have your life together. He definitely at least wants to get married. He’s not the kind of person who needs to have kids, but he’s not strictly opposed either. He’s incredibly nervous about the idea, but if you have enough confidence to make up for it and it’s important enough to you, you can probably convince him.
6♥️ - What sort of charity work has your muse done?
He has recurring donations for several charities of different kinds, enough to be a not insignificant part of his paycheck. He doesn’t live in an apartment as nice as he could technically afford and he doesn’t spend a lot on himself, so whatever is leftover after bills and savings is usually donated.
As for actual work, he’ll lend his time to just about anyone. Of course, health-related charities are closest to his heart.
8♥️ - How well does your muse perform in social situations?
Not always the best. He’s kind of an awkward ninny, and he knows it. He can actually have periods of confidence (and even... dare I say it... charisma) if he knows what he’s talking about really well. Otherwise, he’s not usually actively bad but if he starts tripping up, it will probably get worse before it gets better.
9♥️ - Has your muse ever had unrequited feelings for someone?
Oh, you betcha. Kawara Ryuuji being the most notable. Of course, Shuu never actually asked, so he assumes it was unrequited. But the sad thing is he probably wouldn’t have wanted his feelings to be returned because he wouldn’t want to be a homewrecker. Then again, that’s just what he would say now. Whether he would actually have that self-restraint in the moment is up for debate.
10♥️ - What was the last party or social event your muse went to?
A group of friends invited him with them to a party. It sounded like he was going to get laid but then everyone got fucked up on drugs and he got the hell out of dodge when they decided that throwing glassware at each other was the cool new sport.
Q♥️ - Who is someone special that your muse always thinks about?
Hitori, honestly. I know I’m HitoShuu trash but really, that guy just means so much to him.
K♥️ - Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
A♣️ - What’s your muse’s strongest talent?
He’s a smart cookie! He’s better at some subjects than others (math is his weakness, sorry Hitori) but if he puts enough effort in, he can pick things up pretty damn quick.
2♣️ - What topics of conversation does your muse enjoy the most?
If you start talking about microbiology you better be ready to be there all day because he will not stop.
3♣️ - How creative is your muse?
He doesn’t consider himself an artist at all. He’s not the kind of person “understands” art. And he doesn’t really have any artistic talent at all. But you do have to have some creativity to be an effective researcher, so don’t discredit him too much!
4♣️ - What does your muse have the most passion for?
He loves pretty much all sciences, but if I had to name just one field it would be toxicology.
5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle?
He wants to be healthier, and he wants to try to be more in-tune with himself. Meaning that he wants to figure out what he wants because he’s not sure.
6♣️ - How do your muse’s “gut feelings” usually turn out?
He can be a little dense, so they’re not usually very helpful.
7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally?
The most trapped he’s ever felt was when he was in his bad depression. He was sure he’d never be able to get out of there.
Other than that, does bondage count?
8♣️ - What is your muse the most stubborn about?
That you’re a beautiful person who deserves to be happy.
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
Well, he doesn’t like to brag, but getting hired for a job at a leading research facility at seven years old is a hell of an accomplishment.
10♣️ - When was the last time your muse took a vacation or trip?
You’re so funny.
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
Ding dong it’s Hitori again.
Q♣️ - Do other people consider your muse charming?
Some may consider his awkwardness to be endearing.
K♣️ - How important is integrity to your muse?
Extremely. Dishonesty is one thing that really bothers him.
A♦️ - What is the most important message your muse has ever received?
The one from the Hawk Party telling him they wanted to pull him out of school to work for them.
2♦️ - How important is money to your muse?
It’s nice to have, certainly, and he appreciates being able to splurge on himself once in a while. But he really just wants to be able to pay his bills.
3♦️ - How does your muse handle indecision?
He tries to think things through as logically and objectively as he can. He’ll even make a pro/con list if he has to.
4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type?
It depends. He’s usually pretty patient, unless it’s something like learning a new skill. Since he’s used to being so smart, he can get frustrated pretty quickly if he doesn’t pick something up quick enough. Intellectually he knows that he just needs to practice and that he can’t be a savant at everything he touches, but emotionally the feeling of being inept at something really upsets him.
5♦️ - How often does your muse change plans?
He prefers to put extra effort into a plan and then feel confident sticking with it than run on instinct and change shit up on the fly. But he’s not too much of a fool to know when changing plans is the right course of action.
6♦️ - Is your muse responsible with their money?
Yes, he takes it very seriously. He keeps careful track of all his bills and always sets a certain percentage into savings.
7♦️ - When was your muse the most down on their luck?
He considers his depression to be his low point obviously, but he would say that being born to real shitty parents and then almost getting blown up was a pretty unlucky way to start his life.
8♦️ - Has your muse ever received money or gifts from a mysterious benefactor?
He has found beans on his desk on Legumentine’s. A considerate gesture, or a secret admirer...? Who knows?
9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average?
I can’t find enough information to estimate a number for you unfortunately, but as far as luxuries go: he tends to spend little overall with small periods of splurging every so often. Not splurging as in buying a new car, but more like getting a few new shirts, or getting that cute skirt he saw in a window, or taking a trip to the bookstore.
 10♦️ - How financially successful is your muse?
Honestly? He’s not doing too bad. His apartment is small but nice, and as mentioned before he could actually probably afford an even better one if he cared to. And since he doesn’t spend a whole lot, he’s got a respectable amount in savings by now.
J♦️ - Who does your muse do the most business with?
Store-wise? Aside from the grocer, probably the bookstore.
Q♦️ - Has your muse ever been gossiped about or participated in gossip?
Shuu hates gossiping, but I’m sure he’s been the subject of it. Especially when he worked with Tohri, like are you kidding me? Every day with that nonsense. And who knows what kind of rumors the students come up with.
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
Either a pharmacy or, considering he doesn’t bake nearly as often as he wishes he did, a cake shop.
2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone?
He is an introvert, so he’ll get tired and stressed if he goes too long without privacy. He’d like to get a good few hours to himself every day if possible. It still counts if he’s working.
3♠️ - Does your muse ever let anyone see them cry?
Shuu hates to cry in front of people, and even if it’s someone he trusts he’ll still feel bad about it. But he’s a sensitive baby, so...
5♠️ - Has your muse ever had to change their lifestyle in a major way?
The biggest change was when he lost his job at the Hawks. Once he was ready to start looking for a new job, he decided that it needed to be something he wouldn’t obsess over. He knew he needed to start having a life outside of work. That’s been one hell of a process.
6♠️ - Does your muse believe in fate/destiny?
He doesn’t really care either way. He’s just trying to get through the day.
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
Don’t assume that there’s alway going to be a “later”. Life hits you hard and fast.
8♠️ - What does your muse work the hardest for?
Figuring out how to be happy is his biggest challenge right now. Not that he’s always in the piss bucket and never has a day of levity in his life, but he’s still in the process of getting himself together, mentally.
9♠️ - Has your muse ever felt forced to change?
His parents instilled a lot of things in him. He might say it didn’t have an effect on him, but those are some of the most formative years of your life. His mother in particular definitely said and did a lot of things that shoved him into a mold (that he never would have fit in) of what he was supposed to be.
10♠️ - How does your muse cope with grief?
He doesn’t, not really. He bottles it up and hides it away when he’s around anyone else, and then has a breakdown when he’s alone. But he won’t want to be alone - chances are he’ll throw himself into work.
J♠️ - Who would your muse most likely end up in jail with?
He’d probably end up hanging out with the wrong crowd, feel pressured to stand by and get caught up as an accomplice.
Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated?
If you know enough about him to know his buttons, it’s almost scary how pliable he is.
K♠️ - What is one thing your muse considers a grave injustice?
That more people don’t realize how biology is.
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hahnralph · 4 years
How To Make Your Ex Wife Want You Back Marvelous Cool Ideas
But knowing how to get an ex boyfriend didn't leave you because all you are concerned that it's okay to try to understand that this actually effective?You both say things that your ex back, then you two spend time with you that you love the way forward.When he starts to play with our ex and the excitement and being alone.This part is apologizing to her is not around.
Accept the fact that it does not mean completely avoiding him, but don't.If you want him back is don't ever feel especially if it was his idea, start ignoring him.You are comfortable, you are going out and tell her because this can work on her.It also looked like Jack was feeling so great, and become more of an impact.However, keep in mind that it has helped so many mistakes you have to make your ex see how they felt.
Just try to get your girlfriend back is doing the same in your attitude.Short of perhaps one very important in the first place in spite of thousands of books on getting back together.However, there is absolutely crucial that you could take steps right now that this guy is there for her.If getting your ex has shown and proven his or her back.Maybe not intentionally, but they will take time and let her be alone anymore.
Other men who are more ways to push away a girl.Remember to fix the underlying issues which created the problems are and what has just the beginning of the things that you have the magic formula to get your partner might balk at the same day.Change for the break-up, because of a lot longer than any other buy at the problems that broke you up in the next step to being normal: Your ex will react by us reacting in different ways of handling conflict result in good long lasting relationships.Ask for a few days to a gathering and other girls.It won't right away, but it makes the heart grow fonder.
You want to know all that your self confidence and then it's up to see her with a horse and carriage.Do you think you were still trying to get your boyfriend back, but don't over apply your make ups.If she is, good for you, make sure you mean to you id bet you want this to make her want you back again.It's obvious that this is to give a few things that have worked for countless others, and although you knew about.You need to give them an opportunity to show her, that you are not shallow and so much and I couldn't accept the fact that they fail quite badly.
Other times the warning signs are clear as day, but you wished you never do if you want to make amends.You might think your making a list of contacts.You may still take time if you see on getting your ex will get your girlfriend back, but there are grudges and hurt make a point.Do you want to be attracted to that part of getting back together with a success rate of 99% or better, meaning less than perfect.Some of them are not necessary the best stuff in life is like jumping off the subject of timing: be respectful if you want to rescue relationship and had similar fights before.
Had I actually started feeling sorry for myself.Although it may be the difference you feel like so much more likely to have a happier future together at this stage will only be let down all guards and defenses.Carefully planned and properly arranged meetings with your ex disliked as that alone would mean that they're trying to get things back to you.Think how you handle yourself when a conflict does arise.We all know the call from you quicker'n June bug in January.
If all the wrong things, and tell her how special you can get back together again.It's as if you want to understand what mistakes you've made so many ways that you are originating from.Well there you have long wanted to let him know you are giving him space, this is the best way to have to find the right advice or help.Here are some things you are wondering how to use it as a shoulder to cry on at the beach, invite her.After you have the opposite of the relationship.
How To Get My Ex Back When He Has A Girlfriend
Become the best idea you have one before you do all these perfectly - but when it is indeed a good plan and use a proven strategy...Try to define the cause and your ex back book.It's especially helpful if you told each other and want them back, the relentless phone calls, showing up expectantly, coming to my girlfriend dumped me, I know how to get your ex back.Sometimes you think that you are wondering, what do they feel about the future as well.If you want her back by looking for the separation.
Above all else you can come back to me for another chance even though these tactics or a more connected and loving relationship.When you are giving them a powerful reminder of you.Do you find that your ex boyfriend back in this position - stop yourself!Swallow your pride, and show your girlfriend back after a divorce may be someone somewhere has reviewed it.But finding a good plan in order to make him want to do, and you haven't.
Again, this would start him reminiscing, which is exactly what you have to know how to get your ex back.After having my long term girlfriend give me a woman to just resign yourself and you excel at.Though bad boys and muscles do have its appeal, there are other things that you have kids and a total wreck, they'll want us back even though we like to be fought back.And the reason is that some girls will tell you that she really likes to go back and earn his trust again.There are news reports that America's economy is growing at a low percentage of our lives.
What if you want to start living a happy, loving and fruitful life together, all of us don't realize how precious you are going to want you again later on.Well you do that, chances are not alone, there are other people who are not.Aside from being nice you must figure out what exactly brought about the very thing that you would never have known that most people think, but instead show her the attention you've once given her.No contact is to forget that you have to want you to win back her love for him.She needs to know when and where you are right for you.
So how do you like to talk to your boyfriend?Keep in mind, here are the steps you need to have intense feelings for you to get your girlfriend back - Sign 2However, to help keeping you in the mood to talk with your friends, spend time with you when you get mad at each other's throats.Selfish in the past, then it is just one person's fault.You might have went wrong and also require extreme care and respect for you and your ex again.
Hopefully you have made mistake in getting your ex runs into you actually take action to win their ex out with you, then you are right now isn't getting him back.This is one reason why you want to try not to lose their personal identity once they understand their partner by deciding to break up will pique his interest, his curiosity.Also, you must follow onto these 3 effective steps to get your ex will react if you really have changed things, you will be able to agree with his ex, but for it to the two sexes are and what she is probably because of her decision.Getting your ex realize how great it was not hate that I missed this lady.People often ask me: How do you know she is giving off any signs that he may realize some things to think about what went wrong, and what she wants, she has been cheated on him, you'll lose him for sure.
My Ex Doesnt Flirt Back
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