#pjo jason grace
poppitron360 · 2 days
Jason "raised by wolves" Grace and Leo "lived in a dumpster" Valdez.
No but seriously people forget that Leo was on the streets for at least part of his childhood- he fights like a fucking cornered alley cat (which Jason obvs thinks is super hot and tragic).
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catcacophony · 1 month
dont you fucking dare imagine jason grace getting to elysium and finding beckendorf and silena and not being able to look at them without them reminding him of leo and piper
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wolffoxnation2 · 4 months
Headcanon that the Zeus/Jupiter kids give off little shocks when theyre happy.
Thalia hugging Luke (pre-everything) and his hair sticks up.
Jason accidentally giving Leo a slight shock when he holds his hand, resulting in Leo walking back and forth on a carpet in socks to get him back.
Which of course then started a shock war that spread throughout the argo crew.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
oooh what do you think would happen if jason (grace) stood you up by accident like he was doing something and he just... forgot
Tangerines. Orange peels littered your thighs as you nervously chewed on the fruit. It had been an hour since the start time of your picnic with Jason and you'd gone through 6 tangerines.
You sat with upright posture, despite doubts, he had to show up soon. Your eyes were wide and alert as you searched the crowd on the green patch of park you occupied. He would show up soon with some excuse about getting lost in his work with minor deities and he would give you that lovely, toothy smile as he sat down.
One minute, two, four, seven, eleven, twenty went by. Two more tangerines filled your belly. Why had you brought so many tangerines? You dropped the ninth fruit back in the basket and sighed. The tangy acid of the fruit stung in your nail beds and your fingernails had stringy pieces stuck underneath them.
You pushed your hair behind your ear and left a strand of it sticky with the juice. Your posture failed, you uncrossed your legs with a huff and finally let the tears take your eyes. Just thirty more minutes and then you'd leave. You just had to make sure he wasn't coming.
You sipped at your cup of orange juice and groaned as the sun disappeared behind a cloud. It was dipping steadily, Apollo clearly had no mercy for your need for warmth. Clouds took the sky, popping up out of nowhere and turning the day gray. You looked up and you could swear the gods were laughing at you as a raindrop exploded on your eyebrow.
With a few curses, you began to pack up the picnic basket that was busy with watermelon and pb&j sandwhiches. You stuffed all the peels in unceremoniously as the rain really began to pour. Your ponytail got soaked and allowed the water a single path down your back, each droplet in your hair flowing down it and drenching your clothes.
Snatching the blanket and basket with growing rage, you tilted your chin to the sky and shouted, "I get it! Ha ha! Very funny, Jupiter!"
Several mortals also running for cover in the park gave you strange looks that you discarded. Whatever, fine, Jason and his dad could go sit and spin for all you cared. A little voice in your head reminded you that you did care, that it hurt and that your cheeks weren't wet with only precipitation.
You wiped them with the picnic blanket and when you were done, let it drag behind you in the mud. God, did it have to rain this hard? Thunder boomed in the distance, a reminder of sky daddy's chuckles at your state.
The bus ride home to near Camp Half Blood was barely acknowledged. Walking the half mile from the stop was, the rain blinding you even with the dirty fabric of picnic blanket draped over your head. Entering the border, the weather receded to dark clouds and you dropped your belongings, shaking yourself like a wet dog. Peleus sniffed you and grunted when the droplets hit his face, pulling away and re-tucking his head in the truck of Thalia's tree.
You grabbed your things and marched to the cabins with a frown that couldn't be turned upside down. Right as you passed Cabin 1, a flurry of orange and blonde flew out the door and knocked you on your butt.
Your boyfriend landed on his as well, his eyes flashing with joy that was cut short by realization as he sees you.
"Y/n! I was just about to leave-"
He was on his feet before you, a calloused hand in your face which you pushed away roughly.
"Yeah? Two and a half fricking hours late?"
Jason winced. "I didn't mean- I was sketching a stat-"
You stood up with a red face. "No, no! I get it! You're a busy guy, Jason. You can't be bothered to show up to a picnic you planned because you're so busy!"
A few campers had come to the doors of their cabins to check out the commotion and at Cabin 7, Kayla muttered "Damn."
"I'm sorry, I lost-"
"Lost track of time?" You finished for him. His hands halted halfway up to hold your face, his guilt was obvious and maybe later you'd feel bad for yelling so publicly but Jason had forgotten you one too many times. "Do you know what a clock is, Jason? It tells time. Maybe buy one and you won't loose track of it! Or-! Or even better, Jason, buy an alarm clock! That's a clock that lets you know when you have to do something, like go on a date with your girlfriend!"
You shook with rage for a moment, probably looking ridiculous dripping wet with mud splattered on your legs and shoes and washed away mascara. Nobody said anything for a moment, not even the other kids watching with interest. You met his sad eyes and all the fight left you. Disappointment replaced anger and you sighed, looking away.
"I know that your work is important to you, Jason. I won't give you an ultimatum and that's mainly because I know... you wouldn't choose me. I just wish-I just wish you would try to care about me half as much as you care about that. That's all."
Without another look at your devastated boyfriend, you dragged yourself and your dirty belongings away and trudged to your cabin. Nobody stopped you but one of your siblings did help you out of your dirty shoes at the door and handed you a towel with a hand on your back steering you to the showers.
You brought your hands to your head to detangle your hair and caught a whiff of tangy fruit. You paused and examined your muddy fingers that reeked of tangerines and knew you'd never be able to eat another one without a reminder of today. You practically threw your hands in the sink as you gave them a deep scrubbing.
Jason stood outside for a moment, looking only at the spot you'd been just seconds before. Self-hate bubbled up in his lungs and he couldn't breathe, his hands clenching and unclenching.
"I'm sorry.." He murmured and looked up to see the other campers quickly evade his gaze and duck away. He turned and stalked off into his cabin again, his eyes quickly filling as his brain clouded with shame.
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iristovevo · 7 months
Thinks about jastavian again. They're doomed by the narrative. They broke each others hearts. They didn't even mean to. Maybe next time they'll turn out. They're Orpheus and Eurydice. They're houses divided. They're everything. They're nothing but dust and legacies, ink and ashes and gold and shrouds and forgotten.
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tangerine-brooks · 5 months
each one of the seven secretly thinks "i'm the most useless person on this ship. everyone is doing smth cool fighting stuff and all and i'm just here. like an idiot"
exept for annabeth
she always thinks she's the most competent person in the room and it's usually true
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i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
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Which percabeth do you prefer?
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half-gone · 2 months
If Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were to fight CHB would win. This is based solely on the fact that they actually know how to think outside the box.
They’re also crazy.
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lilislegacy · 3 months
something i feel like we don’t talk about nearly enough is the fact that percy is healed by water.
it’s so normal to us because it’s one of the first abilities we discovered he has. and it makes complete sense. but like… he’s the only demigod with that ability. jason doesn’t get healed by a gust of wind. hazel doesn’t get healed if she touches a diamond. nico doesn’t get healed if a skeleton gives him a hug. annabeth doesn’t get healed if she walks into a library.
like percy could be stabbed in the chest multiple times, he could break every bone in his body, he could be slammed in the head resulting in a crushed skull and hemorrhaging, but get him to some water fast enough and not only is he good as new in no time, but he’s stronger and freshly rejuvenated.
it’s insane when you think about it. no one else can do that. do you know how hard it is to kill percy? even if he’s not near the ocean, he can be healed by rivers and lakes and streams and ponds and all sorts of water sources. water recharges him. it makes him immediately stronger.
that’s a huge reason why i argue percy is the most powerful demigod. yes, he’s shown he has incredible super strength and super speed. yes, he’s a legendary sword fighter - arguably the best one alive. yes, he has control over air, land, and sea. (deadly hurricanes with heavy winds and thunder and lightning, huge volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc.) yes, he’s capable of mass destruction. yes he can single handedly cause natural disasters and mass casualties. and yes, he’s capable of controlling people’s bodily fluids, including their blood and saliva. he is terrifying
but even if someone manages to beat him, he dips one toe in some water and he’s immediately healed and even stronger than before. whether the injury is internal and external. he’s healed all on his own. no ambrosia or nectar or external remedies necessary.
guys. percy is insane. he’s way overpowered.
and i love it.
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poppitron360 · 16 hours
This skit came into my head:
Frank: I've heard a lot of rumours about how "Preator Zhang has a twink back at Camp Half-Blood" but I'd like to tell you that they're not true-
Frank: While Leo IS a twink, he is not MY twink.
Frank: He's Jason's
Jason: HEY! It's true though.
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catcacophony · 1 month
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wolffoxnation2 · 4 months
The Cupid scene but make it unrequited? Valgrace
Meant to finish this yesterday but couldn't get it done in time so heres it now. I'm not completly happy with it but im just glad its done.
"You cannot lie to Cupid, Leo Valdez. If you let your shame and sadness rule you...well, your fate will be even sadder than mine," Favonius said, and Leo could have sworn there was pity in his eyes before the god disappeared in the wind.
Leo felt like he was back in Khione's ice palace. There was no way this wind god he just met knew his deepest, darkest, never-to-be-said-out-loud feelings. Right?.
No, he must be talking about something else, and Leo is just being stupid and paranoid. He has to be.
Fortunately, or, more unfortunately, Leo didn't have the time to dwell on the ominous words of wind gods.
Because the ground was shaking. Why was the ground shaking?
So. A voice said.
Something zipped past his face and nicked his ear, throwing him off his feet and into Jason. Pain blossomed in his right ear, and he was pretty sure he was bleeding.
"You okay?" Jason asked, catching him in his strong arms.
Leo winced, holding a hand to his injured ear as he scrambled to his feet, trying not to think about the fact he just fell in Jason's arms. "Yeah, I'm good," he muttered.
You come to claim the sceptre. The voice said behind them, more like stating rather than asking.
Leo turned to where the voice was coming from, but no one was there.
"Cupid!" Jason called, standing at Leo's back with his sword drawn, "Where are you?".
The voice—Cupid laughed. It definitely did not sound like it belonged to a sweet baby angel's. It sounded rich and velvety but also threatening— like an ember in a fire before burning a house to the ground.
Where you least expect me. Cupid answered, As love usually is.
Leo's heart skipped a beat as something invisible slammed into Jason and hurled him across the street. He toppled down a set of concrete steps and sprawled on the floor of an excavated Roman basement.
I thought you'd know better, Jason. Cupid's voice circled overhead like a vulture. You've found true love after all. Or do you still doubt yourself?
"Jason!" Leo screamed, scrambling down the steps.
Jason took his hand and got to his feet. "I'm okay! Just sucker punched by an angel."
Oh, Did you expect me to play fair? Cupid laughed. Make no mistake; I am no angel, Jason Grace. I am Love. I am never fair. 
Oh boy, do I know that. Leo thought dryly before Jason swept him off his feet.
Literally not...not metaphorically.
Leo was swept into Jason's chest as Jason intercepted an arrow that would have gone straight into Leo's chest with his sword. The arrow exploded against the nearest wall, giving them a nice limestone shower.
Of course, Jason wasn't done giving Leo butterflies in his stomach and grabbed his hand, pulling him up the steps and behind another wall as another arrow rained down on them, shattering a column nearby into a thousand pieces.
"Is this guy Love or Death?" Jason growled, still holding Leo's hand.
Thanatos and I are often not so different. Cupid said from somewhere above, except Death is usually kinder.
Leo understood that more than he should: Death is just...well, death. The End. Just boom, you're dead! No more pain. No more problems. And if you're lucky, you get to chill in Elysium for eternity. 
While Love is...terrifying: It hurts, sometimes it doesn't last long, and some just don't get it (cough cough).
"We just want the sceptre!" Jason shouted, poking his head above the stone wall. "We're trying to stop Gaia! Are you on the gods' side or not?"
A second arrow shot at the air dangerously close to Jason's head, landing on the ground near Leo's feet and glowing white-hot. 
The arrow's temperature shot past 2,397 F (Hephaestus power.) before combusting into a geyser of flame. 
Love is on every side. Cupid said. "And no one's side. Don't ask what Love can do for you.
"Great," Jason said. "Now he's spouting greeting cards as well as trying to kill us."
"It's official. Queen was right; Too much Love kills you," Leo joked. If Love is gonna kill him in the end, then at least he wants to make Jason laugh before they both die.
Leo caught a ghost of a smile on Jason's lips before another arrow landed between them, ruining the moment.
You can't hide from Love. It will always find you no matter what. Cupid's voice said nearby.
Leo's hair sparked; the idea of burning the feathers off that smug, overgrown chicken's wings was getting more and more enticing. He knew Cupid was toying with them, enjoying their discomfort as he shot his stupid arrows.
Another arrow narrowly missed him, and something inside of him snapped.
He snatched the arrow up and threw it back where it came from. "Enough games, show yourself!"
Lucky for him, he had good aim. The arrow hit something and hung in the air for a moment before dissolving, leaving no trace: not even a spot of ichor that could help pinpoint his location.
"...Very good, Leo," Cupid said, though it was strained. There wasn't a wound, but it must have hurt. "At least you can sense my presence. Even getting a glance at true love is more than most Heroes manage. Maybe there's hope for you after all".
"So we get the sceptre?" Jason asked.
Cupid laughed. Leo was seriously getting sick of that laugh.
Oh no, there is still much you can do for me.
Jason started to speak, "But—"
An arrow shot through the air, zipping past Jason and hitting Leo square in the shoulder.
There was a burst of pain in Leo's right shoulder, and suddenly, he was back at the Wilderness School again.
He had just met this cool guy, Jason. He was also a foster kid like him. Jason seemed too good for a school like this. He wouldn't tell him and Piper what he was here for, just that his case worker, Juna— Juno or something — sent him here.
Piper told him later on that she thought Jason was kinda hot.
Leo thought so too but he didn't tell her that. 
Another arrow hit him in the back this time. 
He wasn't sure when Piper and Jason started dating; it had only felt like a day had passed since they met.
He pretended it didn't hurt.
He didn't dare ruin their happiness.
So he just smiled and bared it every time they flirted with each other and told jokes every time they kissed.
"Stop it!" Leo shrieked, "None of it was real! Hera faked everything!"
Not everything, Cupid said softly, and a third arrow dug into his skin.
This time he was on their first quest in Boreas's ice palace.
Khione told them he couldn't come with them to see Boreas because of his fire.
He played it off that he wasn't hurt about it, even though it did. It wasn't the first or last time someone was scared of him.
Jason tried to defend him at first with his hand on Leo's shoulder, which only made him love him more.
And it sting more when Jason walked away holding hands with Piper, leaving him alone with Cal.
It was fine. None of it was real, not even his feelings were, and even if they were, it's not like he could act on them. He was just the funny guy, the mechanic, the seventh wheel. He wasn't supposed to fall for his male best friend, who was already dating his other best friend. He wasn't supposed to want something more than friendship with Jason.
He bit back the tears that were already threatening to fall. The grass at his feet was starting to smoke. "Show yourself!" He screamed.
It is a costly thing, Cupid said, looking on the true face of Love.
Another column shattered. Jason barely scrambled out of its way in time.
My wife Psyche learned that lesson, Cupid said, She was brought here aeons ago when this was the site of my palace. We only met in the dark. She was warned to never look upon me, and yet she could not stand the mystery. She feared I was a monster. One night, she lit a candle and beheld my face as I slept.
Jason said something, but Leo couldn't hear him over the sound of his own heart pounding in his chest. He could still somehow hear Cupid though. Of course, Love was the only thing he could hear other than his heart.
Cupid laughed from somewhere at the edge of the Amphitheater. I was too handsome, actually. A mortal can't look upon a god's true appearance without suffering grave consequences; just look at poor Semele. My mother, Aphrodite, cursed Psyche for her distrust. My poor lover was tormented, forced into exile and given impossible tasks to prove herself. She was even sent to the underworld on a quest to show her dedication. She earned her way back to me, but she suffered greatly.
Leo had no clue what he was talking about, but it sounded like he was a terrible husband.
Jason thrust his sword into the sky like he was a demigod He-man and was about to yell, 'By the power of Jupiter!' and beat up Cupid.
Unfortunately, he did not do that. 
Instead, the ground shook, and lightning blasted a crater where Cupid's voice was coming from.
There was silence, and for a moment Leo thought it was over and that they could get the sceptre and leave. And hopefully, never speak of this day again.
Leo should have known they were never that lucky.
An invisible force—Cupid, knocked Jason to the ground, sending his sword skittering across the road.
A good try, Cupid said, his voice already distant. But love isn't so easily pinned down.
A wall collapsed, Jason barely managed to roll out of the way.
That was enough for Leo.
"Hey!" Leo yelled, waving his arms around. "It's me you want! Not him!. Leave him alone!"
Poor Leo Valdez. The god's voice was patronizing and tinged with disappointment. Do you really know what You want, much less what I want? My beloved Psyche risked everything in the name of Love to win my trust back. And you — what have You risked in my name?
"I'm literally saving the world!" He yelled, clenching his fists, "I've faced way worse! You don't scare me!"
I scare you very, very much. Face me. Be honest.
Jason struggled to get up off the ground, and a piece of Leo's heart broke. This was all his fault. He knew exactly what Cupid wanted. But he didn't want to admit it just yet.
All around Leo, the ground started to heat up. Grass smoked, and stones steamed.
"Give us Diocletian's sceptre." He said, trying to put his best brave face on. "We don't have time for games."
Games? Leo's breath was knocked away as a hand slapped him sideways into a granite pedestal. Love is no game! It is no flowery softness! It is hard work — a quest that never ends. It demands everything you have — especially honesty. Only then does it rewards.
Pain blosomed from Leo's...everywhere. His head spun from the pain, and the ground started to heat up more. Stones were starting to crack, and the grass was starting to spark. All it would take was one more push, and everything would burn.
Jason was up now and had retrieved his sword, "Leo!" he called, "What does this guy want from you?".
Leo's lip trembled. Everything was going so wrong. He didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to tell Jason. "I don't know!" He yelled back, and an arrow embedded itself in the pedestal, inches away from Leo's face.
Tell him, Leo Valdez, Cupid ordered. His voice was starting to get less patient now. Tell him you're a coward, that you're afraid of yourself and your feelings. Tell him why you hide among your machines like your father. Tell him the real reason you run and why you're always alone.
Leo gritted his teeth, his entire body trembling with pain and frustration. Cupid's words cut through him like a knife, exposing the raw truth that he had been desperately trying to bury.
The grass started to burn and the stone's cracks got bigger.
"I... I can't," Leo stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't tell him."
Cupid's laughter echoed around them, mocking and cruel. "You see, Jason Grace? Your friend is afraid. Afraid of his own feelings, afraid of the truth. He hides behind his jokes and his bravado, but deep down, he knows."
Leo let loose a guttural scream, and like a volcano erupting; everything exploded at once.
Magma burst from the rocks, splitting them wide open. The grass combusted into green flames — Greek fire —he really is going to burn everything down.
Leo laughed through the tears. It was really all he could do and all he really ever did. It was funny really; he'd worked so hard to shove everything down, yet it was all destroyed in a fiery explosion in less than an hour.
A nearby tree collapsed dangerously close to Jason as the fire consumed it. "Leo! What is he talking about?" He almost couldn't hear his voice over the fire.
Will you hide forever, Leo Valdez? Cupid taunted, who unfortunately can still be heard because not even fire can shut him up. Will you let fear rule your heart, or will you finally have the courage to face the truth?
He didn't want to face the truth. He was too scared of what would happen. What might Jason say. How he'd react.
He just wanted to keep things the same.
Even if it kills him.?
Leo sobbed, and the flames burned brighter. If this was love then he didn't want it. Or maybe if love was this painful then he deserved it. Another arrow pierced his back—or maybe that was the feeling of his heart breaking more—and more images flashed through his mind.
He was back on that mountain in Colorado. Jason had his arms around Piper, his face scrunched up in concern. Leo pretended it didn't bother him. It was cold, and Piper ended up getting hyperthermia. He had tried to ignore the aching in his chest. He didn't want to think about how much he wanted to be in her place.
After their quest, they left him alone while he worked on the Argo II. He named it after the ship the first Jason sailed on.
It was all for Jason.
He was back on the Argo right after he had fired on New Rome—Jason's home. Everyone was angry with him, and Jason was in the infirmary; some asshole threw a brick at his head. 
He didn't go down to him. He couldn't face Jason.
It was all his fault.
Jason got hurt because of him.
And he didn't even have the guts to face him.
There were more scenes like this flooding his senses. At some point, his brain switched off, and he was just drowning in agony. He couldn't move or speak.
He was weak.
Meanwhile, the flames grew to an inferno of green and reds, drowning out everything. Leo's hair was a white flame. An outline of wings caught fire for a moment before being put out again.
"Interesting!" Cupid's voice said from somewhere above. Do you have strength after all?
"I...I can't," Leo said, though it sounded more like a whimper. He was on his knees now. 
Heh, too weak to admit your feelings and too weak to stand, his mind mocked in Cupid's voice.
Still hiding, Cupid said above, a flame burned an outline of a wing tip before going out again. You do not have the strength.
Leo sobbed. He really was weak. He was going to burn everything down just because he didn't want to admit his feelings.
"Leo" Jason yelled from somewhere. "It's okay! I get it!"
Leo stared at the burning grass below him. It was too hot for tears to fall. Only steam came from his eyes. 
"No, you don't," He said defeatedly. Jason didn't understand. He couldn't understand. If he understood, then he wouldn't be so nice to Leo. "There's no way you understand. If you did you'd hate me".
And so you run away again, Cupid chided, From yourself, from your feelings, and from your friends.
The fire had engulfed Cupid's wings now. But the god laughed cruelly and blew it away.
"Leave him alone Cupid," Jason croaked somewhere. "This isn't your..."
Oh gods, he was hurting Jason again. The smoke is choking him.
Cupid's laugh echoed from above the flames. But oh, it is exactly my business, Jason Grace. Love is me. I am love.
"Leo!" Jason choked out through the smoke.
Oh, you're killing him, you're killing him. Leo's brain screamed. You're a monster, you're such a fucking monster, and you're weak.
"Look, I don't care if you're in love with Piper!" 
He doesn't understand. He doesn't. He doesn't. Leo's brain screamed over and over again.
Cupid laughed again, and Leo's will broke.
"I—I'm not in love with Piper," Leo said, and everything seemed to go silent.
The fire subsided and all of Leo's fight and denial went out at once.
Cupid circled Leo like a shark. His form was visible now—long blond hair, muscular in a simple white frock and jeans, snowy white wings that were singed at the tips. The bow and quiver slung over his shoulder were weapons of war—not toys. His eyes were as red as blood, as if every heart in the world was broken and squeezed dry into one poisonous mixture.
Leo vaguely recalled that some think that Eros was a son of Ares and Aphrodite. And he could see why:
Love and War were the most painful things in the world.
He gestured for Leo to continue.
"I have a crush on you, Jason." Leo said.
The fire died down so Leo could see Jason's face.
And he swore he saw pity in his eyes.
The End
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p0ssywhippedcream · 11 months
Happy ticket time my lovely!!! May I just request a jason grace fluff?? Like seeing him after a long quest and just falling asleep cuddling xox
First TT post after hiatus!! more to come soon :)))
Three weeks, you'd been missing Jason. Three weeks, he'd been on a quest that wasn't even his, it was little Amy Mason's quest that he volunteered to go on. Of course he would, he was Jason and to let a ten-year-old fight alone when he could help was never an option.
You missed him everyday. When the clouds held the sun, when you met another's blue eyes, when you washed your face at night. Your lovely boyfriend was everywhere when he wasn't even here at all.
You'd gone to bed last night with tears in your eyes, a prayer on your tongue for his safety and fluttering hope in your heart. You curled up with the stuffed animal he gave you for your one year and sniffled yourself to sleep.
"Y/n..." Someone was saying so quietly you almost ignored it until it came again, a little more desperate, "Y/n.."
Blinking awake, your cabin was completely dark except for the glow of your alarm clock which told you it was the early hours of the morning.
"Baby.." A cold hand is on your cheek as you sit up, meeting big, blue eyes. Just like Jason's, your heart remembers and aches. You sleepily trace the boy's strong jaw, soft blonde locks and puffy pink lips in confusion.
Then you met his eyes again, and it is Jason! Jason is here and back and on your bed and you're crashing into him with a hug. He chuckles and rubs your back as you squeeze the I missed you right out of his lungs.
"Hey, hey.." He breathes into your hair, placing gentle kisses in your bedhead until your head lifts enough that they can be placed on your lips instead. It's all soft and sweet, your mouth moving against his chapped lips. His sweaty hands are moving from your cheeks to your nape to hold you still.
As you pull away, you rest your forehead against his and share gasps of air. "I missed you so much," You tell him, the words right on his lips as they fall out of yours.
"I missed you too," He whispers back, tracing little clouds into your arms with calloused fingers.
"Will you two shut up? We get it, you love each other." Your sibling hisses from the top bunk and the two of you collapse into poorly hushed giggles. You'd forgotten anyone else existed or mattered for a second, a feeling you'd become accustomed to in Jason's absence.
He's soon slipping his shoes off and climbing into your bed together, rolling his eyes when you pretend to care about camp rules and warn him.
You're both exhausted, adrenaline wearing off as you exchange I love yous and breathy kisses in the soft, barely there light of 𝟮:𝟬𝟯 𝗮𝗺 as you entangle yourself in bruised limbs.
Jason wraps his arms around your torso and pulls your body so your legs are draped across him as you begin to drift back to dreams.
"I love you so much." You respond with soft snores and he chuckles, kissing your forehead as sleep comes to take him too.
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iristovevo · 1 month
randomly i thought about octavian and then i had a very vivid vision of him and jason crying and hugging each other the night after the battle of manhattan and then another of jason calling him adorable and i didn't know whether anyone had ever shipped this and i immediately came here so yes sorry for rambling in your askbox i'm just letting someone know because i'll explode and i don't wanna post this on main brb i'm writing a fic
anon anon anon i'm begging you come back oh my god this is so delicious, you come to my house with jastavian after all these years- i love this please send me the fic when you're done!!!
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helloimamistake · 10 days
Idk i feel like he would be a good book!jason grace look
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Im saying "book!jason grace" because zeus in the show is literally black and it probably don't make sense if this is his child 💀💀
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