#please people
omgpeachsnapple · 4 months
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Knock that shit off, you fucking creepy weirdos.
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ao3cassandraic · 2 months
"Cherub" is singular. "Cherubim" is plural. "Cherubims" is not a thing.
"Seraph" is singular. "Seraphim" is plural. "Seraphims" is not a thing.
This has been your romanized Hebrew note of the day.
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All of you who says that there is no other love interest for Will other than Mike really did forget about Mikhail Antonov and it shows.
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mari-monsta · 3 months
Does alya actually stop at nothing to uncover secrets even at the cost of other peoples feelings or did you just watch season one only and alyas subsequent character growth and caution in the later seasons has been entirely lost on you to the point that the version of her in your head is unrecognizable to me
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kiwibirb1 · 3 months
I'm so fucking scared about KOSA please people don't let this pass dont let these things be censored don't block us from our safe spaces please please please stop KOSA if I had links I would give them do everything you can it will save lives
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Seeing Challengers on tiktok (and sometimes other apps too) means having to deal with ppl constantly demonizing one of the three and the then insisting that the other two would be better off with each other (usually with patrick/art or patrick/tashi) despite the fact that all three of them are complex and flawed individuals who have done good and bad things throughout their live who quite obviously need each other in order to make their lives work
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friendly reminder there is a musical for interview with a vampire!
it's called Lestat, it's mainly based on his backstory but it does go into his relationship with louis and a past relationship! i need more people to know about it so i can actually listen to it on spotify!! it was such a flop that there isn't a professional recording!!
i've watched a really bad slime tutorial of it and it ain't that bad i think people are homophobicccc i love claudia's song please i need it
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You know Neil Gaiman wrote it if there are gays, autistics and cats, bonus if there's a combination of the three
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bigmilk-13 · 1 day
right so I ADORE evil Carmen
but hold on a second...
what if we do a little switcheroo:
(drumroll please)
She was captured by V.I.L.E in season 4 episode 6 (me thinks?) to help them with translating the relics right?
so what if she was just taken and never given back? what if V.I.L.E though "oh, she's useful! she might be a good operative and be able to catch Carmen Sandiego since she's so OBVIOUSLY in love with her a person she cares about."
anyway here are the headcanons:
She was, like, off the grid (obviously) after she was taken by V.I.L.E. It was like the episode where she was taken.
She was brainwashed like, instantly after she was kidnapped. Though, before, she was forced to give away ACME secrets otherwise they'd kill her only living family (another HC: she only has a dad and a sister)
obviously, she was scared for their lives- if she was threatened with her own death she'd never give away anything- and after some torture finally gave in and just said the basics before getting brainwashed.
she became, with some training, one of the academy's best operatives in history (like black sheep was supposed to be, like shadowsan used to be)
she was still a history nerd, she still had her knowledge on a lot of things and places like she had before
she was a stealth specialist- she could sneak in and out like a shadow and never be caught.
she does ballet as a hobby at V.I.LE
she has no clue who she used to be (obviously) but sometimes gets flashbacks to her time helping Carmen whenever she talks about history
the younger V.I.L.E operatives LOVES her history rants (ha fuck you Devineaux) (no hate tho)
she started fencing as an extracurricular when she was studying in her younger years, and now when she joined V.I.L.E, she keeps getting memories back of those times
she's a better fencer than Professor Maelstrom
she mostly fights with a sabre or hand to hand (another hc: she learnt Kung Fu when she was younger and was one of the best in the country, no wonder ACME wanted her. But she barely uses it now since she's scared she'll legit knock someone out too painfully)
Her codename is Dame Noir, or Lady Black, because her suit is always black
Anyway that's it. That's the post
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Big believer in ship and let ship.
Also equally big believer in tagging things correctly so people can avoid stuff they don't want to see.
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I know this is tumblr, and reading compression is nonexistent, but it's absolutely wild to make a post saying 'young adults are experiencing wild spread issues making friends, dating, having fun, or doing any other kind of social activities'. This being supported by article after article and personal anecdote after personal anecdote talking about how our parents wouldn't let us do anything they didn't consider productive, we dedicated our childhoods to getting into college, our colleges years into getting a good job, and now we still can't afford to live, we don't have the time, energy, money, or privacy to do any of the things we want to do.
And then seeing people saying this is all good and should be celebrated because
-previous generations who did that stuff are all entitled capitalist shills, and never having fun or having friends is anti capitalist direct action
-one industry that's seeing this a lot is the bar/alcohol industry, and those cultures are toxic.
-at least your parents cared about you, the only reason we got to do anything fun was because our parents didn't care if we died.
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xoxolll · 7 months
Some people say that what Pen heard from Colin is something like karma for what she did to him and Eloise but let's not forget that if she didn't do that to them, Colin was still going to say the "I wouldn't marry Penelope Featherington" thing because it's something that happens in the book.
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beatlebugblog · 6 months
stop accusing the Beatles of doing things they quite literally did not do challenge go
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megatrilss1885 · 6 months
I feel like we’re lacking arthur fics, like genuinely give my boy some attention
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dwarvenchords · 10 days
me 🤝 being annoying on facebook marketplace
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thatsneakymedic · 4 months
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// I get back to tumblr after so many months and now I see this naruto anon drama and trouble that have been putting callout posts on. What the hell is going on? And yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh, I'm going to not touch that with a 12-foot pole since I have always been wary of these anon rpers.
Guess my gut instinct was right. >_>
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