#please watch tale of the nine tailed
its-chelisey-stuff · 8 months
And suddenly, on ep 14, I find myself invested in this drama again lol
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the way he started to cry on her shoulder ooofff *cries*
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mother of God, these are the lines that break you!!! why did you wait 14 eps to give me this, drama??!!
and when I say I'm invested, I mean it, because so far, I just let the episodes run in the background while I did other stuff but for real, I was watching this time. This part of the drama felt so compelling (and with actual stakes despite knowing they reunite in the future) compared to the present timeline.
I love how tragic their love was in this past life. And the fact that they've loved each other all their lives, because they met when they were children and had been inseparable since. It's cute and makes how things turned out even more heartbreaking. The only thing they ever wanted was to be together.
I think the drama made a lot of wrong decisions, but most of them could've been easily solved if they just changed the order of some things. Tell this story, by all means, but tell it the right way! For example, as much as I liked the first episode I think they should have started the drama with the past life. Make it two eps and end it on that snowy hill, right on the tragedy, while leaving some mysteries out (like the curse bit or where is the black magic spell book) and then let's jump into the present life, but now the audience is fresh on the feel of the tragedy of the joseon time. With this, HongJoo and ShinYu meeting for the first time would've hit a lot more than how it did, because I think the drama meant for us to feel the pull of their destiny right on ep one and that, at least for me, didn't happen.
Also, so many things that were assumed along the way ended up being confirmed by these flashbacks, but it almost seems like they missed their timing. I don't know, I just think the story told that way would've made more sense.
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Anyway, just wanted to add that it's so delicious (in the angsty and tragic way lol) that he accepted the curse because of love ( I mean, hell!!! he gave her a quick death sort of because he couldn't watch her go through a painful and slow one) and that she didn't even mean to curse him in the first place, cause in fact, he was the last person she would've thought to place it upon.
I mean asdfghjk!!! all the elements were there and the story on paper sounds really cool but damn it!
Ah, the coulda, shoulda, woulda...
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dreadaye · 5 months
not me trying to speak korean while watching the tale of the nine-tailed
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suzannahnatters · 9 months
you know you've been watching too much asian drama when in your head even your white characters are now played by asian actors anyway please enjoy Miss Dark-era Vasily Nikolaevich as played by Dishevelled, Self-Pitying Mess Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938-Era Lee Dong-Wook (in a Silk Robe) like, there's almost no physical resemblance, but the VIBES
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Okay, I needed to share a thought. It's something that used to constantly run in my head when I was watching the season 1 of tale of the nine tailed and it somehow again got stuck in my brain after watching the 3rd episode and I believe that was because of the little girl Lea's storyline. I don't know why but her calling out to yeon for help just reminded me of little Rang doing the same.
Remember the scene when Yeon realises that Lea was asking for his help but well, he could not help because he had already left his duties as a mountain God by then. See how guilty he looks.
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It just reminded me of the inate need I felt in season 1 . I wanted Yeon to know how Rang also called out for him while the forest was burning. I just needed him to know this. Coz back then Rang was also just a little kid. And everytime I remember the scene when Yeon said "I never abandoned you", I go back to this scene and get enraged coz bro, it looks like you did abandon him.
I believe they had the perfect chance to address this last season when Rang and Ji-ah got thrown into their biggest fears by the darkness. Coz this pretty clearly shows how afraid Rang would be of getting abandoned. He lost everything this day. But well, they did not do it. And now even though it's been 3 years and a new season, I still want Yeon to knoww. I just wanted more conversation around this.
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I know that it's almost completely impossible for me to get to see this. And it's a fact that I love the 2nd season. I love how Yeon and Rang's story is progressing. I don't want them to go back to the season 1 animosity time at all. I love how they are being this adorable sibling duo this season.
But I just needed to talk about this here. Because I just can't get over this. I don't feel like I got enough closure 🥲. So, in case some very kind person ever decides to write a fanfiction on something similar, please please let me know. 🙈 I have already read everything that is available but I have not seen any on this. I think someday, I will only write something to bring myself peace. 😅
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
Black Pearls
A/N: I did the thing. Just a disclaimer I know Mami Wata is more of a water spirit than a demon. and I am just a translator for Yucatec Mayan so take it with a grain of salt. But if y'all don't like that please let me know because I'm not trying to be mean.
Summary: Every child in Wakanda knows about the water demon. The demon takes misbehaving children and forces them to open thousands of clams. Okoye being a curious child went into the cave, and instead of being greeted water demon, she meet a strange blue boy.
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There are many folktales that are woven in Wakanda. A young Okoye loved and valued each story that was passed down to her. To the young girl, it felt like she was learning more about her ancestors which gave young girl strength. But there was one story that gave Okoye nightmares Mami Wata. 
The water demon.
“You don’t want Mami Wata to get you,” Her uncle told her one day when she walking far too close to the river’s edge. That scared Okoye into not walking too close to the rivers. Every child in Wakanda knows about the deadly water demon that would drag misbehaving children into her underwater cave and make them open millions of clams to find the water demon’s missing eye.
“Wait why does she have a missing eye?” Nakia asked. Ayo and Okoye were telling the girl about the Mami Wata. The group was making their way to school.
“That’s just an old wive’s tail,” Okoye said to Nakia, who was a little shaken about Mami Wata. Ayo shook her head as her beads shook, “Nuh-huh. She’s real and I know where she lives.”
“Sh-she’s r-real?” Nakia repeated as she wrapped herself around Okoye’s body with bao constrictors’ strength. 
Ayo nodded, “Yes, and she appears when you say her name three times.”
“No, she’s not,” Okoye repeated freeing herself from Nakia’s grip. “Ayo just likes to spin tall tales.”
“Fine if you think I’m lying. Then I double dare you!” Ayo exclaimed stopping Okoye in her tracks. “Aneka told me that Mami Wata lives in the creepy crave not even crocodiles would sleep there.”
“Not the double dare,” Nakia mumbled as she watch the pair argue. Okoye eyes Ayo, “It sounds to me like you’re scared.”
Ayo puffed up her chest folding her arms, “No I’m not scared. I just want proof that I am right like always.”
“Well then you go,” Okoye said to her. Ayo shook her head, “That’s not how a dare works.”
Before Okoye could make her argument know the school bell rang, “Fine, I’ll go. Once I come back I’ll show you that is just a stupid wise tale.”
During the whole day, Okoye felt the dread that sunk like a heavy stone in her stomach. She wished she could take back on doing this stupid dare. Once the final bell rang Okoye knew it was time. She walked to the entrance like a death march, her eyes saw Ayo standing there with a smirk on her face. Tiny Nakia looked concerned for her friend, one thing about Okoye she doesn’t give up. Not even for a dare; the trio walked to the outskirt of the river where Mami Wata resides in.
“Well,” Ayo announced crossing her arms. Nakia put her hands over her eyes as if it would stop the dare.“Go on.”
Okoye pressed her lips as she walked down the slope. She walked past the scattered trees that lined up on the water’s edge, Okoye’s feet stopped when she made it to the entrance of the cave. Mami Wata’s cave, she thought as she balled up her fist. If she was going to be the future head of the Dora Mija she couldn’t be scared of some childish tale. She was nine years old now!
Once she stepped into the stone floor of the cave. She smelt the stale air as she ran her hands across the bumpy sharp stone. In the middle of the humidity cave was water, Okoye came close to it. She could see her reflection, the young girl took a deep breath.
All I have to do is say Mami Wata three times and run, Okoye said to herself. She was the fastest runner in her class and now it was time to put it to good use. 
“Mami Wata,” She said. Something in the young girl’s spirit felt like something wasn’t right, she couldn’t explain it. Okoye chest tighten but she pressed on. The young girl refused to be seen as a coward, “Mami Wata.”
“Ma-” Before Okoye could say the last word, she looked closer at her reflection in the water. Why does it look so different? As Okoye lend closer a creature popped his head out of the water.
“Ah!” Okoye screamed causing her to fall backward. Okoye quickly scrambled to get up, she had to make a run now before Mami Wata takes her. As she tried to make a break for it a cold clammy hand took her wrist, “No, let go!”
“Juntéen! Pa'atik,” The water demon spoke. Okoye finally opens her eyes to see not a creature but a boy. 
“W-who are you? And why are you blue?” Okoye shouted at the boy.”D-did Mami Wata force you to open clams?”
 The boy only tilted his head to the side, before giving her a grin. Okoye no longer scared was now annoyed with the boy, “Hello, I just asked you a question.”
“Jach chichanech utia'al junp'éel k'iin. Namora nojoch asab u teech.,” the blue boy spoke as sat back down into the water. Okoye leads over the rocky side to watch her new friend. 
“Huh?” Okoye asked. “No, you don’t understand Wakandian. I definitely don’t speak yours.”
The boy continued to look at Okoye, unblinking. This boy is weird, Okoye thought. Okoye shook her head, Well on the bright side Mami Wata isn’t real. So I guess I can go home. The young girl slides off the rock as her feet meet with the ground, “Bye.”
The blue boy launched out of the water standing in front of the girl. He touched Okoye’s hands as if he didn’t want to let the young girl go. His wet hair clung to his forehead, “K'a'abet a beel le k'iino'?”
“OKOYE,” Ayo’s screamed out to her. Causing the pair to split apart Okoye quickly turned her head to the entrance of the cave, “YOU BETTER NOT BE DEAD! HURRY UP AND COME OUT ALREADY!”
Okoye let go of the boy’s hand and quickly ran away from the strange blue boy.
K'a'abet a beel le k'iino'? : You must be the sun
Juntéen! Pa'atik,: Hey! wait
Jach chichanech utia'al junp'éel k'iin. Namora nojoch asab u teech.: You are too small to be a sun. Namora is bigger than you.
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no-where-new-hero · 7 months
If I may, I would absolutely love a commentary on a following paragraph from "A Dream of The Woodland" (let me just say the whole story is absolutely stunning! I love it! I, unfortunately, haven't read your "Tale of Nine Tailed" fanfics yet, because I need to watch the series first. But thank you so much for sharing your stories):
The paragraph:
“Yes,” said Valancy, and it was as how she had said everything else that evening: with faith and belief in him, and certainty of her own choice. It felt momentous—almost a bit religious. He stepped closer and took her cold hands over the top of the gate, wishing he had something to offer. He remembered the soft, lifeless touch of Ethel’s hands as he pushed the ring on her finger, but Valancy’s fingers wrapped around his hands, responsive and sincere. She had asked him not to pretend—and yet he felt even more vulnerable than if he could have gained refuge in the pretense of passion as he said,
“Of course I’m not in love with you—never thought of such a thing as being in love. But, do you know, I’ve always thought you were a bit of a dear.”
Thank you in advance!!! Please, don't feel pressed for time, I'd be happy to receive your commentary anytime!
Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about my work lol and I’m glad you picked this part from “A Dream of the Woodland!” So much of what went into that story was very subconscious, so I could never really pick one thing to talk about, but this section probably had more conscious thought than most.
First of all—hands. LMM frequently uses them to signal emotion, and I always enjoy using them to show character, and I draw on both here. All throughout the beginning of this fic, Barney has been comparing Valancy to Ethel, and what you’re supposed to infer, of course, is that Valancy comes out superior, a mature and equal wife for Barney’s own maturity. But in this part, I try to make it most overt. Of course now, Ethel is just a ghost to Barney, part of his own dead past, but I wanted to suggest here that even while he was living through it, there was something kind of dead about her. He could never have built a happy life with a woman like that.
“…wishing he had something to offer.” I admit I stole this (unconsciously, I think, but I very much see the parallel now) from the very last scene of the 1995 Little Women where Professor Bhaer, in his stumbling proposal to Jo, says “I have nothing to give you, my hands are empty.” Jo, then, takes his hand and says, “Not empty now,” and I think that’s such a beautiful way to think of love? That giving yourself to the other person is the real treasure? Barney is still thinking materially, a holdover of his upbringing, but of course all Valancy wants is him. She grasps onto him in return, an active participant in this moment of touch, as opposed to Ethel who—as a “good” and unloving and utterly boring girl—refuses to react at all.
As for him wishing to gain pretense in lying…you know, sometimes it’s easier to be hyperbolic. The Barney in this scene is very much still shedding off the false chivalry of his youth. For him to tell Valancy the truth—to say she’s “a dear” and that he never thought of loving her (even though, in this moment, he might be starting to) is harder than a grand declaration of passion. Not that Barney would really prefer that. But it would be familiar, and he badly needs something reliable in this topsy-turvey evening!
Thanks again for sending this in! If you have any more, please send them my way (and certainly so after you've seen TotNT and read the result of my brainworms about it lol)!
DVD Commentary for Fanfic Ask
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black-diamond1329 · 8 months
⭐ Name: Sandra, but you can tell me Sandy 😉.
⭐Age: I feel like I'm 15 years old, I stopped counting at 19 and my friends say that I act like I'm 5 years old XD hahaha ... Nah! I just turned 23 years old this August n_n.
💔 Occupation: Being a universitary girl XD ... Yes! It's so fun! (sarcasm).
🩷 Some things that I love it: Read (I read all kinds of books and about my favorite ships on Ao3! 🤭), cook desserts, listen to music while I do other activities like my homework or when I read, Greek mythology (The love between us will never die! 💗).
⭐Saint Seiya (or Knights of the Zodiac). I found this beautiful serie when I was 7 years old. My favorite is the original serie, although I also like the Lost Canvas a lot and Episode G (because Aioria is the protagonist). Soul of Gold gives me mixed feelings. From Omega and Next Dimension, better don't ask me; my mind lives in denial. My favorite characters are the Golden Saints, especially Aioros and Aioria, being Aioria my super favorite.
Thanks to Saint Seiya I developed a great love for the stars 💫 and I have many scientific books on the subject, as well as books of myths and legends about the constellations ✨.
💥 I'm a Marvel Girl. I love those tormented superheroes and antiheroes. I basically grew up watching Marvel since Iron Man came out in 2008 and I immersed myself fully in the world of the comics, I have a lot of comics and books on my bookshelf 🤭. My favorites are: Iron Man ♥️, Captain America, Spider-Man, Loki, the X-Men, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch, in all their presentations and with all their charms and defects!.
🍿Series: Friends, Full House, The big bang theory, How I met your mother and How I met your father, Modern Family, Mom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel... I love it K-Dramas like Goblin: The lonely and great God, Crash landing on you, Tale of the Nine Tailed 😋, I have also watched many animes like Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, Toradora, Code Geass, Inuyasha, Kaleido Star, Shaman King, Attack on Titan... it's a long list and I don't remember everything at this moment 🤔. Miraculous Ladybug (I know it's for kids, but ... there is Chat Noir 🖤).
🐉In my House of the Dragon era 🖤: Like many people, I was also terribly disappointed with the horrible ending of Game of Thrones, but I really loved Fire and Blood when I read it in 2020... so I decided to give the serie a chance when I saw the first trailer... and I don't regret it! 🥳. I liked Daemon and Rhaenyra so much in the book and absolutely loved them in the TV Show! (Matt and Emma are incredible! ❣️). Another character that I loved in the book and the one I always wanted to know more about was Jacaerys Velaryon and I must say that I am very pleased with the choice of Harry Collett 😍 (oh yeah baby! 🔥).
I really hope that the directors and writers do justice to this wonderful crown prince! 🥰, because for me he is already one of my favorite characters of all time! ❣️.
🎥 Favorite Movies: Troy 2004 (did I mention I'm a Greek mythology lover?), the Star Wars saga 💫 (1-6 only), The Great Gatsby, A Walk to Remember, Harry Potter 🪄 (books and movies), The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy, The Hunger Games saga ❣️(books and movies), The Twilight saga 😊 (books and movies).
I love Studio Ghibli movies with all my heart 💗 since my dad bought me the movie of Kiki Delivery Service when I was a 6-year-old little girl.
I love everything Disney and Pixar does 💗😘. (think of the happiest things, It's the same as having wings! 🎶)
🎧 Music: I have a very varied taste in music, some would say strange 😅, but if I like the rhythm and lyrics of the song I will surely add it to my playlist (mainly I like rock), AC / DC, Queen, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Imagine Dragons, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Lana del Rey, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. I enjoy classical music too 🩷.
⭐ Something more about me: I am an inveterate dreamer and extremely perfectionist. I express myself better by writing than talking 😚.
I haven't drawn anything in almost 5 years and when I did I used to draw with traditional media (watercolor, charcoal, colored pencils, gouche and acrylic paints 🖌️).
But since October (from last year), when I saw Harry Collett as Prince Jacaerys, I felt a desire to draw that I hadn't felt in a long time ❣️.
This is my first time trying to draw in digital media, I hope you like what you see! 😘 (YouTube tutorials don't fail me now! 😭). I spent the whole summer practicing🥺.
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P.S: Sorry if exist some error, the english is not my firts lenguage.
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filthy-mudeoki · 10 months
Welcome! 🫰🏼
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(ToTNT, Hidden love, Doom at your service, Vincenzo, Business Proposal)
I started watching kdramas not to long ago and decided my love for them had to be shared. I am a fanfic writer so my asks are always open whether it be just to scream over the dramas or to suggest prompt/fic ideas. Don't be shy!
I created a playlist on Spotify for all the amazing OST that I've come across when watching theses series. You can find it here.
Below you'll find a list of all the dramas I've watched with its corresponding review and rambles (I'll link them as I upload them). And following that is my watchlist. If you think there is a drama (or movie) that I should add to the list, please let me know.
Watched kdramas:
Alchemy of souls (Part I and II)
What's wrong with secretary Kim?
Business proposal (one of the best romcoms)
Guardian: the lonely and great god (An absolute classic)
Tale of the nine tailed
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Crashing landing on you
The K2
The King: Eternal Monarch
Hometown Cha-cha-cha
W - Two worlds
While you were sleeping
True beauty
Doctor Stranger (on hold)
King the land
Doom at your service (My all time fave romance story)
Big Mouth
Dr. Romantic 2
Dr. Romantic 3
It's okay to not be okay
Cinderella and four knights
Hidden love (technically a cdrama but it goes to the very top of the must watch list)
Forever love 2023
Strong girl Bong-soon
My lovely liar
Destined with you (on-going)
Currently watching:
Strong girl Nam-soon
The love you give me
My Happy Marriage (Anime)
Dr. Romantic 3
Tomorrow (On hiatus - this one has some serious triggers)
Shooting star (on hiatus)
To watch:
Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo
The Uncanny Counter
Café Minamdang
Sound of magic
The Kings Affection
Mr bad
Love o2o
When I fly towards you
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sukunasweetheart · 1 year
HAVE YOU SEEN TALE OF THE NINE TAILED OMG...that kind of au with sukuna...
king of curses demoted to basically a jujutsu sorcerer as punishment for disturbing the grim reaper when they took y/n away from him...now he's desperately searching for y/n's reincarnation...
Please... this concept is so yummy
Also YES i have watched this 😭 the angst??? This is so delicious, who can win against sukuna if not a literal otherworldly being - coming to bestow divine punishment for his sins?
I would really love to write something similar one day 😭 (i love seeing him thrive but also seeing him being reprimanded)
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7ndipity · 20 days
I heard of Tale of the nine tailed and when since I saw lee Dongwook was apart of the cast I knew I HAD to watch it! Unfortunately i’m too busy and haven’t but I will eventually :D
Anyway, you should watch strangers from hell if you haven’t already! (Lee Dongwook is also apart of the cast LOL) It’s not on Netflix but if you do end up watching it or already have please lmk your thoughts!! :3
🎀 anon
I've heard of that one! I haven't watched it yet, but I'll def let y'all know when I do!💜
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eviltiddyproductions · 9 months
Destined With You : Episode 9
one thing about my sister, she’s going to land in situations that are horror movie adjacent
sister GET OUT OF HERE !!!!
girl will you start running when the shadow catches up to you 💀? get up !! run !!!!
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second male lead I have my eyes on you 🤨! you were wearing a hoodie the last time too she got chased!
lmao the second time in this show a man has had to change the lights
damn didn’t the boss have a blind date? 😭 not him moving things
lmao not the ramen line still doing the rounds
honestly he’s real for this! I’m super appreciative of people who ask before hugging or kissing! 🙏
girl we’re on episode 9, while I appreciate them trying to give this couple screen time I still have no idea what lore we’re working with in general (with all of the past stuff from the joseon era + that cheating fiancée) like we’ve got things to unravel over here !!!
I know the mom might be a little uninvolved and ditzy but I do not care about our man’s dad at all. Like you can’t hide his disease from his own mom?!? 😭 plus what even is going on with him and his family lol. the only time his dad interacts with him is to ask him about his marriage or his disease and he ignores his mom. other than that I have no idea what’s going on with them.
my memory is so garbage like until some other character calls them by name I have no idea what my people are called
what’s going on with my girl omg 😨 take her to a hospital!!! she was about to pass out while being chased too
aaah she’s suspicious of him too! ( a first considering the dramas I’ve watched 💀)
these damn blackouts 😭😭😭
girl call that man downstairs or call the police !!!!
oh just a nightmare
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all of that nonsense from his dad to not make a fuss just to stand and argue over Sin yu’s head 💀 (I’m sorry I’m about to be his biggest hater)
oh wow because of the week long break even I forgot that the last person our man met was that creepy gardener
awwww they look so sweet. I want to push and squish them next to each other
I don’t know what’s worse them not remembering someone is after them taking pictures or the weirdo we have no idea about clicking pictures 😭
lmao his fiancée said idc 💅💅💅
how many white dresses does my sister have
what are these shoes Nayeon 😭😭😭
aaah so this gardener has been busy hexing them
the camera zoom ins on this show are so random
I have an ominous feeling
these fireworks are gorgeous
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I gotta check if someone named Lyn is on their soundtracks because I just got tale of the nine tailed flashbacks
the slo mo walk on the bridge
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the trailer hug !!! except it’s in the present era
awww he loves her (please break up with your fiancée already)
wait was the lady in the sack this kid’s mom or our girl in her past life?
oh must be this little girl
for the first time I’m thinking horse riding must be so fun and freeing 😭
not him travelling through the four seasons!?!
you don’t have to walk slow we already know you two!
awwww the red cheeks 🍎🍎🍎
damn it’s already over ?!!!
this one was a slow sweet watch, woah. I do need them to pick up the pace though 😂 like tell us what’s going on with our babies 😭 !!! every episode the creepy confusing people keep increasing but the context doesn’t.
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fortycumber · 4 months
so having read @mindmeltonabun-blog 's analysis of the plagiarism in My Demon, I felt strangely compelled to give my own review, since I have been pondering on it for quite some time now ever since I've finished it.
In short, my opinion would be, that the drama is a rather shallow, superficial, but visually stunning rendition of a popular trope that has been done a gazillion times before. It leaves a lot to the viewer's interpretation and their imagination due to the lack of proper explanation of major events in the plot. Think, an adaptation of a popular teen novel from the 2010s- short on everything but chemistry between the main actors (Fallen from 2016, The Mortal Instruments from 2013, heck even Twilight as the post stated as well and many more). The author laid out a nice blue print of a story that could have worked, had it been better researched and had she paid more attention to details. My particular problem with this drama was Gu Won's obvious identity crisis, which stems mainly from the fact that the author herself didn't really know what he was supposed to be. Like is he a demon, plucked from the many or is he the devil himself? He calls himself a demon, then then devil, he often claims that God's his boss, God herself says that she sent him there among humans, because she needed a "worker", which to me heavily implies that he's an angel..? Am I the only one who couldn't quite understand that part? And after the small discussion I had with certain commenters on Mydramalist, I guess I agree with the fact that he's supposed to be some kind of a fallen angel, mirroring the real devil, but that still doesn't explain as to why God called him "her worker". I guess, everything's part of the author's scarcely explained lore.
The Christian elements of the story, especially the Joseon Era part, were interesting (like I would totally watch a standalone drama following only that arc of the story, it's ten times more original than the main one), but totally lacked in execution and research which made a complete jumbled mess of the whole story, I did catch a few references to the Bible here and there, dunno if they were intentional or not.
Do Do Hee, to me, seemed like an even more washed out replica of Nam Ji Ah from The Tale of the Nine Tailed, mainly in how she was structured: she was strong, independent and formidable until she met her male lead and in a way she served as a feisty enigma for him to solve throughout the first few episodes, until he did and she fell flat, constantly in a need of his protection and reassurance. The "Succession" part of the show was an absolute chaos, it was obvious from the beginning who the culprit was and his tactics were honestly laughable, he wasn't terrifying at all, yet alone secretive and elusive, his whole character seemed to have escaped from a makjang if you ask me. There was no real fight, no palpable hatred and conflict between Do Do Hee and him, he spent strategically more time stroking Gu Won's magical book and chatting up the maniac he hired in sketchy chatrooms, instead of doing evil things. I would so preferred if the guy who was obsessed with Do Do Hee (for whichever reason we'll never find out btw or maybe I missed it, dunno) was the real villain instead of Noh Suk Min, he at least, evoked pure disgust and uneasiness in me, while Noh Suk Min made me laugh, literally. Oh and what a marvelous waste of Lee Sang Yi, his role was literally useless he was just there to be pretty (I love you boo <333333). Let's not forget the detectives please- they were even more useless, they just existed to be clueless about their jobs and look raggedy and lost most of the time.
The whole tone of the drama should have been different and more graphic. For a drama that deals with such heavy topics, it should've been darker, grittier, scarier, Gu Won should have been more dangerous, bolder, more seductive, sexier and more lethal, I mean he's a literal demon and given his tragic backstory he should have been truly ruthless, preying on people's misfortunes and feasting on the terrible outcome, in fact I think I would prefer for him to have been a libertine living an absolutely lavish and debauched life in the human underworld, where he would find most of his potential clients instead of the doleful theatre owner who mopes around clock towers looking for "his next victim", it just doesn't match the person he became after seeing Do Do Hee's past version dead and killing all of those people because of it (I mean Song Kang is more than a capable actor to do such a character, I wanna cry thinking what we've been deprived of seriously). For someone who boldly exclaims his hatred of people, he seems quite timid in hurting them, he should have been shown literally torturing people who didn't adhere to the contract and who wanted to escape it, instead he is just stuck in a dress up game with a plot that progresses nowhere and most of the time selectively "borrows" elements from other famous dramas. In fact the same thing could be said for Do Do Hee as well; as much as I liked most of her outfits, she was presented as this notorious business woman in episode one, but all she ever does in the rest of the episodes is just drive around town, looking like a Barbie doll.
I'm sure there were more things that irked me, but I just can't remember at the moment so I'll just stop here. The sole thing that saved this show was the chemistry between the leads.
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vierran45 · 5 months
Dramas 2023
I’m listing the favourite dramas I watched this year. Most, but not all were released in 2023.
China had a lot of great dramas this year ranging from wuxia to urban fantasy.
The Blood of Youth Great wuxia ensemble cast and a fun story.
A League of Nobleman Lan Jue and his harem of boyfriends. Supposedly a mystery series.
Detective L Bai Yu in  Republican era suits solving crimes. What’s not to like.
The Starry Love Warring nations xianxia with mixed identities that was surprisingly lovely.
The Heart of Genius I hate math, but I still enjoyed this parallel world drama centered on maths.
Justice in the Dark (8 episodes) I’m still mad about it’s short run. Modu is a great novel and the casting in this drama was perfect.
Mysterious Lotus Casebook Just great.  Li Lianhua’s journey and his friendships with the various people in jianghu were wonderful.
Lost You Forever S1 Yang Zi did an awesome job as the lead and I also liked all of her companions (although I admit having an irrational dislike to Deng Wei).
My Journey to You Dark, but great series. Quite claustrophobic in tone, but Esther Yu and Zhang Linghe were both great. The poison brother stole the show.
I Am Nobody Urban fantasy where a young guy discovers he has superpowers and is part of a larger community with it’s own secrets.
A Journey to Love Lovely, tragic tale of a group of people who go on a quest to recover their useless emperor from the enemy country. Right from the start you know how it’s going to end. But denial is strong.
Btw, can we ban the words ”Love” and ”Journey” in English titles of dramas for a while, please.
Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san A lovely slice-of-life drama about food, friendship, life as a maiko or as a geisha.
Informa A reporter gets juicy stories from a mysterious guy with his own agenda. A tour de force role by Kiritani Kenta.
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse A lovely drama about a young woman who gets entangled with a secret prince and his protector.
Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1938 Lee Rang rules this drama with his mermaid! Also, loved the brothers’ reunion and them working together.
Bloodhounds Contemporary drama about loan collectors who end up going against the big money.
Perfect Marriage Revenge Totally makjang soap opera about second chances, but I really enjoyed all the drama.
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble Fun and quirky drama where a guy can see ghosts. Touching and tragic at times, humorous at other moments.
Kiseki: Dear to Me A mafia guy falls in love with a young student. Add in amnesia, various conflicts and delicious pastry to fill in the details.
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starrkc · 11 months
Happy Munday! Please tell us some fun little facts about the mun 💫 what are the things that inspire you? like things or people?
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it's not munday but actually friday. and i've had this in my inbox forever but today i finally decided to give it a reply so here goes.
little fun facts about me? hmmmm
i'm of middle-eastern & east african descent.
when i was growing up i was raised in the midst of three cultures the one at home, the one outside home and of the country of my birth and lastly the one at school which was english and asian. all different in their own ways which made me appreciate the differences in people more. at the end of the day we're all the same, with the same needs and wants but with different colours really.
i've lived in too many countries to count which makes me not really all that nationalistic
always loved ramen since i was a wee child of seven
enjoy kdramas a lot and i'm currently watching tale of the nine tailed 1938 (that's why we've got lee yeon there :3)
i get my inspiration for writing from the things i watch and read. and i've been stuck in the bleach fandom for waaaay too long writing a myriad of characters over the years. but now i have kinda branched out to another fandom which is nice. change is good. and i've also gone back to fanfiction writing sloooowly so i can eventually end up writing my own book one day.
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leedongwook · 1 year
Okay, yes, hi, hello! I’m currently on annual leave from work, best K-drama recs please ?!? (Should I be using this time to write? Yes. Will I? Probably not)
Hi Lauren, how are you? Oh that's nice enjoy your days off! Ahhh let me think ... here's some good ones I really enjoyed watching:
All of us are dead
Are you human too?
Bad and Crazy
Bad Prosecutor
Beyond evil
Big Mouth
Descendants of the sun
Doctor Prisoner
Doctor Lawyer
Doctor John
Gaus Electronics
Ghost Doctor
He is psychometric
Alice in Borderland
Just between lovers
Mad Dog
May I help you
My roommate is a Gumiho
Old Fashion Cupcake
The fiery Priest
The Guest
One ordinary day
Revenge of others
Strangers from hell
Suspicious partner
Tale of the nine tailed
Taxi Driver
The first responders
The good detective
The K2
The merciless
The Uncanny encounter
Through the darkness
To my star
The devil judge
Weak hero class 1
While you were sleeping
There's a lot more but I'll stop now haha
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annbourbon · 7 months
~ Dramas I already Watched
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* The King's Affection (I'm finishing this one soon)
* Crash Landing on You
* Vincenzo
* My Love from the Stars
* The King: Eternal Monarch
* Descendants of the Sun
* Business Proposal
* W: Two Worlds
* Mr Sunshine
* Her Private Life
* Squid Game
* Strong Woman Do Bong-Soon
* Princess Weiyoung
* Noble My Love
* My Secret Romance
* The Gang Doctor
* Please Feel at Ease Mr Ling
* Ugly Beauty
* Tale of the Nine-Tailed
* Cinderella and the Four Knights
* Extraordinary Attorney Woo
* Little Women
* My Name
* The Glory
* All of Us are Dead
* Boys over Flowers *I can't finish this one. Too much toxicity 😭*
* Crash Course Romance *Couldn't finish this one. Bad character development*
* Queenmaker
* I need Romance 3
* It's okay not to be okay ✨
* Law School (Best drama ever~♡)
* Little Women
* My name
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I have marked the best ones on pink. But I'll be creating full reviews+analysis on my favorite ones. Keep in mind, even though I have not marked some of them, this doesn't mean that they're not good. Just that, I liked their dynamics a bit more.
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