#poultry core
forestduck · 2 years
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feralfens · 1 year
[speed runs thickening the top soil layer in one spot]
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totally-not-deacon · 1 year
Wooo, got a dozen chicks to start raising poultry again! We're looking at also raising quail and guineafowl once we fix up the extra pens and coops. Hell, might even start selling hatching eggs once everyone's laying.
Sometimes living on a little farm is pretty cool. Hauling 50lb bags of feed and hay, or when it's time to drench the bigger livestock, not so much though. My first backflip was thanks to a rather grumpy ram.
Also I landed in cow shit. Not my finest moment.
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caits-creatures · 1 year
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My two hens <3
They’re called Terry-Anne and Freja and I love them so much they’re my little ladies. They’re both Bovans Brown hens, basically the bog standard.
I am in the market for at least one more, since I had to rehome my rooster since he was too loud and I don’t want to upset neighbours, but with flockdown I can’t really introduce new birds to my flock for the safety of them and my own Incase someone is a carrier. Speaking of, this is an old image when they didn’t have to stay in a covered are so don’t worry, I’m responsible :)
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hauntingmiser · 7 days
( maybe this is the final piece of the puzzle ? we may never know the core of the fog awaits you friend )
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Fun fact : ever since she helped kanji just getting rid of the crystals to protective gear she also however had the flu and next week she stayed at home
after getting better she was having a stroll until she was kidnapped and was thrown into the TV by someone
and when she got into the TV world she looked around for several hours locating a lab cave filled with test tubes and many equipment until she found the room and she went in it
when she was near the experimentation table, she heard crying then she hid and when she poked her head out to see they were sitting on a chair near the experiment table so she swam to the person that was crying and it looked like....her? but they had a lab coat with her hat still intact and they're wearing overalls with a sweater underneath
"that can't be me...right?" and then it looked at her with beaming gold-eyes staring at her and then, it gets up and gets closer to her while she backs off away from it
"hello there naoto....heheheahahaheha!...."
She screamed and swam away from it while it laughed in the background and then she was now at a dead end and her shadow self closing into her holding a comically large knife so she closed her eyes waiting for her doom
this is naoto's shadow self, and it was about to kill her and gut her like a fish
until it gets shocked and falls down to the ground getting paralyzed
when she opened her eyes, it was yu with his gang smiling at her knowing she's okay
shocked she didn't know help was going to arrive soon but it did after her shadow self was chasing her...."are you alright naoto?" said yosuke
and with him saying that question, she cried crocodile tears hugging him in the process until her shadow got up and started shit talking so yosuke had to shut it up by beating it with the mace without hurting naoto
shadow naoto got pissed off so bad that they straight up transformed into their final form and bonked yosuke then he was lightly unconscious for several minutes
and after fighting naoto's shadow she joined the investigation team and got a persona before that she had a power nap during the fight
( also she's a royal blue double tail betta and she used to be not afraid of dead bodies and now she is lol )
#naoto shirogane#shirogane naoto#anime and manga#persona 4#persona 4 golden#she investigated several amounts of cases over people dying of the fog#and she has found several context clues that were probably burned when she was taking a stroll#and when she found out her evidence was burned by the culprit she was pissed#so the investigation team now having naoto go on a journey into the TV world and what they saw was shocking at least#when she was arguing about use care about bottle caps and how they should be treated good#and most importantly carrying the team she heard whispers and disgusting smells that she never smelt before#until the bones moved they shaked and shiver and pointed at the main core of the fog#as she swam last she realized something the bone rattling had stopped in the fog smelling disgusting turned into nothing#it body moved in a skeletal way it's fine and ribs were open with rotten seaweed it's tail reeks of rotten tomatoes and poultry#their teeth creeks whlie their voice is sore#their bones are blackened to look like obsidian and the most like Dread#while their body smells like perfume mixed with rotten flesh and whale#when she was curious about get frightened she realized something they look familiar... like this is someone from class that she met#some months ago before the murder.#wait a minute....this wasn't 'mother nature' at all or the fog this was someone's vengeful spirit mixed with this curse of nuclear dread#so she screamed in horror and said ''GUYS I DON'T THINK THAT'S MOTHER NATURE''#''THAT'S THE SISTER OF KONISHI-KUN!!!!!!''#they looked at her with horror in their eyes and they looked at the corpse spirit#they were right if she was the patient one of this fog#then who was patient zero? 'mother nature' herself#looks like we got to fuck around and find out#also I meant it's brittle ribs not that lol#mermay#mermay 2024#persona 4 naoto
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tothechaos · 1 year
top 5 foods you enjoy (can be in no specific order)
hmmmm top 5 foods.... in no specific order:
1. pork ramen
2. chili (with sour cream)
3. steak quesadillas
4. philly cheese mushroom (like a philly cheese steak but with mushrooms)
5. strawberry mochi
game is top 5 anything!
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snudibranchs · 2 years
farmer’s experience psa, cw: animal death
 i’ve seen some people impulse buy some small livestock like small chickens and quail and it’s always these cottage core blogs trying to capture a sense of ~*whimsy*~ by trying their hand at urban farming and it usually goes disastrously so i’ve prepared a small psa:
 most people point to the cottage core crowd not understanding the physical labour needed for even a small farming operation, but if i may weigh in as someone who lives and grew up her formative years on a farm, you are absolutely not ready for the amount of animal death that having a homestead entails,
 i’ve only really dealt with poultry personally and the only real barn animals we have are horses that are just kinda kept on our property for safety reasons, but let me tell you, things fucking die all the time and you just have to be okay with it.
 the chicken infant mortality rate is exceptionally high, most of our orders for meat or laying birds usually come with some exceptionally lethargic diseased chicks, and there’s really nothing that can be done outside of quarantining and hoping for the best. even then there’s so many environmental factors that could result in a small tragedy, not to mention the constant threat of wild animal attacks by the time they grow up, not to mention the entire existence and purpose of meat birds
 the amount of emotional discipline it takes to even be part of a farming operation is insane and even people like me who are usually pretty good at dealing with the bursts of grief that being a farmer comes with.
 play some stardew valley and don’t make impulsive decisions because you saw a tumblr post with a log cabin and chicken coop, poultry is grief and heartache.  maybe someone else who has experience with barn animals and cattle can weigh in but from my experience with sheep, it’s pretty consistent with poultry in the grief department.
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jabberwockprince · 4 months
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SPINA VENATORES A small organization of mercenaries working for Manus Vindictae, tasked with erasing people from history as a way to call upon the "Storm". Their targets' names, families, influence and connections to this world will be dragged into oblivion.
Individual profiles and some more info/ramblings under the cut <3
The whole point of Spina Venatores is to be a parallel to Vertin's own independent group of Arcanists - the same way St. Pavlov's Foundation has her, Manus Vindictae has Venison and Spina. They're the mouth and teeth of Manus.
But whereas Vertin aims to create a safe, neutral space for Arcanists to thrive without human influence despite being tied to the Foundation, Venison is aiming to create a paradise for those they care about and no one else due to the heavy influence Arcana and Manus have on them.
Spinas Venatores is, at its core, a cult that was allowed to grow thanks to Venison's codependent and obsessive mindset - with them as the leader, all the troublesome and rebellious members of Manus Vindictae (that are much too powerful to get rid of or who are still clinging on to their former lives) will simply be assimilated into Spina or pressured to comply with Manus Vindictae as a whole. The third secret option is dying <3.
They also serve as a narrative device to remind everyone of the fact that, no matter how hard one may try, there's no way EVERYONE can be saved from the "Storm" - all five main members are related in some way or another to Arcanists that Vertin has met, they're people that weren't lucky enough to be taken in, who found themselves in the right time and place for Manus Vindictae to take advantage of their vulnerable state.
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R1999 also portrays a LOT of oppression from various minorities that overlap with each other in very interesting ways, so I also wanted them to tackle similar things that mean so much to me - they're problematic queers is what I'm trying to say lmfao
The thing they share is that all of them are delusional to a degree, and that they're constantly haunted and defined by their relationships to others. The loss and discovery of the self through another, Ship of Theseus, cannibalism, body horror, being transgender as a really visceral and intimate experience, an obsession for love in all of its forms etc etc.
I don't have the FULL scope of their backstories, but I do know who they're tied to!
Venison was Pavia's coworker in a constant, obsessive loop of wanting to kill and save each other. Mutton was part of Schneider's mafia and romantically involved with one of her oldest sisters. Chevon was a regular visitor in Necrologist's museum and a friend of hers, she later went on to exhibit his many, many tombstones. Poultry is the "Lilian" mentioned in Darley Clatter's Stories. And Veal is a mystery even to me </3
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Their uniforms are meant to look outrageous and outlandish, entirely out of place with the setting and their respective eras/times, inspired by fantasy - just BARELY reminiscent of Manus Vindictae by virtue of using a similar palette, as a way to drive that feeling of not belonging and delusion even harder.
Whereas everyone else is dealing with very real issues, all members of Spina Venatores live pretty much in their own heads (similar to Forget Me Not and how Manus Vindictae causes their recruits to become... YEAH.....THOSE MONSTERS....)
Venison gets the BIG COAT and the biggest silhouette because they're responsible for pretty much 80% of what happens within Spina Venatores! Veal gets the more simple design to allude to their whole unassuming, shapeshifter/Doppelganger thing.
They all have ribcage/bone motifs in one way or another, most of their jewels are meant to look like rosaries, they wear the Manus Vindictae silver cross and Arcana's blue color more often than regular members of Manus. Also! Hands!! Love the fuckin hands!! DID YOU GUYS SEE DIGGERS' MANUS VINDICTAE SKIN???? YEAH.
The naming convention being. types of different meats. is entirely because of Venison, you can ALSO blame that entirely on them <3
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 7 months
i think the most annoying part of dog food discourse is how many people will act as though proplan/hill’s/Royal canin diets aren’t extremely and prohibitively expensive and that THAT is the reason so many people look into healthy alternatives.
People complain about corn being in the first five ingredients on most of those feeds because, regardless of other factors here, that is not an expensive ingredient. But it makes up a large chunk of the dry food. So the dry food should be fairly affordable, right?
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Oh… with tax you’re spending about $100 for one 45lb bag of food where the third ingredient is wheat and the fourth and fifth ingredients are corn.
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Oh… well! It’s slightly cheaper! But the second ingredient is rice, third is wheat, fourth is corn, and then fifth is poultry byproduct. None of those are very expensive so this just must be the low end cost of dog food unfortunately. The vets recommend it so surely that means prices aren’t inflated, right?
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Oh? This one has similar ingredients with the only real difference being no corn? And it’s half the price?? Well surely that’s just a fluke.
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Oh. Oh no.
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This one even has CORN in it and it’s $20 cheaper?? Wow!
Like listen at some point I don’t care if your dog food has the ichor of the gods in it, I’m not spending $100 every five days if there are cheaper options with just as many “good” ingredients in it. If you think I’m a dog abuser because I can’t afford this overpriced garbage, that’s too bad. I don’t care. My dogs are perfectly healthy with the food I give them. Great weight and great coat. People giving dog food recommendations that aren’t those top three hyper-expensive dog foods aren’t trying to epic own those dastardly vets half the time, but I really don’t blame the ones who do lose trust in vets when the only heartworm protection they recommend lately are expensive triple-action brands like Simparica Trio that costs $120+ as opposed to the other heartworm protections that are only about $40-$60 on average, which is still cheaper even if you add on a $20-$40 flea and tick protection separately, and only recommend dog food that costs $85+ a bag even if your dog doesn’t have specialized dietary needs.
Those top three foods are GREAT at making competent prescription diets, I don’t deny that. I do still have to criticize the pricing of those prescription diets though because I have spoken to DOZENS of people who had to pull their pets off of a prescription diet and struggle to find something comparable because they couldn’t afford the food, and that’s terrible! These are not poor companies! Purina, Royal Canin, and Hill’s can ABSOLUTELY afford to lower their prices to make their food accessible to people who need it for their animals but they don’t. They probably never will. Because at the core they are run by greedy corporations. It doesn’t matter how many good nutritionists are on board if the company is run by people who put profits over customers and make the food impossible for people to afford.
#I keep seeing posts from people on both sides of this#and it is frustrating to see how many vets don’t seem to acknowledge#that a MASSIVE part of the dog food debate has and always will be#the inaccessibility of these three brands#because whether corn is good or bad or neutral for a dog#It’s a cheap ingredient#any meat byproducts are a cheap ingredient#wheat in any form is a cheap ingredient#rice is a cheap ingredient#they aren’t putting Diamond dust and gold flakes in the kibble it’s very accessible and affordable ingredients for the most part#and many comparatively smaller companies use very similar ingredients and make food people can actually afford#So yeah when people look at these factors it does make them distrust vets who will almost exclusively push expensive brands#and that’s where the distrust is coming from#it’s not primarily smug tiktok kids who think they know everything#it’s just people who have less money than you and get treated like they care less for their animals because of it lol#and people who feel scammed because anything veterinary is already expensive to the point not everyone can afford it as regularly as needed#the fact people have to give pets vaccines themselves to make ends meet because most vets charge so much just to walk in the door#is a sign of a larger problem#I criticize people who avoid taking animals with surprise sickness or injuries to the vet#but it’s not exactly hard to see why that isn’t even an option for a lot of people#people can’t even afford surgery on themselves if they’re suddenly injured out of the blue in this country#So I can’t pretend to be shocked they don’t have $10k squirreled away if something unavoidable happens to a pet#no one is entitled to an animal they can’t afford yes yes but a routine vet visit shouldn’t be $600-$1000 per animal sorry#give me a copay or something
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In August 1963, the Dutchveterinarian Dan (E.H.) Kampelmacher stepped on a plane to Lima, the capital of Peru. His destination: smelly factories in Lima’s port city which ground up tiny anchovy fish from the Pacific Ocean into huge amounts of animal feed. Peru exported one fifth of this ‘fishmeal’ to the Netherlands, where farmers used it to feed their quickly rising numbers of chickens and pigs in new intensive livestock or ‘factory’ farms. [...]
The ports of Lima and Rotterdam connected the ecosystems of Peruvian fishmeal plants and Dutch farms. [...] [H]ardly anyone showed any interest in what the stuff was made of. Although Dutch farmers had started to refer to their new industrial poultry and pig farms as ‘landless’ at this point in time, they did not intend this phrase to mean their growing dependence on oceans rather than land. Rather, it characterized a fundamental change in livestock farming: in the postwar era farmers could increase their numbers of animals independently of the area of land they had for growing feed. The phrase ‘landless’ erased from view that these farms in fact depended on places elsewhere on the planet. [...] [T]he fish, called “anchoveta” [were] from the Humboldt Current ecosystem [...].
Fishmeal was invisible, despite its crucial importance for two interrelated major changes in the Netherlands and the global north in general: the rise of intensive livestock farming, and the unprecedented increase in the consumption of meat and eggs. [...] How did fishmeal and its environmental impacts connect industrial livestock farming in the global north to its production places in the global south [...]? [...]
Shadow places are ‘all those places that produce or are affected by the commodities you consume, places consumers don’t know about, don’t want to know about, and in a commodity regime don’t ever need to know about or take responsibility for’. It is very similar to the ‘ghost acres’ concept used by environmental and global historians: the acres of land countries used elsewhere on the planet [...]. Cushman analyses the rise of the Peruvian fishmeal industry as another case of what he calls ‘neo-ecological imperialism’: the ‘Blue Revolution’ [...], to stress the connection between fishmeal production in the Pacific World and the rise of industrial livestock farming in the global north. [...]
Fishmeal fed the twentieth-century shift to industrial livestock farming – the Netherlands was among the top three fishmeal importers internationally from 1954 to 1972. [...] Animal proteins – and fishmeal in particular – played an essential role in this shift to industrial livestock farming [...]. But for poultry and pigs, animal proteins were an ‘indispensable ingredient’ [...]. Internationally, fishery landings tripled in the period 1950–1973 due to the rise in fishmeal production for animal feed. [...] During the Peruvian fishmeal boom from 1958 until 1970, [...] [t]he livestock sector started to refer to it explicitly as ‘Peru fishmeal’ [...]. The Netherlands was the second-largest importer after the USA in 1955 [...].
According to Cushman and Wintersteen, the spectacular rise of the Peruvian fishmeal industry was the result of [...] international interest in the Peruvian stocks of small fish suitable for fishmeal production, interest from the USA in particular.
After the collapse of the Californian fishmeal industry shortly after the Second World War, industrial fishmeal plants in Peru were realised with American marine expertise, investments by American industrialists, subsidiaries of American companies like Cargill and Ralston Purina, and second-hand American fishmeal equipment and technology. [...]
As a result, the Peruvian fishery industry changed radically during the 1950s. Rather than a being a by-product of fish canneries, fishmeal became its core focus. [...] [A]nd industrialists moved in entire fishmeal plants from the USA and Scandinavia. These plants could turn 5.4 tons of fish into a ton of fishmeal at the peak of the industry [...].
Angola exported fishmeal under Portuguese colonial rule (until 1975), and South Africa exported fishmeal during Apartheid (until 1994). In Chile the neoliberal dictatorship of general Augusto Pinochet (1973–1990) gave fishmeal industrialists free rein again from 1973 onwards, and Chile had replaced Peru as the major fishmeal exporter by 1980.
Social inequality was exacerbated [...]. Fishmeal industrialists made enormous amounts of money, and stock exchanges in the global north enabled speculation on fishmeal. Simultaneously, workers in the fishmeal plants were poorly paid and lived in slums with no paved roads, running water or electricity, unhealthy conditions and polluted air. Fishmeal’s volatile market resulted in labour unrest during the 1960s in Peru, and during the 1980s in Chile. [...] Many factories were moved to less-regulated places along the coast, taking the air pollution and resulting public health problems with them. One of these places was the city of Chimbote, which quickly grew into the largest fishmeal city of Peru, and became ‘one of the nation’s … most polluted cities’. [...] One place impacted by the feeding of fish to farm animals was in particular in shadows: the marine ecosystems from which the tiny fish were taken, like the Pacific Humboldt Current along the coast of Peru and Chile. [...]
The ocean ecosystems in the global south exploited to feed the industrial livestock sector in the north remained largely invisible. [...] The disappearance of the Peruvian anchoveta also made the ‘protein crisis’ move north. The Dutch livestock sector referred to the ‘true emergency situation’ of the Peruvian fishmeal crisis as the ‘protein crisis’ (‘de eiwit-crisis’). [...] But in 1972–1973 the Humboldt Current marine ecosystem created its own shadow places in both the north and the south. The extraordinary strong El Niño led to the sudden disappearance of the anchovy population [...].
All text above by: Floor Haalboom. “Oceans and Landless Farms: Linking Southern and Northern Shadow Places of Industrial Livestock (1954-1975).” Environment and History Volume 28 Number 4. November 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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sukunastits · 7 months
Weaponized Incompetence -
Weaponized Incompetence 1/? 
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish x reader, fem pronouns 
Warnings: none, sfw.
MacTavish was, without a doubt, one of the most patient and kind Sergeants you had ran across in the SAS, made even odder by the fact that he was a Sergeant in one of the most elite Task Forces in British military history. But he was. He was firm and encouraging, always willing to answer (reasonably) stupid questions, and the least likely between himself and Sergeant Garrick to absolutely lose his shit. 
Admittedly, Sgt. Garrick had been pushed to the metaphorical edge by a very, very stupid troop who just didn’t know when to quit. He probably would have handled it better, if it hadn’t been the first week of evaluation. You couldn’t really hold it against the Sergeant. 
Six months later, and Sgt. MacTavish had kept a distressingly cool head. You weren’t fond of it; it left a lot of questions. Where was the line? How would he react when it was crossed? How did he handle anger - was he a shouter? Mr. Cold Shoulder? You had seen Sgt. Garrick at his limit; a shouter. Captain Price was authoritarian to his core; disappointed, and willing to hand out fitting punishment to ensure it didn’t happen again. Ghost, terrifyingly, appeared to be a cold shoulder kind of guy; the kind of petty, what are you talking about, I’ve never heard of Trooper Johnson a day in my life while maintaining eye contact with said never existed Trooper.  
Initially, it hadn’t bothered you. But the longer it went on, the more you wondered. And obviously you couldn’t do anything serious to trigger him. You weren’t about to risk your tenuous place on the 141, even as a tertiary member. Which left your favorite method - playing as stupid as humanly possible. 
Never about anything work related. You had fought tooth and nail for the respect you earned as one of maybe 20 female front line soldiers. No, you had to act stupid about the stupid things.
You started small. Spotting the mohawked sergeant in line at the cafeteria, sliding your way behind him with a beatific smile at Troop Russell, who let you into line with a resigned air. Carefully brushing your shoulder against the sergeant, welcoming his easy greeting like a witch letting children into her gingerbread house. 
“You know,” you started, in a way that anyone who shared a barracks with you knew was a bad sign. “I’ve never figured out why people think chickens lay eggs.” 
Smiling vacantly to hide the incandescent joy of shit-stirring, you watched as the sergeant stuttered, brows closing together in confusion. You could practically see the thoughts growing in that pretty little head; is she being serious? Is this a joke? 
No joke, you thought giddily, still maintaining a deviously blank poker face. Go on, you know you wanna. 
“What are ye talkin’ ‘bout?” 
“Eggs,” you answered, slow enough to cast a questionable tone. Like you couldn’t understand why he would be confused. “They come from cows.” By this point, the line had stalled, Sergeant MacTavish bewildered enough to cease multi-tasking. You couldn’t blame him. Walking single file while cafeteria staff handed you food was probably a difficult task when dealing with yourself. You wouldn’t know - you were everyone else’s problem, never your own. 
Pointedly, you looked at the lone, hard boiled egg resting on his plate, and then past his shoulder to the stretch of no man’s land between him and the person in front of him. At least a meter of space. He jolted into action, the hiss of his plastic tray frissioning against the metal ledge covered by his pretty, deep baritone. “Eggs are poultry, lass. They do come from chickens.”
“See, everyone thinks that,” you shook your head. From the corner of your eye, you can see Troop Russell, chin tucked to his chest. Troop Russell has never won a game of poker in his life. You’ve never played poker with him, but you know this for a fact as well as you know that chickens do, obviously, lay eggs. “But they’re wrong. They come from cows; its why they have a second stomach. Its how they regurgitate eggs.” 
They key to saying this kind of off the wall shit, you’ve learned, is to never give anyone time for a reasonable retort. It’s why you decided to corner him in the lunch line, a bunch of military ducks in a row that clears out relatively fast. Content with the microwaved chicken sandwich dressed up with a single leaf of lettuce, fruit cup, singular rolling egg, and squat baby water bottle on your tray, you decide it’s time to make your escape.  
“C’mon, think about it sergeant - if eggs come from chickens, why are they in the dairy aisle? With all the dairy?” And there it is, quick but beautifully vindicating; a flash of what the absolute fuck across his adorably disgusted little face. Not yet fed up with your shit, but certainly in disbelief of it. 
“Anyways, have a nice lunch, Sergeant,” you grin, practically floating to your usual table. Moments after you settle onto the bench, Troop Russell is sliding in next to you. “This is going to end horribly,” he points out. 
“But hilariously,” you counteract. “Don’t ruin this for me.” Deciding to start with your victory egg - the catalyst of your nonsense - you make eye contact with Sergeant MacTavish as you bite into it. Three rows away and seated diagonal from your own table, he’s ignoring the seemingly content ramblings of Sergeant Garrick to squint at you. Confused. But, like those dumb ass kids who saw a gingerbread house in the middle of haunted woods, you knew he wouldn’t walk away. Oh no. Too baffled by the incongruousness, he would walk right in. 
Blame it on daddy issues, or problems with authority, but you refused to work with a man without knowing what he was like madder than a bull. And something about easy, pretty Sergeant MacTavish told you whatever outcome? It would be fun. 
anywho, I have no idea & am screaming into the void 🥴
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forestduck · 5 months
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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najia-cooks · 11 months
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[ID: A conical pyramid of a brown spice blend surrounded by whole spices including allspice, cardamom, and rose petals. End ID.]
سبع بهارات المصرية / Seb'a baharat al-misria (Egyptian seven-spice)
Seb'a baharat is one of a few spice blends often referred to in English simply as "baharat" (the plural of Arabic بهار / bahar, "spice"). It is also sometimes called بهارات الحلبية (baharat al-Halabia), "Aleppo spices," due to its origins in Aleppo, Syria. A warm, earthy blend, it is commonly used to season meat, fish, and poultry in the Levant, Eastern Arabia, and Egypt, where recipes differ from region to region and from person to person. Common ingredients include paprika, cumin, cardamom, black pepper, nutmeg, and cinnamon.
Egyptian versions of the blend foreground sweet, warming spices, with allspice dominating the mix and black pepper, cardamom, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger rounding it out. Occasionally, bay leaves and dried rosebuds are also added. The result is an intensely aromatic, floral, slightly camphorous blend that's great for marinades, dry rubs, and roasting.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes about 2/3 cup
20g (1/4 cup) allspice berries (كبابة صينى \ بهار حلو)
18g (2 Tbsp) black peppercorns (فلفل اسود)
6g (1 Tbsp; 25) green cardamom pods (حبّهان \ هال)
5g (one large stick; 1/2 Tbsp ground) Chinese cassia cinnamon (قرفة)
3g (one small) nutmeg (جوزة الطيب)
2g (1 tsp) ground ginger (زنجبيل)
1g (1/2 tsp; 20) whole cloves (مسمار)
1g (1 tsp) dried rosebuds (زر الورد) (optional)
0.5g (3-4) Mediterrannean bay laurel leaves (ورق لاورا) (optional)
2g (1/2 tsp) cumin seeds (كمون) (optional)
1.7g (1/2 tsp) coriander seeds (كزبره) (optional)
Despite the name, seven-spice does not always feature exactly seven spices. The core components of most Egyptian blends are the first seven spices listed in these rough proportions, with bay leaves and rose buds being optional additions; sometimes the blend mixes savory and warming spices, with cumin and coriander being added, or taking the place of allspice, nutmeg, or ginger. Rarer additions are thyme, gum mastic (مستكه), and paprika. You should change the blend to suit your own taste.
1. In a mortar and pestle or using the flat of a knife, roughly crush nutmeg and cinnamon.
2. In a dry skillet over medium heat, toast whole spices one at a time until each is strongly fragrant. Remove from heat and allow to cool in a single layer on a large plate. The bay leaves will only need to toast for a moment or two.
3. Remove skillet from heat and toast ground ginger, stirring constantly, for about 30 seconds until fragrant. Remove from skillet.
4. Grind all spices together in a mortar and pestle or a spice mill. Pass through a sieve to remove large pieces. Store in an airtight jar in a cool, dark place.
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
This isn't for the theme; I remembered seeing something along the lines of 'corrupted hero being worse than the villain' and thought about it along the lines of Scarian.
Hotguy had been pillaging the city for years, using his charming looks and sharp aim to get riches.
The hero, Poultryman, had been trying to take him down, using his acrobatics and sharpened feathers to make lengthy traps that Hotguy just barely sidesteps, not without wounds.
They were the lonesome rivals, bitter to the core, trying to kill the other in a moments notice - at least, that was what it once was.
Slowly, ever so slowly, it seemed to shift: Restrained wrists being held just a little too long, looks that felt different yet undescribable, scratching insults becoming flirtatious banter.
One way or another, the two fell in love. They have their fights, obviously, but sometimes both seemed to slip away during a chase down an ally, the public oblivious to the two sharing a kiss in the darkened corners.
Then, the unthinkable happened; in an fiery trap, a malfunction happened, and the building exploded, taking both Hotguy and his rival with it. Everyone was in shock; the villain was defeated, but no hero would come to bathe in the glory.
Of course, it was a cover up. Scar just needed everyone to think that they were dead for some time to scheme a next heist.
And to get Grian some new clothing.
The month Cuteguy came to the city was one of carnage not even Hotguy saw coming. He wasn't one for bodily harm - he just didn't see the reason to kill when one could charm their way out for a much cleaner escape, but Cuteguy was a completely different beast.
He was stunned still, staring at the inferno that engulfed the streets infront of him, and at his bloodstained firestarter infront of the flames. Grian's face, one he saw often softened by love, was a mask of ferocity and madness, accompanied with a loud cackle roaring out of the too wide and too sharp grin splitting that mask. He was looking staring at Scar, a wild light dancing in his eyes; one brought about when the caged are given the keys to freedom for the first time.
And Scar didn't know whenever to join in with his pesky bird's feelings or be horrified at what he'd done.
Grian had seen the way the heroes were changing. He was tired of it, he was tired of maintaining this image of being a perfect god. He couldn't be flawed, he couldn't make mistakes. Every single thing he did was monitored and monetised. None of these people cared about him. They just cared about the hero they created in their heads!
So when Scar gave him an out, he took it. Scar was sweet, underneath all the charm. He had flaws, and he didn't care about Grian's. He saw Grian, not just Poultry Man.
He's seeing Grian now. The flames are hot against his face as the heroes' headquarters burned. Not the public one, but the one they actually work out of. The scattered apartments and underground basements. That stupid front of a burger bar.
People would die. He didn't care.
He turns back to Scar, the amber flames complementing the Hot Guy costume well. He knows this isn't what Scar expected, but this is what he gets. This is Grian. And this is Cute Guy.
His maniacal laughter breaks down into tears as he falls to his knees. His tears do nothing against the raging fire.
Scar sits beside him, wrapping an arm around Grian's shoulders.
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v-o-i-d-p-u-n-k · 11 months
Poultry man core
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Random Things Dr. Cimmerian Said Asleep
Dr. Cimmerian is, first, typically a ray of sunshine. Second, he has a bad habit of dozing off while reviewing reports. And drooling on a few here and there. He does say some weird shit while asleep, I blame the copious amounts of coffee everybody consumes. Once more, without context!
"Peaches? With long pork? Pushing the boundaries of fine cannibal dining I see, Ferdinand. I'd suggest some shiraz or a nice zinfandel."
"Yoshi! Put down that D-Class right this instant! He's a very boring serial killer. The nice Chaos Insurgency guy next to him would taste better, not that we condone a humanitarian diet here."
"Dyo, honestly... the crinoline is outdated with good reason, namely it's too damned impractical. Stick to corsetry."
"Eighty kilos of gunpowder, twenty kilos of iron nails, a further twenty kilos of roofing tar? In her skirts? I've heard people say 'If I'm going to die, you're coming with me!' before, but... that's hard-core. No wonder they stopped burning witches after that. Woman was a massive legend, but not a witch. A REAL witch wouldn't need all that to make burning her a bad idea."
"Clef... your ex... Woman has an entire magazine warehouse of issues. And you put your junk in the crazy. Never. Sleep. With. The. Crazy."
"Dad? Why is the beer growing mushrooms?"
"Put down the cake knife and walk away, Dr. Bright. You knew when you asked Mabel for German chocolate what you're in for. Besides, you could just hit her with her own terrible cake. Not that O5 would condone that, of course."
"Uh... Ben? Is it me, or are the daisies staring us down?"
"We actually nailed jello to a tree once. Clef bet Kondraki $200 he could figure out how it's done. Benny almost ate his sword over that one. Turns out you can do it, provided you simply nail the unopened box to the tree."
"Cain, can you locate in the notes where anyone asked Dr. Matthieu for his opinion?" A pause. "Nowhere? Huh. As I thought. Thank you."
"Whomever said you couldn't herd cats never was at my Aunt Martha's house. All she had to do to herd cats was just touch the food bag, and every cat in her house came running."
"WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO FEED THAT POOR IDIOT TO 682? He's going to get an upset stomach."
"Uh... Agent Dimitriov? I think you might have forgotten part of your uniform. Aren't your knees cold?"
"Are you sure we can't just yeet him out of the airlock when no one's looking? Yes, I know the spaceship is on Earth still, but it's far enough off the ground for terminal velocity to become a factor. Just push him out of the vent."
"You hit the Scarlet King in the junk, with a hammer? And survived? Okay, Abel... I take it back. You're not just a Semetic badass, you're THE Semetic Badass."
"How? How in the hells did you manage to shoot yourself in the back with no one else around you in a sealed room? The fuck you mean, 'The Invisible Man has a gun?' Admit it, you had someone shoot you to get out of Peanut-sitting again, didn't you?"
"Coffee. Extra large, heavy on the cream and sugar. No, larger than that. Larger." A pause. "What do you mean, you don't sell by the gallon?"
"Dr. Gears. This is the SCP Foundation. Sarcasm and pessimism are practically survival mechanisms here. Give the kid a pass."
"NOOOO! COME ON, WHAT THE BLUE FUCK DID OREGON DO TO DESERVE LENNY? YOU UTTER BASTARDS!" In the middle of a meeting with the Ethics Committee, eyebrows were raised, and coffee spilled.
"I, too, would rather be under the sea, in an octopuses garden in the shade. You thinking what I'm thinking, my dive brother? Right. Let's leave these landlubbers and go hang with the fishes."
"Funny, 035. First, we can't KEEP you dressed, now you're out here looking like a weird ass male version of Rogue from the X-Men. Malicious compliance is acceptable, I suppose."
"You keep making poultry explode, Alto. Perhaps your charming assistant should give you cooking lessons?"
"Screw the files! Don't let 999 burn! That little blob of joy is my only reason to live."
"That's it. Get me a team of ten really strong D-Class, a case of 100 mph tape, a tranquilizer gun fully loaded, the electric purple snow leopard furry suit in lost and found, and a camera. Let this be the last time anyone sees Bright butt in public."
"I'm not above blackmail and we both know it. Gimme. The. Pie."
"Simon? I think this might be above my skill level. Can you please get Dr. King to calm down?"
"I can't believe Agatha talked him into a mankini. Didn't need photo evidence though."
"WHO THE HELLS TAUGHT THE KETCHUP PUPPIES TO 'FETCH THE LEG'? Max? That's... honestly impressive. Pity about that guy from MC&D, though. He did have it coming, to be honest."
"You ran... the Bible... through the Clockworks? On "Very Fine". And, got basically over a thousand pages of 'Try not to be an asshole, mmmmkay?'. Experiment inconclusive. Run the 'Communist Manesfesto' through next, my accountant is curious."
"Why are you here? Basically, 343 likes a joke as much as the next person. Oh. You meant why are you in the Femur Breaker? Well, we gotta get 106 back in containment somehow. That's where you come in. For what it's worth, I'm sorry about this, you seem like a lovely fellow."
"They're just firing arrows at us. You have an SMG, shoot them back. Some MTF agent you are."
"He's dating THAT? I've seen less silicone in a RealDoll. And, better fashion sense, for that matter."
"Wait... hold the phone, Abel. You're older than Jesus, but never had a cannoli? Rabbit, my girl, this will not stand. Cannoli the man!" A brief pause. "I KNOW, RIGHT? Whomever invented the cannoli deserves a sainthood."
"Primitive and outdated concept on a crutch!" Preceded by a thump.
"New Bright List entry: 'Dr. Bright is no longer allowed to access the Cursed Clown Nose of Improbability under any circumstances. No, not even to prevent an XK Class Scenario.' Noted. This item #857, or 858? I lost track."
"WHAT kind of butter? Oh. I thought you said something altogether more horrifying."
"JULIAN, YOU ABSOLUTE WALNUT! You forgot Quinn's birthday. Of COURSE you're in trouble for it. I got you covered though. They're still into lemons and tea, right? You're golden. Lemon blossom tea set, courtesy of the fine folks of Etsy. Pay me back on Friday."
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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