#mod 🎀
hmshermitcraft · 3 days
(for the Midnight theme)
Phantoms are undead versions of what False and Bdubs are. When they're flying during the day, it's always blatantly obvious that it's False or Bdubs. During the night, though? Not so much.
Which means both False and Bdubs have had their partners freak out because in the darkness they mistook the circling shape diving for them for a phantom going for a kill and not their beloved partner coming in for a kiss. It happens especially when they're tired enough that there's actual phantoms, because a. actual phantoms to watch out for and b. too tired to notice that one of them has a slightly different flight pattern.
Their green eyeshine doesnt help that much either.
The easiest way for them to deal with this is, of course, to wear enchanted stuff when they go flying at night. Phantoms don't wear anything, probably because they're missing their arms and legs, so the shimmer of enchantments mean "definitely a hermit".
On the other hand, the mistaken identity is pretty funny either way. Impulse, Ren, and Etho have all embarrassed themselves attempting to flirt with a circling, green-eyeshined shape in the dark that turned out to be a phantom. Or, in one instance, the wrong Hermit. (Bdubs got flirted with by Ren and False got flirted with by Etho! Very embarrassing.)
At this point they joke each other's partners are honorary boyfriends. False likes to joke anything is better than Ren's flirting, knowing full well she adores it (and Ren knows too.)
They'll still purposefully forget their armour some nights. The call of mischief is irresistible...
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oceansxchild · 3 months
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pawn shop blues ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚
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jarofalicesgrunge · 7 months
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Layne Staley
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xeniaxen · 2 months
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Каблуки придумал или абьюзер или терпила.
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id-smiles-archive · 5 months
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" Hiya I'm Mizuki Akiyama !, your classmate for this year's school semester ! "
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🎀 → " hey guys I'm back and i was hoping for a promotion I was so busy with @/enatoyer "
@rosendoru @toya-tenma @kyurinni @virtual-symphony @kusanag11ss @darlingvill-v @mewysith @kiochisato & anyone else interested !
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nayypretty · 12 days
afirmaciones positivas para conectar con tu energía femenina
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mi energía femenina es poderosa y sagrada.
me conecto con mi interior para encontrar la paz y la armonía.
acepto y amo mi cuerpo tal como es, sin juicios ni críticas.
mi intuición me guía y me muestra el camino hacia la felicidad.
soy una mujer valiente y llena de fuerza.
honro y respeto mi ciclo menstrual como una bendición.
mi energía femenina fluye libremente y me llena de vitalidad.
me permito expresar mis emociones de manera saludable y auténtica.
soy dueña de mi propio poder y tomo decisiones con confianza.
me amo y me acepto incondicionalmente.
mi cuerpo es un templo sagrado y lo cuido con amor.
mi energía femenina se renueva cada día, dándome fuerza y resiliencia.
me conecto con la sabiduría ancestral de mis antepasadas.
mi voz es poderosa y merece ser escuchada.
soy una mujer valiosa y merezco amor y respeto.
mi energía femenina irradia belleza y serenidad.
me permito descansar y cuidar de mí misma sin sentirme culpable.
soy una diosa en mi propia vida y merezco todas las bendiciones que el universo tiene para ofrecer.
mi energía femenina es creativa y me inspira a manifestar mis sueños.
honro y celebro mi feminidad en todo momento.
tiktok: @nayygirl1
instragram: @nayybienestar
pinterest: @nayywelfare
xoxo, nay💋
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dom111 · 2 months
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this is me if you even care
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hmshermitcraft · 19 hours
Tangtho for this week's theme? I just love the idea of Etho sneaking over to Tango's base and waking him up so they could cuddle together.
He doesn't need to sneak, that's just part of the fun. Tango is so oblivious to everything around him that it's fun to see how long it takes for him to notice the Etho obviously in his space.
Etho's fallen asleep waiting before. He calls that a success.
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hmshermitcraft · 15 hours
love the idea of Big Dangerous Monster Grian having to fight a threat and reveal what he is (maybe he uses magic or something to disguise) and instead of being scared the hermits are various degrees of excited, curious and horny. grian is very happy that they don't hate him for lying and don't want him die for being a monster, but in a weird way he kinda wishes they were??? it would be significantly easier to process that they want him gone than the fact that they REALLY don't want him to leave
to help ease him into being a big ol monster, some hermits cover him in flowers while he sleeps. not even just the pedals or something-- they tied them into his hair!
He's spent so much of his life expecting to be feared, preparing for it, that to just... Not be? He doesn't know how to handle that! And the hermits are arguably even more interested in him because of it!
He's sure he can take advantage of it. He just needs to get used to it first.
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hmshermitcraft · 1 day
Grian quietly worshipping Pearl in subtle ways. Brushing her hair very gently because her hair is sensitive, knowing just how she takes her tea and coffee, rubbing her wings after a long day, kiss all parts of her like she's the hand of royalty, writing poems for her, painting her. I need them soft and malleable.
Pearl is the opposite of Grian, in many ways. She's loud about her love, declaring how great Grian is to anyone will listen.
And yet, together, there's still that shyness. The light laughter, hiding their faces and fingers twisting together.
Their lives fit perfectly together, in the loud and the quiet.
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hmshermitcraft · 2 days
Hypno doesn't like physical touch; he tried to like it, when he first started dating Xb, but quickly realised that its makes his blood curl most days.
Xb doesn't mind though, he was actually upset he hadn't noticed how uncomfortable Hypno was earlier.
Still, it makes those moments when Hypno initiates contact with all the more special
The most contact they'll usually have is leaning against each other. Normally it's in the evenings, whilst they're both doing their own things.
xB still remembers the time he accidentally fell asleep on Hypno, and Hypno didn't move him. He was incredibly apologetic, but Hypno just laughed. It was cute. xB talks in his sleep. Just as long as it's not too often.
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hmshermitcraft · 3 days
Kersuma for the theme?
Between Xisuma and Etho, most would assume Xisuma is the night owl. But no, he's always in bed as the sun starts setting. Keralis is the one working at strange hours, laying down elephant poo in the early hours of the morning.
He knows he'll always be greeted by a sleepy Xisuma, though. As Keralis sneaks into bed, Xisuma will stretch out and yawn. Maybe a sleepy mumble. And then he'll press himself up against Keralis like he's never touched something warm before in his life.
And Xisuma gets to enjoy the half-asleep Keralis that the morning brings, his face smashed into the pillow and clinging to Xisuma whilst he tries to leave the bed.
Neither want anything different.
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hmshermitcraft · 3 months
joel and etho are crushing on each other. every other hermit has figured this out, yet both of them remain completely oblivious
They've somehow jumped past 'acknowledging they have a crush on each other' to 'making fun of the fact they have a crush on each other'. None of the hermits are sure how they've achieved this, nor if the two are even dating yet. This is one of the worst sitcoms ever.
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hmshermitcraft · 3 months
"do I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend today?" Mumbo asked, in the morning, to Grian.
He wasn't expecting her to burst out crying, he'd just asked a question-
He doesn't know how supportive he's being of his gender fluid partner by just asking these questions
Grian really didn't expect it! They've spent a few nights together, but usually Mumbo avoided gendered terms until Grian got dressed (sweet in itself.)
But for Mumbo to ask, in his sleepy, half-awake voice. Hair not even brushed yet. That it's so important to Mumbo that he's asked Grian about it before he's woken up fully...
Grian loves him so much. She's so lucky. She makes sure he knows she's crying because of that. Because of how much she loves him.
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hmshermitcraft · 4 months
While Grian fishes, Scar just sits on his lap. Scar's wheelchair can't fit on the docks, and the wood is too slippy, so he has to stay there 'till Grian's finished!
"Babe, please get off my lap..?"
"Nuh-uh! I don't have my chair!"
Grian spends nearly all his fishing at the moment! If Scar didn't claim his lap, then he'd be left all sad and Grian-less!
He's not actually interested in fishing. Scar just enjoys the time he gets to spend with Grian, whether they chat or sit in silence. If Grian really wanted to move him, then he would. And Scar would happily leave him alone!
Instead, Scar curls up and falls asleep with his head resting on Grian's collarbone whilst Grian fishes.
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months
New players getting sick isn’t all that uncommon. It’s pretty much bound to happen after all.
So when Joel and Skizz inevitably get sick, they’ll have the entire server to watch over them. (Even if Etho and Impulse are a bit jealous.)
It's a passing of the baton, they guess. They're finally on the server at the consequence of being on the server. They don't have it as bad as some have in the past - being in the life series gave them some exposure. But it's still a miserable time, especially so early on.
The biggest challenge is making sure they rest instead of building, and Etho and Impulse are glad they're not tackling that on their own!
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