#power of positivity
Place your attention on what you wish to experience.
Michael Beckwith
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trexalicious · 10 months
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euesworld · 1 year
"I am beautiful. I am loved. I am amazing. The thing is, nobody can be me cause I am unique.. I am enough. I matter. I am kind. I am compassionate. You couldn't tell by looking at me, but I am special.. I am the universe. The universe is me. The universe is bringing me good things in abundance, even better things still.. every second that ticks by is bringing me closer to my goals, every hour I come alive. Every day brings me joy, my happiness is within reach.. I just have to reach out and grab it."
Some affirmations for the day - eUë
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Your Life Is Your Story
March 29th, 2024
Life has taught me that I’m not always in control. Life is full of experiences, lessons, heartbreaks, and pain. However, it has also shown me love, beauty, possibilities, and new beginnings. Embrace them all. It makes us who we are and always remember after the storm comes a clear sky.
Always stay positive. Whatever you are feeling right now, if it is something that has caused you pain, it will pass. Time heals all wounds. Through these life lessons we are tested ~ our belief in ourselves, our strength to hold on, keeping our faith in God, and hoping that better days are coming.
Life is beautiful, if we chose to see it that way. Enjoy and cherish every moment you have as you will never know when it’s time to join Our Creator.
And always remember, your life is your story. Write it well. Edit it often, if needed.
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When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity <3🖤
1. Schitt's creek fandom
2. Dumplings (and noodles)
3. My children
4. The outlook from my bedroom
5. Holidays
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aestheticemi01 · 1 year
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puddles45 · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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inlovefully · 2 years
When life gives you every reason to be negative, think of all the reasons to be positive. There's always someone who has it worse.
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icreatewhatibelieve · 22 days
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My energy draws in luck and good fortune.
It is who I am.
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trexalicious · 10 months
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euesworld · 1 year
"The power of positivity is limitless, unlock your power and start being positive today.. like, the world is 90% how you look at it. What thoughts are going through your mind? To see the glass half full when others see it half empty is a trait of success.. you can be successful, you just have to change how you see the world. Once you do that and you start seeing the potential of the world around you, then you start unlocking the potential inside of yourself.. it all starts with positivity, and well, your life will change after that in ways that you wouldn't even believe if I told you."
My friend turned me onto these positive affirmations and they make me feel pristine.. it seems a little goofy at first but it's a step in the right direction. Start off listening to those and they will aim you in the right direction.. change is possible.. you just have to want it - eUë
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12 Days of Fandom
Shout out to all the chicks who got me.
And of course, the woman with the best liquid eyeliner game, like ever. Always making me feel like I'm part of the action.
Love you butts.
I know that Schitt's Creek is not as big or as active as it was but I love it and love to all that are hanging around, making and creating and sharing. You all rule.
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Become the person you needed.
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Be a warm light. When you show kindness, love, and warmth to others, you also benefit because that beautiful light radiates outwards through your consciousness. You attract positive vibes. This is our natural state, and why extending love to others makes us feel better as well.
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donutwares · 3 months
Being productive…
Although my final app, Drafter has stalled 75% done, I have been keeping busy. I swept the house, wrote Medium articles, made a YouTube video, ran and worked out, fixed lunch for the folks, posted on my social media —like this one. Talked and helped out in mindspace all night yesterday. I haven’t been THAT lazy.
Gave Dad my Logi Wave Keys for his Mini. So he can have some luxury before he passes on some years hence. Myself will be using a laptop while my Pi4 and Kabini already have their own peripherals with one or two to spare. Always good to have spares.
Today began early, 5am to be precise, I did my exercise routine, ate the (steamed) frog as JT Foxx says. But I haven’t bitten through the deep fried locust and coded yet. Feeling like I can’t do much else beyond basic self-care. Yesterday, I shaved clean, looking much younger than my 48 years. Tomorrow my psych clinic appointment.
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