#positivity post
defectivegembrain · 15 days
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npdemu · 6 months
you're allowed to be proud of things that others would consider small you're allowed to be proud of eating food you're allowed to be proud of drinking water you're allowed to be proud of brushing your teeth you're allowed to be proud of washing your hair you're allowed to be proud of going outside you're allowed to be proud of having a conversation you're allowed to be proud of getting out of bed you're allowed to be proud of just surviving this long you're allowed to be proud of things that others would consider small
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cryptid-aac · 7 months
Love post for ppl who type " weird "
Love you ppl who type " weird " because use AAC to type (hi, sometimes)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird" because have language disorder (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because have I/DD!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because have severe autism/higher support needs autism/Level 3 autism/however you identify (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because English not your native language!!
Love you ppl who type " weird" because rushing thoughts (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because blind!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because that's how brain thinks!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " just because!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because semiverbal (hi)!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " because nonverbal!!
Love you ppl who type " weird " for any reason not mentioned or no reason or reason that not know of!!
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your-queer-dad · 7 months
Hi. You. Yes you reading this. I'm proud of you. You haven't done anything wrong. You can let go of the thing you're worried about. You can breathe and take a break. You can rest. Love you <3
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I love you gay jews. I love you lesbian jews. I love you trans jews. I love you intersex jews. I love you nonbinary jews. I love you bi jews. I love you pan jews. I love you asexual jews. I love you aromantic jews. I love you jews that are questioning their orientation/gender. I love you queer jews.
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call-me-obsessed1755 · 3 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
Awe ty
1. I like how math isn’t hard for me like at all. I’m 2 years ahead than the rest of my age group
2. I like being able to draw and make up silly little characters and then discovering them years later
3. I like my eye color lol
4. I like that my friends are open with me so ig I’m trustworthy lol
5. I like that I know my limits ig
@sparrow-the-tired-lesbian @hopeless-gay-shipper @kaylinalexanderbooks @flintoaster @samsayswhatever @t00obsessed @kylacxie @flowersbian @theplasticwalmartbag2 @ooooooh
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aestheticemi01 · 2 years
You are doing such a good job handling all of the difficulties in your life! You are handling things way better than you think you are. You are here today. Give yourself credit for that.
That’s it. I just wanted to let you know that. You can continue your scrolling now🍀🕊
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the-biornicles · 6 months
dear people with acne, pockmarks, boxcar scars, red scars, or other sorts of skin texture caused by acne: i love you
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valiantstarlights · 10 months
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nwarrior777 · 4 months
if you want a little bit of hope and positivity:
today i did my first laundry all by myself. i am 26
today i went for a shower. and yesterday i did it too. going to shower was a thing i was skipping for months.
i also bought myself new, clean clothes. two shirts for home. i've never had home-clothes, went on street one i wear at home and in bed. in childhood i could sleep in jeans. under blanket. and i lived in a place with a lot of dirty snow.
few days ago i said in conversation with friends, that i want to be fat and want eat more to keep myself "fat and juicy". i had anorexia all my teen years
i've never thought i will have like. life. feel simple joy of life. it's not a post with advices, i didn't figure out how to describe my path to this, in this post i just want to show that Things Go Better can happen. it's easy to forget it at our times.
just feeling good and. wanted to share
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boy-yaoi · 3 months
fuck it! appreciation post time!
• i love you boys with acne
• i love you boys with disabilities or conditions that are considered abnormal
• i love you trans boys that don’t/can’t bind
• i love you boys with speech impediments
• i love you boys with weak jawlines
• i love you boys with big noses
• i love you boys with features that are considered unmanly or feminine
• i love you trans boys who don’t pass
• i love boys with yellow teeth
• i love you under/overweight boys
• i love you boys with scars, bruises, stretch marks or anything of the sort
• i love you boys that are or have features that are considered ugly
keep your head up.
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one-lonely-king · 6 months
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you’ve been blessed by the magical all-seeing blahaj! have a good day ✨
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thyming · 3 days
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Source: freespiritloveshop on Instagram ♡
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npdemu · 4 months
if you're self-destructive, i love you
if you're forced to hide yourself from the world, i love you
if you're considered off-putting, i love you
if you've been unintentionally harmful, i love you
if you're considered "crazy", i love you
if nobody believes you when you describe your experiences, i love you
if your thoughts scare you, i love you
if you've been turned down by professionals, i love you
if you've been called lazy for struggling, i love you
if you've wished to struggle more so that your pain would be seen as real, i love you
if you're made fun of or called "edgy" when you talk about your feelings, i love you
if people assume you'll hurt them when you tell them your diagnosis, i love you
and anyone else i missed; if you feel betrayed by the world, i love you
i see you, i support you, i love you
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trans-androgyne · 7 months
I love men idc. The world built me not to; I’m not a man, I am a lesbian, I’ve been through hell at the hands of some of the worst men out there, and I am still put in a lot of scary situations around them. But men as a whole deserve to be loved and celebrated for who they are, and we need to recognize the kinds of pressures that are on men to constantly perform, to constantly do, to constantly prove themselves, and the kind of fucked up shit that can do to a person. I feel like trans people in general have a special perspective on this matter and I hope we can use it to extend our love to all kinds of men, cis, trans, and anything else.
It doesn’t help that when people hear “man,” too many instantly think “cishet, white, abled man,” which is exactly what the patriarchy & white supremacy want you to think (though these men also deserve love and compassion and care). Don’t put your suffering under systems of power on individual men. And remember, you never have to prove yourself as a man to be one.
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thatgaydemigodnerd · 1 year
Self care checkpoint!
Listen to your body, take a second to feel what you're missing/what you need rn.
If you need any of the following:
A drink (not just water, tea also works, as does juice, if it tastes good it'll be easier to drink)
A snack
A proper meal
To take your meds (please)
A nap
A good talk with a friend
A hug
A walk outside
A stretch (especially you artists out there)
Some exercise (yes I hate it too, yes it's still good to get now and then)
Cuddles with your pet (if possible/appropriate)
Then try and get any of those you need.
I care about you random stranger, I want you to be good to yourself.
And if you can't do all of these things, or any of them, just make sure you still love yourself. It's hard to exist sometimes but it's worth the effort.
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