cozybells · 7 months
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staying small for convenience (<- he wants to be held)
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hostile-heros · 3 years
You two have been through a lot, and after everything, I'm sure you're physically and emotionally exhausted. It would probably be good to eat something and then get some rest.
The two ended up spending time relaxing. Pumpkin showing him stuff around xeir room, other plushies, some notebooks of drawings, but they ended up just watching Pokétube on their TV. Until the current video they were watching finished and Pumpkin got up to select another one.
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PUMPKIN: "What does Twitter spell worse: Pringles or trampoline... That sounds like a good video. What do you think Connor?"
Xey turn around just to hear faint snoring.
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PUMPKIN: "Oh... You're asleep."
The Shinx doesn't blame him. It's been a stressful day and to their awareness, Connor woke up with amnesia and doesn't remember a lot of stuff so he must be stressed and worried about that. No wonder he's ended up asleep.
They end up walking over to them and deciding that if Connor sleeps there his neck is gonna hella hurt in the morning. So xey bend over and proceed to lift him up with relative ease, only troubling a bit to make sure to try and not wake up xeir sleeping friend.
They wander over to their bed where they kick away the blankets before placing Connor down and covering him up with blankets. There! Now he'll have a good sleep!
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They go back to watching videos with the music down lower as to not awaken the monkey, but half way through they hear commotion on the other side of the house...
PUMPKIN: "Oh. Mum n' Dad must be home."
Xey get up from where they were watching and travel out of the room to go meet their parents and tell them about the good news of friendship.
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decibelcoatl · 7 years
Welp, looks like Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Which, of course, means that people are gonna end up shipping EVERYTHING. Doesn’t matter which fandom you’re in, if you see two characters of one series together, you just wanna ship ‘em like CRAZY!
Honestly, I used to be that way. I was an avid supporter of a good handful of Pokémon ships: AdvanceShipping, PearlShipping, NegaiShipping, AmourShipping, AlolaShipping...yep, definitely a good handful (even though my most preferred ship is Amour, fight me)
More under the cut.
Back in PMD-E, I was all over shipping. For a while, I shipped Zola and Ashtar, turning them into a couple. But when I started work on Event 3, my brain decided “Nope, fuck that. Let’s give these two some proper dates.” So, I did. I shipped two ships like crazy (one of them a little too crazy). Zola was paired up with a Shinx, and Ashtar with a Shiny Luxio. For a time, everything seemed perfect, and I would dream up these fantasies of them. It was the best way I could keep Zola and Ashtar together without them actually being together.
But as the years went by, I began to ship a little less. I became more picky on which OC of mine I should ship and who should stay a single Pringle. Slowly but surely, my shipping trash vibe began to diminish.  Ciela and Roderick, even in their Pokémon forms, were written as childhood friends, never to be shipped as a couple. Yang and Lucina, both being girls, already had their own path of romance laid out before them (I shipped Yachigo platonically, but I also shipped Selina...for a personal reason). I already had plans for Emily when the time would come for her to be shipped, while Otulissa was never meant to be shipped at all. And, of course, Zolashtar was never really meant to be canon (I already made a post about it a long time ago, but I think I deleted it while I was clearing out my old PMD-E blog, so...yeah).
Nowadays, I’m a tad more strict on who to ship and who not to ship when it comes to my OC’s. The very characters I worked my blood, sweat and tears off of, whose personalities I poured my heart and soul into. But I still have plenty of OTP’s: Zolanther, Yachigo, Ashneon and Selina, to name a few. I never lost interest in them, and I don’t plan on doing so anytime soon, even if I will never, ever draw smut. I even have a few ships planned for my future Pokémon story, Seeking Tranquility, but that’s a really big spoiler, so...yeah.
I dunno if I’ll be in any sort of mood to draw any ships under my belt this year, but I would like at least one thing for Valentine’s Day: a cute pic of my Torracat Pokésona cuddling up with Mandernoone (a certain someone’s Linoone Pokésona). That is all.
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cozybells · 9 months
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sometimes you just need to remember this line from partner
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cozybells · 25 days
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@heropartnerweek Day 1 - Shiny
For two people that come from a dark future they are pretty luminous. Pringle wonders if Cebolla was also like that as a human.
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cozybells · 10 months
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visual representation of my brain
remember how I said I was anxious af during the whole darkrai arc? well of course I have to make hero suffer too, like they haven't had enough.
there's so much Pringle... my baby. he played tough around Dusknoir for a while but... there was so much to work out.
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cozybells · 1 year
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this fucks me up
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cozybells · 11 months
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when I started this pmd journey no one told me I was gonna get so attached to my teams AAARRRGH
so many thoughts... I will leave some of them in case anyone is curious 👉👈
so at first my eos hero was just the character i played as, i wasn't expecting them to be so important for the plot (first pmd game yeah), he's like his own guy so i'm legally changing their name to Cebolla hehe
Pringle takes the offensive in battle while Cebolla has more of a support/annoyer role, so they're usually the one carrying the bags while Pringle tries to keep objects out of the way for agility.
Pringle used to paint his paws with black, waterproof paint, he had to paint and wash them everyday. after Cebolla disappeared, Pringle was just way too tired and unmotivated so he stopped painting them altogether (which just made him feel worse oof). he started using longer lasting dye eventually.
Pringle got pretty close to Dusknoir at first, but Dusknoir started avoiding being alone with him after he discovered who Cebolla was. it took a long time for Pringle to understand why. Cebolla on the other hand clicked with Grovyle instantly and wished they could've spent more time together (future trio does return to visit eventually tho... for my peace of mind).
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cozybells · 1 year
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@heropartnerweek Day 2 - Flowers
Gracideas for you, because I'm grateful that you exist.
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cozybells · 1 year
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my little guys..........................
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cozybells · 1 year
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@heropartnerweek Day 7 - Previous prompt (evolution)
Pringle has reached his full potential as the beast he always was! big guy!
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cozybells · 1 year
seeing other peoples art about their team, headcanons and anecdotes playing pmd fills me with soooo much joy. like.. this game can be so personal, I went into eos completely blind, for a while there I completely forgot not every player is a bulbasaur with a shinx partner named fucking Pringle
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