#progress post
tonguetyd · 6 months
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I did say once we had the detail shots…
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wigglybunfish · 2 months
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Shamlessly drawing og story main cast for the 1247th time :DD
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Progress post 5/?
Haven't done this in ages but it's tiiiime.
Because I now have a GPU capable of raytracing and I've gotten more familiar with ReShade. So,Vinnie had to go the hairdressers again and put on this ol' outfit.
From left to right
1. No mods, no lights
2. Texture mod, 1 additional light
3. 2 additional lights, custom pose + expression,texture mod (GeForce 970GTX)
4. 1 additional light, custom pose + expression, Raytracing + ReShade (AMD Radeon RX 6500) -> and the boi has some mods
For those who look extra close, yes, he has different tattoos in the current picture bc I'm seriously considering switching him to the Valentinos tattoos to reflect his history. But I'm not decided yet.
I think the difference between the 3rd and 4th one is actually not super visible in this format. Sure, on a big screen, you see the way better resolution and texture. But a lot depends on lighting. If I had toned down that one light in the third one, they would look even more similar, I think.
All of this to say, the PC is only half the magic max. People have asked me what GPU I used since the beginning, and yes, it was "only" a GeForce 970 -> the bare minimum for getting CP77 to run. I didn't use ReShade for the longest time, and even when I do, I use it mainly for light sharpening.
So this is kind of documenting my process that I also did in my real life photography -> getting to know the basic tools first, before introducing new tools, before upgrading gear.
The full picture:
And just to show off, good God, yes Raytracing makes a FUCKTON of difference, depending on setting. They all gotta stand in them puddles now, wet feeeeeet.
OC: Vinnie Gallo
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Progress Post~
This Blog~
Meeting and Dating Chozen Toguchi: 100% completed
Meeting and Courting Stoker!Dracula: 100% completed
Meeting David Allen Griffin: 100% completed
Dating David Allen Griffin: TBD
Meeting and Dating DK (F&F): 40% completed
Meeting and Dating Tae-soo: 40% completed
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bionicle-ramblings · 8 months
I just LOVE when I'm doing research for a fic and I find a detail I have to rework into said fic because I misinterpreted the information
"While in Metru Nui, Takua's mask was broken, so he was given a powerless Kanohi Paraki that often came loose and didn't fit him."
I can't imagine Takua in another mask, what is this detail!?
Idk, I'll think of something, but that little bit of information is just driving me up the wall, I'm not even joking
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Down to under 165. 3 pounds away from my lowest post college adult weight. Once I get to 160 I'll have to evaluate what my end goal will be, right now probably aiming for 155 but maybe 150.
Hips are now 35.4 inches and waist 35.0, cannot wait for them to be the same and no longer have love handles, something I've kind of wanted my whole life tbch
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dragonicstyle · 24 days
Now that everything except the halfbody's been done for Adventurer 2, it's time to move to Adventurer 3! First thing's first, gotta work on finalizing the design.
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Overall, I simplified some parts. Since the first 4's concepts were made before I really started making everything, I decided to add a little more detail in the earliest concepts. Now I'm getting a better idea on which areas I should keep the details down on.
And as you can see at the bottom, I'm debating the hairstyle for this rogueish, draconic adventurer, so...
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zarvasace · 6 months
If you're interested in what I've done recently, the state of my projects, and what I plan on doing in the new year, read on! :)
By Fandom
Linked Universe Projects
Shatterproof: I have more backstories cooking, and a half-finished fic or two, but that's about it. I plan on updating a story at least once before January
Council (1931 AU): backburner, haven't really had inspiration. Still on my radar though, and it spins through my head on occasion!
Marvelous Misadventures: been plucking away at this! I recently had an epiphany regarding the next part of the plot, so hopefully that gets me more excited to work on it
Considering expanding the coloring pages I made into a whole series, that could be cool
Misc stuff includes a couple half-abandoned oneshots, a few drawing ideas, and a major art project that probably won't happen because I'm trying not to burn myself out 😅
Four Swords Projects
Fairytale AU: recently gained fire for this again. Reread and organized all my existing material, edited the outline, and I desperately want to finish it soon. Hesitantly scheduling for before the new year. Draft currently maybe about 30% of the way, at 8k.
Isekai AU: I don't think I've mentioned this to anyone outside discord, but ta da I'm deep in this. I'm probably 90% done, about 30k. This will be a Christmas fic, I hope!!
Vampire lords AU: rambly vampire plot is going. Somewhat slowly. I've been trying to not overload myself with too much, so this has been demoted slightly. :) Bite fics happen spontaneously, though, and there might be another coming.
Rinthia AU: my original world, the one seen in Nothing New Under the Sun. This is kind of a passing thought, definitely in planning stages, but I would kind of like to expand this—see where the other characters are, give y'all some answers, because the answers are there
I want to do more traditional art, graphite and watercolors mostly, and that usually means using photos or life instead of fandom stuff. Makes it a bit less exciting, but maybe I can find a way of doing that. I miss my lil oil paint studio area but I can work with what I have
I'm crafting a few Christmas presents instead of buying them because I do not have much money. That is something I need to spend like, this next week doing
Sanderson merch: I have a goal of getting a booth at Dragonsteel next December, and selling some small souvenir stuff. My plans involve making more pins (I ordered a couple already, and they're very nice), drawing some coloring pages, and maybe advertising here a little once I actually have some stuff I'm proud of up. This will ideally take a year to get together, though, so no rush.
By Month
I spent most of November working on The Worst Thing About Earth, kind of an impulse fic that spiraled out of control. I think I burned myself out a little on this, so I've been taking it slowly. Trying to, anyway.
So far, I've mostly worked on holiday gift exchanges and some backburner stuff. Like I said, I've been taking it kind of gently. I plan on finishing the FS isekai AU this month, and getting most of the way through the fairytale AU. Getting those off my plate will free me up to think about other things, I think. I also plan on maybe one more bite fic and one more LU disability AU thing before the new year.
January On
I'm not sure what the next month will bring! Ideally, I'll be wrapping up the fairytale AU and intermittently posting a few little things. I'm hoping to return to a couple of my older projects soon, mostly Marvelous Misadventures, because I've left that thing unfinished for LONG ENOUGH.
This next year, I want to try to devote more time to doing things for myself that aren't fandom things. I'd like to reread Stormlight Archive before #5 comes out in December, play more video games, and do more painting. I would like to establish a better habit of making and eating food. I want to play board games a little more often.
Still, the muse can be fickle, and as you probably know by now, I am very good at chasing my inspiration!!
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luldamdaddy · 1 year
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3k♡ | ig: thoughtfulnigga
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My first knit blanket is about 2/3 done and I thought I would take a moment to appreciate the progress. Knitting has been such a fun adventure and I’m really proud of myself for pushing through my struggles🤘
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agentartemus · 9 months
Be prepared @zealfruity >:3
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And yes a Deadpool 2 reference just you wait
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jadeyarts · 10 months
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time for a gander into the wip folders
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skein-dalous · 2 months
forgot I had a Tumblr for a few months but I've queued a few posts to show my progress.
I've actually gotten a lot better at crocheting and it's turned out not just being a flash-hobby but an actual Hobby and turns out I just kinda like to make things
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imaginarycyberpunk2023 · 11 months
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first vs last pics // December 2022 vs July 2023 // console vs PC
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OTP: Lite Sneeze
Yeah, I know I'm kinda double posting but after posting them separately I wondered what these would look like next to each other. They are both still completely vanilla (except for textures) and I can't imagine modding them heavily tbh.
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cheyla-v · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Progress Post
Day 1 - Stopping at 4,530 words for the day. Chapter 24 of Soul’s Scream is up to 5k. Got the first chapter or two of Halfway to You (companion fic to Meet Me Halfway) written and that’s sitting at 1,874 words. Also worked on future scenes of Burning Day a bit and worked a bit on plotting a new plunny. 
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bionicle-ramblings · 9 months
... Remember the detail in the Legends of Metru Nui movie where the end credits had stuff like, "Kikanalo handler" and "Matau stunt double?"
Not saying it gave me an idea, buuuuut....
It did😃😈
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