#prompt 1090
Prompt #1090
It’s nice to be safe, but why does your guardian angel have to hold your hand all the time to keep you safe.
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wonderful-prompts · 2 years
Prompt #1090
The eerie music from downstairs had somehow become comforting as they paced in their room at the inn. Three nights and already they felt the need to visit whoever was making that music, regardless of the warnings to keep their door firmly locked at night.
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mimisempai · 6 months
There's no limit to your kindness
Aziraphale wakes up in the middle of the night to find that his demon is not there. What he didn't expect was to be playing wing doctor in the middle of the night. 
For Seaweedwrites in exchange for your donation to Alzheimer's search UK. Thank you! Prompt requested : Some sort of wing fic. I hope you'll enjoy it.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1090 words
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Aziraphale awoke with a start and automatically turned to his bedside table to turn off the old alarm clock. 
It wasn't until he pressed it that he realized it wasn't ringing.
He was wondering why he woke up like that when he suddenly heard a noise coming from downstairs. 
Now wide awake, he realized that Crowley wasn't by his side, and a slight feeling of concern washed over him. 
He got up quickly and made his way down the stairs to the ground floor of the bookstore. Halfway down the stairs, he heard the unmistakable sound of a curse followed by a groan from below. He quickened his pace and nearly fell down the last few steps before stopping dead in his tracks.
Crowley was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, his black wings outstretched.
What struck the angel most was the grimace of pain that distorted the demon's face.
He shouted, "Crowley! What's wrong?" before rushing over.
Crowley shook his head, but did not respond. 
As Aziraphale moved closer, he saw that Crowley had curled one of his wings and was holding the tip in his trembling hand. 
Aziraphale knelt in front of him and placed his hand on his, loosening the fingers that were clenched around the wing.
He saw that one of the feathers was bent and understood the reason for the demon's pained expression.
Aziraphale murmured softly, "Oh, my poor dear..." and looked at the demon. Crowley's lower lip was caught between his teeth, his eyes clenched, his entire face tensed with pain. 
The angel asked softly, "Will you let me take care of this?"
Because of the pain, the demon didn't answer, just nodded jerkily.
Aziraphale sat down on the floor in front of him, then gently placed the wing on his own lap before saying softly, "One small miracle and everything will be fine. Why didn't you make it, my dear?"
Crowley hissed through clenched teeth, "'t was too painful. Couldn't think straight."
As he closed his eyes again, Aziraphale could see a single tear trickle down the demon's cheek and caught it with his thumb, gently stroking his cheek as he said, "I'm here now."
Not wanting his demon to suffer any longer, the angel gently moved his hand over the damaged feather, which returned to its normal position. 
Crowley immediately exhaled in relief and dropped his head forward.
Aziraphale let go of the wing and leaning towards the demon, asked worriedly, "Crowley, are you okay?"
The demon raised his head, and Aziraphale could see for himself that the demon was better. He was smiling at him, though his eyes were still shining with unshed tears of pain.
In a slightly shaky voice, he said, "Thank you, Angel."
Aziraphale took his face in his hands and said, "Idiot, why didn't you tell me in the first place?"
Crowley replied, "You were asleep, I didn't want to..."
"Idiot," the angel interrupted again.
"Hey, you don't insult someone who just suffered."
"You wouldn't have suffered so much if you had told me right away."
The demon dropped his head on the angel's shoulder and breathed, "Okay, Angel. I admit I was an idiot."
He felt the angel plant a kiss on his hair before asking, "How did that happen? Not while you were asleep for sure. Did you use your wings yesterday?"
Crowley sighed, he had no choice but to explain what had happened.
"Mommyyyy! Mommyyyy! My balloon flew away!"
Crowley, on his way to the bookshop, turned to see a little girl reaching for the sky. He looked up and saw a balloon already high in the air.
The mother knelt down in front of the crying little girl and said, "Sweetie, it's okay, I'll buy you another one.
"But it was the only balloon shaped like an angel! Ouaaaaah!"
The helpless mother didn't know what to do to comfort her child. Crowley walked to the nearest alley, made sure it was deserted, then spread his wings and took to the sky.
Moments later, he handed the balloon to the little girl, made a lame excuse about another balloon vendor not far away, and mother and child took off again, the angel-shaped balloon hovering above them.
"I guess it must have happened when I spread my wings in the narrow alley. At first I just felt a little discomfort, until now when the pain woke me up."
He realized that Aziraphale was looking at him adoringly and knew exactly what he was going to say. That was why he hadn't told the story in the first place.
The angel said in an admiring tone, "You are so good. There's so much kindness in you." He didn't even let the demon interfere, holding him close and whispering into his hair, "Oh no, you're not going to protest this time. You literally suffered because you couldn't stand to see that little girl crying over her lost balloon. No argument will hold against that. Forget it."
Crowley mumbled against Aziraphale's chest, "Because it was an angel."
Aziraphale pulled the demon back and asked, frowning, "Who? The little girl?"
Crowley grumbled with a pout, "No, her balloon, it was an angel."
Aziraphale's eyes widened, then he burst out laughing.
When he calmed down, he said with a twinkle in his eye, "You're still kind," then he stood and held out his hand to the demon, "Come on, let's go to bed."
Crowley stood, moving his wings a little before bringing the wounded tip closer to see it. 
He commented, "It's like nothing ever happened. Thank you, Angel."
"You're welcome, my dear. Here, to make sure it's healed."
The angel leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to the damaged feather.
Crowley retracted his wings and, with a small gleam of mischief in his eyes, put his finger to his cheek and said, "I'm a little sore here too."
Aziraphale looked closer and shook his head, "I don't see anything."
Crowley replied, "Kiss it to be sure."
Aziraphale rolled his eyes and, with a false look of reluctance, gently kissed the spot Crowley indicated.
"Is there another spot?" he asked, not doubting his playful demon's answer.
Crowley placed his finger on his right eyelid and Aziraphale indulged in this little game, again and again, until Crowley tapped his lips.
With a chuckle, Aziraphale hurried to dispense his special remedy, for when it came to Crowley, he was always willing to give a lot of himself. 
Because he knew he'd get just as much in return.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : (After season 2) 
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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b0ng05 · 9 months
Celina Juarez x fem reader
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Word Count: 1090
“God. I missed that.”
“Missed what?”
“Your aura. I- it um- it sounds kinda dorky, but your aura lights up the room.”
Summary: What happens when John Nolan and Lucy Chen notice some similarities between their rookies? What if they decided to play match maker?
Master list/ Request list
Part 2.
John walked into the bullpen, Celina in tow. Celina has been staying with John and Bailey on and off for a few weeks now.
“-I’m just saying, you should consider burning sage in your house.” Celina rambled as John tuned her out.
John just let out a small ‘maybe’, before sitting next to Lucy. As he sat, he let out a heavy sigh in irritation, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What’s got you all grumpy?” Lucy teasingly asked, a playful smile itching to show.
“I think I need to set Celina up with someone.” John stated before glancing up at Lucy.
“And why exactly do you need to do that?” Nyla piped in while taking a seat on his left.
“Celina is an amazing girl, but Bailey and I haven’t been alone in weeks. Reminds me of when Henry was little.” John admitted while raising his hand to toy with the brim of his coffee cup.
“Just tell her that you need space.” Bradford suggested as he made his presence behind Lucy known.
“What are we talking about?” Angela asked as she took a seat on the edge of the table.
“Celina, John wants to set her up with someone.” Nyla replied while giving Angela a small smile.
Angela instantly perked up, “Isn’t there supposed to be a new officer transferring today? Set her up with the newbie.”
“Wait, is that her?” Lucy inquired while looking through the window of the pen to see Sergeant Grey and a woman.
The others followed Lucy’s sightline to a short woman chuckling at something Grey said.
“More importantly, is that Grey smiling?” John retorted, his eyes squinting in confusion as his head tilted.
Grey started walking to the bullpen door, the woman following closely behind.
When the woman walked in, Celina’s brain turned to mush. A bright pink, violet, and green aura followed the woman. Celina could feel her heart racing in her chest, something about this woman was different.
As Grey starts his debriefing, he pausing looking at you with a grin,
“This is officer Y/l/n, transferring from SDPD.” Grey introduced before continuing his speech.
The whole meeting, Celina’s face grew red. Her eyes kept stealing glances at Y/n. She was awestruck by this beautiful woman. Y/n was ethereal to Celina.
After a few minutes after the meeting ended, Celina still sat there. Her mind trying to rationalize how a woman could be that gorgeous and have such a sweet aura.
“Celina!” John called out, drawing her away from her daydream.
“Oh! I- uh, haha, hey!” Celina stuttered out, her eyes widen after seeing Bradford, Lopez, Chen, and Harper watching their interaction.
“You doin’ okay?” Concern coating John’s tone like honey.
“I- I um- Yeah, I’ll go get the war bag.” Celina said, her eyes focused on her shoes to hide her reddening cheeks from the nosy officers.
Celina quickly walked off, having felt embarrassed. The four other officers call John back over to them.
“Okay, you can definitely set Y/n and Celina up.” Lucy stated with a goofy grin on her lips.
“What?” John asked, confusion overtaking his features.
“Did you not see how Celina looked at her?” Nyla deadpanned, her hand falling to the table dumbfounded.
John shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing. His cluelessness even has Bradford dumbstruck.
“It’s obvious that Celina finds Y/n attractive. She was practically drooling when she saw her.” Bradford explained before shaking his head and walking off to his desk.
Angela laughed teasingly at John.
“Geez, aren’t you supposed to be an insightful cop?” Nyla harped with a playful smile.
“I was paying attention to Grey, not my rookie’s crush.” He defended with a small smile, his hands raised in surrender.
“The real question is how do we get them together?” Nyla inquired with a raised brow, she lifted her coffee to her lips taking a long sip.
“I could try to talk Y/n today. Get some intel and then we can text and try to plan things from there,” Angela suggested with a mischievous smile.
With that, they all started going their separate ways to start their jobs.
“Okay! So maybe I think she’s pretty.” Celina confessed after being grilled by Aaron and Lucy all lunch.
“See! I knew it!” Lucy cheered while holding out her hand towards Aaron.
Aaron scoffed and grabbed his wallet from his pocket, dropping a crisp bill into Lucy’s awaiting hand.
“I’m sorry, did you place a bet on that?” Celina’s eyes widen and she bites back an annoyed scoff. But secretly loving that they could see just how much of an affect you had on her.
“Oh absolutely. After I saw you gawking at her in the bullpen, I bet Aaron 10 bucks that you like her.” Lucy explained while flexing the bill between her fingers.
“Uh- I- I wasn’t gawking!” Celina defended, her cheeks glowing red at the embarrassment of being caught.
“Oh I saw it, you were totally gawking.” Lucy stated with a cheeky grin.
“I- whatever.” Celina turned away from them, trying to hide her red cheeks.
“Hey is that her?” Aaron teased while glancing over Celina’s shoulder.
Celina whips her head around trying to see what he saw. Only to hear the two laughing at her oblivion.
“This is why I normally sit with Nolan.” Celina mumbles as she takes a sip of her coffee.
Lucy and Aaron laugh at her words, Aaron nudges Celina’s shoulder.
“C’mon, you know you love us.” Aaron teases with a grin.
Celina shakes her head as her brown eyes wander their surroundings. Eyes catching on Y/n eating lunch with Angela and Nyla. The women laugh and crack jokes, but Celina can only focus on how radiant Y/n looks. Celina finds herself admiring the soft look on the new officer’s face. The way her hair sits so perfectly, the soft slope of her nose, and her smiling lips. Imagining how sweet they would feel against hers, how delicate the woman’s touch would feel. God, Celina was swooning for the woman and she hadn’t even talked to her yet.
“Earth to Celina- Finally!” Lucy laughs as she finally catches the woman’s attention.
“We’re about to head out, we’ll see you later.” Lucy smiles as she and Aaron get up from the table to get back to work.
Celina nods and sits at the table waiting for Nolan to finish his lunch. But she notices that Angela and Nyla are leaving their table, leaving you at the table by yourself….
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panna-acida · 5 months
2022/23 writing summary
Prompt #1 (393 words) 2022
Prompt #2 (171 words) 2023
Prompt #3 (313 words) 2023
Letter (709 words) 2023
Just a Game (552 words) 2023
Curse your heart, curse your soul. (1144 words) 2022
The Darkness Inside (501 words) 2023
King of Hell, King of Heart (1055 words) 2023
God of Sun, God of Love (1444 words) 2023
Looking at you (322 words) 2023
Another Life. Another Story (1090 words) 2023
Found You! (436 words) 2023
A New Beginning. (2268 words) 2023
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Whump Prompt #1090
A is a performer. However, they are sick/still recovering/injured, but as always, the show must go on.
Do they collapse on or offstage? Maybe they pass out beforehand, making the crew wonder if they should reconsider the show... but as I said, the show must go on. 
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Also “you can hold my hand, if you want.” With Javy??
You and Javy and his friend Jake
Summary: 1 writing prompt for my mini celebration. This is based of the tiktok trend of “You and me and me and you and your friend Steve”.
Pairing: Romantic Javy "Coyote" Machado x Reader Bromance Javy "Coyote" Machado x Jake "Hangman" Seresin Platonic Jake "Hangman" x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, mentions of death, blood, gore and other stuff of the sorts.
Word Count: 1090
Masterlist Series Masterlist
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When you and Javy started dating the two of you did everything together. Grocery shopping, laundry, going out to eat, watching movies, brushing your teeth, going to get mani pedis, having lazy nights in and eating way too much food for two people. One would venture to say it was the honeymoon phase. But you guys had been together for 2 years now and it was still like this. Just now it was you and Javy and his friend Jake. 
Jake had started doing everything with you guys about 6 months into your relationship. You never minded much. You didn’t have many friends of your own and the strapping blonde was filling that void nicely. He never invited himself along to your escapades and always checked to make sure you guys were sure you wanted him to tag along when you guys invited him. At this point it felt empty without Jake along most of the time. 
So when you had found a haunted house open in a town over in the middle of February you texted the group chat your trio had and let the boys know. They had both agreed instantly and that’s how you found yourself in line for the haunted house with the two pilots. They had been talking about the haunted house all week and how excited they were. They were joking and poking fun at you the whole time because they figured you would be terrified. You hadn’t told them that you had worked at a few haunted houses in your late teens, early twentys and that they didn’t phase you much anymore. 
The line was moving quickly and you guys were two groups away from going inside. That’s when you saw Javy getting antsy. He was going back and forth from one foot to the other, playing with the pocket of his jeans. You leaned into his chest a little and asked if he was okay. He puffed his chest out a little and looked down at you. “Of course I’m okay Sugar. I’m just worried you might get a little scared. You know you can hold my hand, if you want.” he told you, pulling his hand from his pocket holding it out to you. 
You gave him a huge smile and grabbed his hand. “I would love to hold your hand honey. My big pilot boyfriend protecting me sounds amazing.” you pushed up on your toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Then you were moving up in line and only had one more group before it was the three of you. Jake looked perfectly poised like always. Even in jeans and a t-shirt he looked authoritatively laid back somehow. He always looked professional and carefree in the weirdest way ever. 
Him and Javy were pushing each other and betting on which one of them would be screaming at the end. Then you guys were walking in. You were still holding Javy’s hand and he had walked in first, Jake was behind you. The three of you walked through a room of creepy bloody patients first screaming and crying begging for help out. Then there were nurses who were asking if they could give you guys an exam with a bunch of weird instruments on the tables next to them. As you guys were about to exit the room a nurse had jumped out at the three of you. Which made Javy scream a loud “Fuck off” and jump behind you with Jake. 
The next room had doctors that looked completely demented. They were trying to coax you into lying on their tables for surgery. A body was already on the table with the guts hanging out. Then suddenly the body popped up screaming with blood spewing out of its mouth. That had made Jake scream and grab ahold of your other hand that wasn’t wrapped around Javy’s. The final room was the Morgue which was eerily quiet. You knew the boys were taking deep breaths trying to calm themselves down thinking that this was the end. Their hands had started to let go of yours when four of the cold freezer doors slammed open and zombie-like figures came crawling out. The boys jumped about 3 feet, screamed, squeezed your hands and shoved you forward.
You were a giggly mess at that point. You led the boys out of the building. Neither letting go of your hands. When you finally got out and the lights from outside the building were shining on the boys' horrified faces you lost it. The loud laugh you let out had both of the boys letting go of your hands simultaneously. “You should see the looks on your fucking faces right now. I thought you guys weren’t scared. What happened to the two of you protecting me from all the big bad scaries in there?” you barely got out as you were bent over laughing. They just looked at you unamused. 
“I was definitely not scared. I don’t know what you’re even talking about.” Jake replied to you grumpily turning to Javy for help. Javy threw an arm around his blonde friend’s shoulder and turned to you.
“We have no idea what you’re talking about and we will deny everything if you dare speak of this to anybody.” he quipped at you with a serious look on his face. 
“Okay, okay, okay, I’m sure that those were somebody else's screams coming from behind me then. Two other people were gripping my hands and shoving me out of the building. It definitely wasn’t you two scaredy cats.” you assured them nodding your head. 
“Yea that definitely wasn’t us. Got no clue who it could’ve been. But since we're out can we leave now?” Jake asked you quickly. That made you shake your head. 
“Sure I just have to run to the bathroom real quick. Why don’t you guys head to the food truck we passed on the way in and I’ll meet you there?” You questioned them and they both agreed turning and heading in the direction of the food truck. You turned and headed in the direction of the booth selling pictures of the groups that had gone inside. You found the pictures of the three of you in the final room and purchased them. They showed the boys jumping, screaming, holding your hands and pushing you forward. You knew the pictures would come in handy one day. Then you were walking to the food truck to meet Javy and his friend Jake.
A/N: I loved writing this and I think I might write a tiny series about the trio if anyone would be interested in that? Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! I had so much fun writing this thank you @sylviebell for the request!
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
Pool Day (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
Word count: 1090
This is for Mushie’s lee!George week! This is Day 7 and the prompt is Free Day.
     Florida was never really cold, but it was finally not-cold enough for the boys to go in the pool. Every day this week they had spent hours splashing around in it.
     Usually they all got in the same way; George and Sapnap racing to jump in first and Dream using the stairs.
     Dream watched the two shove and splash each other as he let himself get used to the temperature. He smiled at his idiots as he approached them. Well, he smiled at Sapnap and the back of George's head.
     He grabbed ahold of George's waist under the water and the boy shrieked at the top of his lungs.
"Fuck! Did I hurt you?". Dream was quickly pulling George over to him and trying to hug him in apology, but he wouldn't stop squirming and giggling.
"No, you tickled him!", Sapnap crept closer with a smirk just as Dream finally captured George.
"Nuh uh!", he squeaked in protest...not very convincingly. "Let go!!", he cried as he tried to get out of Dream's hug.
     Sapnap squeezed at George's sides and he cried out dramatically.
"Uh oh...", Dream purred. George thrashed as the other two laughed at him.
"I didn't know our Georgie was so ticklish!!".
     So, their fifth pool day turned into George's tickle nightmare.
     George did think they would leave it alone for a while. Eventually Dream weirdly kissed the top of his wet hair and released him. They laughed and swam as normal.
     But then, Sapnap was at the edge of the pool looking at his phone over the side of it and he just looked so stupid and vulnerable to George. He crept up, winded back, and smacked him with the pool noodle as hard as he could. Overall, very risky move. It knocked Sapnap's hat into the water, and nearly his phone. It also kind of hurt. Sapnap whipped around with a fury. In an instant he was on him, grabbing his head and shoving him under the water.
"Be careful guys!!!".
     But, they weren't. Sapnap and George both tried as hard as they could to drown each other. Laughing and screaming as they dragged each other under the water.
     George had the upperhand for a second. He was standing with both hands on the top of Sapnap's head with him thrashing under the water. Then, evil hands grabbed his sensitive sides and he squealed.
"Idiot!!", Sapnap croaked as he coughed and tugged George into him. George shrieked as Sapnap held his back to his chest.
"Don't!! Dream, help!!!".
     With one arm wrapped around his chest, the other hand attacked George's side and tummy. Instantly, the boy was hysterical. Laughing and squirming wildly in his hold.
"You guys are idiots.", Dream said, way too fondly.
"Stop!!!", he screamed through his laughter. George pried at Sapnap's arm, but it wouldn't budge. Splashing increased as he flailed. "No please!!", he whined when Dream started approaching, fingers wiggling in the air.
George actually broke away from Sapnap's hold in fear and clumsily dunked himself into the water. There was a loud scramble as George made his way to the pool ladder and the others chased him. When he reached up and grabbed the railing, Dream grabbed his waist. George shrieked as he lost his grip for a second and then clung on again.
"C'mere George!!".
"We're gonna getcha!!!".
George was pulled back down into Dream and Sapnap's ticklish clutches with a yelp. Strange-sounding cackling and screams ensued as George struggled hard enough to dunk his head under the water. Dream released him in panic. George quickly dove under and used Sapnap as a springboard to shove off, swimming quickly away.
     Sapnap let out a gurgle-y war cry when he recovered and they were both on the chase again. George made it to the deep end and crawled on top of a large floatie. He armed himself with a pool noodle that floated by.
"Back! Back!", he hollered as he swung it in the air over Dream's head, giggling the whole time. Sapnap growled like a monster and smacked the bottom of the floatie so it would bob up and down. George screamed in play terror at the shaking of the floatie, then in actual terror as Dream grabbed a hold of his ankle. He reached up to tickle the bottom of his foot, but George flipped the entire thing in panic and plummeted back into the water.
     For hours, they played like children in the pool together. Filled to the brim with screams and laughter.
     Eventually, Dream panicked about the length of time they had gone without applying sunblock and made everyone get out to reapply. Sapnap and Dream both sprayed each other down, but George stood there the entire time just struggling to open his sunscreen lotion. He smiled at Dream sheepishly for a few seconds and the other took it to help. Sapnap smirked and grabbed a hold of George's wrist.
"Here, just use this one." He held firmly as he sprayed down George's body with the cold spray, George shrieking and jumping away the entire time.
     Dream watched them with a dumb smile.
"Sapnap it's cold!! Dream, help!!". Dream laughed and saved George from Sapnap. The boy giggled as he tried to squirm out of Dream's hold. "Stinknap is so mean.", he huffed dramatically.
     George tried to grab for the sunscreen, but Dream pulled it out of reach.
"Let me put it on for you.".
"Awww let him!". Sapnap yanked him forward just as Dream grabbed his arms and George found himself wrestled down to a pool towel in a fit of giggles.
"Hey!!", he cried out as cold slippery hands grabbed onto his thigh and side. "Hey!!", he screamed.
     George cackled hysterically as the two tickled him to absolute bits on the pool towel under the guise of sun protection. He found himself slathered, and then some, with the sunblock.
"We have to protect your precious skin!", Dream teased. George could only squeal in protest. He was at their mercy until they deemed him protected enough.
     The day continued just like that. Dream and Sapnap finding ways to get more of that shrieking laughter out of him. Eventually, he would find his revenge on both with splashes and tickles of their own.
     It was such a dream come true; getting to be together. The day ended with them making their way from the pool to the hot tub instead. Finally, relaxing. The night turned quiet as they winded down together.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
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ID. A precanon-era pic of Nicolò di Genova from The Old Guard, set circa 1090's in Genoa, Italy. The background features the gardens of a monastery, and he's looking off screen in an implied pensive way as he fiddles with some string. He's wearing green hose with a dark brown beige tunic. His long hair is tied back loosely. END ID.
A prompt for the @theartguard server: farming, agriculture, and its related activities and cultures 👨‍🌾🌳🌼
Underneath the cut is a collage of two drafting stages :)
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lumiolivier · 8 months
Near Likes His Owies
Day 22 of 31 of Kinktober
Prompt: Pain
Word Count: 1090
Near needs Mello to hurt him in the only way he knows how.
TW: Mentions of self harm
Near couldn’t admit it to himself.  He always equated pain as bad.  Pain meant wrong.  Pain meant he did wrong.  Anything he did wrong would always be met with pain.  That is, until he had Mello.  Mello knew how to make pain right.  Mello knew how to make pain feel good.  And with a little bit of pain, Near felt like he could breathe a little better.  And that was because Mello knew just how to work that pain into positive.
Better yet, Mello could turn pain into pleasure.
“Alright, Near,” Mello pressed a kiss to Near’s forehead, “How do you want to play this?”
“I’m ok, Mello,” Near told him, “I think.”
“Near,” Mello held Near’s face in his hands.  And to no surprise, Near looked away.  Over Mello’s shoulder, off to the side, it didn’t matter.  There was no eye contact, “Near, look at me.”
“What?” Near’s eyes clicked with Mello’s.  And there was no getting away from it.
“I know how you’ve been lately, my precious little masochist,” Mello pulled him into his lap, “You’ve been off.  You need a little release, don’t you?”
“Mello,” Near stopped him, “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Mello nodded, “What’s on your mind?”
“You don’t think…” Near’s stomach turned a bit.  Pain was bad.  Pain meant wrong, “You don’t think this is venturing into self-harm territory, do you?”
“What?” Mello’s heart shattered as he pulled Near a little closer, “No, no, no.  Near, we’ve had this talk.  This isn’t you backsliding.  What did I tell you last time?”
“That the line between self-harm and masochism, albeit thin, is knowing when to use the safe word,” Near remembered, “And actually using the safe word when things get to be too much.”
“Very good,” Mello praised, “Now, I’ll take care of you tonight.  But you need to promise me you’re alright.”
“I am,” Near nodded, “It’s just…You’re right.  I have been stressed lately.  I do need this.  But…”
“You’re worried you’re doing it for all the wrong reasons,” Mello assumed, nuzzling his face into Near’s neck, “I don’t think you are.  I think you’re doing just fine.  And I bet if I bit you right here and now, you’d like it…”
“Well,” Near blushed, “There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?”
“There is,” Mello opened his mouth, his teeth gently grazing Near’s skin, “Are you sure you’re doing ok, Near?”
“Good,” Mello sunk his teeth into Near’s neck, sending a shockwave directly to his spine.
“Mmmm…” Near grabbed at the sheets on their bed, “Harder, Mello.”
And Mello obliged, his jaw tightening on Near’s neck just as he asked.  His bites traveled down Near’s neck and shoulder while Mello unbuttoned Near’s shirt.  He needed better access anyway.  More and more, each bite grew more and more intense.  Each one a little harder than the last.  And Near couldn’t help but squirm under them.  Near’s grip tightened even more while his shirt puddled in Mello’s lap.  And he squeezed his eyes shut, reveling in the sensation.
“Near,” Mello backed off for a second, “Are you doing ok?”
“Why’d you stop?” Near whimpered, falling to the bed, “Keep going.  Please.  Please, Mello, keep going.”
“Alright,” Mello knew what Near liked.  Mello raked his nails down Near’s exposed chest, watching as the welts popped up behind them.  He gently brushed over his nipples before clawing into the rest of him.  Near’s sensitivity was one of those things Mello fell in love with the second they found a bed together.  And he wanted nothing more than to bite on Near’s cute little nipples. 
So, he did.  And Near felt his eyes roll back in his head, “Mello, you have to be gentle.”
“I didn’t think you’d ever want me gentle, Near,” Mello smirked, biting a little harder on the right one than the left.
“Mello…” Near sighed out, “Please.  It’s going to make a mess.”
“Maybe I want to make you a mess,” Mello looked over those pretty little welts over Near’s soft skin, “Do you want me to make you a mess, baby?”
“Yes,” Near moaned, “I want you to make me your mess.”
“Mmm…” Mello cradled Near’s cheek in his palm before giving it a little slap, “My pretty little mess.  My beautiful disaster…How would you like that?  My hands?  My mouth?  Maybe a couple of fun little toys we could use.  I know how much you love toys, Near.”
“You pick,” Near was in no headspace to make a decision.  He just wanted to feel more.  Anything to make him feel alive again.
“I think…” Mello slinked down Near’s body, biting on the tops of his hips before pulling the waist of his pants down, “I should go get the cock ring…”
“Yes, please,” Near whimpered, already rock hard for Mello.
“Or,” Mello decided to string him along a little more, “I should get the acupuncture ring.”
“No,” Near shook his head, “Not that one.”
“Not that one?” Mello wondered, fully prepared to grab it.
“I love you, Mihael.”
And with those four words, Mello stopped, “Are you alright, Near?”
“I don’t want the acupuncture ring,” Near shot him down, “Please.  Just your mouth.”
“Alright,” Mello stretched up and gave Near one little kiss, “Are you ready?  Can we go back to playing now?”
“Mmhmm,” Near nodded.
“Alright,” Mello went back down to Near’s waist, fully prepared to free his throbbing cock out of his boxers.  Slowly, he started to slide it into his mouth.  Just the tip at first before fully deep throating him. As gently as he could, when Mello’s head bobbed back up, he ran his teeth up Near’s shaft.  And immediately, Near burst in Mello’s mouth.
“I’m sorry,” Near already jumped on the apologies, “I didn’t mean to.  I was going to hold on.  I promise.”
Mello swallowed hard and kept Near in his mouth, feeling him go flaccid.  But then, he popped Near out of his mouth, “It’s alright, Near.  I should’ve known scraping your dick would’ve hit you just right.”
“I didn’t think it would,” Near hid his glowing face in shame, “I should’ve been able to last longer.”
“Near, I love you,” Mello crawled up to the bed and pulled Near into his arms, “You don’t have to apologize for anything.  Alright?”
“I’m…” Near stopped himself before he could keep apologizing.
“Very good,” Mello held him tight, “How about you and I go run the bathtub?  Sound like a plan?”
“With…” Near hoped, “Hot water?”
“As hot as we can stand.”
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cassarilladraws · 1 year
Late Night Talks (and Kisses)
Lukadrien Fluffuary (using this prompt list) Day 16 - Long Walks and/or Conversations Prev | Next Read it on Ao3 Words: 1090 Rating: T Tags: Established Relationship, Aged-Up (Young Adults), Dorks In Love,  The night had started with a patrol. Chat Noir and Viperion ran the route together. Instead of leading to a battle with a superpowered foe, it just became a run along the rooftops, enjoying each other’s company. It was a peaceful night. As they ran the conversation between them drifted from one subject to the next easily. With the patrol route long complete, they opted to detransform and walk along the streets as civilians—talking as they strolled. “How is it already after midnight?” Luka glanced at his phone. “We’ve been talking for hours, but I barely even noticed.” Adrien laced their hands together and winked at him. “Because we’ve been hanging out together all night and time flies when you’re having fun!” “You have a point.” Luka smiled at his boyfriend softly. He looked into those green eyes and saw so much life. Adrien was someone who saw endless possibilities after finally getting past the desire to live to meet his father’s expectations. The former model had really become his own person over the past few years. Luka was incredibly proud of him. He hoped Adrien’s future would be full of freedom and trying new things. “Luka?” Adrien was blushing in his boyfriends soft gaze.
Blue eyes blinked as Luka realized he’d been staring directly into Adrien’s. “Oh sorry, I was just thinking.” “About?” Adrien asked tenderly. “You.” Luka felt the heat creep into his cheeks. But he didn’t dare stop his words. “I was thinking about you. About how far you’ve come. What possibilities your future might hold. Where you’ll be in a few years. I’m so proud of you. Look at the man you’ve become, Adrien.” Adrien took a step in front of Luka and turned to face him. The movement stopped them both in their tracks. His voice dropped an octave. “You don’t know what you do to me when you talk like that, M’love.” Luka wanted to lean in and kiss him senseless right then and there. “I have a pretty good idea.” “Hmmmm….. Well, part of the reason I was able to become the man I am today is because of you. Look at the man YOU’VE become. Someone who still cares for others, but has learned to not neglect his own needs or wants…” Adrien gave him a smirk and traced teasingly along Luka’s jawline. It amused him to see Luka’s jaw tense. “And as far as my future. You’re not gonna have to wonder about the paw-sibilities or how things turn out. Because I imagine my future with you in it. I don’t want to think of it any other way. I love you.” Then the blonde had the audacity to turn his back to him with a nonchalant shrug. He took a few steps away and continued in a sing-song voice. “Of course, that is up to you too. If you don’t want that, that’s fine. I can play it by ear on my own. But I can’t help but think my future melody would sound better as a duet.” In an instant Luka was in front of him again. The sudden movement led to Adrien backing into the wall of a building. “Our future melody, my Muse. You know I want that too.” Adrien’s hands were suddenly in Luka’s hair. He leaned up and kissed his boyfriend’s lips. Luka hummed into the contact and tapped one of Adrien’s legs with his hand. His boyfriend got the memo. Soon his legs wrapped around Luka’s waist as the guitarist held him up and pressed him into the building. A purr rumbled in Adrien’s chest as the kiss deepened. It was several moments before they parted breathlessly. “Wow.” Adrien sighed blissfully and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. Luka was still holding him up easily. “You’re so strong! The superhero stuff has some benefits in the romance department. Why have we never kissed like this before? I think you could carry me home even without being transformed!” “I love you. But that is not happening.” Luka laughed and removed his hands from under Adrien’s legs. His boyfriend placed his feet on the ground. “And next time, you’re holding me up.” Just a few paces away, that was as far as Luka got down the sidewalk, before Adrien grabbed his shoulder. In the same movement he was turning Luka around and backing him into the wall of the same building. Luka couldn’t help but laugh. He should have expected this. In the past, Luka could be hesitant to express what he wanted. Putting the needs and wants of others before his own. Adrien absolutely adored that Luka no longer felt the need to put himself last. So, if Luka told him what he wanted well, he was happy to provide. “If that’s what you want, I have no intention of making you wait.” Adrien’s hands grabbed Luka’s legs. He easily hoisted the taller man up. Luka wrapped himself around his boyfriend’s waist and happily took his turn as Adrien crashed their lips together and held Luka up against the wall. The street was clear, so Plagg flew out from his hiding place. He gestured to them dramatically. “Just, look at them.” Sass floated up to join his fellow kwami. “Not familiar with this particular ritual, but they are obviously very happy.”’ “Yeah… and I’m happy for them but I have never, in all my thousands of years had a holder as lovey dovey as this!” “Hmmm….” Sass looked at the couple and back at Plagg. “And yet, you’ve also never had a holder that you liked better.” Plagg sighed, but he couldn’t help but smile. It was true. He’d never felt a connection like the one he and Adrien shared. He’d never been treated so well by his Miraculous wearer or felt so protective of the one wearing the ring. The man truly was the greatest person to ever wear the Cat Miraculous. “I can say the very same for mine.” Sass smiled. “You heard them talking about their future. I believe we are going to just have to get used to this my friend.” Adrien and Luka finally parted and the blonde turned to his kwami. “I can’t help it, Plagg. I’m in love.” Plagg rolled his eyes. “I feel like we have a pretty fair arrangement. You deal with me being a cheesy romantic, and I deal with carrying around your literal cheese.” He held up a piece of Camembert and threw it to the kwami who happily gobbled it up.
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How about the sending the Christmas card 15 years later in whatever AU you want? Maybe the Pacific Rim AU? 👀
As much as I love the Pacific Rim au....I couldn't figure out how to make it work sadly lol but I'm bringing back an oldy but a goody for this one! The au where Ronnie got pregnant during their FWB days!
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|| prompt list ||
prompt: I wrote you a Christmas card 15 years ago confessing my feelings. Now it's time to send it.
au: the maisie au
word count: 1090
warnings: pregnancy mention, fluffffff fluff
When Ronnie found the card a week before Christmas, she had to wonder how it even survived fifteen years without being thrown away. They had gotten back together, gotten married, had another kid, and moved house since then. And yet the card remained — tucked away in that shoe box full of other little trinkets that apparently she could never find the heart to get rid of. 
It was all sealed up in a faded red envelope. The edges whitened by time. She could still picture clear as day what was written on the inside, what she had tucked into the fold of the card. His name was even written on the front, waiting for the address to go underneath. But the address was never found and the card was never sent. 
Now was as good a time as any, she supposed. This night before Christams day when the kids were all fast asleep and it was just the two of them. Wrapping a few more presents for “Santa” to bring despite the kids very well knowing that he isn’t real.
Ronnie grabbed the card from where she had stowed it in her nightstand and headed back down to the living room. 
Jake sat in the middle of the floor, wrapping paper scraps crunched up in a ball at his side as he finished up wrapping Maisie’s gift. A paleontology book with two tickets to the Montana Badlands tucked away inside. A summer trip to dig up fossils just father and daughter. 
“Ready for a break, Captain?” Ronnie asked as she sat down on the floor with him, back leaned against the couch. 
“I certainly can be,” Jake groaned as he stretched, knit sweater pulling up to reveal a bit of softer stomach before he scooted back to sit next to his wife. He pointed to the red envelope twiddling between her fingers. “What’s that?”
“For you.” She handed him the card. “From me — fifteen years ago.” 
He took the the card between his pointer and middle finger with raised brows, leveling her with a look and slightly red cheeks. Both of them knew just what he was doing fifteen years ago, and just what she was doing fifteen years ago too.
“Ronnie…” he started, green eyes falling to the envelope wearily. 
“It’s okay,” she whispered, hand reaching to stroke the back of his head as she pulled her knees to rest in his lap. “I don’t want it to make you feel bad — or guilty. I just thought you still deserve to know what I wrote…After all this time.” 
Jake nodded as he took a breath. Then he tore into the envelope, expertly pulling the flap away so as not to compromise the entegrity of the paper. It made Ronnie smile to watch his methodical way, wondering if he would have done the same if she actually would have been able to send it over a decade ago. 
It was a Christmas card. Traditional with it’s winter scene and scrawled cheesy greeting. It made a small snort push out of his nose before he actually opened the card. A taped shut bit of paper fell out and into his lap. Jake quickly reached for it, but got distracted by the words written on the inside of the card. 
Merry Christmas, Jay. 
I’m pregnant, and it’s yours. I’m not telling you this to guilt you or to ask you for support or whatever. I just thought that you deserved to know, and to know that I’m keeping it. If you want to be in their life, that’s okay, and if you don’t, that’s okay too. You didn’t want this and I understood that from the beginning. 
But somewhere along the way I think I got lost. Because I fell so very in love with you. And I don’t know if you love me back, but sometimes I could feel it. In the way you would hold me, in the way you looked at me sometimes. God, I’m not saying THIS to make you feel guilty either. If I read that wrong, that’s okay too. Just another thing I thought you should know…
Here’s my number and email that I’m sure you deleted if you wanna talk…
Jake was quiet as he broke the tape holding the piece of paper together. He drew in a sharp breath, Ronnie squeezing the base of his neck in comfort, when the sonogram was revealed to him. It was an early one. Maisie nothing more than a bean shaped blob. But still, that was his little girl. 
His thumb passed over the black and white image reverently as he said, “She’s a teenager now.” 
“I know.” Ronnie snuggled in closer to his side. “Kinda crazy.”
Putting the sonogram back down on his thigh, Jake read the card over again. 
“I did love you — back then,” he muttered, swallowing something thick. “But I was scared to.” 
“I know,” she reassured. 
He set down the card on top of the sonogram and turned his head to look at her. There were a few greys in her dark hair now, ones that she wore with pride. He tucked a few strands behind her ear before he cradled her jaw. Then he kissed her, gentle and sweet and full of years upon years of love silent and spoken. 
“Ew, they’re kissing,” a voice whispered from behind them. 
Jake and Ronnie twisted around, and over the back of the couch they could see Noah and Maisie both hiding behind the stair railing — definitely trying to get a peek at their presents. 
“Hey, you two!” Jake shouted playfully as he got up from the floor. “You’re supposed to be in bed! Santa’s never gonna come if you don’t go to sleep!” 
Maisie had the sense to dash up the stairs as soon as her father rounded the back of the couch, but ten-year-old Noah just sat there giggling as Jake approached. Jake lunged with a shout and grabbed Noah around the middle, increasing his laughter into shrieks as he was hoisted over his father’s shoulder. Back to bed with you, Jake said as he climbed the stairs with Noah wriggling and laughing the entire way. 
Ronnie watched the whole thing from her spot on the floor with a smile. The card was on the floor now, unsure of it’s fate now that it was finally opened. Many what-ifs floated through her mind as she looked at the words she wrote so long ago. But in the end, she wouldn’t change a thing.
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sotvtaughtmehowtofeel · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 11: Human shield (alternate prompt)
Fandom: Prospect (2018)
Relationship: Cee and Ezra
WC: 1090
cw: gun violence, blood and injury
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alindakb · 6 months
Title: 25 Years of Christmas - 1999 Author: AlindaKB Word Count: 1090 (for now) Rating: Teen and up Prompt: Wooden Sleigh with Red Runners An old dark wooden sleigh is stationed in a snowy field. It has bright red painted ornate metal runners that curl up toward the front panels. Snow covers the seat of the sleigh and its backrest. The sky is overcast with clouds and fog, and fresh snow blankets a large group of spruce trees that stand around and behind the sleigh. The snow on the ground around the sleigh appears worn with light foot traffic. Warning: No warnings apply Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. Author's Notes: This story is ongoing but mostly already finished (thank you NaNo) - tags on AO3 will update accordingly.
Draco, who hates Christmas, spots Harry among some spruce trees when he's out to find the perfect Christmas Tree with his friends Pansy and Blaise. Over the years they find themselves drifting together and building a life together. And somewhere along the way, Draco finds out that he loves Christmas.
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miksterrr · 2 years
A lesbian, a bisexual, and a DILF walk into a room.
idk man.
crossed posted on ao3.
it's a drabble- 1090 words. no spoilers btw.
TW: strong language (it wouldn't be my story if there wasn't at least one F-bomb) the overuse of the word DILF, gay panics, unedited- like really. i finished it five minutes ago and i'm refusing to read it. (If there is anything else let me know.)
“What a fucking DILF.” Skylor smirked, glancing at Kai, who was drooling at the sight of one of their customers. Dressed in ripped black skinny jeans, a distressed band tank top, with tattoos covering any open space on his dark skin. Black hair tied up in a bun with little wispies of bangs framing his face, showing off multiple ear piercings. But most of all, the man had a small kid, dressed in a green dragon onesie next too him. This man was a mother-fucking DILF at it’s finest. 
“Yeah.” Kai whispered. “DILF.” He licked his lips, bronze eyes following the unfairly attractive man. 
Skylor snorted. “Don’t say I don’t know your type.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “Well, we did date.”
The red-head scoffed. “Yeah, because we dated for five months when we were fourteen. Not because we’ve been best-friends since we were eleven.”
“Yeah. Totally.” Kai smirked, sharing a knowing glance with her. But before Skylor could retort anything back, the DILF and his kid came up to the counter. “Hi! What can I help you with?” Kai asked, voice slightly higher-pitched than normal.
“Customer service voice activated.” Skylor said under her breathe. Kai elbowed her in the gut. 
The DILF just looked at his kid, who was on his tippy toes, hands gripping the counter as bright green eyes stared up at Kai. That’s when Kai realized the stark difference between the two. The kid was as white as ever with a mop of blond hair. The only thing that was similar about them was that the DILF had hetrochromia. One of his eyes matched the green of the kid’s eyes. “What will it be kiddo?” The DILF prompted. 
The boy gave Kai a toothy smile, one of his top front tooth was missing. He handed Kai a plastic card with the Arcade’s logo on it. “How many poin’s do we have?” 
Kai returned the smile and took the offered card, swiping it on the card reader. He tapped the card against the desk until the points total came up. “Alrighty guys, you’re gonna have 1775 points and $22.59 left!” Kai told them, handing the card back to the kid. 
The kid stared bouncing on his heels as he stared up at his dad, card in hand. The man chuckled. “Okay kiddo, what do you say? More games or are you done?” 
“Games!” The kid cheered, rushing off to win more tickets.
The DILF snorted, watching his kid for a second before turning towards Kai. “Thanks.” He gave Kai a small smile. 
Kai’s bisexual heart died right then and there. “No problem!” 
The man of Kai’s dreams gave Kai another smile before chasing after his kid. “L! Be careful!”
The second the man left, Kai put his face in his hands groaning. “Dammnn. You got it bad.” Skylor snorted.
Kai jumped, forgetting that she was there. He glanced back at her and rolled his eyes. “No fucking duh, Sky.” 
Skylor’s hazel eyes alit with mischief. “You should ask him out.” 
Kai raised a brow. “Y’know he probably has a wife.”
“I didn’t see a ring.”
“Then girlfriend.” Kai tried.
“Why are you assuming he’s straight?” Skylor asked, putting her elbow on Kai’s shoulder.
Kai pushed her off. “He has a kid.” 
“And?” Skylor prompted. “That kid is the complete opposite in looks of the man. If anything, he’s probably a babysitter.” 
“Or the kid’s mom is white as fuck.” 
Skylor rolled her eyes. “I mean- yeah. Point.”
Kai smirked. “Also we have no fucking clue how old he is.”
Skylor ‘hmm’d,’ looking back over where the games were. “He looks fairly young. That’s why I said he was a babysitter.”
“Okay yeah, but what about his tattoos?” Kai asked, giving her a pointed stare. “Not a lot of people can get that many tattoos that young- do you know how expensive tattoos are?” 
Skylor huffed, crossing her arms. “Still doesn’t hurt to try.”
Kai laughed out of surprise. “Yes it does!” 
The red-head rolled her eyes. “You’re just scared of ruining your record.” 
Kai sniffed. “Listen- Sky- he is so out of my league- I can’t.” 
Skylor cackled. Kai stared at her in disdain. She gasped for breath. “I never thought I would see the day the Kai Soleil Smith would admit that someone was out of his league!” A few tears slipped out of pure joy. Meanwhile Kai was pouting, tan arms crossed. Skylor flashed Kai a toothy grin. “Wait until I tell Nya.” 
Kai tensed, eyes wide. “You wouldn’t fucking dare.” 
Skylor, small giggles still escaping her every so often, just tapped her finger against her chin, pretending to be in thought. “Maybe.” She gave him a sly grin. “We’ll see if I can get this DILF’s number for you first!” Skylor cheered, racing off to find the black haired man. 
“Skylor Adrie-” Kai began to shout but couldn’t chase after her as a new customer entered the prize room. Kai huffed, moving back to his place behind the counter. He can’t leave the customer in the prize store alone. 
As it turns out, the customer was just browsing, scoping out the prize they want and how many tickets they need for that prize. Kai sighed, watching as the customer leave, not even bothering to glance at Kai. When they left, Skylor returned, with no slip of paper in her hand. That was enough to give Kai the slightest bit of hope, until he saw her smirk. He groaned. 
“He’s single~” Skylor sing-songed, placing her elbows on the counter. “And he’s gay and he’s twenty.” 
“O-oh.” Kai stammered, heat rising on his cheeks.
Skylor grinned. “And he didn’t give me his number because he wanted to give it to you. Personally.” 
“Oh.” Kai squeaked, burrowing his face in his hands. 
Skylor laughed, patting her best friend on his back. “Good luck, loveboy.” She whispered in his ear, before wandering off to bother whoever was at the snackbar, leaving Kai to his gay panic. 
A few minutes later, Kai still had his face buried in his hands, meaning he didn’t see the DILF approaching him. “Hey… you okay?” He asked.
Kai jumped, startled. Looking up and meeting mauve and green eyes. “H-hey!” Kai stammered. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.” Kai gave the man a small smile. “Uh, I’m Kai.” He put his hand out.
The DILF chuckled. “I know.” He nodded towards Kai’s nametag. 
Kai groaned, rubbing his face. “Of course.” He muttered.
“It’s okay!” The DILF reassured. He put his hand out, meeting Kai’s. “I’m Cole.” 
hope I made you feel smthin lol :)
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injuryprompts · 1 year
Injury Prompt #1090
Buried up to the neck
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