#quackity x male reader angst
tumbleweedbee · 9 months
(Hi! Sorry, I was with a friend and she sent the message while I was still writing as a joke-)
The ask is if you could write Quackity x reader where Quackity's boyfriend is guatemalan (you don't have to know a lot about Guatemala, maybe just Quackity being interested in the culture bcs is similar to mexican but also very different)
That's all, thank you!! Hope you have a great day :>
Ofc!!I don’t know much about Guatemala (as I’m irish) but I tried 🙏
-You and Quackity met whilst you were on holidays with your friend-group travelling all around Mexico.Your group decided to go and head to a big video-game shop you had all heard of and found a bus to take you there, but due to your group being made up of 5 people, you had to sit by yourself, though you didn’t mind as it meant that you got to play video-games on the way there.
Unfortunately, your plans of solitude and smooth sailing were crashed both due to the fact that the roads were extremely bumpy and due to the fact that a handsome stranger has decided to sit beside you.
You tried to continue playing and eventually tried to ignore the man staring holes into your 3DS and you turn to look at him, “Do you need something?” You inquire, raising an eyebrow.
He looks panicked and quickly replies with “oh sorry!!I was just curious about what game you were playing..”
“It’s Majora’s mask, I only got it recently” you added, smiling at him.
-am hour later-
You had learned that the man’s name is Alexis-though he prefers to go by Alex,he’s the same age as you and has quite a lot in common with you.
You feel quite sad that you have to get off the bus with your friends now, but before you can leave he quickly places his hand on your arm and goes “Wait!!Whats your number, I was uh just wondering if you’d like to hang out sometime…maybe..?” He looked at you, nervous and expecting to be rejected.
“Of course!Here you go!” You answer, trying not to sound too excited that a handsome stranger had asked for your number.
As you left the bus with your friends, Alex began texting you immediately, hoping that it was the right number.
You quickly replied back to him and you both began to text for the rest of your trip.
He began to ask where you were from, what is it like living in Guatemala?did they make good stew over there?What type of traditions did they have over there?what were your countries sports?
Once you arrived home he begged to call you and of course-you answered.
“Hey you said you’ve a pc right?Do you wanna play minecraft with me on my server?”he then invited you to a server ‘huh…Q-S-M-P…that’s an odd name.’ You thought to yourself.
You realised that there were a lot of people online that spoke Spanish, so naturally, when they started to speak to you in Spanish, you spoke back, which surprised alex “wow you can speak Spanish??” He asked, hoping to not come across as sound dumb.
“Of course I can!!Wait why’s your username Quackery?” You asked, before bursting out laughing at the name. “It’s Quackity!!”you could basically hear his eyes roll dramatically.
This was the same day you found out that “Quackity” was the name of his YouTube and twitch channel, you had decided to check it out and were amazed at how famous he really was, he was practically a celebrity!!You had began to tune into some of his recent streams without telling him and it was bizarre to you to see the same group of geeks you had been joking with not two hours ago, (along with Alex of course) bring in hundreds of thousands of views by just being themselves online.
Day after day, week after week, you and Quackity got closer, until eventually he pulled up at your house one day with flowers. “WH-Alex what are you doing here??Why do you have flowers??!”
He blushed and then hesitantly asked “do you uh, y’know, um, wanna go out?” “Of course I do!!” He stared at you, both in bewilderment that you actually agreed and the fact that he knew that he just couldn’t look away from your pretty face.
“I didn’t actually think you’d be gay or anything..”you smiled softly at him, inviting him in and gently taking the flowers from him. “Well you guessed wrong!”you replied, your face as red as tilíns bow.
You both decided to go on a date at your local restaurant, Alex hasn’t actually planned this far ahead as he thought you’d simply reject him.
You both couldn’t stop flirting with eachother-ignoring the looks some of the elders gave you.
Once the date and he was, yet again, back on your doormat; he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissed you gently on the lips and waved goodbye.
-Later that night-
*Quackity is live:IMSOHAPPY*
You decided to click onto the stream out of curiousity.
Part 2?
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—the flood
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SUMMARY | an alert on your phone reminds you just how short life can be
PAIRING | cc!quackity x reader
WARNINGS | death, angst, no happy ending, a bit unrealistic
AUTHORS NOTES | an old idea i had scrapped for over a year. might be a bit choppy so bear with me
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A bright light blinded (Y/n).
Grumbling incoherently, they rubbed at their eyes sleepily. A wave that resembled nausea swept over them, their bed way too comfy to be getting out of right now. Besides, there was no way it could even be close to morning yet.
It took them a few moments before scraping up the strength to open their eyelids.
Their half asleep body fumbled around for a moment before eventually finding the source of the light that was currently burning through their retinas. Picking up their phone with a sigh, the first thing they saw was the ungodly hour.
"Who the fuck texts at four in the moring." They hissed, pissed off at the unknown notification.
(Y/n) scratched away at some of the crust that had gathered around the edges of their eyes as they pulled up the screen with a flick of their thumb. They sighed while starting to read the message.
Then their heart stopped.
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The soft noise of bare feet on carpet emitted from the living room. (Y/n) had found their way into that part of the beach house where their boyfriend lay. Dead asleep on the top of the couch; where he always went when he was having trouble sleeping.
He was wrapped in a mountain of blankets, beanie astray—probably halfway across the room somewhere. Normally (Y/n) would take the moment to admire him, maybe even laugh for a moment or two about the drool trickling down his chin. But all they could focus on right now was staying up right and putting one foot in front of the other.
"Alex." They whispered softly, though a tremor or two could be detected. "Alex, wake up. It's important."
The males arm sluggishly shot out and he grabbed their wrist. He pulled them into a warm embrace, smiling faintly with mischief. Even in his sleep he still found time for jokes.
"M' sleepy." He sighed out, tickling (Y/n)'s face with his warm breath.
"Alex." They raised their voice to the edge of panic, now resorting to violent shakes as a way to jump start his body into gear. "Get up. It's an emergency."
His eyes fluttered open lazily.
"Don't tell me the cat got out again." He joked with a slur. He was clearly drunk on sleep.
"Alex please."
His eyebrows furrowed slowly. Begrudgingly the couch cushions beneath the both of them dipped with his shifting weight. Quackitys hands went to rub at his eyes. Trying to show his partner that he was being serious now.
"S goin on amor?" He managed through a yawn. (Y/n)'s heart seemed to stop working at the question.
Not knowing what else to do, they reached shakily for the phone in their back pocket, turning it on and opening it to show him the same notification they had been sent not but ten minutes ago.
Quackitys face dropped.
"There's a tsunami coming Alex. And we can't get out of here."
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The couple had been sitting at the rentals kitchen for about an hour now.
Two piping hot cups of coffee laid untouched in front of them. The beverage seemed about as apatizing as their situations right now. Neither of them had really wanted anything of the sorts, but nonetheless the coffee machine had been booted up. Maybe out of routine, maybe to find comfort. But whatever it is they were searching for, they wouldn't have to look much longer.
It had been Quackitys idea to go on this little vacation. The streamer life had been catching up to the both of them, and they agreed that a break was long overdue. It had been the perfect plan. A week long vacation at a beach just a few hours away together. A rental house, plenty of sun, and some decent restaurants nearby to get drunk at and sweetly kiss each other after one too many glasses of wine.
All of that seemed so far away now. Like it was for nothing.
"What do we do now." Talking to (Y/n) felt like trying to swallow a mouthful of dry cotten.
"We can't take the evacuation roads. Their all backed up." Quackity answered them with about as much emotion they had put into their own question. Which is to say none.
Throughout their entire relationship with him, (Y/n) had rarely seen Quackity this beaten up about anything before. This whole situation felt like a fever dream at first, but just seeing the look on their boyfriends face when they realized neither of them were gonna make it out alive really sealed the deal.
"I mean." Quackity sat up straighter, reaching out across the table to shakily grab (Y/n)s hand. "We could just enjoy the time we have left."
"Oh yeah? An hour left of our lives to do what. Watch t.v?" Their half-hearted attempt at a joke landed poorly, though he didn't seem to mind.
"No." He shook his head. "I mean, maybe tweet out a goodbye and turn our phones off. Then just, talk. Be with each other for the last bit."
(Y/n)s hand went limp in his own for a second before tightly squeezing back. A silent agreement to what he was proposing.
"This has definitely been a good last week to end things on. Just me and you. I don't think either of us have thought about anything other than how much fun we're having ever since we got here. And I wouldn't want to ruin that now." His adams apple bobbed as he swallowed down whatever emotions he was feeling at the moment. (Y/n) watched it, feeling their own eyes sting with a new set of tears.
"I don't think anything could've ruined you for me Alex. Not even this stupid fucking tsunami." (Y/n) smiled. They wanted to stop the water works, but once they saw Quackity trying to do the same thing it was over.
The pair slowly walked over to the couch Quackity had been peacefully snoring on not so long ago. Wrapping each other in the others embrace instead of blankets this time, they waited for anything to happen as they talked about anything and everything under the sun. Quackitys first stupidly edited video. How they met at a Chipotle of all places. Going to England the first time together to visit friends. Him learning he got into lawyer school. (Y/n) finally reaching 1 million subs. How Techno would be proud of them both, and also probably calling them nerds. It was as if a strange calm had washed over them. Nestling into their hearts as they sat contently on the couch.
And that's how they sat as the wave of water crashed over the pair, ending the tether of their lives with a quick snip.
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kingsleywrites · 1 year
You Can't Just Get Rid Of Them!
Tommyinnit x male reader (can be seen as romantic or platonic) Also possibly Tubbo x male reader (can also be seen as platonic or romantic)
CW: swearing
Angst to (slight) fluff
This takes place right as and after Jschlatt banishes Wilbur and Tommy after the L'manburg election.
M/N will be used (meaning male name)
H/N: Horse's name
"I REVOKE, WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINNIT'S CITIZENSHIP!" Schlatt's voice boomed and everyone began to panic with a few people punching and shoving Wilbur and Tommy away. M/N stood there, his body slightly shaking. 'This can't be real, no, Schlatt didn't, he wouldn't.' these thoughts ran rapidly in M/N's mind. He looked over at Tommy and Wilbur their faces looked completely devastated and confused. M/N clenched his fists and ran up and onto the podium where Schlatt and his subordinates were. "JSCHLATT!" M/N yelled, he was held back by Quackity. "You-You can't do that! Wilbur founded L'manburg! And Tommy is his right hand! You can't just get rid of them!"
"Last I checked, M/N, I am the president. Sorry emperor." Schlatt said getting closer to him. "No, no you're just a tyrant, hell bent on destroying this nation! We have fought too long and too hard for you to just throw it all away!" M/N pulled away from Quackity, getting even closer to Schaltt. They stared each other down for a few moments before Jschlatt spoke, turning around to face the crowd. "I suggest you hold your tongue or else you'll be joining them. Now get him out of my sight." Quackity grabbed M/N and threw him off of the podium. It wasn't enough for him to die but he sure as hell took a lot of damage. He could hear Wilbur yelling for Tommy to run, M/N wanted to run with them too but he couldn't as much as he hated Jschaltt he had to be here, for his country, his nation, he wouldn't leave L'manburg, not while Jschlatt was in rule, someone had to keep him from doing something stupid. 'Don't worry Wilbur, Tommy, I will find you guys and I will bring you home.'
Later that night
M/n sat on his bed with a bow in hand and a target across the room. He had already screamed and cried that night but he still had some pent up rage, so he was shooting arrows at a target, pretending it was Jschaltt's head. His door opened and he drew his bow, almost shooting it before he saw who it was. "Tubbo! You scared me." M/N lowered the bow, letting his arms relax. M/N could tell how tense Tubbo looked, the male was looking down at his shoes and fiddling with his fingers, M/N let out a sigh. "If it has something to do with Schlatt just tell me so we can get it over with."
"Schlatt wants to speak to you..." Tubbo's voice was soft and calm, probably trying to avoid M/N's outburst.
"HE-" M/N began to yell but stopped himself taking a deep breath and holding his head in his hands, slouching over. "Fine, Where is he?" M/N stood up.
"Follow me." The two walked out of M/N's house and onto the wooden path.
"Tubbo, if this is a trap, just remember that I will kill you."
"It isn't, I swear! He just told me to get you so you two could talk."
The two continued walking up until they reached a big building, they walked inside and began to climb the mountain of stairs, neither of them saying a word. When they get up to the top Tubbo opens up two big wooden doors and they walk inside. "Ah, M/N your here, welcome, welcome." Schlatt motions for Tubbo to go to him, which he abides by, standing beside Schlatt's desk. "What do you want Schlatt?" M/N says, shooting a glare at the man. "No need to be so hostile, I just want to ask you if you're enjoying Manburg."
"L'manburg." M/N puts emphasis on the L.
"Not anymore, you see this great country doesn't take L's, which seemed to be a reoccurring theme with the last President."
"We won our independence away from the SMP you were not there Schlatt you have no right to-" Jschlatt cut him off.
"You lost the war, the only reason why you even have independence in the first place is because Tommy played the hero and gave his dics to Dream."
Schlatt put his arms up and he had a crooked smile on his face. "But that's besides the point." He walked over to M/N, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"M/N you are an amazing fighter, you have the drive that this country needs in its army."
M/N tensed up and somehow he knew exactly what Schlatt wanted.
"I wanted to ask you to be my commanding officer, you will command Manburg's troops as we expand this great country!"
"Work under you? Ha! You're insane if you think I'll command your army." M/N pushed Schlatts hand off of his shoulder and took a step back from the male.
Jschlatt ran his finger through his hair and sighed. "It's fine, sometimes we all need a little bit of motivation." He snapped his fingers and Quackity walked up behind M/N, using one of his hands to grab onto M/N arm and twist it behind him, while his other hand gripped the back of his neck, pushing on two nerves so he wouldn't try and jerk away.
Jschlatt pulled a netherite axe from his inventory and threw it to George who caught it, grabbing Tubbo by the back of his hair and holding the axe to his throat.
"Tubbo!" M/N yelled and tried to run to him but Quackity pushed on the nerves more making his whole body ache and his eyes water.
"So, M/N! You have two options, You can do as I say, and nothing will happen to Tubbo, OR, you can not do as I say and then not only will you be missing Tommy, but you'll have to explain how you got poor Tubbo killed. So what'll it be." Schlatts smile grew and the tension in the air was thick.
M/N stood there dumbfounded. "You wouldn't.." He mumbled, his eyes narrowing. Tubbo took in a sharp breath as he felt the cold axe press against his throat, drawing a small amount of blood. M/N eyes shot over when he heard Tubbo and for a moment the whole world slowed down as he watched the blood drip farther down.
"Tick Tock, M/N I don't have all night, say, how long do you think it takes for someone to bleed out from the neck, a couple of minutes maybe?" Jschlatt taunted M/N. George's grip on the axe tightened and he went to put more pressure on Tubbo's neck before M/N's voice broke the silence.
"Don't! Just stop! I'll do it! Just don't hurt him!" M/N eyes watered as he looked between Tubbo's scared expression and Schlatt's crazed one. Jschlatt snapped his fingers and George took the axe away from Tubbo's neck and pushed him on the ground. Tubbo let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Quackity let go of M/N and he fell to his knees before getting up and running over to Tubbo giving him a bear hug. M/N let go and began to inspect Tubbo's face "Oh my god, are you okay, let me see the cut." He lifted up his head only to see that it had stopped bleeding. "M/N, I'm fine." Tubbo's voice was once again calm. M/N helped him up and hugged him again, Schlatt's voice breaking the comfortable silence between the two. "So, M/N I'll see you tomorrow." His voice was still in a mocking tone. "Yeah, sure, whatever makes you happy." M/N said with as much venom as he could muster in his voice.
"Come on Tubbo, let's go." Despite Tubbo needing no assistance to walk, he kept an arm around the boy, looking back at the three as they left the room. The door closed leaving the room in complete silence. George looked at the axe that was still in his hand, the tip slightly covered in blood. "You were prepared to kill Tubbo, right then and there, correct?" George eyed Schlatt who was looking out of a big window that overlooked the newly renamed Manburg. "I was willing to do whatever it took to get that boy to comply."
"You do know that it was a stupid idea to have M/N join, you know how close he is to Tommy, there's no way that he won't try and steal secrets to give to them."
"Of course I know that I'm not dumb! What I need is to be able to keep an eye on him. How can I do that if he isn't working for me?"
"And Tubbo? You don't think he won't try to communicate with Wilbur and Tommy."
"George, Quackity, I am counting on their betrayal."
M/N lightly dabbed disinfectant on Tubbo's neck, him slightly wincing at the contact. "M/N, you don't have to do this, I'll be fine without you helping me."
M/N got up and threw the cloth he used into a cauldron filled with water to be washed later, grabbing a small bandage. "I know you'll be fine without all of this but, I need to, it's my fault that you have this cut in the first place, if I had just said okay to Schlatt instead of being stubborn then maybe that whole fiasco could've been avoided." M/N sat back down, looking at the bandage in his hands.
Tubbo placed a hand on M/N's. "There was no way either of us could've known what Jschlatt was planning, you can't beat yourself up for that. I'm okay, I didn't die, and even if I did I still have another life. I would have been okay."
M/N looked up at Tubbo, his eyes were glossy but he had a small smile on his face. "Still, I started to fix you up, so let me finish." Tubbo let out a small laugh and lifted his chin, allowing M/N to put the bandage on his neck.
M/N looked out his window and saw how dark the clouds began to look in the night sky. "You should probably start to head home now, it looks like it might rain." Tubbo looked out of the window and nodded. The two stood up and M/N led him to the door, opening it up for him and allowing him to step out into the night. "Hey Tubbo?" M/N called out and the boy turned around. "Thank you... for saying that it wasn't my fault, I really needed to hear that."
Tubbo smiled. "You're welcome." M/N walked up to him and gave him one last hug for the night.
"Stay safe okay?"
"Okay, I will."
The two separated and M/N walked back to his house, glancing at Tubbo one last time as he walked further and further down the path. He closed the door to his house and his smile dropped, he walked over to his chest and opened one, pulling out a glowing netherite chest plate. He stared at his reflection for a moment before putting on the chest plate as well as other pieces of armor. M/N grabbed a cloak that was hanging by his bed and put it on, it hid most of the armor as well as the sword that was at his side. He placed his bow on his back and thunder crashed making him look out to his window. It had already started to rain.
M/N walked out of his house and over to his horse that was shaking its head every time too much water would get on (his/her) face. He untied the lead from the horse's reins and hopped on their back. "Come on, H/N, let's go find Tommy and Wilbur."
The two traveled down the path all the way back to the podium where Tommy and Wilbur were declared banished from L'manburg and were shoved out. "Where did you two go." M/N mumbled. M/N pulled the reins making the H/N turn in the direction where he saw them run. "Hiya!" M/N lightly squeezed the sides of H/N making the horse gallop into the woods. The further that M/N got into the woods the denser the trees got, making it nearly impossible to even walk with his horse. M/N pulled out a lead and tied them to a tree making sure to surround the horse in a bit of cobblestone, just as a safety precaution.
He continued the journey on foot, occasionally looking down at the mud to see if he could see any footprints. As he continued walking he saw a small clearing in the woods. Someone was here. He could see the faint outline of the freshly blown out torches. He saw light coming from behind him but before he could turn around a voice spoke. M/N whipped his head around to see Wilbur and Tommy standing in front of him. "M/N?" Wilbur questions upon seeing the boy. "How did you-?" M/N cut him off by running past him and engulfing Tommy in a hug.
"Oh my god, Tommy are you alright?" M/N stopped hugging Tommy but both of his hands were still on his shoulders. "I'm fine, M/N, but how did you find us?"
"I just took off in a straight line from where you two ran." He said with a small laugh. Wilbur cleared his throat, "So I see you only came here to see Tommy?"
M/N let go of Tommy and hugged Wilbur. "No, I just care about him more."
"It's nice to see you again, M/N."
The sound of thunder and lightning flashed in the sky making the three turn their attention to the rain, which was coming down heavier by the minute. "Let's go inside, before the rain comes down even more." Wilbur suggested. The 3 walked into the small dirt shack, Tommy and M/N sitting on the bed and Wilbur leaning against the crafting table.
"Nice little shack you got here." M/N said jokingly
"Hey! Just because Pogtopia is small, doesn't mean that we aren't a great nation."
"That's what Tommy wanted to name this, he said it was another name for L'manburg, speaking of, what's going on there?"
M/N put his head in his hands, lightly tugging at his hair. "Schlatt has been in power for not even 24 hours and everything has gone to shit, he claims himself to be the emperor, Quackity and George are his vice presidents, Tubbo-" M/N sighs. "Tubbo is his right hand. He can't do or say anything with that asshole's approval!"
Tommy and Wilbur looked at each other with sorrowful eyes. M/N hands drop, his arms resting on his legs. "Tonight... before I came here, Schlatt he-he tried to kill Tubbo."
"What?! Why? Is Tubbo okay?" Tommy questioned raising his voice in distress.
"Tubbo is fine, his neck is cut up a little, that's all."
"What made Schlatt want to kill Tubbo?" Wilbur asked softly.
"He wanted me to be his commanding officer and command his troops as we quote expand this great country. If I didn't say yes, he would've had Tubbo killed with no hesitation, I couldn't let that happen."
Tommy hugged M/N who hugged him back trying not to let the stress tears fall. "It's going to be okay M/N, we'll be okay, we'll get L'manburg back."
M/N let go of Tommy, though his hands still rested on his shoulders. "Tommy, Schlatt changed the name, it's no longer L'manburg, it's Manburg. He said that this country doesn't take L's. Wilbur, he said that it was a reoccurring theme with the last president."
"What? He-he can't do that Wil, can he?"
"He is the elected emperor, technically speaking, yes."
"And what you're just gonna let Schlatt take your name and rake it through the mud?!"
"My name had been through enough-"
"Well I don't have your name and we don't have any time to waste so if you just let me-" Wilbur was the one to cut Tommy off this time.
"No we won't do that, end of discussion.'
The shack went silent for a moment before Wilbur spoke with a small sigh.
"The rain stopped, I think it would be best for you to start heading back M/N before the sun comes up and people get suspicious." M/N nodded and stood up. "I'll walk you out." Tommy said with a small smile.
The two boys walked out of the shack. The smell of rain was still in the air and in the silence you could hear water dripping from the leaves on the trees.
"I'm sorry about what just happened its just-" Tommy was cut off by M/N placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Tommy, It's okay, you both are under a lot of stress and I understand that fights can break out in stressful moments." M/N had a small smile on his face that warmed Tommy's heart.
M/N's hand retracted from Tommy's shoulder and back to his side, M/N went to walk away but Tommy grabbed his wrist.
"Wait!" The two looked at each other for a moment, Tommy fiddled with the hem of his shirt, his hand still wrapped around M/N's wrist.
"Can-Can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead." M/N turned around to face Tommy, whose hand never left M/N's wrist, it wasn't a tight grip but it was comfortable enough that they didn't feel the need to immediately move away.
"I-" he paused for a moment trying to form the right sentence. "The reason why me and Wil got into the fight was because, I want to try and get Technoblade on our side."
M/N was stunned for a moment "The Technoblade? You want him, to help us?" Tommy nodded.
"Do you think he'll do it?" Tommy shrugged. "He's a strong fighter and a great strategist, he could be what we need to help beat Schlatt!" A smile grew on Tommy's face as he spoke.
"I'm assuming Wilbur doesn't like the idea of getting the blade to help?"
"They have beef from the past so I think he's hesitant."
"Tommy, I trust your judgment, if you can convince Technoblade, to be on our side, I'll stand by your decision."
"Seriously?!" M/N nodded. "Yes! I won't let you down M/N! I'll convince him!" Tommy had a huge grin on his face and pulled M/N into another hug, which he reciprocated.
"I have to get back Tommy, I do need sleep for whatever the hell happens tomorrow." M/N said with a light laugh, pulling away from Tommy.
"Alright, get some sleep, I'll see ya later M/N!"
M/N walked away, waving to Tommy until he reached the forest.
"Bye Tommy, and good luck." M/N said softly as he turned around, pulling his hood up and walking deeper into the forest.
Wow! First writing done! I hope you all liked it if you got this far, if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes feel free to comment them, I am open to constructive criticism as I do want to improve my writing.
Word Count: 3195
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strawberrygutssss · 2 years
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Hello!Im gutz!!Im a dsmp ad tuv fanfic writer however i might do some other fandoms in the future!I try to mainly do platonic and x child reader becse there really is just not enough of them</3 but i'm always willing to do some romance(as long as y/n is legal for said person!!and if it wasn't obvious i do take requests!!!
People ill write about:
☆=Platonic ♡=Romantic
-Quackity(c! And cc!)♡☆
-Wilbur soot(c! And cc!)♡☆
-Ranboo(c! And cc!) ☆
-Philza(c! And cc!)☆
-Karl jacobs(c! And cc!)♡☆
-Purpled(c! And cc!)☆
-Badboyhalo(c! And cc!)☆♡
-Sapnap(c! And cc!)☆♡
I will write:
-x child reader
-family fic
-soft gore(i won't decribe it heavily)
-x female or gn reader
-platonic x readers
-romantic x readers
I won't write"
-Smut(maybe in the future but as of now im not good at it)
-Anything against boundaries
-any character not on my list
-hard gore
-abusive c!s or cc!s
-x male reader(im not a boy so im just not good at it)
Some facts about me:
-I love writing quackity so please request him<3
-I am mexican and arab
-i use it/she pronouns
-im pansexual
-my favorite color is pastel pink
-i listen to hyperpop and metal
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lesbewriting · 2 years
because i had you
[cc!Quackity x Fem!Reader] [chpt.7]
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SUMMARY: In which Quackity is left reminiscing about his past relationship with his ex-girlfriend after their breakup.
WARNINGS: mainly angst, um crying and mentions of moving on? there's like no fluff here sorry guys
A-N: honestly one of the easiest chapters to write lol. Enjoy :)
[series masterlist]
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The strong stench of popcorn filled the main lobby, as both Quackity and Karl walked in the entrance to the movie theatre. The darker-haired male, allowed his gaze to drift over the crowded room the pair entered into, after his friend had dragged him along to hang out. His eyes soon fell back upon the brown-haired boy beside him.
"I'm telling you Alex, clearly your ex has moved on!" Karl's voice drawled on, running a brief hand through his short hair. "Maybe you should stop with the 'what ifs' and move on too."
Alex nodded slowly, he was really starting to regret telling his friends about his recent breakup. He wished he'd just kept it to himself, and saved himself from the pitiful looks he now constantly receives whenever he's in close proximity of any of his best friends. He didn't want to or need to be pitied at all, especially not by his own friend group. As now he was certainly paying the price for telling them, with all the constant mentions and nagging of how he 'needs to move on' or to 'stop reliving his previous relationship' he now hears.
The boy carried on zoning out, once again allowing his gaze to suddenly wander over to the busy stand tucked to the right ahead of them. The rowdy chatter of young families, couples both young and old, as well as the odd friend group or two, which could only be distinguished as the line to the concessions stand. Plus all the murmurings being that of whatever snacks they were to order.
Quackity glanced back towards Karl, watching as he fiddled around on his phone for a moment. He adjusted his beanie for a moment, before opening his mouth to speak clearly to his friend.
"Hey uh...I'm going to head for some snacks? You want anything, Karl?"
The boy in question, looked up quickly at the call of his first name and to Alex, whose finger had been carefully pointed back towards the line at the snack bar. He smiled briefly, muttering something about a 'packet of m&ms' before turning around to take a seat at a bench nearby, to wait.
Taking that as his cue to head over now, Quackity turned on his heel and joined the queue for the concessions. Which now that he thought about it, as he stood there, it seemed to be a lot longer than it looked from where he previously stood next to Karl.
He dug his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he waited for the line to decrease. Eyes patiently looking ahead of himself, dancing across the parts of the menu board that he could see from where he was. He already knew what he wanted, it was just a matter of time before he could reach the front of the line. Which could be a few more minutes, considering he could spot at least two more families stood ahead of him in the line.
A couple more minutes had ticked by, and as Quackity felt a pair of eyes on him, he moved his eyes back from the clock above. From which he must have took his attention to as he waited, and back to where he now found himself staring at the worker behind the counter. He managed to shuffle forward closer to the counter.
"Hi, what can I get for you today sir?" The girl behind the counter plastering a smile across her lips as she spoke. She seemed fairly tired by the light bags that appeared underneath her eyes. Which as Alex was looking now, he could tell were a pretty shade of hazel that complimented her fair skin tone.
She was definitely pretty, the dark-haired boy couldn't deny that as it was quite obvious for anyone really. And he would have to be a complete idiot to miss that her eyes had been checking himself out. Of course, he wasn't going to make a move on her though. He wasn't ready to start going on dates again. At least, that he didn't think he was ready to.
"Just a bag of skittles and a pack of m&ms thanks" He managed out, awkwardly and fully aware that his friend was still waiting a little further behind him. Digging around in his left pocket for his wallet and once he had grabbed it, and he managed to pull it out. Quackity honestly just wanted to grab this food and leave for the movie he didn't feel like missing.
As he finished paying for the bags of candy, he was just thankful that the cinema clerk hadn't attempted to flirt with him at all. Which made him wonder for a moment, if he had just imagined the brief glances she had tried to sneak at him to check him out. But as far as the thoughts had come, he managed to shake his head in an attempt to rid them.
He clutched the two bags of candy and receipt in his left hand, as he made his way back over towards where Karl was now stood near the entrance to the cinema they were in. His friend's eyes lifting to meet Quackity as he sensed him approaching quickly. The boys eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment, at the sudden rapid pace of his friend.
"Woah dude, what's got you in such a rush?" Karl questioned, curious to Quackity's sudden haste to enter the movie theatre. As he'd felt his m&m packet shoved firmly right into his unsuspecting arms only a minute before. "Did something happen or..?"
Alex hesitated briefly, did he really want to share with his friend? I mean...last time he did share something all his friends suddenly made it their mission to get Quackity to move on from his ex-girlfriend he'd just broken up with. Fuck it. "I don't know. The cashier was just checking me out or something."
"Or something? How do you not know if you were being checked out by a girl?" Karl was confused at that moment, surely his friend would have known if someone had their eyes on him and were clearly interested in asking him out. "Well did she give you her numb--wait what's that?"
Quackity peeked down to where the brown-haired boy had suddenly pointed, his eyes landing onto the receipt he'd been given. He allowed a wave of confusion to wash over his features for a  few seconds, before his eyes finally caught onto what Karl had suddenly spotted.
Carefully, Quackity adjusted his hands positions on the receipt he'd been given and brought it up to eye level. Allowing, for both him and Karl to inspect the small piece of paper where at the bottom corner in small, messy bit of handwriting lay and read:
hey :) you're really cute and I'm kind of interested in talking to you more. Call or text me if you wish, ##-###-###
"Alex, are you gonna call her? She just gave you her number!" Karl playfully punched his shoulder, as the two proceeded to enter into the movie theatre to find their seats.
Truthfully, Quackity didn't know if he was going to contact her at all. Was he really ready to start attempting to move on yet? Should he just wait for a few more weeks and then text her? Or should he just do it now?
Maybe, it's time for me to meet somebody new
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whenurconscious · 10 months
010 is my QSMP Fanfic.
Lemme tell you about it and why you should read it <3
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Book description:
Under Editing<3
QSMP Day ?????
get out
Philza Minecraft, Father of 4 boys, decides on a split family vacation, two boys coming with him to An Island, two boys going with Kristen. Y/n decides to go with his father and elder brother and ends up on the adventure of his life and ultimately ending it.
Odd1Out is a male Reader x Q! Quackity/ Rubius book with features Betrayal, Angst a bit of El Sexo, Blood, Bits, Bloody Bits, and Funny moments from the QSMP Storyline itself.
May 31st → Present Day
Uh you should check it out
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theeyoungalabastor · 2 years
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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Dream (XD)
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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Karl Jacobs
None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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Technoblade And His Apprentice: The shattered Totem- Kill, or be Killed (Part 1)
>Hybrid Technoblade x Bear Hybrid Reader (Platonic)
>Warnings: Blood, Death, descriptive but mild gore, fluff, explosions, murder, freezing, manipulation,
>Status: Platonic, angst, fluff, (Technoblade see's (Y/n) as a close friend)
>Pronouns used: They/Them
>Word count: 7,306 (7k)
>Page Count: 21.4
Technoblade And His Apprentice: The Shattered Totem- Kill, or be Killed (Part 2) (Fin)
>Hybrid Technoblade x Bear Hybrid Reader (Platonic)
>Warnings: Blood, Death, descriptive but mild gore, fluff, explosions, murder, freezing, manipulation, Character death
>Status: Platonic, angst, fluff, (Technoblade see's (Y/n) as a close friend)
>Pronouns used: They/Them
>Word count: 7,306 (7k)
>Page Count: 21.4
Summary: Having been included with the aid of destroying L'Manberg with Technoblade both the Piglin man and dear reader soon become the main target for a certain quartet. Nailing wanted posters to the wooden poles around New L'Manberg the ensemble set off with the intent of having the duo pay for their crimes. Public Execution.
Technoblade fanart
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None as of currently, check back later!
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None as of currently, check back later!
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The Weeping Willow Waltz
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''loneliness is a language you have yet to learn dear child, but it is sadly one that I speak quite fluently.'' The fuchsia haired male quoted softly, stern intimidating act crumbling under the teens firm gaze that had been picking endlessly at the titanium walls he had built around his heart. "And I hope one day, you will never experience the pain of anguish as I have felt."
Disclaimer: I do not own the Dream Smp at all. This story is for entertainment only and I will try and make it as respectful as humanly possible. This does not follow the DSMP timeline but lore will be hinted here and there! sbi, hybrids, fantasy, adventure, action ) this story was encouraged by the story Passerine by Thcscus. (Please check it out its so good!) (COVER ART IS MINE PLEASE REQUEST PERMISION IF USE IS WANTED)
OC insert
WARNINGS: adventure, angst, battle, death, dsmp, entertainment, fanficion, fantasy, humor,
Chapters: Authors Note Before We Begin, Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2,
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toxicruins101 · 2 years
I promise too never leave you, never.
Quackity x God! Male! Reader
[Fluff + some Angst]
Tw: Swearing and Mentions of Blood]
Work, that's the only thing Quackity had in his mind.
Building a nation isn't easy, especially when you just lost you're two fiances.
Quackity was practically lost he didn't know what too do or how too do it.
"Oh my god's...." he whispered quietly, on his desk were a bunch of blue prints, contracts, taxes.
Quackity had the money too pay all of this, so that wasn't what worried him at all.
He had just had the shitiest day ever, he was ready too just get up and jump off a cliff, the paper work didn't help much either.
Quackity looked up from his work station too look at the clock
"Shit, 12:00 already?" said the hybrid staring at the clock quickly he stood up, grabbed his beanie plus keys and went out the door, running outside actually.
Quackity ran into certain place far into the woods there he found a book on the floor with a feather and ink beside it.
Quackity stopped his running and took a second too calm his breathing, once he calmed down.
He sat down infront of the book the cover now being way too familiar too him now.
'The Book Of Summoning'
Sat on the cover of the book.
The tittle couldn't be more acurrate, from the first too last page were a bunch of summoning spells
You could summon from feathers and dirt too armour and gold
There was even a section of the book where you could summon mobs
Again, you could summon from rabbits and pigs too dragons and god's.
Quackity had found the book by total accident, he was wondering around the forest, after his fight with technoblade, blood was dripping from his face, eye closed shut red painted the path in wich he was walking on.
Quackity tripped and landed face first into the ground.
He got back up and screamed in pain as his bruise made contact with it, the grass where he fell now covered in red from the blood
He looked at ground once more and found a book.
"The Book Of Summoning?, w-what? Ugh whatever let's see if I can find a healing potion, assuming this book even works.." Said Quackity looking for anything too help him in his 'situation' of his.
Quackity looked and looked he was sure he had missed the page for the potion long ago.
Because now in-front of him was the page that would let him summon a god.
"Y/n L/n, God of Life and Healing, abilities:
Good at healing:
Any form of blade injury (depending on the material the blade was made of:
Wood [Easy
Iron [Easy
Gold [Mediocre
Diamond [Mediocre
Netherite [Hard)
Thank the gods that technoblade had a Iron pickaxe then.
Yet Quackity knew he could just look for the healing potion, yet, something was practically yelling his name too summon the god.
'This better fucking work...' thought Quackity too himself
"By the power that I have in me, rise Y/n the God, Healer and Life giver, come too me and let me joy in you're presence and glory, Oh mighty Y/n come upon this mortal realm and bless us simple humans".
"Wow, you are...beatiful human"
Quackity looked up and saw the one and only
Y/n L/n the God Of Life and Healing
Quackity remembered that day as if it was only yesterday quickly he said the spell and opened too see those (e/c) eyes, he had grown oh so fond of.
"Hello Darling"
Said the god approaching Quackity and pulling him onto his feet, the height difference was enormous, even though Y/n had made himself smaller so he woudn't tower over quackity he was still very tall.
"Hey y/n, how did you're day go?"
Said Quackity quickly starting a conversation
"It was good dear, healed some people and revived some animals, the usual, what about you, dear?"
Said the god quickly finishing his sentence and pulling all his atenttion too his lover.
"I-it was fine I guess."
Said Quackity, that was a lie, he had a shit day.
"Darling, I'm a god, I can tell if you've had a bad day."
Said the god seeing through Quackity's lie as if it was glass.
"Really, I'm fine-""Do not lie too me Quackity"
Said Quackity only too be cut off by The god beside him.
"Now tell me darling, if you want too of course, what happened?"
Quackity just stayed quiet till tears blured his vision and sobs started leaving his mouth.
Yet the god remained silent and just embraced the shorter male into a hug.
"I-It was karl and Sapnap, they called of the marriage off though I knew it was gonna happen,i-it hurts, t-then I had a run in with purpled, he practically killed my best-friend, a-and too top it all off I have had the worst shoulder pain along with a headache"
Said Quackity spilling the whole truth about what happened during his day.
Quackity was a crying mess his true emotions now showing themselves.
Quackity cried and cried till he had no tears left, eyes puffy and red, voice raspy from the crying, as his sobs quieted down.
When he calmed down he was met with an all too familiar warmth, y/n's healing powers, when y/n healed, his powers gave this relaxing, comfy feeling of warmth.
Quackity leaned into y/n his watmth, relaxing quackity a bit.
Y/n then looked down at Quackity
"I may not be super expirienced with human emotions but I will promise you this"
"I promise too never leave you, never."
Y/n ended his promise and kissed Quackity...
Quackity kissed back.
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vneuns · 3 years
half a heart
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pairing : c!dream x gn!reader
warnings : angst? sort of
word count : 0.9k
a/n: i meant to publish this last night but i ended up falling asleep lmao
Dream stood silently in front of you as he watched you spill your heart out to him telling him what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. There was too much joy in his manipulation. It was addicting, and he just couldn’t stop.
“Please listen to me.” Your cheeks were stained with tears and the beige cardigan was doing nothing to warm your cold body. “I’m listening to you Y/n but what you’re saying doesn’t interest me.” You sucked in a breath. Knowing he didn’t mean it.
Unless he did… No. No no no of course he didn’t mean it. This was Dream but not your Dream. You didn’t know when whoever this was in your boyfriend's body but all you knew was that you wanted him gone.
“I think you should go.” You whispered you whipped away at the water on your cheeks. Everything in you screaming to tell him that wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted him to talk to you. That’s all you wanted. All you’ve wanted for a while.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea.” And with that he picked up his purple enchanted sword and left your shared home.
The second the door closed you had fallen to your knees the wall you had put up in front of your boyfriend now crumbling down leaving you a crying mess on the floor.
Never in the three years of your relationship with Dream did you ever have an argument so bad that he’d leave without apologizing, or without reassuring you he’d be back.
You were woken up by multiple harsh knocks on your door. You got up groggily yelling that you were coming.
Your eyes were bloohshot red, spending most of your night curled in a ball balling your eyes out whilst cuddling your boyfriends cold pillow that had smelled of him.
When you opened the door you were surprised to find Quackity on the opposite side with a distressed look on his face. “Hey quack what’s-.”
“It’s Dream. They locked him up last night.” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and confusion. “Wha- for what?”
“They won’t tell us anything but I heard Sam talking to schallt about mind control or something.”
“Are they gonna kill him?” You whispered timidly nibbling at one of your knuckles, something you tended to do when you were stressed out. “I’m not too sure, but I’m gonna go tell the others are you going to be alright?” You nodded giving him a fake smile he couldn’t see through to put down his worries. “Okay I’ll be back later on.” Once the door was closed a raspy breath left your mouth, the tears forming just as they did the night before.
Of course you and everyone else knew about your boyfriends psychopathic tendencies, but you hadn’t realised how bad it had really gotten. Yeah maybe you were blinded by the fact that you had known the man for so long that the thought of him hurting other people never crossed your mind.
You leaned against your front door sliding down it as the tears came faster now, you realizing just how blind you had been this entire time.
A few weeks had passed and you hadn’t left your house at all for anything. Of course your friends would come by and check on you or bring you food, but it never worked. They'd always just end up finding you on your bed wearing or holding Dreams sweater like it was the end of the world.
And even after he was granted visitation rights you refused. You couldn’t bring yourself to push down the pain you were feeling to go visit someone who had been wanting to hurt people for so long.
All of his best friends would try and convince you to go, because he was “just as bad as you” but you ignored their attempts. As much as your heart was pleading with you to go visit the love of your life, your brain knew you wouldn’t last two seconds in the same room as him without breaking down.
That was until Phil visited. “I’m not going to visit him Phil I don’t care what you say, or do, I’m not going. I can’t” Your voice was muffled into your pillow hair disheavealed and you didn’t smell the best but no one pointed it out knowing it was most definitely not the time.
“I didn’t come here to talk about him, or force you to do anything. I came to talk about you.” He sat himself on the chair in the corner of your room that faced the bed.
“What about me? I’m an emotional mess because i was to blind to realize that my own boyfriend was a psychopathic manipulator that tried to brainwash everyone.”
“No, I don't want to know about the obvious.” He told you light heartedly.
“I want to know what’s going on inside that brain of yours.” Your eyebrows raised in surprise. You moved your head a bit so you could see him clearly out of one eye.
“I miss him, I miss him a lot.” Phil nodded waiting for you to continue. “But after that fight and him practically pushing me away, i just felt like self isolation would be best.”
The blonde man across from you nodded once again as he leaned back in the cushioned seat. “you need to go visit him.”
“I can’-.”
“you can and you will not if ands or buts about it Y/n.”
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kingsleywrites · 1 year
About Me + Request Guild lines (Please read before requesting anything)
Hello, so I have just decided to write on Tumblr so I created this blog! I also write on wattpad my name on there is King-0f-Hearts and I am in the process of getting an AO3 account. I have a main account here where I just mess around and post on the occasion.
A little bit about me!:
My name is Elijah but you can call me either King/Kingsley or Elijah/Eli I am fine with either of those.
I am a trans man (he/him) and I'm omnisexual
I decided to start writing on Tumblr in hope of not only getting my work out there but also to help improve my writing and get requests. i also want to write without sticking to a specific book like this is any different but i guess this is how my brain will work
Request Guild lines:
My request box will most likely always be open so don't be shy to shoot a request over to me, I will be more than happy to do it.
Things I will do:
male x male
male reader
gender neutral reader
FTM reader
Suggestive scenes (No smut and as long as they are within any guidelines of the people being written)
Drabble/short stories (are they the same? idk)
Little disclaimer I just decided to start writing obsessive and yandere alts of characters and due to me never doing something like that before it may be very cliche and just outright bad
Things I won't do:
Smut (I do not feel comfortable writing it)
Age gap
Female reader (y'all have enough stories go read your own, there are not enough male reader and gender neutral reader stories out there so just let us have this)
character x character (I just dont really enjoy writing it, I have nothing against it just isnt what I really want to write for)
Fandoms/Characrters I write for:
Gravity Falls (Dipper, Mabel)
Arcane (Vi, Jinx, Milo, Silco, Claggor)
Hunter x Hunter (Killua, Gon, Kurapika)
Promise Neverland (Ray, Norman, Don)
Attack On Titan (Levi, Eren, Armin)
Black Butler (Ciel, Alois, Finny, May-Rin)
Blue Exorcist (Rin, Yukio)
None, open to suggestions :)
DSMP, only using the characters in the SMP and not their real life selves (Dream, Technoblade, Tommyinnit, Georgenotfound, BadBoyHalo, Wilbur, Tubbo, Quackity, Ranboo)
Resident Evil, only 2 and 4 because those are the only games I've seen so far. (Leon)
Sally Face (Sal, Larry, Travis, Todd, Ashley)
Cuphead, ONLY PLATONIC (Cuphead, Mugman)
Little Nightmares 1 & 2, ONLY PLATONIC (Mono, Six, Runaway kid)
Other (Books, other pieces of media etc.):
Any of Wilbur's bursonas (Simpbur, Argbur etc.)
Genloss Ranboo (I know very little about Genloss and I plan to educate myself because from what small bits I've seen it's so cool)
Creepypastas (Jeff the killer, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Ben Drowned, Jane the killer, Clockwork)
This list is subject to change as my interests change and I gain and lose hyper fixations. Probably the Fandoms that I'm in the most in Resident Evil, Gravity Falls and DSMP but I will still write for the others.
Just because a character from one of the fandoms isn't on the list doesn't mean you can't request it it just might take a little bit because these are the characters that I know the most about.
If any of the creators or characters that are written about say or have said that they are not comfortable with stories being written about them I will remove them from the list and remove the stories if needed.
I don't have a writing schedule so if it takes me a long time to get your ask posted I am sorry! I just take forever to write and then I will get really distracted or I just won't want to write one day.
Thank you for checking out this blog, feel free to request something!
My main account:
My Wattpad account:
Update! I got an AO3 account! I already made a separate post about this but here's the account on this post so people can find it easier:
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Mod Kenma Masterlist
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My masterlist :) 
Label instructions: 
1. Goes by genre (fluff, smut, angst, and series) 
2. Title and character 
3. “Gender” of reader listed 
4. Headcanons or full fic listed 
Loving You - (Hitoshi Shinso x ftm reader) (comfort) (full fic) (romantic)
A Heavy Weight - (Bucky Barnes x male reader) (comfort) (full fic) (romantic)
Bakugo and Denki with a male S/O that wears skirts - (headcanons) (romantic)
Asahi Azumane with a punk S/O - (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Viktor Licht with a medic S/O - (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Happy Birthday - (Zen x gender neutral reader) (full fic) (romantic)
Poly!Chuckle Sandwich - (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
April, Casey, Raph, and Donnie with a S/O that has the same personality as Shinobu Kocho - (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
SwaggerSouls with an S/O who became viral because of an ARG - (cc!) (fem) (headcanons) (romantic)
SwaggerSouls obsessed with his S/O's breasts - (cc!) (fem) (headcanons) (romantic)
Dating Hasanabi - (pt 1) (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
SwaggerSouls with a faceless streamer S/O - (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
More dating Hasanabi - (pt 2) (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Karlnapity as caregivers - (cc!) (gender neutral) (sfw age regression) (headcanons) (either romantic or platonic)
Dating Technoblade - (c!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Chuckle Sandwich as caregivers - (cc!) (gender neutral) (sfw age regression) (headcanons) (either romantic or platonic)
Apple Sauce Pouch - (cc!) (Quackity x reader) (fem) (sfw age regression) (full fic) (either romantic or platonic)
Being in a long distance relationship with cc!Wilbur - (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Being in a long distance relationship with cc!Foolish - (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Feral Boys as CGs - (cc!) (gender neutral) (SFW age regression) (headcanons) (either romantic or platonic)
Simpbur dating headcanons - (c!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
High School Shenanigans with Chuckle Sandwich - (cc!) (gender neutral) (fic + headcanons) (platonic!)
Life with Swaggersouls - (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Fatherly Love - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (fem) (full fic) (romantic)
"Sorry I talk too much. No. Not at all. Keep talking." - (cc!) (Hasan x reader) (gender neutral) (drabble) (romantic)
Not That Girl - (cc!) (Quackity x reader) (fem) (full fic) (romantic)
Hasan as a CG - (cc!) (gender neutral) (SFW age regression) (headcanons) (either romantic or platonic)
The time you and your boyfriend accidentally drugged yourselves with the largest edible you two had ever eaten - (cc!) (Ted Nivison x reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (romantic)
Bad Days with Swaggersouls - (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
More Dating Hasanabi - (Pt 3) (cc!) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
The Shopkeep and The Soldier - (c!) (Wilbur x reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (romantic)
Teether - (cc!) (Chuckle Sandwich x reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (either romantic or platonic)
Hasan introducing his gf on stream - (cc!) (Hasan x reader) (fem reader) (headcanons) (romantic)
Holostars as Boyfriends - (Holostars x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Stay In Bed - (cc!) (Hasan x reader) (gender neutral) (drabble) (romantic)
You Smell Nice - (cc!) (Schlatt x reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (SFW age regression) (romantic)
Asahi Azumane with a S/O that likes horror - (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic) 
Hasan Wedding Headcanons - (cc!) (Hasan x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Schlatt Dating Headcanons - (cc!) (Schlatt x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic) 
Karl Jacobs Dating Headcanons - (cc!) (Karl Jacobs x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic) 
Ghostbur Dating Headcanons - (c!) (Ghostbur x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic) 
How Swaggersouls Would Confess His Feelings - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Kagami Hayato Boyfriend Headcanons - (c!) (Kagami Hayato x Reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Chuckle Sandwich with an S/O That Loves Horror - (cc!) (Chuckle Sandwich x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
Getting Married to Swaggersouls - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
My Ugly Duckling - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (romantic)
Swaggersouls with a S/O who has abusive parents - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic)
More Simpbur Headcanons - (c!) (Simpbur x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic) 
Cutest Cup Ever - (cc!) (Ted Nivison x reader) (gender neutral) (SFW Age Regression) (Full fic) (romantic) 
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
Little Tease - (Daichi Sawamura x reader) (top Daichi, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic)
Faster, Faster - (Koshi Sugawara x reader) (top Suga, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic)
Taking it Slow - (Karl Heisenberg x reader) (top reader, bottom Karl) (ftm) (full fic)
Leather-Clad Brat - (Shigaraki Tomura x reader) (top reader, bottom Shigaraki) (ftm) (full fic)
Funny Business - (Lupin iii x reader) (top Lupin, bottom reader) (gender neutral)  (full fic)
Pretty Little Cunt - (Kanae x reader) (top Kanae, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic)
Do as I say - (c!) (Foolish x reader) (top Foolish, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic)
Hasanabi NSFW headcanons - (cc!) (Hasan Piker x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons)
Ted Nivison NSFW Headcanons - (cc!) (Ted Nivison x Reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons)
A Private Study - (cc!) (Ted Nivison x reader) (top Ted, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic) 
Swaggersouls NSFW Headcanons - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons)
More Hasan NSFW Headcanons - (cc!) (Hasan Piker x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) 
The Innocent Rose - (cc!) (Ted Nivison x reader) (tep Ted, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic) 
Just One More Time - (Timeskip! Kenma Kozume x reader) (top Kenma, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic) 
Bad Little Thing - (cc!) (Markiplier x reader) (top Mark, bottom reader) (fem) (full fic) 
Older Men Are My Type - (Roberu Yukoku x reader) (top Roberu, bottom reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) 
Support Class - (Kanae x reader) (Top Kanae, bottom reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) 
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
Blood of the Country in Veins - (c!) (Tommy x reader) (older sibling reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (platonic)
Don't Go Yet - (Aone Takanobu x reader) (female) (full fic) (romantic)
Accidentally Selfish - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (full fic) (romantic)
Leaving You Behind - (cc!) (Swaggersouls x reader) (gender neutral) (headcanons) (romantic) 
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
Fare Thee Well - (c!) (SBI x reader) (gender neutral) (platonic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
You’re the middle child. When Phil invites you to a family dinner at the end of the week, you’re stuck. One of your brothers hasn’t been too kind to you, costing you 2 of your 3 lives but nobody knows. Just you and him. Do you rise above these horrible tragedies or do you sink into the murky depths of your unresolved familial trauma?
This story contains: angst, comfort, description and mention of death (Reader, Wilbur, and Tommy's), and healing.
This story takes place after Wilbur's revival but does not match the cannon story of anything after. It's more of a healing story than an accurate cannon one.
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
Kofi Personal Fics:
Do as I say - (c!) (Foolish smut)
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
Can I request c! Schaltt snapping at his overly affectionate boyfriend? Like he's kinds clingy and something happened at a meeting and readers already rushing towards him so he yells and such and scares reader, with a fluffy ending after he gets over his pride and apologizes?
!Warning!: Schlatt has lowkey toxic behavior in this, read with caution! Mmm something about big scary goat man with a soft spot for one person just hits different, also be prepared for some angst, stuff hurts <3
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Summary: He’s an asshole and he knows it, but he can’t lose you
Pairing: Schlatt x Reader
Pronouns: male intended but no specific pronouns used
[A/n]: Requests are closed, 400 follower special will be posted soon <3
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Schlatt knew he had been a little harsher than normal during that meeting, it was visible on everyone’s face, but he didn’t care. Sometimes things had to be done and words had to be said, he wasn’t gonna become a soft little pansy just so some losers would stop crying.
The meeting had left him aggravated and tense, he wanted to just lock himself in his office and drink till he couldn’t breathe. And he would’ve had no issues if it weren’t for you rushing towards him after the meeting. He knew you were coming to him for comfort but he just wanted to be alone right now.
“Don’t touch me. You’re so fucking clingy, can’t you just leave me alone for one god damn minute!” His words were harsh and louder than he’d meant but at the moment he couldn’t bring himself to care. Why should he when you were always clinging onto him and being so damn annoying?
If it weren’t for his stupid pride he would’ve apologized immediately, he could see your heart break through your eyes. The way your whole being felt weighed down and slowed by his words. But with pride as thick as his, he simply turned and walked off, locking himself in his office with as much liquor as he could carry.
When he awoke the next morning and found himself in his office still, he was confused. You would always come down and drag him home, letting him sleep in bed rather than at his desk. Where were you?
His neck and back were stiff as he sat up, being hunched over all night did nothing good for his back. Huffing, he did his best to stretch and shake it off, he still had business to attend to.
Another day, another shitty meeting, at least he could talk with you after, or he thought he could. As soon as the meeting had ended you vanished, no hug, no wave, not even a fucking goodbye. What the hell?
The goat man had become enraged. Why the hell were you suddenly ignoring him? He looked everywhere for you, eventually finding you in Quackity’s office, asking him for help with some paperwork.
“What the hell are you doing?” You and Quackity looked at him panicked. What went wrong this time?
“First you let me sleep in the office and then you run off after the meeting to god knows where, and now you're asking bird brain for help instead of me. What the hell is your problem?” Schlatt watched as you struggled to gather your belongings, rushing over to his side.
“I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again.” Sir? Since when did you call him sir?
“Whatever, let’s go.” Schlatt grabbed your wrist and dragged you to his office, slamming the door behind you.
“Well sit down, how am I supposed to help you if you’re standing all the way over there?” He had expected you to take your usual seat either on his lap or the chair he always had next to him for you. But instead, you sat on the other side of his desk, where people would sit when they came to talk business.
“You’re really starting to get on my fucking nerves. Why are you acting like this?”
“I’m sorry sir, you told me to stop being so clingy so I assumed you meant you wanted space.” Schlatt felt like shit, the realization of what he said and how badly it hurt you fullying hitting him. It felt like the world had just caved in and he had watched as his soulmate sacrificed themselves for him, it felt terrible.
And just like the world caving in, his pride crumbled. Seeing you, sitting in front of him, too scared to even make eye contact, broke him.
“I, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it, I was just. That meeting was so frustrating and I was so upset and I’m not trying to make up excuses, I just. I can’t lose you.” Schlatt doesn’t cry, but in the moment he felt like he might’ve. Was he really going to lose you because of his stupid mistake? He wouldn’t be surprised if the answer was yes.
With hesitant steps, Schlatt came to kneel in front of you, gently bringing his hands to your cheeks.
“I love you so much, I couldn’t imagine a day without you.”
“I love you too!” You tackled him in a hug, throwing you both to the floor.
“If I ever say something like that again, you have full permission to smack the shit outta me. I love you too much to lose you, you’re my everything.”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @minty-ghast
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Fundy x bunny hybrid!reader hcs
requested by this anon: “could you do a fundy x bunny hybrid reader :0? with a male reader if possible. i feel like it would be perfect for some angst-fluff since bunnies are natural prey to foxes”
fundy x bunny hybrid!male!reader
trigger warnings: implied abuse {by someone else not actually fundy}, some swears
premise: hcs of how I think this would go, in game ish au of course
{I would be up to writting something to go along with the last section of this, like a full scene, if yall want}
okay so, obviously, foxes are natural predator's of rabbits
so the first time you ever really cross paths, one day your out in the woods (around where the country of L’manburg was beginning to take shape) gathering berries. 
and your going around, doing your thing, filling your basket, you know just a normal thing
until you hear a noise
like classic movie scene, twig snaps at the wrong time noise
and you turn and behind you, half hidden in the foliage, is Fundy
of course you didn’t know that was his name at the time, but a fox hybrid was staring you down all the same
and your nose starts to twitch and your panicking, and then he moves forward like half an inch and you take off
like nyoooomm gone
leaving your basket behind
the next time you ever see each other was when you were journeying into the newly made L’manburg, ready to do some trading, and get resources you wouldn’t normally be able to find
and a goat hybrid you just met called Tubbo is showing you from stall to stall, generally giving you the tour
and then he’s like “oh look theres Fundy, here, I’ll introduce you!” 
bam your face to face with the fox hybrid who had been all but stalking you in the woods
and tubbos just talking about random things, clearly not seeing the tension between you too
but then tommy bursts out of no where demanding tubbo come with him for something, leaving you two alone, and naturally that freaks you out so as quick as you can you make an excuse to leave. 
eventually, Tubbo and Niki, who you became fast friends with convinced you to move to L’manburg properly, so naturally you do
a lot of your time is spent trying to stay away from Fundy, and other than that, everything is great
but then Wilbur announces the election
and everything you’d managed to build seems to crumble all at once
and Wilbur and Tommy are being exiled as Shlatt wins
and because of your ties with Tubbo and Niki, Shlatt is insisting you join the cabinet. 
and it’s absolute shit
you don’t know the first thing about helping run a government, (hence why before you were only a citizen), and every time you mess something up Shlatt flips out
suddenly it feels like the wieght of everything is on you because you have to try to convince Shlatt that he shouldn’t shut down nikis bakery, and you have to keep Quackity from saying more stupid shit, and you have to stay away from the god damn fox who keeps looking at you strangely
and then one day you say the wrong thing in a meeting and Shlatt is PISSED
so you end up just awkwardly standing there as he hurls insult after insult at you, and you know, it escalates from there
Fundy had just returned to the white house to drop something off, when he hears like a loud ass sound of something (or someone) falling, and then more yelling
and so naturally he runs into Shlatt’s office to find him standing over you
immediately, he runs in and like, shoves Shlatt, and puts himself between you, yelling, “Don’t fucking touch him!” 
and essentially gets in a screaming match with Shlatt to defend you
and shlatt, who lets be really is probably drunk, says some shit about how he’s just committed treason and that the both of you should be exiled or some stupid shit
and Fundy goes, “If that’s what I have to do to protect him then so be it” 
and so you both end up going and leaving L’manburg, and you finally see that he’s not bad
and ya know, maybe you catch feels
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Masterlist/Rules (Request Are Currently Open(Strictly For Taking Angst Request Only )
Warning- This account contains sensitive topics (such as abuse)  if these are sensitive or triggering to you, please leave, for your sake.
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Request Status- I don’t even know, if a request is good I’ll do it-
Hello! I’m Bunny Mask/Bell and I’m a writer, I write dark content, Yanderes, SFW, and sometimes fluff.
Other Blogs 
Anime Blog/Side Blog 
Creepypasta Blog/ Side Blog
Current works
Even A Devil Can Break (Y!Casino Quackity x Reader) (On Going) (Being Rewriten)
Chapter 1
I’m Back~ (On Going) (Almost Finished) (Y!Revivebur x Reader) (Co-Writer is @bookoffandoms )
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Saved Doesn’t Mean Safe (Y!Ponk x Y!Awesamdud x Reader)
Part 1 
Part 2
The Tragic Tale Of The Princess Of Azmoir (Yandere Feral Boys x Reader) 
Characters I write for
Any Dream SMP Character (Minors and people who aren’t comfortable with romance fics will be PLATONIC!) 
100+ followers event
Writing Prompt List
Yandere Alphabet List
Art (Fanart, OCs, ect)
Bell Villain Arc Design
Late Nights At The Park (General and Bell)
Dolly Mars
Vent Art
Fanart by @first-spring-solstice
Sora South
General Supremacy
I write
Dark content
Fem readers
Non binary readers
Platonic yandere 
Non yandere content
C!Dream SMP
I don't write
Pregnant readers (I'm sorry it's just a really uncomfortable/sensitive subject for me but I'm fine with readers who already have kids)
Male readers
Yandere Philza/Mumza (I'm sorry but writing yandere for those two make me extremely uncomfortable)
Step x step
Monster AUs (unless its October, then sure because its SPOOKY MONTH!)
People who aren't comfortable with fanfics. 
Soulmate AUs
CC!Dream SMP
Writing Thoughts
Dream SMP Heathers AU
Dream SMP Heather AU 2
Platonic Las Nevadas Fantasy RPG
Heather UA 3 (Roles)
Work in Progress (Currently Started)
Revived Schlatt coming back for his Darling
Yandere Poly Dream team doing manhunt with escaped reader who's good at survival 
Yandere Wilbur finding about Yandere Fundy’s bunny darling and they fight over them
Yandere Sir Billaim Headcannons
Personal fics
Bee x Hawks (Gift for @a-bee-ja)
X Reader Fics
Dream x Reader
Casino! Quackity x Reader
A4 Writing Prompt Yandere Schlatt x Reader
A5 And A7 Writing Prompt Dream x Reader
Flowers in the woods (Platonic Technoblade and Ranboo x Child Reader)
A11 and Y13 for Yandere Schlatt x Reader
Y7 for Yandere Karlnapity x Reader
Cuddles (Quackity x Reader)
Y11, A8, A10 Yandere Dream x Reader
Y7 for Yandere Karlnapity x Reader part 2
Yandere Technoblade x Reader x Yandere Dream (Royalty AU) 
Goretober day 3 with College AU Karl Jacobs 
Goretober day 5 with George 
Yandere Ghostbur Headcanons
Yandere Schlatt Headcanons
Yandere Revivebur Headcanons
Yandere Quackity with a Y/N who escaped and became close friends with the members of the Syndicate
Yandere Slimecicle Headcannons
Yandere Quackity Headcannons
Las Nevadas Crew with a Bunny Hybrid Darling
How Charlie Slimecicle would react to QUackity’s darling asking for help
Yandere Punz training his darling 
Quackity’s Darling’s Death (Quackity + Las Nevadas Crew) 
Mini headcannons for Eret 
Mini Yandere Royalty AU Karl Jacobs Headcanons 
Facts about Alexis from the Royalty AU
Yandere Fundy Alphabet
Yandere Punz Alphabet
Yandere Schlatt Alphabet 
Yandere Karl Jacobs Alphabet
Backgrounds, Brainrots ect for AUs
Detective AU backgrounds for the Feral Boys 
Yandere College AU Feral Boys Brainrot 
A few facts about Broken Detective AU Y/N 
Most of the duos, Trios and Squads in the college AU with their names (You can send ask using these names btw) 
Fanart For AUs (By @octoxlol)
Connoreatspants For College AU
Halloween Part For College AU 
Royalty AU Connoreatspants 
Sleepy Connor 
College Schlatt 
Happy College Connor 
College AU Schlatt 
1- Platonic (Ranboo)
2- Platonic (Tommyinit)
3- Romantic (Karl Jacobs)
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
To Escape Would Be A Death Sentence
Pairing: Jschlatt x GN!Reader
Warnings: angst, alcohol, cheating
Part 1 of Death Do Us Part
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Y/N glanced quietly up from their book looking towards their husband who was fixing his night shirt’s collar in the vanity mirror, their e/c eyes burning into the back of his head while he stood oblivious as he brought his whiskey glass to his lips. They sent a look over their shoulder to the log burning in the fireplace beside the grand bed, the fire still illuminating the area. The scent of smoke lingering in the air before Y/N turned back towards the male before them, him now staring at them as he downed his whiskey glass. His eyes and horns matching the devil himself.
“You look like a drunk,” they muttered watching his face grow into a smirk, the colour of his brown eyes turning red, his horns curling inwards slightly, “although that isn’t much of a shock considering you are one, its embarrassing Schlatt, you’re embarrassing.”
“Oh really?” Y/N glared at their husband as he filled his glass once more, probably the third or sixth time tonight, proving Y/N’s point even more, “how do you think I feel being seen around you and your money greedy ass.” Y/N glared at Schlatt, why had they even married this man?
Probably out of wealth at first, Y/N could barely scrape by a crumb to eat each day. Y/N was just lucky to have been born with beauty or else Schlatt probably wouldn’t have even glanced their way knowing him. Although what was just gonna be a small affair, turned slowly into a romance between the two, although as they say romance is dead. 
“You don’t even want to know what I think of your face, drunk,” Y/N quietly marked their page in the book, looking away from Schlatt who’s face was turning red in anger, mainly due to the whiskey that was now taking an effect.
Before Y/N could close the book, Schlatt slammed the book closed on Y/N’s hand who pulled back swiftly, holding their stinging hand from the impact. Y/N rubbed their sore hand glaring at Schlatt as he ran a hand through his messy dark hair, stepping over to his side of the bed and pushing back the covers.
He crawled into his side of the bed, Y/N looking over at him as he was trying to go to sleep. Y/N rolled their eyes getting out of bed to put out the fire seeing as Schlatt was too lazy to do it himself while he was up. 
As Y/N was up stirring the fire out so it wouldn’t start up again in their sleep, Y/N’s nose twitched as a small yellow feather fell from Schlatt’s suit jacket flowing down to where Y/N was on the floor. Y/N picked up the small feather looking at it before side glancing Schlatt who had his back to them and his snores beyond quiet.
Rising up from the floor, the first yellow feather was tucked away under Y/N’s pillow as they crawled into bed beside Schlatt, their back turned away from him as they sighed feeling Schlatt’s arms go around their waist pulling Y/N closer. They mentally cringed to themselves as they imagined where the feather had come from, only one person had yellow feathers, Schlatt and Quackity were becoming pretty close lately. Y/N wanted to vomit thinking about what they could have done right in their own bed, the same place Y/N would go to cry after an argument with Schlatt could have been the same place Schlatt and Quackity were saying words of admiration to each other while doing unholy acts right there while Y/N was out.
Y/N tried to curl up in a ball without waking Schlatt who was generally a pretty deep sleeper, quiet sobs leaving Y/N’s lips. Sure they didn’t exactly love Schlatt anymore, they only put up with his bullshit because they’d be on the streets without him. The only way Y/N could securely leave Schlatt was if he was to pass away and they gained his heirtance or Y/N would be able to find someone that was wealthy and strong enough to allow Y/N to come with them and keep them protected from enemies of Schlatt who they were now also targeted by their relationship with Schlatt.
Thanks for reading, don’t forget to like and maybe reblog as it really does help me out
Taglist: @sadassflatass @ajesterscrown @sugarsoftie  @aremegay @twist3dtinkerbell @nova-is-a-goodgirl​ @appl3-c1d3r​ @eave3​ @elebeleb @1-800-dreamteam
To be added to my taglist just dm me
S-Tierre Taglist: @writinginnit​ @okschlatt​ @corpse-br1de​
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Not Suitable (Quackity)
pairing : quackity x female reader
summary : quackity has always had a specific vision of what he wants his partner to look like and certain qualities he wants in them. unfortunately for you, you are the opposite of what he wants. (ANGST) 
as a kid, you loved the whole girly look. you wore dresses, short heels that came in a princess toy set, and wore pink lipstick all the time. 
but as time passed, as you grew older, your look changed completely. you like to say that you simply matured, that it wasn’t at all serious. slowly but surely as you were in your teenage years, your favourite colour became black. 
that didn’t mean you didn’t like pink or these other “girly” colours. sometimes, you’d even incorporate some of those bright colours in your outfits to make a statement. you just seemed to like black, it matches with everything. 
although you kept wearing black outfits or have black or dark nail polish on, your hair never stayed black or a dark colour. you just hated the look of the natural colour on yourself. it sure did fit other people, though. 
you liked to describe your style as trendy. you always follow the trends of recent times and wore what you thought looked good on you. 
you sat down next to sapnap, dream in the next room. you and sapnap had been friends since highschool. you skipped a grade, making yourself one of the youngest in that class which meant that you were lonely and no one really wanted to make friends with you. 
but that quickly changed when nick came up to you and offered to eat lunch with you. since then, he had been your soulmate. platonic soulmate. 
of course, being friends with nick meant that you were bound to meet the other two boys that he considered his best friends, too. it just so happens that you, george and clay ended up building an amazing friendship really quickly.
three guy bestfriends. that technically equals to having three big, protective big brothers. they really cared about you and you can see that, even if they often make fun of you. 
nick started his stream, facecam on as you sat on an extra gaming chair that clay had next to nick. you typed away on your phone as he started rambling about random things while waiting for more people to come on. 
apparently today you and nick were meant to play some scary game, you controlling the keyboard, him on the mouse. nick often forgot that it takes you a lot to get scared. 
“we’re making this video inspired by quackity and karl’s stream from a while ago.” nick told his stream, you nodding your head to agree. 
you smiled softly at the name he mentioned. quackity. it was apparent to everyone that you had some sort of crush on him. the small smiles, the little blush that rose to your cheeks if someone were to mention your ship name or tease you about it. 
it was all too obvious. of course the three boys you call your best friends knew, you’d never keep such a secret from them. but no matter how annoying the boys can be, they never once told anyone else about your not-so-little crush. 
but that didn’t mean they didn’t tease you. they enjoyed it whenever your face would turn red, whether it being you’re embarrassed or you’re mad. 
the only weird part is that nowadays, they don’t even bother to tease you anymore, not like they used to. you knew they were hiding something from you, you just didn’t know what they were hiding. 
for example, you seated next to sapnap, grinning as he mentions quackity’s name. he would never let you live down that moment. he’d tease you senseless. but this time, he only glanced at you and looked back to the stream.
and what was that? seemed like a pity glance. almost looked like he felt bad. 
you two continued the stream as the ‘scared counter’ keeps going up as sapnap keeps getting scared, you constantly laughing at him. 
“HOW ARE YOU NOT EVEN FLINCHING?” nick screams in your ear. 
“cause i’m not a pussy.” you answered him simply. 
“oh shut up, will you.” he rolled his eyes, you laughed at him being a scaredy-cat. 
you two played for a while more as the counter on the bottom left of the stream screen gets higher and higher. soon enough it reached it’s limit which meant that sapnap needed to end his stream. 
it was weird how time works. one second, things were mellow and slow, just like how your everyday is, and the next second, your name was trending everywhere. 
you didn’t even want to check why at first, since you knew how weird and surprising your followers are.
“dude, you need to check twitter.” nick told you in a hurry while he runs from the second floor, to the kitchen in the first floor where you were sitting, editing a video for your channel. 
so you did exactly that. you scrolled through the trending page and clicked on your name. then, you saw hundreds, if not thousands edits and videos of quackity and your video. 
the video of yours that was posted was the part when you smiled at the mention on quackity’s name but as you scrolled more, it seemed that everyone had dug through and collected snippets of you blushing or smiling when quackity was mentioned or when you were on call with him. 
you and quackity were no stranger to each other. the two of you knew each other, sapnap and him being friends and all. you just couldn’t help but fall for him. he’s just extremely charming. 
although your exterior showed otherwise, you really swooned just by looking at his pictures. 
and that’s why all the stans are going crazy. they didn’t think you’d fall for someone, especially not a man who act like a child on the internet. but you can’t predict people, especially not who they like, or more, love. 
you slowly panicked. this was embarrassing to you. more so that it’s all over the internet. there was no way you could erase all of the posts. 
on the outside, you looked composed, like it didn’t effect you at all. but nick knew you well, he knew you had a million thoughts in your head at that point. 
you were just a second close to getting into a panic attack. “hey, hey. calm down, everything’s good.” nick coos in your ear as he pulls you close to him. he knew that you hated to be left alone when you panic. 
you hated this feeling. it felt so unnecessary and it felt like you were making matters bigger than it actually is. 
but the boys would tell you otherwise, they’d make sure that thought leaves your head as soon as it reached.
your body being rocked back and forth helped you calm down as you slowly start to forget the reason of your panic in the first place. 
when you do come back to stream regularly, you tried to play off like nothing had happened, like it was all a dream. 
that is one bad habit you couldn’t get rid of for some reason. you liked to just run away from your problems, big or small. you would often play it off like it didn’t matter to you, eventhough it is very much the opposite. 
you’re just scared of getting hurt. you didn’t want to hear the rejection, you could never brace yourself for that kind of pain. 
but somehow this was different. you braced yourself. you didn’t know what drove you to it, but you did. maybe it was the small signs your friends showed you that you never noticed. it was like you knew that rejection was bound to happen, and that this one would hurt the most. 
you told yourself that you would never let yourself get hurt over someone, especially males. it just never made sense. they were never really worth your time, anyways. 
although personally you’ve never ended a relationship of yours badly, just maturely, you’ve read and heard how painful relationships can be. and you never understood why people kept going back into relationships when they hurt so much. 
but you get it. he’s simply addicting. you felt like you couldn’t distance yourself from him. but you needed to. and you knew that. all your friends told you that. 
you weren’t going to let some man put you down because of what you look like. 
granted, it hurt at first, but you learnt to heal, you learnt that although he probably isn’t going to be the only man who hurts you, you needed to suck it up and not show him the pain you felt. you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
to summarise it all. quackity finally beat around the bush and came out with a statement on his own on his stream. 
content creators or public figures often learn that they need to leave things for private, that they can’t spill everything out for people to hear. that causes drama. 
but he didn’t stand back at all. everything he thought about you was shared on stream for all his viewers to know. maybe you liked him for his persona after all, not the real him. 
“talk about it?” quackity read his donation. 
“sure, i will.” he started. here it comes. 
nick told you that in order to heal and move past the pain quickly, you can’t run away from your problems, to face the current issue. so he made you watch quackity’s stream. 
you didn’t feel like shedding a single tear today because of how exhausted you are from crying for hours on end, but still agreed to your bestfriend’s wishes to sit through a long stream. 
to be honest, you weren’t expecting him to speak on it, given the amount of time he’s waited. it’s been a couple months since it happened so you could only imagine the shock of his viewers when he finally did say something. 
maybe the constant spam finally got to him.
“she’s not my type, chat.” he said. oh, that wasn’t so bad. no pain just yet. 
“she’s far from it.” okay that pinched you a little. were you really that bad. you waited for his explanation. 
“she looks so emo all the time, it’s scares me. does she ever not wear black?” ouch. and yes, yes you do.
“she’s just not what i like in women. i like soft girls who are respectful and know when to keep their mouth shut and definitely a little more conservative.” whoa. okay, maybe that hurt extra than the rest. 
you turned to nick, he had the same shocked look on his face, clearly not expecting to hear that come out of his good friend’s mouth, especially on stream. 
quackity doesn’t end there. he pulls out his phone, typing away. soon he pulled up a picture of you from your instagram account, showing his stream. 
“she looks like she barely graduated highschool. she’s not one with a future, chat. just stop shipping us. i don’t like that.” he finally finishes, locking his phone and putting it down, continuing playing his game from earlier. 
you closed your eyes for a while, trying to process it all. 
“are you going to cry?” your bestfriend says from next to you. you shook your head. 
“i’m furious.” you told him, voice soft but slightly menacing. 
“holy shit. i’ve been waiting for this.” nick says, jumping in his seat. you knew exactly what he meant. 
you aren’t the type to get mad. you only got mad jokingly. and as much as you look emo and depressed all the time, you’re practically a walking sunshine, you just don’t show it due to your resting bitch face. 
and although nick and you have been friends for god knows how long, it wasn’t often he saw you mad. and it excites him to see you enraged, to say the least. to him, you always ‘pop off’ when you’re mad. 
you made sure you cooled off slightly before you go off on the man. you didn’t want to do things you would regret, after all. but to you, you didn’t think you’d regret anything at this point. 
you waited a couple days before you tweeted something. 
it was simple, your tweet. just two photos. first, it was a photo of your acceptance letter to harvard law school from a year ago, followed by a photo of you carrying thick and heavy textbooks for school that was taken by nick when he visited you in campus. 
it was captioned, “not one with a future.” simple, but it was obvious that this was going to blow up. you looked up from your phone to nick before you tweeted it. 
you two shared a smile. a grin, if you will. it was like the two of you knew what that tweet would do. 
you knew this was going to be surprising to your followers, too. you’ve never spoken about going to school after highschool. sure, if they scrolled far enough on your channel and listened through everything, they might know you skipped grades, which was the reason you met nick but most of them didn’t know. and you didn’t blame them. 
what you would blame them for is that they sat and listened to everything quackity said in that stream. they all thought you were just one dumb, depressed girl who had no future. one that relied on a social media career. 
only if they knew how wrong they are. well, that didn’t matter now. they all knew. 
that was the only tweet you sent out regarding the matter. you didn’t want to prolong it, it isn’t worth your time.
when you did stream a couple days after you sent out that tweet, your twitch viewers sky-rocketed. it was weird, almost. but they weren’t there to patronise you. the opposite, really. they said sweet words, donated generous amounts and gifted plenty of subs. 
you would answer questions as donations slowly came in. and one in particular caught you eye.
“why aren’t you in school.” the monotoned woman asked. 
“i’m not currently in school because it is closed due to the pandemic. but i’m currently attending it online.” you answered swiftly, not really focused on the question but more to the parkour you were doing. 
from time to time, your eyes glanced at your chat to see if they said anything that caught your eye, apart from the ones that bashed you for liking their favourite content creator. 
it cracked you up to see how far stans would go to protect their favourite creators. granted, it made you feel a little envious seeing how many people unfollowed you when the drama happened. you wanted to know just who would stand with you, besides your actual friends. 
“what would you describe your style?” the monotonous woman spoke once again as a donation came in. 
“thank you for the 10.” you started, and then pausing to actually think about it before you answered. 
“i think my style is a little more dark but not emo, as most people call it. i also don’t dress conservative.” you finished, feeling good about your answer. 
you were not brought up in a conservative family, so that was shown in the way you dressed. no, you never really left the house in your bra and jeans, not saying that style isn’t cute, but you never stopped yourself from showing a little bit of skin. 
you also were not the type to get insecure, so reading through comments on your posts have never really affected you. but there was something about the comment quackity said that made you rethink about a lot of things. 
you hated that feeling, though. you hated that you let a man say things about you and made you feel apologetic about it. you knew it should never be like that. why did you let a man step all over you? it irked you that you stooped so low. 
things also never got easy after the little drama. sure, you gained a little more publicity, but you felt nauseous knowing what attracted them. you’re just now constantly reminded how you got a higher number of following. 
nonetheless, you’re grateful for the platform given to you, although this wasn’t the path you chose to take. 
it didn’t take you long to recover from the tiny insecurity you found yourself having. you started not caring even more, posting even more photos of you. some might say you grew to be a narcissist. 
but you enjoyed it. it showed people just how much you grew and learnt from what happened. 
you’re glad you moved forward from it and never dwelled on the things he said about you. 
also, did you mention that quackity apologised? 
guess not. 
Part 2
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