I have this Minty i found at another flea market
I'm guessing that she might be a Mcdonald toy because of her stand? But i can't find a brand or anything sculpted anywhere. Her cutie mark is only on one side
I swear if she's also a bootleg I'm gonna cry /j lh
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This is an interesting one! At first I assumed she may be a board game piece but turns out I need to brush up on my international releases! While you are close with it being a McDonald's toy, this particular Minty was probably distributed by "Quick", a Belgian restaurant in France similar to Burger King around 2005.
Her base actually acts as a lid as she would have been a topper for a "sticker holder" (seen below)
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What's also interesting is that they would also distribute this model as a stamp in a set with Petal Blossom in the US (and possibly internationally) in 2005!
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I hope that helps!! Thank you for your submission!!
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modmad · 8 months
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oh no i gtg afk and so many trick or treaters showed up in my inbox!!! uh okay kids
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stand back im just gonna *throws a brick through the window*
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oh SHIT!!!!!
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befemininenow · 1 year
Are you a trans girl or non-conforming and would like to try out feminine clothing? You may want to check this out.
Say you found this dress online and you really love the overall style of it. Great! If you’re like me, you would say “F it! I’ll buy the dress and I’ll wear it how I like!” and move on with your life. That should the end of this guide, right? Except, there is one little problem: not everybody thinks this way. Those who look for the best matching outfits aren’t just searching to fit their style, color, or personality. It also has to do with their body type. If you’re in that situation, this guide may help you out.
Body shape
Believe it or not, there are many different types of body shape (up to 10). However, the most common tend to be the following (in no order):
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Rectangle- Even distribution on shoulders, hips, and waistline
Pear/Triangle- Wide hips, well-defined waist, small shoulders
Hourglass- Near-exact hip and shoulder measurements, thinner waistline
Inverted Triangle- Broader shoulders, narrower hips, little waist definition
Apple/Round- Broad shoulders and big bust, thin legs and hips
Many transgender women have the inverted triangle body shape due to several factors such as genetics, bone structure, and age. However, your body shape may also change over time due to a rebalancing of hormones, body fat, and even lifestyle. While you can’t change your bone structure, you can change your body definition through exercises.
Body proportion
Here is something you may find useful if you’re looking to customize your look. Body proportions are unique to every individual and play a factor on clothing and to some extent, accessories such as jewelry. For instance, you may find the skirt you bought looks either too long or short. There are a few areas where to measure your body proportions such as wrist length or neck size. But the best way to improve your dress type is by following the “golden ratio rule” of dividing your body into three:
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The way this is read is you’re either one-third top, two-thirds bottom, or you’re two-thirds top, one-third bottom. Once you get more knowledge, you can go upwards even eighths! But for now, the focus is on these two outcomes.
The two-thirds top, one-third bottom words well with long dresses:
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while the one-third top, two-thirds bottom works well with more casual clothing:
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Body measurements
Now that we got a few problems out of our way, it’s time to figure out what measurements you have. The best way to find out is by using a mirror and a soft measuring tape for body. Measure all the crucial parts of your body, which are the waist, hips, shoulders, and bust. This will determine the type of body you have and have a better idea on what length you will need to try out your clothing of choice.
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Shoe size
One thing very important about an outfit is choosing footwear. Although you can use your old Converses with your flared jeans, you’re certainly not going to use them with a ruffled dress. You’re definitely going to want heels or flats! Unfortunately, women’s shoe size are not exactly the same as men. But don’t give up! Fortunately, there are women’s size conversion charts that help you choose what shoe size you need.
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To find out your measurements on your own, grab at least two blank pieces of paper, a pencil or pen, and a measuring tape. Place your foot firmly forward and carefully trace around the outer area of your foot. Repeat this with your other foot. Once finished, grab your measuring tape and measure from your highest point to your lowest on both sheets. Measure the width as well. If both feet measure close to 10.5, your women’s size is a 12. However, due to a difference in manufacturing based on shoe brand, as well as shoe type like pumps, the average recommended size is at least 2 inches above your actual size. For those living in other countries that don’t use the US measuring size, I left a chart that shows all the possible measurements you may use to convert your shoe size into women’s size.
What to wear based on body type
Since not all clothing is made for everyone, it’s time to list what is considered the “ideal” clothing choices based on body type. Note that these are opinions from my source’s authors. IMO, the pictures below each suggestion are a better opinion. Your are free to choose your type of clothing.
Rounded or apple shapes fit best with monochrome colors and make the person look more “fit”.
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Pear or triangle shapes look more balanced with decorative accessories on top while keeping the bottom more plain.
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Rectangle shapes tend to have more volume with a waist belt while pleated pants give more volume on hips.
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Hourglass shapes look best when wearing bodycon dresses and cardigans to emphasize volume in their waistline.
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Inverted triangle shapes pull off the wide leg pants and fitted top combo the best.
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For a much more comprehensive guide for each body type, I highly recommend reading The Concept Wardrobe’s guides. It gives more details on what to wear and how to choose the best combinations. Link is provided here: https://theconceptwardrobe.com/search?query=body+frame
Tips on what to wear
Now that you reached this point, I’m pretty sure you’re excited to try out what your heart desires. However, before you go out and buy that two-piece dress, I recommend researching and observing the type of clothing women wear today. Believe it or not, people will judge based on your way of dressing, from background to social status to age. A simple look like bodysuit and jeans may look perfect on you and blend you in with the girls, but something like a hot pink bodycon will make you stand out, and most likely not in a good way. So how would you choose something that blends you in with society, but also be comfortable at the same time? Here are some tips and pics:
Find clothing that “feels” feminine. In other words, buy clothing that “feminizes” your body, such as tops that make your shoulders look shorter, wrap dresses that make your waistline shorter, and skirts that make your hips look wider.
Find the best colors based on skin tone and hair color. For instance, try out warm colors such as orange if your skin tone is warm.
Dress sexy, but never go too revealing. Seriously, have some respect to yourself. But if you really want to go out wearing, for example, a two-piece outfit, wear one that looks stylish and flatters your body in a great way.
Use accessories that fit and blend well with your body. Large jewelry goes well with larger frame, small jewelry fits with smaller wrist, and so forth. Don’t forget the purse! It is absolutely necessary now that you’re wearing pocketless clothing. Choose one that fits your taste and needs.
Bras and undergarments are necessary to wear now. As you further into your transition, your breasts will start growing and it will become more difficult and uncomfortable going out braless. Start out with a brassiere, then move on to a fitted bra as they become bigger over time. As for down there, I would use boy briefs as they’re similar to boxers. Although HRT will cause it to shrink, it does not make it disappear. If you must hide it, use a gaff or a tuck, but do not use chastity belts (Seriously, stay away from that unless you’re really into that thing). 
Optional: use waist shapers or corsets to slim down waist. Hip enlargement pads will also give your narrow hips and butt much needed volume. Breast forms can also give you an idea how big you want them in the future.
Fashion sense
But the most important part of choosing clothing as a trans girl is to wear whatever suits your taste.
For instance, are you more into the traditional and simple feminine aesthetic? Cottagecore may be for you:
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But what if you’re the rebellious type that prefers to defy tradition? Well, maybe the alt-girl fashion is for you:
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Maybe you’re the type that changes clothing based on season. So if you’re a summer-season type of girl, you’re definitely going for an outfit like this:
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How about if you’re into the gym? Clearly your goal is to be like this:
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Are you into business casual? There’s also a pic for that:
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(The girl in the pic is also transgender! Her name is Suzi Hunter, better known as The Sphere Hunter.)
But we also can’t forget cosplay, either!:
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(Cosplayer is Eden the Doll, a trans woman cosplayer! Picture belongs to Geo Leon.)
You’re probably the party type who loves some action:
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Casual wear can also be tasteful and attractive too:
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There’s so much to pic, but each style says a lot about what type of woman you are.
Where to buy clothing
If you’re interested in finding the right clothes for you, check out places that are especially gender-inclusive. As I’m based in the US, clothing stores such as Target are a good start while higher-end chains such as Nordstrom and Macy’s may have a better variety to choose from. If you’re a thrifty shopper, your local outlets, discount stores, and thrift shops have a surprising amount of great clothing for affordable prices. Although online sites like Amazon, Shein, and Zara have affordable and appealing clothing, many of these brands also have ethical concerns that overshadow their reputation. Dubbed “fast fashion”, they are a source of scrutiny among fashion fans and I would personally avoid them if possible. If you really need something affordable and new, I highly recommend purchasing through discount and thrift stores.
If you’re in need of safe undergarments, check out Urbody. They have clothing suitable for trans people, non-binary, and other identities, varying from binders to tucked leggings. They are founded by trans and non-binary people and use ethical practices and living wages for their workers. If you’re interested in checking their site out, here is the link to their page (I am not sponsored by them): https://urbody.co/
The whole point of this guide is to help you pick the proper clothing and accessories as a newly-out girl. I made this guide since there doesn’t seem to be many that are detailed. Keep in mind I’m still learning about female clothing as I am still in the first stages of transition myself. If anyone would like to add more info that is missing or provide any corrections, please reblog and add more helpful tips as it would help trans girls, trans women, non-binary, and anyone else that desires to wear affirming clothing. Please refrain from using any hurtful language if you’re doing so. Thank you and hugs!
Links to sources:
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m1khailingf · 1 month
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A quick sneak peek into Monoma’s camera roll
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filmbyjy · 1 month
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*hands start shaking, eye twitches. starts breathing heavily*
I-I need to see the doctor😵‍💫
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fullcravings · 8 months
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Quick Homemade Candied Pecans
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A lil Loth cat I did for someone on IG.
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eidolons-stuff · 5 months
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Yoko: "It's in town"
Wednesday: "What's the quickest way to get there?"
Thing: *signs to Yoko* "On Cupid's wings"
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margueritesauvage · 2 months
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ejlyt · 3 months
Have you done your clicks today?
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well-nobody-knows · 11 months
Neil Gaiman is a fucking liar, "gentle and romantic" my ass
I swear I will commit murder if there isn't a season 3
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suburbanoni · 9 months
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