#rainworld inspector
vela-pulsars · 10 months
Been working on something this summer…
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soaricarus · 4 months
oh wait. if you accept multiple requests um. slugcat + inspector
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neuronpups included, too!
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failed-inspection · 4 months
hey guys, more iterator anatomy headcanon diagrams <3
Fun fact this idea was based on like, a weird dream I had once where there was a new subregion in Five Pebbles that had this weird flesh sac meant to feed the living system creatures
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 8 months
Do you hear it?
(switch kind of sucks so it's only 30 seconds long but you can hear the note progression from the end of the song here. The reason it's not the beginning is bc the end is more recognizable to me. Also i realized i was out of space and had to redo the video.)
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rainworldguy26 · 7 months
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outerexpanse · 1 year
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a little late cuz i got sleepy but.. Day 2 Memory Conflux!
(do not repost!)
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sinew-lattice · 3 months
So cool of moonie to keep the bisexual lighting on even as she dies in unfathomable agony
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ninten-draw · 1 year
hi rainworld tumblr i had a weird rainworld related dream last night and now im gonna share it 
Basically there was this new sort of campaign, but it involved ALL the slugcats. It was sort of like pantheon of hollownest , each slugcat had its own challenge and like expeditions you would lose and start over i you died on karma 0 Its order was weird but it was like monk -> hunter -> spearmaster -> gourmand -> artificer -> rivulet -> saint -> survivor , but instead of their normal campaigns they were more like.. what if scenarios, and it involved exploring and trying to find a way out of a structure/area until you find the “exit” which would look like a working subway that would take you to the next campaign I don’t remember all the campaigns, but I know in gourmands the “what if” scenario was what if the ancients never mass ascended? His was the easiest, as it mostly involved a lot of platforming and viewing the rainworld in its hay day, listening to the stories of the ancients, while also taking care of two slugpups with you. Artificers what it scenario is “what if she never managed to drive off the scavnegrs and scav king?” In this scenario we explore the ruins of five pebbles, as the mix of scavengers ripping apart his metropolis floor and the rot got to him, the Scavs have infiltrated five pebbles’ inner workings, and artificers goal is to escape the structure, starting from inside of the scav kings chambers, and escaping out into shoreline or industrial complex Rivulets was a lot more surreal? In it the iterator puppets don’t exist, meaning you don’t have an easy way of comprehending the iterators themselves, also the iterator computers are wayyy bigger. In it rivulet is exploring the inner workings of five pebbles and lttm, and with the computers having no easy way of directly communicating, end up trying to assist rivulet using their own coding, neuron flies, inspectors, and overseers it was also much darker in the computers, with very little light only coming from neuron flies and some code lighting up Saints was the second to last, and a very strange campaign, in it saint is in rubicon, except it’s completely dark, the only light being yellow void puddles and those weird yellow spirity sea creatures. There were also no rubicon creatures either. Instead of saint trying to travel up to get out of rubicon, this time saint is trying to go down, the campaigns challenges being a lot of parkour and trying to avoid the void puddles without your flight ability. Once you reach the ‘bottom’ you’ll encounter a small room similar to the one you’d find five pebbles and moon in, but this time it’s someone else, sliver of straw. She says nothing at first, but if you stick around for long enough she’ll say “I’m sorry” and that’s how saints thing would end The last one is survivor, in it it’s played out pretty normally for rainworld stuff, you start In subterranean and can’t go anywhere else, it’s dark, you’re at max karma, and you’re trying to go ascend. Subterranean itself becomes way bigger of an area to not make it a quick and easy trip Anyway you get down to the depths, ascend, but instead of the usual ending cutscene; we instead have a beginning cutscene, survivors intro cutscene, except survivor isn’t there, the family of slugcats move on, monk doesn’t go down into the sewers because there’s no one to go after, they just move on, and that’s how it ends, it just fades to black
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aquapede · 1 year
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heres an inscryption rainworld au that i've been sitting on for a while!
the scrybes are all iterators whose cans were built prohibitively close to each other--to the point that some of their outer facilities are actually melded together, making them look like a singular can from some angles.
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the four of them are constantly fighting each other for the local groundwater and the processing power to conduct what they believe are the solutions to the Great Problem:
conduction of boundless energy (p03) believes that the solution will be found through the countless simulations it runs, constantly trying to modify its can with its specialized overseer and inspectors so it can run even more efficiently.
echoed sentiment (grimora) believes that self-destruction will inevitably show her the solution to the great problem and takes keen interest in the creatures around her can and their lives and deaths in the cycle.
foreseen misfortunes (magnificus) believes the oldest attempts at breaking the cycle through depriving oneself of earthly pleasures is the way to the solution, and inflicts thus upon their "students".
storm upon the branches (leshy) believes that as iterators they are incapable of finding a new way out of the cycle for themselves. the only solution is the void sea, and so they must find a way to enter the cycle to break it for themselves.
many of them--despite their differences--miss a particular ancient who always took special care to listen to them, not just as a source of knowledge, but as friends as well.
some miss her more than others.
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>I've managed to get a fair image of an inspector of mine!
>Technically, my Overseer has done it, but still~
>here we are for those who were curious earlier!
[Image taken from rainworld subreddit]
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Can the inspectors be just a bunch of bees holding onto each other like those cursed rainworld spiders do?
could be … but they could also be drone bees. or several drone bees holding onto eachother
(or guard bees. those also exist i think)
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vela-pulsars · 1 year
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Fun fact, Inspectors will sometimes save you from stationary hazards !
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spilled-soup · 9 months
fucked around in paint.net and made a rainworld purposed organism
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its some strange middle ground between the rain deer, the miros birds, and the stowaway.
i imagine it would be purposed for security, like the miros birds, but specifically in places that would be hard for miros birds to reach, and that are outside of where inspectors would be able to do anything
currently the working name is "stiltmouth", but i feel like i can come up with a better name
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failed-inspection · 3 months
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(Art by AnnoyingFlower)
Hello! welcome to Failed-Inspection! This is Lex’s Rainworld sideblog, I hope you enjoy your stay!
I love iterator anatomy, speculative biology, world building, and generally reading too far into things, so expect a lot of that here!
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(Art by AnnoyingFlower)
Favorite slugcat: Spearmaster, I like Spearmaster A Normal Amount (lie)
Favorite Iterator: I adore all of them, but If I had to choose one, Seven Red Suns fascinates me!
favourite creature: inspectors! Gotta love those weird dogs!
I definitely don’t have a pattern in my taste ^^;
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(Art by AnnoyingFlower)
#my art : what it says on the tin, everything I draw!
#rwocstuff : everything relating to my original Rain World universe(es) and characters!
Rain World: Notos lore masterpost
Clump lore masterpost
Outspectors mod (technically considered oc related!)
#iterator anatomy : everything that has to do with inspectors, neurons, and whatever other weird stuff iterators have going on inside of them!
#art for others : I fuckin love drawing other people’s ocs NGL
#other people's ocs : ocs that don't belong to me!
#reblog : well… Reblogs!
Specific things are usually tagged as #rw (thing) (like for example, #rw inspector)
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(Art by AnnoyingFlower)
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vela-pulsars · 11 months
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fuck yeah inspectors rambling about a creature idea i had on the topic under the cut, i think they are super underrated
Okay so @csabyssallight has that iterator OC that is gigantic compared to normal cans, and at some point in our convos they implied that with all that extra room, it's possible something even bigger than inspectors lurk within... and it gave me ideas.
Inspectors are a challenge but not too hard to defeat, just find cover and pelt them with projectiles if no explosive spears to kill them in one hit are around. An animal wouldn't really know that, but what about ancients or smarter creatures like scavengers ?
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Just like we now have elite scavengers and terror-long-legs, it could be possible for larger structures to host something more threatening than usual: Hecatoncheires. The picture above is to scale, these beasts are absolutely massive and while they may not be suitable for smaller or tighter cans (and even larger ones rarely sport more than 2 or 3), these living siege weapons can orchestrate defense responses on top of personally dealing with threats, especially since they are more dexterous and got better aim.
Smarter and way bulkier than inspectors, hecatoncheires can choose to move projectiles near sensitive areas, use the terrain to their advantage (such as throwing intruders at the transform arrays electric coils) and tend to give up chase less easily. Their cheer size makes close combat even harder as they can slam things against the wall when not straight up crushing them if they are small enough. Their main drawback is their size that makes it harder to leave large areas, but they can send inspectors after you (or something else, I could see iterators having antibodies that work like leeches or spitter spider darts). Iterators already feel pain with the death of inspectors, so killing an hecatoncheire probably will straight up cripple them for a moment; perhaps one dying while aggravated could send a distress signal that will make defense organisms travel to the threat's last known location...
Fortunately, like their smaller counterpart, they will not attack unless given a reason to. Idle, they just float along their patrol. They will sometimes pull creatures away from dangerous terrain, especially inspectors. They're probably smart enough to remember which creatures caused trouble and which ones are harmless when not beneficial; I could see one being able to do precise things such as handling tools or even understanding the rules of a simple board game !
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vela-pulsars · 11 months
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Across Golden Valleys, who belongs to @csabyssallight ! I am so normal about them.
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