norskasai · 2 days
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I wanted to have a try at the hades2 art challenge thing going around, and nobody did Ramattra!!!?? So I did it myself!
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nickwheaters · 8 hours
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scribbled this together in like half an hour happy pride month
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satans-codpiece · 2 days
Ramattra Lore Collection
All screenshots collected Aug 2023 - Nov 2023
[this post brought to you in May 2024 by me forgetting i had stuff in drafts]
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Ramattra is 28, built March 29th (Overwatch official website)
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-Ramattra was "created early in the Omnic Crisis." -Commander class of omnic, with innate battle knowledge -Ramattra was "seeking direction" -Ramattra was at Shambali for years before recruiting Zenyatta (Overwatch official website)
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-Ramattra recruited Zenyatta at an omnic rights protest (Overwatch official website)
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-At the time of Uprising, Null Sector had followers -Uprising was denounced by the omnics of London -Null Sector went underground after Uprising (Overwatch official website)
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-Ramattra struggled with the concept of sentience as a gift -Ramattra recruited Zenyatta. I believe the "Mondatta" in 2nd paragraph is a typo. (General Invasion entry, unlocked after Gothenburg)
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-Genji believes Ramattra possesses "no self-preservation and suicidal recklessness" (Resistance - Genji)
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-Genji and Ramattra have never met, but Zenyatta spoke of him often -Zenyatta believes Ramattra left "with doubt clouding his soul" (Liberation - Genji)
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-Before leaving Shambali, Ramattra was almost killed by humans in Nepal -R-7000s are largely in hiding or dead (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-R-7000s were "never made by human hands" -R-7000 parts are only available through other R-7000s' destruction (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra directly blames Mondatta's teachings for not improving the world faster (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra and Zenyatta were at the monastery together for 3 years (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra wants to hurt humans who hurt omnics (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra curses! (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Even when acting "gently" Ramattra can hurt humans -Ramattra feels guilt and anger about this (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra was well known as an omnic liberator (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Before Uprising, Ramattra believed omnics needed to stop waiting on a savior and save themselves. (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra chose his own name to honor Aurora, but also associates it with his mistakes (Ramattra: Reflections)
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-Ramattra showed Nameless, Zera, and Lanet his omnium 2 years before Uprising -Ramattra's omnium is "buried by thick slabs of ice and stone", goes "through a shaft of ice", and is largely underground -Ramattra's design aesthetics are similar to Anubis's, "built by machines for machines" -Ramattra was designed and built at this omnium
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-Ramattra notes the power of united omnics even against their will -but Ramattra also wishes to inspire omnics to find unity
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-Zenyatta wanted to fight, but Ramattra talked him out of it -Ramattra "nearly got Zenyatta killed."
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-Ramattra rejects letting omnics fight in Uprising because they are not expendable
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-Mondatta denounces Null Sector
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-Ramattra says Mondatta is a traitor to the omnic people
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-Ramattra can slip into rages given the right provocation (confronting slavers + dishonoring Lanet's death)
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-Ramattra will make omnics join him
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mtsr0uter · 5 hours
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colemorrison · 3 days
Your soft gaze made him feel.. Nervous, could omnic’s feel nervous? Sure they could, at least that is how he’d describe it.
“The look you are giving me:”
You couldn’t tell if he was saying it as a statement or a question so you simply watched him.
“What of it?”
Your snarky tone made him want to flick you, but he resisted and thought about his response.
“You look as if you want to ravish me.”
He knew that wasn’t what you were going for but it’s what he wanted.
“Is that what you are hoping for?”
“I will never turn down being able see you all messy because of me.”
Ramattra watched you lose your confidence, he was too smooth and knew what buttons to push flawlessly.
“Maybe I would like to be in control.”
That. Caught him off guard, he gave a nervous nod before speaking.
“When should I meet you?”
You’re gonna yell at me for this cliffhanger, I can see it coming. @ya-zz
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sshadowritestoriess · 10 hours
Curious in HCs in how Ramattra interacts and befriends a human with autism? Maybe even fall for said human, curious as to if he sees this human different from others and maybe sees humanity in a different light through the autistic!reader.
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Ramattra with an autistic human
He actually wouldn’t have had any idea that you were ‘atypical’ from other humans he’s met until it was told to his face. He’s interacted with and witnessed a lot of people and has seen many things, thus he would have reached a point of expecting nothing but unpredictability out of the human race. Everyone was as unique as they were terribly similar, but every individual is a road of discoveries to be made
He would have found comfort in a person with autism much to his unawares, but he’d recognize quickly his commonalities with you— whether that be in hobbies, topics of discussion, personality, or even just body language. And he’d attach to these similarities almost instantaneously, curious about sharing a common ground with a human person.
If you have a talent that stands out from your other capabilities, he’d have a huge respect for the time and dedication you’d put into such a thing. He’ll absolutely ask about it, and whatever you have to say will be saved into a precious database for him to remember as something important
The strong interests you have are interests he’d take the time to learn about, see if these things might have molded your personality in any which way. He’d perhaps relate you to a subject you talk a lot about, in hopes it may please you that he was obviously listening
Recognizing when you are overwhelmed would be something he could understand to a painful degree - when first becoming sentient, social interaction was as tough as walking through wet concrete. Even now, sometimes, he experiences moments where he’d preferably shut off his systems briefly just to avoid a conversation. Any nonverbal tendencies do not bother him in the slightest - he just Knows.
Overall, Ramattra would just have a huge appreciation toward meeting someone like you with traits he had little to no issue with grasping. Constants that he does not otherwise find often enough in other humans— people were always changing their minds unexpectedly; unpredictable, like he’d have said. And while you too were human, he would be comforted knowing there are some people like yourself that understands tendencies of his own he once believed he was alone with.
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ya-zz · 2 days
Hiii, it's me again <3
I don't know if you have already done it before, but can you do one with babygirl's Valentine line?
"Our lives are short..."
You can find a winter post here I did with the voiceline!
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He had been seeing your for a few months now, and Ramattra felt something strange whenever he was around you; it was foreign to him.
He had never felt love before.
The omnic had spent countless nights figuring out what to do. He didn't want some cheesy pickup line to leave his vocaliser and no matter what he thought, nothing good would come from thinking.
A few days later, when he had arranged to meet you, he made an effort to tidy his appearance. Removing dirt and dust from the crevices and polishing the metal, he stared at himself in the mirror. For once, he felt at ease with the way he looked.
Then he made his way to the local market when he picked up a bouquet of flowers. Your favourite flowers.
Maybe this is too much... He thought, but it was too late as he walked down the street and headed towards the meeting point at the park.
His wires burned with nerves as he approached you, your face lighting up at the sight of him. His fans whirred loudly, cooling him down as best they could.
When he handed the flowers to you, watching the way your eyes softened, he spoke.
"Our lives are short, will you share yours with me?"
He watched you process his words and then the anxiety rose within him. Too soon... Oh, Iris, what have I done-
He almost didn't believe the word. "What?"
The giggle that escaped you made Ramattra straighten.
"Yes, I'd love to date you."
The omnic sighed, running through the last few moments again just in case he misheard.
"Ah." Was all he could muster. He was flustered.
Your hand grabbed his before pulling him along.
So this is what love feels like...
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whackacole3 · 2 days
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jookumura · 2 days
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A happy ball in nature!!!
Just a reminder that today is the last day to preorder both Ramattra 's manjuu and acrylic charm!
Once they arrive, there will be only a small stock so if you want to guarantee a copy, this is your last day to do so!
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velinxi · 10 months
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I forged true friendship on the battlefield the other day
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nihilmachina · 7 months
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Silly art based on a silly post
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statuetochka · 9 months
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caznalt · 1 month
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Ramattra wants to sit down at any cost
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gunk-ice-tea · 1 year
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questionable influence..
personal opinion: just like with everything else, ram and zen complement each other, including internet humor
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the balance is preserved
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diverbots · 2 months
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ogh my gord overwatch art dump
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eokibamorimori · 1 month
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