ramen-flavored · 1 year
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I didn’t come here to be attacked
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fungusqueen · 3 months
I have a life-long goal to recreate (at home) the food I eat in restaurants. and one of the sub-goals of that big goal is to get good at making vegan ramen broth. there are three vegan ramens from 3 different restaurants I've been trying to recreate and tonight, I think I cracked the code. there is room for improvement, but it dawned on me that two of the three restaurants almost CERTAINLY use tomato, which I haven't tried in my homemade recipes before tonight. tonight I also added homemade almond milk INSTEAD of coconut milk and it definitely has the flavor profile I was looking for. I also added yellow squash to my broth and I think it helped balance out the other vegetables.
Overall I used:
Handful of shiitake mushrooms, cut in strips, added to the hot pan (without oil) to release moisture and cook. Then I added a generous amount of olive oil and...
One large white onion, two bulbs of garlic, one bunch of celery, four large carrots (all chopped) (salt added) -> cooked until reduced
Then I added water, brought it up to heat, simmered for about 30 min and added:
Two yellow squash (chopped), 6 campari tomatoes (blended in water), added ginger powder, more salt, pepper, soy sauce). Then simmered for an hour.
At the end I added sesame oil, homemade almond milk (almonds blended in water and strained), and chili oil
And for now, I think it's one of my most successful broths, without requiring homemade/store-bought vegetable broths or bouillon
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sometimes soup is an 8 hour labor of love made with many ingredients and sometimes it's instant ramen with leftover meat and an egg you microwaved
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anyone else in the eat-soup-from-the-pot gang
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firstkanaphans · 4 days
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here have a gif of force hitting himself in the balls
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romanceyourdemons · 9 months
got a few weird looks at the bus stop. i can’t imagine why. probably has nothing to do with the fact that i’m carrying eight packs of ramen while wearing a ramen tshirt like some sort of instant noodles npc
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theriu · 6 months
I think Maruchan ramen noodles should do a variety pack, but since the noodles are always the same and it’s just the flavor packets that differ, the pack is just several large bricks of ramen with break lines like still-connected Wheaties and then there’s a bag of 20 random flavor packets. Bonus points if the flavors are discreetly labeled so you have the option to totally Russian roulette your ramen selection.
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
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i tried to make another recipe from the sonic cookbook for my lunch today . emphasis on tried because i thought i had more of the ingredients than i actually did and didn't realize how much i was missing until i had already started cooking and gotten excited to eat official vector the crocodile ramen so i just said fuck it we ball and hoped it turned out ok . what i did end up with was pretty good though even if its not exactly what the recipe was telling me to do
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hooved · 10 months
i'm always trying to get ppl to use cholula. like if someone's eating eggs or avocado or a baked potato or something i'm like y'know what's really fucking good on that. cholula
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tailsdollr · 9 months
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flavor frenzy oc's I have been thinking of making :)
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padawansuggest · 8 months
I’m not ‘eats the same thing for a lifetime’ autism I’m actually’eats the same thing for a month then gets bored sensory issues from it and switches to another preordained safe food for a month forever till I die’ autism and I like mine better till I’m in the sensory hell at the end of one month and have to find out what the next safe food is gonna be.
I think it’s chicken flavored ramen this month.
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ramen-flavored · 2 months
Spot The Difference
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trickstarbrave · 2 months
i need people to understand something being flavorful does not equate to it being spicy. you can spicy food that is otherwise very bland. you cannot use chili peppers to cover up a lack of balance or depth in a dish. a fuck ton of chili peppers will not disguise the fact you didn't use enough salt.
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kirinda-ondo · 9 days
I miss cheese, man
Most vegan cheeses are NOT doing it 😭
Unless it's chao creamery original, which melts fairly nice and is actually pretty decent on burgers and makes for a good grilled "cheese" if you don't care about cheese pulls, but it is not a substitute for everything, I have tried 😔
There are other flavors and types under this brand but I don't know if they're any good because they aren't anywhere near me and I do not have the money to order them online.
I do know in my heart though that I am officially over vegan mozzarella, regardless of brand, because it's just not good and doesn't even taste like mozzarella, more like two kids in a trench coat pretending to be mozzarella. It's like too rich and sour, and if I attempt dairy-free pizza again in the future, it will probably be without cheese substitutes entirely, even though I still think that's a sad state of affairs. And my frustration about it is not helped by the fact that YouTube keeps bombarding me with pizza commercials 😭
I also just really fucking miss queso, there aren't any good like nice goopy fake cheeses that aren't like similarly too rich and sour. It's a sad state of affairs overall in the world of adult onset dairy allergies. If not for chao creamery original, I would have become the joker long ago I think
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Writing a bucket list, but it's actually just a grocery list for when I have money
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princessmo · 6 months
here's something they don't teach you in school: if you have leftover ramen seasoning packets, you can put them on other stuff
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