#random prompts
Random Prompts 13:
"I hate you." "Aw, that's sweet. You can't even lie to my face."
"Why would you ever do this?" "Why? Why not?"
"Are you really that pissed off? It's just a little love bite." "I have stitches."
"Can we circle back to you two killing each other with blades later? We're under attack!"
"What just happened? Doesn't matter, it doesn't change us." "Oh, sure, my tongue in your mouth does nothing for our relationship, got it." "Keep talking and you won't have that tongue."
"If you ever hurt me, you're gonna regret it." "Maybe I should hurt you, just to test your bluff."
"Fuck me." "Agreed, this shit sucks-" "Fuck. Me."
"I shouldn't be worried. Why the hell am I worried?" "Because you like them?" "Like hell I do."
"Did you two..." "Kiss? Depends on what you call a kiss. Personally, being body-slammed into a wall then violently made out with isn't a kiss."
"Get the fuck out, right now!" "What? You invited me!"
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prompt-heaven · 8 months
some reactions to a love confession
"What? Are you serious? Right now of all places, you really think it's the time to just blurt something like that out? You fucking-, urghh...."
"Wait, what?"
"Cut the bullshit, what do you really want? Because you should damn well know by now that kind of talk doesn't work on me."
"Excuse me?" *fucking clutching my pearls*
"Oh, no..."
"No, please don't. Please don't do this."
"Please stop saying that."
"Just don't."
slap them.
"I hate you."
"I hate you." (affectionately)
"No you don't. I know you may think you do, but you don't, not really."
"Oh, okay.... uh.... look, I care about you too, so much, but just not like that. I'm really sorry."
"Alright. Tell me again when you finally mean it."
"Tell me again when we make it out of here alive."
"Ah, sure you do."
"I thought I was always just a friend in your eyes..."
"Since when?"
"I had no idea... why did you never tell me before?"
"I'm sorry, I can't... I want to, but I can't..."
just kiss them instead of finding the words.
kiss them as soon as they confess and thereby shut up whatever else they wanted to say.
"Took you long enough."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I know."
start tearing up.
start full on crying.
start crying happy tears.
start crying angry/confused/frustrated tears.
"Shut up."
"Shut up." (affectionately)
"Seriously?" (hello early seasons of grey's anatomy with all of the seriously's ♡)
"Say it again."
"Oh my god, it all makes so much sense now!"
start giggling uncontrollably.
start laughing uncontrollably.
goes nonverbal.
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mcflymemes · 7 months
RANDOM LINES OF DIALOGUE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
oh, great. more of your very eloquent bullshit.
i don't fear death. in fact, i yearn for it.
if it holds wine, it's a wine glass.
so... no guns. do you have an axe?
i'm not usually this direct, but... what is wrong with you?
this would have been much better with a gun.
i might be a bit too ambitious.
i think you'll see that the time was not wasted.
i can do it as well. i can do it for ages.
it doesn't hurt... well. it hurts a little bit now.
i'm fascinated by what happened in your fourteen minutes of absence.
no hard feelings. please look after yourself.
i am fundamentally incapable of showing off.
i'm just having a bit of a laugh with everyone.
that was so cringey and so uncomfortable.
i have no stitches. none!
momma didn't raise no fool.
i can borrow a dog whenever i want.
honestly? i don't know where to start.
i gave you culture... literature... water.
sometimes absence is more powerful than presence.
by the end of it, we were singing swedish drinking songs.
i think you were really reluctant to take accountability for that.
i just think you formed a bad relationship.
do you think it's fair?
what do you have for me now?
yours is... impressive.
we're all different.
don't you dare look away.
i didn't mind it, actually.
i'm just proud of myself.
i think it went in. it did go in.
i feel ashamed, mainly.
that's what i was going for.
i just want to acknowledge your technique.
it did escalate severely after five minutes.
none of us ever want to see this again.
we've reached the ten minute mark.
i don't think i know who i am.
there's a degree of style in the cowboy hat.
there are no fucking shoes!
you look like you've been kicked through a charity shop.
your phone's ringing.
haven't you ever seen one of those before?
they were sick and dangerous.
what does that say about whoever killed them?
this isn't half bad for college kids.
what the hell is this?
you might want to wear these.
have a safe night.
would you believe i'm single?
why do you always trail off like that?
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onecentwriter · 8 months
dialogue prompts that give off ~chaotic vibes~
!!please credit me if you use any!!
"you idiot. now we're gonna die."
"american cheese. shitty yet addicting. kind of like my exes."
"everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
"careful. those aren't designed for idiots."
"tssk, tssk. what would jeff goldblum think of this?"
"if you're trying to manipulate me, it's not working."
"i'm about to say 'shut up' and if you respond with a ridiculously flirtatious 'make me' i will slap you."
"i congratulate you. to convince them is no small feat." *pause* "though you do have small feet."
"don't worry. it's not lethal. i think."
"hey, did you fall from heaven when you hurt--fuck."
"no, but i can speak greek. είσαι σκατά." [you are shit.]
"can i? of course. will i? nah bro."
"we're gonna die and your tombstone will be engraved with 'death by dumbassery.'"
"i had a cat once. his name was stewart. i trained him in the fine art of jiu jitsu."
"what do you mean most people don't carry multiple knifes on them at once?? what if there's an attack?? or an urgent need to cut lettuce??"
"i swear to god if you post this on twitter i will steal your kidney."
"ok. fine. maybe i am a dumbass. but you gotta admit i'm a hot dumbass."
"ah, canada." (that's it. that's the prompt)
"is. is that a grenade."
"abso-fucking-lutely not."
"you know, this reminds me of the time i met the president."
"sometimes, your stupid astounds me."
"yeahhhh no. we're not doing that."
"is there actually anything in your skull or is it just dust and dumbass?"
"gordon ramsay is such a mood."
"this would be romantic if you weren't you and i wasn't me."
"most people just send a text, you know."
"goddammit. how many fucking beans did you spill."
"the world could be ending and you'd still find time to livetweet the imminent destruction of reality."
"you look like shit."
"i can kill a man with my bare hands but i can't unscrew this goddamn jar--"
extra challenges:
use all 31 in one work.
write one prompt every day for a month.
use a random number generator and write 500 (or any set number of) words, and only that amount of words.
to add some spice to #3, set a timer!
if you like these prompts, check out my prompt blog!!
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promptsbytaurie · 8 months
dialogue prompts that give off ~chaotic vibes~
!!please credit me if you use any!!
"you idiot. now we're gonna die."
"american cheese. shitty yet addicting. kind of like my exes."
"everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
"careful. those aren't designed for idiots."
"tssk, tssk. what would jeff goldblum think of this?"
"if you're trying to manipulate me, it's not working."
"i'm about to say 'shut up' and if you respond with a ridiculously flirtatious 'make me' i will slap you."
"i congratulate you. to convince them is no small feat." *pause* "though you do have small feet."
"don't worry. it's not lethal. i think."
"hey, did you fall from heaven when you hurt--fuck."
"no, but i can speak greek. είσαι σκατά." [you are shit.]
"can i? of course. will i? nah bro."
"we're gonna die and your tombstone will be engraved with 'death by dumbassery.'"
"i had a cat once. his name was stewart. i trained him in the fine art of jiu jitsu."
"what do you mean most people don't carry multiple knifes on them at once?? what if there's an attack?? or an urgent need to cut lettuce??"
"i swear to god if you post this on twitter i will steal your kidney."
"ok. fine. maybe i am a dumbass. but you gotta admit i'm a hot dumbass."
"ah, canada." (that's it. that's the prompt)
"is. is that a grenade."
"abso-fucking-lutely not."
"you know, this reminds me of the time i met the president."
"sometimes, your stupid astounds me."
"yeahhhh no. we're not doing that."
"is there actually anything in your skull or is it just dust and dumbass?"
"gordon ramsay is such a mood."
"this would be romantic if you weren't you and i wasn't me."
"most people just send a text, you know."
"goddammit. how many fucking beans did you spill."
"the world could be ending and you'd still find time to livetweet the imminent destruction of reality."
"you look like shit."
"i can kill a man with my bare hands but i can't unscrew this goddamn jar--"
extra challenges:
use all 31 in one work.
write one prompt every day for a month.
use a random number generator and write 500 (or any set number of) words, and only that amount of words.
to add some spice to #3, set a timer!
(reposted to switch to my prompt blog)
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mswritingthings · 6 months
Big Prompt List
Instead of randomly putting out a few little lists here and there, I'll try to do a big one every 6 months or so. Yes, I did reuse a lot of my older prompts on this one, but the next one will be newer ones.
"It's always nights like this that I feel the loneliest."
"I can't be 'just friends' anymore!"
"This sort of thing was never meant to happen."
"Why don't you love me?"
"I have tried so hard for so long, and I'm just exhausted."
"There has got to be more to marriage than what we have."
"Please, just come back to me. I miss you."
"Don't cry, I hate it when you cry."
"I can't believe you'd do this to me."
"You were supposed to love and cherish me."
"I have nothing to say to you."
"Just come back, we can fix this."
"I feel lost without you."
"This isn't about you anymore. It's my turn."
"What do you want from me?"
"There it is. There's that smile I love so much."
"I've never been happier with anybody else."
"You've shown me what it's like to be loved."
"Let's go do something, just the two of us."
"It's hard not to love you, I know that now."
"Love me or leave me here."
"If you call me baby, I'll always be yours."
"I want to taste her lips cause they taste like you."
"You looked at me like I was someone else."
"You're drunk, go home."
"I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did."
"I'll be anything you want. You love me more than you love yourself."
"Relax, there's no reason for you to be so wound up."
"I'd be willing to lose everything to make them happy."
"You're like an angel, my angel."
"We're in love, and I am actually happy for once."
"Please don't ruin this for us."
"We aren't together anymore, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you."
"Why is it so hard for you to accept that you're loveable?"
"I like the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, it's cute."
"Everything always works out in the end because it's you."
"Wow, you look absolutely breathtaking."
"I don't have to keep changing because they love me for me."
"Come on now, let's have some fun."
"You're going to be the death of me."
"Talk dirty to me."
"You're ridiculous."
"Charming, you know just how to make a girl blush."
"What kind of trouble are you going to get me into?"
"If you're gonna cuff me, you might as well throw the gag in too."
"Oh my god, what is wrong with you?"
"A little flirting never hurt anybody."
"Just get over here and kiss me."
"God, you are so fucking hot sometimes."
"Do you believe in love?"
"I'm going to fight for what I want to be."
"Do you really love me underneath it all?"
"There's not much left of me."
"I want to drag you down with me."
"I love myself, I want you to love me."
"Do you think of me when you're with her?"
"You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down."
"Don't you remember how you told me you loved me baby?"
"I was supposed to be a doctor before all this started."
"Death wasn't supposed to feel like a mercy."
"The stars look different down here."
"Believe me, I didn't want it to come to this."
"Don't go, it's not safe out there for you."
"Your job isn't to make sure I make it out alive, not anymore."
"I don't want to live forever."
"Where do you go when you feel like there's nowhere to run?"
"And everything you ever said now tears me all apart."
"I've seen the things you put me through and I wish I could die."
"I love it so much it just turns to hate."
"When they get what they want, they never want it again."
"You want it all, but you can't have it."
"After all the lies you told, who will save your soul?"
"Life is perfect, never better."
"Fuck you."
"Isn't it much more fun fucking than fighting?"
I know I said to get laid, but I didn't mean them."
"I hope this lasts forever."
"Don't go, I need you."
"It's ben a long time."
"Sit and drink with me."
"The pain always subsides eventually."
"I got used to this."
"Tell me it'll be okay."
"I can't say sorry anymore."
"Please come back to bed."
"It wasn't worth losing you."
"There's too much at stake for me to let you be so selfish."
"Sometimes I wish that I never met you."
"You're insufferable, but I love you."
"It's a nasty business, that's what they don't tell you about loving someone."
"I have lost everything, but I keep going because I have to."
"There's a whole world of poeple out there who will love you."
"I know I'm now who you wanted to spend the night with, but I am here."
"I give up, being loved isn't worth all this humiliation."
"If you look away from me again, I swear I'll stop."
"You can have me any way you want, just ask nicely."
"You've taken good care of me, now let me take care of you."
"You have got to stop distracting me so much while I'm trying to work."
"Hey, all I'm looking for tonight is a good time."
"There's not a lot a good kiss can't solve."
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star-vibing-prompts · 10 months
☆Some random ass prompts☆
Feel free to change the pronouns and stuff! Feel free to credit me or something, I don't really care???? Just make sure to claim them as your own.
Also maybe '@' me if you use these! I wanna see what y'all do!<3
"Who said you can have her? If you want her, you'll have to go through me!" "...disappointing but fine."
A is pregnant and B is dead. How is B dead? Who knows? However A is stressed and is still grieving for B. How does the child birth go? Who knows? All up to you.
B invites A to a midnight dinner to discuss some important matters and just what are these important matters that got A all horrified and shocked?
"Hmm...I guess it could work, but will it really?" "I don't know, I'm just going with my gut here." ".....we're all gonna die....."
"I will bite you!" "Oh fuck you!" "...the sexual tension between those two is unreal holy fuck.."
"Hey mama? What's papa doing?" "Your father is being stupid but at this point, I'm used to it." "Is that how you guys met? Him being silly?" "Haha, yes little one. Indeed so."
A is a bit chaotically unhinged and B is a tired workaholic that wants A to calm down for a second so B can confess their feelings to A.
A and B are dating and are planning on getting married very soon, however, C has been feeling very lonely since the two first started dated so they want to join in on the relationship but aren't sure how to bring it up to the two without sounding creepy or awkward or desperate.
C and B are snuggling and A joins in on the snuggling session. Poly ships go brrr!!!
^^^ "Who knew A can be this affectionate when snuggling, huh?" "Haha yeah." "I can hear you y'know? So shut up and let me enjoy this."
Smut prompts! (Read at your own risk)
"Mmm..that's it baby~ just moan for me and me only~"
"Aww~ you're so cute. Do you want your daddy to give you a reward for being such a good girl?~"
"Me. You. Bed. Now."
"Oh? You like it when I bite? Why didn't you say so sooner?"
A is horny as fuck and is usually the dominant one in the relationship but tonight B is horny as fuck and decides to show A how much of a dominant person they really can be.
^^^ A is so into that shit.
B wants to spend quality type with A privately but A is always at work so when they finally have a day off, B had decorated the room to "set the mood". Does A like it or not? All up to you.
B's boss comes to visit B and A, however, he ends up flirting with A while B is fuming with jealousy. However, B easily scoops A and starts aggressively making out with A to prove and show B's boss that A belongs to them only.
"I will fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a few months! Understand?" "Mm kinky. Why not do it right here and now then babe?~"
"What the fuck are you?" "I'm a sex worker." "..oh-" "Got a problem with that?" "No...but can you fuck me?" "Heh, if that's what you want~"
Yandere prompts!
"You belong to me only darling!"
A shy innocent looking yandere x A tired asf college student
"Aww,,you're so cute and gorgeous when you are all dolled up like this! What's the occasion? You aren't going with that BITCH are you?"
"I love you! I love you! I love you! Wait- hold on- why aren't you saying it back? You do love me back right?" "O- Of course! I lo- I love you too." "Yay! But why are you crying? Who hurt you?!"
A emotionless yandere x A bright sunshine
A is a yandere and practically forced B into a relationship with them by using their secrets and loved ones against them. B is absolutely fucking miserable and probably beyond broken and saving (emotionally wise)
A werewolf yandere x A vampire
"Whoever said you can't leave? You can leave but all you gotta do is tell me where you're going on what day and at what time! Okay love?"
"No! You must stay with me! It's the only way that I can be truly happy! Please! I'm begging you! I love--no--I - I must love you!"
"I promise I'll always be with you but...you gave me no choice, I had to. I had to protect you from him. I'm sorry my love."
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pollyna · 1 year
Prompt: the things you said over the phone while here was morning. It's always morning when you call.
Or five times Mav calls and Ice pick ups and, for some reason is always morning where Ice is, + one time it's morning for both of them and Ice doesn't need to pick up the phone because Mav is right in front of him.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Just binge watched the IWTV series and it gave me many thoughts. No pun intended when I say it made me very thirsty. So I wrote some prompts! Warning: Some of these contain spoilers for the AMC show! Most of these prompts are written with the AMC show in mind, but they can probably be used interchangeably for either the 1994 movie or the 2022 tv series. Whichever version is up to you. Please tag me if you’re inspired by or write any of these ideas. I’d love to read it! ❤️🩸
Content Warning: Almost all of these prompts contain dark themes! Including: Toxic behavior, unhealthy relationships, power imbalances, abuse, racism, murder, and incest. If Dark! Fics aren’t your thing or you can’t handle such themes, that’s okay. These prompts just may not be for you, so ignore them and kindly move on. If you don’t like, then don’t read. Please don’t act as morality police and harass me or others. Don’t start arguments in the comments. Thank you.
1. You meet Lestat and Louis at a ball celebrating your arranged engagement to an odious man you don't love. While taking turns dancing with them, you're rudely dragged away by your jealous and controlling fiancé. Seeing how innocent and miserable you are, they later kill your unwanted groom and take you from your home, eventually giving you the choice to live with them and have a better life as a vampire.
2. You were Lestat's lover and companion heart when he was human. You were forcibly separated when he was abducted and turned into a vampire by Magnus. He believes you later perished in the French Revolution, until he’s delightfully surprised when he finds you in New Orleans while living with Louis and Claudia. You don’t look a day older than when he saw you last, and he realizes you had faked your death over a century ago. As he watches you seduce and feed on a couple of unfortunate humans, he falls in love with you all over again. You’re even more beautiful as a vampire.
3. Lestat feeds on you and drains you of blood to the point of near death. He gives you a choice: Join him in eternal life as his new companion heart and lover, or don't. Help him adapt to the modern world, or he will leave you to die and move on to someone else.
4. Haunted Mansion-esque AU: When Lestat was human, he was deeply in love with you, a black or mixed woman, despite it being unconventional and illegal. You may have had many plans for the future, but your love was like playing a most dangerous game. It ended tragically with you killed and him kidnapped by Magnus and turned into a vampire. But what if you’re reincarnated looking exactly the same as you did before in the early 20th century. Lestat becomes obsessed with you at first sight, discreetly following you around or using his powers to hypnotize you to come to him.
He acts overprotective and possessive when he courts you. Even if you don’t remember him or your past life yet, he’s undeterred in his advances. He’s determined to keep you safe with him and not let such a cruel fate befall you again. If that means turning you into a vampire, so be it. You’re his forever and he’s yours. You may hate him at first, but you’ll thank him for the dark gift in the end. He has loved you in death as he did in life and whether your memories come back or not, he’s going to stay by your side. What if in this life, you’re Louis’s neighbor/friend and he loves you too? Maybe not romantically, but there are many forms of love.
5. You’re Lestat’s younger sister and the only other person he loves in his family apart from yours and his mother. He cherishes you so deeply that he often protected you from your abusive father and other brothers by taking countless beatings and starvations to spare you. While you were only a teenager, you’d tend to his wounds and bring him food and drink. He insisted you came with him and Nicolas to Paris, where he would look after you as your legal guardian until you could be free as an adult woman. But after he was turned into a vampire, he tried to stay away. For years, he kept his distance and watched over you from afar as you blossomed into womanhood, while using his inheritance to send money and lavish gifts so you could live comfortably. He still wanted to provide for you, give you everything he felt you deserved but couldn’t have while living in poverty.
Until something happened that made him hyperaware of your fragility in your mortal state. He realized he was too selfish and loved you too much to condemn you to permanent death. He couldn’t bear it if you were lost to him forever, so he snuck into your house and turned you into a vampire. You live together for many decades before you go off on your own to explore the world. But you still correspond and visit regularly. You’re surprised and delighted when you stop in and discover your brother has a lover and a…sister? Daughter? Are you an aunt now? You’re not really sure what the family dynamic is but you’re happy for him.
6. Crimson Peak/Flowers in the Attic-esque AU: You’re Lestat’s sister. You sought comfort and protection from your abusive father and other brothers through each other, and your unhealthy coping mechanisms spiraled into a toxic incestuous relationship. After taking countless beatings and starvations, you’d tend to Lestat’s wounds and he to yours. While locked away together, you’d silently admire your bodies and touch each other gently, mindful of your scars. Your curiosity gave way to darker thoughts, and neither of you could help the urges you began to feel. Lestat and you are so fucked up. You’re overly co-dependent on each other, you both can be manipulative to get what you want, etc. You and Lestat are aware you might love each other too much, since you’ve had ugly fights fueled by jealousy where you’ve threatened to kill the other.
“If I can’t have you, no one can!”
“Do it, coward. You won’t. You and I both know a life without me would be even more unbearable.”
But neither of you would ever actually go through with it. Despite your issues, you cared for each other and wanted to get into a better situation. Even after Lestat became a vampire and inherited endless wealth, he couldn’t let you go. So he snuck into your Paris bedroom and seduced you. Afterwards, he used his powers to render you immobile so he could kidnap you. He turned you into a vampire and your bond can never be severed now. You may have been livid with your brother for turning you, but even that argument ended with angry hate sex to blow off steam. It’s no different than the many times he killed or otherwise drove away all the men and women who vied to be your lover while you were both still human. You were angry with him then, and retaliated by doing the same with all his lovers. These kind of sibling spats are common. If there’s one thing you both hate, it’s competition.
But still you slept together and all was soon forgiven. As vampires your lovemaking can be bloody and violent but it hurts so good. You can’t hear each other’s thoughts, but are so in tune with one another that you still know exactly what the other is feeling. When everything is good, you either hold hands or embrace without needing to say anything. You have your own coffins, but often crawl into each other’s so you can cuddle within the enclosed shared space where you spend hours talking into the early morning before going to sleep. You’re addicted to each other’s company. To the outside mortal world you may act as husband and wife. This is your eternity. You both fear loneliness and abandonment more than anything in the world, so as long as you stay together, neither of you will be alone and you’ll both be fine.
7. You’re a whore and have threesomes with Lestat and Louis. Unlike Lily and the others, you’re a woman of many talents with a unique spirit, so Lestat and Louis want to keep you forever as theirs. What started out as purely transactional sex and pillow talk has become so much more. They’re addicted to you and each other. Being a human and having sex with two vampires is on another level you never knew existed. Levitating in the air while your body is sandwiched between the two handsome devils, Lestat feeding on you while Louis may refuse to at first before Lestat convinces him to do it. Un petite coup, they call it. The little drink. Not enough to kill you, but just enough to keep them fit. The feelings of intimacy it awakens in you is beyond words. And all your senses are only heightened once your lovers turn you into a vampire. While you have your own coffin, you sometimes share a special coffin that’s big and spacious enough to fit 3 people.
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8. You’re a human who willingly lets Louis feed on you in modern day. What Daniel doesn’t know is that you actually live in the house with him and Rashid. They take good care of you after the feedings and it’s like a poly relationship. Daniel doesn’t know how to respond as he watches Louis feed on you while you just nonchalantly talk to him like nothing is happening to you. He finds it so off putting how you hold eye contact with him.
Spoilers: Or you’re actually a vampire who pretends to be human by putting on a good show of acting faint and woozy after Louis feeds from you. You go by a fake name and wear contacts just like Armand. Louis and Armand are your lovers.
9. Phantom of the Opera-esque AU: You’re an opera singer or a First Chair in the orchestra and you’re elevated in Lestat’s eyes due to your immense musical talent. You’re one of the few human attachments Lestat keeps. He acts as your patron, providing you with money and lavish gifts. He visits you in your dressing room before and after performances, where you often get hot and steamy. He sometimes takes you back to his home where you sing and play piano (or another instrument) together. You may not know about his vampiric nature yet, but make no mistake: He will inevitably turn you one day.
10. In the books, Lestat mentions bedding a whole lot of women before he was turned so it’s possible he had children he never got to know. He finds out he had a secret accident baby over a hundred years ago when you, his daughter, show up at his and Louis’ home after tracking him down. Lestat being Lestat, he may not believe you at first, but you have substantial proof: A birth certificate, old belongings of his, miniatures of him and your mother, handwritten letters from the 18th century, etc. And then there’s your uncanny resemblance to him in both physical appearance and personality/mannerisms that even Louis points out. You’re not only a grown adult, but frozen in time. Maybe you had a family of your own before your vampire transformation, maybe not. But Lestat tracking down his descendants could make for an interesting story. Because he’s not your maker, you can hear each other’s thoughts. Lestat wants to know everything about you: Who your maker was, how you lived after parting ways with your maker, etc.
He doesn’t want secrets. In hypocritical fashion, he’ll probably keep secrets from you, but he doesn’t want you to keep secrets from him. You and your father are alike in so many ways, and sometimes that causes you two to butt heads and get into petty quarrels. It’s like an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. It’s like two walls trying to get the other to move. Whenever your father annoys you too much, you’ll block him out of your mind or he’ll do the same to you. From what your mother told you about him, you were expecting him to be a bratty and spoiled prince. She used to say you were his perfect copy and called you princess to annoy you. He does love you and you do love him, it’s just expressed and shown in very weird, unusual ways that don't make sense to anyone else. Your form of affection is unique to only you two.
11. You and Lestat are vampires in a complicated love-hate and co-dependent relationship. It can get very toxic and manipulative, especially since both of you are varieties of possessive and jealous or vain and narcissistic. Sometimes if either of you are bored, you do your best to goad each other into losing any sense of decorum or restraint. Like playing with each other’s emotions is a game. Your arrangement of, “You can fuck whoever you want as long as you come home to me.” quickly becomes “I thought we could have an orgy. You can fuck them and I can eat them.” Your sex life is full of depraved fantasies and decadence you indulge in. A hedonistic existence of drink, drugs, and parties. You’re both different flavors of fucked up, but you’re addicted to each other. You want him dead, you want him all to yourself. He wants you dead, he wants you all to himself. It’s far from healthy, but it’s all you know and neither of you care. You’ve let go of human attachments ages ago.
12. You’re a vampire who’s in a romantic/sexual relationship with Lestat and in his own twisted way, he actually cares about and loves you along with Louis. You were given the dark gift by your maker when you were a full grown adult, unlike Claudia. So you’re like an older sister or aunt to her. Claudia is envious of your mature body and asks you questions of the female sort that you do your best to answer, no matter how awkward they are. Some of the questions she has are similar to ones she writes in her diary. (If you know, you know.)
13. Ghost of Thornton Hall-esque AU: When Lestat was human, he was in love with you, a renowned singer. During a masquerade ball celebrating your birthday, a fire started that quickly spread out of control. You got trapped in the burning building and were killed. You’re the only person Lestat has cried rivulets of blood over in his vampire life. All Lestat has left of you is a necklace you always used to wear. That’s why he’s hesitant to turn Claudia after Louis saves her from the fire and tries to make excuses that she’s too charred and he doesn’t know where to bite. During the Mardi Gras ball, Lestat hears your voice whispering and singing sweetly to him. He may be losing his mind due to fasting, but he swears he can see you in the crowd, wearing the same blood red dress that you burned up in. Your black lace mask hides your eyes from him. He follows you, but keeps losing sight of you in the crowd when other men and women get in his way. It’s like trying to follow a ghost. Finally he catches up to you. When you turn around, you are indeed wearing the very same red dress you wore when you “died”. It’s now charred and black in some areas. He removes your mask and looks into your eyes - your vampire eyes.
14. You and Lestat go out to Lover’s Lane because it’s one of your favorite spots to hunt. The many lovey-dovey couples fueled by passion and sexual desire makes your meals that much more tasty. After you feed together, who could blame you if you also wanted to get romantic and passionate yourselves and make love outdoors or in the car of some victims before you disposed of the bodies? It’s practically like going out on a date anyway. Lestat and you go on date nights like this often. Your dates have also included going to the movies, sometimes watching vampire flicks to laugh at them and have a good time. Lestat uses his vampire powers to make an annoying movie goer who keeps shushing you start slapping himself repeatedly, just to entertain you and himself.
15. The relationship you have with Lestat is…complicated, to say the least. You’re human, but musically talented or have something else about you that makes him very possessive and obsessive over you. Maybe you remind him of his first love, Nicolas. He fears loneliness more than anything, so he tries to make you dependent on and love only him. He tries to isolate you and prove that he’s all you need. He can take care of you and give almost everything you desire. Toxic Lestat is so against you leaving because he doesn’t want to be alone. He lets you know of his plans to make you a vampire, whether you like it or not. It’s inevitable, he’s more than clear in no uncertain terms about that. But instead of rejoicing at his plans to give you this most precious and coveted dark gift, you tried to run away. He killed all the other passengers of the train you tried to stowaway on and blamed you for their deaths. You made him do this by acting out and being ungrateful, their blood is on your hands.
He used the conductor’s head as a macabre puppet to scare you before he coerced you into coming back home. You should be thankful he’s still respecting your compromise to stay human for a little longer after you pulled that stunt. You should show him some appreciation for all he’s doing for you, instead of acting like a spoiled and bratty princess. One time, you get into a nasty fight that ends with Lestat dragging your weak but still alive body outside, leaving a bloody trail. He then uses the Cloud Gift to fly high up into the sky while holding you in his arms. He tells you, “How I’ve waited. I have patiently waited in vain for you to love me as I love you.”
“Let go of me!”
“Anything for you,” he says as he strokes your cheek and wipes away your tears before letting you fall from the sky. As your heart pounds loudly in your ears and can be heard over the whistling wind, you thought surely you’d splatter on the ground below and be nothing but an unrecognizable mess of mangled flesh. But no. Lestat wouldn’t give you the mercy of permanent death. He only let you free fall for a few seconds before swooping down and catching you. As if to teach you a lesson and further prove his point that you need him. You need him to protect you from others and yourself. But who’s going to protect you from him, you think to yourself as you lose consciousness in his arms.
16. During the Mardi Gras Masquerade ball, Lestat had Tom appoint you, his vampire bride, as Queen while he was Raj. After fasting for three days before the ball, you play your part well. Both men and women try to crowd around you and vie for your attention, but you’re very particular about who you hand out boutonnières to. You can see Lestat surrounded by middle aged women he seduced but can’t remember from 10 years ago. They’re still fawning all over him. Ah, these must be the ladies from the Women’s Opera Society. They’ve gotten so old and wrinkly in such short time, poor dears. You use your hand fan to hide your smirk as you try not to laugh when you overhear their voices coated with sympathy. So they really believed him to be ill all those years? Just when he asks which of the ladies did he pull under the stairs during that dull lecture on Don Giovanni, you take that as your cue to pull him away. You can feel the ladies’ questioning and jealous gazes on you as you loop your arm through his and kiss his cheek then his lips.
You’re so radiant, all dressed in white and diamonds. But all the women’s eyes are drawn to the matching rings on your and Lestat’s fingers. You love putting on a good show. Even more so when you’re covered in blood during the after party when you and your vampire family start feeding on the selected victims from the ball. While you walk towards them in a straight line and assert your power, they run and scream in terror. In vain, they try to break down the locked doors and windows. It’s a massacre, a bloodbath, and one hell of a good time. (Whether you know of Claudia and Louis’ plan to kill Lestat or not is up to you.)
17. Vamps inspired AU: You’re a vampire who was turned against your will. During the 1970’s, you met and fell in love with Daniel, a fresh young journalist who was aspiring to achieve more as a writer. You were only together for a few short years before you left. As much as it pained you to do so, you knew you had to leave him before he noticed you weren’t aging and got suspicious. He could have a normal life and hopefully find another love. You loved him so much that you didn’t want to be selfish and condemn him to vampirism. So you parted ways both for his sake and to protect your secret, before he had his first interview with Louis.
Now it’s 2022 and Daniel is an old man. When he’s interviewing Louis again, he’s surprised to see you, seemingly either living with or working for the vampire, just like Rashid. When he questions you, you lie. You say you’re not his past love, but her daughter, and that your mother died. It isn’t until much later in the interview, after Rashid reveals his true identity as Armand that you also come clean. You tell Daniel that he was right about you, and that you’ll answer any questions he has. You spend a great deal of time catching up as you ask him about his life, family, career, etc. And he asks you about your own life, why did you leave, why didn’t you tell him or turn him, etc. (Maybe you’re Armand’s sister and over 500 years old so the sun has no effect on you either.)
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awhisperinthenight · 11 months
"...are you drunk?"
"we're at your mother's funeral!"
"that's what she would've wanted. cheers."
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celestialwrites · 1 year
“it’s pointless, there’s no hope.”
“good thing i can hope enough for the both of us.”
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Random Prompts 12:
"If you die, I'll destroy the world. If I die, I'd cry tears of joy."
"I can't live in a world without you anymore. I don't know how I managed to survive without you."
"You... You're the most important person in my life. You know that, right?" "Why?"
"Do you think getting matching tombstones is tacky?" "Depends. Can they be clear glass and positioned next to our enemies?" "See? This is why we're married."
"Why the hell are you here? I told you-" "You left me alone with a cryptic fucking note, of course I tracked you!"
"Are you okay?" "Hm? Yeah." "You've been staring at your reflection for half an hour." "Oh."
"Do you think about dying?" "Not really. I don't want to think about it yet."
"Can we even... I thought you had a partner?" "No? Who gave you that idea?"
"If I happened to steal your entire wardrobe while you're gone this weekend, what would you do?" "Steal it back." "Not an option." "Is this an excuse to take me shopping? Because it sounds like one."
"Oh, don't be such a baby, it's just a little glitter!" "Yes. For you, not me. Do not touch me."
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witchakyeon · 2 years
Random Writing Prompts 🥀
“As above, so below.”
“I want you so bad.”
“Tell me how you feel.”
“How long have you known?” “Known what?” “That you aren’t what everyone expects you to be.”
“What are you doing to me?”
“There is nothing beyond this point worth dying for.”
“This is who I am.”
“I suggest you learn to decipher fact from fiction.”
“All of this is temporary.”
“Are you into girls/boys/(insert your preference!) or what?”
“Do you believe in humans?”
“You are my escape.”
“You know I’m not real…don’t you?”
“This is for your own good.” “Say that again.”
“You have my heart.”
“I’ll rip the damn thing.” “You will not!”
“I do not have time for your feelings right now!”
“What do they call you?”
“Twenty four hours are not enough.”
“Blue is the color of love.”
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fishy-writes123 · 7 months
"What do you want?"
"I want you to stay."
"I can stay, just... Not with you."
random writing prompt #2
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somekidnamedkai · 3 months
Prompts List
my new official prompts list :)
because I have a lot of prompts
100 Random Prompts
Fluff ABCs
Angst ABCs
50 Types Of Kisses
50 Prompts (including- 10 fluff, 20 angst, 10 random, and 10 AUs)
Soulmate AUs
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thepromptswhisperer · 11 months
Idioms Prompts
Break the ice.
We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Have an ace up one’s sleeve.
Rain on someone’s parade.
Play devil’s advocate.
Beat around the bush.
Lose your marbles.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
At the drop of a hat.
Paint the town red.
Spill the beans.
Skeletons in the closet.
Bury one’s head in the sand.
Follow in someone’s footsteps.
Bite off more than you can chew.
Sit on the fence.
Leave no stone unturned.
The ball is in someone’s court.
Cut to the chase.
Add fuel to the fire.
The last/final straw.
(Be skating) On thin ice.
Look like you’ve seen a ghost.
Tie the knot.
In the fast lane.
Have one’s head in the clouds.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Twist someone’s arm.
Drop the ball.
Read between the lines.
Hit the hay.
Be in someone’s shoes.
The icing on the cake.  
That ship has sailed.
Hit the books.
Burn one’s bridges.
Thank your lucky stars.
Go nuts.
Put your foot in your mouth.
Go the extra mile.
Jump on the bandwagon.
Ring a bell.
The calm before the storm.
Take something with a pinch of salt.
Turn over a new leaf.
Be on cloud nine.
Break a leg.
Get the short end of the stick.
A walk in the park.
Get cold feet.
That’s the way the cookie crumbles.
Someone’s hands are tied.
Get off on the right/wrong foot.
Pick someone’s brain.
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➔  Spill The Beans Prompts
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