#ransom thrombey x reader
moonxnite · 17 days
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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Nothing Has Changed - 1
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Words Count: 2,143
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Chp 1, Chp 2 , Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 ,-
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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The clink of the spoon against the teacup echoed in the room. Your father, Tom, stared down at the tea, trying to keep his composure, but his heart ached for you.
He looked up at you sitting across from him. You could see the worry in his eyes, yet he seemed more concerned about you thinking he needed support, when it was supposed to be the other way around.
“Eat the cookies. You need to eat. You’ve lost a lot of weight,” Tom said, pushing the plate of cookies closer to you. His voice was gentle but firm.
The cold plate touched your skin, jolting you back to reality. You couldn’t believe that you had once promised never to come back home. Your father looked so much older than the last time you saw him, seven years ago.
As you watched him, you could see the lines on his face, the graying hair, the tiredness in his eyes. He looked fragile, contrasting to the robust and indifferent man you remembered.
He used to be so distant and reserved, his eyes always seeming to look through you rather than at you. His mind was always elsewhere, consumed by his work. You remember feeling invisible as if you were never a priority in his life.
He doesn’t know that you were an outcast and bullied the whole time you grew up in this town. It was all because of his job and the house you lived in.
Flashback Starts
In this town, there was only one mortician—your dad. And the funeral home was connected to your house.
Kids your age made fun of you relentlessly. They called your father the angel of death and labeled your home as hell. The bullying started early and only intensified as you got older. By high school, it felt like there was no escape.
But then, a glimmer of hope arrived when a new kid from the city transferred to your school.
His name was Ransom Drysdale-Thrombey. He was sent to this small-town school because he was a troublemaker. The principal asked you to help Ransom, hoping you could help him.
At first, it was tough. Ransom was resistant, and his rough exterior matched the rumors about him. But you stayed patient and persistent.
Over time, Ransom began to open up to you. His academic performance started to improve, and slowly, a bond formed between you.
Because of Ransom’s improvement, you met his family for the first time. It turned out that Drysdale was a mighty name. His family owned a big bank.
This was the turning point. Ransom introduced you to his grandfather, Harlan Drysdale. “Grandpa, my friend here is a genius. She’s the one who solved the issues you’ve been stressing about. I just showed it to her to ask her opinion, and she solved it.”
Harlan, the patriarch of the company, exuded a charisma you had never seen before. He looked at you with a mix of curiosity and respect.
You felt nervous, your hands trembling slightly as you stood there. Harlan’s presence was intimidating, but there was a kindness in his eyes that put you at ease.
“Is that so?” Harlan said, a smile spreading across his face. “I’d like to hear more about this solution of yours.”
Ransom beamed with pride as he gestured for you to explain. You took a deep breath and started to talk about your idea, feeling a strange sense of confidence growing inside you. Harlan listened intently, nodding along, his expression thoughtful.
When you finished, Harlan leaned back in his chair, clearly impressed. “You have a remarkable mind,” he said. “Ransom is lucky to have you as a friend.”
For the first time in a long time, you felt seen and appreciated. You glanced at Ransom, who gave you an encouraging nod.
Meeting Harlan and the Drysdale family marked the beginning of a new chapter. You were no longer just the mortician’s kid. You were someone with potential, someone who could make a difference.
The years of bullying and isolation started to feel like a distant memory, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and possibility.
He looked at you and slowly nodded. “For a high school student to solve a credit issue is amazing. I’m glad my grandson found a hidden talent.”
Your heart felt warm. You had never received such a compliment in your life.
“You will be a valuable asset in the future. Dear, are you interested in working with me?” Harlan asked.
“Yes, sir!” you replied quickly.
This was your golden ticket to leaving this town, having a better life, and succeeding.
After graduating high school, you packed your bags, said goodbye to your dad, and jumped into Ransom's car. As the car started moving, you didn’t glance back even once.
You had made your decision to leave everything behind.
You received a scholarship for college from the Drysdale charity, supported by a glowing recommendation letter from Harlan himself. You studied hard, like a person possessed, determined to graduate quickly and start working at the Drysdale company.
You graduated in two years and fulfilled your promise to work with Harlan. You gave it your all, becoming a workaholic to prove yourself.
Your hard work paid off, and you made a name for yourself in the finance world. They called you the “female Midas” because every company's stock you bought saw its price soar.
Harlan was proud of you; you could see it in his eyes.
Then everything changed after Harlan died.
The company's business structure changed too, with Ransom in charge. You tried to talk to him, but he didn’t listen.
One day, the FBI raided your office and accused you of insider trading. You hadn’t done it, but the accusation hit hard. Even without proof, you lost friends, and your trading and financial licenses were revoked.
You called Ransom, but he didn’t pick up. You tried contacting the other Drysdales, but nobody wanted to help.
You had spent seven years celebrating Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with them, but they still hadn’t accepted you.
You had poured your sweat, blood, and tears into this company, only to be thrown away. After everything, they still hadn’t accepted you. The way they made you feel like family, only to discard you, was a sick joke.
Even a wolf would accept a dog into its pack.
You sat alone in your empty apartment, your hands trembling with anger and betrayal. The silence was deafening, starkly contrasting to the lively gatherings you once shared with the Drysdales. The warmth you once felt from their acceptance had turned cold and hollow.
You looked at the framed photo on your desk, a picture of you and Harlan on the day you graduated. His proud smile felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by the harsh reality of your present.
You picked up your phone one last time, scrolling through the countless unanswered messages to Ransom and the Drysdales. Each one felt like a dagger, a reminder of the trust and loyalty you had given, only to be met with silence and abandonment.
You have lost everything. The court has taken your apartment, your car, and blocked your bank account until the investigation is done.
You feel ashamed and don’t have any close friends to turn to.
Your last hope is your hometown. With your small amount of cash, you pack your laptop and a few outfits and take the last train home.
When you call your dad, his voice sounds uncertain when he hears you’re coming home and ask if he can pick you up.
It’s late at night when you arrive. It’s just you and your dad. You’re grateful no one else is around to see you.
Tom looks nervous. He tries to ask you on the car ride home, “Did something happen?”
You close your eyes and lean your head against the window. “I’m tired. I’ll tell you tomorrow morning.”
“Ah. Right. You must be tired,” Tom says, his voice shaky.
The silence in the car is heavy, filled with unspoken words. Tom glances at you occasionally, his worry evident in the rearview mirror. You can feel the weight of his concern, but you can’t bring yourself to talk about it yet.
When you finally pull up to the house, it looks the same as when you left. The familiarity is both comforting and painful. Tom helps you with your bags, his hands trembling slightly.
You only brought one bag, but he wanted to carry it, as if carrying your burden. He could feel that you were going through something.
Inside, the house is quiet. You head straight to your old room, which hasn’t changed much. The sight of it brings a lump to your throat.
You drop your bags and sit on the edge of the bed, feeling exhausted and defeated.
Tom lingers in the doorway, unsure of what to do. “If you need anything, just let me know,” he says softly.
“Thanks, Dad,” you reply, managing a weak smile. He nods and gently closes the door, leaving you with your thoughts. The weight of your situation presses down on you, but at least here, in this small room, you feel a glimmer of safety.
Flashback End
The next morning, you woke up with no desire to move on. But seeing your dad already waiting for you, you couldn’t make him wait for an answer.
So you told him about the struggle you're facing right now.
Tom wasn’t ready for this. He thought you returned because your heart was broken by Ransom or you missed home. Or, you missed him.
After hearing every word that came out of your mouth, he couldn’t believe it. His only daughter had been betrayed like this.
“I need to stay here for a while,” you said. You would stay until you heard from the court. You had sent them evidence proving your innocence.
"Why did you say that like you're asking for permission? This is your home," Tom replied. He didn’t care if you were a criminal or a murderer. If you needed a place to hide, he would provide it for you.
"Thanks, Dad," you said, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.
Then, there was a knock on the door.
'Knock. Knock.'
You and Tom looked at the door. Only he stood up. It seemed like he was already expecting someone.
He opened the door. "You're here early," he said.
You sipped your tea, assuming the newcomer was just another guest of your dad's.
"Nothing ever goes wrong when you do things early," the voice said cheerfully and friendly.
You almost choked on your tea. The voice sounded all too familiar, and you prayed it wasn't who you thought it was.
"Thanks. I'll meet you at the morgue in 5 minutes," said Tom as he moved to close the door.
"Are you having a guest?" the person asked.
"Yeah, yeah," Tom replied, his voice a little tense.
"Why are you nervous? Do you have a special friend?" The teasing tone drew closer.
You closed your eyes and clenched your fists. You knew your dad, short and not as physically imposing, wouldn't be able to stop the tall, athletic man approaching.
"Y/N?" the voice said, confirming your worst fears.
You opened your eyes and saw the new guest. Locking gazes with him, you felt a surge of apprehension and dread. He was Bucky Barnes, the embodiment of your past torment.
You, the quiet, bookish nerd, and he, the charismatic, popular guy—Bucky represented everything you had once dreaded in high school. His group of friends constantly tormented you.
Crossing your arms tightly, you couldn't mask the edge in your voice. "What is he doing here?"
Tom's hesitant introduction only added fuel to the fire. "He's my apprentice," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What does that mean?" you asked, your tone sharp.
Tom cleared his throat nervously. "Um, well... after I retire, I'll be passing the business on to Bucky."
You raised your eyebrows, not saying anything. Tom seemed nervous, perhaps worried that you were angry he hadn’t told you about this sooner.
Meanwhile, Bucky still looked stunned to see you standing there.
Leaning forward, you couldn't contain the resentment in your voice. "Him? Are you sure? He and his group made a mockery of this business every single day, taunting me whenever I set foot in school!"
The room fell silent, the tension thickening with each passing moment.
You had hoped to find refuge here, but now you were having second thoughts. The person who had bullied you was now working with your father and set to inherit the business. It was a bitter pill to swallow.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
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Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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dbnightingale24 · 5 months
The Dog House Isn’t The Best, But It Can Still Be Our Home
Final installment to 'Pavlov's Dog'
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Part 3
I told you guys I'd post it at some point 🥴 I'm honestly so sorry this took so long to post, but last year got really dark for me and everything just kind of took a backseat. Thank you so much for your patience, and thank you to all of you who checked up on me. It means more than I'll ever be able to express. Thank you @fuckingbye for being an amazing friend, and for also making this amazing moodboard. You are a saint and I love to the ends of the earth. Without further ado, here's the final chapter!
Word Count: 71,942 (yes, you read that correctly)
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY), Public Sex, Semi Public Sex, Drinking, Smoking, Swearing, Daddy Kink, Angst, Heartbreak, Mild Violence, FLUFF, Lying, Betrayal...I think that's it?
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: Will You Take Me Back In The Morning If I Promise To Never Act This Way Again?
I do not give consent/permission for my works/stories to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
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“You can’t keep going on like this, babe,” Daisy sighs sympathetically as she takes a seat next to the bathtub.
“It doesn’t matter,” you shrug as you take a drag of your cigarette, “none of it fucking matters.”
“Babe, it’s been two weeks. You do the same thing every day. You get up, eat the smallest bit of food, you sit out on your back deck and smoke until you decide to start drinking, then you draw yourself a bath and drink and smoke in it until you decide it’s too cold, or I come and get you. You can’t keep doing this.”
“I don’t even have a reason to be mad at him, do I?” you scoff incredulously before taking a drag from your cigarette, “it’s not like he lied. He didn’t even know, so I have no reason to be this upset, do I?”
“He was a complete and total asshole,” she states firmly, “and you have every reason to be upset with his actions. Yeah, it was a shit show, but he definitely could’ve handled it better.”
“The shit he said right in front of that child, even if it isn’t his, were so fucking cruel! No child deserves to be spoken to like that, and he of all people should know that!”
“After everything we talked about on that trip...it’s like it didn’t even matter to him. He didn’t even care.”
“I’m sure he was just shocked-”
“That’s not an excuse, Dais.”
“I never said it was, but c’mon: it’s Ransom. You really think he was thinking clearly? Linda and Marta were there and I’m more than sure he was afraid of losing you, then Marta drops a fucking bomb on him, and it sounds like she did it on purpose, if I’m honest. Just to fuck him over.”
“Daisy, I just-”
“BABY, PLEASE ANSWER THE DOOR AND TALK TO ME!” Ransom calls desperately as he bangs on your front door.
Like clockwork.
“Why can’t he understand that I need time? I don’t owe him shit,” you start to sniffle as your tears fall, and you grab the bottle of tequila that lives by the bathtub now, and take a long drink from it.
“I’ll get rid of him, just please...please get up and do something,” Daisy begs desperately.
“Ya know, you’re wrong,” you say as she reaches the doorway, finally looking at her, “I put on makeup today,” you smile weakly.
She lets out a humorless laugh before disappearing and you hear her footsteps quickly making their way downstairs.
Since everything that took place on his doorstep, you haven’t spoken to or seen him. You don’t know what to say or how to handle the situation. He’s been calling and texting non-stop since it all happened, and every two days he comes by to visit, and Daisy tells him to leave you alone every time.
But you can’t keep avoiding him.
No, you don’t know what the right thing to do is, but you know that avoiding him is the wrong thing, and you can’t keep letting Daisy handle these issues for you. You have to at least speak to him, but say what? Do what? It’s not like you have any real right to be mad at him. It’s not like he cheated on Marta with you, he didn’t cheat on you with her, he clearly didn’t know he had a child so he didn’t keep it from you, and he did defend you to Linda. However, that doesn’t change the things he said to that child.
Possibly his child.
“He’s not my son and this isn’t fucking funny!”
“We can take a test if you want, but he is your son!”
“Well, I don’t want him! You wait...however many years to tell me about him, and you sure as shit don’t need any money, so why now?!”
“He deserves to know who his Father is, Ransom! He’s a Drysdale and-”
“Watch it,” Ransom warns with a foreboding tone.”
God, how could he be so cruel to a child, after all of the talks you two have had? He’s always cruel though, isn’t he? To you, to Marta, his own son (the resemblance is too strong for that boy to not to be his child), and fuck it, even Jack. He can’t ever seem to control his temper and, if he can’t do that, what chance do you two have together?
Still, he owns your heart and you don’t know how to get it back at this point. You don’t know and you don’t wanna know.
“Ransom, you have to stop coming around!” you hear Daisy yell, and you sigh before taking another drink from the bottle.
“You can’t stop me from me seeing her, Daisy! She’s my girlfriend!” 
“Bullshit! You two never made it official-”
“Daisy, stay out of it! Let me see her!”
“No! She’s not ready to see you and you can’t force-”
“I’m not forcing anything-”
“What do you think this is?! Showing up because she won’t answer your calls or texts, and demanding to see her?! Leave her alone!”
“You can’t stop me-”
“Let him in!” you call, lighting a cigarette as you use your tip toes to turn the water back on, and heat up your water just a bit.
Who the hell knows how this is gonna go?
You hear the both of them speedily stomping up the steps, but Daisy get there first and says, “are you sure? You don’t have to-”
“I can’t keep letting you fight my battles,” you smile weakly at her as you turn the water off.
“I have to deal with this at some point. I can do this,” you all but mumble not believing yourself as you take a drag of your cigarette.
“I’ll be in the room over,” she sighs softly before turning, “fuck you Drysdale!”
“Fuck you!”
You hear her slap him and shake your head. Nothing can ever be simple, can it?
“Sweet Thing, please-” he starts as soon as he makes his way into your bathroom.
“Ransom...don’t,” you quickly interrupt. “This isn’t just some small disagreement.”
“I didn’t even know I had a child!”
“I could’ve dealt with that, Ransom! It would’ve taken some time, but I honestly could’ve dealt with that! It’s the way you spoke about him in front of him!”
“I don’t want him!”
“You didn’t have to say it in front of him! Jesus, it’s not his fault that you’re a selfish bastard! He didn’t ask to be born, and Marta-”
“She did this out of spite! Not because she wants me to be apart the child’s-”
“Be that as it may, he didn’t do anything! Basically telling her that she has no right calling him a Drysdale, when he is in fact a Drysdale! Ransom, I know you’re rough around the edges, but for fucks sake! All the talks we’ve had about our own fucked up childhoods and you do this?! You just...I don't fucking get it with you, Ransom!”
“What is there to get?! We fucking talked about this, Y/N! I’m not-”
“That’s no excuse for this! You took it too far and I...Ransom, I can’t-”
“Don’t you fucking say it,” he warns as his eyes start welling up with tears. “Don’t you fucking say that to me!”
“Ransom...I love you, but I can’t be the only good thing in your life. The only person you like,” you sob, sitting up and ashing your cigarette in the ash tray resting on the little table near by.
“It’s too much fucking pressure! It’s too much pressure, and I can’t keep watching you be terrible to people because you had a rough childhood! You having a rough go of it doesn’t mean you get to walk all over people for the rest of your life!”
“Listen, give it a few days and you’ll see-”
“No, Ransom. This is done. I can’t do this with you anymore. You have to grow up at some point, and I refuse to mother you.”
“Y/N...you’ll see...you don’t mean it. You always say you’re done and you come back-”
“I can’t anymore. All of this just hurts too much. You keep finding new ways to hurt me, even when you don’t mean to, and I just...you’re cruel, Ransom. You’re cruel, you’re a bully, and you will hurt anyone by doing anything. I know there’s good in you, because you’ve let me see it time and time again, but you refuse to let others in, even in the slightest and I just...please don’t call me anymore,” you sob pathetically. “Don’t call, don’t text, don’t come by...we’re done.”
“You don’t mean this-”
“Don’t make it harder than it has to be, please. Just let me go,” you beg softly as you wipe your eyes.
“You’ll see. In a week or so, you’ll see and I’ll be waiting. I’ll wait and everything will be as it should, again,” he smiles weakly, wiping his own eyes.
“I’ll call you in a few weeks, okay, Sweet Thing,” he promises, making his way over to the bathtub. “I love you and I’ll talk to you.”
He cups your face and kisses you passionately and you’re so tempted to pull him into the tub with you, but you know you’ve got to stop. You left one toxic relationship just to jump into a different type of toxic relationship.
“Ransom,” you breathe once you two break apart, “please-”
“I’ll talk to you in a few weeks,” he promises with a sniffle before standing up and walking out.
“I’ll see you in a few weeks,” he repeats, his voice cracking as he continues on his way out.
Daisy is back inside and by your side instantly, climbing into the tub and holding you close as you cry uncontrollably, as you try to come to terms with the choice you’ve just made. Yeah, he’s right in saying that you always come back, but that’s not the case this time.
You need to stay away from him for good.
The fact that he has it in his head that all of this will be sorted out in a few weeks, lets you know that this is only the calm before the storm. As both you and Daisy lean back into the tub, and she holds you close while you cry into her shoulder, there’s only one question going through your head:
How the hell are you supposed to quit the love of your life?
4 Years Later...
You can read the rest of the story here
taglist: @whiskeytangofoxtrot555, @companionjones, @autumnrose40, @fuckingbye, @pono-pura-vida, @nomadstucky, @mazda098, @chemtrails-club, @bree-lyrie, @mjey12, @charlottiedawson, @fenixstar , @thickania
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shotgunbunny · 1 year
“But daddy I love him.” with crybaby! reader aka defending Ransom to your father and the soft kisses and sex afterwords and him saying how proud he is of you. Maybe he also makes you cry more bc he just loves your tears.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧
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WC:2k+ GIF by forchrisevans
I love love love this sm! I'm making this a dark ransom Au where he's a writer that's supa rich <3 A/n: I literally felt so bad for the dad in this fic why did I make the dad so sad man.
(Warnings!! Dark!Ransom!! Mentions of murder!! Smut!! Soft! Ransom!! tiny bit of angst!! Dirty talk!!)
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You were excited for tonight. You were finally introducing you boyfriend to you parents. You weren't nervous as Ransoms cocky ways and charming nature eased your fears. He always had a way with words, maybe that's why he became a writer. You had tried to read one of his book before he pried it from your hands and began talking about how you wouldn't like the book, and because you loved him you trusted him.
You were absolutely oblivious to the fact that every book he wrote was centred around you. He wrote story after story about how after follow the woman of his dreams he finally had her and now he had to kill anyone who stood in his way. Half of his fans loved the books and the other half was terrified of Ransom and researching that all his girlfriends guy friends had died.
You sighed and stretched your limbs out on the king sized bed at Ransoms house. You turned and laid on him, drawing lazy flower patterns onto his chest. He looked at you softly, soaking in the attention you were offering him. "Ran?" He let out a deep hum before he brought his hand up to card through your hair. "Are you nervous for tonight?" He looked down at you and flashed you his winning smile.
"Not one bit baby, everyone loves me. Luckily you're the only one that has my love in return." And if they didn't love him, he'd set up there death as a car accident and sweep you off your feet into his house. He was ready with so many options so he wasn't nervous or scared. Instead he was curious to see what your parents reaction would be.
"Come on flower we best get up and get ready." You shook your head and settled firmly on top of Ransom. He chuckled at you and sat up. You clung to his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist. He slid his strong arm under your ass and stood up looking down at you and kissing your nose softly. "Hmm I thought you were my flower but you're actually just my koala." You giggled and stretched your legs out. He placed you down gently, kissing you sweetly one last time.
Ransom headed towards his walk in wardrobe and pulled out the famous white cable knit sweater. He looked kinder in this, more homely. Soft as you'd say. You smiled at him and he smiled back at you. He pulled his pants on and you pulled on your little black dress that Ransom adored. It wasn't too short, it was just right. He stared at you doped up on his love for you before he attacked your face with kisses.
You felt so safe in Ransoms arms while he rained kisses all over you. And just like that all your potential worries disappeared into the night.
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Ransom pulled up into the large gravel drive way and flashed you a smirk. He was used to snobby driveways, after all he stemmed from a rich family. You both got out and Ransom tutted at you mumbling about how he wanted to open you door for you like a gentleman. You both closed your doors and Ransom hurried over to you, holding your hand as you began walking to the front door.
You pressed the door bell and it was immediately opened by your mother rather than one of the house cleaners. You smiled at her and you beamed at you, and the glanced at Ransom. "Come in both of you! Dinner has just finished being made!" She rushed off and you looked at Ransom. He looked down at you and pulled your hand which was interlocked with his, up to his face where he placed a tender kiss on your knuckles.
You both took your shoes and coats off and you led him to the dinning room. Your mum was hurrying around playing plates down all the while your father sat still until he moved his head and stared at Ransom. Beside your dad was one of Ransoms book. You were so happy your dad had read some of Ransoms works, surely he'd like him.
Whilst in Ransoms mind he knew he was completely and utterly fucked. The look in your fathers eyes and the glimpse of the folded pages in the book proved that he knew that Ransom was not everything he seemed. Ransom could feel his heart hurt a small bit, he knew that when the 'accident' happens you're gonna weep your little heart out and it will be all because of him. And for a split second, Ransom wished that there was another way instead of that but there wasn't. So he swallowed down the heart ache he'll suffer and sat down at the table.
Your father stared at him while your mother and you chirped happily about you day. You began digging into you meal as did you mum, both of you still nattering oblivious to the staring match between your dad and Ransom. He flashed him a gentle smile, a peace treaty almost, and began digging into the meal. "This is absolutely amazing Ma'am." Your mum blushed and thanked him.
As you were all dining your dad finally spoke, still staring at the sick bastard in front of him. "Hey honey, have you ever read any of Ransoms works?" You looked up and blinked noting the angry look burried in his eyes. "No, they're not my kinda thing." You turned to look at Ransom and flashed him a smile which he returned.
"Well you should honey. There's this one character in here that's exactly like your old friend. And he died the exact same way as he did." You dropped you fork and stared at your dad. Shocked that he would ever bring that up let alone try and claim Ransom had something to do with it. "Why would you say that?" Your dad turned his harsh glare towards you.
"I know you're not the brightest honey, but he's a goddamn sociopath! He's insane! I don't want you seeing him anymore!" You stood up shocked by your dad's behaviour, Ransom stood up too and left the room, he began getting his shoes and coat on when he heard your cries. He peaked around the corner and saw tears streaming down your face. "But daddy I love him! He would never hurt me! And he knows that if he hurt anyone I loved, it would hurt me! So how can you even suggest that!"
Ransom felt his heart hurt, he remembered holding you everynight while you were grieving your friends. God knows how much it would hurt when you had to grieve your parents. God he would do anything to avoid that outcome. "How stupid are you?! He's a murderer! He killed your friends claiming it was a sick and twisted version of love!"
You swallowed down a sob and bit back at him for these insane accusations. "I never want to see you again! You won't get an invite to our wedding or meet your first grandchild! Not until you apologize to the man I love!" You dad scoffed, tears in his eyes yet he was holding back. You mother was openly weeping. The pause lasted too long cementing your choice in choosing Ransom. You walked out and bumped into him. He hugged you and you got ready and left.
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The second you were in the bedroom, Ransom was kissing you, softly sweetly. Every part of him was gently. Even as you began undressing each other, he treated you delicately. Not wanting to illicit tears, not yet. Because they'd be sad tears, not tears of ecstacy.
He kissed along your legs, allowing his hands to gently trail up your thighs before they splayed out on your hips. He moved his head up, and blowed along your wetness. Adoring the little flutter of your hips and the breathy moan that escaped your pretty mouth. He licked gently, slowly. Torturing you yet he was appreciating your taste, trying to put it into words. He went back for a second taste before he centred on your clit, he moved his hands then. Dragging one down towards your hole with a feather light tight before he plunged one finger in and then another. His other hand trailed up taking a breast in his hand.
He looked up and saw the beauty that was you, your head tilted back while moans escaped you like a desperate song. He flicked your nipple before he began gently circling it with his thick digit. While you were preoccupied with the stimulation of your nipple, Ransom plunged another finger into you before he pulled away completely.
He felt the need to be even more submerged in this moment of pleasure with you. He leaned down and captured your lips in his. Holding you close towards his body. You felt him move his tip up and down your slit, you could feel his precum mix with your own wetness. He stopped and places his cock against your hole. He stared down at you as if you were the world itself. "I love you so much." And with that he applied pressure and his cock slipped in with a pop. He slowly pushed down until he was fully settled in you.
You caught your breath after Ransom knocked it out of you by entering you. You stared at him and pressed you lips together, completely enthralled by him. By his declaration of love. He slowly began thrusting and pulled away, allowing for your shallow breathing to sink. "My angel, you did so good for me. Defended my name. Defended me. God you are worth every ounce of my love and more. Fucking perfect tight pussy. Was made for me by the Gods." You felt tears gather in your eyes at his words. He began thrusting faster.
His slid his hand down and began to circle your clit, watching with pride blooming in his chest as your tears slide down your face. You were embracing the ultimate pleasure of his cock and the result was something so beautiful that he couldn't even fathom how you weren't worshipped. He leaned down and licked your tears before pressing his forehead to yours and watching more tears stream down your face.
"Fuck you're so good to me baby, so fucking good. This pussy treats me so well too. Fucking grips my cock so well. Would worship this cunt, would worship you. So good baby."
He couldn't help it he took his hand away from your button and instead wrapped it around you throat, fucking you with vigor over the sight before him. Tears streaming down your face, his hand tight around your throat and your breasts bouncing. "Fuck! My little crybaby, you look perfect like this. Need this in a picture. Fucking beautiful. You deserve to be fucked like this baby." He leaned down and licked the tears off your face all the while holding your throat tighter making your face slowly bloom red over the lack of air flow. "Fuck it looks like you're crying diamonds. I'll get you a diamond, get you one for your dainty finger." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
Before he pulled away and squeezed tight on your throat and began pounding you so fast that it took only 5 thrusts before you convulsed on his cock and bucked you body up desperate to be free from his hands yet also enraptured in your orgasm. Ransom came seconds after. The tightness of your cunt and the beauty of you was enough to push him past his limit. His hips stuttered and he came, some of it inside you before he pulled out and coated you in it. He pulled his hand off your throat, embracing truly how amazing you were.
You laid catching your breath just barely recognising Ransom getting you water and a towel to clean you up. After that was all done he got in bed and you cuddled with him. Your head on his chest while his arm held you protectively. "You did so good for me baby, I'm so proud of you." You batted your eyelashes at him, utterly soft for his praise. "I did?" He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Absolutely my love, I'm so happy baby because of you. I'm gonna put a ring on you, that's how proud I am of you." You giggled and cuddled closer into him. "We'll see bear." And with that you fell into a peaceful sleep.
Ransom grabbed his phone and cancellation off the plan of the 'accident'. Instead he would wait for your dad to crack under the pressure. Especially when everyone else in the family got a wedding invite except him. Ransom was happy truly, there would be no more blood on his hands and now he could focus purely on you.
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661 notes · View notes
athenaeum-simps · 1 year
262 notes · View notes
chrisevansispapi · 1 year
30 Minutes
Summary: reader shows up to an empty house and finds ransom in the office with divorce papers.
Warning: swearing,angry fuck,breeding kink
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“Ran!” I called out,stepping into the now empty penthouse, “where the fuck are my things?!” I made a beeline to Ransom’s office, “you better have a damn good explanation for this,mister!” I slammed the door open,breaking the knob.
Ransom sat there blank, “What is this,Hugh? You trying to neglect me because I told you I didn’t want children?!” He sighed and lift his hand up to his temple, “sign the papers” Ransom spoke.
“You’re fucking pathetic—I am not signing anything!” I started to walk away and he caught up with me, holding me by my chest, “If not having children is what you wanted,you should’ve stayed a whore” He whispered to me, which made me turn around to face him.
“How dare you?” I brought my hand to his face,slapping him red, “You want children? You want a wife? I’ll give you all of those in just 30 minutes” I undid his belt and he slammed me on the wall.
“You want a housewife and a baby momma? C’mon make me one if you’re so desperate for one” I kissed him,yanking off his shirt and taking off his pants,hurriedly, “you only got 30 minutes,baby— you can do faster than that” He growled, his cock was already hard and leaking, Ransom makes me jump, landing my legs on his waist.
I push my white thong to the side and inserted his fat cock in me, “You’re gonna fucking regret even considering to divorce me,I want those— fuck— papers gone tomorrow” He started to pump his dick in me,my walls clenching him.
“Shut the fuck up!” He thrusted continuously in me,my back against the hard wall and my hand on his back,scratching at every pleasure.
“Fuck,give me your babies” I moaned kissing his cheek,he abused my g spot and started to handle a bruising a grip on my thigh.
His mouth now on mine, entering his skillful tongue in my mouth, Ransom kept thrusting real good into my guts, “I’m gonna cum,Ran!” I said, stabilizing myself on his shoulder,then he shot ropes of his release in my cunt.
“Mhmhmm” I moaned as I came onto him.
Ransom sat in his chair,all sweaty and flushed red,I poured him a glass of whiskey and cold glass of water, “why aren’t you drinking?” Ransom asked, “prepping for the next few weeks” I smiled, “You sure about the whole baby thing?” He asked pulling me onto his lap.
“Yeah,Anything for you” I kissed him,”people are going to put your things back in an hour”
“I love you,Hugh” I brush my hand over his band cladded pinky, “I love you” he looked at me with a soft smile.
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crazyunsexycool · 9 months
The love we gave away
Chapter 5
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut!, oral (f receiving), sad reader, bit of asshole Ransom
A/N: so here is the next chapter. I’m sorry I guess 😬
Series Masterlist
Song that Faith and reader sing along to
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The sun was out providing warmth and another bright day. A light breeze kept you cool enough as you sat on the balcony on the last floor of the hotel you were staying at. It was the perfect place to relax, take in the view and enjoy the free time and inspiration as you sketched new designs. You were waiting for Faith to show up for brunch in your room but you also knew she was a bit on the drunk side when you last saw her.
It was another half hour before Faith finally showed up followed by hotel staff carting food. You had them set everything up out on the balcony and tipped them as they left. Faith groaned as she walked out to the balcony with her huge sunglasses and loungewear on. She plopped herself on one of the chairs and grabbed a strawberry.
“Did you have a good night last night?” You tease.
“Did you?”
“I did, I slept great.”
“With Ransom as your body pillow of course.” Faith smiles.
“Nope. All by myself.”
“Say just kidding right now.” Faith takes off her sunglasses so that you’ll look her in the eyes. “But you were all over each other yesterday. And don’t think I forgot about you telling me everything about your meetup in New York.” She says as she pours herself a cup of coffee.
“Yeah well, we actually met up for the first time a few weeks ago.”
“You’re playing with me.”
“How did it happen? Why did you guys meet up?” She leans forward and places all of her attention on you once she sees your brilliant smile.
You grabbed your phone and searched for something before turning it toward Faith. She studied the photo for a moment before it clicked. Faith screamed as she grabbed your phone and stared at the picture of the twins you had pulled up.
“How? I mean look at them. They’re beautiful. When did this happen? You have to tell me everything.”
So you did. Over brunch you explained everything that had happened from the moment the twins showed up in your life until now.
“Wow. I mean that’s amazing. So when can I meet my niece and nephew?”
“We can get together when you get back from your honeymoon.”
“Perfect. What about you and Ransom?”
“What about us?” You ask as you pop a grape into your mouth.
“Don’t play dumb it doesn’t suit you. It’s obvious you guys still have feelings for each other. Just the way you looked at each other.” She sighs.
“Nothings going to happen. I mean he has a girlfriend.”
Faith perks up at your statement and then she grins. “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“They broke up. Why do you think he’s here alone?”
“I don’t know, I thought she’d fly in today or tomorrow.”
“This is perfect. You’ll be back together before the wedding is over. I can feel it.” Faith does a little happy dance in her seat.
“Well I’m not getting my hopes up. Now let’s go try on your dress.”
You both get up and head to the separate room the dress was being held in. Faith gets into the dress with a little bit of your help and you make notes to add a few finishing touches.
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The day went by quicker than you would have liked. The rehearsal dinner was fantastic and now everyone was meeting in the lobby to catch a party bus to go out to a club or two. It wasn’t really your thing but considering you were with people you knew and Faith badgering you to go you got dressed.
In the lobby you were one of the last people down. You wore a gold sequin bodycon mini dress, matching gold stilettos, your hair was down and your makeup was simple with bold lipstick. As your heels clicked against the tiled floor you saw Ransom turn his head in your direction. His jaw went slack as he took you in. He took his time looking at the way the dress hugged your curves. When he finally made eye contact with you his eyes were dark and full of want.
Ransom was dressed in dark brown almost black dress pants and a short sleeve button up with an orange, black, cream and white design on it. He looked good and pulled off the look effortlessly.
“You look stunning.” He says as you get closer to him.
“Well you look quite handsome yourself.”
Heels click behind you as Faith and Scott appear. She was dressed in white and he was dressed in black. Everyone cheers for them as they lead the group outside. Ransom immediately sticks to your side. His hand on your lower back as he guides you to the party bus which could probably be seen from space with all the lights it had on.
Music is already blasting as you get in. Faith and a few of the bridesmaids are already dancing. You on the other hand decide to sit and Ransom follows your lead. His arm drapes behind you.
“Let’s take a picture.” You whisper in his ear and he nods. “I haven’t told the twins that we ran into each other.”
You pull your phone from the clutch you brought with you and Ransom leans in and waits for you to snap a few. Butterflies erupt in your belly as you look at them. You remember what Faith said to you about him being single now. When you look up she’s giving you a wicked grin and a thumbs up. With a quick message you send the kids a picture.
Abigail: You went together? 😱😱
Theodore: make good choices.
You explain to them that you didn’t know he would be there and that you would in fact be making good choices.
For the next three hours you go through the same routine. The bus comes to a stop at a club and everyone gets out, excited for the party to continue inside. The group skips the line and are escorted straight to the VIP section. It doesn’t take long for everyone to have drinks in their hands, yourself included. Soon after, Faith and the bridesmaids leave for the dance floor, dragging you along with them.
It doesn’t escape your notice how Ransom hangs out by the area that gives the best view to the dance floor. His eyes rarely leave you as you move around and sway your hips.
Eventually a slower song comes on at the club you’re currently in. It happens to be a song that you and Faith love.
🎶“You know what I'm thinkin', see it in your eyes.
You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry.
You're scared to be lonely, 'specially in the night.”🎶
You sing to each other at the top of your lungs as you sway. Faith looks over your shoulder and smiles before Scott steals her away. But before you can go, hands find their way to your hips. You’re ready to elbow whoever is grabbing you.
“It’s just me, Thimble.” Ransom’s breath tickles your ear as he pulls you into his chest.
Since he doesn’t make a move to leave you begin to dance. And if you decide to grind against him and he doesn’t complain, so what? You’re both single and you know there’s still something between you. For the first time in your life you’re going to take a chance on something. No more carefully calculated plans, just a carefree night and whatever happens, happens.
🎶“The distance and the time between us
It’ll never change my mind ’cause
Baby, I would die for you
Baby, I would die for you, yeah.” 🎶
Ransom sings just for you to hear as he moves with you. You turn your head so that you can look at him and he gives you a nod towards the exit. It’s more than a silent request to leave early but you still nod your head. Ransom smiles, like he did when he was younger. With no ulterior motive other than he’s genuinely happy, you can tell by the way his eyes crinkle. You grab his hand and let him lead you out. Through the crowd you see Faith and smile before sending a wink in her direction. Last thing you see is her jumping up and down in celebration.
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The ride back to the hotel is quick and the elevator ride up to your hotel suite is even faster. But it didn’t feel like it at times. None of it mattered though once the door to your suite closed and Ransom pressed you up against it. It had been the first time in a long time that you’ve kissed someone and even longer since you’ve kissed him.
A small moan escapes you as you feel Ransom’s hands everywhere. He’s possessive with his kiss, his tongue dominating yours. It’s obvious you both have more experience now. Ransom moves from your lips to your neck. He finds that spot that makes you weak while he moves a knee between your thighs. The pressure he applies is enough to get you hot and bothered.
“Ransom, please.” You say as your hands find their way to his hair and you tug.
He lifts you and carries you over to the bed without his lips leaving your skin. That all familiar ache that settled between your legs grows. Ransom lays you down softly on the bed. He gives you a quick kiss before standing back up and getting undressed until he’s only in his black boxer briefs.
“Do you want this?” He asks as he moves to hover over you.
“Good because I don’t think I’d be able to leave now.” He says before he continues to kiss your chest, pulling down the top of your dress and immediately taking a nipple into his mouth.
His hand palms and kneads your other breast before alternating his attention. You whimper and writhe beneath him as your hands explore the expanse of his much more muscular frame. The experience was new but familiar. Both of you had matured and learned new things. Yet it felt like everything was the same. You’re brought back to the moment when you feel Ransom’s hands on your hips as he pushes up the skirt of your dress up. He groans as he observes you.
“Dirty girl,” he says when he realizes you weren’t wearing any underwear. Your breath hitches when his fingers travel through your folds. “No panties and you’re fucking soaked.”
“Panty lines would have ruined the look.” You shrug.
“Well you did look good. But now I’m going to ruin you. And I’m going to start by doing what I’ve thought about doing for the longest time.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m going to taste you.” He says as he settles between your legs.
Ransom starts by kissing your thighs until he reaches your center and then he dives right in. His lips wrap around your clit and he sucks hard and up until this moment you never realized how much you needed Ransom to eat you out. You can’t help the need you feel to push your pussy more into his face but it only seems to spur him on. He groans as he tastes you and you pull on his hair. His tongue moves from your clit to your weeping entrance and back before he adds a finger and pushes in. Ransom’s pace is quick and suddenly he adds a second finger while he continues to flick his tongue over your clit. Your orgasm is rapidly approaching and you feel like you’re on fire.
“Don’t stop. Please.” You say breathlessly. “Gonna come.”
“I can feel it, pretty girl. Doing so good. Be a good girl and come for me.” He commands and you do as you’re told.
Your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave. You have your eyes closed and your head thrown back in pleasure as you chant his name over and over. When you finally get a hold of your senses you realize Ransom is hovering over you again. This time he’s just watching you. A smile graces his lips and his eyes are full of that sweet and loving gaze he always held for you. It’s almost too much and not enough at the same time.
“You look so beautiful like this.” He murmurs against your lips. With the kiss you taste yourself in his tongue and you gasp.
You do your best to push him so that he’s laying on his back but he doesn’t budge and he chuckles when you roll your eyes. Finally he moves and watches you get rid of the dress which became more of a belt with how it was only around your waist. Vulnerability hits you suddenly. He hasn’t seen you since you were 17. Your body has definitely changed since then and since having the twins. All you want to do is cover yourself up. Ransom notices the sudden change in your demeanor and moves towards the edge of the bed.
“Hey, none of that.”
“I can’t help it. It’s been a while.” You confess.
“So what. C’mere.” He pulls you to stand between his legs. He immediately starts kissing your belly and the stretch marks that remained even after all this time. “You’re so beautiful, don’t hide from me. You gave me the most beautiful gift ever with this body.”
Ransom pulls you back to bed and he settles between your legs again. You can feel how hard he is against your thigh and you move your hand between both your bodies. His breath gets caught in his throat as you palm his hard cock through his underwear before pulling him out.
“Fuck.” He mutters as he ruts into your hand.
Ransom pulls away from you and you move with him. You have the intention of returning the favor. But he pushes you gently back against the bed and then grabs his pants. You give him a confused look until you see that he’s pulling a condom out. Ransom puts it on and is hovering over you again.
You look him straight in the eyes as you line him up and he pushes in. He moans with you as he bottoms out in one quick thrust.
“Still so fucking good. Best pussy I’ve ever had.” He mutters as he starts to move.
“Tell me pretty girl. What do you want?”
“Faster, please.” You say. Your nails dig into his biceps as you hold on to him.
“Whatever you want, baby.”
Ransom pulls back until he’s kneeling between your legs. His hands are on your hips as he pulls you with him and his eyes never leave yours. Neither of you can break eye contact as he moves faster just like you asked. He hits your g-spot every time and the second orgasm of the night hits you quickly. You say his name over and over again until he’s kissing you.
His hands move from your hips and travel up your body until he’s holding yours over your head. You intertwine your fingers with his and the moment shifts from just getting pleasure to something more. His thrusts slow but are still hard.
“I missed you.” You say, a tear escapes you.
“I missed you too, baby.”
Neither can deny that the attraction is still there. That you still seek each other out for more than talking about the twins. Things between you were left unresolved but as you lay there underneath him you can’t ignore the emotions that bubble under the surface. The possible meaning of having sex after being apart for so long.
“Ransom. S’good.” You mutter between kisses.
“You gonna give me one more?” He looks down at you to find your beautifully blissed out face. “I can feel how tight you are. I know you can give me one more.”
One of his hands leaves yours and he shifts until he can start circling your clit. The added stimulation has your jaw slacking. You mewl and move your hips to meet his thrusts.
“Come with me. Please baby.” You whisper as he hides his face in your neck.
You shudder as Ransom thrusts faster and harder. He grunts against your skin and you know you’re both close to the edge. Your legs wrap around him as his hips stutter with a few more thrusts and you feel yourself being pulled over the edge with him. You can see stars and feel Ransom’s weight on you and nothing has felt better than this in a long time. After a minute of catching his breath Ransom reluctantly pulls out of you softly and lays down beside you.
“That was amazing.” You murmur.
“You’re welcome.”
“Shut up.” You lightly slap his chest as you chuckle.
You feel the bed shift and look to the side to see Ransom get up and go to the bathroom. When he comes back he has a damp hand towel in hand.
“I’m gonna clean you up thimble.”
You hiss at the over sensitivity as he cleans up the mess between your thighs but you thank him anyway. Then he pulls back the covers and lets you get comfortable before sliding in next you and pulling you into his chest. You both stayed awake, the conversation was minimal but Ransom keeps you close. Soon enough he’s kissing you again and you find yourselves wrapped up in each other. Over and over again.
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It’s mid morning when you finally stir. There’s a hushed conversation happening as you stretch out in bed and an obvious empty spot next to you. However Ransom saunters in wearing nothing but a bathrobe.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He says as he leans down and gives you a quick kiss on the lips. “Come on, get up. I ordered us some breakfast.”
You stretch again and this time the covers slide down and reveal your chest to him. He does nothing to hide his ogling.
“Maybe we can stay in bed for a few extra minutes.” He says as he moves to lay back down.
You laugh as you cover yourself up again by wrapping the sheets around you.
“Fine,” Ransom pouts. “But hurry up because the water is getting cold.”
“The water?”
Ransom smirks as he leads you to the huge ensuite bathroom where he had prepared a bath for you. There were rose petals floating on the water and the scent of rose and bergamot permeated in the air. The breakfast that Ransom had ordered was set up for easy reach from the bathtub and it was all bite size versions of your favorite foods.
Ransom gets in first and you drop your sheet and he holds a hand out to help you in. Once you’re settled and relaxed Ransom hands you a cup of coffee and he takes his own. You talk about the wedding and work. By the time the water was cold, breakfast was gone and you had to go finish the last few details on Faith’s dress.
“Are you free tonight?” Ransom asks as he stands at the door.
“I should be.”
“Good, I’ll pick you up at five-thirty.” He says before giving you a kiss and leaving before you can protest.
“You got dicked down.” Faith states as she walks in on you finishing up the last adjustment her dress needed.
You look over your shoulder and roll your eyes.
“I saw him walking out of your suite and toward the elevator. I knew you’d get back together.”
“Woah,” you raise a hand to stop her. “We had sex… multiple times. But we didn’t talk about getting back together.”
“What are you talking about? It’s inevitable. Your kids are back in your lives, you’re both single and successful. Nothing is getting in the way of you being together. If you don’t end up together right away, you will eventually.”
“If you say so.”
“I do.” Faith nods as she looks over the dress one more time. “I’m the bride, I'm never wrong.”
“Why are you here? Didn’t you say you had a whole spa day planned?”
“I booked some things for you too.”
“But I’m adding-“
“The dress is already perfect. The only way it can be more perfect is by me wearing it, which I will, tomorrow. Now let’s go relax.” She pulls your hand as you put away the last of your sewing kit.
“Fine, let’s go.”
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“Wow.” Ransom mutters as you open the door. “Stunning.”
You were wearing a simple navy sundress with small white flowers on it and sandals. Your hair was up and away from your face and you kept your makeup simple. Ransom wore a simple short sleeve button up shirt and dark jeans. He pulled you by the waist and kissed you.
“Ready to go?”
“Mhm.” You hummed wide eyed and slightly breathless. The things this man could do to you and you’d happily let him.
Ransom had led you to the docks where there was a wooden runabout boat waiting for you. He got in first and offered you his hand so that you could get in before you were whisked away.
You were kept on your toes and pleasantly surprised when the boat was docked at a private beach. Ransom led you further away from the dock and toward a picnic on the beach. It was just in time to watch the sunset.
“This is amazing.”
“Anything for you, thimble.” Ransom kissed your cheek once you settled next to him.
“I didn’t realize you were such a romantic.”
“What, was me climbing up to your dorm room to deliver the foods you were craving during your pregnancy not romantic enough?”
You smile at the memory of that. He did get in trouble more than once for sneaking out of the school grounds in the middle of the night but he never let you down. Those were some of your favorite memories. He would sneak into your room and sit with you and talked to the twins while you ate.
“It was very romantic, you’re right.”
“I know.” He smirked as he handed you a flute of champagne. “I know you don’t really drink but I thought we should celebrate.”
“And what are we celebrating?”
You look at him over the flute of champagne as you take a sip. His ocean blue eyes don’t leave your face for even a moment as he thinks over what he’s going to say. Ransom drinks his champagne in one go.
“Reuniting, meeting the twins, getting a chance to know them.” He starts rambling before he looks down at you. “This.” He says as his lips slot over your perfectly.
The champagne glasses are long forgotten on the picnic blanket as you move to straddle him. Ransom’s hands are lost under the skirt of your dress and you don’t waste any time in unbuttoning his shirt and then undoing his belt. He groans against your lips as you pull him out of his pants and begin to slowly move your hand up and down his hardened length.
“You’re so fucking wet baby.” He mutters as he runs his fingers through your folds.
“I want you.”
“Then take what you want.” Ransom says as he holds your panties to the side.
You line yourself up with his cock and sink down. He’s big so you have to go slow. Once he’s buried to the hilt you stay like that for a moment. Ransom kisses and nips all along your neck before pulling down your dress and taking a nipple into his mouth. As his tongue plays with your pebbled peak you begin to move. A slow roll of your hips here and there until Ransom can’t take it anymore. His hand comes down on your ass.
“Stop fucking teasing, and I know you liked me smacking your ass. I can feel the way this pretty pussy is gripping me.” He says with a growl. “Now move.”
You do as he says and you begin to bounce on his cock. Ransom brings his hands to your hips and he helps you move until he flips you so that he can hover over you. His hips move faster and harder against you. His and your moans mix with the waves lapping up against the shore and the breeze moving the tree branches. Your legs wrap around his waist as you try to pull him closer to you. That fire in your belly that only Ransom seems to ignite is spreading like wildfire and you know you’re close.
“Fuck, right there.” you moan as he hits your g-spot. “Don’t stop.”
“Feel so fucking good.” He grunts into your ear. “Come for me baby. I want to feel you come around my cock.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he begins to circle your clit. With a plea of his name you come undone.
“That’s my fucking girl.” He says as he comes inside you. His lust blown eyes never leaving yours.
The two of you stay there and catch your breath. You can’t help but laugh a bit.
“What’s so funny?” He asks as he pulls back to look down at you. You reach up and fix the few pieces of his hair that have fallen into his face.
“No matter how long it’s been, we still act like horny teenagers. At the first chance of us being alone we start fucking.”
He chuckles before capturing your lips with his.
“I can’t help it that you’re irresistible.”
“Mmhmm.” You say as he slowly pulls out and fixes your dress before tucking himself back in. “This is the best picnic I’ve ever been to.”
“I should hope so.”
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The morning of the wedding was going to be chaotic. You could feel it as you practically kicked Ransom out of your suite. After taking a quick shower and getting your hair and makeup done you rush to Faith’s room with all the dresses in hand.
Just as you expected everyone was running around like crazy. You got there just in time to help one of the bridesmaids not rip her dress and then sat in the corner to fix the issue. At some point Faith had had enough of the bickering and chatting and demanded that everyone leave the room except for you. And the photographer of course.
With some music on and some champagne for the bride you helped her into her dress. In the mirror you stood just beside her. She grabbed your hand and looked at you through the mirror, a scene that the photographer captured. It was a sweet moment between friends. She looked beautiful.
“This could be you.” She says after a moment. As she gently smoothed her dress out.
“Oh really? Is our wedding still on then? I have something else I can wear if I’m replacing Scott.”
You laugh but Faith just raises an eyebrow.
“I’m being serious. This could be you and Ran. You were made for each other.”
“I don’t know. I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Just his dick?” Faith quips.
You roll your eyes but step away to check your makeup one more time.
“All I’m saying is give yourself a chance, ok? You’re reunited and both of you are single. I mean you spent the last two nights fucking.”
“Ok, can we just stop this conversation right now. It’s your wedding day. All attention should be on you.”
“I’m the bride and I decide what I want to talk about. But you’re right I’m going to be walking down the aisle any second now.”
“Ms. Carter I think we should do some shots of you with your family seeing you for the first time.” The photographer speaks up from the corner of the room.
“I’ll leave you to it and I’ll see you down there.”
You had made it down to the lobby of the hotel where the rest of the guests were milling about until the ceremony started. There were at least three hundred guests in attendance. A small wedding, in these social circles. Every once in a while someone would stop to talk to you about wanting you to design something for them or asking how you’ve been. You gave quick answers because you desperately wanted to find Ransom.
As you move closer to the entrance where the ceremony is going to be held you spot him. His hair is styled back and he looks so handsome in his tailored tuxedo. The smile on your face falls when a beautiful tall brunette leans in and kisses him. The issue wasn’t that she kissed him but that he kissed her back.
It was as if the wind had been knocked out of you. You turned on your heel and walked to the nearest bathroom. Taking a few deep breaths you tried not to cry. The last few days had been wonderful but just the thought that he had used you to cheat on who you assumed was his girlfriend made you sick to your stomach. Your phone went off and you grabbed it from your clutch to see a message that you were needed by the mother of the bride. You took some tissue and dabbed the corners of your eyes in order to not cry and ruin your makeup and headed back upstairs.
The ceremony went off without a hitch. The only issue you had personally was your seat. The chairs had been arranged in a semicircle and unfortunately for you, Ransom and his girlfriend were right in your line of sight on the groom’s side. You had noticed that he kept scanning the seats, probably trying to find you but you do your best to stay hidden from him.
Thunderous applause snaps you out of your thoughts as the husband and wife kiss for the first time. Everyone stands as Faith and Scott start walking down the aisle. Faith’s eyes find you immediately and she gives you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. Tears sting your eyes as she starts walking back hand in hand with Scott and then you’re met with ocean blue eyes.
You square your shoulders and your eyes move from him to his date and back. His jaw tightens and you watch as he shakes her off of him. It doesn’t matter though, you turn your attention to getting out of there and up to the bridal suite to help Faith change into her reception dress.
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Fortunately you were seated at the family table so you were next to Faith’s parents. Her mother kept you distracted enough to not look around the room in search of Ransom. It wasn’t until Faith and Scott made their grand entrance and had their first dance as husband and wife that you made eye contact again. He was sitting at a table on the opposite side of the dance floor. His date sat next to him dreamily watching the couple dance.
For the next few hours you had to make sure you stayed at a safe distance. You didn’t need to hear his shitty excuse. This wasn’t the time or place for it. He tried to get closer though, on multiple occasions but you made sure to walk away before he could reach you. At some point Scott whisks you away to the dance floor.
“He’s an idiot.” Scott says.
“Ransom. If it makes you feel better he really did break up with her before the wedding. She just showed up today.”
“It really doesn’t but thanks I guess.” You murmur.
“You know when we were in college he was always at parties, getting drunk and doing everything a guy does at a frat house.”
“That’s thrilling. Why are you telling me this?”
“Just making small talk.” He gives you a little smile when he sees you glaring up at him. “One night though got very drunk. It was in May at the end of the semester. He got completely wasted, that’s when he confided in me that he had left the love of his life behind. He felt horrible about it.”
You tensed because the only important date toward the end of May was the twins’ birthday.
“Every year like clockwork he would do the same thing so eventually I started looking out for him. It didn’t click until the yacht that it was you. I should have known because when I brought Fai to meet him they already knew each other. But I’ve never seen Ransom smile like that in my life. I know there must be something else going on and I don’t need to know it but just talk to him. The girl that’s here, she’s nice and all but it’s obvious she’s not you.”
“Are you really being a wingman for him right now?” You ask as you look around the room. Those piercing blue eyes seem to be everywhere you look.
“No, I’m being one for you. I’ve never seen you smile like you have this weekend either. I can’t imagine what happened between you two in high school but isn’t getting past that worth being happy again?”
“That’s the thing Scott, you don’t know what happened.” You say as the song ends and you leave him standing in the middle of the dancefloor.
You try to walk out as fast as you can. All of the day’s emotions were starting to suffocate you and you needed a moment away from it all. The hotel has a lovely garden that overlooks the ocean. With the reception going on it happens to be empty so you take a seat at a bench facing the beach. After a few minutes of silence and you thinking things through you hear rustling behind you and you dread to look over your shoulder only to find Ransom.
“You’ve been avoiding me all day. What is your problem?”
“My problem?” You look at him incredulously. “After the last few days we spent together you show up with another woman on your arm. How am I supposed to feel?”
“She means nothing to me. Is that what this is about? Are you jealous?” He smirks.
“I’m not jealous.” You snap. “I feel used and lied too. Did you really break up with her before the wedding or did you lie about that just so that you could get into someone’s pants?”
Ransom rolls his eyes which only serves to piss you off more. His flippant attitude is not helping the situation and only adding on to your thoughts that he was only using you to have a good time this weekend. If it were true that would be just as devastating as when he walked away without reason.
“I was going to ask you to let me stay in your room when she got here, I just didn’t get a chance to talk to you before the wedding.”
“Didn’t seem like you were trying to get away from her when you shoved your tongue down her throat. Did you think about how I’d feel at all by seeing you with her like that? The answer’s probably not.”
Ok so maybe you were a bit jealous. But in all honesty even if you hadn’t spent most of your time in bed with Ransom for the last few days you would have still been jealous.
You could see the mask that Ransom had methodically crafted to protect himself after years of abuse and fights, slip into place. He’d never just shut down like that on you and whatever was going to happen next wasn’t going to be good. The muscle in his jaw ticked and his hands were balled into fists at his side.
“We aren’t kids anymore, we don't need to be in a relationship to sleep together. What did you think was going to happen? That we’d ride into the sunset together? Don’t be so fucking naive. It was just sex, it didn’t mean anything.”
Every word cut deeper but you didn’t allow yourself to cry. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction to see your tears.
“I thought you’d have a bit of respect for the mother of your children.”
“What children? The ones you gave away?” He sneers.
It would have hurt less if he would have slapped you across the face. You stared at him with wide eyes, hurt and disbelief written all over your face. Neither of you say anything and you will yourself to turn around and walk away from him. You send Wanda a text and ask her to have the plane ready to leave tonight, you also miss the way Ransom’s shoulders deflate as he watches you walk away.
You had packed up everything quickly and had it taken to the plane while you checked out. The wedding was still going on but you texted Hope and let her know you left. Although you were sure no one would miss you. In the lobby of the hotel you check out and head to the restroom before you head to the plane.
As you give yourself a once over in the mirror one of the stall doors open and you come face to face with someone else you didn’t want to see. She gets closer to the sinks and looks up making eye contact with you through the mirror.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N.” She states excitedly and then groans. “I’m sorry it’s just I’m such a huge fan. I’m Bertie Wilcox.”
“It’s short for Alberta. I used to hate it as a kid.” She smiles. “It was actually my boyfriend who gave me the nickname. I’m not sure if I should even call him that. I don’t know where we stand right now.” She rambles as she washes her hands and you turn to look at her. “I guess we’re in a bit of a rough patch. But I hope things work out.”
You give a small hum to acknowledge that you’ve been listening.
“I’m so sorry I don’t tend to ramble about my personal life with someone I just met. This is so embarrassing.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“The wedding dress was so lovely. I didn’t know you had a wedding line.”
She’s being nice which means she most likely doesn’t know about you and Ransom. It also makes it difficult for you to hate her. What’s happened between you and Ransom really isn’t her fault and she is the one in a relationship with him. You have no right to have any hateful feelings towards her but you still can’t help it. If she hadn’t shown up then tonight would have gone completely different.
“I don’t.”
“Oh. What a shame. You’d definitely take over that industry.” She smiles at you and you give her a half hearted smile back.
“I should go. I have a plane to catch.”
“It was nice meeting you.” She says as she watches you walk away.
She waits a minute before she heads back to the reception. Bertie finds Ransom at the bar and takes the seat beside him. He doesn’t look at her or acknowledges her presence and Bertie can only sigh. For the rest of the night he’s more distant than before. When they do make it upstairs to the suite Ransom had, she takes the bed and he takes the couch.
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By the time you get back to New York your eyes sting from having spent most of the time on the flight crying. How did such a good weekend go bad so quickly?
It was still fairly early in the day and the only thing that made you smile was the pictures of Theodore and Abigail for their first day of school. You made sure to have one of them printed so that you could keep it on your desk at work. With a quick text a promise to do something that weekend and wish them a great first day.
Wanda meets you at your apartment and immediately hugs you. You weren’t sure if it’s what you needed because you started crying again. Fortunately Wanda didn’t ask any questions and you only said that you and Ransom had a disagreement but she knew it was more than that.
“I cleared the next two days for you.” She says as she helps you unpack.
“That’s not necessary. I’d much rather work.”
“Then work on new designs but you won’t be meeting any new clients this week.” Wanda crosses her arms over her chest.
You open your mouth to say something but then decide against it. Wanda takes it as a win and gives you one more hug before inviting you over to her place to a dinner party she’s hosting at the end of the week.
After she leaves you take a quick shower and decide to take a nap. At this point you’d been awake for way too long. As you settle into bed your phone rings. You see Abigail’s smiling face and you quickly answer it. She immediately goes into details about her first day and how different schools are in New York than they are in the smaller town in Ohio she grew up in. Theodore adds his own commentary as his face pops into frame. You smile and ask a few questions here and there. After a few minutes they let you go and the need to sleep is stronger. Maybe if you take a nap everything will be better by the time you wake up.
Ch. 6
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lexiawrittings · 7 months
special surprise for the holidays
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for the first time ever, my request box is officially open : here !
I want for the end of the year to post drabbles, fics or mini-series based on your request during the entire month of December! I will write AUs, dark!stories, fluff , smut.. etc.
anything you can gave me.
Please read the rules and disclaimer before sending me your ask.
You can either send me your ideas for a story.
Or, you can use my list of prompt and send me your request via my inbox.
I will write for theses characters :
Steve Rogers and Elijah Mikaelson
But also for Clark Kent and Ransom Drysdale
And all there AU's...
Please do not request an update on an ongoing story. Everything is on pause for now on.
I also give myself permission to refuse a request that either is not in my alley, or who doesn't gave me inspiration...sorry.
this is my gift fo you! thank you for supporting me, liking, rebbloging and your beautiful comments over the year! I know I'm not consistent with this blog. I'm sorry, but life you know...
Thank you all, I love you 💕 !
Lexia 💖💖
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Sicknesses - Ransom Drysdale
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x female Reader
Summary: Ransom ends up sick and she has to take care of him. Not used to such affections Ransom isn't an easy patient, nor a willing one.
Warnings: fluff, sick Ransom, Ransom has a cold, somewhat soft!Ransom, brief mention of his shitty family
Wordcount: 2.1k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don't allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don't steal my work.
A/N: divider by @firefly-graphics
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She knew something was up the moment she saw the Beemer parked in front of the house. It had not moved an inch since the previous day. That was the first indication that something was off. 
While Ransom sometimes chose to work from home - the huge office on the upper floor of the house was certainly deemed worthy for that - most of the time he did make the trip to his grandfather’s publishing house. Blood like Wine had an exquisite and even more luxurious headquarters in which Ransom had his own office. One made of plush, luxurious furniture, only second to Harlan’s even grander office. Albeit most of the time, he ended up at his grandfather’s mansion. The two of them would lock themselves into Harlan’s study and work on manuscripts or discuss the newest book the head of the Thrombey/Drysdale dynasty was working on.
It had become a routine for them, for her, to come home to the house, the beemer missing from its usual spot and the house empty and quiet. Ransom would come home to her having whipped up a meal for both. She found he was more relaxed when he worked outside. Especially since Walt loved to get on his nerves. His uncle hadn’t accepted that Ransom now had a bigger role in the company and a higher ranking in the office hierarchy than him and that after working there much shorter. Thus the old, bitter man had made it his goal to make Ransom’s work life a living nuisance. The drive home always worked as a time for Ransom to cool down and leave the angers of work behind.
The second indication something was off was the house. It was silent when she entered it. Nothing so unusual, the house was big and one could be encompassed by silence even if the other person was busy or loud in another part of the spacious living quarters. Still there was an air to the place that told her something was off. There was a reason Ransom had had a help and cleaning lady employed before they had moved together. He had the bad habit of letting things just lay around, never putting them away or cleaning after himself. It was too clean and too untouched. As if he hadn’t been here at all the entire day.
Putting her things down she looked around. The throw blanket and pillows were still neatly draped over the couches in the living room, there were no empty pots and no used cup indicating he had been to the kitchen to make himself a coffee either. The machine wasn’t even turned on and all her cookbooks were still in place. Ransom always liked to shove them to the side to make space when he got himself a coffee.
“Ran?” She knew her chances of him hearing her were slim. She tried it anyway. If he were to be in their bedroom he’d have heard her for sure. Climbing up the stairs she was greeted by even more silence. Even in front of his office, she didn’t hear a thing. That was the third indication something was off. Normally she’d hear him on the phone with someone or simply grumbling to himself. 
Knocking at the door brought her no response. Furrowing her brows she cracked the door open and poked her head into the room. Ransom wasn’t behind his desk in his usual spot but there were some manuscripts and other papers spread over the oak desk together with his open laptop.
“Ransom?” She asked again, this time stepping into his work-den. Something to her right caught her attention. There he was. Sprawled out on the couch, shoes still on. He was on his side with one arm thrown over his eyes and knees bent to fit onto the two-seater. In front of him on the small coffee table lay another manuscript.
“Ransom?” She asked again but he gave no response. She made her way over to him, kneeling in front of the couch. His chest raised and sank in an even rhythm. He looked almost peaceful if it wasn’t for the way his breath rattled and how heavy it was. It seemed like he had difficulty breathing properly. 
She placed her hand on his shoulder, letting her fingers trail over his sweater-clad arm until she reached his wrist. Carefully pulling his arm off his face, she looked at him. His face was scrunched up, a deep frown etched onto his sleeping features. There was a film of perspiration across his forehead and as she combed the unruly strands of his hair back, she felt how dewy with sweat they too were.
“Ransom,” she said again, this time shaking his shoulder. A groan slipped from his lips as he slowly came too. When his eyes opened they were glassy and unfocused.
“Hey baby,” she mumbled quietly, her thumb brushing over his cheek. He simply looked at her, rather blankly and blinked slowly. Once again she furrowed her brows, this time in concern. Ransom wasn’t one for physical attention, at least if it wasn’t coming from him. He had his moments in which he still pushed her away, too overwhelmed with the softness and the loving attitude he received. 
“You fell asleep, are you not feeling alright?” She asked him quietly, trying to get him to engage with her. Finally, he brushed her hand off and sat up, looking around the office and frowning.
“I’m fine,” he told her gruffly. She noticed how congested he sounded, his voice a rather irritated rasp. When he tried to get up and wobbled for a moment she knew he was anything but fine.
“Whoa, take it easy grumpy.” Her hands had shot out towards his waist, softly resting there to help him keep his balance. He shot her a glare but she kept eyeing him and caressing his side with her thumb. “Why were you even on the couch?” Her question made him scoff.
“Walt kept blowing up my phone and he was giving me a headache. I wanted a moment to sort my thoughts before continuing on the manuscript.”
“And you fell asleep?” The question earned her a second glare. His glares had stopped bothering her a long time ago. She could tell by now what were actual signs of irritation and agitation from him and what was simply his stony mask. He wasn’t actually mad at her and behind his glare was no power.
“Let’s call it an early day, hm?” He didn’t look pleased with her suggestion but he also didn’t complain, nor did he stop her from going over to his desk and shutting his laptop off.
“You know you can tell me when you aren’t feeling good,” she told him, eyeing him from behind his desk as she sorted the papers and put them in the desk drawer.
“I’m feeling alright.” Once again he was adamant but the truth was clear to her. When she looked over at him again she noticed him shiver.
“Ransom,” her stern voice made him look up. He seemed surprised. She was always so soft-spoken and calm, never serious or even scolding with him.
“Maybe I still have a headache,” he told her and at that moment he reminded her of a pouting five-year-old that had been caught stealing cookies. Walking back over, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Instantly he relaxed and put his hands on her waist.
“How about you go take a shower. I’ll get you something for your headache and then we’ll lay down together?” It surprised her how easily he agreed. It must have been the mixture of her stern voice from before and him not feeling good.
While he showered she went on to raid their small medicine cabinet. She was glad she had talked him into getting one and stocking it up. Ransom had complained about it the entire way but she had insisted, stating that it was worth it alone for the pain medication she used when it was her time of the month.
Now even more so as she could simply grab the bottle of cold medicine - rather than having to run to a store - and go get him a glass of water. Both items she placed on his nightstand in their bedroom before she went into the adjacent walk-in closet. With a pair of comfy,  silky pajama bottoms and another sweater, she made her way into the bathroom. The shower was still going.
“Ran?”, she asked and heard a small hum coming from him. He sounded less congested, she noticed. The warm water must have cleared his sinuses. “I got you some pajamas to change into when you’re done.”
There was no second hum from him. She knew he had heard her, even if he didn’t she had placed the clothes in a way he couldn’t overlook them. Already on her way to turn around and leave him alone, she stopped when the water cut out and the door of the shower opened. He looked at her with half-lidded eyes, nearly stumbling out of the shower.
“Oof, Ransom!” She was quick to move, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his hips while she simultaneously kept him from slipping and falling. Having to call the ambulance because he split his head open wasn’t what they needed.
“You really aren’t feeling good, huh?” She mumbled, earning another small glare from him that she promptly ignored. “Come on, sit down, you stubborn fool.” Getting him to sit down on the ledge of the bathtub took some coaxing but in the end, he sat there, with his back leaned against the wall.
“I’ll be back in a second,” she had barely completed the sentence before she was already out of the room, grabbing both the medicine and the glass of water. Armed with both she marched back.
“Here, take this.” She held out both a pill and the glass of water, waiting for him to take it. Of course, he didn’t.
“I don’t want it,” he complained, his mouth turned down in an unpleasant frown. Once again he reminded her of a little boy.
“Come on.” Stubbornly he shook his head and cursed at how dizzy it made him feel before he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Ran,” she tried to coax, “Come on, you’ll feel better if you take it.” She knew he was stubborn, he always had been, but a sick Ransom was an entirely new measurement on the stubbornness-skala.
“Take it or I’ll shove it down your throat.” Ransom let out a surprised laugh, that quickly transitioned into a cough that made her wince. He cocked a brow, looking her up and down once his fit had subsided. 
“You’d never be able to.”
“Oh yeah? I’ve got my ways, Ran. You are weak enough right now and if not I’ll have to go to other lengths.” There was a small grin forming on his face together with a challenging look. One she took as a direct invite. Stepping closer to him she looked down at him from over the bridge of her nose, her eyes wandering down towards the towel hiding his lap away. Coming close enough to step in between his legs, she nudged one of her knees forward. That was all it took for him to realize what the other lengths were she was prepared to use.
“You are evil, woman,” he groaned, finally giving up. Even if the thought of intimacy was inviting, he had no energy for it.
“Fine?” She asked him once more and this time he nodded, still scowling. With a triumphant smile, she pushed the pill against his lips, watching him take it into his mouth before she handed him the glass and here too watched him drink it up. Putting the glass aside she put her arms around his neck, softly pushing the wet strands of hair from his forehead.
“Good boy.” The praise was quiet, just whispered against his lips before she gave him a peck. She knew he liked to get praised by her, “Let’s get you dressed, and then we can go lay down.”
With her help, Ransom slipped the pajamas on and trotted behind her into the bedroom. They both got under the covers, her opening her arms up for him. Ransom came without complaints, sinking into the embrace and resting his head on her chest. He was still slightly feverish, the medicine would make him even more sleepy and tired in a short while. She simply wrapped her arms around his shoulders, one hand stroking through his hair.
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moonxnite · 1 year
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I’ve never felt so much pain before 💔💔
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Nothing Has Changed - 5
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Chp 1, Chp 2 , Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , -
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more.
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 You left Bucky dumbfounded after you tried to hit him. You were so angry after hearing that you got fired and lashed out at him.
If he wants to report you, so be it. You don’t care. You have lost everything. You’ve got nothing to lose.
You went to see your dad, who was arranging flowers for the next family.
“Dad, I’m going back to the city today,” you said, your voice tight.
“What’s the result?” Tom asked, remembering today was the day for the investigation results.
You rubbed your nose with your finger and cleared your throat, trying to hold back tears. “They let me go, but I got fired instead. But hey, at least I got my money back.” Your bank account had been unlocked by the judge, and you wanted to go back to the city to get all your stuff and sell your penthouse.
Tom looked concerned. “You want me to go with you?”
You shook your head. “No. I will come back after two days.”
“I’ll drive you to the station,” Tom offered, his voice filled with worry.
You headed back to the car and noticed Bucky wasn’t there anymore. As you drove to the station, the silence between you and your dad was heavy with unspoken words.
When you arrived at the station, you saw Natasha again. She looked at you with a mixture of curiosity and jealousy. “You’re using the train? Why didn’t you use the car that Bucky gave you?” She felt bitter since Bucky never offered her his car, yet you, who had just come back, could use it.
You knew from her tone that she was jealous. You just said, “It’s too slow.”
Natasha scoffed, “Yeah right.” Then she left.
You rolled your eyes; she hadn’t changed at all.
You arrived back in the city. Once, you thought this place would be your home. Now, you just wanted to leave it behind.
You didn’t want to set foot in the company again. You told your secretary to throw away all your stuff. Besides, there was nothing important. You had already secured everything in your safe deposit box. That’s why you had to clear your name to get access to your bank account back.
Early the next morning, you went to the bank. All you needed was the pen drive. It held all the leverage you might need. If someone tried to put you in a bad spot, this would be your last resort.
As you entered the bank, you felt a sense of relief mixed with determination. You approached the safe deposit boxes and signed the necessary forms. The pen drive felt heavy in your hand, despite its small size. It contained all the proof of strange transactions and could clear your name or take down those who had wronged you.
After securing the pen drive, you took a moment to breathe. Once a place of dreams and ambition, the city felt like a battlefield you had barely escaped.
After that, you got into the taxi to go back to your condo. As the car stopped at a red light, you saw the tall building—the headquarters owned by the Drysdale family.
You used to come here every morning, even sleeping in your office sometimes. But now, it was all in the past.
It still left a bitter taste in your mouth. After everything you did, they just threw you away. You wondered who would replace you since you knew your skills were unparalleled. No one could match you.
What made you so upset was Ransom. Until now, he hadn’t replied to a single message or email you’d sent him.
To be honest, you saw it coming. The friendship between you two had long since deteriorated. There was a time you liked him, but those feelings vanished after overhearing a conversation at a party where Ransom talked with his friends.
One of his friends had asked, “What’s up with you and her? We’ve noticed you two have been spending a lot of time together.”
Ransom scoffed, sipping his whiskey. “Nothing. I only see her as numbers. She’s the key to making me lead the company.”
“Wow,” his friend had replied, impressed.
You were heartbroken when you heard that. But part of you had expected it, knowing that Ransom was out of your league.
You arrived at your condominium and began packing. You had once thought your life was sad because your place was so empty. But now, you were grateful since it meant you could move out quickly.
You gathered everything into your luggage and boxes.
Then you heard the doorbell. You wondered who it could be. Besides your assistant, Ransom was the only other person who ever came to your place. Could it be him? But he never replied to any of your texts.
You looked at the camera by the door and saw Ransom on the screen. He looked a mess.
Your heart skipped a beat, a mix of anger and confusion bubbling up. You hesitated for a moment before opening the door. Ransom stood there, disheveled, his eyes hollow and tired.
You were confused. Should you open the door or not? On the other hand, you needed answers too.
Holding back your anger, you opened the door. Ransom was taken aback. He didn’t seem to expect you would actually open the door for him.
You stood behind the door, opened your arms as if welcoming him, and said, “You owe me an explanation.”
Ransom, hesitating for a moment, put his hands into his coat pockets and walked into your condo. He noticed the luggage and boxes scattered around the living room.
“You're leaving,” he observed.
Ransom scratched his head, frustration evident, then put his hand on his waist and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I never wanted to hurt you.”
You gave him a stern look. “Why are you upset? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
He turned to face you, his eyes red and tired. “It's for the best.”
You scoffed, incredulous. “That's it? After years together, you just throw me away like that?”
You pointed your finger at him, anger boiling over. “I knew it was you who framed me for insider trading.”
Ransom walked past you, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. He drank slowly, as if buying time to gather his thoughts. Finally, he opened his arms and leaned against the marble counter. “It's more complicated than you think.”
You crossed your arms tightly. “I'm not in the mood to solve a puzzle.”
Ransom sighed. “Three days before the FBI raided your office, my family heard Harlan’s will.”
After Harlan’s funeral, his will wasn’t read immediately. It was his last request to delay the reading.
“What’s that got to do with me?” you demanded.
Ransom’s eyes bore into yours. “Because Harlan chose you!”
You felt like the ground had been pulled out from under you. “Me?” you gasped, speechless. Now, it all made sense—why none of the Drysdales were willing to help you. They were angry, feeling like you had stolen their birthright.
“It was my mom and her siblings who contacted the FBI and got you fired,” Ransom admitted.
“And where were you?” you yelled, hugging yourself tightly. “You’re no different from them! You left me alone.”
Ransom took a step closer, placing his hands on your shoulders gently. “I was captured.”
You raised your head, eyes wide with disbelief. “Really?”
He nodded, his expression sincere. “They let me out after they finally got what they wanted.”
"For you to get fired," Ransom began, his tone sympathetic as he addressed the issue.
“Why? I also didn't know that Harlan chose me. If you had asked me, I would have refused it,” you expressed, your voice tinged with disbelief and frustration as you crossed your arms tightly, your body language mirroring your inner turmoil. Your brow furrowed, and your shoulders tensed as you spoke, emphasizing the weight of your words.
“I know. That's what I told them,” Ransom replied, pulling you into a hug, his embrace offering both comfort and reassurance as he wrapped his arms around you securely. You stiffened momentarily in surprise at his gesture before relaxing into the embrace, your body melting into his as you allowed yourself to be comforted.
“Their plan backfired though,” Ransom continued, a wry smile playing on his lips as he spoke, his eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and exasperation at the situation.
“Huh?” you responded, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, your body tense with anticipation as you awaited his explanation. Your arms remained crossed tightly over your chest, a defensive stance reflecting your skepticism.
“The employees made a petition for you to come back,” Ransom revealed, his tone tinged with amusement at the irony of the situation, his hands gesturing animatedly as he spoke.
You were left speechless, the news catching you off guard. You had always kept to yourself at work, never realizing your impact on your colleagues, your eyes widening in surprise as you processed his words.
Ransom chuckled softly. “You're the reason why we got triple profits and they got bonuses. Why would they want to lose you?” he remarked, admiration evident in his voice, his gaze locked on yours with a mixture of fondness and respect. You offered a small, hesitant smile in response, your body language softening as his words sank in.
For the last few years, the projects that you and your team worked on have consistently generated significant profits, earning you the respect and appreciation of your colleagues, a sense of pride swelling within you as you recall your past achievements.
You nodded slowly, a sense of validation washing over you as you acknowledged the impact of your work.
“And I'm here to tell you that you're not fired,” Ransom declared, his words carrying a sense of relief and sincerity, his eyes searching yours for any sign of acceptance or understanding.
You were supposed to be happy when you heard that, but with your father's condition, you had second thoughts.
You pushed Ransom away, whispering, “I'm sorry.”
Ransom looked puzzled. “What?”
You struggled to explain, “The reason why I said no is because of my dad. He's got cancer.” And you're still hurt by the betrayal from the company you've worked for a long time.
Ransom's eyes widened. “You went back home and met your dad?”
You nodded your head.
Ransom couldn't believe this. He had never heard you mention your dad until now, and it was the first time he saw you being vulnerable.
“Alright. I can't stop you,” Ransom said resignedly. He knew you had to go, but he was going to miss you. It would be difficult to find a talented person like you.
“Wait. Does it mean you've met the people who made your life miserable?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“You should show them the new you,” Ransom suggested. Having attended the same high school, he had witnessed what they did to you.
You looked at Ransom, considering his words. It was strange hearing him advise you like this, given your complicated history. But there was a sincerity in his voice that made you pause.
“Maybe,” you mumbled, still uncertain.
Ransom nodded, his expression softening. “They don't know what they're missing out on. You've grown stronger, more resilient.”
You managed a weak smile, appreciating his attempt to boost your spirits. Despite everything, there was a flicker of gratitude for his unexpected support.
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shotgunbunny · 1 year
I want ransom to use my throat like a flesh light 🤤🤤
༻𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐥𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐫, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲༺
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{warnings!! toxic family!!face fucking!! ransom being a presumptuous bitch!! everyone being assholes.}
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You and Ransom had been dating for a year now, and although there were tough times due to your bratty personalities clashing, it was often beautiful. He bathed you in his love and his hidden softness and kept you safe under his arm at parties filled with chaos. And you inturn drowned him in your love and kisses that you peppered all over his face to grant him comfort and remind him that you adored him.
You remember when you first met, you were at a party filled with rich assholes and you were wasted. You were laid on the bathroom floor crying, the alcohol in your system conjuring memories of your ex boyfriend cheating on you 2 days ago. You sat on and leaned against the tub and continued crying, suddenly the door opened and there stood the devil looking beautiful as always.
Ransom stared at you for a moment before sighing and locking the bathroom door. He recognised you from university. The sweetheart everyone adored, you once gave him a cookie for him standing up for you against the frat boys that called you a dumb whore. The cookie was delicious he won't even deny it. Which led him to wondering why a pretty little thing like you, that made the sweetest things, crying?
Hushed murmurs bounced around the bathroom and eventually Ransom took you to his house and took care of you. The second you were asleep he went to your ex boyfriends house and beat him bloody. But you never knew that.
From that moment you both grew closer until you grew tired and began getting moody with him for not making the first move, he rolled his eyes and asked you out. And now you were here meeting his family for Thanksgiving, this wasn't the first time you'd met them, but past meeting with them only lasted 10 minutes before they stared getting snarky and mean and Ransom stormed away with you beside him.
You were not looking forward to this dinner, the only people that liked you were Harlan and Ransoms mum. You tried to befriend Meg yet she thought if you could date Ransom for so long, you must be exactly like him. You liked Linda, she treated you with respect and was always kind as she thought that you had changed Ransom.
You were sat next to Ransom and Linda at dinner, bringing you comfort that you weren't that alone. Walt cleared his throat and stared at you, "So the gold-digger brought his silver-digging slut." Ransom smirked, "Yeah I did, no need to be jealous that my girl is hotter than yours will ever be, shriveled dick." The entire room errupted into chaos. You couldn't stand it and decided to bite back at the next issult thrown at you.
Joni was the one that decided to start the fire with you, "You're so obviously with Ransom for the money, you'd never fit into the family." You rolled your eyes at her, "I'm actually only with Ransom for his big cock, I can't wait to take his last name to spite you, bitch." Ransom went quite next to you.
He was ecstatic that you loved his cock, but the last comment got him. It was like you knew he was going to propose. Even Linda froze up knowing of Ransoms plan to propose after dinner. The whole time Harlan sat there, listening to the insanity that was his family until he finally shouted, "Enough! Stop this nonsense!" Ransom pulled his chair out and tugged you with him.
He tugged you upstairs into his old room and pushed you onto the bed. You stared at him, your eyebrows furrowed together as you watched him pace. You were confused by his actions. "When did you find out?" Your confusion grew, why was Ransom acting so strange. "What?" He growled and turned to you anger and rage flashing in his eyes. "You fuckin' heard me." You stood up and glared back at him. "I don't know what you're talking about so drop the attitude."
"Get on your knees. Now." His dominance was driving you crazy and you dropped to your knees. He unzipped his pants and you pulled them down and then his boxers. You eyes widened as his cock bobbed out of his pants. It looked like he had been hard for a while due to how much precum was coating the tip of his cock. Before you could even speak he grabbed your hair and made it into a make shift ponytail with his fist.
He stared down at you, and you opened your mouth. He immediately pushed your head all the way down. Your nose burried in his pubes. You gagged around his cock and his groaned, the sound creating a beautiful symphony for your ears. You slurped your salvia down and sucked on Ransoms cock. He closed his eyes and started thrusting in your mouth speaking harshly down at you.
"Gotta fuckin' fill your mouth to stop your fuckin' lies." He continued fucking your throat, groaning everytime there was a small gag. The tightness of your throat almost hugged his cock as good as your cunt. You stared up at him confused and pleading for him to tell you what he did wrong. He looked down at you and spat on your face, glaring at you.
"You fuckin' looked in my night stand didn't you. Saw the fuckin' ring and knew I was gonna pop the question." Your eyes watered both from Ransom face fucking you and the fact he was going to propose. He groaned looking at your face. Tears streaming down it and spit everywhere. You moaned around his cock trying to deny the fact you'd seen the ring, but the vibrations were perfect around the tip of his cock and he came down your throat.
He watched as you drank down his cum, keeping his cock comfortable in your throat until it was soft. He pulled it out and tucked his cock in his boxers and the pants. You looked up at him and spoke with a horse voice, "You were gonna propose?" He rolled his eyes and helped you onto his bed, "Don't play dumb, you knew I was, that's why you said that shit about taking my last name at Joni." You stared up at him with wide eyes. You whispered gently, "I said that because I see a future with you Ransom. I want us to get married."
Silence filled the air, and with a sigh Ransom reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. You breathe got caught in your throat. He opened it and stared at you, the ring was beautiful. A silver band adorned with a diamond in the middle and surrounded by rubies. "Well, take my last name then sweetheart." You smiled and and giggled the sound coming out slightly muted. "Before I put the ring on my finger can you get me a drink of water." He smirked and passed you the glass of water that was on the nightstand next to his old bed.
You gulped and sighed, feeling you throat being more eased up and free from Ransoms cum. "I'd love to be your wife Ransom." With that he slid the beautiful ring on your finger and you attacked him with a kiss.
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Summary: Based on the song “Scotty Doesn’t Know” by Lustra. Reader has been dating Steve Rogers for a year, but keeping a secret with his twin brother Ransom, too.
Pairings: Reader x Ransom Drysdale, Reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: infidelity, rough sex, exhibitionism (Steve is unaware though), hair pulling, oh so much dirty talk, a moment of face slapping, unprotected sex
Word count: ~500 words
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chrisevansispapi · 1 year
Summary: Ransom fucks reader on the balcony railings of their beachhouse.
Warning: Smut,Daddy Kink,Spit Kink,Breeding Kink and Praising kink.
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I was in the balcony enjoying the pure sounds of the waves,and seeing the sun slowly rise.
I suddenly felt big calloused hands on my waist, He places his head on my shoulder, “Morning, baby” Ransom whispered in my ears, his breath still smelling like mint after a long nights sleep.
“Morning,Daddy” I turned my head to kiss him, then I felt his cock twitch on my back, “Come back in Bed” He groans.
“How about we do IT here?” I turned to face him fully,I stretched my arms over the cold railing,smiling with lust, “Are we blessing this house or something?” Ransom chuckled,I shrugged and turned around again and arch my back,shoving my ass to his crotch.
“You’re so fucking hot” Ransom threw his head back, “C’mon,Daddy” I moan teasingly, his hand instantly clawed at the silk robe,I was only wearing my slip,no underwear whatsoever, “my good little whore” he rolled up the hem of the slip to my hips.
He slid off his boxerbriefs, revealing his cock which slapped his bellybutton, “Daddy,c’m-“ Ransom thrusted into me with no warning, “Oh god!” I threw my head back moaning.
Ransom slid in and out of me in a rapid pace, “taking me so- fuck—well” I moan at his praise, he grabs my face and opens my mouth and casually spits in my mouth, “swallow for Daddy” Ransom spoke so smoothly as he thrusted in me,I swallowed his spit and kissed him.
“Mhmmm gonna carry my babies after this” Ransom caresses my ass and slaps it firmly, “Daddy—please” I plead as I clenched around him, “Not yet,baby” He whispered to my ears as I moaned like I was chanting something,whimpering “daddy” like a chant.
I was now flushed,sweating and clenching on his fat cock, his thrusts were now sloppy, “cum with me,baby” He released thick ropes of his cum in me and I was now moaning as I came, “What do you say?” Ransom grabs my face aggressively, “Thank you,Daddy” I said panting, “I love you,baby” He turned me around to face him again, “I love you more,Daddy” Ransom smiled at my words and kissed me,his tongue intertwining with mine, I hummed in the kiss.
He pulls my slip down to cover my bare ass and we turned around to see the sun fully rise, his cum and mine still dripping to my thighs, “Let’s go clean you up and get breakfast” He kissed my temple.
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓈𝑜𝓂 𝒹𝓇𝓎𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉
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꙳= indicates a drabble
> Love, Insults, and Feminism꙳
> Babe
> Not So Confident꙳
> Hot Boy Summer
> dad!ransom headcanons
> Wanna Play, Ransom?꙳
> Pancake Talk꙳
> Disney Drama꙳
> Welcome to the Family꙳
> Nap Master꙳
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crazyunsexycool · 11 months
The love we gave away.
Chapter 2
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word count: 4.8k
Warning: mentioned child abuse, teenage pregnancy, talks about adoption (should this be a warning?), lil bit of angst.
A/N: this chapter had been written a few days ago but I didn’t want to post it until I posted the current chapter for is it a crime? Anyways, we get a bit of soft Ransom, which he only is with the twins and reader. But don’t worry the drama and the angst will be here soon!!!
Series masterlist
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Ransom was a nervous wreck from the moment his assistant handed him the note with your name on it. It had been so long since he spoke to you although he thought about you every single day. He didn’t know how you still managed to have a hold on him. Your relationship had been a first for him. A first of many things actually but he’d never admit it out loud. He’d found love with you. You’d been so gentle with him and from the first date he was hooked.
When you told him you were pregnant he freaked, rightfully so. Linda and Richard Drysdale were going to kill him and he knew your parents weren’t any better. Deep down however he hoped you would have the baby. He didn’t know a single thing about them but if you were as caring and gentle with him he could imagine you would be the same as a mother. The thought itself was outrageous, you both had plans once you graduated high school. One of them was to go on vacation before starting college in the fall. Ransom had been working with his grandfather during the summer as part of a deal that the older man would fund the vacation. He wanted to surprise you and take you to the fashion capital of the world.
The day you told him that you were having twins he was speechless. When you told him you thought it was best to give the babies up for adoption, it broke his heart.
The day the twins were born Ransom finally understood what love truly was. He realized that neither you nor him had a way of taking care of the babies between school and work; there wouldn’t be time to actually look after them. Add on to that that both yours and his parents had pressured you into giving the babies up or being thrown to the streets, neither of you had a choice. Everything went downhill after that and before he realized what had happened you were gone. After that he swore off ever being in a relationship again. At least one that had such a deep emotional connection. Now he was known as a womanizer and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
After he got the courage to call you he was sure he’d been dreaming. The twins had found you and they wanted to meet him too. Once the conversation was over and you said your goodbyes Ransom headed into his walk-in closet and looked for a few minutes for a little box he kept hidden in a corner.
With a sigh Ransom walked back down to his study. He poured himself a drink and sat at his desk, opening the box. Inside there were two little hats, a picture and another small box. The little beanies were what the twins were wearing in the hospital, one pink with a bow and one blue. He’d grabbed them when the twins were being put into some actual clothes. The picture was of the four of you. He sat in the hospital bed beside you, he held your beautiful baby girl while you held your sweet baby boy. You both looked a mess, he was all red faced and with tear filled eyes and it was obvious you had just given birth, you looked so tired. Still you both smiled, they were small sad smiles but they were there. In the small box there was a ring. It was a small promise ring. Something to show you that he loved you no matter what had happened or what was to come. But he lost the courage to give it to you as he watched two total strangers walk out of the hospital with his kids. Leaving both of you empty handed and broken hearted. It’s like you had given away the love you had for each other. The days and even weeks afterwards were horrible. Your cries for your children were gut wrenching and they were burned into his memory.
Ransom started thinking about every question the kids might have and the answer he’d give. Soon he started to worry that they wouldn’t like him, maybe even hate him for giving them up. He fell asleep at his desk, slightly drunk so as to stop the voices of his parents telling him he would never be good enough to have a family of his own.
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Before either of you knew it, the day you’d been waiting for had arrived. It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon. Ransom had traveled to New York from Boston a day before. You had sent him the information of the restaurant you’d picked. It was somewhere that had a private room and a back entrance for you to use. To Ransom’s surprise you were very well recognized to the point that sometimes paparazzi followed you along New York.
Ransom arrived early, he was way too nervous to sit in his hotel room for another minute. The private room had floor to ceiling windows and double doors leading to a small balcony that one could use to admire the city.
“Nice view right?” Your voice startled him and you giggled as his head whipped around to look at you. “Hi, Ran.”
“Y/N.” He said breathlessly.
You were even more beautiful than he remembered. The smile you had was genuine and his heart ached as he realized you might be just as happy to see him as he is to see you. He took a few steps to close the gap and pull you into his embrace. This reunion was 14 years in the making and it was long overdue. Why hadn’t either of you seeked the other out?
“You look beautiful.” He murmured in your ear. You were dressed in a simple summer dress and sandals and your hair pulled back. But it was one of your designs so you wore it proudly.
“Thanks, you look great too. How have you been?”
“That’s a loaded question and something I would prefer to answer over drinks.”
“Hhmm. How long are you here for?” You ask as you both take a seat at one of the tables.
“I drive back home tomorrow afternoon.”
“Maybe we can catch up tomorrow morning?” You offer.
“I’d like that.”
The door that leads to the rest of the restaurant opens and Theodore and Abigail walk in. Your eyes are on Ransom as you watch him look at his kids for the first time. It made you want to cry the way his eyes held so much fondness for them.
“Hi, I’m Abigail and this is Theodore.” She introduces herself and puts her hand out for Ransom to take. When he doesn’t move she looks at you and you lay a hand on Ransom’s shoulder.
“Sorry. I’m Ransom, I’m your father.”
It felt surreal for everyone in the room to hear it. This was actually happening, the four of you were together again. Ransom stood and pulled out a seat for Abigail and you knew how nervous he was from the slight shake of his hand. Theodore just gave a quick hello and sat at the empty chair which happened to be next to you and across from Ransom.
“So what have you been doing the last few days? Have you gone to explore the city some more?” You ask to break the tension in the room.
“A bit, we’ve mostly still been unpacking our house.”
A server walks in and takes drink orders before leaving again.
“You can just ask whatever questions you have. I mean we all know why we’re here, there's no need to dance around it.” You offer.
Theodore just nods but doesn’t say anything. Abigail though takes out her phone and you look over at Ransom, silently questioning what is going on. He only shrugs in response and turns back to the twins.
“I wrote down some questions.” Abigail turns her phone for you to look at the notes app opened up. “So how did you two meet?”
“At school. English class, third period to be precise.”
You looked at Ransom, impressed that he remembered that.
“Give me some credit thimble. I offered you the seat next to me and you said ‘no thank you’ with a little scowl on your face.”
“The seat was taken and you pushed the kid out of it, you punk.”
Theodore and Abigail looked at each other and smiled while listening to your bickering.
“Anyways,” you wave your hand dismissively in Ransom’s direction. “After being there a few weeks there was this guy. What was his name? Was it Lance?”
“Well this guy Lance was a huge asshole.”
“Woah language thimble.” Ransom motions towards the kids. “Little ears.” Abigail laughs at that but Theodore bites back a smile.
You scoff.
“What was it that you called that guy that answered the door?”
“A dick.” Abigail supplies happily.
“She called my dad a dick. I think their little ears are safe.”
“Oh no, I’m so sorry I didn’t know he was your dad.” Abigail hid her face in her hands.
“Nah it’s ok he really is a dick. But more on him later.” You shrug and Ransom nods in agreement. “Anyways, he kept annoying me about going out with him to the point where he cornered me and said that I should just give up and accept.”
“I hated that guy so I walked up to them and kicked his ass.”
“Then asked me out.” You rolled your eyes and they smiled. “But I said no to him too.”
“It took three weeks before I asked again. Then she said yes.”
“So you guys met and then you just got pregnant?” Theodore spoke up for the first time.
“No, we dated for a year before that ever happened.”
Theodore just stared at you, waiting for the actual story.
“Ok so…”
Almost 16 years ago
“You’re what?” Ransom was freaking out as he paced back and forth in his room at the boarding school.
“I’m pregnant.”
“And you’re sure?”
“Yes. I went to a clinic and they confirmed it. Ransom what are we gonna do? My parents are going to kill me.” You started sobbing into your hands.
“Thimble, baby, no don’t say that.”
He sat down next to you and pulled you into a hug. Ransom wanted to run. He was scared but he couldn’t imagine what it was like for you.
“We’ll figure it out ok? We will, I promise.”
He wasn’t sure how you were going to figure it out. You were both 16 and in high school. If that weren’t enough both of your parents were sure to lose their mind when they found out.
Ransom had been right. Richard, his father had beat the crap out of him. He had multiple bruises to prove it. When he finally saw you at school you barely looked at him but by the way you were holding yourself it was obvious something was done to you too.
When the school found out both of you were suspended. Your father had only referred to you as the whore or the slut if he wanted to talk to you. When the baby bump started to show he kicked you out. The only saving grace had been Harlan, Ransom’s grandfather, who had been in the city with the intention of finding out how you were doing. A neighbor had let you stay at the house for a few days but Harlan had offered two things. Security and seeing Ransom again after three months apart with no contact.
The minute you walked into Harlan’s mansion Ransom was on you. You both cried right there in the foyer and Ransom fell to his knees as his hand smoothed out the shirt you were wearing over your bump.
“It’s twins.” You revealed to him once you were able to talk. He looked up at you like a deer caught in headlights.
“There’s two of them?”
You just nodded.
“Ok, that’s fine. We can figure anything out.”
You ran your fingers through his hair and he stood up and pulled you in for a quick kiss.
“Come on you’re staying in my room.”
Ransom’s room was a typical teenage boy’s room. Posters of bands and models on the walls. A mess of clothes on his desk chair. The least surprising was the books that made home of any available corner. He led you to his bed, which wasn’t made, and had you lay back against the headboard. His hand rested on your belly.
“Ransom we need to talk.” You said quietly.
“About what? Is something wrong? Do you want something? I can go down to the kitchen if you’re hungry.”
You shook your head.
“Then what is it?” He moved to sit beside you.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re breaking up with me.” He pleaded.
“No. It has to do with the babies.”
“I think it would be better if we put the babies up for adoption.”
“Just think about it.” You cut him off. “We don’t know the first thing about taking care of babies. I mean I’ve done some babysitting but it’s not enough. And where would we live?” Tears were already rolling down your cheek. “How would we pay for the things they need?”
“Hey, it’s ok. Why don’t you just rest and we’ll talk about it later.”
“Ok. Just don’t leave me.” You said but he knew you meant more than just leaving you to sleep alone.
Once your breathing evened out Ransom shed a few tears of his own.
It was just you and Ransom all alone in a room. The boy had been born first. A few minutes later it was the girl. You cried from relief and pain and grief. They gave you a few minutes alone, just you, Ransom and the babies. He sat in bed next to you. He held your son, while you held your daughter. After a few minutes you switched. You both cried endlessly as you held them and pressed soft kisses to the top of their heads.
“I love you so much. I’m so sorry I can’t be your mommy.” You murmured to each of them softly between sobs.
You could hear Ransom talking to them too. A nurse came in and offered to take a picture of the four of you. Then before you knew it they were being taken away to meet their new family. Ransom laid in bed with you again and did the only thing he could, he held you.
“Did you love each other at least?” Theodore asked, his eyes holding back tears.
“Without a doubt.”
Both of you answer without any hesitation. You look over at Ransom and smile.
“Then why aren’t you still together?”
“Things weren’t easy after you were born. We tried our best but I think we just drifted apart. We were kids just a year older than you are now.”
“We didn’t mean for it to happen. It just did. Having to give you up for adoption was the most difficult thing we’ve ever had to do.” Ransom adds.
“Yeah well, it sounds like a bunch of bullshit.”
“Teddy!” Abigail scolds as the three of you watch him get up and walk out. “I’m sorry about him. A lot has happened in the last year.” She says sadly.
“Don’t worry about it. I can’t imagine what it must be like to find out you’re adopted.”
“I’m gonna go check on him.” Abigail excuses herself.
“Well fuck. This is going great.”
Ransom also gets up and heads towards the balcony. A cigarette in his hand, you grab it before he can light it and throw it away.
“It’s not good for you and we don’t know if they have asthma or something.”
Ransom just scowls at you.
“Uhh I’m so scared.” You stick your tongue out at him.
“Childish is what you are.”
“What if they never want to talk to us again?” You ask with a sigh.
“I don’t think that would happen. At least not on Abigail's part. Theodore seems the most hurt by it all, angry at the world.”
“Yeah, something else must have happened.” You turn back to look at Ransom. “But what do you think?”
He blows a breath out as he collects his thoughts.
“They’re beautiful, amazing. It’s obvious they’ve been well taken care of and loved. What more could we have asked for? That’s what’s always worried me, that the couple that adopted them wouldn’t have really cared for them.”
“Yeah, I thought about that all the time. It kept me up at night sometimes.”
You both stand there in silence with only the sounds of the city filling the air.
“Hey.” You hear from behind you. Abigail stood there with red rimmed eyes. Ransom moves first and places a hesitant hand on her shoulder. “I’m ok. Would it be ok if we kept going?” Her big blue eyes might as well pierce through Ransom because he nods dumbly.
Back inside Theodore is sitting at the table, leaning back, arms crossed over his chest and glowering at the table. The three of you sit back down but he won’t look at any of you. He reminded you so much of Ransom at that age.
“You said that your dad was a dick, were both your parents like that?”
“Loaded question.” Ransom said. “But yeah, my parents aren’t good people. My family as a whole actually. Except for my grandfather, Harlan. He helped us during the pregnancy.”
“Why didn’t he help you after we were born?” Theodore asked.
“Our parents wouldn’t allow it. My parents threatened to call the police and accuse him of kidnapping me since he lives in Boston. And since he’s so well known it would have been a huge issue.”
“Well known?” That piqued Theodore’s interest.
“Have you ever heard of the book called ‘Painting the Midnight sky’?”
“Yeah. It’s a mystery book.”
“Well my grandfather, you’re great grandfather, is the author.”
“Harlan Thrombey is your grandfather?”
“Oh my god! This is so cool ! We have all his books.” Abigail explains. “I’ve currently been reading ‘When time runs out’ before bed.”
Theodore smiles at her excitement but it fades quickly.
“Well he’ll be happy to know that. I can even get you a copy of the book he’s writing now before it even hits the shelves.”
“Can you really?”
“Definitely.” Ransom smiles.
“What about your parents? You never finished telling us.” Theodore asked as he looked at you.
“They aren’t good people either. My dad’s a drunk, my mom’s a pushover. Or she used to be. It started with her doing as he said or she’d get the beating. Then she just started punishing me for no reason when she realized it made him happy.”
Ransom’s hand rested over yours in order to give you some comfort. When you looked up to meet Theodore and Abigail’s eyes they were horrified.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s horrible to hear but it’s the truth. My- our childhoods weren’t pretty.”
“I had Harlan but your mother-“
Theodore shot Ransom a look that let him know he didn’t see you that way.
“Your biological mother.” Ransom corrected but not without shooting a small glare back at Theodore. “Didn’t have anyone that cared for her in her family.”
“I only got into the private school because a teacher in my high school saw I had potential and he knew that the school had scholarships. He worked so hard to help me get in there. Fortunately it was a boarding school so I didn’t have to be at home five days a week or any days if I didn’t want to. It honestly saved my life.”
No one said anything for a few minutes. The food that had been set in front of you was getting colder by the minute.
“Ask another question. It’s ok I promise.” Ransom told Abigail.
“Did you always want to work in fashion?”
Your face lit up then and you nodded.
“Ever since I was little. I learned to sew when I was like 6. Then before she passed away my grandmother gave me a little sewing kit. After that I always fixed the buttons or little rips on my clothes.”
“What about you? What do you two like to do?”
“I like painting and baking mostly. I also love reading.”
“I like photography and I used to play hockey back home.”
Everyone turned to Ransom and waited for his answer.
“I work in publishing.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Did you always want to work as a publisher?”
“I always knew I wanted to follow in granddad’s footsteps. I wanted to be a writer but I don’t really think I’m good enough. Everything I know, I learned from him. So now I work in publishing.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent like that. Asking questions and everyone answering. Little by little Theodore opened up more. By the end of the get together he had even given you his phone number. Abigail immediately created a group chat between the four of you.
“Do you live in New York too?” Theodore asked Ransom.
“Nah, I live in Boston. It’s way better.”
“I heard that.”
“You were meant to.” Ransom shoots back at you.
You roll your eyes but turn to Abigail.
“Are you sure you don’t need a ride?”
“Very sure. But thank you, and for all of this. I’m glad we were able to get together so quickly.” She said as she moved in to hug you.
“Me too, sweetheart.”
Surprisingly Theodore also gave you a hug. You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders, almost as if he was quietly telling you he didn’t hate you. Then they both hugged Ransom and you could see he was fighting back tears.
You and Ransom said your own quick goodbyes and went your separate ways. The reunion went better than expected although you knew they had more questions about what happened while you were pregnant. It was still a very sensitive subject for you to talk about. But you were willing to relive every part of it if it meant they would understand why you did what you did.
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Instead of heading home you went into your studio. There were a few pieces that needed your attention and some inspiration had come to you. The studio was empty, just how you liked it. There was no need to turn on the lights yet as the clouds had started to disappear and the afternoon sun was lighting up the room. You turned some music on and went to work in your corner. There were fabric swatches, markers, pencils, a sketch pad and more sitting around the desk as you drew out some new ideas.
The afternoon turned into evening. The studio lights were now on as you fluttered around the open space. A mannequin sitting in the middle of the room with fabric draped over it as you pinned and shaped it to your liking. The music was still blasting and you were singing along happily unaware of your guest.
“I’m glad to see that some things don’t change.” Ransom’s voice echoed in the studio as the song changed. You screamed with fear since you didn’t expect anyone to be there much less watching you. When you turned he had a hand over his heart and his head thrown back in laughter.
“Ransom you can’t just sneak up on people like that.”
“You need to be more aware of your surroundings.” He said as he lowered the volume on the speaker.
“What are you doing here?”
“I called your phone, you didn’t answer. I had a feeling that you’d be working so I took a chance and came here.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.
You give a little hum as you continue to work with the last piece of loose fabric.
“Today was intense.” You finally say, knowing that that was the reason he was there. “What do you think about the whole situation?”
“I don’t know what to think. They’re great kids, better than what they would have been if I would have raised them.”
You shake your head in disagreement. “I think you would have been a great dad. You still can be, if you decide to have kids. On purpose this time.”
“I doubt that. I’m not a great person and I’d be an awful father now.”
“Ran, you practically dropped everything to come to the city and meet them. If I would have asked you to come to the city the next day you would have done it. That counts for something.”
He shrugged his shoulders and looked away. He couldn’t handle the sincerity your words held.
“I think they’re hiding something though.”
“Me too.” Ransom agreed.
“And I’m not even sure what’s supposed to happen now. Should we talk with their parents? See if they’re ok with all of this?”
“Adoptive. We’re their parents too.” He corrects you.
“You know what I mean. Technically we signed away our rights, Ransom. I just don’t want there to be a big issue and then we can’t see them again at all.” You looked up from the dress you were working on to see him biting his nail the way he did when he was stressed about something.
You stopped what you were doing and walked over to him and pulled his hand away from his mouth. He in turn pulled your hand toward his lips and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. Just like old times, it never failed to put a smile on your face.
“I brought you something.” He mumbled quickly while holding up a gift bag.
You smiled as you walked to the corner you had been working in and pulled something out of the drawer.
“It’s not wrapped but I have something for you too.”
You hold up the gift and he smiles as he hands you the gift he’d brought for you. The bag contained a small glass box and inside there was an antique sewing kit beautifully displayed. You smile fondly as you take in each individual item.
“This is beautiful Ransom, thank you.”
“A sweater? How do you even know my measurements?”
“I googled you and eyeballed it.” You smile proudly as he holds it against himself to show that it in fact will fit.
“It’s amazing and the scarf.”
“I hoped you were still into that. I remember you loved your scarves in high school. I know you love your sweaters in the fall.”
“No, I loved the scarf you made me. I never wore scarves before that.” He corrects and you stare at him.
“Why did you wear it if you didn’t like them?”
“You made it for me. No one had ever really thought about my needs like that or cared about my well being. I still have it, you know.” He admitted the last part with a whisper.
You invaded his space rather quickly and snaked your arms around his midsection. Ransom tensed slightly at the unexpected contact but then relaxed as his arms wrapped around you.
“Our parents really are shit aren’t they?”
“Yup.” He says.
“Promise me that you’ll be there for them. We’ll be better than our parents.”
“Y/N…” he said with a sigh. “I’m not a good person. I would probably be a bad influence for them.”
You pulled back slightly and tilted your head so that you could look at him. The worry in your eyes was enough to make him squirm. No one really ever cared for him the way you did and it always caught him off guard.
“Do you want to be in their lives or not? I want an honest answer and you can take time to think about it.”
“Of course I want to be in their lives. I just think I’m not a good person for teenagers to be around. I’m an asshole.”
“You weren’t an asshole today.”
“I was on my very best behavior.”
“Then be on your best behavior when you’re with them.” You say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“You make it sound easy.”
“It’s not.” You reply while resting your head against his chest again. “You’re going to struggle with it but if you’re serious about being in their lives you’ll try your best and that’s all you can do.”
“You’re so much better at this whole life thing than I am.”
You scoff as you finally pull away from him.
“I’m really not. I throw myself into work because it’s better than trying to have friendships or relationships.”
“Then let’s make a deal.”
You look up at him, curious as to what he’s about to suggest.
“I’ll work on not being such an asshole and you can get some friends.”
“We’re so fucked.” You laugh.
“Yeah, we are. But we’ll do it for the twins.”
“Yeah, we will.”
Ch. 3
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