#rayne writes
andersonfilms · 6 months
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abby loves watching you ride her strap. your pretty little face contorting in pleasure, whispering her name softly as she makes you work for it. bouncing on her cock like your life depended on it, but the frustration clearly written all over your face. she would cockily rest her palms under her neck for support as she would just watch as you tried, but failed, to make yourself come without with her touch. without her sweet and sultry voice talking you through it. it’s what she would for you when she fucked you, but you decided to be mean at dinner, and now she’s punishing you for it.
the rhythm was off and you knew it. it felt good enough, but not nearly enough to to get you there. you even tried tweaking your own nipples to feel something more than what you were getting, but abby swatted your hand away. you were begging, leaning over so you were desperately pleading in her ear. confessing you needed her, apologized for being a brat, but she didn’t move an inch. your lips found home on her neck, trying to break her, but there was no breaking abby anderson.
she taunted you, asked if you wanted her to start fucking you. if you needed her to play with your clit with the fingers you love so much. she called you pathetic, useless — not good enough to get off on your own. always needing her touch to get where you needed to be. she reprimanded you for acting like a spoiled brat, embarrassing her in front of her friends. she would make you pay for it. she’d make sure you were so fucked out, you’d be begging for her to stop.
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wwerhea · 10 months
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pairing. rhea ripley x fem!reader
synopsis. rhea fucks you.
tags. this is literally just smut. dom!rhea. sub!reader. blurb vibes. wlw.
warnings. eighteen plus — sexual content, penetration (strap use), dirty talk, mommy kink.
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“God, you’re such a good girl for me. Aren’t you, baby?” Rhea purred clearly content with the view. It was all she needed all fucking week. The sweet honey located between your thighs. She dreamed of it. Having to fuck herself with the vibrator you gifted her but, at the end of it, she was only whining for you. 
Now, she finally was where she was dying to be. Strong hands gripped your hips, nails digging into the delicate skin. “You’re being so loud tonight, babygirl. Did you miss Mami?” 
The only thing you could offer was soft yes, unable to utter anything else. Her pace was ruthless, fucking into you, the strap she wore filled you to the hilt. 
“This pussy is mine. Isn’t it, babygirl?” Rhea laughed cynically as you whined. 
Moving a free hand, she pressed on your lower back, face buried in the silk sheets as she fucked you within an inch of your life. 
“It’s all yours, forever baby.” You admitted freely, only stating what was true. There was no one else you’d ever want to be with again. You weren’t even sure if she could hear you, face flush against the pillow. 
She fucking loved it. Knowing you were hers, knowing you needed her — begging for her. The possessiveness in her took over, pulling you up as your back rested against her chest. Playing with your nipples as she fucked up into you. 
Rhea’s lips found purchase on your neck, nipping at your sweet spot as you rested your head against her shoulder. “Rhea, I’m so close. God.” 
“God can’t save you now, only Mami can.” She brought her thumb until it rested on your bottom lip and instructed you, “Suck, baby girl.” 
Willingly accepting the invitation, your tongue swirled around her thumb before letting off with a pop. She found purchase on your clit as her pace settled into a brutal pace. 
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? Mami’s good, little slut. Taking my cock, splitting this sweet pussy, giving to you just like you like it.” You felt her breath kiss your neck as she whispered in your ear, bringing you closer to where you craved to be. 
“Mami knows just how to take care of you. Pretty baby like you just needs a strong Mami. Are you going to be a good girl and come for me?” Her pace was more than you could take, but she gave it to you anyway. 
Hard and fast, her thumb playing your clit like a fiddle — one she knew every tune to. She needs to feel your body convulse against her, the soft cries of Rhea she knew would slip out. Once she’d punish you for later. 
“Shit — yes Rhea — shit, shit, shit. Mami, I-I’m coming, fuuuck.” 
Her strong arms kept you up as your body threatened to fall over. The blinding pleasure shot up your spine and straight to your core as Rhea eased you through it. Filthy, pure hot shots of your cum soaked the dildo as she continued to fuck you through it. 
“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl. Give it all to me.” She wished she could feel the pulse of your pussy, how it clenched around the dildo. She knew it did. 
She slapped your ass, wanting to hear you whimper once more, and it was like you were on autopilot. 
“Rhea, please.” A small squeak you managed to release, until she was setting her pace again. As if she knew what your body craved, regardless of how spent you felt. 
“Let’s see how many times Mami can make you come tonight, baby girl.” She laughed before letting you go, and you were once again face first into the silk at your lover’s mercy.
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rayne-storm · 10 months
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Tough Love 
AUgust 6 - Blind Date
Fandom: Record of Ragnarok
Summary: Thrud/Raiden
Thrud is understandably nervous and perhaps a little upset when she's sent on another blind date by her sisters, bemoaning the evening she's about to have. 
She's sure it'll go as it always does, and hurt her even more than she has been.
She isn't expecting a man like Raiden to be waiting at Ragnarok Cafe.
A/N: Thrud is my beloved girl and I love to see a big girl find love. She and Raiden deserve happiness 😊🥰
"Come on, guys, are you serious? Another blind date?"
Thrud sighed and shook her head, folding her arms over her muscled chest. 
"Yeah!" Goll exclaimed, "it'll be amazing! He's a little bit intense but you'll love him! When have we ever steered you wrong??"
"Every single date I've ever been on until now," Thrud replied dryly.
It wasn't even hyperbole. Thrud had never had a successful date in her life. Men never knew what to expect with her, given how stunning all her sisters were, and she didn't know if she could handle another bad date.
The way it usually went was like so:
Thrud shows up, trying to reign in her emotions and mentally prepare herself, and easily spots her date: whichever man has a look of shock and worry on his face. 
She tries not to flinch as she has to deliver the terrible news that she is, indeed, his date, and yes, she is really the 3rd Valkyrie Sister. 
The look on his face is one of horror, and she has to try not to let it hurt her the way it always inevitably does. 
Minutes later (sometimes two, sometimes twenty), he has an excuse and leaves her all alone, trying not to cry in public as yet another painful rejection breaks her heart a little more.
"Okay, sure, there have been some duds. But this guy is the real deal. And if he breaks your heart, we'll beat him up! Maybe!"
It was cute, almost, how unflinchingly positive the girl tried to be, even in the face of such impossible odds.
"Fine. But I'm never, ever doing this again. I don't think I'll make it through another one of these," Thrud finally agreed.
Goll cheered, and she was whisked away for pampering and prettying-up ("not that you need any extra help for that," Brunhilde always said). The date was later that afternoon, so at least it wasn't like her whole evening would be shot if things didn't work out.
She'd give it one last try, she decided, and when this inevitably went to shit, she could always get cats or something.
As she walked into Ragnarok Cafe, Thrud steeled herself for the look of wild bewilderment and horror on the face of whatever poor man was roped into this. The Cafe owner was a nice enough guy, and always made sure it was regulars only whenever the Valkyrie sisters set up a blind date. That way Thrud wouldn't worry about freaking out more people than necessary. Probably better for business that way, too. 
As she bowed slightly to get through the doors, she heard a soft gasp. Ah, the mystery man was there already indeed.
She raised her head up to find the poor sap, and spotted him quickly enough. Black and blond hair wrangled back into a messy ponytail, piercing dark eyes framed by heavy lashes, and a muscular build (at least from what she could see). This one would hurt her, he was just her type… 
She couldn't decipher the expression he was making in the slightest. It was shock, yes, but not the usual creeping dread, or sudden horror, or anything she'd seen before, pretty much ever. It threw her off-guard enough to lose her composure just for a second:
"Not expecting a monster like me, huh?" She blurted, raising an eyebrow.
She scarcely registered the sound of his chair scraping backwards before he was throwing himself at her, face right at her chest. 
She was too stunned to move, and could only watch, frankly aghast, as he looked up at her through his thick eyelashes, contently buried in her bosom. 
"I love big girls," he sighed in delight, and she realized his expression before had been… eager?
"Excuse me??" She managed to gasp, "this isn't funny."
She tried to push him off, but the man held firm, face moving to properly look up at her (though it was a bit comical how his cheeks smushed in). 
"I would never joke about this. You're exactly my type. My damn dream girl," he said earnestly.
Sue couldn't help it, she knew her face was turning the same strawberry color as her hair. She felt like a maiden or something silly. 
She had a head and shoulders above this strange man, but he made her feel… delicate, nearly. 
"You're an odd one," she managed.
"So I've been told. I'm Raiden," he added with a grin.
He sighed again, ecstacy clear in his every facet.
"Thrud… I'm gonna marry you."
"Oh yeah…?"
"Mm. Mark my words. I'm never gonna let you go."
"Whatever you say, pal. But just know that I've always promised myself that I would stay with the man I love until the day I die. You really up for that commitment?" She asked, only half-kidding.
"...is it too soon to bring you home to my mom?" He fired back, and she felt her face heat up all over again.
"Probably," she stammered out. He had to be able to feel how hard her heart was hammering in her chest as she added, "at least buy me lunch first."
He grinned brightly, squeezing her tight (it was, frankly, amazing to be held like that) before pulling away. 
"Whatever you want, my angel. Or can I call you baby? Would that be too much?"
She blinked, brain firing on all cylinders.
"I'm like twice your size," she squeaked, following as he took her hand and led her to their table.
"Yeah, and? I could die a happy man if you let me call you my baby girl," he sighed with a smile, pulling out her chair.
She felt like she was about to die herself.
"I, um, yeah, sure. Whatever."
"Great. Order whatever you want, baby, and then how about a walk in the park? Maybe see some fireworks later?"
It honestly sounded like the perfect evening.
"....maybe you will marry me," she blurted, and he laughed brightly, booming, perfect.
"That's the plan."
She'd have to make Goll her maid of honor. The girl really had delivered this time. She felt herself falling hard, and had the feeling that this might just turn out okay.
She still felt butterflies as he dropped her off at her house that night. Her mind was a whirl, and she couldn't believe it was over already. She surprised herself by not wanting it to end, even. 
"I… would you like to come in for coffee?"
He raised an eyebrow, and she worried she'd overstepped, at least until he broke into a grin.
"Baby girl, if I go in there, I definitely won't be able to stop at just coffee. I don't know if you're ready for that kind of passionate night. I don't stop until morning."
Yes she felt every ounce of bravado laced in those silver words, but she also felt that he meant every bit of it, and was genuinely interested in… well.
No one had ever so much as kissed her. This was an entirely new beast indeed.
He laughed, and reached a hand up to cup her cheek.
"You're adorable when you blush, sweetheart. I'll let you go tonight. We can meet up again tomorrow, yeah?"
She nodded numbly, and her blush only deepened as he put his other hand on her face, cradling it like something precious.
"I wouldn't say no to a goodnight kiss, though I get it if that's a little too fast for you."
She shook her head, heart about to explode outside her chest and take them both out with the force of it.
His grin only widened and he pulled her down to meet her lips with his, still smiling even as he kissed her.
This was new.
This was wildly unexpected.
This was wonderful.
As he pulled away, lipstick staining his mouth, he whistled, low and sweet. He'd liked it too?
"That was incredible, baby. You have sweet dreams tonight. I definitely will. Call you tomorrow?"
She nodded again, numb and on fire all at once, the tiniest smile playing on her lips, and he leaned back to peck them once more before stepping back, waving.
He didn't leave until she was in her home, door closed behind her (a perfect gentleman to the end), and she about screamed in joy.
Maybe their second date really could be a wedding. She didn't think she could ever let him go.
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rayne-dr0ps · 8 months
Curious Wanderer- A poem
I am a curious wanderer
I wonder why I was chosen to live out life in this body
I hear the sounds of the stars calling me home
I see millions of paths I have not taken, and the one that I have always been following
I want her to love me as the sun loves the moon
I am a curious wanderer
I pretend that I am weightless, like a bird in the wind
I feel the wind stroke my hair, singing its song as it moves
I touch her heart with mine as we dance into the night and our bodies hold each other for warmth
I worry that the stars will leave me behind, that my fate is undetermined
I cry as I watch the moss consume her, and the light leaves her bones; But I must move on before it consumes me too
I am a curious wanderer
I understand my love like no other
I say what I believe to be true
I dream that the stars will one day accept me as their own
I try to spend my time on this earth wisely
I hope that my path will continue to lead me to where I am to go
I am a curious wanderer
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jack-of-ash · 2 years
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Vote on what flavors of Chaos you would like to see me write for AU-Gust 2022! This poll is open to the public, and I will be posting stories on my Writeblr the day after they go live for my Patrons!
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angelsbless · 3 months
I absolutely love your mashle content! Could you do orter x readers headcanons? 🥺
Yes yes ofc sorry i made you wait i'm busy with my exams. Here you go hon i hope you like it 🤍.
Note : I love him sm ah, i'll do part two about the dating headcanons i couldn't help myself i wanted to write this ahhh i hope you don't mind mwah!
Orter madl x reader (hcs)
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Orter will most likely deny his feelings and try to ignore them but deep down in him he knows it.
You were the type of person who's his complete opposite, you were radiant like sunshine and you didn't mind breaking rules or putting others before yourself.
He was so mad at the fact that someone like you is a competent mage and a really great one, so he started observing you more waiting for you to only mistake once so he could lecture you about law and feel like winning.
But as time went by, he started to be captivated by your actions and the whole YOU. Because of his strictness he never really paid attention to many things, yet while observing you h learnt many things that he almost forgot about.
He'll watch you smile brightly from distance and feel something tucking his heart but will try to ignore it. Until you two met at the library one day and it happened that you were searching for the same book, so you smiled at him as you guys were speaking about the book.
HE BLUSHED yet he smiled without realizing it! You were stunned. Orter madl is SMILING? Also BLUSHING?
After a few discussions, Orter was searching for you in the library only to find you talking to a student, he didn't think about it, he just took your hand and pulled you close." you're mine" he said and you just chuckled at the situation and at his red ears and asked "why, do you love me?", "i you mean the annoyance and discomfort i feel when you're not around, yes i do, i love you"
You smiled at his confession and teased him a bit ( he was regretting his life choices) then confessed back ( man was so happy) which made him smile, a really soft and beautiful one, that you'll never forget.
You smiled back at him, he was mesmerized by it, he never thought he would be this happy, and never thought he would try to change his perspective for someone. BUT HE'S DOING SO!
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seneon · 4 months
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about. headcanons of 7 mins in heaven with mashle various.
notes. had the idea to write this when my friend asked me how to play 7mins in heaven and spin the bottle LMFAOOO
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will shake all over out of fluster and blush all over the place. definitely stutters when you're in the closet together and will try to be as respectful to you as they could. during the entire seven minutes was just pure silence and awkwardness. nothing really much happens inside, but at the very last two seconds, you'll lean in to place a kiss on their cheek and their cheeks will BURN.
MASH, finn, ABYSS, lemon, tom.
the "it's just a game. let's get it over it" squad. the moment the door was shut they'll say that to you and tell you that you mean nothing to them and they will simply go along with it. they'll kiss you, make out with you, or even dive deeper into something more sensual. but at the end of the day, it's just a game to them ): it's a bonus if they actually meant what they do and lied about what they said so they'd look cool to their friends.
dot (delighted to makeout), KALDO, ryoh, wirth, renatus.
they won't do anything at all. not even speak a word. not even look at you. not even acknowledge the fact that they're in a game that is supposed to be 'heavenly'. they stand on business. kissing doesn't matter to them, all they want to do is just get out of the cramped and small little closet of yours. after seven minutes is up, they will be the first to exit the closet. what gentlemen they are.
RAYNE, domina, orter, ABEL, lance.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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penny-for-thots · 10 days
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[!] KISSES P2.
ⓘ part 2 of how mashle boys kiss you! please read rules and warnings of the upcoming content: gn!reader — fluff w/hints of suggestion; incl. rayne, margarette, abel, + abyss. kissing, fluff, spice-ish, + light teasing. i had criminally forgotten rayne last time, so here he is. tagging bc i said i would write it: @mayurin17
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rayne kisses softly.
he's not to forceful, nor too light, but just enough to give the right satisfaction. he kisses you like your glass that could be shattered at any given moment. his hand cups your cheek as he leans in carefully to steal your lips for a single moment.
rayne kisses like you like he worships you. especially, when the two of you are in private. his soft lips travel from the tips of your ears, to the underside of your jaw, to your collarbone, down the soft skin of your arms, and to the palm of your hands before he flips them over to kiss the back of them.
if it's truly a special night, he'll go past that, breathing as if he'll soon while slowly, yet softly, kissing down the valley of your chest and down to your stomach.
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margarette's kisses are smooches.
they kiss like a grandma meeting her grandchildren. they also kiss with the purpose of marking you up. after all, the deep purple lipstick is for more than show. if anything they start wearing it because the purple looks to good on your skin, paired with the fact that people know your theirs.
margarette grabs your face when they kiss you. again, grandma. they pour love and adoration to the kisses as they nuzzle your face. a happy hum of a tune leaves their lips as they smash them against yours.
"ah, darling, it seems you've got a little something on your face." they smirk as they admire your face littered with kiss marks.
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abel kisses like a middle school. he has zero idea what it is or what it looks like to kiss. he was the type to shy away or cover his eyes when people kissed near him, hence he has no blueprint.
he leans in close, still holding the odd wooden doll in his arms. "um, abel?" you whisper, looking down at his oddly puckered lips and the doll in his arms. you look at him and then at the doll, "oh," he whispers before putting it down.
abel carefully holds your arms, "ive never- im not sure how to- " he mumbles until you chuckle. his eyes widen a smidge as you smile sweetly at him before presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
"lets start with that, hm?"
the man let's out a shaky breath, but nods. he leans in close, deciding to press his lips to your forehead instead.
"is that satisfactory?"
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abyss kisses like a kid going through the start of puberty. after all, he's been isolated his entire life. who would ever want to be with him? he has the devil's eye after all.
so, logically, he swoons, melting in your hold when your hands cup his face. one of his hands moves to encompass yours, his droopy eyes flutter when he looks at you. he shifts his face to press a soft kiss to the palm of your hand before rubbing it on his cheek.
abyss learns to kiss you with love. it starts from hand kisses, to forehead kisses and kisses on the cheek, to kisses on the corner of your lips, to your lips themselves, paired with soft, loving kisses to your collarbone.
he smiles softly at you after every kiss, whispering a 'thank you,' as if he needs to.
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raynesbunny · 2 days
Mashle headcanon!
💌: GN!reader, fluff
⚠️: Ooc and maybe cringe, slight suggestive on Orter's part?
Requested by: @rainee-da
Characters: Orter Madl, Rayne Ames, Abyss Razor
Others: Guess who's back! I was thinking of finishing all the short stories before going back, though— but I don't want to keep you guys waiting! I'll feel very bad if I do so。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 Angst Rayne A. x reader coming soon! Still fixing a lot of errors<33 Enjoy reading, pookies!(≧▽≦) (this is my first time writing a headcanon so please do leave a message if there are errors!)
Orter Màdl
♡ It's almost impossible to make this man feel embarrassed; he hardly shows any expressions regardless of what others do—always wearing a straight and serious face! Many have attempted to make him laugh and smile, but their efforts have always been in vain, no matter how much they've tried. It almost seemed like expressing emotions is against the rules to him!
♡ And then there's you, his dearest, his partner, his beloved, his darling, his sweetheart, his sunshine, his angel, his lover, the one who melted his icy heart and kept it warm—the only one capable of evoking emotions within him that he never thought he would experience someday. (although, this rule-obsessed man cannot bring himself to admit it openly!)
♡ If there's one thing that can make Orter feel embarrassed, it would be your unexpected, sneaky and quick yet soft kisses and pecks!
♡ Whenever you peck his cheek, his brain momentarily stops functioning, and his heart flutters. His body freezes (and a faint blush is visible on his cheeks) at the touch of your soft lips against his skin.
♡ Your innocent and delicate feathered kisses drives him wild, but he would never dare to utter a word about his longing for more of those adorable little kisses!
♡ Today was another busy day for the young man, Orter Màdl. Well— busier than usual that he had forgotten to bring his lunch with him.
And here you are, now in his office to deliver the homemade lunch to your hard-working lover, along with an encouraging letter you poured your heart into creating!
Upon noticing your presence, Orter averted his gaze from his work and looked up at your approaching figure with a small bag in your hand.
"What brings you here?" he asked.
"You forgot your lunch at home, and I won't allow my man to work with an empty stomach, so I decided to bring it here to you," you replied.
Orter remained silent, choosing to turn his focus back to his paperwork. However, his shoulders seemed more relaxed now, and his facial expression had softened. That sight alone was enough for you to know that he was grateful, and he doesn't need to express it through words or pay you back.
(The pile of paperwork on his desk bothered you. You seriously wanted to help, but this stubborn boyfriend of yours would not let you, and you were left with no choice.)
(Last time, you tried helping him, but it only ended up with you wrapped in his sand magic.)
"Here's your lunch, by the way. Don't forget to eat it at lunchtime," you said, placing the small bag with his lunchbox inside on his desk. When you heard no answer, you glanced at him, seeing that he was focused on his work.
This seemed to be the perfect time to take the chance and sneak a kiss.
As your lips were about to reach his cheek, Orter turned around (on purpose), causing your lips to meet his instead.
You were about to pull away immediately, only for the desert cane to grab your wrists, pin you down on his desk and deepen the kiss, preventing you from moving and keeping the kiss from breaking. Leaving you breathless and blushing, a flustered mess.
Rayne Ames
♡ Just like the rule-obsessed divine visionary, he's often cold and serious. But believe me when I say that he isn't cruel! He's just having a hard time expressing that he actually cares for the people, especially those whom he's fond of, interested in, and of course- you.
♡ Speaking of you, you are his everything. He'd do anything to keep you safe, make you feel loved, respected, and comforted! Even with his busy schedule, he'll find a way to prioritize you, no matter what. (You matter the most in his life, aside from his rabbits and Finn, of course he'll prioritize those who are important to him.) Though, there are times that he must attend to his duties first, but he'll be sure to make it up to you! It just takes some time, and hopefully you'll understand.
♡ And when I say you're his everything, I mean; you're his joy, his comfort, his warmth, his flower, his world, his dream, his reason to smile, his strength, his motivation, his star, his light—
♡ If there is something that makes this man embarrassed, it's the way you know or understand what he wants (sometimes mentioning it) and letting him know that you have given him your consent!
♡ He will hesitate at first, but will give in as soon as he knows that you are certain. Like those days where he was staring down at your lips with a troubled expression, and this will never go unnoticed by you.
♡ You held yourself back from laughing, it was truly an adorable and amusing sight!
♡ You would press your forehead against his, your lips parting to mutter the words that you have given him your consent.
♡ Rayne's face would turn bright red, his gaze snapping to you with a look of embarrassment. He cannot believe he got caught again!
♡ You chuckled at the expression on his face, but your laughter died down when Rayne immediately brought his lips to meet yours in a gentle yet firm kiss, the contact sending a warm shiver down your spine.
♡ You were playing with Rayne's pet rabbits in your shared room, wearing the comfortable rabbit hoodie that matched with your boyfriend but in your favorite color.
"There! All done!" You chirped and stroked Usao's fluffy fur, staring at all the rabbits decorated with ribbons in awe.
At the sound of his voice calling your name, you turned around to face him. Once you did, you're met with himself close to you, the sudden closeness making your eyes widen in surprise and confusion. "Is something the matter?"
(It was hard reading him this time, not even a single clue was visible! Is he doing this on purpose?)
Said boyfriend shook his head before gently taking your hand in his, caressing it tenderly.
He closed his eyes and brought your hand up to his lips for him to place a soft and long kiss.
The kiss lasted for a while and it took you some time to process what just happened. When you did, you found yourself stunned and flustered.
Abyss Razor
♡ Believe when I say THAT THIS MAN GETS ALL FLUSTERED WITH EVERYTHING YOU DO. (You were just too much for his heart to handle, he might explode in embarrassment.)
♡ Even the simplest, smallest things you do, like getting close to him, holding his hand, or even a gentle poke on the cheek, headpats, or your compliments, cause him to freeze in embarrassment or leave him trembling and a stuttering mess. (Even your smile and voice!)
♡ The last time this happened was when you were combing his hair and you stopped when you caught a whiff of the scent of his hair.
You drew closer to him, hoping to smell that pleasant fragrance again.
"Say, Abyss, what shampoo do you use?"
♡ He responded with silence, you were just too close to him! Close enough that his brain stopped functioning!
♡ Abyss.exe has stopped working.
♡ You are welcome to shower this lover of yours with affection, but please have mercy! He has zero experience when it comes to this! (Your affections for him might be the cause of his death /j)
♡ He is so adorable, please don't ever hurt him. Cherish him with all your heart, for goodness' sake! He deserves all the love and care.<33
Your fingers brushed the silky strands of your lover's hair, tucking it behind his ear before clipping it with a ribbon. (I live for the coquettish display<33)
Once you were done, you gasped at the sight of your lover with his hair neatly down and a ribbon clipped in place.
"My goodness! You look beautiful, my love, as always!"
"Even with my cursed evil eye?"
"Nonsense! I find your evil eye unique and beautiful! Even with or without that, you will always be a beauty in my eyes, both on the outside and the inside!"
Just as he was about to respond, you gently placed your finger on his lips and embraced him, burying your face in his stomach.
"Hush! Don't even think of saying those words. Your cursed evil eye has nothing to do with who you are! You have done nothing wrong! If no one else will accept the whole of you aside from Abel, then I WILL. I do not care what that evil eye of yours will do to me, I am willing to embrace everything in you. I will always love you, even with all your flaws. Nothing and no one can change my mind and my heart—"
You stopped yourself from rambling when you felt a sudden drop of liquid fall on top of your head.
You sat up to check on him, only for panic to rush through you as your eyes met his face that is soaked with tears.
"Did I say something wrong? Please, don't cry and tell me what's wrong! It pains me to see you in tears!" (You might cry too /j)
Receiving no response from him, you were left with no choice but to embrace him in a hug, hoping that it could provide him solace.
Abyss wrapped his arms around you in return, his tears soaking the fabric on your shoulder. (Which you did not mind at all.)
He could never be more grateful than being accepted despite the flaws he bore, especially his very own evil eye.
I'll add a few more characters for this headcanon after writing the second angst I'm planning to write! I hope you enjoyed reading my first headcanon! Have a great, wonderful day or night, lovelies!💌
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andersonfilms · 6 months
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you love when abby makes love to you, god, it really is the best feeling in the world. she’s sweet on you like honey, her lips explore every inch of your skin getting addicted to taste of you. she kisses you soft, deep as her velvet tongue invades your mouth. you moan into her mouth running your fingers through her hair, pulling at golden strands tenderly. abby could do this forever, kissing your pretty plump lips as she has you to pinned to her bed with wide hips.
she doesn’t really like using her strap, not when she wants to be close to you. abby likes to feel your pretty pussy on hers. it feels better than anything in the world. it’s when she feels the most connected to you. she always starts off slow, looking down at you with the like you’re the most precious person in the world. abby likes the sharp intake of your breath as she bends over, placing her forehead against your own, long hair cascading over you like a mesmerizing waterfall. you fingers wrap around her throat applying enough pressure for her to let out a deprived moan; one only you could pull out of her.
“i love your pussy so much, baby. always so perfect for me. such a good girl for me. i love you so much. never want anyone else, always going to be you.” abby flexes her thighs as she fully sits her cunt on yours, her pussy clenching. her clit throbbing in delight as you roll your hips upwards.
the muscled beauty picks up the pace, abby meets your thrusts as your wet slick combines with hers. it’s music to her ears, hearing how much you love this. how much you love her. abby bites your earlobe gently before she starts talking you through it. “wanna by my good girl? huh? do you? come for me, babygirl. need to feel you. god, it’s all i thought about today. your cum dripping all over my cunt, maybe even on my thighs a little bit. could you lick it off for me, baby? yeah? s’all i want. can you give me what i want, angel?”
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rayne-storm · 10 months
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But Hold Me Tight and Fear Me Not
AUgust 1 - Dark Fantasy
Fandom: 10th Kingdom
Summary: Virginia x Wolf
Virginia, due to her father's gambling addiction, is promised to the king of a fae court. Wolf, for his part, is unsure of this arrangement.
A/N: I might do more with this in the future, but I like this as a jumping off point. Also, yes, I know that 10th Kingdom is, technically, already a Dark Fantasy. Oh well.
"Listen, Virginia, I know it's not ideal, but-"
"But nothing, Dad! You're saying you tried to sell me! Like, like some cheap hooker or something! Hell, did you even haggle, or was it a relief that anyone would pay anything for you to get rid of me?"
Virginia Lewis was furious. Tony, the man who claimed to be her father, was saying some extremely problematic shit. In his gambling addiction he'd lost a lot of money (nothing new), they couldn't afford this apartment any more (nothing new), but he'd found an ingenious way to save them (nothing new):
He sold Virginia (ALARMINGLY NEW).
Like an old car or some ugly chintz her grandmother would give her-
She could go there.
Legally, she was an adult and there was no way in hell she'd just meekly obey whatever bullshit pedophile he'd sold her to (because no way did someone just try to outright buy an adult woman, right?). She could go stay at her grandmother's house and Tony could deal with his problems by himself.
He was still shouting something as she left, she was too angry and focused on leaving to hear it, slamming the door as she crossed it. Did it hit him? Hopefully.
She'd made it out of the apartment building and halfway to a park bench to call the old woman when someone in a brownish-grey robe appeared in front of her. Literally, out of thin air, and she walked right into them, crashing down hard, luckily not hitting her head on the ground.
"Ow, what the- are you okay?" She scrambled up to help them, but they hardly seemed phased, though they did take her hand as she overcorrected and stumbled forward.
"Virginia," the mysterious person said, voice soft but brooking no argument.
"Who's asking?" She asked, glaring, snatching her hand back. She rubbed her forehead, looking the stranger up and down.
"I am not asking, I am saying," they replied simply, shrugging their shoulders.
"Yeah? Cool. Sorry, but I need to go."
She moved to walk around them, but they followed her, blocking her way.
"Virginia, you have been sold to-" they began, but she whipped around, fist on their chest. She didn't strike them, but it was quite clear she meant business.
"No one. I don't know who the hell you are, or what bullshit my dad did, but I am not sold to anyone. Leave," she all but commanded, and shoved off, pulling out a flip-phone to call her grandmother.
The creepy stranger sighed, shaking their covered head, and followed behind. The robe's hood fell back to reveal and older man with piercing blue eyes and long, braided salt-and-pepper hair.
"Virginia," he began again, but she ignored it, walking faster.
Humans. Always so difficult. Though he remembered a time when he was so stubborn.
In front of her he appeared again, prepared this time to catch her before she fell, though she did scream something fierce.
"Forgive me, but it's not so simple," he said over her cursing him out and beating his chest.
"Let me go! Let me go right now or you're gonna regret it, asshole! Help! Hel-"
A hand on her head and a whispered spell sent her into a nice, compliant sleep.
As Rutger the Hunter made his way into the woods with the girl, he shook his head. Humans were always so stubborn, and this would certainly be far more than the council was prepared to deal with… but he quite liked her already.
As the Hunter came in, bartered bride in tow, he tried to think of how this could end happily. The girl was a spitfire, and who would not take any kindlier to the situation now than she had earlier. Still, he could tell she would make an amazing queen, and an amazing bride for his king. His Majesty, King Wolfric Fenris Von Hood, was perceived often as cold and impassive, but the Hunter knew much better. The man had a heart as tender as a maiden’s, and could use someone like the girl to lean on.
The King, Wolf as he was known around the castle to the few that were close to him, watched quietly as the woman was set in a bed in the dedicated Queen’s Chambers. The Hunter bowed to him as he left, and Wolf entered quietly, to see the woman who’d been… purchased. To be his companion. He would help her escape, come the morning, but… he wanted to see her. To have at least a chance to dream of the maybes.
He remained a respectful distance away, but lit a candle to see her.
She was beautiful. She had a boyish charm, some might say, but he only saw delicate, dainty, beautiful features. He felt his heart swell and then shatter. He had found his soulmate. And he could never have her. Not like this. No matter how much his heart sang that she was to be his mate for life. He hadn’t approved of the way she had come to his lands, and he couldn’t keep her in good conscience.
He wanted to leave. He needed to leave, before she woke up, and he saw her eyes, saw her fear and fury. As beautiful as it would be, most certainly, he didn’t know if he would survive that level of heartbreak.
But then her eyes opened, and for one brief, beautiful moment they saw each other, and he felt complete. But then, as he feared, she panicked.
“Who the hell are you? Where am I?!”
Ah, even her angry-fear was stunning. He fought down a soft coo of adoration, opting more to focus on calming his “bride.”
“Whoa, hey, sorry, I know this is frightening. I’m going to help you get out of here.”
That seemed to calm her down the slightest bit.
“It wasn’t a dream,” she gasped.
“No. I’m sorry. It seems… someone did some bartering on my behalf. It absolutely wasn’t my intention to… to trap some innocent maiden here like some kind of storybook monster,” he said, hanging his head.
Virginia, for her part, could almost see ears and a tail similarly lowered in shame, and through her anger and fear, felt pangs of… something. Against all of her best judgements, her heart seemed to trust this strange man in the room. Definitely more than she was ready to trust anyone else.
“What’s your name?” She demanded.
He looked up, tilting his head.
“...My friends call me Wolf. Just Wolf.” It’s all he felt he’d ever really amount to.
“Virginia,” she replied, sitting up carefully. A sudden dizziness proved that a bad idea, and the mysterious Wolf man caught her before she could keel over. Intriguingly, the action seemed to surprise him even more than her, and he quickly retreated.
“Sorry! Sorry, you probably don’t want some strange man touching you. I… I can get out of your hair while you sleep off the effects of Hunter’s spell, and then we’ll get you home,” he offered, standing.
She shook her head.
“No, no, please, I… I really would like not to be alone right now. This is… too much, honestly, but you seem like you won’t kill me or anything in my sleep. And I’ll feel better if I’ve got someone I can try to trust watching my back,” she said, rubbing her head. She stretched out under the very luxurious blankets, and decided that she’d get out of here, but might as well enjoy this creature comfort while she could.
Before she passed back out, she heard the softest little whimper, like a dog comforting their companion. It was sweet, and she felt a lot better going back under than she had coming up.
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rayne-dr0ps · 8 months
Curious Wanderer
Original Fiction
I have quite the backlog of writing that I want to post but haven’t yet. They will all end up here at some point for ease of access for whoever wants to read them.
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katsukikitten · 3 months
Rayne glares at you across the open courtyard as you study for a final, his eyes cutting into you colder than any steel blade.
Almost as if they were made of ice.
And you have to pretend not to notice lest you garner anymore unwanted attention from the cold Divine Visionary, you're starting to wonder if being chosen by God gives him the ability to see under your skin and straight to your core.
"Hey!" Snapping fingers come into your vision in front of the blurring runes in your text book, "Are you listening?!"
You look to your left and see an angry set of red eyes, his scowl pulls his handsome features as you sigh out.
"Fin asked you the same question like three times." Dot shuts his text book, roots around in his bag for something else.
"M sorry Fin. I just can't focus." You turn to your right seeing your study partner with his one blonde bang framing his face. His freckled cheeks turn upward in a smile.
"It's okay." Fin leans closer to grab a leaf that's gotten trapped in your hair, "You've got a lot on your mind."
The icy gaze comes colder, slicing over your skin like claws and you can barely register Rayne moving out of the corner of your eye. Fin's smile does little to warm you back up nor reassure you.
Rayne is going to visit you tonight for sure now, going to appear in your dorm after baiting your roommate out of your shared room. His voice will be as icy as his gaze, words just as painful as his hot fingers grip tightly at your flesh.
"Yea, you've got no idea."
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angelsbless · 3 months
hi! i saw u taking requests so i wanted to ask if you could u do a lil one shot of ur first kiss with mash? •w•;;
Aww that's so cute, mash also is such a sweetheart. Here you go i hope you like it dear 🤍
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Mash burndead x reader first kiss (one shot)
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After a little while from dating mash and sharing warm hugs and holding hands together you two were making cream puffs in the kitchen after school.
You weren't excellent at baking, but you enjoyed cooking so mash was explaining to you the recipe because GOD he was born to be a baker for real.
You tried your best to understand his explanation but he wasn't being clear enough so you decided to just follow his steps.
You tried copying everything he was doing and made sure you were taking the correct measurements and adding the exact ingredients, you didn't pay attention to the surroundings because you were too focused on making your boyfriend proud by baking him the most delicious cream puff.
Mash was observing how concentrated you were and he thought that you were so cute, like SO DAMN CUTE! you + cream puff the best that he could want! Man was in heaven!His ears become a bit red and he was excited to taste your cream puffs.
His thoughts were interrupted by your soft voice calling his name "mash?" You were calling him in the sweetest tone giving him the most adorable look while being covered in flour.
Mash's exe has stopped working , he blushed like crazy " y-yes?" He said while covering his face with his hand. You walked to him with the plate of cream puffs in your hand. " I finally finished mash, let's try them together, i hope you like them. " You said then gave him that sweet smile of yours.
He tasted one of the cream puffs and it was so good and what made it better is that it was made by you, when he looked at you to compliment your job his heart raced like hell.
" it's goo-"
" mm mash it's yummy i never thought i'll make something this good."
you raised your sight only to see him blushing like a red tomato, "what's wrong mash?" You said softly not knowing that you're destroying this man and killing him from the inside with your sweetness, the way you just said that with some cream at the corner of your mouth made him crazy frr!
He grabbed your cheek softly and his other hand pressed your body against his, and grabbed your waist, he wanted to kiss you so badly, he was closing the distance, no, the millimeters separing you too, yet he stopped before touching your lips and asked
" can i ? "
You were blushing at his actions, he made you hella nervous yet in a good way.
" you don't need to ask dummy "
You said softly to him then felt his lips against yours, he kissed you gently until you were breathless and then said.
" i couldn't help it you looked so yummy ".
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seneon · 3 months
sword cane this sword cane that. how about rayne making a sword for you out of his sword cane abilities???? it's fine because he has millions of other swords. he's like gilgamesh but sword version.
★ master of swords, rayne ames.
notes. actually, gil's gate of babylon is full of swords 😭also happy birthday to rayne (march 3rd), i am totally not late bc my phone got confiscated but wtv😈
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RAYNE AMES is not fond of the idea of making a weapon for you. especially if you abilities are those of elemental nature. your magic wouldn't really suit a sword. but you have been begging for him to teach you how to wield a sword for the longest time. probably from the moment during your first time knowing him during the entrance exam.
this time, rayne gave in and decided to make and forge you a new sword based on your ability. fresh and new, a piece he hasn't used in his battles before. since you have an ability that pretty much only needs to be around certain elements, he made sure your blade is as thin but as hard as steel, so you could figure out a specific style for your swordsmanship.
his allowed his magic do all the forging, styling, creating, and last but not least, giving it life. the only thing rayne did was controlled his magic to be as minor as he could so he wouldn't accidentally tickled something and end up with one of those big and powerful swords of his.
rayne made sure to present your dream sword to you nicely. he put the effort of also making a box with red velvet cloth to place inside just to keep your sword safe. a scabbard was included in the package too, for he absolutely fears if you might accidentally slide the blades against your skin whenever you are not paying attention.
how attentive of rayne, to pay such tiny details out of care and worry for you. he might regret forging such a weapon for you, but he doesn't regret that he could get to see the magnificently bright smile painted on your face upon receiving it. you were like a ball of sunshine when he handed you the weapon, shining and radiating nothing but pure happiness that it made rayne melt on the inside.
if you are happy and get to put such a huge smile on, that is surely enough for the divine visionary of the sword cane.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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