#ready for my ferral era again >:]
triona-tribblescore · 29 days
Welcome back king 🙏 take it easy colleg hard 😔
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HI TEA!!!! :D tysm!! Yeah thank god its done for the summer though, graphic design is NOT my passion 😔✋✨
But ahhh!!! How r u?? I hope ur doing so amazing!! (Been seeing ur stuff on insta and its just *chefs kiss*)
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The Adventures Of Drokat, part 1
“So let me get this straight.” Drogo stared at Katrina as they walked down a vast hallway. “We're just going to waltz into Heaven, go down to the heavenly dungeons, and then free the most lethal and deadly demon known to all of the Realms?”
“Not quite. I don't know how to waltz.” Kat glanced at him, her lips twitching.
He narrows his eyes when she smiles innocently. “How are we going to manage that? And why?”
“Well since we're getting paid to do it, and a goddess kind of ordered us to do it, I didn't think it a good idea to refuse. And I already know how we'll get in.”
She opened her shoulder bag and rummaged around before pulling out a small black cube. Drogo stared at it distrustfully as it seemed to pulse, the air around them thickening.
“Which goddess was this, again?”
“Ariella.” Kat put the cube back in her bag.
“Why does the goddess of all things evil want us to release this demon? And that cube does what, exactly?”
“Apparently it's her daughter or something like that.” She shrugged. “And the cube will transport us into Heaven when we're ready.”
Drogo blinked and tilted his head. “Thought her kids were the Reapers? And the demons would be Cormac and Raven’s?”
“I can't keep up with who has what kind of kids. But I'm pretty sure Cormac and Raven don't have any kids. And I don't think they would have demons if they did.”
“If they aren't Cormac’s, then where do demons come from?”
“From their parents...? I suppose when a lady demon and a dude demon really love each other-” She squeaks when Drogo swats her butt.
“Cheeky brat. You know what I meant.”
She huffs indignantly. “Probably the first ones were created by Ariella or Cormac. Or both of them, there are different kinds of demons.”
“Sounds about right. So how soon do we have to release this demon?”
“We have two days. Before nightfall.”
“Why before nightfall?”
“Dunno, I didn't feel up to questioning one of the most powerful goddesses, ya know? But that night is the first black moon.”
“Right, well I suppose we should finish up here and then off to heaven we go.”
Kat nodded and they turned into a room, full of displays holding various items, from jewels, to ancient masks, to weapons from different eras. They stopped at one of the displays, showcasing a black, jewel encrusted book.
“Couldn't we have just stopped at the library and gotten a book?” Drogo muttered, holding Kat’s bag open for her.
She snorts and shakes her head, amused. “We can go to the library when we're done here, if you want.”
“That isn't what I meant.” He scoffs and watches as she pulls on a pair of gloves before putting in a set of contacts. “It scans your eyes and fingerprint?”
“Yeah, they're pretty thorough with security for ancient relics and items of prophecy and magic. Strangely enough.” Kat smirks slightly before lowering her face to a screen on the back of the display.
“And yet... Here it is being hacked by a nineteen year old.”
“Well, to be fair, I did have help from my amazing boyfriend.” She grins triumphantly when the glass lowers around the book, leaning over and kissing Drogo on the cheek. She picks the book up carefully, a look of mild disgust on her face.
“I am pretty great.” He agrees before raising an eyebrow. “I thought you liked books?”
“I do. Just not when they move by themselves like they're alive.”
He took the book from her, surprised as the book moved in a steady rhythm, as though it was breathing.
“That is... different.”
“To put it mildly.” Kat takes the book back, carefully wrapping it in a cloth before placing it in her bag. She takes out a replica of the book and sets it on the display, raising the glass and locking it.
“Done. Now let's get out of here. I want to look at that book before we take it to the Ferral's.”
“Of course you do. Curious much?”
Kat merely huffs and takes her bag, putting it over her shoulder. Drogo smirks and grabs her hand, leading her out of the room.
A couple hours later, Kat was seated in a dark corner of the DragonStar Coffee Shop, waiting for Drogo to come back with her coffee. She hums and glances around, surprised at the amount of people there at 2 in the morning. She shrugged to herself and opened her bag, taking the book out as Drogo walked back over.
“You really want to look in that?” He sets her coffee and a muffin in front of her. She pauses and turns to the muffin, unable to resist the scent of the chocolate coming from it. She takes a bite of it and blinks up at Drogo. He chuckles quietly and shakes his head, sitting next to her.
“Fine, open it. Let's see what it says.”
She nods and takes a sip of her coffee, smiling at him. “This is perfect..”
He smirks. “You already got your way, no need to keep sweet talking me.”
“I mean it!” She huffs softly before looking down at the book, the Oracle’s Grimoire. She opened it carefully, making a face as the book seemed to sigh. She inhaled sharply and turned another page before flipping through the entire book. “It's empty!”
“I had a feeling you wouldn't be able to resist looking through it.” A shadow fell over their table, blocking what little light they'd had. Drogo scowls as he looks up while Kat merely looked unhappy.
“So you just... what, exactly? Sent us to get a book that you knew was a fake?” Drogo asked, staring at Kassandra Ferral as she sat across from them, resting one hand on her stomach.
“Yes. I have the real Grimoire. I took it last night. I just wanted to make sure you two could actually do it before I hired you for anything else.”
“You could have asked literally anyone else that's hired us.” Drogo narrowed his eyes, his tone irritated.
“I prefer to form my own opinion and see for myself.”
“So what is this book, then?” Kat held up the book they had taken.
“A fake that I had enchanted specifically for this. It'll stop moving in a few hours.” Kass watches them calmly before setting an envelope on the table. “Now, if that's all, I'll be going. Bruce is already unimpressed that I left the house at this hour. Apparently I need to stay in bed and rest.” Her tone, paired with the expression on her face, implied that she didn't share the same views.
Kat watched her as she stood, her eyes going to the woman's stomach. She grinned slightly.
“Are you expecting, then?”
“Why? Is it that obvious?” Kass looks down before looking at them, her gaze unreadable. Drogo inhaled slowly and closed his eyes, thankful he had stayed quiet, while Kat stuttered.
“Well, Mr. Derby? You're awfully quiet.” Kass hums softly. He opened his mouth to answer, wondering how he always got dragged into these things, when he saw Kass’ lips twitch before she smirked.
“I suppose I couldn't hide it forever. Yes, I am. Which is why Bruce seemed to think it was a good idea I look into hiring the pair of you should I need anything done.”
Kat nods and smiles, nudging Drogo discreetly. “Of course, and congratulations.“
He sighed to himself and added his congratulations, thinking it best not to aggravate Kass. He waited until she was out of sight before turning to Kat.
“That went well.”
He scoffs. “You almost offended the woman married to one of the most dangerous men alive.”
“But I didn't. Besides, she's not that bad.”
He shakes his head at her and takes a bite of her muffin. “You should eat. Looks like we're off to Heaven next.”
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