#really like tails and wish i had one myself
puppyeared · 9 months
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learned something about myself lately
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evertomorrowart · 5 months
Best of YouTube 2023
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Yes, I did spend the first week and change of January on this. I wish I could have had it done for New Years, but too many people came out with incredible work in December, so waiting turned out for the best.
What these creators do are a huge influence on my life, I would honestly have difficulty doing what I do without them. That isn't to say that my favorites of the year are *only* on this image--It was almost impossible to narrow down my favorites. Many creators I wanted to include couldn't fit on a single page, and too many of them made more than one video I wished I could draw too!
But, to all of you, thank you for what you do. You're an inspiration.
For those who don't know, further is an explanation.
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At the bottom center is an artistic masterpiece by Defunctland: "Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History." Over the last several years, Defunctland has risen from delightfully-entertaining commentary on decommissioned theme park attractions to occasionally dropping profound statements on the creation of art itself. "Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History" is worth treating like the cinematic experience it is: No second screen, you sit your ass down in front of a TV, set down the phone, and then you *watch it.* Any Disney, theme park, or independent film fan needs to pay attention to this one.
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Bottom left is Caelan Conrad with their piece "Drop the T - The Deadly Consequences of Gay Respectability Politics." While I do think they've done more visually or artistically-daring pieces before, "Drop the T" is one of the most important videos released on YouTube in today's current climate of hate. We as queer folk (and our allies) need to understand how integral every identity of the queer experience has been since the start of the Civil Rights movement (and before!). While we are not identical, we *are* inseparable, and we deserve having our real history easily accessible.
TERFs and other conservative mouthpieces need not reply. Your opinions are trash. 😘
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I cannot stop watching and rewatching this video by @patricia-taxxon, "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People." It's not just a defense of furry fandom and its eccentricities, it's a thoughtful and passionate analysis of what the artform achieves that purely human representation can't. Patricia goes outside of her usual essay format to directly speak to the viewer about the elements that define furry media (the most succinct definition I've ever heard) and just how *human* an act loving animal cartoons really is.
As an artist who can draw furry characters, but never really got into erotic furry art, this video is a treasure. Why did I choose to have her drawn as a Ghibli character, hanging out with one of the tanukis from "Pom Poko?" Guess you'll have to watch, bruh.
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Philosophy Tube continuously puts out videos that I would put on this list--I'm not even sure that "A Man Plagiarised my Work: Women, Money, and the Nation" is the best work she released in 2023. However, this video got many conversations going between myself and my partner, and the twist on the tail end of the video shocked us both to such a degree that I had no choice.
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At the very tail end of the year, Big Joel released "Fear of Death." On his Little Joel channel, he described it as the singularly best video he's ever done, and I'm inclined to agree. However, for this illustration, I ended up repeatedly going back to a mini-series he did earlier in the year: "Three Stories at the End of the World." All three videos are deeply moving and haunting, and I was brought to tears by "We Must Destroy What the Bomb Cannot." While it may be relatively-common knowledge that the original Gojira (Godzilla) film is horror grappling with the devastation America's rush to atomic dominance inflicted on Japan, Big Joel still manages to bring new words to the discussion. Please watch all three of the videos, but if, for some reason, you must have only one, let it be "We Must Destroy What the Bomb Cannot."
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Y'all. Let me confess something. I hate football. I hate watching it, I associate seeing it from the stadiums with some of my worst childhood experiences, I despise collegiate and professional football (as institutions that destroy bodies and offer up children at the feet of its alter as a pillar of American culture)--
I. L o a t h e. Football.
F.D. Signifier could get me to watch an entire hour-plus essay on why I should at least give a passing care. AND HE DID IT. I might think "F*ck the Police," the two-parter on Black conservatism, or his essay on Black men's connection to anime might be "better" videos, but this writer did the impossible and held my limited attention span towards football long enough to make a sincere case for NFL players--and reminds us that millionaires can *in fact* be workers. That alone is testament to his skill.
Sit down and watch "The REAL Reason NFL Running Backs Aren't Getting Paid." Any good anti-capitalist owes it to themselves.
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CJ the X continuously puts out stunning, emotional videos, and can do it with the most seemingly-inconsequential starting points. A 30 second song? An incestuous commercial? Five minutes of Tangled? Sure, why not. Go destroy yourself emotionally by watching them. I'm serious. Do it.
Their video Stranger Things and the Meaning of Life manages to to remind us all why the way we react to media does, in fact, matter. Yes, even nostalgia-driven, mass-media schlock. Yes, how we interact with media matters, what it says about us matters, and we all deserve to seek out the whys.
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Folding Ideas has spent the last few years articulating exactly why so much of our modern world feels broken, and because of that his voice continuously lives rent-free in my brain. While the tricks that scam artists and grifters use to try to swindle us are never new, the advancement of technology changes the aesthetics of their performances. Portions of Folding Ideas' explanations might seem dry when going into detail of how stocks work in This is Financial Advice, but every bit of it is necessary to peel back the layers of techno-babble and jargon and make sense of the results of "Meme Stocks."
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Jessie Gender puts out nothing but bangers, her absolute unit of a video about Star Wars might be my new favorite thing ever, but none of her work hit so profoundly in 2023 than the two-parter "The Myth of 'Male Socialization'" and "The Trauma of Masculinity." There's so much about modern life that isolates and traumatizes us, and so much of it is just shrugged off as "normal." We owe it to ourselves to see the world in more vivid a color palette than we're initially given.
Panels drawn after Kate Beaton and "Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands."
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"This is Not a Video Essay" is one of the most intense and beautiful pieces of art I've ever put into my eyeballs. Why do we create? What drives us to connect?
I don't even know what else to say about the Leftist Cooks' work, it repeatedly transcends the medium and platform. Watch every single one of their videos, but especially this one.
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The likelihood you are terminally online and yet haven't heard of Hbomberguy's yearly forrays into destroying the careers of awful people is pretty slim. Just because it has millions of views doesn't mean that Hbomberguy's "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" isn't worth the hype. Too long? Shut up, it has chapters and YouTube holds your place, anyway. You think a deep dive into a handful of creators is only meaningless drama? Well, you're wrong, you wrong-opinion-haver. Plagiarism is an *everyone* problem because of the actual harm it creates--the history it erases, the labor it devalues, the art it marginalizes--which you would know if you watched "Plagiarism and You(Tube)".
Watch. The damn. Video.
In fact, watch all of them!
Thanks for reading this if you did.
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babushkatty · 6 months
Tranquil SAGAU - Part 6
-> Part 1
-> Part 5
With Dvalin gone, you were left basically homeless. Not that it was much of an issue, not really. The forests had been very kind to you -- you could easily live the life of a hermit if you so wished, without having to worry about food, water, shelter or animal attacks.
But it would also be horribly lonely. No compassionate silence, no background noise and buzz of other people scurrying around and going about their day without minding you, no one to speak to if you ever felt the need to.
You liked being alone, but you were still human and humans were social animals.
Soooooo, you promptly asked Crepus about working in his Winery in exchange for accommodations, because 'one that asks, does not stray'... or something like that anyways. Your sister always made her life that much harder because she outright refused to ask for help even when hopelessly lost or overwhelmed, so there must be something to the saying at least.
"You don't have to work to earn your keep, (Name). I'd be more than happy to house you as my guest for however long you want!" is what Crepus 'Sunshine Personified' Ragnvindr responded with.
Crepus used Puppy Eyes, it was super effective!
You laid defeated, a puddle of cuteness overload once again wishing for sunglasses to protect yourself from the blinding smiles and imaginary wagging tails.
Crepus was horrible for your heart.
Still, you would go insane if left with nothing to do for days at a time, so you went to turn the Ragnvindr library upside down with Crepus' blessing, a bunch of notebooks, a bunch of pens and a delusion that you'd do any actual studying in there.
This was Teyvat, but this wasn't Genshin Impact -- a library wouldn't have interesting lore, it'd have dry history and even drier geography, accompanied by boring economics and even more boring politics (which was a damn shame too, politics were so interesting when written right).
You never quite had a head for those, prefering subjects with more practical applications that could be practiced instead of having to be beaten into your thick skull until you memorized it just long enough to write the exam.
Though for some ungodly reason you still remembered that onions were actually leaves. It was one of the very few things you remembered from school, actually.
Probably the trauma speaking.
Still, you did find some interesting books - a diary speaking of the Decarabian rule, for example.
Today, I don my very own Windblume.
I can only hope Lord Decarabian never learns of its' significance.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The winds are particularly harsh today.
I am afraid, but I smile and play my lyre as if nothing were happening at all, like I always do.
Sometimes, I forget if what I do is to reasure the people or to delude myself that everything is as it should be...
Then again, does it matter when the result remains the same?
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are growing restless.
Their yearning for freedom gave birth to a small wind spirit that seems fond of my playing. It is an adorable being, even if it has yet to communicate with us.
It remind me of a newborn puppy.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The people are planning a rebellion.
I want to help, but how can I? I am no soldier, my strength lays with the pen and the lyre, not with the sword.
Ragnvindr told me there was no need for more warriors, that I was doing enough by keeping the morale up with my performances... I am hesistant to believe him.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The little spirit has spoken for the first time today.
It said that it knew the song I was playing, despite it being a new piece I was in the midst of creating, and sang along to lyrics I had yet to write.
It was strange, but it made me happy nonetheless.
Perhaps I was strange too, for feeling that way.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
You had a suspicion on who the author of the diary was by that point. Maybe Crepus would be open to giving this diary to Venti, instead of it gathering dust on the shelf?
Idly, you wondered how it had survived so long, but figured Ragnvindr and his descendants took good care of it.
I met Ragnvindr today.
Something compelled me to share my worries with him, even though I knew he had enough weight on his shoulders and I ought not to add more.
"If you cannot trust in yourself, then trust in me and my trust in you instead" he told me.
It helped.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Meetings regarding the rebellion are more and more frequent. Ragnvindr, alongside a man named Amos, have convinced the Gunnhildr clan to participate against all odds.
I can understand their hesitance. Should we fail to kill Lord Decarabian, their legacy would be no more.
I admire their bravery.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
The wind has long since realized change is imminent, even when Lord Decarabian himself has not - the little spirit said so.
King of Gales indeed, even the wind has rebelled against him.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
Ragnvindr speaks of a bad premonition.
In truth, my heart is uneasy as well, but how can I share those feelings with anyone but myself? It is not the time to bother others with my issues -- it is time to reassure everyone, to rouse their spirit and not to let fear take root even as they stand against a God. It is my duty as a bard and as a fellow rebel.
The Windblume feels particularly heavy as I write this.
I fear I will not live to see tomorrow's sunset, but I fear for my dearest friends and for Mondstadt even more.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
My little spirit friend is still without a name.
I know it does not bother them, they are the wind itself after all, but I would still like to give them a name others can remember them by.
A name that they can remember me by once I pass on, selfish as it is to bind an immortal to a memory.
But I am selfish, even if Ragnvindr may see me as a paragon of virtue. I am a human and to be human is to be flawed. I am not ashamed of it, even if I often feel guilty for it.
Perhaps it will be the very last thing I achieve in this life of mine.
It is hard to name them.
I've thought of many names up until now.
Caelus. Liberius. Aella. Calliope. Achill. Carmine. Hilarius. Hanne. Zephyrinus. Dieter. Sascha. Scilla. Paulus. Notus. Veronica. Agna. Vergil.
Those are just a few of the ones I discarded.
None fit.
I can only hope the right name reveals itself when it is time.
.  . • ☆ . ° . • ° : . * ₊ ° . ☆
That was the last entry.
You closed the diary and carefully put it aside.
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
It was not supposed to be mostly nameless bard POV via old diary.
It really wasn't.
Mans literally kidnapped the chapter entirely against my will while I was half asleep yesterday and attempting to write at nearly midnight and I was powerless to stop it, on god.
But hey, at least we got potential Venti bonding set up for the future?
I was planning for more fluff, but I also have no outline for this, so my chapters have a chance of getting kidnapped at any time.
✨BY THE WAY!!!!✨
The charm of spontaneous writing, I guess?
If you have something you want to happen - for example we're in the library right now, so maybe you want a book about a specific tidbit to appear - do let me know, maybe I'll write it in!
I had 2 tests and 1 retake yesterday and holy shit i got through all of them and tomorrow is last day of uni then it's ✨HOLIDAYS✨
@game-savvy @chaoticfivesworld @mmeatt @avalordream @ymechi @andromeda-gay @naynayaa @undecidingfate @thedevioussmirk @tumb3ld0wn @balaur-bondoc @yi-chii @yarabutterfly @nervouseaglelover @vexingpraedyth @indelible-colouring-markers @whitefantasy21-blog @kapitankarate
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Who's your daddy? | s.r
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summary: After a long day's work, the BAU returns to the head office where they find a stroller with a small baby sleeping and a child very determined to surprise his father… But who's his father?
warnings: too much fluff, spencer!dad, my best attempt at Spencer dad because it's 24/7 on my mind. I REALLY ENJOYED WRITING IT, AAAAAAAAAAA. This story is not spencer x reader, i wanted to try something different so i created a character. I hope you guys like it.
words: 4,241.
a/n: I decided to surprise myself and try the family/family found challenge from one of my favorite writers in the whole universe, @imagining-in-the-margins. I used, I think, one of my favorite concepts which is "secret family/spouse/child" for this little au.
i want to remind you that English is not my first language, so if there are mistakes I hope you will forgive me :( I hope you like it, plus I really enjoyed being able to try something new and outside of what I usually focus my writing on. THANK YOU, TQM.
Catching criminals is a good way to kill time.
The BAU team knew this perfectly well, that's why they were dedicated to it. Every day was a new experience trying to find and capture the worst of the worst of humanity. Even though sometimes they just wished those freaks would take a day off.
The last case had sent them all the way to Silicon Valley, successfully catching the unsub and making it safely back to the FBI offices.
What they didn't expect was to find their technical analyst and friend, Penelope, gazing in amazement at the inside of a stroller.
"What is that, Penny?" asked Emily, walking up to the blonde figure who was totally engrossed by what she was seeing in that baby carriage. The group approached silently, after seeing the woman's signal for them to come as quietly as possible, and saw inside it.
A small baby was sleeping comfortably inside. They estimated that he was about eight months old; they could see a few strands of thin brown hair that were tousled falling down his forehead, his little nose was puckered and his little hand clenched the tail of a fluffy lion. His outfit was as cute as possible: his body was adorned by a white long-sleeved T-shirt with an iguana on it and a leaf-green overalls, but much of his body was covered by a gray blanket.
"Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?" Penn looked up, feeling her heart stir. "I went out to greet you and found this beautiful creature. He was sleeping and alone, so I decided to keep him company until someone came to claim to be the father of this beautiful peach." J.J couldn't fall for the charms of that baby, after becoming a mother her Achilles heel was children.
"Was he alone, Penelope, are you sure there was no one with him?" Luke couldn't help but wonder how it was possible that they had left a baby, alone, in the middle of a hallway in a federal building. "Positive, I've been there for about ten minutes and I haven't seen anyone approach him."
The team brought their full attention to the mysterious stroller, looking for some sign of what would be the perpetrators. Hanging there was a gray-colored bag with a small giraffe keychain; inside it was the necessities for any kind of emergency that might happen. Diapers, change of clothes, some food, powdered milk, a bottle, everything necessary for a baby.
"We should check the cameras to see who brought him here" Matt suggested, feeling his nose being invaded by the smell of baby cologne, a very mild and almost hypnotic one.
"It's a blind spot, Matt." Tara replied, noticing how the little guy rolled over and let out an adorable yawn, falling back asleep. "He's too cute." Penelope's eyes seemed to shoot hearts.
"We should move him out of the hallway, it's drafty and he might catch a cold." J.J brought her hands up to the carriage and began to push it, being followed by the rest of the people back to their cubicles.
Despite the movement, the little boy, who was now nicknamed "peach" thanks to Garcia, remained in that deep sleep.
"I wish I had that deep sleep" Emily smiled, looking at peach's features.
He looked like someone.
Who was it?
"I want to go back to those times where my only problem was sleeping and eating" Rossi commented, causing his colleagues to laugh.
"I don't understand how a baby could have gotten up there without anyone seeing him. It's a building full of federal agents, there's no way no one saw anything." Matt nodded at Luke's words. "Let's jump to conclusions, how did a sleeping baby get here? There's no way he pushed his own car to get here." J.J peeled his gaze from the car, feeling a light bulb in his head turn on.
"In the bag there were juice boxes, it is unlikely that they are for him. It is recommended that at twelve months they can only have juice, so they may be from the parent or he has a brother or sister accompanying him" Rossi smiled, nodding at the words the young woman was saying. It was quite logical coming from the mother bear.
"If that were so, where is this responsabl-"
"Excuse me," A high pitched voice interrupted Luke's sentence "I believe you have my brother."
The group turned to see where the voice was coming from. A small figure was standing behind them, he looked quite calm and was running his hands down his brown pants.
The small glasses were drooping down the bridge of his nose, his hair was disheveled just like his little brother's and his hands were arranging the sleeves of his blue hoodie.
"I-is he your brother?" Emily stood at the height of the youngest, who was nodding before he approached the baby carriage and took to watching the little one, inwardly thankful that he remained in his deep sleep.
"I just went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone." The little boy drew an elongated smile, taking in the faces of everyone around the stroller. " You're federal agents, so I didn't panic too much when I didn't see him."
The boy settled on the floor, taking off the backpack he was carrying and pulled out of it a book, which had in golden letters the title of "The Little Prince." Apparently, it was in French.
"How do you know we're federal agents?" Luke seemed just as surprised as the others, who didn't understand how the youngest could remain calm after taking his brother away, and besides, he knew they were federal agents.
"It says so on your badge, sir" The small hand pointed in the direction of the badge hanging from his pants, causing everyone to turn their gaze to it. "Besides, my mom told me."
"And where is your mom?" Rossi was the one who took the word, smiling at the confidence the young man possessed.
"That's a good question, sir. I'd like to know where she is, too." He shrugged, trying to remember what the woman had told him before leaving him in the hallway of the BAU office. "I know she told me, but at the moment I can't remember. It was too noisy when she said it."
The rest were silent. The little boy was handling a rather formal vocabulary, one that is very strange for his age, plus he looked quite interested in reading his book than paying attention to the rest of the stares.
"Excuse me, sweetheart… But how old are you?" Penelope smiled friendly towards the young man, who took his eyes off his interesting book.
"Five and a half, but many say from the way I talk I'm older."
Luke opened his mouth, surprised at the young age he possessed and that, moreover, he was in charge of his brother.
"What about your brother, how old is he?"
"He's eight months and two weeks old, he's still not close enough to say he's nine months old, so I'd rather be exact."
Emily was increasingly sure that he looked like an exact copy of someone she knows, but she couldn't associate it.
"Even so," Continued the young boy "there's something you guys haven't asked me" the book took a step back, closing it and setting it down on his lap.
"What's that, kiddo?" Tara asked.
"My name or my brother's" The group looked at each other. He was right, they had been so preoccupied with finding out about the person in charge of them or their age that they had overlooked asking his name.
"You're right, that was rude of us, what's your name?" Matt fixed his gaze on the young figure, who was giving them a smile where one of his front teeth was missing.
"I'm Alex, well… Actually my name is Alexander, but my mom and dad call me Alex, except when they're mad." A small giggle escaped Jennifer's mouth. "And my brother's name is Oliver, but we call him Oli."
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Alex." Matt's hand extended in the direction of the little boy, who shook it with a smile. "What about you guys, what are your names?"
The group smiled, introducing themselves to each other so that the young boy could remember each name without a problem. After this, the little boy began to repeat the names, making sure he could remember each one well and be able to get each name right.
"Okay, Alex. Now that we know each other, I want to ask you a question" J.J addressed the little one, who gave him his full attention.
"Shoot, Miss J.J" His answer caused everyone to laugh, letting the little guy's charisma win them over.
"What are you doing here? I don't think you decided to come here at nine o'clock at night with your brother and mother just to see the place."
"Well, we actually came to see my dad." Admitted the little boy, adjusting his glasses.
"Your dad? And where is he?" Penelope searched with her gaze, as if she were on her computer looking up the information on her servers.
"It's a surprise! Dad doesn't know we're here, it's the first time we've come to see him at work. I wanted to surprise him so I asked Mom if she could bring me here, and since I've been good, she agreed." Proudly, Alex reached into his backpack for a neatly folded piece of paper. He opened it and held it out to J.J., who was surprised at the grades on that slip of paper.
"Wow, I see only A's here" The printout passed from hand to hand, noting that every course had been passed with the highest grade.
"Yep, even sports! Mr. Adams, my teacher, said I'd been the fastest in the class. Even though I prefer literature, I got along better with letters than balls."
Emily was sure she was a clear copy of the youngest on her team, Spencer Reid.
Wait, where was Spencer?
"Where is Spencer?" Emily turned her gaze to her buddies, who were handing the paper back to Alex so he could put it in his backpack.
"He said he was going to do some stuff on the fourth floor, then he'd be on his way here." Tara replied, turning her attention back to the little boy. "By the way, what's your dad's name? Maybe we can help you look for him, we're the best profiling group in the whole FBI, so we can find him fast."
"His name is Dad!"
"And what's your mom's name?"
The group went blank. It was clear that a five-year-old wouldn't know what his father or mother's name was. Despite being quite intelligent, to him his parents were called "Mom and Dad."
But it seemed they had managed to summon something, for after mentioning the progenitor of both, little Oliver interrupted their conversation with a whimper announcing that his bedtime was over, plus his beloved mother figure was missing.
"Oh no…"
Alex moved in the direction of the backpack, opening it to look for his brother's pacifier.
The longer they lingered, the louder and louder the little boy's crying got. J.J tried to cuddle him, trying to soothe him while Emily rocked the stroller back and forth and Tara hummed a lullaby.
Luke and Matt were trying to distract him, waving their hands in front of him and making funny faces. Rossi was trying to help Penelope and little Alex with the search for the pacifier, who would occasionally bring his hands to his ears to stop the sound of his brother for a couple of seconds.
But silence came in surprise, causing everyone to stop their actions. Their gazes turned to the baby, who was giving a giggly laugh and wiggling his feet, babbling something. It looked like Oliver was feeling something.
"What's going on here?" a female voice interrupted them, again directing their gaze back.
A tall woman, who was wearing a simple beige sweater and black pants plus black converses, was approaching the stroller. The group of people moved away from her, who was leaving a plastic bag with a box in it on one of the desks and holding the baby in her hands.
She made sure to settle him on her shoulder, stroking his back slowly. Alex smiled, moving closer to the young woman and hugged her side, letting his glasses lift a little from being so tight against her.
"Mommy! Where were you, I thought you'd left me alone forever! Well… Not alone, I was with Oli but you know what I mean." The woman let out a giggle, bringing her free hand to the younger one's disheveled hair and stroked it, feeling the younger one squeeze tighter and tighter.
"Alex, love, I told you I was going to the store to buy Daddy's donuts, don't you remember?" She pushed little Oliver away so she could kiss his forehead and settle him back into the stroller. Her hands, now free, went to Oli's side and took a small pacifier, bringing it up to the baby's mouth, which he immediately accepted to begin sucking on.
"Oh… That's what you told me."
Thewhole group let out a laugh, noticing the little one's rosy cheeks. The woman, now recognized as "mommy", turned to look at the group who had taken it upon themselves to care for her two children.
"Gee, sorry for ignoring you guys." The girl giggled, giving them the same look Alex had given them a few minutes ago, fixing on each one. "Thanks for watching them, I know Alex is responsible, but I'm glad to know there were older ones around."
"You don't have to, Alex was a sweetheart. We were nosy and took his little brother, it was our mistake." Emily admitted.
"That's right, Mommy! I went to the bathroom and they had taken Oli" The young woman simply laughed, kissing the younger boy's forehead before speaking again.
"It's okay, kiddo. They did the right thing, they did the reasonable thing."
"We tried to find out who his parents were, but he told us their names were mom and dad" Alex nodded, looking at his progenitor who seemed quite amused by the whole situation.
Alex took her mother's hand, motioning her to come closer to tell her something. The female complied, listening intently to what her young son was saying before she let out a giggle and nodded, returning to her position.
"Well, actually called me mommy. But before I was called mommy I had another name, pumpkin. My name is Amanda, but at home they call me mommy or baba." Alex opened his eyes, surprised that his mother had another name besides "mommy."
"It's a pleasure, Amanda. I see all your names start with a vowel." Rossi was the first to speak, reaching out to shake Amanda's hand. "Your husband's too?"
"No, he's the exception." The femme admitted, beginning to wave to the round of people standing there.
For a couple of minutes, the group began a pleasant conversation where they talked about the time she was missing. They had jumped to the wildest conclusions, but they knew that at some point they would meet the mother of those two angels.
"Oh, I bought a lot of donuts now that I remember, do you like them? They're my husband's favorite." The woman walked over to the bag, from which she pulled out the box and smiled.
The group appreciated the gesture, beginning to receive and distribute the pastry among those present.
A chocolate-covered doughnut with sprinkles on top was received by each person.
Wait… Her husband's favorite?
Emily looked at the two little ones, then her gaze went to the young woman, then to the doughnut and her eyes went back to the little ones.
Emily could feel her head smoking from the way she worked.
No, it wasn't possible.
Spencer would have told her if it was.
"Excuse me, Amanda…" The mentioned one looked up, fixing her gaze on Emily as little Alex took small bites of his donut and shared it with his mother. "What-what did you say your husband's name was?"
"Oh! I didn't say it, actually." She admitted, taking a bite of the donut she was sharing with Alex. "His name is Spe-"
The answer interrupted by the shout Alex gave, turning away from his mother to run down the hallway for the new presence.
"Daddy! Daddy!"
Spencer peered down the elevator, noticing how the small little man ran into his arms and pounced on him.
"Alex! What are you doing here, little one?" He carried the little guy, leaving a resounding kiss on his cheek and looked him in the face. His cheeks were covered with chocolate and his glasses were drooping gracefully down his nose. "Are you alone, who brought you?"
"Mom did!" The youngest was smiling happily, playing with his progenitor's hair. "Dad, did you know Mom has another name besides Mom, her name is Amanda!"
"Yes, buddy. I knew mommy's name was Amanda, but I affectionately call her Mandi."
"I thought you called her Mommy, not Mandi."
Spencer carried his little boy over to the cubicles, finding his work group/friends staring at him with stupefaction on their faces. He was sure their faces were perfect for being part of a surreal painting.
"Spence, surprise." Amanda approached the man, leaving a kiss on his lips and received her husband's kiss back.
"What are you two doing here?" Spencer looked at his family with some surprise.
"Three, daddy. Oli's here too" The little hand pointed toward the stroller, where the movement of the youngest of the Reid family could be heard.
Spencer walked over to the baby carriage, leaving the eldest of the Reid brothers on the floor and peeked out so he could see his little boy, his newest devotion.
"Hi Oli, are you awake yet? Daddy's here." Oliver watched his father with his big hazel eyes, moving his hands so he could reach one of his father's curls. "Hey, buddy. How big are you." The man took the little guy in his hands, drawing him into his body so he could carry him, smiling at the feel of his son's movement stopping as he began to pet him.
The whole group was silent, unable to believe that the youngest of their team had such a well-kept secret.
A wife and two children! How was it possible that even Emily hadn't known about this?
"Spencer…w-what is this? When did you intend to tell us? About your wife, about your children, about-about this!" Emily waved her hands around trying to take in the situation, feeling the pieces of the puzzle coming together on their own.
"I thought Hotch was going to tell you before he left." Spencer looked at the group of people, stopping his gaze on his wife who lifts her shoulders, trying to tell him "don't even look at me, I didn't say anything."
"Clearly he didn't say it" Jennifer looked at her best friend, trying to look as relaxed as possible, but it was impossible, I guess no one was trying to "act cool" at that moment.
"Well, I guess it's time to introduce you to my family." Amanda smiled, leaning against one of the desks as she watched Alex approach her. "This is Amanda, Amanda Reid, my wife" The young woman waved her hand, crossing her arms again with a smile on her mouth. She loved that he said my wife. "This is Alexander Reid and Oliver Reid, Alex and Oli of affection." Little Alex smiled, again waving to everyone with his hand and took what was left of the donut his mother offered him.
"How long have you been married?" Next to speak was Rossi, who felt Hotch had betrayed him by keeping that secret so long.
"Well, married… we've been married for five years. Dating we've been dating for seven…" Amanda turned to look at her husband.
"Seven years, five months and thirteen days." Spencer nodded, looking down at the baby who had just fallen asleep in his arms.
"So…" Matt looked over at Alexander, who looked amused eating the sprinkles on top of the donut.
"Yeah, Alex was a surprise. We knew we wanted to be parents, but we wanted to live together first, and well… The first night of living together caused Alex's arrival." Amanda laughed with her cheeks flushed, noticing how Spencer's cheeks were also filled with that crimson red. "Oli arrived after a couple of tries. We didn't want Alex to be alone and have to read all the books to himself."
"Now he reads Oli to sleep, like the good big brother he is" Spencer smiled, placing little Oliver in the most comfortable place to sleep.
After that confession, the pair settled in at the desk where the woman was sitting.
"I have so many questions I can't process, I really don't understand. So…how come we didn't see this in your apartment when you went to jail? We'd be completely blind if we hadn't noticed." Penelope had gotten to a good point, causing the friends to nod and the pair looked at each other before they could respond.
"It's because you guys went to Spence's old apartment." Amanda replied. "When we had Alex, we outgrew the apartment. We tried to look at an apartment in the same building, but they were all the same, so we pooled our paychecks and managed to rent a slightly larger apartment down the street from there. After Oliver came along we had to move to a bigger place." Spencer nodded, wiping the corner of his son's lip, which was full of chocolate. "But when Spence needs to focus, he goes to his old apartment to work. Diana was living there for a season and then she came to our house." The young woman pushed her hair back, feeling her husband's warm hand wrap around her hip.
The group was attentive to what they were saying, nodding at every word and concentrating on the story they had for them. Like little children, they formed around the young couple to follow their narrative.
"When Mexico and jail happened, it was really an ordeal. Hotch called us to get into the program with him and Jack, we had to go into hiding because we were Spencer's immediate family. Before Diana could hide she was kidnapped and, well, you know the rest of the story." Amanda's hand went to her son's hair, playing with the unruly locks of the scalp. They were exactly the same as his father's.
"But we would have known, I would have figured it out! H-how did you…?" Penelope was utterly convinced she would have found that information.
"It wasn't in the system." Spencer admitted. "I begged Hotch not to release it, it's manually, on paper. But online it's not, it was more likely to endanger my family." The young couple looked at each other and gave each other a smile. Sighing, Spencer continued. "Something like Foyet and Hotch would have happened, it was too dangerous. I wasn't willing to lose them and place them in danger."
Finally, the group of people began to understand, nodding at what he was saying and relaxing after that news.
"Spence had intended to tell them, but after Cat Adams, Scratch, Mexico, jail, Diana… I don't know when the time was right, to be honest with you." A collective chuckle filled the room echoing at that moment.
"Wow Spencer, you sure had this secret well hidden." Luke smiled, patting the younger man on the back, who was grinning broadly after breaking free of that secret that had him gnawing inside.
"Well, it's never too late to throw a welcome home party for the new family." Rossi smiled, moving closer to Amanda so he could hug her.
Mandi smiled receiving greetings from everyone, feeling like she was home.
"Good, then I'll start buying presents from now on. For both Oliver and Alex." Penelope smiled, receiving a wide smile from Alexander, who was the most excited to receive gifts. "I've missed so many birthdays and Christmases already."
"So…" Alex stole glances at everyone, who looked quite intrigued by his words. "Can I tell you aunties and uncles?"
That was the straw that broke the excitement level in the entire group, causing everyone to nod and smile broadly, feeling their chest heaving with joy.
"Did you see, Alex? Now you have lots of aunts and uncles to share, plus cousins." Spencer fell into step with his son, who was hugging him by the neck with a smile.
"That's right daddy, lots and lots!" The little boy turned to look at them all before stretching his arms out to hang around Luke's neck, who was greeting him with a smile that went so far as to make his cheeks ache.
The entire group stayed talking for a couple more minutes before deciding to head home to relax after a full day full of excitement.
Before she could get on the elevator, Emily smiled in the direction of the group of people.
"I think we know who his daddy is." Tara's whisper caused Emily to laugh and step onto the elevator, letting the doors close and signal the end of the work day.
The day had closed on a high note, not only for the capture of a criminal, but also for the discovery of a new family.
And Spencer couldn't be happier to finally reunite their families.
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
kissesssss, bai. 💕
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loremaster · 2 months
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happy birthday to the guy i've been drawing nonstop for the past several months - here's proof!!! he's a lot of fun to draw!
vivia is also a very important character to me for very personal reasons... (cw: family death)
it didn't take long for me to realize he was gonna be my favorite character in the game - seeing him lounging in places he shouldn't be cracked me up, and so did his morbid catchphrase... i totally related to his autistic tendencies, and his eagerness to dwell on depressing philosophical thoughts. i especially love and relate to his love for literature and literary analysis, especially because my eighth grade english teacher was my dad, who introduced me to so many of what are now my favorite books, and showed me how to look closer into what makes them so good. his story structure classes were unforgettable.
my dad passed away in 2020 and i've been going through fluctuating stages of grief since. it ebbs and flows but never really leaves. a lot of my art and stories from the past 3+ years have been ways to process and try to heal from that trauma (especially my pokemon sword nuzlocke comic, which i'm hoping to finish this summer)
so seeing the strange way vivia deals with death - in general, and the death of a loved one - fascinated me and destroyed me. i've spent many nights curled up in bed sobbing myself to sleep thinking about the heartbreak he goes through in the story, the regrets, the destructive cycle of grief, the depths of the emotions he feels in such a unique way (he's so desensitized he never cries once in the whole game!) and the ways he is able to start to grow and heal from it afterwards.
exploring the queer romantic angle of vivia's character arc is also so so so important to me, not only because i'm a queer person who's wanted to tell queer stories since i was a teen, but because my dad was also a queer person, who didn't get to come out as bisexual until the tail end of his too-short life. i know he connected to a lot of the same Boys In Love stories that I did, and i wish we'd had the opportunity to explore that common ground further. but since i can't, all i can do is the next best thing - making art about it and inspired by it. i think my dad would really like vivia and the stories i've been trying to tell about him. (harold and maude was one of his favorite movies - and if you're a vivia fan and you've never seen it GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. suicidal teen forms an unlikely friendship with a cheerful old lady. you will cry your eyes out. you will want to LIVE)
so, i guess... thanks kodaka for making this specific character that spoke so deeply to me at this specific time in my life and letting me use him as a vehicle to process my own grief in the gayest ways possible. and happy birthday veeva <3
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v3lvieraven · 4 months
𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚, 𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝖭𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌- 𝖨 𝖺𝖻𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗎𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖺𝖽𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗈𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽 <𝟥 (I’ll do part two if anyone wants)
Scenario- alchemy class went wrong when deuce summoned a cauldron and it landed on your leg.
Warnings- Blood, shattered leg, relationship established in Riddles and Leona’s, cursing, Grim being a asshole.
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𝖱𝗂𝖽𝖽𝗅𝖾 𝖱𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌
He has been busy a great portion of the day, The Queens rules and schedule absolutely must be followed!Which means he had no idea that you were in the infirmary because of a foolish cauldron summoning.
The only way he found out, was when Duece was absolutely begging Trey not to tell Riddle. He is lucky Cater wasnt there, because he would have definitely recorded this whole encounter for funsies.Riddle was on his way to his Afternoon tea time when he heard Duece’s pleads.He was carrying one of the teacup,s from the set you had gifted him, when it suddenly fell out of his hands when he hears you got hurt, shattering it (just like your leg-)His face contorted into one of anger and worry as he steps into both of their lines of sight.
“What happened?“ his voice boomed,Duece could only tremble under his gaze.Finally he stammered out his silly explanation.
“Off with your head!“ The familiar heart collar appeared on the first years neck.
“Ill take it off once [reader,s] leg is healed“ he didnt leave any room for debate before storming off to his tea party.As soon as it was finished, he rushed off to the infirmary.
His harsh expression softens when he see’s your injured state. He brings his hand up to cup your face as he sits beside you.
“My Rose… would you care to come back to my dorm?” He knew you were not allowed to spend the night in his dorm… but perhaps just this once he could forget that rule for tonight…
But don’t tease him for it. If you do he will absolutely never do this for you again.. empty threat
“My Rose, you may stay with me tonight… Only if you wish of course!… Of course I know it’s against the rules… but… I’ll indulge myself for tonight..”
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𝖫𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖺 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖺𝗋
His head was already spinning from all of ruggie’s incessant whining,meaning his mood was already sour.his tail thwacks against the tile as he remains in his outstretched body. On top of that, he had not seen you all day,he continues to try and sleep his day away like usual but something is stopping him,he really needs your presence at the moment.
He carefully gets up,his arms stretch like a cats (not surprising at all)while his tail continues to thwack around.
“what a bother“ he mutters quietly before setting his focus on finding you.
You have been limping around all day due to a small accident this morning. When Leona finally finds you, you look as if your about to collapse…mainly because you literally were about to.
He glared at Grim,usually Grim wouldnt care thay much, but he stopped anyways.
“Oi, herbivore.what happened to your leg?“ he can clearly see the cast, and he does not look hsppu about it.
“oh uh, duece summoned a cauldron again“ you explain simply, about to move to catch Grim once more, but you are stopped by Leona hoisting you over his shoulder, he mumbles out annoyed lines of “weak herbivore“ and “dumbass“ Grim was about to follow but with a snap of Leona’s fingers, Ruggie is escorting dragging him back to ramshackle.
Usually in these scenario’s when he would bring you to his dorm, he would throw yoy on the bed before pouncing on top of you with your body weight trapped beneath him. this time was different though, hr gently sets you down onto the bed, you feel the bed dip down next to you as he wraps himself around you carefully.
“what would you do without me“ he said mockingly
But deep down you knew he was worried, his pride obviously not allowing him to say such things out loud.Soon after you fall asleeo, he talks to crowley, convincing manipulating Him into allowing you some days off.Totally not becayse this was an excuse to coddle you and take care of you.
“𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐞. 𝐇𝐞𝐲- 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝐍𝐨, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐝, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬! 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲.“
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Ace trappola
He was definitely right next to you when it happened. I mean he’s always with you and deuce so was it really a surprise??
He shrieked when deuce for the third time today, summoned a cauldron. This time though, it smashed your leg, Ace could feel his heart beating out of his chest as he see’s the blood splatter onto the floor with your sobs. He doesn’t even think to use his magic to push the cauldron off (which would probably hurt way less) but instead he uses all of his strength to push it off of you. With the way he’s screaming it made it seem as if he’s the one with the hurt leg.
“Deuce what the fuck is wrong with you!?” Obviously he was furious, deuce just summoned a cauldron on his crushes leg!! He picks you up and runs off to his dorm… instead of the infirmary for some reason.. it’s not his fault ig he’s just panicking.
He finds towels to put under your leg so that your blood doesn’t stain his bed sheets.. priorities right
After he obviously bandaged it, and then he realized he should have probably took you to a nurse or something.. but he wasn’t about to run around campus so instead he asked if one could be sent to his dorm.
Once the nurse PROPERLY assessed the injury and patched it up so that it could actually heal… he was all over you. He definitely just laid on top of you, pressing small kisses to your face as he mumbles under his breath, cursing deuce.
“Mwah, see? All better!” He kissed the leg because kisses make everything better right!? Just gives him more of an excuse to be all over you honestly, he’s loving it.
“That idiot really doesn’t know how to do anything but summon cauldrons does he!?… oh yeah your probably right… maybe I should have given you to a nurse or something… HEY IT WASNT MY FAULT I WAS PANICKING!!”
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natsglorifiedsimp · 10 months
a bit of angst today cause why not?😝 oh gosh why is my writing so bad now lol i think this would be a last one lollll
This was a request of @aosquakewidow23
Taglist: @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup @mmmmokdok @sayah13 @karmasgxrl @meurgen @simp-erformarvelwomen @lilaswidowspark @snowdrop1026 @beholdagaywriter
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(I'm not the owner of this fanart. Ctto)
"I need someone to talk to," you said sheepishly to both of your girlfriends. You tried your best to still maintain a smile even though you wanted to cry your heart out.
They know you are shy and not the best at communicating. They know how much courage it took you to say that you're hurting inside. But this time they ignored it.
"Y/n, I'm sorry but not right now. We still have finishing up to do." Natasha said.
A plea for help turned into an embarrassment. "What were you thinking?" you scold yourself.
You slowly backed away from them to give them much-needed space. "I'm sorry" you frowned. "I can come back later when you aren't busy." you tried to show a smile but your lips failed you.
"Yeah, yeah" Wanda flicked her hand ushering you out.
You wept in the hallway trying desperately to keep it together. "Maybe they're just busy and this is nothing, I can get over it myself" you convinced yourself.
Hoping they would listen to you, they didn't. It has been a week since they last told you to get off their faces. But it was one of those days again. You've been bottling up everything but you're already so exhausted.
"Nat? Wands?" you sounded so small, your eyes filled with tears you can't hold back anymore. "I could really use a hug right now."
Roaming your eyes in the room you noticed an unpacked suit of case. "What?"
You hurriedly looked at your closet, "Some of the clothes are gone" you thought.
Just in time Natasha and Wanda both came out of the bathroom. "Are you guys gonna leave?" you brittle.
"Oh yeah, new mission," Natasha said casually like it's nothing. Your eyes burned as you tried to keep your tears at bay. "But we haven't h-hang out yet." you stuttered.
"It's fine, we can do that when we get back" Wanda was occupied with her necessities. She didn't even spare a glance at you.
"Uhm, okay." you frowned in disappointment.
During the nights, you were up. Trying to keep your feelings in a jar keeping them away from people who are trying to help. You felt like a responsibility attached to your girlfriend's tail.
Someone who is trying to belong to a circle where she didn't fit in. You kept your distance to the team making sure you talked enough but not too much. Talked about them but little about you.
A daily stroll became your daily routine. During the day or night, you'd make sure you had your peace. But today, it wasn't the usual calm day. A guy dressed in a skimpy outfit is trying to snatch the poor young woman's purse.
Combat was something you never learned. Even from your girlfriends. But seeing the situation you didn't even think twice.
You grabbed the man's arm and kicked his crotch. He winced in agony keeping his balls together. You grinned braggingly and brought back the purse to the lady.
In utter anger, the man kicked your back with full force causing you to bumped the floor. 'That hurt' you thought.
He didn't stop there he made sure to give you blows by blow. You didn't fight though, you didn't care. At one point you even wished this would cause your death.
Getting home bruised and broken worried the team. Each one trying to talk to you, to give you immediate care. But with a simple "I'm fine" they stopped.
You walked past them like nothing happened. As if you didn't look like a mess. Natasha and Wanda were still weren't there though. As always.
The two redheads got back home exhausted. Shoulders slumped, eyes heavy with almost a week of deprived sleep.
FRIDAY notified you of their arrival but ashamed of what they're gonna say you kept it a secret. You hid in your room and sobbed until sleep took over.
You tried to keep yourself anonymous. Going into a room where the redheads are wasn't much hard. You were invisible to them.
This went on for days and you assumed that it was over. They no longer love you. They no longer care for you. You were once again alone in a room full of people you know but never belong to.
The bruises were still there. If anything they were more purple and visible. The ache in your back worsens but you didn't care.
Wanda gasped, "What happened y/n?!"
Suddenly you were visible again everyone was looking at you. "I'm fine" you lied.
"If you're fine you sure as hell won't have bruises littered all over you" she scolded worryingly.
She tried to grab your hand but you moved away from her. "It's fine, Wanda. It's not like you guys would care." your lips trembled.
"How can we take care of you if you wouldn't tell us what's wrong?" Natasha said.
Your eyes snapped at her, "I did try, Natasha. But you're too busy enough to even care!" the hood that you've been hiding on for weeks fell from your head. Now they could see every bruise you took from that snatcher.
"Oh y/n," Wanda said. "Come on let's get you fixed up" she ushered.
"No. I'm fine." you snapped. "Go back to your perfect little bubble."
"Honey, our bubble isn't perfect if you're not in it." Natasha cooed.
"Then the perfect little bubble ended weeks ago."
You only matter when you're sick and bruised. But once everyone finds how irrelevant you are. They'll pick a new person that is more capable than you. Remember: you're not a lot of people's favorite person
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 5: bonding exercise
Alastor x (f! bunny reader) -Fluff- chapter 1
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your POV:
through out my time here in hell I have grown accustomed to the musty hot atmosphere of the underworld and the loud mornings of screaming, gun shots, and road rage, its hell after all and there technically isn't any rules. me and angel hang out a lot more, behind his sex jokes and playful demeaner hes a great friend. husk and I are cool I suppose, according to him I'm more tolerable. Nifftys a bit crazy and energetic but I enjoy helping her clean sometimes, but one person that's been on my mind a lot is Alastor. hes always watching me, I catch him staring at me with that weird smile, I wonder if his face hurts from smiling all the time...none of my business what he does I just wish he wasn't so eerie. I was in the lobby this morning when Charlie called us over for a "bonding exercise", seeing everybody gathered in there seats I sit on the couch next to angel, "good morning everybody thank you for comingggg, I would like to have you all here for a little bonding time yayy!!!..." the silence was defiantly loud... "uhm- well I though we could all do something fun like drawing!" standing behind her vaggie comes out with paper, markers, and crayons "oooo colors" niffty giggles "what's does this look like kinder garden?" "angel please try and at least participate" letting out an annoyed grumble he agrees "fineee..." "great! were all going in partners and you will draw each other, that sound fun right!!?" oh no... "charlies with me, husks with angel, and Alastors with y/n, nifftys can uhm..." "oh oh can I be the judge!!!" "sure..." "you gotta be fucken kidding me..." "aww cmon whiskers I'm not that baddd~" walking to there partners I turn to see Alastor sitting on the arm chair looking at me with a wide grin on his face, "fuck me..." I grumble walking over to sit on the floor beside him "well my dear looks like its just me and you" "yeah... me and you" grabbing two pieces of papers and some crayons "I cant even draw..." "oh don't worry I'm sure you will do just fine!" "why am I doing this again..." "cheer up dear this is supposed to be fun after all, I cant be that hard to draw" "yeah your right just need two colors" scribbling on the paper I start at the base of his face, doodling his creepy smile and red hair, looking up I see him studying me curiously "what's the matter, am I hard to draw?" I say smugly "not at all dear your quite easy to draw" ouch, thanks...
Alastors POV:
I never really focused any time on things such as art, yes I can cook and maybe play the piano but drawings not one of my few good skills although ill give it a shot. I would have never guessed I would be sitting here doing one of charlies silly little projects, attempting to draw y/n I look at here for a while, this is the closest I have ever really been next to her, my she really is small it makes me want to squeez her tiny little body, her head could fit in my hand easily. I have noticed a few things while observing her, her ears twitch when she's focused on things like now, her pink bunny nose twitches when she's scared, and her fluffy tail wags when she's exited or annoyed what a strange individual...
your POV:
"ok guys once your done with your drawings you will show them off to your partners!!", as a few minutes pass by I have finished my drawing and well I'm quite disappointed in myself, man I should have taken art class in high school "I finished if your ready to show them" hell no... "I- I'm done but I don't think I wanna... "oh I'm sure its not that bad" giving the drawing one last glance I turn the page I show him the drawing facing away to hide what little dignity I had left. hearing a quiet static buzz noise I look back up seeing him looking at the drawing with a questionable face "I know its badd!!!" "w-well I wouldn't say that dear its just..." "just say its bad!" "its interesting" "well what does yours look like?" turning his page my jaw drops to the floor, what is this creepy deer man not good at "its not my best work but-" "are you kidding me Al this is good!" standing up I grab the drawing, it was in crayon but it looked just like me. pausing I try to tone down my excitement seeing alastor wide eyed from my reaction "I'm glad you like it dear" "what cant you do" "well I did say I was a man of many talents but drawing isn't one of them" "do you uhh mind if I keep this..." "not at all dear~" "you don't have to keep mine you can just throw it-" "nonsense its mine isn't it?" "yes.." "then I will keep it". for once he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face, not some creepy ass smile, its kind of nice...
Alastors POV:
I don't know why but I wanted to keep her silly little drawing, its...cute?. it looks nothing like me but its quite amusing seeing her all embarrassed. I was surprised to see she liked my drawing, her eyes lit up with a small smile on her face, it feels good to know my work is appreciated even in the... strangest things it gives me a sense of pride, I might hang it in my radio tower...
your POV:
looking at everybody else I saw Charlie bouncing on her heels looking at a little doodle vaggie made how cute~, husk made a sloppy doodle of angel and angel just drew himself. niffty was running around looking at others drawings, eventually she got around to ours, climbing on my shoulder she looks at Alastors drawing "ooooOooo you look so cute in the picture!!" I smile a bit "thanks niff" grabbing her off my shoulder I set her down "well that's the end of the exercise, how was it!" "ehh it wasn't to bad" "it was alright" "whatever...im going back to the bar" Charlie puts on a little smile "well do one again next week, maybe we could make cookies together or do all about ME's oh oh!! what about-" "ok hon slow down" "sorry". this was nice, hell isn't that bad, at least not here. better than home...
hey guys!!! I was supposed to release this earlier but I'm a little sick right now from the cold weather but I refuse to let you guys down! I made this chapter a little longer than usual so I hope you guys loved this cute chapter as much as I did, love you guys have a good day/night
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@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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annymation · 5 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 9- Tangible Things
Chapter 8
Asha and Aster are walking through the kingdom of Rosas.
There's people everywhere, walking through the streets, all of them wearing the same style of medieval clothings with dull shades of blues, yellows and purples. The people of Rosas are all very diverse in ethnicities... But their cultures are not showcased at all through their clothing styles.
Asha walks through the sea of people wearing her mom's cloak, she's wearing the hoodie so her face is not visible.
Meanwhile, Aster is "wearing" his human disguise, looking like any average human teenager... If you ignore the uncommon combination of brown skin and blonde hair, as well as his black clothes with a looong cape that doesn't quite blend in with everyone else's clothing style.
... And the fact he's as happy as Ariel on her first tour with Eric through the kingdom. Or Rapunzel getting to know her kingdom for the first time, yeah, he has those same big eyes full of wonder.
If you ignore all that, yeah he's just a normal human, nothing to see here.
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"Okay Aster, stay close to me. We're almost at the plaza..." She got no response "Aster?" She looks behind her shoulder
... Aaaaand Aster is nowhere to be seen.
Asha scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, she's gonna have to put a bell on that star.
Asha feels a slight dejavu feeling from that dream she had last night.
She scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, now contemplating putting a bell on that star "*sigh*... At least you know how to behave, huh Valentino?" she says to the baby goat walking next to her, Valentino is just happily wagging his tail.
She takes off the her hoodie for a moment to get a better view of her surroundings
"Now where could he be?" She sounds worried, looking around, but there's no sign of the star.
Asha just took her hoodie for a moment...
But just a moment was enough for two people to notice her...
She hears someone calling her name in the distance
"asha! asha-when I catch you asha! asha! when I catch you- it is on sight!! you are so-"
The voice is getting closer. Asha looks around at the sea of people walking, but she can't seem to find who's calling her, the girl voice gets louder:
A second voice joins in, male this time
"DAHLIA! WAIT UP *huff huff* I can't run that fast!"
Asha turns around and... Yup, it's Dahlia and Simon.
Despite the fact that Dahlia walks with a crutch she's moving way faster than him, that's not even to emphasize how slow Simon is, no, Dahlia just so happens to run really fast in general.
They finally reach the girl wearing the purple cloak, and she seems preeetty nervous about having to explain the whole situation
"Oh- hehe hey guys" Asha waves to her friends awkwardly
Dahlia was having none of that "OHOHO Don't "Hey guys" me! Where were you last night?? My mom was worried sick"
"We woke up early to go looking for you, we were just on our way to get the others" Simon said while trying to catch his breath
"I'm fine, really. I just needed a take a walk you know? Get some air, and then I slept in my old home." She tries her best to calm them down "Dahlia, you didn't have to organize a search party for me, I can take care of myself." She tells her best friend.
"Actually, it was Simon's idea, he's the one who went to wake me up"
That surprised Asha
"... Simon... Woke up early?"
"That's how worried I was" He said with his usual monotonous voice "And... I wanted to apologize, last night I accidentally-... I assumed that you were crying because of something YOU did, without knowing the whole story, I shouldn't have pressured you to tell us like that... I'm sorry"
(Aww Simon is so nice... I sure hope he never does anything lame or stupid or uncool to his friends, that would be so sad.)
Asha kinda needed that apology, she gives him a warm smile
"Thanks for saying that Simon, it means a lot. And sorry for stepping on your foot... And running away." She places a hand on the back of her neck as she says that.
"Honestly, if I found out that the king wouldn't ever grant my wish, I'd feel really awful too" Simon, ironically, is the one who comments this
Asha remembers... Oh yeah she mentioned that to them.
"Yeah speaking of which... What is up with that?!" Dahlia exclaims, looking outraged "I mean, they put you on the spot, call you to come in their house, get your wish, and then they just say "Oh actually noooo, we won't grant your wish" HUH?! That's not fair at all." She rants with her arms crossed
Asha is just kinda nodding in agreement, like, what really happened was waaaay worse than that but yeah Dahlia got the spirit.
Simon doesn't seem to relate with her frustration though.
"Did they tell you why they weren't gonna grant your wish?" Simon asks.
Asha analyses the situation... She could tell them the truth, she could tell them everything she has seen... But then again, if she tells them, they might be in danger... She told Aster that she wanted to plan this out before acting, involving her friends is a big risk, so for now... She would have to lie.
"They... They just said they couldn't do it, nothing else happened, really" She said, trying her best to sound honest but kinda failing, her friends didn't seem to notice though.
"... Seriously? They didn't even say why?" Dahlia is dumbfounded.
"... Now I understand why you were crying..." Simon sounds really sad for his friend "But even still, you shouldn't have gone to the woods all by yourself-"
"Who said she was by herself?"
Simon and Dahlia jump in surprise because of the unknown cheerful voice coming from behind them
They turn around and see Aster... holding a bouquet of purple flowers.
Asha can feel a drop of sweat running down her forehead... This might be way harder to explain.
"Aster where were y-" Asha is about to lecture the star, but she is stopped when he shows her the flowers he got by holding them right in front of her face.
"Asha look! These flowers are called "Aster" just like me! and they're your favorite color too!"
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(Hahaah told y’all I’d reference these flowers!)
Aster hands her the bouquet, but in a way that her face is covered by the flowers for a second before she manages to hold it by herself
"O-OH Yeah I can see that... thanks Aster, they're really pretty heh heh" She says nervously, as she notice her two friends staring at Aster and then staring back at her.
"Uuuh so I take it your name's "Aster"?" Simon asks, looking at the boy from head to toe.
Aster turns around to greet them
"That's me! So nice to meet you two!"
Aster gives Dahlia a handshake...
And we take a look on what he sees
Now you see, Aster can naturally take a peek on what's someone's wants and beliefs, but when he touches someone... They can see something even more special.
He sees that person's star, their center, what makes them who they are.
When Aster touches Dahlia's hand, we see how her star looks like.
It's bright, red, and full of determination to achieve whatever she sets her mind to...
If confidence was a tangible thing, it would be Dahlia.
from the other's point of view, Aster is just shaking her hand quickly and very happily.
"Oh- Hehe I'm Dahlia."
Aster then goes on to shake Simon's hand and...
Aster's smile disappears...
Simon's star is still there but it's... weak, flickering away like a flame that is about to go out at any second
Aster feels a pain in their chest...
If hopelessness was a tangible thing, it would be Simon.
Aster let's go of the young man's hand, his eyes are downcast and he's frowning like he's about to cry.
He looks up to Simon and just says "I'm so sorry"
So needles to say our boy Simon is terrified thinking this weird kid Asha found in the woods predicts he's gonna die in 7 days or something.
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(That’s it, that’s the face he's making. lmao.)
Simon gives Asha a panicked look, and she seems just as confused as him.
"Hey Aster?" Asha calls his attention placing a hand on his shoulder, the star turns to her curious "Did you uh- Pay for these flowers?"
Aster tilts his head to the side "What's pay?"
("At All Cost" ruined me, because every time I re-read this line my mind goes "What's pay? When I look at you no way-" and that's so funny to me)
Simon who happens to be the son of a cop the captain of the royal guard becomes even more suspicious of Aster, knowing this guy just STOLE something and then played innocent.
Asha just smiles at that comment and patiently explains to him "Okay, now you gotta put these back where you found them, can you do that please?"
Aster's smile returns as if it never left "Got it! I'll be back in a sec!"
Aster runs with an almost inhuman speed, leaving the three friends in an awkward silence
Simon breaks that silence.
"… Where did you find that guy?"
"And where can I find one for myself?" Dahlia asks as she watches Aster run off.
Simon: "What?"
Dahlia: "What?!"
This time, Asha kinda gives them a half truth
"Well... Let's just say Aster was at the right place at the right time... And he helped me feel better" That's technically true.
Simon looks very dissatisfied with that answer though
"... So you spent the night with a stranger in the woods?"
"Not a stranger though!" Aster pops out of nowhere behind Simon,
"OH GOSH-" Simon almost has a heart attack,
Asha realizes the longer Aster keeps talking with other people the more suspicious they'll seem, so she just grabs him by the arm
"Great talking to you two but we reeeeally gotta get going. So tell the others I'm fine, we'll be at the main plaza if you need me!" She says already running while dragging Aster with her.
The star boy is just happily waving them goodbye as he's dragged away by the arm. "Bye Dahlia! Bye Simon!" he exclaimed excitedly
"... Soooo how much do you wanna bet she actually just wished for a boyfriend?" Dahlia asks
(Dahlia is a self insert of me at this point, her lines are what I'd say in this situation)
Simon kinda ignores Dahlia's comment as he realizes something odd "Wait ... I never told him my name, how did he know I'm "Simon"?"
We cut to Asha and Aster in an alley.
“Okay, we need to talk" Asha begins, looking at the star boy seriously "If we're really gonna do this, we gotta establish some ground rules."
"Sure! We stars are all about rules!" The star says, sitting on some barrels while kicking his feet.
She begins listing the rules:
"So rule number 1: You can't run off without me, you gotta stay close to me at all times."
"Rule number 2: You gotta act as HUMAN as you can, that means do what I do, and use NO magic at all."
"Oh you don't have to tell me twice, that's a rule I already HAVE to follow as a wishing star anyway"
"And rule number 3: ..." She stops to think for a moment "Umm... I feel like there should be a third rule but I don't know what"
"I know! Rule number 3:... LETS HAVE FUN!" Aster exclaims with a beaming smile as he holds her hand and walks with her out the alley "You don't need to worry about a thing! I'll stay with you at all times. All you gotta do is focus on inspiring everyone with your music!"
Asha looks at the mandolin in her hand. She's honestly not sure if she'll be able to make any difference... But if she can make at least a few people consider getting their wishes back so they can grant it by themselves... Then it'll be worth it, because then they can start something.
She feels her hope returning, as a confident smile grows on her lips and a fire burns in her eyes.
"Yeah, and I know just the song for it!" She starts running faster, and soon she's the one who's in front, dragging Aster by the hand...
Aster can see Asha's star, and he looks at it with eyes full of what can only be described as disbelief and a passionate admiration.
Her wish was taken from her, just like Simon's, but Asha was different.
Unlike Simon, her light refused to burn down, her old wish was replaced by a new one, that shined just as brightly.
A star that wants to shine upon others and give them joy, guidance, something to believe in... To Aster, her glow was the most beautiful one of all... And when he looked at it he felt...
Actually, he couldn't describe it... It's still a feeling he can't put into words.
So for now, he doesn't know what tangible emotion Asha is.
But he'll probably find out eventually.
They both reach the plaza. There's a water fountain at the center of it, a few people are walking around and talking, but there's not much of a crowd.
Asha takes the mandolin and starts singing a song... Based on a poem her father wrote:
A Wish Worth Keeping
[Verse 1] Take it from someone like me When your hopes are in despair If your desires have strings Free them, give them some air
[Chorus] 'Cause any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping
[Verse 2] Yeah, everybody dreams To be something someday somewhere Even kings and queens Daydream to be free from their royal chairs
[Refrain] Well, any dream that's got your heart Even when you're not sleeping Is a drеam worth dreaming
[Bridge] Yeah, we all start as wildlings Playing in thе sun Then we grow up with wild dreams Just waiting for our day to come
[Verse 3] So if hope schemes against time
Tell them, "be nice, play fair" Yeah, they may kick and cry, yeah But just show them they're better when paired
[Refrain] 'Cause if they both can hold your heart There's no way you're not sowing A dream that will never stop growing
[Chorus] Yeah, any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping...
It's a poem her father wrote to encourage people to not give their wishes to Magnifico, but instead keep their wishes and fight for what they dream of. In this moment, she's playing her grandfather's mandolin, while wearing her mother's cloak and singing a poem her father wrote, it's like they're all there with her.
Asha sings in a more festive rhythm than the original "Wish Worth Making" from the Wish soundtrack, it's a song that makes people want to join in and dance with Aster, who's bringing in people around the plaza to join in.
And among these people there's also Asha's friends, they seem happy for her but also confused. Since when did Asha play the mandolin? And who on earth is that guy with her?
As Asha plays, she and Aster share a little duet in the third verse of the song, as if Aster also knows the poem too. Asha looks at the star dancing with such energy, doing literal backflips, twirls, jumping all over the place, bringing in people to dance with him and just being himself like no one's watching.
And for the first time, she actually feels her heart bumping faster by looking at the star, and not because they're a literal star or because he scared her by popping out of nowhere... but because he's himself.
(Yup, that's when she fell)
Everything is going well, Aster can even see the stars inside some of the people in the crowd shining brighter...
It's actually working.
Some of the younger people are actually considering not giving away their wishes, and others feel like maybe going after new wishes by themselves.
Aster moves with even more energy now... His eyes are closed.
Asha also has her eyes closed, lost in the moment as she plays the song.
The sky is full of thick grey clouds, the sun was nowhere to be seen.
If only Aster's new friend Sunny could've warned him who was coming.
Aster is spinning around quickly with his eyes closed and-
Aster bumps on someone and falls on the floor.
Asha hear's him falling and opens her eyes, she looks up to see who he bumped into...
She instantly stops playing.
Her face is horrified, and she quickly covers herself more in her mother's cloak.
Valentino who was hopping around also sees who it is and hides behind Asha's legs.
Aster is just laughing on the floor, still high on the adrenaline, their eyes are still closed as he laughs so he still hasn't seen who's right in front of him...
But he can tell that he just bumped on a man taller than him.
"Hahahaha sorry sir, I wasn't looking at where I wa-" Aster looks up...
Oh no.
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“No problem at all, little one. Are you alright?”
The king and the queen are standing right in front of Aster.
It’s quite unusual to see them just out and about in a normal day, so the few people around start mumbling among each other.
… Aster doesn’t have a heart but somehow he could feel something in their chest sink as he looked up at the two monarchs…
He could see what they wanted, but to be honest the magic in his eyes wasn’t even necessary for him to see it, they looked down on him with the eyes of two hyenas staring at their next meal.
They wanted him... They knew what Aster was.
The star is just looking up to them with wide eyes like a deer in headlights.
“Here, let me help you.” Magnifico extended his hand to help them get up.
Aster knew very well what would happen in he touched that hand, and he was not looking forward to see what the king was like on the inside…
But then again, he promised Asha he’d act like a human, and most humans in Rosas would gladly shake the king’s hand, right?
So… Aster reached out for it, and once he touched it...
Aster had to hold in a gasp.
That is NOT a star.
See, Aster actually had heard from the other stars that there are many different kinds of people on earth.
There are those who are stars. Those who shine upon others by inspiring them, and make their own glow through their own actions. Like Asha.
There are those who lost their spark, those who no longer have hope or dreams to follow, they’re fading stars. Like Simon.
And then.
There are black holes.
Do you know how a black hole is formed?
They’re formed when a star dies.
Black holes have a gravitational pull that sucks in all the light around them, leaving nothing behind.
And in Aster’s eyes, Magnifico was a black hole.
Stealing away the light of all the stars around him.
Aster had heard that people who become black holes were very hurt in their lives, and thus their star died completely.
But Aster knew better... Magnifico choose to be this way, and he loves it.
He loves to pull others in only to steal their light away...
Aster felt disgusted.
... If selfishness was a tangible thing, it would be Magnus.
As the king pulls him up Aster's is glaring at him, no longer looking scared...
He's angry.
His brow furrowed, his pupils shrunk and his jaw was clenched. He was almost shaking.
It was like he was holding himself to not just jump on this man and punch him.
... Magnifico is content with this reaction.
From what he read, he knew that stars had "Eyes that see the truth", so Magnifico knew that the star could see who he really was.
With that in mind, his grip tightened on Aster's hand.
"Are you hurt at all, lad? You seem to be in pain or something." The king asks referring to the scowl on Aster's face, in a tone that for everyone else watching may sound like concern, but both Aster and the king know it's a mockery.
Aster actually didn't even realize he was scowling, he's just not used to hiding his emotions... But it surely not a "Normal human behavior" to glare at the KING after he just helped you up, is it?
So Aster takes a deep breath and... Smiles.
"I'm quite alright your majesty, just felt a bit dizzy from all the dancing hahaha" He laughs to himself.
Aster may not be the best liar but he is a surprisingly good actor.
"Ah I see." The king says as he let go of Aster's hand, he's now looking down on the young star with a friendly smile "And what a dance that was indeed. Why, we saw you two from our window and we just HAD to take a closer look."
Aster felt a stab of guilt... It's his fault for bringing too much attention.
"I don't think we've met this little rose in our garden before." The queen chimes in sweetly, reaching her hand to caress Aster's face "What's your name, my flower?"
Aster quickly takes a step back, escaping the queen's touch as if he's dodging a bullet.
"Ah- I- My name's Aster!" They stutter, the star really didn't want to be touched by this lady, who knows what he'd see inside HER soul.
Aster tries his best to pull it together, the star knows what to do, he has watched from above how people act around the royal couple. So all he had to do was mimic that behavior.
The young star bows down with one hand on his chest
"I'm humbled that our performance has caught your majesty’s attention. It's a great honor to meet your graces in person." The blonde spoke so eloquently no one could ever guess he's screaming internally.
The king and queen seemed pleased as they exchanged a quick glance to one another... This was going to be fun.
"What an eccentric partner you've got here, Asha" Magnifico says with a calm voice, now looking at the girl sitting by the water fountain, trying her best to hide her face with the hood of her mother's cloak...
… They recognized her? How?
"Aww and how lovely, you're wearing Sakina's cloak aren't you? It fits you so perfectly." The queen said, answering her question as if she could read Asha's thoughts.
Oh yeah... She forgot they knew her parents...
Asha gets up and takes off the hood, trying to act natural like Aster did.
"Thank you, your highness... I didn't expect we'd meet again so soon" she HOPED they wouldn't meet again so soon.
"What a nice surprise though, isn't it?" The king says casually "But speaking of last night... You've never mentioned you played any instruments Asha, I thought your only interest was drawing."
"I-I just didn't see any reason to comment, I'm still practicing is all" She says holding the mandolin close to her
The king chuckles at that "Now now don't be so modest my dear, you played so beautifully it almost seemed like..." he turns his gaze to Aster as he finishes with a knowing smile "Magic."
And with that, Asha realized what Aster already knew since the moment he saw the couple... They knew.
Somehow, they know Aster is a star.
The two teens are thinking the same thing, they gotta run.
Aster begins to walk backwards towards Asha as he says in a not so subtle nervous voice
"Aaaanyway, thank you so much for coming but I'm afraid there'll be no encore, we gotta take a break and-and it looks like it's gonna rain so-"
"Aw leaving so soon?" The king interrupts with a sad tone "We've got a bit of a crowd here. I believe this is as good a time as any for me to share two VERY important announcements... You both should stay and listen, I think they might be of interest to you." He says walking closer to them, to which Aster grabs Asha's hand and they both start moving away.
"O-oh sure the crowd is all yours. We're just REALLY in a hurry." Aster says while still walking backwards, keeping eye contact with the king with a forced smile.
"Hmm" The king hums while tilting his head to the side "Very well then, I'm sure the news will catch up to you two... Sooner than you think." He whisper that last sentence while looking at Asha with that same knowing smile.
And on that note, Aster and Asha just run out of there, leaving some very confused citizens staring at them. Including Asha's friends.
Magnifico follows them with his eyes with a confident and relaxed gaze... He can grab them later, now, it's time to set the stage.
"ALRIGHT! My people, please gather around!" The king says as he hits his staff on the ground teleporting him and the queen to the top of a stage in the plaza.
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(Let’s say the stage looks like this… Disneyland stage… But I’ll not be counting this as a reference because that’s kinda reaching at this point.)
More people around the plaza come closer to see what this is all about.
Meanwhile Asha and Aster hide in a alley to hear what the king has to say.
The king begins loud and clear
"Now, I know you are all wondering about that little light last night-"
The crowd cheers, assuming the light was a gift from the king.
"... A light I did not command nor condone." He corrects their assumption
The smiles on his people's faces deflated
"As a matter of fact, that light wasn't even from this world... It was a THREAT from beyond our skies." Magnifico explains with a serious gaze as he summons a book with his staff, the book floats next to him as the pages flip.
"A threat that my family has dreaded for generations. A being that comes down to earth and consumes all the hope, joy and love they can find..." The book stops on a page showing the illustration of a wishing star individual, with golden hair. The drawing seem to have been altered though, to make the entity look more ominous.
"A fallen star. This VILE creature is hiding among us. They can take a human form, gain your trust, make you feel all happy and warm inside even, BUT DON'T BE FOOLED!" The king exclaims warningly as he shuts the book "They're after ONE thing... Your wishes." He says menacingly, pointing at the top of the castle in the distance.
All the citizens look horrified, mumbling among each other, fearing for their wishes and themselves.
Among the crowd there's Asha's friend, they're all scared but Simon seems specially concerned.
The king lets the fear sink in for a few seconds before he switches back to his upbeat friendly king persona.
"BUT HEEEEY! Relax! No need to panic ladies and gentleman. As always, you can trust in me to keep you, and your wishes, safe and sound. This star may be powerful, yes, but their magic is no match for me!" He illustrates his point by creating a light show with his staff, creating fireworks and briefly a dragon made of green magic.
The crowd cheers and claps, trusting Magnifico wholeheartedly.
Aster and Asha are just watching all this play out, hiding away in a nearby alley.
Aster is going through a lot of emotions, scared of what might happen if the king does capture him, angry at himself for not keeping an eye out like he promised he would, and sad that all those people just took everything the king said as gospel.
His animation (That is now 3D, but with a different frame rate depending on how he feels) becomes more laggy and jumpy, like he's not in control of his own body movements as he speaks.
"I didn't think he'd know what a wishing star IS. Had I known this was a possibility I would've NEVER suggested for us to get exposed like that... I'm sorry Asha" They apologize for something he couldn't have predicted.
"It's not your fault." Asha reassure him holding his hand "...But when we were playing, did you see if anyone changed their minds?" She asks curious.
"... Yeah, actually... I could see some sparks of hope! I could tell some people considered granting their wishes by themselves..." He says, calming down a little, his animation going back to somewhat normal.
Asha felt relieved by that, at least they did a little bit of a difference...
But that wasn't enough, they had to actually MAKE a difference, and the only way of doing that was by showing everyone the truth, and proving what was happening with their wishes, if only Asha could show them-
Wait... The king and queen... They're not in the castle right now...
Asha has an idea.
She holds Aster's hand tightly and starts walking out the alley, going through the plaza.
King Magnifico and Amaya are still there, he's answering a few questions about the glow and what people should do.
He follows the two of them with his eyes for a moment.
"Woah- hey I thought we were gonna run away from here." He says quietly to her, trying to keep up the pace.
"No. Come with me.” Asha starts running, pulling Aster with her.
They’re running towards the castle.
“O-okay so what's the plan now?”
“I'm tired of running away from them." Asha says determined
She points at the castle.
"My wish, and the wishes of dozens of people in Rosas are in there. We can sneak in while those two are outside, then we can grab my wish and as many others as we can." Her eyes have a burning passion as she runs with Aster just in toe holding her hand.
"... Wait, but isn't that pretty much my first plan from yesterday? What changed?"
"What changed is that Magnifico and Amable aren't in the castle..." She thinks for a moment, then she looks back to Aster and gives him a thankful smile "And also, you've shown me that I CAN inspire people, I CAN show them the truth, we can do this together!"
Aster's eyes sparkle in awe when he sees her face.
She continues, now looking at the castle with no doubts left in her "We can even grab some wishes that they changed and show to their owners, to use as proof of what the king and queen are doing!"
Aster can see Asha's star shinning even brighter than before, a huge smile grows on his face.
"That's brilliant!" Aster lets go of her hand and starts running faster than her “Then let’s go! Last one there is a dusty nebula!”
The two are now racing to the castle, with Aster running considerably faster than Asha.
Both hopeful that they'll succeed.
They're far, but the king can still see them in the distance. He smiles.
It's adorable how she thinks she can actually change anything.
Asha and Aster don't hear as the king says to his people:
“Now… My second announcement is about this veeeery special wish that I’ve received last night...” he says with a smirk.
He summons a green orb in his hands.
He holds it, in a way that no one can see what's inside the wish yet.
"My dear people, as you all know, nothing in this life brings me more joy than making ALL your wishes come true- Well, that is aside from my beloved queen." He says giving the queen a passionate glance and kissing her hand.
"Oh you!" She giggles.
"However, yesterday something quite... Unfortunate happened, and I had to do something I swore I'd never do... I denied granting a wish." Some citizens gasp in surprise, thinking someone must have wished for something really bad
Asha's friends look surprised at that, they already suspect whose wish this is.
"I know, I know, shocking, yes. It was a wish that just- Well-Surprised us, really, I wasn't sure if I could allow it..." He looks down on the wish with a introspective gaze "But after putting some thought into it, I realized: Isn't this kingdom all about dreams coming true? No matter how outlandish they may seem? Well I say YES. That's what MY Rosas is all about!" The king announces passionately.
"So we decided to do something new... For the first time in my reign... We're getting a PUBLIC WISH GRANTING CEREMONY!" He exclaims. This is a big deal, Magnifico never granted a wish in front of people, only at night while they sleep.
The green gem in his staff glows…
Creating a huge hand made of green magic.
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“I’ll just grab our lucky winner real quick, so we may get started.” The king says wearing a huge grin.
His predatory eyes are fixated on Asha running after Aster in the distance.
Aster was right about one thing.
It does look like it's gonna rain.
Chapter 10
Final Thoughts
... Soooooo yeah hahaha, we're getting to some INTENSE stuff in the next chapter, buckle up.
But about THIS chapter though, those sure were some good vibes at the beginning, huh? Aster getting to see the kingdom, giving Asha flowers, they promise to stay togetheeeer, and then they sing and daaaance and then Magnifico shows up and the good vibes are gone.
Like... I'm really proud of my work with him as a villain, like, if you're writing a character and YOU dread getting to the scenes that he shows up, you KNOW you're doing something right... I think, you tell me, how did you feel when he popped up?
I'm REALLY proud of how this chapter turned out in general. The idea of Aster seeing humans as tangible emotions just HIT ME one time when I was listening to "At All Cost" for the 1000000th time, and it just fitted perfectly with everything.
Shout out to @gracebethartacc I made Magnifico call Aster “little one” in your honor… And he’ll do it often.
Oh and one more thing, you may have noticed I'm implying that it's gonna rain... Yeah I'll just say one thing about that:
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bjornswoman · 6 months
Foe's regret I
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Author's note: Hello there! Here comes this fic you chose to come. At this part I have to say that one more part has left to come from this series. Thank you for supporting me. I wasn't planning on delivering this today. I had it in store for Christmas as a gift to you all, but I couldn't keep myself from posting it, so here it is. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Pairing: Ubbe x Reader.
Genre: Mini!series, drama, angst, violence, slight romance.
Summary: Your life is about to change again, probably this time things will get better... or not.
Warnings: Violence (emotional and physical), mentions of murder (strangulation), strong language.
My enemy and me masterlist | Nemesis's wish | Enemy's cruelty | Rival's touch |
Days and nights had past but everything felt the safe inside your prison. Only this time you weren't only miserable and hopeless, but also betrayed and filthy after that disastrous of a night.
You wanted to run away from Kattegat – from Ubbe. But you knew that this wasn't even an option – not after what had happened the previous time. You wouldn't even dare to lay a foot outside the Hall without someone on your tail.
However, that wasn't the only reason behind this. Your son had a huge impact on your decision. Even if you ever found the opportunity to leave this place for good, Ragnar would hate you for taking him away from his father. A father who was Ubbe Ragnarsson – a magnificent warrior, descendant of Odin himself. The child was his first-born – his heir – you had no right to take him away from him.
On the other hand, you couldn't leave on your own. You couldn't stay away from your son – your heart wouldn't bear not to see him for a day let alone a whole life. The only meaningful thing you had in this life was your son – without him you were dead.
The thundering sound of a goblet falling startled you and forced you out of your thoughts into the atrocious reality. Around you men and women were laughing and drinking, fighting and eating, talking and dancing. It was another feast that you had to pretend to be the perfect wife. False smiles and identical words and promises were all you could see behind the masks of all those pretenders that were surrounding the Hall.
"You don't seem to enjoy yourself." Drunken, slightly hoarse voice spoke from the seat next to yours. It was a familiar one though it didn't belong to your husband – it belonged to his younger brother.
"I am afraid you are mistaken, Hvitserk." You answered and you glanced at the drunk man. Then your eyes went back at the crowd.
You weren't in mood of starting any conversation – even with Hvitserk. You wanted to stay on your seat drinking ale from your goblet until the night was off – and you prayed for it to end soon enough because you couldn't stand seeing her swinging around the Hall giggling with the guests full of your husband's child. And your husband's eyes were only on her, the love of his life – now you knew damn well that he was lying he hated you because he couldn't be with her and you were hating him more than before. More than ever.
"Well, I won't push you to talk if you don't want to, but you should know that if you ever need to spill your guts and let of steam, I'll be here." Those were the realest words you had ever heard coming from someone else – from someone who was too drunk to reconsider the words coming out of his mouth. And yet it didn't seem this way, it seemed like Hvitserk meant each one of them.
You turned your gaze on him properly this time. Maybe he was right you should speak to someone – you should take this weigh off your shoulders, but you knew that Hvitserk couldn't be the one. He was Ubbe's brother and in love with Margrethe. Torvi couldn't be that person either, she was his brother's wife – practically his family.
That resulted to you having no one for once more. You were utterly alone, but you were used to it by now.
"You know that we can't really talk, don't you?" You asked him in low tone of voice and he turned his gaze on you. Green eyes gazing right inside your shuttered soul.
Hvitserk shook his head and chuckled. You looked at him frowning in curiosity.
"Ahh, yes. I almost forgot for a moment that you are more like a bird imprisoned in a golden cage than my brother's wife." You almost smiled at the comparison he managed to make.
"I was never the second as for the first I start to think that the only thing missing is the wings." You tried to play along, but the melancholy didn't let you be as playful as Hvitserk was when he pointed out the similarity between you and a caged bird.
Hvitserk left the goblet on the table and sat properly on his seat, his eyes were only on your figure along with his attention. It was like he was totally sober for a moment.
"You mean he broke your wings the only time you dared to walk out of that cage?"
"Something like that." You smiled sadly, recalling which moment he was talking about.
"And yet you love him. Still."
You frowned. You opened your mouth to protest – to accuse him of lying, to give him one by one all the atrocious reasons that his remark couldn't be true. You almost wanted to rip the collar of your dress and show him the scars of his brother's large hands on your neck of all the time he almost strangled you. But most of all you wanted to yell at him because he dared to say such an awful and offensive thing.
"You don't need to persuade me of the opposite." He continued and grabbed his own goblet taking a long sip of his drink. "I don't know the reason behind all this horrible situation you have to live in – well, in fact, I know it – but I wish things were different between you and him. You are a good woman – you deserve a lot of things and surely this torment isn't one of them. He is a good man as well, but he is stubborn and I can say that he loves you back."
You didn't want to hear anymore. You didn't know which your reaction should be. Not because you were shocked or believed any of his words. You knew that Ubbe didn't love you – he hated you. He had even told you that he loved her that night.
Before Hvitserk could even start again talking about Ubbe's hypothetical love about you, you dumped your own goblet on the table in front of you and left your seat.
"Don't say anything else. Ubbe himself told me that he loves her." You said quickly and stormed in your chamber before Hvitserk could answer you.
You didn't need to hear anything else about Ubbe or Margrethe. In fact, you didn't even want to see them for the rest of the evening. You needed a night away from all this despair – you deserved it after everything you had been through lately.
However, your silence didn't last long because Ubbe stormed in the room more frustrated than you did a few minutes ago.
"What do you want?" You asked him angrily because of his sudden appearance in there.
"Are you out of your mind?" He yelled and kicked the table flipping it over, throwing all the decorations on the floor.
"No, you are out of your mind!" You were yelling too now. You couldn't believe at the audacity of that person. All he did was coming in and yelling at you over and over and over again. It was all a circle happening again and again the same thing and you were tired of re-living the same scene every day.
"I am not the one who caused a whole scene in front of so many people and left! What do you think you are doing?"
"Are you serious? I caused a scene? I was talking with Hvitserk! Just a civilised talking! Something you can't do apparently because all you do is yelling!" You yelled back. All you asked was for a simple night. A silent one which meant away from him and his madness. He was mad – there wasn't any other excuse behind all of his behaviour. However, you couldn't find a proper reason he was in such a state. You hadn't caused any scene in there.
"Don't bring this on me, woman!" He was very angry – you had seen him this way multiple times before and you knew what was to follow. His hands were running through his braids uncontrollably and you couldn't understand the reason he was so mad. "You are the one who humiliated me and my family!" His finger pointed out on you and you scoffed – you couldn't help it – and it enraged him more.
Within a couple of seconds one of his hands was on your throat pressing it until you had no breath in your lugs. Nothing new – just some bruises and marks that you had to hide under your clothing. Ubbe pushed you back on the wall – your back hit so hard that all the inches of your body were shaken.
"You humiliate my name and you have to get punished for it!" He growled and you looked at him as angrily as he eyed you. You weren't going to lose this time – not again. And most importantly you couldn't let him know that you were afraid. He couldn't know.
"What are you going to do that you haven't done yet? What, huh?" You challenged him, looking him in the eyes. You wouldn't back down.
A sardonic smirk formed on his face when he heard your words and his face came closer to yours. You weren't used to be this close to him. Your faces were mere inches apart and without your approval your eyes stared on his masculine features.
"I am going to take Ragnar away from you. You are going to see him again when you will act properly." His tone was normal again, but his nerves weren't. Your eyes widened and you tried to do something you hated yourself for the same moment you did it. You raised your hand and tried to hit him – to slap him on the cheek – but his hand stopped you.
After that, both of his hands were gripping you firmly and this time maybe he would make his dream coming true – he was going to strangle you to death and as he said once; nobody would suspect him.
Your eyes widened again, but this time not because of the fact that he was going to kill you this time, but because you were going to hit him. You had never done that before – never. You had thought about it plenty of times, but never did it.
You closed your eyes waiting for your death and tears rolled from your eyes – tears because you tried to hit him. He had done horrible things, but you – you weren't this beast. Images of your son were flashing before your eyes at you last moments.
But you didn't die at the end of day, because the door opened and Hvitserk along with Sigurd and Bjorn forced Ubbe away from you. They tried to help you when Ubbe was forced away from you, but you stopped them you fell on the floor coughing, trying to breathe normally again.
Bjorn and Sigurd were talking to him as Hvitserk was standing next to you trying to make sure whether you were fine or not.
"He wasn't.... going to kill me." You managed to say with clear difficulty in breathing. All pairs of eyes were following you while you were struggling to stand up.
"It didn't seem this way to me." Bjorn pointed out and you shook your head trying to convince him the thing around.
"I wouldn't kill her." Ubbe spoke finally, his burning blue eyes were only on you as your own eyes were on him. "Now leave us for a moment. We will be alright." He told them and they looked at disbelief before they walked to the door.
"We will be right outside, don't even think about it." Hvitserk warned his brother before all of them were out of the door and stayed just the two of you in the room.
Ubbe didn't try to come close to you, he stayed at his former position and neither of you talked. The atmosphere was suffocating inside the room.
"You were very lucky this time, but next time you will raise your hand on me you won't be that lucky." He warned you in much calmer tone of voice.
It was a threat – another threat.
You hated yourself for trying to hit him. He had never done it, but had done other equally awful things. You wanted to tell how sorry you felt and ask for forgiveness and you would if it was for another person. You would never leave your guard down for him again. You knew better than falling for his tricks again.
"We will see about that." You couldn't keep your mouth from saying it.
"Don't tempt me to finish what I started." Ubbe growled before he was out of the door.
"I'm sorry." You muttered when he was out of the chamber and touched your hurting neck. Tears started streaming from your eyes at the memory of you raising your hand on Ubbe.
After some hours, you un-braided your hair and put on your night-gown ready to lay on your bed, after your son was asleep. You blew out the candles and laid on your bed closing your eyes. But you didn't get to sleep, because the wooden door opened and closed. You kept your eyes shut, but your hand moved under your pillow and wrapped around your dagger's handle.
When you felt the mattress next to you moving, you turned around and pointed the dagger at the man's neck. You could recognise him under the midnight light coming from your window. You knew this person well – fortunately.
"I must confess that I wasn't expecting this." He whispered, but you didn't take the dagger away from his neck. For the first time ever, Ubbe Ragnarsson was under your mercy. That meant that you could do to him anything you liked. This was getting entertaining.
"Why are you here anyway? You should be with your wife." You reminded both of you and moved the dagger closer to the flesh of his throat.
"In case you forgot you are my wife."
"I meant your other wife."
Ubbe didn't seem to want to answer your question probably he – himself – didn't know the reason he was on your bed.
"You know that I could take this little knife of yours easily." He said and touched the tip of your blade. You smirked hoping that he couldn't see it in the dark.
"Yes, but you haven't taken it yet." You heard him chuckling and you smiled.
"No, I haven't." His voice was coming from somewhere closer than you remembered. The dagger was still pressed on his neck, but it seemed as he didn't care at all about its existence – he wasn't afraid of you and that was annoying you even more than his arrogancy.
"I could kill you and nobody could prove it was me." You recollected his own words and used them to upset it, but it had quite different effect than the one you wanted.
As an answer his hand was placed on top of yours – on top of the hand which was holding the dagger on his throat. He guided the blade closer to his flesh and you watched him thrilled as he was pressing his own skin with the sharp knife.
"Do it. Kill me. Nobody deserves to kill me more than you do. If I am to die soon, I'd prefer to be you the one holding the blade soaking in my blood. So, don't hesitate, do it – slice my neck." The smell of blood reached your nostrils and you knew that it came out of him. He had been cut by the blade, but it hadn't been deep enough to be fatal.
You pulled the knife away from Ubbe and dropped it on the stony floor. Your hands were working hard in the darkness trying to reach for his wound. You knew that he was bleeding when your hands me the something liquid streaming – his blood.
You hoped desperately that he couldn't see your face. He couldn't see how upset and worried you were for him. You didn't want him to suppose that you cared – you didn't care. You didn't care at all.
And yet you couldn't stop yourself from lighting the candles again and searching for a cloth to treat him. When you found what you were looking for, you went back to bed. You sat next to his lying form and placed the cloth in the bowl of water. Then, you placed the wet cloth on his wound and he didn't react – he didn't even flinch.
His blue eyes were focused on you trying to stop the blood streaming.
"I thought you would want to get rid of me by now." Ubbe finally spoke and you dared to glance at him for a passing moment. You thought to yourself. You thought that it would be better if he was dead. However, you couldn't picture his death. You were afraid that if you even tried, it would happen. It should have been what all you were waiting for, but it wasn't.
"I have told you, Ubbe, I've never wanted you dead." Your eyes were back on the cut on his throat. It wasn't a fatal wound and it wasn't big enough, but still you couldn't let him bleeding. Not even for some minutes. "Not even after everything that we've been through." You confessed in a soft tone of voice. In such way that you didn't want him to know about that last part. But, now, he knew.
"And yet I would kill you if I had the chance." This was a confess and it made you smile. It wasn't like you weren't afraid that he wasn't going to do it, you were sure that earlier he would have killed you if his brothers hadn't stormed in the room.
Ubbe could kill you easily, but this didn't mean that you could do this to him as well. He didn't care whether your son would grow up having a mother or not, as you did. But this didn't make you change your mind when it should have had. If you were to walk away one day, you would do this and he would be alive. Although, if that ever happened, he wouldn't let you go far enough – he would find you anywhere.
"You have the chance now." You reminded him that you were alone and your gaze met his under the slight light of the candles. You left the cloth in the bowl and placed it on the table close to your bed.
"I can't kill you right now." Ubbe said and stood up from your bed to meet you.
"Why not?"
You hated the way your eyes were magnetised on his imposing figure. It reminded you how much more powerless you were comparing to him. You wanted to force your eyes away, but you couldn't bring yourself to.
Ubbe shook his head trying to fight back a smirk which was forming on his face.
"It feels like you are provoking me into killing you sometimes. You are so annoying and careless and stubborn and I can't keep myself."
His footsteps became heavier when he almost reached you. You didn't make any attempt to get away from him – you stayed on your former position, staring at him.
"From killing me?"
A low chuckle – one so dark that got goosebumps – came out of his mouth and he took a step closer to you. Again, you didn't try to escape which seemed a terrible idea.
You knew that you were asking too many questions that could get you in danger. This man was so unpredictable that you weren't sure when he would snap out of nowhere and try to strangle you again – or this time he wouldn't use his hands.
"Among other things." These words came out darker than it probably meant.
It wasn't long before he was in front of you and his hands were reaching for your skin. They rested on your neck, but not like previously. He wasn't wrapping his hands firmly around you – he was touching you. Just touching. Nothing more – only pure touching. And yet, only pure it wasn't. Nothing was pure between Ubbe and yourself.
His touch was intoxicating and you felt like you needed more of it. You needed this touch in every inch of your body. It was forbidden – Ubbe was forbidden. And that was the exact reason you had to stop this. Because if you didn't, it would ruin you again and this time it would be worse than any other.
You took some steps back. He didn't try to reach you again. Ubbe knew himself that this was a big mistake and it shouldn't happen again.
"Margrethe probably needs you." You told him bitterly. You couldn't even pronounce her name without feeling this weird feeling which had the exact taste with poison. "She's close to give birth to your child. You should be there for them both."
Ubbe knew that you were speaking the truth – he should have been with his wife – and yet he was in your chambers standing opposite you, feeling attracted to this room – feeling attracted to you.
"You didn't need me though."
It surprised you to hear him saying that. However, it was another truth that couldn't go by unnoticed or stay hidden between you two. You didn't lie to each other because you didn't care about the opinion the other person would form. At least that was what it was supposed to be like.
Indeed almost each month of your pregnancy you were alone, but you liked it. You didn't want Ubbe around – you hated the idea that he would eventually be around when this child would be born.
"But she does." You managed to mutter. You were trying to bring back those feelings. Those you had for him during your pregnancy – when he had been on another raiding and you hadn't seen him for plenty of months.
When you could actually hate him because you didn't have to see him every single day.
"Once you had told me that your feelings for me weren't hateful when I was away." Ubbe's voice held a different tone. One you confessed coming out of his mouth few times.
Yes, you could recall that conversation. It was the one he told you that he was thinking about you at the battlefield, but it was too late to believe in his words, because you had already found out about the slave girl and her child. It was one of the worst days of your life – how somebody could forget the day their life took the downfall.
Although, that conversation was the last thing you wanted to remember after all this threats and the tears you shed. And yet it was still stuck in your mind like it was yesterday.
"I was trying to give in to the feelings I felt for you. The way I had you in my mind when I was at the battlefield. Don't ask me how those feelings were formed — I have no idea. I was thinking of you, knowing that you were praying for me not to return. Those feelings couldn't be replaced by any fight we had. At the end of the day, all that stayed in my mind was one of your rare smiles and the way you care for our son."
Ubbe had said.
"I have never prayed for you to die on the battlefield. I did quite the opposite in fact and it felt strange in my heart. I hated — I told my self to hate you — I was telling myself all the things I hated in you so I could hate you. I felt strange for you — my heart was beating in a strange way as much as I tried to avoid it, it exists, still."
That was your reply.
Your eyes were fixed on his gaze. Ubbe wasn't paying attention in anything else in the room but you. It felt like nothing else existed except the two of you. If it was under different circumstances, you would feel special and even loved – only if it was even possible to acknowledge how it felt to be loved by someone.
His tone was a soft and kind of regretful one. But it had never lasted long. This time time it wasn't due to him mood swings but due to his brother storming in the room, out of breath. Hvitserk cut him off when it was obvious that he was about to say something – or more accurately – confess something.
When you saw the man standing next to the door, you let a long breath – one you weren't aware that you were holding all this time – to leave.
"Margrethe is in labour!" Hvitserk exclaimed and everything changed inside you. It felt like the reality was coming back and your delightful dream was over. The object of your misery was back there – visible –standing in your way.
Your husband's eyes met yours. Regret – they yelled. But you couldn't understand which was the thing he had regretted for.
For cheating?
For impregnating her?
For marrying her?
For treating you like garbage?
For forcing you to stay in his side?
For the misery he put you into?
Too many reasons and they weren't all of them. There must have been something you couldn't recall. And yet, you didn't care. You couldn't even feel pity for your wasted life anymore. In fact, you couldn't anything – you were empty.
"She's asking for you brother." Hvitserk spoke again this time softer. His eyes were moving from Ubbe to you and the opposite, because no one of you had said a word.
"Yes." Was the only thing Ubbe managed to say and dragged his brother outside of the room. "You should be there too. Make yourself proper and come." Your husband was back. That was the Ubbe you knew. Your tyrant.
You had no tears left to shed. You were just empty as you were putting on your dress.
You were empty when you walked through her chambers and had to confess her labour.
You were empty even when the child was out. Boy – the midwife had announced happily. And she brought it in your hands and you weren't empty anymore. He was crying his guts out – like your own. His brown eyes were big and pure and you lost yourself inside them so mush that you almost didn't noticed. Although when you actually show them, they didn't mean anything – a child was brought in the world and it was the biggest blessing Frigg could give to a woman.
"Give him to me!" Margrethe's voice was the one who heard through the silent room, but you didn't move to place her son on her lap.
"The prince should hold him, my lady." The midwife reasoned her, but she didn't stop yelling for her son.
Even if she wanted, she couldn't hide away the child from Ubbe. Sooner or later, he would see him. You couldn't interfere or even felt pity. Nobody pitied you when you cried. Nobody cared for you feelings.
You placed the boy on her lap. Without sparing a look at her – the young man was all you cared about. Which could possibly be his fate. Why did it have to be this difficult for a baby just born. Why should a child carry its parent's burdens.
Your footsteps were vast as you were exiting that suffocating room.
"Son." You muttered when you met the curious eyes of the people who were supposed to be your family. Your eyes dared to wander only on Ubbe's form. You were supposed to bring him his son on your hands and it would probably have happened this way is things had been different.
Ubbe frowned when he spotted your unclear expression. Even you weren't empty enough to be idle after this. You almost felt sympathy for him, forgetting about all the horrible things you had been through because of his cruelty.
If you were as cruel as Ubbe was on you, you would even say that all this was a payback for all his doing. But you didn't feel like it, not when in the middle of this situation stood a new-born boy. One that would probably be the object to everyone's ire.
Ubbe didn't wait for a second word or asked anything else, he just burst into the room without warning. You didn't dare to move or speak another word. After all, it wasn't about you anymore.
Tag list: @bruher, @utterlyhopeful-fics, @hypocritic-trash-baby, @fofisstilinski, @brianochka, @thelirofnorthlands, @malamistka, @gothicwidowsworld, @savagemickey03, @brianna-merlim, @shitsandgiggles1
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eco-lite · 7 months
Finally making more progress on the pile of ST books I own but have yet to read. Here’s some good stuff from The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah.
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[Image ID: The cover of the book The Vulcan Academy Murders. The background has lots of dark purple tones. In the foreground, Spock stands with a phaser pointed at a Vulcan creature with green skin, a cat-like face, a fin down its back, sharp claws, and a long tail. The creature is hissing down at Spock from a rock. End ID]
First of all, what is going on with this cover? Nothing like this happens in the book.
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[Text ID: “Kirk recalled that all male Vulcans were married—had to be—and glanced at Spock. His First Officer, however, was very busy inspecting the almost un-touched wine in his glass.” End ID]
Interesting interesting. 👀
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[Text ID: “Kirk had been given Spock’s room (underlined red by me) and McCoy the guest room in Sarek’s house—a house far from anything Kirk would ever have imagined as the home Spock had grown up in. He had envisioned either a sterile, unadorned ‘environment,’ or a castlelike ancestral residence. Instead, the house on the outskirts of ShiKahr was a simple single-family dwelling.” End ID]
This book is way too casual about Kirk sleeping in Spock’s childhood bedroom. Also, there’s no mention of where Spock is sleeping while they’re there???
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[Text ID: “He remembered forcing Spock to control his emotions when he was five, and his schoolfellows taunted him for being ‘different.’ Under his father’s tutelage, Spock had refused to cry when the others shut him out of their games, calling him ‘Earther’ and ‘half-breed.’ Amanda had hidden her tears from their son, and Sarek had hidden his anger. Or had he? Perhaps I directed it at my son instead, he realized. He had intended to prepare Spock for whatever lack of acceptance he would face in life. And the message Spock received was that his own father did not accept him as he was, had to mold him into something he deemed acceptable.” End ID]
We love reflecting on our past mistakes. 👏🏼 We love character growth. 👏🏼
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[Text ID: “’A computer cannot lie,’ said Spock. ‘Nevertheless, this one is giving false information.’ ‘Why don’t you try playing chess with it?’ came a voice from the doorway. Sarek turned to find Leonard McCoy, bouncing on his toes and grinning.” End ID]
I love them. I can picture this so perfectly.
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[Text ID: “’What dost thou know of Surak?’ she asked finally—but her voice spoke more of perplexity than challenge. ‘What everyone knows: he was the founder of Vulcan philosophy. I know he is a personal hero to my friend Spock, the way Abraham Lincoln, from human history, is to me.’” End ID]
Kirk will bring up Abe Lincoln whenever he has a chance. That’s canon now.
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[Text ID: “’You are not only anything, Spock. You are more, not less, because of your dual heritage. It is fruitless to wish now that I had made that clearer to you when you were a child.’ ‘You wanted me to be Vulcan.’ ‘That is true,’ Sarek agreed. ‘And you are Vulcan, representative of IDIC in its fullest sense.’ Spock studied his father. ‘You never put it to me that way. The last time you and I spoke as father and son, before I went to Starfleet Academy, you reminded me of how important it was that I think of myself as Vulcan. Do you remember your words, father?’ Sarek remembered. ‘I am Vulcan by birth. Your mother is Vulcan by choice. You are Vulcan by both birth and choice.’ ‘And then I disappointed you by making a different choice.’ Sarek searched his memory, trying to recover the logical reason for what now seemed completely irrational. Finally, he said simply, ‘I was wrong.’” End ID]
Yes! Let’s talk about our feelings! Let’s resolve those daddy issues!
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[Text ID: “He went back to his room—Spock’s room, really. Kirk had brought with him a sturdy suit and boots, for Spock had suggested they might go camping in the mountains after the summer heat abated. (Last sentence underlined in red by me.) He put on the boots and the trousers to the suit, but decided the heavy shirt would be far too hot—" End ID]
Spock wanted to take them camping. 🥹
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[Text ID: “‘He will recover, though?’ asked Spock. ‘Yeah—you can see him later, Spock,’ said the doctor. ‘He’s gonna be in considerable pain—you’re probably the only person he’ll be able to stand. Your son would’ve made a good doctor,’ he added to Sarek. ‘I don’t know how he does it, but he’s really good with people in pain.’ Spock’s eyebrows shot up at the unexpected compliment from the man Sarek usually saw him trade barbs with. Then Leonard left them to go back to his patient, and Spock turned to Sarek. ‘May I ask you something, Father?’ ‘What is it, Spock?’ ‘When Mother became conscious, you called her…?’ ‘Beloved.’” End ID]
Spock being very concerned about Kirk’s injuries. Bones saying Spock is the only person Kirk would tolerate while in pain. Spock asking his father about expressing love for an outworlder. It’s a lot.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 month
Crown’s S Class Mission - Roger Barel (Epilogue)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. Awkwardly translated smut ahead. Nsfw, mdni
Roger: Geez… I’ll need to discipline you on not feeling something whenever someone touches you.
Kate: Huh? Kyaa.
Roger turned me away from him and placed a hand on my butt.
Roger: This is your punishment, Kate. No matter what I do, you’re not allowed to take pleasure from it.
(This position…)
Kate: Please don’t, this is humiliating…
Roger: Not gonna listen to some weak protests.
He had a firm grip around my waist and even if I flailed my legs, I wouldn’t be able to break out of his hold.
It was like being locked in a cage.
Roger pulled down my underwear and smacked by exposed butt with the palm of his hand.
Kate: Ahh.
(He’s slapping it gently…)
I’m overcome with embarrassment and my face heats up.
Roger: …Again
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*smack* *smack* The more his large hand smacked against my skin, the more embarrassed I became.
(This is so embarrassing. And yet…)
I felt myself growing hot between my legs at this naughty situation.
Roger: Why’re you rubbing your legs together?
Kate: N-no reason…
Roger: Oh of course. There’s no way getting spanked feels good, does it? But if that’s the case, why are these getting harder?
Kate: Ah…
Roger’s nails teased at my exposed nipples.
Roger: Since I’m disciplining you, I won’t be as nice.
Sweet stimulation attacked my body as fingers pinched the sensitive tips.
Kate: Hyaaa…
As Roger played with my nipples with one hand, the other went between my legs.
Roger: Ah~ Look. You’re so wet down here.
I looked away when he showed his fingers coated with my arousal.
Roger: Will you get like this with anyone?
Kate: No! I get like this…because of you, Roger. You’re an egoist who always does stuff like this. Despite that…
Roger: …?
Kate: Despite that, you’re…special…Mmnn…
He grabbed my chin and kissed me roughly over and over again, leaving no chance to breathe.
When our lips parted, Roger brushed my bangs.
Roger: Why are you so cute?
Kate: Huh? Ah…
Roger raised my butt up so that it stuck out and plunged his thick fingers inside my core.
Kate: Ahn…
Roger: It’s not over yet. You’re gonna say something naive like you really like me again, aren’t you?.
Kate: Aahh…ahhh
You could hear the wet sounds as his fingers pumped in and out.
He continued pinching my nipples and the shuddering stimulation took over my body.
Kate: Roger…
Roger: Cum, Kate.
Roger patted my head as my body trembled.
Roger: I’m the only one you can rely on, and the only one who can do stuff like this to you. Don’t wag your tail for anyone else but me, Kate.
—The next day, my body was complaining.
Roger: What’s up with that posture?
Kate: I’m sore…
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Roger: Hahaha. Well isn’t that just sad? Hmm, what to do, what to do…
Kate: Please don’t touch me!
Even a mere touch would make me want to pass out from pain.
Roger: So, why are you dragging yourself around like that?
Kate: Um, I heard something from WIlliam. About how you’re the one who negotiated for Emilia Winslow to be appointed as a secretary for parliament?
Roger: We’re still a long way from women having the right to vote, but it’s at least a stepping stone.
Kate: Thank you Roger!
Roger: Don’t wag your tail so happily, Kate.
Kate: Huh…By chance…
Roger: Probably.
Kate: You’re going to do stuff to me again!?
Roger: Yeah, it’s great isn’t it? You got another excuse for me to take care of you.
(This man…)
It’s annoying, but I couldn’t help but smile in the end.
I’m sure I’ll continue to wish I was strong.
Even so, with someone supporting me, I’ll probably be stronger than I was yesterday. 
Roger: Ah, that’s right. Meet me at 19:00 tonight at the entrance. 
Kate: For a mission? I thought Harrison and Liam were going out today.
Roger: We’re splitting a special reward. Let’s go for a drink.
Kate: But that’s yours…
Roger: We resolved it together, didn’t we? If you don’t wanna, then I guess I’ll have to ask Jude or Al.
Kate: I’ll go! Ah, because…I want to drink beer.
Roger: Hmm?
Roger poked my side with a smirk.
Kate: O-ow!
Roger: Hahaha. Dummy.
Roger laughed with a carefree expression as he watched me writhe in pain.
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lovelybeesthings · 7 months
The one that got away 1
Coriolanus Snow x reader
Word count: 2.k
Warnings: idk?
Chapter 2
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(I’m sorry this like a time skip before the games)
“It’s me or Lucy are you willing to give your life away for her!” I said you wanted the plinth prize but it seems it’s a love show of Snow and Lucy grey” I say with a smile scoffing as I hold back tears “Your over reacting Y/N! I’m just trying to win you know my current situation you sound mad!” He spits back.
He doesn’t look back at me and bites his tongue and with that I know he’s made up his mind “her or me! Her or me please..” I say looking at him watery eyes rosy cheeks I swallow the pain in my throat “I wish you the best of luck and for her” I speak in a calm voice wiping my tears as I walk away my heels clicking to ground
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As I watch my tribute reaper gather the body’s one by one in the center of the arena my eyes begin to water his act of defiance takes a full on me and when he rips the capitols banner down to cover the body’s he looks into the cameras shouting I can’t control the tears in my eyes and walk away from the televisions and see Tigris’s at the exit smiling watching the tv.
I soon heard of the victory of Snow and Lucy grey I was happy for her win but I decided to not speak to Coriolanus and soon made my way home resting my head in my pink silk sheets as I change into a much compterable formal look negreo I knew it days began to fly then weeks I soon got heard of how Coriolanus was sent away to one of the distracts which hurt to here he really did anything for Lucy..
I put up my mask for every social event every gathering the perfect daughter of a well named man in the capitol but when I was home I locked myself in my room taking care of myself my mind slipping to the memories of Coriolanus white blond curls causing me to form sweat small smiles.
I was soon going on dates my mother and father had made for me I obliged some guys were sweet but stuck up or handsome and cocky I soon to think my soulmate had left and I’d have to be alone until one.. Devesh Sebastian the son of a politician he was different form the rest brownish locks that looked beautiful in the sun his eyes a light brown and sometimes gold if you looked at them in a right amount time his hair was long but a small pointy tail in the back leaving a few strand hair in the front, he dress himself nice white buttons up with a black tie black vest black coat and ideal man.
We soon got together and I brought up my heath curling hair with a bow light pink heels a white ish pinkish dress that’s beautiful land a white fur coat for an event a apply pinkish red lipstick and lip gloss (the ideal outfit it is in the bottom)
As I enter with Devesh my hand on his arm smiling giggling to his jokes and kiss him on the cheek and we part ways as I say hello to my parents and family friends and introduce myself to people I wonder what’s this event for I walk over to my mother “what’s this event for mother?” She soon reply’s in simple words “oh just this man reentering the capitol I think” she says as I nod and walk over to the drinks and grab two glasses of champagne and hear footsteps behind me.
“Oh sorry my dress is a big I’ll get out your way!” I say with a sweet smile “No need” a masculine voice responds that sounds familiar and I soon turn to face…Coriolanus snow but now his appearance is different his hair is cut shorter and styled some way back white colar red vest red coat red and red pants black shoes he’s cleaned himself so well “oh my Coriolanus! It’s so nice to see you once again!” I say with a sweet tone my voice like honey as I place down the glasses and hug him and grab the champagne glasses again.
“Y/n you look so beautiful this evening I thought I’d not see you until 20 years” he chuckles he mite look different but the way he is still feels the same “how’s it been I heard that you were sent to distract 12 to see Lucy?” I say as I’m confused on what happened “things changed different view points but I was able to come back to study under Dr. Volumnia” he speaks in a bold tone with a small smirk.
“Oh well I’m sorry to hear the part about Lucy but happy that it worked out in the end for you I have to go though bye! Croyo” I say as I walk away with the drinks in my hand to Devesh as he watches we walk away he clenches his fist as he sees me with another man thinking to him self who is that man is that her boyfriend did she not wait for me?
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This is the dress ^. This is the fur coat ^
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afreakingdork · 1 month
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Yeah, I'm not taking this sitting down. Man, I really am not trying to have beef out here, but I refuse to have my good fucking name tarnished. To make a public post about me? Yeah, I'm going to share my side. The facts are as such:
I approached wolf on 12/20/23 about a NSFW commission inspired by one of their works. It would feature my sona and an aged up Donnie. As they mentioned, our initial conversation was good. We went back and forth during the sketch phase and I requested quite a lot of edits. I asked if I could pay them for these corrections.
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it was right after this that wolf asked about Donnie's battle shell since it wasn't illustrated.
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After this message, I did not hear back from wolf after 2/9/24 until I sent them a follow-up message 3/27/24
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I did not hear back from wolf until today 5/6/24.
Now I cannot share the images of the art I received because it is NSFW, but I can tell you that the grey from my sona's body appeared to be missing. The ears of my sona were grey, but the body only looked yellow. Donnie was missing his purple arm marks, and his knee pads were still the same only now they were colored in black along with his mask. From here I will just send the conversation in its entirety.
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For reference, this was the reference sheet they had.
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I was then sent two pieces where the grey on my sona was very obvious and Donnie's markings were now present with the following text.
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Now again, I wish I could show you the pieces, but I can't. I was offered a 50% refund for my troubles, but I was not interested in taking it because wolf had already done all the work.
I will say that I was extremely frustrated with the whole affair so the next part I will admit was a bit salty because while corrections had been made, I wasn't able to give any input so there were still mistakes in my sona's colors (specifically the underside of the tail was yellow instead of white and my grey arm had one side yellow) and Donnie's mask was still black. The following is our last correspondence on my blog.
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This would have been the end of it for me. Except, I did not get the email. I waited in hopes it would come in, but none did. Since I was blocked I was forced to reach out from one of my side blogs @thisgoesouttoyoubaby which feel free to check. it's my reblog sideblog that I use to send my bestie memes. It dates back YEARS and is not used for spam.
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As you can see I was blocked here.
Now I have been refreshing my email feed waiting. I know emails can take time, but I have no way to confirm if I'm getting my work because I was immediately blocked on thisgoesouttoyou with no response.
So I used another sideblog, this time @plowingon which you can again, freely search, its not a spam blog, but a blog I once made to record the live of my old german shepherd I had years ago when he was getting older.
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And wouldn't you know it, I got my first email from wolf at
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Coincidentally, only after I sent my last message to them.
Now I'm not interested in hurting wolf's reputation. I think you should still commission them if you'd like. I still am a fan of their art. I have no ill will, but fuck if I will stand by as someone tells me that I won't pay an artist. I never even said i wouldn't pay. I was just frustrated because they wouldn't follow their own three correction rule. They allowed me no recourse, and then they were petty before I could even confirm that I received the email.
Could I have been nicer?
Of course.
Could I have been more clear?
But there is no world in which I tried to gaslight anyone. I pride myself on my honesty. I was not shy when paying them. I sent payment before we even began. I offered to pay them more and acknowledged I was a needy customer halfway through. So I apologize for this long post, but I wanted to make sure all of this was visible because how dare you call me a scammer, wolf.
You disappoint me.
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Do you think it would be possible for me to request Ganondorf x masculine hyrulian readerwith size difference + whatever other kinks you wish to add?
I adore reading your fics for those of us who use masculine, nonbinary, and neopronouns! So far, I've probably read almost all of them, and look forward to what ideas you have in mind for this! Thank you for such a wonderful set of stories!
Of course that's possible! I'm quite the fan of size differences myself, especially with our Great Demon King~
Thank you for your kind words, guest! It's an honor to serve this community.
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Title: A Hylian's Fantasy
Characters: Ganondorf x m!reader
Contains: size difference, roleplay, restraints, fingering, slight degradation,
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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It was times like these that you forgot just how terrifyingly tall the Demon King was.
The demon king had destroyed your tent, having ripped the shelter from its stakes and tossing it aside. You were lucky to escape the crumpled fabric just in time, quickly standing to your feet with sword in hand.
Now you stood just some feet away from him, your hand clenching tightly to your sword as the other gripped the steel shield. You weren't sure how he found you or why he was even after you.
"I see you found me," you stated, getting into fighting stance. "Care to explain why you're always on my ass?"
"How vulgar." Ganon chuckled darkly, not even fearing you. "Not even a 'hello?'"
"Not unless you explain why you've been tailing me!" At least the few times he's spotted you, you've managed to make an escape, but this time, it seemed like he wanted to fight.
"Do you really think I owe you any explanation?" Ganon tilted his head, looking down at you both literally and figuratively. "You are a nothing pesky Hylian, but I simply require your services for something."
"Could have stated that before..." you huffed, not once faltering your stance. "But as if I'd work with you!"
"Oh my dear..."
"...it's not about working with me." You didn't realize he had moved behind you. You whirled around only to realize just where he stood. Your head ended up just below his chest, and you had to crane your neck up just to see his face. You were about to jump back when the flat of his blade kept you still.
"Come, let's take a little walk."
Ganon led you back to an enemy enclosure, one that was gussied up more like a shelter than a hideaway. He fastened a set of shackles on your wrists behind your back after taking your items, leaving you with nothing but the basic attire you wore.
"Gh...so...what's the Demon King need with a 'pesky Hylian' like me?" you asked, adjusting to the restraints."
"Oh it's quite simple, really. There's actually something...special about you." Ganon tilted your head up, forcing your gaze to meet his. "Yes...very special."
You shook your head away, glaring at him.
Ganon merely chuckled, setting himself on the cot that resided in the shelter. He beckoned you over, and though hesitating, you stepped over. He reached for you, grabbing and setting you on his lap. Despite the both of you sitting up, you still felt small compared to him. His form was massive, and you straddling him felt like an accomplishment given your shorter stature. One of his large hands caressed your body, slowly slipping down to the hem of your pants.
"See...I think you'd be perfect as a new...toy for me~" At his words, his hand slipped in, past your boxers as well, and gripped one of your cheeks.
You gasped as red tinted your face, writhing lightly. "A-As if I'd ever--!"
"Ah ah ah...you haven't even given it a chance~" One of his fingers carefully worked its way into your ass, making you gasp and rest yourself on his chest. His fingers were larger than average, and you swore it felt like someone shoved their dick in you straight away. You moaned softly once he began to move, body subconsciously rocking against his finger. "Ah see~? And you almost didn't want it~"
It honestly felt too good to pass up, not to mention with how pent up you were. You welcomed his finger, even urging him for more.
"P-Please...~ J-Just a little more~"
If one finger wasn't enough for you, then two it'll be. Ganon added a second, steadily thrusting them. You practically bounced against his fingers, burying your face into his neck to muffle your moans. He kept this up for a moment until he deemed you ready, carefully taking his fingers out of your ass to literally rip your pants off your body, tearing them at the seams. Though you didn't seem to mind, for you knew what was about to come.
After a small bit of maneuvering, Ganon's cock sprang from his bottoms, pressing flush against your ass. It was enough to get you to sigh out, teasing it with gentle hip gyrations.
"My...someone is quite needy, isn't he?" Ganon teased, lifting you up to position you over his cock.
You shuddered at the fact he could lift you with ease, but again, you didn't mind. Your mind was too blissed out to even care at the moment. In fact, you were begging him to fill you.
How could he deny such an adorable, broken man? Well he spared no second, pulling you down while thrusting up at the same time, filling you to the brim. You arched back, broken moans filling the air as Ganon could clearly see the bulge forming from your stomach. He chuckled at the sight.
"Such a mess you are now~ Look at you~" Without wasting another moment Ganon began to move, thrusting at a steady speed as to not break you so soon.
Ganon was a lot but nothing you couldn't handle, or rather, you would be made to handle it, but not that you were complaining. His cock filled and stretched you so much, you didn't have a single complaint. It felt so heavenly, so blissful. At this point, you'd gladly be a toy for him.
"That's it, that's a good boy~ You're taking my cock so well for a worthless little Hylian~"
You found yourself once again resting on his chest, unable to form proper thoughts from the feeling of him stretching you open so wide. All you could do was call for him, call for the Demon King and tell him how good he felt deep inside of you.
Your chanting and praise seemed to really aid him, as he could feel himself about to cum very soon.
"Come on~ Just like that~ Cum with me~"
You didn't need to be told twice, as when he ordered it, you came with a muffled shriek, your body quaking against him.
The two of you laid on the cot after cleaning up. Your shirt was a mess so you had borrowed a portion of Ganon's top wear, but that didn't mean much as you laid on top of him under the blankets.
"So...did that satisfy all your little fantasies?" Ganon asked, rubbing your back in a soothing way.
You nodded tiredly, snuggling into your king. "It was perfect~"
The two of you had had this planned out for some time. You were a traveler that Ganon sought after, and he'd do anything in his power to make sure you were his.
"Though you fell a little to easily~" Ganon teased.
"Oh hush." You gave him a light hit to the chest. "How could I not with how big your fingers are~?"
Ganon simply gave a soft chuckle before rubbing your head. "Rest up. We'll get home later."
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coffeeghoulie · 3 months
for the kiss ask, 7 with dewphantom? :333
I do call them Aeon in this, I hope that's alright!
Prompt from this list
#7: to shut them up
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Dew blinks awake, back pressed against the wall of his bunk. The bus is swaying gently, and he can feel the vibrations of the engine even back here, in the darkness behind his privacy curtain. His sleep was restless anyways. The bunk has been too empty, too cold, even though the fire in his chest hasn't burned any lower.
"Voidling?" he mumbles. He paws the curtain open, revealing Aeon, blanket in hand, worrying at the skin around their claws, hands held up by their chest. They startle, even though they had called for him.
"Did I wake you?" they whisper, tail lashing behind them, the spade scraping against the rough carpet lining the aisle floor.
Dew shrugs, patting the space beside him. "You want in?"
They don't answer, crawling into Dew's bunk, dragging their blanket in with them. Dew's hit with the ozone scent of barely in-control quintessence, the tartness of blackberries underneath, and he's quick to reach out, hand just above their bicep.
"How'd you feel about touch, voidling?"
They nod, and Dew doesn't hesitate, pulling the younger ghoul into his arms, his narrow chest pressed against their back. "So," he hums, nosing at the soft black hair at the base of their skull. "Can't sleep?"
"Brain won't shut up," Aeon whispers, clutching the soft, violet fabric to their face, muffling their words.
Dew hums, a rusty purr kicking up in his chest. This has never been his strong suit, but Belial, Aeon came to him, and he'd be damned back to the Pit before he didn't at least try to help them. "You want to talk about it?"
Aeon tenses in his arms, and Dew purrs a little louder, hand rubbing up and down their bicep. "It's okay if you don't wa-"
"Do you think any of them really like me?" Aeon blurts out, turning in Dew's arms so they're facing him. Dew tenses, brow furrowing as he pulls them closer, chest to chest.
"What do you mean, voidling?" An icy feeling fills Dew's chest as Aeon begins to ramble.
"I don't think any of the fans like me, I keep making mistakes and I can feel Papa looking at me and I'm here instead of him and I'm not doing a good enough job taking his pl-"
He's had enough. He takes their face in his hands, spindly fingers, weaving into their hair as he kisses them softly.
"Voidling, sweet thing, listen to me, okay?"
Aeon nods, their violet eye crossed as they look at him, practically nose to nose. They're shaking, and Dew wishes he were better at this. But they came to him.
"They love you, voidling," he says, leaning closer to kiss between their eyes. "I promise you. You're doing just fine. And we all make mistakes, and we've been doing this a lot longer than you have."
"Thanks, Dew," they whisper, leaning into his hands.
"I know I've shown you that one time Swiss ate shit during Year Zero and fucked up his back," Dew says, scrabbling for his phone. "I don't think anyone's showed you this yet, voidling, but I fucked up Ritual one time so bad, I mimed shooting myself on stage, I was so embarrassed."
They laugh, a little chuckle, and Dew can feel it from where they're pressed together. He pulls back just a little to search for the clip. Dew feels Aeon relaxing against him, and counts it as a win.
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