#really really tasty characters coming out of this writers room
mearchy · 2 months
Maximus is so fun as a character to me for two reasons:
He's a slave to his most selfish desires at his core, and that selfishness allows him to do cold, evil, ruthless things over and over again. And that's not something that he becomes and it's not some crazy plot twist that gets revealed to us, as though his normal personality is a veil. His personality is genuine, it's just driven by the deeper motives that get more revealed throughout the show. And then you start to reinterpret all of his other actions in a different light and go oh.
This set of character traits gives him the funniest ability to repeatedly be like "I will kill people, I will commit violence, because I have strooong values/opinions related to this!" and then somebody gives him some friendly company or, like, a bathrobe. And he's like "ohh :) Nevermind, I would trust you with my life if it meant I could have more of this. Would you like my social security number."
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sku11kidz · 4 months
Come, my child.
Fandom: Biohazard: Village, Resident Evil 8, Resident Evil: Village
Character Tags: Ethan Winters, Reader, Rosemary Winters (mention), Mother Miranda, Alicia Dimitrescu, Salvador Moreau, Karl Heisenberg,
Tags: Lord Ethan winters AU, Haha Ethan is an old 1950s dad, soft, Alternate canon, father is fathering, Child!Reader, children, horror tags, Ethan isn’t a good person, no matter how he wants to convince himself he is :(, reader is no older than 12, ???, writer is a teenager/slow updates
All is platonic in this fic.
Please do not tag as otherwise
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The air is sharp and cold. It feels like you’ve been lost from the village for hours. Your parents told you not to go too far out into the village yet you did out of feeling curious and brave.
You were hungry and weak as the snow bit and ripped your body apart without even touching you. Despite this, your own ego prevented you from going back.
Blinded, you looked up to see a small home in the woods. The home has a simple and modest exterior, with a simple white paint job and a small front porch.
The windows were warm and inviting as the voice calls out to you. “Child. Dear child. Come here. Let me comfort you.” The voice called out. “Come home to me.” This voice was masculine and soft.
As you wake up, you feel the warmth of a cozy bed. The bedroom you’re in is soft and homey. The room is filled with various stuffed animals and kids toys. The thing was, who brought you in here?
You open the door and begin to creep downstairs. The bright walls of the hallway compliment the dark wooden floors. Small roses and carnations are painted the walls, it reminds you of a hospital in a way.
Whoever lived here really enjoyed plants. Specifically, roses and carnations. The base floor wasn’t much different. Same floral print as before, the walls were just green this time. This whole situation had you thinking.
Who brought you in? Was in the same person who spoke to you before? Just as you think this, you’re hit with the smell of mashed potatoes and roast chicken.
The aroma was intoxicating and mouth watering. You felt your own stomach growl, it had been a while since you had eaten. Last time you ate was when your mom sent you out to the forest this morning. By the look of the windows, it was after 8pm.
Beginning to think with your stomach, you follow the smell. As you get closer, you hear soft humming. It sounds like the song *Be Cruel/Hound Dog* by Elvis.
Coming closer, the smell gets stronger. You peek in the kitchen and see a tall man, Ethan. He hums softly and pulls the roast chicken out of the oven. It looked as tasty as it smelt. The chicken is a golden brown, covered in crispy skin and dripping with juices. A small hint of garlic and lemon can be seen along the lines of the chicken.
Just as you observe the chicken and get lost in the daydream of eating, you hear Ethan let out a small gasp of shock. You somehow startled him. He chuckles and puts the chicken down on the stove. “You’re awake.” He coos, bending down to your level. A bit scared, you back away. Ethan frowns and raises his hands. “Listen—! Listen,” he chuckles “I’m friendly, see?” Feeling his generosity, you slightly let your guard down.
Ethan sighs and smiled. “I was just about to wake you up. You’ve been sleep for hours and it’s almost dinner time, sweetheart.” He stands up and and picks the roast chicken up, placing it on the table. “Here, take a seat. Dinner will be ready soon.” He ruffles your hair while you sit at the table.
The dining room walls have small antique photos of Ethan and what looks like his wife and daughter. You can’t even register the whole picture before you’re distracted by the Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits, and cherry pie on the table.
Just as you observe the chicken and get lost in the daydream of eating, you hear Ethan let out a small gasp of shock. You somehow startled him. He chuckles and puts the chicken down on the stove. “You’re awake.” He coos, bending down to your level. A bit scared, you back away. Ethan frowns and raises his hands. “Listen—! Listen,” he chuckles, “I’m friendly, see?” Feeling his generosity, you slightly let your guard down.
Ethan sighs and smiles. “I was just about to wake you up. You’ve been sleeping for hours and it’s almost dinner time, sweetheart.” He stands up and picks the roast chicken up, placing it on the table. “Here, take a seat. Dinner will be ready soon.” He ruffles your hair while you sit at the table.
The dining room walls have small antique photos of Ethan and what looks like his wife and daughter. You can’t even register the whole picture before you’re distracted by the Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits, and cherry pie on the table. “Poor kid, you’re just skin and bones.” He begins to set his plate. “Come on now, dig in. A growing child like you needs your nutrition and what better nutrition than a home cooked meal?” He begins to eat.
One bite of the greens and you’re in heaven. They were seasoned and cooked to perfection. You completely devoured at least three plates and Ethan was glad to feed you. “It’s late you know,” his voice is calm and safe, “why don’t you stay here? It’s dangerous to leave at night.” You were about to object but you remembered just how unnerving the woods got in the winter. Reluctantly, you agree. Ethan looks more than glad. He smiles and gently holds your hand. “Where did you come from?” He asked. You explain how you came from the village and Ethan frowns. “That village? It’s dangerous over there. Mother Miranda isn’t the kind woman you think she is.” You didn’t understand what he was saying. Mother Miranda hasn’t done anything bad
Of course not. This old man was just out of it. Ethan sighs and gently lets go of your hand. “How about this? I’ll walk you back home to the village tomorrow. We can leave after breakfast. Sound good with you?” He asked as if you had a choice.
Later that evening, Ethan tucks you into bed. “There we go.” He whispers to himself, ruffling your hair. “If you need anything, you can cry out to me and I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Hearing this makes you feel warm. Your parents back at home never reassured you at times like this. Normally, they’d send you off to bed without a story or a kiss but this wasn’t the case. Ethan was better to you in his few hours of knowing you than your parents who knew you all your life. He looks down at you with his soft eyes, almost looking glum. “Goodnight, Rosema–” He cuts himself off. “Do you have a name or a nickname I can call you?” The name you choose to go by leaves your lips. “What a sweet name. I’m Lord Winters but I really just wish people would call me Ethan.” He chuckles and sighs. “Sleep well. I won’t let any monsters get you.” He stands up and turns off the lights, leaving the room for you to get some rest.
As you lay in bed, you can’t help but fully look around your surroundings. While Mr. Winters’ home was inviting, why was it welcome for you to sleep in? You couldn’t think too hard before your eyes got heavy. The cold pillows and soft blankets kiss you goodnight as you drift off to bed.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. You’ll see your mom and dad and they’ll welcome you with open arms.
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space-blue · 1 year
Quaritch and recom Quaritch are not the same characters. I mean second is a clone with implanted memories so why always I read about this character all people write like both are the same? Recom Quaritch feels and acts because of memories from human Quaritch. For me it's weird because I hated a lot original Quaritch but when I watched Avatar 2 I was like nooo way I like his clone?. haha Just to add other point of view. Greetings, thank you!
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Dear anon,
I'd like to preface this reply by saying I don't know how the fandom depicts him, really. I discuss him with friends in the recom-centric server, and I read their snippets and some of their fics, but I'm one of those writers who avoids reading the characters they write.
My brain is aggressively pantser oriented. If I read a story, if I even imagine it in full, then "it is told" and I lose interest in writing it. "Two cakes" only exists as a reader for me. I can't write the second take on a concept I've read. It feels like a chore. I also dislike reading a really smart idea about the character because I might feel like I can't implement it.
I like to give myself time to come up with my own strong vision of a character before I start reading them written by others. If I pick up a fic with them it'll usually be with a concept/style I'd never go for (that includes smut).
So yeah, I don't know how "the fandom" portrays him. I'll give you my two cents though, for free :
Quaritch and Recom Quaritch ARE the same person. By design. They share the same memories. I am totally writing a fic in which the memories are edited, but that's not hinted at in canon.
A clone with memories is meant to be the same, on day 1. He is designed to be the same. He's made in universe by the RDA to be the same, and by the Avatar team to be the same.
What makes recom Q interesting is that he starts diverging from that day 1 onward. Every experience he has is filtered through the qualia of a fundamentally alien body. Taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch, experience of pain, not to mention the sensory blast of having new limbs and organs!
And then new experiences a smart recom can't miss : potential discrimination, bottom of the company totem pole (a loss of privilege a white man with titles like Quaritch must feel keenly), the way they're turned into disposable guinea pigs from the 1st mission, the impossibility of going back home, the fact they're basically slaves, company owned bodies and endlessly duplicable minds...
They get time to think on all that. Does it affect them? Do they double down on their mission out of spite? Hope for a better future? A shot at freedom? Are they brain-dead killers looking to shoot things no matter what body they're in? (Looking at you Lyle..)
That's where the tasty lives. In that dichotomy between a human mind that makes them the same, and an alien body that makes them different. That's why recoms, Q and others, are so compelling. There's a ton of room for emotional angst, and a lot of directions to take character growth in as we patiently await.
I feel like different writers will make him go places at different paces, and that's fine. He hasn't changed that much over the course of the film. We don't know Avatar 1's Quaritch that well, so how much atwow changes Recom Q is really up to interpretation.
But I feel like this is just arguing on philosophy.
You, as an individual, are in constant flux, but you are also informed by your past. Do you believe in determinism? In fate? In Free Will? Because there's a whole branch of philosophy/neurology that makes a VERY compelling argument that we don't have free will. It doesn't help that science has proven that our brain often sends signals before we've made a conscious decision to act.
It's still a very hot topic, as we don't know where consciousness resides/how it works (the philosophy of mind teacher in Adelaide uni opened his class by saying if we were smart about it there was a nobel prize to be won lol)
What's compelling about Recoms is that even if you believe in the absence of free will you have to admit that the change in qualia by definition alters their character and takes them down new roads. But it's fine to me if writers think the mind inside the recom is still human and struggles to remain true to itself for a long time.
A Quaritch desperate for change is as tasty as a Quaritch who struggles to hang on to his past as a raison d'être.
He's a babygirl because he's cursed. He carries the "sins of the father" in the most literal manner possible. Not only in universe but IN FANDOM. People actively blame Recom Quaritch for what Human Quaritch did in A1, not realising they are not the same person, even if Recom Quaritch still feels like they are and can replay the whole scene in his mind.
It's FUCKED and I'm soooo here for it!
It's also why it's so different with recom Q. He's not the same visually, and he's got so many new layers added by his situation that you're face first in a blue cake.
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sybaritick · 5 months
it's the BG3 fic writing 2023 summary meme!
just doing this for fun because I've seen a few writers taking part!
What are your Ao3 stats? How many words written, how many hits, kudos, and comments?
For 2023, words: 24608 hits: 19414 kudos: 2115 comment threads: 97
oooh, statistics!! now let's do a regression or something. ("on what"?? i don't know. could do something with the fic-by-fic data i suppose on comments vs kudos vs hits or whatnot) I'm happy with these stats, and the comments make me happiest -- I had so many great reactions to my fics that really made me smile to read. (Or laugh, in some cases, which might be even better).
Did you have a favourite canon character to write?
Gale. gotta be Gale. I love doing Astarion's dialogue too tho because he has SUCH a fun voice.
Did you have a favourite OC to write?
I’ve written very little OC stuff, only a single Tav/Gale fic. So Vierlin, the morally deficient enchantment wizard and fellow nerd to Gale, wins by default in Suggestion!
Which fic was your most popular?
That's nor heaven peep through the blanket of dark, the Astarion/Gale sussur flower fic! IMO it's only the most popular because it was posted in September.
Which fic was your personal favourite?
Hm, I think oh, rotten little thing, just because corrupting Gale makes me horny :) my upcoming gortash/gale fic will be. very much about that
Was there anything you wrote that was a surprise to you? Why?
in full honesty no I'm not surprised. I'll write anything. I did do a very overtly niche-kink-driven fic tho for us feeders/fat fetishists, catalyst!
What is your favourite piece of description you wrote? Why do you like it?
It's hard question, but one of the most fun is this section with ascended!Astarion in At Knifepoint: Astarion's face was cruel and angular in the half-light of the darkened library, stark shadows cast across his features, lips curled into a teasing smile. The Dispel Magic spell rushed over him faster than he could answer it, dark and sour like a sickening wave, and the invisibility curled away from his body like the burnt edge of a newspaper. lots of tasty sensory detail and imagery!
What was your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote? Why do you like it?
the Conversation Full Of Lying between precanon gort and durge in Grim Trigger was just fun as hell to write: "What, as an arms dealer? If I were to judge you by your victims, I would hardly be willing to set foot in the same room. But the cattle you so devoutly dismember are not me-- and the politicians and power-brokers that come under my influence are not you. Our relationship differs fundamentally." The Dark Urge was silent for a moment, but Gortash saw by the set of his jaw that he remained very much unconvinced. "What is it you imagine I would do to you?" Enver said. "You'd like to hear that, wouldn't you?" the Dark Urge answered, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "With the blessings of Bane it's only become easier for you to have anything you please. An ordinary mortal falls apart underneath you so dreadfully easily-- and you wish I would go down just as soft and easily, swallowed up to satisfy your urges." “You confuse your condition for mine, Bhaalspawn.” Gortash felt the air thicken with the thoughts coalescing in the Dark Urge’s mind. "You are not as different from me as you imagine." "I'll take that in the complimentary spirit I'm sure you intended.”
What was your overall feeling about your writing in 2023? What were you proud of? What were the highlights?
I feel positive about it! The biggest highlight is just that I'm happy I started writing again-- I'm glad to be banging this stuff out instead of letting it languish in my head until I forget it.
What would you like to explore more in 2024?
A Lot. Possibilities include: - several pairings I want to write but haven't yet (or at least haven't posted yet), especially Gortash/Gale or Gortash/Durge/Astarion - a longer fic or two - more and worse kinks (things i currently have at least in the back of my mind? hypnosis, sexual coercion/blackmail, some stuff that is fetishizing the political corruption in baldur's gate lol, forced impreg and misgendering, some medical play...) - perhaps additional originals/non-bg3 works as well because i do still enjoy writing them!
i encourage anyone who sees this and feels like it to do this too! it was fun to reflect on the past year of fanficcing :D
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edoro · 2 years
Questions for fic writers: 9, 16, 26, 41
9. How do you find new fic to read? - every day, several times a day, i check my ao3 dashboard to see if i got any new comments, and then i hit the Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House) tag and see if any new Hunter fics have been posted that i want to read.
sometimes people will recommend me fics that do not specifically involve him as a tagged character, and every so often i venture out of my current fandom fixation into a new one, but i pretty much always have a particular character or grouping of characters that i want to read about, so i primarily sort by character tags.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? - i really love the Tag Team TOH au, and in general the entire concept of "what if Belos ended up getting Luz before Eda did?"
TOH specifically is also a canon that i think makes for a fascinating adaptation into a more mundane realistic setting - i also really love the fic Clawthorne's Landing, which is a mundane human au where Hunter runs away from his abusive uncle and ends up working at a farm run by Lilith in exchange for room and board. it's such a specialized little look into the author's personal area of experience and i love when aus show me a new way of looking at the world that i haven't experienced before!
i also theoretically enjoy the idea of like, social worker aus, where characters end up encountering Hunter specifically bc he gets removed from his uncle's custody due to various horrific abuses, but i have yet to find one that i actually like reading in practice.
i would also absolutely LOVE to see some kind of au where somehow Belos ends up dying before the Day of Unity and Hunter ends up on the throne, because i love me some tasty political intrigue. i want the full ASOIAF treatment here.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? - oh, probably no dialogue. it's entirely possible i have WRITTEN fics with no dialogue? actually, Become Ungovernable comes pretty close because the only dialogue in it is a brief flashback to the canon scene that happens immediately before the fic starts.
but yeah i'd definitely find it much easier to write environmental descriptions or meandering internal monologue rather than all dialogue.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” - oooh gosh well tbqh every time i read a well-written fic i have a minor crisis of feeling like because that isn't my personal exact style, I Must Be Doing It Wrong, but!
The_Resurrection_3D has written a handful of TOH fics which are all my favorite entries in the "wow, there is something Fucking Wrong with Philip Wittebane" genre, and i love his style a lot. it's poetically gorgeous and communicates quite a lot with relatively few words (a thing i am very much not capable of lmao) and i also really admire the way he plays with style and structure and format.
i also really love the fic what we are is the sum of a thousand lies because of, specifically, how absolutely fucking funny it is, while still feeling very in-character. written humor can be hard! i like to think i'm funny but that's really up to peer review, right? anyway though, the sort of wryly understated ridiculousness of the entire situation and the verbal exchanges here, contrasting with but never undermining or overshadowing the emotional impact of the situation itself, are just very good and something i definitely strive for myself.
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cwarscars · 2 years
*taps mic* hi hello good night! I'm here to talk about Magnar Valerio Heidegger because of course that is his canon name and I don't care what SE has to say about it. :) No, but really - I know I've said this in the past but Heid is an emotional muse for me and I'll do this again.
I don't think I was prepared for how much you made me care for him - it's fair that the remake made him more than a lil pixel in a green coat and thick beard, but I had no feelings or thoughts for Heid until I met you. I remember being a weird choice of a muse - Reeve and Scarlet (even Hojo with the yucky factor) were such popular directors, why would someone pick Heidegger?
All I can say is that I'm glad you did it because HOLY FUCK. I remember reading through this incredibly long and detailed bio and just... Fully seeing Heidegger as a fully-fleshed character. The abuse at the hands of the father he failed to recognize as such; the intense pressure to succeed and to please him nonetheless; the marriage that ended in heartbreak with two daughters he didn't spend nearly enough time with; the worship of Shinra Sr.; his views on world politics and how he so clearly sees himself as a man with the guts to do what needs to be done to achieve results.
With your writing, I just went from someone who largely ignored him to someone who frankly adores the character. There is just so MUCH room for growth, complicated themes to work with and you just turned him into this layered, complex asshole I love? That Melissa would definitely marry no matter the verse? I just cannot get enough of how much history you've given him, how plausible it all sounds and the fact that you write a villain we can relate/understand his reasoning without ever woobifying him.
You are THE Heidegger writer to me and I'm forever amazed and wowed by your headcanons and super well detailed posts. It all tracks to the OG or the remake in some way and it's just so good I forget it's not canon. Or fuck that - you're better than canon. PLUS Heidegger gave me you and 3 years later (3 years??? omg) we're here and having fun and I will never not love the husbando for it.
You're amazing and your Heidegger is a work of art. *mic drop*
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hey…how’s my portrayal? ♡
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i legit saw the start of this and thought 'ooohhhh, a nice tasty lil ask for heidegger & mel to have sexy times in' AND THEN I KEPT READING AND I WAS LIKE 'WAIT A SECOND'. you know something, i'm not much of an emotional bear - i think we both know this because i have n e r v e s of s t e e l but...this got my eyes damp? like, what the hell???
i feel emotional reading this, it's like how i mentioned to light; it feels good to have been given the platform and supported by you guys in writing heid. like, i feel as though these headcanons and storylines and stuff come out because of you guys. i sometimes feel so embarrassed by my love of this guy because he isn't cloud or sephiroth or even one of the lesser but still popular characters (ala rufus or tseng). like, who the hell would like heidegger? haha. well, me apparently :P
but it feels great because i get this support and this validation by people like yourself. you just DIVEBOMB into my inbox with this absolute love letter of goodness and it honestly has me feeling so warm and fuzzy. ive been so down these last few weeks just due to various bits and pieces and you know, when you reach a stage where you can't even cry* because you feel so shit? well, now i'm sat here with lil happy tears beading in the corners of my eyes - like, bruh- you did that, i love you for it.
of course - i can't just fawn on how much i love you and how sweet you are, mari. because our friendship is special and i'm so forever grateful to have started to write with you that one day and i'm so glad that everything from there has happened and we've always stayed in touch but like -
melissa. you KNOW i wouldn't have half the characterisation of heid if it wasn't for her. that initial meeting - the INITIAL plots we had with the blackmail and stuff before these two coconuts fell in love. their son and retirement to costa del sol. remember the bitchy neighbour that mel HATED? edlyn and dwayna befriending mel and mel restoring their relationship with their father? all of the smut and all of the wonderful things we've written together? mari, you're such a special writing partner to have. you're one in a million. your girl is the best and i (and my lil collection of men) will forever love her. i don't even need to tell you how much i adore your writing because you know i could read a novel of your works. please write mel into a book, i NEED
my final thing i wanna say is just -
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suns out, guns out - i love them and i love you ♡♡♡♡
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dollycas · 2 months
Special Guest - Daryl Wood Gerber - Author of A Twinkle of Trouble (A Fairy Garden Mystery) #AuthorInterview / #Giveaway @darylwoodgerber
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A Twinkle of Trouble (A Fairy Garden Mystery) by Daryl Wood Gerber I am delighted to welcome Daryl Wood Gerber back to Escape With Dollycas today! Hi Daryl, Please tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m Daryl Wood Gerber, author of mysteries and suspense and, yes, even a Christmas romance. I love my goldendoodle Sparky. I enjoy gardening, cooking, and golfing. I’ve been writing for a number of years. Before I became a writer, I was an actress and performed in  TV shows as well as on stage and in commercials. I love to read mysteries and thrillers, gentle romance, and some paranormal stories. What is the first book you remember reading? I read lots of Dick and Jane books, but I wasn’t much of a reader.  Then, when I got the measles, my mother gave me her set of Nancy Drew. I read all of them in one week.  Yes, a week! I couldn’t put them down. That’s when I fell in love with reading. But when I was given A Wrinkle in Time, I knew I was hooked forever on books. The story blew me away. What are you reading now? I’m reading a little bit of everything. I just finished Gigi Pandian’s Secret Staircase Mystery #2, The Raven Thief. It’s a closed-room mystery series. Gigi is masterful at that.  I also just finished the first by Marjorie McCown, Final Cut, set in Hollywood with a costumer as the protagonist. Marjorie was a costumer, so there’s some wonderful insider knowledge.  Next up is Ginger Bolton’s Double Grudge Donuts. This is the 8th in the Deputy Donuts series, and they are a tasty treat if you love cozy mysteries. What books have most inspired you? As I said above, I adored A Wrinkle in Time. I really enjoyed The Three Musketeers with all its action. I loved Hawaii by Michener. I devoured the James Bond spy novels.  And I read The Bourne Identity in one sitting. What a character! I love reading any books by Krista Davis. She is the queen of cozies in my humble opinion. I adore her Domestic Diva mysteries, and her Wagtail Mysteries (aka Paws and Claws Mysteries) are a must for anyone who loves animals. What made you decide you wanted to write mysteries? My first foray into writing was as a screenwriter, and I wanted to write thrillers, but when my husband and I moved across country for his career, I couldn’t pursue that dream from so far away, so I decided to write a thriller novel. I didn’t sell that and wrote another and another. Then a good friend suggested I try my hand at writing cozy mysteries. I boned up on current ones, having read most of Agatha Christie growing up, and realized I might have a voice for them. It turned out I did. An agent put me in touch with a publisher that wanted a cozy set in a cheese shop in Ohio. I got the first crack at submitting chapters for it, which secured me a deal. I wrote The Cheese Shop Mysteries under the pseudonym Avery Aames. Do you have a special place where you like to write? I write most often in my office.  It’s arranged nicely. I have a lot of space. But sometimes I’ll write in my backyard, sometimes at my dining table (when doing page edits by hand) and often at a coffee shop just because I have errands and can squeeze in an hour or two over a cup of coffee while tootling around town. I believe that writing is a “butt in the chair” activity. Sit and write. At some point you’ll have a complete book and that’s when the fun begins. I love to edit! Where do the ideas for your books come from? I watch people. I study them. I listen to conversations. Sometimes I just think “what if?”�� There are so many what ifs going on around me at all times. What if someone killed that person who just cut in line at the grocery store? What if you walked into a house for sale and there was a dead body at the foot of the stairs?  You can see where this is going. I let my mind tap into the What If universe all the time. Is there anything about writing you find most challenging? The muddy middle can be daunting. It’s where you have to get all the clues and action to move the story forward but not allow it to be obvious or trite. I always start a story knowing where it begins and where it ends, but I’m not always sure what the middle scenes will be. I outline and that helps, but that is often quite fluid. What do you think makes a good story? The clues and suspects and secrets are the most important things that must be woven into a mystery. And pace. Each chapter should end on a page turner. It can be a question, a knock on the door, a body dropping. Something has to happen so the reader will press on. Which, of all your characters, do you think is the most like you? I think Jenna in the Cookbook Nook Mysteries is most like me. She came from the world of advertising. She suffered some sorrow in her twenties. She’s very sane and methodical. She’s caring. However, all of my protagonists are sane, caring people. So maybe they’re all me to some extent? On the other hand, I like to think none of them are like me. That makes me focus on their total character arc. What makes your books different from others out there in this genre? My Fairy Garden Mysteries are considered “paranormal” or magical.  There’s  no other sleuth fairy in mysteries that helps a human that I know of. I love the bond between Fiona and Courtney. My Cookbook Nook Mysteries are the only ones I know that are set in a culinary bookshop. My standalone thrillers, The Son’s Secret, Girl on the Run, and Day of Secrets are each unique as to the story. I would like to think that my pacing and voice are what make them solid reads. The Aspen Adams novels of suspense are set in the serene resort of Lake Tahoe, not your typical place to find murder and mayhem. What’s next on the horizon for you? I have a new series coming out in October called the Literary Dining Mysteries. I’ll be sharing more about this series as we draw nearer to the release. They are set in a charming fictional town outside Asheville, NC in the Blue Ridge Mountains and features twin hooks that I hope cozy readers can’t get enough of—classic books and delicious food Thank you, Daryl, for visiting today. ____ Keep reading for more info about Daryl and her new book!   About A Twinkle of Trouble A Twinkle of Trouble (A Fairy Garden Mystery) Cozy Mystery 5th in Series Setting - California Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington Cozies (April 23, 2024) Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496744934 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496744937 Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CFGF36NM Carmel-by-the-Sea garden shop owner Courtney Kelly sees things others can’t—like fairies, and hidden motives for murder . . . Courtney is delighted when her tiny friend Fiona returns from the fairy realm, appearing at the base of a Cypress tree. When her Ragdoll cat, Pixie, emerges from her own portal—aka the cat door—the three set off for a busy day. Busier than usual, since Courtney has rented a small plot of land at the Flower Farm, where she hopes to grow her own supplies for her fairy-garden business. Plus, the annual Summer Blooms Festival is coming up, and Courtney has booked a booth . . . But the murder of Courtney’s friend, Genevieve, casts a pall over the festival. Ever since Genevieve sold her floral business, she’d been building a career as an influencer. She was perennially opinionated—but in her new role she’d become surprisingly vicious, dissing local entrepreneurs with nasty posts and unwarranted bad reviews. That’s landed a couple of Courtney’s other friends on the suspect list—including Flower Farm owner Daphne Flores. And when a second victim is discovered, seeds of doubt about Daphne’s innocence sprout in Courtney’s mind. With only a germ of a clue, Courtney will have to overturn every rock to get the dirt on the real killer . . . More About Daryl Wood Gerber Agatha Award-winning author Daryl Wood Gerber is best known for her nationally bestselling mysteries, including the Fairy Garden Mysteries and Cookbook Nook Mysteries. As Avery Aames, she penned the popular Cheese Shop Mysteries. In addition, Daryl writes suspense including the well received The Son’s Secret, Girl on the Run, and the popular Aspen Adams series. Recently Daryl, who loves a challenge, published a Christmas romance, Hope for the Holidays. Fun Tidbit: as an actress, Daryl appeared in “Murder, She Wrote.” She loves to cook, garden, read, and walk her frisky Goldendoodle. Also, she has been known to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. You can learn more on her website: https://darylwoodgerber.com Author Links WEBSITE    FACEBOOK       BOOKBUB      YOUTUBE    INSTAGRAM     PINTEREST     GOODREADS     TIKTOK    AMAZON    NEWSLETTER Purchase Links – Amazon – B&N – Kobo – Bookshop – The Rest of the Series Coming Soon from Daryl Wood Gerber Also by Daryl Wood Gerber The Cookbook Nook Cozy Mysteries Find more books by Daryl Wood Gerber here. Click on the covers for more information or to order by Amazon. 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allsassnoclass · 7 months
Fic ask game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 & 15!
oh wowza!!! alright! let's go! thank you for asking!
1. Favorite place to write. the corner of my couch in the living room! preferably with a blanket
2. Favorite part of writing. i love lightbulb moments! that feeling when you finally figure out a little detail that fills a plot hole, or when writing an au you have a great idea for how to incorporate/parallel a canon event. even just having a realization of what your story is actually about and how to lean into that more. stuff like that is so satisfying to me, so I absolutely adore when I get those moments.
3. Least favorite part of writing. i've been unhappy with editing lately. it used to be a breeze for me, but lately i've been getting really critical of my writing and much harder to satisfy, which means editing either takes forever or it feels hopeless and i end up releasing something i'm not fully satisfied with or confident in
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals? i don't think i have any specific ones! maybe developing a few would make it easier to get into it when the time comes.
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most. i really love Maggie Stiefvater, especially the way she uses figurative language, but I don't think my personal style necessarily reflects that, at least not as much as I would maybe want to. honestly, i don't know who has actually influenced my style. every author that i read works for leaves a little itty bitty speck of influence, so it's probably a combination of fifty billion different people.
7. Favorite author. as stated above, it's Maggie Stiefvater. The Raven Cycle is my absolute favorite book series and Ronan Lynch is my absolute favorite character. I do also want to mention Terry Pratchett though, because I'm into Discworld and I really appreciate his ability to write wacky humor and social commentary, plus having Death talk in all caps all the time is a vibe.
8. Favorite trope to write. fake dating, baby!!!!! I have posted 5 fake dating fics so far. 3 of them are the 3 longest fics i've ever written. i have many, many other fake dating ideas. i love how blurry the line gets between acting and sincerity, and the exploration of how much of love is a feeling and how much is actions and how much is based on outside perception or not, plus it is SO tasty for pining.
9. Least favorite trope to write. i don't like "getting to know each other" moments, so strangers to lovers can be a challenge. getting characters from not knowing each other at all to being in love is difficult and tedious for me.
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish. oh man. screaming and crying :) no i'm kidding. first i am hit with an idea. then i let the idea marinate for anywhere from 1 day to 3 or 5 years. then i begin the wip! i start writing from the beginning and just keep going until it's done, often with many, many interruptions and forays into other wips in between. then when I finish, i edit (which is mostly spelling, grammar, word choice, and double checking throughlines and cohesiveness. to date, i haven't rearranged the order of scenes or major plot points in the editing phase). after i edit, i post! then the cycle begins again (or continues with a different fic, as i always work on multiple at once).
13. How do you deal with writers block? historically, not well. i get upset about it and complain. but because i have so many wips and well over 100 ideas jotted down, i can always pivot to another fic if it's plot/character-related writers block. if all writing is difficult, then i might take a break and try to focus on reading or other things
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book? pas de deux took a decent amount of research on professional ballet companies and various twin cities details. by the time unmute is over, however, it will have significantly more research sunk into it. it already has had so much. not only have i had to do a huge amount of research on 5sos and significant events in their lives/career beginning in 2011, but i researched visual art programs at colleges (including individual class listings), salt lake city, utah, when gay marriage was legalized in utah/the entire USA/Australia, the legality of getting married in a country where you're not a citizen, social media/chatting apps of the early 2010s, etc. there's a lot going on here.
15. Where does your inspiration come from? anywhere! everywhere! i take inspiration from other stories, songs, things that happen to me, things that happen to my friends, basically anything can serve as inspiration!
Thank you for asking!
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yessadirichards · 9 months
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What to stream this week: 'Indiana Jones,' 'One Piece,' 'The Menu' and tunes from NCT and Icona Pop
”Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” and the second season debut of the third “Power” spin-off “Power Book IV: Force” are among the new television, movies, music and games headed to a device near you
Among the offerings worth your time as selected by The Associated Press’ entertainment journalists are the new musical game for the Nintendo Switch called Samba de Amigo: Party Central, the fine-dining satire “The Menu” being served on Hulu and a new album from the 20-member K-pop super group NCT.
— ”Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,” Harrison Ford’s last outing as the adventure-seeking archaeologist, is finally available to watch at home starting on Tuesday via video-on-demand. This fourth installment might not be quite as great as “Raiders” or “The Last Crusade,” but it’s also more fun than many gave it credit for on its bumpy release this summer. Veteran director James Mangold took the helm from Steven Spielberg and does his best to capture all the things we love about Indy, including a possibly too-extended flashback featuring our hero de-aged to 45. It’s really not necessary because Ford, at 80, is firing on all levels — as funny, vibrant and game as he ever was. Plus there’s the added bonus of a great new character played by “Fleabag’s” Phoebe Waller-Bridge.
— It being the beginning of the month, Hulu has a lot of great new offerings coming on Friday, Sept. 1, including the Coen brothers “Hail Caesar!” and “Raising Arizona,” Lars von Trier’s “Melancholia” and the always re-watchable “The Devil Wears Prada.” And on Sunday, Sept. 3, Mark Mylod’s fine-dining satire “The Menu” arrives, too, with its terrific ensemble, including Ralph Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy and Nicholas Hoult, and sharp critiques of wealth and privilege. In his review, AP Film Writer Jake Coyle wrote that while it may be aimed at “somewhat low-hanging fruit,” that Mylod brings an icy, stylish flare in another kind of cleverly staged eat-the-rich comedy that — particularly thanks to the elite eye-rolling of Taylor-Joy and Fiennes’ anguished artist — is still a very tasty snack.”
— And if “Gran Turismo” has you feeling the need for more speed in your life, The Criterion Channel has the answer with a '70s Car Movies anthology pulling into your living room starting Friday, Sept. 1. Among the offerings are Steven Spielberg’s 1971 nail-biter “Duel,” Lee H. Katzin’s Steve McQueen racing classic “Le Mans,” Michael Cimino’s Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges crime caper “Thunderbolt and Lightfoot” and the original “Gone in 60 Seconds.”
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— AP Film Writer Lindsey Bahr
— They came from Sweden by way of outer space and now the explosive electropop duo Icona Pop return with their third full-length album and first in 10 years, “Club Romantech.” Members Aino Jawo and Caroline Hjelt made sure the wait was worth it. The release is stacked with post-hiatus cosmic pop, earworm hooks as addictive as the one in the Charli XCX -penned hit “I Love It” that put them on the map in 2012. That’s evidenced in their single with Galantis, “I want you” and the playful chorus “I want you/We don’t have to play these games, play theses games/ ’Cause I want you.” It pays to be direct.
— In their lead single and title track from their fourth full-length album, the 20-member K-pop super group NCT announce they’ve entered their “Golden Age.” Who could argue otherwise? The track, which serves as the LP’s closer and its thematic anchor, is an eclecticist’s dream: absurdist trap, glossy vocal harmonies, and an interpolation of some Beethoven — Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13, “Sonata Pathétique” II. Adagio cantabile — in one. And that’s not even the best part: all 20 members are heard on it, a rarity and feat in itself, which of course includes NCT’s famed subunits, NCT 127, NCT DREAM and WayV. No matter your bias, there’s a lot to love.
— AP Music Writer Maria Sherman
— “One Piece,” a new live-action fantasy series coming to Netflix has been adapted from a beloved Japanese manga and anime series. The graphic novels by Eiichiro Oda have sold more than 516 million copies across 103 volumes in 61 countries, making its success similar to the “Harry Potter” book series. The story follows a protagonist named Monkey D. Luffy who sails the ocean in search of treasure with his band of pirates. “One Piece” debuts Thursday on Netflix.
— The fantasy series “The Wheel of Time” returns to Prime Video for its second season on Friday, Sept. 1. Rosamund Pike stars as Moiraine Damodred, a member of the Aes Sedai, a group of women with magical gifts. We meet Moiraine on a quest to find the Dragon, a long dead leader with the ability to save or destroy the world. “The Wheel of Time” is based on a 14-book series of the same name created by Robert Jordan. A third season has already been ordered.
— The third “Power” spin-off, “Power Book IV: Force,” debuts its second season on Starz on Friday, Sept. 1. It centers around Joseph Sikora’s Tommy Egan character, a convicted drug dealer who leaves New York for Chicago to continue his criminal enterprise.
— Alicia Rancilio
— This summer’s Final Fantasy XVI brought dramatic changes to the storied franchise — and made some of us a little nostalgic for the FFs of the 1990s. Canada’s Sabotage Studio aims to scratch that itch with Sea of Stars, its new retro-inspired adventure. Its pixelated, top-down graphics and turn-by-turn combat are designed to induce flashbacks in fans of old-school role-playing games. And then there’s its story: Two mages, the Children of the Solstice, team up with other do-gooders to stop an evil alchemist, The Fleshmancer, from destroying the world. It even has fishing and cooking minigames! You don’t need to travel back in time 30 years; this epic begins Tuesday on PlayStation 5/4, Xbox X/S/One, Nintendo Switch and PC.
— Speaking of old-school, Sega has decided it’s time to revive a long-dormant character from the ’90s: Amigo, the sombrero-wearing, maracas-shaking Brazilian monkey. He’s back in Samba de Amigo: Party Central, a new musical game for the Nintendo Switch. It turns the Switch’s palm-sized Joy-Con controllers into a pair of maracas, and your challenge is to shake them in rhythm to an assortment of dance hits. The 40-song soundtrack ranges from current stars like Ariana Grande and Carly Rae Jepsen to geezers like Culture Club and Gloria Gaynor, with more downloadable tunes on the way. Amigo is ready to bring the fiesta to your living room on Tuesday.
— Lou Kesten
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ginger-and-mint · 3 years
Hey, I'm wondering if you have any advice on writing kink stuff? Basically, it feels like I'm writing the same story repeatedly. Coming up with stuffing scenarios that both make sense, and aren't just retreads, is really hard. It probably doesn't help that a) I don't have much writing experience, b) my interests are really narrow, and c) I have no imagination, lol. How do you keep stuff fun and interesting? (Jsyk, I sent this to Tiny as well, I love both your blogs 😊)
Hey, anon! Thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoy my and Tiny’s content and I’m flattered to be asked for advice! ♡ I have a lot of thoughts about this, so I’ll do my best to boil them down into something useful.
Since you mentioned being pretty new to writing, I broke up my advice into a few different “stages,” starting with things that are easy to implement and moving to things that might feel more manageable as you get more comfortable with writing. Under a cut because Real Heckin Long.

Stage One — Don’t Sweat It
This might sound corny and unhelpful, but I genuinely think that especially when you’re first starting out, it’s best not to put pressure on yourself to write the world’s most original stories. Write to please your inner fiend and nobody else! If repeated versions of the same story continue to light your fire, there’s no shame in embracing that.
Doing this will honestly help you with originality in the long-term anyway, because you’re giving yourself the freedom to learn more about what specifics you really enjoy in kink writing. Later on, you can use that knowledge to put new twists on those specifics and invent new scenarios.
Stage Two — Stuffing Scenario Cheat Sheet
I completely agree that believable stuffing scenarios are really difficult to invent. What’s realistic is a matter of opinion of course, but for me, this is a quick breakdown of logical reasons for a character to overeat. If you’re getting tired of using the same justification in your fics, try picking something new from this list:
Accidental stuffing:
Character is distracted by something during the meal
Character eats so fast they don’t realize when they’re full
Character has been hungry for awhile and overdoes it when they finally get to eat
Reluctant intentional stuffing (motivated by external circumstances):
Character feels social pressure to keep eating **
The food will go to waste otherwise **
Eating contests / challenges **
The character is trying to bulk up
Enthusiastic intentional stuffing (because the character wants to):
Character just enjoys the feeling of being full
Character and/or their partner(s) have a stuffing kink
Character has temporary access to good food and is indulging while they can
Fantasy Shenanigans:
Side effects of being a magical creature (e.g. a werewolf eating too much for their human form to handle, a vampire needing to feed all at once, etc.)
Magic that causes a character to overeat (e.g. enchanted food, curses, potions, etc.)
Magic that requires a full stomach and/or extra energy to work (e.g. my di-mage spell mechanics, the antidote in this fic of Tiny’s, etc.)
[free space because fantasy lets you set the boundaries of what’s realistic, so your imagination is really the limit!]
** If you’re aiming for realism, I would be careful of these scenarios. In my opinion, they can be done believably, but often are not. Some things I would look out for:
Most foods can easily be stored for later, so if you want to use the “avoiding waste” trope, make sure that you’re either in a setting without access to refrigeration or that the food is something that genuinely wouldn’t keep until the next day (or at least would be way less tasty after a night in the fridge.)
Social pressure works best in scenarios with people that the to-be-stuffed character 1) doesn’t know very well and 2) wants to impress or keep face around (e.g. formal events, business dinners, first dates that involve food, meeting their partner’s family, etc.)
Loving friends, family, and partners don’t pressure or guilt people into overeating! Characters stuffing themselves because their loved ones are really insistent that they have to taste-test everything or act so disappointed because they went to all this work on some extravagant feast always ring at best false and at worst abusive to me. What kind of loving relationship is it if you don’t feel safe to say “no thanks, I’m full?” That’s not to say social pressure with loved ones can’t be done well, but it usually indicates some kind of character flaw (i.e. an inability to say no and/or a steamroller-y personality) that in my opinion, has to be acknowledged by the fic’s end if you want the tone to stay light and fluffy.
Again, this may just be my opinion, but eating contests only come across as realistic with certain character personalities and in certain contexts. Like yeah, I can believe that a himbo with YouTuber Energy would take on a hot wing eating challenge in front of all his bros, but not so much that an otherwise self-respecting character would drop everything to eat themselves sick because a friend randomly challenged them.
Stage Three — Change Up Other Elements When Using Similar Tropes

Especially if you have narrow interests, it’s probably inevitable you’ll write same basic story structure over and over. I know I sure do! However, I would say that changing other elements of the narrative can give your writing an entirely different feel, turning it into a whole new story that will not feel like a simple retread to a reader.
One thing you can change up is setting. A lot of times kink writers will just plonk characters in the comfort of their own homes, which is valid — but setting hugely influences the atmosphere of a story, so the same Kink Plot will read really differently if it happens, say, at a campground or on a boat. Providing a rich setting can even become a feature of the kink itself. For example, setting your story at a lavish buffet could introduce an element of indulgence that hits you and/or readers differently than a story that involves casual takeout in the living room, even if the rest of the story is similar. Try bold settings! They’re fun!
Another element to vary is context. For example, the basic trope of “stress eating” would play out really differently if a character is about to go on an important mission vs. if they’re recovering from an emotionally difficult day; a story about about a character intentionally stuffing themselves will have a completely different flavor if they’ve been going hungry for awhile vs. they’ve been overeating all week; and so on.

Finally, consider changing up the focus. An easy way to do this is to switch up whether you’re writing from the POV of the stuffed character or a caretaker. You can also focus on different details of the stuffing — for example, lingering on how delicious the food looks and tastes vs. how the character feels as their stomach fills vs. physical details like whether they’re getting bloated or grumbly.
Stage Four — Connect to Character or Plot
The most surefire way to make kink stories distinct is to give the story an additional purpose besides just being kinky. This doesn’t have to be some big, extravagant plot (although it certainly can be) — it can be a simple as writing a kink story the way you usually would, and just finding something within it that you can use to reveal an aspect of your character.
Start with an ordinary kink scenario and try to dive a little deeper. For example:
Say you want to write a story about stress eating. Okay — what is the character stressed about?
Maybe you come up with something relatively simple and generic, like school. Okay, what about this character makes them so likely to be stressed out by school? Are they a perfectionist? Are they facing a lot of pressure from their family? Do they have a goal that requires excellent grades? Have they struggled with this subject in the past?
Let’s say you decide to go with perfectionism. Now, what scenes can you use to show this struggle? And optionally, can you give the character some kind of resolution by the story’s end?
And there you go! Your fic now not only has kink, but also shows how your character reacts in a certain situation.
Character especially is a treasure trove of uniqueness, in my opinion, because well-developed characters react differently to the same scenario. Stories feel more original because even if a reader has read this exact same plot before, they will not have seen how this particular person handles it. So one of the best ways to make fics distinct is to spend time developing your characters!
If the goal is to simply write solid distinct kinky stories, trying to create detailed plot is more work with lower return than investing in your characters, if you ask me. You have to enjoy the process of creating plots itself for it to be worth it. If that’s something you’re interested in, I have a whole load more thoughts about that -- but since this is already incredibly long, I’ll save that for a separate ramble if anyone is specifically interested.
I hope something in this huge infodump is helpful to you! Some of it may sound intimidating if you’re just starting out with kink writing, but it’s absolutely all something that can be worked up to. Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions if stuff I’ve written doesn’t make sense. Good luck with your writing, anon, and thanks for giving me an excuse to just go off. ^^’ ♡
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nonotranslates · 3 years
ARB Event Translation: Eccentric Journey ~  The Forest where Dangerous Creatures Lives ~ - Chapter 1
This event heavily relies on sound and visual effects so please enjoy it alongside the game. [Link to gameplay video]
Chapter 1 - Startled! A Rough Morning Call!
*On the moon*
Jyushi: Uwaaaaaaaaah!
Kuukou: Stop crying, Jyushi!!
Riou: Aimono…… Even if you cry, nothing will be solved
Jyushi: But, buuuuuuuuut!
Jyushi: (Aahh…… At that time, if I hadn’t come along with Kuukou-san, then this sort of thing wouldn’t have happened…... )
*In Jyushi’s bedroom*
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Jyushi: (Phew…… Kuukou-san’s training today was tough too…… I don’t have anything on for tomorrow so I’m gonna have a good sleep……)
Jyushi: Good night, Amanda…… Zzz…….
*Next morning in Jyushi's room*
Jyushi: Amanda….. I can’t eat down any more…...
Kuukou: Wake up Jyushi!!!!!
Jyushi: Uhehe……
Kuukou: Don’t ‘Uhehe’ me! Get the hell up already!!
Jyushi: U-uuuh…...
Kuukou: Yo, you’ve finally waken up!
Jyushi: …...Why is Kuukou-san in my house?
Kuukou: Yeah! Let’s go!
Jyushi: Let’s go……? I don’t get what you mean……. Where are we even going……?
Kuukou: To Yokohama!
Jyushi: Yokohama……? What for…….?
Kuukou: I heard from Hitoya that for some reason, a forest in Yokohama is full of rare and ferocious animals there
Jyushi: Um…… I have a really bad feeling about this…...
Kuukou: We’re going to that rumored forest and I’m gonna really train you there!
Kuukou: Ah! Come on! Why are you hiding under your blanket!
Jyushi: I don’t wanna! I wanna continue sleeping on today! Please go home!
Kuukou: You goddamn idiot! To sleep in when there’s such nice weather! Even if God allows it, I won’t allow it!
Jyushi: Uwaaaa! Give me my blanket back please!
Kuukou: Shaddap!! This sort of goddamn thing! I’ll throw it out for you!
*sound of something sliding open and something being thrown*
Jyushi: Aa……. My blanket……
Kuukou: Now! We can go out without any worries!
Kuukou: Hey! Hurry up and get your goddamn hands off the table! *Note: he’s clinging onto it as Kuukou drags him
Jyushi: I don’t wanna! A forest with such dangerous creatures... I don’t wanna go to a place like that! I’ll die for sure!
Kuukou: Relax! When something really happens I’ll help you out!
Jyushi: Even so, I don’t wanna go!
Kuukou: You don’t have any right to refuse!
Jyushi: Aaaaaaa……!
Kuukou: If you work hard, I’ll treat you to some tasty Chinese food at Chinatown yo! Hyahahaha!!
*At the forest entrance*
Kuukou: We’re finally here!
Jyushi: J-Just by looking you could tell that it’s giving off a strong sense that you shouldn’t enter though……
Kuukou: Alright! Let’s go, Jyushi!
Jyushi: Haa……. Even if I escaped I’ll only end up being caught back anyway…… Looks like there’s nothing I can do besides to firm up some resolve and enter the forest……
*inside the forest*
Kuukou: I wonder if some amazing animal’s gonna show up here soon~
Jyushi: This is Japan and moreover, it’s Yokohama, you know? There’s no way there are such dangerous creatures here in the wild—
*honking growling sound*
Jyushi: W-w-w-w-w-w-what was that sound earlier……
Kuukou: It’s already showing up this soon, huh…...
*bird stomping and honking growl sounds*
Giant Moa: Gggggggg!!!
Kuukou: Uogh!
Jyushi: Hyaaaaaa!!!!!
Link to next chapter
Link to masterlist
My god, Jyushi's dream with Amanda is so cute... he really considers Amanda a character of her own just like in his Wave radio......
Kuukou is terrorising Jyushi, classic as always, that even the voice actors poked fun at it in the Division Study Guide lol.
Also special mentions to ARB for literally drawing the sprite of the Giant Moa. I've been laughing hard from every ARB event but somehow ARB always delivers and the next event always top the previous event somehow. I wanna know what the writer is smoking and why.
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shewillreadyou · 3 years
Retrospect for Life
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As always. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
A/N: Bree meets Emmett’s parents. Then her Dad meets them too. Will this end on a good note? A big Thank You to @secretaryunpaid​ for the preread.
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language and adult content.
Catch up: Ride or Die
Word Count: 3019 ish
Pairings: MC (Bree Hill) x OC (Emmett Perry)
Song inspiration: Retrospect for Life-Common
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.​
She stood in the entryway of Emmett’s town-home with her mouth agape hoping that no one noticed the blush of her cheeks. His mother was the definition of youth and beauty. Not to mention his father, Emmett was a perfect mix of the two of them. It was clear where Emmett got his stunning good looks. 
“Mr. Perry, Mrs. Perry, the pleasure is all mine.”
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“Mommy, since when do you just pop in on me?”
“Did he just call her Mommy?” she thought to herself.
“Since you’ve taken a serious lady friend that you haven’t introduced to us.”
“Em, where are your manners? Please, do come in,” Bree stepped aside, one arm wrapped around Emmett’s waist to welcome his parents.
“May I offer you something to drink?”
“She’s very well mannered as well, Nathaniel.”
“I can see that darling.”
“Thank you, we’ll have Perrier.”
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Bree ducked into the kitchen trying to suppress the smile creeping across her face. 
“What a pretentious beverage. It’s even more telling that Emmett actually has that in stock,” she thought to herself. 
When she returned to the living room, Emmett had an unreadable look on his face. Bree turned on her most charming smile, noticing that Mr. Perry hadn’t taken his eye off of her. 
“So Bree, please sit.”
She sat. Suddenly feeling like she was on display. Emmett moved closer protectively placing his hand on her knee. 
“I was telling my parents that I’d like for them to meet your Dad the next time he is here.”
“That sounds like a great idea, Em. I’m sure he would be thrilled. Maybe we could all have dinner,” Bree said sheepishly.
“Dear, Emmett tells us that you are a BioChem major?” 
“Yes Ma’am, I have always been obsessed with science.”
“That’s quite the workload. I’m surprised you have time to entertain our son. Tell me, what do you plan to do with it?” Mr. Perry asked as he sipped his beverage.
“Yes Sir, It is quite the load, but Emmett is great at making sure I’m focused. I’ve toyed with doing something with forensics and possibly going to medical school.”
“A doctor? With manners and her own hair. Color me impressed. Emmett normally goes for girls who major in Art and share a brain with their roommates.”
Bree shared a giggle with his parents and the mood seemed to lighten considerably.
“This has been delightful. But, we must run. We have to check into our hotel before 3pm. Dinner reservations at Crave at 7. Don’t be late.”   
“Yes Ma’am,” Emmett didn’t hesitate. 
“It was good to meet you Bree, we’ll see you tonight,” Mr. Perry said, still never taking his eye off of her.
They headed out the front and Bree watched Mr. Perry as he opened the door to his silver S class Mercedes for his wife.
“I’m sorry. I had no idea that they would just show up like that.”
“It’s ok. I didn’t know that you had taken a serious lady friend. Maybe I should leave. I wouldn’t want her to get the wrong impression,” she said teasingly. Her eyes went wide and her hand demurely covered her mouth.
Emmett smiled, pulling her into his embrace. “I’m sorry. It’s been a minute. I got excited and told my Mom about you.” 
“And what exactly did you tell mommy?”
“Basically, that I have it bad. Now, do you have a nice dress to wear to dinner?”
“I should be able to come up with a little something.”
“Take my car. Pick me up by 6:30p?”
She smirked. “Are these baby mama benefits? I get to drive your Benz? What would Kira think?” she teased.
“You got jokes! You are having my baby. You can have my Benz and if you see Kira, wink at her for me.”
“Bye boy. You are trying to get me killed. See you at 6:30.”
She headed back to her dorm to shower, and wash her hair. She pulled her long wavy tresses back into a sleek ponytail. She only had a couple of options, so she chose her graduation dress. It was a black boat neck dress with a modest split in front. She paired it with black strappy heels, a small black clutch and gold accessories. 
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She arrived at his place to pick him up she had packed another bag, warming to the idea of spending more time at his place. When he heard the garage door he opened the door and noticed her pulling the large duffel bag out of the trunk. 
“B, I’ll get it. I don’t want you lifting anything that’s heavy.”
“How do you think it got in here? I’m fine.”
He rushed over to the trunk and as he lifted the bag on to his shoulder he noticed her dress. She looked like a snack. He swallowed hard before licking his lips and biting the bottom lip. She looked over her shoulder at him. 
“You good?”
“Yeah, B.. uh, you.. you look--”
“Is it too much? I was trying to find something nice, that didn’t show too much skin.”
“No, I'm speechless. You look. WOW. I mean you look beautiful. I feel lucky to have you on my arm.”
“Oh Emmett, stop it. You’re gonna give me a big head. But thank you I guess it’s a far cry from the sweats and tees I’m normally in.”
He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled into her neck. 
“I mean I like the sweats too but, damn girl,” he ran his strong hand up her arm and she shivered.
She placed her glossy lips at his ear and whispered, “dinner, Emmett.”
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 Dinner was fairly pleasant, more casual conversation, and getting to know one another. His mom was clearly impressed, but the jury was still out on the patriarch of the Perry family. Before they wrapped up the evening, the date was set for them to meet Mr. Hill. 
The two weeks passed quickly and before she knew it, she was picking her Daddy up from the airport.
“A Mercedes Benz? Where is the GTO?” 
“It’s in Emmett’s garage. He had to work an event this evening, so I just dropped him off on campus before I picked you up.”
“Do you normally drive his car?”
“Yes, he told me i’m his girlfriend.”
“You didn’t know that before? He’s kind of marked his territory.”
“Daddy?!?!” she laughed.
“How have you been? Do I need to start looking for jobs on the east coast?
“I’ve been good. I go to class everyday, I eat mostly at Emmett’s, he cooks healthy food and reminds me everyday to take my prenatal vitamins. I go to bed early, and I need naps frequently, but i’m ok.” 
An awkward silence fell over the car. She waited for him to speak instead he kept his eyes on his phone, texting furiously. 
“Daddy, may I ask you a question?”
 “Yeah, Babygirl. What’s up?”
“Why have you been so calm through all of this? I was expecting you to yell or disown me.”
“Well, I didn’t know if I would tell you this but, how old do you think your Mom would be now if she were still with us?”
“Let’s see, she was born in 82 so, what? 38?”
“Yes, now subtract your age from 38.”
She had always been great with numbers. Shock and realization washed over her face almost immediately. Her big brown eyes fell on her Daddy and before she could speak. 
“How could I be angry with you for doing the exact same thing that your mother and I did at your age?”
“But Mom had been a nurse for as long as I could remember.”
“Yes, you were four years old when she graduated from nursing school. We didn’t have the help that I am offering you. So, if you don’t finish what you came here to do then, I will be angry. You can do anything you put your mind to, no excuses.”
“I will Daddy, promise. But, about that. Emmett wants to keep the baby here in Langston with us. He’s probably right Daddy. Four months at a time is a really long time to be away from my baby.”
“Don’t get upset but, I told your Aunt Rhyan, she suggested a night nanny for me. I’m sure if you two decided to keep the baby here, we can find some help. I think that I can cover a nanny with my FSA account.”
“I’m not upset. Is she still in Boston? You know, Emmett’s family is from Boston. I will be calling her if--”
Her Daddy glared at her.
“I meant, when I go to medical school.”   
“Sounds good, now tell me about Emmett’s parents.”
“Oh, well they seem nice. I met them a few weeks ago. His Dad is a Kappa. He’s the owner of an engineering firm near Boston. I think he expects Emmett to take over one day. His Mom is really pretty. She is a partner at her accounting office. Emmett is really close with her. They talk everyday.”
“Interesting, what else do you know about his family?”
“Detective mode much? He has a brother at NYU and twin sisters.”
“I can’t help it. Where did his parents go for undergrad?”
“They both are Langston grads.”
“Hmm, do you have an address for them?”
“Daddy!” she warned as she pulled in front of his hotel. 
“You’re right I’ll find the address myself,” he said as he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Behave, and we will pick you up right here at 6pm. I have to get to class.”
After class she picked Emmett up from his event and they went back to his place to get dressed for dinner at Oishii, a very upscale Asian restaurant. 
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She chose an ivory one sleeved fitted dress that hit her right at the knee and he wore grey slacks, a crisp white button up and a black blazer. When she was dressed, she stood looking in the floor length mirror in the corner of his room. He watched from across the room before moving behind her and snaking one arm around her waist. His large hand rested on her abdomen as he sniffed her hair.
“What are you doing, creep?”
“You smell like dessert.”
“Really Em?”
“Yeah, and I feel sorry for this kid. Look at how good we look together.”
“You do look pretty tasty tonight,” she said as she walked out of the room.
“Girl, don’t write a check you aren’t prepared to cash,” he said as he followed her out of the room.
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After picking up her Dad they headed to the restaurant for the 6:30 reservation.
“Mr. Perry, Mr. and Ms. Hill, your party has arrived and are waiting for you. Right this way.”
They follow a thin asian man to the center of the empty restaurant where the Perry’s were waiting with drinks and appetizers. They stood as Bree approached. Mrs. Perry pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on both cheeks.
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“Oh Bree, you look simply ravishing in that dress. Emmett won’t be able to focus dear,” she giggled. 
“Thank you Ma’am, you are too kind.”
 “Mr. and Mrs. Perry, meet my Daddy, Detective Alvin Hill.”
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“Detective Hill, it’s good to meet you brother,” Mr. Perry said as he offered his hand.
“Mr. Perry, Mrs. Perry, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Please, sit. Your daughter is one impressive young lady, you must be proud.”
“I am. Thank you. Likewise, I have been oddly impressed by your son as well. I’m usually not a fan of the boys my daughter chooses to consort with, but Emmett has been a breath of fresh air. Not to mention if my Babygirl is happy, then so am I.”
“So Dad, Detective Perry here is an UCLA grad. He and his late wife Alicia, were college sweethearts, like you and Mom.”
“And like you and Bree?” his Mom chimed in.
“Yeah Mommy, that would be a good look. Hopefully, she won’t dump me for the next charming guy who moves her into her dorm,” he said as he beamed at Bree and winks.
Just then a server comes with a plate of raw sushi and places it in front of Bree, and a plate of tempura in between Alvin and Emmett. Mr. Perry eyed Emmett suspiciously as he slid the plate of raw sushi in front of him. 
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“Son, is there a problem?”
“No, no problem. Bree just doesn’t like raw sushi.”
A wave of nausea threatened to overtake her at the smell of the fish.
“If you will excuse me.” 
Bree stood and headed to the restroom. Emmett excused himself to check on her.
“So Mr. Perry, our children seem to be getting serious.”
“Please, call me Nate. And it would appear so. I believe that my son is quite taken with your lovely daughter. I assume that she is on birth control.”
“Why would you assume that? I would have assumed that you taught your son to use a rubber.”
“You know they are adults, and I would be naive to think that they aren’t being intimate. I’m just trying to protect my son.”
“Nathaniel, you are being quite presumptuous,” Mrs. Perry warned.
“My daughter doesn’t sleep around if that is what you are trying to insinuate.”
“Whoa, Dad tell me you are not sitting here discussing our sex life,” Emmett asked returning from the restroom.
 “Actually, he has quite a bit to say about my daughter.”
“Nathaniel, Emmett’s right. This is hardly an appropriate time to have this conversation,” Ella chimes in.
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“Actually Mommy, while we are on the topic. Bree and I have some news.”
“News? What is it baby?”
“Mommy, Pops, we don’t know how else to tell you this, so I’ll just say it, Bree’s pregnant.”
Ella squealed. “I’m gonna be a Glam-ma?”
“Not so fast, Ella. How can you be sure you are the father, son?”
“Here we go. I am the father. I’m sure of it.”
“Like hell you are. I’d like a DNA test.”
“I thought you might say that.”
“Why? Because Bree here doesn’t know how to keep her knees together?”
Emmett reached into his suit coat producing a copy of the DNA results.
“Are you happy now?”
“No, I’m not happy to watch you throw your life away on a piece of tail.”
“Nathaniel Perry, you are OUT OF LINE! Apologize at once.”
“I will not, the girl is beneath us and so is her father.”
“You don’t mean that. He didn’t mean that!”
“You are entitled to your opinions but keep my daughter out of it.”
“Dad, you will not talk about her like that in my presence. This is not her fault. We both made a mistake. But ultimately, I didn’t protect her. In the heat of the moment, I chose not to wear a condom. Dad if you can’t see this for what it is, then I guess this conversation is over.”
“She is smart Emmett, think! She saw you as a meal ticket, and you fell into her trap.”
“Nathaniel, I can’t believe you. You would speak of the mother of your grandchild this way?”
Bree sat speechless as hot tears ran down her face. 
“Man, my daughter doesn’t need your money. We aren’t rich and we don’t all drive a Benz, but we are comfortable.” 
“Come on B. We should go.”
“Yeah Babygirl, let’s go before I catch a case out here in the sticks. Buying out this restaurant was a power move. But he’s playing checkers and I’m playing chess.”
“I’m coming with you. If I have to spend another moment in his presence I don’t know what I will do.”
Bree nodded as Emmett wrapped his arm around her waist and led her out to his car. 
Once inside, there was more awkward silence, as Emmett rubbed Bree’s knee, she struggled to steady her breathing. Her Daddy furiously texted on his phone, while Mrs. Perry searched for the words to comfort her.
“I know you were probably expecting me to be upset. But the truth is, me being upset wouldn’t help or change anything. You two are consenting adults and I’m gonna be a Glam-ma. This won’t be a walk in the park for you two, but your father and I will help as much as we can. You have to prioritize your education now.”
“Yeah Mommy. We appreciate it, but it didn’t seem like Dad got the memo. I can’t believe the things he said.” 
“He will come around. Also, he may have had a little too much to drink.”
“Yeah well, a drunken man’s words speak a sober man’s thoughts. It will be a minute before I can forgive him. He needs to apologize to Bree and her father. He was way out of line.”
“I do apologize for my husband's behavior, Alvin. I promise I don’t know what has gotten into him.”
 “Don’t worry about it Ella.”
“Babygirl, say something. Are you ok?”
“No, Daddy, I’m so sorry,all of this is my fault.” she sobbed.
“That fuckin’ bastard!”
“Emmett language!”
“I’m sorry Mommy, but I don’t care who he is, he doesn’t get to make Bree cry.”
Just then Ella’s phone rings. 
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[This is Ella.]
[Ella, it’s me Nate. I’m down here at Langston Police Department. I got pulled over after pulling out of the parking lot of the restaurant. I was arrested and charged with a DUI. You have to come post my bail.]
[Ok, dear. I’ll be there when you are ready to apologize to Alvin, Bree and Emmett.]
[You have got to be kidding me, Ella.]
[Oh, what’s that dear? You’re still being unreasonable? What a shame. I guess I have to go now. I’ll check on you in the morning.]
Alvin’s phone chirped with a text message as they ended the call. 
** 1 Unread Message from Sgt. Massey**
 Done. Have a good night Detective. 
Alvin smiled placing his phone back into the inside pocket of his blazer.
“Checkmate motherfucker.”
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solacefruit · 4 years
hello! something i really enjoy about your stories is how naturally you blend worldbuilding and stories within the actual story itself - do you have any advice on how to do that effectively? i always worry i'm going to too far into "just listing off facts about the world" in the middle of a story if i try and include TOO much worldbuilding, but i'm a big lover of worldbuilding and have a hard time not planning out every detail
Hello there! Thank you so much. Stories within stories (fun fact: this technique is called mise en abîme or mise en abyme) is something that I’m really enthralled by and that I’ve worked hard to try to get the hang of in my own work, so it’s wonderful to know it’s something you enjoy about my writing! That feels very good to hear. 
As far as advice goes, I can offer the following thoughts:
Whatever amount of world-building you think is enough, go slightly under it. What I mean by this is that very often less is more when it comes to building a world (see my notes on Pullman’s Northern Lights here). By using a bit of restraint and cutting things down just a touch on your final edit, you can help yourself resist the thrall of the too much gene that many writers experience when talking about their world-building. Ask yourself “does this need to be here, or am I just excited to share it?” 
Unfortunately, if it’s just the latter, it’s probably a good idea to trim it: lean storytelling keeps readers hungry, and hungry readers usually ask for more. Trouble is, as a writer, you’ve got to be the one to remember that it’s always better to leave while a crowd is wanting more than stay until the crowd is begging you to stop. (cough several media series we could mention cough)
An example of this would be in a world where there are ten gods. In your first chapter, you don’t need to list all the gods. You can maybe mention one or two, and perhaps imply there’s more. Immediately, that creates mystery and a sense of a larger world; a reader gets to wonder, who are these other gods...
You mentioned you’re a planner, so I want to reassure you: keeping the story trim doesn’t mean all your planning is wasted! If you, the writer, knows the details of your world, it will come through in everything you write. The fact you know all the answers means you have a lot of control over what you want to reveal, when, where, and how. Which leads me to:
When possible, world-build obliquely. What I mean by this is that a lot of world-building can be done in subtle ways, that leave impressions of the world without having to be told directly by a character. You also can stretch out details, sprinkling them only here and there, meaning that it takes multiple chapters to piece together concepts or institutions or other world-building elements. 
Doing this can help make it never feel like an exposition dump or listing off facts, because you’re putting only tasty little morsels in (sometimes hidden) for readers to find or look back on later. The reason for it is the same as why keepers will scatter-feed animals in enclosures: enrichment. If you dump it all in one place, the animal will eat, get full and/or bored, and won’t feel good. But if you make it into a puzzle to solve, the emotional reward of finding and figuring things out for yourself is so much nicer than whatever you’re finding, usually. (Sorry to keep using animal metaphors for readers, but like... it works).
An example of this would be something like:
Anwar turned the corner onto the opulent mosaic path of the shrine district and continued towards the temple of Kenuf, furthest from the city centre. On either side, acolytes of all kinds were leaving offerings--jars of salt for Meshut, baskets of yellow lilies for Pesht--and the air was thick with the smell of incense, making his eyes water slightly. He walked as quickly as he could past the grinning crocodile faces carved on the outer wall of the second last temple, before greeting the black-robed bell-keeper outside of Kenuf’s shrine.  
I’ve made this up off the cuff so none of it “means” anything, but if we look at what’s here, we learn the following:
there’s at least four gods, possibly more
Pesht’s devotees leave yellow lilies, but we don’t know what Pesht is god of yet
Meshut’s devotees leave jars of salt, but ditto above
Kenuf’s shrine is furthest from the city (does this imply it is least favoured? or maybe least used?)
all gods seem to be named in consonant-e pattern (pe-, me-, ke-), but we don’t know yet if this is meaningful or coincidental (but if you wanted it to be, make all gods and maybe royals have this same pattern and just... leave it. let your reader infer from the text that the pattern signifies divinity)
the unnamed god is represented by crocodile iconography
the bell-keeper of Kenuf wears black robes (is this a uniform, or just a fashion choice?)
Anwar does not feel comfortable with the unnamed god in this passage (scared? disdainful? a mystery...)
A “too much” passage would offer lengthy descriptions of every shrine, listing what the offerings were and what the acolytes and other staff wore and Anwar’s thoughts about how he felt about each of the ten gods. It’s not impossible to write something like that that’s good, I do want to point out! But if you’re looking to slim things down, less is more, space out details over multiple chapters. 
Write for your ideal reader, who is clever and attentive. Some writers fall into the habit of over-explaining their world (resulting in info-dumping) because they don’t trust their readers to get the “right” vision of their world, or because they’re worried readers will overlook all the cool stuff they’ve put in. I can recommend not doing this and part of getting to that point is imagine you’re writing for the perfect reader of your story, who does get it and will look for all the cool clever tricky things you sneakily put in. Will every reader be that person? Definitely not! But if you write for that reader, you will elevate your work, rather than dumb it down and make it heavy with unneeded hand-holding. 
This kind of overlaps with the above in the sense that it boils down to “you’re allowed to leave things out, let readers make the intellectual leaps based on the pieces you give them” but it’s also saying that you’re allowed to let things rest. Put in subtle symbolism and never draw attention to it. 
Additionally, as the creator, you know all the information about the world, which is a huge power and means you can choose the exact right moments to reveal meaningful, revelatory details. For example, somewhere around chapter three or four: 
Anwar closed the door of his room, walked to the wall shrine, and fell to his knees, pulling the curtain aside. 
“Ye’emer, it is done,” he said, looking at the floor. “It is finally done.”
In the distance, the bells of the temple of Kenuf began to ring: a strident sound, sharp and mournful. The dawn acolytes must have found the body already. 
He reached forward, carefully placing the offering on the black silk of the tiny altar. The chips of animal bone looked like stars at night, bright white in the dark. 
“I don’t know why you chose me,” said Anwar, forcing himself to look up. 
The burning eyes of the crocodile statue stared back. 
And now you get to go ohhhh. You know the name of the god now, you know the offering, you know (or at least can speculate better at) why Anwar felt so uncomfortable near the temple. If you time when you reveal world-building details, you can make them do so much work for you in telling your story. 
Make up lies about your world--or at least, untruths. This maybe sounds counter-intuitive, but there is a logic in it. Most of us are not experts on our world, and your characters should be the same. They should be biased in their perspective, or limited by what they know, or perhaps even inclined to embellish details. If two characters talk about the same event, make them have personal feelings about it! Unless your character is a historian, their account of a historical event probably isn’t going to be totally correct or certain about all the details, and that’s not a bad thing. You can use that to weave in ambiguity or intrigue, or leave out important facts that will become relevant later, or contradict it later with a different telling and make the protagonist have to question who to trust or what’s the truth. 
As a species, everything we do is stories. The concept of a nation is a story we tell ourselves about what it is to be “us.” Who we each are is a story we are always telling to ourselves: I am me because I do x, I am me because I don’t do y. Often, these things aren’t The Truth so much as they are A Truth, so when it comes to writing stories into your stories, don’t forget to think about the stories characters are telling themselves about who they are. And remember that all characters are unreliable narrators, because they’re people and they’re filtering the world through their perspective. You can do so much with that. 
Use stories to create meaningful parallels for the larger narrative. If you’re featuring a story (which I’ll call tale from here, to cut down on confusion) within your story, it needs to be doing something more than just telling the reader facts about the world or passing the time. One way to make sure you’re doing that is thinking about parallels, which is to say, think of how the tale can impact the “real world” of your story. This might be the protagonist having a realisation or plot breakthrough, or later deciphering out important information or applying ideas from the story to a problem they encounter. 
You also can (and often should) create tonal and emotional parallels within the tale as well and/or use tales as a form of foreshadowing. For a very basic example, in a story that involves a protagonist who gets trapped in a big horrible maze later in the book might feature a version of Minotaur in the Labyrinth as foreshadowing, and the character might have a fleeting thought about it that later will resurface with new significance. 
I hope some of this is helpful to you! Good luck with you writing, and please write in again if there’s anything I can help with. 
tl;dr: my tips are:
do a little less and space out what you tell your reader
don’t say directly what you can imply or gesture vaguely at
write cleverly and time your moments
make use of ambiguity
make the story impact the real world
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yoitscro · 4 years
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First thought: Homestuck^2 should've just been called Beyond Canon, and more people should call it that. 
The 2 was put on for chuckles; HS trending the day it was announced with it being a sequel spoke enough about how such a thing shant be underestimated, and why Homestuck is ABSOLUTELY more than just our small twitter crowd (and the scrap of us still on tumblr). I say that because remembering the Beyond Canon part slightly reassures me about the fact that this is a fanwork that will do some weird shit, and things I don't agree with, but isn't something that I have to subscribe to enjoying all the way with how I engage with Homestuck.
Homestuck 2 is not the canon continuation. Homestuck 2: Beyond Canon, is an OFFICIAL continuation.
Not having it on such an important stool and as the only content we all are only allowed to digest should come from both people who obsessively dislike it, and people who defensively support it. If a character says they kick babies then I can say, hey that's weird, maybe not great writing, but I can pretend they don't in my content, and i dont have to send threats or call people cishet white men for it! and, it's an absolutely great thing that we were all encouraged to create our own ideas without anyone who's influenced us to do so squinting their eyes when we actually go through with it. Glad I don't have to put this story up to the expectations of being a sequel to a 11 year, worldwide IP that's shooketh the internet landscape since it's merely optional, Death of the Author persists, and ideas aren't just dominated and revolved around the perspective of a 1% in this entire fanbase.
That said.
As an OFFICIAL continuation versus a canon one, HS2 is ok. It certainly has that fanfiction vibe, and a story it wants to tell. I can't really tell what that story is since we have like, 10 sub plots rn though. There's not a real a clear indicator on where the focus of main conflict is that connects all these stories together.
I thought that the prose in replacement of Vriska's battle was jarring, but not teeerribly surprising for the format HS2 is going for. It's more so using drawings to compliment text versus Homestuck's usual of panels being side by side with visual importance, or even itself being the one compliment. It sorta feels weird tho that it brought old fans back in with art just for them to get sneered at when they get a bit upset that there won't be main staples of art known to progress the story forward. 
Also people who mock people for “having to read homestuck” knowing there’s language barriers and struggling focus from those who’ve been use to something that was never so dense, are ridiculous.
Personally this could be solved by knowing how old flashes worked, having way more artists on the team, maybe even an art director if not already, and noting that we're not asking for the next Cascade. Rome wasn't built in a day, but Rose Ride sure was, and Homestuck’s animation is absolutely not the same as a 12-24 framed 12 minute cartoon. That, or just snuff the illustrative art as a whole since it's very clear on where the focus is.
I’m sure you’re not here trying to see my opinions on how the outer workings are though, versus plot.
Uuuuh, let's see. Yiffy's still a name I don't care to use until I eventually get tired of any of my art that do not show up in tags. This is fine and not as offensive as people are saying it is. Minors who want to cosplay this character don't have to call themselves this character. Not wanting to be one letter away from accidentally entering a very NSFW space of twitter is fine. Also the lot of people call Tavros, Tavvy.
I hope Kanaya's anger at being cucked is actually seen versus being implied through fan guesses and another character having to say she was.
Roxy needs to be more of an involved character. Where are they during all this?
Jane should have a mention of her relations to HIC being a main/bad influence on her current parallels to Alternian dictatorship.
The PRE-RETCON GROUP should have a fun one-shot update for fans who like them, since they oughta be around if they fell through the ghost hole. Most of them. The sprites that aren't Jasprosesprite should also show up too, since they're around.
Aaaaaand I think we should be extra careful going into the future when it comes to the alien rebellion. It's weird that a lot of the writers are white and toy around with concepts that can be a not so great parallel to racism. Currently not great timing rn! If the characters are going to remain aracial, but with them still doing not much to reference other non-white earth cultures or getting new hair cuts that have different textures (looking at you, Rose), we shant make the species with actual biological benefits a racism commentary. the xeno joke at least had a play on words. If any writer has happened upon this then a, please don't get mad at me again haha, and b, consider having more black writers or directional assistance on your squad. You know who they are.
In the future. I casually want the ghost from the Dream Bubbles to be shown since it's a big elephant in the room to not have a single one of them in the bg despite a load of them appearing from the ghost whole. Don't gotta give them speaking lines, especially the dancestors. I personally don't know if I want that right now.
I also hope in the future that we don't get HS content that is only going to revolve around HS2, if it's optional enough to engage with without being the only option. That's why PQ could ended a bit better for me, and why I hope it's not the main thing that's keeping Hiveswap on the backburner. I don't think it's farfetched to consider that multiple HS content could come from more than just one team; to relieve work load, but to also strengthen the idea that Homestuck can be a various amount of perspectives when it comes to the ideas fans have. The most dedicated fans leading the direction of the story is not just a handful of them. If anything, at least acknowledge the massive ass fan projects going on once in awhile to showcase the different avenues.
"Hey Cro, you sure have bitched about this alot. Do you have anything good to say? Why don't you stop reading if you hate it so much!"
Not every comment needs to be golden, love. Again, some of these decisions I eck at, but ultimately they're just words on a computer that I'm not holding anyone at gun point to do, and I'm curious to see how the story handles itself going forward, since again, it's just a fanwork. Sometimes I wish to not only see where the plot goes, but to see a writer's craft in action.
Good Things:
The Art. Again, please have more artists. It'd help so much, especially since the main one is also double timing for VE. That said, HS2 sticks out to me because of the way the color composition is used. Aside from hair and other tiny things, I haven't seen black used a lot, which makes colors pop. It's really nice to look at. I hope we get more sharper styles of character in the future, since it builds on nostalgia and makes the trolls feel much less like they're from Repiton, but I can deal with it for the most part. I also like that one panel where the omega kids and vriska are talking in the dark room, and based on where they're standing, the text aligns. Tasty as hell.
Meat and Candy still do hold neat logic in the direction the stories go. Candy, while it could be more tasteless in some areas, is chaotic and too much of a good thing. Meat is having something a little more straightforward, though I'm not sure quite yet where it's going. I always found Candy to be the part of the epilogue that actually entertained me the most, from how much of a surreal Robot Chicken skit at 3am it felt. Sometimes the jokes slapped real nice and made me wonder, going in, how is this monkeys paw gonna play out and, hopefully, make people laugh or smirk like they got a good roast at themself?
The slightly episodic feel of each update is what I wanted from the Epilogues, so it's interesting to see that play out when it comes to switching different perspectives.
The bonus updates get points for featuring characters that a lot of us have been wanting to see for ages.
Hopefully this isn't unpopular, but I think the tension of Yiffy's introduction was nicely composed and written (ignoring some of the things I wish for Jane). It leaves you with enough want to see what'll happen next time. You could also say that despite her growling and making a lot of noise, it's not actually bad writing: I see it as the audience being forced to see her in the same perspective that Jane see's her; a dog. Upon no context we're seeing the same thing while knowing things are obviously off, and once we see this character in a new environment where their personality shines, it'll have a bigger impact her own character being humanized. So I like that.
Okay, I think that's all I got. I improv wrote most of this; hopefully I won't be taken out of context since I don’t think that HS2′s writing should ultimately be a judgement of the writers as people, nor treated as if they should hold the same unhealthy work environment that Andrew forced himself to do when writing the og comic. And I'm still like, donating to the patreon and everything, lol.
[runs away]
edit: i was going to put the cw as another positive thing for the comic...but...yeaaaah.
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »16
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 5.3k ▎ ch.warnings: cursing, angst, fingering (Jisoo & JK, sorry not sorry.)
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​ ♡♡♡
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Jungkook was heating up his dinner for the night; microwaveable noodles, when he heard the phone chime in his back pocket, lazily fishing it out only for his breath to be caught in his throat at the name displayed on the screen. He wasn't sure what he expected, but as soon as he opened the text conversation his heart sank.
'I think we should break up.'
Jungkook felt like his entire world shattered right then and there, the loud beeping of the microwave completely dulled out by the thrumming of his heartbeat in his ears.
Taehyung wanted to break up? For real?
Jungkook didn’t even notice the tears streaming down his cheeks until the screen was drenched by the droplets, hands shaking as he kept reading the message over and over-- as if hoping he read it wrong.
But it was real.
Sure, they've had their fair share of obstacles-- but was it really this easy to just end things? Through a text. A fucking text!
"You fuck… motherfucker!" Jungkook growled through his tears, hurling his cellphone towards the wall with a loud crack before burying his face in his hands, allowing ugly sobs to echo in the room.
For some reason, all kook could think of was the sweet words Taehyung had said to him just a few nights prior, the constant 'I love you's'-- did it mean nothing?
Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, his thoughts and emotions too overwhelming to deal with alone; so he did the one thing he could think of. He needed somebody.
Leaving his phone on the floor, he slowly made his way over to Jisoos front door, carefully knocking as he continuously wiped his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.
Taehyung’s vision blurred with warm tears, feeling accountable for breaking the younger’s heart.
He saw that Jungkook had read his text, so there was no use in continuing to stare at the screen...Yet, he wished for something. Kook barely answered him on any other occasion, it was idiotic to think he’d have anything to say back to this.
“Fuck..” Tae spat under his breath, turning off his phone and carelessly dismissing it to the side.
A small part of him wondered if he’d thought it through long enough.. it was a spur of the moment decision, but better it be sooner than later (before he tallies of his ‘fuck ups’ build on).
He knew time would heal, it had to.
At the soft knocks on her door, Jisoo stood up from her place on the ground, wiping off the corners of Yuna’s messy mouth before going over to see whom it may be.
“Kook?” She was surprised to see the younger; he never came back the other night. Jisoo supposed she said something she shouldn’t have..
Seeing the younger in the state that he was in, she didn’t hesitate in offering the boy her utmost attention and care.
“Hey.. what’s wrong?” Jisoo gently led him in, heart hurting at the raw sight. The woman did the only thing that came to mind, tiptoeing to engulf Jungkook in her arms.
“It’s okay..”
Jungkook took a shaky breath, nuzzling his nose against Jisoo's shoulder as he instantly wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry-- I.. I didnt know where else to go--" his words were choked by a sob, the embrace crumbling down the remainder of his attempts to stay calm.
"Fuck.." he murmured into the fabrics of her clothes, his hands curling up to hold her shirt. Kook's breathing was speeding up once more, the wound in his broken heart was still so fresh.
"I'm n-not okay, noona.. I'm hurting so bad."
Jisoo’s palm comfortably smoothed over the muscles in Jungkook’s back, resistant to the boy’s river of tears as they stained her shirt. She had no idea what was going on, but she’d do anything to guide Kook out of the deep ditch of sorrow he was stuck in.
“Tell me, Jungkookie.. I’ll listen.”
Subconsciously, her soft lips pressed against his temple, allowing them to linger on the skin until she caught herself.
“Uhm..” Jisoo slowly withdrew from their close embrace, rubbing at her arm in a shy manner.
“Come, sit down.” 
The moment Yuna’s doe eyes caught sight of Jungkook, she extended out her chubby arms, making grabby hands towards the boy. However, when the little one saw his tear-streaked face, a small pout adorned her lips.
“Tell me, what’s going on?”
Jungkook did as told, sitting down and wiping his face for what felt like the hundredth time. He couldn't even spare Yuna a glance before he clasped his hands together in his lap, staring down at his fingers.
''Uh.... Taehyung..'' His name alone tasted weird on his tongue by now, his voice shaking every time he attempted to speak.
''H-he broke up with me...'' Jungkook threw his head back to laugh mockingly at himself, tears trickling down the corners of his eyes. ''Through a fucking text!''
His hands moved up to comb through his hair, leaning back against the couch with a groan, ''Somebody recorded us kissing and he freaked out, or s-something?.. It triggered something, he ignored me for two days, and then just... texted me that he wants to b-break up!''
“Oh, Jungkook..” Jisoo scooted closer to the broken boy. “I’m sorry,” she hoarsely whispered, filling in the void of silence.
“That was pretty shitty of him. You didn’t deserve that..”
Breaking up over text? Sounded like something Taehyung would do..
The woman’s thumbs were drawn to his puffy face, brushing the stray tears away.
“Do you want something to eat..? Just— just tell me what I can do to help you. We’re here for you.”
Yuna incoherently babbled, as if she was agreeing with Jisoo in baby language.
Jungkook momentarily remembered the by now soggy noodles in his microwave, the mention of food making his stomach rumble... He nodded once, sniffling as he closed his eyes to let Jisoo wipe his tears. She was... always nothing but a sweetheart to him. And he'd been the one to always leave her alone whenever Taehyung needed him.
Being here with Jisoo wasn't so bad...
''Y-yeah...I'd like that..'' his eyes fluttered open to look at her, a small smile tugging on his lips as he heard Yuna's little coo, glancing over at the small child, ''Thank you...''
Jisoo secured Kook that there was no need to thank her.
He was a close friend of hers, caring for others was what she did best.
“Thank me by turning that frown upside down!” The woman cheekily smiled as she reached over to ruffle the younger’s hair, urging him to take this time to relax— to slowly alleviate the pain from his heartbreak. She knew it wouldn’t be easy; Jisoo wasn’t blind to the overfilling love those doe eyes held whenever they stared at Taehyung.
Of course, a verbal clarification ensured Jisoo that her mind wasn’t playing some sick trick on her.. The night Jungkook told her he’d be back— only to never return— was the night the woman heard a series of lustful moans echoing from the boy’s apartment.
More specifically, Jungkook’s raspy grunts..
Jisoo would be lying by saying she wasn’t aroused.
She naughtily touched herself to the vivid image of him naked, pleasing her instead of him.
By then, she was purple with envy.
“Okayy!” She cheerily chimed, setting a hot bowl of homemade soup in front of Jungkook, hoping the nicely seasoned aroma would help take his mind off of things.
“Say ahhh~” With an infectious giggle, Jisoo airplaned a spoonful into the younger’s mouth after blowing on it, teasing him.
A genuine, wide smile tugged at Jungkook's lips, his eyes squinting as he giggled at Jisoos shenanigans. Being babied like this was nice; he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it. Especially how, it did help to occupy his mind from the pain, even if it lingered in his chest.
Willingly, he opened his mouth and leaned in to take the spoonful of soup, humming happily at the taste.
"It's really delicious, noona~" he gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, playing along as he pointed at his lips, "More!"
So that she did, she kept feeding him one spoon after the other until the bowl was empty-- it was innocent, yet not... It was a sweet moment, and Jungkook couldn't help but indulge in the way he enjoyed this. He felt cared for, and that was exactly what he needed right now...
"Ahh, noona..." Kook leaned back into the couch once more, patting his stomach.
"your food is always tasty.." he looked over at her with a grin, "Thank you."
Jisoo skipped over to her mess of a kitchen, setting the empty bowl in the sink.
What the hell, she’ll take care of it later.. or tomorrow. Right now, the woman’s focus was on her unexpected visitor, Jungkook.
“Thank you, thank you~” She playfully bowed to further express her gratitude, cockily flipping her shoulder-length hair to the side. Too embarrassed to continue, Jisoo broke character with a snort, plopping down next to Kook on the recently installed couch. It was definitely a life-changing improvement, her ass thanked her for it.
“I’m glad you like my cooking,” she faced him, his toothy grin was enough to force one out of her own, brown eyes crinkling at the outer corners.
They slowly smoothed over Jungkook’s face, taking a mental picture of every small detail. His face was still puffy from the crying, but he’d yet to look far from handsome..
“Oh— uhm, you have a little something here.”
Her pinky finger hesitantly aimed at his lips, gently swiping at the spot of soup.
“Maybe you really are a baby, hm? Can’t even eat without making a mess..”
Jisoo’s giggle rang once more, mindlessly wiping her finger on her oversized shirt.
As if everything slowed down just a bit, Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut as he felt her finger drag along his lower lip. He couldn't help the quiet sigh that pushed through his parted lips at the innocent sensation-- not realizing his own reaction. He opened his eyes, tilting his head to the side with a grin, "I guess so..." kooks gaze landed on her face as well. Never had he truly taken in her features. Even with the slight bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep-- she was a pretty girl..
And sweet too...
"Luckily I've got you to make sure," he licked his lips one time for good measure, making sure they're truly clean from the soup, "that I don't have anything on my face."
The younger's gaze couldn't help but travel down to Jisoo's lips as well. They were smaller than Tae's... but they looked soft. He'd lie if he said he wasn't just a very small, tad bit, curious.
Jisoo’s drumming heart rate swerved off beat in response to Jungkook’s tongue poking out of his naturally tinted lips, wetting them as if they weren’t already appealing enough.
To the woman, it looked as if he was purposely dangling a carrot in front of her face, challenging her to take action..
Intrigued was an understatement.
Scooting closer to him until their sides touched, she cupped one half of his face.
The pad of her thumb caressed over the scar on his upper cheek, feeling the barely noticeable dent under her feathery touch.
“I’ll always make sure you don’t have anything on your face..”
Jisoo softly chuckled, eyes sparkling with stars, highlighting her obvious interest for the younger man.
Jungkook was.. Jungkook. In other words, the sweetest guy the single mother’s ever come across.
Offering to help her with Yuna? Jisoo’s breath hitched at the memory.
After a second of doubt, the woman slowly leaned in, pecking Kook’s wet lips.
She liked it..
Jisoo momentarily gazed into his doe eyes, a hint of a smile creeping on her lips before she stifled it with a proper kiss.
It was gentle, not rushed. Soft, yet needy. Sweet.. not sour— not at all.
The woman was never a big fan of sweets, but she could definitely get used to this..
Jungkook wasn't sure what he expected; he didn't really think it through when he taunted with his own lips. But he did, and it surprised even himself. Jisoo is a girl. Jungkook is gay. He’s never been intrigued by a woman before.
Jungkook moved his lips against hers, exploring the new sensation of this smaller, foreign territory. It was soft… His hand snaked around her head, gently letting his palm rest against the back of it as he deepened the kiss, allowing himself to taste her further.
A piece of him felt like... this wasn't fair to Taehyung-- like he was cheating. But kook knew better; he wasn't. They were broken up, and Tae wanted nothing to do with him. He desperately stomped his thoughts down, going his utmost to tunnel vision his focus on Jisoo-- to focus on anything that wasn’t Taehyung..
Jungkook was curious... so, he let both of his hands slowly smooth down to brush over her collarbones, down to her shoulders; all while never wavering from their continuous kisses. She was so small compared to him, it was cute.
The oversized shirt that baggily streamed down Jisoo’s petite body melted off her relaxed shoulders, accentuating the prominent collarbones that she felt shift underneath Jungkook’s wandering touch. A soft hum vibrated against the younger’s addictive lips, leaning in closer to deepen the kiss on her end. The smaller hand that was once balled up on her lap unclenched to perch on Jungkook’s shoulder, merely resting it there for a second.
She slowly dragged it down his broad chest, quenching her thirst for his toned muscles.
He felt exactly how she imagined, strong..
Jisoo’s hand halted at his lower abdomen, able to make out the shape of his hard earned abs.
Fuck. It was during a moment like this where she cursed herself out for not wearing a bra around the apartment. Her awoken nipples showed through her shirt, brushing against the fabric.
A low groan vibrated in Jungkook's chest, the new set of hands touching him was exciting-- knowing his body was affecting her by the way hers was almost quivering when his hands dared to move down to the hem of her shirt.
He momentarily broke the hot kiss to whisper; "Can I..?"
Kook was curious after all, he's never really... touched a woman's breasts before, and the mere thought was both thrilling.. and a little scary? It was so new.
His long fingers sneaked underneath the fabrics, softly caressing her stomach as he waited for her to give him the green light, "it's okay if it's too much.."
A faint moan practically rumbled from the back of Jisoo’s throat.
Her body worshipped any kind of attention, no matter how big or small. Before Namjoon, she hadn’t gotten laid in months— hadn’t fulfilled her ingrown lust for the performance of a man’s stronger hands. Joon was.. satisfactory, but after his inconsiderate side comment, everything from then on lost its magic.
Jungkook on the other hand..
He’d done so little yet Jisoo loved it. The younger man was careful, always listening to her— waiting for her to tell him when it was okay to go on..
Decent respect? She was wet. Literally.
“Yeah, it’s fine..!” She granted permission a little too excitedly, bottom lip tightly clasped between her teeth in anticipation. Her cautious glaze flickered over to Yuna’s nursery once in a while, paranoid that she’d just.. walk in on them. The little one couldn’t even crawl yet, it was useless to worry. God, everything was so brand new yet oddly familiar.
Jungkook nodded once, withdrawing a bit to be able to see his hands work upwards until they found her breasts, letting his thumbs gently brush her nipples. It even made him gasp quietly, they were already hard..
''So soft...'' He breathed out, feeling a little braver as the reactions he's gotten were nothing but positive-- letting his strong hands give her chest a tentative squeeze, the soft flesh felt so nice between his fingers.
Partially, this almost seemed funny--a boy touching a pair of tits for the first time? It was experimental, but he was grateful, because he didn't feel awkward. Jisoo made him comfortable.
Jungkook's need grew, but he didn't want to be too.. much, but he wanted to feel her small frame on him. He leaned back on the couch, momentarily letting his strong arms lift her to place her straddled over his lap, the obvious strain in his pants pressing against her ass. Kook's doe eyes stared up at her.
''Noona... You're really pretty.''
Jisoo audibly gasped along with him, eyes securely clenched shut as she relished in the feel of his hands fondling her breasts, grasping onto the warm skin.
“Just like that..”
Her own hands traveled upwards from their spot on his thigh, cupping Jungkook’s bigger ones through her shirt, prompting him to squeeze harder. The woman’s sore nipples perked up even more. Jisoo was almost disappointed when he withdrew his touch from her bare skin, she desperately whined for their return.
With yet another gasp, her smaller body quickly got accustomed to their change in position, breathing picking up in response to Jungkook poking against her. Her cunt was drenched, the uncomfortable stickiness pooling in her panties.
She was extremely sensitive, and the way the younger male wittily referred to her as ‘noona’ this time around drew out a soft moan from her lips.
Jisoo blushed as she stared down at him, noticeable nails gripping onto his shoulders.
“T-thank you, Jungkookie..”
The woman pressed down on his erection a little harder, waiting for his next move.
Jungkook smiled innocently, but it quickly morphed into his lips parting in a quiet moan when she provided pressure against his hardening length. Fuck... he grew needier by the second, his hands snaking around her lower back to press her body down, forcing her to learn forward on top of him in another feverish kiss, his hips rotting and grinding upwards to relieve the aching for friction-- but only making the urge for more grow.
Jisoo kissed him back without any trouble, poising herself with each hand on his strong pecs. The woman whimpered into the kiss, the dampness in between her legs was getting hard to overlook. She pulled away from the heated make out session before swiftly dropping her forehead against Jungkook’s.
“Ow, sorry..” Jisoo laughed, rubbing at the spot on the younger’s head, dismissing her own pinch of pain. Maybe she got too excited. There was no other explanation for why they bumped heads. Learning from her silly mistake, she gently closed the gap between them. Her softened eyes studied his, chest rising up and down.
“O-oh..” Jisoo’s body stiffened, arching her back from Jungkook’s bulge continuing to prod at the sensitive spots.
“You’re doing so good, Jungkookie..”
Still maintaining a consenting gaze, the older woman searched for his hand, unable to fully wrap her smaller fingers around his wrist. She pulled at the band of her shorts and soaked panties, making room for the male in the warm, dripping chamber.
“A-ah!” Jisoo led his curious hand to her cunt, Jungkook’s /touch/ simply being enough to make her quiver in her spot.
She rubbed up against his rough hand, the slickness from her folds making it easier.
Jungkook exhaled a shaky breath at the praise, a small groan following at how wet Jisoo's cunt was, feeling the slick juices coating his fingers.
''Shit.. that's hot, noona...'' He grows bolder, keeping one hand tightly gripping her waist as the other continues to slip between her folds, gathering the wetness on his fingers to her clit. He might be inexperienced with women, but he wasn't clueless. He found the swollen nub, rubbing the pads of his fingers against it as his gaze is fixed on her expressions. She was so responsive to his touch, it was mesmerizing.
''Does it feel good... Jisoo?'' He called her by her name this time, basically thrusting his clothed cock upwards to give himself the needed friction it was aching for.
Jisoo didn’t know how infatuating the ring of her name was until it spilled from Jungkook’s lips.
Suddenly, she wished he’d refer to her by a first name basis more often..
They were close enough, weren’t they? Especially now, as the boy’s fingers intimately toyed with her rosy clit. Her hips twitched at the forgotten sensation, moaning her little heart out into the clammy palm of her hand, muffling the lewd sounds.
“Y-yes..” She pathetically squeaked out, “So good, Jungkook..”
The woman wanted a finger— something inside of her before she’d combust.
“Finger me.. can you do that?”
He closed his eyes with a nod, throwing his head back to focus on the noises she'd make-- how her heat practically sucked him in as he allowed one finger to sink into her, causing her body to jolt. He held her in place with his other hand on her hip, as if to keep her grounded through this.
''Keep talking to me, tell me if I'm doing good..'' Or bad-- Kook didn't want her to hurt.
Not to think that way, but Namjoon was right; Jisoo was a lot tighter than he'd expected, but not because of childbirth. Just.. He just didn't know the feeling of a woman's insides until now. He honestly wasn’t sure what to expect, it was just-- much softer, and wetter. He really wondered what it would feel like to fuck her... Just the thought made his lower abdomen stir.
''So soft..'' he praised, daring to sink a second finger in, this time starting to really feel her insides with the pads of his rough fingers, finding a certain spot in the fleshy walls that seemed to draw more reactions out of her. He kept teasing that part over and over, his fingers now slowly pumping lewdly in and out of her to continuously stroke it, the wet sounds striking his ears as one of the hottest sounds he's ever heard.
“O-oh fuck...” Jisoo’s walls securely closed in on his filling digits, adding a little hop to her rocking hips. “Jungkookie, you’re going to drive me insane..”
The sex-driven woman harshly fucked herself on his squirming fingers, imagining it were Jungkook’s pulsating cock drilling into her cervix, making her breathless.
With her hands grasping onto his shoulders, Jisoo budged in her spot only to bounce down on the younger man’s double digits.
Her lower body raised on its own, proceeding to repeat the action until she lost count, allowing a faint splatter sound to emit every time she leveled down to Jungkook’s hand.
The girl’s perky breasts bobbed along with every steady, patient bounce, her clit grazing against the younger’s skin.
A strand of Jisoo’s raven hair came undone from behind her ear, shielding the way the muscles in the woman’s flushed face twitched in exposure to their bodies’ commotion.
“You’re doing so good, Jungkook. S-so good..”
She was so close..
“Right there..!”
All of the sudden, loud, piercing cries rang from Yuna’s nursery, disrupting the pair’s alone time. In sync, Jisoo’s head fell forward on the younger man’s shoulder, crying out loud for different reasons.
She broke loose all over him, squirting a puddle of her sweet juices onto his hand.
Fuck.. it felt good to cum..
“A-ah.. hm..”
Jisoo was spent, hair sticking to her clammy skin as she slowly pulled Jungkook’s fingers out of her, attempting to stand up on her own but her shaky legs wouldn’t let her.
“Yuna..” She exhaustedly breathed out, eyes fluttered shut as she limply laid down next to Kook, panting as her chest heaved.
Jungkook was completely in awe, eyes blown wide in surprise at the sudden gush that had coated his hand in Jisoo's juices. Watching her cum was... amazing, for a lack of a better description.
His attention quickly shifted towards the little child crying, but first he leaned over to Jisoo, reaching out to caress her cheek with his clean hand, ''Don't worry... Rest. I got it.'' He headed towards the bathroom first to wash his hands, but not before giving his fingers a curious lick. Shit, it was... sweet? The thought of eating her out seemed much more appealing after this.
He finished washing his hands, his strained erection slowly going down on it's own as he headed towards the nursery, giving Jisoo a quick glance over his shoulder. She was spent. A sense of pride filled the younger man-- a smile tugging on his lips when he lifts up the small child on his arms only to be greeted with cooes instead of cries.
''Hey, little one. Your mommy is a little sleepy..'' he murmured, bringing the child with him to go check on her. ''Noona, you okay?''
Jisoo’s eyes fully fluttered open after several slow paced blinks, the room’s dimmed lights shining down on the thin layer of sweat glistening on her flushed cheeks.
At the hazy sight in front of her, she smiled. It was a worn out grin, the corners of her lips growing tired after a few seconds.
“I’m okay..”
The woman ran her fingers through her hair, focusing on the way Jungkook was holding her baby.
Yuna liked him, there was no doubt about it. Perhaps her mother shared that same fondness..
Jisoo felt comfortable with her child in his strong arms.
It was a sickeningly cute image that she’d later on think about until her brain turns numb.
“Watch out, she’s obsessed with your hair.”
Jisoo tiredly giggled, ignoring the sticky discharge in between her legs. Her eyes traveled upwards to linger on Jungkook’s face, able to make out the beads of sweat under the light.
It was too late, little Yuna already caught a hold of his already messy locks to play with. But she cooed happily, so Jungkook shrugged,
''I don't mind.''
He smiled, taking a deep breath to completely come down from the previous events--- he'd gotten so worked up that his lower abdomen almost hurt.
While having his hair twirled and pulled by the little child, Kook seemed unfazed as he focused on Jisoo, ''I can be with her, you should wash up...'' Scrunching his nose at the especially hard tug from Yuna, he hissed with a small chuckle, trying to pry the small little fingers off his curls, ''You should get some sleep, noona''
With legs as jiggly as jello, Jisoo stood up from the couch with a small groan. Exhaustion sunk deeper into her body, and Kook’s idea to get some sleep didn’t sound half bad.
She wobbled over to where he was standing, reaching on her tippy toes to stamp a kiss onto Yuna’s chubby cheek, momentarily distracting the little one from pulling on the younger’s hair.
The woman knew she should’ve had better control, but her gaze remained on Jungkook.
Whatever happened between the two of them, Jisoo would gladly partake in it again. In a heartbeat.
That was the peak of her otherwise nonexistent sex life! She’s definitely hit her prime with Jungkook..
Jisoo stepped out of the freshly steamed bathroom with a new pair of comfortable clothes, toweled hair wrapped up in the shape of a beehive, skin rosy in the areas she over scrubbed.
The woman looked like an absolute mess, but she’d figured Kook already saw her at her worst.
God— she made weird facial expressions when he was fingering her, didn’t she? Jisoo felt like she did..
“Thank you for watching her.” Yuna was dozing off next to Jungkook, unbothered by the small dip on the cushions.
She happily reached for her baby, setting the little girl on her lap.
“Jungkookie..” she began, feeling shyer than usual around him.
“About making a move on you— I-I know you’re going through a rough patch right now and I just.. I don’t want to make it seem like I’m taking advantage of your emotions, in any way. I mean— it was nice! Don’t get me wrong. I give you ten out of ten stars for the boob fondling and fingeri— you know what I mean. Excuse my rambling but, I guess what I want to say is.. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way.. that wasn’t my intention.”
Jisoo’s neck flushed with color, sidetracking herself by smoothing her fingers over Yuna’s hair, anything to not look into Jungkook’s eyes.
Kook took a short moment to process her words, thinking them over carefully.
No, even though everything was so fresh still, never once did he think that Jisoo would take advantage of him. He knew what he did-- and he enjoyed it. Hell, he'd even do it again!
"Don't worry, I wanted to.. I mean, it was a little nerve wrecking," he shrugged with a wide grin, "it was my first time... with a woman, I mean!"
Now he was the one rambling, his cheeks reddening.
"Aaanyway...." he pressed his lips together, "Want me to keep an eye on her while you sleep? Or..."
The mother shook her head, “It’s okay, get some rest of your own. Yuna’s about to fall asleep at any second, so..”
The woman awkwardly fidgeted around in her spot, her mind urging Jisoo to ask Jungkook how it felt— with a girl, with her. How should she tackle the embarrassing situation? Maybe it’s best if she just goes out with it..
“Hey, Jungkook?” She cleared her throat, turning her body towards him.
“How.. this is embarrassing to ask, but— how did you like it? Was it..” Jisoo looked for the right words, “was it what you thought it would be? No weird reason, I’m just wondering.”
She explained herself before the younger man gave her a motive to, patiently waiting for his highly anticipated answer.
Jungkook rubbed his neck as his eyes wandered from the little child to Jisoo, suddenly the memories replayed a bit clearer in his mind as he was remembering everything. Her noises, the feel of her lips, the way her cunt squeezed and gushed on him. Even the taste...
"I really liked it.." his grin morphed into a coy smile, "yeah, hm..." he nods, now feeling a little embarrassed as he stood up, "Noona, I enjoyed it a lot, if it wasn't for little Yuna.." He tilted his head to the side with a small nose scrunch on his face, "I would want more.."
He reached out to place her loose strand of her back behind her ear.
"I'm uh-- going then. Goodnight noona."
Without thinking, he leans in to press a soft kiss on her forehead before heading towards the door, glancing over his shoulder before leaving,
"Thank you for being there, Jisoo."
And with that, he shut the door as he left to take the short few steps to his own apartment.
The very moment he stepped inside it felt like his surroundings went from warm and embracing; to empty and cold.
He went to the kitchen to throw away the now inedible soggy noodles from the microwave, grimacing at the consistency.
Another moment later he found his phone on the floor, a crack adorning the screen as he picked it up.
Sigh, why'd he have to throw things-- now he's part of the ''cracked phone screen" youth.
Jisoo was internally squealing in excitement, the warmth of Jungkook’s kiss had yet to leave her forehead.
He wanted more..?
The woman tauntingly crossed her slender legs, bottom lip held captive in between her teeth.
She was twenty-two— soon to be twenty-three! Jisoo shouldn’t be erotically fantasizing over a younger man..
But then again, Kook’s soul was in the right place. He was a hard worker, smart, compassionate...
The buff male was every woman’s wet dream come to life, and naturally some men’s as well..
Jisoo’s heart skipped a beat at the way her name rolled off his familiar tongue, sensing a shiver run up her spine.. and her pus— “No problem, Jungkookie.”
She’ll always be there for him. With open arms, and open legs.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not edit, repost or translate.
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mellicose · 4 years
Doctor ... WTF?
An impassioned rant about the steady decline of Doctor Who, the trajectory of the Thirteenth Doctor, and the righteous indignation after The Timeless Children, not only as a Whovian, but as a woman-
I love how certain people are spinning The Timeless Children as being good, yet the BBC has released (2)TWO statements basically telling fans the following:
“Doctor Who is a beloved long-running series and we understand that some people will feel attached to a particular idea they have of the Doctor, or that they enjoy certain aspects of the programme more than others. Opinions are strong and this is indicative of the imaginative hold that Doctor Who has – that so many people engage with it on so many different levels.
We wholeheartedly support the creative freedom of the writers and we feel that creating an origin story is a staple of science fiction writing. What was written does not alter the flow of stories from William Hartnell’s brilliant Doctor onwards – it just adds new layers and possibilities to this ongoing saga.”
Creative freedom, huh? Ask Joe Hill about it. Or Gaiman. The writers, including Chibnall, are only free to do what the Beeb and the other show investors tell them. 
They go on:
“We have also received many positive reactions to the episode’s cliff-hanger. There are still a lot of questions to be answered, and we hope that you will come back to join us and see what happens, but we appreciate that it’s impossible to please all of our viewers all of the time and your feedback has been raised with the programme’s Executive Producer." 
There is a huge, monumental difference between 'not being able to please everyone all at the same time' and basically making a whole fandom, New and Classic, young and old, come together with the same level of disgust and disappointment.
I also find the people arguing "Canon? What canon?" about the Doctor now being the Lord and Savior of the Shining World of the Seven Systems to be foolish at best, and disingenuous at worst.
No canon?? So what have I been steeping myself in for years  - a vague approximation of a tale? Please. Of course, writers have embellished and alluded, but tampering with the unspoken but well-known 'no touch' rule about the Doctor's origin is ... well, it's canon, in and of itself...
...which Chibnall completely wrecked, and I can't imagine why. Hubris? By all accounts, he was a fan. I thought Moffat was a dick for bringing back Gallifrey, but now, to me, my disappointment then vs now is like comparing a fart to a shitstorm.
Please excuse the scatological references, but I'm using it deliberately. It is a swirling turd, which I and many others wish we could flush down and forget forever.
In another RadioTimes article - which basically is the BBC - amongst the usual apologetics, Huw Fullerton drops this little gem:
“The glory days of David Tennant et al were in a different TV landscape, and if the Tenth Doctor touched down now it seems unlikely he’d command anything close to the ratings he did over a decade ago.”
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Yeah, you can all take a break to have a hearty laugh. Or throw up. Whichever. Did they just hint that, basically, the incarnation of the Doctor who continues to get as much love (if not more) than Four, who still consistently gets thousands of butts in seats in conventions worldwide, and has made the BBC hundreds of thousands of pounds sterling in merchandising “wouldn’t command the ratings he did in 2008?”
As Gary Buechler of Nerdrotic said in his response to this article: “Actually, if David Tennant had been given as many chances as Jodie Whittaker, it would’ve had Game of Thrones-level ratings.”
And I agree. Not because I’m a Tenth Doctor stan, but because it’s just ... categorically true. His seasons consistently got average rating of 7.5 to 8 million viewers - and this in a time before BBCiPlayer, so 7-day catch up ratings meant nothing. It was butts on sofas then, which, to me, speaks of a massive, sustained interest.
But Huw goes on to say that such things mean nothing. And that the huge, telling sink in both overnight and 7-day ratings between the 11th and 12th seasons, and the dismal 4.69m 7 day ratings for The Timeless Children - the lowest for a NewWho finale since its reboot - shouldn’t be taken as a loss of interest from the fandom.
Then, pray tell goodman, what does it mean? Does it mean that fans are following the Thirteenth Doctor’s adventures in spirit? Ratings are tanking. Outside of the precious few who blindly tweet and write articles about the show solely based on its now female protagonist, people are notoriously furious, especially after the execrable season finale.
Yet BBC’s Piers Wenger, who once produced the show, says “I don’t think it’s been in better health, editorially. I think it’s fantastic and I think that, the production values obviously have never been better.”
Right. Okay. So, putting Tom Ford makeup on a pig makes it haute couture, huh? The writing is appalling, and after two excruciatingly painful to watch seasons, the Doctor has failed to appear - all I’ve seen is borderline sociopathic navel gazing from an ‘alien’ wearing a pastel duster.
How dare you besmirch the unfailingly cool reputation of the long coat, Chibnall? Jodie? How?? 
I will not let someone piss on my head and call it rain ... ‘because it’s a woman.’ Assuming I’ll accept it just adds insult to injury. Who do they think we are, as female fans? I will not cosign garbage to further an agenda that is ultimately damaging one of my favorite things ever, Doctor Who. I agree that politics, and a positive moral, have always been a part of DW, but at it’s best the writing was so good that it only added to the entertainment. Now, the BBC is feeding us all the bitter pill, without the kindness to hide it in a piece of tasty cheese. It gives the impression that they believe we are already so indoctrinated that we no longer need artifice!
Well, not only am I not indoctrinated, but I refuse to ingest.
I refuse to allow people to silence me because the Doctor is now a woman, and so am I. That, I shouldn’t say anything, or complain, because it’s an act of rebellion on womankind, not only in entertainment, but in general. Well, to that I say ... er ... I disavow.
Disavow. Disavow.
And this from a woman who once criticized Peter Davison for saying that casting a woman was “a vital loss of a role model for boys,” taking it as a sexist comment when in truth, it was just a relevant narrative concern about gender-swapping the traditionally male-presenting Time Lord. Just changing a character from male to female doesn’t do anything but demonstrate a tone-deafness about the emotional and physical differences between men and women, which exist whether we want to address them or not. This is why genderswap reboots are terrible. They are trying to further the feminist agenda, while surreptitiously painting traditional, every day femininity as weakness, and something to be avoided at all costs. I reject the modern Hollywood representation of what a ‘strong woman’ is meant to be. I can be clever, yet sensitive enough to comfort a friend when they confide their fears about a cancer relapse. I can be funny, and not at the expense of the man in the room. I can be brave, but not at the expense of my friends. The mind boggles as to why they thought their current tack with the Doctor was going to be any good. The Doctor is a woman, but more importantly, she’s a Timelord. Where are they? Is the alien that we’ve known and loved for the last 60 years truly gone away, and Thirteen is from a whole different timeline? If so, I don’t want to know her. 
And it breaks my heart.
Why continue to support a corporation who thinks of me, the fan, as no more than a heartless, thoughtless consumer? A drone? A sheep who has no conscious idea of what I like or need?
I’m done. It’s been two seasons of absolute dreck, with absolutely no sign of a course-correction due to the overwhelmingly negative response. I may be many things, but I’m no masochist - even in the name of love. And Chibnall, knowing that many fans would go back to the classic stories to cleanse ourselves, went back to the beginning and took a giant shit there too. 
Oh, the cleverness! the absolute schadenfreude of not only tampering, but rewriting the Doctor’s origins! I suppose that tells me he truly was once a fan. But no longer. Even if it turns out that the Master is as full of crap as Chibnall and it’s all an orchestrated lie, I don’t care anymore. Every inexplicable, terrible thing that happened before has already exhausted my patience with the narrative.
As veteral DW writer and script editor Terrance Dicks said:
If you’re concentrating on putting forth a political message, rather than on doing a really good show, I think there is a danger, maybe, you can do both but it would be hellish difficult, and I think that there’s maybe a danger that the show wouldn’t as be as good as it could or should be, because you’re not looking at the right aims.”
It seems like all that has been lost in time. Big corporations are buying up beloved science fiction properties, and systematically destroying them by trying to mix their politics into the mythos. [see ‘the fandom menace’]
I say, don’t support things that make you unhappy, in the name of nostalgia. That’s how they continue to upset us, while lining their pockets with our hard earned money. Complaining amongst ourselves, writing emails, or making angry Youtube videos no longer works anyway. Now is the time to just ... let it go. No more special edition DVDs, novelizations, or pretty action figures. Hit them in the pocketbook. We will still have fond memories of better times. I will not let them hijack, retcon, and retool them too.
There is a telling paragraph hidden in the depths of the article, which makes my DW fangirl sink:
It’s not as simple as “the ratings are down so Doctor Who will be cancelled,” as for the publicly-funded BBC there’s an interesting question about exactly what ratings are for beyond bragging rights. Obviously they need to make TV that people want to watch – but which people?
Not us, Huw. That’s who.
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