#they gave me a bathrobe. and slippers. ):
mearchy · 2 months
Maximus is so fun as a character to me for two reasons:
He's a slave to his most selfish desires at his core, and that selfishness allows him to do cold, evil, ruthless things over and over again. And that's not something that he becomes and it's not some crazy plot twist that gets revealed to us, as though his normal personality is a veil. His personality is genuine, it's just driven by the deeper motives that get more revealed throughout the show. And then you start to reinterpret all of his other actions in a different light and go oh.
This set of character traits gives him the funniest ability to repeatedly be like "I will kill people, I will commit violence, because I have strooong values/opinions related to this!" and then somebody gives him some friendly company or, like, a bathrobe. And he's like "ohh :) Nevermind, I would trust you with my life if it meant I could have more of this. Would you like my social security number."
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 13, Uncomfortable - Pt. 5
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Self harm.
Word Count: 2k
Previously On...: I can't even. Betrayal. Just, ultimate betrayal.
A/N: And we are back to our regularly scheduled programming! Nola was great! I had Lavender-Lemon beignets at Ruby Slipper Cafe, and holy shit! They were heaven on earth! 10/10, would eat again!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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“Pocket! Oh my God, Pocket!” A concerned voice broke through your haze. You hadn’t even realized you were curled up into the corner of your shower until Wanda stepped forward, turning off the now ice-cold water and was crouched down before you, wrapping you in an oversized towel sheet. “Honey, what have you done to yourself?”
She gently padded at your skin, the soft white cloth coming away spotted with your blood where it had touched open wounds.
“I’m fine, Wands,” you muttered through chattering teeth, your entire body trembling against the freezing tile. “I’m fine. You don’t need to be here.”
“Like hell you are,” she retorted, her usual calm demeanor shattered at the sight of you. “You’re hurting yourself.” You felt her cool, slim fingertips trace gently over the lines of your harshly scrubbed welts. “Honey, what happened? Why would you do this to yourself?” Her gaze flicked around the bathroom: your discarded robe, the streaks of bloody water slowly circling down the shower drain, your ruined skin under her hand. She gingerly removed her fingers from your arm and you instantly missed their warmth. “What did Barnes do?”
All you could do was shake your head as you shivered.
The look Wanda gave you was brutal in its pity. “Oh, honey,” she whispered, enveloping your body into a fierce hug. At the contact, the last of your defenses broke, and your sobbing began again, a tidal wave of pain rushing through you as you clutched her to you.
When your sobs had subsided, Wanda pulled back from you, putting your face in her hands. “Can you get up, sweetie? We need to get you off this floor or you're going to freeze.”
You nodded, and with her assistance, managed to stand. Once you had yourself steady on your feet, Wanda’s hands began to glow red. “I just need to get you warm, okay?” she asked. When you nodded, she let her magic flow around you, and you felt your skin warm and dry, and your towel turned into a long, plush bathrobe. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” she asked you hopefully as she led you back into the main room and deposited you gently in the corner of your couch. All you could do was feebly nod in return.
“I think we’re going to need some reinforcements,” Wanda said as she pulled out her phone, sending out a quick text. “Now, you just rest here and I’m going to start cleaning up the bathroom, okay?”
Before she could walk away, you reached out and grabbed her arm. “How did you know to come in here, Wands?” you asked. “How’d you know I needed you?”
She cast you a soft smile. “Bucky called me. Told me you’d had a fight, that he’d really fucked up and asked me to check in on you.”
You nodded. At least he was capable of doing something right.
“You wanna talk about it?” she asked gently. You shook your head, but took her hands and put them to the sides of your head, giving her unspoken permission to view the memory directly from your mind.
Wanda looked at you. “Are you sure?” she asked. You nodded, wanting her to understand, but not wanting to have to explain how absolutely betrayed you felt, to relive the pain of it. You felt the familiar warmth enter your temples as Wanda’s fingers began glowing once again. Unlike the last time she had sifted through your memory, this left you feeling hollowed out and empty inside.
“Are you shitting me?” Wanda asked in surprise when she’d finished, her fingers returning to their normal hue. “Is he a fucking moron?!” You couldn’t help but bark out a quick laugh at her response; it was rare for Wanda to ever use profanities, especially in reference to another person, let alone another member of your team, but it was nice to know that you weren’t alone in your assessment of Bucky’s actions.
Before either of you could say anything else, your bedroom door flew open and Natasha came bursting through. “I swear to God, Wanda, this better be a legit emergency, because I was just about to—” She paused at the sight of the two of you sitting facing each other on the couch, expressions forlorn.
“What did I miss?” she asked cautiously.
“Come help me clean the bathroom, Nat, and I’ll explain.” Wanda stood and held out a hand to Natasha. She turned back to look at you. “Rest a little bit. We’ll be right in the other room if you need us,” she said before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Nat cast you a confused look before following Wanda into the en-suite and you sighed heavily. You were exhausted and you couldn’t believe the turn the night had taken. Where were you even going to go from here?
The worst part was, the only person you wanted to talk to was Bucky— not the Bucky who had said those horrible things, who had betrayed you, but the Bucky who had been your best friend, who you had trusted with all the dirty details of your past, who you thought understood you better than anyone else in the world.
Where had he gone, and who was this stranger that had taken his place?
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to keep the tears from falling once again.
“Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?” Nat shouted from the bathroom. In seconds, she was storming back into the bedroom and out the door. “I am going to kill him,” she muttered to you before leaving, and a few seconds later, you could hear her banging on Bucky’s door across the hall.
“Oh dear,” Wanda said, coming out of the bathroom. “I should have anticipated that reaction from her.” She came to sit beside you as you both listened to the muffled shouting as Nat ripped Bucky a new one.
A wicked smile tugged at Wanda's lips, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, I did warn him. Barnes can't say he didn't see this coming."
You managed a weak chuckle and leaned back against the couch, feeling a little more grounded now, surrounded by your friends' protective wrath. It was oddly comforting, even if all you wanted was to be left alone to deal with your own heartbreak.
"He'll survive," Wanda said dismissively, her fingers absently tracing winding paths in the plush fabric of your robe. Her gaze drifted back to you, her expression softening once more. "The more important question is...how are you doing?"
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly, your eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. How were you supposed to answer that? You felt like your heart had been ripped open and then stomped on, then fed back to you.
"Better than Barnes," was all you said, eliciting a choked laugh from Wanda.
"That's not much of an achievement, sweetheart."
"I know," you replied softly, eyes still fixed on the ceiling. "But it's the best I can do right now."
She smoothed your hair. “Would you like me to help you sleep, love?” You nodded, grateful for the assistance she was offering. 
She took a glance at your bed. “Oh,” she said once she saw its stripped state. “Well, that won’t do.” She raised her hands and conjured up a luxurious bed set, with silk scarlet sheets and a downy scarlet duvet. “There,” she said, sounding pleased with herself. “That’s much better.”
You looked at your newly transformed bed in awe. “Is that, like, going to disappear at midnight or something?” you asked, transfixed by what you had just seen happen. 
Wanda laughed softly. “I’m a witch, sweetie, not a fairy godmother. It’s permanent. Dry-clean only, but permanent.”
You exhaled, beyond impressed. “If I were you,” you said, awestruck, “I’d be using my powers for all kinds of evil.”
“I sincerely doubt that,” Wanda said with a smile. She waved her hand and conjured up a satin scarlet sleep set. “Why don’t you go change and I’ll turn down the sheets?”
You nodded, picking up the night clothes she’d created for you and headed to the bathroom to change. When you came out a moment later, you saw Wanda had conjured herself a matching sleep set. “You didn’t think I was going to leave you alone at a time like this, did you?” she asked. “We’ll make it a slumber party, and Nat’ll get a matching set when she comes back.
“Thank you, Wands,” you said, rushing toward her and embracing her. 
“Of course, sweetie,” she said, patting your hair gently. “That’s what friends are for.”
You held each other for a moment, lost in the comfort Wanda provided. You were so grateful to have friends like her and Nat. 
As if you’d conjured her with your thoughts, the door creaked open and Nat slunk through. She made a face at the sight of the two of you in your matching sleep sets and scowled when Wanda raised a glowing hand, transforming her clothing to match.
“We’re having a slumber party, Natasha,” Wanda said, as if that perfectly explained why she’d given Nat magic pajamas. 
Nat’s expression softened. “Of course we are,” she said, coming over to the two of you and wrapping her arms around you both, effectively sandwiching you between her and Wanda.
“I hope you didn’t physically disable Barnes,” Wanda said. “Not that he didn’t deserve it, of course, but we’re already a man down.”
Nat snorted. “No physical violence needed,” she said, pulling back from the hug. “He’s beating himself up enough as it is.” She turned to you. “I don’t like saying this, because you know how much I hate the way he’s been treating you since Carthage showed up, but he knows how badly he fucked up. I’m not saying you should forgive him– you’re the only one who can make that decision, but once you’ve taken some time to process everything, I think you should talk to him.”
You swallowed and nodded. You couldn’t fathom doing it right now, but you knew you’d have to eventually. 
“That’s a lovely painting,” Wanda said, nodding her head toward where Twilight in the Tropics sat on your desk, and you were grateful for her for changing the topic. “Where did it come from?”
“Looks like a Stark Apology to me,” Nat said, then chuckled when you nodded. 
“Let’s get you to bed, Pocket,” Wanda said. “It’s been a long night and you must be exhausted.”
God, but you were. Every fiber of your body ached as you crawled into bed between Wanda and Nat, the new, magic silk sheets feeling delicious against your skin, and the duvet enveloping you like a cloud.
“Now, about that painting,” Wanda said, raising her hands again. “I think you deserve a little show after everything you’ve been through tonight, don’t you?” As her hands glowed, the lights dimmed and the painting lit up and came to life, as though you were looking through an open window onto the living scene as Frederic Church had painted it in 1874. The moonlight rippled on the water, the wind whispered through the palm fronds, and the sounds of a tropical night filled your room. It was breathtaking. 
“Holy shit,” Nat said in a hushed, revenant voice. 
“Thank you, Wands,” you whispered, squeezing her hand on top of the duvet. “This is amazing."
“Let it lull you to sleep, sweetie,” Wanda said, squeezing your hand back. “Goodnight, Pocket. Good night, Natasha.”
“Night, Wands,” you said, feeling a small smile touch your mouth. “Good night, Natty.”
“Night, Wanda,” Nat said, stifling a yawn. “Night, Pocket. Tomorrow will be better. I promise.”
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missvelvetsstuff · 24 days
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
Chapter 7
Warnings: swearing, angst
Sam returned from dropping Cookie at her new home hoping he could get to his room and changed into workout gear without running into anyone. Unfortunately, luck wasn't with him and he heard someone in the kitchen. He decided to speed walk past and hope that whoever it was, was too busy to notice him. That didn't work out either and as he heard Bucky calling his name, Sam cursed softly before stopping.
"Hey Bucky, what's up?"
Bucky looked at him, confused "Why are you coming from the hangar? I didn't hear about any mission."
Sam shook his head "Just a quick errand, not a mission."
Bucky's brow furrowed "On a quinjet? What's the story?"
Sam smirked "Sorry, Terminator. It's classified, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you." He laughed out loud as he walked away.
They met in the gym a short while later and Bucky kept needling Sam to find out what he was up to but Sam held his tongue, even after Bucky gave him a black eye.
In the wee hours of the next morning, Tony Stark was fighting off sleep when he received an email notification *Transfer of Personnel*. Curious, because he hadn't approved any changes, he read through the email growing more and more angry as he realized what it said. He turned up his music and cursed for 5 minutes straight. Once he calmed down, he composed and sent an urgent email.
The Avengers, their ancillary staff and the new head of intel for the compound all received emails accompanied by an alarm, meaning that whatever it was, was urgent, forcing all of them up and out of bed.
Bucky looked at his phone which said 4am, cursing and threw on a shirt and sweats before heading to the conference room. As he grew closer he saw other Avengers and some staff that he knew but others he wasn't familiar with, all trudging the same way he was. He looked at his phone and saw it was 4:15 and swore again. Some poor intern was standing at the conference room door, in her bathrobe and slippers, handing out coffees to anyone who wanted one. Bucky took one and nodded in thanks before sitting at the table by Steve and across from Nat, Sharon and Yelena.
"Why are you here punk? Doesn't being retired mean you don't have to deal with this bullshit?"
Steve shrugged "Ask Tony, we were up late working so I slept in my old room and he included me in his email."
When the room was almost full Tony came in hands shaking, from anger or caffeine was hard to tell but he'd obviously had too much of both. Sam followed behind him.
Tony cleared his throat.
"Alright. Everyone sit down and shut the Hell up."
He paused for a moment to let everyone settle down before he spoke with an edge to his voice
"I want all of you to know how absolutely fucking furious I am right now so you can appreciate how hard I'm working to control myself."
Everyone looked at him with tired eyes before he continued
"First, I want you all to meet our liaison with the intel office here, this is Dylan, supervisor for the Compound intelligence office."
Dylan stood and waved nervously before quickly sitting down.
Steve looked confused "Why won't Cookie be our contact anymore?"
Bucky straightened up and looked at Steve when he heard him mention Cookie. He noticed Sam hadn't said anything and knew he was closest to Cookie lately. Sam looked suspiciously calm, considering what Tony just told them.
Bucky jumped when Tony slapped the table and shouted
"I want to know which one of you assholes made Cookie leave without even saying goodbye? I woke up this morning to an email from Fury letting me know she moved to a different office." Tony paused, panting "I wanna know who is going to make my cookies now? One of you fuckers better step up and find a way to get her to come back or there will be Hell to pay."
Bucky sat back in his chair in shock. He had planned to talk to Cookie soon, he just felt so guilty over hurting her again and again. He knew she deserved better than a broken man like him and when he had finally convinced himself that he deserved to be happy and finally showed her how he felt and spent the night with her, Nat had pulled him into Antonia's web. All he had done since then was hurt her, repeatedly.
Tony hadn't stopped ranting until he looked at Bucky "It was you, Manchurian, wasn't it?" He looked over at Nat, then Sharon and Yelena "and you three. You were all controlled by Antonia, and that's fucked up no question but Cookie got a pretty bad deal in all this too and she considered all of you her friends. So what did you do?"
All four of them looked down at their hands and mumbled incoherently.
Sam cleared his throat
"They didn't do anything, not a god damned thing."
He looked pointedly at each of them "You all acted like acknowledging her would prove that you hurt her and Cookie was so worried that you all seeing her around was making your healing more difficult so she left to make your lives easier while not one of you could be bothered to even try talking to her or spare a thought for her feelings or healing."
Bucky looked at Sam "So where is she?" Something occurred to him "That's your secret mission yesterday, wasn't it? You took her away from me." he accused.
Sam shook his head "No Barnes, you pushed her away. Even after you've been cleared by medical, you didn't even try to talk to her. Just kept skulking around, making her feel guilty."
"But she didn't do anything wrong why would she feel guilty?" Bucky argued
Sam rolled his eyes. "Just take a minute to think about it, you'll get there."
Bucky slowly figured out what Sam was talking about and his head fell. He knew he needed to talk to her, even Dr Raynor who he had been seeing 3 times a week had pushed him to tell her but he hadn't felt ready for Cookie to confirm what he already knew. Even though it wasn't really his fault it was still him and their chances for any kind of relationship were dead.
Bucky felt his eyes fill with tears "It's my fault Cookie is gone but I need to find a way to talk to her and convince her to come home." He looked at Sam "Where is she?"
Sam shook his head "Not a chance. Not until Cookie gives me the ok. Sorry, tin man."
Bucky growled and hit the table, making Tony shout until Bucky glared at him before stalking out of the room.
When Tony was done ranting, Steve left to find Bucky. He went to Bucky's room but he wasn't there. Or in the kitchen or common room. Steve was ready to give up when Friday's alarm blared and announced that the sprinklers had come on in the Avengers private gym which was limited to the team and a select few agents. It was rarely used since the team was usually training with recruits, except for Bucky.
By the time Steve made it to the gym, Bucky was kneeling in the middle of the destroyed room, breathing heavily, sprinklers raining down on him.
"It's my fault, Steve. I fucked everything up and now she's gone." He shook his head "I can't do this without her, I don't know how to deal with all of this every day without her by my side like she has been for the last 2 years." He looked at Steve sadly "What do I do now? How can I get her back?"
Steve shrugged and shook his head "I don't know Buck, I just don't know."
In her new city, Cookie woke up in her new townhouse and got ready for her first day in a new office. Considering how the compound had felt recently she enjoyed having her own kitchen and living area. No one avoiding or ignoring her, making her feel bad for just existing in their space.
Different office but the same job and she already knew all of the analysts here, had hired most of them, but people behaved differently when the boss was around.
It was a beautiful spring day so Cookie decided to walk the short distance to her office. Like the compound her department only took up a floor but instead of Avengers they were surrounded by CIA agents, definitely not as friendly but that was fine with her. Cookie was more interested in work than any personal entanglements with her co-workers.
Cookie entered the building and went directly to S.W.O.R.D. Director Tyler Hayward. He was an ambitious man who wasn't thrilled to have someone in 'his office' who reported to someone else and wasn't in his control but he wasn't going to risk going against Fury so affixed a fake smile to his face and welcomed Cookie to the office.
They spoke for a few minutes before he led her to a conference room to meet with all of the analysts that report to Cookie. Annie was the senior analyst and had known Cookie for a few years so showed her to her new office.
Annie and Cookie had become good long distance friends, bonding over their shared love of mystery books.
When they arrived in Cookies office, Annie told her about a new book release by an author they both loved. The party was this coming Saturday and the publishing company had their offices a few buildings over. Annie had been able to get her name on the guest list and wanted Cookie to be her plus one since Annie's girlfriend didn't care for mysteries.
Cookie responded enthusiastically and they planned to have a late dinner after the party. Cookie was excited to have the opportunity to look around Boston and maybe meet Harland Thrombey.
She thought to herself. Maybe the move wouldn't be so bad after all.
Cookie had a busy week getting settled into her new office and butting heads with Tyler over some tips she had offered to streamline some of their processes. She went to work for a few hours on Saturday before meeting Annie for a mani-pedi after lunch. She went home to get dressed in a purple, silk, cocktail dress with a deep v-neck that fell just above her knees. Adding black stilettos and clutch to complete the look.
She met Annie at the entrance to the building, they checked each other out appreciatively and linked arms as they walked into the party.
A tall, well built, dark blonde haired man noticed Cookie's entrance and his bright blue eyes followed her around the room, after deciding the tall woman he had never seen before would be the evenings prey.
He approached them as she was getting a drink "You're new in town."
Cookie looked at him curiously, feeling her face heat up as he so obviously checked her out. She nodded "I am. Are you the welcoming committee?"
The man nodded "For a lady as pretty as you, I will endeavour to be welcoming." He took her hand and kissed the back "Ransom Drysdale, pleased to meet you."
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N but my friends call me Cookie, this is my friend Annie. Your name is familiar but I can't- oh my gosh you're Harland Thrombey's grandson. One of the VP's here."
Ransom smiled and made a small bow "That's me. Would you like to meet him?"
Annie and Cookie nodded enthusiastically and took the arms Ransom offered to lead her over to meet his grandfather who was as kind and gracious as she hoped he would be. Unfortunately the party was crowded and there were many others waiting to meet the author, so they only chatted for a few minutes.
Shortly after they met Harland, Annie's girlfriend called, asking her to pick up some infants pain killer as their daughter had woken up from teething pain. She tried to apologize but Cookie shooed her away and promised she would find her own way home.
As soon as Annie was out of sight, Ransom smiled at Cookie and licked his lips. "So, Cookie, do you want to get out of here? My club has a great late supper menu if you're hungry or I'm sure we can find something to do."
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella
Chapter 8
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*     ✦   .
Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦  
It was a usual lovely Sunday night, you stepped out of the shower after carefully washing yourself with the most luxurious products money could by, the sage burning on top of the marble sink is enticing all your senses into pure relaxation.
You stepped out of the shower to your cozy heated floors and quickly threw on your fluffy bathrobe, god forbid your body ever threatens to even shiver. Your gorgeous figure is seen walking to your sink to plug in your airwrap so you could dry your Fresh deep conditioned hair so you could prep your hair for work tomorrow.
You were about to turn on your hair dryer when you heard a easily recognizable motorcycle exhaust pipe roar near your street, you chuckled to your self seems like some neighbor of yours managed to get a Harley Road glide cvo for themselves. You cringe at yourself after recognizing some work vehicles on your day off. After visibly shaking your head , your hands seem to newly glide towards the dyson but unfortunately a knock on your door seems to disrupt your short lived peace.
You slip on some Sanrio themed slippers and head to the door, thinking that maybe it’s your new neighbor, Alyssa; a mid aged single mom that always seemed to be missing a cup of sugar or a stick of butter to which you always glad fully gave some to.
But to your surprise, when you open the door your gaze is set upon a black suit with a gray dress shirt underneath, your nose is immediately hit with the smell of a jean Paul Gaultier perfume as the notes of bergamot , orange and amber hit your nose, you painfully raise your head to meet the eyes of the owner of the eccentric aura that is invading your foyer.
His eyes are cold and dead;hidden behind some luscious white lashes. His skin white as a ghost you wouldn’t want to approach in your worst nightmare , as your vision started to descend you crossed his tall nose bridged and visually visited his plump pink lips. Naturally this is where you would stop staring but you couldn’t help but notice how beautifully your bossess sharp jawline decorated his Addams apple.
There were few times you stood this close to him,then you realized. He was at your house,as reality set in you took a step back as fear slowly flooded your system, but for the sake of your job you couldn’t show it; so you quickly put on your resting bitch face and crossed your arms.
You sigh.
-“Where’s your god mother?”- you ask referring to where’s his body guard. He points his head to the motorcycle parked behind the 2024 BMW 7 series sedan. Geto always trailed behind your boss vehicle like a shadow; ironic considering the roar the motorcycles emits is similar to that of a lions.
After returning his gaze to you he trails his eyes from the crown of your head to your freshly manicured toes while lifting the corner of his lips.
-“The more important question is, did you get all dolled up, so pretty, just for me?”- He asked with a smug expression adorning his face.
When you started the job as his secretary, you were freshly graduated from business school. Plenty of companies were desperate to have you as their employee after some internships. But you were set on owning your own company that was until one morning on your door arrived a fruit basket adorned with a letter made out of thick and soft boujee ass paper, all that was written on it was the address of the restaurant of the city and a time stamp. You decided to go out of pure curiosity. As soon as you arrived you were led to a private room that’s where you met the curious man that’s currently crouching under your door frame.
As you sat down and talked , he talked about his business, all was well until he mentioned his business was humbly the proud owner of the tittle of the biggest drug exporter to south east Asia.
You did what any rational person would do , calmly get up and book it to the door but before you could reach your destiny , your now boss clicked his fingers and a pair of gorillas came and grabbed you by your arms and forced you to sit down.
Gojo smiled cynically while laying down your 2 options.
1.You ratting your meeting out to the feds and having your pretty little pink tongue off.
2.Accepting the job offer to be his secretary earning a ridiculously high salary , health care , pension anything you could think of.
You decided for the latter.
Getting back to reality;you had to figure out what to do with the sexy giant at your door.
-“Gojo you know my boundaries, no out of office meetings and no Gore-y things in front of me.Cmon dude you’re better than this. Plus how did you even find me I’ve moved like twice in the last 2 years.”- you muttered looking at his serious face.
After finishing your dialogue you couldn’t help but notice a hint of uneasiness, he couldn’t be mad at you for reminding him your boundaries, right? You know him, you know him like the palm of your hand, or so you thought.
-“I have my ways. Aren’t you going to let me in? You hiding something?”- He says leaning forward scoping your house out.
-“Um, fuck , mean yeah sure go ahead.”- You responded moving to the side letting his breeze by you.
His tall figure literally invaded you apartment, he rested his hands in his pockets as he examined your living space, after memorizing you living room he sat down on your puffy jade sofa.
-“So this is what they call a woman’s touch huh, I’ll be brief, I need you to take your little bathrobe off and put on some decent clothes and pack your little passport and follow me to the car.We’re going to Shanghai baby ,I’ll explain later.”-He ordered wishing you would run to obey his every command
You cackled in disbelief. Truth be told you were scared of the business you were in ,that’s why to protect yourself you set up a rule that you wouldn’t work outside of an office or a meeting room. For the moment you were only used to having reunions with new money idiots who wanted to get even richer fast. You knew nothing good waited for you in Shanghai.
You weren’t afraid to joke around him and push his buttons, he made it clear he needed you, his business flourished the minute you stepped in, you organized his accounting’s in many banks over seas , you created plenty of paper companies to launder his money , you charmed his business associates into shady business and secured international funding. He could never dream of hurting you. Well, not in a way you wouldn’t like of course.
-“I think you’re tripping balls man, no fucking way.Why would I ever do that?”-You striked back as you violently shake your head.
He grinned at the way you thought you could say no to him, he also grinned at the sight of your robe becoming loose.
-“I’ll pay you triple your hourly wage , 5 personal staff , 2 bullet proof trucks for the duration of the trip and all the arrangements paid by me of course. And since I’m feeling nice I’ll even throw in a shopping spree so you don’t have to worry that cute head of yours on packing clothes.”- He smiled being charmed by his own charisma.
You scrunched your eyebrows and turned around having your hair flip behind you.
-“Call Geto in to help me with his bags.”
-“Yes, mam.”
Gojo’s ears glowed red after realizing he could virtually get you to do anything to satiate his desires.
You had no idea about what’s about to come.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: hello, I literally started writing this frantically at 12 am knowing I had class from how inspired I was , I plan this to be a full story ig idk how to describe itanyways , suggestions or request accepted!! Comments are appreciated!!!😘
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pascaloverx · 2 months
Sweet Love
Summary: You're an up-and-coming writer, congratulations. To protect your beloved job, you're willing to do anything. Even strike a deal with the devil, better known as your sister's neighbor. You and Dean Winchester don't really see eye to eye, but in a moment of desperation, you agree to collaborate with him for a greater good.
Author's Notes: Many characters do not belong to me but to the Supernatural Universe (2005-2020). I hope you enjoy the fanfic's story. The fanfic will contain strong language and future adult content.
chapter one chapter three
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It's been two days since you made your agreement with Dean, and there's no sign of him. You even thought about going to him, but he always seems to be busy screwing someone. Literally. Yesterday, a beautiful man left his apartment, and you gave up on going to Dean's place because you swore it was Castiel. Well, to put it briefly, Castiel is Dean's great love story. At least, that's what you think. When you moved into your sister's apartment, Castiel lived with Dean. They seemed like quite the couple, even though officially they said they were having a "casual thing." But about a year ago, Castiel broke up with Dean. Rumors say Castiel wanted emotional commitment, and that's Dean's biggest nightmare. So when you saw a handsome man very similar to Castiel and wearing a trench coat like Castiel used to wear, you thought they had made amends. But in the end, it wasn't Castiel. This makes you sure that Dean is avoiding helping you. It could be because he's quite stupid when he wants to be, or because he didn't see any benefit in helping you.
You then decide to try writing the long-awaited smut, describing how the male protagonist's skin smells like men's deodorant and cheap moisturizer, and how the female protagonist is intrigued by the male protagonist's eyes. You try and try, but your protagonists don't seem to want a physical connection. If only your publisher would accept this. But you're just a few steps away from becoming permanently unemployed. So, wearing a somewhat revealing nightgown and your Stitch slippers, you practically run to Dean's apartment door. But you can't bring yourself to knock on his door; courage is lacking. Or perhaps you feel humiliated.  You turn around, thinking about what you'll have to do to apply for any other job. Or how it will be to move back in with your mother when you're already too old for it to seem like a viable option.
"Do you make a habit of standing in front of other people's apartments?" Dean Winchester asks, opening the door to his apartment. You turn around delicately as if caught off guard. The feeling of embarrassment washes over you.
"No, actually, it's something I exclusively do with you, sweetheart. Can you explain why you gave up on helping me?" You speak, feigning confidence. Dean looks you up and down.
"You're going to regret this, you know?" Dean says boastfully as I walk further and further out of his apartment, you noticing that he's in a bathrobe and him apparently noticing that you're in a nightgown.
"Dean, I'm not a little girl. You don't need to protect me. I just want you to help me. Do you understand this?" You get closer to him. Your face getting closer to his. You feel the strange need to kiss him.
"Sam thinks our partnership is a bad idea. According to him, I'm taking advantage of the fact that your sister is away to try to lead you down the wrong path." Dean tries to explain the reason why he hasn't helped you yet.
"Is he right?" You ask, smiling mischievously as you keep your eyes locked on Dean's. He looks at you, as if calculating what answer to give you. You presume he's undecided between lying or not. In reality, it means he wants to take advantage of you.
"Probably is. The problem is, everyone knows you and me, it's not gonna work out. Either you'll give up on me, or I'll mess everything up." He says, looking intensely at you, as you hold onto the edge of the robe he's wearing and bring your faces closer together.
"I didn't come here to play cat and mouse with you, Winchester. Now, tell me how to start a romantic story with a bit of sexual tension and forget your worries." You say, cutting straight to the point.
"What are we doing now. Analyzing each other halfway between our apartments. Casually wondering if it wouldn't be interesting to take off the few pieces of clothing we're wearing?" Dean's suggestion sounds good, but in your head it sounds like a warning. What you and he are doing is building sexual tension. Analyzing each other's bodies, observing details such as what they are wearing and moving closer and closer.
"Are you saying this is the method you're going to use to help me? Try to fuck me?" You say, moving away from him a little and coughing falsely. That was letting you embarrassed, in a good way.
"What better way than to practice with you? Write about what you're experiencing right now, about your filthiest thoughts about me, you, and the floor of my house. Maybe the shower, or the mattress?" Dean says, approaching you step by step, making you lose your breath. Your head lightly knocks on your door. Or rather at the door of your sister's apartment.
"What's the next step in your help?" You speak almost in a whisper next to Dean who is face to face with you. His fingers then lightly travel around your waist, holding you steady. He wants to tease you. 
"Imagine that your character is going to do exactly what I'm doing, seduction works like that. But something good about seduction is knowing when to do things. Now it would be easy to win you over but leaving you eager for more, it's much better. " Dean says, letting go of your waist and composing himself.
"You're more useful than you seem. I hope you know you're going to need more than that if you want to help me with this book." You say trying not to seem affected by him.
"Get ready, kitten. I know very well how to help you. Just try to take it to the professional. I don't know how to deal with people who are in love with me." Dean says smiling and you roll your eyes. How arrogant he is. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, idiot." You say, opening the door to your sister's apartment and closing it in Dean's face. You then run to get your computer and write down everything about what just happened.
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penofsteele · 7 months
I love Leguizamo's Riddler
I've been listening to Batman: The Audio Adventures (because I simply cannot relisten to Secrets in the Dark for the 5th time) and I love John Leguizamo's Riddler. All of the villains have their classic, comic book feel, but Riddler is my favourite so I'm talkin' about him. (Ask me about Harvey though I'm actually crying about him.)
**Spoilers!!** I'm almost finished with season 1, so these are spoilers for the first season.
The dynamic between Batman and Riddler is so funny, because Batman is *constantly* insulting Edward's intelligence and Edward gets so butthurt about it. Even when he hacks into the Batcomputer Bruce is like "he's impossibly smart but not THAT smart" and labels a file that's like 2 MB "The Riddler" just so Edward will see it and despair over how small it is.
Secondly the scene where Eddie goes to the carnival. Joker is just standing there in a bathrobe and clown slippers and is like "dude what are you even doing here?" and Edward invites himself in only to be greeted with an insanely horrible evil plan that overshadows anything he could have thought of. And he just... calls Arkham. On a phone. And is like "give me a deck of playing cards I just wanna go home ;-;" and starts sobbing. He's such a drama queen and I love him for it.
Okay and I'm ending on the breakout scene because I LOVE IT. The second Arkham was like "you gave Edward Nygma a calculator" I was immediately just yelling "YEAH HE MESSED UP FIRE HIM" and was not disappointed by the insane escape method that only took Eddie like 45 mins to complete. Fantastic.
Bottom line, I'm having a good time! John Leguizamo and the rest of the Audio Adventures Cast are very fun to listen to.
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lionlena · 1 year
Dancing With Your Ghost (JavierPeñaxghost!reader) Part V
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Summary: You are a ghost (sort of) and you don’t remember what  happened to you. You only know your name and you feel that something  bad has happened to you. The only person who sees you and hears you is  Javier, so you don’t leave him because you believe he’ll help you. That he will solve the mystery of what happened to you.
Warnigs:  the reader is a ghost, mentions of death, angst, later chapters will also include descriptions of severe wounds, blood… And also sadness, anxiety, little smut but later
A/N: Title inspired by this song
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Part V
As you drove to his apartment, you stared blankly at the side window. You were thinking about what Javier said. He only had you. Did he really think that? You wanted to ask him about what happened in the last few hours and what made him feel so bad. You weren't even angry anymore for his earlier outburst of anger. You felt sorry for him and wondered what would happen to him when you disappeared. You suddenly had doubts. Maybe it wasn't all about you, maybe it was about him? Maybe you were a ghost because you should care for him?
Suddenly Javier stopped and you were snapped out of your thoughts. You gave him a curious look, and he nodded, pointing to the side of the window with the inscription: "Curandera Silvaria: - healing potions, - tarot, - love potions, - spiritualistic séances "
You started laughing out loud.
"Seriously, Javi?"
He looked at you with those brown puppy eyes and sighed, "What can I tell you? I'm running out of ideas, Y/N, and... I'm sick of seeing dead women's bodies." His voice became quieter. "And I don't know how I'll react when I see your body. I don't want to see it." He looked away, not wanting you to see how sad he was. "Let's just try."
"Okay," you muttered and found yourself outside the car waiting for him.
Javier went to the door and knocked on it, but nothing happened for several minutes. You looked around and realized it was very late.
"Maybe we should come tomorrow?" you asked, and at that moment the door opened.
An elderly woman in a bathrobe and slippers stood in front of you. Her dark hair with gray streaks was tied up in a messy bun. She studied Javier with dark eyes and was clearly displeased.
"What's the matter? I don't do a tarot reading at this hour," she muttered.
Javier, as usual, decided to use his personal charm. He smiled and leaned slightly toward the woman. You just rolled your eyes at this.
"I'm very sorry for intruding on you at this hour," he said and took his badge out of his pocket. "Agent Peña, DEA. I need your help."
The woman looked slightly nervous. "I don't sell drugs, the herbs I use are..."
Javier waved his hand. "I don't care. Even if it's marijuana. I want to know what you know about ghosts?"
"Ghosts?" The woman looked at him carefully.
You saw her backing away slowly as if she was planning to slam the door.
"Javier, let's get out of here," you groaned. "It doesn't make sense. She just takes money from naive people."
The woman gasped sharply. "There is a ghost with you!"
Javier smiled and nodded eagerly. Then he looked at you. "See, she hears you."
"Or, she pretending," you replied.
"I'm not pretending," Silvaria said and turned to Javier. "You can hear her too."
"I hear and see, constantly, even when I don't want to," he said in one exhale.
"What? That's very unusual."
"What do you mean?" you asked and took a step forward.
"I don't know anyone who can see ghosts. I've heard of people who performed special rituals in a magic circle to see a ghost..." The woman took a step back. "Come in and explain everything to me."
While Javier was telling her everything, you looked around her apartment. You looked at the strange crystals, the black candle, the cards... You were still skeptical, but there was no denying that she heard you, but that didn't mean she was going to help you cross over to the "other side".
That's right, the "other side"... What will be there? How will it be there? And what about Javier?
He just finished talking to a woman and looked at you. You saw his eyes sparkle. He was glad his plan worked. You couldn't take it from him and smiled. Meanwhile, Silvaria had sprinkled some purple powder on the floor and arranged some small pebbles in a circle.
"What is she doing?" you asked Javier, but the answer was given to you by a woman.
"I need to check something because this is all very unusual and if I'm not mistaken... Just stand in this circle."
You shook your head and took a step back. Javier got up from his seat and walked over to you. He leaned over and whispered, "Relax, I'll be here the whole time. If anything bad happens, I'll shoot her."
You laughed and gave him a reproachful look. "No, you won't."
"Then I'll destroy this circle."
You nodded and slowly walked towards curandera and her circle. Javier couldn't help but move his hand to your back as if to give you a gentle push and let you know he was with you.
The woman lit some incense sticks and said, "I will enter the circle, but please, don't move."
You nodded your head as the words couldn't get out of your mouth. So Javier came to the rescue. "It's okay. She understands you."
Silvaria began to mutter some words under her breath and entered the circle, partially into your body. You felt the pain in your chest become unbearable and you screamed. Javier moved forward ready to push her away from you, but the woman jumped back herself. You clutched your chest and started breathing heavily.
"What the fuck?!" Javier snapped. "You were not supposed to hurt her!" He looked at you worried. "Y/N?"
You nodded and stepped out of the circle only to fall to your knees with a gasp. Javier knelt beside you.
"I'll shoot her," he hissed.
"I had to do it," curandera said. "Now I'm sure. She's alive."
You and Javier screamed simultaneously, jumped to your feet, and looked at her.
"You're not dead," the woman said confidently.
"I'm a fucking ghost!"
Silvaria sighed heavily and sat down in a chair. It was obvious that the whole ritual was painful for her as well. "Just because you're a ghost doesn't mean your body is dead," she said calmly. "Apparently you are on the verge of life and death. For some reason, your spirit was pushed out of your body, but your body is still alive."
Both you and Javier went through a whole range of emotions. You were horrified, surprised, and even angry that you didn't realize it sooner. You didn't know whether to be happy or cry. Javier, on the other hand, felt happiness at first. It was crazy, but if the woman was telling the truth and you were alive... Or rather, your body, then maybe he could still fix everything. But then dark thoughts came to him. What if you were lying somewhere dying, without help?
Finally, he decided to ask the question: "Can you explain it more? What could be going on with her body?"
The woman shrugged. "There are several options. Dark magic, necromancer, possession, voodoo doll... Maybe even some other spirit has taken over your body."
You grabbed your head. "Then how is this going to help me? My body could be anywhere."
Curandera looked at Javier. "You mentioned she couldn't leave town." He nodded. "Then your body must be around here somewhere. Apparently, you're still bound to it by some thread that keeps you from straying too far."
You felt like crying and laughing at the same time. "Okay, what's next? What am I supposed to do when I find my body? Get inside?"
"If it's occupied by another spirit, you'll need my help."
"Fucking awesome," you growled.
Javier looked at you sympathetically. "Hey, I'll help you. At least now we know more."
"Is it so?" You walked over to him. "Nothing has changed. Maybe even on worse. What if we find my body, only to have me die?"
Javier lowered his head and whispered, "I'm sorry."
The sadness in his voice made you calm down. "It's not your fault and... You're right, we know more. No more watching dead women's bodies." You sighed and looked at curandera. "Thanks for your help, but... I think I've had enough for today." Javier glanced at you, and you whispered, "Let's go home."
He nodded and pulled out his wallet, but Silvaria stopped it with her hand. "No. I can't accept payment for something like this. Is she still here?"
"Yes," you murmured.
The woman stood up and said in a serious voice, "If you want to have any chance of coming back to life, you must stop acting like a ghost. Don't walk through walls, don't play with electricity, and don't possess people under any circumstances."
"Wait, can I possess people?"
"NO!" Javier and Silvaria shouted simultaneously.
"Uhh, chill out, I'm asking hypothetically."
The woman sighed and said, "Yes, you can, but..."
"You are under no circumstances to do this!" Javier growled looking at you. "You heard her. There's a chance you'll be alive..."
He bit his lip to keep from saying, "I'll be able to touch you. Hug you. Kiss you."
You nodded. "It's okay, I understood."
Javier winked at you and smiled. He looked at the woman. "Thanks for your help." Then he went ahead and opened the door waiting for you to go through it. As you approached the car, he shouted, "Wait!". He ran over to you and opened the door for you, pointing to the seat and saying, "Come in, princess."
You started laughing. It was hard to believe that just a few hours earlier you had been arguing and Javier was like a mad dog. Now he looked like a content puppy, even if he was terribly tired. When you got back to his apartment, he just took off his jacket and shoes and threw himself on his bed. You lay down next to him and sighed.
"Today... It was..."
"Too much," he muttered and lay down on his side, mirroring your position.
Your faces were only a few inches apart, and you couldn't help but feel that something had changed. As if Javier has finally decided to open up to you and let you in even further.
"What happened to you?" you asked.
Javier closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. You were afraid that he would lose his nerves again, but when he looked at you, all you saw was sadness and exhaustion.
"I was in the jungle to save a woman who eventually told me to my face that I shouldn't consider myself a hero because I'm a piece of shit."
You frowned and asked, "Cristina?"
"Yeah," he murmured. "They kidnapped her so her husband wouldn't testify against the Cali cartel." He swallowed. "You know what's the worst? I feel like she's right."
"There isn't," you said immediately. "Did she know who her husband works for?" Javi nodded and you snorted. "So she's a fucking hypocrite and you know it."
Javier smiled slightly, but you wanted to do something to distract him from the bad thoughts. You reached out your hand to him and said, "Touch me."
He frowned at first, unsure of what to do, but then slowly brought his hand closer to yours, getting as close as he could. Your fingertips were touching his, and your hand felt so small compared to his.
"What do you feel?" you asked.
"Hmm... It's like, tingling."
"Energy flow? Gentle electrical discharges?" He nodded. "I feel it too. Only when I touch you."
Javier sighed and rolled onto his back. "Did you can sleeping?" he asked suddenly. "I never really asked about it."
"Well, yes, but... It's hard to call it sleep. It's more like meditating."
"Do you feel anything then?"
"Peace... And I hear breathing and... buzzing "
He nodded and closed his eyes. After a few minutes of silence, you whispered, "Javier?"
"Hmm?" he murmured sleepily.
"Everything will work out, right?"
"Yes, everything will be fine," he whispered.
You knew he wasn't so sure and that he was lying because you wanted to hear the lie.
That's right, "fuck all the drama," I'll be your muse
Now, take what I offer
Straight up the nose, down the throat, it's a bearable bruise on
your conscience
But don't it feel good?
Don't you feel calmer?
I am the way and the life in the best looking truth
Call me "Mr. Rattlebone"
Holy Ghost who haunts your home
They don't know you like I know
Matt Maeson - Mr. Rattlebone
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A/N: Okay, so I understand if you're upset about this plot twist. But as I wrote in the previous post, it was planned. But I understand that someone may feel disappointed because they were hoping for something else. Someone was hoping for a real ghost, but that's why the warnings said: ghost (sort of).
Part IV
Part VI
Taglist: @aestheticangel612​ @kittenlittle24​  @creedslove​ @ranahx​ @hxpburn76  @yyiikes​
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like-a-lubdub · 6 months
Merry Christeths
Emily woke up on Christmas day very late. She looked around and it seamed like her girlfriend has allready get up, as she didn’t lie next to her. „Damn“, she thought „She propably waits for me.“ So Emily quickly slipped in her slippers and put on a bathrobe. Then she raced downstairs into the livingroom. „Wow“, she aspirated, looking at the bright shining christmas tree and the beatyfull decorated room. A couple of presents lied under the tree allready. „Hey, good morning sweaty“, her girlfriend welcomed her, gave her a little kiss and a cup of coffee. „Morning darling“ Emily responded and added: „Happy Christmas“ „Happy Christmas.“ Emily sipped on her coffee and set down on the couch. „Don’t you want to open your presents?“ Gina glanced to her. „Sure!“ She stood back up and went to the tree: „I‘ll take… this one“ and picked up a flat, square box, she thought it was a book, but it didn’t felt like one. She riped off the paper and had a black, shining box with a big twirly L on it. „Littmann Classic 3“ was written on the right side of it. „What is it Gina?“, she asked confused. „Just open the upper shell“, Emilys girlfriend smiled. As she opened the box, she got what it was: „It‘s a stethoscope right? The thing doctors use… but why do you give me that? Is everything fine, are you ill?“ she asked worried, but Gina laught: „No hahaha, I‘m fine, you are fine, nothing is wrong“ „Then why do you…“, Emily was completly confused, but Gina squat next to her and took out the darkred tubing off the box and put it in her, clouded looking girlfriends ears. Then she took the metal end and put it under her bra, next to her brests on the skin. Emily opened her eyes wide when she heared Ginas heart beating in her chest loud and clear. It started to race a little, as Gina smiled and kissed her. „Isn’t that a good gift?“, she asked, but Emily didn’t even listen to her words. She just listened to the sound of her girlfriends heart beating and she knew, that every single one of those beats where just for her. It took minutes, maybe houres before she finaly took it out of her ears and jumped in Ginas armes to hug and kiss her: „I have no idea what this means, but I love you!“ She smiled at her and set down on the couch: „Now you listen to mine.“ Gina was so happy Emily liked it, because she would love to finally use it in bed with her. All this time she feared Emily wouldn’t like it, but now she wished she told her girlfriend earlyer about her fetish.
Merry Christmas
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uglypastels · 1 year
idk if anyone’s requested this one already but for your Spotify Wrapped thing!!
Eddie Munson + #88 (Edge of Seventeen)!! 👀
i sure am taking my damn time with these oh lord. but i feel like I'm slowly coming back so please be patient everyone &lt;;3
with this, i kind of went off with the vibe the song gave me. I mean, that's usually what I go off, but like, specifically, the energy I felt of the story the song tried to portray-- anyway, no one cares. I hope the fic is good
warnings: mentions of not-so-happy home life. angsty but more comfort in the end.
masterlist. || join the Stranger Things taglist
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The first time you saw Eddie Munson was in the summer before Junior year. It was an unforgettable summer for many reasons. One of many being how sweltering the days were and how slowly they seemed to pass. When you were younger, you wouldn’t have wished for it to be any other way. Weeks of the sun going up and down slowly. School couldn’t be further away. 
But now, you were stuck outside for hours, helping your mom repair the trailer. The sun was burning at your shoulders, sweat dripping down your back. You were covered in paint, and everything smelled like the burning rubber of the broken grass mower you had tossed aside after it failed you once again. 
That is how he found you— if he had even noticed you, that is. 
You heard him before you saw him, though. The car drove slowly across the gravelled road, sputtering and roaring until it stopped at the trailer next to yours. Mr Munson opened his door moments later, greeting the newcomer. The boy that stepped out of the car was a complete stranger. Wearing a black tank top and ripped jeans, his hair was much shorter than these days but already messy and a cause for concern in any “proper” suburb. The two greeted each other, somewhat somberly, you noticed. 
Now, it wasn’t your intention to stare, but for once, something new was happening around the trailer park, so your interest was immediately spiked. You watched the boy pull out the duffel bag from the car and head inside after Mr Munson. He left the door open. 
You didn’t see him for the rest of the week but knew he was there by the loud music he played inside the trailer anytime Mr Munson left for work. The guitar solos would blast through the thin walls at any hour of the day or night. At first, you thought it was annoying, as he played it in the middle of the night, and you tried to sleep, but eventually, you got used to it. Over time, it became a comfort. Especially when the noise inside your own home got too much. It was nice to focus on something else from time to time. 
Of course, it was not appreciated by all neighbours. The times someone came out in their bathrobe and slippers to bang on the Munson door were more than you could count. And each time, he would poke his head out of the window, no point in going to the door, endure the annoyed yelling, just to reply with a smirk that the shouting was more of a nuisance than he was.
‘People are trying to sleep, ma’am,’ he’d smirk, ‘please, try not to be so loud.’ And he would sneak his head back inside, close the window, and lower the volume—just a little. You could still hear it. 
Another few days went by before you learned his name. Inside your trailer was getting a bit too much for you, so you sneaked out to get some fresh air. Most of the lights around you were out. The sun had gone down hours ago, so it must have been late. You sat on the steps in front of your door, looking up at the stairs, catching a few deep breaths when you heard something rustling in the grass. Curious and a bit scared, you turned in the direction of the sound. Someone was walking around, their silhouette illuminated by the moonlight; you could just about make out the action they were performing. It was undeniable– with a thin strip at his lips, and the smoking rising around him as he walked… 
However, he was making his way back home now and saw you sitting down. 
‘Hey,’ his voice was deep but soft, raspy from the smoke he had inhaled. 
‘Hi.’ You tried to smile, and make your first impression somewhat decent. Hopefully, the dim light coming from inside your trailer didn’t expose your tear-stained cheeks. It didn’t matter, though, did it? You could hear every note that he played; he must have heard every word that was being screamed around by your parents. 
‘Would you like to come inside?’ He pointed back at his own trailer. ‘I was about to eat something, so–’
‘I would like that, yeah.’ You got up, brushing the dust off. As you stepped inside and he turned the lights on, you still had not introduced yourselves. You were greeted with a cosy-looking living area, the top of the walls covered in mugs and hats, and plenty of blankets thrown about the couch. The kitchen was dirty, but in a just-used way, with a heap of plates filling the sink. 
‘My uncle made shepherd’s pie yesterday so I was just going to warm that up, is that alright for you?’
‘Yeah, sounds great.’ So he was Mr Munson’s nephew, one mystery solved. 
While he heated up the food in the microwave, you looked around a bit more. The trailer felt so warm. Not because of the summer heat still leaving its mark all around the air, but– well, you couldn’t describe it exactly. It was something about how comfortable you felt around just standing there, looking around at all the trinkets. 
‘Eddie,’ he handed you your plate, confusing you.
‘Sorry, what?’
‘My name… it’s Eddie.’ He smiled awkwardly, but you smiled right back and introduced yourself. That was another mystery solved. 
The two of you sat down on the couch as you ate your late-night meal. No words were exchanged until you were both done eating. You contemplated just saying thank you and heading back, but something also pulled you back in. this was your chance to get to know Eddie a bit. 
‘So…’ you tried to quickly think of something to say that sounded casual enough but would also get some of your million questions answered, ‘are you staying here for the summer?’ Was that maybe too much? 
‘No, actually, I just moved in here, so will probably stay for a few years. Probably until I can afford a place of my own.’ Eddie picked up his and your plate to bring it back to the kitchen, right on top of all the other dirty dishes. 
‘Ah, that’s really nice of your uncle, to let you stay here. How are you finding it? I mean, new home and stuff.’ You had no idea where you were taking your sentences anymore. 
‘I mean, Hawkins is nothing new, I lived on the other side of town, and when I was younger I stayed with my uncle for a bit as well… it’s nice to have my own room, though.’ You noticed the open door in the back of the trailer, walls already covered in pictures and band posters. He was clearly quick at making himself feel at home. ‘What about you?’ He asked back. 
‘What about me?’ 
‘How’s the trailer life treating you?’ As your next-door neighbour, he probably knew exactly how it was treating you, the question was a mere formality, and you weren’t sure what to think of it. 
‘It’s fine. The limited hot water is a bitch, though.’ You laughed, and Eddie, thankfully, did too. He sat back down on the couch. 
‘I’m not gonna say that it’s all going to be fine, because I for sure as hell know that it feels like that couldn’t be further from the truth, but if you ever need anything– just to get away or something– my window is always open.’ 
‘Well, you should close it, you’ll attract all the moths.’ Thank god, he laughed at that too. ‘But thanks, Eddie, I appreciate it.’ You added a sincere thanks afterwards. 
‘It’s nothing.’ He shrugged. 
You spent the rest of the night on that couch, just talking and laughing. You only realised what time it was when the sun started to shine through the window and the door of the trailer opened– mid Eddie’s sentence. The two of you looked at Mr Munson walking inside, his eyes opening wide, more so in confusion, at the sight of you. 
‘Good morning,’ he said, taking his hat off and putting it on the shelf among the many others.
‘Good morning, Mr Munson.’ You said, and a yawn immediately followed it up. It seemed the door did not only let in Eddie’s uncle but also the sleep you had been fighting all night. ‘I should probably go. See you around, Eddie.’ 
‘See you.’ Eddie waved, sinking back into the couch. As you were walking away, you could hear the uncle scold his nephew for leaving the dishes. How many times did he have to tell him to clean those damn plates again? Eddie apologised, half asleep already, as you opened your own door. 
The rest of the summer was far from lonely, as you spent almost every day with your new neighbour. Mostly in the evenings, when his uncle was off to work, you could use his room as an escape pod. You finally got to listen to the music without the barrier of your walls. Turned out, most of it was Eddie’s own doing. He played you his favourite song, butchering the lyrics from time to time on purpose to get you to laugh again. 
He showed you his favourite movies, lent you his favourite books, and eventually, he pulled out a large book from underneath his bed. With it, he loured you into the world of Dungeons and Dragons, and there was no more way out. You were hooked from the get-go. 
In the end, that summer certainly had its ups and downs, but years down the line, you would always look back on it fondly. It was the year you met one of the most important people in your life—a person who would change your life forever. You just hoped you had a bit of that effect on him as well.
If only Eddie had the nerve to admit just how much impact you had on him. Just how you managed to save him out of his darkest pit. 
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thank you for reading! please support your (not so) local writers with comments and reblogs <3 it means the world. also, I love to hear what you thought of the fic. asks are always welcome
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(non angst) taglist: thank you all for your support <3
@spiderrrling @theglitterymess @dorianelizabeth @theletterhart @pastel-abyss-x @ghoulsgraveyard @prettytoxix @lovesickollie @xbreezymeadowsx @meaganjm @yourmommilf @mischiefmanagers @capybergara @brother-lauren @h0sh1verse @ghostlyreads @croweaterr @ladyapplejackdnd @bilesxbilinskixlahey @kbakery @sleeping-willlow @liltimmyst @escape-in-time-x @miscelaa @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonbby @wh0re4munson @eddiesdingus @zoeyquinn94 @mydearzero @overthewhiteclouds @wroteclassicaly @stitchity @celestialsxturn @hoe4eddiemunson @inanausomewhere @witchyrivers @scoops-harrington @fluffyharrington
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brightlilith · 1 year
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Masterlist Tokio Hotel - Masterlist Connected by music • Tom Kaulitz
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𝘿𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 28, 2022 — 𝙎𝙖𝙡𝙫𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙧, 𝘽𝙖𝙝𝙞𝙖 - 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙡.
𝘞𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴.
𝘞𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭, 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳.
𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺, 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘴, 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘴; 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴; 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘮𝘦. 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
୨୧ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ୨୧
I wake up panting, sit up in bed and feel strong arms around my waist. Bruce looked so angelic both awake and asleep, but a savage in bed. Even though we weren't alone for a while, he still made me come silently, not least because my parents were in the next room. How embarrassing if my parents caught us, no?
I remove his arm from my waist, I get out of bed wearing my slippers and my robe, I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, but I come across Riri, her little arms, which looked more like sticks, were crossed and her face was of anger, she knew what had happened in the room.
𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘷𝘦.
I completely ignore her, I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to drink water and go back to my boyfriend's arms.
Her coming into my life made me question whether what I felt for Bruce was true. The truth is yes, I love him and would do anything for him.
But I still found myself thinking about Tom, and how our love ended in seconds, I know it's my fault, my mind always reminds me that I was the one who left him.
I hate myself internally for this. But I needed it, I couldn't take it anymore.
I drink the water and turn around, Riri was still there, but with a pitying face.
I felt tears fall from my eyes, but no noise or words were spoken.
"Why did you show up?" - I finally spoke, breaking that strange tension. My choked voice denounced that I was about to fall apart.
"The universe wh---" – I immediately cut her off.
“The fucking universe doesn't have to meddle in my life." - I said. “Why now, hm? Why not when I was being threatened with death? I GAVE UP ON HIM, BECAUSE OF THEM." - And finally I screamed, not so loud as not to wake up people who were in the house.
"Do you know how much I suffered? I asked both God and the universe, any mythical being that could help me through this without having to give up on him..." - Tears fell uncontrollably, I was shaking with so much anger.
I left the kitchen as quickly as possible, leaving Riri alone.
I went back to my room and Bruce was still sleeping peacefully, I took off my bathrobe and slippers and lay down on the bed.
Bruce's arms quickly went around me.
"Where were you?"- He asked still sleepy, his hoarse voice made me shiver completely.
"In the kitchen, drinking water."- I tried my best to keep my voice steady so he wouldn't realize I was crying.
He just mumbled in agreement and went back to sleep, I looked at the clock and it was 3:42, and I just lay there, looking at the ceiling thinking about everything only to fall asleep soundly in a few minutes.
But one question still circled my mind;
𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘮𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸?
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Constructive criticism and supportive messages are always welcome, it motivates me to keep writing.
(Not revised)
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
Forever Tags: @ihatepeanutss @lovelyy-moonlight @tsamiaxo
Connected by music; @ajaxisbae @penquinsqge @suvakrpa @bxcndd @tokiohotellllll @f4ivc
Tokio Hotel; @sunooslover @willow-sages
Tom Kaulitz; @justash02 @pearlssck @dearstell @venderretta @instabull @aqxllo @Neteyamlovr
Bill Kaulitz; @aqxllo @Neteyamlovr
Gustav schäfer;
Georg Listing;
Sam Winchester; @willow-sages
Dean Winchester; @willow-sages
Robby Keene; @instabull
Damon Salvatore; @instabull
Klaus Mikaelson; @instabull
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list 💗 the ones in blue, it's because I couldn't score.
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obey-only-me · 1 year
The Avatar of Love by: Akuzondelivery
- Asmo and MC have a Self Care day
You dragged your feet along the road back to the House of Lamentation. It’s been a BAD day. Just the worst. Bombed a presentation, made a professor angry, got yelled at by a hall monitor, and to top it off you sat on a bench with wet paint on it.  The brothers were at a student council meeting this evening that would run late, you would be alone all night. On one hand you’ll have the privacy to cry about it, on the other...you’re going to miss their usual distraction. 
Your room seemed like years away but you made it, sighing loudly as you leaned against the front door. As you headed toward the stairs the DDD in your pocket received a notification. 
Asmo: Hey gorgeous! I saw you walking home, you look so sad. What’s wrong?
Awww you thought. Quickly responding to ease his mind. He has more important things to do. 
MC: Just a rough day, I'm home now so I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. :)
After hitting send you made your way up the rest of the stairs and to your room. Another notification came through. 
Asmo: Fuck that, I’m leaving student council early. 
Asmo: Let's have a nice self care night together!
MC: You can’t just leave council like that can you?
The sentiment was nice but Asmo shouldn’t leave if he needs to be there. The three dots began pending immediately. 
Asmo: They have 6 out of 7 brothers, Diavolo will be fine. 
Asmo: But I won’t be knowing you’ve got a solid frown on your lips. 
Asmo: I'm heading home now! Take a quick shower and meet me in my room in 30!
Asmo: And wear some comfy pajamas!
You laughed to yourself, there was no denying Asmo when it came to pampering himself or you. With a soft smile you sigh and do just as he said. The hot water and scented soaps helped ease some of the day away. Just after stepping from the shower you saw you had another message from Asmo.
Asmo: On second thought, wear sexy pajamas. 
Your cheeks flushed a little as you laughed off his usual flirting. Asmo is such a tease. But that’s something you like about him. 
After finding your comfiest pajamas-ignoring his last request- you headed over to Asmodeus’s room. You knocked 3 times, hearing Asmo’s voice answer. 
“It’s not locked MC, come on in!”
His room was in its usual state with the exception of a bathrobe, slippers, and beauty products spilling over his bed. Human world, celestial realm, and Devildom products were everywhere. Your eyes bulged as you took in the cluttered mess. Asmo had just walked out of his closet, donning a bathrobe of his own, bare chest peeking out, hair pinned back. 
“There you are! I brought out the best of the best as you can see.” Asmo’s smile showed how proud he was. “Let’s get you a robe and some slippers!”
After putting the robe over your clothes and allowing Asmo to pin your hair back, the pampering session began. The two of you used a Devildom toner and celestial realm paper sheet mask. It was like each of your pores were getting tiny moisturized hugs. You gave him an impromptu manicure while waiting for your foot mask to finish. Asmo returned the favor by painting your nails and making a quick dinner. After that there were only a few more products left and you both indulged. The whole thing was so relaxing you had forgotten about what had even put you in a bad mood to begin with. 
Before you knew it, it was already 8 pm and the brothers still weren’t home. You managed to clean up Asmo’s place and made your way back to your room. You both were winding down watching a movie after taking the night to pamper each other. Asmo sat at the edge of your bed as you laid on your stomach on the floor. The movie was about to reach a rather corny and romantic conclusion when Asmo sank down next to you on the floor. 
“I hope you’ve had a good night. I know I have.” He said with a smile. 
“I did! You really spoiled me today. Thank you.” You smiled back, noticing he was a lot closer to you than earlier. The slack collar on his robe barely covered his chest. A warm presence came with his joining you on the floor. 
“I should thank you! I don’t get to spend much time alone with you thanks to my brothers.” Asmo shook his head remembering the constant whining from his brothers. “They just don’t get it.”
“Get it? Get what?”
He was silent for a moment. 
“I like to think...if I hadn’t become the avatar of lust...if I hadn’t left the celestial realm...” Asmo trailed off, shaking his head after pausing. “Nevermind, I’m just happy to have spent time with you.” He tried to hide behind a quick smile. 
“Asmo...tell me?” You sat up so that you two were eye level. “We got to share a lot tonight, I’d hate it if you feel you can’t trust me.”
“Oh darling! Nothing like that, just...I’ve never told my brothers. But...I like to think if I had stayed in the celestial realm...I would have been the avatar of love…”
His smile was so pure and innocent, you blushed. “There are so many ways to express love, and only so many ways to express lust. Like tonight, I got to share with you one of the many ways I show love.”
“L-love?” There was no hiding the flush from your face. Asmo’s face was getting closer and closer. His lips seemed pouty and sweet. Suddenly you couldn’t look away. This wasn’t his enchantment, nothing felt forced here. 
“Yes, love.” An earnest look met your gaze as time slowed down a moment. Your heartbeat was so loud you could have sworn he could hear it too. Noses gently grazed each other just before you closed your eyes, anticipating his soft kiss. 
“MC~” came Asmo’s teasing voice, you opened yours to meet his beautiful rose gold eyes. Once he had your attention he placed a kiss right on your lips. He lingered a moment before pulling away with a confident smirk. 
“My brothers are here, so I regretfully can’t stay longer.” He stood, time to go, but not before running his hands through your hair. 
“Goodnight MC, I hope we can do this again soon. Even if you have a good day.”
As soon as the door closed behind him you heard the other brothers arrive. 
“Asmo!! You better not be doing anything to MC you snake!” Mammon could be heard shouting as he raced upstairs. 
“You got out of the worst meeting yet!” Followed Satan’s voice. “Your errand better have been important!”
And with that, you laid down trying to sleep, only to keep thinking about Asmo and the perfect date you two just had. 
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twst-the-night-away · 6 months
TWST Secret Santa 2023
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Happy holidays to @indulgentandidiotic from your TWST Secret Santa! And of course, great big thanks to @twstedsecretsanta for organizing the whole thing!
This isn't completely based off of one of your prompt ideas, but I did get inspired by the "baking with Ace & Deuce" one ... I just took it in another direction. I hope you enjoy!
The chill of the winter morning penetrated the walls of Ramshackle Dorm as if they weren’t there at all. Aries was more than happy to stay bundled up in bed, wrapped in every last blanket and throw he was able to find the night before. Grim had crawled under the covers with him during the night, and even though he squirmed and grumbled in his sleep, the feisty little fellow gave off a welcome warmth.
There was no reason for Aries to get up, right? After all, everyone else was leaving for winter holiday that morning. With nowhere to go, Aries had no desire to leave the warm little nest he’d made for himself. But as he started to wake, something concerning came to his attention. There was a strange smell in the air. Not unpleasant, but still concerning.
It smelled sweet. Sweet … and burnt.
Was one of the ghosts cooking?!
No, there was no way. They never had before, so why start now? Aries thought about lying back down and ignoring it, but … no, if something was burning, that could be a problem. He’d better get up.
With a little whimper, Aries tossed the blankets off and swung his slender legs off of the bed, shoving his feet into fuzzy slippers. He grabbed the plush bathrobe hanging off the bedpost and tied it on before the cold could fully sink through his pajamas, then started for the bedroom door.
Once he was out in the hall, the smell grew stronger. Walking down the steps, Aries could also hear something coming from the kitchen.
Voices. Two of them. Familiar ones, too.
Standing on the landing between the two flights of stairs, Aries felt his mouth break into a wide grin despite his sleepiness. He hurried down the rest of the stairs and ran into the kitchen.
The first thing he saw was a mess.
The counter was covered with flour, powdered sugar, and cracked eggshells. Spilled milk on the counter dripped onto the floor, forming a small puddle. It looked like every single bowl that Aries owned - which wasn’t many bowls, but still! - was dirty, stacked up in the sink. The skillet on the stovetop was still giving off wisps of smoke, as was something in the trash can. The teakettle beside it was boiling and starting to whistle.
In the middle of the mess, also covered in flour and sugar, were Ace and Deuce.
“ - and whose bright idea was it to try and make stuffed French toast, anyway?? You’d never even made the regular kind!”
“I figured it would be easy! It looked easy on Magicam, anyway.”
“Yeah, well -”
Deuce was the first to notice Aries standing in the kitchen doorway. He shut his mouth, and his bright blue eyes widened. Ace turned to follow his line of sight, and he, too, took on the deer in headlights look.
“Uhh … heeeeyyy, Aries,” Deuce started slowly. “Um.”
“Yeah, uh. Hi.”
Aries tried to stifle a laugh, and it came out sounding like a snort. He covered his mouth, but his grin couldn’t be hidden.
“Morning, guys. Um … what’s happening here?”
Ace and Deuce glanced at each other, then both started talking at once.
“So Deuce wanted to do something for you -”
“Ace said he knew how to make French toast, but -”
“ - but he wouldn’t let me even try -”
“I tried to stop him, we should have at least asked Trey how -”
“But then -”
“Hold up, one at a time!!” Aries held up his hands.
Ace scratched the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly.
“Well … we just figured you’d be here by yourself on winter holiday and all, so …”
“So we thought we’d …” Deuce looked down at his feet, tracing an arc through a bit of powdered sugar on the floor. “We wanted to do something fun for you before we all went home.”
Aries shook his head, but he still smiled. He walked over to the stove and switched off the kettle before the squealing could get too loud.
“And you were wanting to make French toast, yeah? I can do that, it’s pretty easy.”
He shrugged the bathrobe off and took the apron off of its hook on the wall, then rolled up his sleeves.
“Clean up the mess you’ve made out of my kitchen, and I’ll make some for all of us.”
“Don’t forget me!”
Aries looked down just as Grim trotted into the kitchen, then stopped short.
“Myah?! It looks like a trainwreck in here!”
“Deuce should be the one cleaning it up,” Ace said, dusting his hands off. “He’s the one who spilled the milk.”
“You’re the one who said we should sneak in!” Deuce huffed. “And you were trying to take shortcuts besides!”
Aries folded his arms. “The longer you argue, the longer we’re going without breakfa - heyy, cut that out, Grim!”
“What?” Grim looked up from the puddle of milk that he’d been lapping up. “No sense in letting it go to waste, right?”
Ace and Deuce started to pick up the mess they’d made, and Aries tied on his apron. Despite their excitement to surprise him with breakfast, the guys hadn’t used up all of the milk and eggs. Aries found a smile coming back to his face as he got the ingredients together.
Winter holiday, huh …
Aries found his mind wandering as he beat milk and eggs together, then added vanilla and cinnamon. So he was going to be alone at school for a little bit. He could handle that, right? Just him and Grim?
Come to think of it, it was probably winter back home, too.
Was he ever going to see the holidays back home again? If not … was he ever going to really be a part of this world? To fit in and start his own holiday traditions with what family he could find here?
Aries sighed. The mixture in the bowl in front of him started to become a little blurry.
“… Hey, you all right?”
Aries looked up suddenly, finding himself with Ace on one side and Deuce on the other. He blinked a few times, then wiped his eyes with the back of his arm.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine!”
Ace put an arm around Aries’s shoulders and gave him a few pats.
“Aww, Deuce, I think he’s gonna miss us.”
“Hah! Miss you guys?” Grim smirked and jumped up on the counter. “We’ll be glad to get a break from the trouble you give us!”
“Said by the number one troublemaker,” Aries said, giving Grim a gentle nudge with his elbow. “Seriously, I’m all right.”
With a sniff and a smile, Aries turned on the stove to heat up the pan. He soaked the first piece of bread in the egg mixture, then put it on to cook. By the time he’d made toast and tea for everyone, Ace and Deuce had finished cleaning up. Everyone got their plates and cups and headed into the lounge. The morning sun streaming through the window made it warm and comfortable, and Aries sat down in his favorite armchair with a happy sigh.
“What are you going to do over the holiday?” Deuce asked. “Since you’ll be here by yourself and all … I guess it’ll be a nice quiet time to study, right?”
“I guess.” Aries shrugged and cut a bite of toast, then popped it in his mouth. “Mmff. Maybe I can fix up some things around here, too.”
“I would have invited you to stay with me, but my mom’s place is small enough already …” Deuce dragged a piece of toast through the syrup.
“Yeah, and my family’s going on a trip anyhow.” Ace sighed. “But I’ll bring you back a souvenir!”
“You better not forget one for me, too!” Grim pointed at Ace with his fork.
“Sure,” Ace grinned. “I’ll get you a catnip toy or something.”
“I’m not a cat!” Grim squawked in indignation.
“Keep telling yourself that - hey, Aries, what’s wrong?”
Ace and Deuce both looked over at Aries, who was bent over with his face in his hands.
“… Are you upset that we’re going away?” Ace asked.
Aries shook his head, unable to speak for the giggles that had taken him over. He looked up, and Ace and Deuce both visibly relaxed. After a swallow of tea, Aries found himself able to talk again.
“I’ll miss you guys, sure,” he said. “But Grim and I will be just fine. And we’ve got the ghosts here to keep us company, too. There’s never a dull moment.”
“Except in Trein’s class,” Ace spoke up.
“Which I won’t have to worry about over winter break, will I?”
Aries took another bite of French toast and leaned back into the armchair, sighing with contentment.
“We should do this again sometime when you get back. Just make sure to tell me first before making a mess of my kitchen.”
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romanarose · 2 years
Abrázame Muy Fuerte
Jake Lockley X Reader
Master list
Summery: After a long day at work, you are welcomed to a beautiful sight in the kitchen.
A/N this fic is dedicated to @in-between-the-cafes
They had this idea while we chatted about or favorite Spanish language artists. Juan Gabriel was an incredible artist and this song is BEAUTIFUL and gave me big Jake vibes. I know if you don't speak Spanish (like me) this is a lot of translating, but you don't really need to translate the lyrics. The lyrics, I think, really fit jake in a homecoming way, like he's been through all the horrors but here in your flatt, he's happy and comfortable and safe.
anyway check out the song on spotify while you read <3
Cuando tu estas conmigo, es cuando yo digo
Que valió la pena. Todo, todo lo que yo he sufrido.
As soon as you turn off the shower water, you hear the music from the kitchen, Jake Lockley singing as the sounds of him cooking dinner fille the apartment. You put on your fuzzy bathrobe and slippers, finally warmed up from the cold outside.
No se si es un sueño aún
o es una realidad
pero cuando estoy contigo es cuando digo:
que este amor que siento
es porque tu lo has merecido,
You had a bad day at work, and told Jake as much when you came home. He promptly sent you off to take a shower, promising to take care of diner, lighting a candle on the bathroom counter to help you relax.
con decirte amor que otra vez he amanecido
llorando de felicidad;
a tu lado yo siento que estoy viviendo
nada es como ayer.
There was nothing you loved to hear more than the sound of him singing. He had a beautiful voice, and right now, him singing Juan Gabriel? Heavenly. He could've been a Ranchero singer in another life, you think.
Abrázame que el tiempo pasa y el nunca perdona,
ha hecho estragos en mi gente como en mi persona.
Abrázame que el tiempo es malo y muy cruel amigo,
Abrázame que el tiempo es oro si tu estas conmigo
Abrázame fuerte, muy fuerte, más fuerte que nunca,
siempre abrázame
Tying your hair up in a towel, you put off getting dressed to bless yourself with the sight of him. You wander into the kitchen, and see Jake singing over the stove. He looked domestic. He was your homecoming that you were blessed with every day.
Hoy que tu estas conmigo,
yo no se si esta pasando el tiempo o tu lo has detenido
así quiero estar por siempre,
aprovecho que estas tu conmigo
te doy gracias por cada momento de mi vivir
Jake Lockley, as you knew him, was a drastically different person than Moon Knight. You knew what he did, he had seen what he did in news reports, as much as Jake tried to hide it from you. You had seen what he was capable of. But here? With you? He wasn’t Moon Knight. He was just Jake Lockley, your beautiful, kind boyfriend, who could sing like anything.
Tu cuando mires para el cielo,
por cada estrella que aparezca amor es un "te quiero"
 Abrázame que el tiempo hiere y el cielo es testigo
que el tiempo es cruel y a nadie quiere por eso te digo
The evening was cool, crisp. You entered the kitchen, as quiet as possible for fear of him stopping his singing. The warm glow of the kitchen lights put an angelic halo over your loving boyfriend as he turns to you, smiling. “Hola, Mi Querida, ¿Te sientes mejor?”
Abrázame muy fuerte amor, manténme así a tu lado
yo quiero agradecerte amor todo lo que me has dado,
quiero corresponderte de una forma u otra a diario
“Much better, guapo.” You wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. “Por favor, sigue cantando mi amor. I love how you sing, baby.”
Jake returned the hug, nestling his stubbled face into your neck. He wrapped one strong arm around your waist, the other, he held your hand out, fingers intertwined with his. As he danced with you, guiding your around the kitchen, Jake obliged in your request. He sang softly, the hand around your waist feeling your back, ass, thighs, anywhere he could reach. He may be as sweet as candy, but he was sensual and passionate as well, his touches always causing a warmth in your stomach.
Abrázame que el tiempo pasa y ese no se detiene,
abrázame muy fuerte amor que el tiempo en contra viene,
Abrázame que Dios perdona pero el tiempo a ninguno,
Abrázame que no le importa saber quien es uno,
“Jake…” you whisper, as he pushed you against the counter. You smelled the onions cooking, sizzling in the pan with whatever sauce he was making.
Jake kissed your mouth, your cheek, down your neck, as he finished the song.
Abrázame que el tiempo pasa y el nunca perdona
ha hecho estragos en mi gente como en mi persona,
Abrázame que el tiempo es malo y muy cruel amigo
Abrázame muy fuerte amor.
“I’ll always hold you close, baby. Te amo.” You kissed his neck, running your fingers through his thick curly hair, brushing a curl from his forehead when you pulled back. “Tú eres mío, yo soy tuyo”
A soft smile reached up to Jake's beautiful dark eyes. “Tú eres mío, yo soy tuyo, Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti”
The glow of the shitty kitchen lights only enhanced his intense features, his skin looking caramel and golden. The terrifying fist of vengeance, was singing to you in a flat kitchen, cooking for you, dancing with you. Whatever pull you had on him, you’d never know, but you knew he was yours and you were his, forever and always.
THANKS FOR READING!!!! I love y'all, everyone has given me such kind words recently and I really appreciate it! Sometimes I feel down about my writing so it's really beautiful to see everyone being so nice. I love all my writer buddies and everyone who reblogs and likes (seriously if you frequently like my stuff, i notice you <3)
Anway everyone go follow in-between-cafes, they have some really cute fics!
Also check out @welcometostayingawake thhey just started out writing and deserve love and support!
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/04/28 Después de comer fuimos al hotel a descansar. Nos recibieron con una decoración muy bonita en nuestras enormes camas, con albornoces y zapatillas tamaño gigante para nuestra estatura. También nos regalaron un vasito de fruta.
After eating we went to the hotel to rest. We were greeted with a very nice decoration in our huge beds, with bathrobes and slippers giant size for our height. They also gave us a glass of fruit.
Google Translation into French: Après avoir mangé, nous sommes allés à l'hôtel pour nous reposer. Nous avons été accueillis avec une très belle décoration dans nos lits immenses, avec des peignoirs et des chaussons géants pour notre taille. Ils nous ont également donné un verre de fruits.
Google translation into Italian: Dopo aver mangiato, siamo andati in albergo a riposare. Siamo stati accolti con una bella decorazione nei nostri enormi letti, con accappatoi e pantofole giganti per la nostra taglia. Ci hanno anche offerto un bicchiere di frutta.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Depois de comer, fomos para o hotel descansar. Fomos recebidos com uma decoração muito bonita nas nossas camas enormes, com roupões de banho e chinelos gigantes para o nosso tamanho. Eles também nos deram um copo de frutas.
Google Translation into German: Nach dem Essen gingen wir ins Hotel, um uns auszuruhen. Wir wurden mit einer sehr schönen Dekoration in unseren riesigen Betten empfangen, mit Bademänteln und riesigen Hausschuhen für unsere Größe. Sie gaben uns auch ein Glas Obst.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Pas vaktit shkuam në hotel për të pushuar. Na pritën në shtretërit tanë të mëdhenj me një dekorim shumë të bukur, me rroba banjo dhe pantofla të mëdha për madhësinë tonë. Na dhanë edhe një gotë fruta.
Google Translation into Armenian: Ճաշից հետո գնացինք հյուրանոց հանգստանալու։ Մեզ դիմավորեցին մեր հսկայական անկողիններում՝ շատ գեղեցիկ զարդարանքով, խալաթներով ու մեր չափսի հսկայական հողաթափերով։ Մեզ էլ մի բաժակ միրգ տվեցին։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: След като се нахранихме, отидохме в хотела за почивка. Бяхме добре дошли в нашите огромни легла с много хубава декорация, с халати и огромни чехли за нашия размер. Дадоха ни и чаша плод.
Google Translation into Czech: Po jídle jsme si šli odpočinout do hotelu. Byli jsme přivítáni v našich obrovských postelích s velmi pěknou výzdobou, s župany a obrovskými pantoflemi na naši velikost. Dali nám také sklenici ovoce.
Google Translation into Croatian: Nakon obroka otišli smo u hotel na odmor. Dočekali su nas u našim ogromnim krevetima s vrlo lijepim ukrasima, s ogrtačima i ogromnim papučama za našu veličinu. Dali su nam i čašu voća.
Google Translation into Danish Efter maden tog vi til hotellet for at hvile os. Vi blev budt velkommen i vores store senge med en meget flot dekoration, med badekåber og kæmpe tøfler til vores størrelse. De gav os også et glas frugt.
Google Translation into Slovak: Po jedle sme si išli oddýchnuť do hotela. Privítali nás v našich obrovských posteliach s veľmi peknou výzdobou, so županmi a obrovskými papučami na našu veľkosť. Dali nám aj pohár ovocia.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Po kosilu smo odšli v hotel počivat. Sprejeli so nas v naših ogromnih posteljah z zelo lepo dekoracijo, s kopalnimi plašči in ogromnimi copati za našo velikost. Dali so nam tudi kozarec sadja.
Google Translation into Estonian: Peale sööki läksime hotelli puhkama. Meid tervitati meie tohututes, väga kena kaunistusega voodites, hommikumantlite ja meie suuruse kohta tohutute sussidega. Nad andsid meile ka klaasi puuvilja.
Google Translation into Suomi: Ruokailun jälkeen menimme hotellille lepäämään. Meidät toivotettiin tervetulleiksi valtaviin sänkyihimme, joissa oli erittäin mukava sisustus, kylpytakit ja suuret tossut kokoomme. He antoivat meille myös lasillisen hedelmiä.
Google Translation into Georgian: ჭამის შემდეგ სასტუმროში წავედით დასასვენებლად. ჩვენს უზარმაზარ საწოლებში დაგვხვდნენ ძალიან ლამაზი დეკორაციით, ხალათებით და ჩვენი ზომის უზარმაზარი ჩუსტებით. ერთი ჭიქა ხილიც მოგვცეს.
Google Translation into Greek: Μετά το φαγητό πήγαμε στο ξενοδοχείο για ξεκούραση. Μας υποδέχτηκαν στα τεράστια κρεβάτια μας με πολύ ωραία διακόσμηση, με μπουρνούζια και τεράστιες παντόφλες για το μέγεθός μας. Μας έδωσαν και ένα ποτήρι φρούτα.
Google Translation into Dutch: Na de maaltijd gingen we naar het hotel om uit te rusten. We werden verwelkomd in onze enorme bedden met een zeer mooie inrichting, met badjassen en enorme pantoffels voor onze maat. Ze gaven ons ook een glas fruit.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Etter maten dro vi til hotellet for å hvile. Vi ble ønsket velkommen i våre enorme senger med en veldig fin dekorasjon, med badekåper og digre tøfler for vår størrelse. De ga oss også et glass frukt.
Google Translation into Polish: Po posiłku udaliśmy się do hotelu odpocząć. Zostaliśmy powitani w naszych ogromnych łóżkach z bardzo ładną dekoracją, ze szlafrokami i ogromnymi kapciami jak na nasz rozmiar. Dali nam również szklankę owoców.
Google Translation into Romanian: Dupa masa ne-am dus la hotel sa ne odihnim. Am fost primiți în paturile noastre imense cu un decor foarte drăguț, cu halate de baie și papuci uriași pentru dimensiunea noastră. Ne-au dat și un pahar de fructe.
Google Translation into Russian: После трапезы поехали в гостиницу отдыхать. Нас встретили на наших огромных кроватях с очень красивым декором, с халатами и огромными тапочками для нашего размера. Они также дали нам стакан фруктов.
Google Translation into Serbian: После јела отишли ​​смо у хотел да се одморимо. Дочекали смо у нашим огромним креветима са веома лепом декорацијом, са баде мантилима и огромним папучама за нашу величину. Дали су нам и чашу воћа.
Google Translation into Swedish: Efter maten gick vi till hotellet för att vila. Vi välkomnades i våra enorma sängar med en väldigt fin dekoration, med badrockar och jättestora tofflor för vår storlek. De gav oss också ett glas frukt.
Google Translation into Turkish: Yemekten sonra dinlenmek için otele gittik. Çok güzel bir dekorasyona sahip kocaman yataklarımızda, boyumuza göre bornozlar ve kocaman terliklerle ağırlandık. Ayrıca bize bir bardak meyve verdiler.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Після обіду ми пішли в готель відпочивати. Нас зустріли у наших величезних ліжках з дуже гарним декором, з халатами та величезними тапочками для нашого розміру. Вони також дали нам склянку фруктів.
Google Translation into Arabic: بعد الوجبة ذهبنا إلى الفندق للراحة. تم الترحيب بنا في أسرتنا الضخمة بديكور جميل للغاية ، مع أرواب حمام ونعال ضخمة تناسب حجمنا. كما قدموا لنا كأسًا من الفاكهة.
Google Translation into Bengali: খাওয়া শেষে হোটেলে চলে গেলাম বিশ্রাম নিতে। আমাদের বিশাল বিছানায় খুব সুন্দর সাজসজ্জা, স্নানের পোশাক এবং আমাদের আকারের জন্য বিশাল চপ্পল সহ আমাদের স্বাগত জানানো হয়েছিল। তারা আমাদের এক গ্লাস ফলও দিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 吃完饭我们就去酒店休息了。 我们在装饰精美的大床上受到欢迎,配有浴袍和适合我们尺寸的大拖鞋。 他们还给了我们一杯水果。
Google Translation into Korean: 식사 후 호텔로 이동하여 휴식을 취했습니다. 우리는 목욕 가운과 우리 크기에 맞는 거대한 슬리퍼와 함께 매우 멋지게 장식된 거대한 침대에서 환영을 받았습니다. 그들은 또한 우리에게 과일 한 잔을 주었다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: לאחר הארוחה הלכנו למלון למנוחה. התקבלנו במיטות הענק שלנו עם קישוט יפה מאוד, עם חלוקי רחצה ונעלי בית ענקיות למידותינו. הם גם נתנו לנו כוס פירות.
Google Translation into Hindi: खाना खाने के बाद हम होटल में आराम करने चले गए। हमारे विशाल बिस्तरों में एक बहुत अच्छी सजावट के साथ हमारा स्वागत किया गया, स्नान वस्त्र और हमारे आकार के लिए बड़ी चप्पलें। उन्होंने हमें एक गिलास फल भी दिया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Setelah makan kami pergi ke hotel untuk beristirahat. Kami disambut di tempat tidur besar kami dengan dekorasi yang sangat bagus, dengan jubah mandi dan sandal besar untuk ukuran kami. Mereka juga memberi kami segelas buah.
Google Translation into Japanese: 食事の後はホテルで休憩。 私たちはとても素敵な装飾が施された大きなベッドで歓迎され、私たちのサイズに合わせたバスローブと大きなスリッパがありました。 彼らはまた私たちにフルーツを一杯くれました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Тамактангандан кийин эс алуу үчүн мейманканага бардык. Бизди чоң керебеттерибизде абдан сонун жасалгалар, халаттар жана биздин өлчөмүбүзгө жараша чоң тапочкалар менен тосуп алышты. Бизге бир стакан жемиш да беришти.
Google Translation into Malay: Selepas makan kami pergi ke hotel untuk berehat. Kami dialu-alukan di katil besar kami dengan hiasan yang sangat bagus, dengan jubah mandi dan selipar besar untuk saiz kami. Mereka juga memberi kami segelas buah.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Хоол идчихээд зочид буудал руугаа амрахаар явлаа. Биднийг маш гоё чимэглэлтэй, бидний хэмжээтэй таарсан халат, асар том шаахайтай асар том орондоо угтлаа. Тэд бас бидэнд нэг аяга жимс өгсөн.
Google Translation into Nepali: खाना खाइसकेपछि आराम गर्न होटेल गयौं । हामीलाई हाम्रो विशाल ओछ्यानमा धेरै राम्रो सजावटको साथ स्वागत गरियो, बाथरोब र हाम्रो आकारको लागि ठूलो चप्पलहरू सहित। उनीहरूले हामीलाई फलफूलको गिलास पनि दिए।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਖਾਣੇ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਅਸੀਂ ਆਰਾਮ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਹੋਟਲ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ। ਸਾਡੇ ਵੱਡੇ ਬਿਸਤਰੇ 'ਤੇ ਬਹੁਤ ਵਧੀਆ ਸਜਾਵਟ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ, ਬਾਥਰੋਬਸ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਆਕਾਰ ਲਈ ਵੱਡੀਆਂ ਚੱਪਲਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਾਡਾ ਸਵਾਗਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ। ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਫਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਗਿਲਾਸ ਵੀ ਦਿੱਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: د ډوډۍ نه وروسته موږ د استراحت لپاره هوټل ته لاړو. موږ زموږ په لویو بستونو کې په خورا ښکلي سینګار سره ، حمامونو او زموږ د اندازې لپاره لوی چپلونو سره ښه راغلاست وو. دوی موږ ته یو ګیلاس میوه هم راکړه.
Google Translation into Persian: بعد از صرف غذا برای استراحت به هتل رفتیم. ما را در تخت های بزرگمان با دکوراسیون بسیار زیبا، با حوله های حمام و دمپایی های بزرگ به اندازه خود پذیرایی کردند. یک لیوان میوه هم به ما دادند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Saatos tuang urang angkat ka hotél pikeun istirahat. Kami disambut dina ranjang ageung kalayan hiasan anu saé pisan, kalayan jubah mandi sareng selop ageung pikeun ukuran urang. Éta ogé masihan kami sagelas buah.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Pagkatapos naming kumain ay pumunta na kami sa hotel para magpahinga. Malugod kaming tinanggap sa aming malalaking kama na may napakagandang palamuti, na may mga bathrobe at malalaking tsinelas para sa aming sukat. Binigyan din nila kami ng isang baso ng prutas.
Google Translation into Thai: หลังอาหารเราไปพักผ่อนที่โรงแรม เราได้รับการต้อนรับบนเตียงนอนขนาดใหญ่พร้อมการตกแต่งอย่างสวยงาม พร้อมเสื้อคลุมอาบน้ำและรองเท้าแตะขนาดใหญ่สำหรับขนาดของเรา พวกเขายังให้แก้วผลไม้แก่เราด้วย
Google Translation into Urdu: کھانے کے بعد ہم آرام کرنے ہوٹل چلے گئے۔ ہمارے بڑے بڑے بستروں میں بہت اچھی سجاوٹ کے ساتھ، حمام کے کپڑے اور ہمارے سائز کے مطابق بڑی چپل کے ساتھ ہمارا استقبال کیا گیا۔ انہوں نے ہمیں پھل کا گلاس بھی دیا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Ovqatdan keyin mehmonxonaga dam olish uchun bordik. Bizni juda chiroyli bezakli, o'lchamimizga mos xalat va katta shippak bilan bezatilgan ulkan yotoqlarimizda kutib olishdi. Bizga bir stakan meva ham berishdi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Sau bữa ăn chúng tôi về khách sạn nghỉ ngơi. Chúng tôi được chào đón trên những chiếc giường lớn được trang trí rất đẹp mắt, với áo choàng tắm và dép đi trong nhà lớn phù hợp với kích thước của chúng tôi. Họ cũng cho chúng tôi một ly trái cây.
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Christmas at Downton, chapter 2
I decided to ad another chapter to this drabble, because I felt it needed it. So enjoy :)
"You did wonderful, my darling." Robert said walking into Cora's bedroom.
O'Brien just finished putting Cora's hair in a braid. "Good night, Milady." She said, picking up Cora's clothes and she walked out of the room.
Cora looked up at Robert. "Thank you, darling. I am glad you enjoyed your evening." Robert had indeed enjoyed his evening she thought. He was tipsy before the main course had finished. She asked Carson to slow him down on the alcohol. She noticed everybody was freely enjoying the drinks this evening. She got up and dropped her bathrobe at the end of the bed, before sliding under the covers.
"I really enjoyed it, even Mama was having fun I noticed. You did splendid." Robert took of his slippers and crawled in bed to. He scooted closer to Cora, who was sitting against the headboard, holding her book. He took the book out of her hands and laid it down on her nightstand. Leaning heavily on her. Before he returned to his own side, he gave Cora a quick kiss.
She smiled and touched his cheek. "Darling, go to sleep, you are drunk." She could smell the alcohol in his breath.
"But you are way too beautiful to not kiss." He pressed his lips against Cora's again.
Cora kissed him back. "Darling, I know you think that, but tomorrow morning the girls will be at our bed very early in the morning."
"You don't want me?" Robert pouted.
Cora gently pushed Robert back in his pillow and kissed him again. "You know I do, but not tonight. Sleep tight my darling." She laid her head down. She loved sleeping against Robert. His steady heartbeat always calmed her down, the evening had been wonderful. Everyone loved the buffet style dinner and after everybody had danced with each other. Even the servants joined in on the festivities. Christmas was truly the most wonderful time of the year she thought. And this year was extra special with her mother and brother joining. She moved her hand to her belly and in the new year they would welcome a new addition to their little family of four. Robert started snoring and Cora scolded herself for not trying to be asleep before him. He was always snoring, but when he had a bit too much of a drink, it was even worse. She poked his side, trying to get him to turn on his side. "You are snoring." She said, what helped. He turned on his side and the snoring stopped. Cora rolled back on her own pillow and tried to fall asleep, herself.
"Ssstt, Mama is still sleeping, we have to wait a little bit darling."
Cora heard Robert's voice, she opened her eyes and saw he was kneeled, and her two girls were in front of him. Robert saw she was awake and winked at her. So, she pretended she was still sleeping, she closed her eyes again and waited.
"Go and wake up mommy."
Very quickly she felt the bed move and little hands leaning on her. She opened her eyes again and played she was in shock seeing her girls. "Darlings, what are you doing here?"
Mary had a big smile on her face. "Open the presents now, Mama?"
Cora pulled Mary close. "Of course, we can." She threw off the duvet and put on her bathrobe. Edith took her hand and Mary took her other. She smiled at Robert and said very softly. "Maybe there is a present for you too."
Robert picked Edith up and replaced her hand for his in Cora's. "Maybe, just maybe Santa Claus left something for you too, my dearest." He felt Cora leaning in on him, while they walked towards the stairs. He had bought Cora a very special gift this year. When they were in London during the summer, she had been looking at a jewellery set at Cartier, but she said it would be too much, so she decided not to buy the set. He was pleased she did not buy it; it gave him the perfect Christmas present.
The girls run down the stairs towards the three. The pulled all the presents underneath them. Robert rushed after them, trying to stop them from opening the wrong gifts. Settle down girls, Mama will hand you your gifts. He sat down on the ground and pulled Mary on his lap.
Cora got on her knees and picked the first present. "This one has your name on it, Mary." she handed Mary the gift, pulling Edith closer to her. Inside was a beautiful doll. Cora saw Mary's face lit up. "Thank you." She murmured.
"And this one, is for you." She handed Edith a present. It was too big for her to pick up, so Cora helped. Inside the package was a balance bike. "The rest of the gifts has to wait, look this one has Granny Violet's name on it, and this one has Uncle Harold's
"Is there something for me?" They heard the low voice of Harold.
"Good morning, my dear brother, you are up early." Cora wanted to get up but felt Harold's hand on her shoulder.
"Stay seated, it seems it is way more fun to sit on the ground." He sat down himself and looked at the presents. "Oh look, there is another one for you two." He handed the girls another present.
"This looks cosy." Rosamund said, while joining their little circle on the ground. Marmaduke also followed.
"You cannot expect us to sit on the ground." Violet walked in; she was the only one not in her pyjama's. Carson rushed to put down a chair, for her. He also put one down for Martha, who joined right after Violet, but she refused and sat down on the floor.
"I am not that old yet." She said.
Everybody opened their gifts, until there were just two gifts left. "I think this one is for you." Cora picked up one of the presents and handed it to Robert. She kissed his cheek. "Happy Christmas."
Inside were Australian Merino shearling-lined scuff slippers.
"Now you cannot complain about your cold feet anymore." Cora smiled at Robert.
"These are beautiful." He touched the inside. "And so incredibly soft. "Thank you very much." He looked at the three. "Than this one is for you, my darling." He handed the box to Cora.
Cora took of the wrapping paper and her eyes grew when she saw the red box. "You did not!" She looked up at Robert, her cheeks turning red. "This is too much."
"Open it." He said.
"Yeah, Sis, we want to know what is inside." Harold said.
Cora quickly opened the box and looked at the beautiful set she had seen in London. The set was from the essential line collection. A necklace, bracelet, and earrings.
"Robert, this is truly too much."
"Nothing is too much for the love of my life." Robert kissed her on the lips.
Cora’s red cheeks turned even brighter red. Robert never kissed her like this in front of other people. Especially not in front of his mother.
Rosamund saved the day by saying: "I think it is time for us to put on our clothes and sit down for breakfast."
Nanny took the girls upstairs when everybody got up to go back to their rooms. Robert took Cora's hand and hold her behind.
"Darling. I mean it, nothing is too much for you. I was happy you decided not to buy this set, you gave me the opportunity to gif it to you."
Now everybody had left, Cora felt more freely and put her arms in Robert's neck. "I love you; you know that right?"
Robert gave her a surprised look. "Uhm, yes I do?"
"You do not have to give me expensive gifts, I love you for who you are."
Robert chuckled. "Did you look at the gift you gave me? These slippers aren't cheap."
Cora pressed her lips against Robert's. "In comparison they are." She felt Robert's hand on her lower back, pressing her against him. She loved these stolen moments together.
They were all sitting in the library, enjoying a quiet afternoon. Cora was chatting with Rosamund, Harold was reading a book and Marmaduke and Robert were talking business, when all the sudden Mary came running in.
"Mama! Mama!" She screamed. "Look, snow, look." She jumped up and down from joy.
They all looked outside and saw the world was indeed getting white.
"Go, get on your jackets, we need to build a snowman." Robert said enthusiastically.
They all went outside, except for Violet and Martha, who stated that it was far too cold to be outside.
Cora looked at Robert and the girls who were building a snow man, she was waiting with some pebbles, a carrot, and a shawl to top it off.
Robert stepped back and looked at his work. "Perfect." He said softly.
Cora slid her arm in his and leaned in on him. "It is indeed perfect." She said, smiling up at him. This snow was the icing on the cake. These Christmas days had been splendid, everybody had enjoyed themselves, the buffet would be something they would do again Robert had said to his mother. Maybe not for Christmas, but he liked the idea of shaking things up a bit during the year. Cora had smiled when he said that he was a real English man, but slowly he was getting influenced by her American heritage.
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 27
"That could be our new slogan," Emiko mused, totally serious. As she'd been silent for a while, her fellow genin and the Chuunin treating them to breakfast at her house gave her strange looks. Then she clarified. "I was just thinking about our mission. I think I know how we should advertise to clients." She held out her hands expansively. "Konoha nin! Providing permanent solutions to temporary problems since the first year of the ninja."
Aiko choked on her breakfast muffin, hacking and banging lightly on the table with her palm. By the time she could breathe again, the genin had dissolved into hysterical giggles. Ken held up a hand to catch the milk leaking out of his nose, glaring weakly at Emiko for her poor timing. Luckily for him, his hatred of the (incredibly flattering and practical) masked outfit had led him to getting a lower-cut shirt that didn't get any of the milk spray. The girls had also gotten new clothes, but they had kept what she'd gotten them for wear outside the village and still wore them occasionally.
"No. 'You get what you pay for'," Akira deadpanned with a pointed look at Ken. He looked offended.
'Not the worst way to deal with the problem of first mission death.' She joined them in giggles that were as dignified as she could manage. 'Humor is a great coping mechanism.'
A door banged open down the hall, and Karin stumbled out in her blue pajamas, rubbing at her eyes. Akira managed to stop laughing long enough to give her and up-and-down and raise one eyebrow. Probably at her seriously impressive bed-head.
It also could have been the other girl who followed behind her from the master bathroom yawning, short black hair wet and wrapped up in an oversized fluffy purple bathrobe and white bunny slippers.
"Good morning, Aiko-san," Hinata managed, finding herself a seat at the table and flopping over weakly. She wasn't a morning person. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon." Karin grunted unhappily, finding herself a teacup and putting water on to boil. Aiko wordlessly pointed at the highly caffeinated tea she already had ready. Hinata poured herself a cup lightning-fast, dragging it to her body as if to protect it from the interlopers.
"So, this is your team?" Karin drawled, eying them. She looked unimpressed. Ken gave her a stink-eye in return, mopping up milk with his napkin.
"Hai. Emiko, Akira, and Ken. This is Karin and Hinata." Aiko gestured as was appropriate, raising to let her cousin take her seat since she was finished. "Dishes?" Akira wordlessly stood to help her gather them, taking up the job of rinsing while Aiko washed them in the other side of the sink. She handed the clean dishes to Ken to dry and put away in the cupboard. Emiko stretched, before checking the time and yawning. "It's late enough that I think I can go home."
"Alright," Aiko noted. "Have a good nap." She slid back into her chair, ignoring Karin's incredulous expression at her dirty mission fatigues.
The older redhead made a face. "I just thought of something. Aiko, please tell me you'll let me pick out your kimono for the spring festival."
She furrowed her brow. "Is that really coming up already?" Hinata managed to drag herself far enough off the table to nod, thoroughly unbecoming bags under her eyes.
The other two genin filed out soon after Emiko. They had made it to the village at about four in the morning. Shinobi had been out and about, along with several artisans and bakery workers, but not that many of them. Their mission report wouldn't be given until much later in the day, after the genin had a chance to rest. But no one had wanted to try to sneak into their house past hyper alert, sleeping parents. That didn't end well even when the parents in question weren't armed. (and almost everyone is armed in a shinobi village).
Aiko didn't take the chance to sleep. She was used to going without for longer times, and she was relatively certain that she would be meeting the person her shishou wanted her to meet today. As soon as her genin were gone, she took a long, luxurious shower. It may have been foolish and wasteful to do so directly before she went to the training grounds, but she wasn't fond of sticky day-old clothing.
Said clothing—all dark grey this time—hit the tile in a stiff pile. Since she wasn't planning on leaving the village, she indulged herself with Karin's scented shampoos and body wash.
It really was an indulgence for a ninja… they were scented like vanilla and contained glitter. It was shameful. Her normal soaps were harsh and had scents like 'forest', 'earth', and 'ocean'.
She used the glittery stuff anyways, and felt inordinately content. If she'd had more time, she might have painted her nails and gotten a mani-pedi.
'Thank all the kami for Hinata,' she mused when she stepped out and discovered the pile of luxurious jewel toned towels clean and ready for use. Since Naruto had left, someone else had to pick up the chore of laundry, and she was terrible about it. Karin was willing to do most of the housekeeping, like scrubbing and dusting. Aiko did most of the cooking and stocked the kitchen. Hinata had naturally slipped into the other chores as if she had always been there to water herbs and scrub out bloodstains.
Barefoot and clean, she toed the dirty clothes into the hamper before pulling out her own bathrobe and tossing her towel over the rack. Much happier now that she felt fresh, Aiko found one of her most definitely 'off-duty' uniform combinations- a still demure grey set of leggings with a short-sleeved pink tunic. She tugged her hair into pigtails with pink elastics, her black boots on her feet, and grey fingerless gloves over her hands before giving her reflection a grin and a thumbs-up.
"No stupid Chuunin vest today," she decided. She wouldn't need it to work on her chakra chains anyway. She did strap on her practice sword over her back, but didn't take any other weaponry or sealing equipment with her before she flounced out the door (tucking her lunch money into her bra for safekeeping) and headed straight for her usual training grounds.
She was less than surprised to be the only person there. Although she would normally start working out on her own, Aiko stretched out on the grass and tucked her hands behind her head. Then she cloud-watched, barely awake and content.
Time passed out of consciousness. It could have been minutes, but it must have been hours before she felt the flicker of two chakra signatures arriving via shunshin. One of them was very familiar. One was not.
"Hey shishou." She waved lazily with her index and middle fingers, cracking one eye open to peer up at his companion.
'Hellooo, nurse!' some voice from a far-off place in her brain called.
The hunk next to her sensei… just, wow. Dark, soulful eyes, messy brown hair, and a chin that could have been carved from marble peered down at her from its perch on broad shoulders. She grinned stupidly. 'Shame about the unflattering face-framing metal piece.' He also looked like he had dressed out of Kakashi-shishou's closet, which appealed to her for some reason.
Aiko stood up hastily, brushing off her clothes. "Hello, I'm Uzumaki Aiko. Please take care of me." She bowed politely to complete the traditional introduction.
Her sensei snickered rudely.
"I know." The man who could only be Yamato eyed her critically. "Yamato. I will be helping you today." He wasn't particularly impressed. He'd heard a lot about this kid second-hand, and he'd expected more. This was the girl that his senpai had left ANBU for? Bit underwhelming. She had pigtails and glitter all over for Kami's sake. He clenched his jaw imperceptibly. 'Kakashi-senpai, I won't let you down! Even if this is all I have to work with. I will impress you somehow.' He was, after all, senpai's best student.
The somewhat chilly reception took her aback. When she looked to her shishou for reassurance, she saw nothing helpful there, though she did note that her new training partner's expression tightened further. She scowled. 'Fine. I don't care if you're a hunk. You're going down.'
Aiko took a moment to construct a profile of the man in front of her. He was somewhere between 17 and his early 20s, had been a member of ANBU for most of that, and was socially impaired. He was highly skilled, and of above average intelligence.
'This is going to be like taking candy from a baby. Slightly morally dubious, but hilariously easy and easily hilarious.'
"You'll remember what we talked about?"
Yamato nodded, giving Kakashi his full attention and a sheepish smile, rubbing at his neck. "Hai, senpai!"
"Superb. Play nice, kids." Book already out, her bastard of a shishou just abandoned her to an eighteen year old who looked to have a grudge against her for some reason.
'Shishou, I will get you back for this.' He knew what was going on, she was sure of it.
"Alright then. Let's see what you can do." Yamato clapped his hands together, businesslike expression on his face. "Wood style!" The two pillars that rose above the tree line were probably supposed to impress her.
She twitched. 'Why do boys always shout out what they're doing? I mean, I know it's supposed to be a mnemonic device to make learning jutsu easier, but at his level this guy should really be able to do that without telling everyone and their dog what's going on. How embarrassing.' Wordlessly, she visualized two shining chakra chains coming from her back, wrapping around her arms and shooting out twenty feet to pierce the pillars he had summoned, splitting them in half with a terrible crack.
Aiko grinned up at his mildly surprised expression. "You'll have to do better than that," she taunted. "What's the idea here? I thought you were going to teach me to be gentle, Yamato." She faked an innocent posture (with calculated adorable pointed-in-toes) and an ever-so-slightly breathy tone, interlacing her fingers and tilting her head to pout up at him. "Is shoving all that hard wood at me really the best way to teach me restraint?"
He sputtered incoherently.
'Point one to Aiko.'
"Anko…" Shizune groaned, rubbing at her head, and wishing that Tsunade-sama was around to deal with this. "You frightened the Academy students… and teachers."
It was a bit unconventional to have this conversation in her office at the hospital, (especially since the only chair other than hers had been borrowed from pediatrics) but she didn't really want to have the younger woman disciplined through official channels. She was somewhat fond of the snake summoner and a little protective—poor Anko had been poorly done by so far as Konoha was concerned. After her traitorous sensei had abandoned her, Anko had been looked on with suspicion. Official reprimands would hurt her more than they should.
Besides, she was waiting on results from some bloodwork from an academy student of dubious parentage who had displayed symptoms of a certain rare genetic disorder. She didn't want to leave her office for too long. That paperwork could corroborate her hypothesis. It would explain so much…
The other woman scowled irritably. "Well, Hokage-sama told me to find a child!"
Shizune blinked wearily. "What?" That… that didn't sound like something Tsunade-sama would say.
Anko nodded seriously, eyes closed and arms crossed. "Yes. She told me this morning that I needed to find a student to teach snake-summoning and my special taijutsu. I only know one child in person, and I'm not going to fight Hatake for her. So I went to the place where I knew children could be found!" She held up a finger. "I wanted to find the best one!"
'Why me?' Shizune bemoaned. Outwardly, she just sighed in understanding. "I don't think that's what she meant. First of all, it would take years to get an Academy student up to the level where they could hope to use summoning. That takes a lot of chakra. Therefore, you'd be better off with a student who is already a genin, ideally one without a regular sensei so they have plenty of time to work with you. If you do pick a student who has a sensei, make sure they're one who doesn't spend too much time working on a family style or something. Secondly, that's not how you find a student." She deadpanned. "You're going to have to talk to one. Not just stare silently and test their reflexes with senbon."
After a moment's thought, she added, "and it tends to unnerve people when you don't blink. Remember to do that."
She looked thoroughly unimpressed, but Anko seemed to have absorbed the lecture.
"Where am I going to find a child if I can't use the Academy?" she whined. "I don't work with any, I don't know anyone with one I can borrow, and I've never seen one in the places I frequent."
Shizune shrugged helplessly. 'That may be because you spend all your free time at the bars and adult bookstores?' Then there was a knock on the door. Before she could call out for the person to enter or wait, the door flung open and Uzumaki Karin stomped in, a stormcloud practically visible over her head. "Here," she said brusquely, tossing a clipboard onto Shizune's desk with a clatter. "Enjoy. I'd stay and chat, but apparently I need remedial instruction on bedside manner." The sneer that accompanied this statement was vicious.
The door slammed shut before the two adult women could blink.
"Sorry about that," Shizune laughed. Poor grumpy Karin. She was-
"She's perfect," Anko breathed. She stood jerkily, letting her humorously undersized chair fall over with a clatter. She moved with enough speed to confuse an unwary observer into thinking she'd used shunshin, pinning Karin against the wall with one hand and grinning ferally into her face.
A lesser genin might have frozen in the face of a larger, mentally unstable predator. Karin reflexively head-butted the other woman and bonelessly relaxed before twisting to the side and nearly escaping before Anko slipped around and pinned her again with one hand under Karin's chin, the other on her shoulder. Karin might have kept struggling… if it weren't for the black-scaled snakes twisting around her torso.
A wise woman knew when she was outmatched by someone dangerously crazy. Karin went limp, tilting her head up and exposing her vulnerable throat.
The crazy woman who had assaulted her licked her lips slowly, leaning in so close that warm breath (scented like candy apples) washed across Karin's face. "I want you," she crooned, stroking Karin's face. Karin blinked, straining to look down and investigate the softness she could feel pressing against her chest. "To be my student." She relaxed. That made much more sense. But it was mildly disappointing as well.
Karin was an equal-opportunity pervert.
"Would I get to use snakes?" At the affirmation, Karin shrugged. "Sure, I guess."
Anko froze. That wasn't what she'd been expecting. First, the teacher made vaguely sexual advances on the young girl who needed to learn the ways of the world. Then the student blushed and demurred, maybe struggling a little. Then-
'Ah,' she realized. 'I'm getting this mixed up with Icha Icha Teacher's Pet. I think this is okay.' Anko nodded decisively, remembering to blink after a few more seconds. She'd never had a student. She had been asked to test a genin team once, but it hadn't worked out.
Something about quitting the shinobi force to get away from her or something.
"But," the redhead she had recently accosted added. "I have two conditions. "Firstly, you have to teach my friend, too. Secondly…" she paused. "Tell me who the hell you are, and why should I want to learn from you."
It was the beginning of something beautiful, Anko just knew it. She grinned toothily. "The beautiful, busty and talented, Mitarashi Anko, your new shishou and personal hero!" she struck a pose. The redhead blinked, glancing down at the snakes unwinding from her body.
"Sounds good." This Anko person was pretty busty. She could be telling the truth about the rest, and it was the first offer Karin had gotten from a potential teacher with combat abilities. Being a medic was all well and good, but it wasn't what she had envisioned when she had joined the ranks of shinobi.
It was almost time for the lunch break, and she was working as efficiently as possible. Tsunade had the short warning of her secretary making an alarmed sound on the outside of her closed door, but she wasn't entirely prepared to have her door slam open. Sasuke jerked from his position curled up on the couch with a book, doing his best to look alert.
"I have arrived, triumphant once more!"
She groaned, rubbing at her forehead and wondering just how her sensei had dealt with these lunatics for so long. No wonder he'd gone around the bend. She envied his retirement.
"Hi, Sasuke-san!" was quickly followed by a squeaked, "Hello, Uchiha-san."
She didn't want to look. She didn't, really. But she had to. There was Anko, standing with her legs wide apart and a girl over each shoulder, torsos hanging down her back and held up with one arm across each of their thighs.
Her poor student stared dumbly, perhaps unduly interested in all the adolescent booty on display, nicely framing Anko-chan's cans. Then he stiffened like someone had hit him across the face with a brick, turning away and concentrating on his book like his life depended on it. His only reply was a grunted "Hn".
The poor thing was feeling hormones hit him like two tons of rock. He was at that age. Tsunade, however, was less easily distracted.
When nothing changed, she had to abandon the hopeful idea that she could solve whatever the hell this was by hitting Jiraiya.
"Hokage-sama! I found not one but two students!" She grinned cheekily. "How's that? Shizune-chyyaaaan told me that I'd be better off with a student who was already graduated from the academy."
Tsunade stared flatly. "I'm afraid to tell you that I can't identify my kunoichi by ass," she deadpanned. "Jiraiya never taught me that forbidden technique." 'He did offer, multiple times.' "Who exactly have you found to be your student?"
'And did they actually agree? It's not normal to physically carry them around like sacks of rice.'
"Um…" Anko glanced down. "I never asked their names, actually."
'Idiots, one and all.' She groaned, exchanging a sympathetic glance with her younger student.
"Uzumaki Karin!" emanated from the vicinity of Anko's back. She vaguely noted the long red hair hanging down around by the jounin's hip. That still didn't answer… "Um, um… Hyuuga Hinata, Hokage-sama," came a much quieter voice, rising in slight panic towards the end.
Anko dropped the girls onto the floor, spinning around to check. "What, really?"
Tsunade peered over her desk, mildly interested. She'd heard a fair bit about this girl, but nothing that indicated someone like Anko would take interest in her.
It was actually a bit scandalous—the first Hyuuga heir in recorded history ever actually being declared unsuitable to inherit and marked for the Branch clan to prevent her from ever inheriting. It was an unnecessarily vicious blow. Like many other ass-backwards clans, the Hyuuga were sexist. They allowed women to inherit, but not to form Branch clans. Normally, neither of the girls would have been branded. The girl who didn't inherit would have been married off to another main family member.
'Actually,' she mused, 'that makes some sense. Anko-chan might have sympathy for another outcast.'
The Uzumaki rubbing her ass fit the same pattern as well, in a way. She'd come from outside the village and stayed on the grace of her 'cousin' and the Sandaime.
"Alright," she said, eager to get these people out of her office. "I approve. I assume you've talked to Kurenai about borrowing her student?"
Anko opened her mouth and took a breath, eyes flickering around the office as if looking for an escape. Sasuke made a rude noise, curled up as he was like a cat in between the cushions of the couch Tsunade had made him bring from her home. (It made nap time much more pleasant).
"Take care of that," she said dryly, turning back to her work. "I expect to hear good things about you two." Then she thought better of that. "You too, Anko. Behave. Don't think I didn't hear about you attacking a group of Academy students on recess break this morning."
Hinata shot her new teacher an alarmed look. Anko rolled her eyes, twisting a kunai around her fingers.
"Good god, what happened to you?" Temari blurted out when she bumped into her target by coincidence outside the Hokage tower. Then she winced. That wasn't how she had intended to start subtly gathering information. (Her reconnaissance yesterday had been inconclusive).
Luckily, the other girl didn't seem to care. She shrugged, tugging her fingers through a pigtail and dislodging what looked to be woodchips. "Training," she said matter-of-factly before nodding at each of them. "Temari-san, Gaara-san, Hare-san." The ANBU member on the wall twitched, relocating before Temari could turn and catch sight of her escort.
"Hello," Gaara said, somewhat unexpectedly. It was abrupt and awkward, but hell if it wasn't a try. Temari resigned herself to a Konoha in-law, stomach sinking when the girl smiled at him.
"I didn't expect to see you again." She crinkled her nose up at him. "Ah, sorry about what happened last time." She clasped her hands and fidgeted in a way that Temari was disgusted to notice was absolutely adorable. "Kiba-san has good intentions, but I'm afraid he can be a bit… abrasive."
That was a polite understatement. Aiko had been too disgusted with his ham-handedness to maintain conversation with him for long, especially when he tried to take her up on her offer to sit with her. She'd mostly said that to pacify him, not because she was interested. Kiba was such a flirt—all the girls in their age group knew not to humor him. So she had left.
"I'm afraid I don't know your name." Temari gave a thin smile.
It was reciprocated. "How rude. Uzumaki Aiko, very nice to meet you." She winced slightly, one hand drifting over to her left hip. "If you'll excuse me, I was actually on my way to a medic nin."
Well. Sasuke might not technically have that title yet, but she'd rather let him practice on her than go to the hospital. She didn't dislike it like many older ninjas did, but it was much easier to cut through all the bureaucratic crap. Besides, Sasuke was always at least accommodating when she offered to be used as a practice dummy.
Sore, bruised, and mildly more irritable than usual from a particularly vicious kenjutsu lesson, Sasuke tugged as patiently as possible on Tonton's leash. This was without a doubt the most undignified part of his apprenticeship.
Getting alcohol and lunch for his shishou? Sure, why the hell not. It wasn't that far out of his way. Having to work in the hospital with leering nurses? It was perhaps a bit below him, but it allowed him to practice the essential skills that led to the S-class jutsu Tsunade would teach him when he was powerful enough.
But walking the pig when Shizune was leading surgery… Sasuke shuddered. A small group of civilian girls in those idiotically impractical dresses that were apparently fashionable now giggled at him, jostling each other and whispering pointedly. 'At least the idiot is out of the country,' he consoled himself. Kami only knew that Naruto would never let him live this down.
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