#rebloging to look back on
liminalavender · 24 days
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Finally was bothered to download tumblr on my iPad to properly post digital art stuff… Anyway ETHO!!!!!
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mmm-asbestos · 2 years
thinking about hospital and university underground tunnels....
there is something about them....
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lostlegendaerie · 11 months
there's something deeply gutting about being a writer right now. watching studio execs brag about starving people like you out of your very house just to not pay you anything above the pennies you currently make. watching some people cheer over AO3 being targeted for a DDOS attack. the complete lack of profitability of writing commissions or writing in general in transformative spaces, especially in contrast to fanart. the pivot of so many social media platforms to be video and image based near-exclusively.
I don't know. it just makes me sad to know that the hobby that kept me alive while growing up homeschooled with dial-up internet and local antenna TV... is only ever gonna be a side job with minimal engagement. I know this site is good about supporting libraries and the concept of books but, do me a favor? Reach out to a writer friend you know. Leave a comment on your last five read stories on your favorite website.
Tell us you care.
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51ft · 8 months
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myfriendgoo94 · 9 months
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was trying on some outfits for tomorrow but got really distracted by this look 🖤
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assiraphales · 3 months
nothing will surpass zoro being hyped up as this absolute fucking demon that everyone is terrified of (very mention of his name sends shivers thru the town) who spent three weeks in the sun without food or water complete with intimidating background music & practically growling all of his lines……..to immediately drop the act the second he was on luffy’s crew. and then it was all smiles all laughs straight chilling. oh that feral jaded loner? don’t know him. & domesticated himself in five minutes or less
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onstoryladders · 1 year
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stranger things text posts, prev and next
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
WIP and Published Fics Ask Game (reblog to play and feel free to drop the emojis/questions in the ask box!)
Questions about WIPs:
🥰 a fluff WIP snippet
😂 a funny or crack WIP snippet
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet
🤩a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from ________ [name of a character]. If you don’t have one for that character, choose someone else!
❓ any WIP snippet you want!
Questions about published fics:
📖 a published snippet from _________ [published work of theirs you haven't had read yet, but are curious about]
😔published lines or a section of a fic that was super sad, angsty, or difficult to write?
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
🎁name a published gift fic someone has given you that you love and can't recommend enough (be sure to tag the author. Or if you don't have an AO3 or haven't been gifted a fic, what kind of fic would you like to be gifted?)
🤔 ____________? [ask the author a question about any of their published works, such as what the writing process was like, what their favorite fic is, or what character they like writing about].
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liminalavender · 18 days
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New geminitay design sheet- normal version (not aberration)... this design is particularly inspired by the savage barracuda fish from Dredge btw. I will end up drawing the creepy aberration version but on my ipad instead (it needs more detail for it)
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sprout-fics · 7 months
Some thoughts about MW3 and then I'm logging off for a few days I think. Honestly the amount of brutality in this game touched a raw nerve considering recent events and I need a reset
The game was rushed. There's no denying that. It is extremely clear which levels were carefully designed and which ones were just recycles of gameplay in warzone.
I found the 'weapons free' levels to be extremely disappointing. What I loved previously about MW2019 and M2022 was the very meticulous paced gameplay that was realistic and believable. Instead we had Soap on his own gallivanting around an armed island fortress with zero stealth and zero planning. Alone stealth mission who? It was clearly just code from warzone and I really really disliked it
The plot was disjointed and hard to keep track of. Makarov is here, now he's there. Here's Yuri for a split second, bye! Plane crash, and for what? There was a distinct lack of cohesiveness that came with the previous two games
Part of this lack of cohesiveness is that we play as everyone except Alex and Ghost. That's a total of 6 or so roles, when the previous campaigns had 3 max (Alex, Farah, Gaz for MW2019, and Gaz/Soap for MW2022) This is particularly disappointing because I felt the limited number of roles was a major advantage over the originals, which also felt disjointed at times with the sudden transitions of POVs
Most of this gameplay was Price, which I heavily disliked. I appreciate Price best in his role as a supervisor, as overwatch guiding the younger sergeants through missions. It suits his character, as opposed to him getting shot at and barking about his need for cover. it erases a lot of his character to find himself in a vulnerable position like that. We should have focused this campaign to Soap, Gaz, Farah, and maybe Laswell
A lot of the missions could have been shortened to cutscenes, which would have made them more comprehensive and would have allowed for better flow of the storyline. Instead we have Farah and Price...wirelessly hacking things? if we're going for realism that's just not it.
The game relies too heavily on Warzone cutscenes, which I felt the other two games did less of, which was a good strength as it attracted a different and more diverse audience
I hated the Graves Shepherd subplot. I'm glad Shepherd got his comeuppance, but other than that I hate that Farah just 'Oh he attacked my allies? Oh well.' Because frankly I feel like it goes against her character. Feel free to disagree with me on that, but I really just didn't like that aspect of the game
The amount of civilian brutality was really hard to stomach. I understand its just poor timing on the game's part due to recent events, but even the airplane level and comments made by Makarov's men just...had me walk away from the playthrough for a bit because it disgusted me so much. I get that such scenes were needed to drive home Makarov's villainy, and maybe it's just current events, but it really did feel like overkill
We barely got to see the team, I feel like. One thing I loved about the previous two games were the small asides of banter and interaction we got. We got absolutely none of that in this game, and it speaks to the rushed quality and really subpar production. The banter and interaction in the 'Alone' mission in MW2 was what made it popular. In this game, Soap and Ghost barely say five words to each other. I really miss the team dynamics we saw
No Roach. Enough said.
Finally- Soap's death. This may be an unpopular opinion. It was completely meaningless. Makarov got away. He didn't get any last words. Even in the originals Soap was able to say something to Price. It was pure shock value, plain and simple. It added nothing to the plot that hadn't already been done, and I fully believe the devs shot themselves in the fucking face by taking away arguably the most beloved character in the fandom. That was the final straw for me.
I was considering maybe purchasing the games, but at this point I'm not even going to rewatch this campaign, let alone play it. In fact, I won't be watching future games either. I'm fully done. I'll be writing according to the MW2019 and MW2022 timelines, but this game does not exist to me. I'm disappointed and upset by the quality of this compared to the previous two games, and the way they tried to make up for it with pure shock value.
That is all. Goodnight.
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lovvecherrymotion · 16 days
shoulder kiss and messy hair 💕
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
how better to describe my love for the Mighty Nein than "one of my favorite episodes was the one where they needed to stealthily climb up/get down a fucking huge tree only for it to get Very Loud And Chaotic Very Fast Due To Competitive Tendencies And Poor Decisions".
Except that describes TWO completely separate episodes (and trees), one involving romantic shenanigans, a baby roc getting hit on the head with a staff, and a shitty leaf costume, and the other involving a good ole footrace and also a bullet to the ass. No, no enemies had a gun.
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getosugurusbangs · 5 months
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one last kiss - hikaru utada
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yonpote · 1 month
mr. pote please explain shoe ig story for the ignorant (me)
not much to explain other than. dan posted an instagram story of their shoes pressed together
ok i guess ill share a LITTLE context. around late january to early february 2023 was when dan was having a mini-break from touring for philly's bday before he had to hit the road for the non-uk european shows. the thing is, there were kind of a lot of complications happening wrt tickets, especially problems surrounding the iceland show, which dan had hyped up as where he was going to end the tour, and pj even mentioned on stream that he and sophie would possibly meet dan and phil there and have essentially a double date holiday! the day before the Shoe Pic, dan had announced that the iceland show was cancelled. he posted the cancellation on his story in icelandic, here is the english translation:
Sorry for the frozen people. Couldn't bring this show to your island this trip, that's all I can say for now. It's on my bucket list to be with you one day. I'll see you then.
he then posted an ig story where he seemed to be out on a walk that was quite self-deprecating on the fact that no one takes him seriously "in life, business, or the industry." it was just a bummer day for dan. so a few twitter phannies (back when there was a Little peace) thought to make an encouraging hashtag for dan, #weloveyoudan to show some appreciation for him when he really seemed to need it! (this also spawned an in-joke hashtag my good friend @editingz0ne made, #giveamazingphilnukes, that phil tweeted about 💀)
so the next day, when dnp had both posted while at an apex legends esports competition thing, we all kinda inferred that this was a lil date, possibly as another phil bday present (still his bday week) or as a lil gift to cheer dan up, or both! and then. he posted the fuckin shoe pic.
listen. idk how to explain it. it just. felt like something so weirdly intimate? like, no idea what the context is, other than theyre sitting in the back of a cab and took a photo of their shoes pressed together. and like one is clearly phil's shoe and the other clearly dan's shoe, and i assume theyre the same shoe size (do not tell me wikifeet ppl i dont need to know) and so they just. fit perfectly together. and all this was after the harrowing previous day, and after all that dan just decided to let us in on this picture that is so silly and not really anything and yet feels so personal? its like when we hear their alien language in the texting vids, or that they get fries every saturday and call it "fry-day". like its not a bit its not playing up a dynamic for a camera its just. THEM! its just them!!!!!!!! anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk on the dan and phil shoe photo taken on february 5th, 2023 by dan howell.
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myfriendgoo94 · 6 months
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Here take these pics of me in my underwear that i took a week ago and forgot to post anywhere
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tomcat-tapes · 9 days
How about side by side with a friend?
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Aye, I can do that.
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