#red panda singing
hemuchang · 10 months
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boy’s first concert
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miaumiautzi · 4 months
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Absolute theatre kid
Ref pic under cut
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@sunnzii if you see this — ily 🫶 /p
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tigresslanzhu · 10 months
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Either of the Artica characters during a cheddar bay biscuit feeding frenzy
So Artica… ate…
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And ate…
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And ate…
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And ate…
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And ate…
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And ate…
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And ate…
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And ate and…
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Ate… ha! Until the Red Lobster people kicked her out for being so greedy!
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seijorhi · 4 months
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Etched in Red: Vermillion (Part One)
Event Masterlist
Okkotsu Yuuta x female reader
Part Two
w.c 1.4k
tw: yandere themes, kidnapping, implied dub/non-con, non-explicit gore
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There’s nothing… wrong with being weak.
It isn’t a moral failing or anything to be ashamed of, it just is. For most people – normal people – that’s okay. They accept it, adjust their lives accordingly and move on. 
The thing is, most people don’t actually need to be strong, not in the physical sense. 
Most people aren’t jujutsu sorcerers.
Yuuta frowns, watching you laugh as Inumaki offers a hand to haul you up to your feet, brushing the dirt and grass of your skirt once you’re upright. Another sparring session that ends the exact same way all of them do; you, flat on your ass, wholly at the mercy of whichever of his friends is standing over you.
Problem is, they’re going easy on you; Maki leaving her left side wide open, Panda practically telegraphing his hits. Lately, he’s noticed it with Yuji and the other second years, too. It’s like an unwritten rule that they never go too hard, never push you too far. Trying to help you without hurting you in the process.
Because the simple, painful truth is, you aren’t strong enough to take it.
And believe it or not, he does get it… sort of. When Gojo dragged him into this he was petrified. Useless. He got thrown in the deep end, first first with Maki and then with Inumaki, and he had to figure it out fast, but… he also had Rika. 
He also had his cursed technique. 
Three years in, with graduation looming, you’re a step above a window. Still a grade four, although unlike with Maki it’s not some political, sexist bullshit keeping you there.
For right now, that’s okay. They’re your friends, none of them think any worse of you for it. They cover you on the missions you’re sent out on, and that’s not gonna change any time soon, but–
“Everything okay, Yuuta?”
He exhales a shuddering breath then straightens and turns your way with a smile. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” he asks, idly toeing at a rock by his feet. Maybe you won’t notice the flush colouring his cheeks. “Looked like you hit the ground pretty hard back there.” 
You laugh, waving it off like it’s no big deal, and to be fair it isn’t – you go through this multiple times a week, but that doesn’t mean it rankles him any less when you say, “Nothing I can’t handle. Toge was taking it easy on me.”
You don’t know the half of it. 
“C’mon,” you tell him. “Panda says you’re up.”
Forty minutes later, breathless, aching and bruised all over, Yuuta shuffles with you and the others back to the dormitories to shower before eating when a familiar head of white hair pops into view.
“Yuuu-taa,” Gojo greets in a sing-song voice, altogether too happy for the group of exhausted, hungry students glaring back at him. “A word?”
Not remotely a request, considering he’s got an arm looped over Yuuta’s shoulders, steering him away from the rest of the group before he can get so much as a word out. 
Leading him into an empty classroom well away from the dormitories, Gojo props himself up against one of the desks, leaving Yuuta to stand awkwardly in front of him, trying his best not to feel like a misbehaving child about to be lectured. 
When he speaks, there’s no trace of levity left to soften the blow. “What happened?” 
Gojo isn’t talking about the training session outside.  
Yuuta swallows, stiffening. “It doesn’t matter, does it? You read the report. As long as she’s with me, Rika and I–”
“So you expect the higher ups to send you along on every mission she’s assigned?”
His cheeks flush again, this time with indignation. “They can’t send her alone! She’s not– she… ” Isn’t strong enough.
At his floundering, Gojo lets out a heavy, over-dramatic sigh, as if the weight of the world rests on his shoulders alone. “Yuuta, you’re a special grade. Do you really think they’ll let you play babysitter just because you have a crush?”
His heart squeezes, a thick lump lodging itself in his throat. He doesn’t deny it, there’s no point. Blindfolded or not, Gojo sees everything.
Not that his Sensei has room to talk about crushes. 
“I don’t care, I’ll go anyway! I’m not letting her get hurt.”
“Special grade or not, you won’t be able to stop it,” Gojo tells him, a strange sort of smile teasing at his lips. “They’ll smell her coming a mile away, that inexperience, overconfidence. Such a weak, tasty little sorcerer. Easy pickings. She’ll draw them in like flies to honey, one after another, until there’s too many to fight all at once – that’s what happened last time, didn’t it? You lost focus.”
Yuuta stills entirely. 
Gojo tugs at the bandages over his eyes, revealing one brilliant, blue iris. “She dies. That’s the only way this goes. You understand that, don’t you?”
It kills Yuuta that Gojo turns out to be right.
The body lying on the cold, metal table can barely be called that. Half a torso and a leg. That’s all he got back after getting rid of the curse. 
“Okkotsu,” Ieiri’s calm voice breaks through his reverie, and he glances up to find her tired eyes boring into him from across the room. If he didn’t know better, he’d almost think she looked concerned.
“‘m fine,” he mumbles, letting his head tilt back to fall against the cool tiles. “I’m not the one who died.”
Ieiri opens her mouth, only to close it a moment later. “Of course.”
And so it goes. Inumaki, Panda and Maki hover, quiet and subdued. No one knows what to say, but none of them are surprised, he can tell that much through the thick, strained silence. 
Death is pretty much a constant for them. Jujutsu sorcerers don’t tend to lead long, happy lives, but this isn’t just losing a classmate seven days out from graduation. A pang squeezes at his chest and he doesn’t bother holding back a heavy exhale. 
“I’m tired. I’ll… catch you guys later, I guess.”
Yuuta doesn’t wait for an acknowledgement, turning on his heel and leaving them there outside the gym, staring uselessly after him.
But he doesn’t head back to his room. There’s nothing for him there. 
No, Yuuta walks for a long, long while. Back to civilisation, to the city teeming with people and curses, each step more surefooted, eager than the last.
By the time he reaches the apartment, he’s pounding the pavement, and takes the stairs two at a time. His hand shakes as he slots the key into the first lock and twists, then the second, his heart’s halfway to his throat when he pushes it open, heading straight for the bedroom–
The knot in his chest loosens, a relieved sigh escaping him at the sight of you, spread out in his sheets in nothing but your underwear, fast asleep. Safe, where he left you.
It takes him no time at all to toe out of his sneakers, shed his jacket and climb up onto the bed next to you, mindful not to jostle you too much, not to disturb the thick metal links coiled loosely at the bottom of the mattress. Your eyes are still puffy, cheeks wet with the sheen of tears when his fingertips glide over them, intent on smoothing your hair back from your face. 
Poor thing, you must’ve tired yourself out. 
Yuuta has every intention of letting you sleep for a little while longer yet – he’d meant what he’d said to Maki and the others, there’s a bone tired weariness that’s been clinging to him since he dragged himself back to campus that morning, and it’s only now, here, lying next to you that he feels it start to leach away, like poison syphoned off. 
A small, soft smile tugs at his lips. 
Perfect, beautiful girl. 
Gojo was right. You had to die. There aren’t enough sorcerers to deal with the increased curses plaguing the city. Weak or not, they would’ve kept sending you out, and he wouldn’t always be able to guarantee that he’d be there to protect you.
You had to die so they’d leave you alone. So that he could keep you safe. 
Nestling closer, he thumbs at the curve of your cheekbone again and brushes a kiss against your lips, doing his best to ignore the hot pulse of want that burns through his blood, coiling tightly in his guts. 
There’ll be plenty of time for that later. For now he just wants to lie here with you, safe and tucked away. Together. 
It’s better this way. You’ll see.
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jealousmartini · 2 months
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MKB [initally called MaKe Believe] is a 5 member KPOP girl group that debuted around 2014-2015 under the company of JYP with their winning album : 5ALIVE! and their most popular songs Superstitious, Greedy hearts and What's more?. Adored for their GIRL-CRUSH aesthetic and catchy choruses that is presented in a film cinematographic manner that tells a story through the visuals as well as the lyrics in the genres POP-ROCK, EDM and HIPHOP, fans around the world can't help but feel entranced by the music and the lore that is made along the way.
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She can sing? She can dance?? She can rap???
Date of dr : 2015 02 04
Stage name : rochie
Most commonly called : keisha/keesha
Birth name : "CR name" keisha rochela banks
Spanish name : audriana rochela banks
Nicknames : rochie, roe, keesh, audrey
Fanbase nicknames : lol doll, jazz hands, dimples, glasses, curly fries
Date of birth : June 20th 1997
Zodiac sign : gemini-cancer cusp
Height : 5"7½
Ethnicity : half puerto rican, half korean
Languages : spanish, korean, english, japanese, portuguese
Group positions : main rapper, lead/main dancer, main singer, visuals, maknae
Representative animal : red panda / bunny
Representative colour : orange
Representative fruit : also an orange
Fanbase name : charmings !
Training period : 10 months
Company : JYP
Keisha is a witty and ambitious idol who's personality shines brightly through her snappy and energetic choreography, while also showing a raw and passionate side of her through her singing and rapping. She is praised for a her precision, accuracy and emotion by her manager and JYP himself as well as from other Idols.
She is known for occasionally appearing in other k-groups lives either heard in the background or directly in view, rambling about something and coming to say hi to their fanbase. Charmings are shocked to see how close she is to TWICE and BTS in particular, making them wonder how long she has known both groups before she officially became an Idol, and what their relationships are like off camera
She's known for having a pet bunny called Tiffany, Tiff for short. Tiffany often makes appearances in her own lives. Tiffany is very cute and is loved by the fanbase
She is an artist. She tends to draw a lot and can see having piles of stuffed notebooks of drawings in her room. She's too shy to show her art but there was a screenshot of her accidentally leaving one of her notebooks open showing a double page section filled with well drawn sketches of recognised idols. Some from BTS some from TWICE.
She is a spanish black person. This makes her stand out from all other idols. But when she made her first appearance onto a game show, Black fans and Spanish fans of kpop had basically gone crazy seeing a black Idol speak their language for the first time and the number of Charmings doubled, if not tripled.
She is known for being so fucking painfully honest about everything it's funny. She's basically voluntarily called herself out on multiple occasions. Like when she admitted that she likes both man boobs and woman boobs (she's bi) or when she brain vomits her thoughts onto her tumblr page (yes she is in fact a tumblr girly), thinking no one would've seen her viral post that read "namjoon thinks I'm a bad influence on army cus of how vocal i am as if they didnt already want be crushed by his beefy arms before I admitted I did. They just get me (i joke btw.. kinda)" that she had deleted the second she posted it, but of course it got screenshoted and reposted onto twitter☠️
She is older than Jungkook by 4 months
She is close friends with NAYEON, Sana, Chaeyoung, YOONGI, JIMIN, JUNGKOOK, Namjoon, J-hope, TAEHYUNG, Jin, BANGCHAN, Felix, Hyunjin and YUNA
No one knows this yet but she has a crush on 4 of the idols listed and 2 of the highlighted names are part of the four, the other 2 are not
Red Panda is her animal representative because there was a video circulating of her dressed up as a mascot for her highschool as a red panda
She is an excellent cook and loves to cook for her members and her idol friends
She is the 2nd most shipped with trainee in MKB before she even became an Idol. She is now the first most shipped idol in MKB.
She is a genuine ARMY herself lmao😭😭 way too many times has she been caught singing a bts song when on camera
Tags! : @livingmydreamlife5555 @cocozydiaries @theshifterbear @4ellieluv
Side note💌 : she's so silly guys. I hope no one suspects me having a crush on any of the idols in my dr.. — 🍊💭
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mortemappetens · 4 months
The official fanbook states that Toge’s biggest source of stress is morning assembly and I find funny (although, considering his manner of speaking, I can’t blame him):
It’s Monday, 8.30am, and because it’s summer the students are gathered outside. Jujutsu High is so far from a normal high school; but for some reason Principal Yaga insists on subscribing to some of the more typical and, frankly, mundane high school experiences.
Morning assembly, being one.
The schedule looks a little bit like this:
All students (wow, six of them, what a crowd) are to be gathered and organised by year at the bottom of the steps of the main campus building.
By 8.30am, all school faculty (all four of them, the fifth being on unpaid sabbatical while the third years are suspended) and the principal should also be present.
On confirming all attendees, they proceed with singing/mumbling the national anthem, voices drowned out by the inappropriately loud speakers blaring out an instrumental accompaniment.
Principal Yaga then takes centre stage to remind everybody of the school rules (perhaps because at least one is broken on a daily basis), before then moving on to students accolades.
General announcements follow, and if there are any, teachers step up to share their own announcements.
Before they end at 9am, Principal Yaga leads a very embarrassing stretching exercise to the beat of some 80s electropop music, then closes with a five minutes’ silence for “quiet reflection”.
And even if it is only once a week, Toge still sweats. Every single Monday at 8.30am, he sweats. It is particularly terrible during the summer, because it feels like he is trapping steam under his uniform. This Monday isn’t any different.
The moment the familiar trumpet instrumentals crackle out of the speakers, Toge feels the eyes on him, the grinning, even hears a giggle, and he is ready to put everyone to sleep just so he leg it the fuck out of there. Because-
Because he’s fucking singing out the list of ingredients for one of Musubiya’s more popular rice balls to the tune of Japan’s national anthem.
Like every Monday, he almost dies on his feet when he hears Panda “discreetly” transition from appropriately singing the anthem to singing rice balls ingredients. Why is Panda even here? The fuck does Panda have to be patriotic about anyway? Aren’t pandas from China? And Toge is pretty sure the materials he is constructed from is made in China, too. Fuck off, Panda.
Like every Monday, Maki sings a very unpatriotic bastardised version, a game of rice balls Mad Libs. This morning, she decided that the opening verse should be, “May the nori of the onigiri last for ten thousand servings […]”. The fuck is that supposed to even mean, Maki?!
Like every Monday, Nobara tries her best at channeling her inner pop idol and belts out the lyrics, each week louder than the last. But of course, with the antics of her upperclassmen, she punctuates each verse with a cackle - each week louder than the last. Come on, Nobara, pop idols never break character.
Yuji is a relatively new addition. He doesn’t know the drill very well. Toge is grateful for it. It is a refreshing change to have someone sing the lyrics of the anthem without inserting any laughter or culinary flairs. He does stare a lot, though. Toge can feel his comically large eyes burn his ears red.
And Megumi- Well, like every Monday, Megumi stands perfectly still, lips slightly parted though no sound is uttered, his eyes resolutely shut. Toge wonders how long it took him to perfect his talent for sleeping anywhere, on his back or standing upright.
And it’s not like any of them can be ignored. There’s just the six of them. There’s no cacophony of voices to drown out Toge’s, no sea of bodies to duck behind. There isn’t the anonymity that comes from being just another student, another face. And surely, most definitely, none of the teachers miss what each of them is doing.
But Jujutsu High is no ordinary high school staffed with ordinary teachers, run by an ordinary principal. And Toge’s no ordinary student. So Principal Yaga doesn’t say a word, Gojo sensei sways to the morose beat of the anthem, Dr. Ieri takes a leaf out of Megumi’s book, and Kusakabe sensei scrolls through his phone. And Toge (and Panda, and Maki) ends the anthem with a mumbled “pickled plum”, wiping the cortisol saturated sweat from his forehead.
At least the worst of it is over. Now he just has to mentally prepare for Principal Yaga’s fucking morning aerobics.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
tadc cast(any of them is fine) reacting to s/o that uses singing to cope with their daily stress? like theres a karaoke room for it bonus if they sing death metal or real dark stuff that arent very child friendly so theres a lot of censors love your work!
Gangle, Kinger, and Caine x a reader who sings to cope!
Since you specified any characters I went ahead and chose characters i think would pair well with this !! Hope that's alright!
Typing this up on mobile, cant sleep so may as well write !!
This reminds me of that one
I forgot the name of it
The one with the red panda gal who does karaoke stuff to decompress
Need to finish watch that, never got past season one!!
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Ive said this so many times for caine but he is your number one fan, even in your times of sreess and need, hes going to put his entire being into supporting you! Even if... some of the songs you sing go against the child friendly part of the circus... though it you need alone time to sing your feelings out, I think he would respect it!
I think he would push you to keep doing it if it helps you relieve feelings
Honestly they are all very chill and normal about it, with a world like this you need to find any way you can to cope in order to not abstract
Sure I think the shift in demeanor from your sweet personality to you swearing up a storm while nearly screaming into the mic throws him off the first time, who is he to judge you ?
I think he would try to help you find a different means of coping since this way rips your digital vocal cords up real bad
I think if she were to accidentally walk into the karaoke room caine recently installed, and caught you going absolutely ham on the mic I think she would just
Quickly apologize for walking in on your private time... though I think it would be funny for gangle to also sing her feelings out... oooo stress duet... sounds nice but also tiring since you're both popping off with your entire beings
She joins you and you guys de-stress together
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wheels-of-despair · 11 months
Clown Around and Find Out Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie decides to play a prank on Evil Woman, and quickly finds out just how dangerous that is. Contains: A quiet night alone, a bad idea, an Evil Woman secret, excessive cursing, panic, rage, attempted murder, happy ending. Words: 1.8k Note: This takes place in the fall of 1990.
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"She's gonna murder you."
"No, she's not," Eddie grins, admiring his outfit in the mirror.
"Don't you think it's kinda mean?" Jeff asks.
"That's what makes it funny!" Grant insists.
"She is literally going to murder you," Gareth reiterates.
"She is not! It's just a jump-scare, she's gonna know it's me in like a second!"
"You're gonna give the poor girl a heart attack!" Jeff tries again.
"You guys are no fucking fun anymore," Eddie grumbles, picking up the mask he'd found in a clearance bin after Halloween and modified for this very occasion. "I'm outta here."
"It's your funeral, man," Gareth shrugs.
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After a few years of living with Eddie, you learned to appreciate your alone time. You loved him with everything you had, but even (mostly) domesticated, your beloved trash panda was still a lot to handle. So somewhere along the way, a night of band practice for Eddie started to mean a quiet night alone with a book or a "chick movie" for you. You'd never admit it to him, but you enjoyed these peaceful nights.
However, about a week ago, you and Eddie sat down with a bowl of popcorn to watch the new Stephen King miniseries.
You'd both read the book when it first came out and thought it was awesome.
Seeing it in your living room, on the other hand, was not so awesome.
You hated that fucking clown.
The mile-high forehead. The nose that looked like a blood blister about to pop. The fucking fangs. The whole luring-children-into-the-sewer-and-eating-them thing. Nope, nope, nope.
Eddie had watched the whole thing with fascination. You'd focused your eyes on the dusty little houseplant that lived below the TV whenever that thing was on screen.
And still, it invaded your nightmares.
So tonight, your quiet night alone was something of a nightmare as well. It was so quiet, every little creak echoed through the house.
You put on a movie - an old favorite that calmed your nerves for its duration - but as soon as the soothing whir of the tape rewinding ended with a clunk, the house resumed its creaking. You decided to do some laundry, hoping the washing machine would drown out the little noises that kept making you jump.
You gathered the basket of dirty clothes, hauled it to the laundry room, and began sorting. Still too quiet. You started singing the first song that came to mind to combat the silence as you loaded the washer and poured in the detergent.
When you turned to reach for the cap, you gasped.
There was a fucking clown standing in the doorway. Big forehead. Round nose. Frizzy hair. Ruffled shirt with ridiculously large pom-poms down the front. White gloves.
It's not real. Remember when a cardinal flew past you the other day, and you freaked out because all you saw was a flash of red, and you thought of that fucking clown? It's not real.
And then it fucking moved.
You shrieked and jumped backward, colliding with the wall of your tiny laundry room. There's no fucking way out of here. There are no weapons. If you survive this, you're going everywhere with a machete strapped to you for the rest of your life.
It crosses its arms.
Just like you've seen someone else do on occasion.
"Edward Munson, if you don't have that fucking mask off in 3 seconds, you are in for a WORLD of fucking hurt."
The clown throws up both hands in an exaggerated shrug.
It's just Eddie, right? Fucking with his poor little chicken? He'd laughed after you told him about the first clown nightmare, giving you an "awww" and a patronizing kiss on the forehead. It's just Eddie thinking he's funny. Which he's not. He's really not.
"Eddie, I'm fucking warning you."
But what if it's not him?
It takes a leap toward you.
You grab the handle of the laundry detergent - the big value-sized kind in a jug - and hurl it at the clown with everything you've got.
As if it were traveling in slow motion, you see the blue liquid begin to spill from the spout, somehow spreading in every direction; if you lived through this, you'd probably spend the next week scrubbing laundry detergent from every square inch of this room.
The clown ducks and misses the heavy jug, which hits the wall in the hallway and falls to the floor, but still gets doused in blue. It looks down at the liquid seeping into its stupid ruffly shirt, and you reach for the jug of bleach on the floor.
"You think this is funny, motherfucker?"
The clown holds out one of its gloved hands and takes a step closer, and it fills you with rage. If this is Eddie, you're gonna kill him and bury him in the back yard. If it's NOT Eddie, you're gonna kill it and call the cops. You fling the bleach at it, and this time, it's not quick enough. The clown tries to duck out of the way again, but the bottle makes contact with its side before falling to the ground.
The clown bends over with a grunt, clutching the spot where you hit it. Its massive forehead slowly rises to look at you. All you can see are dark holes where eyes should be. You grab the bottle of fabric softener and send it flying toward the clown's face. Direct hit, and a muffled cry from the clown.
You reach for the iron and grip the handle hard. If you die tonight, at least you're gonna take that ugly-ass motherfucker down with you.
The clown grumbles something from behind the mask, but you can't understand it. It stumbles backward. You raise the iron, wishing it were hot so you could melt this motherfucker's face off.
The white glove starts fumbling with the frizzy red wig, then pulls it off. A familiar mop of brown hair comes into view.
You're relieved for half a second, and then you're back to irate.
"You fucking ASSHOLE! What is WRONG with you?!"
"I thought it would be funny," he winces, standing and rubbing the spot on his side where you'd hit him with the bleach. "When did you get so violent?"
When did you get so violent?? You can feel the rage bubbling over again, and Eddie can see that he's still in danger. You slam the iron down on top of the washer, and he jumps at the sound.
"Okay, woah, I'm sorry," he says, backing toward the door. "I didn't think you'd freak out this bad."
You slowly advance on him, filling with fury.
"Stop. Stop." He holds his still-gloved hands up in surrender. You clench your fists and prepare to strike.
He makes his move a split second before you do.
You pounce, and he escapes. The door slams in your face.
"I said I was sorry!"
You try the doorknob, but it won't turn. This door locks from the inside. He's holding onto it.
"You really think locking me in here is a good idea?" you seethe.
"You're not locked in."
You smack your hand on the door where you suspect his face is on the other side.
"Hey!" Damn, you're good.
"Let me out."
"Not until you calm down."
"Is it ever a good idea to tell a girl to calm down, Edward?"
A thump comes from the door, as if he's just banged his head against the other side.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would freak you out that bad. You said you had a dream about the clown, and I thought it was cute, then I saw the mask and decided to fix it up and mess with you."
You feel the adrenaline draining from your body at the sound of his stupid voice. You both love and hate this power he has over you.
You sigh and lean your head against the door. "I've been dreaming about it every night," you admit, removing your hand from the knob.
"Every night?"
"Every night."
You step away from the door and shimmy yourself up onto the dryer, sitting on top with your legs crossed.
"If I open the door, are you gonna murder me?"
"Only time will tell," you deadpan.
The door opens a sliver, and you see puffy red eye staring at you through the crack. He eases it open the rest of the way, but remains in the hallway.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
Your life-or-death rush has faded; you're too tired to shoot him the withering glare he deserves.
He approaches you cautiously, still not entirely convinced that he'll live to see tomorrow.
"Take that stupid shirt off."
He whips it off and throws it over his shoulder. The gloves follow.
"Are you okay?" he asks again.
You sigh, close your eyes, and lean forward. He closes the distance and wraps his arms around you.
"I really am sorry," he whispers into your hair.
"I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me."
He hums in acknowledgement and holds you tighter. You rest your cheek against his warm chest for a few minutes, replaying the events of tonight. You'd probably be laughing about this in a few years, and telling this story at parties. But for now, you were just glad you hadn't really killed him. You quite liked this idiot. Most of the time.
"Are you okay?" you ask. "Aside from your slow reflexes?"
"Couldn't see shit in that mask."
"Excuses, excuses. Answer the question."
"I'll be fine," he chuckles. "Just like being back in high school and fucking with the jocks. 'Cept your aim's better. And they never cuddled me after they threw shit at me."
Both of your shoulders shake in silent laughter.
When you pulled away and opened your eyes again, you were greeted by the sight of blue splatters everywhere. Everywhere. How did one jug even hold that much? How the hell did it get on the ceiling?
"Looks like somebody jerked off a Smurf in here," you observe.
Eddie snorts, which makes you snort, and then you both start laughing. And just like that… everything was okay again.
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Two Days Later
The Corroded Coffin boys put down their instruments and stood together when Eddie's van roared up the driveway, waiting to hear about The Pennywise Incident. He took his time getting his guitar and approaching the garage, then walked right by them without a word. He turned his back and ignored them while he set up his gear.
The trio closed in on him.
"How'd it go, man?" Grant prompted. "Did she freak?"
"Did she make you sleep in the van?" Jeff laughed.
Eddie turned around and took off his sunglasses with an unamused huff, revealing the black eye the fabric softener had given him.
"Told you so," Gareth smirked.
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jerzwriter · 2 months
hii, ask game :)) - List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you!
Hey, my love! OK - five things:
Apparently singing karaoke. LOL I am going to be in touch with you - I think we need to do a Taylor night!
Going to concerts - no wonder I've been in a funk - I have not been to one in some time. Luckily, concert season starts again 4/17!
Long car rides accompanied by great conversation, great music, or both.
Raccoons, otters, capybaras, red pandas, cats, dogs... lots of animals :)
Friends like YOU. Love you to bits, my dear Sara.
Tagging 10 other: @dr-colossal-pita @aria-ashryver @dutifullynuttywitch @storyofmychoices @lilyoffandoms @thosehallowedhalls @a-cloud-for-dreams @petalouda85 @choices-ceri @noesapphic
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The Red Velvet Keep was cold.
That in and of itself would be unnerving, considering the fact that it was July, but what was even worse was the silence . Usually, the Keep would be alive with sound; Scar humming to himself as he made dinner, Grian shaving down another piece of dripstone for the roof, the rather… loud Jellie pandas out in the sanctuary. Even sounds you would usually never notice, the type that’s just background noise. The birds singing, the frogs croaking, the evening bugs chirping. All of it was gone, Revenge most likely killing off any form of life days ago.
Grian didn’t blame Tango. It probably had no idea what kind of hell it’d released on them when it did. It was fun. It was a game. 
Grian and Scar hadn’t been outside in four days, and hadn’t left bed in two. Any sound they made drew the warden closer. Drawing the warden closer meant death. 
Grian shivered despite the layers of clothes and covers. Whatever cold this was, it was unnatural, and it only seemed to be getting worse. Revenge was getting closer. 
The warden’s horrid sniffing and groaning echoed through the little neighborhood they’d hastily thrown together. Anyone with sense was most likely huddled in their houses like Scar and Grian. Unfortunately for them, it seemed to be right in their farm.
Grian buried his face in Scar’s chest in an attempt to block out the noise. It was almost nauseating how loud a creature that hates noise could be. It seemed Scar was even more affected by their situation, though. Xer’d never been good at keeping quiet, especially under pressure, and the silence was obviously getting to him as he fidgeted. Grian felt bad, seeking out the taller’s hand to give it a little squeeze to (stop it moving) let daem know he understood. 
“Gri-” Before Scar could continue the avian slapped a hand over his mouth. Ugh! They knew- they knew Scar couldn’t keep his mouth shut for long. It was only a matter of time before one of them made a noise, and it seemed like it would be sooner rather than later. 
An inquisitive sound from Revenge snapped the blonde out of his thoughts. He’d heard them. 
Grian froze. Scar matched their energy, tensing up beneath him. He silently cursed himself for disturbing Scar’s “be quiet” mentality as Revenge’s sniffing turned aggressive, moving closer. The two locked fear-filled eyes as the warden let out an angered groan, agreeing through just a look. They were going to have to run. 
The avian raised his hand slowly, trying their best to ignore Revenge’s increasingly closer moans. He held up three shaky fingers and Scar nodded, positioning to run at a moment’s notice. 
Revenge stomped ever closer. The sound of dripstone crumbling gave away his position- he was coming up right below their window. 
The warden sniffed once more. He let out a terrifying roar- letting the two know he’d locked onto their scent. 
The two sprang up from the bed and toward the window. Admittedly, they didn’t have much of a plan, but as Revenge drew in a breath, Grian figured the plan part could wait. They just needed to get out.
Scar reached the window first, throwing it open and grabbing the water bucket xey always kept in his inventory in case of emergencies. Grian always thought it was a bit silly, considering that she had never successfully landed a clutch, but they thanked every power he could think of for her to have it at this moment as xi dumped it onto the ground below. 
The avian cursed their good-for-nothing wings that caught on the window frame on the way down, sending a jolt of pain up their spine. Why even keep them if he couldn’t use them? It didn’t matter much, though, as Grian plunged to the ground, with Scar quick to follow. 
The blast that cut through the air was mind-shattering. Even outside of the main blast, Grian’s eyeballs were vibrating with the volume of the warden’s sonic shriek. They took a second to put themself together before remembering his soulmate. He looked to their right where Scar was groaning lowly. He’d landed on his bad hip from what Grian could tell. The blonde cursed, rushing over and hoisting Scar under the armpits. A quick glance behind him showed Revenge sniffing toward the now empty room. They had time. 
“Can you walk by yourself?” He whispered sharply.
Scar bit his lip. “I-I think so, just-”
A terrible noise sounded behind them and Grian watched in terror as the beast faced the two. 
“G-G-G-Grian!” Scar stammered. He’d finally gotten to his feet with Grian’s help, and not without a struggle. They’d left his cane in the Keep in their panic, which the blonde was highly regretting now. 
“I think it found us,” Grain muttered defeatedly. Scar yelped as they gripped him around the middle, slinging his arm over their shoulder. It was move or die, and moving sounded pretty appealing to him right now. 
They set off toward the ravine that cut through their houses. Grian didn’t have much of a plan for where to go, mostly just away, minus some half-baked thought of fleeing to the ranch. Maybe Tango or Jimmy or someone could figure out what to do about this thing on their tails. They’d been the ones to unleash this thing, they could be the ones to put it back from whatever pit of Hell it’d come from. Hopefully.
The ranch wasn’t far away, only a stone’s throw away from the Keep, but the real struggle was the hill. In… admittedly a lapse of judgment, Grian had decided the two of them should live at the top of a rather steep hill… with a person using a cane. This was really coming back around to bite him in the ass, wasn’t it?
The two made their way down as quickly as they could with all the stumbling. It wasn’t the safest, but it was what they could do with a death sentence chasing them. 
And then Grian tripped. 
It was his fault. They hadn’t been paying much attention to obstacles. And they swore the rock wasn’t there before! Weird… moving rocks. 
Their tumble wasn’t graceful or in any way quiet either. Surely Revenge wasn’t far behind as they could still hear his shrieking close by, though it was getting quieter. Who knew rolling could be such a fast travel option?
The soulmates came to a slow stop, ending up as a pile of tangled limbs and pain. Grian groaned lowly, freeing themself from the almost ball they had formed at the base of the hill. He yelped suddenly and scrambled backwards, scaring Scar into moving.
“What? What’s wrong?” 
Grian’s face split into a nervous smile as he shakily pointed behind the other at the edge of the cliff. They’d stopped right on the edge of the ravine. 
Scar made a similar performance, struggling to stay up before Grian grabbed his hand.
“Scar, wait- we, we could do something with this!” He broke out into a crazed grin. Scar could practically see the insanity kicking into gear inside his skull. “We could send the warden down the ravine!”
About a hundred blocks away, Revenge growled, almost as if protesting the idea. 
The nymph nodded, lie’s own maniacal grin forming. “Wait- could we do like a scene from one of those old action movies? Like we stand on the edge and move out the way just in time?” Scar cackled at his own idea as he finished. “Like a bullfighter!”
“Yeah, yeah!” The blonde agreed, hastily standing up. He brushed off his pants before taking a deep breath. This plan was crazy. And stupid. But what had that done to stop him in the past? “We’ll need to get his attention.”
Scar nodded. “Scream?”
It didn’t take much time for them to get his attention, and even less for him to emerge from the trees. The warden’s hulking figure bent the trees to its will, for it was far too large to fit between the trunks. Revenge groaned angrily and the sky turned black with it. Grian suddenly wasn’t able to see him, relying on sound alone. It was kind of poetic, wasn’t it? The beast that can’t see inflicts its ailment on its victims as well. 
Revenge started to sprint toward them, and Grian readied themself to move. They really hoped they didn’t end up on yellow after all this. 
50 blocks.  
30 blocks.  
10 blocks.  
5 blocks. 
The avian dove.
Judging by the noise, Scar had done the same on the other side.
The warden slammed his hands to the ground where they had stood seconds before… And stayed exactly where he was. Grian panicked. Not being able to see the beast was one thing, but that and having it mere steps away? This was a death sentence. They almost started saying their goodbyes to this cruel world. 
Before Scar- lovely, amazing, clever Scar jumped up to save the day. The last thing he heard was a boot colliding with something solid and weirdly squishy before Revenge shrieked. And fell down. 
A splash sounded at the bottom.
The warden’s fiery roar echoed through the canyon.
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
First up
The A bracket (finished)
Battle 1-16
(most submissions in form 1 and most submissions in form b)
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Starts Friday the 9th of June. 5pm CET. The brackets will be posted between the 9-10th of June.
Side A, 9th of June. 5pm to 8pm cet
Raphael Hamato (rise of the TMNT) vs Totoro (my neighbor Totoro)
Heavy (team fortress 2) vs Big Friendly Giant (BFG)
King Dedede (Kirby) vs Scorpia (She-ra)
Bismuth (Steven universe) vs Susan Murphy (monsters vs aliens)
Fezzik (the princess bride) vs Dick Gumshoe (ace attorney)
Master Chief (halo) vs Bumblebee (bumblebee)
Big Macintosh (my little pony: friendship is magic) vs Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
The titan (the owl house) vs Tyson (Percy Jackson)
Side B, 10th of June, 5pm to 8pm CET
Ivan Bruel (miraculous ladybug) vs Asahi Azumane (haikyuu)
Takeo Goda (ore monogatari) vs Caduceus Clay (critical role)
Milly Thompson (tri-gun) vs Sandy (Lego monkie kid)
Jaguar D. Saul vs Jean Bart (one piece)
Komamura (bleach) vs William Ellis (identity v)
Beelzebub (obey me) vs Kazanari Genjuurou (symphogear)
Senri (plus anima) vs Murakumo (rune factory 5)
Holly (super lesbian animal rpg) vs Brutus Feels (Kane and feels)
The B bracket (finished)
Battles 17-32
Characters who have returned from the spring bracket and from fandoms I’ve personally interacted with. So the spring bracket but we blacklisted big man
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Date: Tuesday 13/6 to Wednesday 14/6, between 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A (Tuesday)
The iron giant vs Baymax (big hero 6)
Gonta gokuhara (danganronpa) vs Jonathan Joestar (JoJo’s bizarre adventure)
Dj (total drama) vs Yasutora “Chad” Sado (bleach
Muriel (the arcana) vs Jasmine (total drama)
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs aaarrrgghh (trollhunters)
Klaus Von Reinherz (kekkai sensen) vs Asterios (fate grand order)
Hunk (Voltron) vs Gooliope Jellington (monster high)
Dragonite (Pokémon) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale)
Side B (Wednesday)
Alphonse Elric vs Major Lewis Armstrong (full metal alchemist)
Urbosa (legend of Zelda) vs Glamrock Freddy (five nights at Freddy’s)
Milla Vodello vs Helmut Fullbear (psychonauts)
Dedue Molinaro vs Raphael Kirsten (fire emblem: three houses)
Winston vs B.O.B (overwatch)
Kanji Tatsumi (persona) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters)
Mordecai vs Muarim (fire emblem: gay rights path of radiance/radiant dawn)
Minsc & Boo (baldur’s gate) vs Big the cat (sonic the hedgehog)
C BRACKET (ongoing)
Battles 33-48
Those who fell in between the A and the D bracket. So this one has some pretty chaotic matchups
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Date: Sunday the 18th to Monday the 19th, 5pm to 8pm cet
A bracket: Sunday
Nicholas St North (rise of the guardians) vs Grear Danes (irl)
Falkor the good luck dragon (the never ending story) vs Susan Strong (adventure time)
Grandpa Max (Ben 10) vs Cerberus (Greek mythology)
Kiryu Kazuma (yakuza) vs Dr Joshua Strongbear Sweet (Atlantis)
Fatgum (my hero academia) vs Takashi Morinozuka (ouran highschool host club)
Will Powers (ace attorney) vs Luther (Detroit: become human)
The Tick (the tick 1994) vs Evan Buck Buckley (911 on fox)
Riki Nendou (saiki k) vs Hearts Boxcars (homestuck)
Side B (Monday)
Shirahoshi vs Tony Tony Chopper (one piece)
Jetfire/skyfire (transformers) vs Indus Tarbella (epithet erased)
Sisyphus (hades) Vs Grog Strongjaw (critical role)
Hugo the abominable snowman (looney tunes) vs Aone Takanobu (Haikyuu)
Android 16 (dragon ball) vs Tiny (ever after high)
Wrecker (Star Wars: the bad batch) vs K (virtues last reward)
Goldlewis Dickinson vs Potemkin (guilty gear)
Yasha Nydoorin (critical role) vs Lily Bowen (fall out)
Battles 49-64
Aka the one where the contestants sadly got the least amount of votes)
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Date: Thursday 22/6th to Friday 23/6th 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A: Thursday
lain chu (dragon hunters) vs Panda (tekken)
Isaroth (genshin impact) vs Bizarro (DC red hood and the outlaws)
Jienji (Inuyasha) vs Jackie Wells (cyberpunk 2077)
Looks to the moon (rain world) vs Jogu (naruto)
Bane Perez (identify V) vs Zinnia (super lesbian animal rpg)
Vulkanon (rune factory 4) vs Argus (Greek mythology)
Mountain (ark knights) vs Taiga Saejima (yakuza)
Abbi (Omori) vs Gorem (bakugan)
SIDE B: Friday
Junko (storm hawks) vs Hajin (monstress)
Gylph (super lesbian animal RPG) vs Bongchun (Bongchun bride)
Fitz Fellow (detective grimoire) vs Bubbles (questionable content)
Dubo (omega strikers) vs Bob the titan (Percy Jackson)
Otto the giant water dog (wondla) vs Kurita Ryoukan (Eyeshield 21)
Mele the Horizons Roar (ishura) vs Gentle Bear (dog island)
The Selfish Giant vs Banjo Lilywhile (the hogfather)
Livio the double fang (trigun) vs Hank McCoy (x-men)
I will make propaganda master posts and if you want to add, just use the ask box or dm me with propaganda for one of the characters who’s going to participate. But that’s all!
May the best gentle giant WIN!
27/6, apricot bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
29/2, shavedown of the apricot bracket
The battle
1/7, blueberry bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
3/7, shavedown
The battle
4/7, citron bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
5/7, shavedown
7/7, durian bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
8/7, shavedown
The (un)official GGSmod messed up someone’s name post
The crime list
Ask game
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cretaceous-if · 7 months
Welcome! Your post introductory is amazing!!
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Aw thank you! I was inspired by @forsakensword-if to add all the stats and stuff to make it easier to people to access, so kudos to Rea!
I’m literally terrible at thinking up facts, so forgive that i’ve reused the fav animal/dino one.
-> While they don’t have much time for it these days, G is a total bookworm (historical romances are their guilty pleasure even if the smut scenes do make them giggle).
-> their favourite animal is a wolf and their favourite dinosaur is an ankylosaurus (because it kind of reminds them of a dog).
-> If asked, xe would tell you that whiskey is xyr favourite drink, but in reality, hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows is xyr favourite.
-> Xyr favourite animal is a red panda and xyr favourite dinosaur is a parasaurolophus.
-> He can play the piano and sing, but he’s rather shy about it so he rarely shows off his musical talent. He will quietly sing to mc though when it’s just the two of them.
-> His favourite animal is an elephant and his favourite dinosaur is a velociraptor (his lil turkey sized menaces).
-> She was a champion gymnast in her early twenties, now while she doesn’t compete anymore, she’s still very active and extremely flexible.
-> Her favourite animal is a bearded vulture and her favourite dinosaur is a gigantoraptor.
-> If they’re given flowers, they will be extremely flattered. They’ll press the flowers into special books and write little notes about the meaning of the flowers and who gave them to them.
-> Their favourite animal is a cheetah and their favourite dinosaur is a T-Rex (they get really excited when you bring your babies to see them).
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red-panda-agere · 5 months
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Regressor! Retsuko (aka Regressive Retsuko)
(!¡! Alcohol mention !¡!)
The most spoiled princess in the whole world (/nsrs) because Dada doesn’t know how to say no when she feels brave enough to ask for treats at the store, and usually all she wants is attention and cuddles.
Usually somewhere between 3-5 but goes even younger when sick or super stressed
Initially, she thought the whole idea of regressing was pointless and a waste of time, but found herself trying it out when she was living alone. She’d been looking up coping mechanism/stress relievers with Gori and Washimi once, and the topic came up. When she finally told them about it later, she was super stubborn about them babying her, and would whine when they tried, until she eventually just clung to one of them.
Haida is her main caregiver “Dada” but sometimes Washimi “Mimi” and Gori “Roro” babysit. They adore little Retsuko and absolutely SPOIL her.
She regresses bunches, especially at the end of the day after long days of work.
She clings to her caregivers, not ever really feeling safe without them.
Loves watching Haida play video games, and sometimes Dada lets her play some with him like Slime Rancher or Animal Crossing
-He bought her one of those fidget toy game controllers so she can pretend to play when Dada’s playing a game that’s a little too difficult for her. This usually results in her becoming disinterested after an hour or so or she’ll chew on the controller toy.
“Princess” “Little star” “Baby panpan” are her favorites, but her Dada calls her a bunch of silly names. “Goober” “Kiddo” “Squirt”
Contradictory to her online and karaoke presence, she likes being Dada’s little princess with tiaras and cute little dresses. Retsuko is the sweetest little princess ever.
She tends to be a pretty behaved little one, very good at listening and all around just a happy baby. She’s not fussy often.
-Fussy Retsuko is usually the result of too much work and stress, and she’ll be too stubborn to admit she’s regressed/regressing, and this ends in her regressing anyways but still denying it, or finally admitting she’s little and crying into Dada’s shoulder.
Lots of soft toys like plushies from her favorite games and shows
One of her favorite things is to make cookies with her caregivers.
Gori and Washimi take her out shopping often just to spoil and endulge her regression, wanting to buy her more toys, outfits, and pacifiers every time. They always bring her home with bags of new stuff. They’re like the excited aunts who always demand pictures of her in outfits they bought, as well as being the one to take Retsuko out to do super fun stuff.
Loves when Haida sings, especially lullabies. She thinks his guitar playing is one of the best things ever.
Since she’s a red panda, and shorter than most, she has an easier time regressing with them and feeling little.
-She really likes the little play sets meant for kids, like the miniature toy kitchens, and likes to play restaurant with her Dada and sometimes with Mimi and Roro. Oddly enough, for a lot of toys in sizes for larger animals, she fits them perfectly. They sometimes buy toys that would be for lion children because they’re bigger than red pandas, so they actually fit her even though she’s an adult.
She carries her pink blankie around like she’ll die if she doesn’t.
Even though she’s little, she likes to listen to her ‘big girl music’ that helps with stress relief as well. (It’s okay to listen to big kid music when you’re little, at least just some to an extent!)
Teethes ALOT and has to have teether toys, even at work
Retsuko will insist on sleeping next to Haida often, even if he sleeps on the couch. She will climb out of bed and drag Haida to it if she has too, wanting to sleep on his chest.
“Hmmm…Retsuko?” Haida asks tiredly, feeling a tug on his sleeve. Retsuko whines, wobbling a bit as she tries to pull him up now. Her footing was unsteady, her socked paws slipping a bit. “Dada! Bed!” She whined, not asking, but demanding. The hyena laughed tiredly, sitting up on the couch. Retsuko just continued pulling his hand, whining more and more. She loses her footing, and almost falls down onto her bottom, but Dada, being as cool and awesome as he is, caught her before she could fall. “Alright goober, let’s get YOU to bed, yeah?” Retsuko whined at him, but was glad they were going to bed now, holding onto his shoulders as she was held now.
When she regresses from large amounts of stress or genuine trauma, like the big event at the end of season 3, she just lays in her caregivers’ laps and cries until she falls asleep. She hates doing it and is ashamed with herself when it’s over. She feels embarrassed about getting extremely upset and the first thing she wants is to wear a pink onsie, get her paci, and cry into someone’s shoulder.
She is very embarrassed to do so, but she has a Seiya plushie she carries around and cuddles all the time.
She’s regressed at work a few times, and immediately calls Gori and/or Washimi for help because she genuinely can’t mask her regression.
Alcohol is not allowed to be consumed by or in front of her when little, she will whine and try to make her regression to have some. Even when she is allowed to have some when big, she will cry and regress afterwards if she has too much, and it’s not fun for anybody involved.
Loves being read to, but enjoys Haida’s stories he makes up much more. Sometimes they’ll draw together, and he’ll draw out one of his stories for her in little doodles.
Retsuko likes to crawl alot, but since she’s substantially shorter than Haida, he likes to ‘help her walk’ by holding her hands and letting her waddle with his help. Even if it’s a little silly, she giggles the whole time.
“Look at my little princess go! Walking like such a big girl!” Haida praises as she waddles through the bedroom, holding one of his pointer fingers in each hand. “Dada! I walkin!” She giggles as she takes another wobbly step, her socked paw taking another step forward, making her giggle even more. Haida’s tail wagged excitedly, proud of his little Retsuko. “You’re doing so good princess!”
(Sorry this one’s a little short guys, I’m gonna try to keep these a bit shorter so I can post more, but I’m pushing for a minimum of 25 headcanons every post like this, including the little mini stories. I’m trying to do more, and I tend to do a lot more for characters I’m super duper passionate about, but I’m sorry for the shorter posts guys)
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cielcreations · 1 year
Colorful Scotts - Prompt/Idea
I told you guys, I have a problem-
Anyways, Scott Clones. All are different types of hybrids as a reference to Afterlife SMP. Some are directly from Afterlife (as you will see) but others will be my own idea to fill out the colors.
Scott Clones:
Red - Vampire Scott, material girl, loves blood, confident, has a crush on Solidarity (”You’re gonna take me out? :D”), favorite blood type is Solidarity (just Solidarity)
Orange - Red Panda Scott, loves to sleep, cuddles a lot with the others, shorter than most of them because red panda, will climb in small hidey holes because cute, often with Tango because Tango is warm and red panda likes it
Yellow - Angel Scott, angel of justice, nontraditional angel, you cross him and he’ll make you regret it, has his own rules you should abide by, decorates Tango a lot in glowing jewels because he is more often than not mining for redstone and such, it’s just to help him, he doesn’t have a crush, what’re you talking about-
Green - Mothling Scott, tiny boiiiiiiii, actually hangs out with Vampire Scott the most, loves lanterns, loves Tango a lot because hair glowey like flames and ooooh light-
Teal - Normal/OG Scott, having gay panic because all his clones like Solidarity and he does too but also Solidarity is married to Tango so like what is he suppose to do? little does he know Solidarity and Tango wouldn’t mind a polycule
Blue - Mermaid Scott, underwater, loves to sing, will forget humans can’t breathe underwater because “look at my house :D”, can go on land, but only for a little, has (and will do it again) dragged Tango into the water despite Tango no knowing how to swim, he just wants blaze boy to cuddle with him-
Purple - Ender Dragon Scott, can fly, gets hurt in water, known to hoard things and people (specifically Solidarity), will teleport at random, doesn’t like Overworld food, only lets Solidarity and Tango pet behind his ears
Pink - Fairy Scott, makes flowers when walking in grass, always smiling, loves to flirt with Solidarity because it makes him flush and that’s cute, loves to make flower crowns
White - Cat Scott, obsessed with Solidarity, loves to lay on laps, always tired, purrs and meows, calls himself the “New Norman” as a joke, Solidarity doesn’t mind because loves cats
Black - Demon Scott, incubus to be exact, incubus who feeds off affection in general, doesn’t have to be just sex, physical affection is his love language, feeds off Solidarity and Tango a lot because they have so much love to give and it doesn’t bother them
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madameaug · 4 months
DayCare Moments|| JJK x OC
A/N: Taking a quick breather from nursing school to push this out. I miss Jennette and Jungkook (& Peanut too!)
Might add onto this later, but just wanted to post something.
Pairing: Jungkook x Jennette
Dropping off a Daycare...
Even when he is running late, Jungkook always walks hand in hand to the front door of the daycare. He could be meeting his favorite idol of all time and would still walk his Peanut into the building. He rings the doorbell of the home daycare. The late fifty-year-old black woman answered the door with a smile. A sleepy toddler on her hip.
"Have a good day." Jungkook watches Peanut's coils move in the wind as she enters the daycare. Within seconds, she conversed with Cameron, one of her daycare friends.
"I love you!" Jungkook raises his voice, seeing that Peanut didn't respond to his earlier statement. Remembering that her dad still existed, she wobbled back to the door.
"Love you!" Jungkook crouched down to her level before embracing her. With ease, he scooped her little body up. Blowing raspberries on her cheek as she squealed.
"Appa loves you so much. My peanut cup."
Placing her on the ground, he left one kiss on her forehead. Careful not to shift the Hello Kitty clips Jennette placed in her hair this morning. Peanut was at that stage where she wanted to pick out her clothes like mommy and daddy. However, she had the pickiness of her mother and got fussy if her hair or clothes were not neat.
With one hand touching her hair, she waved goodbye to her father. Jungkook smiled at the mini Jennette in front of him. He blew several kisses to her before turning around to walk back to his car.
"What song are we listening to today, Peanut cup?" Jennette buckles in her toddler. Peanut was always given the aux cord when Jennette had to take the toddler to school. Plus, it was funny to hear Peanut's raspy voice sing beautifully off-key to the songs.
"The Red Panda song." Peanut grooved in her car seat. Two weeks ago, Jennette and Peanut watched the Disney animated film 'Turning Red'. Jennette didn't expect Peanut to like the movie as much as she did. As it wasn't necessarily focused on really young kids. But Peanut awwed and gushed over Mei Mei's panda form. Requesting Jungkook get her a red panda plushy (which arrived the next day from Amazon).
The second reason Peanut liked the movie so much was the songs the fictional boyband 4-Town sang. The most recognizable one 'Nobody Like U' was nicknamed the 'Red Panda song' by Panda. Jennette didn't complain much as it gave her a break from hearing 'Part of Your World' from the Little Mermaid.
Jennette played the song before pulling out of the driveway. Occasionally, I look in the rearview mirror to see Peanut dancing to the song. At some parts of the song, she would make up her own lyrics; she was in her own groove. Her head moved side to side as she sang her little heart out. Twenty minutes later, when they got to the daycare, Peanut was still singing the lyrics to 'Nobody Like U. '
Peanut Makes a Friend ...
Jungkook was doing some stretches on the carpet, listening to Peanut recap her day. She sat at the dining table, with a coloring book in front of her.
"... then it was time for recess, Cheese asked me to play hopscotch with him."
Jungkook paused, 'Cheese?'. What were parents naming their kids these days? Jungkook thought to himself. He didn't want to interrupt Peanut, with his growing list of questions.
"I was hopping like a bunny rabbit. Going like hop, hop, hop." Peanut mimics the hopping with the purple crayon in her hand.
"We had so much fun. I can't wait for recess tomorrow."
*next day*
"Bye bye, Ms.Potts, bye Gabby, bye Cheese!" She hugged the little boy. Peanut standing slightly over the little boy.
Jungkook smiled, watching the sweet interaction. One of his fears as a parent was Peanut being bullied. However, she appeared to be adjusting well at the daycare and had some friends.
"It's Chase, not 'cheese'." The little boy whined.
He pointed to the engraved lunchbox in his hand. Clear as day, the hand stitching spelled out 'Chase'. Quickly covering his mouth, not to laugh out loud. Jungkook ushered Peanut out of the front door.
Jennette was making Peanut's lunch for school tomorrow when the four-year-old tapped her leg.
"Mommy am I allowed to have best friends?" She tilted her head, looking up at her mother so innocently.
"Yeah, you can have best friends."
A smile appeared on her face. "Good! I know Appa said I couldn't have girlfriends or boyfriends. But I wasn't sure about best friends."
"What's your best friend's name?"
"Cameron, Gabby, Chase, Makayla, Louis, and Bernard."
"Goodness, that's a lot of best friends." Jennette flipped the sandwich in the frying pan. She admired the golden brown color of the bread internally.
"We play at recess and sit beside each other in circle time."
Jennette nodded her head. The next time she picks Peanut off from school, she'll consciously look for all these 'best friends.'
A light bulb went off in Peanut's hand. She scurried around the corner out of Jenentte's sight. Brief ruffling could be heard. Sticking her head out slightly, Jennette wondered what Peanut was up to.
Surely enough, Peanut came around the corner with eight mini Rice Krispie treat bars in her hand.
"I hope you don't plan on eating all those tonight, miss ma'am."
"I was gonna share with my friends."
Peanut put on her puppy dog look for her mother. "Then why do you have eight. You named six friends?"
"Well, I was thinking about an extra for myself." She twisted a foot and looked down.
Jennette couldn't hide the laugh coming out of her mouth, even if she wanted too.
"Fine, Peanut. Fine."
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isekai-crow · 5 months
Mr. Villain's Day Off / Kyuujitsu no Warumono San Episode 1
Overall Rating So Far: 9/10 (i WILL buy merch for this)
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I have a thing for curly bowl cuts. I like goth-coded characters, and this demon does a decent job. I love Yakuza/Gangster/Evil coded villains that have gap-moe (a side to them that seems completely counter to the personality they present). Most of all I LOVE SHINTAROU ASANUMA'S VOICE.
He's probably most famous for being Samatoki, the gangster rapper and leader of the Mad Trigger Crew, from Hypnosis Mic, and I've seen him perform at multiple live viewings and his character has a rabid following. His other famous roles are Saiki Kusuo, Ugetsu from Given, and he's in Ensemble Stars, A!3, and Tokenranbu (can you tell this dude can sing).
He has a lovely deep voice and is an absolute sweetheart, despite being able to growl like a rabid dog. It's the perfect match for the character.
The show itself looks like it will be a cute and fluffy show that is low-risk and chill. Most importantly, it's teaching us the importance of Work-Life balance!
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It seems to be based on Sentei/Ranger style shows, but set as if the show is the real world, and the characters are NOT actors. Who knows WHY Mr. Villain and his fellow demons are here to destroy humans, but the Ranger's are here to protect us!
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Spoilers and screenshots for episode 1!
Holy shit, Mr. Villain is /adorable/ in both work mode and relax mode.
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This almost feels like it's trying to be sexy in the same way the Uramichi Oniisan was, just for the hell of it in a show with almost zero fan service apart from Soft Boys.
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The show is basically three little shorts strung together, but gives us a great glimpse of the world.
We get to meet Red Ranger who.... I killed myself laughing over this, but is just as directionally challenged as my Capybara is. We go anywhere together and he starts walking in a direction, and its a 90% chance that it's the exact opposite direction he wants to go in.
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Mr. Villain leads him to the train station he was ACTUALLY trying to get to, and as Red Ranger skipped happily through the ticket gate, Capybara said "See, now I'd just get lost and not know what platform to go to."
....only for Red Ranger to have this immediate problem, lmfao. I'm so excidted for more non-existant-sense-of-direction shinanigens, if only to tease the Capybara.
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So, Quick Japanese Cultural Lesson -> This is called a Showa Yankee lmao. It's a street gangster / troublemaker with a soft spot for animals. This comes from a brand with cute dogs on it that was popular among the rough and tumble street gangs oh the 1980s and earlier. But you will see this trope across various anime and manga, and I LOVE IT. Gap-Moe at it's finest.
Along with the animal loving, Mr. Villain can't eat spicy curry (Is he British? lololol) and despite getting ready to murder any human at hand because they're sold out of Mild Curry Roux, the panda special immediately calms him down and settles in to watch.
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I may not care that much for pandas (Would saying that get my killed by Mr. Villain? Probably, but I'm one of the few people who don't go "awww" when they see a panda, and instead can only remember the baby panda sneeze video lmao) but I hope to keep enjoying all this fluff, especially as I try to push through the last few episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen from last season.
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Mr. Villain has his priorities straight, and I'd be happy to hand over the world to his control as long as I don't die :D
Let's hope his faith in humanity continues to grow even as he uncovers more atrocities like the incarceration of predatory beasts for human viewing pleasure.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links, I hope.
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