#riize headcannons
boba-at-323 · 1 month
Stay-home dates with RIIZE !!
Note : OMG !! I had so much fun writing thisssss <333 || DID NOT PROOFREAD PLEASE || Also Idk what to tw but I have mentioned snacks a whole lot of time + I TRIED MY BEST TO MAKE IT GENDER NEUTRAL BUT LIKE SINCE IM FEMALE SO EXCUSE ME ;-; please enjoyyyy !!
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Osaki Shotaro <3 !
Hmm, not a big fan, but as long as you're happy he is too !!
Omg !!
You ask him to film TikToks with you and he's MORE THAN HAPPY !!
So like you've saved a lot of trends and dances you wanna recreate with him.
He's so excited and gets all giggly over it!
Takes it a little too seriously…
Like you're looking at him with your jaw dropped and eyes wide because how did it take him one look to literally MASTER the dance.
Laughs embarrassed when you praise him !!
But you tell him that he's too fast for you ';-; so he apologises and suggests teaching you the dance step by step!
The two of you continuously burst into fits of giggles when something goes wrong.
You'd film like 29837209 TikToks and just have fun goofing around.
You might also end up exhausted on the floor reviewing the videos you filmed.
Thinks you look very cute and asks you to do this often with him!
Might get bored if you don't have a lot to do.
Would love to talk to you about anything really.
I feel like he's someone who enjoys conversing, so you might actually start having deep conversations that will last for hours.
Hmm rating 8/10 PLS HES SO ADORABLE <3
Rest of the members under the cut !
Song Eunseok <3 !
This man is literally so chill with everything.
Like you'd suggest going for a picnic on a volcano and he'd be like "lol ok."
Okay, maybe not that much but yk what I mean !!
So yeah you're probably sitting with him binge-watching some anime or series.
He's quiet the whole time and is actually very immersed in the story.
However, he will be passing comments every now and then.
And I tell you, these comments are so out of pocket???
Like you can't help but burst out laughing.
And he's just gonna look at you like "😐".
So yeah be prepared cuz the witty comments he's gonna slip will crack you so bad.
Like it actually makes you question how his brain works
But it's okay, that just means he's having fun!
Also, it's very hard to concentrate on whatever you're watching cuz he looks so pretty next to you.
Like you keep on looking at him, smirks 100%
"Yeah I know I'm too hard to resist"
Also makes sure you get your share of snacks!!
I'd rate it a solid 9/10 cuz it's really entertaining!
Jung Sungchan <3 !
But after much convincing, he gives in.
"At least we get to spend time together, right?"
But what happens is like,
You're standing there tying your hair back, you ask him for help with your apron.
Gets a little too touchy
You have to slap his arm away and give him a death glare.
Pretends he doesn't know what he did rn 😔
Is actually a very good helping hand.
Like helps you out, follows everything you tell him to do, however...
Has his doubts, and totally shakes his head if he thinks smth is going wrong.
"Y/n are you sure it's 2 cups sugar?" "I don't think we should be using butter…"
Like he said, he takes up a large radius.
So this clumsy baby probably toppled over a lot of things, making a very big mess ;-;
Apologises repeatedly with sad puppy eyes 🥹
You kiss his cheek and tell him it's fine
Though you ask him to sit it out and let you handle the rest of the process yourself.
I'd rate it a 4/10, this man is NOT meant to be confined to a small space.
Park Wonbin <3 !
Would prefer them actually !!!
He'd absolutely LOVE to cuddle with you throughout the day.
Like he'd just be clinging onto you telling you literally everything that happened to him cuz for some reason he gives me yapper vibes
Though he'd appreciate listening to what you have to tell him, leaving a trail of kisses all over your neck.
Also he LOVES your voice so much omg !
So he can also pull out his guitar and have a serenade with you (english 💀).
Would ask you your favourite song, and if he doesn't know it WILL make sure he knows it the next time you guys have an at-home date
If he knows, he plays it for you encouraging you to sing.
you tell him you think your voice sucks.
"Nonsense idc i just wanna hear your pretty voice <3"
Literally heart eyes for you once you start singing,
Like might actually melt, give you the softest, most lovesick gaze EVER !
There is a possibility he ends up messing up the cords cuz you distracted him !!!
He's so cute pls </3
Omg also, the two of you might also end up in the kitchen cooking smth together, blasting a playlist he made for you!
But you don't know that <3
He actually so desperately wants to do cliche romantic things with you but is too shy to initiate </3
It's giving that "Idk how to flirt so I'm just gonna stare at you till you marry me" meme
Be prepared for endless back hugs because he's just so SO soft for you <333
Anyways yeah 11/10 (+1 is probably cuz I'm so down bad for him)
Hong Seunghan <3 !
My manz I miss him all day everyday ;-;
He's so sweet I tell you, agrees to literally everything.
Putting mbti and stuff aside, I think he'd actually plan out a few activities you could do together.
Like if you're going over to his place, hes prepared snacks and stuff for you.
Hmm !! Video games are a must I believe !!
Like I read he plays FIFA online???
SO yeah, if you know how to play, the both of you would spend hours playing together
I don't see him getting very competitive but will whine if you keep on beating him!
However, will also compliment on how great you are at the game!!
However, if you don't know how to play and absolutely suck (like me ;-;)
When you mess something up, or like if you can't understand something, the pout on your lips makes his heart EXPLODE.
Like he thinks you're the most adorable ever, he'd start squealing if his pride lets him.
Ends up attacking you with kisses and hugs.
The game is long forgotten, just a clingy Seunghan showering you with love because of how adorable he finds you.
Lee Sohee <3 !
Unlike Seunghan, I can see him playing board games and such with you!
For example, the two of you could be sitting on the floor playing UNO.
But that got boring CUZ HOW DO TWO PEOPLE EVEN PLAY UNO !!!
So takes out a Jenga set because he thought it was very entertaining!
Both of you are screaming SO much when either chooses the wrong piece to remove.
Which is unfair to you and you WILL whine about it.
"All is fair in war and Jenga"
Laughs at you because you're definitely the one who's going to topple the tower over.
So yeah you all spend a lot of time giggling and screaming over board games!
OMG ALSO !! Thanks to Anton, he bought some Lego sets too!!
You all start good but eventually get so frustrated because you can't find one tiny piece.
Ofc you give up and spend the rest of the evening with his karaoke machine !!
HE !! WANTS !! TO !! SING !!
And please you're just so mesmerised the whole time he's singing.
Like woah??? His voice is so good even when he's goofing around? INSANE!!
Though you aren't losing to him, so the both of you get SUPER competitive.
Lee Anton <3 !
Like Wonbin, he'd also enjoy stay-at-home dates.
I can see him enjoying doing anything, to be honest.
Like for example, the two of you could just be lying next to each other sharing with each other reels you see.
Or just him listening to you telling him some tea from your workplace/college etc.
Sitting on the bed together with a variety of snacks sprawled around.
Like Sohee, I can even see him building Legos in silence with you cuz this guy is so patient !
Oh also!
He'd pull out his laptop and shyly ask if you'd like to listen to the music he's created.
After listening, your face is the shocked Pikachu meme.
"Woahhh my boyfriend is so cool :OOO"
Get's blushy over the compliments you shower him with.
Brushes it off saying it's nothing.
NEways, teaches you how to try making music.
Laughs if you cry about how difficult it is, he thinks it's adorable.
You ask him to delete the trash you've made, but he creates a separate folder to save everything you've made with him.
Plus he treasures it so much like only if he could somehow just make you feel how much it means to him !!
Pretty cute, very cozy, overall nice experience 10/10 <3
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Thank you for reading reblogs and reviews are appreciated ! <3
Title : Stay-home dates with Riize || Word count: 1652 || Genre: fluff ! || Pairing: Riize x implied Fem!Reader (tried making it gender neutral pt.29382938)
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tqmies · 4 months
hiiii goodluck at your new job 🎀🎀🎀 can i request a riize silent treatment reaction/thoughts/drabble tbh just whatever you feel like 😽😽
awee thank you! my first week went super well and i'm even getting a pay raise :0 thank you for the kind words, and of course &lt;3
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How Riize would react to being given the 'silent treatment'
Gives the silent treatment right back. Oh you don't want to talk to him? Hmmm okay well let's see who breaks first. (Spoiler: It won't be him) He also will have a ton of attitude even after you've called it all off. What a sassy little guy.
Ummm, how about no? How is he supposed to live without his angel, the love of his life, his reason living, his sunshine on a rainy day, not talking to him? Will start crying and begging by the way. Whatever you two were fighting about is NOT worth not talking to you.
He's taken aback, but continues to talk to you and acts like he doesn't notice the lack of response. He will talk your head off though, you might break just to tell him to SHUT UP.
Doesn't know what to do. Like he's about to start shaking and throwing up once he catches on (It takes him an hour to notice your silence) Please, he's not your strongest solider.
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yawnzzznnn · 8 months
hii can i request prompt 1 for riize's wonbin and prompt 19 for eunseok?
☆Comfort - Eunseok☆
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☆special thanks to: anon, Riize, eunseok
☆Note: hello sorry you had to wait so long for this but I hope you enjoy and, remember you are beautiful dont let others get to your head if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or some comfort you can always DM me and I'll comfort you remember you are worth everything if someone tells you other wise you tell me and I'll kick there ass for you
☆TW: insecure reader : mentions of being bullied : mentions of name calling : mentions of beauty standards : body shaming : mentions of body weight : mentions of hate comments : reading hate comments :
☆Words: 686
☆taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
☆Prompt: I swear your like a god(dess) walking this earth
8-30-23 - 9-27/28-23
You were often told how you never fit the beauty standard, from being either called too skinny or, too fat.  Eunseok never thought that of you, to him you were a god(ess) the most beautiful human he's ever seen but his comments were constantly overshadowed by other people
There mean comments made you take down your photos and almost delete your account. Eunseok noticed how distant you've gotten and how you'd jump or yelp when he touched certain parts of your body, he didn't say anything afraid of overstepping or blowing something out of proportion, that was until today Eunseok had caught you reading hate comments while tears build up in your eyes
"Oh...sweetie.." He said barley above a whisper his voice making you jump and spin around "where you-" you tried to ask only to be cut off with a small nod "you know it's not true, right?" Eunseok said taking your hands in his causing you to drop the phone "but..." You tried to speak but Eunseok once again cut you off "shhh don't say anything" he said "your beyond beautiful" he continued pulling you into his chest
"one of a kind beautiful, other people are blind if they can't see just how amazing you are inside and out" he comforted while softly rubbing your back, his words caused the building tears to fall his sweater now had two deep wet spots on the shoulder, not that Eunseok minded
"Your like a god(ess) walking this earth" he said pulling your face out of his shoulder "other people are beyond stupid honey....look at me" he continued pulling your eyes back on to him, Eunseok went quiet for a moment before speaking "don't think I'm lying to you...I would never lie to you, your truly the most beautiful person I've ever seen" Eunseok said as his eyes trailed down to your lips
"Eunseok-" you tried to speak but once again he cut you off not by words this time but with his lips meeting yours. He touched you like you were a fragile peace of art work, like as if you weren't handled with care you could break at any moment, the kiss was filled with so much emotion between the two of you
After what felt like an eternity the two of you pulled away "I don't deserve you" Eunseok said trailing his hand to your hair "your so perfect it's a shame you can't see the same" he continued "....thank you" you said quietly "don't thank me, I'm just helping you see the truth" he said petting your hair
"I'll tell you what" he commented as he stood up "let me call my company real quick" he said grabbing the phone off the floor before walking out the room, a minute or two later he came back with a small smile "can you clear your schedule for a few weeks?" He asked
You answered by nodding your head "perfect, pack warm clothes" he said before going back on the phone, you looked up at him confused "were going on a get away but we're leaving the phone and electronics here" he explained "Eunseok.." you said getting up to hug him "I love you so much, if anything I don't deserve you, your amazing" you praised digging your face in his neck
Your words caused a string of giggles to leave Eunseok "nono this is to prove your amazing a god(ess) one of a kind irreplaceable" he said wrapping his arms around your waist. Until the day of the trip Eunseok spent all his free time with you and constantly checking up on you throughout the day. Eunseok is truly one of a kind a once in a life time lover and your soulmate.
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blossominghunnie · 5 months
𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Pairing: Anton x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship, headcannons + imagines
Warning: None
Request: Yes
Notes: It took me so so long but here it is, hope you like it anon and ty for requesting. :)
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• He would be the type to shyly initiate affection.
You were preparing dinner, a simple but tasty sandwich, one for you and one for your boyfriend, when you feel a pair of arms wrapping around your waist.
You smiled and turned your head to look at the redhead.
“Hi.” He said softly, with red cheeks.
“Hi, my love.” You kissed his cheek and smiled.
He blushed deeper and hold you closer, hiding his head on your neck. Making you giggle and ruffle his hair.
• Always has an arm wrapped around you, no matter the situation.
• When he’s tired or has a rough day, he would cuddle you.
You were reading a book on your iPad, sitting on the coach when you heard the front door open and close.
“Hi, baby.” You spoke when Anton’s footsteps were approaching.
“Hi, honey.” He replied and threw himself next to you, placing his head on your lap, cuddling closer to your stomach.
“Rough day at work?” You asked as you closed your device and play with his hair.
“Yeah.” He replied softly.
You kept playing with his hair while he pulled you closer by the waist.
• When you’re in public, he’s always holding your pinky.
• Shy smiles from across the room
You were attending one of the many end of the year awards with your group. You were a huge multistan so you loved seeing everyone’s performances.
All through the night, you kept stealing glances at Anton and smiling shyly, him doing the same. No one but your groups knew of the two of you dating, so in order to avoid scandals, you had to be careful.
He loved seeing you happy and excited, he thought you were so cute and looked too pretty.
Because of that he had a huge smile all night, making fans wonder what had him acting like that.
• Clingy as hell at night, he can’t sleep without holding you.
• He always knows what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling just by looking at your expressions.
You were at the after party of the AAA where only idols and actors were allowed. You were talking to some of your friends when an actor, a little bit older than you, came to your group and started talking to you, specifically flirting.
Anton was laughing at something Sohee said, not that far away from his girlfriend. He turned to look at you and saw the scene. By the look on your face, you were uncomfortable, he could tell by your body language and your smile.
“I’ll be right back.” He told his friends and strutted towards you.
He bowed when your friends noticed him and came a little bit closer to talk to you.
“Hi Y/n, can I speak to you for a moment? It’s pretty urgent.” He asked softly ignoring the guy.
“Yeah, sure Anton.” You smiled at him gratefully. “I’ll be right back.” You told the tall male who looked quite annoyed that you were getting stolen like that.
You walked away to a less crowded spot.
“Thank you, babe.” You spoke and took his hand. “You’re my hero.”
He blushed. “No problem, sweetie.”
• Loves giving you kisses on the nose.
• Blushes furiously every time his friends tease him about you.
• He’s down so bad it’s adorable.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Riize masterlist || Main masterlist
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elfwondy · 7 months
pacific | guidelines
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main m.list | taglist | moots and anons | request open
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feel free to ask.
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luvyeni · 11 months
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luvyeni's masterlist 🤍...
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F- fluff A- angst M- smut S- suggestive 💬- text/smau
recent work: cockblockers nct dream 00 liners fic
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🤍 ... STRAY KIDS !
♡ ... reactions: girl math [💬] | "what position y'all in?"[💬] | buying you a sex toy [💬] | princess treatment [💬]
texting chan while he's at the studio [M][💬]
♡ ... drabbles:
jealous!boyfriend lee know [M][💬]
cupid and his angel [M]
two plus one [M] ft. jisung — 4.5k
pervbestfriend! lee know headcannons [M]
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
arms [M] — 0.8k
adore you [M] — 2.3k
♡ ... drabbles:
private dance [M] — 1.9k
it’s a scream, baby! [M] — 1.7k
text with fwb!hyunjin [💬]
♡ ... drabbles:
after-party [M] — 1.5k
jilix birthday special [M] — 3.5k
two plus one [M] ft. lee know — 4.5k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 | 2 | 3
getting over him [M] — 1.3k
phone call [M] — 0.6k
jilix birthday special [M] — 3.5k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
text w/ jealous ex! seungmin [💬]
♡ ... drabbles: 1 | 2
adrenaline rush [M] — 0.5k
my shy roommate [💬] [M]
bad for you [M] — 2.6k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 | 2 | 3
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🤍 ... ENHYPEN !
♡ ... reactions: teasing them in public [M] | facials [M] | sexting them during a live [M] | princess treatment [💬]
coming soon ...
♡ ... drabbles:
you want to make a movie [M] — 1.4k
♡ ... drabbles:
sugar daddy jay headcannons [M] – 0.4k
♡ ... drabbles:
consequences of a one night stand [💬]
no nut november [M] — 2.5k
♡ ... drabbles:
skate date [F] — 0.5k
birthday boy! [M] — 2.6k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
coming soon ...
♡ ... drabbles:
coming soon ...
♡ ... drabbles:
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🤍 ... NCT DREAM !
♡ ... reactions: ignoring them [💬] | "im pregnant" [💬] | sending them a nude [💬] princess treatment [💬]
movie and a show ft. jaemin [M] — 2k
♡ ... drabbles:
don't fuck your roommate [M] — 1.6k
treat you better [M] — 5.1k
cockblockers [M] — 6.4k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles:
bruises and ballet shoes [M] — 1.5k
they’re roommates [M] — 4.7k
cockblockers ft. 00 liners [M] — 6.4k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
everyday text with bf!haechan [M] [💬]
cockblockers ft. 00 liners [M] — 6.4k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
movie and a show ft. mark [M] — 2k
best birthday every [M] — 1.4k
they’re roommates [M] — 4.7k
cockblockers ft. 00 liners [M] — 6.4k
smoke you out [M] — 2.2k
life after [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
7 days a week [M] — 2.3k
everyday text with bf! chenle [M]
1-800-service me [M] — 2.5k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
after class [M] — 1k
♡ ... drabbles: 1
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🤍... RIIZE !
♡ ... reactions: revealing your relationship [💬] | sending you money [💬] | sex ban [💬] | princess treatment [💬]
relax [M] — 3.4k
♡ ... drabble:
cherry top ! [M] — 1.9k
♡ ... drabble:
lakeside [M] — 0.6k
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
text messages with bf!wonbin [M][💬]
poly! relationship with wonbin and seunghan [M] [💬]
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
poly! relationship with seunghan and sohee [💬]
poly! relationship with wonbin and seunghan [M] [💬]
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
everyday text with bf! sohee [M] [💬]
poly! relationship with seunghan and sohee [💬]
♡ ... drabble: 1 |
good boy [M] — 1.4k
♡ ... drabbles: 1 |
🤍 ... OTHERS !
6k drabble event — [MISC][M]
7k seven deadly sins event — [MISC][M]
2023 freaktober halloween event — [MISC][M]
8 days of christmas event — [MISC][M]
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melobin · 2 months
who in riize most likely to take risky photos?
i have to headcannon this .. eunseok
boyfriend eunseok who takes pretty photos of you no matter where you are. on dates when you’re sitting across from him, on walks when you’re holding his hand, even at night when you’re cuddling into him half asleep and babbling on about the day you had. he keeps them all safe, all tucked neatly away in a folder in his phone that’s named after you, his pretty girl.
he saves all the selfies and photos you send him, every single one, the pretty ones, the serious ones, the sad ones, especially the sillier ones. he thinks you’re the most beautiful thing and he reminds you after every single one you send. your contact profile on his phone is always changing and so is his wallpaper because he gets a new favourite photo of you every week !!
though, eunseok has his camera too. the camera he only gets out for you when he wants the photo to be printed immediately. he treasures the polaroid camera he keeps tucked away in his bedside table. sometimes taking it out to take candid photos of you sat on his bed in his clothes, other times taking it out to take photos of the two of you together
yet, his favourite photos to take with it are the dirtier ones. the ones when his cock is nestled deep inside of your cunt and your face is in a state of euphoria, eyes shut, lips parted, he’s sure he can hear your moans every time he looks at such a photo. he’s sneaky with where he keeps them too. he has one tucked away in his wallet, sat perfectly behind another photo that’s of you smiling, looking as pure and as perfect as always, such a contrast to the utter filth that’s hidden behind it.
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
Heya sweetie, how about a cuddling headcannon with Riize? Ty 🩶
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• PAIRING — bf!riize x fem!reader (can always ignore)
• WORD COUNT — 453
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — thank you for being my first riize request!! Hope you enjoy ♡
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He'd be so giggly when he sees you in his hoodie, holding your hands out with a pout
And he would engulf your small body, making you lay back on the bed
Tickles because he wants to hear your laugh :(
He'd also be so smiley too, being able to be so close to his favorite girl
Please kiss his cheek :( ♡
Is so sweet and gentle :(
Just like "oh, you want cuddles? Come here, come here." As he gesturing you to him
Picks you up and spins you around with a kiss
On the verge of melting because you're just so cute and he feels so soft in your presence
Plays pic-a-boo with you ♡
Also feel like he's a big tickler
Just having you lay on the sofa with him hovering you, tickling the tears out of your body
But would stop and wrap his arms around you, laying on your body and his head resting on the crook of your neck
Would whisper how much he loves and adores you
But always denies it if you repeat it back to him ♡
You guys were watching a movie and he insisted that you sit on his lap even though there was a lot of space on the couch
Rests his head in the crook of your neck, feeding you some snacks while laughing about how funny the movie is
Tucks your hair back if it was in your face
Defo rubs your tummy
And maybe even a few neck kisses to make you feel extra comfy ♡
Would pause his game when you straddle his lap, wrapping your arms around his body
Pushes your body back so your back is hitting the edge of his desk, laying some kisses on your face
A little heated make out session that breaks because of his smile
Keeps running his hand through your hair, complimenting how pretty you look
Defo gets cute agression ♡
"Noo~ I'm not cute!!" He would whine the second he suggests that he wants to be the little spoon
Wants lots of kisses littered on his face and with the prettiest smile
Would tell you about his day as hes resting on your stomach, playing with your fingers
Also wants forehead kisses !!
He'll reward you with another one of his hoodies, spraying cologne over it so it would smell just like him ♡
Randomly back hugs you but is too shy to tell you why
Lays little kisses on your neck when youre not paying attention to him
He just wants you to sit on his lap :(
Blushes when you turn around to kiss him
Would randomly grab your hand and start dancing with you, laughing the entire time ♡
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och405o · 5 months
Key: Fluff:💕 Suggestive:❤️‍🔥 Smut:🔞 Angst: 🌧️
&team as boyfriends 💕
&team reaction to s/o mentioning them on live (idolau)💕
Kisses with K💕
Shotgunning With Yuma❤️‍🔥
First time with Jo🔞
Making out with Harua❤️‍🔥
Making out with Taki❤️‍🔥
Maki with a French s/o 💕
Making out with Jungwon ❤️‍🔥
Yoshi Bf Headcannons 💕
Jaehyuk Bf Headcannons 💕
Haruto Bf Headcannons 💕
Nothing yet…
Making out with Jaehyun ❤️‍🔥
Making out with Leehan ❤️‍🔥
Nothing yet…
Making out with Chenle ❤️‍🔥
Nothing yet…
Cravity’s fav place to cum 🔞
Nothing yet…
Inconvenience Attachment (Sung Hanbin) (1) (2) (3)
Gyuvin Bf headcannon 💕
First time with riize 🔞
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i4ksm · 5 months
Hiya hun, can I request a first time headcannon with Riize? Pls and ty🖤🩵
hi ! i hope u like this <33
first time with them: riize edition
your first time with taro would be his first time as well! i feel like he would be somewhat nervous but he would be so sweet and gentle. constantly asking for reassurance, making sure he doesnt do anything wrong because taro would feel embarrassed if he messed up or didnt help you. “wait where did you say you liked it the best, here? are you sure? okay” he himself would also feel embarrassed when he makes little noises of pleasure, but it makes him feel better when you do too. he face heats up when you moan, because he realizes that that him thats doing it.
eunsok would never let you forget the way that he feels. he knows his way around the human body, he knows what hes doing and how to do it. but since its you first time he promises to be gentle with you. he knows it can be scary so he makes sure to talk you through everything. “dont worry baby im right here” and he will make sure you know its important yo vocalize what you want. “if it gets too much tell me, if you want more tell okay?” sweet boy can be an animal in bed but thats for you to find out later!
sungchan would be nervous just because he doesnt want to hurt you. but another problem would be holding back. you feel so good around him and he knows he needs to move slowly and be gentle but in his head he is just begging you to ask him to go faster. “you feel so good around me holy sh-shit baby” eventually he is rewarded when you start asking for more telling him “faster please channie” he doesnt hold back anymore at this point, but he makes sure you get taken care of.
wonbin treats you like you are fine china. like you are the most fragile thing on the planet. from start to finish he is asking you “are you okay?” “is this too much?” “does this feel okay?” because he takes pride in his ability to give pleasure and he wants you feeling like you are on cloud 9 the entire time. “you are so perfect” he praises you, makes you feel confident in yourself when he senses your nerves. he will do anything to make you feel like a pretty princess.
like wonbin seunghan will take really good care of you. but i also am apart of the seunghan corruption kink agenda. he would love to take his time with you, molding you to fit him perfectly. “my good girl doing so well f’me arent you?” he wants to take you, a sweet innocent person, and completely transform you. he knows it will take time but thats exactly what he does.
i feel like sohee has alot more confidence than yall act like. sohee to me is one of the kinkiest in the group (but some of yall aint ready for that conversation!) i think everything would go smoothly with him, he would take his time with you but not too much time. “are you ready for me baby?” and when you give him that greenlight GOODBYE to all ur sanity babe!!! hes smiley and loves his eye contact too!!
with anton he wouldnt be sure whether he should lead or you should just tell him everything you feel like you want and then let him do it. hes never taken someones virginity before and he obviously doesnt wanna mess it up but he doesnt want to seem inexperienced so he would probably ask alot of questions to make sure you feel safe and pleasured as possible!!
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pompomlol · 7 months
there is no riize stories except for sungchan and shotaro so…
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Wonbin BF headcannons
- i feel like dating wonbin would be so chill
- not in a bad way but in a chill way where it would be so relaxed
- lots of quiet, domestic moments
- like a wave to earth song
- cuddling to his side while he plays guitar and slowly dozing
- then he’d put his guitar down, pick you up, and tuck you into bed before he cuddles up next to you
- i feel like he likes any cuddle position where you can run your hands through his hair
- bruh i’d love to play with his hair, it’s so pretty
- private but not secret relationship
- does pda but is lowkey kind of discreet about it
- like the kind to hold your hand under the table with a group of friends
- but if you two are at a random cafe together and sitting across from each other, he’ll grab your hand and caress your knuckles with his thumb
- *swoons*
- you two would having matching chain bracelets
- something nice and simple but classy at the same time
- i feel like he had a dry sense of humor so he’ll say something random and make you laugh really hard
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snwosgf · 1 month
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tqmies · 9 months
if ur taking requests,, riize ass or boobs <33
RIIZE + Ass Or Boobs
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MDNI. Remember, this is just my silly little opinion.
Boobs - Hands, mouth, eyes, dick in between them, I can promise you some part of him is on them! Any size, does not matter. They just wanna see them covered in cum at the end of the night.
Ass - Please reverse cowgirl these men, will leave handprints from how hard they grip it! They're obsessed with the flesh of your ass and literally can't keep their hands off of it! Even during normal times, they are going to smack that ass!
Both - They can't decide, they have no preference. Will equally show love to both! Maybe they're secretly thigh men - who knows?
SEUNGHAN, WONBIN (He's a little ass biased though)
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yawnzzznnn · 9 months
requesting prompt 8 for sohee🥺
✮Me? - Sohee✮
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✮Special thanks to: anon, RIIZE, Sohee
✮Note: hello! I hope you enjoy if you have any other requests please send them in thx today is a sad day Suga has went to the army...but I know he's going to be fine so ARMY's don't go crazy lmfao alsoi just got over a week of birthdays (from the 19 to the 21 with 5 people) so sorry for not keeping up with requests I've been a bit busy
✮TW: slight jealous Sohee :
✮Words: 726
✮Taglist: @eumppappasgrippers
✮Prompt: Y'know what...I'll just print you a photo card with me on it-
Riize had just debuted so you bought at least 10 copies of the new album just so you can pull your bais no not your boyfriend Sohee but Anton although the boy sitting next to you didn't know who your bais is he assumed it was himself
"Ok!" You said as you set the box of albums on the coffee table "what's this?" Sohee asked sitting up from his spot "I ordered I think 10 copies of your debut album" you stated proudly "I may be broke but anything to pull my bais" you continued now cutting the tape on the box
"Your bais? Who's your bais? Is it me? I mean I assumed it was me" he asked leaning closer to the table and you, you giggled "you'll see" you said as you pulled the first album out you opened it and looked at the photo card inside "darn...Eunseok" you said as you turned it around showing Sohee in response he slightly pouted "ok next album!" You said setting the other one down
"Are you serious-" you said looking at the photo card of Wonbin "its ok you have more albums to go" Sohee said taking both the album and photo card you nodded your head and pulled another one out "oh my fu-dont curse" Sohee cut you off you sighed and showed the photo card "another Wonbin" you stated setting it with the matching photo card. Grabbing the next album in the box you paused before pushing it towards Sohee "kiss it for good luck" you said Sohee laughed before kissing the album
"Your so weird" he giggled, you rolled your eyes and opened the album a small sigh left your lips before you flipped the photo card over "oh my-" you gasped before jumping up to celebrate "I pulled him!!!" You yelled before flipping it around to show Sohee the smile that was on his face dropped as soon as he saw Anton's face and not his "your bais is Anton?..." He asked you nodded your head "but I thought I was your bais" he pouted
"You are my second bais Anton is my first bais" you stated admiring the photo card he sighed before sitting on the floor going through the rest of the albums not a single photo card was of him now a little angry he huffed "y'know what...I'll just print you a photo card with me on it-" he said crossing his arms you giggled "but I already have like 300(three hundred) polaroids of you" you said now phone in hand as you put the Anton photo card in your clear phone case
"Look see you've gone mad your taking me out and putting Anton in!" He said pointing a finger at you "don't point it's rude besides I'll put you back in eventually right now it's Anton's time to shine" you stated admiring the back of your phone Sohee rolled his eyes "watch this time next week I'll have my photo card in that phone case even if it kills me" he said with a determined look in his eyes you giggled and nodded your head
Around the same time next week Sohee kept his promise "ohhh ynnnnnn" he said taking his shoes off at the front door "I have a present for youuu" he finished walking into the living room "what's the present?" You asked instead of responding Sohee snatched your phone out of your hand before taking the phone case off and taking Anton out "what are you doing" you giggled
"I made a promise so I'm keeping it" he said showing you the new photo card in the back of you phone you giggled looking at the tiny version of your boyfriend "your so childish" you teased Sohee sighed and rolled his eyes "no I'm not now cuddle me!" He yelled the last part throwing himself on you although you fought back in order to put your prized Anton photo card in a case for protection Sohee wasnt having it instead he trapped you under him before falling asleep, All you could do was sigh before falling asleep yourself
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blossominghunnie · 5 months
One request finished and up. 🤭🩷
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8myass · 4 months
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୨୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅ hi, y'all! i'm new to this community and i just wanted to do a little "intro to my account" post with a bit about me and my writing! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ my name is lele, i go by she/her pronouns, and i'm 18 y/o, but i've been writing (and reading) fanfics for years. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ this is an 18+ account for the mature themes written. i know minors will read anyway, so just read responsibly and understand what you're getting into. there should be no shocker when there is smut in a smut story. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ i follow everyone back! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ will include a lot of dark content, fluff isn't my strong suit. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ works are scheduled to be posted every saturday and sunday (hopefully). `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ if you enjoy my works, please like, comment feedback, and reblog! that would be very much appreciated!! 🩵 `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ requests are open! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ prompts for requests are found here, but any requests are appreciated ♡. requests will be answered out of order, so it might take a bit for me to wrack my brain of good content to answer requests! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ anons are welcomed. `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ currents anons are: 🧺 `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ taglist is open!
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ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i won't write: strictly bxb content (i'm inexperienced, maybe i'll try it in the future, also might be on sidelines of stories), incest, mpreg, male reader for smut (as i am not male, i deem it hard to write the mc as a male. but gender neutral is okay), nothing much that i won't really write. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i do write: gxg, stepcest, age gaps (legal), infidelity/cheating, noncon (no consent given), dubcon (consent is questionable), cnc (roleplayed noncon scenarios, but it's fully consensual), bondage, any kink you can think of (no piss/shit kinks tho 😐), pegging, dom!reader, switch!reader, yandere, stalkers/stalking, gore, knife play, gun play, sensory play, branding, murder (not of mcs), omegaverse / a/b/o (never written before, i can't promise it'll be good, but i can try??), dacryphilia, unprotected sex, breeding, voyeurism/exhibitionism, blackmail, sensory deprivation, femdoms (whether this means reader or idol), g!p, anal, threesomes/foursomes/anysomes rly, orgies/gangbanging, monster fucking??? idk ig that's all for now, i'm willing to try everything at least once, i'm a rather experimental writer. if it's not listed, i will probably write it anyway lmao. ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- genres i write: smut (w or w/o plot, preferably w), fluff, angst, horror/thriller, suggestive, crack, honestly just anything (always experimenting). ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- what i write: series (possibly), drabbles, oneshots (less than 4k words), fake texts, headcannons, hard/soft thoughts, full-fics (more than 4k words). ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- boy groups i write for: nct (all units; nct dream, nct 127, wayv, nct wish but only fluff for all minors), riize, seventeen, stray kids, txt. however, i'll write for any boy group! these are just the only ones that my brain typically needs no help in coming up with ideas for. male soloists can be written for as well! (ngl, i just write for anyone i feel like, so any group is open for requests) ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- girl groups i write for: (g)i-dle, aespa, blackpink, itzy, newjeans (only fluff for hyein and haerin), le sserafim (only fluff for eunchae), twice, and mamamoo. (kard can also be requested as a co-ed group, female soloists are all able to be written for as well) (i really just write for anyone, so anyone is open for requests too)
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you can find my male idol masterlist here and my female idol masterlist here! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ recent works: nct 2023 yandere headcannons, suicidal (yandere!felix) ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ what i'm currently working on: your touch (yandere!anton) [wip, but on hold]
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ jaehyun 2024 birthday event!! [m.list for event can be found here] (on hold)
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