#rin x y/n
ninibeingdelulu · 2 days
—headcanons ft. rin itoshi
Rin puts up rigid walls around himself, an icy facade hardened by years of relentless training and single-minded focus on his goal. To the other Blue Lock players and coaches, he's the picture of stoic detachment and arrogant confidence on the pitch.
But in rare, stolen moments just the two of you share, you glimpse the tender heart Rin guards so fiercely beneath those frigid layers. His intense blue-green eyes seem to soften around the edges, crinkling at the corners when you draw a genuine smile from him.
He's loath to admit it, but Rin craves your reassuring touch when the pressures and mind games weigh too heavily. You'll feel his body slowly unwind as you card gentle fingers through his inky locks or trace soothing patterns over the taut muscles of his back and shoulders.
While acidic barbs and dismissive scoffs roll easily off his tongue around the others, Rin's voice takes on a lower, quieter timbre in your company. You've even caught the barest hint of tenderness underpinning his usual blunt candor when he murmurs your name.
Not one for frivolous displays, Rin still can't resist the urge to drinking you in with his gaze when you're absorbed in a task. He maps every curve and plane of your features with an unguarded longing he'd never unveil publicly. In these peaceful lulls, you are his entire world.
Though he maintains prickly distance from the rest, Rin doesn't hesitate to stake his claim over you with subtle, possessive gestures. The barest brush of fingers at your nape, a lingering arm draped protectively around your waist - silent reminders that you are his talisman of softness in this brutal landscape.
And when the crucible grows most unforgiving, when Rin teeters on the edge of his harsh persona consuming him whole, it's your steadfast faith and warmth that becomes his only anchor. You alone bear witness to the hairline fractures in his flawless mask as he buries his face against you, body trembling with unchecked vulnerability.
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uzurakis · 21 days
your boyfriend has just returned home from an international match, missing you oh so greatly.
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“smile a ‘lil bit, will you?”
you say as you hear the front door creak open. standing before you is your boyfriend, itoshi rin, who just came back from a match overseas. a tired look folds before a content smile on his face.
you stand up, crossing the room to meet him as you extend your arms open for him. rin gives a small hum in response, but there's warmth in his eyes as he steps into your embrace. his arms wrap around you, holding you close as he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck.
as he holds you close, he inhales deeply, taking in the familiar scent of your cologne. it's a scent that reminds him of home, of lazy sunday mornings spent tangled in bedsheets, of quiet evenings curled up on the couch together. of you, every single thing about you.
“missed you,” he slurs softly, muffled against your skin.
running your finger through his hair, you reply, “missed you too, rinnie,” cherishing the moment of closeness after his time away. "but you're here now, and that's all that matters."
“yeah, i’m here,” he trails off.
"but i still miss you.”
your heart swells at his words, and you reach up to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing over his stubbled jaw. "i’m here now, baby. we’re together again.”
rin's arms tighten around you, pulling you impossibly closer. "did i say i love you?” he asks.
you tilt your head slightly, meeting rin's gaze with tenderness, “a hundred times over the phone, rin,”
“‘kay,” rin's lips find yours in a tender kiss, it feels like a kiss of longing. “not through messages or calls this time,”
“i love you, so much. you don’t get it.”
you return his sentiment with a warm smile, feeling the depth of his love echoing in your heart. “i get it, baby.”
“i love you even more. and you will get it because you’re finally back home with me.”
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taintedtort · 7 months
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summary. how long they last during NNN
characters. nagi, bachira, rin
warnings. gn!reader, suggestive, no nut november
a/n. i did this prompt before with genshin, but it’s november again so i wanted to do it for bllk
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☆ reo thought it would be funny to make a bet, challenging nagi with a promise of a new game if he survived the entire month. he agreed since he’d been wanting the game for a while, and well… how hard could it be? apparently… extremely hard. the first week was fine, he barely even made an effort to restrain himself, too focused on other things. however, during week two, he realized how pent up he was getting. he had to actually make an effort, which honestly bugged him. week three comes along and he’s had enough, he can barely touch you without his mind running wild. decides the game isn’t worth it and that it’s too much effort to continue denying himself.
"forget that challenge, it’s such a hassle."
☆ he tried to do it the year before, but forgot and failed on day 3, so this year he’s determined. he knows it’ll be hard, and he knows it’ll be inconvenient, but his ego pushes him to try anyway. barely makes it through week one, you have to keep reminding him of the challenge before he gets too carried away. halfway through week two, he’s so pent up that he’s begging you to touch him. you remind him yet again, but he insists, promising that he won’t cum and that he just needs a little taste. that, of course, was a lie. he couldn’t hold back and ended up fucking you on the couch.
"please? just for a second? my cock‘s throbbing, cmon."
☆ he thought it was the dumbest idea ever, but you were the one that insisted he try. you taunted him, poking at his ego and betting that he couldn’t last the whole month. he reluctantly gave in, rolling his eyes and scoffing at your teasing. he made it pretty far without much complaining, but even rin has his needs. during week three, he’s not only very needy, but also annoyed. he’s irritated that the challenge is holding him back, and he’s irritated that every time he tries to give up, you won’t let him. you tease him, telling him that you knew he couldn’t last, and your taunts always make him want to prove you wrong, so he holds out. he’s more moody than usual the last week of november, ready to take it out on you the second the month is over and he can end this stupid challenge. and he does just that. december 1st hits and he’s on you within a minute, hungrily kissing you and tugging at your clothes while grumbling complaints.
"that was hell, i’m never doing that again."
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suntoru · 5 months
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─ SYNOPSIS: rin misses you. he wonders if breaking up with you was really worth it.
─ WARNINGS: 1.2k words!! angst, regret, pining, exes, perhaps ooc rin, probably bland but!! it’s here
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— rin’s eyes anxiously dart around, scanning for your face somewhere in the stands, an unconscious habit he hasn’t been able to drop. the roar of thousands of fans cheering him on, yet strangely, the absence of satisfaction lingers within him.
it’s weird, even he knows it, that he still hopes his ex comes to his soccer matches. he’s fully aware that you are unlikely to be present, but even so, a lingering sliver of hope refuses to fade. and it’s strange, because he was the one who broke up with you to pursue his career, he was the one who broke your heart, he was the one who'd made you cry... so why does his heart feel so damn empty when you aren’t there to watch him soar?
fuck. this isn’t the time to be thinking about this. so with an annoyed huff, he pushes his feelings aside, and plays ball.
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as the final whistle blows, everybody in the stadium erupts into cheers, confetti cascading down to honor the exceptional achievement. japan won nationals, rin scoring the winning goal by himself, marking tokyo's historic first-ever victory. his eyes widen with disbelief, puffing from the exertion of the intense match. the weight of the moment settles on his shoulders, and he couldn't help but look up, expecting to see the familiar sight of your proud face in the crowd, your pretty eyes catching onto his— oh. that’s right. you won’t be there anymore.
his smile falls the slightest bit. the sensation of pride and joy seems to snap almost instantly, and he doesn’t know why. this… this was his goal, his dream. the thing he wanted most in the world, in the palm of his hand. and really, he should be more happy, but he can’t seem to shake off the sinking feeling in his stomach.
his radiant smile begins to falter, a subtle shift in the atmosphere as the waves of pride and joy that had enveloped him seemed to snap abruptly. this achievement, this culmination of his dreams and aspirations, now lays within his grasp. one would expect satisfaction and happiness to course through his veins, yet an inexplicable unease settled in the pit of his stomach, casting a shadow over the moment. ignoring all his teammates’ cheers and screams, he speeds towards the locker room to get changed and go home.
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his house really isn’t any better. (he questions if it’s really ‘home’ without you.) the concept of "home" now feels strangely foreign, a place that should be comforting but is instead tinged with an undeniable sense of absence. it's as if the essence of warmth has been drained away.
the once-inviting space lacks the comforting sprawl of your giant stuffed animals overtaking the bed or the mountains of your clothes taking over the closet. a peculiar emptiness lingers, a void that cannot be filled by mere physical belongings. the silence within the familiar walls is unsettling.
rin finds it quite odd not feeling your arms wrap around his torso, giving him a peck as you asked about his day. it’s strangely… quiet as well. there’s no you singing along to some laufey song completely out of tune, no alarm going off because you burnt the takoyaki, or the constant hum of the tv playing in the background. it's a quietude that, rather than offering solace, only accentuates the hollowness of the space. he’s not so sure he likes it.
he stares at the shiny, gold metal he had received. his mind, despite receiving a sparkly, golden-hued award— an emblem of achievement— stubbornly fixates his thoughts of you. he finds himself gazing at the metallic surface, a token of success that pales in comparison to the vibrant memories of your presence. he recalls your playful curiosity, imagining how you would have marveled at the gold medal, playfully testing its authenticity with an endearing chomp. he misses it. he misses you.
and he wonders what you might've changed his contact to. stupid ex, maybe? loser bitch? he deserves it. but he can't help but wonder, is there a possibility he'd still be 'rinnie', or 'my love' with a heart that never made sense because it looked more like a cheeky smile to him? (he wishes he had treasured you just a little bit more.) is he blocked? or is he just another number in your phone now? do you reread the messages he sent to you?
because he does. your contact name is still ‘loml’. he has every single photo you sent saved. he stares at the old "i love you" texts night after night after night. it's pathetic, really, but his heart aches for those moments when you'd scold him for overexerting himself, when you'd sleepily wake up at two am just to make him a hot meal when he came back late, when you'd stick those tacky hello kitty bandaids on top of the scrapes he got from soccer. he misses your good luck kisses, the ones where you'd pull his face down to your height and let out a big dramatic 'mwah!' in front of all his teammates— where he'd grumble and complain but his cheeks were undeniably a bright rosy red.
but above all, the vivid memory etched in his mind is the pain he inflicted upon you. your voice trembling, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks as you desperately clung to his arm, seeking an explanation. "what do you mean, rin? i don't understand. did i do something wrong?" your words quivered, on the verge of shattering, yet he callously shrugged you off, meeting your tear-filled eyes with a chilling glare.
"you're just a distraction. sorry, but soccer's more important to me."
he recalls the way your hand slowly fell away, the slow nod of comprehension, and the sight of your trembling bottom lip as you fought valiantly not to crumble. he was stupid. so, so stupid. he wishes he had pulled you into the shelter of his arms, confessed his foolishness, and reassured you that he didn't mean those hurtful words. or better yet, he wishes he didn’t say them at all. and he wants to ask, have you moved on? do you find your heart fluttering for somebody else, threatening to beat out of your chest like you once made him feel?
to be loved is to be seen. you saw him beyond the carefully constructed mask, piercing through the layers of the egoist the world molded him to be. in your gaze, he wasn't just the world's best striker or sae's little brother; he was itoshi rin. and that was enough for you.
oh, how utterly foolish he was to let you go. are you still as pretty as ever? (of course you are. you’ve never not looked absolutely stunning to him.) do you still smile as brightly as you once shone, his precious shooting star? he hopes you still find a reason to break into a grin every day.
but the question that is constantly on his mind like a broken record player. if he were to grovel and beg, surrendering his pride on his hands and knees, would you accept him back?
for a moment, he considers it. calling you. his finger hovers tentatively over the ‘audio’ call button, mere millimeters away from hearing you again. rin so desperately wishes to hear your sweet voice, see your angelic face, to be able to bask in your presence once more. would you be shocked? happy shocked, or enraged shocked, or maybe you wouldn’t pick up at all. would he go to voicemail? if he left one, would you listen? do you miss him as much as he has missed you all this time? (it’s been a month, but to him it felt like years.) yet, as the gravity of his past actions weighs heavily in his heart, an inexplicable hesitation ensnares him. you… don’t deserve this. you’re healing right now, he’s already chosen himself once, it would be utterly selfish to do it again. with a heavy exhale, he gingerly sets down his phone, fixing his gaze upon the ceiling above.
and suddenly, soccer doesn't feel like his passion after all. he wonders if it was really you.
his bed feels a little bit too cold now.
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© KAEFFEINEE 2022-2024. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
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kazvha · 2 months
Sae and Rin reaction to seeing the reader couching blood in their matches? The reader is cheering for the brothers like she always does, and suddenly she starts to cough lots of blood and she passes out. When the they noticed, they immediately stop playing and went to the reader while they screaming in terror and fear. They desperately want help from the people in there.
Summary: His reaction when you faint during his match
Including: Sae & Rin (separated)
Notes: I actually have no idea what happens when you faint in a stadium😅 Tried my best though
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Sae was proud to have you cheering for him every match. Although he had lots of supporters, his eyes only looked at your figure every time he scored a goal. He would never grow tired of your beaming face.
You jumped and screamed like always the next time Sae scored a goal, only to get a coughing attack. The coughs wouldn't stop even after drinking water, and eventually, you started coughing blood. It stained your top, and suddenly a wave of weakness hit you, which made cling to the railing in front of you.
"Hey! Is everything alright?", asked one person next to you, before your consciousness slipped into nothing.
A commotion formed around you, and people panicked and screaming for help. Sae noticed it out of the corner of his eyes and scanned through the crowd for your figure. When his eyes found you in that unconscious state, red liquid dripping from your lips, he froze.
"[Name]?!", he cried out in terror before sprinting up to you in a straight line.
When he arrived at your side you were already put into the recovery position and someone called the ambulance. He was caught up in fear. The goal and the game were long forgotten, the only thing on Sae's mind was you. How did this happen? Were there signs he didn't notice?
His hands trembled as he rubbed your shoulder and attempted to calm himself down. "Everything will be fine."
He never left your side when you were carried out, his hand never left your cold one.
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You always being there and cheering for him during his matches was the thing that kept him going. Every time Rin took a breather, he glanced in your direction. He admired how good you looked in his jersey, with his name written on your face, and then he concentrated on the game again.
You were screaming your lungs out in a fan chant until you suddenly suffered from a coughing fit. Your eyes widened when you noticed the blood on your hands after wiping your lips, and the next thing that happened was... Darkness.
The first half was nearing the end with three minutes of overtime when Rin took another look in your direction. Seeing your state, eyes closed, and leaning back into your seat made him frown at first, and then he noticed the blood.
His instincts immediately took over. He ran across the field screaming your name frantically, his voice full of fear and terror. He hoped you would respond, but you didn't, your eyes remained closed. Rin hastically climbed up to your seat reaching for your shoulder and trying his luck again to no avail. He checked your pulse. Luckily, you were still breathing.
Seething with rage he screamed at the wide-eyed people around him, "How blind has someone to be to not notice the person next to you passing out?! Call an ambulance, before I crush you all into little pieces!"
His eyes coldly pierced through everyone he looked at. "Stop filming! You shits don't even have one spark of decency in you!" Rin was ready to attack everybody, but his teammate who appeared beside him, restrained him.
Two minutes later the emergency physicians arrived and carried you to the ambulance. Rin insisted on staying by your side the whole time, even if it meant abandoning his match.
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kaiser1ns · 14 days
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𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗼𝘂/𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲)
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╹synopsis :: you just wanted to eat something but your boyfriend said no.
╹contents :: fluff, tw : tomatoes (i hate tomatoes), but I love oranges, just two menaces to society trying their best to be good boyfriends
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Sitting in your apartment with your boyfriend while he made a sandwich for the two of you to share during lunch. "Don't put so many tomatoes." You pointed it out from the table. "Shut up and enjoy that I'm making you a damn sandwich."
"I hate tomatoes."
"You hate everything."
"Ryusei! Just don't put so much product on the sandwich!" You watched him as he gave you a pointed look while he picked up another slice of tomato and placed it on the bread. You stood up, ready to go smack him right in the smug look on his face when you realized something.
"Rin was right." You said it out loud with a disgusted look on your face. "Now that's a joke," The blonde said as he began to add more condiments to the sandwich that you wanted to eat but now, you lost appetite.
"We bicker constantly." He shrugged, "So?"
"So? We are like a cat and a dog. Constantly picking at one another."
"Technically, you're constantly picking at me."
"Seriously?" You crossed your arms over your chest and he looked up and smiled. "You do things just to piss me off!" You accused, Shidou scoffed, "As if!"
"I'm not joking."
"I'm not either," he put the other piece of bread on the sandwich and took a huge bite. You rolled your eyes and stormed out of the room, not wanting him to see your eyes filing with tears.
"Babe!" He followed you, grabbing your arm and stopping you before you could make it into your bedroom. "I'm sorry, I'll be serious now don't be upset."
You sniffed, "Can we be a normal couple for once and not fight for the most stupid things? "
He was trying really hard not to laugh, "All couples have little fights now and then."
You sniffed, wiping away your tears, pulling you into his chest and holding you close. "I happen to like our little fights."
This surprised you, "What?" He chuckled and rocked you both a bit as he held you in his arms. "It's how I know we are okay. When you pick at me I know you don't mean harm by it. I know you're just being you and you love me. It's when you aren't talking to me that I get worried."
He pulled away from you, cupping your face with his hands and wiping your tears away with his thumbs. "I love you, and I love our dynamic. I wouldn't change us for the world. Besides, someone has to keep you on your toes~"
You rolled your eyes, but let Ryusei pull you in for a loving kiss. When he pulled away he smiled down at you, handing his phone "Want to order something instead?"
You grinned "Yes, please."
He nipped at your lips again before turning to head back into the kitchen. "Good because the sandwich I made is way too delicious to share it with you."
You scoffed, and a smile soon followed. You loved your dynamic with him too, but sometimes you just wanted to kill him, lovingly of course.
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You slumped onto the couch, exhausted from a long day at work. Glancing at the fruit bowl on the coffee table your eyes landed on a plump, juicy orange. Sighing, you turned to your boyfriend, who was sitting beside you, scrolling through his phone.
"Rin, can you peel me an orange? I'm so tired to even lift my hand." you asked, your voice weary. Rin, without looking up, shook his head. "Not right now, Y/N. I'm in the middle of something."
You pouted, leaning your head on his shoulder, "Please? Just one orange. It won't take long."
He sighed, still not tearing his eyes away from his screen. "Y/N, no. Why don't you peel it yourself? It's not that hard."
You groaned, too tired to argue further, and as you let youself sink deeper into the couch cushions. A heavy silence settled between the couple, and soon enough, your eyes fluttered closed as you drifted off into a nap.
When you woke up, the room was bathed in the soft glow of the evening sun. Stretching lazily and then noticed something on the coffee table. There, sitting in the center, was a perfectly peeled orange, arranged in neat segments. Beside it was a small, folded note. Curious, you picked it up and unfolded it, revealing Rin's familiar handwriting.
— Sorry for being stubborn earlier. Enjoy your orange.
A smile appeared on your face as you popped a piece of the orange into your mouth. You looked over at Rin, who was now napping in the armchair, and felt a rush of affection. Quietly, you tiptoed over, pecking his soft lips, and whispered, "Thank you."
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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nejiverse · 11 months
Rin Itoshi
cw: a smau. (f/i) means first initial, essentially the first letter of your name
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Liked by rinrin1718 and 100,761 others
View all 2,540 comments
twotanteefncn: y/n so fine
1d 908 likes Reply
└ rinrin1718 @twotanteefncn say that again.
antennaefreakwhosfreaky: this dick rated (f/i) for y/n 😏
1d 200 likes Reply
└ rinrin1718 @antennaefreakwhosfreaky your face’s rated R for Rin’s fists get the hell out
blingblingcaching20__: one chance y/n 😓🙏
1d 699 likes Reply
└ rinrin1718 @blingblingcaching20__ the fact that you had the balls to comment this and thought she’d actually give your goofy ass a chance is insulting
aik_uuu0: can’t take my eyes off you pretty😍😍
1d 345 likes Reply
└ rinrin1718 @aik_uuu0 gouge them out then
iistrangerornot: bro that waist doing things to me😫
1d 789 likes Reply
└ rinrin1718 @iistrangerornot who the hell took your muzzle off
otooooyaaa: im going crazy
1d 435 likes Reply
└ rinrin1718 @otooooyaaa then get out of her comments and into a mental hospital
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masterlist :)
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luvbllk · 4 months
ass or tits? with rin!
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warnings: afab! reader,
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this might be bending the rules a little, but rin is such a thighs man.
he could sleep with his head between your plushy thighs for the rest of his life, napping just like a princess would as he snores into the comfy flesh.
at the same time, one of his hands ‘sneakily’ creep up underneath your shirt, slim and pretty fingers squeezing at your breasts as he rubs his cheek on your thigh, mumbling about his annoying teammates and how he wishes he could spend more time where he is right now.
when he’s feeling extra vulnerable, he’ll tug your shirt up, body shuffling up yours as an arm loosely hugs your form, his soft lips wrapping around your nipple as he rests the side of his face on your other breast.
he’ll moan and suck on your tits for what feels like hours, one hand kneading the flesh of the back of your thighs.
“mm… five more minutes.”
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rewh0re · 11 months
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-PURE FLUFF, 1.7k, enemies to lovers (more like harmless rivalry turned love), silly confessions, i ACTUALLY poured my whole being into this omg. I did proofread but if any mistake skipped my eye, forgive me:)
Rin liking you? Yea sure. As if you'd believe that.
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Itoshi Rin was the absolute bane of your existence.
He was like some nasty weed growing in your otherwise perfect garden making the whole place just not very perfect.
Your friends would look at you, all bewildered and stunned as to how can someone despise the very lovable, the very endearing, the very handsome Itoshi Rin. All he actually ever did was mind his own damn business, didn't poke his nose into anyone's affair and just liked to keep to himself.
But you, you knew him. You knew him and his tendencies to criticise every living being on the planet for even breathing. His perfect facade lasted only so long until you actually talked to him. That is why most people liked him so, because he never actually talked to them.
You were assigned a project with him where you had to interview a certain group of people, and you could bet on your whole life that you had never come across someone as non cooperative as Rin. He kept flaking off due to "football practices." And he argued whenever he got the chance. He argued over the colours, the font, the whole project in general.
When the project was done and dusted and you thought 'oh, good riddance' he barged in again pointing out the little knick knacks about you.
He had friends, few in number but just as annoying by association or otherwise because why else would Isagi and Bachira just barge into your class during lunch and tell you that Itoshi Rin liked you.
"ITOSHI RIN LIKES WHO!?" your best friend quite literally dropped the wrap she was eating as the earth breaking, ground shattering news reached her ears.
Suddenly, your whole class stared at the source of the brand new, very juicy information in silence before breaking into whispers of shock and excitement.
You stared at the two peas for brains with your face twisted in disbelief because no, Rin is not physically or mentally capable of liking anybody. You out of all people? No chance.
"He likes you, y/n! You need to date him!" Isagi shook your frozen self as if trying to bring you back to earth.
"Ok first of all, calm down, everyone is staring and I don't like the whispers which are very audible by the way," you raised your voice towards the end of the sentence as you looked at the people in your class. They went back to their work in an instant.
"Second, good joke lol," you patted Isagi’s shoulder and resumed eating your lunch.
"It's not a joke, he likes you," Bachira announces, face pink with excitement,a wide grin on his face.
Before you could respond with probably something witty or disdainful about Rin, the bell rang and the boys scampered off to their class.
However much you wanted your life to be normal after that, it wasn't. There were whispers in the halls and they followed you everywhere you went. Whoever said that rumours spread like wildfire, was right. Especially in a high school where gossip hungry teenagers exist.
You passed by Rin several times after that, each time he'd look like he wanted to talk to you but said absolutely nothing. You did have maybe a few eye contacts and maybe just maybe you wondered what it would be like to date Rin, to hold his hand in yours and share kisses only to break out in hushed giggles afterwards. But you shook the thoughts away before they took over you completely.
"Can I talk to you?" You screamed as you felt a presence behind you. Slamming your locker shut, you turned around and hit the perpetrator who scared the actual living shit out of you.
"Don't scream, are you crazy?" Rin rubbed his shoulder which probably had become a little sore due to the impact of the hit.
"You snuck up on me!" You jabbed his chest.
"You hit me!" He rolled his eyes. God he was infuriating.
"You-" you started but were rudely interrupted instead.
"Yeah I know I'm annoying. You've mentioned. Now, back to my question. Can we talk?"
You stared at the towering boy suspiciously, "about what?"
"Follow me," with that he began walking, hands in his pocket and grandeur exuding from his stature.
"Hey!" He never answered your call leaving you no scope but to follow the boy in lead.
He had long legs which meant you were quite some paces behind him screaming at him to walk slower, garnering stares and laughs from certain students. He never listened. He kept going until you reached your school field. As academic classes were going to start, it was fairly empty, leaving behind a few pigeons and crows. The field was lined with some flowering trees, petals from which were scattered on the ground. Rin leaned on one of the barks and looked at you, in all your panting state, with his lazy eyes.
And then something happened. Such a once in a blue moon occurrence it was that you couldn't quite process it. You could swear you saw his lips turn upwards to form what was maybe a smile and you heard what could be the word cute. You probably were hallucinating from the speedwalking you had to go through to catch up with him.
"What did you just call me?" You asked for confirmation.
"I called you cute," he confirmed.
You didn't quite know how to reciprocate to that. It was new, it was rare but somehow, it was welcomed.
"So, I'm pretty sure that those idiots told you something about me? You know, with all the rumours?" And suddenly you noticed his hands. His fingers fidgeting with each other, his eyes cast upon the ground.
"Which idiots?" He spared you a momentary glance which said not to play with him right now. You smiled at his slight annoyance. A win is a win.
"Bachira and Isagi. They told you I liked you," he sighed as he rubbed his hand across his face and looked away.
"Yeah they did and I didn't believe them," you simply shrugged.
"Look, I'm not very experienced in the matter of love and relationships. I've never really felt any kind of strong feeling for anyone, especially love. It's very foreign to me," he gulped, eyes still on the ground.
"I know I was mean to you but I didn't know how else to approach you because honestly, I suck at small talk or deep talk or any kind of talk at all. I'm sorry I was not the kindest to you, I'm sorry I didn't show you that I hold feelings for you which at this point might be a little more than a crush. I'm sorry you had to hear this from those two absolutely stupid idiots before hearing it from me. Yeah, y/n, I like you. Quite a bit actually," he finished and by now your jaw was on the ground because why was Rin being a normal actually nice human being? You don't know how long you stood like that with your mouth open and eyes wide but somewhere a crow cawed and you returned back to the land of living.
"That was an apology," you stated.
"Kind of. Yeah, I guess," he folded his arms now and looked at you. There was pink on his cheeks.
"And definitely a confession," he pointed out, rubbing his neck.
"And definitely a confession," you hated yourself for the butterflies that fluttered inside you at the thought.
"Since when are you so....I don't know, not awful?" You spoke in a haze. You've gotten confessions, but one from who you thought was your archnemesis was bound to leave you kind of speechless.
He scrunched his eyebrows, lips forming a pout, "I'm not awful."
"No, now that I think of it, you're not really," you let out a soft giggle.
Rin might have been the bane of your existence at some point but somewhere along the path, you had stopped associating him with weeds and somehow associated him with flowers blooming in the gardens. He had pointed out your little knick knacks but he had also stood up for you once when you got into an argument with a batchmate. He had shared homework with you, taking out time to explain each problem to you when you specifically asked him not to, even when you were clearly suffering and desperately needed it. He had once put a bandaid on your knee muttering how careless you are. Rin was insufferable once but at some point you couldn't really go without initiating any type of contact with the boy. Rin was insufferable but he had never, ever crossed the line.
"So? Do I get an answer today or will you make me wait?" Under all his facade of being unbothered, he was so nervous. So damn nervous.
"You're not too bad," you smiled at him, poking your cheek with your tongue.
"Is that a yes or a no," he came close to you, grabbing you by the hand. He looked at your intertwined hands and then in your eyes.
"You never asked me a yes or a no question Rin," you maintained your smile as you stared at him.
"Go out with me? Yes or no," All his nervousness left his body somehow, as he became more confident and direct. It was torture enough to have hid the fact from you for so long. He wanted an answer.
You kissed his cheek softly, letting your lips hover over them as you pecked him again before you started walking away, grinning at him widely. Your hands were behind you as you feigned your innocence.
"We'll be so late for class and it will all be your fault, Itoshi Rin," Oh he got the answer alright.
"That's a yes or a no, l/n?" He screamed at your scampering figure as he hid his laughter behind a smile.
You turned around, cupping your mouth as you yelled at him, "pick me up this Saturday at 5 and you'll get your answer Itoshi."
With that you ran off leaving a quite jumpy and excited Itoshi Rin behind. Oh, he could not wait for Saturday.
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aventoru · 5 months
next to you
“rin, is something wrong?” you look across the table at your boyfriend of 2 weeks. “…no,” he focuses on eating his cheesecake but the small pout on his lips says otherwise. “hey, you can tell me,” you say. “it’s nothing…” he trails off. 
you think he looks kind of cute like this, hesitant and embarrassed. but you aren’t able to help him if he keeps quiet like this. “i can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, rin,” you gently nudge his leg with yours under the table. 
after another beat of silence, rin finally opens up. “the distance,” he says, “is too…far.” “what?” you ask, confused. “i…want to sit closer to you,” he mutters shyly, avoiding your gaze. “o-oh…” you stutter at his confession. “it’s stupid, i know,” rin pokes his cheesecake again. “no rin, that’s not stupid,” you smile, getting up from your seat. 
“hm?” he looks up at you with those wide teal eyes that make your heart palpitate. you round the table and plop down on the seat next to him. “happy?” you look over at rin whose cheeks have turned a pale pink. 
“closer,” he mumbles. you scoot a tiny bit closer to rin. “closer,” he voice comes out close to a whine at this point. “rin, we’re literally right next to each other,” you chuckle at his clinginess. rin gently grabs your arm and pulls you impossibly closer to him. you two end up so close that half your leg ends up resting on his chair. rin takes it a step further as he intertwines your hands together under the table. 
“there,” rin’s lips upturn slightly as he goes back to eating his cheesecake. cute, you think giddily as you go back to eating your dessert as well. 
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mo2k · 1 year
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featuring. isagi, bachira, chigiri, kunigami, nagi, reo, sae, rin, barou, shidou
warnings. bad grammar, cracks, little cursed words, kinda suggestive in shidou’s
bam’s note. this weird pleasure while writing this, my oh my <3
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isagi. you were resting on a bench when he offered to go buy you ice cream. as he walked back with the cones in his hand. he suddenly stumbled on an unknown rock and faceplanted. he also got nosebleed, by the way.
bachira. is one to jump the last few steps of the stairs. it is just today there is some malfunctions. he haphazardly slip and instead let his lower back & butt slide down the steps. it swells and hurts like shit.
chigiri. can’t go on a day without biting you. from your lips, fingers, waist, to thighs. he claims he just can’t resist the urge to sink his teeth in your squishy flesh. now this is your sign to buy a muzzle.
kunigami. is toned with sexy muscles. and he always throws his clothing so carelessly. one day after practice, he threw his shorts and they strike into your face mightily causing you to almost fall on your back.
nagi. it’s the new attack movement that was updated in his game. and he was obsessed with it. in his dream he was rampaging some monsters’ camp and accidentally pulled that move in real life. his elbow bumped vigorously straight into your nose. critical hit, nagi.
reo. it was your anniversary. before you come back, he wants to surprise you in the most romantic way a man could do. he tried to set up the candles and rose petals. however, it looks more like he was about to set your apartment on fire. (he ended up calling his butler)
sae. you were watching his practice so he tryna look hot. running his hand from his chin to his beautiful hair, that was his plan. but boy forgot he’s been practicing for hours. and when the sweats touched his eyes, he cried in pain.
rin. he works really hard when he practices. which more often than not left him beyond exhausted each day. and you offered your shoulder for him to take a nap on the ride home. after a while, your shoulder felt somewhat wet. yes, he drooled your shoulder. he almost pull his hair out when he woke up. (a stream of saliva still pour from his mouth)
barou. couldn’t accept the sight of your room. you just invited him for a sleepover and cuddle. though it turned into him rearranging / cleaning every corners of your room anew whilst rapping moody complaints and instructions on how to properly tidy up one’s house.
shidou. has a habit of groping / slapping your ass. either he’s pissed or jealous or whatever he would reach for your butt. he does it too often and does it too shamelessly. even in front of the audience before his game starts or amidst his teammates. a smug smirk on his face, always.
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like heart, love reblog <3
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uzurakis · 10 days
itoshi rin getting mad cus reader teased him about his hair looking greasy
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"rinnie, your hair feels kinda greasy today," you joke.
seconds ago, you’re playfully running your fingers through his hair. his head on your lap as both of you watch his favorite horror movie to ever exist (you still don’t get why he’s into horror movies, he doesn’t even flinch). mind wondering, you muster up an idea to tease him.
rin's expression darkens, and his body rises from your lap, brows furrowed in annoyance. "it’s not," he mutters, tone sharp enough to kill, yet the effect doesn't work on you.
“maybe you didn't shower properly enough?”
“i hate you.”
you can't help but smirk, knowing that you've successfully gotten under his skin. "aw, come on, rin," you tease, reaching out to ruffle his hair again. "i love you too."
rin sighs heavily, an evident ‘i’m not up for this shit’ expression on his face. "after this you’ll say that i stink and i haven't taken a shower," he grumbles, leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms over his chest.
“oh, so you haven’t taken a shower?” you can't resist pushing his buttons a little further. "it's so fun to see you get all worked up," you say with a smile, enjoying the playful banter.
rin shoots you a glare, one serious one, more terrifying than those ghosts in your tv screen. "you're impossible," he says, though there's fondness between the letters.
you lean in to plant a kiss on his cheek, unable to resist teasing him just a little bit more. "that's why you love mee," you reply with a wink, earning a playful shove from your boyfriend in response.
“shut up, my favorite scene is coming."
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saerins · 1 year
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+ itoshi rin x f!reader | wc 1.6k | content: fluff, friends to lovers, college au, slightly suggestive at the end, mutual pining ?
note: hmmm okay rin may be doing things to me @_@ i rarely write for him so forgive me if this is ass but !!! ily rin <3
summary: you and rin are both oblivious to each other’s feelings. but maybe one push is all you need.
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it doesn’t make sense why he’s so nervous. you’re still you and he’s still him and nothing’s changed except for the acquisition of some personal information. coming from blunt bangs too, nonetheless.
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two weeks ago.
“hey, y/n-chan, you’re single right?” bachira asked, casually as he could while the both of you were on the same train back home.
you were startled, but still shook your head all the same. bachira and rin were teammates, so naturally you two knew of each other, but you couldn’t remember the last time you ever spoke to him. you only remembered that rin liked calling him blunt bangs. and then he started getting a little sulky after you called bachira’s hair cute.
“just wondering, have you ever thought of getting together with rin-chan?”
bachira had been swaying along with the train, his hands gripped firmly on the hanging handles. that wasn’t what you were fixated on though, because his question threw you off, the heat shooting to your cheeks the moment you processed it.
“w-what do you mean?”
you had been flustered, but bachira remained oblivious as ever. (lucky for you.) he tilted his face upwards, staring at the train ceiling, carefully picking his words.
“well, you and rin-chan spend a lot of time together, just wondering if you both ever tried anything.”
it came off sounding a lot more suggestive than anything, but knowing bachira, you doubted he meant anything other than the simple fact of considering getting together.
and it wasn’t like you didn’t. because of course you did. you couldn’t spend so much time with someone like rin and not feel anything.
you’d known rin since freshman year, since you both kept to yourselves at this one party, bumping into each other at the corner of the room, awkwardly shuffling your feet and trying to ignore the other as much as you could.
you caved first; your want for a friend in that party overtook your shyness, and luckily for you, rin entertained you that night. he took you up on your offer to get out of there, away from the loud bass and drunk teenagers and onto a more quiet destination—the supper spot near your dorms.
since then, you’d found a lot of common ground and somehow, you just seeped into rin’s life. just like that. you couldn’t say anything for him, but you’d thought he was attractive since the first moment you laid eyes on him. plus, rin was such a hot topic on campus, you’d just sort of eliminated the possibilities of being together with him entirely.
he was out of your league, wasn’t he?
you were happy enough just to be his friend. until bachira asked that question. until you realised that hey, maybe you should explore it. maybe you should tell someone about it. anyone.
so you nodded your head, embarrassed as you may have been.
“don’t tell him, okay?” you warned bachira.
bachira grinned ear to ear. “it’s safe with me!”
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evidently, it wasn’t, rin thinks now—looking at bachira and isagi egging him on. after bachira acquired said information, he had ran straight to rin’s dorm and spilled the beans.
rin pulls up a mental reminder: do not ever share secrets with bachira under any circumstances. ever.
which is also why, after multiple instances of persuasion and letting slip that maybe he’s into you too, rin is keeping bachira under close scrutiny. he’s not even sure whether you’ll show up tonight, at the soccer team’s victory party. from past experiences, you do.
“you should tell her how you feel,” bachira says again, eliciting a sigh out of rin.
“mind your own business, blunt bangs,” rin murmurs, drinking his diet coke.
isagi nudges him lightly. “she’s pretty in-demand right? i heard that some other guys from our team has their eyes on her too.”
it manages to perk rin’s ears, and it’s too late for him to realise it’s all a ploy, because isagi’s snickering the moment rin opens his mouth, earning a slap on the back of his head.
“fuck off with that already.”
“yeah yeah, you gotta strike while the iron’s hot,” bachira chimes in, only further agitating rin. “actions maketh the man or whatever.”
“don’t just throw around every phrase you learned,” he retorts. rin’s fists are clenched at his side, remembering why he used to go to these alone. gotta be better than having to listen to these two idiots.
then, a familiar giggle sounds from behind him, and rin freezes up almost immediately (to the amusement of his two friends). “what am i missing out on here?”
bachira opens up his mouth but isagi claps his hand over him almost instantaneously. for once, rin’s thankful that at least one of them has more tact than the other. you can only watch on with confusion as isagi drags bachira away, citing some lame excuse about how they had to check on the other guests.
they’re not even the hosts.
“your friends are acting weird, rin,” you comment, and rin wholeheartedly agrees. for some reason, he can’t help but notice you more after what bachira revealed to him.
“they’re always weird.”
his eyes survey your body, appreciating how the dress flows so beautifully, how your hair’s done up just perfectly. you’re so pretty too, why didn’t he ever tell you that? probably because he didn’t want you thinking he was some sort of freak. you probably have suitors for days—way out of his league.
“anyway, congratulations on winning the tournament, mvp,” you say teasingly, winking, your heart skipping beats when you catch the slight crimson falling on his cheeks as he looks away.
for some reason, being able to see rin like this, where everyone else only gets to see the more stoic side of him makes you feel special. it may be a case of delusion, but you don’t mind.
you expect some sort of quip, something like how their win was expected and not something worth congratulating. but instead, through his red ears and awkward eye contact, he tells you a curt thanks before he goes back to excessively sipping his diet coke.
“did something happen?” you ask, nearly making rin choke on air, he realises, because he’s gulped down his entire drink.
“no,” he answers, a little too harshly, before he reigns himself in. rin doesn’t really want to be the one to broach the subject, but he really doesn’t want to risk going home tonight without knowing for sure how you feel.
screw bachira’s intel—rin wants to hear it from your own lips, wants to be there to see and hear you confess.
“bachira told me about it.” rin feels you stiffen up beside him this time. but you don’t say a word. that’s fine though. he started it, he may as well see this through. “do you- still feel that way?”
thankfully, you don’t like to torture him, automatically knowing what he’s referring to, probably already calculated in your head the probability that bachira would’ve ratted you out. then, does that mean you wanted to be found out?
“i- i mean i- um, yeah, yeah i do.” you’re fiddling with your fingers, looking to the side, afraid to meet his eye. you and rin are close as ever, but that makes this all the more awkward. you’ve never really been the type of people to talk about feelings. at least, not until now.
you’re not sure what rin will say or do, and you can hear your heart drumming loud against your chest, beating against your ear.
“i feel the same,” rin blurts out, somehow afraid that if he didn’t, you’d assume otherwise.
his words weigh heavy on your chest before lifting the weight off of it all at the same time. you’re relieved, more than, that he feels the same, that you’re hearing it from his own mouth. but now the both of you are just standing there staring at each other, wondering how on earth you should continue this.
and you do rin a favor, paying him back for starting the conversation at all, by standing on your tiptoes and pulling his collar in, pressing a kiss against his lips, tasting the diet coke lingering on his tongue. by the way his arms wrap around you, by now his kiss gets even deeper by the second, you can tell that you aren’t the only one that’s been dreaming of this.
“ah, rin finally got some balls and confessed huh?”
bachira’s all too familiar voice breaks the moment, although the sound of your laugh helps to ease rin’s disappointment. he’ll get more moments of this, more of you—soon. he doesn’t even have the mood to snap at bachira, only occupied with thoughts of what he wants to do with you.
“see, what’d i tell you, y/n-chan? he likes you too, doesn’t he?”
rin’s face turns a bright red at the realisation. “he told you?” he asks.
you nod, grinning sheepishly. “i read his text just before i got here.” you pull out your phone, showing him the evidence.
[20:48] bachira: y/n!! big news!!!
[20:48] bachira: rin said he likes you too, get over here alr!!!
rin blinks, the timing lining up with exactly when rin expressed that he has been interested in you all this time.
“i’m gonna fucking kill you,” rin deadpans at bachira, isagi already disappearing elsewhere, not wanting to be part of this.
bachira thinks he’s lucky when you tilt rin’s face towards you, kissing him again, distracting him from his ire. he takes this chance to slip away, leaving you two lovebirds alone.
“would you rather deal with him or come home with me, mr itoshi?”
it takes everything in rin not to just sweep you up and take you right here in this room. he mirrors your smirk, a casual hunger burning beneath his teal eyes.
“you, always you.”
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koiir · 11 days
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ೃ⁀➷ Synopsis; Out of the blue, a message is sent from your ex after 4 months from the spilt. But why?
Rin x gn!reader
Notes. angst to comfort . Exes to lovers . Bad communication . Not proofread . Pretty used to describe reader . Wc; 2.6k . Extra fluffy bonus <33
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Notification Center
— Rin; hi. I know this is…
What? The food in hand seemed to be forgotten as your fork fell back onto its plate and your eyes widen. Phone slamming onto the table from the emotions all flooding into your mind, spilling to your heart.
This most definitely was not in your plans for today, the single text sent impacting you stronger that you wish it could. But how could it not? You thought for sure you and Rin’s story was over, especially when he was doing so well in his career. Without you.
Isn’t that what he wanted?
The clock that you never pay mind to seems to daunt on you as the tick is heard with the time passing, although you know the answer that lies ahead will be waiting for as long as it can be even if you wish it could vanish.
10 minutes have passed and you can’t pull yourself together to pick up the phone, it’s late and you feel the dread kick in as you prepare for your sleep with your phone calling to you. The only thing you really can do it open the message.
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The silence doesn’t help the hallow part of your being, the silhouette of the boy you love has his back turned to you as he doesn’t dare to mutter a word. His eyes can’t see the gleam in yours, yet his aching heart can tell he’s only going to break yours more.
“I told you, I can’t with us. This. It’s suffocating me.”
The words grow more tormenting, for both you and rin. Though your heart can bear it, the drain being one you can handle as it’s for him you wish to help. Your own needs being pushed away. You start to think of all you have done just for his heart, but did he even dare for yours?
“Then why didn’t you tell me Rin? You know you can tell my anything, I just need you to trust me and-“
“You wouldn’t understand! You think that you can help but it’s only a matter of time until you realize you can’t.”
Although it’s just a line to him, the words don’t seem right at all. The need to spill your heart out is desperate to convey the truth and remind him of what is true.
“Just listen to me, you can’t say that without trusting me rin. Let me help you or at least stick by your side, we can-“
“No we can’t. The only thing that will happen from this is more distractions and more arguments to come.”
“Agruments are normal. But this isn’t a distraction rin, never.”
“But you are.”
His head tilts back to look at you, eyes narrow and the sorrow in them make your heart stop. He’s being so serious about what he said. It’s as if he’s on the field, dealing with others as he spares them no mercy.
The tremble of your lip stills as you bite onto it, mouth dry with the remnants of his words lingering onto your being. Why did things turn out this why? Why must he push you away as if you two didn’t have anything special? A whole year and it seems that rin was lost because he never spoke up.
“Do you mean that?”
His eyes shut and look away, a flicker of gleam appearing in them before it’s gone in an instant. As he stares into the distance, you wonder just what he truly wishes to say. Because rin never speaks the truth, not without coating it with some other meaning.
“I can’t let anything get in my way, it’s happening and I can’t let this continue.”
“Why now? After all this time what changed to make you think that?”
“Because you’re becoming a fucking burden and being too much!”
Oh how he wishes he could take those words back, how his mind was filled with nothing but idiocy in the moment. The shudder in your mouth is meet with the tear spilling from your eye. Leaving you to walk away, broken to shreds from the boy who supposedly loved you.
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His heart hasn’t stopped beating even though he finished his workout 30 minutes ago, Rin knew it was a matter of time until you would see his message. Hell, you probably already did. Probably left him on seen or something.
The message is still left on delivered, his eyes wonder to the profile picture of you that is still in your contact and his eyes close. You looked as pretty as ever. Even if that picture was taken months ago it was his favorite since it was in the morning while he was still asleep, you positioning the camera to also get him in the frame.
His hands clench around the phone, about to turn his phone off until he sees you read his message. Rin isn’t one to wait around for you, but he must right now. Because it’s you he’s willing to wait for, even with all his screwups, he can at least try.
The only reason as to why he got so much courage to send the text was because he couldn’t beat the fact that you might find someone else, someone who definitely would be better than he is.
But he’s selfish, and he can’t hold this churning feeling all bottled up until it breaks. He’s tried, he’s done so much to try and be better. Because he can’t go back to you if he’s still a broken mess awaiting to be replaced.
The bubble of your message forms as you type, his heart filling with anxiety and fear as he wonders what the hell your going to send. He wishes to look away, although his mind tells him to stay put. He can’t look away once more, no matter if the words that come are ones he wishes to not hear.
Notification Center
— Love; you’re right, I didn’t expect this…
The heartbeat is all too familiar from the past, though now the fear that he might reject opening your message is one he has to take.
The paragraph, similar to his, is rather ling but to the point. His eyes skin through, refusing to acknowledge the gleam watering in his hue of teal.
What makes a hitch come from his throat is the last line in the message, “I think we should meet up, to talk in person. If that’s fine with you.”
A soft smile comes to his face, not bothering to remove it as he can feel at peace once more. Even if you tell him that you two won’t get back together, he’s desperate to see you again. And maybe just maybe, you will have enough room in your heart to make space for him once more.
He feels himself grow impatient as time clocks away, he tells himself to over and over to be not be an idiot this time. That he can’t treat you like he has was others. Because that’s what ruined the beauty of what was once his, all because he let his own self crash into a state of ignorance, just for the hope of his own goal.
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He’s early, the steps made don’t cause anyone to bat an eye, although it’s as if on instinct he looks your way. Rin meets your eyes and his mouth opens, staring with an emotion you can’t understand.
Your hands clench tightly as you grow nervous, you heart racing simultaneously with no end for its stop, one look and you’re reminded of how much the boy truly has affected you. Your heart feels its yearn, although you can’t let it go just yet, not until this has been talked out and left you satisfied enough to make your call.
The call of your name makes you realize that yes, you two are in fact back together (distance wise and talking) and that this moment is one that needs to matter. The truth of the why needed to be brought to light, and if not you just might have to hate itoshi rin for the rest of time.
The single bench feels smaller than it should be, although it was made for a pair of two. You feel out of place, distant, and like the two of you have created a tension others can most definitely feel. Both of his and your hands hold onto the bench, as if wishing to hold onto something else that is in close reach.
“Im surprised you asked to meet up, because i was such an asshole to you… even though you tried your best for our sake.”
You always did your best, the most admirable thing about you in Rins mind. No matter what, the strength in your soul so strong it beamed to strive for the best.
He can’t hold back now, he can’t even think about letting you walk away with disappointment or hatred for him. You might already, but his heart can only handle so much.
“In the moment, I was desperate to be the best. I guess now I have somewhat achieved that, but it’s not you that was holding me back, I was the cause.”
The nights he spent letting his anger out on his teammates even before the break up was one of multiple, they thought it was from the relationship struggling but in fact Rin himself was the cause.
It’s not as if these outbreaks of emotions were new, rather an occurrence happening from time. With you in the picture to experience him in these moments, it seems as though Rin took you as the core of his problems.
The arguments arising and ending did not in fact help either, they started small as most do. The reason being? You’re worry for his overworking and poor attendance to his health. It’s natural for a partner to care, that’s what others told him, though of course the inexperienced boy wouldn’t know that, not when in his mind it was something that he considered being “pestered” about.
“I thought that maybe, since you were the other part of me that was being so supportive, that I assumed that you would be the core of all my problems.”
“I didn’t realize how much I had taken you for granted, how much time and effort you spent trying to fix me. When all I did was ruin everything with my lukewarm brain.”
“I can’t blame you for that—well maybe, but…it’s not the most insane thing someone can do.”
His head turns to yours as you stare off into the distance, the park flutters away with its people and nature all enhancing the area.
For him, nature sights never caught his attention, though the fact still remains they make you glow in their presence.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that, most do tend to blame others when they aren’t exactly in the best mood.”
“It’s bad yes, but when pressured or stress, people can lose control of how they act with others.”
“But, it’s not like-“
“It did hurt though, a lot Rin.”
His eyes move back to his lap, for once it seems his emotions aren’t being concealed and his fingers are fidgeting in worry. From your perspective, you can’t see the small tremble in his lips as he ponders onto what to say next, the right thing to say.
“I know, I know it did so much and I’m so sorry. I don’t think…I can do much to heal that pain but I just need you to know it was all me. All my fault for your pain and that you didn’t do anything wrong.
I never meant the words I said, you were never a burden.”
You were the home I never knew existed.
He was stupid, so utterly stupid. He might be even more stupid to think of the possibility that you two have another chance. His mind at least knows that you’re the type to let down someone in the most polite way possible, even if they don’t deserve such respect.
“I just wish you would have trusted me, that you wouldn’t blow up so easily without letting me talk. I understand that you can get upset Rin, we all do, I just needed your trust and communication. That’s all.”
You’re right, so right. Rin loved you, so much, but that never meant he could truly fix his other factors in return. His trust increasing, but also one that can be broken in an instant. Communication on the other hand, was the trickery part for him in general. He understood what you meant, that you wanted him to at least try to talk it out.
“That’s why, I want to…”
Rin feels his throat close, his words scared of coming out of him. Why? Why does he fear the worst? Fear that he might not get another chance? Probably, but he’s already here with you waiting, he can’t give up on this.
“What is it? You can tell me Rin.”
Your eyes are now on him, the concern and sincerity still lay in them as you have moved slightly closer to him. He feels more at ease, the sensation in him one that he has missed for a while now. His head now turns to you, eyes wide with a deep wave of emotion.
“Us. I want…you to maybe and try give me another chance.”
The widen in your eyes makes his heart drop, his eyes dare to look away in regret although a hand to his is placed. The contact making a hue of red appear on his face. A flutter in his heart is caused by the warm hand on his, which makes him look back to you. A smile takes your face, a rather bashful one that feels like you wish to hide it. Though Rin wants to tell you to keep it, cause he’s missed it so damn much.
“I can’t lie and say I haven’t missed us either Rin, I really do.
I want this to work, I just don’t want be to be scared again. That you maybe won’t understand and that we can’t work things out.
…I want to take things slow, I think for both of us, we need to learn. Together.”
Time. That’s what’s best right? Then Rin can absolutely wait, his time can be spent on something valuable to him other than his career. Although he can’t help but still doubt himself after your words.
“Are you sure? Is that really what you want?”
“See! You’re doing it Rin, just trust me.”
Your smile is more bright now, face close to his as your hand holds his tighter. He reciprocates, expression softening as he takes in your face after all this time. It feels as if he’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime, the need to be with you is a fundamental Rin will never understand. But right now, it feels as though he understands how important this is to him.
“You’re more than I deserve.”
The best thing I thing has ever happened to me.
“Oh? What’s got you so happy Rinnie boy!”
The players all turn their attention to him, and they think he’s seriously out of it. I mean, why is he smiling softly at his phone?
Oh. Must be you.
“Will you just shut up bangs.”
His phone is put away and a grimace replaces that smile of his, the boys all make sounds of “oooo’s” only making Rin slap the boy who started this all (on the head ofc)
“Heyyyy! You can’t do that to fellow teammate of yours rin! Especially after all that we’ve been through!”
Bachira and the rest watch as Rin relaxes slightly, in the past month, they can tell he’s changed. More than they expected. Presumably because of you and his relationship sparking back up. He tells them you two are taking it slow—which technically you are, but what the notice is fast Rin has changed. Emotionally and mentally.
“Seems she changed him a lot.”
“Yeah…sure does seem like it.”
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delusionalpolo · 5 months
Rin : "That's ridiculous, Y/N doesn't have a crush on me."
Isagi : "Yes she does."
Sae : "Yes she does."
You : "Yes I do."
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 days
His biggest fan ✧
bachira’s version here
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Plot: You’re the girlfriend of one of the player of Blue Lock, cheering him up during one of his game.
A/N: 100% fluff. My man, my man. Daily reminder: English isn’t my first language.
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The crowd roared with cheers as the final block secured the victory. Rin stood with his teammates, breathing hard after the grueling match.
All their training had paid off with this win against the tough opponents.
As the announcer declared their team the champions, Rin searched the stands. Finally, his gaze landed on her - you were jumping up and down, waving a banner with his name on it.
Your eyes shone with pride for him.
Despite his usual stoic demeanor, Rin felt a warmth spread through him at your enthusiastic support.
You had been there for all his matches, always believing in him even when he doubted himself.
As his teammates crowded around to celebrate, Rin broke away from the group.
He jogged over to where you waited at the edge of the court. Your smile only grew brighter at his approach.
Without hesitating, Rin pulled you into a tight embrace, uncaring who might see this rare display of affection. You hugged him back just as fiercely, so happy for his achievement.
"I couldn't have done it without you," Rin murmured in your ear.
His cold facade melted away in the comfort of your arms. For a moment, all that existed was you and the joy of sharing this victory with the one who loved him unconditionally.
The crowd faded into the background as you both savored the warmth of that celebration hug, a sweet reward for their enduring love and partnership.
As Rin held you close, he was loathe to let go just yet. Your heart swelled at this unguarded show of emotion from him.
Pulling back slightly, you smiled up at Rin, noting the way his dark eyes still shone with exhilaration and triumph.
"You were amazing out there," you told him proudly.
Rin's stoic mask had fully slipped away now, and the barest hint of a smile tugged at his lips in response to your praise.
"It's thanks to your faith in me," he insisted quietly.
Behind you, his teammates continued calling out in celebration, but you and Rin were lost in your own world in that moment.
Impulsively, you stretched up on your toes to plant a kiss on Rin's cheek. A faint dusting of pink colored his cheeks in response.
His arms tightened around your waist then, drawing you even nearer.
You could feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat where your hands rested on his chest, a testament to the intensity of the match but also to the depth of feelings you both shared.
All too soon, Rin's coach was calling him over for a team huddle. Reluctantly, you began to step back, but Rin held on a moment longer.
"Wait for me after?" he asked, uncharacteristically hopeful.
You beamed and nodded, thrilled by this softer side he chose to show only you.
With one more fleeting caress of your cheek, Rin released you and jogged over to celebrate with his teammates.
You watched on proudly, certain this was only the beginning of great things for the man you loved.
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