I based these on the quotes most mentioned in the notes of that post about that telegraph article (btw jkr didn't even win the vote. Dickens did)
edit to show my tags: #i just really love books and want a collection of everyones favorite quotes#feel free to mention quotes that arent in english! it did say world literature
edit 2: I made another poll with non english quotes. And obviously you can make your own version
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pridemandalas · 2 days
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Source: Gay Community News (June 1994) Vol 20, No. 1 & 2 . Stonewall Stories Part I of II. Stonewall: myth and reality by Michael Bronski. https://archive.org/details/gaycommunitynews2001gayc/mode/2up?q=stonewall)
Read a recounting of the Stonewall Rebellion written by historian, Martin Duberman: http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/dubermanstonewall.html
Martin Boyce gives an account of the Stonewall Riots. Boyce was present during the riots, and has become an advocate and storyteller:
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bedeliabestiebracket · 11 months
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Propaganda and art source below
Lelouch Lamperouge
He is very careful with his words and definitely will not tell her to do anything silly.
Rita would be friends with anyone. She's a sweetheart with so much love to give. She'd befriend just about anyone. She'd think Amelia's way of doing things is perfect
Because they is both tism
Rita art from https://www.artstation.com/artwork/L3abx5
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theriveroflight · 2 years
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Image ID in alt text. See any issues? Reach out to me via ask or DM!
I am so pleased to finally release my @klapollo-minibang fic! I'm very pleased with the results of everything. Shout-out to @romanticsap-art for both making this book cover and drawing two pieces that will be appearing in the fic later on, shout-out to @contritecactite for beta reading this, and shout-out to everyone else in the Klapollo Minibang!
Seven years ago, a foreign teenage prosecutor by the name of Apollo Justice accuses Phoenix Wright of forging evidence...and gets him disbarred in the process.
In the present day, Klavier Gavin, defense attorney and lead singer of the Gavinners, prepares to handle the case of Shadi Smith's murder...defending none other than Phoenix Wright.
Or: an overly intensive Klapollo roleswap.
Read "a change in our internal law" now, and subscribe to the story on AO3 for future updates, including a bonus chapter later today!
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If you are about to write the line “more than friendship” or something along those lines into your story, might I suggest using “different” instead of more. Simple things like this can help reduce the daily onslaught of relationship hierarchy.
Edit: People in the notes have also suggested “a new layer” and “their relationship is changing.”
The goal of this post was to suggest an alternative since “more than friends” and “just friends” can have unfortunate implications
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Billy meets Constantine and feels comfortable around him and says a bunch of stuff he wouldn’t say to normal adults bc he thinks he's also homeless so won't say anything to CPS
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Julia in the most recent Drawfee episode
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in love with the way they flirt
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**The Sunshine Court Spoilers**
I finished the book on the 14th of April but waited to post about it until more people have read it.
It's sooooooo goood. I love these characters. This lived up to my hype.
It was so funny of Nora to introduce Jeremy as having caramel brown hair and I just KNOW she added the scene of Jeremy bleaching his hair for us. Only to have his friends make fun of him for being a ken doll lmao.
I think jean/jeremy shippers will be satisfied with this book. We get so much more information about everyone, their backstories, family situation, and what they look like.
There’s a variety of queer characters and relationship types in TSC and, while limited, better poc rep compared to the foxhole court. The larger casts of characters help. We have a canon trans man character (Xavier) and a nonbinary character (Cody) which i was really happy about.
I spent a good chunk of the book theorizing that the raven suicides weren’t suicides but covered up murders as part of the Moriyamas cleaning up but that didn’t pan out. I suspected that jean’s sister was sold but didn’t think she got killed off. I hope it turns out she faked her death. I also suspected and was RIGHT that the book would end with jean counting the things he’s grateful for like Renee taught him.
The way Jean has been spilling his secrets and unintentionally opening up about his trauma around Jeremy meanwhile Jeremy has been tight lipped about his home situation. I love the way Jean just LOVES people even though he does not want to, even people who do not deserve it, even people he just met. And we finally get to see what everyone’s outsider perspective is on the whole ravens situation.
Everyone cares about Jean SO much. Also I love the way Nora writes romance where the romance is barely there in the first book bc the characters are busy dealing with other shit. Unlike tfc where you don’t really expect it until it’s there and Neil is largely oblivious, it’s obvious Jean and Jeremy are into each other and they both are aware of each other’s interest and their own but they also both know Jean’s too fucked up for that right now. I’m excited to see where they go and how things develop between them so that they are ready for a romance.
My favorite quote: “You are the captain of the sunshine court. In no universe could you be anyone’s villain.”
I still can’t believe Nora came back after 10 years to give us a new aftg book. Crazy. I’m so excited for the next book.
Reading tsc has rewired my brain. I feel like my brain was fried with special flavoring.
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[ID: 4 versions of the "this barbie is" meme with ace attorney characters. AA4 era Phoenix has "this barbie is unemployed". Trucy's says "this barbie is a star". Apollo's says "This ken is a magician's assistant." Klavier's says "this barbie is limited edition." End ID]
playing with this some more
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The non english version based on the notes of the other poll (translations are not mine. Apologies for any inaccuracies)
Update: I realize after i made it i put the same Don Quixote quote twice but i cant edit polls so 4 and 9 are the same. oops
update 2: I accidentally put the first line of ch 1 instead of the first line of the prologue for Posthumous Memoirs. the correct quote is "Ao verme que primeiro roeu as frias carnes do meu cadáver dedico como saudosa lembrança estas memórias póstumas".
Translations and sources:
– Iliade by Homer. (“Sing, goddess, of the anger of Achilles, son of Peleus”)
Anna Karenina by Lev Tolstoy ("All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.")
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. ("Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.")
Cervantes from Somewhere in La Mancha by Don Quixote, (“In a place whose name I do not care to remember")
The Aeneid. ("I sing of arms and men")
The Metamorphosis by Kafka ("As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.")
the Inferno by Dante ("When halfway through the journey of our life")
The Stranger by Albert Camus. (Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday; I can’t be sure”.)
Miguel de Cervantes by Don Quixote (“Somewhere in la Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing.”)
the Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas by Machado de Assis ("to the worm who first gnawed on the cold flesh of my corpse, I dedicate with fond remembrance these Posthumous Memoirs")
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Cale: *learns about/knows about things going on* but all that has nothing to do with me
Cale: *gets involved*
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I've been enjoying paranatural
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gautierprotectionsquad · 11 months
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lightningrod crumbs x
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