#ronance ficlet
steddiealltheway · 1 year
The final steddie (and ronance) brain rot of the day (maybe)
For some reason, Eddie and Robin are convinced that Steve and Nancy are still in love with each other.
And the thing is, he and Nancy have talked about it and agreed that they got over their feelings for each other long ago. Sure, they still love each other and always probably will, but it’s completely platonic. But for some reason, Eddie and Robin will not hear them out.
So much so, that they’ve got them cornered while they all are hanging out in Eddie’s trailer. It’s like they purposely picked somewhere they could literally corner them with no room to escape.
“Now, Nancy, you’re going to watch as I interact with Steve and see how jealous it makes you,” Robin says as she approaches Steve.
Steve cringes as Robin gets in his face and twirls her short hair obnoxiously. “Hi, Steve-”
“Nope!” Steve says and backs as far away as he can. Once upon a time, he would’ve loved if Robin had approached him like that, but now they are strictly platonic soulmates and Steve’s feelings for her are long gone.
“Agreed,” Robin says while also cringing. “But Nancy, didn’t you feel a bit jealous?”
Steve turns to Nancy who he thinks is going to say no and move on. But she has a confused look on her face as she stares at Robin. “Uhh… yes actually,” Nancy admits.
Steve feels a bit of nausea, but then he notices the way she’s looking at Robin. And he knows that look. No way…
Eddie points at Nancy and announces, “Exactly! Now, Steve, you’re going to watch as Nancy and I interact. If… Nancy is fine with that.”
Nancy just nods her head slowly as if she’s still in shock. But then Eddie quickly approaches her and brushes a strand of hair out of her face, “Hi, beautiful.”
Nancy laughs loudly and pushes at Eddie’s chest as he laughs back at the ridiculousness of the situation. And then Steve feels it. In the pit of his stomach, the way his heart tightens, and in the stinging behind his eyes… there’s the jealousy.
Nancy glances over to him, but Steve can’t help but stare at Eddie. It’s as if… holy shit.
Steve turns to Nancy who makes eye contact with him. And they’ve been close for long enough to both know that the other knows exactly what’s happening. “Yes, I feel jealous,” Steve admits.
Nancy walks over to Steve and stands next to him as they look at Eddie and Robin. Who look conflicted with pride and a bit of hurt.
“That’s great guys,” Eddie says with a tight smile that screams this is not great.
“Yeah,” Robin says as her voice cracks a bit and she avoids eye contact with them.
“Hear me out,” Steve says, “Nance and I are going to run our own experiment. Starting with her and Robin interacting, and I’ll see how I feel.”
Nance shoots him a look of half panic and half gratitude. Robin nervously looks at Steve as Nancy approaches her. “Hi, Robin. You know, I’ve always kind of had this thing for you, but I don’t think I was ever jealous. I think I just… had feelings for you that I didn’t understand.”
Robin breath hitches, and Steve smiles widely. He’s over the moon at the moment. “Yep, I feel no jealousy. Strange, right?”
“Now, Eddie and Steve are going to interact, and I’m going to see how jealous I get,” Nancy says with a big smile.
Steve slowly approaches Eddie who is already starting to get a flush of pink over his cheeks. He reaches up to pull hair in front of his face, but Steve pushed the hair behind his ears to stare at him. “Have I ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes?” Steve flirts easily, realizing what he’s saying is absolutely true and he has no idea how he didn’t know it before. “Eddie, I really want to ask you out and listen to your latest campaign ideas as always but over pizza or something maybe in your bed…”
“Oh, gross, Steve,” Robin says.
“Not jealous!” Nancy says with a huge smile.
Steve goes back to Nancy side and looks at Robin and Eddie who stare at them in slight shock. “It’s as if…” Steve trails off.
“Steve and I are more jealous of each other if you think about it,” Nancy finishes off.
Robin and Eddie look at them in confusion before they both seem to get it at the same time. The pair looks at each other with responses varying between “holy shit” and “oh my god.”
Eddie goes as far as picking Robin up and twirling her around. “We just accidentally set ourselves up!” Robin cheers as she spins in Eddie’s arms.
When he sets her down Robin continues, “If that’s good with you guys…”
Steve and Nancy look at each other and smile. “Absolutely,” they both say.
One double date later, Steve and Nancy truly solidify that there are absolutely no feelings for each other except for happiness.
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
nancy wheeler's no homewrecker but hearing robin ramble about what to do for her next date with vickie made her really want to be one. not that robin and vickie were even official-- not really--but it seems like nancy has become the confider of all of robin's romantic panic and it was beginning to tear her up inside.
she wanted to be the one that shared a milkshake with robin or slap her money down first for the movie tickets. she wondered why steve couldn't be this all-knowing date decipher for the girl but she wasn't about to shove robin away either.
"so tomorrow's date three," nancy says with a teasing inflection.
robin's picking at the holes in her jeans with trembling fingers. "y-yep, date three. big deal."
"i think so," nancy says, going for encouraging but probably sounding patronizing by the way robin's eyes flash up to her.
"what would you expect from a third date?" robin asks.
nancy adjusts herself on the couch while she thinks. "well...it depends. if they've already kissed me before, probably some making out in their car. heavy petting if things are going well. i'd expect a longer date too."
robin's eyes are as wide as saucers. "b-but i haven't kissed her yet."
nancy blinks in surprise. she's not sure why she's surprised, figuring robin would have probably told her already all the intricate details of the way vickie kisses.
"no?" nancy asks.
robin shakes her head rapidly, gnawing on her bottom lip.
"that's okay," nancy says slowly. "this would probably be the date to kiss her, though."
"fuck," robin mumbles. "you're right."
her tone hits nancy like a freight train. "you haven't kissed anyone before, have you?"
robin rolls her lips into her mouth and squeezes her eyes shut. her nails are digging into those holey jeans, ripping the threads one by one. pop. pop. pop.
nancy instinctively grabs robin's hands to keep her from digging into skin. robin's eyes open and they're scared shitless. nancy squeezes robin's hands and smiles tenderly.
"it's gonna be okay," nancy assures. "a quick goodnight peck is easy."
robin groans. "i'm fucking nineteen years old. if i kiss her all clumsy, she's gonna know and everything will be ruined and i'll never find love and die an old spinster with a hoard of cats that'll eat my dead body for sustenance."
nancy's nose wrinkles at the visual but she laughs gently. "stop it. kissing is simple if you pay attention. vickie's kissed someone before so you just kind of follow her lead."
"follow her lead?" robin asks.
is nancy going to do this? is she really going to do this?
"do you want me to show you?" nancy blurts.
robin's eyes grow even wider and her fidgety body goes completely still. "w-what?"
nancy's really gonna do this, huh?
"doesn't have to mean anything," nancy says quickly. "just...practice."
"practice," robin repeats lamely.
oh lord, she's really gonna do this.
"would it settle your nerves?" nancy asks.
robin thinks for a moment but inevitably nods her head.
"then i can teach you," nancy says with as much confidence as she can muster.
"o-okay," robin stutters. "can i get some chapstick first?"
nancy lets go of her hands and nods. nancy goes to dig in her purse too. they settle back down on the couch and slowly apply some chapstick to their lips. when they make eye contact, the two girls burst into small giggles and nudge each other with their elbows. nancy gets on her knees on the couch and robin moves to mimic her stance. robin's breathing heavily and her eyes are darting all over the place.
nancy taps her knee and says, "robbie, we don't have to--"
"what's step one?" robin interrupts with a shy smile.
nancy exhales shallowly and scoots closer. she holds up a tentative hand to robin's cheek and tucks her hair behind her ear. "okay, so, there's a build-up. the moments before the kiss. you could be anywhere when this happens, really, but it's important to read people's expressions."
"i'm terrible at that," robin whines.
"check for simple things, then," nancy says calmly. "like if her eyes dart down to your lips." nancy demonstrates a few times and watches robin's eyes follow her movement. "or if she moves closer to talk to you." nancy leans her face in and sees how robin's face gets a little flushed. "she might even ask you if it's okay to kiss you."
"s-she would?" robin whispers.
"maybe," nancy whispers. "can i kiss you, robbie?"
robin nods again.
"so she'll lean in," nancy whispers, her lips now a breath away from robin's. nancy tries to stay in the zone but she's drifting slowly. wrapped up in robin's orbit. "and gently...kiss you."
nancy presses her lips delicately to robin's. a small peck before leaning back. "see? simple," nancy whispers breathlessly as her heart pounds against her ribs.
"do i...press back?" robin whispers.
"mhm," nancy hums. "i'll kiss you again and you press back, okay?"
nancy kisses her again and robin hesitantly moves her lips against hers. it's not as uncoordinated as nancy was anticipating, but it lasts a little long. nancy moves her lips again, pressing repeatedly to keep things moving. all gentle pecks. robin gets the gist after the first few and follows her lead, just as she instructed earlier. nancy knows they're getting carried away here but she can't will herself to pull away. not yet.
robin's confidence ramps up and she holds nancy's cheek. nancy hums contently and kisses her deeper. lips slotting on top of each other softly and languidly. robin is the first to pull away, taking in large breaths and nancy's about to speak but robin just pulls her back in.
"don't," nancy pants against robin's lips. "forget to breathe."
"yeah," robin murmurs, dazed.
nancy wonders if she should say more but instead, she follows her impulse to suck gently on robin's bottom lip. robin gasps and holds nancy's face closer, tilting her head to sink further into nancy's mouth. nancy tastes her chapstick, root beer flavored, which is so fun and so sweet and so robin it makes her brain spark.
her tongue pokes out and robin drops her jaw enough but nancy hesitates.
"um," nancy whispers. "is this okay? can i--"
"please," robin begs quietly and then clears her throat. "i mean, show me, um, if you want to."
nancy grins, she can't help it. she uses her grip on robin's face to coax her mouth open again and she traces her bottom lip delicately before dipping behind robin's teeth. robin moans and presses her tongue up against nancy's. it's all so slow and intentional that it heats up their bodies, quickens their heartbeat, and heightens everything.
eventually, they're laying down on nancy's couch, sinking into each other, kissing kissing kissing until their lips are puffy and numb. the friendliness of this exchange, if there ever was any, has completely vanished.
as nancy continues their "practice" down robin's neck, robin knows she’s gotta cancel on vickie. because there’s no way robin wants to kiss anybody else after this.
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byler-alarmist · 11 months
I have this great need for both older Wheeler siblings to be very, very jealous. Jealous Mike is already basically canon, but what if jealous Nancy?
We haven't really seen it with Jancy, since Jonathan seemingly doesn't hang out with or even know a single other girl in the world.
I want Nancy's friendship with Robin to grow and deepen to the point where Nancy secretly dreams of it becoming more, and when Robin finally tells her that she and Vickie are more than friends, I want Nancy to surprise herself by getting insanely jealous.
Nancy's brain is short-circuiting and Robin starts panicking, stammering and trying to explain because she thinks Nancy doesn't approve of her being a lesbian.
Meanwhile, Nancy is trying to appear so normal about it, insisting that it's totally fine and great, that Vickie is....a really great person and it's....really, really great.
Robin is uneasy, thinking Nancy is doing her best to tolerate Robin's truth despite thinking it's gross.
Robin assures Nancy that she doesn't want to make her feel weird, that Nancy doesn't need to worry about Robin hitting on her, since they were friends and nothing was going to change that. Ironically, this makes Nancy angrier.
Nancy's head is spinning and she feels these ugly feelings rising in her chest, to the point where she has to excuse herself or she'll scream.
And all she can think is.....why couldn't it be me?
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yournowheregirl · 11 months
part 1 [part 2 - coming soon]
Robin is panicking.
She’s standing in the middle of Lovelace Lingerie and she’s panicking. 
There are two reasons why she has always avoided this place like the plague. The first and obvious one being the whole ‘I'm gay and if I stare at this model wearing nothing but a lace bodysuit for a second too long, everyone is going to know exactly how gay I am’ bit. The second reason is just a plain habit. She bought her first bra at the department store, she knows what brand she likes, she knows her size and she knows that she doesn’t want all the frills and the bows and the lace. Just a plain black or white bra (maybe blue if she’s feeling fancy), nothing more, nothing less.
That is until Vickie said something when she stayed over the other day. 
“Why are all your bras so boring, Robin?”
Robin never thought her bras were boring. Sure, they were plain and nothing like the colorful lace bras Vickie likes to wear, but they were just there to serve one purpose - to hold her boobs in place while she goes about her day. Plus, before Vickie, she was the only one looking at her bra and she was doing just fine, thank you very much.
But Vickie’s words got stuck in her head, as they often do, which made Robin decide to take matters into her own hands and buy something that’ll make Vickie happy. A final hail Mary to make up for all the arguments they’ve been having these last few weeks.
Though she’s beginning to regret her decision as the sheer amount of choice start to overwhelm her. There’s just so much lace. So many straps. So many colorful bows and flower designs. So many things that say they’re bras, but look more like a flimsy piece of fabric tied together with two strings of floss. 
In her state of outright panic, Robin rushes through the store and grabs one of each pair of lingerie that she thinks Vickie will like. She doesn’t even bother to look at the sizing - honestly, what good is a size anyway when this bra is just a bunch of straps and two hearts cut out of red fabric - she just grabs them all and heads straight to the fitting rooms.
As it turns out, she should’ve been looking at the label because nothing seems to fit or suit her. The fabric of the lilac one is scratchy and the green one is just plain ugly. The black one makes her boobs look saggy, while the yellow one is too tight and make her boobs spill out. And don’t even get her started on the neon pink one - that one isn’t even a bra, it’s a torture device. 
Oh God, she’s never gonna make it out of this alive. She’s gonna die, right here in this pink and red monstrosity of a fitting room, choked to death by satin straps, and, and- are those walls closing in on her or is she just imagining things?
A knock on the door of the fitting room snaps Robin out of her downwards spiral but her mouth still runs faster than the brain when she calls out, “Who is it?”
“Uh, it’s... it’s Nancy? I work here?” A woman responds from the other side of the door. “You were taking a long time and I was wondering if you were okay, if you needed any help.”
Help. Yes, that’s exactly what she needs. Someone who knows their way around all these lace-y things, who knows what she needs to buy to keep Vickie happy and get out of here as fast as she can.
“Yes.” Robin croaks out. “Yes, please. I definitely needs some help.”
Robin immediately regrets her decision when an actual angel steps into the dressing room rather than an employee. And Robin’s not over-exaggerating, the warm light of the hallway does make it seem like there’s a halo around her brown curls, but it’s Nancy’s smile that makes Robin grow weak in the knees. It might be a customer service smile that she knows all too well, but Nancy makes it look genuinely sweet.
Focus, Robin. She tells herself. You’re here for your girlfriend don’t get distracted by Nancy’s blue eyes or rosy pink lips or-
“Wow.” Nancy breathes, looking around the mess that Robin made of the fitting room. 
“I’m sorry! I just got overwhelmed and I just grabbed everything and then I just panicked and then- then this happened.” Robin rambles apologetically. 
“Don’t worry. I’ve seen worse.” Nancy smiles politely. “How can I help?”
“Is this sexy?” Robin blurts out and Jesus Christ, can the ground open up and swallow her whole right now? Why would she say something like that? 
But Nancy doesn’t seem all that bothered with her question. She just blinks and cocks her head to the side, examining Robin with precision in her eyes. 
“It is from our Super Sexy line, so it’s literally designed to be sexy.” Nancy says. “But the most important question is, do you feel sexy in it?”
Robin turns around and takes a good look at herself  in the mirror. The color of the bra is nice and the flower and butterflies that are stitched into the fabric are pretty, but she still feels the need to wrap her arms around her body and shield it from prying eyes. It looks like something Vickie would like, it’s similar to what she owns and wears, but Robin feels that it’s just not her.
“Not really.” Robin says softly. “I’m not... all of this. I don’t wear all this complicated lace-y, girly junk and- oh shit, I’m totally insulting your job right in front of you.”
Nancy chuckles and shakes her head. “Oh believe me, you’re fine. We have a lot of things that are a bit... out there, so to say. But if you tell me what it is you’re looking for, I can see if we have something you feel more comfortable in?”
There’s something in Nancy’s eyes that Robin can’t put her finger on, but all she knows is that she’s suddenly telling Nancy everything. From her bra shopping at the department store to Vickie (Robin’s just in time to call Vickie her partner instead of girlfriend) telling her the bras she wears are boring and how she’s here in the hopes of finding something that will make her partner happy.
Nancy listens and nods along to the story, asking her questions about her preferences for colors and styles and even though Robin has know clue what she wants or what she’s talking about, Nancy doesn’t seem to mind. She just smiles and explains things into further detail with no further judgement and that somehow puts Robin’s mind at ease.
Maybe things will be alright after all
“I think I have just the thing for you.” Nancy says. “What’s your size?”
“Uh, I- I think it’s this one?” Robin grabs at the price tag on her back, but she has to twist her way like a contortionist to be able to see it. Nancy’s at her side at a split second, looking back and forth between the price tag and Robin’s cleavage.
“I don’t think this is the right fit. Do you mind if I measure you?” She asks, grabbing the yellow tape measurer from where it was hanging around her neck, a stark contrast to the black dress she’s wearing.
And yeah, Robin does mind, actually. If the satin straps aren’t the ones that are gonna kill her, a pretty girl touching her boobs just might do the trick. Still, Robin finds herself nodding and lifting her arms above her head so Nancy can easily measure her. 
The tape measure is surprisingly cold when it hits her skin and instead of focusing on Nancy and her lovely petite hands, Robin starts reciting conjugations of French verbs in her head. It does little to distract her, mostly because Nancy is standing so close that Robin can swell the sweet flowery perfume she has on. Nancy’s touches are light and of course, totally professional, but Robin still feels a goosebumps spreading across her skin when Nancy’s fingertips ghost over her skin.
Christ, get a grip Buckley. 
“Be right back.” Nancy smiles as soon as she’s done and disappears out of the fitting room, grabbing the bras that Robin threw on the floor earlier on her way out. 
Robin leans against the wall and sighs deeply once she knows Nancy’s out of earshot. She really hopes that Nancy wasn’t able to feel the way her heart sped up just now, but the flimsy fabric of the bra she’s wearing probably did shit at hiding that. Her hand reaches up to check and yup, Nancy was definitely able to feel that.
Oh God, why can’t she just be normal for once? She has a girlfriend for crying out loud! Vickie’s the whole damn reason she’s in this pink boudoir hell-hole in the first place! She just has to keep her eyes on the prize and not let Nancy derail her from the process.
Which is easier said than done when Nancy reappears with a new bra in hand. This one is black and looks plain at first, but Robin is quick to notice the mesh detailing and cut-outs, as well as the silver decorative thread in the straps. It’s simple, yet still more exciting than any of the bras Robin currently has in her closet.
“Just let me know when you tried it on, okay?” Nancy says and with another sweet smile, she disappears again.
Robin shimmies out of the blush pink monstrosity she still had on and puts the black bra on instead. She can feel the difference almost immediately - the fabric is soft and doesn’t itch, the mesh detailing isn’t overtly sexy but just suggestive enough and it must be made of magic because her boobs have never looked this good.
Giddy with excitement, she knocks on the door and lets Nancy back inside.
“You’re a bra wizard!” Robin beams, gesturing to herself. “Seriously, look at this! I’ve never looked this good!”
“Just doing my job.” Nancy chuckles, a faint pink blush appearing on her cheeks as she looks Robin up and down. “Uh, how’s the fit? Nothing too tight or anything?”
“Fits like a glove.”
“Good.” Nancy says. Her eyes dart between Robin’s face and her cleavage again, her gaze lingering for a beat too long, before promptly looking away, almost as if she’d been burnt. “Uh, if you decide to buy it, come find me in the store and I’ll ring it up for you, alright?”
“Yeah, alright.” Robin replies softly.
Nancy nods and quickly walks out of the fitting room, shutting the door behind her with a loud bang. 
As Robin puts her clothes back on again, she can’t help but wonder what all of that was about. She knows she’s not the best with social cues but even she can recognize that there was something going on there.
Could it be-
No, no, Nancy is just a good saleswoman and Robin is just a customer in her eyes. Nothing more.
Still, Robin can’t help but feel guilty when she feels her heart skip a beat at the mere thought of not just being a customer to Nancy. With a loud sigh, she zips her jacket back up, grabs her bra and heads back into the store. 
She manages to find a pair of black panties that match the bra and armed with both of those in hand, she’s able to find Nancy on the other side of the store. Nancy immediately smiles when Robin waves at her and it does nothing to slow down Robin’s already rapid heartbeat. 
“Were you able to find everything?” 
“Yeah, got something to match as well.” Robin nods, awkwardly holding up the pair of satin black panties. 
“Oh, I know from experience that those are very comfortable. Good choice.” Nancy says, and yeah Robin’s not going to stop thinking about that one, isn’t she?
She follows Nancy to the register and her mind is still a bit hazy as she pays and watches Nancy neatly wrap her new items. She even spritzes some sugary sweet perfume onto the bag before she hands it to Robin with a bright smile. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you so much for your help, honestly.” Robin says. “I mean, you saw what a mess I made back there, I was so overwhelmed and you- well, you saved me, actually.”
“I was happy to help, really.” Nancy replies. She pauses for a moment, a frown appearing on her face as if she’s thinking about what to say next. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I really hope you’re also buying and wearing this set for yourself, not just your partner. You should wear something that makes you feel good, not just because your partner wants it. ” Nancy says firmly. “And frankly, your partner is an idiot if they think you’re boring without a fancy-looking garment. Trust me, you don’t need all the extra frills and ruffles.”
That... That sounds suspiciously like a compliment, maybe even a flirty compliment and Robin’s brain does not know how to deal with that right now. Not after her meltdown from earlier, not after feeling Nancy’s kind eyes and cold hands on her, not while Nancy still has that twinkle in her eyes that makes Robin go just a little insane.
“Th- thank you.” Robin stammers. She grabs the bag a bit tighter, as if that’ll help her get back to reality. It’s still pretty hard though because Nancy looks even prettier in the daylight and- “I gotta gay. Go! I mean- I gotta go. Bye!”
“Have a nice day!” Nancy calls out after her, but Robin’s blood is pumping so loudly in her ears that it mostly gets drowned out. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what is happening to her?
A firm hand on her shoulder shakes her from her thoughts and Robin turns around with a loud yelp.
“Jesus, it’s just me.” Steve says defensively. “Did you buy the whole store or something? You were in there for a while.”
“Yeah, no, it’s fine. I’m good.” Robin nods a little too obviously, making Steve frown at her. Dammit, why can he always see right through her? But that doesn’t stop her from lying through her teeth. “I’m fine, Steve. Really. I promise.”
Steve hums, still unimpressed. “Alright. If you say so. Glad you got everything you need to woo her right off her feet.”
“Wha- what? Woo who?” Robin panics. How did Steve already know about that weird thing between her and Nancy? Did he have supersonic hearing or something? X-ray eyes? (which, gross, don’t use those eyes in a lingerie store, Steven)
“Ha, you sound like an owl.” Steve snorts. “But I’m talking wooing Vickie, idiot. That’s why you went in there, right?”
Right. Vickie.
brought to you by: me going bra shopping earlier today. also sorry to the vickie stans, i’m sure she’s lovely but she’s not gonna be lovely in this series. stay tuned for part 2! (kudos if you can spot an iconic line from glee that i just had to add in for funsies)
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starrystevie · 8 months
18+ | modern ronance / cw: public sex | crossposted from twitter
robin has her nipples pierced. she has her nipples pierced and doesn’t wear a bra and always has on a too tight or too sheer or too short top making them obvious to those who know what to look for.
nancy knows what to look for and it drives her crazy.
they aren’t dating, they aren’t fucking but they’re dancing around being something with flirty grins and touches that could almost be considered lingering if they didn’t pull away so quickly. robin looks down at nancy with hooded eyes and she looks back with mischief in her own, promises of that something behind each of their gazes.
but every time she wears one of those goddamn shirts, nipple rings protruding enough to see the outline, to see when she’s changed from a bar bell to a ring, nancy is one know-it-all smirk away from letting robin know how she feels.
she wants to get her hands on them. wants to feel the metal under her palms. wants to rip off a too tight too sheer too short top and get her mouth on them. wants to have robin in her lap, riding her thigh so she can lick the ring into her mouth and tug on it with her teeth.
and nancy is anything but stupid. she knows that robin knows, knows that she wears those fucking shirts on purpose to see nancy barely holding herself together. she’ll make sure to stretch her arms up so the shirts go taut and tight when she knows she has nancy’s eyes on her. she’ll lean forward when she’s wearing a loose button up, enough to have so much skin on display that it has to be intentional. she’ll scratch lazily at her tit and get her nipple hard so that everything is obvious through the fabric knowing it will make nancy lose her mind.
and it does. every single goddamn time. nancy always has to go home and fuck her self on her fingers as she thinks about robin’s tits, about leaving bites and bruises on them until the rings stand out even more against her marred skin, coming hard and fast at the thought.
eventually she knows she has to do something about it. she knows she needs to tell robin that she’s not only in love with her but also in love with her perfect, perky tits and needs to see if she can fit one in her mouth, needs to flick at her nipples until she comes.
turns out, she doesn’t have to wait much longer. steve and eddie pull them out to their favorite club one night for their two month anniversary like it’s an actual day to celebrate and the girls, of course, go along. the guys are grinding against each other in the corner and robin buys nancy her usual vodka soda while she gets her own jack and coke. her shirt tonight is sinful, sheer enough that somehow the metal shines through when the club lights hit just right, loose enough to push a hand under without rucking up the fabric.
they go to the dance floor without question because that’s what they always do, robin holding nancy’s hand as she pulls her along under some guise of not wanting to lose her in the crowd even though they both know that’s not the only reason.
it doesn’t take long until they’re pressed together, nancy’s back to robin’s front. it’s what they always do but tonight it feels charged with something else. robin’s hand is on the side of nancy’s hip, loose enough to break from but tight enough to know she wants her to stay. not that nancy would want to break away from her anyway.
she’s feeling a little wild, a little daring, and maybe it’s the vodka or the way that robin’s piercings are obvious against her back. she snakes a hand up to wrap her arm around the back of robin’s neck, pulling her closer. she can feel her hot breath puffing against her skin as she leans down, following the pressure from nancy's hand.
the fingers on her hip flex and tighten, pushing them together the tiniest bit more and she can feel when robin drops her head to rest in the crook of her neck. her breath is even hotter now, closer to her bare skin than she was before, dampening her already sweat soaked skin.
nancy tangles her fingers into robin’s hair, coaxing her down to hint that she can put her lips on her skin if she wants. she can taste her if she wants. it doesn’t take long until nancy jumps when a kiss is pressed featherlight under her ear. her fingers tug on the hair between them and it’s like a green light moving all systems to go.
there’s a tongue flicking out to finally taste nancy’s skin and she pushes her hips back to grind harder against robin. there’s a hand traveling from her hip a bit closer to where she actually wants it, pressing teasingly into the lowest part of her belly, lust rushing behind her behind her bellybutton at the sensation.
nancy drops her hand from her head so she can place it on top of robin’s, pushing her fingers down so the pressure increases. she gasps at the feeling and can feel robin do something of the same, teeth scraping against her skin followed by her tongue like she's trying to sooth it. in the back of her mind, she's hoping robin will do it again.
she’s glad they know each other so well since they won’t be able to hear each other over the music. as robin’s hand goes to move lower, nancy spins in her grasp, desperate for something else. now they’re face to face, robin’s eyes hooded and dark in the low light, trained on nancy's lips, her own lips spit slick from her ministrations on her neck.
her leg slips between nancy’s as her hand comes to rest on the center her ass, pulling them close. it doesn’t take long until nancy’s pushing up on her toes as robin bends down so they can finally kiss each other for the first time. she isn’t surprised when a tongue flicks out against her lips, isn't surprised when hers comes out to meet it either.
making out with robin on the dance floor is great, heavenly, everything she could want. well, almost everything that is. her hand slides onto robin’s side just under her loose shirt. her skin is warm against nancy’s fingers, under her palm, soft in a way that makes her want to get her mouth on it.
robin surges forward and presses harder on her ass like she knows what nancy wants. needs what nancy wants. her shirt is loose enough that nancy's hand finds her tit easily. it fits perfectly in her palm just like she knew it would, heavy in that wonderful way that makes her mind go blank with desire. with their legs entwined, they both roll their hips in an obvious way to get pressure where they need it, mouths opening on moans that get drowned out by the booming bass.
robin pulls back from their kiss and keeps nancy’s bottom lip bitten between her teeth, tugging gently like a hint of what she really wants. when nancy’s finger slip up to pinch her nipple, she lets go of her lip with a hiss and thrust of her hips.
“you gotta thing for tits, wheeler? that’s so fucking hot,” robin mutters against her ear as she brings her hand around from her ass to her front.
her hand slips easily under nancy’s skirt, palm flat against her wet panties to give her something more to grind on. nancy can feel her eyes roll back and she tugs harshly on robin’s nipple causing them both to groan.
"no, i have a thing for your tits. drive me crazy with those things..."
their hands are clever and fit where they need to be and soon enough they’re both rolling their hips and breathing into each other’s mouths as they come.
nancy keeps her hand on robin’s tit, tugging and pinching to keep her squirming in her grasp, rocking her hips needily against robin's hand as she rides out her orgasm. robin gets back at her by slipping 2 fingers into her soaked through panties, sliding into nancy’s wet cunt easily and swallowing the groan she gets in return.
“we need to go,” nancy says as she stretches up to get her mouth to robin’s ear, pussy clenching around the fingers robin is slowly pumping in her. “i need you naked and on my bed immediately.”
when they get back to nancy’s, she gets to see what metal feels like against her tongue. and if she finds a surprise piercing lower down, she’ll taste that one too.
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morganski-19 · 4 months
Steve is watching Robin. Not in like a creepy way, but in like an observant way. He's seeing her orbit around Nancy as they do various things. Constantly circling her, because she can't stand still and likes to walk when she talks, walking away slightly but then coming back into Nancy's space.
And Nancy's letting it happen. Learned to let Robin go and do her thing, Nancy turning her head to face Robin at the more important parts. To show that she's listening, but also not doing it constantly so she doesn't get dizzy.
It would be normal, except it isn't. Not when Robin starts to stutter when Nancy looks at her, and not when she actually stops talking for a second when Nancy touches her.
The thing about Robin is that she can talk and talk for hours on end without interruption. It's actually a skill that Steve admires half the time, letting her voice fill the space when his brain gets too busy with its own thoughts. But she never stops, not even when drugged in a Russian bunker, and not even when walking through an alternate dimension hellscape. are only two ways
There are only two things that get Robin to stop for a second before continuing again. Food. And a girl she's interested in.
And there's no food in sight.
A while later when Nancy leaves, Robin flops down on Steve's couch, taking up as much space as possible. Steve shoves her legs off of the cushion before sitting next to her.
"So, Nancy?" he asks casually.
Robin sits up so fast that she gets dizzy. "What about Nancy?"
Steve laughs. "I know when you like someone, Robin. How long?"
He tries not to make it accusatory because it's really not. He's only slightly offended that she didn't tell him, but can understand why she didn't.
"A few weeks, kinda also sort since spring break." She starts. "I'm so sorry. I know she's your ex and that has to be weird because I'm your best friend. And I promise if it is weird I will totally get shove it down and let it go. It's just another stupid crush that won't go anywhere anyway, she doesn't like girls, and I didn't even mean for it to happen. She's just such a badass that I think the wires in my brain got severed and connected wrong because she's your ex and I shouldn't like her but I do and I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean it."
"Robin, Rob. It's ok." He calms her. "I don't care. Well, I care because you're my best friend, but I don't care that she's my ex."
"You don't? Isn't there some sort of bro code or something that prevents this?"
Steve snorts. "No, not for us. If you like her, like her. I'll support it. You know that the whole spring break thing was a trauma-induced fluke in my system. I don't like her, and I don't care that you do."
Robin visibly deflates. "Oh thank god, I was so scared to tell you and you would freak out."
"Nothing you could ever do would freak me out. Within reason. There is one thing though."
"I think you might have a chance with this one. I know how Nancy looks when she likes someone too, and it's pretty clear to me that she liked you."
Robin's face breaks out in a blush. "You think so?"
"I know so."
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
I just saw video online of a Husband Calling competition at a state fair, and I can't stop thinking about the some of the pairings from Stranger Things entering:
Everyone thinks Eddie is gonna win, because he can silence Hellfire with two words, but no one has ever actually had to hear Steve call for Eddie, because he only ever has to do this when they are home alone. When Eddie is too quiet, and Steve knows he's up to no good. And Steve's call is shrill to say the least. People cower and put their fingers in their ears. Eddie looks on proudly, no one can see the ear plugs he's already put in his ears.
Argyle's "Broooooooooooo" call for his husband Jonathan both confuses and delights the crowd. Jonathan makes a bird noise with his hands and is immediately flanked by a bunch of guys in hunting gear trying to learn his secrets, and Argyle has to rescue him.
Robin tries to give her loud call for Nancy but because she's been shouting after everyone all day pointing out all the amazing things she spotted (Like the piglet with one ear smaller than the other) her voice is shot. Nancy wasn't going to enter this stupid thing but Robin looking so disappointed and Steve looking certain he's won, she steps up. She shouts Robin's name once so sternly and loudly that Robin jumps in fright, but then so do several other Robins in the crowd, and a small jack Russel of the same name. A few of them dropping their freshly purchased food stuff or local goods, all of them their eyes wide at the stage.
Nancy gets first place, and pins her ribbon on Robin.
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rottenaero · 11 months
Nancy’s been having…
A week.
She hadn’t expected for her classmates to be murdered, or for Max to be the next victim, hadn’t known she was going to be the given a terrible vision,
Didn’t expect to like Robin.
And not just in the friend way, which the taller had been absolutely giddy when Nancy first referred to her as.
She liked her.
Nancy Wheeler liked her in the way that Lucas likes Max, how Hopper liked Joyce before he died.
This girl- Who she’d only really talked to more than once this week, she liked her.
And of course, they talked a little during the whole star-court situation, but Nancy was…
Snappish, a bit rude.
She’d also been a bit rude when she first saw Steve and Robin.
Nancy had thought it was because it was Steve, he’d changed and maybe she missed him a bit, wished it was her instead of Robin.
It was the other way around though, no matter how much Eddie and Robin insisted about the tension between her and Steve.
And she really wishes they would lay off this whole thing. She’s not interested, and Steve clearly isn’t either!
No, Steves interested in keeping everyone safe, making sure Max has her headphones playing, and making sure Eddie is out of view.
And Nancy,
She should be interested in Jonathan, how he’s doing since they couldn’t get ahold of the Byers before they stole the Winnebago.
But she’s not.
She’s interested in Robin, and the way every-time she moves her head slightly all her hair shimmies. The way she rambles when she’s nervous or stressed. The way she’s been listening to Nancy this entire time, not questioning her, and backing her up while still having her own ideas.
Her freckles, the black polish chipping off her nails.
She doesn’t interrupt her when Nancy’s speaking. When Nancy sat down on the couch in the back of the winnebago she was quick to snag the seat next to her.
And it was so-
Nancy would be lying if she said her heart didn’t flutter a little every-time Robin leaned into her side, or made sure that she was feeling okay.
Even back when they barely knew each-other, in their sophomore year when Robin ran to check up on her when she started crying in the theater.
Threatening to kick Steve out when she thought he’d done something.
They barely knew each-other, and Robin still went out of her way.
Nancy smiles, glances at the taller girl out of the corner of her eye. She’s humming something that sounds alot like Total Eclipse of The Heart.
And Nancy has the most vivid memory of the marching band playing it at one of Steve’s football games a couple years ago.
The way the group moved in tandem, the sound.
Her eyes were drawn to the brass sections, the way they were loud, but not droning out the other instruments.
“Whatcha thinking about?”
Nancy blinks, and Robins staring at her. “You know, if this is Vecna, I really think you should tell us.” She says.
And she worries, always a tad bit concerned about what’s happening, always a little in-tuned into everything.
“It’s not, just thinking.” Nancy defends, and Robin leans forward, brow quirked. “About what?”
“Uhm, things.”
Smooth Wheeler.
Her light brown hair sways as she leans forward even more, halfway off the couch at this point. “End of the world things, or, like-“ She glances at the front of the car, where Steve is trying the smack Eddie from where he sits behind him whilst also driving.
She looks back. “-Things things.”
“Robin, it’s not like that. Steve and I are just friends.”
Robin tilts back a bit so she’s sitting like a normal person. She holds up her hands. “And I totally get that! What about Jonathan?”
Nancy sighs, “I already told you about Jonathan and I, what about you?”
“Do you have anyone?”
Robins eyes are wide, and she shuffles away slightly. “I’m, uh, really not comfortable with talking about my non-existent relationships with anyone but Steve.”
“Non-existent?” Nancy brows furrowed. “You’re super pretty though, guys don’t ask you out?” Her eyes widen. “Or, wait, maybe you just don’t wanna get with a guy, or anyone. Gosh, I’m so sorry, you don’t wanna talk about this and I’m pushing-“
The vehicle quiets, and heads turn to them. “…Way is Breakfast Club better than Carrie! It’s a work of art.”
They all turn they heads back to what their doing, before Robin hunches her shoulders, and leans her head in a little. “You think that’s okay?” She whispers.
“Not wanting a relationship? Yeah, not everyone needs one.”
“No, no, I mean…” She takes a deep breath. “Not wanting to get with a guy.”
Please don’t go the wrong way please don’t go the wrong way.
“I mean, yeah.”
Robin smiles, nods, and backs up. “Great, excellent, superb even.”
And it’s not sarcastic. Nancy smiles, bumps her shoulder. “Got any cute girls?”
Robin flushes and her freckles disappear for a split second. She stammers and looks around.
Maybe she can enjoy this. Just for a little bit.
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figthefruitfaeth · 1 year
Robin’s First Date.
| 12:36pm | 
“Wow, okay, I’m not taking advice from Mr. Polo for everyday of the week.”
“Hey, those were a gag gift—”
“Right, a gag gift you spent twenty minutes looking for. I got written up cause you couldn’t wear a Saturday on Tuesday.”
“I’m sorry I have standards.”
“Whatever. Come on—when have I ever steered you wrong? I’m off at 5, plenty of time before your date—”
“No! No. Not that I don’t appreciate it, cause I do and your great and all but...well...our styles don’t exactly mesh.” 
“Right, well that’s cause one of us has eyes and one of us has clashing patterns, so—”
“Oh, and the stripes? They don’t ever—”
“Which is good for you! But I know what the ladies like, Bobbin. I also know what this lady likes. And I know what’s going to get you laid.”
“So are you gonna let me help you or what?”
“I’m calling Eddie.”
“Eddie?! No—”
| 12:57pm |
“Munson Mansion. This is Eddie, trapped in the wine cellar, speaking.”
“Eddie, I need your help.”
“Oh, hey, hi, what’s up?”
“The date’s tonight and I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Not anything, but what I wanted to wear was in the washer before it broke and now it’s not gonna be dry in time and everything else is too bright, or too boring, and I’m getting sweaty and maybe developing a rash which is just perfect, I’m going to show up red and gross and she’s never going to talk to me again. God, maybe I should just cancel—“
“Heeey there, settle down. Breathe, in—out, there you go.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be over in 10.”
| 3:09pm |
“This is the Wheeler Residence. Looks like you’ve just missed us! Feel free to leave a message—“
| 3:33pm |
“Wheeler Residence, this is Karen speaking—“
| 4:17pm |
“This is Hop.”
“Oh. Um. HI Chief Hopper, or, Officer? Uh—“
“Who is this?”
“Robin. Buckley. Sir. Robin Buckley. I’m a friend of Steve’s?”
“Right. Right, uh yeah.”
“Well, he’s not here, so—“
“Right, right, no! I was, uh, calling for Jonathan? Is he—is he around?”
| 4:21pm |
“Jonathan! Hey! Buddy...how’s it going?”
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, totally, why wouldn’t it be? Unless, everything’s not alright with you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Just don’t get a lot of calls from you.”
“Right. Well, you know work. Busy, busy! Ha ha...”
“Okay...did you wanna talk? Or...”
“Yes! I did, I did...OW! Sorry, sorry, banged my knee against something annoying. So...I can’t do this, this was a terrible idea...well, you shouldn’t have encouraged me—”
“Hey, if you’re busy—“
“Sorry, that was..my dad! Yeah, he needs help with the car. Tire busted and he’s not strong enough to lift the wheels so he always asks me, cause you know. Guns of steel and all that. But we should talk more. Yeah! Okay.”
“Yeah. Definitely...”
| 4:55pm |
“Family Video. This is Steve.”
“You need me to—“
“I need you to come over.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. What’s Eddie got you in?”
“Well...it’s creative?”
“Robin doesn’t want to go metal, even though metal clearly wants to go Robin. Hi sweetheart.”
“Hi babe. Rob, this is why you shouldn’t’ve asked him. He has terrible taste—“
“Ugh! You love this!”
“I do. For you. And more specifically, taking if off of you—“
“O.K. gross! Disgusting! Stop! Can we focus on me? I’m in a crisis!”
“Alright, alright. Let me clock out. Don’t let him near your scissors.”
| 6:14pm |
“This is the Wheeler’s, it’s Mike.”
“Mike! Oh, Michael, thank God I thought I was gonna have to hangup on your mom again.”
“Robin? Why are you calling my house? Is someone in trouble?”
“No! Why does everyone keep assuming that? Don’t answer that. Listen, I need your help.”
“What? No, I have a campaign going.”
“It’ll take like two minutes—did he say a campaign?—then you can do whatever—no, don’t—What campaign?”
“What campaign? Unless I’m mistaken, and I rarely am—HA—we don’t have a Hellfire meeting scheduled till Friday. What is this? A mutiny?”
“No! No I promise! It’s just a one-shot, just to get Will back into things, I swear.”
“You swear, huh?”
“On my life! On The Knights of Mystic Fire!”
“Yeah, you better. I’ll let this slide if you help out Robin. No buts! Or Sir Miklan is getting disadvantage on every throw next session.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Can you go check and see what Nancy’s wearing?”
“Not like that! Just! We’re, uh, hanging out tonight and she didn’t tell me where we were going and I don’t know if I should bring a jacket, so just go and check, okay?”
“I’m not doing that.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s weird. Here, just talk to her yourself—“
“What—no, Mike—”
| 6:19pm |
“Nancy. Hi.”
“Hi, Robin.”
“I didn’t mean to hang up. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I figured it was an accident or something.”
“Yeah. You know me, love slipping on things and hitting buttons I can’t..unclick..”
“Yeah, I do. It’s really cute.”
“Ah, well, I mean, if you say so. Most people find it annoying, but I mean, if you think—ah, well, thank you. I think your cute too, obviously. Um. I mean, not for that, also obviously, cause I don’t think you’ve tripped on anything in your life, uh, so—“
“Are you nervous?”
“Yeah! Could you tell?”
“I don’t know what to wear. I had an idea, and then it vanished and nothing else in my closet felt right. Steve just kept trying to cinch my jeans cause he said that’s what girls like, and Eddie kept suggesting leather, but I sweat a lot in leather, you know? And then I called Jonathan—“
“You called Jonathan?”
“I know, Steve already chewed me out for that. I didn’t really talk to him anyway, I just didn’t know who else to call—I don’t have a lot of friends. But—I don’t know. The outfit needs to be perfect, cause the girl I’m going on the date with, is perfect. And...I really like her. A lot. Like, makes my head dizzy, a lot.”
“Oh, Robin.”
“That’s not a pitying ‘Robin’ is it?”
“No. It’s a ‘you’re very cute and I’m very excited for this date’ Robin. Look, don’t listen to Steve. I’m pretty sure the jeans are more about him getting to check out his own ass than anyone else, and Eddie’s into whatever everybody else isn’t. Just wear what you feel like. You could pull up in PJ’s and I’d be happy. I don’t want the date to be perfect, I want the date to be us.”
“Naaaancyyy! Oh my god that was so perfectly sweet.”
“Does that help?”
“Yeah, that makes me feel better. Still a little anxious, cause on a practical level I still don’t know what to wear, but I do feel better about the not-knowing.”
“Well...if it helps, I’m wearing purple. So you should wear something green, that way we match.”
“That’s smart. I love green.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“Yeah, that’s why I wore purple.”
“You were trying to get us to match?! Nancy, do you have a crush on me or something?”
“Well I’m glad to see you’re feeling more confident. Even if it’s at my expense.”
“Ha-ha yeah. Okay, gotta run, I’ve got—oh my god, I’m gonna be late. Okay, I’ll see you at the diner—dressed! Bye, Nance!”
“Bye, Robin.”
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
A sequel to THIS Steddie ficlet but you don't really have to have read it.
Nancy finishes up signing her name with a flourish on the inside of the greeting card she’d bought for Robin for Valentine’s Day. She sets her red sparkly gel pen down on the desk and admires her work. Excellent. Perfectly balanced cursive writing and not a mistake in sight. Poetic and just a little naughty - nothing like Eddie’s card that she had had the displeasure of seeing in full view on the floor of Family Video.
At least it was spirited, unique and honest.
But her card still feels like it’s missing something.
She lifts the card to her lips and stops just short of leaving a lipstick stain on it. Robin probably won’t like that. She’d say something about someone having their mouth all over her Valentine’s Day card, even if it is her own girlfriend.
She looks around at her dresser and contemplates spraying the card with perfume. But she scrunches her nose, thinking Robin probably wouldn’t like a strong scent coming from it either. Turning back to her desk, she decides on a few hand-drawn flowers sprinkled over the inside of the card. Robin will surely give her something handmade (as she always does).
Using a pink marker pen, Nancy carefully surrounds her writing with daisies in varying sizes, the easiest flower for her to draw somewhat competently. As she goes, she inches closer and closer to the surface of her desk, tongue poking out in concentration as she begins adding a peppering of little stars too.
“Um, Nancy?”
She makes what can only be described as a mouse-like squeak noise at the sound of Mike’s interruption. She clutches the marker in her hand, stopping herself from smearing it across Robin’s card. She carefully lifts her hand from the cardstock and clips the cap safely onto the pink marker before spinning around to find Mike lingering at her bedroom door.
“What?” she asks, unable to hide her frustration.
“Are you leaving yet?” he asks, bounding into her bedroom and looking like he's rearing to go somewhere.
Somewhere that presumably requires her to drive him.
“Soon,” she says, giving her brother a tight-lipped, sarcastic smile.
“Can you drive me to Hop’s?” he asks, picking at the bottom seam of his Hellfire shirt.
“Spending the evening with Will, are we?” she teases.
Mike groans and flops back on her bed, sending a pink decorative cushion toppling off the edge where it wedges itself between the mattress and side table.
“I have a card to give him,” he says, staring at the ceiling.
“Good,” she smiles and decides she should probably set aside her card to help out the lump currently sighing and squirming (and messing up the bedspread) on her bed. “You aren’t planning on wearing that, are you?”
Mike rolls onto his stomach to look at her with a look of complete incredulity. Or maybe it’s cluelessness.
Admittedly, that came out meaner and more accusatory than she meant it.
She sighs. Of course, Mike doesn’t know that on Valentine's Day maybe he shouldn’t wear his nerd uniform.
“Just… Anything but that,” she says, even though that doesn’t seem to help either.
Her brother just blinks, kicking his feet.
So she stands up with a huff and gestures to the door. Mike stands and looks her up and down, suspicious.
“You are going to help me pick out something?” he asks, dumbfounded. “For Valentine’s Day? To wear to Will’s house?”
“And politely make suggestions about what you could do that doesn’t involve hanging out in an overcrowded cabin reading comic books, yes.”
And that’s how Nancy spends part of her night chauffeuring around Mike and Will. First picking up Robin, negotiating the change of plans with much protest. Then heading out to the Hooper-Byers’ cabin to pick Will up. Then driving them to the diner which the boys had to settle for because there was no way Nancy was going to have them in Enzo’s a table away from her and Robin. And she wasn't giving up any of her money to Mike, either. Nor did she want to drop them off at the pizza parlour which is where she knew Steve and Eddie would be at some point.
She finally pulls into the car park beside Enzo’s and cuts the engine.
“So,” she starts, clicking off her seatbelt and turning to her date, beaming.
“So?” Robin echos, trying to look inside the restaurant windows.
“I have a card for you,” Nancy says and reaches around to fish in the back for her handbag.
She feels around for it and finds it has been kicked under the passenger’s seat.
“Oh no!” she exclaims and Robin whips around, reaching for it with ease.
“What is it?” she asks, mirroring Nancy’s panic as she hands her the bag.
“Your card!” she says, sniffling. 
Nancy is a little surprised that she's this upset about it. Even though it’s her own damn fault for leaving a soft-fabric bag in the vicinity of two fidgeting and oblivious fifteen-year-olds. She relents and hands the crinkled envelope to Robin.
She tries not to watch as Robin carefully opens it, looking the card over before flipping it open and reading it.
“Wow,” Robin says after a minute.
“You like it?” she says, wide-eyed and hopeful.
“This is so much better than Eddie’s card,” Robin says, giving a belated shudder.
Nancy tuts and rolls her eyes. Robin was so dramatic about Eddie’s card. Even after Steve read it fully, she couldn’t help herself from both scolding him for its contents and asking him for details.
“Not the reaction I wanted,” Nancy sighs, looking at her feet.
She looks over the floor mats and thinks about how her car is in desperate need of a cleaning as she scuffs a pebble under her flats. She only breaks away from her stray thought as Robin shuffles through the ridiculously large handbag at her feet.
“Here!” she declares, holding up a crumpled envelope in victory and promptly hands it over. “Eddie, I loathe to admit, inspired a similarly flirtatious greeting card. Although mine is far less eloquent than yours. Somewhere between the obscenity of Poet Munson and Romanticist Wheeler.”
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ty-the-trainwreck · 5 months
“You were a wonderful experience.” Nancy’s words came out in a relaxing lull, reminiscent. Her eyes glistened with the reflection of the stars in front of them both, the lively sounds of the party behind them muddled by doors leading out to the very balcony they both stood on.
So that’s what Robin was to Nancy.
An experience.
Fleeting and temporary.
“You were…everything.” Robin pushed out despite her screaming at herself to just shut up. She knew that the second her words were out into the chilling December air there was a chance that Nancy would walk out of her life forever. She also knew that her words would bring back memories to the both of them.
Memories of stolen kisses in the midst of movie nights, touches that teetered on the line of being suspicious, whispers of what they both wanted in the future as the moonlight would filter in through Nancy’s windows, nights where both of them mapped out each other’s bodies like they were cartographers trying to memorize every line of the land.
But, nevertheless, they were just memories.
What they had, was a memory.
And that was solidified when Robin turned around and started to walk away. For the first time, it was Robin that left. For the first time, Nancy listened to the deafening sound of Robin’s shoes trailing farther away.
But also for the first time, Nancy ran and grabbed Robin’s arm, preventing her to walk out. To walk away.
Then, something that they had done before.
A delicate touch of lips that turn messy quicker than any metric measurement of time. A kiss that leads to clothes being taken off, and a kiss that leads to two cold bodies pressing against each other to become one warm body in the moonlight.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Robin isn’t sure why Steve is so pissy about Eddie and Nancy hanging out and trading curly hair tips.
Every time he hears about it he complains, “I’m Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington. Why aren’t they asking me for advice?”
And Robin always asks, “Are you sure you’re over Nancy?” And Steve always insists he is. It makes no sense really, but Steve’s a horrible liar so Robin believes him. But she needs to see Steve’s reaction in the flesh to make sure he’s not just in denial.
So Robin comes up with the devious plan of inviting Eddie and Nancy to come into work after they try something new with their hair - leaving out the part that Steve will also be there. And, of course, she doesn’t let Steve know they’re stopping by.
But when the plan happens, it backfires slightly because holy shit Nancy’s hair after being finger curled is really really pretty and maybe Robin forgets to even take a glance in Steve’s direction. Also, maybe she gets super super tongue tied around Nancy and almost vows to never see her again because that was insanely embarrassing. But as the pair is leaving, Nancy shoots her a wink and says something about how she and Eddie will come back again.
During Robin’s very brief mental breakdown because Nancy Wheeler will be the death of her, she takes a glance at Steve. And he’s red. He looks utterly gutted in a mix of frustration and awe, and Robin’s stomach twists. She asks him the same question again about his feelings for Nancy, and this time Steve angrily insists that’s not it. So Robin lets it go.
Maybe next time she’ll remember to watch for the reaction.
But then the next time happens and Nancy’s hair is straightened, and Robin about loses her shit because that’s not what she expected but also she looks hot. Then, Nancy puts her hand on Robin’s hand and she kind of blacks out for a few minutes until they leave. Shit. Nancy Wheeler just has some type of effect on her.
Once again, Steve is bright red, but maybe looking a little happier than usual. So this time, Robin doesn’t ask about the whole Nancy thing. She’ll pay attention next time.
She doesn’t pay attention next time… or the time after that… or the time after that… but it’s Nancy! And Robin is convinced she has some type of powers or something. Maybe Robin’s just too gay for this mission.
But every time Robin catches Steve’s reaction after the pair leave, he looks happier and happier. Soon enough, she sees him start to look out the windows, anticipating Eddie and Nancy’s arrival, and every time they don’t show up he deflates a bit.
Robin nearly confronts him about it, but she doesn’t know what to say. Clearly, he looks forward to seeing Nancy, but he’s happy to see her even when he doesn’t talk to her? She’s doesn’t know what to believe.
Then, she gets another idea for a devious plan. She’ll get Eddie to come in by himself one time to see how disappointed Steve is when Nancy isn’t there. Then she can confront him after with no distractions. It’s a perfect plan.
So she calls Eddie and tells him to come in tomorrow. She doesn’t even get to the part where she explains why he should come in before he’s excitedly agreeing and hanging up. Strange. But Eddie has always been strange, so Robin doesn’t think much of it.
The next day, Robin is buzzing with anticipation to the point that Steve asks her several times, “What’s going on? Would you stop looking at me like that?” as Robin tries and fails to not ramble and smile about her plan. Today is the day she’ll find out what Steve’s feelings are about Nancy.
She looks out the window and spots Eddie and feels herself deflate when Nancy doesn’t also step out of the car. But that’s part of the plan. To see if Steve feels the same way that Robin does when Nancy doesn’t show up.
…to see if Steve feels the same way…
Holy shit. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Robin likes Nancy. Like full on crush and looking forward to seeing her type of liking her. Of course, Robin has acknowledged that Nancy is beautiful - gorgeous really. And yes, she malfunctions around her like Robin does around all perfect women. But a crush?? That means full on feelings and pining.
The front door bell rings as Eddie comes through. Right, the plan. Now is not time to get distracted by Nancy when she isn’t even there. So Robin watches Steve who has the widest grin that makes him look… ridiculous really. It’s not the practiced smirk he gives all the ladies he’s trying and failing to flirt with. It’s actual pure joy.
“Is Nancy with you?” Steve asks Eddie. Robin’s heart drops. Shit. This is not fun. The moment she’s been waiting for has arrived.
“No, it’s just me today,” Eddie replies, smile faltering a bit… that’s strange why would he-
“Is that so?” Steve replies with a smirk, leaning over the counter to invade Eddie’s space. Okay what’s happening? Steve leans over and lightly tugs at one of Eddie’s ringlets. “I think I like it this way.”
A slight blush appears on Eddie’s cheeks as he replies, “I didn’t do anything to it today.”
“I know,” Steve replies with a wink and continues playing with the strand. For some reason Steve is in his element as he plays into the role of King Steve - the biggest flirt Robin has ever seen.
“Maybe you should help me out with it sometime, Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington,” Eddie replies with a shit eating grin, eyes flicking down to Steve’s lips. And then Steve turns that familiar shade of red, fucking blushing because of Eddie Munson. That’s when it clicks.
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Steve likes Eddie. He was jealous because Nancy was hanging out with Eddie. Oh it all makes sense now, and Robin feels like a total dumbass. So much so that she walks up to Steve and smacks him on the arm.
“Ow! What was that for?” Steve asks, breaking out of his Eddie trance.
Robin jabs a finger into his chest, “You never told me you liked Eddie! And here I was thinking you still liked Nancy of all people when you could’ve just told me!”
Steve’s eyes go wide and the blush on his face deepens. Oh shit. Eddie. Yeah. Steve still fires back, “I thought you knew and that’s why you stopped asking me the Nancy questions!”
“No, dingus! And here I was thinking I was going to have to keep my crush on Nancy a secret forever!” Robin rambles out the confession before she realizes what she’s done. She slaps a hand over her mouth.
Steve stares at her, jaw dropped but a smile on his face. She can practically see the I knew it look in Steve’s eyes.
“Thank, Christ. Nancy has been convinced our little scheme hasn’t been working,” Eddie says sounding relieved.
“Scheme?” Steve asks him.
“We’d do our hair, come here, and try to impress the hell out of you two,” Eddie replies, and leans over the counter. “Did it work?” He flirts easily.
Steve blushes and looks away. Gross. Gross. Gross. “Take it to the backroom you two,” Robin says not wanting to witness what she’s sure is going to be a painfully awkward and intense flirt session.
Eddie smiles maniacally and hops over the counter, grabbing Steve’s hand and tugging him to the back room. Steve’s throws his head back with a loud laugh as Eddie dramatically opens the door for him.
Robin will feel excited for them later, but for now she’s going to have a freak out. She likes Nancy. And Nancy likes her??? Holy shit. Okay okay. Everything is okay. This is all okay. She’ll just think about this… later. Way later. Put it off for a while. Maybe avoid Nancy for an eternity.
Robin puts her head in her hands. How is she ever going to function around her - or in general - when she knows that Nancy likes her. Oh gosh.
The bell above the door rings. Robin’s head snaps up. Oh fuck. Nancy walks in, hair no different than normal yet absolutely perfect. Robin freezes.
“Hey, I saw that Eddie’s car was parked out here, so I thought I’d stop by,” Nancy says. Robin doesn’t reply just stares. Nancy smiles softly but her eyebrows slightly furrow. “Where is he?”
“In the back room with Steve,” Robin answers automatically.
Nancy’s smile grows. “He finally made a move, huh?” Robin nods in response, not trusting her voice again. Nancy sighs, “He’s going to kill me if I don’t as well.”
Robin freezes. Holy shit. Holy shit. Don’t panic. Don’t panic.
“You okay?” Nancy asks, concern written all over her face.
“You’re Nancy Wheeler,” Robin states.
“Yes, and you’re Robin Buckley,” Nancy replies with a small smile.
“Exactly! And you, Nancy Wheeler, like me, Robin Buckley?”
“Yes,” Nancy says with a slightly bigger smile.
Robin’s jaw drops. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit,” Nancy replies with a laugh.
“Holy shit!” Robin repeats with a huge smile. She rushes back to the back room and pounds on the door. “Okay you two, it’s mine and Nancy’s turn in the back room!” Robin turns to find Nancy laugh as she easily slides over the Family Video counter.
Steve opens the door, vest slightly askew and hair completely messed up. Eddie comes out in the same condition, a big grin accentuated by swollen red lips.
“I like the new hairdo,” Nancy teases Eddie who hugs her tightly and whispers something in her ear that has her laughing.
Steve pats Robin’s shoulder and says, “Nancy is a great kisser. Almost as great as Eddie.”
Robin shoves him exclaiming, “Don’t ruin this for me, dingus!”
Steve laughs, squeezes her arm, then whispers, “I’m really happy for you, Robin.”
Robin rolls her eyes but pulls Steve into a hug. “You too, Steve.”
Steve breaks the hug to push her towards where Nancy is waiting in the backroom. “Have fun!” Eddie yells as Steve closes the door.
Robin flushes red and turns to Nancy.
“Hi,” Nancy says softly and walks up to Robin.
“Hi,” Robin replies trying to suppress her huge grin as Nancy cups her cheek.
“I’m going to kiss you now, okay?”
Robin nods. “Yes, please.”
Nancy kisses her gently and pulls away. “You okay?” She asks again.
“Hell yeah,” Robin replies swooping forward for another kiss. Nancy giggles against her lips and kisses her back.
Robin needs to think of devious plans more often.
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
something something artist!robin who loses touch with everyone in hawkins besides steve and goes on ten years later to make a whole art exhibit inspired by her trauma from the upside down and the bunker.
she’s praised across the board, especially for her depiction of a curly brunette with eyes you get lost in. always putting that character to the front, highlighting her like a hero. like a god.
robin is shyly drinking champagne on the balcony of the museum when a woman with her hair in a big claw clip and sunglasses approaches her. robin didn’t want to talk to her but her manager told her that she should try to be friendly to everyone, should the person want to purchase some art.
“are you the artist?” the woman asks.
“i am, yeah," robin gives a weak smile.
“big night for you.”
robin nods. “this is all…great but it’s so overwhelming too.”
“sure, i get it,” the woman replies.
robin is about to quip that no, she really doesn’t get it when the woman pulls off her sunglasses and robin sees those blue eyes for the first time in ten years. the ones that had her 18-year-old heart racing. she committed to putting them on any canvas she could get her hands on just to have them live somewhere else that wasn't behind her eyelids. they're here, they're real, and they're looking at her.
but nancy’s eyes were swimming with tears. robin opens her mouth to apologize but nancy places one finger on her lips.
“no one has ever seen me like that,” nancy whispers with astonishment. “i’m never the hero. i’m the annoying little reporter who doesn't let anything rest."
robin shakes her head furiously. nancy’s hand drops but they’re too close not to touch each other. robin hesitantly opens her arms and nancy plunges herself in them. robin gently takes nancy’s hair out of the clip and lets it clatter to the floor. she pets those soft curls as nancy tucks herself further into robin’s neck.
“not to me. not to me, you’re not,” robin whispers.
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ronancexists · 10 months
Ronance/Platonic Stobin drabble that may become a story if I have the motivation for it (and if enough people that like it and actually want more) 😅
Robin huffed exhaustedly as she flopped onto Nancy's bed, ignoring the other woman's huff of annoyance as the sudden movement jostled the papers that had been spread out on the cover.
"Rough day?" Nancy asked, gathering the papers she had been using to study for her upcoming calculus test in her arms and setting them on the nightstand. She then shifted her gaze to Robin, who had flung an arm across her face while Nancy adjusted herself so she was lying on her back, turning her head to stare at Robin.
"The roughest," Robin agreed.
"Want to talk about it?" Nancy offered.
Robin merely shook her head, removing her arm so she could meet Nancy's gaze.
Nancy's entire demeanor softened when she noticed the red-rimmed and teary eyes. "Come here," she murmured, holding her arms out as an invitation.
Robin accepted the invitation, diving into Nancy's arms just as a fresh round of sobs escaped her. Her entire chest was heaving as tears streamed down her face, creating a wet spot on one of Nancy's favorite shirts.
The journalist would worry about that later. For now, her sole focus was on her beautiful yet devastated girlfriend who was an inconsolable mess in her arms.
"It's ok Robs, I'm here," Nancy whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Robin's head as her arms tightened around the younger woman. "I'm here, I've got you."
Robin let out a choked whimper, nails digging into Nancy's arms. She wanted to tell Nancy, she did, but she couldn't get the words out. The memory had been replaying in her mind on a loop since she had left Family Video in a rush.
Robin arched an eyebrow as Steve sighed in boredom for what had to be the millionth time since their shift started less than an hour ago. "Knock it off, dingus," she said.
"But Robbie, I'm sooooo bored," he said, looking at her with sad puppy dog eyes.
She merely rolled her eyes at the childish man. "Really? I couldn't tell."
"You're so mean," Steve said, sticking his tongue out as Robin flicked him off.
"But you love me anyways," Robin said through a grin, ignoring the flicker of guilt that passed through her at the fact that Steve still didn't know that she and Nancy had become a thing.
After everything that happened at Starcourt, Steve had been the one to drive Robin to the Byers home, where everything about the Upside Down had been explained to her, starting from Will's disappearance all the way up to what she had just witnessed at the mall.
Of course, it wasn't an easy explanation to get through as everyone wanted to contribute and pitch in their own versions of what they had experienced, but they managed to get through it with a question here and there from Robin.
Much to everyone's surprise, she had taken everything in stride. Though they supposed it was much easier to take in after you had witnessed the Mind Flayer and been drugged and tortured by evil Russians.
Everyone spent that night at the Byers, dispersed throughout the living room. The older teens took the couches while the younger ones piled onto the floor in a mountain of blankets and pillows and intertwined limbs.
Steve and Robin fell asleep a few inches apart on the couch, but when they woke up, Steve's arm was around Robin's waist and his head was resting on her shoulder, puffs of breath hitting the freckled woman's neck. They sprang apart rather quickly, but after a few nights, it became their thing.
And a few days after that, Robin unofficially moved with Steve. With both of their parents never home, she was practically at his house every day. She got her own bedroom, but one of them always ended up in the other's bed. Steve started driving her to and from work, even on nights they weren't scheduled together (which was a rare occasion).
A few weeks later, Nancy had called out of the blue to check up on Robin and see how she was handling everything. The younger woman confessed that she was still having nightmares and sought out Nancy's advice on how to make them disappear. Nancy offered to come pick her up and take them somewhere to go eat, and Robin readily agreed.
Their friendship was tentative, but after everything that had happened with Vecna/Henry/One, it blossomed. Nancy had never met anyone like Robin, who so easily went along with her ideas, never doubting her for even a second. Someone who was sarcastic and intelligent and quite the rambler. She had also never met a woman as beautiful as Robin, and it made her question everything she thought she knew about herself, especially when Robin finally worked up the courage to tell her that she was into girls.
After Robin's nervous confession, it was like everything clicked into place for Nancy. Without hesitation, she cupped Robin's cheeks in her hands and leaned in, pressing her lips against Robin's as she had been dreaming about for days. She had thought she had made a horrible mistake and was on the verge of pulling away when Robin finally reciprocated the kiss. Electricity crackled between them, running through their veins and leaving them absolutely breathless and dazed when they finally pulled apart.
Shortly after, the two began dating, though not without a thorough conversation about everything that had happened between Nancy and Steve. Nancy confessed that yes, she had hurt Steve, but he had also hurt her by trying to pretend as though nothing ever happened, as if her best friend in the entire world, Barb, hadn't been murdered by some vicious creature in a haunted world that mirrored their town.
Robin told Nancy that Steve was her best friend, her platonic partner, and that yes, she really, really liked Nancy and absolutely wanted to date her and be her girlfriend, but she didn't want to do anything that would hurt him or make him feel as though Robin had betrayed him.
Nancy reassured Robin that Steve wanted nothing more than for the both of them to be happy, and that he wouldn't have a problem with the two of them being together. She understood that if Robin really believed they shouldn't be together because of him, she would step away from the younger woman, as heartbreaking as it would be to do so.
Robin was certain she fell even harder for Nancy in that moment, and pressed a firm, loving kiss to the journalist's lips. "Wish me luck," she said.
"Good luck," Nancy said, chastely kissing Robin before she escorted her downstairs and to the front door, where Steve was waiting to pick her up so they could head to work together.
That had been earlier in the day, and now, Robin's heart was beating ferociously in her chest. Her hands felt sweaty, her eyes were zeroing in on everything except for Steve, and her mouth felt extremely dry. She couldn't help but to fiddle with her rings, inhaling and exhaling deeply to try and calm her nerves.
Of course with Steve being an expert on everything Robin, he instantly sensed the shift in the air, a concerned frown adorning his face when he noticed Robin was playing with her rings. She only did that when she was extremely bored or when she was utterly nervous about something. "You alright Robbie?" he asked, brow pinching in concern as she looked at him with wide, frightened eyes.
"Y-yeah, yeah, of course. Everything is completely and totally fine. Why wouldn't it be? I'm working with my absolute best friend in the entire world who happens to be none other than Steve "the Hair" Harrington. Hey, don't you think it's funny that your nickname also matches your last name? Because I do. I think it's absolutely hilarious, actually. Even though it's not spelled the same as the type of hair that's on your head, it still makes for a really funny thing. God, it's really hot in here. It's making my head spin. Is your head spinning, Stevie? Because mine is."
"Robin," Steve interrupted, placing his hands on his friend's shoulders. "Breathe with me. In, and out. In, and out," he instructed, exaggerating his own breathing until Robin's breaths were slowing down and matching his. "There ya go. Nice and easy."
"Thanks," she whispered, pressing her forehead against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him tight.
"You're welcome," he replied, hugging her just as tight. "Want to tell me what that was all about?" Steve questioned as they pulled apart, looking at her expectantly.
"Not particularly, no," she said, slender fingers instantly going to twist her rings around and around and around.
"You know you can tell me anything," Steve insisted, staring directly into Robin's eyes to prove he was serious, his frown returning when Robin tore her eyes away from his own.
"Promise you won't get mad? That you'll let me explain?" she asked, and Steve absolutely hated how her voice trembled.
"I promise Robbie, I swear it."
Robin inhaled sharply, steeling herself before meeting his concerned gaze. "I'm dating Nancy."
She flinched away from Steve as though she was expecting him to hit her. What she didn't expect was for Steve to brace himself on the counter, in absolute tears due to how hard he was laughing.
"You! A-and Nancy!" he spluttered, gasping for air as he continued to chuckle. "That's a good one. Really, that was fantastic. Oh, you just made my day."
Robin scowled, hands on her hips as she sent a death glare his way. "I'm being serious, you asshole."
Steve looked up at Robin, his amusement fading into confusion. "You're serious?"
"Yes, dingus. I'm serious. Nancy and I have been together for a few weeks now. I've been dying to tell you but I didn't know how to. I know you guys hurt one another and you're slowly becoming friends again and I didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that but God, Steve, Nancy is absolutely amazing. She's passionate and brilliant and kind and a badass and cares so deeply even though she's been so badly hurt in the past and she doesn't even—"
"You and Nancy?!" Steve exclaimed, his voice rising in pitch. "You and Nancy Wheeler?! The very same Nancy Wheeler you declared was a priss in the bathroom at Starcourt?! The Nancy Wheeler you know tore my heart up before stomping on it?! Nancy Wheeler, Mike's older sister Nancy Wheeler?!"
"Yes Steve, that Nancy Wheeler!" Robin shouted back in exasperation. "Do you know another badass woman named Nancy Wheeler?!"
Steve's mouth flailed open and shut as he tried to come up with a response.
Robin softened as she took notice of how confused and hurt Steve was. "I never meant to hurt you, Stevie. That's why I'm telling you. I'm just a girl whose in love with another girl who happens to be your ex. That's all."
"That's all?" Steve repeated sarcastically, venom dripping off every word. "Robin, you know what she did to me. You know how much she hurt me and how devastated I was. Hell, you were the one to comfort me when I would get down on myself about our relationship and talked me out of calling her like the drunken idiot we both know I can be! Was that all just some ploy to keep me from her so you could have her all to yourself?!"
Robin narrowed her eyes at her friend, ignoring the tears that were beginning to gather due to Steve's accusation. "No, Steve, it's nothing like that. I fell for Nancy because of who she is, not because it would hurt you. That's the whole reason I wanted to talk to you. I didn't want to keep this from you any longer because I knew you would react like this!"
"Like what?!"
"Like this! Accusing me of shit you know I would never do! You're my best friend, Steve James Harrington, and I would never do anything that would jeopardize our friendship!"
"Well you did, Robin! Out of all the girls in Hawkins to date, you chose Nancy!"
"You know that I have to be careful and that I actually don't have many options in this small, homophobic, bumfuck of a town," Robin growled, practically nose to nose with Steve.
"Well it's not my fault that it's unnatural, now is it?"
Both of them froze in place as soon as the question dropped from his lips, Robin heartbroken and in disbelief while Steve was horrified and shocked.
"Rob, I—"
"Fuck you, Steve," she spat, ripping her Family Video vest off her person and slamming it onto the counter, enjoying how it made Steve flinch.
Steve faltered as he reached out for Robin, the devastation and resignation in her eyes breaking his heart more than Nancy ever did.
"You are the one person I trusted," Robin said, swallowing past the lump in her throat. "I never thought in a million years that you of all people would be the one I trusted with that part of myself, because you were an absolute douchebag in high school. But you managed to get me to open up to you and despite all of my instincts telling me not to, I did. I trusted you because you weren't King Steve anymore, but clearly I was wrong. You haven't changed, and you never will."
With that, Robin rushed past Steve and out the door. She ran straight to Steve's car, grabbed her bike out of the trunk, and pedaled as hard and as fast as she could, ignoring Steve's desperate calls for her to come back. She paid no attention to the tears streaming down her face. There was only one thing on her mind.
She needed to get to Nancy.
Nancy wasn't sure how much time had passed since Robin had broken down in her arms. All she knew was that something had to have gone terribly wrong between Robin and Steve for her girlfriend to be so inconsolable and so obviously crushed.
"I've got you Robin, I promise. I'm here for you, whatever you need," Nancy vowed quietly so as not to further overwhelm her girlfriend.
"Thank you," Robin replied, her voice even raspier than normal.
"There's no need to thank me," the journalist said, smiling down at the the younger teen.
"I got snot all over your favorite shirt," Robin mumbled, a small grin appearing as Nancy chuckled.
"You're more important than a shirt, Robin."
"Mmhmm," she agreed through a yawn, snuggling closer to Nancy.
Nancy simply held her girlfriend tighter, running a hand through Robin's hair to help soothe her to sleep. "I love you, Robin."
"Love you too, Nance," she said, looking at the curly-haired brunette with half-lidded eyes.
"I'll be here when you wake," Nancy assured her, absolutely melting when Robin promptly closed her eyes and dozed off within minutes.
While she wasn't sure about the specifics of what went down between the two friends, she was sure about one thing.
Steve Harrington was a dead man.
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
something something hercules (1997) au but make it ronance
there’s robin, who always felt like an outcast and a klutz, even when her parents reassured her that she was perfect just the way she was. not that the people at the market place would agree - they only saw her as a nuisance who made a mess with every step she took. 
it’s not until she throws a discus with a little too much force and it causes the entire market place building to tumble into pieces, that her parents sit her down and tell her that they found her as a baby of just a couple months old, all alone in the rain with nothing but a blanket and a golden medallion on her neck. a medallion that clearly belonged to the gods. they raised her as their own, but deep down, robin’s parents always knew that she belonged some place else.
determined to find out where she came from, robin sets out on a journey to the temple of the gods, where she finds out that she is actually a demi-god and if she wants to join her family on mount olympus, she has to become a true hero herself. the gods send her on her way to an island where a recluse, former hero is supposed to reside. 
he’ll train you to become a true hero, they said, but they left out the part where recluse-former-hero steve doesn’t want anything to do with heroes anymore. not when he had fallen from grace, lost his reputation and everyone laughed at him like he was some kind of joke. but there’s something about robin that gets under his skin and despite his general bitchiness, steve agrees to train robin into becoming the hero she’s destined to be. 
steve doesn’t take it easy on her. they’re up at the crack of dawn every day and don’t stop the exercises until the sun goes down. but despite the strict training schedule and robin’s weird running, she succeeds to conquer even the toughest challenges that steve puts out for her. and hey, if she bulks up in the meantime, that’s only a perk.
once steve deems her ready, the two of them set off in the direction of a nearby city, only to pass a river where the river guardian seems to have taken a hold of a woman in distress. robin sees this as her chance to put all her training into action and storms towards the river, ignoring steve’s protests. but neither the river guardian or the woman in distress seem to be very impressed by her and robin can feel her heart sink for just a moment. but she regains herself quickly and within a few minutes, robin throws the the river guardian against a nearby rock formation and knocks him unconscious.
but there’s not much time to gloat or enjoy her victory, because there was still that damsel in distress that she needs to take care of and oh- oh wow. she’s gorgeous. robin can hear herself rambling when the woman introduces herself as nancy and her face flushes bright red when nancy grins at her and calls her ‘wonder girl’. but before robin can offer her any more help - not that nancy seemed to need it - nancy waves her goodbye and disappears within the forest.
little does robin know that nancy is not all that she seems. that she traded her soul to the god of the underworld to save her best friend barb from dying, only for hades to trick her and have barb die only a few weeks later. and now nancy’s stuck being hades’ lackey, the same hades who has had his eyes set on robin ever since he had learned she would be the to defeat him one day. 
after defeating the hydra sent to torture the people of thebes by hades, robin’s heroism sky-rockets to fame and with every other monster she slays, her star seems to rise more and more. she doesn’t really know what to do with all the attention, all the people that used to turn their backs to her suddenly seem to love her. she didn’t really sign up for all of this. she just wanted to be with her family, to know where she came from and now she’s posing for a portrait? what has her life become?
all that robin wants is a break, just a day off, but steve doesn’t seem to listen to her. he’s too busy planning yet another one of robin’s appearances and making sure she stays in shape if the next monster arrives. robin’s this close to giving up, especially when the gods don’t seem to think that she’s a true hero, when nancy shows up and convinces her to play hooky for the day.
nancy’s just as beautiful and smart and amazing as robin remembers her being and she just knows that nancy is special. she can feel it in the way her skin starts to tingle when nancy grabs her hand and drags her to another market stall to look at jewelry. she can feel it in the way a blush covers her cheeks when she makes nancy laugh. she can even feel it in the way that nancy looks at her and robin decides then and there to never let nancy go.
sure, it’s weird when nancy suddenly starts talking about weak ankles and asking her a million questions about weaknesses, but maybe that’s just nancy’s way of flirting, who knows? all that robin knows is that nancy’s face turns the most beautiful shade of pink when they kiss good night and that nothing can get in their way.
well, except for a certain god of the underworld.
you see, hades showed up just moments after nancy realized that, despite trying her very best to avoid it, she actually has feelings for robin. and since hades still holds her soul in his hands, nancy has no choice but to cooperate with his plan, which is exactly when steve just happens to walk by. 
steve tries to warn robin about nancy but robin won’t listen to him. he tries and he tries until robin just snaps and pushes him away, which with her demi-god strength, causes steve to fly across the field. the regret is instant, but even though robin tries to make things right, she watches steve turn his back towards her and disappear into the night.
whatever. she doesn’t need steve. she knows what to do, how to train, plus she’s got nancy now. steve’s probably just jealous that she’s got her life together and he has turned into her number two. 
except, she really needs steve by her side when hades suddenly shows up and starts rambling about some plan of his and her not using her strength for a full day. robin tries to wave him off, but when nancy suddenly appears out of nowhere, her limbs bound in rings of smoke, she has no choice but to agree with hades’ terms. 
as long as nancy stays safe from harm.
her strength being taken away feels... weird. robin knows this is how everyone else is supposed to feel but she feels so weak, like a gust of air could knock her over. or you know, when hades reveals that nancy has been working for him all along. but robin doesn’t even have the energy to be upset about it, no matter how many times nancy tries to apologize, there’s an actual cyclops roaming the streets and robin’ll be damned if more innocent people get hurt. 
of course, without her demi-god strength, robin doesn’t really stand a chance against this titan, not even when nancy manages to convince steve to come back and help robin fight. even though her strength is gone, robin still has her wits and with a little help of some fire and a rope, she sends the titan to a plummeting death. 
but as she does so, the shock of the titan hitting the ground knocks over a pillar. a pillar that supposed to hit her, if it wasn’t for nancy pushing her aside. but while robin survives, the pillar crushes nancy instantly and robin can feel the blood drain from her face. no, no, no, this can’t be happening. she sprints towards nancy with all the energy she has left and despite knowing better, she tries to lift up the pillar.
which is surprisingly easy now that her demi-god strength returns to her as she remembers her deal with hades - as long as nancy stays safe from harm. tears fill robin’s eyes as she tries to make sense of nancy’s actions, only for nancy to cup her face gently and smile when she says, people do crazy things when they’re in love. 
before nancy’s words can even register in her brain, nancy urges robin to stop hades before it’s too late and with her sword drawn, robin rushes to mount olympus. the battle is rough, with tornados and lava and ice coming her way but together with the other gods, robin is victorious. she expects hades to look defeated, but he looks way too happy when he says he’s got an old friend who’s just dying to see him.
robin’s heart sinks to the floor as she realizes who hades could be talking about. she runs as fast as her legs will carry her, but when she returns to the scene and sees steve looking at her with those big, sad eyes of his, she knows it’s too late. 
she holds nancy’s lifeless body in her arms, trying to will away the tears that are running down her cheeks, when she suddenly has an idea. it’s a dumb idea, a very stupid and reckless idea, but what does she have to lose? steve tries to hold her back, his eyes filled with tears as well, but robin knows she has to do it. there’s no other way.
the underworld is grey and, obviously, devoid of any life but even though it creeps her out, robin demands to be taken to see nancy. she’s led to a maelstrom of souls and her eyes immediately land on nancy’s soul, floating away into darkness. but as she tries to reach for her, robin’s hands turn into bones. hades grins and tells her there’s no way to get nancy back, but robin has other plans. 
she agrees on a deal with hades - nancy’s soul for her own - and as soon as he shakes her hand on it, robin dives into the maelstrom. she has to beat off other souls who cling onto her, desperate to return to the land of the living, and she feels the life being sucked out of her as she swims deeper and deeper. she doesn’t care about any of that, nancy deserves to live, no matter what.
just when the fates are about to cut her thread of life and end her life right then and there, robin feels something happening to her body. all the life that had been drained out of her suddenly returns in ten fold and as she holds nancy’s soul in her arms, she glows. she glows like a god.
after kicking hades’ ass into the maelstrom of souls, robin rushes back to where steve is guarding nancy’s lifeless body. she carefully lays down nancy’s soul and waits with bated breath until the color returns to nancy’s face. tears roll down robin’s face for the second time that day but this time, they are tears of joy when nancy opens her eyes and smiles at her, alive and well. robin scoops her up in her arms and kisses her until they both have to pull away from air (or, you know, when steve clears his throat when it takes them a moment too long to part). 
and when the gods invite her to join mount olympus, now that’s she an actual god and all, robin shakes her head and tells them no. she already found a place where she belongs, and it’s right here. right next to nancy and steve.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
tw: internalized homophobia dedicated to @figthefruitfaeth bc zoey and i were talking abt comp het and femme4butch nancy and then this was born.
Something is wrong with Nancy.
This was her third failed date since her breakup with Jonathan.
She doesn’t know what it is, why this was her third failed date. Nancy doesn’t do failed dates, much less three of them within the span of a few weeks. She’s not gonna call him—James or Jasper or whatever his name was—the date was awkward and suffocating and Nancy really just wanted to leave, but, manners and all that. To make things worse, Nancy just, couldn’t find him attractive. It felt like a pity date on his part, mostly. And to make things worse, they had absolutely nothing in common. He kept talking about what he expects from a woman; a stay at home wife and kids and everything that Nancy detested. Everything she actively wanted to avoid.
At least her and Jonathan had shared trauma, and a genuine connection—even if it was as just friends.
That’s why they’d broken up, actually. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him, she did! She loved him more than she ever thought about loving Steve, but it wasn’t in the way that she knew he ought to be loved; he deserved better than that. She couldn’t love him more than that. There was something wrong with her.
She just doesn’t know what.
Nancy sighs, rubbing her face and staring back at the ceiling. The ceiling stares back, and Nancy knows, despite the downpour outside, that she will not be sleeping tonight. At least, not for a little while, anyway.
She tosses to one side, arm curled under the pillow, now staring at her bubblegum pink walls, and recalls the events of all three failed dates, trying to see where they all went wrong. And all three come back the same; Nancy just... didn’t like them.
If she’s honest, she would’ve rather spent time with Robin at Family Video, unofficially stocking tapes and goofing off, making a ranking list of best to worst Molly Ringwald movies. Or listening to Robin ramble about whatever book she’s reading, or about her nerves for college.
Now that she thinks about it, she doesn’t even know why she went on those dates in the first place.
That’s a lie. She does know why. She needed a distraction. A distraction from a certain dirty blonde who works at the video store.
Nancy doesn’t know why she can’t stop thinking about Robin. She should be thinking about Jeremiah or Jacob or whoever the hell she saw tonight, but, no matter what, she keeps going back to Robin.
Her and Robin’s friendship had come easy after spring break. Both of them too afraid to be alone for too long, and Nancy specifically, wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen to Robin. She almost lost her in the Upside Down and she was not going to lose another person to that godforsaken place.
And maybe that’s why Nancy can’t stop thinking about Robin, because she reminded Nancy so much of Barbara. Down to Robin’s nerdy little interests, so close to Barb’s own nerdy interests—stuff that Barb was always so passionate about that Nancy always wanted to listen to her. Couldn’t help but listen to her. Nancy was never sure what it was with Barb, why she always felt this magnetic air around her, an electricity that Nancy constantly tried to ignore when Barb would accidentally brush her pinkie walking side by side in the hallways. She always wanted to be around Barb, and she could never figure out why.
Why Nancy loved it when she made Barb laugh with her stupid jokes; why she thought seeing Barb smile—she could be a little serious, much more serious than Nancy, so making Barb smile was usually the highlight of Nancy’s day—was like winning the lottery. Why their sleepovers always ended with Nancy curled up into Barb’s side, trying to get warm, and an arm slung over her waist, pulling her closer.
Why her death destroyed Nancy. A mourning that sometimes, Nancy never thinks she'll get over. What happens when you don’t know where to put all of that grief? Where does it go?
Nancy huffs, turning to the other side, where bubblegum walls and Tom Cruise stare back at her, still wide awake.
It was nice to have another friend, too, one that she could call in the middle of the night and talk about anything—everything—and feel like she’s got a real friend again. A best friend, even. She’s not a replacement for Barb by any means--nobody could replace her, but it is nice to have someone to talk to again. Someone who shares her love for stupid little jokes and who never fails to make Nancy laugh, even when she doesn’t want to. Someone who Nancy feels drawn to; this warm, giddy feeling inside when Nancy hangs out with her.
Thinking about Robin now—her laugh, her eyes, her hands—the feeling returns, taking root and blossoming inside of her, warming her inside and out, making her face flush and her stomach flip. Nancy can’t help but smile softly into the darkness.
Isn’t that how she was supposed to feel about Jack? That fluttery nervous feeling?
Wasn’t that how she was supposed to feel about Steve? And Jonathan? And the other two guys she went on a date with?
What was wrong with her?
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