#ryan ur doing great sweetie
bergoozter · 11 months
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strawbs-screaming · 9 months
☆ how the boxers react to being flirted with ☆
Sorry for dissapearing (again), i was busy damaging my hearing, enjoy my woobification teehee
Glass Joe
- Really depends on how you flirt with him, if its poetic or really straightforward hes gonna turn into a tomato
- hes not giggling, its just your imagination nuh uh
- he def rolls in bed like a rotisserie chicken while thinking about ur pick up line
- hes gonna try to flirt back until its just a competition of who blushes the hardest
Von Kaiser
- actual jaw drop from him, the more poetic the better
- in shock, his brain literally turns off
- has to check his pulse because GODDAMN his heart is beating harder than usual (You may have a heart palpitation, kaiser)
- you live rent free in his head now congratulations
Disco Kid
- right back at you, if youre a bit too straightforward he may need to tell you to slow down
- youre getting a response IMMEDIATLY. And i mean it, fresh out of the oven, thrown at you with some sprinkles on top
- giggling while he calls you cute names like sweetie, honey, baby etc etc
King Hippo
- he laughs it off while making it clear hes not into you or anyone
- flattered though, appreciates the fact that you were willing to go out of your way to approach him
- if he was not aroace or only ace, he'd just smile, the more poetic you go with him the better you have chance of making him go red
Piston Hondo
- hes suddenly cosplaying a cherry
- loves poetic rizz, will definitely go back at you until both of your flirting attempts sound like two lovers mailing each other in opposite sides of the world while one is at war
- if youre straightforward he just gets flabbergasted, like what do you mean there isnt a build up for it with 20 poems inbetween??
- cant focus rest of the day, hes internally screaming off a mountain
- the sight of you just makes his ability to focus evaporate
- draws and/or writes about you rest of the day
Great Tiger
- if you use something clever you can get a small blush out of him
- if you're the type to go for poetic lines youre gonna need to call 911 because his soul literally vanishes from existence, tiger dont go into the light stay with us PLEASE
- has to have his clones give him flirting advice because his flirting skills are not there (like 80% of my hearing)
- his flirting attempts are just "damn, are you a construction worker?, because you are a building." no matter how much he tries
Bear Hugger
- he makes his reactions clear, literally emotes while you flirt with him
- if youre poetic or straightforward he literally just says "woah"
- he just turns into that one cartoon wolf im not kidding, literal "ohh mama hubba hubba" from this man
- his flirting style is very straightforward, not "hey babygirl" type but "youre so pretty i would leave all my belongings and change my identity if it ment i could hold your hand" type, do you understand??
Don Flamenco
- replies 1.2 seconds after you, he needs to have the last word here (or last rizz in this case)
- literal mirror, the more more straightforward & atrocious your lines are the more straightforward his are going to be until it devolves into both of you sounding down bad, when they go low, he goes lowER
- poetic lines makes him have a heart attack
- its actually possible to fluster him
- unironically says babygirl to anyone hes flirting with when approaching, it doesnt matter how tall, strong or flirty you are, your gender doesnt matter, he can and will call you babygirl, its a gender neutral term for him, corners you while doing it
Aran Ryan
- evil cackling, if you put a organ over his laugh you suddenly get a scooby doo villain, he sounds less like hes flustered and more like hes about to detonate a nuclear bomb
- unhinged lines, ends up getting restraining orders thrown at him
- brings things he finds cool to flirt, ranging from flowers to rocks (he was a evil crow in a past life trust me his left eyebrow told me)
- cartwheels away
Soda Popinski
- maniacal giggling, even if its not THAT good & ridiculously straightforward
- his pick up lines unintentionally sound like god tier shitposts & end up working somehow
- corners you (in the romantic way) if you're really direct
- has the silliest giggle when flustered, literal "hehe" coming from this man that could snap you in half if he wanted to
Bald Bull
- you think the others are bad at handling flirting?? Then you havent seen bald bull because OH MY GOD HES ABOUT TO LITERALLY FLY OFF THE EARTH
- hes actually fairly difficult to fluster but once you find his weak spot hes gone from there
- cannot flirt back, blurts something dumb out like "sorry im all red pretty people make me nauseous"
- he literally goes (> - <) when blushing & covers his face with his hands
- the more direct you are the closer he gets to passing out
- stutters a lot (omg y/n is that you)
- Bull, this is bottom behavior
- people use the most unhinged pick up lines on him, someone once told him "let me milk you."
- his hands automatically go 👉👈 if hes too flustered
Super Macho Man
- Stop boosting his ego please, he may be flustered but youre kinda enabling him
- dumbest pick up lines
- also another unironic "hey babygirl" user
- if he doesnt know what to do he just throws money & valuables, 5000 dollars be upon ye
Mr Sandman
- oh my god he has the sweetest smile ever (if you dont go too straightforward), he doesnt blush a whole lot but he just chuckles a bit
- if youre direct, his jaw also drops like huh??
- his weak spots are poems & small gifts
- a little bit dense but once he gets it he smiles like crazy
- giggling kicking his feet whenever he remembers that
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I just wanted to say Ryan Corr liked my tweet to him on Twitter. I can freak out about it on here. But there were people relying like omg he liked it ….. uhm yes but I don’t want him to know I’m crazy for him LMAO. For the slim delusional chance. So I was just like yes he’s such a sweetie. Not OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG he rarely ever likes tweets where people at him I’m forever blessed. I sent him a DM talking about the synergy I see within his work. Idk I feel like you can tell an actor about their work but I doubt he would ever see that. Felt nice to say tho. He’s genuinely one the best actors I’ve come across in a long time. I almost NEVER simp for celebrities causes you know …. But idk he just feels so very normal to me. Like you could actually have a convo with him. And he seems so genuinely sweet. Doesn’t help that his eyes glisten LIKE BRUH UR PERFECT. I really need his career to get bigger I saw an interview he did where he said he might be taking a break from acting to direct which is great but I feel like his career as an actor could still be bigger he truly has the range to do it all. From the bit of his works I’ve seen he has actual talent. I haven’t seen true talent from an actor in so long. I’m honestly captivated I haven’t simped like this in a decade so that’s saying a lot. Ugh I just want so much more for him!!
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korezlee · 5 years
Listening to Ryan trying to come up with stuff to talk about on the podcast while Matt does his laundry was like watching a lost puppy trying to figure out how his doggy door works
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 // the velvet masque
this ep is sept 9 bc victoria bursts in the next day bc of the coins and thats the day they do the seancé which is the night of sept 10 (which they keep referencing at the asylum and w bashiir)
completely unwarranted this is my lil update for all who didnt know, dead lucy and alive lucy are played by 2 different people k thx bi 💙🙏🏻
-"way to be literal lucy" SHE IS BEING LITERAL THO LMFAOOOO
-"what do you do when the dead stop talking to you?" maybe shes busy bitch. shes got tons of hauntings scheduled and people attempting to seancé her and shit. u cant hog her all the time just cause she's ur mom
-"its a first date bess not a parliamentary hearing" this and the whole date scene is so cringe 😂
-"what do we know about the velvet masque" nancy uses the crew's collective pool of knowledge available/working together but still unwilling to trust others; nancy wants to get answers at any cost but answers don't mean friends. *maybe sometimes she needs the endorsement of others to move forward in certain times (ie "use me" to lisbeth after owens death)? idk feel free to debate that w me but nancy really takes advantage of having everyone help her for someone who says they work alone
-"i've been following him around"/"i've been studying every word looking for clues" nick is terrible at mysteries/snooping and has to go to nancy for help which nancy knows --> "we're here to steal the coins"/"you're gonna get kicked out" like when he talks about stalking owen shes laughing at him so much lmaooo but nancy is NOT book smart, she is street smart, and highly logical - she predicts human behavior scientifically, not socially
-"good cheekbones" owen lmfaoooooo
-so in the first ep nancy breaks into ryans house and this ep ryan breaks into hers right back 😂
-"take me to the velvet masque" so now ryan takes lucy and nancy, but he hesitates for nancy after what happened to lucy --> trying to stop her going in and then lucy appearing trying to warn nancy about ryan/the "bad thing" (celia) but lucy still kinda blames ryan for that one
-HOW does bess manage to make a white t-shirt and jeans look sooooooo good
-"so go help that person!" GEORGE lmfaooo
-"are we good?" ohhhh nancy. read the room sweetie. (she cant i know she cant)
-wonder if this poor guy w the chocolates sees nick and george across from him and thinks of himself and victoria lmaoooo
-"he must not know the whole story" ryan is always kept in the dark about everything, all the time which is ironic af bc nancy is always after knowledge at any price
-interesting that ryan only really "sees" lucy fully (at first) in nancys house
-ryan's foreshadowing: "if anything happens to you, you're not my responsibility" / "everett should have thought of that before he kicked me out of the family" / "your father is trying to teach you a lesson" by everett rejecting lucy and therefore nancy, ryan's little family was kicked out 20 years ago and ryan now completes the circle (this goes w his "steering ship" comments from the dinner ep)
-so honestly, how are the crew standing out so badly at this event?? its fucking dark and most people wear masks. is it that bloodhound rich nose that can smell a fake chanel a mile away? curious.
-owen + nancy / shades of blue (destined to be melancholy)
-sooooo nancy and owen's age difference. owen was 5 in 1999 and nancy was born in 2000 soooo hes only 5ish years older than her. so 19 and 26. (for reference ryan was 17/18 in 1999 and is now 37/38, and tiffany was 28 as laura said, and george is equal to nancy.) 🤷🏼‍♀️i honestly kinda love owen/nancy fight me on it.
-"please tell me you're not here to steal the coins" foreshdowing s2 "i have been trying to warn you all day"
-lucy was a creative writing hoe, we would've vibed so hard tbh
-BESS your gay ass just tanked the mission 😂
-"Luce?" 🥺😔
-damn lucy can't decide if she likes him or hates him 😂
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: "i had this one good thing in my life and i ruined it" i think men genuinely feel like this a LOT. living in the past, bringing it w them to the present, thinking they only had it good way back when. something about never reclaiming former glory/kinda tox masc but a lot of emotion in it too. like goodness in the present is unattainable. i mean ryan is like 38 so that midlife crisis tho? 😕
-"...carson drew." ryan and nancy almost share their looks of despair as they realize that carson is involved / makes me think of s2 ending when nancy says ryan "could use a dad" or something
-"looks like i missed some things" as always nancy lmfaoooo like. "what we were looking for?" no sis. no honey. not at fucking all. 🤦🏼‍♀️
-either owen fell in love with nancy at first sight or he pounced on her real quick at that gala bc damn 👀
-bess and lisbeth are the cutest 😭💙🙈
and lastly
-"my heart belongs to a certain mechanic with very good cheekbones" honestly sis why would you say it like that?? that word choice and phrasing leaves me all off. like what a combination tease to owen and backhanded compliment to nick all in one
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (4/27/21)
Hi lovelies! I’ve been getting A LOT of requests over the past few days. That means some of you are not going to see your requests for a WHILE, like maybe June. POSSIBLY July, I’m not sure but I have been getting just a ton. Here are the anonymous ones I need to talk about.
First of all, I got a caption for a Selena Gomez Diapers caption that I deleted. I don’t judge people for their kinks but ABDL and other diaper captions are NOT my kink so I don’t write anything like that on this blog.
Anonymous said:
This might be an oldy but could u do one of Rue mclanahan from golden girls shes blanche just like the thought thank u also love ur captions
Sorry sweetie but I’ve never watched “Golden Girls” so I don’t know who that is. :(
Anonymous said:
Could u do a caption about 2 brothers who are always fighting until their only sister moves out and their mom misses having a daughter so she turns them into Aly & aj michalka and if u can could u name the one thats aly Ry or ryan and the one thats aj alec. Little personal touch thank u so much for all that u do
I’ll do something like this but I might tweak it a little. When it comes to family members in caption I usually only have sisters feminize brothers, otherwise I make them step-family just for personal reasons. So it may be a stepmom, they may be stepbrothers, something like that. Hope that’s ok.
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Anonymous said:
Not sure if youve ever seen the OC or not but if you have could you do a caption for malinda clarke she plays Julie cooper-nickel just a stuck up basic Cali rich lady. Much appreciated
Sorry sweetie, never saw “The OC” so idk who that is. :(
Anonymous said:
Hi I actually have 3 u may have done them before but if u can thatd be great. 1 Natalie Portman (V for vendetta ) the little girl outfit with the pigtails I was thinking like a lost bet. 2 P!nk (beautiful trauma) the house wife look is so good.  3 Elizabeth olsen (wandavision) when shes in the bed wearing her costume like a morning after thing.  Thats all like I said if u can thank u love ur captions
I have actually written two of these already! The Natalie Portman one is called “Curtsey” and the P!nk one is called “Love at First Sight”. That Elizabeth Olsen one is a super hot look so I’ll totally do it. :)
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Anonymous said:
Just gotta say I love your Marina diamond caption whenever you get the chance cuz I'm sure youre busy if you could do another one of her that be great I dont have anythimg specific in mind but if you could, could you make it a "yes momma" caption i love those. Thank you for all you do
I can do a Mariana Diamandis caption but it won’t be a “Yes Momma” caption. There are two reasons for that. 1) I don’t write those, @stoat-hypercube​ does. And 2) We only use pictures of celebrities who have been on the “Ew” segment from Jimmy Fallon and Mariana has never been on Fallon. But you’ll still get a Mariana cap! Hope you like it. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi im the on who requested Lea Michele as bad sandy you said you found it just wanted to make sure its the right one cuz she dressed as her twice in the show the one I would like is her from the episode "Hairography" theres another episode titled "glease" where she is also bad sandy but personally I like her hair in the first one better hope that clears it up thanks
Ooooohhhh, fund it! Thanks hon. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello one of my fav captions of urs is the choose your destiny of hair dye and the salon one was wondering if u could do one like that again like you choose what hairstyle u want or something?
It’s SO funny you said that because my next game is actually related to hairstyles. It’s kind of a unique format, close to something I’ve done before but not EXACTLY like it. Right now the plan is to post it on May 9th. Hope you like it.
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Okay here goes I’m gonna comment on this episode
Nerdy 13 loving the kerblam man is everything
Damn I’m so attracted to Jodie
I need more thasmin ASAP
Aw 13 would have totally got on the conveyor if they hadn’t told her no and her reaction to that is gold
13 looking at Kira aw
AYYY protective team TARDIS
I love graham what a sweetie
awww cuties Charlie u softie
Ahahaha “last month”
“Laters” OMG
omg Ryan and yaz are a TEAMMM
OK I’m really not liking the power drains
Oh great a complete blackout
PROTECTIVE 13 OF YAZ omg my heart
I’m living for the ‘system’ metaphor lol
AW Charlie
Aw Ryan you genius
Aw yesss I love a bit of action
Ugh why to Ryan and yaz get a hand hold before thasmin do this is not ok
aw twirly ily you’re my favourite robot
Ohhhhhhhh the system sent the message wtf
Concerned 13 - obviously about yaz
Oooh the paralysis move again yas doctor
I’m loving the score Segun did good wow this music is GOOD
OK I definitely have changed my mind about Charlie boy
YAZ’S SMILE WOW I would die for u
The way Thirteen looks at Yaz wow that’s gay wow they’re gay look at them
Graham don’t pop the bubble wrap u dumb dumb
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jiflat · 6 years
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while my writing blog exploded, i realized i hit 300 on this blog! i haven’t been very active on this blog for a long time, and it’s just been a few months since i’ve started using it again, complete with a revamp. i’ve had this blog for years, and this is the first time i’ve ever really enjoyed coming on here, and it’s all thanks to the lovely friends i’ve made over the last few months. 
whether you came from my writing blog, or we just found each other on here, i want to thank you personally for making my experience on tumblr so much better ;; i know not all of my mutuals are on here but i was thinking of people i’ve spoken to because i’m shy and all but i hope to keep this going and to be able to make more friends on here :’) all of you, whether on this list or not, please stay in my life for a long time, and always be happy and healthy!
@regal-kleio: you’re my best friend so you automatically end up in this list no matter what. i love you bitch i ain’t gonna stop loving you bitch :’) thanks for putting up with all my fangirling and letting me ruin your dashboard’s aesthetic with a bunch of seventeen posts and my writing ily forever and always xoxo stay hydrated say hi to mags for me
@ccarats: my sweetie pie, angel bb whom i can’t remember life without anymore. i don’t know what i did to deserve this kind of wonderful friendship but i’m so honored to be in the soft trio with you. and to think this all started over a bad meme about how much seungcheol trash we are :’) it’s been such an honor to watch you as a writer in the last few months, and even more of an honor to get to know you and become your friend and get to scream with you about nonsense and i’M SO HAPPY TO HAVE A NIGHT OWL BUDDY WOW. i wish i could really put into words how much you brighten up my day but i guess this lil post will suffice for now. i loves youuuuu please stay in my life for a very long time thank you~<333
@fallingforcheol: my angel baby sweetie, whom i also can’t remember life without anymore. you’re such an angel??? how did i manage to snag such a friend??? wow. amazing. you’re so talented and so kind and perfect, i wonder if you ever get exhausted :’) but honestly i’ve been so happy and honored to be your friend and you make my days so much better. soft trio wouldn’t be the same without you babes our adorable fearless force. god how do i even do this you’re just perfect okay thank you for being my friend and for everything you do for me i can’t repay it back but you is stuck with me anyways bish. i loves you so much i can’t wait to cheer you on through all the cute boys you’ll encounter in college bb so pls stay in my life for a very long time i don’t know what to do without the soft trio anymore okay ily <33
@queerjunhui: MI AMIGA PRECIOSA HERMOSA LUZ DE MI VIDA thank you so much for always being so supportive and kind and lovely and just overall a perfect human???? i’ve done absolutely nothing to deserve you but you’re stuck with me kid you’re too angelic for me to not ever appreciate having you in my life now :’) i hope you always feel how absolutely loved and appreciated you are, especially amongst the content creator community because i know for a fact you keep a lot of us going and we wouldn’t be nearly as happy to do what we do with you specifically. ily bb~
@aigremoine: listen even though you torture me on the daily with jihoon, my life is so much brighter because of you and your incredible writing. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT A WORLD WITHOUT VEE IS LIKE ANYMORE OKAY I JUST APPRECIATE YOU AND YOU’RE SO WONDERFULLY TALENTED AND I WANT THE ENTIRE WORLD TO KNOW THAT YOU’RE THE BEST.
@boosoonhao: i’m still in awe that we’re mutuals tbh you’re like. a goddess? wow. amazing. truly. thank you for being my friend and for putting up with my soonyoung attacks :’) you’re such a wonderful writer and i am so constantly in awe at all of your ideas and work that i can’t believe you’re really out here blessing us with free content wow. amazing. you’re also so cool????? like wow shit i am so in awe. also whenever you shout out my writing blog i literally have to stop and blink away tears idk what i did to deserve you tbh. also i owe you a huge thanks for inviting me into the gc??? i’m so honored and thankful. ily aj!!! thank you for being such a wonderful human!
@sha-writes: what is my life without sha??? not relevant, probably. you’re so ashdjakshdka. and i’m just like. i’m really in a groupchat with the sha??? amazing. truly. you’re so kind and talented and i just want you to know i am always here to fangirl over your work and also really happy that i get to talk to someone like you :’) please continue to bless my dashboard and my life plsnthanku
@kingyu97: fee!!! my soccer buddy whom i adore more than i know how to put into words??? we don’t talk as much as i wish we did but you’re always so kind and great and funny and i love that i got to meet you and I’M SO GLAD I HAD SOMEONE TO YELL ABOUT THE WORLD CUP WITH HONESTLY. but anyways please keep blessing us with your incredible talent and please keep blessing me with ur friendship i can’t ask for much more than that :’)
@wonusbookshoppe: CJ!!! you sweet, sweet, adorable human whom i adore so much wow. every time you talk to me my heart is like T-T<333333333 honestly i just have so much respect for you as a writer and as a person and i love the fact that we’ve become friends and i hope i get to know you better because you’re just so great and such a bright light in my life rn :’)
@cheolmates: dooly! i connect dooly with angel tbh. you’re so wonderful and kind and i can’t believe we only recently became mutuals. -insert meme about how i’ve only had u for a day but if anything were to happen to u i’d murder everyone in this space- honestly though you’re always so kind and supportive of myself and the soft trio and it makes me tear up every time. literally our gc just holds dooly appreciation moments because you’re so wonderful. i hope we can get to know each other better from now on~ :’)
@justriqht: lauren!! even though we don’t talk much, whenever we do i’m so happy because you’re such a sweet human and you brighten up my day so much :’) please keep writing a lot you’re so incredibly talented and i really appreciate you so so much :’)
@chocojaehyun: most of our interactions happen in the gc but like??? you’re so wonderful???? and incredibly talented??? and i’m like. in awe of your existence??? even if you torture us with the cursed term i still love you so i’m just gonna keep appreciating your very existence for as long as you’ll let me :’)
@forevershua: ryan!!! one of the coolest humans??? you’re amazing and so so funny, i’m always amused whenever i see your comments on the gc hehe. i hope we can get to know each other better!!!
@lowqualityseventeen: shawna the cutest bub thank you for existing?? wow. you’re always so sweet on the gc and you’re so incredibly talented as a writer, i’m really in awe and i lovelovelove reading your stuff :’)
@custardheart: taylor being one of the kindest, sweetest humans alive??? highly likely. i really appreciate your presence in the gc and the interactions we manage to have when it isn’t exploding :’) you always have such kind words and are always so lively and funny and i just adore you so much and i hope we can become better friends~
@virryth: i know most of our chatting happens on my writing blog but listen here, i appreciate our jihoon trash sessions more than i can tell you. you’ve been so kind and supportive and i can’t put into words how much that has meant to me :’) thank you for being such a wonderful human.
@keyboardaegyo: sephie! i know we don’t talk much but the few interactions we do have always brighten up my day, and seeing you on my dashboard in general tbh. you’re so sweet and kind and you’re a really great writer. i really hope we can get to know each other better!
@urijeongcheol: okay i know we don’t talk about but every time we do i’m like !!!! grace!!! a wonderful, adorable, kind human being!!!! i’m so happy we became mutuals and if nothing else, i’m always really glad and happy to see you on my dashboard. i hope we’ll get to talk more often~
@mak-baes: listen i know we only recently started interacting but i already care about you so much okay we need to talk more and i hope that we do in the future! you’re such a great person and a very talented writer :’)
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windchimelove · 6 years
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so i saw IDKHBTFM !!! THEY WERE SO GOOD !!!! i went to the seattle show and gosh, it was amazing. dallon parted the crowd during visitation of the ghost and he alMOST touched my hand but didn’t. i wasn’t able to get a photo with dallon after the show but i got a photo with ryan !! his smile is so bright in real life! we made eye contact a few times during the show, so that was cool. dallon’s eyes are so BLUE in real life, omg.
here’s a step-by-step of the whole thing if you want to bother reading: i got to the venue at 3:45ish, there was already maybe 10-15 people there? i got flowers for them (daffodils for dallon, orange roses for ryan) and wrote them notes, and for a long time i was just sitting in line and waiting. it was cold and i was wearing shorts, but i was okay. i made a couple of friends in the line, one of which i was with during the concert. then they soundchecked, and we all kinda freaked out internally, it was great.
so then this weird ish thing happened: at around 6:30, 30 minutes before the doors were supposed to open, they let a couple of people at the front in. ????wtf ????? i was kinda heated about it, bc when they let those people in, other people who were in the cafe area at the venue rushed in even though they’d only been there for less than an hour. i was pr e s s e d. lmao. but it’s fine, i still got a pretty good place in the crowd.
they opened the doors at 7, we all rushed in, i got a place in about second row right in front of ryan. before the show, omg this tech guy came out and we all shouted “i stan a legend” “yes ur doing amazing sweetie” and “i love you!” and other stuff like that, it was fun. and AHAHAHSH BEFORE THE SHOW EVERYONE WAS AIRDROPPING EAXH OTHER MEMES AND IT WAS SO ICONIC i included a couple of the things people airdropped lol.
so the show, the show was SO AMAZING, reallt, they were so energetic on stage and dallon was talking to the crowd a lot and ryan kept smiling, it was so cute. it went so quickly and i miss it.
i waited outside the door for about 30 minutes with maybe 50-60 other people? it was crowded. then dallon and ryan came out, and gosh, that was so surreal. ryan, after i gave him my flowers, he put them in his mouth so he had a free hand to sign things. i love him so much. then i got a photo with him and gosh he’s the best. and dALLON, after i got a photo with ryan, i pushes myself over to where dallon was, it took a bit but then he turned to me, saw my flowers, and said “are those for me?” and i nodded and he smiled and thanked me and he was so cute. then, somebody who i DIDNT EVEN KNOW, SHOUT-OUT TO THEM THEYRE THE BEST, said “oh, i saw her in line with flowers, she’s been here for a really long time” and dALLON looked me in the eye and said “thank you so much, i appreciate it a lot” or something along those lines. it was magical. then he signed my bookmark because it was the only thing i had. (ryan also signed my bookmark)
it was sucha. surreal experience to actually meet the people i’ve supported and followed for over a year. i mean, i’ve liked this band since bEFORE THEY EXISTED (which is so fun to say ngl) and it was just amazing. i love the boys so much. i wish i could go back all the time, theyre so good live. i love them. i cant WAIT until the next seattle show. 💞💗💕💗💝💖💘
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/8/2021)
Hi lovelies! I just filled up the queue through May but I have a LOT of requests left. So I’m posting the remaining requests below! If you see your request here that means it’ll be posted in June at the earliest. If you don’t see your request it means it’s probably going to be posted in May (although I did delete two messages that weren’t “requests” as much as “demands”, messages that said, “Do this,” or, “Make that,” which I don’t respond to). There are some requests I addressed in a post on April 27th though that won’t be posted until June also so be sure to check that out. Thanks for the support lovelies! Hope you like what’s to cum. ;)
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Anonymous said:
Could u do emma stone from amazing spider man i like her look from the 2nd one but its fine whichever u use
Yep! Second one it is. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi was wondering if you could do a caption of a superhero that is captured by their villain and turned into an evil hench woman thought about anne hathaway as cat woman if you could thanks love your captions btw
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption where a white guy gets turned into Kerry Washington. And becomes addicted to sleeping with black men? I was thinking of using the scene from little man where shes in bed after a night of "doing it". Can that be done or is that too graphic of a description?
I don’t think it’s too graphic? I’ve never seen Little Man (idk what it is tbh) but I googled “Kerry Washington Little Man” & found a pic I think works so I can do this.
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Anonymous said:
I don't remember if I requested this already or not but could you do one of Haley atwell from captain america I was thinking like a super soldier test turns a guy into her but he then finds out that was the plan that the government wanted to make super sissies instead
You did not request it and I can do it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do a caption using Betsy brandt? Shes the aunt from breaking bad incase you didnt know I just think shes beautiful and hope you could do a caption for her idk what about maybe something about milfs thatd be good ig whatever you decide anyways thanks
I DO know who that is! And there have been quite a few MILF requests (as you’ll see) so all you MILF lovers will be happy going forward. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello first off big fan 2nd off im sorry if this is too much but I have abit of a list for ya if u can do these thats great if not its ok just sorry i know its alot.  Emma thompson(saving mr banks)  Sean young, (ace venture)  Rhea Pearlman, ( matilda)  Christina agulara( burlesque)   sigourney weaver, (alien or ghostbusters)   emma stone (cruela)  thank u there will be a part 2
Heres part 2 its just ones I dont really have any specific thing in mind.    Tia and Tamara. Idna menzel.   Adele.    Bonnie Tyler.    Ruby rose.    Sarah chalke.   Kristen schaal.  Melissa McCarthy.  Megan trainer.    Elizabeth gillies.   Like i said if u can great if not thats alright atleast u'll have some stocked up for a rainy day thanks again and sorry again
Hello im the one who gave the list of requests sorry once again I just wanted to further explain one of them the christina Aguilera from burlesque one to be specific I would like the one where she is wearing the bowler hat with the  loose frizz curls thats the only one I can think of to elaborate on the rest are up to u thanks again sorry again
Ok so this is A LOT of requests and in the future I would like to ask people to limit their requests to three celebs at a time, but I’ve never said that before so it wouldn’t be fair to the person who requested all these. So yes I can do these requests. The only one I won’t do is Sean Young from Ace Ventura because her character in Ace Ventura is really really transphobic (or, more specifically, how that character is written). And I can do that specific Christina Aguilera one. Also since this IS so many requests I’ll probably be sprinkling them in through instead of doing them all at once, & I already wrote an Elizabeth Gillies one coming out towards the end of May.
Anonymous said:
If possible could you do Elizabeth perkins as Wilma Flintstone I had the idea of it litterally being set in cave man times and depicting the forat instance of feminization, the first sissy, being of a weaker evolution and stuff causing the tribe to pick him as the tribes cave sissy
Oooo, sounds fun. Totally!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do Marissa tomei? Was thinking hero type story by night hes a crime fighing vigilante by day She is a stay at home sissy wife waiting for hubby to get home to pleasure him
I can do this!
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Anonymous said:
Could you try making one where a boy who’s always been short his entire life gets feminized by his friend? I was thinking someone like Skai Jackson would be great for this
Sure thing! I found one of Skai where she’s of age so I’ll use that. :) (I won’t use a GIF of here her though since most of them are from Jessie when she’s under 18)
Anonymous said:
I was wondering if you could do one about a college professor named Peter whose autocloset gets hacked by his students.  They transform and feminize him into a sexy latina milf so they have someone sexy to look at during class.  Actress of your choice, someone over 30 please.
Oooo, I’ve got the perfect celeb for this. ;)
Anonymous said:
Hi I actually have 3 u may have done them before but if u can thatd be great. 1 Natalie Portman (V for vendetta ) the little girl outfit with the pigtails I was thinking like a lost bet. 2 P!nk (beautiful trauma) the house wife look is so good.  3 Elizabeth olsen (wandavision) when shes in the bed wearing her costume like a morning after thing.  Thats all like I said if u can thank u love ur captions
Ah gotcha. I can do these!
Anonymous said:
Hi id like to start off by saying i love your captions. Was wondering if you could do one of Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona flowers when she had Green hair as far as the story I dont really have anything other than green being the guys fav color idk hopefully you can do something with that anyways thank you for your time have a good one
I can work with this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey I have a specific scene in mind its of kaley cuoco when she was on the big bang theory I dont remember the episode but its where shes sitting on the couch when her BF walks in and shes dressed in this purple lingerie and shes got her hair up its beautiful I was thinking if u could do a caption on that? Maybe like a roommates thing sorry I dont have enough info on the scene
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Anonymous said:
Could u ro Lindsay sloane from bring it on I had to look up the name I just remember her as "Big red" what they called her in the movie
Yep! I love Bring it On. :)
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Anonymous said:
Omg i love the Alex kingston caption u did recently whenever u get a chance could u do more River song captions also the billie piper one again whenever u get the chance
You got it. :)
Anonymous said:
Ok if you could i have an idea for a caption of a guy who wants to be internet famous but cant cut it as a guy so he pretends to be a lady on an onlyfans but doesnt show off anything too much then he gets surprised by his Male roommate who found out and his roommate blackmails him into making more "Private" videos to get cash I was thinking using meg turney if u could thanks
Sounds fun. Sure thing! :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I know you mightve done this one already but the one of Katy Perry from "Hey hey hey" music vid could u do another one from that still her with the blonde hair but when shes just waking up instead thank you
You bet!
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Anonymous said:
I know you got alot of requests lately but if you dont mind one more could you do Drew Barrymore from Batman forever?
I had to double check how old she was in that but yes! I can do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
I know I probably wont see this for awhile but if u could can u do a caption of debby ryan from jessie where she is dressed like a little kid and has her hair in pigtails? I was thinking like a babysitting gig gone wrong for the story like dress up goes too far or something anyawys thank u
Do you know what episode that’s from? I found the image and I think it looks great but I just want to make 100% sure that Jessie was an adult when she made it. If you know the episode feel free to message me & I can go ahead with it. :)
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Anonymous said:
I have 3 if u could do them 1. Zazie beets  2. Zendaya  3. Tessa Thompson. Thats all thanks
I actually have Zazie Beets and Zendaya caps coming up before May ends, but you’ll get the Tessa Thompson one in June. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do another caption tor jenna fischer from the office please?
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a cap where a teacher named Peter gets feminized into a latina housewife and use Marisol Nichols from Riverdale?  Can't ignore the MILFs.
Damn right you can’t! I’ll be sure to do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Addison Rae or Ariana Grande please
I’ll do both! :)
@tammyboy25 said:
Hi there! I was wondering if you could please do one where a sister or best girlfriend guilt trips a boy into being their maid of honor for her wedding? Bachelorette party, Dress shopping, getting their hair done, dancing with other boys at the reception are some ideas I had. Thank you so much either way!!!
Ooooo I love this! You got it sweetie. :)
Anonymous said:
Wow, I really loved the "From the Amazons" caption you did with Wonder Woman! Could you do something similar with a guy named Rene put into the body of a sluttfied superheroine?  Maybe Scarlet Witch/Wanda? Thanks!
“From the Amazons” has been getting a lot of love so thanks everyone! I can totally do this with an Elizabeth Olsen pic. :)
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Anonymous said:
I'm not sure if youve seen falcon and the winter soldier yet but Erin kellyman who plays kharli in that is a relatively new actress so I could understand if you dont know her but if you do could you make a caption for her? Thank you
I actually do know who she is! I saw her in “Falcon & Winter Soldier” and Solo so I can totally do a cap with her. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi, yesterday I said how much I loved that Wonder Woman caption you did with Gakl Gadot. And I've since discovered the manips made by Saturdays24. My name is Rene, and I'd loved to be turned into a girl in one of his pics, particularly Taylor Swift! Thanks!
Sure thing! @saturdays24 gave me permission to use their stuff a few years ago so I can do any caps with their manips. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you please do Priyanka Chopra captions
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Anonymous said:
Can you do Lala Anthony captions. I am a big fan of her
Totally! (For some reason I can’t find a good GIF of her though)
Anonymous said:
Can you do a cap with the new Billie Eilish Vogue Pics? That would be so so amazing.
Anonymous said:
billie eilish or addison rae?
Anonymous said:
Hi I remember someone else asking for a billie eilish caption since she was of age now but it was still too recent to have any pics of her at the right age well now shes 19 and I just saw she was on the cover of vogue afew days ago ....would that work?
Don’t worry, a Billie Eilish cap from British Vogue is on the way! She is an adult now & so I can make caps with her. :) (Also to the person who asked about Addison Rae, like I said earlier I’ll make one for her too. :D)
Anonymous said:
I really liked ur newest caption of Kelly lebrock as a boss being spotted enfemme I was wondering if u could do a follow up to that one? Maybe with her from woman in red. Id just like to see the coworker confront the boss
I like that idea! Totally. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption with Jhene Aiko or Jenna Ortega? They’re both similar to me in body build so it would be pretty amazing to see them in a caption.
Jhene Aiko yes. Jenna Ortega MAYBE. Jenna Ortega only JUST turned 18 and that was during the COVID-19 pandemic so there aren’t going to be a lot of projects where she’s an adult to pull from. So if I can find something maybe otherwise you might just have to wait a bit. Sorry if that’s a bummer. :/
Anonymous said:
Can you do Nikita Dragun captions please?
I’ve no idea who this is, sorry.
Anonymous said:
Idk if u know the band pentatonix or not but if u do could u do a caption for Kirstin Maldonado they just came out with a music video for 90s medley and she is gorgeous in it much appreciated :)
I’ve actually done some Kristin Maldonado caps already so I can totally do another. :)
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