#sam collins
ashthefrogmonarch · 1 month
I miss my parents guys...I miss them a lot.. I'll be back 😔😔
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rainingcatsandjune · 2 months
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the sleepy bbs :3 sam sleeping with a shifted darlin :3
at this point i feel like i should just tag her SHES BEEN GIVING ME ALL THE IDEAS RAHHFJKSDFHGKJF thank you @nicnebula for indoctrinating introducing me to redactedverse my motivation to draw has gone through the roof AND THANK FOR THIS IDEA ITS SO SWEET AAAAAAAAAAAA
bit messier but i gotta fix my perfectionism somehow so here you go :0
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darling-solaire · 2 months
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The vampire cowboy
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pycth · 5 months
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I fixate on one-liners too much, but can you really blame me when they hit like this?
The feelings that run through me whenever even the slightest pinch of a character’s canonical appearance is mentioned—
If y’all notice that bit of iridescence in his eyes, that’s color(s) associated with Freelancers in my canon ✨
Then I had a thought that since his eyes were brown, a natural hue, and my version on empowereds eye colors depend on their abilities unless you’re humanborn in which you have a bit of both (almost like heterochromia) 👀
Ergo making my version of Sam a humanborn Freelancer which I think really adds more to the struggles he’s been through and, if I really wanna get deep with it, even relating to Lovely in a way which would make having his hand in helping with the process of their turning a lot more meaningful because he can relate to the loss of an incredible ability you 1. didn’t know you had and 2. spent so long trying to manage it only to have it taken from you just like that. He sees a little of himself in them—and y’know Sam Collins is the kind of man that wants to give others the chance to have what he couldn’t.
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dahliasunset26 · 3 months
Darlin Headcanon
Besides gender, Darlin is one of those mesmerizing beauties that are even intimidating, and Porter reaction was proof of this, men like him are handsome and they know they are so when they see someone that they actually think is hot beside them it's pretty notorious.
Quinn are the type of people that can convince a really beautiful person that they aren't.
And more of Sam's praises are about how beautiful he thinks Darlin is.
There's a widely spread headcanon that many pack members had a crush on darlin when younger, and that angel think that darlin is hot.
Darlin is etereal beauty personified.
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skunkox · 10 days
Puppy Dog Eyes
Who's using them least to most often
Doesn't realize he's doing it and wouldn't believe you if you told him he was either. It mostly happens when he wants Angel to sit still and cuddle with him. Angel teases him about it every now and then. He'll just bury his head in the crook of their neck and deny it.
Strategically uses them. Like when he wants to get out of playing a horror game. Or when he's trying to win a debate. Milo has been known to pick up Aggro and hold him next to his face. Puppy eyes on full display. The combo is lethal, and he knows it. There's also a quick change from puppy eyes to bedroom eyes that still boggles Sweetheart.
Does it all the time and doesn't even know. David, Ash, and Milo has seen it at least once. How quickly Sam would fold and how he'd struggle to hold himself back from locking them in a bear hug. They didn't wanna believe it when the guys joked about it, but Baaabe was quick to come with receipts. A picture found in the Mates group chat and taken by Sweetheart proved otherwise.
All the damn time and to everyone. That's just how he's wired. Asher has one of those faces it's hard to say no to. It's not impossible, but it happens. Especially when he does it to people he's known nearly his entire life. There's a 50/50 success rate when it comes to Baaabe. They're used to his antics and doesn't have a problem with dishing out "consequences." But if there's no harm, why not let him have his way?
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themeridian · 5 months
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vincent vs sam
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seeing, perceiving, eye contact
nsfw!! if you’re a minor don’t read this.
cw: exhibitionism with Guy and Gavin, orgasm denial mentioned with Sam, ‘puppy’ used as a petname with Ash, and obviously very explicit!
Milo fucking Sweetheart and when they look away from him, he gently holds their chin, turning their face towards him again “Come on, sweetheart, let me see those pretty eyes of yours”
David fucking Angel in front of a mirror so they can see themself and every time they look away, David will stop moving until they look at themself in the mirror again “Look in the mirror and see how beautiful you are Angel”
Honey sitting in a chair and just watching Guy while he masturbates, instructing him on how fast to move his hand and the like, giving him praise and calling him desperate when he starts begging for their touch “Honeyyy, stop just looking at me and do something! Pleasee”
Asher sitting on the floor between Baaabe legs, looking up them while they gently cup his cheek, as he begs to give them oral, and they tell him to wait like a good puppy “Please, baaabe, I will be good, I promise! Please let me make you cum”
Gavin who fucks Freelancer against a window after cloaking the two of them so that no one would actually see them, but whenever someone looks at the window Gavin will still go “You see that deviant? They’re looking at you and how fucked out you look right now…”
Darlin’ who asked Sam to try orgasm control and now, after being denied multiple times is nothing but a whining, moaning mess that doesn’t know how to form a sentence “You can look at me all you want with those pleadin’ eyes of yours, Darlin’. I’m not gonna let you cum unless you use your words.”
Porter who, even though he isn’t looking at them, is well aware that they are looking at him “You know, Treasure, just because i’m reading doesn’t mean i can’t feel your eyes on me and you practically squirming in your place… you looking to do something, dear?”
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slushiepizza · 7 months
Characters : Sam, Darlin', Alexis Tags : Grief, Main Character Death, Heavy Angst No Comfort, Gendered Listener (Fem Darlin')
For maximum experience, listen to this while reading
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Author's Note : I've always liked the idea that if Sam and Darlin' were ever to have a conversation on whether Darlin' would ever be a vampire and live an eternal life with Sam; they'd decline.
Because I think that it'd make a nice resolution to the conflict that Alexis brings. I for one, love Alexis as a character. Her actions are cruel and unjustified, but she does have quite the tragic narrative in my opinion. Sam having to live a temporary life with Darlin' would show his difference in character and attitude towards love. Alexis once mentioned in the Monarchial Summit that she turned Sam because she wanted him, and I would like to see Sam experience that same "want" over someone but dealing with it in a different way; relishing his time with Darlin' instead of subjecting them to eternal life like Alexis did with him. It's a "breaking of a cycle" of sorts, I guess.
And that's also why I added Alexis in this comic, because I also want her to be the person witnessing this decision that Sam made and the grief he's had to live with as a result. Because I think she has the mindset that if you love someone, that you do whatever it takes to make them stay, while with Sam, he's willing to go through the grief and pain precisely BECAUSE he loves Darlin'.
Also the comet is Halley's comet, that passes by earth every 79 or so years!
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kr1osz · 7 months
I'm sorry but ppl have been DEFENDING ALEXIS!? Like people have been genuinely upset at Sam for calling her a bitch???? I'm sorry but who in their right mind could defend Alexis turning Sam AFTER HE SAID NO? HE TOLD HER TO STOP! HE WAS PUSHING HER OFF HIM UNTIL SHE FORCED HIM TO OPEN HIS EYES AND TRANCED HIM
Y'all are fucking insane for excusing Alexis' actions because "she's hot.", Sam had all the right in the world to call her a bitch and honestly he could've (and should've) called her worse because she is.
She assaulted Sam. End of story. AND she's not even sorry, she said it herself!! Now I'd get if y'all we're mad at Sam for calling her a bitch after she tried to apologize and if she was actually sorry and trying to make up for her actions but she wasn't, and I doubt she ever will.
Y'all have taken pretty privilege way too far.
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dani-ya-dig · 4 months
I personally don’t think that Darlin would ever call Sam anything other than their mate. Mate means far too much to them to ever refer to or treat him less than their mate.
… That being said. In front of unempowered people they can’t exactly do that, since they don’t understand the weight that word holds. So in front of various non-magical acquaintances they have to call Sam their boyfriend.
However one day they slip up and say the word husband instead of boyfriend. (Now I don’t know if marriage between a vampire and a mortal is possible, or anything that they do, but regardless) It flusters them a bit but they kind of just roll with it. From that day on, to anyone unempowered Sam was Darlin’s husband.
The first time Sam heard Darlin refer to him as their husband he damn near has a heart attack and drops right there
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la1n3ybaby · 6 months
darlin’ “i’m not a violent dog, i don’t know why i bite” collins :((((
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rainingcatsandjune · 2 months
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some more sams :0 same friend from the last post told me about 'yallternative',,, how could i not put sam in something like that??? AND THEN HBW AUDIO SAM RAHDFSJGDFJHSJDHFSJFHSGHSBGSJHSF
southern man take me by the hand
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darling-solaire · 2 months
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The Monarchal Summit
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romirola · 3 months
Headcanons for Sleep Troubles (and Coping Techniques) of the Shaw Pack
David: Nightmares. We know from David’s audios that he had nightmares as a child. Even as an adult, David will occasionally have a nightmare that leaves him sweating and shaking. When he was an adult, David would suffer in silence, never wanting to wake Asher or face the reality that his father was no longer there to help him deal with the nightmares. Angel, however, never fails to awaken during David’s nightmares. They never pressure David to go right back to sleep. Instead, they meet David where he is, sometimes providing him with a soothing, steady monologue or letting David talk out what he can remember of his dream, until he finally feels safe and tired enough to sleep again with Angel.  
Angel: Insomnia. Angel suffers from bouts of insomnia. They chalk it up to their racing thoughts and try to make light of the condition, despite the toll it takes on them. Angel loathes the way insomnia creeps into their daily life: headaches, a lack of coordination/motivation, irritability, and more. When Angel is in the midst of an insomniatic episode, David will come up with a few excuses to rationalize his staying up with Angel. He finds it easier to stay awake when in his wolf form, which just so happens to give Angel the chance to shower him with love and relax with their mate until their mind finally slows enough to let them fall asleep. 
Asher: Sleepwalking and Sleep-shifting. Asher has the inconvenient habit of shifting into his wolf form and walking around the house. His penchant for wandering around means that Babe triple-checks the locks on the door at night to ensure that he’s not a covert liability. If they catch Asher mid-episode, Babe will gently usher Asher back to bed, careful not to wake him. In human form, Babe can usually figure out how to engage with Asher in a way that aligns with his current dream. When he’s in wolf-form, Babe finds that just their presence and tender insistence for Asher to follow them is enough to get him back to bed safely. 
Babe: Sleep Paralysis. (I’m borrowing this headcanon from @nat-seal-well.) When Babe’s sleep paralysis overtakes them, they struggle to distinguish reality from imagination. As terrifying as it is for Asher to have to watch Babe endure whatever horrible things they see/hear/feel, he always makes sure to stay with them so that they aren’t alone when they finally come back to their senses. He’ll gently rub their forehead and kiss them, offering tactile reassurance as he whispers to them until Babe realizes they are safe and in control of their body. 
Milo: Snoring. Milo snores loudly and constantly. It’s an uncomfortable disorder that not only annoys Sweetheart and Aggro, but causes Milo discomfort, too. He wakes up with a dry mouth, sore jaw, and always feels groggy upon waking up in the morning having not slept well. The problem is, no matter how much Milo wishes he could stop snoring, once he’s asleep, he has no awareness of or control over it. When Milo starts to snore, Sweetheart tries to roll Milo into a more comfortable position or prop Milo up with pillows until his snoring quiets and he settles back into a restful sleep. Sometimes, Sweetheart includes a shoulder/neck massage in their repositioning, and judging by the way Milo snuggles into their touch and smiles, he’s grateful for their touch even when he’s not conscious. 
Sweetheart: Hypnic Jerk. (You know that odd experience of beginning to fall asleep, only for your part or all of your body to jerk involuntarily, bringing you back to wakefulness? That happens to Sweetheart frequently, sometimes multiple times a night.) Being a stealth, sometimes they even wake up to parts or all of their body cloaked involuntarily. It frustrates Sweetheart to no end, to be on the cusp of sleep and then have the promise of sleep suddenly ripped away from them. Some nights, they are just exhausted, and it feels deeply unfair that their active mind wouldn’t slow down to let them rest. Even when Milo’s deep in sleep, something within him must sense that his mate is in distress, because he’ll always roll over and take hold of Sweetheart until they do, finally, fall asleep. 
Darling: Sleep-talking. Darling has a lot to say, both awake and while dreaming. They talk endlessly when they sleep (or chuff and growl if they fell asleep in their wolf form.) Remarkably, they never seem in distress when they sleep-talk. Instead, it sounds more like they are chatting about their day, even if their responses don’t make actual sense. (Once, Sam could’ve sworn he heard Darling say, “Why is my green paint all over the brownies, Steve Irwin?”) Sam doesn’t mind in the slightest. He loves to hear Darling’s voice and to know that they are deeply asleep, safe at his side to have any dream their heart wants to conjure in their mind. 
Sam: N/A. He may not sleep often anymore as a vampire, but when he does, he sleeps deeply. It’s no surprise, as his sleep hygiene is nearly perfect. As a human, Sam had many sleepless nights due to worries, frustrations, self-destruction, and, after enrolling at D.A.M.N, all-nighters. Once he’s a vampire, Sam decides to make a deliberate effort to bring the world (and himself) more peace, and that shows up in his sleep. 
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skunkox · 12 days
Sam: "You're pretty."
Darlin': "Yeah. Pretty stupid."
Sam: "Nah. Just pretty."
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