#same as it never was
bluepeachstudios · 4 months
PREMIER: Ghost in the Shell Part 2
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Read Ghost in the Shell Part 2: Chapter 1 here!
“You are unauthorized to be out of bed at this time,” the robot informed him.
“Who’re you?” Ghost asked, voice rough.
“I am Shelldon,” it answered. “Your automated smart lair.”
“Directive,” Ghost muttered.
“I clean, cook, give massages, provide musical–”
“Okay.” Ghost held up a hand to stop him. “Where’s Donnie?”
“You are unauthorized to be out of bed at this time,” Shelldon repeated.
“I need coffee,” Ghost grunted, and kept walking towards the kitchen.
“Toffee blend from Petrichor Cafe with one cream and one sugar.”
The offered steaming mug blocked Ghost’s path. Hesitantly, he took it, watching Shelldon carefully. “Thanks,” Ghost said. “Where’s Donnie now?”
“You are unauthorized–”
“To be out of bed, yeah, yeah. Where’s Donnie?”
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j7lkx · 8 months
but does growing up just change your body?
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or also
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your soul?
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joyfuladorable · 3 months
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Parts 1 to 4 of a Very Specific Part of the SAINW Roadtrip AU that I'm working on with @toonzxy and @deadpool1763492 We posted Parts 1 (mine) & 2 (Toonz') on other socials a While back and forgot to post them here, but hey! At least you get all the parts together, lol! Now, I wonder what comes after this? And what comes before? >:3c
Bonus textless Part 4 cuz I like it:
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butterfilledpockets · 11 months
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well then-
time to ungrimace these turtles
part 1 ------ next part
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artsybun · 17 days
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Day 16 of TMayNT: Favorite Episode
TMNT 2003 S3 EP21: Same As It Never Was
If you know you know.
But no seriously, I had to go all out for this piece because I LOVE this episode. It literally changed my life when I was but a wee elementary schooler. It’s also the reason I have such a huge love for apocalypse/time travel stories and made the rottmnt movie so special to me. I wish we had gotten more time in this universe, but thankfully as the fandom does, we have made LOTS of content to fill any gaps.
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wormspoodle · 1 year
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epic “once in a lifetime” talking heads music video reference amiright guys
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portableleo · 1 year
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liya4kar · 2 months
Double Vision
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AU Masterpost
So I might have forgotten to say it, but in this AU, time doesn't just stop after 2003 Donny, 2012 Mikey, and Rise Raph get mentally linked. After getting their mental connection, they continue to live their lives and the adventures that come in the episodes.
So while Raph does get a bit of rest after the movie, 2003 Donny follows the 2003 third season, and 2012 Mikey jumps straight into the 2012 fourth season.
And what happens during those seasons I wonder-
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sewerpeaches · 1 year
So, the fandom jokes about how fucked up SAINW is and how it messed us up as kids, etc.
My guys... my buddies... pals...
If Peter Laird had gotten his way... the damage to thousands of children’s psyches would have been incalculable...
Cut to Karai's ship bringing the challenger to face the Shredder, in whatever arena setting is deemed appropriate. The Shredder awaits, huge, imperious, threatening, supremely confident. Legions of Foot ninja ring the area. Nearby, something about eight feet tall and four feet around is draped with a covering bearing the Shredder's mark. Karai's ship settles to the ground... the hatch opens, dropping to the ground (like a ramp) and down it comes Karai. She stops and bows to the Shredder. Then, a Turtle comes down the ramp -- it's Mike. The Shredder is as amused as Karai was at the impertinence of this crippled adversary. But before he can spew too many insults, another Turtle comes down the ramp. It's Raph. Then Leo comes down the ramp and joins his brothers. Now the Shredder chuckles. This is more like it! Two almost worthy adversaries. The Shredder smirkingly reminds the Turtles of the rules -- they can't BOTH fight him -- they have to pick one. "Maybe you need help in making that decision," he says -- "Perhaps another vote...?" With that, he rips the covering off the thing next to him. Horrified gasps from the Turtles -- because what is revealed is that universe's Donatello, posed stiffly on a pedestal. Stiffly, that is, because he's DEAD and STUFFED! (IF we can't get away with this, maybe we could have him frozen or something.)
—Peter Laird, 2k3 cartoon development notes [Blast from the Past #386: Mar. 22, 2004: Re: TMNT - 73 Outline]
what the fuck do you mean "if we can't get away with this"? of course you can't fucking get away with showing don’s taxidermied corpse on a children’s tv show, peter.
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ilovebeinaturtle · 5 months
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🧡🧡Same As It Never Was Mikey Appreciation Post Part 1🧡🧡
All gifs made by me~! Part 2 will be posted soon!
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matryoshkalex · 17 days
happy tmaynt day 16!!!
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i have quite a few favorite episodes and wanted to draw more but only managed for these two: same as it never was (2003) and parasitica (2012)
so i had a lil list of the episodes i wanted to draw with one from 2003, three from 2012, and 3 from rise. i actually narrowed those from a hefty list of like 20 total episodes lol
one of my other favorite episodes is clash of the mutanimals from 2012 but i actually have already done sketches from that episode (here) so i left it out of my list
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tmaynt masterpost
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bluepeachstudios · 1 month
Ghost in the Shell Update
Read chapter 8 here
“What do you say, Raph?” Donnie asked, sidling up beside him. “Do you have the guts to sniff the stinkiest plant on Earth, the corpse flower?!”
“Some say it smells like a mummy, wrapped in a zombie, dipped in long forgotten milk,” Leo said with an excited grin.
“It smells like decomposition in order to attract the bugs that pollinate it,” Ghost provided. “Mainly carrion beetles and flesh flies.”
“I’m gonna sniff it,” Raph said, smirking. “Like a boss!”
“Don’t grab it!” Ghost scolded, shielding the flower petals from being seized by Raph’s hands with his bo.
“Right!” Raph took off his clothespin and inhaled with a level of ferocity that Ghost hadn’t even heard from drowning men.
Raph threw his head back with a shuddering whimper and vomited over the pavement. Ghost rushed to his side and rubbed over his shell comfortingly.
“Alright, he wharfed!” Mikey cheered. “Me next, me next!”
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holomars-turtles · 1 year
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Old traumatized men for the soul
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joyfuladorable · 5 months
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Weathered Strings, Tethered Wings by @deadpool1763492
Ch.1-6 Art>
“Even if there’s a chance that it’s him,” she says to him in a soft voice, “the Raphael I know would take it. Don’t make me regret coming here, Raph.”
Ohhhh-kay, so I'm beta reading this fic and am definitely a Little Biased, but trust me when I say it's SO GOOD!! Such an excellent and interesting canon divergence that also gets right into the muck of the drama between Raph, Mikey, and Leo. You're gonna wanna buckle in for this one, folks!
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butterfilledpockets · 11 months
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Welcome to B.E.N.T the old losers club
Basically, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, all pulled from various bad timelines into one fucked up team
(I have a shit ton of sketches which I will gradually release so hold yer horses cowboys)
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marsmaniac · 8 months
03 Don yelling at Leo: WHAT ARE YOU BLI——
03 Don: *SAINW Flashbacks* —ndddd….
03 Don: Okay I retract that statement
03 Leo: *Confused*
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Originally this was gonna be funny but decided to take it a different turn i cant draw in comic format for shit so bear with me
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