#sanchez falls au
ferretwhomst · 6 months
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i did the thing
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plumbus-central · 2 months
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adventurer au doodles
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(Teal) Rick: “Remember my face..?”
“Now, It looks nowhere near as ugly and white as theirs. In fact, it’s much younger and handsome..! It’s juuuust close enough to jog your memory for good!~”
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sakua312 · 2 years
...Witcher AU again.🤪
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Rick is about 36-37 years old.
The Pines twins are 36 years old. Because the witchers and mages age very slowly, they'll look much younger (maybe less than 30).
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transiconlink · 1 year
discussing fandom on Reddit and discussing fandom on tumblr are two completely different playing fields. it’s not even funny. you’ll see the most incredible theory or take on specific niche lore in fandom on tumblr, complemented by some brilliant commentary in the replies, and Reddit fandom is just “hey remember when THIS happened?” And it’s the same screenshot that’s been reposted multiple times with nothing new added to it.
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
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Owl Shack AU edit #344
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galactictheorist · 1 year
𝐈'𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤!
Solar Opposites x Gravity Falls x Rick and Morty AU.
Blight (n.) Disease of unknown or atmospheric origin affecting plants.
The Solar Opposites are fleeing from their home planet, Shlorp, as the asteroid hit, but a black, pixelated, gooey ocean flooded the galaxy in front of them, entering the ship and allowing glitches which caused a crossover into the world of Gravity Falls, where many alienated species life in the forest.
A young genius named Rick Sanchez noticed the spike in irregular activity in that region and decided to check it out. Rick Sanchez (20) was alone, without a Morty that would exist in the future due to Diane not being there... Diane doesn't exist at all.
Morty Pines was a 17 year old boy, with a seraphic look to him, he was on the brink of 18 and his brother, Dipper, and sister, Mabel, (18) who turns 19 in the summer loves to make fun of his stutter. It seemed like he didn't have much to him, but he had so much more than his siblings...than anyone else on their planet, except Rick.
Morty feels a connection with the blue haired man as they work together to solve this mystery.
The lucidity in their world starts dissapearing and finally the demon that was once defeated returns. Will they beat the evil Bill Cipher this time? Will he be gone for good? What will happen with Rick and Morty afterwards?
All the credits for the next shows goes to their rightful owners:
-Gravity Falls (Cartoon Network)
-Rick and Morty (Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, [AS])
-Solar Opposites (Justin Roiland, [AS])
I hope you'll enjoy this story! ✨ Just a reminder that this is an AU- Rick and Morty aren't related! You've probably read it and noticed the difference in the surnames 🙈.
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fucked royalty
Summary: You are working as a nurse on a military base when you meet and fall for Frankie Morales. And he for you. But before he could finally tell you the truth about him he just... disappears and you are left heartbroken without any way to get back in contact with him. After moping for a week you put in a request to relocate and get send to Spain where your new roommate wins a weekend trip to the Kingdom of San Senova, not knowing that all your unanswered questions regarding to Frankie, would soon get their answers.
Wordcount: Alejandro Carlos Francisco Sanchez Morales x fem. reader
Wordcount: 5.7k
Rating: M
Warnings: Royalty AU, fluff, falling in love, light smut (oral f receiving, unprotected sex), angst, heartbreak, me not knowing shit about royal titles, phones are not a thing (just go with it) happy ending 😍
A/N: omg I had so much fun writing this. Hello @flightlessangelwings! I am your secret valentine and I hope you love this little story!
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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The first time you saw Frankie Morales, he was getting stitches by the Doctor on military base you had been working on for almost a year as a nurse. 
You were carrying some more supplies and the medicine the Doctor had asked for, setting it down next to him when you met Frankie’s eyes for the first time. He gave you a small smile and even though his whole face was bloody (you could already see the stitches on the side of his forehead) he was still the most attractive man you had ever seen. 
You didn’t know that this would be the start of a whirlwind romance that would leave you heartbroken. 
You saw him again the next night at the bar just around the base. 
He was with there with his three friends, sporting a serious bruise on his eye from whatever had happened to him the day before. At some point one of his friends must have caught you starring, and it wasn’t long before Frankie asked if he could invite you for a drink. 
A drink turned into two, and you spend the whole night talking to each other about everything and nothing. Maybe you fell for him right then, watching him smile shyly at you, his hand holding yours. 
He insisted on making sure you got home safely after. 
„You know it’s just a five minute walk?“ You smiled at him. He shrugged, taking your hand. 
„A lot can happen in five minutes,“ he said seriously. 
He kissed you good night in front of your door, promising that he would see you soon. 
And he did. 
He was living on base and apparently on call being part of the special forces, so going on dates was a little complicated at the beginning. But what he lacked of opportunities, he made up with ideas. 
„This is…. This is beautiful Frankie,“ you smiled at him. 
He had found a field full of sunflowers, his hand holding yours as he let you through them, snapping picture after picture from you. 
„I flew over it the other day and I thought this is perfect to spend some alone time with you,“ he grinned, pulling you against his chest.
„So this was all a scheme to get me all alone to yourself?“
„Mhhh,“ he hummed, a smile on his lips as he dipped his head down, kissing you softly. You crossed your arms behind his neck, getting on your tiptoes to get even closer. His hands were on your hips, his fingers carefully digging into your skin.
He had you pinned against the wall the moment you got to your place, his lips and hands all over you. 
„Want you,“ he mumbled, kissing down your body, pushing your summer dress up. 
„Take me then,“ you gasped, when you felt his nose run up your thigh.
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„I have heard the wildest rumour,“ you flopped down on the couch next to him. He was at your place for the whole weekend, insisting to wine and dine you for a change, even if it was at your home. He was waiting for you when you came home and you love the feeling of knowing someone was waiting for you. 
You had been dating for almost six months now. 
And you hoped many more months would follow. 
He was basically living at your place when he wasn’t on mission. 
„What rumour?“ He asked, his hand coming down to rest on your thigh. 
„Carla said that she heard that there’s some European Prince undercover on the base doing his military service,“ you snorted. You stretched your muscles, sighing loudly, missing Frankie’s eyes widening. 
„Sounds to me like a Hallmark movie if you ask me,“ you rolled your eyes, letting your head fall against his shoulder. 
„How would Carla know?“ Frankie asked. 
„Dunno. She send me the link to his Wikipedia page though. Wait a second,“ you pulled your phone out, opening the link. 
„There we are. Alejandro Carlos Francisco Sanchez Morales the third. Future king of San Senova. I don’t even know where that is,“ you read out loud. 
„Between France and Spain,“ Frankie provided and you looked at him, impressed. 
„How do you know that?“ You asked. He shrugged, though you could see him blushing. Adorable.
„Dad is big on geography,“ he said and you nodded, laying your head back against his shoulder. 
„Maybe you’re related to them too. Your last name is Morales,“ you chuckled. 
„Many people with the name Morales. It’s pretty common,“ he said right away. 
„I guess you’re right,“ you sighed. 
„Any pictures of him?“ He asked, kissing your hair. 
„Sadly no pictures after he turned five years old. Cute little boy though, don’t you think?“ You held the phone out.
„Cute,“ he said before he pulled your phone away, throwing it on the couch next to him. 
„Heeeeey,“ you pouted, shrieking when he pulled you beneath him and kissed you.
„Want you,“ he hummed, his hips dragging against yours, making you gasp. 
„Take your clothes off baby,“ you grinned, already pulling your shirt over your head. 
Within minutes both of you were naked and Frankie was inside of you, making you cry out his name while his lips were all over your body. 
He made you cum four times on that couch.
Making you forget about a potential European future king working among you at the base.
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Santiago Garcia was Frankie’s best friend. 
And, to say it in the most nicest way, a slut. 
He had broken the hearts of all the nurses at the base, which left you to be the only one still willing to attend to him, if he had some medical issues. 
„So how are things between you and Frankie?“ He asked while he sat on the table. You were cleaning his bloody knuckles, not even asking how it happened anymore. He had a wild streak, leaving you to patch him up regularly.  
„Is this the part where you ask me about my intentions?“ You teased and he chuckled. 
„Nope. Everyone who has eyes can see how much you love him,“ he said and you stilled, taking a deep breath before you carried on tending to him. 
„Same with him too though. He speaks about you all the time. Kinda annoying if you ask me,“ you looked up at him and he winked. You continued cleaning his wounds. 
„I haven’t told him that I love him. I… We haven’t talked about what happens when he has to go back home. I don’t even know where is home for him, he always changes the topic. And I’m scared he’s just gonna end up leaving me here,“ you confessed. Your turned away from Santiago, grabbing the bandages. 
„Talk to him. Frank is… A little hesitant when it comes to feelings. He told you about his ex?“ Santi asked. You nodded. 
Frankie had told you about his last girlfriend. It was pretty serious. They had been together for three years and he could see him getting married to her. He found out that she had been cheating on him with one of his cousins. And then she tried telling him that she was pregnant which turned out to be a complete lie to somehow baby trap him. 
Your heart broke for him as he told you about it. 
„I think the whole thing broke him more than he wants to admit. Means also he can’t see what’s right in front of him,“ Santiago explained as you finished bandaging his hand, looking up at Santi. 
„So you mean I have to confess my feelings in a big gesture?“ You asked. 
„I mean you can. I bet he would loooove a flashmob,“ he grinned and you slapped his arm playfully. 
„Just tell him how you feel. We’re not gonna stick around for much longer,“ he said and you nodded, watching after him as he left the room. 
Frankie had told you that he had received word that he was close to being finished with his service. He didn’t tell you an exact time frame, but you knew the end of whatever this was could be closer than you liked. 
You would have to talk with him. 
About your feelings and about a potential future. 
Because you had already decided that if he would ask you, you would follow him everywhere. 
You had no family and only a few friends here. 
And nurses were needed everywhere. You would find work quickly. 
You and Frankie had made plans for the next evening. You wanted to cook and confess your feelings to him. 
But when he didn’t show up at your place you grew worried.
Frankie was always punctual, always calling you if he would be running late. Private cellphones were forbidden at the base, so the only way of contacting him, would be calling the base. So when fifteen minutes went by after he had promised to be here you called the landline of the house he was living at, but nobody picked up. 
Next you tried the base but the line was busy. 
An hour later and no message you grabbed your car keys and drove the way from your place to his place at the base. You hadn’t been here often. He shared the small house with his three friends and privacy was not really something they valued, leaving to interesting encounters and teasing in the morning when you stayed the night. 
The house lay in darkness when you got there. 
After knocking and ringing the bell you received no answer. 
You had a bad feeling in your stomach. You stood there in the darkness looking at the house. 
There was no one here. 
Maybe they had an important mission and he did not have time to tell you. You shook your head. In the months you had dated he had always informed you when he had to leave on short notice. 
Something was not right. 
It’s why you made your way back to the base to ask around. 
„You here about Frank?“ His superior, General Lopez asked, after you knocked on his door. You nodded. 
„He was sent home together with the whole fifth devision,“ he said. 
„Oh,“ you said surprised, your heard beating fast in your chest. 
„Anything else you want?“ He barked and you shook your head numbly, before you walked out. 
You held the tears in until you were back in the apartment and saw Frankie’s hoodie still hanging over your chair. 
He had to leave without you being able to tell him how you felt. 
You just hoped that he would call you once he made it out of the plane. 
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He didn’t call. 
He did not send a letter.
He didn’t try to get in touch with you. 
So after moping around for a week you applied for a transfer packed your things and took the new job. 
In Spain.
Vowing to yourself to get over Frankie.
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Two months later
„I can’t believe you dragged me into this,“ you whined before you turned the air conditioning of the car to its highest level. 
„For someone who got invited to spend a two night stay in a five star hotel in San Senova without having to pay a single cent for it, you sure sound ungrateful,“ your friend Lisa hummed as she drove the car down the highway. 
You had to admit that she was right. 
The last two months had been long and dark and depressing, but meeting Lisa on your first day, finding out she was your roommate for the six months you would spend here in Spain, was the greatest distraction. 
She was loud and playful and funny and she made it her mission to get you out of your „depression hole“. 
It’s why after winning this weekend stay in a raffle on the 4th of July celebration on base, she didn’t even ask you if you would like to come. She just informed you that you were going. 
„You know that there was a rumour back in my old base that the crown prince of San Senova was doing his military service back there?“ You asked. 
„King,“ she said.
„He’s the king now. Has been for almost two months. Apparently his father died suddenly and he had to take the throne overnight,“ she explained.
„Look at you being informed,“ you teased. 
„Don’t want to be the dumb American stereotype tourist. Also, thanks to my research, I know that tomorrow will be a national holiday in San Senova because it’s the kings thirty fifth birthday. Apparently there’s a military parade. It’s a whole thing,“ Lisa said. 
„What I am hearing is, that you gonna drag me to this thing, isn’t it?“ You sighed. 
She turned her head, grinning at you. 
„You know me so well already,“ Lisa winked. 
With a chuckle you shook your head. 
Spending time with Lisa this weekend would be great. 
You wouldn’t be thinking about the plans you and Frankie had made for this birthday that was tomorrow back in the states. 
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After parking the rental car and checking into the hotel (which made your jaw drop) you passed out for a nap almost right away. 
It hadn’t been a long drive, but you had started studying to become an OR nurse and you had only fallen asleep in the early morning hours after having been allowed to watch an operation last night. 
Lisa made sure to roughly wake you up an hour before she had made reservations in a local restaurant she had found on trip advisor. 
And while you wanted nothing more than to sleep, you let her excitement over this trip influence you. After a small dance party in the huge bathroom of the hotel room where Lisa told you that if you were a guy, she would have fucked you in the big walk in shower first thing while proceeding to sing into her brush-microphone, the two of you stepped out of the hotel.
Lisa had talked you into wearing a dress, so you were wearing your most casual, yet fancy dress. A dark red wrap dress that ended just above your knees. 
You drew the line at wearing heels, leaving you with some flat sandals as you walked down the street, your arm hooked under Lisa’s as she led you towards the restaurant, google maps on her phone showing you both the way. 
Walking through old European cities like these, alway left you impressed and yearning to live here. You had managed to visit Barcelona and Seville since getting to Spain and frankly you couldn’t imagine ever going back to the United States. 
You made smalltalk on the way, both of your eyes taking in the old city.
And men. 
Well at least Lisa did.
She knew about Frankie and she knew you weren’t ready for someone new. Which did not stop her to point out candidates which you had to admit were super attractive. 
But they weren’t Frankie. 
How things ended with him still left you with a billion questions. The loudest of them all being if you could be so wrong about his feelings for you. 
Even Santiago had told you Frankie loved you. 
And while you or him never heard or said the words, you deep down knew he loved you. 
He could maybe lie to you, but what reason would his best friend have to lie?
Why did he ghost you like this?
Taking a deep breath you stopped walking as Lisa announced that you made it. Looking around you saw that the restaurant was pretty busy. 
„Seems like trip advisor was right to make a reservation, huh?“ You asked and she nodded. 
„Looks expensive,“ you noticed and she turned her head, grinning at you.
„You’re paying! I invited you for this trip“ Lisa announced and your jaw dropped, watching her walk towards the entrance. 
„This trip was free!“ You gasped. 
She only laughed and you shook your head, following her inside. 
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„You might have to carry me back to the hotel,“ you groaned almost two hours later. The dinner was probably the best you had in your life. 
Lisa and you had shared a bottle of wine between the two of you and you were now waiting for dessert. 
„Would it be weird to call a cab?“ She asked. 
„It’s a five minute walk,“ you laughed. 
She pouted. 
„I don’t think I can do it,“ she said with a dramatic sigh before she smiled. 
„Gonna go to the restroom. Don’t steal from my dessert when it comes,“ she said seriously, before she grabbed her purse and walked through the restaurant towards the restrooms. 
It was almost fifteen minutes later, your dessert almost gone when you heard her laugh. 
Your dessert was almost gone and you were sipping on your wine glass when you turned your head towards the sound, finding her sitting with her back towards you at the bar. She was talking to a man, her hand on his shoulder, and you smiled to yourself until your eyes landed on the face of the man she was talking to. 
As if sensing your eyes on him, his head tilted, his eyes frowning before they widened. 
„Santi?“ You whispered in disbelief. 
Lisa’s head turned when Santi stopped talking, her eyes narrowing between you and Santiago. 
She left him standing walking towards you. 
„Why are you looking at Santiago like you’ve seen a ghost? I just met him?“ She asked, her hand on your shoulder as she stood beside you. 
Looking up at her you gulped. 
„That’s Frankie’s best friend,“ you whispered, suddenly very tired. 
Lisa’s eyes widened before she turned around to look at him, just as he stepped beside her. 
„He’s what?“ She asked. 
You closed your eyes, shaking your head. 
Santiago said your name and you could feel yourself shaking. 
It was like you were underwater. You could hear Lisa and him talking, but you didn’t understand what they were talking about. 
If he was here, was Frankie somewhere here too?
What was he doing here out of all places in the world?
Why did they leave?
Why did he leave?
Why did no one tell you?
You finally looked up at him, tears lingering in the corner of your eyes. 
„Why?“ You asked quietly. He looked at you with sadness in his eyes. He was sucking on his bottom lip, nervous. He let his eyes wander through the room, noticing some people already staring. 
You didn’t know that people were staring because they knew who he was. 
Not yet. 
„Not here,“ he said and you frowned, about to open your mouth to ask what he meant, when he took a step closer. 
„It’s not my place to explain. I’ll try. But not here,“ he said. 
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Both you and Lisa followed Santiago to a private dining room of the restaurant that was empty. 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to talk or if you wanted to run. 
As soon as the door closed his eyes were on you, then on Lisa. 
„Talk,“ she snapped, her arms crossed in front of her chest and you almost laughed as you saw him jump, surprised by her outburst. 
He looked at you as if in question and you rolled your eyes. 
„She knows. About me and Frankie and how all of you just…. Ghosted me from one day to another,“ you said. 
„Like I said, it’s not my place to explain,“ he started and Lisa scoffed. 
„I would love to just tell you everything but I made a vow I can’t break,“ he said and you confusingly stared at him. 
„A vow?“ You whispered, he nodded. 
You looked at Lisa who looked like she was ready to scratch Santiago’s eyes out if you gave her the go. 
„Let me take you to him,“ Santiago said. 
„Let me take you to Frankie.“
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The ride in the car was silent. 
You were anxious, your hands sweating. Lisa was holding your hand while glaring at Santiago. 
„Can you tell your friend to stop looking at me like she wants to choke me?“ Santiago said after a while and your lips almost broke out into a small smile. 
„Last thing I remembered I heard Nurse Sam say you’re into that,“ you said and his eyes widened before he laughed. 
„I might be, but in the sexy way, not in the I’m gonna die way,“ he winked and you released a shaky breath. 
You tuned out the conversation that now started between Lisa and Santi, your head resting against the cold glass of the car window, your eyes trying to figure out were he was taking you. 
You hadn’t been driving for a long time, before the car stopped at a gate. You could only make out what looked like a long fence before the car started driving again, driving towards a huge building. 
It didn’t take long then before the car stopped in front of an already opened door, a deep red rug on the steps leading up and inside. The door on Santiago’s side opened and he stepped out, turning to hold out his hand, helping you out. 
Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the car, taking a look around as he helped Lisa out of his car. 
A man in a suit walked out, bowing his head.
„Duke Garcia,“ the man said and your head turned to Lisa who was already looking at you with wide eyes. 
„Where is he?“ Santiago asked. You saw the man look at you and Lisa before he focused back on Santiago. They talked to each other in hushed voices before Santiago turned around with a sigh. 
The man walked back inside, leaving you alone with Lisa and Santiago, the car driving off. 
„Frankie is in a… meeting. But I think we can interrupt it. That is, if you want?“ He asked. 
You nodded. 
You wanted answers. 
„What about you?“ You asked, looking at Lisa. She suddenly had a shy smile on her lips as she looked at Santi. 
„I’m gonna take care of her,“ Santi said with a wink and you playfully rolled your eyes. 
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It took almost ten minutes of Santiago leading both you and Lisa through the building before he came to a stop in front of two closed doors. 
He looked at you, silently asking for permission, before he loudly knocked on the door. 
He didn’t wait for anyone to invite him in, before he pushed the door open. 
The first thing you noticed was that the room behind the door was huge. And looking more… opulent than some of the hallways you had walked through. Golden ornaments and deep red on the walls made it look like out of a fairytale. 
You were in a castle. Why were you in a castle?
You let your eyes wander through the room until your eyes stopping on the very end. There was a woman sitting on a chair in front of a canvas, painting someone. Taking a step further  into the room you noticed someone sitting in front of her. On a golden chair. A throne? He was wearing what looked like a uniform with various medals and buttons, looking very official. 
The man stood up and you titled your head up, finding Frankie’s wide eyes looking at you. 
The woman in front of him, got up from her chair too, bowing her head with a whispered your majesty as he took the three steps from the podium down and walked towards you. 
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he walked towards you. 
„Clear the room,“ he said and you released a shuddering breath. You felt a hand on your shoulder, making you jump. 
Breaking eye contact you looked at Lisa who looked as confused as you felt. 
„You okay?“ She mouthed. 
You shrugged. She eyed the man who was now standing almost in front of you with a frown before she looked at you again. 
„I will be right outside,“ she said loud and clear before she let Santiago lead her out of the room, closing the door behind them. 
You closed your eyes, gathering your thoughts before your eyes opened and found Frankie looking at you. 
Allowing yourself a moment to really take him in, you noticed how tired he looked. There were bags under his eyes you could see, even though someone did a shitty job of covering them up. It seemed like he aged at least ten years since you’ve last seen him. His hair was shorter, his beard was trimmed. 
His head tilted to the side and it was only then that you noticed the tears in his eyes. 
„You left,“ you whispered and he closed his eyes, releasing along breath.
„I’m sorry,“ he said and you had too look away from him when he opened his eyes again. Turning away you slowly walked towards the windows, looking out of it. 
If you would continue to look at him, you would cry. And right now you weren’t sure if it was out of anger or because you had missed him so much. 
You crossed your arms, your hands tucking underneath your arms to soothe yourself as you looked out into the dark night. 
„Tell me why you left,“ you said quietly. 
Footsteps came closer towards you and it was like before, like you could feel his warmth. 
„My father died,“ he began. 
„I received the news of his death while I went through the store to get some of your favourite snacks. I wanted to go over to you anyway and finally tell you the truth. Tell you that I lo…. I had the plan to tell you everything that night even before all of it happened. But… Once my father…. The King of San Senova died, I was swept up by the royal protocol. Thirty minutes after I received the message I was already on a plane and being briefed on what was going to be happening as soon as I arrived here back home.“
„You didn’t even have a minute to call?“
„I… I tried. But your number had been disconnected by the time I finally had a minute to breathe. And I had left you messages with my superior but he told me that you weren’t interested….“
You turned around, your head tilting up to look at him. 
„I never received any message from you,“ you shook your head. His eyes widened. 
„I left you a letter. And… at least a dozen messages….“
„I went to the base an hour after you hadn’t shown up and talked to your Superior. He only told me that you left earlier. There was no message.“
His jaw tensed as he took a deep breath, his eyes darkening for a moment. 
„I left you a letter that explained everything. I gave it to him weeks before I even left because I wanted you to have a way to contact me. It had Santi’s and Will’s number. Because I am not allowed to carry a cellphone.“
Sucking your bottom lip in you looked at him. 
„Why would he not give me your messages if you left them for me?“ You questioned. 
His face fell and he groaned. 
„His fucking daughter. Fuck, I can’t believe this…“ He turned around, his hand running through his hair in frustration. 
„Santi!“ He yelled and you almost jumped at the tone of his voice. 
The door opened and Santiago walked in, looking a little… wild. His hair a wild mess and… was that lipstick on his lips?
„Your majesty?“ He asked and your could see Frankie roll his eyes. You caught Lisa in the hallways behind Santi with big eyes. You chuckled to yourself. 
„I want General Lopez and his daughter here first thing in the morning,“ he hissed and Santi’s eyebrow raised. 
„Fucker never gave my messages to her,“ Frankie explained and Santi sighed as he looked at you. 
„I will get right to it,“ he promised. He turned around and closed the door behind him. 
„I should have known…. I should have tried harder,“ Frankie shook his head, his fingers rubbing over his temple. 
Slowly you approached him. 
Sure, he could have tried to get in touch with you somehow. But… you couldn’t even imagine how much his life must have changed in a matter of hours. Not that you weren’t hurt how things went, but… you could at least understand him. 
Carefully you brought your hand up to rest on his shoulder. 
He looked at you. 
„I missed you so much,“ he whispered. 
„Yeah?“ You asked. He nodded. 
„Even though there are now always people around me, I feel so alone. I always felt so alone. But not with you. Never with you,“ he turned around so he was standing in front of you.
„I missed you too. Every single day,“ you said, tears lingering in your eyes. 
His forehead came to rest against yours as he pulled you into a hug. The big clock in the room began to ring, the clock striking midnight. 
„Happy birthday Frankie,“ you whispered. 
Ever so slowly you pressed your lips against his.
„Tell me everything?“ You asked. 
He smiled. 
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Things went very fast after that night. 
It turned around General Lopez had indeed not given a single message Frankie left to you because he was hoping that Frankie fell for his his daughter, who was in line to be Frankie’s wife and future queen.
He just hadn’t counted on how deeply Frankie had fallen in love with you. 
You had spend the whole night talking. After he had gotten out of his uniform he had taken you to his private quarters that fell much more like Frankie.
He told you about growing up in this palace, knowing that he was next in line for the throne. How every single relationship he had in the past only was about getting what they wanted, which was power or money, but never him. Frankie. They wanted Alejandro Carlos Francisco Sanchez Morales The Third, or now King Alejandro the third. 
That was the reason, he was so hesitant to tell you. Not because he didn’t trust you, but because he was scared it would change something between you. 
It took a while to realise that the man you heard singing „Everytime we touch“ under the shower in the morning while he ran late for work, was now a king of a whole country. 
Your weekend trip became a lot more serious once Frankie told you he loved you and asked you to stay on the day after you arrived first at the palace. 
He did not want to waste any more time pretending he wasn’t in love with you and… you didn’t want that either. 
So you stayed. 
In separate rooms in the palace at first. 
Not that you slept in separate beds even one day after you arrived. 
But the King having his girlfriend move into his quarters right away apparently wasn’t a good look. You learned much about the royal protocol in the weeks after you arrived.
Part of you wanted to let him grovel for you for a while, but you knew from the start that you wanted him back in your life. 
You didn’t want to waste any more time apart from him. 
Almost four months later Frankie asked you to marry him and you said yes. 
There would be a huge royal wedding in the next spring, the planning already under way. There was talk to combine his official coronation with the wedding, but two months was apparently too little time to plan it. Your dress alone would take half a year to make. The times of ordering your clothes online were officially over.
You had a stylist now. 
And responsibilities.
Because you would become the Queen of San Senova in the coming year. 
Which is how you found yourself here, wearing a deep green floor length gown, your back leaning against a wall, next to a room full of people who were waiting to officially see the new King. 
The new King who was on his knees in front of you, one of your legs thrown over his shoulder, your dress carefully held up as he licked into you. 
Your hands were pressed against the wall behind you, trying to stop yourself from running them through his hair. 
„Frankie,“ you whimpered quietly, your head falling back against the wall. 
He had pulled you into this room not five minutes ago, both of you not really having seen each other more than in passing in the last four days. 
Which was apparently too much time. 
You could hear the people cheering outside of the palace as they waited. 
„Don’t let the people wait, my love. Cum for your King,“ he grinned before he sucked your clit into his mouth and you came with a quiet gasp, your legs shaking. 
„You’re a fucking menace,“ you sighed and you felt him chuckle against you, before he carefully slipped your panties back and kissed you thigh. 
A knock on the door, someone reminding you that it was time, let you both jump before you laughed to yourselves. 
He put your leg back to the floor as he got up, standing in front of you. 
„How do I look?“ He asked and you smiled, bringing your hands up to brush over his shoulders. 
„Majestic,“ you smiled and he kissed you softly. He took his hand, wanting to exit the room with you when you stopped him. 
He frowned.
„You have….. me all over you….“ You mumbled and he licked his lips. 
„Just how I like it,“ he winked before he opened the door, pulling you through it. 
And minutes later Frankie stood on the balcony, wearing his crown, waving to his people as their new crowned King, while he held your hand. 
Looking at you he gave you a small wink before he kissed you softly in front of thousands of people who cheered both his and your name. 
Not knowing what their King was up to not only ten minutes ago. 
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nerdraging4point0 · 3 months
Power Play // Chapter Three // Hockeyplayer!Noah AU
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Tropes and tags: RPF:AU hockey player romance, angsty romance, hidden relationship, forbidden relationship, smutty, MF, multiple POV. 
Content Warning: angsty romance, hockey player shenanigans, locker room talk, smutty, aggressive hockey players, PinV, MF relationship, possessive male, protective male.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran @cncohshit @flowery-mess @graveatspeople @cncohshit @nerdywitch20 @sundamariis @srorgana1 @malerieee @bloody-delusion-expert @sammyjoeee @deathofpeaceofmiiind @hayleylatour @deadboltsblog @broken0mens
The crowd is fired up as I squeeze between Dad and Jack on the home team's bench. The massive arena throbs with energy, flashing lights dancing across the packed stands and smooth ice. Blaring music competes with the deafening cheers of fans who arrived early just to watch warmups. On the Jumbotron above center ice, bone-crushing hits and highlight-reel goals from last season pump up the crowd. I bundle up in my cozy black fleece jacket, the team logo proudly displayed across my chest. My dad and Jack wear matching jackets and hats, pulled low to fight off the chill. I let my hair fall loose around my shoulders - an extra layer of warmth for my ears.
The arena plunges into darkness as the jumbotron fades to black. The crowd hushes in anticipation before a crimson glow washes over us. Bold letters flash across the screen: "Welcome the Rooks!" Our boys in black glide onto the ice - jerseys fluttering, skates carving arcs through the chill air. Moments later, a blur of gold and silver enters from the opposite end - the opponents have arrived.
The crowd roars as the Rooks and Pirates take to the ice. Fans decked out in black and red are on their feet. Across the rink, a sea of silver and honey gold erupts for the rival Pirates. The deafening cheers make the arena shake as the teams complete their warm-up laps. 
Our players zip across the ice, passing pucks in a frenzied warm-up. They swing by the home bench, exchanging fist bumps with Coach on each lap. Sanders zooms over and bumps gloves with my dad, then swoops around to me. He flashes a playful grin, head tilted, and I can't help but smile back as our gloves meet with a thud. Then he's off again, swallowed by the sea of players circling the rink.
McClain, the towering goalie, glides around the net, his massive frame armored in pads as he gathers up pucks. Pierce and Dominick hit the ice, dropping into deep lunges to stretch out their legs before the game. The rink echoes with the sounds of pucks clacking off sticks and skates carving the fresh sheet of ice. 
My eyes scan the team, catching Sebastian immediately. He skates effortless circles around the guys, poking their shins with his stick and shimmying his shoulders to get them loose. One by one, his energy infects them all until the entire squad is smiling and gliding around the ice, ready for a great game. 
As I look out across the ice, a sea of adoring fans presses up against the glass, eager for a chance to get close to their heroes. McClain, ever the showman, casually skates over and bumps fists with a starstruck youngster, posing for a picture with the kid's beaming mom. Not one to be upstaged, Sanchez whips the crowd into a frenzy, waving his stick like a maestro conducting a symphony of cheers. The arena erupts into a thunderous chant as the fans, decked out in their red and black jerseys, stand as one to worship their idols.
Sebastian and Karlsson slice through center ice like greased lightning, buzzing the Pirates with some cheeky close calls before zipping away again. The defensemen swoop back around, circling like hungry sharks eager for the kill.Sebastian's grin says it all - he came to fight. To win.
I'm transfixed, leaning forward, trying to anticipate their next move. Jack notices me watching and flashes a grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He goes back to scribbling plays, unperturbed. The easy confidence of it makes me smile too, even as Sebastian and Karlsson continue their dangerous dance, ready to strike.
“Those two are certainly a pair of daredevils, aren't they? Always pushing the limits and getting their thrills. I gotta admit, their bold style is impressive, even if it makes me a bit nervous. They really know how to walk that fine line between crazy and genius!”
With a few slick practice shots, McClain glides out of the net and Sanders swoops in to take his place. The boys fire off some blistering slapshots, testing Sanders' reflexes. Ruffilo starts showboating, swirling the puck in dizzying circles with his stick, playing a little game of keep-away from Karlsson. Sebastian cruises by the bench, bumping fists with dad and Jack as he passes. He drifts past me, brown eyes sizing me up through his mask's shield.
The warmups end and the team hustles off the ice, dad and Jack retreating to the locker room. I'm left sitting alone on the bench, mesmerized as the zamboni glides across the freshly scarred ice, smoothing it over for the game ahead. Jack emerges first, focused intently on the paperwork clutched in his hands, barely noticing me as he takes a seat. Suddenly, the announcer's voice booms through the arena, drawing all eyes upward as he begins introducing the Rooks players one-by-one on the jumbotron.
The crowd roars as Joakim Karlsson takes the ice with a nod to his adoring fans. "Number 18, Jake Sanders!" bellows the announcer. Sanders glides onto the rink, Southern California smile beaming beneath his helmet as he greets the stands. The cheers continue as each player is introduced, building to a fever pitch when the announcer calls, "Number 13, Noah Sebastian!" The arena explodes in shrieks and screams - no doubt from his legions of female fans. The heartthrob glides to center ice, flashing his million dollar grin and eliciting another wave of adulation from the crowd. 
The energy in the arena is electric as the opening ceremonies wrap up. The anthem singer belts out a passionate rendition, players scramble back to the bench, jostling past me as I'm wedged tight between their muscular bodies. Sebastian vaults over the boards right in front of me, his rock-hard shoulder slamming me back against the glass. He rips off his helmet, his piercing eyes meeting mine for a split second before he drops down on the bench. I feel my heart race as his raw, aggressive energy radiates through the tight space. This team means business, and I'm caught up in their intense pre-game ritual, pulse pounding with excitement and intimidation.
"Listen up!" barks coach as he strides into the room. All eyes snap to him.
"Sanchez, you've got first line. Sebastian, Karlsson - you're on defense. Willow, Dominick, be ready to sub in."
He scans the bench, gaze hard. "It's time. Bring the heat today and leave it all on the ice. We've got a championship to win. Now let's go out there and crush 'em!"
The team roars, pounding fists and slapping sticks. The starting six spring over the boards, skates carving the fresh ice as they hustle into position. Sanchez glides to the faceoff dot, eyes locked on his rival Hemingway across the red line. Karlsson and Sebastian flex their gloves, sticks poised and shoulders squared, eager for the opening puck drop. The crowd hushes and the tension swells. My pulse thunders in my ears. 
This is it.
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Noah's POV
My pulse pounds as the puck hits the ice with a crack. Sanchez bodychecks Hemingway, both of their wingmen rushing in. No luck - Hemingway emerges with the puck, barreling towards McClain’s net. I rock back and forth on my skates, poised to strike. Hemingway feints, faking a slide my way instead. I surge forward, stick low, leveling him to the ice as I snatch back the puck. Twirling away from the wingmen, I pass it back to Sanchez with a flick of the wrist. The crowd roars as we regain control, hungering for more bone-crunching hits and lightning-fast plays.
Sanchez charges down the ice like a freight train, barreling towards the Pirates goal. He loses control and is thrown off his skates, the Pirates pounce on the loose puck and race toward our zone, the crowd roaring in anticipation. Sticks clash and skates scrape as the action explodes, both teams desperately fighting for control.. Jolly and I scramble back on defense, sticks flashing, bodies crashing, doing everything in our power to shield McClain. The puck squirts free and the pirates pounce, but Jolly throws himself in front of the shot, taking one for the team. I help clear the rebound as the crowd roars. 
The puck is ours once again. Sanchez leads the charge, weaving through defenders like a snake. His wingmen flank out wide, drawing the defensemen with them. Sanchez winds up at the top of the circle, eyes locked on the net. He unleashes a blistering slapshot. The puck screams towards the goalie, too fast to react. Sanchez spins away, not daring to watch. The ref's hand goes up. Goal! The crowd erupts as Sanchez is mobbed by his teammates. Helmets clank together in celebration before it's back to business. 
Ruffilo whizzes past, giving my stick a friendly slap as he crosses over. Gotta love that guy. As wingmen go, he's as solid as they come. We're tight, me and Nick - been roomies for a while now. Probably for the best we don't live with Jolly too, that'd be a bit much. Don't get me wrong, Jolly's my right-hand man on the ice, we're a well-oiled machine out there. But off the rink? Me and Nick kick back, bust each other's chops, talk a little smack. That's just how we roll. I've got his back and he's got mine, on and off the ice. We make a pretty good team.
I'm still trying to figure Sanchez out. He's obviously a talented center, and he gets the other guys pumped up, which is good. But I dunno, there's something about his attitude that rubs me the wrong way. Like, he acts like he's the main character out there, and the rest of us are just supporting actors. I don't wanna judge too quickly, he might just be really competitive. But that arrogance could cause problems if he doesn't keep it in check.
The puck rockets across the ice as The Pirates battle to get it to McClain. Jolly and I scramble to guard the net. A winger charges at me and I slide to block, but the guy jams his skates at my feet to trip me up. I spin away from the attack but lose my position, forced to go where he steers me. Hemingway whacks the puck toward McClain, who splits his legs and snags it in his glove. The crowd roars at the clutch save.
I scan the crowd, my eyes darting from the approving cheers of the fans to the nods of my teammates. But my gaze keeps getting drawn back to her. The coach's daughter. She's been here since yesterday, hanging all over her dad. I tried not to notice her at first - I'm here to play hockey, not ogle girls. But I can't seem to look away for long. 
The way she moves, the cute little smiles she gives her dad. She's got my head spinning more than taking a hard check into the boards. I've gotta get my focus back if I want to play well tonight.
Coach would slaughter me if he caught me within 100 feet of his daughter. Hell, I didn't even know he had one until just yesterday. Can't blame him for wanting to keep her far away from us hooligans. If I had a girl that looked like her, I'd lock her in a tower. But damn, the second I saw her, something inside me snapped. My inner defenseman kicked in - I wanted to shield her from these animals, keep her safe. She's not mine...yet. But I'll be damned if I let any of these punks lay a finger on her. I'll knock 'em into next week if they even look at her wrong. That angel's gonna be protected at all costs. Coach better keep that beauty off the ice, 'cause she's got this enforcer feeling some type of way.
Sanchez is back on the ice, battling Hemingway for the puck like two bucks locked in a duel - even their wingmen keep their distance. Karlsson slaps his stick on the boards twice, jolting me back into the action. We watch Sanchez twirl and shove Hemingway, fighting for control. Then I see it coming - Hemingway's left winger charges Ruffilo, tripping our man and making him flinch, slashing down toward the dude's skates inches from his own. The ref's whistle pierces the tense air as he calls slashing on Ruffilo, handing him a two-minute penalty. The crowd erupts into a chorus of boos while Ruffilo glides to the box, shaking his head.
Man, I feel for my buddy out there. He didn't mean to. But did the ref see it that way? No chance. Two minutes in the box. Unbelievable. Now the rest of us have to pick up the slack while Ruffilo cools his heels. Me and Jolly slide in, McClain’s head on a swivel now that we’re down a man.
The puck rockets toward me as I skate backwards, eyes locked on it, guarding the goal with everything I've got. Hemingway winds up and fires a blistering slapshot through a seam in our defense. I dive, stretching every inch of my pads to block it, but the puck deflects off McClain's stick and glides into the corner of the net. The ref's whistle pierces the tense air. Hemingway's teammates swarm him as the crowd erupts. We were so close to stopping them. If only McClain had kept his focus. But it's too late now. The damage is done.
My blood is boiling so hot I can feel it flushing my face. I circle the rink to cool off before I explode. Nick's back from the box, his eyes narrowed to slits. He's out for blood.
Sanchez streaks up the ice with the puck, Pierce on his tail. But the Pirates' D shoves Pierce hard into the boards. Now Pierce is seeing red too. He grabs the bastard's jersey, drops his stick and gloves, and drags him along the ice. Pierce is ready to pound him into the ground right here.
We all grind to a halt, transfixed by the scene erupting before us. I charge forward, stick clattering to the ice, ready to drop the gloves as the D wads up Pierce's jersey in his fist. The ref circles like a shark, while Coach's screams echo from the bench. I glance over and see her leaning over the boards, eyes blazing, shouting breathlessly as she watches Pierce and his nemesis tangled together. Man, the intensity in her gaze is electric. Must be the adrenaline and testosterone coursing through my veins, but damn if she doesn't look sexy as hell at this moment.
Pierce and his rival crash together, gloves dropping as the ref struggles to pull them apart. The crowd roars as fists fly, the two tangled in a full-on brawl. Sharp whistles pierce the din as the ref forces them to their corners, both still straining against his grip. They're banished to the sin bin while tensions boil, leaving the ice open for Dominick to vault over the boards. He joins the nameless sub now skating for the Pirates, eager to capitalize on the empty space. The crowd pounds the glass, feeding off the raw intensity as play resumes in the wake of the fight.
We're locked in a never-ending battle on the ice, the clock winding down as overtime drags on. One more blistering slapshot, one more brick wall save, and victory is ours. Firing up my teammates, I skate around them offering as much encouragement as I can. 
“Dom, Ruff, Sanchez - skate like your lives depend on it. Harass them, frustrate them, smother them! Don't give their stars an inch to breathe out there.” I skate around turning to our goalie “McClain, my brother - I need you to lay out and block every shot you can. Be our brick wall. We're too close to let it slip away now. One more stop, one more big play. That's all we need. Let's bring this W home in front of our fans! Now let's get out there and take what's ours!”
The boys erupt in a roar, heads bowed as they clench their sticks with white-knuckled intensity under their gloves. The ice shudders under the force of their voices. They're fired up and ready to battle, adrenaline pumping through their veins.
The puck rockets through the air and Sanchez snatches it, a warrior king charging forward as the black disc zips between him, Dom and Ruff. They weave a web of deception, bamboozling the opposing defense just long enough for Sanchez to whip around the net and slam the puck into the gaping goal mouth. The ref's whistle pierces the din and I hurtle my stick away, tear off my helmet and blaze towards my brothers. We collide in a crush of celebration as the rest of the team swarms the ice. 
We separate carefully trying not to catch each other's blades. I slide back, regaining my footing before skating to grab my stick and helmet. On the bench, she bounces excitedly, hugging her dad in celebration of our victory. Her cheeks flush red with exhilaration, her smile radiant. She's tied her hair back in a messy ponytail, loose strands perfectly framing her face. I'm mesmerized watching her, knowing if she sticks around much longer, I'll either lose the championship or lose my heart completely.
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ferretwhomst · 5 months
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they're telling ford about their adventures :) more versions under the cut
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bonus: live ford reaction
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wol-fica · 1 year
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pairings - wednesdayaddams x fem!reader
summary - soulmate au <3
warnings - love-sick wednesday
an - twas a buzzy saturday for me so i decided to write how i felt
Love is such a wonderful thing.
Many people rely on it to live, to survive. It’s a craving, something that can satiate an irritating appetite. Love comes from within a person and blossoms into a gorgeous flower once their intended other half comes along; what bliss it withholds.
Well, Wednesday didn’t want that bliss.
The whole ‘find your soulmate’ thing was pointless to her. Why waste her life away chasing someone she has never met, just to supposedly drop everything she knows and fall in love with them? Utter nonsense if you ask her.
Hence to why Wednesday despises her ‘soulmate mark’ that dawned upon her wrist. It was an auburn red quill with white streaks that probably belonged to an unsuspecting hawk. Apparently, upon meeting your soulmate, the mark will burn fiery hot and disappear once skin to skin contact happens with your destined lover.
Wednesday will never meet her soulmate, she vowed to it. She would be far better off by herself than having some relationship hold her back from making something good of herself.
But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t accidentally curious.
At times, she would catch herself peering at people’s wrists to see their marks, but every time she looked, it was never matching hers. If she were to be honest, a pang of disappointment would hit her; but there was no room for her to be upset about not seeing her soulmate that day, she didn’t care anyways.
But, she did care when she saw you.
Meeting you was completely an accident, she didn’t mean to stare at you in class and memorize your features. The curve of your jaw, the faded freckles that dotted across your nose, the way your hair fell around your shoulders in a wave.
It wasn’t purposeful when she sneakily made a copy of your schedule so she could walk past you in the hallways. It was all a coincidence when she made a list of your likes and dislikes so she could find your favorite activities and foods. An accident is what she calls it when she hacked into Enid’s instagram to find your account and scroll through all your photos so she could save a few and put them in her journal.
It wasn’t her fault when she started to imagine scenarios of you two together, how she would kiss and hug you, how she would care for you if you were sad or upset, how she would trace her fingers along your skin whilst mumbling “mine” just to remind you who you belonged to.
It especially was an accident when she ran into you, when her arms snaked around your waist to save you from falling, when your noses were centimeters apart, and when she felt the surprising burn upon her wrist.
“I…uhm…” Wednesday stuttered, frozen while holding you in a dipped position.
Your eyes were wide, your hand twitching as you felt the similar sting on your arm. Your eyebrows furrowed in thought, your beautiful eyes tracking Wednesday’s.
“It’s you.” You mumbled, reaching for her face.
“And you…” She recited back, a warmth crossing across her cheeks as you cupped them.
You smiled at her, a sight she wishes she could bottle up and wear around her neck, and pushed your feet under you so you could stand upright.
Wednesday’s arms were still around you, so you took it as a request to step closer to her. Your hands went around her neck, resting on her shoulders while you gazed into her endless soul of black.
“I’ve been waiting.”
Wednesday nodded, her focus trained in on your face. She felt, vulnerable, a feeling she used to despise but now craved as she leaned into you.
“I know.” She replied.
You were breathtaking, a fallen angel that was caught in her net; her heart. The aura you produced was glowing and warm, a perfect satiatee for Wednesday’s cold demeanor.
Your hands moved back to her face, the soft pads of your fingers tracing along the skin of her jawline as you leaned in. You whispered one word before claiming her with a kiss.
tag list: @tundra1029  @i984  @king-scarlet     @simp4thena @dreifhraniquo29  @fall-08 @efectoangel @alexkolax  @k1mba @annalestern @i-love-u15 @vorsdany
i do not give permission for anyone to repost or copy my work onto any other platform
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sakua312 · 2 years
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AO3 | Next →
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yourmommygay · 10 months
Faking it all.
Summary: high school au where colby is the popular guy and y/n is the shy good girl. Will they fall in love im not sure.
Pairings: colby brock x plus size!chloe sanchez (aka you reading this) , sam golbach x Amanda sid, jake webber x Tara yummy.
Warnings: explicit language, smut, mutual pinning, bullying, fighting, mentions of abuse, colby being kind of a dick at first, Amber being a bully (I love Amber so much, she would never pick on some1 I know but it's just for the story)
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It started off as just another day, walking through the school halls when chloe reached her locker. Trying to balance her books in one arm while opening her locker with the other, she heard heels clicking on the floor which could mean one of two things, either chloes day was about to go south or her best friend was coming.
"Hey nerd" she heard Amanda behind her, rolling her eyes at the nickname chloe finally got her locker open. " hi Amanda, where's Tara?" Chloe asked her friend while shoving her books into her locker, "here she comes with jake, sam and colby" Amanda said. Chloe could see Amanda push up her boobs making the non-existent cleavage appear, making chloe giggle closing her locker turning around to lean on it looking at the group coming towards her and Amanda.
"Hey sam" Amanda said playing with her hair, "hey baby, wanna go get some breakfast?" Sam asked her putting an arm around Amanda's shoulder, she nodded and they walked toward the cafeteria, "hey girly, I missed you over the summer" Tara said pulling me into a hug, "you look so different but you look beautiful." She said pulling back to admire me.
Chloe was wearing minimal makeup, a slipknot band shirt, ripped jeans and combat boots and her glasses. "What do you guys think?" Tara asked the guys turning back to them, "oh yeah, I like your outfit" jake said smiling then pulling me into a hug, "yeah you look nice chlo-" colby started but got cut off "oh hi colby!" Amber said walking over.
She gave colby a hug and then pulled away to give me a dirty look "why are you hanging with this freak? Do you feel bad for her? Aw you've always been so sweet" she said praising colby but also insulting me, "go away Amber, I'm hanging out with chloe cause we are friends" colby said shrugging Amber off his arm coming to stand next to me putting his arm around me.
"But colby we are supposed to be together, your the most popular boy, apart from sam and I'm the most popular girl, apart from Amanda. We should be together like sam and Amanda." Amber said trying to persuade colby. "Everybody in this hall, do you like Amber more or chloe!" Jake shouted, a chant of chloe's name started along with people saying things like "she helps me with homework", "she's a good person, Amber isn't", "she always listens to me and gives me good advice".
Chloe started to smile and tear up hearing that she had a good effect on these peoples lives, "you heard them Amber, if I should be with anyone it's gonna be chloe, it makes sense. Jake and Tara, sam and Amanda, me and chloe. Just makes sense" colby said pulling her closer to him.
Truth be told, she had always had a thing for colby ever since they met when they were 3 and their dad's became work buddies, colby had never been a total dick to her. He would make jokes that made him sound like a dick but he was also a dick to those that hurt chloe.
Chloe wouldn't know it yet but colby had felt the same as chloe that's why he would always joke around with her but also protect her, chloe may not remember a thing colby promised her at the age of 6 but colby did and he was always gonna stick to it,
Colby and chloe had been playing all day outside in the park, their mother's sitting at a bench with each other laughing at some story they were sharing, as chloe and colby were playing tag chloe bumped into another kid, his name is zach. He was the main bully in the school, taking kids toys and keeping them, hitting teachers and throwing things when he wouldn't get what he wanted.
As zach turned around he looked at chloe as if he was about to hit her, as he went to hit her colby pushed him out of the way and kicked him grabbing chloes hand and rushing over to their mom's.
In the back of his mom's car he turned to chloe "are you OK?" He asked chloe moving over towards her, she nodded and quietly replied "yes, thank you for what you did back there".
Colby chuckled "I promise you I will always protect you and I will love you forever" he said grabbing her hand and kissing it fully locking in the promise.
*end of flashback*
Colby made sure to keep to his promise but now loving chloe in a different way he had when they were younger. All colby new was that this year was the year he made chloe his.
A/n I hope you liked this, this was part one of the series I'm not sure how many parts there will be, I might also put this on my wattpad.
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luvhu9hes · 2 months
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Everywhere, Everything (Analisa Au!)
NAME: Analisa Aguilar 
BIRTHDAY: March 7th 2003 '21'
BIRTHPLACE: El Centro, California 
PIERCINGS: 2 lobe piercings, bellybutton piercing, eyebrow piercing
HEALTH: Low Iron
MAJOR: Sports Management, she's always loved sports and has a scholarship for her lacrosse skills
FACECLAIM:  Darianka Sanchez (or others from pinterest)
Fun Facts-
She is the middle child, her older sister Lillia is 24, and her younger brother Silas is 16
Her older sister is her biggest role model, she used to copy everything she would do and it would drive Lillia insane
Her younger brothers friends always had crushes on her growing up (she thought it was sweet, but Silas hated it and threatened to fight his friends if they even looked at her funny)
She lived in California until she was 11
When her family lived in California, they didn't have a lot of money, so she spent a lot of time with the community center youth programs, where she found her love of art and learned how to play lacrosse
Her favorite things are; art, lacrosse, baking, Dominic Fike, her camera, raspberries, rom coms,  and soccer
Loves and I mean LOVES swimming, and the beach
Secretly made out with Mark Estapa in the bathroom at a frat party her first week of college, before her and Luke ever admitted their feelings for each other. The only people who know are Lillia, Ethan, Rosie (Ana's best friend) and Luke (He looked so betrayed when he found out about it)
She met Rosie her freshman year and they've been best friends since.
She met Luke her first day of 8th grade in michigan, they bonded over being nervous, Luke was always nervous because he thought people would realize he wasn't like his brothers and wouldn't like him because of it, and Ana was nervous because it was her first day at her new school.
The minute the Hughes family met her, the immediately fell in love with her.
She became a big part of the Hughes’ lives after they met her, always going to games, and having family dinners together, they were practically her second family 
She was there for Quinn and Jacks draft days (the internet went crazy)
The boys try to keep her out of the spotlight and away from the hate that comes with it, but she still always finds herself blowing up on social media 
She spends every summer at the lake house with the Hughes’ and their friends (they let her invite Rosie and her siblings so she's not alone with a bunch of hockey guys all summer)
Due to her summers at the lake house she's gotten very close with Trevor and Cole (her and Trevor are absolute menaces)
She is a certified party girl she loves how they give her an opportunity to just let loose, they also give her an extra sense of confidence 
Her love languages are physical touch and acts of service, she's never been the best at putting her feeling to words, so she uses the two to show how she feels
Ana loves reading, it's hard for her to sit down long enough to enjoy books sometimes, but when she can it's like heaven.
Considering her camera is one of her favorite things she is CONSTANTLY taking photos on it, she actually has 2, she has a camcorder, and a polaroid camera
She has a box of polaroids in her dorm room that she likes to go through at the end of the year to look back at her memories
Luke introduced her to the UMich hockey team, and they're all besties at this point (things were awkward between her and Mark at first, but they're so close now)
Ana shares a dorm with Rosie, but spends most of her time at the hockey house 
Because of her friendship with Luke, Silas always credits Ana for him getting into hockey
Ana can sleep anywhere, like she could be at a party and fall asleep standing up (Luke has a collection of pictures in his camera roll just of all of the weird places and positions she's fallen asleep)
Ana loves board games/video games, and has forced all of her friends to have game nights every Wednesday (everyone pretends to hate it, but she knows they all love it)
Ana is the most competitive person ever, whether it's from lacrosse or her love of games, she's always been so competitive.
She honestly has a shopping addiction (she'll never admit that though)
She loves coffee and tea, iced in the summer and hot during the winter
She is an avid poster on social media, mainly tiktok and instagram, but she's certainly considered starting a youtube channel a time or two
Ana takes after her sister and if very protective of those around her and can easily stick up for herself
She's a passenger princess, driving scares her if she's being completely honest 
Only gets called Analisa when she's in trouble
She has two instagram accounts @/anamaguilar is her main account that everyone follows, and @/anabannana is her private account with only her friends and family
She's 100% the type of person to just randomly get at tattoo on impulse
ahhh okay I'm glad to finally get this out, im not sure what took me so long to put this together, but everything for this series will be found under the tag "Everywhere, Everything Au!" Analisa has some similarities to me but otherwise she is my fictional baby and i have so much love for her, and i hope everyone else will love her as much as i do. I would also like to address that in certain pieces I will be writing about Ana and Lukes past because i just have so many thoughts floating through my head about baby Ana and Luke!
All love - Chaela
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basic personalities for mad scientist housemates AU
Ford is 6ft. HE is the Good Friend™️ constantly anxious dad friend who takes care of everyone but himself. Ford is the one hold in the backpack leashes. Ford is hella gay (hardcore crushing on Rick) and can not hide it to save his life. Ford is autistic and doing his best to function in a society that doesn't really understand his brain.
Rick is the Chaotic Neutral™️ self-serving, with a secret soft side to his friends (even though he would never let them know he thinks of them as friends). He has main character syndrome, a hardcore ADHD brain, and must wear a back leash in public (not for violence unlike Rand, just for ADHD reasons). Rick can be separated into two separate people: Sober Rick and Rick. Rick is 6'6 and pansextual (just like in canon)
Rand is the Bad Influnce™️ friend. Rand is a disorganized mess and is the bane of Sober Rick's and Ford's neat workspace. Rand must wear a backpack leash and baby mittens with no fingers for violence prevention reasons. This is why the lab goes on lockdown if any kind of alcohol enters the workspace. If left alone with Rick will become the ultimate HR problem. Rand is the reason Ford drinks. Rand is the short (in comparison to the other two) straight friend.
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