#sanster university au
heartkillers · 6 months
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Happy Holidays! 💜💙✨
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newnap · 2 years
Do you have some sanster headcanons to share? Or just Undertale headcanons overall? 👀
I don't know if I already uploaded this old drawing but!! While I love different versions of gaster in different aus.. I hc there's only one gaster all across the universe... There might have been many versions of him like other monsters, until he fell into his creation and ended up being the only gaster
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undertale-data · 3 years
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[Image Description: an Undertale chat box that says “CANON UNIVERSE” at its center. Surrounding it is radar on its left, and CRIME measurers and a Friendship bar from the Dating Hub on its right. End I.D.]
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[Image Description: A bar graph titled “CANON CHARACTER SHIP PREFERENCES”. From left (greatest) to right (least): Alphyne, with 1641 who CONSUME it and 435 who CREATE it; Soriel, with 802 consumers and 188 creators; Papyton, with 725 consumers and 150 creators; Sansby, with 644 consumers and 140 creators; RG01/RG02, 555 consumers and 48 creators; Nicepants, 515 consumers and 61 creators; Kingdings, 445 consumers and 74 creators; Grillster, 438 consumers and 97 creators; Dogamy/Dogaressa, 427 consumers and 38 creators; Frans, 342 consumers and 107 creators; Fontcest, 310 consumers and 136 creators; Charisk, 289 consumers and 77 creators; Sanster, 271 consumers and 85 creators; Chasriel, with 212 consumers and 41 creators; Sansgoriel, 204 consumers and 32 creators; Mettaton/Sans, 127 consumers and 22 creators; Other Ships, 735 consumers and 459 creators; No Ships, 340 consumers and 1581 creators; there were 141 consumers and 117 creators who preferred not to answer. End I.D.]
Alphyne (Alphys/Undyne), as the only major canon ship confirmed in the game, understandably had the highest number of votes in the consumption category, with 61.9% of fans enjoying content about them. They also ranked highest among the specifically stated ships in the creation category, at 16.4%. (As a reminder, ship content created could be in the form of fics, art, comics, videos, or other forms of media.) The “other ships” option, while having only half the votes that Alphyne did in the consumption category, narrowly beat out Alphyne in the creation category (at 17.3%). These two questions in the survey came before the reader insert and AU ships. The “other ships” option in the survey was specifically labeled as “rarepair or ship not listed here,” without clarifying that it still only referred to canon character ships, so it is possible that content creators voted for that option in reference to reader insert or AU ships. Of course, it could also mean that the total of all rarepair ships surpasses the one major ship in the game. It is impossible to tell for sure without gathering more data.
Regardless, Alphyne is still very popular, and deservedly so. Alphyne is unique as one of the first wlw romances in popular media. In the free-response questions about favorite characters and favorite things about the game, many fans brought up the impact that Alphyne had on them. One responder said, “I think Alphys/Undyne helped me accept myself as a lesbian.” The true pacifist ending of the game cannot be reached without Undyne and Alphys confessing their feelings, and the player themself helps them to do so. All of these factors likely contribute to the interest that fans have in their relationship.
Of the ships that are not present in canon, Soriel (Sans/Toriel) ranked the highest in both the consumption and creation categories, followed by Papyton (Papyrus/Mettaton) and Sansby (Sans/Grillby).
[More analysis of these ships under the cut. Also contains mentions of Fontcest.]
Soriel’s popularity is unsurprising given their interactions in canon. Sans’s friendship with Toriel cannot be missed on any route, as he talks about her in the ending phone calls, even choosing to stay with her in the Exiled Queen ending. He also mentions her at the MTT resort if you choose to have dinner with him, which is a scene that many fans of the game love. And, of course, there is the unforgettable pacifist ending, where they meet in person for the first time while Asgore cries in the background. While none of these interactions are inherently romantic, they certainly have a deep friendship that fans can choose to make into something more.
Interestingly, Papyton is the only one of these top four ships that has not had a direct interaction in-game, though Papyrus’s admiration for Mettaton can be inferred from tidbits scattered throughout his battle (MTT brand anime powder, etc.), his date (action figures of various sexy robots), and his phone calls (“HE’S MY FAVORITE SEXY RECTANGLE!”). This ship also may have the appeal of giving both Papyrus and Mettaton a love interest, particularly if fans also ship Alphyne and Soriel at the same time. Papyrus and Mettaton both have bold, flamboyant personalities that have potential to go well together in fanworks where they have the opportunity to interact.
Sansby ranked number four, being the only popular canon ship to include a minor character. Grillby is interesting in that he only says one line in the game (“...good job.”), yet he has a large fan following in his own right. Sans jokes with him, and even if Grillby does not respond verbally, there is room for fans to headcanon a relationship between them.
The fifth ranking ship depends on whether you choose to sort by the ships fans choose to consume, or the ships fans choose to create. Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 is the fifth most popular ship for consuming content, but they only have 48 responders (1.8%) who enjoy creating content about them. They are memorable and enjoyable side characters, but fans have not latched onto them and given them backstories like Grillby. In sorting by ships fans create content for, Fontcest (Sans/Papyrus) was the fifth most popular (at 5.1%). This did not come as a surprise, since discarding reader and AU ships, Fontcest has the second most tagged fics on AO3 (after Alphyne). Since Papyrus and Sans are the two most popular Undertale characters by far, is it inevitable that some fans will ship them regardless of their status as siblings.
The popularity of Sans, Papyrus, and ships involving the two becomes even more apparent in the next section: reader insert ships.
Shipping Analysis Navigation:
1. Introduction, limitations, and methods 2. Canon Character Ships (you are here) 3. Reader Insert Ships 4. AU Character Ships (to be posted) 5. Overall Shipping Comparisons (to be posted)
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cloud-inhabitant · 4 years
I ship sanster in the universe where sans was a scientist working for gaster, grillster in a dadster au and sansby in literally any other...
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Unfertale- Portal of Memories: Chapter Two
Chapter 2: Happy birthday blueberry sans mnm.... more set up AND a chapter do not worry! >:D Sans was finally back at his house where he was able to get to work right away, luckily, his older brother papyrus was there, wanting to lend him a hand for the party and the surprise. Today was Blueberry's birthday, yes, but there was another thing as well. It was the anniversary of all of the Sans's and Papyrus's being together under one roof and the roof not falling on them. Really something to behold to be honest. Since there was always trouble from time to time, you would have thought there was going to be more sustainable damage done to the place, no matter how large it was. At best there was a few windows that had to be repaired, and he had seen what he himself, and the other replicas of himself were capable of doing, it was never pretty as a result. Anyway, back on track, as soon as the skeleton bros had entered the house, they knew they were going to be all alone until at least 10:00 P.M that night, though that was no excuse to dilly-dally. There was much preparation and decorating. As soon as Sans was fast at work, he was wanting to stop, sit down and sleep, mainly due to his major laziness factor and what his priorities were, so to keep himself distracted to work he thought on something else. When he and the other Sans's and Papyrus copies all had finally made them the citizens of monster city was certainly and exciting time. Blueberry was in the middle of his birthday party when he was called to the door by some guards in armor from the kings castle. Coming to get them and bring them to the front of the palace. Everyone knew that it was going to go one way or the other so they were prepared to fight for the worst, but they took no time to think what to do if it was a positive result. There was many people that were outside of the palace, they were staring at them, there were monsters as well, many familiar and unfamiliar faces, Grillby, Muffet, Toriel, Undyne, that small Monster Kid, Chara, Frisk, Asriel, Mattaton, Alphys, Doggo and his kin, and a few others whom were too far away to tell each other apart from the other one. Sans was with his brother behind all of the AU skelebros, and he was prepared to go against Asgore to make sure they were not going to be hurt or anything. Luckily, he was in a relatively okay mood so he was not making himself panic or get angry before he needed to or wanted to. He was indescribly worried though, after all, if you are not welcomed into the monster community, you are either banned to a dangerous forest, or they are executed. "I am here today to announce the outcome of the test living here by our newest visitors, and I have come to a startling conclusion." there it was, there was an immediate bad line for a start, this was going to be bad, wasn't it? "They have all been living here for about a 6 month stent , and they have done various things with and around us for that stent of time." another bad note?? Was this heading to more or less an execution face? DAMMIT!! Sans knew what Asgore was talking about though, there was several things that the other AU copies had done that no one was proud of, though they had not killed, they were impenetrably reckless and they seemed to find trouble, the humans didn't all like them either. There was sometimes fights between monsters, and humans. The other Sans and Papyrus copies had never gotten physical though... just to unsure their safety. The originals as well, if they did something wrong, Sans was not going to be killed, nor Papyrus, but they would be banned for a little while... Reason enough to only 'ban' them to the forest, maybe a year or so, was so that they had time to get their acts together, and If they were able to survive in the forest, they were going to come back alive, if not, well, you already know. Back to the matter at hand, there was just a lot to consider that might happen. " I, King Asgore, hearby-" Sans tensed up at the goat king whom was speaking and he looked him in the eye from where he was in the audience, trying to make sure not to give away that he was somewhat frightened at the possibilities. "Welcome all of you into our community with a full heart and high hopes for all of you, you have proven that though you might be a active and rambunctious crew that there is much good in all of you. You have show us your trustworthiness, loyalty, and good personalities, I hope the best of luck to all of you. Everyone show our newest citizens a large and warm welcome!! WELCOME TO SNOWDIN!" (above ground people/ humans call it Monster City) There was a loud rousing cheer as several o the audience members started to clap and the cheers and whooping started to increase leading to some of the others just sitting there a moment before they joined in the amusing mahogany with their own rousing cheers and happiness. That was the best day of everyones lives since they had been there. Sans was going to make sure that his friends were feeling as happy as they were that day. In fact, he was the one who made sure that they were all gone today cause he had been secretly preparing for a while, buying things while there was money in the house and things like that. Papyrus, he was just a lucky enough to be passing by kind of instance was all, there was many things that they were going to do. At the end of it, it was a well decorated scene, there were streamers, many anniversary gifts were on a near table, there was a banner stating the event that the others were going to be walking into, and then there was the food. Since everyone had preferences, that was the biggest chore, they needed to make sure that they cooked everyone their favorite foods. It was a HUGE chore. JEEZ! Worth it though... Currently the time as 9:45 PM, there was no outside noises, and there was the pleasant aroma of the food that was ready under preservative containers that made sure that they stayed warm. Tacos in specific was what was on Blueberry's plate. Hopefully they did a good job, cause even Papyrus was tired out, and he wanted to rest for a few minutes at least. A few minutes apparently not on the plate to serve though, as soon as both skelebros sat down on the couch, they crashed, and fell into a deep slumber. About another 25 minutes went by before there was the opening of a door, and various footsteps on a hard wooden floor that was being used by boots and shoes alike. Darkness was cascading from every single corner of the room, the lack of a windows presence was not taking away the outstretching clutches of the shadows. Blueberry almost stopped short as he had become absurdly skeptical about the room he was about to go into. To his dismay, Blackberry, a direct alternate form of him and quite possibly Fell as well shoved him inside lightly, complaining about being cold and he looked around himself, not fearing the dark like some of the others had clearly shown they had. Fell was right in front of his brother, clearly shaken, he didn't used to be so scared of the dark, but when Edge (Underfell Papyrus) was being an abusive brother in his own universe before it was destroyed, there was a small torture method that the taller skeleton tried out on him. You see, Fell was deathly scared of snakes, and holes. So combine them and what do you get? A snake pit. Edge had been intoxicated, or in other words, drunk, and he put Fell in a snake pit, in the dark so the smaller skeleton could not see where any were, or kill them with his magic abilities. Edge took a small note of his older brothers skepticism, and the memory too came to his head as he looked down in shame when no one was looking in his direction. He remembered what he was doing all too clearly, and he traumatized his older brother for it. The more he thought on it, he was glad that he learned how to be a better brother to Fell from the original two brothers. He lost his temper so many times, so he went to anger management. Of course, there was no way he was going to give up being scary, and keeping his authoritative figure in public, he may be better, but he was still the great Papyrus. He was to be respected, if not feared, especially by the right people. Ink was right in between Error and Reboot, whom were both trying to talk, getting ready to rock paper scissors to see who should go and turn on the light for everyone, evidently, they did not like the dark either. (Join the dark side, we have cake) In an annoyed huff, and burning curiosity, Nightmare went to go and turn on the light, nobody else was going to, besides, he was hungry, and that smell was making his mouth water. The only reason that Nightmare did not mind is for the fact that he had spent a very long time in the darkness anyway. As soon as his feet hit the wall, he turns on the light, and he looks at the splendiferously decorated place. It looked very nice, and upon further inspection, it looked like it was the decor for Blueberry's birthday, and the smaller hyperactive Sans was all over the room, almost ready to yell out in excitement from the pleasant surprise, everyone walking in to also admire the view that they had. However, before the other was was able to scream his counterpart, blackberry, and fell both instantaneously slapped their hands over his mouth to insure that he was not going to scream anything or make that much noise. However, just a little bit of a peep managed to squeeze past the skeletal fingers of the others, and caused Sans to stir in his sleep. Everyone held their breath as they saw him get back to a deep sleep. Daus, Blueberry's brother took a puff of his cigarette, handing one to Sanster whom had requested one from him. "You really need to learn how to control your hyper chatter brother, I understand you are excited, and I am happy for you, but please calm down, they need rest, looks like they worked really hard to even be able to get this done for you, okay?" the orange clothes skeleton asked in a lazy manner as he leans back on the couch nearby. " I understand... I am really going to hug them to death when they wake up though, let's go and see what they left in the kitchen~" The blue eyed skeleton smiled as he skipped ahead, Papercut, Paperjam and Dream following behind them all pretty promptly as well, if there was cake, it was not going to survive. Not a chance that the two whom worked on it was even going to taste their own creation. Unfresh was right next to his doppelganger, who was watching everyone else before he was going to go and give error sans another heart attack. He liked doing that too much, it was not like they hated each other, but they definitely were not best friends. Anyone was going to be able to that much. Sanster and Daus stayed behind so they could watch the others go into the kitchen and get their own chairs when everyone else was seated so that no one else was rushing around to sit and knocking into them. They all had their own chairs, specifically decorated and labeled by the one whom had their tuckus in it. Error Sans Chair (With the help of Ink) Ink Sans Chair Dream Sans Chair Paperjam Sans Chair Blueberry Sans Chair Nightmare Sans Chair ((Some cool chairs, so feast your eyes)) Everyone had began to eat, Error taking the time to make sure that all of the others were talking, but he made sure that he put Sans and Papyrus's food in the microwave so it was not going to get much colder or spoil as fast. Then he directed his thoughts to the indiscreet chatter around himself, very few of the others in the room preferring to eat their food in silence to finish up faster. "So what did you think of the movie Blue?" Fell asked as he looked up from his own food, seeing the happy Sans gobbling down on his third plate in the matter of 20 minutes, it was amazing he didn't have the hiccups yet.... whatever... anyway, back to the conversation. " I really liked it guys, It was funny, cute, sad, romantic and filled with action!! I wish the other one was out already. I'm glad that the humans made the movie. I wish there was other ones that were available to us, but the truck that was carrying the other movies and things like that went onto delay..." Blueberry went into a 5 second emo corner as he said that lowly. Soon enough the blue wearing swap was all chipper again, talking to Ink, whom was done eating, and drawing in his sketchbook. " I really think that the creative graphics were the best part of it myself." the artist stated as he went to another page after finishing one up " I loved all of the fighting and the use of the curse words!" Unfresh laughed as he started to put the silverware on his plate and stand up. " I liked it when there was the sentimental moments and bonding moments, it was adorable!" Dream smiled as he went to get his brother, Nightmare's plate and put his own away as well. Nightmare thanking him as he used his napkin to clean off his face. " I would say I loved something about it too, but I was working and I was also asleep, I will let you all know as much as this, the show that goes on behind your eyelids is free, and relaxing, you should watch it later. Especially you, Sanster." a familiar tired voice laughed as he went around the corner, getting his own food when Error pointed to the microwave behind himself. "Thanks" Sanster, whom was on the other side of the kitchen only mumbled as he looked at his jacket, and sighed. He knew he needed the sleep, but he never felt the need to actually get it. It was too humdrum, and to be honest, he always felt like he had better things to do. "Brother, you are not going to make them all as lazy as you. I really have no idea how anyone can sleep as long as you can, but if you moved around more and slept less, you might be more energized and enjoy some time doing the things you like." Papyrus slightly scolded as he yawned, rubbing his eye socket in a tired manner. " Aw come on bro, you know that I am always enthusiastic. I just contain it for later. Hahaha... you and your scolding really does aMAIZE me, you know." Several groans of annoyance, and other laughs or giggles were heard around the room, and Sans took his chair, which only had his name on it unlike everyone else's chair and he ate his hot dogs fairly quickly. Before he was able to get up, he was jumped from behind and almost panicked before he saw who it was. "Hey there blue, what do ya need kid?" he asked the other and the slightly smaller skeleton started to excitedly talk, or more or less babble a 'thank you'. " THANK YOU SO MUCH SANS! I REALLY LOVED THE TACO'S AND THANK YOU FOR THE PRESENTS, AND THE PARTY! CAN I HAVE MY CAKE NOW?!" the other smiled as he only shook with happiness and he brought his hands to his chest in a pleading manner. "Not until we sing you happy birthday!" and the room broke out in a fit of singing as the others all joined in and he laughed before seeing blueberry blush with a happy grin. ((This is not my song, the song is by - Stevie Wonder)) You know it doesn't make much sense There ought to be a law against Anyone who takes offense At a day in your celebration 'Cause we all know in our minds That there ought to be a time That we can set aside To show just how much we love you And I'm sure you would agree It couldn't fit more perfectly Than to have a world party on the day you came to be Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday I just never understood How a man who died for good Could not have a day that would Be set aside for his recognition Because it should never be Just because some cannot see The dream as clear as he That they should make it become an illusion And we all know everything That he stood for time will bring For in peace our hearts will sing Thanks to Martin Luther King Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Why has there never been a holiday Where peace is celebrated All throughout the world The time is overdue For people like me and you Who know the way to truth Is love and unity to all God's children It should never be a great event And the whole day should be spent In full remembrance Of those who lived and died for the oneness of all people So let us all begin We know that love can win Let it out don't hold it in Sing it loud as you can Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Ooh yeah Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday We know the key to unity all people Is in the dream that you had so long ago (happy birthday) That lives in all of the hearts of people (happy birthday) That believe in unity (happy birthday) We'll make the dream become a reality (happy birthday) I know we will (happy birthday) Because our hearts tell us so (happy birthday) Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLUEBERRY SANS!!" everyone exclaims at once, Blueberry thanking them repeatedly. After the party, it took a while, but everything was put back to where it needed to be, and all of the skeletons cleaned their own messes. Daus and Edge did the dishes with Paperjam because the original two were way too tired to even stay awake that long. After it was all said and done, there were skeletons sleeping everywhere. At the kitchen table, chair, in their rooms, on the chairs, futon, the couch, a couple were on the floor. At least it was a good day. -_-_-_-_- To be continued
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heartkillers · 3 months
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heartkillers · 1 year
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heartkillers · 1 year
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Sanster Week (University AU). Day 2: Surprised / Prepared.
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heartkillers · 1 year
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Sanster Week (University AU). Day 1: Stats / Medicine.
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heartkillers · 1 year
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More doodles of Sans crying (sanster University AU)
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heartkillers · 6 months
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Embarrassed boy, and worried-
I had entertained myself coloring this when I haven't even finished the lineart LOL XD
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heartkillers · 1 year
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I could get used to drawing him like this >:3 
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heartkillers · 1 year
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Hug for the little guy! It was time for our professor to comfort his student (sanster University AU) 💜💙✨
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heartkillers · 1 year
I was looking through some of my drawings and found this one that I hadn't posted, the background was in process but I think I'll redraw it completely 👀
AAAA I love University AU 💜💙✨
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heartkillers · 4 years
I am a big fan you! I hope you draw forever♡♡>\\\\\\\< i have 2 questions on you, if you're have problems something to draw, on which template/artist do you look up? And why are you a big saster fan(for me are they father and son that's whyXD)
Awww, thank you, I really appreciate the comments and support you give to my drawings, it makes me very happy!! (/ >w<)/ ❤❤❤💙💙💙💛💛💛
I will draw until the day I die!! >:3
Hehe, well, I admire many artists, the artworks of @.wishingstarinajar, @.zwagyzonk, @.mnstrcndy and many more have always filled me with inspiration, their styles are unique, and I have managed to get rid of the artoblock by watching their work (That and seeing many speedpaints too, hahaha I love them!! XD)
And, yeah Sanster~, actually the father and son thing varies a lot in some alternative universes, there are AUs in which Sans and Gaster are not really related, the version of the ship that I like is the one that is not incest XD, I find them adorable as lab partners/coworkers, and the story about this couple is very cute (and sad :'3), it is impossible for me not to love sanster ( Ó///w///Ò)❤
Also, I have a "fetish" for couples with age differences, maybe that influences this a bit xD
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