#but also
Me: God please please please take this hard thing away from me. 😭😭😭 Please. It's HARD.
God: Here's a post about how Christian must bear their crosses.
Me: Oh, okay. 🥺
Him: And here's a post about how tribulations won't last forever.
Me: Oh, okay. 🥺
Him: And here's a post about how it's okay to flop on the floor crying while doing My will.
Me: Oh, okay. 🥺
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you know that thing that’s like. your mom controls the mood in whole house, so like when she’s mad, it’s a bad day for everyone?
do you think the batkids have that with bruce?
i’m usually the biggest champion of “let bruce be a good and thereby emotionally heathy dad” but speaking semi-realistically:
do you think that bruce, out of the cowl, is so emotionally volatile that he creates the vibe for the whole house?
do you think tim would text jason and be like “not a good day don’t come by” just to spare himself and everyone else from bruce blowing up on someone
do you think damian breathes a sigh of relief whenever he wakes up and bruce is in a good mood because it means he can relax
and that bruce still doesn’t notice that on his worst days, everyone either avoids him or does whatever he asks, no questions, just because they don’t want to tempt his wrath
i just wonder if bruce sets the tone for the day, no matter what. and i wonder if, like me, they all grew up knowing that a bad day for bruce was a bad day for them too?
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intotheelliwoods · 3 days
Here to announce that I for one love the future design for donnie in the comic ✋🥺
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mayhaps-a-blog · 3 days
It's struck me how sharp Edwin is towards Crystal in the first episode. And while I still think a lot of that is his resistance to the change in dynamic, the incursion of a living person (potential threat) into the space he has built for himself, and fear that Charles might leave him - he always said he missed kissing most, and here's this living, breathing, attractive girl who he just played hero to - I'm also wondering if he, well, recognizes Crystal
As a bully.
She's catty, she's sharp, she's mean. She's fun, he quips, with the sharp kind of sneer you'd reserve for, you know, the "fun" kids, the popular ones who everyone loved - everyone but their victims.
And Edwin, well. His bullies killed him.
Oh, bullies killed Charles too, but Charles was friends with them first - and he is, in some ways (but not others), much more forgiving than Edwin. He tries to see the best in everyone - the murdered teens in episode 5, Crystal, even his father, who he downgrades to "rough". It takes a lot more for Charles to give up on someone.
But Edwin was bullied. He was picked on, had his cap stolen, probably more. And then he was dragged from his bed and sacrificed, and had 70 years of torture to stew.
He sees Crystal and he sees someone just like them. Fun! Sharp! Flitting around from game to game, only caring about themselves, abandoning everyone else when things get scary.
And then?
Then he blows up at her. And she agrees. She agrees that the Becky Aspen case is more important than her problems; she begs to help.
She proves herself more than the catty bully he thought she was. And he softens - immediately. They switch to planning mode, together, and Edwin goes from blocking Crystal out to... compliments. Oh, he's still his own brand of catty, but it goes from instantly shutting her down to acknowledging her success, an almost protective (if admittedly patronizing) put-off, and less... sharp poking. Less pointed. Less "fuck off" and more "ugh. You." Instant siblings :)
They open up to each other. They find common ground - genuinely wanting to help, and willing to put others first. And that forms the basis of their eventual friendship - and opens the way for them both to discard their masks of anger, and learn to be kinder.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 23 hours
Fine, throws down a towel (which you should always carry), if we some how get to 10k followed by the end of pride month, I give y’all a face reveal. Deal?
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seypia · 1 day
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this is ass but like yay pidge
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lokittystuckinatree · 14 hours
I take “nemeses who are soulmates in every other universe” and “soulmates who are nemeses in every other universe,” and “in every universe they are bound to each other, whether as enemies or lovers or family” and give “They only exist as soulmates in this universe. In every other universe, they are one soul.”
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browniefox · 2 days
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With no kindness whatsoever what the Fuck is this person talking about
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flouryhedgehog · 5 months
Turning off the reblogs on this. At the time I wrote it, it felt like what I needed to say. There's not as much activity on the post now, but when there is, I feel...sort of hollow. We're so far past the point where this even means anything.
Y'all remember "cops aren't supposed to kill guilty people, either", right?
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to die beneath the rubble of their homes.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be shot with expanding bullets that cause massive tissue damage leading to amputation.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to have their flesh burned away with white phosphorous.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve their fishing boats blown up.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to see their husbands and fathers executed in front of them along evacuation routes.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve an anonymous phone call threatening to destroy their lives and families.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be detained for years without charges.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be tortured, starved, and sexually assaulted in prison.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be deprived of water.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve their olive trees to be uprooted while they look on.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve sixteen years of blockade.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve to be prevented from traveling for lifesaving medical care.
Palestinians who have done something wrong don't deserve this genocide.
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hillhomed · 10 months
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and they were the best of friends forever
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nemkero · 2 months
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atla au but nothing changes except sokka is taller and zuko is shorter
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cerealdog · 2 months
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What are friends for
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scrambledslut · 8 months
but your honor his big wet princess puppy dog eyes cancels out all the horrors he’s committed
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rockingthegraveyard · 8 months
Every time Jason has a positive interaction with a kid people will make posts with various panels were he saved or was just gentle with children but it always gets me when when this kid is added
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like Jason wasn't talking to him with his hand on his gun the whole time.
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Jason is all for protecting kids but he's also like...
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arabriddler · 1 month
people with chronic pain will go “ why can’t I sleep well? Why am I crying for no reason? Why am I getting frustrated easily ?” Not yet realizing their pain got worse
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ineffable-romantics · 10 months
The thing is, I don't think Aziraphale thinks of it as changing Crowley at all. To him, Pre-Fall Crowley and Demon Crowley are the same person, kind and fun and sweet and cool and equally beloved. So to him, there should be no difference whether Crowley is here on Earth or up in Heaven with him, he'll still just be Crowley, and at least this way they would be safe and protected.
All the while Crowley sees it as Aziraphale's long-term love and acceptance being conditional (like God's that was already ripped away), that Aziraphale has just been slumming it with him being a demon bc there wasn't anything they could do about it, and that he's jumping at the chance to fundamentally change Crowley the first chance he gets.
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