#satoru jjk
gabbyp09 · 3 hours
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satowooo · 15 days
i. imgonnagetyouback
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The one and only son of the Gojo clan had fallen quite hard, completely and utterly, to a lowly woman who came from the dirt, and got his heart broken by her. Years had passed, he was still as angry since the day you left, but he only wanted you back.
contents. modern au, gojo satoru x reader, angst, not proofread.
Whether I'm gonna curse you out or take you back to my house, I haven't decided yet but I'm gonna get you back
next chapter
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It was pathetic. The sight of Gojo Satoru, a well-respected son of the Gojo clan, was down on his knees right in front of you, begging you to stay, a daughter of a mere servant.
It made him look pitiful and weak, a miserable prince who had his heart shattered by a low class woman like you. But he didn't really give it that much of a thought, ever since he first laid eyes on you. He didn't care what people might've said from the very first time, and he proved it to you a million times as he stubbornly and desperately showed you how much he loves and adores you. So, begging down on his knees is not that much of a deal now, no?
“Stand up, please.”
But you were firm, closing your eyes as you let out a shaky breath. You hated seeing him like this, but you were left with no other choice. Your love for him could risk even the dangers of your life, and you were sacrificing him to save him.
“I do not wish to be with you any longer, Young Master.” You said, uttering his title in a whisper. “What we had was wrong. It was a mistake on my side. And I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a pathetic infatuation and I realised that another man best suits me, and it's not you.”
Your words were nonstop, every single thing that you uttered was shattering his heart into pieces. But Satoru furiously shakes his head, his hands trembling on your lap as his forehead falls on your knees.
“T-that’s not… T-that's not true…”
You remembered everything from that day. Every little detail, every word, every touch, every action, of what had happened stayed forever in your mind. It never fails to shatter you. To make you cry every single time that you thought about him as you lie in the confinements of your small room.
“I have done what you asked for. What else do I need to do–” A whimper escaped your lips as a hand flew over your cheek. Breathing heavily, you felt the sting on your skin as you looked back at the person who had been the cause of your pain.
“Pack your things, and never show your face again.”
Gojo Satoru haunted your dreams and nightmares. He managed his way in your heart, and refused to leave. He was the ghost of your tragic love story, you could only wish that you never should've picked up the pen. It's already been two years since you left, and even until now, your heart only beats for one man and it will always be for Satoru.
So what are you going to do when he comes up at your door, claiming what used to be his?
It all happened so fast that your head can't fathom how you ended back to the place of your nightmares. The Gojo clan's mansion. The place where it all started between the two of you.
Every corner of this place was filled with memories of you and Satoru, all the good and bad. But what you remembered most was the torture, the consequences you had faced for falling in love. You felt like all your scars were slowly tearing apart, opening the wound that was almost healed as you looked back to the man who stood in front of you.
You never should've been back in this place.
“I expect you to work immediately.” Satoru's voice was different. It was laced with authority and demand, not the sweet ones that you remember back when he was yours. “Remember, your family is in the palm of my hands. Try to escape, and you'll face the consequences.”
His eyes looked at you with anger, a pent up emotion that he bottled up all these years. His hands were balled on a fist by his sides, almost trembling, but he wouldn't let you see just how much you still have an effect on him.
Right now, all he feels is anger and hatred for what you did. For leaving him. For running off with another man. For loving him only to break his heart. For letting him hold on to your empty promises.
For those two years, he only loathed you and he's not going to be a forgiving man, he'll make sure you regret. He'll make you beg on his knees, the way he did for you.
“I expect you to be in my office in five.”
Now, you're back to square one. Working as his maid was already bad enough back then, so what's going to happen now that you're back to serve him again?
You can't help but notice how much he changed. Somehow, you can tell that he was still the same, only that he was only mad at you. It was obvious already how he's showing indifference only to you but not to anyone else. His bubbly personality that used to welcome you with warm embraces is now replaced with an angry demeanour of a man who cold-heartedly took you away from your family and took you back to the house where you suffered.
How unfair.
This was not your Satoru.
As soon as Satoru turned around and left you standing, he heaved out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. His heart felt like it was trying to escape from his chest. For the first time since you left, he finally felt his heart beating again.
All throughout those years that you were gone, he relentlessly looked for you. Trying to search your face in unfamiliar places, sometimes getting himself into trouble when he mistakes someone for you. Everyday, he was turning angrier and angrier when you never showed up, while all he needed was proper answers and explanations. He hated all the memory that you had left, and how it tore him to pieces that all of it was just a lie.
He couldn't believe you had the nerve. A woman like you with no name for herself, telling him that a relationship with him was just a mistake as you sought another man. Gojo Satoru was everything anyone could have asked for, so how dare a woman like you? How dare a woman he loved…
Everything comes crashing down into his mind once again. From the first time he saw you and how you've caught his eye. His heart starts to beat frantically, his breath caught into his chest, his tongue tied together. Satoru slumps into his chair as he closes his eyes, letting the memory sink in.
“Who is that woman?” Satoru asked an older servant, seeing your unfamiliar face walking around the garden in a maid uniform as he stared down at you from his window.
“That's [M/L/N]’s daughter. She's here to take her place while her mother is recovering.” The servant answered as she poured him tea.
Satoru watched as you walked quietly, your movements looked calculated and careful. He watched your finger touch a ragged cloth, gracefully cleaning the dirty tables.
From afar, he can see how your skin looked soft and pale. You were a bit thin and looked weak. He can only assume that he could break you with one twist.
Your face didn't have any emotion in it which intrigued him. Even your lips were downturned, like you hated every second of working in his place. You caught his attention in a matter of seconds, a curiosity growing inside him while he watched your every move.
He noticed the way your mood changed when his family's dog, a small golden retriever, came running to you. A smile formed into your face and he swore he could feel all the flowers blooming all around the place. Everything seemed to have lighted up, his heart began to drum in his chest as you kneeled down to the dog, petting and rubbing the cute animal between your hands.
What's so fascinating about you?
He swallowed hard. Satoru felt like a teenage boy realising that he was staring a little too hard. He felt like a stalker for watching you, shivering at his thoughts.
But he wanted to meet you. Something was pulling him to be close to your presence. A magnetic force was drawing him to come near, and it was the very first time that he ever felt like this.
But he'll take his time first. For now, he's going to settle on just watching you from afar, memorising every detail of you, until he is ready.
A knock on the door woke Satoru back to his senses. He straightened up on his seat, erasing the memories out of his head as he coughed. “Come in.”
But how can Satoru completely forget?
You walked inside in your maid uniform, the same dress that you used to wear, and it only took Satoru a matter of seconds for all your pasts to remind him of how much he loved you. He felt a pain in his chest, and for a moment, he wanted to fall back on his knees and beg for you to love him again. But even you had changed.
Satoru was also back to square one. He looks at you, reminded of the first time he had seen your face. The lack of emotion, the frown, the gaze that used to intimidate him, and the wall you had built between the two of you was palpable.
“Take a seat.” Satoru gestured over the chair in front of his table.
He watched you carefully as you stepped inside his office, striding forward with a sense of hurry as you obviously refused to seat. You stood in front of him, an emotion in your eyes that he can't seem to read.
“I have to get back to my family–”
“They are fine.” Satoru immediately cut you off, his voice ringing over your ear. He looked at you with a glare, venom laced in his voice as he says, “You are bound to stay here, as I said so–”
“You can't keep me here!”
Your scream shocked the both of you, but Satoru kept a straight face as he stood up slowly. He chuckled with malice, staring at your helpless state.
“What makes you say that I can't?” He smirked. “I own you now. Every single thing that's yours is also mine, even your family.”
Your eyes fell to the floor, your hands trembling at your side. Your knees felt weak underneath his gaze, burning and crushing your soul.
Everything he said was true. You were in so much debt ever since you left the Gojo mansion, your family almost falling apart if he didn't show up to take you. And now he's claiming every single bit of what's yours, not leaving a single piece behind.
Satoru made it clear when he took you here. He'll pay for everything to save you and your family. Your mother's hospital bill, your father's gambling debts, your brother's education, their food, house, electricity, and all their livings, because you couldn't pay them off by yourself.
So now you're trapped. He's got you wrapped around his fingers.
“You need me, Y/N.” You closed your eyes at his voice, shaking your head in denial. “You can't afford to live without me, and that's the truth.”
It was the truth, Satoru taking her away from her old life.
You were doing just fine when he was gone. But now you don't know anymore.
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this is the part 1 of my mini (?) gojo series! i hope you'd like it and anticipate for what's next to come 🥺🫶🏻 [M/L/N] also stand for "mother's last name" in case you didn't knowww ^.^ I also hoped you understood the flashbacks and such.
this is just a prologue of the main story, sooo the real story starts at part 2.
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tender-rosiey · 11 months
sick — gojo satoru x f!reader
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a/n: taking care of gojo cause he deserves it my baby :((
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satoru forces his eyes open with a great struggle, but seeing your face makes it worth it. he presses a kiss to your forehead, before, reluctantly, peeling off the covers and heading to the bathroom.
his steps are heavier and his mind is a bit hazy. he figures quickly that he‘s caught a cold. but, like the idiot he is, he brushes it off cause what’s a little cold to the strongest sorcerer?
small coughs escape his lips every now then as he gets ready. he applauds himself for being able to do everything—despite the coughing fits—without waking you up.
finally, he tiptoes his way to your sleeping form to give you a kiss on the forehead once again. he takes a last look at your face and he smiles, one reserved for you only.
and so the routine is done! he is satisfied as he walks to the door, ready to act like his normal self that definitely doesn’t have a fever that is worsening by the second.
his hand reaches for the doorknob and, “satoru, where the hell do you think you’re going?”
he turns to you, a grin plastered on his face as he tries masking his coughs, “hey, hun! lovely morning, isn’t it? I was about to—“
“sit your ass back down.”
“yes ma’am,” he mumbles, looking like a kicked puppy.
you roll your eyes before pulling him back to bed. but, of course, he tries to fight it, “y/n, I am fine, really!”
“no, you’re not,” you huff as you make him lay down on the bed and cover him with the blankets, “your breath is heavier and your face is flushed.”
you press a hand to his forehead before gasping, “satoru, you’re burning up! and you wanted to work like this?”
“hey! nothing the strongest—“ he coughs in between, “—can’t handle,” he smiles, trying to assure you, but you don’t buy it.
and you are about to retort, but satoru’s phone rings, cutting your thoughts off. the caller is one of the higher ups.
before your husband gets the chance, you snatch the phone and answer the call instead, “can I help you?”
satoru has given up fighting about it anymore and simply accepts his fate. he snuggles closer to your chest while you listen to whatever the old man is yapping about.
then you respond, “satoru’s not going anywhere,” you tighten your hold on him and he feels his flutter a little at your secure hold. when was the last time he felt protected?
the old man’s yapping turns into barking and his voice is like chalk scratching the board so you sigh and reply, tone giving no room for further discussion, “he is sick. also, why don’t you up your game a bit? you’re maybe double or triple his age? shouldn’t you be able protect yourself? anyways bye! rot in hell!”
you end the call with a smile before tossing the phone to the side. satoru smiles into your shirt, “that was hot of you.”
“oh shut up,” you grumble as you pat his head, “how did you get sick anyways?”
satoru takes a deep breath, brows furrowed before he replies, “one of the curses was related to ice…or whatever,” you hum in response and he snuggles into the crook of your neck.
seeing satoru all weak, maybe even helpless breaks your heart. he is usually so loud, so bright, but now he looks so tired, frail even.
you sigh as your fingers card through his hair. you would’ve preferred if his day-off was spent with him being his usual self rather than all sick like this.
though you can’t deny that a part of you feels a little happy because he trusts you enough to be completely vulnerable with him.
so you press a kiss to the top of his head and he stirs around a bit, words a little slurry, “…what’s wrong?”
“it’s nothing, but I have to go and make you some soup, satoru,” you say while trying to get up, but his hold on you tightens.
he voice is hoarse, barely above a whisper, “…stay.”
your heart clenches at the soft plea, but you know that he needs to be well fed so he can recover quickly, “satoru, honey, you need to eat so you can get better,” your hear him groan before reluctantly pulling way.
still, his hand is holding onto your own, and he looks up to you, eyes barely open, oh how you missed seeing those blue gems shinning as usual, even if they scared the shit out of you at night, “just don’t take long…please.”
you nod and press a kiss to the top of his head, “look at you being so polite.”
he grumbles, making you giggle.
you finally make your way to the kitchen. you hope that satoru can sleep a bit till you’re done with the soup.
you don’t feel the time as it passes, already invested in making the best soup for your sick husband.
after a while, you’re finally done. you give yourself a pat on the back before carrying it to the bedroom. you speak, voice low, “satoru?”
he turns in his sleep and slowly opens his eyes, smiling a little, “you’re back?”
“of course, I am, silly. I would never leave you,” and both of you know that those words hold much deeper meaning than it looks like.
you set the soup on the nightstand, “come on, you need to eat, honey.”
he stretches a bit before sitting up—the movement seems to cause him pain but he hopes you don’t point it out—, a wide smile on his lips as he looks at you, “my pretty wife made soup, just for me?” he coughs a little, “I am flattered.”
he sounds better, you note. that sleep must’ve done him good so you hope the soup will make him feel even better.
you take a hold of the bowl and satoru opens his mouth, expectantly. you quirk an eyebrow at him, “what are you doing?”
he closes his mouth with a pout, “you’re not going to feed me?”
he is finally back to his antics, you think as you narrow your eyes, “and why would I do that?”
“because I am your very sick husband who only wants to be pampered by his pretty—“ he is cut off by you shoving the spoon in his mouth.
he swallows the soup, satisfied, and with a grin so wide you’re thinking of smacking him for looking so smug yet so cute at the same time, “thank you, honey!”
you roll your eyes, albeit fondly, “yeah, yeah,” you huff as you feed him another spoon and the smile never leaves his face.
you also notice the little kicking of his feet. does being spoon-fed by you really make him this giddy?
“y/n, you know how everyone boasts about my strength?” you feed him another spoon and he hums in contentment before continuing, “I think my only weakness is you.”
“doesn’t that make you scared?” you inquire as you set the empty bowl aside and satoru wastes no time as he hugs your waist as snuggles into your chest, his favorite place, “having a weakness and everything.”
he shakes your head, “nope, it just makes me want to get even stronger so I can protect you.”
he thinks for a moment, “you got me wrapped around your pretty fingers and I don’t see anything wrong with that,” he then grins, looking up at you.
it’s silent for a while before you speak up, “satoru.”
“hm?” you practically hear the smirk his voice.
you deadpan, “did you just fart?”
“honey, I could never!” and satoru thanks the heaven that he is sick cause he knows that he would’ve been hit by every single pillow on this bed otherwise.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @jisbizarre @kunikida-simp @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @brittklein18
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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satorusluver · 8 months
Boyfriend Gojo Satoru x boobs
Minors DNI
Tbh these are just some unorganized smutty thoughts on what a boob man I think Gojo is lol.
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-So we all know Gojo Satoru is a tease, but another prominent thing about him is that he loves your tits. He often buys you clothes that will show them off. He's not one of those guys that expects his girlfriend to cover up, he wants other men to see the way that tight, low cut top shows off his girl's perfect pair so they can all be jealous of what's his.
-He gets very distracted whenever you lean over to grab something and your breasts hang forward so enticingly, just begging for him to reach out and hold them and squeeze them and - shit, what was he doing again?
-He likes to play with your boobs almost absent-mindedly when you two are cuddling, and whenever they get sore from monthly hormone changes, he's always ready and willing to give them a nice massage. His long fingers will gently knead them while he presses a few kisses to the side of your face and whispers sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how beautiful you are (yes, even when those hormone changes make you bloated ❤️).
-He'll also find you sitting on the couch reading a book or watching TV and will lie down with his head on your lap, which will usually lead to him snuggling his head up against your tits, which will usually lead to him lifting your shirt up, or if it's low cut, pulling it down until your breasts spill out. He'll do this completely unprompted, usually when he feels like you're paying more attention to your book or the TV than him. He's a brat.
-And suddenly you're looking down and your face is flushing and he's just fucking smirking with his lips wrapped around your nipple. It's a little funny how your giant boyfriend loves to suck on your tits.
-"What?" he asks in a muffled voice, his mouth still full of your breast. Don't tell him to cut it out, it'll just make him suck harder. He knows you love it. He can tell by how flustered you always get and how your voice shakes slightly when you try to talk to him, trying not to moan at the feeling of his warm, wet tongue licking circles around your sensitive nipple.
-You unwittingly let out a soft whine the moment Satoru's tongue curls around your nipple and he begins to suck more hungrily. And oh boy, the noises he makes are loud and lewd, wet suckling sounds mixed with fervent moans as he pulls your soft flesh into his mouth. He's probably trying to show off how much he's enjoying himself just to tease you even more.
-He looks so content doing this too, pulling off his blindfold but keeping his eyes closed, pretty white eyelashes resting against each other as he sucks, switching between breasts every now and then until both of your nipples are stiff and glistening with his saliva and you're a flustered mess who keeps squeezing your thighs together from how turned on he's managed to get you. Oh, you want more now? He thought you wanted to finish reading that chapter?
-And Satoru is weak for tit jobs. Sure, technically the physical feeling isn't as good as being enveloped in your pretty mouth or your sweet, tight pussy, but there's just something about watching his big, fat cock sliding back and forth between the plump flesh of your breasts while he pinches and plays with your nipples that drives him wild. And if you lean your head down to lap at his tip when he thrusts forward he'll fucking whimper, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he gazes down at you with the most blissed out expression in those gorgeous blue eyes.
-Your tits are his second favorite place to cum (his favorite is inside you, of course ❤️). And sure, he could just shove his cock down your throat right before he cums, and sometimes he does, but he usually prefers the sight of your skin splattered with his thick, white cum. It's an image your boyfriend has burned into his brain for when you're apart and he's leaned over in the shower jerking his throbbing cock, watching his cum spurt out and be washed down the drain when he'd much rather it was decorating his girlfriend's gorgeous tits. ❤️❤️❤️
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saltyinternetflower · 5 months
I want to be Satoru's girl 💜
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angelskills · 2 months
Jjk men reacting to you touching yourself while sucking them off? 🫶
a/n: hello! thank you sm for requesting.... this was so fun to write! you can also tell which one i put effort into the most... so sorry because i took nearly 3 weeks to do your request! my mental health was at its lowest, especially with college and everything but I'm good now!
JJK men reacting to you touching yourself
warnings: orgasm denial, p in v, clit stimulation, oral (m! receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms(?), sex toys (vibe...)
characters: Gojo, Toji, Sukuna
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You were on your knees in your and Satoru's bedroom and he was sat at the edge of the bed, his legs spread out as his head was thrown back. Your hand was wrapped around his member while the other one was between your legs.
His hand rested on your head, his grip tightening occasionally as he groaned. You swirled your tongue around his tip as your hand moved up and down his cock.
You loved teasing that man, it turned you on. The look in his eyes shined with desire but anger at the same time from your teasing. Just looking at him like this almost made you come undone.
Your panties were basically dripping from your arousal, and you were a littleee bit mad that you weren't feeling anything.
Your hand that was placed in between your legs slowly crawled up your thighs to the elastic of your panties. You slowly slid your hand in, growing needier by the second. You eventually gave up on teasing Gojo and put his length in your mouth, gagging on it and you pulled your head up and down.
Meanwhile, your hand was placed right on your clit, rubbing it in tight small circles for some stimulation. You moaned against Gojo's dick, sending vibrations throughout. His grip on your hair tightened as he groaned and his eyebrows knitted together slightly. You swirled your tongue against Gojo's member trying to match the pace of the movement of your hands.
You squirmed as you rubbed your clit faster, chasing your high. The stimulation had you squirming in place. Gojo looked down at you while his jaw tightened. You let out whimpers against his cock which caused his grip on your hair to tighten even more. He noticed your hand in your soaked panties and your arousal practically dripping on the floor, smirking.
He pulled his cock out, refusing to cum anywhere but in your heat. He placed his hand under your arms, pulling you up on the bed. He had you turned around, placing you on his lap, your back was pressed against him as he spread your legs with his hands. You didn't have time to react as he immediately slid 2 fingers inside of you, making it easier for him because of your arousal. He scissored your pussy, his fingers curling against your g-spot. Your toes curled as you squirmed, trying to hold in your soft moans. You opened your eyes for a bit, and you noticed the mirror that was hung on the closet door. The sight made your cunt clench around his fingers.
"s-satoruu...." you moaned.
His arm was wrapped around your waist while he thrusts his fingers in and out of your pussy, stretching you to make sure you're prepared.
After a few more thrusts, he pulled his fingers out. You whined at the loss, your cunt feeling empty as it clenched around nothing.
He shoved the fingers that were coated with your slick in your mouth, "Suck.", Gojo smirked.
He moved his hips around a bit but being too focused on sucking his fingers clean, you ignored it. Until you felt him push his dick right inside of you with no warning.
You slightly bit his fingers, letting out a muffled moan from the sudden movement. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and placed both of his hands on our hips. Your grip on his shoulders tightened as he moved you up and down.
Your eyes rolled back from the sweet pleasure, his movements sending butterflies to your stomach along with his tip kissing your cervix with each one of his deep thrusts.
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You were on your knees, your mouth wrapped around Sukuna's cock. He was leaning against the wall, letting out small groans as he kept his hand on your head, moving his hips to thrust in and out of your mouth.
His dick was hitting the back of your throat which caused you to gag while drool was rolling down your jaw. You were desperate for some stimulation, though your pussy was dripping wet already. Your tongue swirled around his length, your mouth struggling to take it all in because... that man was BIG. You both fucked a couple times and every time his dick tore you apart.
You slowly slid your hands down your body, your fingers slowly crawling under your panties. You could tell Sukuna was close to his release. You pulled Sukuna's cock out of your mouth, took your other hand, and wrapped it around his length.
You gave Sukuna's tip kitten licks, slowly stroking his cock. You were teasing him and he was too lost in pleasure to even do something about it.
Meanwhile, your fingers were on your clit, rubbing it in fast circles. You let out a few whimpers against Sukuna's member, sending vibrations right through. It didn't take long for Sukuna to realize what was going on under him.
He pulled your hair, taking his cock out of your mouth as he placed a hand under your arm, pulling you up and pushing you against the wall. He cupped your jaw, pulling you into a kiss, swirling his tongue around yours.
You wrapped your legs around his waist. His grip on your thigh was something else, leaving bruises and marks all over. You let out a quiet moan, placing your arms on his shoulders for more support.
He put his other hand on your waist and pushed you more against the wall. He held you up, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs. Not so long after, he shoved his dick right inside your pussy without warning. You nearly screamed from the sudden movement.
Even though he is cruel, he was letting you adjust to his size before he started moving. He started slamming his hips against you, his dick hitting your G-spot making your pussy clench around him.
Sukuna is the type to only care about his pleasure... but ever since he met you, he has taken pleasure in pleasing you. His fingers crawled to your puffy clit. He gave you one last smirk before giving it a slap and rubbing it in tight fast circles.
"W-wait! Hngh~! aah... too m-much, s-sukunaaaa" You moaned out, eyes rolling back to your head from the slight overstimulation.
Don't think he forgot about the fact you teased him when you were sucking him off. He was gonna get revenge for it.
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Toji was aggressive, a monster. He had you nearly crying as he trusted his cock in and out of your mouth, his dick hitting the back of your throat. You were 100% sure you would wake up with a sore throat. He let out a chuckle before he got interrupted by a small groan. The way your tongue circled around his length had him almost seeing stars.
Warm tears rolled down your cheek as you were positioned to be on your knees. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking down at you with a degrading stare. His hand was on your head while his hold on your hair was tightening occasionally.
Your hand was already inside your panties, rubbing your clit at a fast speed. You were chasing your orgasm as you rubbed your clit faster, pressing down on it.
Obviously, Toji knew about this. Your soft moans and whimpers sent vibrations against his tip. He could tell when you were getting close and he waited for the right moment to pull his cock out.
He pulled on your hair, moving his hips to take his dick out of your mouth. He quickly picked you up and placed you on the bed, crawling on top of you.
"What a slut. Couldn't even wait?" Toji smirked, his fingers crawling to your pussy.
You clenched around nothing, his words sent butterflies right to your stomach.
He carefully inserted two fingers inside of you, curling against your sweet spot as he thrusts them in and out, not giving you time to adjust to his fingers.
As soon as he noticed your eyes rolling back and your pussy clenching around his fingers, he pulled them out. Toji was cruel, mean, rude, everything. He wasn't going to let you cum any time soon, maybe.
He lined his cock up to your entrance, slowly pushing his tip in. Then with one thrust, he pushed his dick inside of you. You felt so full, you almost felt like it couldn't fit(even though you both fucked a lot). He slammed his hips against you, positioning himself so he hit your g-spot.
Your eyes shut as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Droll rolled down your mouth as he kept thrusting his dick in and out, chasing his own release.
With a few more thrusts, you came around his cock, your slick now coating his dick. But, that wasn't the end of it. It was going to be a long, long night. You tried to squirm away from the intensity of your orgasm, letting out moans like, 'please' or 'too much' but his grip on your waist kept you right in place.
"p-please.. just a s-second.. ohh my goddd.." You whined out, trying to hold in your moans as he fucks your abused pussy through your orgasm.
You and Toji came up with a safeword beforehand, so he knew he could keep going.
You were too focused on his dick to not even realize his other hand was going through your nightstand, looking for something.
Your eyes rolled back to your head and shut. Your legs were trembling from your previous orgasm as his dick kept rubbing against your g-spot. You thought you were going to die.
Until you felt something buzzing right against your clit at full speed. Your eyes fluttered open as you looked down to see a mini wand vibrating right against your clit.
This was going to be a long night.
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hornytofugirl · 3 months
Taking You Seriously (Gojo Satoru x Fem Reader)
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cw: minors dni, fem!reader, fem!reader x gojo, more angsty than expected lol, hair-pulling, doggy, sidefuck, riding, blowjob, creampie
word count: 3.1k words
note: this was so much longer than expected, but i hope it's worth it LOL
plot: you just had your first fight with satoru, and you're tired of him not taking you seriously.
You just had your first fight with Satoru, and you’re pissed.
To cool down, you left Satoru mid-conversation and slammed the door to the living room in the apartment you two lived in together. You recently moved in a month ago, but you were seriously contemplating on packing your bags and leaving temporarily.
You never felt like Satoru took you seriously, and if he did, you wouldn’t know or you would have to gaslight yourself to think that he did. Whenever you tried to bring up heavy topics, he would always skirt around and make jokes, or somehow take the conversation back to himself. You were aware that this was probably Satoru’s way to managing stressful situations, but it was painful, dismissive, and isolating.
Your heart ached, the memories you have of him oscillating between good, and painful. You imagined his cute laugh, the way he’d give you stupid, random souvenirs from his work trips, and the way you both laughed and did silly dances together. But then you’d also remember the way he would pretend that nothing would be wrong by laughing it off, even when you knew he was hiding so much pain.
You didn’t know what to expect from his laughs. Would it be a joke, or just his way of hiding something because he didn’t trust you?
You swiftly put on your black flats, and was just about to twist the doorknob when you felt a looming shadow behind you. You don’t dare look behind. You wouldn’t give him the luxury of seeing your face.
“So you’re going to leave, and not finish what you’ve started? The conversation isn’t over,” Satoru replied, his voice strangely calm. Just a minute ago, his voice was loud, and almost shrill, even.
“I guess I am. How can I finish a conversation that you’re not taking seriously?” You ask, hoping the words stab into his heart. He needs to know exactly the type of pain you’re feeling.
“I’m serious. Dead serious.” Satoru replied, his voice growing lower. You turn around and you notice him touching his blindfold.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Using your technique on me? You’re a piece of shit-“ You reach over to grab his hand, but your hands stop right before touching his face. You try your hardest to drive your hand forward, but it won’t move due to his Limitless technique. Satoru lifted up his blindfold, and his eyes met yours.
His eyes strike yours with azure clarity, his eyes resembling a clear sky, with no clouds in sight. Even though you are furious, you couldn’t help but feel captivated by his eyes. It was hard to look away once his eyes locked onto yours.
“I am a piece of shit. We both know this,” Satoru said softly, using your hand to caress his face. Your anger softens slightly, your body becoming less stiff, “I just wanted to look at you.”
Satoru wasn’t the type to self-deprecate. In fact, he was usually doing the opposite. He was charmingly arrogant, and you didn’t want to make his head even bigger.
“You’re not a piece of shit. You just… don’t take me seriously. Something is obviously bothering you, and you won’t tell me what it is. Do you think I’m stupid enough to not know? Do you how much it hurts for you to not trust me? The least you could do is not cover your feelings up with jokes-“
Satoru pulls you and slams his lips against yours. You yelp in surprise, but you welcome his soft lips, your hands cupping his face. Satoru pulls away, and stares at you intently, his blue eyes staring straight into your soul.
“There are two things bothering me. The first thing bothering me is what will happen in Shibuya on Halloween. I have a feeling that something’s off. The second thing bothering me is that you think that I don’t take you seriously,” Satoru replied, “The first thing can’t be resolved now. But the second…” You feel your heart starting to beat faster. You also feel a lot lighter, now that you finally know what was bothering Satoru. But what was Satoru going to do? It was hard to tell with him.
Before you could process what was happening, Satoru gently lifted you up, and carried you into the bedroom. He quickly lays you on the bed, and is on top, staring at you. You notice that his blindfold is now completely off, his white hair beautifully framing his eyes. His eyes are solemn, his face covered with unknown intent.
There were no jokes, and no laughing this time. Usually, when you slept with Satoru, there was a lot of playfulness, and a lot of giggling. But not this time.
“I do trust you, you know. I trust you a lot, actually,” Satoru said, his face inching closer to yours, “But the last thing I want is to tell you information that could get you in danger. I don’t trust who I could become if I saw someone hurting you because of your proximity to me.”
That last sentence made you feel a inkling of the burden Satoru felt on a daily basis. He was the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. He was constantly watched, targeted, and scrutinized by his comrades and enemies. Of course he didn’t want you to get hurt in the crossfire. He didn’t want you to be targeted the same way he was. You were an idiot for thinking he didn’t take you seriously. A fucking idiot. You couldn’t even fathom how seriously he valued you.
And now he thinks that you think otherwise.
“Satoru, I don’t care what you become if someone were to hurt me because of you. I’ll love you either way,” You say with clarity, sweetly sealing your sentence with a gentle kiss on his lips.
However, Satoru breaks away, and looks at you one more time. He smirks, making your face flush, “Of course you will,” he smiles smugly, “But, I’ll take you seriously.”
His eyes immediately darken with focus as he swiftly took off his signature black shirt and firmly presses his lips against yours, unbuttoning your white dress shirt. You gasp, shocked at the force, but you quickly unbotton your shirt and unhook your bra, feeling Satoru’s warm, built chest against yours as you wrapped your arms around him. Satoru pulls your black jeans down smoothly, slowly trailing his fingers down to your pussy, finding your clit instantly. You catch your breath, letting out a soft moan as Satoru slowly moved his finger back and forth, your body curling up towards his. He gradually built speed, your moans slowly growing more intense and shrill, your moans going from low, satisfactory groans to high yelps of pleasure.
“S-Satoru,” you moan, “Am I wet enough for you? I want you inside me. Now.”
“Hmm, let’s check. You’re usually a waterfall at this point,” Satoru chirped, licking his lips and giving you a cheeky wink before going down on your pussy. He starts with licking in between your folds, and you start to wiggle, but he clamps your hips down, so you couldn’t move.
“Satoru! Fuck!” You moan as he starts to lick your clit, his tongue licking side to side. You shove his head closer into your pussy.
“Yeah, I’m right. You’re a waterfall, as usual,” Satoru replied raising up to meet your eyes with a smirk. His eyes glowed a neon blue, his smirk showing satisfaction and confidence with his pussy eating, “You taste so much better though. We should fight some more if make up pussy tastes this good,” He replied, his smirk growing.
“Satoru!” You exclaim, playfully slapping his head, “Just shut up and eat me out!”
Satoru stared at you, partly still processing the fact that you bonked him, and then smiled devilishly, “Oh? You’re telling me what to do, now? Is this what you’re like after a fight? You’re so much cuter when you’re mad,” Satoru chuckled, grabbing his shirt, “But I don’t follow orders. So bye!” He starts to put his shirt over his head, but you grab his shirt, stopping him from fully wearing it.
“You. Are not. Going. Anywhere.” You say, staring at him, “Whatever happened to taking me seriously, Satoru? You’re scared that your best efforts won’t be enough for me? Is that why you’re putting on your shirt? Is that why you’re running?” Your eyes burned into his. Your clit tingled, still wanting more, but you wanted to hide your dignity under taunting. Maybe he’ll come back if you hit his ego hard enough.
Satoru started laughing, his laugh deep and full-bodied, echoing through the apartment, “Oh, love. If you’re going to bruise my ego, you need to be a bit meaner! Your words are so cute,” He giggled, and then his eyes suddenly got darker, and he narrowed his eyes, “It’s so obvious that you want me. Be a good girl, and beg for my cock.”
“Okay, I will,” You said with a monotone, unserious tone, “I want your cock. Woohoo.”
Satoru widened his eyes, and he licked his lips with desire. He didn’t realize how much he liked you being defiant. It’ll make it all the more hotter when he forced you into sweet submission. Satoru unzipped his pants, and your eyes widened when you saw his cock emerge. Oh, he’s hard. Also, he was huge. Satoru loomed over you on the bed, and slid his cock up and down the outside of your pussy, his cock quickly getting slick and wet. You instantly cover your mouth and held your breath. He wasn’t going to make you moan. No way. Not here, not now.
“Oh, you’re really trying to be a bad girl, huh!” Satoru laughed, “Let’s see how long you can be bad for before I break you!” He proceeded to slide his cock faster, and he wrapped his large hand around your neck. You firmly shut your eyes. “Fuck, fuck fuck!” You thought, “This feels so fucking good, oh god fuck me-“
Before you could build your resolve, Satoru dove into your breasts and sucked your nipple. Your eyes roll back as he started to lick them, and you can feel your pussy throbbing with want.
“Let him in,” a voice said inside of you, “Be a good girl. You’ll get him inside you faster.”
You attempt to shut the voice out of your mind. No fucking way. But before you could shut the voice out completely, you feel Satoru give a soft nibble on your nipple.
You yelp, and you gasp, slamming your hands even harder against your face. Your yelp of pleasure hummed against your hands, but it was already too late. A moan, was a moan, and Satoru heard it.
“Oh, I broke you already? Aw, you tried so hard! I’ll give you an A for effort,” Satoru replied boldly, his eyes glowing with confidence, “Now be a good girl and suck my fucking cock.”
Satoru lifted his cock, slick with your wetness, and shoved his cock into your mouth. You jump, and you attempt to take all of his cock into your mouth, but you could only get to half of it at most. You look up to see Satoru with a somewhat manic, satisfied smile.
At this point, all you wanted was for Satoru to cum inside you, and pound you until you lost the ability to walk. You can feel the desperation building up, and you fully let the desperation consume you whole.
So you looked up at Satoru, your eyes on his as you bobbed your head back and forth into his cock. You make sure to not gag, and you slide your tongue on every spot of his cock, making sure to leave no spot untouched. Every time you sucked in, you made sure to suction your cheeks so that the suction would be tighter.
“Ugh, just like that,” Satoru groaned. You see Satoru’s eyes waver with pleasure, but he still kept his eyes on you. You let go of his cock to see your spit and his pre-cum connecting your mouth to his cock - a reminder of where your mouth was moments ago.
“Was that good enough for you, Satoru?” You ask, your eyes shining, “I can do more, you know,” You were completely broken at this point, but you stopped caring. You wanted Satoru in you, all over you, everywhere. You wanted to breathe in Satoru, and breathe out Satoru. You wanted to consume him whole, just like how he consumed your mind.
“It was. I think you’ve earned it,” Satoru replied with a smirk, “You’ve really outdone yourself.” He proceeded to take his blindfold, tying it around your eyes. You gasp, touching his silk, black blindfold, seeing nothing but complete darkness. At this point, Satoru had you wrapped around his finger. You were now at the mercy of his whims, which could be anything. Satoru was hard to predict.
Satoru promptly laid you face down, and lifted your ass up. You smile, expecting his cock to slip right inside your pussy and stretch you out.
But you feel a hard, firm slap to your ass instead. You jolt, and you yelp in surprise.
“S-Satoru!” You beg, “Please stop making me wait!” You can hear Satoru chuckling, planting a small kiss on your ass where he slapped you. The stinging pain remained, and you can feel your butt turn pink.
“Ah fine, fine. Be careful for what you wish for,” Satoru replied, and you tense up, preparing for yourself. Despite the fact that you and Satoru fucked a lot, his dick was always a lot to take in. Physically and mentally.
Satoru thrust his cock deep inside you, and grabbed your hips and pushed you further into him. You let out a loud moan, feeling him fully stretch your insides.
“Oh my god. You feel so fucking good. Fuck,” Satoru groaned, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy with wet ease. He wasn’t gentle, and you could hear the pounding, wet clap between your ass and his body. It felt heavenly, and you didn’t want him to stop.
“Ah, Satoru! Please don’t stop,” You moan, and you suddenly have your hair quickly pulled back, your head pounding. Satoru started to lick and kiss your neck sloppily, a small trail of spit slowly trailing down your side-boob. You feel Satoru catch the trail with his tongue, his tongue moving all the way back up to your neck. You shiver, the trail he left leaving a slight chill. You’re amazed that he was able to clean up while still pounding you to no end, and while holding your hair in a messy chunk with his hands.
However, knowing Satoru, you’re not surprised. This was probably a perk to seeing everything. Nothing escaped his eyes, and he knew exactly what he was capable of.
He transitioned you to lay on your side, and he laid behind you, his cock slipping in and out of your entrance. You gasp, and he squeezes your tits hard, and you squeal, almost bumping into his head when you move your head back. Satoru chuckles before going inside you again, and you can hear a low growl of pleasure as he goes in deeper, muttering, “Fuck.” You hold the hand Satoru used to squeeze your tits, and gasp as he responded by pounding harder. Satoru pants, his breath warm on your neck as he kept going.
“I want to ride you until you cum, baby,” You moan, sweat starting to slide behind your neck, “P-Please, I just want to take you all in.
You turn around, and Satoru takes off your blindfold, his eyes only inches away from you. He doesn’t look away, and he smiles deviously as he moves you to the edge of the bed, and he plops you on top of his lap, his hands squeezing your ass.
“I’ll let you ride, but I want you to look at me all the way through,” Satoru replies as you adjust your position on top, the edge of your slick cunt touching his throbbing head.
There’s a moment of silence where you can hear each other’s loud, ragged breathing. You lock eyes with Satoru, full of longing before you sit, plunging your pussy and trapping his cock inside of you. You try to not close your eyes, but you moan loudly, Satoru’s eyes still intently on you. You squeeze your stomach, and you bounce on top of him, your wetness getting everywhere on his lap. Satoru groans with pleasure, and you take it as a sign to do your best. You bounce with a steady rhythm, squeezing your walls as you plunged down on his cock. You then start to lean back, and Satoru instinctively holds you steady as you circle your hips around him, feeling his cock stretch more of you. Satoru is tempted to look at your hips move, but he keeps his eyes on you, and you keep yours on him. There’s no way you’re breaking eye contact with him.
At some point though, Satoru couldn’t take it anymore. He pulls you back up, falls back so that you’re laying on top of him, and he holds you down, thrusting rapidly into you.
Oh god, it’s hitting that spot. You were going to cum soon.
“Oh my god, Satoru, I’m going to cum. Oh my god, fuck me, keep going, don’t fucking stop!” You scream, your eyes widening manically. Satoru stared back, his eyes darkening with focus. He didn’t stop thrusting, and you could feel your legs shaking, your walls clenching. You lose sight of Satoru as you start to black out, seeing and feeling nothing but your orgasm. You see a glimmer of Satoru’s smile as you came, your wetness covering his dick.
Once your vision comes back, you can see Satoru starting to lose his composure. Your pussy was so irresistably wet and tight, and his dick couldn’t resist. He thrusts faster, roaring your name as he thrusts more deeply and intensely into you, making sure that his cock filled you up with his cum.
For a moment, you laid on top, and his breath settled, and you can feel his heart speeding. You lift up your pussy from his cock, and you can see his cum glisten, dripping slowly from your pussy. You look back, and you see Satoru with a relaxed smile.
“I’ll always take you seriously my love, don’t forget that,” He said, before tenderly kissing you on the lips.
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Ex-bf Gojo hcs (i have also done a part 2 here )
I hope you enjoy 🫶🏼
Ex-bf Gojo who can't get you out of his mind no matter what. He's constantly stalking your socials and finding any chance he can get to just see you. Although your breakup was a mutual decision due to his job that he often prioritized over you, to Gojo you were still his and he was still yours.
Ex-bf Gojo who sends 'anonymous' flowers to your house reminding you of his love. It also means you message him saying thank you so he gets to talk to you even more.
Ex-bf Gojo who finds excuses to come over whether it would be to get his old clothes or give you things you've left at his. He would sneak into your room and 'borrow' pieces of clothing to take home just to feel close to you and then later in the week use it as another excuse to come back over.
Ex-bf Gojo who somehow manages to convince you to let him stay for dinner promising he will leave straight after. Of course, that's a lie and right after dinner, he's begging to watch a movie with you. He knew you'd give in so he was already prepared with snacks and movie ideas.
Ex-bf Gojo who has you wrapped around his finger. You evidently give in and snuggle into him as he brings the blanket to cover the both of you with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. His hands begin to graze over your thighs your head snapping up and looking at him, but his eyes are latched on the TV displaying the film your watching. You can only roll your eyes knowing where this will end up. again.
Ex-bf Gojo who carries you to your bedroom with your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands groping your ass. Your lips attached together in hungry and sloppy kiss.
Ex-bf Gojo who now has you spread out on your bed thighs closing around his head as he devours in your cunt. Your hands pulling on his hair as you release those sweet sounds that go straight to his dick while his fingers pound into you curving hitting spots your fingers never could.
Ex-bf Gojo who is now pounding into you from behind holding you up against his chest while you can only repeat his name. His hand wrapped around your neck as he whispers praises in your ear promising this is the last time he will fuck you, the last time you cum around him so he has to cum deep inside of you.
Ex-bf Gojo who cleans you up and runs a bath for the both of you as you sit back against him as he massages soap into your skin. You know he won't stay the night but you also know his promises mean nothing because he will be here at the same time the next week and the week after until you are both ready to settle down. He knows you won't see other people and he knows he doesn't want anyone but you, so he will wait until its time to call you his again.
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ackermans-angel · 3 months
Imagine holding satoru and lil megumi to your chest as you fall asleep at night. Both of their body’s sprawled across the mattress and sandwiching your body between them as they hide their faces in your neck. Your two pretty boys safe and sound, sleeping peacefully🥺
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chilumitos · 6 months
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𓈒◌ ୨୧ wacuoms 𓈒 ۫ 👙
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gabbyp09 · 17 hours
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lowkeyremi · 6 months
Hello Maya! Before I start my request, I just wanna say, I love your writing!!! I've been reading your things for a few weeks now (I'm new to tumbler) and I'm hooked!!
Anywho- I was listening to "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift and it gave me the idea of fem!reader meeting Satoru at some big event for sorcerers and falling hopelessly in love with him
heyyyyyy thank you for reading my stuff and i'm really happy you made a request, i've been hoping someone would bc i want to write ideas other than my own. i'm not huge on taylor swift so i had to listen to this song lol its pretty good :) you ask and i shall provide!! also i'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind :')
Enchanted S. Gojo x fem!reader
wc: 1.1k
content: fluff, meeting and getting together
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The night hadn't been going so well. You spilled some of your drink on your dress. That was borrowed from your friend might you add. Three guys that showed any potential interest were already with someone and their dates angrily pulled them away from you.
There are whispers about the oh so famous Satoru Gojo, and how he's finally made an appearance with his long time friend Nanami.
You've heard plenty about him, he's the famous sorcerer from Jujutsu High that has six eyes. He can solve any problem and he's said to be very hot. Honestly you're kind of a hater, you think people are gassing him up for no reason.
You've never personally met him but his description makes it hard to miss him if you see him; white hair blue eyes, but he'll likely be wearing an eye mask.
A sigh escapes your lips as you walk toward the bar for another drink, you would have invited your best friend but she's not a sorcerer and would not get it at all. "Hi, sorry for being back so soon, but could I get a strawberry margarita?" The woman behind the bar nods.
Before she can walk off though, a silky, carefree voice makes a request with your order, "Me too! Never tried strawberry margarita. Sounds pretty fruity." This day is already bad so you turn your head to see who just made it even worse-
A pretty white haired man stands by your side, piercing blue eyes peaking through sunglasses that look down right ridiculous at such a formal event. "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors??" Is the first thing you ask, no 'Hi how are you?' or 'why are you ordering drinks on my tab?'
"Cuz I could make everyone faint with my pretty blue eyes." He smirks, confidence evident in every word.
You look confused and he finds it cute. A foreign feeling stirs in your stomach. "Just kidding. I'd waste my power if my glasses were off. Actually, I was advised not to wear them, but I didn't wanna wear my mask for this event. I have it in my pocket just in case though." He's so light and bubbly you almost forget what you were fuming about.
"You're Gojo right?" He smiles and gives a quick nod.
"And you must be 'girl with a stain on her dress', huh?" You fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Woo that was a good one, almost made my stomach hurt from laughter." You counter sarcastically; the moodiness coming back to you.
"Haha, my bad. Anyway when we get drinks I'll find us somewhere to sit and I'll make you laugh for real." That confidence is still there. You love funny people, they're exciting to be around.
"I'm holding you to that. I need a good laugh." His smile consists of all his pearly whites and is enough to make you, or anyone around you melt.
He goes to pay for your drink, and even hands it to you. "I have to say you are way less selfish than people make you out to be."
The man in question shrugs and smirks at you, "I am very selfish about certain things, childish even. It's only the first date though so pretend you don't know about that." He waves his hand dismissively. You couldn't even care about the fact he admitted to selfishness, you're stuck up on the part where he said this is a date.
"Who said this is a date?" He notices you're trying to play it cool, but he can see right through you.
"I did. I mean if you want, we can think of it more as a blind date since it wasn't planned." Something about him doesn't rub you the wrong way or make you angry at all. He's definitely an odd ball, but he's able to make you feel something in your gut that you haven't felt in a very long time, maybe not ever, actually.
"I- what- you can't just-" You cut yourself off, lost for words, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
He intertwines his fingers with yours. They're cold to the touch, long and slender. He does that thing where you rub your thumb across all the other fingers. On top of that he gives you that love struck gaze. You're all kinds of confused because why is someone like him trying to flirt with you??? He could literally have any other pretty sorcerer but he's walking you over to a fancy table to sit and talk.
"Ugh, you're supposed to have warm hands to contrast my cold ones." He complains, and if you weren't already stunned then you definitely were now. He's swinging his arm back in forth, with you mirroring it because he's holding your hand.
"I can't help my hands being cold, maybe you should be the one with the warm hands." He shrugs at your response. The swinging stops when you two reach a table big enough for four and pulls out your chair for you.
"I normally don't do this but you're definitely worth it." a lopsided grin covers his face.
As nice as all of this is you look around for cameras. Your mind is telling you he means no harm, but you can never be too sure.
"Okay, is this some kind of joke or show?? Where are the cameras because this can't be real." The white haired six foot something giant's face contorts into something very (ugly) funny. His face scrunches up at your words.
"I can't believe you'd suggest something like that! I'm serious, I just want to be a normal guy and have a normal encounter with someone. So, can you just pretend I'm a normal date and not Gojo Satoru?" He's telling the truth and for the first time tonight you fully relax.
"Okay, hi normal guy. What do you like to do?" You ask playfully feeling enchanted by his charismatic presence. He makes you feel a sense of freedom like you never have before.
The rest of the night the two of you goof off and talk about all kinds of things. Eventually he's being dragged out by Nanami because of how drunk he is. He'd given you his number, "Call me!!!" He whines loudly while being led to the car he arrived in.
"Okay! When I do, don't forget everything from tonight." You yell back to him.
"Like hell I will!" And he was telling the truth because about two hours later when you were winding down for bed you get a call from an unknown number. Usually you wouldn't pick up but you have a feeling that the person on the other side was none other than Gojo normal guy.
"Hello?" You don't get a response for a few seconds, your stomach drops thinking you had miscalculated...
"I miss you already, when can I see you again?" He asks sleepily.
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saltyinternetflower · 5 months
"Y/N, it's just an infatuation. It'll pass."
"I'm not a child, Satoru!"
"Drop the infinity, and let me show you."
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Image: From Pinterest, credit to the original artist
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akiranzee · 8 days
-> PAIRINGS: Gojo Satoru x f!Jujutsu Sorcerer!Y/n -> SUMMARY: Shoko Ieiri and Geto Suguru compare the song Ophelia by The Lumineers similarly to two of their friends, Y/n L/n and Gojo Satoru’s situation. -> WORD COUNT: 3.0k+ -> CONTAINS: fluff, slowburn(?), ANGSTY PINING, fools in love lmao, slightly suggestive, GETO IS SUCH A GOOD BFFFFFFF🫶, & gojo and reader are both 17. -> A/N: gojo, geto, and shoko had met each other when children (specifically 10 years old). THERE IS A PART WHERE ITS ⚠️CRINGE WARNING⚠️.
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I, I, when I was younger I, I, should have known better And I can’t feel no remorse And you don’t feel nothing back
Ten years ago, a young Gojo Satoru could be found sitting under a tree, pouting and sulking for some reason.
Then here comes Y/n L/n, handing the young, pouting, sulking, Gojo Satoru a lollipop.
Gojo looked up, to see Y/n smiling at him, “you okay? Here, take my candy!” Gojo hesitated, but he took the candy either way.
The candy looked similar, one that he bought for Geto.
He was about to open it, when young Geto and Shoko arrived at the location, where Gojo and Y/n is.
“Hey, isn’t that the candy I gave you?“ Geto asked, looking at the candy and at Y/n suspiciously.
“Yeah? I told you, I don’t like sweets.“ You looked at Geto back, with eyes that said; ‘you were not listening, were you?’
Then, suddenly, Gojo interrupted, “hey, what- Geto, ain’t this the candy I gave you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t like strawberries now.” Geto shrugged his shoulders as he proceeded to sit down beside Gojo.
“Hmph.” Gojo crossed his arms and looked the other way, before saying; “This is all your fault. Why are you even here?“ As his eyes met yours dead straight.
“I- excuse me? How is it my fault?” You put both your hands on your hips and replied with a hint of sarcasm and anger.
“Well- maybe if you weren’t here, Geto would be eating my candy, now!” Gojo stood up, as if about to fight you. Geto stood up too, planning to stop any fights from happening.
But instead of a fight, an argument broke out with the two of you, both protecting your claims with reasons. Geto just facepalmed while Shoko just deadpanned.
You laughed at this certain memory, remembering how childish you both were, even up until now.
I, I, got a new girlfriend She feels like he's on top And I don't feel no remorse And you can't see past my blinders
Those memories were something fun that you wished to return. But ever since Satoru got a girlfriend, he rarely has any time to spend on you and your friend group, especially when his girlfriend is one jealous woman.
You had a feeling though, that she was only using Satoru for his money and fame, but was not with him for his love and affection.
Even though you guys were always fighting, even when he was a crazy menace, you were still friends, so you still cared for him.
But your heart clenched achily whenever you see her clung to his arm, whenever she kisses his cheeks, or when she wears his jacket.
You didn’t know why, but he’s just a friend... right?
Oh, Ophelia You've been on my mind girl since the flood Oh, Ophelia Heaven help a fool who falls in love
Days passed, and it was time for the first mission Jujutsu Tokyo High will be holding.
It’s a big day, for this first mission will determine who shall be selected to be sent to various cities, and if lucky enough, to other countries. Of course, every completed mission will grant them a hefty reward — cash, to be exact.
Then, the mission starts.
“You guys know what to do, right?” The host asked, and all of you nodded your head in agreement. The mechanics were; to randomly pick a number, then go to the designated area your number was assigned. The top 3 that finishes first, will be selected then.
As the mission started, all of you ran to your designated areas.
“Hey, emo. Why so serious?” Gojo caught up beside you, and joked about your serious expression.
“You’re wearing black too.” You replied back sarcastically, with your eyes only on the pathway and nothing else.
“Aw, nice observation ya got there. Too bad though, I can’t see you losing.” Gojo winked and ran off to his designated area, which so happened to be beside yours.
“Hah. Don’t get cocky.” You huffed back, and rolled your eyes before entering your designated area too.
Minutes passed, and you couldn’t find any curses in your designated area. You tried climbing at the tallest tree there, but you saw nothing other than the life of nature.
It was pure emptiness to put it shortly; but just then, you heard a loud boom. You ran towards that direction; and immediately saw a gigantic curse. Using your cursed technique, you managed to get closer without the curse knowing, as you had now taken its life away.
Exhausted from all the running, you sat down on a fallen tree log and wiped your sweat away.
As you tried to catch your breath, a certain white haired man sauntered towards you as he gave you a confused look, “hey, what was that about? That was my curse.”
“Huh? That was my curse.” You looked at him as confused, repeating his last sentence as you continued to wipe your sweat away.
“This is my area.” Gojo looked even more confused, now. The both of you were confused, but suddenly, you had an idea in mind. You walked over to where the curse dissipated, and crouched down to reach it, and found that the number in it is indeed 3; your designated number.
“What the hell? What’s your curse doing here?” Gojo took the number off of your hand as he investigated it to see if it was really the paper given.
“My question, exactly.” You stood up from the ground, but then suddenly, once again, the ground started shaking as if it was earthquaking.
“Ha! Look how they even have backups!” Not even waiting for the horde of curses to get closer, he ran towards them and ended all with just one big boom.
You can’t deny the fact that he’s amazing if you put his attitude and personality aside, but even so, that doesn’t stop you from being amazing yourself.
On the opposite side, comes another horde of curses. Gojo was far off fending the other side, so you took the initiative and took on this side. You used your cursed techniques and fended off a gigantic curse, then comes along a series of annoying little curses. Honestly, it was hard to eliminate them, but once you get the hang of it, surely, they all fell in one big hit swoop.
As you tried your best to one hit all of them, trying to best over Satoru, you didn’t realize that Satoru was done and that he served as an audience at your little battle. But little did you know, he was not focusing at the battle. Not at all. Rather — he was focusing on somewhere, specifically, somewhere below. He stared and studied each and every time your ass would sway and bounce at the sudden movements and techniques you’d do, like a little pervert.
It was quite long after all, that you guys had a proper hang out, making Satoru forget that you were no longer the girl he met, rather — the girl he once met has now turned into a lady.
To say the least, he was attracted to you — no, he became more attracted to you.
Satoru had always found you attractive. Even with that “candy fight” you guys had as ten year olds, he had found you adorable when you puffed both your cheeks out in anger, together with putting your hands on your hips, along with your grumpy cute voice, and eyes that planned a cruel and grotesque murder. But surely, as a child, you were far from thinking that; instead you perhaps planned on either punching him on the face or kicking him on the groin.
As you landed on the ground, finally finished, you expected Satoru to give out a sarcastic comment as usual, but instead, you were only met with a stare that held too long up at the ground.
“Satoru,” flicking his forehead, thinking that this menace could have totally, finally, lost his mind. “what the hell are you thinking now?” As if he saw the most ugly curse, he jolted and moved backwards, as you only sighed at the overreaction.
“Look, you’re getting cree-” A yell had cut off your sarcastic comment towards Satoru, only to see his little girlfriend behind him, running towards him.
Before Satoru could even fully turn around, he was met with the longest hug ever. Satoru didn’t even hug her back even when her literal two minutes hug ended.
Then, Satoru was attacked with a melena of questions — “Oh god! Are you okay!?” “What is this!?” “Are you hurt!?” And so on and so forth. Satoru only scratched the back side of his head whilst you sighed, both of you sharing the same thoughts; my/his girlfriend is so dramatic.
Satoru don’t even know why he’s with her. All he knows is that he should’ve been with you- ah shit, he’s thinking about that again.
Again, because every single night he rolls helplessly from left to right and right to left in his bed, thinking what life could’ve been like if he chose a different path. Specifically — a path where he is with you.
It just so happens that Satoru’s jealousy caught the best of him when he saw you training with a fellow rookie, and stormed off where he then lost his mind and agreed to what should never be in the first place. If only he set his mind right, he wouldn’t have agreed to become that woman’s man, no. Because he should’ve been your man from the start.
And now, ever since that day, whenever he sleeps at night, the image of you fighting and your ass never leaves his mind. Oh, he wonders, how soft would that be once he gets a hold of it?
I, I, got a little paycheck You got big plans and you gotta move And I don't feel nothing at all And you can't feel nothing small
After that Tokyo Jujutsu High first ever mission, the Top 3 students selected were you, Gojo, and a random student. Gojo, as expected, topped the rankings. But due to the command of higher-ups, he is to stay here for protection purposes, which leaves you and the other student to be sent overseas. Not to worry though, Gojo will still receive a hefty amount of cash as a reward.
Gojo knows, that in the next few weeks, you’ll be sent overseas. That’s why, he’s in front of your dorm door, wanting to hang out and cherish the last moments together before you go.
He knocks, and you don’t reply. He knocks again, and no reply again. He realizes though, that the door is not locked, just closed. So he opens it, only to reveal a ton of boxes — packaging boxes to be more specific.
“...Satoru...? What are you doing here?” You asked behind him, making him jolt in surprise. As he turned around, he saw you, with your arms wrapped around random things in a box. There were bracelets, picture frames, books, coats, and more.
He looked at them curiously, with you following where his eyes landed. “Ah, these are goodbye souvenirs from everyone.”
“What- you’re already leaving?” Satoru was shocked, to say the least, as he looked at your eyes now.
“Yeah, it’s in the next three days, you didn’t know?” The last three words kind of hurt, for your mind has once again reminded you that Satoru Gojo could never care less as to not even know when you’re already leaving. Hell, being sent overseas sure is exciting, yet the bad part of it is; you’ll never see the people you hold dear here for such a long time. That’s why, it pains you to imagine how Satoru — your very bestfriend, just didn’t care about your presence away for a long time.
“I... no, I thought it was in the next few weeks?” Gojo looked confused, his tone too, which made you feel a little relieved.
“Well, you thought wrong.” You walked past him, and began taping all the boxes scattered in your dorm.
“Tomorrow, at the park, 10AM.” Gojo suddenly said, but before you could even turn and look at him, he had already left.
10:01AM, Sakarenye Park.
“You’re a minute late.” Gojo said, as he looked up at you wearing a white floral dress that you looked like an angel just sent down from heaven as he slowly stood up from his seat at the bench.
“Oh come on, it’s just a minute.” You rolled your eyes, as you proceeded to walk towards him.
He reached his hand out, saying, “Let’s go?” And of course, you could never say no everytime he smiles at you that way.
7:05PM, Jujutsu Tokyo High Dormitory.
“Thanks, today was fun.” You sheepishly smiled at him whilst looking down, attempting to hide the forming pink on your cheeks.
Gently, he held your right cheek on his hand, making you look up. As you did, you only realized that your faces were only a few inches away. His warm breath hitting your face, his eyes looking at yours with affection so undescribable, his lips slightly opening, as if wanting to kiss and devour those plushy lips of yours.
But he stopped himself. He knew damn well his feelings are not gonna be reciprocated. Or so he thinks.
“I’m gonna miss you. That annoying voice of yours, I mean.” Satoru slightly chuckled before backing a few steps away, your cheek feeling immediately lonely after his hand left it.
“Yeah, no one’s got your annoying personality there.” You replied, while Satoru laughed and just said, “well, what can I say? I am a unique individual after all.” You chuckled at that. Soon, the laughter died down and changed into an atmosphere you’d never thought existed with him.
Sadness. Satoru’s eyes lingered on you once more before looking to the side, “well, I better head off now, see you soon, Y/n.” And with that, Satoru left. Leaving you all alone.
A part of you wanted to call out to him and ask him to stay, but the part of you that needed to let him go had won. You hated how it was so easy for him to let you go, yet it was so hard for you to do so.
Honey, I love you, that's all she wrote Oh, Ophelia You've been on my mind girl like a drug Oh, Ophelia
“Five years? Isn’t that... so long?” You questioned the higher-ups worrily. You just had to be sent to an unknown country all alone, with a student you don’t even know, and what’s worse- you don’t even speak korean.
“Oh c’mon, five years ain’t that long, woman. Besides, ya don’t have to do nothin’ but to eliminate curses there. So long as those curses speak korean, you’ll be finee.” Ugh, the sarcasm and accent of that old man. If only looks could kill, he’d be long dead by your glare now.
It may not be long for them, but it was long enough for Satoru to forget about you. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way as you do, you wanted to leave something that will make him remember you, even if it’s just as a friend.
You sat down on your desk and pondered what to leave behind for him. Then, you remembered the necklace you bought for his last year's birthday, which backfired because of his stupid girlfriend. You picked it up from the top shelf, still keeping it safe and clean, as if it was still fresh and new. As you placed it on your desk, you ripped out a piece of paper and wrote on it.
Minutes later, you turned off the lamp in the desk, as you yawned yourself to sleep, bidding goodbye to your dorm as tomorrow was the day to come.
Tears and snots filled your colleagues, while Gojo only remained nonchalant, with his usual sunglasses on. Even Shoko and Suguru were obviously trying so hard not to cry. And, it really disturbed you on how his “girlfriend” happily bid you goodbye, the only one standing out amongst all.
After you had hopped in on the taxi, Gojo immediately departed and went to a secluded area, where he took off his sunglasses and let his tears spill. Staying long enough to see you gone was hard for him. What more if you were completely gone for so long?
Days and nights passed, and he couldn’t sleep. Especially upon finding out you had left a letter specifically for him, that contained all your heartfelt feelings and desires to him, also gifting him a necklace when he never got the chance to gift you something back. And now he regrets letting you go so easily.
He broke up with his girlfriend, who basically barked like a dog and complained like a child when he did. That was the mistake he ever made. Again, he should’ve been with you, not with anyone else.
If only he knew how you felt all this time, then he would’ve been yours. Now he worries that you’ll find someone new in another country, and leave Japan for good. No, he can’t let that happen right? He can’t possibly... But what can he even do? He’s pathetically sulking in the darkness of his dorm that smells literal shit considering he hasn’t even bathed for almost a week.
“Satoruu. Get out of there.” A knock on the door was heard, and he knew for a fact that it was Geto. He opened the door, and Geto’s eyes immediately opened wide too, as he saw the miserable state of his dear bestfriend.
You were Gojo’s first love, for as long as Geto can remember. But he never expected to ruin Gojo this much. Even though Gojo was an annoying shit of a bestfriend, Geto cherished and cared for nothing more but Gojo. He wanted his bestfriend to be happy.
“Get up your lazy ass, would you?” Geto held his breath as he stepped in Gojo’s dorm and dragged him towards his bathroom, “c’mon, I’ll treat you out.” But Gojo further resisted, insisting he wanted you, and only you. He couldn’t care less if anybody else heard him, if they found out “the strongest” is this weak.
“No, no no no waaaayyy!! I want Y/n back Geto! It hurts so much!” Gojo whined again and again, because the memory of you leaving would just always replay in his mind.
How many days has it really been? Gojo could feel the cold water piercing his delicate skin, as he contemplated what could really be the opposite if he just wasn’t so cowardly.
His forehead was pressed against the cold bathroom wall, as his hands lazily stayed still. It was obvious that he had been crying — the red under his eyes was no joke — Geto felt cruel for having to expose his helpless face to the public, but this was him trying to cheer his bestfriend up.
As they strolled on the park, Gojo had been reminded of your latest, and last hangout. He remembered you wearing a white floral dress, along with the lightest shade of pink tinting your lips and cheeks.
He passed by at the bench he once sat on, and it brought along a lot of memories, in which where he stayed there for a long time, waiting patiently for your angelic presence.
Heaven help a fool who falls in love Oh, Ophelia You've been on my mind girl since the flood
Then, both Gojo and Geto ate at the restaurant in which both you and Gojo ate too, on your very last hangout.
It seems, for Geto, that everywhere he leads Gojo to, only adds insult to his injury. Everywhere he goes, he’s just reminded of you. It was a tormenting pain, at least.
Painfully slowly for Gojo, he had to sleep and return to his dorm by night, without even having to keep connection with you.
The line of connection of messages from Japan to Korea is just simply nonexistent, so even if Gojo did want to connect to you, there’d be no way at all.
His situation was getting worse, he had long neglected his duties as a sorcerer, neglecting the higher-ups, and himself. Partly blaming himself, even. He didn’t even have time to bid a proper goodbye, one that would tell you his response to your letter, one that would reciprocate your supposedly “one-sided feelings”.
And Geto never failed to see through his pain. And so, he did what everyone would do in his situation.
“Yet isn’t it far too cruel to let her stay there for 5 years?” Geto retorted back to the higher-ups.
“Silence! What authority do you even have to request such a thing? We held that event fairly — she even signed the contract! It is her fault if she didn’t read it thoroughly.” One of the higher-ups crossed their arms and huffed in annoyance,
“Then — let me issue a request to go to Korea.” Geto’s patience was holding on a thin line of thread as he continued to talk with the stubborn higher-ups, “you can’t expect me to sit down here while I haven’t even heard news of how she's doing out there.” Anger boiled within Geto, but he kept his calm facade intact.
“And you can’t expect us to just grant your request simply because you requested. Remember; you are in no place to talk like that.” The higher-up with a lengthy white beared appeared behind all of them, and that was all but enough for Geto to clench his fist and turn away to slam the door.
“This was a complete waste of time.” Geto thought and mumbled, but Geto is Geto. He will not give up just like that, so he’ll do it in his own way.
Geto knocked again on Gojo’s door, the white-haired man groaned and opened his door in annoyance, about to rebuke Geto, when suddenly- Geto pushed him towards his bathroom and preparing his things for him.
Gojo, already within the bathroom, stared at the wall with pure confusion. “Hey, what-” Gojo peeked out of the bathroom door only for a towel to be thrown in his face, “you’re going to Korea.” Geto said nonchalantly, “you haven’t used all your cash prize, did you? That would be all enough for your travel fee and stay there.”
“You’re... joking. How...” Gojo was still in a daze, you see, “now go take a bath”, now not anymore thanks to Geto’s help slamming the bathroom door in his face as he pushed him inside again.
Gojo couldn’t help but smile. His isolation within his dorm was driving him insane, that he’s thinking if this was just a dream. He wished it wasn’t.
Oh, Ophelia Heaven help a fool who falls in love Oh, Ophelia
As Geto bid him goodbye at the airport, Gojo's cheeky smile radiated amongst the walls of the building — he was finally going to see you.
“To hell with it,” Geto whispered under his breath, along with a chuckle, he finally saw the smug smile of his bestfriend after weeks. Now, he couldn’t care less on what the higher-ups will punish him for for slipping Gojo out of the school.
Gojo literally waited impatiently in the front row of the airplane to Korea. He couldn’t wait long. He misses you. Two hours and thirty-five minutes of flight will seriously drive him insane, even though it’s so short.
As he finally sat on the plane, he watched as the airplane slowly departed, reaching through the highest fluff of clouds. Time seemed to pass by slowly, painfully, even.
When he finally felt relief that he’d be able to see you soon though, two hours more and thirty-five minutes, he felt the sleep striking to him, after for so long sleepless nights.
Slowly, he leaned against the window and peacefully closed his eyes, pressing both his thumb and index finger on the necklace you gifted him.
By the time the plane arrived, Gojo immediately rushed to the Jujutsu High of Korea, not even caring if people looked at him with luggage following behind him, or if he looked like a fool with his messy hair.
There, then, with one turn of his eye, he immediately sees the one he had been always longing for.
You've been on my mind girl like a drug Oh, Ophelia Heaven help a fool who falls in love
“Y/n...!” You hadn’t had enough time to even turn your head toward the familiar voice, as you were immediately tackled to the ground.
As you felt heavy arms that wrapped around your waist, you felt a tinge of safety, and when your nose hit his neck, you immediately knew who that scent came from.
“‘Toru...?” With eyes widened, you couldn’t believe who was in front of you, now embracing you. “How...?”
Gojo cut you off, “shut up...” breathlessly, as he finally hovered his lips over yours, the very moment you’ve both been waiting for, for what seemed impossible, and for an eternity to ever happen.
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sukustar · 1 year
Compilation of images of Satoru Gojo after his return
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Please ignore the scripts in Spanish since i read it in that language.
He looks so cute and at the same time so dangerous
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Ex Bf Gojo hcs
I’ve been thinking about doing a part two to this for ages and finally decided to write it. I wrote this in my English lit lesson because it was eating me alive 😫 anyways hope you like it 😋🫶🏼
Ex Bf Gojo who finds himself at your front door again holding one of your bras and a pair of shorts that he took from his last visit. However his eager expression changes when you opened the door wearing a dress teasing to expose your breasts and your thighs on full display. ‘Satoru?’
Ex Bf Gojo who’s shocked expression turns into a smirk as he says ‘hey love where we going?’. you can only roll your eyes ‘satoru we are not going anywhere. I am going on a date’ you say walking back into your house as he close the door as he follows behind you
Ex Bf Gojo who’s in disbelief at your words he’s left speechless for once. ‘i don’t think so baby’ he says coming up behind you as you fix your lipstick in the mirror. ‘satoru don’t start with me. we’re not together you’ve had plenty of chances’ you say as his hands wrap around you
Ex Bf Gojo who makes himself at home on your couch as you make sure you have everything ‘satoru go home’ you say giving him a stern look ‘nah i’m going to stay right here until you get back just do i can hear how shit it was’ he says manspreading and turning on your TV
Ex Bf Gojo who stays true to his word and stays in the same spot as you unlock the door and walk in. you hate how he was right, the date was horrible he would only talk about himself and didn’t even pay for the meal instead asking if you could
Ex Bf Gojo who knows as soon as he sees you expression it wasn’t what you thought. ‘awe poor girl he didn’t compare to me at all huh’ he says standing up and making his way towards you. ‘hmm it’s okay though i know just how to make it all better’
Ex Bf Gojo who now has your lips attached to his in a needy kiss. your hands resting in his hair as his roam around your body ‘when will you understand huh? no on will ever compare to me sweetheart. no one’ he says his lips now kissing down your neck
Ex Bf Gojo who now has you pushed up against the door as he thrusts in behind you, the bottom of your dressed bunched up at your waist and your panties pushed to the side. ‘did he get you this wet?’ he asks knowing you were thinking of him the entire time not the dick sitting infront of you at the restaurant. ‘no satoru f-fuck only you get me this wet p-please’
Ex Bf Gojo who has his fingers deep in you curling in to hit your sweet spot. but as soon as you can feel the tightness in your stomach he stops ‘nuh uh you need to understand that your mine.’ his long fingers now rubbing circles on your clit ‘don’t worry i’ll make you cum so much all you can think of is me and then maybe you’ll understand your mine and no one will ever compare to me’
Ex Bf Gojo who teases you as he’s thrusting slow and deep into you ‘could he make you feel this good? did you get that feeling in your stomach when you look at him? the one you get when you look at me? god, i bet he didn’t even pay for the dinner’ you hated how he was right and let out a groan in response ‘oh i’m right? what a dick but don’t worry i’ve got you. gunna make you feel real good’
Ex Bf Gojo who makes sure to clean you up in the shower before laying down next to you in bed. ‘pretty girl’ you turn to face him ‘mhm’ Gojo now moves you so you sit in between his legs as he sits against the headboard of the bed. ‘maybe we should try again hm?’ he asks you send him a big smile ‘Satoru Gojo are you asking me to be your girlfriend? again?’ he lets out a chuckle before saying ‘only if you say yes’.
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