#scar and his savage quotes
avi-mation · 4 months
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-The first to fall-
Spoilers for Secret Life session 9 Etho’s POV
Cw: blood
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nevesmose · 2 months
Nostraman Nature Sucks: An Attempted Lore Post
Ave dominus nox Night Lords fans. I thought I'd take some time to go through the various NL stories I have to hand and see what I could find out about the animals that lived on Nostramo. Might come in useful for something, who knows?
Sharks and Whales
As a child, on several coastal journeys with his father, he had witnessed the eyeless barrasal sharks that would group together to hunt the great whales of the open ocean. (Night Lords Trilogy)
His voice filters into something savage and predatory, as hungry as the eyeless white sharks of Nostramo’s blackest depths. (The Long Night)
Not a big surprise since they talk about them fairly often and have the Space Sharks as a successor chapter but Nostramo does have sharks. Pretty gnarly-sounding sharks if I'm honest.
I didn't know what "barrasal" meant, so I looked it up and only found one thread on r/40klore that had the same quote in it as above. Hmm.
Assuming it's not a typo or a more straightforward reference to something I'm just not getting, I'd venture a guess that barrasal, understood here to mean of or relating to "barras" like with "abyssal" could be connected to the French Revolutionary leader Paul Barras who is mostly remembered for supporting Napoleon's rise to power before being overthrown by him.
So maybe the older barrasal sharks will make use of younger ones as temporary hunting partners only to be inevitably betrayed and consumed by them. Sounds about right I think.
As for the whales, where do I even begin? I would imagine they're "whales" in name only like in Dishonored:
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This does imply the possible existence of a whaling industry at some stage in Nostramo's history, though.
Jago reached into his pockets, offering a handful of breadcrumbs. Come, he said to the crows. Food for tonight. Flesh, flesh, flesh, they called back. He laughed as several of the black birds landed on his shoulders and outstretched arm. (Prince Of Crows)
‘Yes. I’ve seen them in books. Is a crow a type of bird?’ ‘Black of feather and dark of eye. It feeds on the bodies of the dead, and sings in a raw, croaking caw.’ (TLN)
Breaking news - legion that keeps referring to crows in shocking has crows on its homeworld scandal. "This is outrageous," said local Nostraman cutpurse and skin disease enthusiast Verxaglryn Quickstabber, "here we are trying to make a good name for Nostramo as a respectable hellhole, a place you'd be proud to exile your worst enemy to, and yet we're surrounded by some of the most intelligent and curious birds in existence. I was shanking someone in a back alley the other night and suddenly I saw a crow learning how to use rudimentary tools! Not on my watch, I said to the rapidly cooling body, and I threw my shiv at it. But it just flew away." At this point Mr Quickstabber was obliged to end the interview due to having been eviscerated by the Night Haunter.
I know their communication with Sevatar is happening in a dream but I really like the idea of the crows adapting to Nostramo by developing some kind of psychic hive mind that's also able to be understood by human psykers.
Crag Cougars
A beast of my home world. When next you see one of the Atramentar, look to their shoulder guards. The roaring lions on their pauldrons are what we called crag cougars on Nostramo. It was considered a mark of wealth for gang bosses to be able to leave the cities and hunt such creatures. (NLT)
Every single one of them is Scar from the Lion King, isn't it? An interesting hint about Nostramo's geography though, of which more later.
Groundcars whisked by, headlights brighter than deep-hive rats’ eyes, the occupants snug and safe behind armoured glass. (Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter)
No surprises here either. Where there's people there's rats after all.
Something with tusks?
The older Astartes grinned, wolf-like and keen, as the Atramentar either side of the Exalted’s throne growled through their tusked helms. (NLT)
This isn't that conclusive because a lot of Chaos Terminators have tusks no matter what legion they are, but Nostramo being Nostramo they probably belonged to a species of giant carnivorous mammoth that ate babies and sprayed acid from its trunk.
Cows? On My Sunless World?
‘They are still of standard human stock, and not to be mourned. What does it matter if the cattle fear the herdsman?’ hissed Krukesh the Pale. (KC:TNH)
This one's a real reach on my part as it's very likely just a turn of phrase, but I noticed it because wouldn't it be slightly more typical to use a sheep metaphor here? Plus it supports the existence of Nostraman cowboys/ranchers/vaqueros which is fun.
No bats?
His helmet bore a new, spread batwing crest in blatant imitation of Sevatar’s own. (A Safe and Shadowed Place)
A sole space was neat: a circle around an iron lectern fashioned in the form of a bat’s outflung wings, which carried a heavy book bound in human skin. (KC:TNH)
Although they appear a lot in the VIII legion's iconography and artwork, oddly enough I wasn't actually able to find a direct reference to Nostramo itself having bats. Let's cover my ass by saying this aspect might therefore have been brought in by the legion's Terran component instead.
Some Nostraman geography
The Hill Folk lived away from the cities, eking out an existence in the mountains. (NLT)
What's worse than living in a Nostraman city? Living on a Nostraman hill, apparently. This seems to just be an idea of ADB's that doesn't come up again but I've always found it quite interesting. Were the Hill Folk as scummy as the City Folk, just with more of a down-home Dukes of Hazzard vibe? Seems likely.
This also supports the idea of Nostramo not being completely urbanised like some Hive Worlds are. In my view its continents might have had a geographical layout a bit like Italy or Scotland where the cities are mainly on the flatter coasts with a more sparsely populated hilly/mountainous interior.
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What else? (This part is just me making stuff up so feel free to ignore it. I'm not ADB, I'm not even ADB's hat.)
If the rest of Nostramo's marine life is anything like the sharks and whales then it's fucking terrifying. I would imagine, because it's funny, that a lot of Nostraman food features disgusting industrially-processed fish in some way or another. Like the food in Dishonored but even worse.
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Is something wrong, dearest offworld husband? You haven't touched your stale bread, whalemeat and jellied eels.
Since all life on Nostramo seems to be comically carnivorous and aggressive, it would make sense in a 40K kind of way for there to be giant predatory penguins living at one or both of its poles. A bit like the monstrous blind albino penguins HP Lovecraft wrote about.
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Last known infrared pict-capture of an early Nostraman settler attempting communication with a juvenile specimen of the native penguin species. There were no survivors.
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odusseus-xvi · 2 months
So, I said on a post, and I'm quoting, "I doubt Laios would have much of a chance against a Deviljho, [...]" ( This post )
And now people are arguing in my tags saying that Laios would definitely beat a Deviljho.
SO that made me reconsider a thing or two, HOWEVER I think a lot of people are forgetting what a Deviljho is. So let's look further into that : (REMINDER this is not serious I'm just having fun)
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what- what are you talking about. No. No hunters are not grounded. They wield weapons heavier than they are while wearing batshit crazy armor. They can jump from icredible heights and suffer no damage *canonically*. Hunters are inhumanly strong canonically, and that is the only reason they do not die instantly to monster attacks.
That AND the hunter/huntress you play in the games is an exception even among hunters. Especially in the old games we had a lot of tales and quest descriptions that implied most hunters would die against such monsters. The one who faces Deviljhos and Elder Dragons are exceptions that are considered legends. (Like The Sapphire Star of the Fifth Fleet in MH World, the hunter you play.)
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OK so multiple things to say, both in favor and against Laios in this situation.
1 : Now that yes, a lot of tags talked about Laios being effective against Monster Hunter monsters because he would LOVE studying their weaknesses and that is the trademark of a good monster, and I agree with that, a really good thing for Laios. He would probably figure out how to use it's appetite against Deviljho, using poisoned meat and other things to make the fight easier (let's remember nonetheless that Deviljho's metabolism is very resistant and wouldn't die from poison, the reason it can eat most of everything) 1.5 : HOWEVER the second option is terrible. Do not starve a Deviljjho. Not only would no one be able to do that consistantly, a Deviljho WILL find a way to eat, but the more starved is a Deviljho the more violent and strong it becomes : Starving Deviljho and Savage Deviljho (two different Variants) comes from a Deviljho so hungry it becomes near unstoppable.
2 : Ok but Marcille is cheating (I'm joking I'm joking but yeah, with Marcille on his side it would increase his chances greatly.)
3 : "It has a much thinner hide than a Red Dragon." That is true HOWEVER, let's remember : The Red Dragon as a spot that kills it instantly if hit, that is not the case of a Deviljho. It's Hide is still *very* strong, AND it has spikes making it harder to hit it without weapons boucing right off.
4 : Ok but who decides that, what if Laios gets Isekaid to MH universe. (that is not a serious point but like, who knows what we consider for what happens in this situation.)
5 : Last one : That wouldn't work, Deviljho has a thick hide, most normal weapons wouldn't do much against it AND one of the things Deviljho does is open up HIS OWN muscles and by how scarred it is. It would survive some Laios swordplay.
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Yes As much as I think Laios would probably die against a Deviljho, he would have a FUCKIN BLAST in the Mh universe : A whole GUILD dedicated to understand and study monster, and some monsters considered good meals. yeah yeah he would love it.
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THAT would be his way to both eat some Deviljho and survive the encounter : Chop off the tail, and flee the furious beast. A carefully crafted plan would make it possible.
NOW some things about Deviljho some of you might have forgotten that might tip the fight in it's favor :
The size :
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Deviljhos are MASSIVE, but they are also FAST, they run fast, they can jump extremely far, they are muscly, they can carry monsters such as ODOGARONS in their jaw without much of an injury. They are also powerful enough to fight back when caught in a trap.
And my last two points :
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1 : Deviljho has a corrosive saliva that corrodes and melts ARMOR off, that's why in the game you get Defense Down when you get pinned in it's jaw. One mistep from Laios, and it's over. Reminder that the guy wears basic iron armor. Laios does havd some healing magic, but that would only buy him a little bit of time.
2 : Now that one is more complicated : Dragonblight is mysterious in canon, no one really knows what the Dragon Element really is, but we do know that it is really powerful, that it hurts real bad, and that it increases your weakness . (and that it's linked to the madness of it's user but that doesn't matter here.) That is really powerful, hard to dodge, and would be really hard for Laios or anyone to truly understand.
A few weaknesses a Deviljho DOES have and that Laios could use :
It's weak to Thunder. I don't know what Laios would do, but who knows he'd probably have an idea.
It's weak to Dragon Element. Well. That one's probably not being used.
It's belly hide DOES become softer when enraged, but it's till very thick, and it's tall enough that it's hard to reach.
It's perpetually hungry, and the use of drugged meats is a known method, Laios would probably figure that one out.
It has little self preservation and is reckless. The thing is, Laios too. But there is things to do here.
Ok I think that's my most autism post I ever did. welp. A reminder, I did this just because I was having fun doing it, this is not serious. A fight between Laios and a Deviljho would have a lot of variables. (I still do think a Deviljho has more chances of winning but who knows) (also hot take Laios is not the best fighter)
that's it that's the post. There you go.
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fandoms-rants · 5 months
Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Andriel Quotes Part 3:
(Quotes that remind me of (and/or I think they would say in canon or fanfics which I hope someone will write) Andrew, Neil or both of them and/or therir relationship)
"Do you not understand? I will not settle for anything less than a soul-deep, electrifying connection." (Andriel to Everyone who doubts them)
“Hearts are wild creatures, that’s why are ribs are cages.” (Andrew)
“I have a very intelligent mind but a goddamn stupid heart.” (Andrew **gay panicking** before he kissed Neil the first time)
“Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness.” (Andrew to Neil)
“She’s a combination of sensitive and savage.” (Neil about Andrew)
“Underestimate me. That'll be fun.” (Andrew)
“She will rise. With a spine of steel, and a roar like thunder, she will rise.” (Andrew post-canon)
"According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves." (Andriel)
“The initmacy of being understood.” (Andriel)
“If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question.” (Andrew)
“Why aren't you scared of me? Whyy do you care for me?” (Andrew to Neil and Neil to Andrew)
“The silent ones are the most observant ones.” (Andrew)
“He pretty cute for a Monster.” (Neil about Andrew)
“"I am coming for all the monsters that ever touched him, I am coming for all the ones who twisted his stars into shadows, They turned him into a nightmare, So I'm going to be theirs." (**Neil about Andrew**)
“"When a devil falls in love, it's the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever. And you should be terrified, for he will go to the depths of hell for her." (Andriel)(You choose who the devil is ;)
"Hold him gently in your hands. He has been cracked enough as it is, and his heart is more shattered than he lets on." (Neil about Andrew)
"I defy the stars; I defy Heaven and Hell. The laws of the universe say that the man I love is lost to me. I say: Watch me save him." (Andrew during Baltimore)
"Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it's like to conquer.” (Neil to Andrew) Fearless child, Broken boy; Tell me what it's like to burn." (Andrew to Neil)
“I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we." (Andrew to Neil and Neil to Andrew)
“"Survivors have scars. Victims have graves.” (Andriel)
“I became good at pretending. I became so good that after a while the lines blurred between my truth and fiction. And sometimes, when I did a really good job of pretending, I even fooled myself." (Neil)
“I am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and I thought people would see it because 'romantic' doesn't mean 'sugary? It's dark and tormented — the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you can't attain.” (Andriel)
“I am almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes." (Andrew)
“If only my heart were as cold as I pretend it is, maybe I could get over this." (Andrew)
“I became bitter and untouchable. I craved affection but even the mere thought of someone caring made my stomach turn." (Andrew)
“I like the scars because I like the stories. Bravery, stupidity, pain-none of them come free." (Andrew to Neil)
“You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly." (Neil about Andrew)
“I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch everything go wrong.” (Andriel)
“You and Atlas are one and the same my dear, cursed to hold a weight you can't bare and still standing not because you can but because you have to.” (Neil to Andrew)
“Lift with your knees, Atlas, the heavens are a burden but in the starlit ink of constellations you have written: Endure." (Andrew)
“"I'm someone who's mostly dead inside but still has a little hope for something extraordinary, which, as I said, is the worst breed of human, because it means I know everything is bullshit, but that I secretly hope for the day when it might not be." (Andrew)
“My abuse isn't poetic. it was not justice or necessary. The earth left me to die and there is no such thing as karma. The gods watched idly by as i was killed in that house and not a damn person tried to help me.” (Andrew)
“You are allowed to grieve over the child you could've been.” (Neil to Andrew)
“"I spent my childhood learning how to fear, and now I spend my adulthood learning how not to." (Andriel)
**Im imagining this in a butcher!Neil or mafia!Neil AU. As a courting gift Neil brings Andrew the heads of all the men who abused him.**
*WARNING: About copyright, Quotes come from various places(ie. FanFiction, Tv, Movies, Music, Pinterest) so use in your own fanfic stories at your own.. I can’t think of the word but you know what I mean.*
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myheadsgonenumb · 11 months
50 Random Character Asks: Remus edition
You're not supposed to answer all 50 of these - but I wanted to, so I did. For wolfstar.
1. Canon I outright reject
Remadora. Fine - it's canon he married her, but I do not accept it is canon he loved her. I can't even find evidence he liked her. She just wouldn't accept him telling her "no" and ended up marrying her out of sheer embarrassment.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
just wolfstar really - they were never a couple, in canon, but they loved each other desperately and quietly from 1971 until they died. Theirs was - quite literally - the love which dares not speak its name.
3. Obscure headcanon
His mother taught him how to skim stones, and he taught the others how to do the same. He also taught the others about sex. Purebloods don't teach that stuff - they have a mother/daughter or father/son talk the night before the wedding. The wedding night itself is usually a disaster. But the muggle practice of educating your children on sex is considered most distasteful by the wizards who know they do this, and not even considered as a possibility by vast majority of them. Hope - of course - taught Remus all about it, and he told the others. Mr. Potter was most taken aback when he tried to talk to James, the night before he married Lily, and found out he already knew what to do.
4. Favorite line
Mr Moony Presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.
5. Best personality trait
Empathy and gentleness ... and being the master of the wry understatement.
6. Worst personality trait
A tendency to bury his head in the sand and run away from and/ or ignore his problems.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
current age: 63 height 6' 1" weight 13.5 stone (189lbs/ 85kg)
8. Unpopular opinion about them
He's not that fussed for chocolate and he is a similar height to Sirius.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Probably the boggart in the wardrobe scene. It's been over 20 years since I first read POA, but I'm pretty sure my crush was already cemented in place before he reached the shrieking shack.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
Every time he drops whatever he is holding when Sirius's name is brought up.
11. Faceclaim for the role
I don't like face claims.
12. Crack headcanon
His hidden talent was how high he could wee up a wall, he beat the other boys every time.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
in canon - married Tonks. In general he's quite sensible. He did go skinny dipping with the giant squid once, though (and Sirius).
14. Most heroic moment
Willingly signing up to fight in a war for a world which hated him and offered him no future just because it was the right thing to do ... twice.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
All variations of Snape's Worst Memory - where he refuses to challenge bad behaviour, even when he has the authority to do so, and thus allowing people he loves to terrorise, bully and humiliate other people. I don't think SWM was the only example of that.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
He quite likes scurrilous Rita Skeeter articles - he experiences a lot of schadenfreude from them. He hopes one day she will write one about Draco Malfoy - because that little shit used to drag Remus's robes .
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I don't really associate any.
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
He's a British Boomer. He doesn't go to a therapist.
19. Vices/bad habits
He's secretive. He's learned to be for good reason - but sometimes he keeps secrets when he shouldn't.
20. Scars
Lots. There's the large, jagged, purple one with visible teeth marks around his torso - that one never fades, and then lots of smaller, silver and white, faded ones which criss-cross his chest and make his chest hair grow in strange patterns. Fortunately the wolf tends to savage the same places over and over (the bits it can easily reach), and so the damage is limited to the same few areas and the same cuts open over and over. They heal quite quickly, but the scars never fade totally. The wolf has only managed to scar its face on three occasions: the night Remus's mother died, the night Snape got into the Shrieking Shack and the first full moon after James died and Sirius was arrested. He has a few, faded scars across his face from these incidents.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Hot tea and red wine (not in the same cup)
22. Best physical feature
His broad shoulders and his jawline.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
24. Most annoying habit
Talking himself down.
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
a map of the area, food and water, a waterproof cloak
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom] Umbridge - seethe quietly, and smile politely
27. Their guilty pleasure
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom] Luna Lovegood - he smiled indulgently at her conspiracy theories and felt sorry for her because she had no friends and was lonely, he always made sure he took the time to speak with her for a few minutes every lesson and if he saw her in the halls. He liked her a lot - but he thought she was nuts.
29. Eating habits
Perfectly normal - Hope raised him to have nice table manners.
30. Sleeping habits
He can fall asleep anywhere (especially when it's close to a full moon). He is neither a night owl nor a morning person. He is a sleep person.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
photos and facts about dark creatures, interspersed with Rita Skeeter -style commentary on Umbridge. He'd also reblog a lot of Luna's stuff.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Sirius taking something apart so he can enchant it.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
stubbing his toe - but they're tears of rage as much as anything.
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
It's very hard to tell when Remus is feeling an emotion. He doesn't like to let his face know. Until he gets totally overwhelmed and then he has a full breakdown.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Wake up early - next to Sirius, a leisurely breakfast, reading a book with a cup of tea, going for a walk in the countryside and then heading into town to people watch. Eating out (so he doesn't have to cook) walking home in the dark, holding hands and looking at the stars, and then time for the crossword, cocoa and bed.
36. Their favorite season
37. What they really think about themselves
Secretly - he's actually OK with himself and sort of quite likes himself. He feels like he should be ashamed and apologise for his very existence and not bother the normal people ... but deep down he knows it's them that's wrong and that there's nothing wrong with him. Before she died, Hope told him he was her perfect, magic little boy and she would never wish him to be any different - and he has never forgotten that. He's funny and he's clever and he keeps a very neat sock drawer - what's not to love?
38. Favorite holiday
39. Favorite game
40. Favorite book
He has three he will never admit to: Hairy Snout, Human Heart - by an unknown werewolf author; Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart and The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, by Rita Skeeter.
He tells wizards that he likes to read Beedle the Bard in its original ancient runes, and muggles that his favourite book is War and Peace.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Hope Lupin - he still misses her, after all these years.
42. 3 comfort items
His wand, the last jumper his mum knitted him before she died, and the first jumper Mrs. Potter knitted him after his mum died
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Favourites: cheese on toast, apple crumble and bacon sandwiches. Despises: cooked carrots (though he doesn't mind them raw), semolina/ tapioca and fruit salads.
44. Their happiest memory
Being told he could go to Hogwarts.
45. Their favorite celebrity
Notorious Mass Murderer, Sirius Black
46. The person they most admire
Notorious Mass Murderer, Sirius Black
47. Their dream job
He'd settle for any well paying job, that used his talents and where they wouldn't fire him for being a werewolf tbh. He does quite enjoy being a free-lance boggart hunter (which is lucky - because that's how he's spent most of his adult life), but the pay is patchy and there's not much scope for promotion.
48. Scariest moment of their life
He doesn't really remember the initial attack by Fenrir Greyback - just a lot of pain and fur, and he didn't really understand what was going to happen the first full moon after... so his scariest moment was waiting for his second ever full moon, when he was only five, and he knew what was coming and knew there was nothing even his dad could do to stop it.
49. Favorite toy as a child
His dad had a collection of dark creature miniatures, which he has sent off to a catalogue for. Remus liked lining them all up, making them all fight, and making the lethifold swim across the floor.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
He would tell you he's blocked out Draco Malfoy dragging his robes ... He has not.
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maxdamax · 1 year
veni, vidi, vici (war poetry)
inspo: iconic tumblr quotes + fandoms + comic quotes + love + latin phrases (from another post)
“i stepped onto the battlefield,
my porcelain facade previously adored,
now chiseled by the brutal hands of war.
volition in my mind and my stony face,
my smooth skin now rough unlike lace.
god is up in heaven, as usual,
but today its because he’s afraid of his own creation.
they say we only gain wisdom through suffering,
and today, i intend to make some people very wise.
i saw the enormity before us,
the horizon set ablaze with the fires of war.
even though my body quavered, 
my courage never wavered,
your words echoing in my head inclined,
as ink stains on my mind…
“never lose your honor,
never lose your values,
never lose your principles.
for i cannot live without you,
always try to be harmonious,
but only come home a martyr or victorious.
either way, i will always be with you,
ergo dum me diligis.”
and whatever the extremities, 
i will never stop loving you.
i mounted my 4 legged soldier,
his sinewy muscles rippling beneath me, 
and as we charged into battle determinedly free,
i thought of how i had to be so much colder
than everyone else to earn my respect.
as a woman who loves a woman, 
people have given me nothing but neglect.
soon, my duty was to rule over them, to protect,
sic mundus creatus est…
alas, a thunderous bullet shattered my loyal steed,
crimson streaks staining the field of liberation,
and as man took my by the neck, i thought of how
without the help of a single soul but you,
i earned my place as the leader of the crew,
the protector thats true,
and into a fighter, i grew.
both my peers and my enemies now whisper,
“be careful, alis volat propriis.”
i won many a battle,
i carved triumph from the jaws of despair,
each victory etched upon my scarred soul,
battles fought with a sword
battles fought with a gun,
battles fought with a fist,
but none as savage,
as this blood-stained dance.
nothing this violent,
nothing this loud,
and nothing this silent,
nothing with this much depth, 
nothing with this much death.
hell must be empty,
for all the devils are in attendance.
as I stared down at my exposed veins, 
i noticed a gruesome tapestry of bloodied remains,
of lives extinguished, comrades and foes intertwined, 
that adorned my battle-worn frame.
i shouted to the man, his grip on my neck tight, 
defiance erupted my parched throat roaring with might,
"vivamus, moriendum est!' i knew i faced my fate,
no longer a wreck, ready to confront the weight.
but suddenly,
your graceful letter slipped from my shirt's embrace,
and I recalled for whom I fought in this desolate space,
for the silenced voices, yearning to be heard,
for dreams shattered, yet still undeterred,
for all the hearts that beat but never allowed to soar,
but above all that i had to bore,
i fought for you.
aut inveniam viam aut faciam,
and so, i grasped the thundering dart,
not a shred of guilt in my heart,
and fired at the man, his grip now lifeless.
i survived because the fire inside me,
burned greater than the fire around me.
i killed one too many
on my way to win this battle of envy.
as I ascended the treacherous mountain, 
its jagged peaks reaching for the sky like icy daggers,
i stole a glance at the sun's descent,
and just for a fleeting moment, 
i considered the weight of the strife
that thousands of families will have,
when the sun sets on their loved ones life.
and then i threw a grenade onto the battlefield.
the gods may judge me, 
but their sins outnumber my own.
a soldier's tears mingled with the raindrops,
as the earth drank the blood of fallen heroes.
for in the crucible of war, I found my voice,
and through my words, the echoes of valor shall remain.
i think they learned their lesson.
even if they didn’t,
they aren’t here to argue anymore.
violence for violence is the rule of beasts
veni, vidi, vici.”
translations to the phrases: ⁃ “veni, vidi, vici - i came, i saw, i conquered.
⁃  "vivamus, moriendum est." - let us live, for we must die.
⁃  "ergo dum me diligis." - so long as you love me.
⁃  "alis volat propriis." - she flies with her own wings.
⁃  "sic mundus creatus est." - thus the world was created.
⁃  "aut inveniam viam aut faciam." - i shall either find a way, or make one.
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mennatullahsalah · 1 year
Genuine or Misguided?
“It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness,” once noted Paul Strand[1]. This is the prosperous purpose, for which Khalik Allah claims to be employing his documentary and portrait photography. However, this purpose may be misapplied, and this why this paper will exploit whether Khalik Allah’s drive for photography is genuine or misguided.
Khalik Allah claims that his “Purpose in life is to extend the light into peoples’ lives”, and asserts that he is “approaching these people, telling them they’re beautiful and trying to show the world that they’re beautiful.”[1] As shown in figure 1, he spots the light on a stranger in the streets who has a large scar on his cheek, and makes him his focal point. Although this may be thought of as an ugly feature that marks one’s face, but Allah’s photograph focuses on the face as a whole; which allows the viewer to observe the man’s beautiful smile. As a result, it is very likely that the audience of the photograph would start viewing these people as ordinary people who can smile and be kind, instead of viewing them as savage and violent. As per Jon Gugala’s article posted on The Manual[1], Allah offers his audience with “an intimate view and larger truths.” Allah’s “Field Niggas” documentary that included his street photography boomed in the True/False Film Festival, and “has been getting so much attention”.[2] This again accentuates how Allah’s photography gives birth to genuine knowledge about marginalized peoples’ reality, and shares it to the public audience who can start to change their perspectives of these people.
On the other hand, Khalik Allah maybe misguided with his street photography, because he may cause negative impact on the audience, which can adversely depict his subjects’ image in the community. For instance, in figures 2 and 3, the subjects are portrayed under the influence of drugs or weed, which reinforces the stereotypical perceived image of these homeless people as “drug addicts” in the minds of the audience. This point was highlighted by the interviewer Tommy Shelby when he asked Allah about how ethical it is to film or photograph “high or drunk” people.[1] Allah’s response was that this is the reality of these people (his view of the role of photography) and this is why he is featuring them; however, this segment of the population are not all “drug addict”. Here rises the question whether Khalik Allah’s street photography really helps these people or the complete opposite. This way it may be misleading, as it represents this segment as a whole stereotyped entity, who share the same flaw and characteristics, although they are individuals with different flaws and characters. Reality or truth maybe the tricky sword with two edges. For example, he photographs his subjects in the dim street under the streetlights (negative space), which is the truth of their surrounding and circumstances, yet it photographs’ background transmits a dangerous and savage mood to the audience. Accordingly, truth in production does not guarantee sympathy with the subject as an outcome from the audience.
To sum up, authenticity maybe Khalik Allah’s main goal yet it may be misleading in the form it portrays the subjects’ circumstances in a negative and stereotypical way to the audience. Rather than reducing stereotypes, some of Allah’s photography may contribute to augmenting and reinforcing some stereotypes about this segment of the population.
[1] 154 incredible photography quotes | Icon photography school. (2023, January 10). Icon Photography School – Learn photography here. https://photographyicon.com/quotes/
[2] Nogues, C. (2022, September 9). Khalik Allah’s tender street photography spotlights the humans of Harlem. i-D. https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/m7g3bn/khalik-allah-harlem-photography-profile
[3] Khalik Allah's photos speak louder than words. (2021, April 14). The Manual. https://www.themanual.com/culture/khalik-allah-feature/
[4] Khalik Allah. (n.d.). Landing. https://thephotographicjournal.com/interviews/khalik-allah/
[5] Allah, & Shelby. (2016). Camera ministry. Transition, (120), 46. https://doi.org/10.2979/transition.120.1.07
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womanofwords · 1 year
Dhar Mann’s awful video about emo kids.
OK, I didn’t think that Dhar Mann could get any worse, but as usual, he has. This one is about a gothic kid being mistreated by both students and a teacher and accused of dealing drugs. I’m going to include a TW here for mentions of self-harm and drugs, because Dhar Mann certainly didn’t.
It immediately starts at the beginning of the video, when Kirsten, the emo/goth kid, walks into the classroom and is immediately commented on by other students, namely a redhead called Rose. It seems stereotypical, with one saying that Kirsten looks like she crawled out of a Hot Topic dumpster. Even the teacher, Ms Savage, makes a judgemental comment about how if Kirsten was her daughter, she wouldn’t allow her to dress the way that she does.
But the worst part was when one of the students asked Kirsten “Hey, did the psych ward give you those bracelets to hide your scars?” which was accompanied by laughter. She is also later referred to as ‘mentally unstable’ by Rose. The full quote is “Who would wanna sit with someone who’s mentally unstable? She could cut someone.”
That’s messed up, dude.
Self-harm and mental health issues are nothing to joke about and seeing it in a Dhar Mann video is just awful. What happened to changing lives?
Anyway, a boy named Abel (we’ll come back to that) is found with drugs in his locker, so there is a school-wide search and Ms Savage remarks that it wasn’t a coincidence that it happened today, while looking at Kirsten.
After some more bullying from Rose about how Kirsten was probably abandoned by her parents for being so weird, it cuts to a scene in the school bathroom with Rose and her friends. Rose is told to be careful with her eyeliner or she’ll look like Kirsten, with the other girls laughing and saying that she creeps them out. Rose has drugs that she got from a friend in a pharmacy. As she offers them to her friends (they don’t take any) Kirsten comes out of the bathroom. She heard everything.
Rose accuses her of spying on them, which she wasn’t. Rose then threatens Kirsten that if she says anything, it won’t be good for her. Ms Savage goes into the restroom and pulls Kirsten aside. Rose's cronies slip out, and Ms Savage basically takes this time to ask her if she talked to a boy named Abel, the kid from before. While she’s talking, Rose takes her drugs and puts them in Kirsten’s bag while also taking out Kirsten’s solved math problem (which is going to win her movie tickets and free dinner) before leaving the bathroom herself.
We’re all back in the classroom with Ms Savage asking if anyone can solve the problem. Rose is picked, gives the correct answer, and Kirsten says that she cheated and stole the answer from her.
Rose says she’d never do that, and the teacher immediately believes her, saying to Kirsten, “Rose is a good student, unlike you.” Kirsten tries to tell her about the drugs Rose has, but Rose interrupts and says that Kirsten is selling drugs.
Ms Savage immediately believes her, saying, “I knew it was you. From the moment I lay eyes on you, I knew you were a druggie.”
What a wonderful teacher you are, Ms Savage! /s
Kirsten tells the teacher about the baggie of drugs in Rose’s bag, and Rose agrees to be searched. Both girls are searched, and the drugs are found on Kirsten. She grabs Kirsten by the wrist to take her out of the classroom, but the leather cuffs on her wrists are sharp and she recoils in pain, saying that Kirsten shouldn’t be wearing things like that in school.
That’s when Rose says, “She probably wear those to cover up her scars from when she tries to cut herself.”
And the teacher says, “I wouldn’t be surprised. She’s clearly unstable.”
How is this allowed in a school? A teacher wouldn’t be allowed to grab a student the way that Ms Savage grabs at Kirsten in an actual school, even if they did break the rules as severely as this!
The Dhar Mann ‘so you see’ moment happens where Kirsten talks about the horrible upbringing she had with two drug-addicted parents and the way they lashed out at her after she flushed their drugs down the toilet. The cops were called, the parents got arrested, and Kirsten moved to a new school.
After this, Rose is exposed for stealing the answer from Kirsten, because there’s a clause that states that you have to show your working to be approved as the winner. Rose can’t do that, but Kirsten can, and she demonstrates her working while showing how she is a very good student that does a lot of extra reading outside of school.
Rose backtracks by saying that the drugs are in Kirsten’s backpack, and even if she did steal the answers, what Kirsten did is much worse. Cue the convenient save where the principal brings a student in that says he got the drugs from Rose. Rose also had a bunch of pills in a baggie in her locker, and as she leaves, she delivers a crushing blow to the student who snitched on her.
“You are not invited to my birthday party.”
What a devastating blow, Rose! He’s going to be absolutely crushed hearing this! /s
The teacher has to apologize now, because she is quite clearly wrong. Rose’s ‘mean girl’ friends try to suck up to her so they can get study tips from her, but she turns them down.
Good for her.
Also, I find it interesting that in the few times goth girls were mentioned in Dhar Mann’s videos (both of the goths are girls, there are never any goth boys), both of them have abusive/neglectful parents that themselves were addicted to pills, making the goth child refuse to want anything to do with drugs. (He has another video titled Goth Girl Picked On IN SCHOOL, where a goth girl moves in with her dad after her mum has trouble with drugs and she has the same assumptions made about her as in the more recent video. Lazy writing much?)
Is Dhar Mann implying that goth girls come about as a result of being abused? Because that’s a wonderful idea to pitch to an audience of kids.
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colonel-stripes · 2 years
Blood On My Name
"The whiff of cordite, that's the stuff - better than cocaine any day of the month. And the big bass drum thunder of a gun going off."
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Muse's full name: Colonel Sebastian "Basher" Augustus Moran Muse based on: Kim Newman - Professor Moriarty: The Hound of The D'Urbervilles, updated for modern times, with headcanons added Muse's faceclaim: Michael Fassbender? Maybe? I haven't fully decided on this yet, so please stick to the description further down below for references on physical appearance Muse currently in: London, England Muse known as: Second most dangerous man in London
Who is Sebastian? Former Colonel ♢ Exceptional marksman ♢ Big-game hunter ♢ Sniper ♢ chief of staff to Moriarty ♢ Assassin ♢ Right-hand man ♢ Gambler ♢ Gun expert ♢ Addict ♢ Survivor
What is Sebastian's background? Son to late minister of Persia ♢ raised in Persia ♢ multi-lingual; spoke Farsi before he spoke English ♢ Eton, then Oxford (expelled from latter) ♢ Over 20 years of military experience ♢ Has two older sisters ♢ disowned by his father at roughy age 19/20 ♢ his father died when he was 24 ♢ has made experiences with wars, torture, being lost and starving in the Indian jungle, and much more ♢ had great successes in the military but was eventually forced to resign to avoid dishonorable discharge - has a vast collection of war medals
Notable marks in physical appearance? Blue eyes ♢ Blond-ish ♢ on and off moustache ♢ Tall ♢ heavily scarred; most notably - three tiger claw marks across his chest, bullet scar on knee, stab wound scar on lower back, knife scar on lower cheek (attempted to cover it up with his moustache)
Personality traits? Observant ♢ Violent ♢ A man of action, not of speech ♢ Watches out for himself first; will backstab allies ♢ Loyal to Moriarty only, and that's a first (we'll see how long it lasts) ♢ Professional and eloquent when he needs to be ♢ "I am well known for my shaky grasp of morality" ♢ Distrustful of strangers, mainly women ♢ Addicted to gambling, sex, drink, and above all danger ♢ Doesn't like authority figures ♢ Doesn't really like anyone ♢ Picky ♢ Not prone to feeling guilt or remorse ♢ Nerves of steel ♢ Much more intelligent than he appears on first glance ♢ Quick, decisive thinker ♢ Scared of spiders ♢ Perfectionist in his work
Voice in canon quotes? "Someone shot him. Oops, it might have been me. I was always one to blaze away without too much forethought." ♢ "Some chase women, some chase opium dragons, some chase pots of gold. Dammit, some chase postage stamps or currant buns. I chase these edge-of-life-and-death moments - when an animal or man tries to kill me, and I kill them instead. It's the surge inside - in the water, behind the eyes, in the loins. That's what Basher Moran's about. All the rest is fancy trimming." ♢ "A man's guns are sacred." ♢ "But, at that moment, I was his, and I remain his forever. If I am remembered, it will be because I knew him. From that day on, he was my father, my commanding officer, my heathen idol, my fortune and terror and rapture." (about Moriarty) ♢ "For I wasn’t content to be content, to grow plump and pampered in a London rut – no matter how many blushing twins were thrown into the pot – when there were savage lands to be conquered, and desperate campaigns to be waged. The hunter’s blood stirred and would not be quieted."
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lordkingsmith · 5 months
“How are you alive, if you don’t mind my asking?” He asked several hours later now walking beside the cart. “Do you go through sundrops…?”
“Like eternal life giving batteries?” A short laugh. “Nah. It’s called the Alchemist’s Stone. You can make lead into gold with it, and if you pour boiling over it it makes a tea that has youth giving properties.” A thoughtful hum as Varian considered it. “Can’t heal though. So if you get stabbed you can’t just use the tea to make that go away. I’ve experimented but” he shrugged. “No luck.”
Luke’s eyes were drawn again to the scars around Varian’s mouth. Varian caught his eye and put a bandana around his neck back over his nose, hiding his lower face.
“You don’t need to hide your face” he held his prosthetic hand up, and pulled the sleeve down to show off the gold veins and withered skin. “Magic’s weird, to quote a friend. Plus, I think I have you beat weird scarring wise.”
Varian leaned over to where Luke was walking to delicately take his hand and arm for closer inspection. “Fascinating. Never seen that before. S’ppose it makes sense with the drop protecting its vessel and all. Still. Actually kinda cool.”
“It hurts.” Luke said dryly. “Hardly cool.” He tugged his arm away from Varian’s inspection before rolling his sleeve back up over his injured arm. “My father tried to kill me. My mom’s in a coma. Ben’s in amber, so’s Han. We don’t know where Han is, even. We had to place Lando Calrissian under house arrest-Landa Rosa and it’s royal family are completely and rightfully incensed. I left without a hand and my country and my sister in a very tense political situation.”
“Aw, poor baby” Varian clucked his tongue at him. “You’ve had a very bad year. You could have put it off.”
“No” he said, voice clipped, remembering only a few months ago Varian had told the raccoon currently pulling the cart to ‘break him.’ Nor even was he going to forget who had put Han in Amber. “Things would have just kept going until I couldn’t ever come here. I’ve put it off long enough.” He continued eyeing Varian carefully. “Encased in amber until the knight came to kill me far from the tree with everything ruined.”
An easy shrug and a hand patted invitation to sit back on the cart bench. “Not wrong. But not everything’s your fault. The brotherhood have nothing to do with you, your highness.” A slight pause. “Neither does your father. If you were worried about that.”
Luke shook his head, keeping his doubts to himself. Just because Varian was apparently scared of the knight didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to attack him if he pushed, and Luke had only biting comments on the subject. Better to leave it alone.
“About the Brotherhood-”
“Best to leave them alone.” Was the short reply.
“I was just going to ask about Mara.”
A short laugh as Varian eyed him, seeming to realize. “Oh, you like her! Thought you were soft for the big yellow one.”
“Savage. I like him, too.”
Varian shook his head. “Why does this group always get into some kind of polyamory” he muttered. That was fun to hear. He smiled into his hand at the thought. They all liked each other? It gave him hope for Mara and Savage, when he was gone.
“When, did she…you know, if I can ask?”
“Her ward was a newborn, if I’m doing the math right. And I always do the math right. You her and Savage are the same age. She got orphaned, sold off, ended up in one of the surrounding kingdoms. Flynn took her in, for a time. Long enough for her to devote her life to the brotherhood.” A soft snort. “Maul’s not that different, if you were wondering.” Luke had been.
“Which kingdom?” He asked hesitantly instead of pursuing the bait. He cared about Maul yes but…Mara.
“Auradon, not Rosa. So don’t worry. Ben and his new wife outlawed the slave trade in their borders recently, and you don’t have to worry about Magnifico being even more pissed off at your family than he already will be.”
Luke just sighed. “I pushed Ben into a lake when we were five. He’s generally a pretty forgiving guy, like his mom. But he holds grudges like his father, and I know he’s still mad about it. If he sees a way to make his country look better he absolutely will make Mara’s past Leia’s problem.” He considered it. “…they can’t tell people much can they? Or she’d have mentioned being on Synedaltwi before.”
“Their eyes glow blue when they resist the spell. It takes over if they try to go against in any way” Varian’s voice was almost gleeful. “If you were curious.”
They fell into silence again as Luke sat on the bench with his knees tucked under his chin and injured arm curled to his chest. It was aching again, dully, which at least was different than the last several…however long it was since he’d started.
I am very proud of this :) for the upcoming chapter five of a knight as pretty as hollyhock blooms Luke and Varian are having a talk while in the forest.
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frontproofmedia · 1 year
Sonny Liston Appreciation
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By Sina Latif
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Published: May 08, 2023
"The world doesn’t always need a white knight. Sometimes it needs something darker."  -- Doctor Fate, Black Adam
Arguably the most feared and intimidating fighter in history, "The Big Bear" Sonny Liston, by Muhammad Ali's own admission, was the scariest man The Greatest ever faced.
He is frequently remembered as the man who catapulted Ali's rise to superstardom. Liston was so much more. He might be the most underrated heavyweight champion in history—one of the most ferocious men ever to set foot inside a professional boxing ring.
The name Sonny Liston has become synonymous with his discouraging performances against Ali. However, Liston was in his prime long before he fought Ali, and arguably even before his first world title shot in 1962 against Floyd Patterson. Liston's two early KO wins against Cleveland "Big Cat" Williams, and a third-round knockout over Zora Folley in 1959 and 1960 were deemed to be vicious exhibitions of heavyweight ferocity and power. This was Liston at his most devastating and in his prime. Not one to be willingly granted a world title shot, Liston took the long route, dismantling all the top contenders of his era to force his shot. By the time he received his opportunity, although clearly still a very ferocious fighter, he was arguably no longer at his peak.
Liston went from humble beginnings to become one of the greatest heavyweights of all time, building his reputation through pure frightening intimidation, vicious and swift knockouts, with fists harder than bricks. At 15 inches, Liston had the largest fists in heavyweight history, so large he had to have custom-made gloves. Liston used his ramrod jab behind his 84-inch reach to pressure his opponents.
Physically he was immensely strong, a natural puncher, and had a rock-solid chin. He could slip and slide, cut off the ring, and bang with both hands. Liston had "that feeling left and that slaughterhouse right," as biographer Nick Tosches described. However, Liston could also box. He wasn't just a hard-hitting monster. Liston was a born fighter. He could keep the pressure on without getting wild and careless.
His menacing stare during the pre-fight head-to-head in the middle of the ring would have opponents quaking in their boots, seriously questioning their presence in the ring with this mean, hard-hitting force.
Liston does not merely defeat his opponents," Jonathan Eig wrote of the fighter. "He breaks them, shames them, haunts them, leaving them flinching from his punches in their dreams."
The 24th of 25 children, born into a large and poverty-stricken sharecropping family in Arkansas, Charles' Sonny' Liston's precise date of birth remains unknown, as does the exact date for his death.
"We grew up like heathens," Sonny said. "When I was a kid I had nothing but a lot of brothers and sisters, a helpless mother, and a father who didn't care about a single one of us."
Liston was savagely beaten on a consistent basis by his father, Tobe, while growing up, with permanent scars on his back to show. Sonny was quoted once as saying: 'The only thing my old man ever gave me was a beating.'
Sonny was always on the wrong side of the law throughout his life, and once sentenced on June 1, 1950, to five years in the Missouri State Penitentiary, a ring legend was produced. Despite being a merciless criminal and illiterate, Liston met two men who changed his life, the prison's athletic director, Catholic priest Father Edward Schlattmann, and his successor, Reverend Alois Stevens. Liston was released from prison on parole after two years, but during this two-year stretch, he was introduced to boxing, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Reverend Stevens told Sports Illustrated: "He was the most perfect specimen of manhood I had ever seen. Powerful arms, big shoulders. Pretty soon he was knocking out everybody in the gym. His hands were so large! I couldn't believe it. They always had trouble with his gloves, trouble getting them on when his hands were wrapped."
Upon Liston's early release from prison on October 31, 1952, due to his commitments to boxing in prison, the organized crime bosses, who were still big players in the boxing world, took a keen interest in the ex-con heavyweight. Liston hooked up with mobster John Vitale, who became his manager. Liston's employment went beyond boxing. He was used as a debt collector and mob enforcer.
Once Liston's professional career was in full flow, history was created, and a blaze of destruction was left behind.
During a three-year spell between 1959 and 1962, Liston blitzed through all of the heavyweight contenders to get a crack at the champion, Patterson, then became the first man to become a world heavyweight champion via a first-round knockout. No man had ever knocked out another heavyweight champion in the first round twice, which Liston accomplished in the rematch.
At this point, it appeared like there was no human on the planet that could stand up to Liston. Liston, at this stage, was a truly magnificent and devastating fighter, one of the absolute greatest heavyweights of all time. He was regarded as the greatest heavyweight since Joe Louis. Some boxing insiders even thought of him as greater than Louis and the greatest of them all.
In the early '60s, Liston was to boxing what Mike Tyson became in the late '80s.
Opponents were often terrified and had lost the fight before a single punch had been thrown against Tyson. Tyson had an aura that brought him the worldwide moniker of "The Baddest man On The Planet". However, the Original Baddest Man On The Planet, the pioneer of this aura and Tyson's idol, was Liston.
The likes of George Foreman and Tyson definitely made use of the art of intimidation, but Liston was the real originator. There were no real attempts by Liston to be intimidating. It was simply in his nature.
Ali faced some formidable hitters during his career, the likes of Joe Frazier, Foreman, Ron Lyle, and Earnie Shavers, yet he said the following about Liston: "Of all the men I fought in boxing, Sonny Liston was the scariest."
Foreman once said: "Sonny Liston was the first role model I had. No doubt the scariest human being I've met in the ring, the only man to make me back up consistently."
Shortly after Liston's back-to-back demolitions of Patterson, a 22-year-old, soon to be known as 'The Louisville Lip,' harassed Liston for a title shot. Cassius Clay had won Olympic gold as a light heavyweight at the 1960 Olympics in Rome, finished his amateur career with a record of 100-5, and was 19-0 as a professional. However, Clay was no stranger to touching the canvas. In fact, a left hook from Henry Cooper had floored Clay in his most recent fight, with Clay's trainer Angelo Dundee buying him time to recover in the young American's biggest scare thus far. If Cooper could hurt Clay, what would a destroyer like Liston do to him? Nevertheless, the youngster had created enough hype to land the fight, and on February 25, 1964, the pair faced off at the Miami Beach Convention Center.
Liston weighed in at 218 lbs, seven and a half pounds heavier than his challenger. Little did the champion and the world know this young, brash, undefeated challenger would go on to become the greatest heavyweight of all time.
Liston quit on his stool after round six, citing a shoulder injury.
The stone-faced Liston was a bad man, but perhaps upon reflection, the writing was on the wall. His three previous fights were all first-round knockouts, meaning he had fought less than nine minutes in three years. He was not prepared for a long fight. Liston had predicted an early knockout, as had become custom for him. Once this was not achieved, he started to unravel. Meanwhile, Clay and trainer Angelo Dundee had studied films of Liston and prepared hard.
Liston and the now-Muhammad Ali fought a year later, and this result was even more disappointing. Liston was floored and stopped with the infamous "Phantom Punch" in the first round, and it seemed the former champion's career was over. He had 15 more fights before concluding his career against 'The Real Rocky,' Chuck Wepner, in June 1970.
In late 1970, Liston was found dead in his home—a sad and bizarre ending to a troubled life.
Liston would have been more appreciated in today's boxing. There was no place for him when he was active. He was never embraced by the public, and that hurt him deeply, with the scars hidden behind a mean scowl. In today's boxing, when the bad guy is appreciated, Liston would have been a superstar.
The extent to which Liston was appreciated in his day is irrelevant to his standing today. He was one of the greatest fighters to ever lace a pair of professional boxing gloves, and there will never be another like him.
(Featured Photo: Stanley Weston/Getty Images)
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strwrs · 2 years
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Darth Vader in Lords of the Sith and... Rogue One (2016) // The Empire Strikes Back (1980) // Star Wars Rebels S02E22: Twilight of the Apprentice Part 2 (2016) // Darth Vader (2020) #16 // Revenge of the Sith (2005) // Star Wars: Vader Down (2016)
 (image IDs under the cut)
[Image 1 ID: A quote from Lords of the Sith: “Vader completed his meditation and opened his eyes. His pale, flame-savaged face stared back at him from out of the reflective black transparisteel of his pressurized meditation chamber. Without the neural connection to his armor, he was conscious of the stumps of his legs, the ruin of his arms, the perpetual pain in his flesh. He welcomed it. Pain fed his hate, and hate fed his strength. Once, as a Jedi, he had meditated to find peace. Now he meditated to sharpen the edges of his anger.” End ID.]
[Image 2 ID: A screenshot from Rogue One. Vader’s meditation chamber is central in the picture, and he is staring out from it. Only his head and shoulders are visible, and the liquid he is immersed in is murky and white. The chamber is longitudinal and reaches from the floor to the ceiling. There are black tubes hung from the ceiling that connect to the chamber. There are two tubes on either side of Vader’s face, and it appears to be connected to his mouth and nose. White smoke surround the chamber, and a hooded figure (Vader’s servant) stands close to the camera and facing the chamber. End ID.]
[Image 3 ID: A quote from Lords of the Sith: “He stared at his reflection a long time. His injuries had deformed his body, left it broken, but they’d perfected his spirit, strengthening his connection to the Force. Suffering had birthed insight.”  End ID.]
[Image 4 ID: A screenshot from The Empire Strikes Back of the back of Darth Vader’s helmetless head as he sits within his meditation chamber. The black walls of his meditation chamber mostly hide his form, and only his head and his helmet are visible. His helmet hovers above his head as a machine lowers it onto him. Metal encases his neck, and his head is covered in scars. End ID.]
[Image 5 ID: A quote from Lords of the Sith: “An automated metal arm held the armor’s helmet and faceplate over his head, a doom soon to descend. The eyes of the faceplate, which intimidated so many, were no peer to his unmasked eyes. From within a sea of scars, his gaze simmered with controlled, harnessed fury. The secondary respirator, still attached to him, always attached to him, masked the ruins of his mouth, and the sound of his breathing echoed off the walls.” End ID.]
[Image 6 ID: A screenshot from the Star Wars Rebels Episode Twilight of the Apprentice Part 2. Vader’s face is very close to the camera, and the right side of his mask has been broken, revealing his right eye. He has a look of fury and has yellow and red eyes. His red lightsaber is ignited next to his face. End ID.]
[Image 7 ID: A quote from Lords of the Sith: “When man and machine were one, he no longer felt the absence of his legs or arms, the pain of his flesh, but the hate remained, and the rage still burned. Those, he never relinquished, and he never felt more connected to the Force than when his fury burned.” End ID.]
[Image 8 ID: A screenshot of Vader from the comic Darth Vader #16. The background is red. He has his lightsaber raised to strike.]
[Image 9 ID: A quote from Lords of the Sith: “Once, he’d found the armor hateful, foreign, but now he knew better. He realized that he’d always been fated to wear it, just as the Jedi had always been fated to betray their principles. He’d always been fated to face Obi-Wan and fail on Mustafar—and in failing, learn.” End ID.]
[Image 10 ID: A screenshot of Anakin becoming Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith. The background is mostly white. Anakin is laying on his back. His armor covers all of his body except for his face. He is covered in burns and is watching as his mask and helmet descend upon his face. End ID.]
[Image 11 ID: A quote from Lords of the Sith: “It terrified others, he knew, and that pleased him. Their terror was a tool he used to accomplish his ends. Yoda once had told him that fear led to hate and hate to suffering. But Yoda had been wrong. Fear was a tool used by the strong to cow the weak. Hate was the font of true strength. Suffering was not the result of the rule of the strong over the weak, order was. By its very existence, the Force mandated the rule of the strong over the weak; the Force mandated order. The Jedi had never seen that, and so they’d misunderstood the Force and been destroyed. But Vader’s Master saw it. Vader saw it. And so they were strong. And so they ruled.” End ID.]
[Image 12 ID: A screenshot from the graphic novel Vader Down. Vader is standing with his ignited lightsaber in his outstretched right hand. The two quote bubbles say, “All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men.” End ID.]
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several-spoons · 3 years
Vash/Wolfwood Fanfic Recommendations
Top 2 Written by an Author I don’t Know Personally:
Vash and Wolf by Scaryliterary [Multi-Chapter]: Yes, I’m recommending a college AU. But the characters are dead on, the found family vibe is amazing, the dramatic scenes are gripping, and the major plot elements are reproduced in a surprising way. Rated M, mainly for disturbingly self-destructive moments, I think.  Handmade Artisanal AU #1.
How to Sleep Above the Sky by hibem. This AU is just a hair’s breadth away from canon; it takes place among the Gung Ho Guns on a satellite above a Gunsmoke where the Fall never happened. It’s one of the most poetic and sensory things I’ve ever read, so I’ve read it at least 6 times. Vash is adorable. Beware of sad ending. Handmade Artisanal AU #2.
Tied for Third:
For Good by Celesma. Set in mangaverse after Wolfwood rescues Vash from the ark. What if Vash had gone to the Orphanage with him? The dialogue is amazing. This is where I get the headcanon that Wolfwood’s self-hating inner voice calls him “Nicky.” [Has NSFW moments].
The Only Nice Thing That Follows, by hellogaywatson [Multi-Chapter; in progress]: I recently realized how much my sense of Vash and Wolfwood’s interactions was inspired by this fic. Especially the wonderful quote that Wolfwood’s smoking is doing the world a public service. Probably the funniest, weirdest set of tags I’ve seen in Trigun fandom. Rated explicit, but nothing explicit actually happens in the first 8 chapters; I’d rate it T.
The Gospel According to Wolfwood by DWatson: from Wolfwood’s point of view–and in his voice. Absolutely nailed the voice. Rated T, manga-based.
Reflections of a Person who Smells Like Nicotine by Medokre: Deep dive into Wolfwood’s character featuring orphanage memories, symbolism, and sadness.
Scars, Cigarettes, and Scripture. Fun Vash & Wolfwood interaction between episodes 21 and 22. If you like both religious references and imagining what sort of dogs the Gung Ho Guns would be, you’ll enjoy it. Rated T, mostly for some gore and references to Wolfwood’s traumatic past.
Contrition by Perivale: Deep dive into Wolfwood’s character focusing on his conscience and religious beliefs, with more than a dash of poetry e e cummings style.
Not a Question of Morals by Sugar Pill: Vash is depressed about leaving Ericks behind. Wolfwood encourages Vash to be himself with an…unusual story.  Teen.
Eden by Shinatobe [Multi-Chapter]: Roaring 20′s jazz club AU. When faced with the choice between death row or serving under the infamous Million Knives, Wolfwood’s choice is clear. Wolfwood is a little too weepy, but it’s still interesting. Rated T. Unfinished, unfortunately.
Varilien brings the fluff. 
Also, I’ve been known to write Vash/Wolfwood fic from time to time. So does @caps4dayz (10KThunderingTyphoons) right here on Tumblr! 
The Difference in Years by Katilara:  Deals with the implications of Wolfwood being so young, and to a lesser extent, Vash enduring so many years on Gunsmoke. “Do you ever feel like you don’t belong in your skin?“  “It must be hard,” Vash said quietly, “to realize that you are not the things you’ve used to define yourself for your whole life.” M.
Walking Day by GreenElphaba. There’s this one ridiculously long paragraph that’s a thoughtful meta/character analysis, from Wolfwood’s point of view. “You love him in part because someone has to and you do believe that no one else really does, because real love requires real sight and you are maybe the only one who has ever really seen him. …you love him in part because you have appointed yourself the emissary of humanity and it is therefore yours to close the terrible gap between his love for humanity and their hatred of him. …But mostly you just love him because he’s lovable, because you cannot help yourself any more than an animal can help savaging itself when caught in a trap. He smiles a certain way and your heart spills out like water and your throat aches…you are trying, racing against time to try and unpick the knots inside his head, help him understand there are other ways to live, help him bend before his brother breaks him.” M.
Genesis by emungere: Wolfwood has imagined angels many times during his life, but never expected to meet one…Rated T and up.
Just Straight Up Smut
Self-Inflicted by Angsty_McGoth (Doctor_Cyance): Are you into mutual pining and sexual tension? This is for you.
The Confessional Experience: OK, not so much a confessional, more like one of those free-standing wardrobes. Part banter, part ridiculous situation, part smut, with a funny ending.
Life on Gunsmoke by JojoLightningFingers. Involves: Weird plant biology, telepathy, scars, religious musings, and Livio.
Paradise (chapter 1). What if Wolfwood survived in Paradise, and ended up telepathically connected with Vash? Basically just well-written telepathy-PWP; the whole resurrection bit doesn’t make much sense.
Tiggy Malvern writes good smut. My favorite is Balance. It’s been an inspiration for me and one of my writing buddies.
Untitled by Black-Quadrant. Mutual pining and sexual tension in a very different way. Vivid in every sense, not just vision. Black-Quadrant may be my favorite Trigun smut writer. 
Untitled by Black-Quadrant. I think the dynamic makes sense.
Hallefuckinglujah, by lactoria, includes the whole angel/wings aspect of Vash.
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dangermousie · 3 years
Case File Compendium - chapter 57
Breaking my heart a little, in preparation of breaking it a lot!
14 year old He Yu gets a tattoo to match XQC!
It’s one thing to dress like XQC to please XX who likes guys who remind her of her brother, but to get a matching tattoo, is another level and it has everything to do with He Yu admiring XQC even if He Yu does not realize it.
And the tattoo is a epitaph on Shelley’s tomb (the other great romantic poet who died tragically, so definitely a match for Keats) but also, it’s a quote from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. And you know, The Tempest is famous for the character of Caliban - a savage and abused half-monster/half-man who belongs nowhere and who has rapist tendencies. UMMM. God, Meatbun!
Also, there are so many insights into He Yu in this chapter - the fact that when the tattoo artist offers to cover his wrist scars, HY refuses and asks for the tattoo to be above it. One of the things I love about HY is that he’s a very unflinching and practical person - he has zero issue revealing his scars (his emotional scars he’s terrified about but physical ones do not bother him at all) AND I get the sense that he didn’t want to cover the scars because he plans to cut there again in the future if he needs to and doesn’t want that to wreck the tattoo. MY GOD.
His parents are FUCKING TRASH!!! They neglect him to the extent he literally hallucinates a friend and they know it but they keep insisting he is there for his brother and wish him success and watch him be loved and taken care of. That’s like finding someone starving to death with one small crust of bread and making him give that crust to someone gorging themselves at a feast because it’s the proper thing to do. GROSS GROSS GROSS
I love that he’s sick and he still tries to do what they want because he must be perfect but XQC shows up and slams the computer shut (and OMG HY tries to log back on because he! must! be! perfect!) and you can actually tell XQC is genuinely angry at the POS parents and the thing is - his parents are trash, XX was largely a fantasy in his head but XQC’s care was real.
The more I read this flashback - the way XQC tries to take care of him, the way he literally carries him to bed, the way he argues with HY’s mother on the phone forever, trying to persuade her to come back and see her sick son (and gets angry when that piece of trash does not; HY’s lack of surprise at that breaks my heart), the more it becomes clear that XQC’s repeated insistence that he never felt anything, it was pure doctor-patient business relationship, that he never saw any of HY’s feelings as real, are XQC being as deluded about his own emotional state as HY is deluded about his in a different way. XQC clearly cared deeply. (And I am not even getting into his leaving since it was clearly for reasons vastly different than those on tapes or even those he gave HY’s father. It’s probably one of future big reveals.)
And oh, when he told HY he didn’t have to be perfect in everything - my heart! But HY rejects that of course. He is such a creature of extremes and absolutes - if he tries to be good, he must be absolutely perfect. When he decides to go bad, he turns into an absolute monster. This chapter got me back from hating HY. I don’t hate him any more, I just feel terribly sorry because he had so much potential for goodness and everything else wonderful in him but instead we got...this. I am convinced he’s capable of love and care, just as he’s capable of horrific cruelty, but after what’s happened, I still have no idea how he would ever get any consideration from XQC (nor should he.)
Or the teasing about HY looking up to him! Or his sleeping by HY’s bedside and young He Yu realizing that XQC was the sole person who stayed to make sure he was not alone.
Oh, and at the end of the chapter, HY deciding everything was fake but still somehow ending up neat XQC’s house. Oh good God, boy, you are so GONE!
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hotdamnhunnam · 4 years
The Gavel Corrupts
A/N: Here goes – one of the premises from my Imagine Ideas post! In which Jax fucks you for the first time since becoming President... and shit hits different. (Note: This starts off with a short scene framing the title quote, followed by a flashback to the smutty episode!)
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, dom!Jax, rough sex (like really fucking rough, hair pulling, choking, slapping, biting, all that good stuff!) (but also fluff, because this savage is a baby who deserves all of the love 💖)
Word Count: ~2.4k
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He knows that he fucked up. Knows that he’s gone too far, and he can feel how terrified you are. By now he’s lost count of the bullets, all the shots taken without a second thought. The scariest part is he doesn’t even give a shit.
He knows he’s changed, more than his heart wants to admit, but still you’re here to talk him through it. Always have been. You’re his queen, and he will always be your king. In spite of everything. For all your life, you’ve had to fight for him. Together you can fight off anything.
Standing beside him in the meeting room, the two of you alone, you look down lovingly upon him, seated in his loveless throne. Your small hands cradling his big strong frame, seeking in vain to ease the pain that cuts him to the bone.
Jax reaches slowly toward the gavel on the Reaper table, runs his thumb along the wooden handle. Wishing he could blame this thing, this empty toy, for all the times that he’s fucked up. The little boy inside him does. “The gavel corrupts.”
You shift from where you’re standing, take a seat across from him, so you can look him squarely in the eye. His words are one thing, but those blue eyes never lie.
He meets your gaze, his guiding light amidst the mayhem and the madness. Knows you can hear, can taste, the bitterness in every word he says. “You can’t sit in this chair without being a savage.”
All too true. There are days’ worth of shit that you two have to talk through. Don’t even know how. But right now... there is something else you’d rather do. 
You reach out toward his vest, the presidential badge that weighs so heavy on his chest. “Sometimes being a savage... can be an advantage,” you tell him as you run your fingers wistfully along the tattered edge. “Remember the first time you fucked me, with this little patch?”
If there’s one thing that sets a spark within the darker side of Jax, that thing is sex. With you. The thought of how it feels between your legs, the way he makes you beg, for all the things that only he can do. Your words just now have started melting through the ice in which he hides, igniting heat that he can’t fight. The heat that only you can manage. This has always been the healing that he needs, when he’s most damaged. 
Of course Jax remembers the first time he fucked you as President. Neither of you could forget. But the way he describes it is different, a devilish smirk on his lips as he adds on to what you just said. “Not just fucked... fucking ravaged.”
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So it’s finally happened, you think. Walking into the room where your man sits as king. After every damn thing—all the shit that he’s done, all the battles he’s won—all the wars that you’ve lost... no, you can’t bear to think of the cost—it amounts to just...
This. Just a seat at a table, a hand on a gavel, a patch on his vest. This is all it is. All it will ever be. His fucking destiny, this curse he shoulders so heavily, rests on a symbol so small that it fits in his fist.
God, you fucking hate it. All the hatred you wish you could feel toward him, toward the king, you end up channeling into this stupid thing.
You silently reach down to pick it up. Just at the touch, something inside of you already feels corrupt.
And then he speaks. His voice is... strong, but in a way that feels so wrong. A way that makes you feel so weak. “Who said you could touch that.”
His tone is low. Cold. Fucking flat. Doesn’t even lift into a question. You know shit is bad when that happens, yet wouldn’t dare show him you’re frightened. You can’t.
“What?” you snap at him. “Jax, it’s a damn wooden stick. It’s not even that big.”
He reaches up without a word, and wraps his hand around your wrist. So hard it hurts. As if he wants to fucking choke it in his fist.
You bite your lip and fight to keep the gavel in your grip.
So Jax tightens his grasp, till you gasp, and it finally slips. Letting go of your hand, takes the gavel in his. Towering over you as he stands.
Makes you cower beneath him now just ‘cause he can. “Y/N. Do you know what this thing—this position I’m in—being king... do you know what it gives me?”
On instinct, your gaze drops. Ends up at his crotch as it so often does, and your heart stops. A hard-on, apparently.
“Clarity,” he then goes on to say, setting the gavel down to place both hands around your face. The hands that command you in every damn way. “Turns out that looking at you now, all I can see are all the times you ever lied, and let me down. I always let it slide. You knew I’d come around. Because I fucking love you, babe. You make me... soft.”
Hard where it counts, you want to say. But not out loud. You know to shut your mouth, for now. Fuck how the sea inside those damn blue eyes is deep enough to drown...
“So fucking soft,” he repeats, feeding off of your heat, grazing his lower lip with his pearly white teeth. In a ravenous snarl that’s not soft at all. All his tenderness toward you just suddenly fades to give way to the beast that’s beneath. “But not today. Today I’ve had enough. Today you’re gonna pay.”
Well, shit. You fucking want this, more than anything. To give yourself completely to your king. But you’ll be damned before you let yourself admit it, in a moment such as this one. You can’t let him know he’s won. “Ugh, come on, Jax—all the things I’ve done—we’ve both done wrong, but gotten past all that...”
“Maybe you did,” he cuts you off. Sharp and abrupt, like it’s his job to shut you up. The gavel really does corrupt. In every way. “But I’m still dealing with that shit. Every damn day.”
“Then we should talk, babe—”
“Talk?” he scoffs, spitting the word back in your face like it’s a curse. You almost wish you didn’t like the way it hurts. “What’s there to say? The only thing that mouth is good for now is sucking cock.”
Oh fuck. You’ve practically just died. “Jax, I...”
He leans in close, shifting one hand down to your throat, the other drifting low to reach between your thighs. High on his own hunger as mirrored in your eyes. The way your breathing comes in heated moans and sighs. “Shut. The fuck. Up.”
While your cunt pretty much erupts, you can’t resist spluttering out the only obvious reply. “Make me.”
He smiles, slick and sly, taking the open invitation that you know he won’t deny. Lips curving up into that smirk that never fails to drive you crazy. “Oh, you asking for it, baby?”
“Begging. Please.”
“Then get down on your fucking knees.”
Jax doesn’t have to say it twice. He never does. Because he knows that he’s the boss. Pushes you down until your face is in the space between his thighs. One of his hands rests masterfully upon your head, the other making quick work of his belt. Your desperate hands reach up to help; he slaps them off, sudden and rough, dead set on doing every fucking thing himself.
His massive cock is unleashed soon enough. Hard as a rock as it springs free. And God, the sight of it is slaying you already. Even after all these years you’ve been together—so damn many—still it shocks you every time to see something so fucking powerful yet so insanely pretty.
He doesn’t give you time to gawk. Your job right now is just to swallow his entire goddamn cock.
Taking a fistful of your hair in his firm grip, he shoves the wet pink tip forcefully past your panting lips. “Suck. Suck this dick till you choke on it, bitch.”
Jax knows that words like this completely scratch your every itch. You open up and do as told. Like you were put on earth solely to fill this role. Your face is nothing but his filthy little fuckhole. And he proves it now, shows you exactly how he owns your mouth. Feeding you so full of this dick that you can’t fucking live without. With each pump of his hips, the back of your head bumps against the blunt edge of the table that’s behind it, hard wood banging on your skull, bruising you up in ways that make you feel so broken yet so whole. In ways that satisfy the slut inside your soul.
Though you are aching now to swallow down his load, you know it’s not meant for your throat. No, not today. He’s gonna fuck you in another hole to make you really pay.
All of a sudden, with a feral grunt, Jax pulls his cock out of your mouth and hoists you up, swiveling you around to bend over the Reaper table facedown, yanking down your pants in one swift motion, brutally exposing your bare ass and soaking cunt. You’ve never felt more like a total fucking whore, more at the mercy of the man you love. The fucking President. It’s not as if Jax Teller never fucked you hard before—he knows how much you like it rough—but this is just... God, it’s just different. And you cannot get enough.
He deals your ass a ruthless smack, then twines his fingers in your hair to pull your head violently back. Latches his mouth around your gasping neck. Licking and biting hard, scratching you up with savage marks to last this week into the next, the battle scars of this intensely epic sex. As he teases his throbbing cock against the desperate burning heat between your legs, you know Jax wants to hear you beg.
You cry out in excruciating bliss as his nails dig into the soft flesh of your tits, your sides, your hips, scratching lines all across your back. “God, fuck me, Jax...”
He wraps one hand around your neck, just as the other slaps your ass again. “That what you want, Y/N?”
“Fuck—yes...” you whimper as he rubs his raging cock against your cunt, slicking it up with all your juices; you can hear him groaning out in satisfaction at the feeling of your wetness, just before he plunges deep inside and fucks you dry, till it feels like you’ve literally died. “Just... please, Jax, fucking fuck me up...”
And that’s exactly what he does. Thick cock slamming inside you to the core in just one thrust. He clamps his hand over your mouth to stifle all your wild screams as he fulfills your wildest dreams. Your senses blur into a mess of pain and pleasure, worn out leather scraping up against your skin, as you and your king drown together in a sea of shameless sin, as he pumps in and out and then—fuck, even deeper in—hitting spots so deep inside you no one’s ever fucking been, not even him. He’s never done such fucking damage. Never been so fucking savage.
In a matter of seconds, you end up cumming just about a hundred times harder than your body can even fucking manage. You are ruined, in ways you could never have imagined. Unable to fathom what just fucking happened. Utterly and absolutely fucking ravaged.
Jax keeps his cock buried inside you long after you both are done. Because you never are, with one another. No matter how many battles you both have fought, and lost, between each other, and against the world... this is the only war that counts. The war for dominance, the struggle over who is fucking right, through all the wrongs you’ve done, the fight for pride that threatens every day to drag you down. At least until you fuck it out at night. The war that rages in your hearts, vying in vain to tear the two of you apart. The war you’ve both won, time and time again. For what feels like forever. Together.
He holds you near and murmurs in your ear, the words you always know before you hear. “I love you, Y/N.”
Still gives you butterflies, every damn time. “And I love you, Jax Fucking Teller,” you wholeheartedly reply. “Or should I call you Mr. President?”
A soft laugh whispers past his lips, resting against your cheek in an extended kiss, where his big strong body is still slumped over yours in post-orgasmic bliss. “Guess that depends. I think this patch is fucking poison. Babe, I know you never wanted this to happen—honestly, if you just say the word, right now, I’ll leave this all behind and...”
“Oh, shut up,” you interrupt. “Now’s not the time to talk like that, you fucking idiot. Whatever that patch is, I’m just—I’m addicted. You completely fucked me up, and I’m still riding high on feeling so... God, I don’t even know the word for it... corrupt?”
Your eyes randomly flicker toward the gavel on the table, as you say it. Damn, what is it with that thing...?
Jax follows the shift in your gaze, subtle though it was, able to tell where you’re looking, as always. “What is it, darlin’—got some kind of gavel kink? I thought you said it ain’t even that big...”
You smile at that as he kisses your cheek again. “That’s cause it isn’t. Nothing is, compared to your big fucking dick, Mr. President. You are my one and only kink. My one true king.”
“Mmm, well thank God for that, sweetheart...” he growls suggestively, desire stirring up within the both of you again, despite how recently you came—your body is so fucking ready, for this man to fucking ravage you again. And Jax can tell just what you want now as he finishes his sentence, set on ripping you apart. “...‘cause the President’s big dick is still inside you and already getting hard.”
... Continued in Part 2!
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darke15 · 3 years
Quotes from Aftermath // 39
“(L/N), kid,” he said, leaning forward and staring into you, “I want to find the entire network. The sellers, the brokers, the buyers, the smugglers, I want them all. And I want them looking over their shoulders. I want them to be scared to walk the streets. I want them so caught up in watching their own backs they don't see us coming for them and their friends.”
“Sir, I don’t know if I can—”
“You can.” The Commander cut you off with a curt nod, “And you will. You’re a ghost, Lieutenant. And you know the nice thing about ghosts?”
You shook your head, your brows furrowing and eyes widening as you looked up to him. He looked almost savage with the dangerous glint in his eyes and a crooked smirk on his lips.
“They don’t exist. They come and go as they please, undetected and unseen.” He set his jaw into place, his unyielding eyes cutting so hard into you, you could feel it, “Hunt them, track them, kill them. And, when in doubt, stick to the shadows. They’ll keep you safe.”
“Yes, sir.”
| Battle Scarred : Aftermath | »Darke15
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